e e e w good afternoon this is a hearing of the chadam Conservation Commission being held on July 24th 2024 in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act and the town of chattam wetlands protection by law and regulations my name is Karen Laton and I serve as chair today's hearing is being broadcast live on exfinity channel 18 and is being recorded on the OnDemand archives available on the town's website is being conducted in person by phone and by video conference the agenda instructions on how to attend and copies of documents for review are posted on the town's website to all participants whether attending by phone or online please remain muted unless you have been recognized by the chair when recognized please identify yourself for the record if you're attending by phone you can mute and unmute by using star 6 if you're online and you are not a commissioner please keep your camera turned off unless you have been recognized indicate that you wish to speak by using the raised hand feature so that we have a record of a qu I will now ask each commissioner to indicate their presence Vice chair Alise Gordon present Janet Williams present Cheryl misseri present Eric Hilbert pres associate member Bob dveo pres and I'm here we have established that we have a quorum before we begin the oh whoops sorry the wrong conference number just as information had been published on my town. goov but it has been corrected the correct number is 508 94544 one0 with the conference ID 93658 8 93 pound all right before we begin the agenda are there any announcements about any continuances today Paul is he on yeah he's muted oh Paul you're muted hello you got it now okay having a little confusion um for whatever reason just be aware that if anyone calls into the office it's going to bump me out of this meeting I can't fix it right now um okay all right um that's where are we you are you asking for continu I'm asking about continuances thank you madam chair good afternoon Commissioners we have two requests for uh continuances uh the first is zeroc crosswind Farm Joseph Jero and Hana map 10j parcel 17A LP 36 at the EP number SC10 3688 this is a single family proposed dwelling the applicants requested a continuance to August 7th the second one is 97 tipy uh 97 tipy nominee trust the EP number SC10 3690 this is an emergency repair and a notice of in appliation that's been filed for a reent the applicants requested a continuance to August 7th those are the only two continuances thank you you're welcome at this point Paul Whitman conser chams conservation agent will now lead us through the agenda thank you madam chair first on the agenda is a submitted field change request uh the town is the applicant 90 Bridge Street is the address map 14a parcel 2-11 D number SE 10 3543 Redevelopment of an existing recreational commercial boating facility including Aqua aqu sorry about that including aquaculture facility Ada accessible Transit birthing facilities enhanced off-road facilities the field change is to request additional 11 Timber Fender piles along the bulkhead west of the fixed Pier identical to those already in the license for the east side of the fixed Pier I did an onsite with Ted and uh the uh uh applicant construction folks um this was a request made by um the harbor Master's office to buttress um the uh wall and basically add these 11 Timber Fender piles um we've already sort of reviewed it and uh I would recommend approving the field change request um Ted has reviewed it and we're pretty much ready to go once you vote great thank you I think we also have some people here who might want to speak oky do thank you madam chairman my name is Jason Holm the Harbor Master for chadam I'm not sure if I got to meet you guys yet so certainly appreciate the invite uh glad Ted's on vacation so I could uh step in and say hello um as Paul alluded to uh it's an active project that's already in process uh I applied for and received a minor modification of the chapter 91 license as well for this um really it it's a safety uh and kind of function feature um the Bottom's already Disturbed with the minor dredging permit so it's just kind of continuing the piles down on the west side and then the addition of the 12th one in the corner where there was a gap in space there so didn't know if there was any question questions from the commission uh anybody have any questions no okay thought this one would be pretty easy uh all right we're ready for a motion I move that we approve the field change request for 90 Bridge Street Town of chadam second second okay Cheryl I Janet I Elise hi Eric hi and I say I okay you're all set thank you very much thank you all right Paul okay next on the agenda is another field change request the app address is 227 Vineyard Avenue uh in ainaro map 11c parcel d131 D number se10 3471 the project was a garage Edition and invasive species control this was an after Thea field change request uh for the existing low native New England Fieldstone wall um for stabilization of the garage and to protect the uh site from erosion caused by wind extreme high tides and storm water runoff I would recommend continuing this um we have ongoing discussions with uh the building department there are issues about the Conservancy uh uh uh bylaw and whether or not Phil was added to um the site um and at this point I spoke to the Building Commissioner yesterday I know David Clark is involved he submitted some information but uh at this point um we don't have a definitive decision from the uh building inspector um I did approve the wall extension the issue really is um before we approve this field change request for the extension we have to address the issue of the additional soil that was added to the property the applicant says it was just moved around on the site but until I get the okay from the Building Commissioner I would just recommend we continue this um let's try the next available uh hearing okay so August 7th yes that's fine I'm ready for a motion I move that we continue to 27 Vineyard Avenue to August 2nd 20 August 7th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I all right we're ready Paul for the next okay next on the agenda is a requested amended order of conditions uh this is a phase two request the address is 0 and 17 Billings Road Alex push karav I'm terrible with names map 78 parcel 6- S8 and 5- S7 the EP number SC10 3310 uh the project is proposed repair of an existing sheet pile wall again this is a phase two request all right we do have an amended order uh do any Commissioners have anything to add to the order that was uh published on my town go not all does anybody who's a representative have anything to say any anything to say about it all right we're ready for a motion oh yes there's a there's a a question in the uh finding number 10 um we've been uh waiting for a response from uh natural heritage do Paul do we get anything is that that's right to the to the best of my knowledge um uh Janet we have not and as you know um uh they the rule is if we haven't received it within 30 days it's uh it's automatically waved do you want to put that in there and it seems we've been more than 30 days so yes I think we can take that comment out and just take it out okay how about the minor mod to chapter 91 uh as far as I know that's you know that's in place um and again on the a lot of times we don't get the nhp ones because it's a it's a Amendment so they've already chimed in once if they have and they tend not to to come in on amended ones uh as far as the 91 issue I believe that is uh is okay at this point just to be safe we put in a condition that they can't start work until a modification has been issued right that that'd be good okay so we will add that then we are ready for a motion I move that we accept the amended order of conditions as revised for um 0er and 17 Billings Road second Cheryl Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi and I say I okay okay we're ready for the next okay moving down to uh orders of conditions uh the first one is 108 Beach Plum Road R Paul dealer map 4D parcel 23 se10 3674 the project is demolition of an ex existing single family dwelling in cottage and construction of a new dwelling in cottage within land subject to Coastal storm Flowage DBA approved on 523 hello good afternoon David Clark Clark engineering um I think we're just waiting for zoning board appeals to approve it and uh I have down that there was a special permit by the board of appeals granted May 23rd yes so that's okay so we're just waiting for the order yeah had been issued I guess right David the the special permit was approved yes why are we waiting then we're we're not we're I think we're going to approve vote to approve this correct all right are there any additions Corrections or anything from Commissioners nothing then go ahead we're ready for a motion I move that we approve the order of conditions for 108 Beach Plum Road Southeast I'm sorry SE take that out second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I I say I okay moving right along moving right along the next uh order of conditions U requested is for 28 cranbery Lane Richard and Jill tuer are the applicants map 15j parcel 18 the number SC10 3653 the project is demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling within the buffer zone to a bordering vegetated weapon I have a note that zba approved on 627 all right first any Commissioners have anything to add to the order did you want to say anything else nope I am loving this I got to tell you okay ready yes we are I move that we approve the order of conditions for 28 cranberry Lane second Cheryl hi Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi and I say I thank you okay Paul next one next one on the agenda is the airport project for the um town of chadam 240 and 438 George Ryder Road and 1652 Main Street chat Municipal Airport is the applicant Maps 9f 240 10g 438 8e 1652 Main Street parcel 0-2 240 18 K1 438 53- 27 and 6250 1652 Main Street the EP number se10 3658 the project is a uh includes vegetation management required to remove obstructions within navigable airspace in compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration FAA regulations I move that we close the hearing on 240 and 438 George Ryder Road and 1652 Main Street second Cheryl I'm abstaining because you can vote on that one I can vote on this I I Elise I Eric I and I say I um this noes of intent has been a long Pro 8mon process we realize that this project is very unique controversial and probably the most significant order we've issued commission has learned quite a bit over the eight months we have read hundreds of pages of documents from the applicant as well as the public we have heard you and appreciate the input after taking everything we received into consideration we have written what we feel is a very strong order working to protect all of the areas of this project within our jurisdiction we know that this decision will not please everyone but the overriding issue has been the concern for safety and doing everything we possibly can to protect the area within our jurisdiction what was evident from the beginning was that safety was Paramount Paramount to the application within our regulations variances may be granted for a variety of reasons what became evident during the process was that there was no feasible alternative for the project and that the project is necessary to accommodate an overriding public interest for those reasons it was decided that the variant requests should be granted one of the biggest issues we struggled to get Beyond was the difference between the town of chadam airport approach Pro protection bylaw chapter 11 and the approach Zone presented in the application we also came to realize that both federal and state standards outweigh the local ones we were presented with many FAA documents demonstrating that Federal Regulations support its contention that the vegetation removal and management is an ongoing obligation specifically the referenc table 3-3 in FAA circular 150 53003 B clearly depicts the approach surface as commencing 200 ft from the end of the runway at a width of 400 ft we have learned that in matters of Aviation E Federal FAA and state standards and requirements preempt local standards and requirements for this reason the commission has accepted the faa's position as the width to be used for this project as you probably know the Vernal pool has been of a real concern a consultant was hired to assist us in determining how best to protect it within the order are very specific methods for tree removal in this area and all trees will be evaluated evaluated as to their height as will happen in all areas within our jurisdiction and documented in order to determine the number of trees removed which is needed for mitigation purposes compost filter tubes will be placed between the limit of work and the Vernal pool to prevent potential potential sediment migration toward the Vernal pool all trees will be hand cut and left on the ground to minimize disturbance and create wildlife habitat tree cutting will only occur when the ground is frozen dry or otherwise stable monitoring and Reporting will confirm that no sediment is entering the Vernal pool mitigation has been a difficult process and one that has caused us to have to think outside the box so to speak we have come up with a three-pronged approach one of the most difficult Parts is that we have no definitive number of trees to be removed for this reason all trees will be documented we have specified that a special purpose tree fund be created by the town and the donation in the amount of $70 per tree for each tree removed will be placed into the fund secondly we have also agreed to the removal of invasive invasive species from 1.2 Acres adjacent to portions of the project site but out of our jurisdiction to take place for three growing Seasons thirdly the installation of native seed mixes on areas greater than 15 square feet that remain bare in the first Peak growing season after cutting in addition when requested by the commission native shrubs and potentially additional native understory trees may be installed we feel that the combination of these three solutions will work to balance the ecosystem losses the generic environmental impact reports geir States the removal of many potentially most of the mature and immature trees within the approved project site will transform the impacted areas from Woodlands dominated to herbaceous and shrub dominated systems with this transformation the shrubs and herbaceous species already present already presented in the wooded areas but repressed due to shading are likely to rapidly begin to grow in dominance as other species begin to fill in the vacant Niche the shorter growing tree species shrubs and grassland species can provide equal levels of soil stabilization water quality protection and improved air quality the conversion does not necessarily result in the elimination of all Wildlife previously utilizing the area and can enhance some wildlife habitats that are typically more locally rare to facilitate the minimi minimization of wildlife habitat impacts within the vegetated Wetland removal areas this project will utilize vegetation monitoring and maintenance of the areas to establish the desired low growing vegetative communities we also heard from the chief regulation officer for the Cape Cod Commission and I want to tell you that what she has said is the seven-year expiration is not relevant here because I know that that has been a question for many certain conditions of the original decision remain in force on the property those conditions are subject of the Cape Cod commission's recent current review of the project at this point does anybody have any questions pertaining to the order as it's being presented and it was posted on my.gov not seeing any hands up any Commissioners have anything to add there's a hand Adrian okay a Adrien go ahead hi um thank you Adrien dunk GZA here on behalf of the airport um and we had a question about one of the standard conditions in section 282 um regarding commission approval of the contractor yes and that was brought to us and that was corrected at uh about a half hour before the meeting and reposted on my town. goov we removed that it had to be approved by the Conservation Commission since there is already a contractor who is uh contracted to do this work okay thank you that was our only clarification okay and chair yes Paul yeah I just wanted to um indicate we had some technical issues with the uh with the hearing and um we were trying to work on those just before we started so I did not get a chance to post uh that change on my town go but uh the request that was made as Adrian alluded to and you just did has been uh deleted so I think we're all set great so much Paul okay you're welcome yeah any I who's CW oh that's Paul okay few yeah okay thanks anybody any Commissioners have anything airport Commission oh they do okay Huntley go ahead yeah good afternoon everyone thank you um I just have a question about the uh the $70 per tree where was where where did that figure come from uh well we came with 80 you came back with 60 and so we split the difference no that's where it came from okay thank you thank you anyone else all right then I think we are ready for a yes Bob go ahead a couple of comments here on on the proposed work um how will the trees be removed is it in there Janet yes it is uh in the Vernal pool area they are removed by hand well not removed they are not being removed at all MH and everyone everywhere else it's um can be done by Machinery okay will any of the trunks um or debris will be will that remain on site at all or will it be uh in the Vernal pool area yes uh everywhere else they will be removed unless if it's on somebody's property and they ask to leave them that can happen it'll be in consultation with property owners okay um protected resource areas number six M um vaccinium kosm is spelled wrong oh all right do you see that so vaccinium and then um the species cor it says reads Cory bosam it should be there should be an M after the Y should be Corum bosm okay what page I'm sorry what page page 11 11 with a letter is there a letter at the bottom uh 11 J okay close up number six do you see it Y and there's an M after the Y after the Y okay cor we'll correct that um conditions of work in all areas number 11 on Residential Properties stumps must be cut uh 6 in below grade that's that's an old you must have an older version we took that out okay yeah we can't do six in below yeah I was going to say they could be ground instead of cut that's in consultation with the property owner if they'd like them ground then that will happen but otherwise the stumps will be left okay okay that's it thank you thank you all right I think we are ready for a motion I move that we approve the order of conditions as amended with the correct spelling correction for 240 and 438 George Ryder Road and 1652 Main Street second Cheryl and I abstain because I missed too many meetings jenet I Elise I Eric I and I say I it has passed thank you everyone especially Janet who did the Lions share on this and I can't tell you how much I appreciate her expertise and efforts all right Paul we are ready okay um next on the agenda is a request to end in order of conditions the address is 86 Harbor Road applicant an jennis map 8A partiel H3 D EP number se10 3423 addition to a dwelling and driveway and reconfiguration uh and invasive removal just very briefly I spoke to the applicants upstairs here about an hour ago and I think they're here yeah and I just want to I explained to them that I believe you should just grant the extension they were uh concerned uh that that might require them to take longer to get their certificate of compliance um as we all know there was some confusion in the state's uh language for the covid extension um and it was difficult to interpret so you know based on that I just indicated to them just go ahead get the extension if you want to file your certificate of compliance and they seem to be ready to go they can do that anytime and granting the uh extension to uh August uh 8 2025 is not a problem at all that that's all I have to say all right thank you great Hi how are you Hi my name is Mark janess good afternoon Commissioners uh what Paul said is correct uh we think we could get our request for a uh for the um the certificate of compliance uh you know in the door in the next 30 days uh Ryder wox is helping us with that and just yesterday we had Crawford Land Management we engaged to do the plant mitigation planting they went out yesterday to count and the the plants and and their report should be done in the next week or two so it's just given the summer things have just gotten kind of backlogged and so we were not able to make the the August 18th deadline so that's why we're requesting this this extension but we fully expect to be done within the next month or two great thank you so much thank you all right any question questions any Commissioners okay I guess we're ready for a motion I move that we approve the second extension for 86 Harbor sorry sorry I move that we approve the second extension for 86 Harbor View Road to August 18th 2025 second second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I thank you very much thank you all right Paul onward okay moving on uh to requests for determinations of applicability the first one is addresses 50 Chase Street applicant James and Maria Anderson map 16 C parcel 55 c-8 R2 24-2 the project is replace existing deck in kind at a second uh at the second floor Master balcony replace handrail reframe stairs in kind with a within the same footprint and there wasn't any zba approval needed for this right thank you all right um is there anybody representing 50 Chase here no okay hi oh go ahead the record my name is John Pachi with keep Associates and um vice president and uh as described um in summary the scope of the work is just replacing the decking which has uh deteriorated so it's more of a maintenance project uh for the safety of the homeowners um but there is no addition to the size of the deck um and that's pretty pretty simple I believe somebody uh was out uh yesterday to take a look at the deck well I I think hopefully a few of us were out there looking okay I know I was there Monday I don't know when everybody else went um do any Commissioners have any questions go ahead Bob yeah uh yeah it was me he he met me out oh okay just for the record but uh but anyway uh yeah I didn't see any erosion out there or anything like that it looks fairly simple so um yeah I didn't see any issues okay I just have a quick question um Mr vachi the materials that you're going to be using for the new decking and uh the support structures and the stair treads what will that be the handrail uh is going to be replaced with the cable system and let me just so I don't speak out of turn um the decking I believe is going to be uh a yeah I I'm seeing I'm sorry it's yeah ASAC correct yeah and are the supporting um structures is that uh pressure treated wood what is the what is that the piles that that is correct okay but there is going to be no uh excavation where going to be using the same saat tubes okay and it's it's really just the decking okay so no no impact on the ground at all then none okay that's cool all right thank you all right anybody else all right I think we're ready for a motion I move that we approve 5 State uh Chase Street as a -3 which is in the buffer zone second police uh Cheryl i j i Elise I Eric I and I say I you're all set thank you thank you okay Paul do we lose I'm here I just muted myself okay that's okay I just want to make sure we hadn't lost you you hadn't got call I'm still here I haven't jumped out the window yet oh good so first one uh on our notice and 10 applications the address is 162 Shore Drive applicant Tom and Michelle Jennings map 16d parcel 15-29 be number SC10 3650 project removal of an existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling located outside of the outter AA relocation of an existing accessory building building construction of an inground swimming pool hardscaping and abandonment of an existing septic system and the installation of a new IIA septic system restoration of existing lawn with native plant species um that is the project um I had a brief conversation with Stephanie uh just before the meeting um I I don't I think we were wait let I can let her explain it but I I think you should go forward at least on this she was going to request a continuance but I don't think there's anything that we're looking for except um uh the zba um issue and that's as far as I know that's it um but I'll let Stephanie elaborate through the chair okay hi Stephanie hi good afternoon Stephanie sequin with Roder and Wilcox and um yeah this project 162 Shore Road I think we had three hearings with the commission uh the last one being on December 6 uh 2023 and at that hearing you reviewed um there were the our engineered site plan the landscape site plan the restoration plan and the um buffer coverage calculations all dated November 29th 2023 and so as of that hearing December 6th you were SA ified with the um the revisions that had been made most importantly all the hardscaping had been pulled out of the ndz and it was continued uh to allow uh the applicant to go through the the zba process and so they did go to the board of appeals last week and I didn't attend but I heard it was spectacular that um Bill Lichfield and and the rest of the team did a tremendous job um in the in the board of appeals was very impressed and they did approve it so as far as I know um that's what you were waiting for and I I know back in December you said when we do come back you knew that it was going to be several months and so it may be uh uh the first meeting just to get reacquainted or whatever so um there is no new information since that December hearing other than they have the um approval from the zoning board of appeals great I do have a couple notes and I just want to make sure the pool is there an auto cover we had guess had a question about that I don't remember whether that does or not I think they regardless they still wanted the fencing I don't know if that's where the part because of their animal they have dogs and so they still wanted the fencing regardless of whether it had the auto cover okay so they're definitely having the um pool fencing and we don't know about um the auto cover um there's a stock aade fence is that the same one as the pool fence that we had whether it was going to stay in or go out and I'm not sure how we yeah um and I don't know if we have an answer on that either did you have to go to his historical as well they have done that okay and it's been approved and it's been approved okay I just want to make sure um does anybody have anything else that's all I had really in my notes okay then I think we can go to an order and we can do it for the 7th yeah like to get this um moving along so go in that VIN I move that we continue 162 Shore Road for an order of conditions on August 7th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I car I and I say I okay and I will get the answer to just those two questions right yeah that was it um so we'll have an order if you can just find the answers to those and then we can include them in the findings okay that' be great thank you okay Paul okay Stephanie stay right there yes next on the agenda is 177 Countryside Drive Robert P and Natalie Coleman D Fuller on the applicant map 16 i parel n14 d number actually I don't have a full number uh so skip that construction of additions Renovations Farmers porch on Second Story expansion uh to a single family dwelling work will occur within the 100 ft of a Coastal Bank on Moni River within the riverfront area and within the pleas day AC EC um on the only note I have on this is that there was an issue with the zba uh and possibly some mitigation but I maybe just the uh the zba Stephanie could elaborate through the chair all right hi Stephanie hi good afternoon Stephanie sequin again again um with rer and Wilcox representing the um f the Fullers uh property at 177 Countryside Drive uh it's an existing single family dwelling located on the monoy river uh we located the edge of the river and showed the 200 foot uh Riverfront area uh it's also within land subject to Coastal St storm Flowage Zone a elevation 11 uh for the most part the topography at the 11t Contour is between 4:1 and 10:1 and therefore the 11t Contour is the top of the Coastal Bank with the exception on the easterly property line there's uh what appears to be an old borrow pit and uh in that area the the 100-year flood zone reaches in there and because the Topography is steeper than 4 to1 at in the borrow pit the top of the Coastal Bank is the top of that pit and it's very very close to or the existing building is very very close to that um borrow pit in only a couple feet from the top of the bank so we showed the the 50 and 100 foot buffers from the Coastal Bank the virtually the entire property uh with one small exception is within uh the the 100 foot buffer to the Coastal Bank um the existing building is a little over 2 feet from the top of the bank um a while I want to say 10 years ago or so uh there was a notice of intent for uh construction of the decks in the back of the house um those have been completed and are as shown on our plan what's being proposed now is a it's currently a one uh one-story home with a walkout basement they want to uh take the roof off at a second floor over a portion of the property just the uh the the main part of the building on the on the west side side um so just going up a second floor over the existing no uh increase in footprint there no uh foundation work or or any any disturbance to the ground necessary for that they also want to reconfigure um change the layout of the first floor plan uh right now there there's the front door that goes into the main part of the building and there's also a second door that goes into sort of like a mud room uh and there is a uh a ramp that leads from the driveway to that secondary door uh they want to they're eliminating that secondary door taking away the uh the ramp the that goes from the driveway up to the doorway and they are proposing a Farmers porch on the front of the building that will sort of I think lend a lot to the aesthetic um appearance of the house once they go up with this second uh second floor um the square footage of the porch uh 184 by 6' 4 Ines I should have the square footage but I don't um so where the obviously where that uh porch is going it's within existing Disturbed area there's already um a front step a stoop in a couple steps in that area um I did the coverage calculations and there is between the removal of the existing ramp and and part of the walkway uh and that existing step uh offset by the proposed Farmers porch uh we have a increase of 11 square feet within the um 0 to 50 foot and uh 43 Square ft in the 50 to 100t buffer so uh a very um modest um increase 54 square feet total um I haven't and and I apologize I neglected to put together a whole narrative in um Alternatives analysis and um so I apologize for that the mitigation that's that the owner would uh like to provide and and is proposing um in that uh the top of that borrow pit area uh there is some erosion uh close to the edge there's also some invasive Vines so uh they would like to take out the invasive Vines uh put uh in some native ground cover to hopefully uh stabilize that uh eroding bank and we can provide uh well over the 65 square feet of mitigation that is triggered by this U increase in coverage but we'll need a mitigation plan yes yes okay and and this does have to go to the board of appeals yes and you haven't scheduled that yet have you I don't think that has been submitted yet not according to the notes I have um and of course as you said we need the narrative the Alternatives analysis the work protocol all of that yep go ahead Janet performance standards and performance standards um anybody have any questions go ahead Stephanie there's somewhere in the um in the materials I found there was a Paul go ahead Paul yeah I'm just sorry I thought the mic stopped okay okay okay the the coverage charts um noted 65 square feet of mitigation is that what you're talking about in terms of planting along the top of the borrow P that's what's required and I I think it will be well over that 65 Square fet oh so 65 ft is required you will have more okay yeah thank you hi Stephanie how are you good how are you good um the uh this what is it a sun room or a sun porch or something like that that's going in a farmer's porch farmer's porch in the front um so that's just a roof open underneath not enclosed space is there going to be any landscaping around there around the farmer porch uh well there are um there are some foundations plantings now so I would imagine they would want to replace them we can certainly specify natives there yeah um there are a lot of uh old Japanese holes in that area I believe so and um I think it would be nice uh to remove some of those and to add some new plantings uh especially if you know a new portion is going in for the house up front okay okay thank you okay anybody else have anything no all right so we're going to have to continue this but what I have is that we need the narrative the work protocol the Alternatives analysis the performance standards mitigation and you're considering putting plantings around the foundation of the porch yes anybody have anything else all right uh when would you could we come in on August 7th you can you can get everything in by then I mean it's two weeks yeah so it has to be by the Friday before by the packet are out at noon so yes if if there's room on August 7th if you could continue it right now there's room you're lucky to be toward the beginning because otherwise I think we're going to get a little heavy all right then we can do a motion to continue this to the 7th I move that we continue 177 Countryside drive to August 7th 2024 second CHL hi Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi and I say I okay thank you very much thank you all right Paul the next okay we have a next on the agenda is a notice content the there will be a continuance on this we received that um yesterday uh the it's zero crosswind Farm Joseph and Jero hanart m 10j parcel 17 A- lp360 EP number SC10 3688 proposed single family dwelling um still needs zba um they've asked for continuance to August 7 okay we just need a motion I move that we continue zero crosswind Farm Road to August 7th 20124 second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric and I say I all right the next one moving right along 509 yep 509 Riverview Drive uh Scott uh Barrett and Kimberly Summers of the applicants map 7j parcel C C60 the EP number se10 3687 project is construction of access stairs over a Coastal Bank looks like DBA approved on July 11th correct good afternoon David Clark Clark engineering on behalf of Kim and Scott who are in the audience um as Paul stated this was approved by uh zoning board of appeals um uh without any changes uh we did consider narrowing it the 8 in uh but uh we decided to leave it the way it is uh so there are no changes to the plan from the last time we were here okay um so so did they decide anything about the kayak rack at the at the Landing uh I don't think it was presented to them uh we don't think we need to modify the plan at all I think we can we can right put a supports for kayaks on the on the structure as designed so no increase in the footprint and then I had down the width of the steps was in question I assume it's still the same width that it was yes um I think 44 in is I think 4 41 sorry um 41 yeah so uh there was a question whether our commissioners like that with uh any opinion I mean CBA sorry um okay and then of course in the pre-work meeting uh it was requested that you include the conservation Foundation yes that was okay I just want to make sure we we have all our ducks in a row so at the preconstruction meeting um the foundation will be invited great all right then I think unless anybody has any other questions I think we can move this to an order would is there a time that a a meeting that you prefer um we were hoping that you'd have a draft one tonight uh this afternoon um do the seventh y as soon as possible we' be great okay we'll do the seventh okay so let's move it to the seventh and I order I move that we continue 509 River View Drive for an order of conditions on August 7th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I leise I Eric I and I say I thank you okay so we'll have that on the 7th okay Paul okay moving on uh to 289 Seine Road the Africans 28 89 CPI Road nominee trust map 12K parcel hc21 D number SC10 3685 the project is proposed removal and reconstruction of a single family and Associated improvements and zba approved on 711 y hi good good afternoon Brad Mayo from Ty and bond Phil Cheney landscape designer is also here as well as the applicant Janine hoy uh and I believe online uh Ian Peach from Wilkinson ecological design is also with us last time we met May 22nd we presented uh the proposal for the raise and replacement of the house with uh a number of other elements uh we walked away with uh three items to address from the commission as I recall um Wilkinson ecological design I'll let Ian actually go into detail about a couple of the elements that uh that they addressed excuse me the other two um on the landscape plan by Phil Cheney there was a question uh about the type of grass the lawn area and uh a detail has been added to identify that as all lawn is Fescue lawn um as well as because of the questionable um Holly Tree near the proposed garage that was going to be removed Phil has shown on his plan to the easterly side of the property a proposed Ed holly tree um in in Le of that removal U finally the question on the coverage within the AA came up we Coastal and tyan bond has calculated that presented that in a letter uh the aura coverage is less than 35% uh less than 35% it's actually a 20 uh 7.5% and therefore a variance is not required so 27.5 correct and that is in a letter in the package uh that was presented in uh didn't around May uh the revised package of the Wilkinson plan the Cheney landscape plan and our letter were provided on June June 27th actually um and since we last met also the zoning board of appeals approved the project on July 11th um maybe if I give Ian a moment to just explain his changes that be great go ahead Ian thank you good afternoon uh for the record Ian Peach representing the project for Wilkinson ecological design can see our restoration plan with the revisions clearly noted um and that revision was carried through to the language in the Land Management plan that was also resubmitted with the package uh the primary revision was in response to the comments that we received um or the the most pointed comment asking asking us to reconsider the proposed cusing um on that western side where we have a cluster of four previously managed Oaks um and instead of having us to do ongoing height management and Copus and have um boots on the bank and and ongoing work on the bank to achieve that protocol we heard from many Commissioners that they would prefer um a replacement of appropriate native shrubs um in that location thank you for pointing to the area um with the cursor so we've gone beyond uh a 2:1 ratio um in that small area I do want to point out that it's it's a bank with many Oaks all the Oaks you see on that plant are all existing and staying um so the corus is well represented um these will be fruit bearing native Maritime shrubs Beach Plum and Bay Berry very appropriate for the site and we'll leave the root systems of the trees in place to Decay naturally so as they're decaying they're stabilizing adding benefits to the soil ecosystem um and then those shrubs are going to get going and start to do their work with the roots um and be part of a restored Coastal Bank so that's our primary revision we did clarify the language on an annotation about the um the material on the steps to be um replaced with inground Stone in the exact location um and other than that I believe um those were the the revisions and what we heard in our first hearing but I'm happy to uh speak to anything further if helpful thank you thank you uh does anybody have any questions comments it looks like you all did listen to our requests and I appreciate that so I think we can go to an order yeah I AUST 7th yeah we only have one order so far on August 7th so or no we have a couple others yeah I know we have two weeks this will be the last one we can do to August 7th though great go ahead leis I move that we continue uh 289 cine Road uh for an order of conditions on August 7th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I thank you thank you okay Paul okay um next on the agenda is a notice of intent the address is nine Pine Grove Road applicant Neil and Cheryl Sullivan map 8B partial 8- 867 I don't have a full D number on this yet the proposed work consists of a deck expansion and Landscaping work will occur in the buffer zone to a Coastal Bank and it looks like it still need zba approval that may be done but that's the not I have good afternoon David little and Phil cheni here with Neil Sullivan as well uh regarding nine nine Pine Grove Road Neil is proposing to extend his existing deck on the west side of his house 4 feet they um there is a patio underneath he's proposing to replace with permeable pavers a patio underneath the deck and then add in addition to that he's proposing a 3 and 1/2t walkway under the deck over to some sliders on the north side of the house the on the northeast side of the dwelling there are a series of steps and decks and Landscape features that we are proposing to remove Phil has designed a a couple of retaining walls which will allow planting beds and some step steppers to get around that corner of the house which we are also retreating in a direction from the top of the Coastal Bank on this site uh and then we're also replacing the front stoop in the walkway on the driveway on the on the street side of the driveway the work proposed results in a 157 square foot reduction in sight coverage on the property and even with that reduction Phil has propos 320 Square ft of mitigation along the top of the Coastal Bank as shown on his plan and um Paul is correct U Bill Lichfield is going to the zba with this we do not have a date as of yet Phil um Phil Cheney landscape designer I don't have much to add except to just explain that yes we thought it would be make sense to infill uh below the top of the Coastal Bank within the resource area with the mitigation plantings as well as redating most of the areas that were vacated by the loss of the landscaping material so that's the primary objective of the quote mitigation plan all right so I was out there and of course now I can't remember underneath the deck where you want to put the um patio is isn't that dirt now uh that portion is dirt yes so was that part the putting the patio in included in your coverage calculations um no because it's below an existing deck but even if we did include it in our coverage calculations with the 157t reduction and then the 320 s feet of mitigation oh no I understand I just am trying to make sure we get the coverage table correctly well I reflected it it's always a tricky call we have a deck that we're counting as coverage and then we have the area underneath it are you do you double that do you I mean we can we can do whatever you would like Karen um we have the tech I mean technically technically the patio part is the part but I guess you when you are calculating for the deck are you calculating the addition to the deck or the entire deck we included the deck in the existing coverage calculations the existing deck and then we included the additional deck in the proposed coverage calculations okay and that's the part that yeah the proposed deck I get goes into the coverage but underneath you're now changing partially if you look at Phil's plan is very clear you can see I see it's it's gravel going on top of dirt below just to help help retain storm water runoff and then pavers underneath to facilitate walking under the deck right and it's just the papers are I can we we have time to clarify that if you no that's fine I just no excuse me if I can it be helpful to understand clarification because in the past it was generally considered one coverage when you have Deck Over pavers so I that's always been my assumption figured you're now covering an area but it's it's going to be permeable yes correct okay at least it's permeable and I I think both the gravel and the pavers will um help oh yeah infiltrate storm water run off so close I agree I absolutely agree I just um and I assume that Rin station's permitted I never assume anything when I come before this board you know I'm always going to notice R station um I I I don't know uh I can do some research and let you know yep you're good at the research so if you would I'd be happy to do that um anybody else yeah I have question Eric has something hi on the uh on the on the mitigation area is is that above the exist is that going to be continuous with the existing vegetation you're not removing to put correct yes only thing only vegetation being removed would be lawn yeah so you're going above that okay thank you all right right Janet um I'm going to ask maybe uh uh Bob and Eric um or you guys what you know about the nature of the vegetation that's on that bank that's going to be adjacent to the mitigation plants my my non professional take was that there's a fair amount of invasives in there is there a need to protect the mitigation plants from being overrun by invasives uh that's a nice thought it's really not enough room to create how do you keep them from yes I guess uh we're not going to be able to uh I mean eliminating the invasiv would be a massive task on that spot it's a and steep bank with a lot of invasiv from what I could see uh that's why I say I think we're we're gaining the benefit of adding the native plants yeah and uh in that case um unfortunately it normally falls to the homeowner to just exercise a degree of vigilance right and get out there with clippers and and keep an eye on um when you see things starting to move in toward those plants to keep you know it's a constant battle with invasives they will want to spread um but if you don't want to lose these native plants that are going in um you just have to to wage war against them on an ongoing basis and we actually put that into our into our orders now so okay I have a quick question uh did you ever did you consider it all for an alternative to put it on on the west side is you are they concerned about I mean you're only put in blueberry bushes and they not worried about the view are they cuz the West Side that's there's there are there are no um or is it out is it completely out of the no you're within right most of I mean uh this here is where I'm showing the mitigation planting is actually in the resource area technically it's below the top of the Coastal Bank I figured that was a higher priority well I yeah but with the all the invas you know I was thinking the because the west side doesn't have any invasive it's just field grass yes and it's g in good shape that's mowed below the banking so you could you know you could plant it on the upper slope of that and then you wouldn't have to worry about inv bases and it's an easy easy digging easy planting it's it's a possibility I guess I saw that as being a in decent shape as a a native grass Meadow for the most part I think it be great to have a continuous with a ni grass Meadow you know rather than stuck out with a bunch of inv bases in the woods you know I still think it's more beneficial to protect the bank I guess in that location because of the steepness yeah that was my thought I mean we could be flexible if if the if the commission had a real preference but the bank has been hanging in there for a long time anybody else Bob yeah I was going to suggest a m strip between the planting and the uh I saw a a lot of Rosa Rosa in there along that bank agreed this just uh that would be a difficult pitch you know on the bank to put a MP Steep and there's just not enough room to include to add a mo strip and the plantings yeah well I suggest maybe we move the move the planting then you know the the whole planting area um because I agree that was one of my concerns too with the uh you know invasives if you're going to put them right up against the invasives they're just going to grow right into the the new planting area so so are we hearing that you would prefer to see the mitigation moved maintain a mode strip along the top of the bank where it is now and then move the mitigation over to the West is that what you're saying no not the mo I mean if you if you move the mitigation on the West Side you wouldn't really have to do anything it's bordering a field uh it's no invasives it's easy digging um it's on the top of the with Contin it continues with the what's there it's uh I think I think it would be easier are are you on board with that meal okay yep not a problem is would probably cost you less money for the labor too and you'd have this the rosie Bosa coming up against the lawn and that's a fair fight okay that's fine all right so other than that uh is there anything else anybody has can I just ask one more question Karen sure the uh um permeable pavers below the deck the new ones is that going to be those going to be pitched away from the house yes certainly okay is there going to be like an inground drain or anything along the edge of it's It's there's enough lawn I think in between for the small area and it's a very shallow pitch I don't okay it's not really an erosion issue okay thank you okay anything else so really we just need a new mitigation plan um I think as far as what they are planting does is everybody okay with that then would everybody be okay with uh putting an order together maybe for the 14th but with receiving the plan before that they need zba we do need zba true I don't expect I I really don't expect an issue with zba I'm not I'm comfortable with this board moving forward well what we can do is provide that letter and we can just say it's it's ready for an order and you can get us plan and we will have it ready for whenever zba great finally hears it so we'll move it where could we move it to for whenever it works Karen yeah um r 14 28 they're the two well they're probably not going to have zba by no they're not going to have zba anytime soon I think why don't we move it to the 28th okay and then we can always hopefully by then you will have applied for your uh we can look at the mitigation yeah we can look at the mitigation at that point and we hopefully you will have applied with zoning and then we know a better idea of when we truly can issue the order okay okay and then just one final question yeah if um the rid station was not previously permitted does that need to be included in yeah the the project application yep okay I just which will be an easy thing to do I just want to make sure we're covering everything um so we're going to continue this to the 28th and August 28th and then hopefully by then you'll know whether that rent station is permed and you can get us a new mitigation plan yep and then I think we should be ready yeah for the we're moving it to an order but we we won't be issuing the order yet I move that we continue nine Pine Grove Road for an order of conditions on August 28th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I Lee I Eric I and I I say I thank you thank you very much okay Paul okay next on the agenda is 109 Shane Drive Andrew pinkowitz map 15g parcel 74- B 28a the EP number se10 3692 the project is to propose porch additions on the second floor addition and M mitigation good afternoon sorry good afternoon for the record th Aldridge here with Bill Riley representing the pinkowitz the Mrs is in the audience and so we have somewhat a simple project we have a property that's up against a drainage Pond um it's it's kind of neat because there is a levy in the back so it holds back the water uh the low Point exiting out of that pond is just below the the low point in the backyard so as long as we don't get a stupendous amount of rain the water stays on that side The Proposal is to take out part of a patio and put in a porch and that's well within in the 50-ft buffer to add a porch to the front of the property to the front of the house with about a square foot in the 50t and then add a second floor that's really innocuous even though it's within 50 ft it's it's within the existing footprint um the mitigation required uh We've depicted within the bvw limits and those are um wet tolerant species and they'll survive during the littleit of drought that we get because this Pond really does change in size throughout the seasons we've provided variance request Alternatives analysis and we're happy to answer any questions Bill do you have anything to say the goal for me is not to say anything good helps us get the legal fees these These Days yeah all right uh um does anybody have anything I'm sure Janet I have a I have a question for that um I'm intrigued because I haven't seen it before and and on behalf of all of us up here who don't know what this means I'm going to ask you why is a perched wetland significant true how is it significant I don't know you you you you called it out saying this is an unusual case because of the levy and it created a perched wetland and I it's just NE and we have other what does that mean what does that mean it doesn't it doesn't it's not a part of the water table so above the water table sits above the water what's the Water Source then what mostly from run off runoff and it's capturing that and it's and is it a clay layer between below it so that's why the water can't get down there and we have a few more of those the perched pond behind my office yeah that that I that has three names perch Pond perch Pond and newy pond um but that's sitting on a clay lay that it's the storm water runoff that gets into it to feed it same do you know how deep it gets not very so it doesn't evaporate though it's not like a pond of you go to the history in Google Earth there's one pocket to the north with which is always wet so there's going to be some depth there but the rest of it I mean you look at the species they're Fringe species that were covered with water this spring when we did the survey h okay I was curious that it seemed significant to me but I wasn't sure why well with all the sand all too often we're seeing Wetlands that intercept the groundwater table right and to see a perched wetland and not in Orleans which is mostly clay it's just neat yeah unique for CH I totally agree thank you great yeah just going to quickly that was a old skating played the neighborhood kids played hockey on it and the Loveland saw the money in it and set up a sh Little Shack down by the pond and sold sodas and dated chip kid skating on that pawn did anyone ever fall in uh not that I know well then they know the depth anything else Bob uh I have a question um the chaining fence uh that borders the uh the lot MH along the Wetland what's that what's that all about and when was when would when was it approved it went in before the pinkowitz purchased the property by years they prefer to keep that because there are coyotes that they see on the other side and they prefer to have their their yard not coyote free but with fewer cooties they have they have cats they like to let out as long as the fence is there they feel like let their cats out and you know if there's no offence you know what they call a cat a snack I had well there's still snack a cat in my neighborhood Who became a snack recently so I can tell you yeah yeah dog I know a couple dogs yeah but it doesn't allow the wildlife to go through go through and you know um transport back and forth and run around and well I know but but Bob there's no natural source this is just drainage off the road so it's not like there's a stream flowing in there that in a heavy rain event is going to raise the elevation of the pond and keep it that way it's just Road runoff that evaporates so well and it drains into a cranberry bog off to the Northeast yeah so it's you know it's not like the thing is moving because it's kind of it's very static yeah I'm not a big fan of the fences either but in this case it's very close to the house um so to me it but to tell a bunch of people on the conservation board that let the cats out probably isn't a good idea you know that didn't help the matter you should have said dog no insulted dog dogs don't kill birds yeah cats cats kill hundreds and hundreds of song birds um in any case the I the dogs kill the rabbit so come on one way of the other I don't care about it's a dog eat rabbit World um but in this particular property the fence is really close to the house I don't know whether it really matters and this I'm either I'm I'm on the fence on this you are well you could keep the coyote out anybody else I'm okay with it yeah there all right um so we're filed with uh zoning yes you're here you're being heard uh August 15th that's correct okay uh if there's nothing else I think we can go to an order and how about for the 28th of August that's fine I I got one more question oh go ahead the the mitigation plants they're kind of close to that area where the invasives are along that chaining f chain link fence you're going to have any mo strip between the two we certainly can I wouldn't go with a full 3ot width I'd have a foot or two something kind of tight in this area there weren't many invasives in the middle of the property those were really on the edges so but we can certainly keep an eye out for that yeah that would be good I think even if you had a a foot or two mhm and is there going to be anything around the planting just to um just to delineate the uh and we can do a metal edging or a couple of stones whatever you like something is it isn't it outside the fence it's inside oh okay okay so we have you're going to do something like a metal edging or Stones can that be reflected on a new plan just so that we have that um we a little buffer and also reflected on the plan and then I think we're ready so we could schedule it for the 28th which is after zoning and nothing else changes that'd be great is that the 28th or the 26th oh 20 let's see if you're continuing to the 12th then 28th are we all saying W 28th I'm looking at August Wednesday the 28th 28th 28th yeah very good made me think all right you ready so we're ready I move we continue 109 Shane Drive for an order of conditions on August 28th 2024 second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I thank okay Paul thank you madam chair next on the agenda is 97 tipy run staging and access on tipy run TR 97 nominee trust is the applicant map 14 A3 partials 2-b and n131 the EP number SC10 3690 uh this was an emergency repair of an existing C castal engineering structure um as you know the the uh work has been suspended under the emergency 30-day period and a notice intent has been filed uh and the applicant requested a continuance to August 7th okay uh if we could have a motion I move we continue 97 Tippy run to August 7th 2024 I have a question before I say second sure um how do we get access to the property when we want to see it uh the there's a uh go ahead Paul yeah the next door a neighbor you can walk through that property to the to your facing the house go off to the left um it's all fed off even the road yeah even that access road is blocked off and it's get it has concrete barriers on the left and right so it's hard for us to really I think you'll have to wait until they start work again in September when and they'll open up those fences yeah otherwise I don't see how we can get through I tried to and stood there and went yeah it's hard to get and I know that previously we had to have somebody who's doing the work meet us yeah in order to get in okay thank you second okay Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I all right Paul next one next one is 44 Nickerson Lane Mitchell uh fi map 7B parcel 41- s17 the EP number se10 3691 project propose sh line stabilization and restoration plantings okay anybody here good afternoon I'm here oh wow look at you I was wondering who was I'm here I'm here uh for the record Jen Crawford Crawford Land Management here for the applicant today um so from our last hearing we needed to have um nhp comment we did receive that comment um I'm assuming that you guys have had a uh a copy of that provided to you am I correct no we did not receive it so we do need that we can yep we can get that to you that's not a problem uh the only thing that was in it uh was basically a time of year restriction um for work on the fiber roll array which is is typical um however their jurisdiction is only over uh a very small corner of that array um but we can send that over to you uh so that would need to be added to the order of conditions um at the first hearing uh the only thing that from my memory if it serves me correctly that you would like me to have addressed was there was a question regarding uh Sand Drift fence and um and if it was beneficial to the project and I told you that I wanted to just give it some thought before shooting off an answer to you during the hearing um and I have thought about it and I don't believe in this case it will be beneficial for anything this area doesn't um seem to um be the recipient of any um windblown sand or um or anything I think that would would lend any sort of fencing to be advantageous I actually think it would be difficult with this particular site and with the uh the way that the installation will need to go in in this in this uh on this Bank um that I think it'll actually be it would be difficult to maintain it there um because the fiber rolls won't have a lot of nourishment over them um and so I think I think it would actually be more a pain in the butt and and not really beneficial to the project overall in this particular case so but I I appreciate you giving me uh the time to think about it and come back to you with an answer I guess okay um anything anybody have anything else yeah um so where do we go from where when Janet brought up the uh where the stone meets the fiber um did we talk any more about how that's going to happen cuz it would seem to me you would almost have to disassemble that end of the stone wall put the fiber down and reassemble on top in order for it to blend in naturally because otherwise when the water would just there's no you know yep so I think Janet did ask the question I did explain what we were going to do with that there's no really additional detail that I can give you um in order to um in order to show you other than behind the stones if if you looked on site behind the the very end like one or two stones on the revetment you can see that it's already hollowed out behind it um and so as we put in our uh narrative and notes on our plans we may need to Simply um shift or move a stone or two in order to tie those fiber rolls back in um to the bank behind it um but there's no there's no um change proposed to the revetment um in in height or design or anything of that nature um everything that's there we we want to pretty much leave alone and if we don't have to touch anything and we can get the fiber rolls tucked in behind that end stone or two um and anchored securely then then we will there's not really a det detail I can provide for how that's going to come together um other than to kind of give you a verbal description and if um something changes in the field that necessitates something different at that point we would alert the conservation agent Paul um to work with us on site but I don't anticipate that being an issue okay yep we can put that in the order that if if the need to move any of the stones becomes apparent um during the installation of the rols then you will stop and and consult with the agent to get the that's easy thank you okay anybody have anything else all right I think that this is ready you're going to send us the nhp letter great yes we will uh we will send that out to you right after I'm off this call great all right we can go to an order um how about the 14th or 28th 28th I'd prefer 28th for 28th of August or we can go further out and we'd be thrilled I I would be thrilled with as soon as you can get us back on just so we can get the work lined up um if it's feasible for us to uh get back on with you on the 14th I would appreciate it um it's going to be tight how about let's just say the 28th we've got an awful lot of orders coming up and we have a few people who will be out so um we we will take the 20 as long as you can promise me that you will do your best to have it issued shortly thereafter so that we can get through our appeal periods y we can try do that I'm sure Crystal will okay we're ready for awesome okay I move we continue 44 Nickerson Lane to August 28th 2024 for an order of conditions second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I okay all right Paul thank you all very much thank you okay Madam chair next on the agenda is the last notice of intent application have address is 30 Sears Point Lane applicant mlay family property LLC map 11 A1 parcel 6-4 the number se10 3677 the project is proposed waterfronts maintenance hi Bill yeah good afternoon good afternoon I represent the mlay family we have Ryan Kavanaugh from uh tyan Bond I don't know who else is there Karen from Wilkinson yes hi I'm here okay I think uh well Ryan do you think you should start and then we'll go to Karim absolutely um so we have not made too many changes from our last submission to you guys the biggest questions that were left after the last meeting I believe were boat storage areas as well as the vegetated buffer strip and I will defer to Katrin to speak about the vegetated buffer strip but in the exhibit that I sent over um initially we had proposed to put the small bolt storage area to the left of the stairs if you're facing the water and after some considerations we determined to put it on the right of the stairs which I sent over yesterday um so I apologize for the delay in that um in the late submission um but we just proposed to put the small booat storage area out shore of the seaw wall to keep it out of any of the resource areas above the high tide line and out of the salt marsh um to really minimize impacts um and the boat storage area will either be on the sand or potentially have a some sort of elevated kayak um or boat rack and I'll turn over to Katrina to talk about that's yeah but the Dropbox wasn't updated yesterday so no it it was six days ago that's why I'm asking this so what's showing up now what we're sharing is the old that one is no longer uh yeah I sent an email to Paul yesterday I apologize it wasn't updated appropriately um that is my fault but it would just be mirrored on the other side of the stairs to the left on this be on the correct to the left on this plan look at the SC up there it's easier right well no that's Janet yeah that's me but oh that's I looking going it there's nothing from yesterday you have a plan that you could share so on your screen so we can see the actual location um it would be the exactly the same as this just on the other side of the stairs I'm happy to share something if that's there's no need if it's that way I was going to say it was pretty and why was it moved uh just due to personal preference from the homeowner okay okay um but it's yeah all right and I'll turn it over to Katrin to talk about the buffer strip and then we can have a larger discussion about these two things all thank you Ryan so just in terms of our um revised plan from the last hearing we heard the the clear request for a buffer strip on the top of the bank so we're showing a 3ft wide buffer strip which would be seated with our Cape Cod Meadow mix and and allowed to naturalize and then the the shrubs that are shown would be planted within that area um and you'll see on the Eastern side the buffer strip kind of Fades off and that's right where the sassafras uh Woodland exists yeah exactly thank you so that that's already vegetated so that's why it kind of ends right there okay go ahead Janet so hi Katrina I have a a question so this little area where the cursor is now between the top of the 3ot wide buffer strip which is pretty thin but and the existing patio is that lawn in between correct why wouldn't you plant right to the edge of the patio why would you leave something that appears to be about 2T wide as lawn that that has to be maintained why wouldn't you extend the buffer right to the patio well I think that um that patio is well used and you you kind of need a little bit more space there between where people are actively congregating and the buffer strip yeah you don't want to get any bugs on the problem is that it's going to be grasses is the buffer strip so they're going to be very vulnerable to being mowed but but when somebody's mowing a little twoot wide area of lawn well there's those that's why we bump those sweet Fern up so this sweet Fern will you know they'll get big and provide an edge there no one's going to want to really mow sweet Fern down and we could put a we can put a a metal strip or something to DeMark it yeah something cuz when it's growing in it's going to be very vulnerable that would be fine a metal strip okay anything else chant um where did we can someone remind me where we landed on did we specify the the volume of uh nourishment that's proposed once these fiber rolls are in and the and the beach nourishment below the the bulkhead is did I miss that was there a we C have a volume of 25 cubic yards in front of the bulkhead um in front of the bulkhead correct okay um just to keep the just to keep the grade um as it exists today um and I do not believe we specified a volume for the fiber RS no I don't believe that was discussed okay we can definitely get you that yeah if you could um so but but assuming that you're talking about what we usually the usual of covering the fiber rols with a with a with some nourishment and some that will make its way down onto the beach and connected to that is and I know I had a note but I don't know what we where we ended in terms of what the trigger would be for nourishment ongoing um there's a bunch of stakes in the ground but I think we talked about removing those we did so do we have something that we could put in the order for with the what the trigger point would be um and this is kathern Ricks with Ty Bond we had discussed doing potentially visible screws or Nails in the bulkhead at 4.5 ft which is the approximate uh elevation of the beach at this point and then when those become visible then do a nourishment at that point so that not too much sand is going on not overfilling that area that would then go on to the salt marsh but kind of using a visible tracker that way okay so a Tracker is attached to the bulkhead at elevation 4.5 yeah you could put nails potentially maybe one at each end and one in the middle that are visible okay and use that and have it average cross there but they wouldn't be visible once the nourishment goes in they're not visible and then when they become visible is the is the triggering event yes correct smart that'll work mhm all right thank you everybody else um yeah I mean the bottom line line is of vads pre-existing and the groins will be gone that's a good thing so that's a small victory the neighbor's happy with that that the groins will be gone and that's good to know that's it thanks anything else so I have that um we'll have to see that new plan but all it is is moving the uh boat storage from the right to the left everything's the same size and everything so I assume that that will be okay we need um we're going to have a metal strip Around The Patio near the patio area so that that doesn't get mowed um we need to know about the volume of nourishment for the fiber rolls um is there any place on the plans or some way to indicate um this putting the screws or Nails into the bulkhead so that we know that's what's being done for to indicate that more nourishments needed because I think that some should be noted someplace in descriptions or something um so that we know for going forward what what we're going to use to indicate that uh anything else that anybody can think of that I missed all right so it's really not a lot um I think we're ready for an order right as long as we can get and you know so you can get those things to us uh how is August 28th or later sound loving later but well they're not going to do the work until exactly after that time period anyway so that' be fine so could we move it to September sure can I just add something sure we would really love to be able to do the not weed this fall to remove to start the work of the not we removal so if we could do the 28th that would be greatly appreciate okay um we should add we don't have that yet but I think we need you don't have it um well it was it was it was initially given some sort of treatment earlier in the summer right that that made it all die back but we know that's temporary will it come back sufficiently so that it can be dealt with in September um in terms of being are you talking about cutting it and then injecting it is that the the correct will it will it have recovered enough so that you can do that that's what will has not done anything to the knotweed yet this year I believe there have been any treatments to this property done so far what is all the dead vegetation on either side of the stairs they haven't been out last year's stocks probably no okay I'll take another look it looked like there was a lot of recent dead vegetation on the stair on both sides so I can I can clarify that can you hear me yes yes go ahead yes we can bill um so this is Bill mlay and my wife and I've managed the proper um it was cut this year in terms of otherwise the stairs were was only cut in a small area there was no you know treatment it it was because otherwise the um stairs get totally overgrown with not weed um so that's the only area is right next to the stairs cut this year it's really important to our family to get the not we dealt with this fall I totally agree that's why but so the dead vegetation is the not weed that was cut and is laying there and dead at least the tops of it but so the stems are still intact and will be sufficient so that the the kind of cutting and injecting can be done in the fall correct okay all right all right so the 28th great okay we're ready thank you very much we're definitely excited about doing it this fall I move that we continue 30 Sears Point Lane to August 28th 2024 for order of conditions second Cheryl I jenet I Elise I Eric I and I say I thank you very much thank you so thank you very much onward and upward I know Paul shocked I'm here okay good just want to make sure moving on to yep moving on to the end of the agenda uh coc's uh first one 65 Sano Drive uh Judith and Scott Stewart map 10c Parcels e16 D number se10 3376 structural additions including death vble generator and 492 square feet of new plantings um the order excuse me the EST is complete application was filled out properly checklist completed uh went to the site um photographs were submitted there was an order issued in 2020 in January was amended in 2021 um to reflect an increase in the mitigation for the vegetable R station and deck extension um I went out to the in September of 2023 and met with the uh applicants representatives and indicated at that time based on what the mitigation looked like and the rest of the project that they should go forward with the CC they're doing that now they're right on the cusp of the three-year um growing season but I I mean I would recommend approving a full certificate in this in this case every everything is in order photographs everything's been done as it should be done without bling it I mean it could go on for 10 minutes but you want me to do that great does anybody have any questions for Paul beautiful anybody we've got a representative here would you like to speak hi yes just briefly um in case you have questions um Victoria dmas with San Associates I'm an attorney I represent the property owners um Scott and Judith Stewart and I believe with me here is Keith Johnson um of blue flax um also available should have any questions and um the stewards may be here remotely I'm not sure um but yes um they would very much appreciate we are in the cusp um they do um agree to continue uh maintenance of of the mitigation and the um invasive um um uh species uh so but they are in engaging in retirement and they would feel very much um gracious if you could if you could go ahead and and Grant the certificate of compliance yeah and always um our ongoing conditions are that the invasive management and the mitigation will be continued to be maintained yes correct okay does anybody have any questions I mean mitigation is beautiful there and the delineation at the little one rail fence was genius uh yeah it looks beautiful thank you this this ended up being this was this was a little bit of a tough road this project it went through a couple of different twists and turns before uh ending here but at the end of the day it's it seems to be very successful so yes and we've had a great team work on the project so I think that's all right speak to that great I had a quick question go ahead Karen H how is the drain working out in the driveway um my understanding is it's working quite well um I don't know if if uh Keith wants to add anything do you want to come up and add anything on that you to sorry too late too late you will be get a closeup there would you zoom zoom in go ahead yeah the drain in the driveway has been functioning as designed okay yeah yeah there was some there was some storm water challenges yes so glad that that's where working well okay thank you are all right anything else all right Elise then I am happy to move that we approve the uh certificate of compliance for 65 Squanto Drive second Cheryl I Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi and I say I thank you wonderful thank you all so much all right Paul okay next uh certificate of compliance is address 15 coill Circle Richard and Julia Quinn map 13j parcel G9 D number SC10 3386 this project was to demolish an a an old dwelling and rebuild a dwelling and install a swimming pool um went out through yesterday um looks Magnificent the uh you know the this was a large project um I walked all around with the mitigation on The castal Bank David Clark um submitted the COC the application is complete checklist complete um as belt um there were some issues with the mitigation some of the mitigation one of the Landscapes went in and uh a little bit of it was destroyed but there's a trem I think there's 2,200 square fet of um of mitigation that was designated it all looked really good to me with the exception maybe David can get into it um a little bit the temporary irrigation is still up um but uh the project came out very nicely mitigation looks good and they've met all the other requirements for uh their CC filing so maybe perhaps David could chime in on that mitigation issue but everything look good I recommend approving it great okay David uh David Clark Clark engineering on behalf of the quins um I I I I don't think the mitigation is a big issue um in that uh this project resulted in 2200 square fet reduction in the no disturb Zone and uh we put 1800 back in the 50 100 so it was actual reduction in site coverage um I think uh aside from the mitigation I think the commission's biggest concern was the proximity of this project to the Coastal Bank and run off and that's why we heavily documented the uh the drainage structures that went in um because that was the primary concern of the commission and they did what they were asked to do um everything drains from the water side of the house around the to the driveway into infiltration pits and uh and then the second form of mitigation for this project was that conservation restriction um and that area has been fenced off uh so that there's no intrusions into that great does anybody have any questions yeah I was mixed up with the the addresses well Santo was nice too but this one yeah this one really beautiful back there this is the one that has the little fence that goes along right that's where Harriet and Pete yeah yeah great all right then we're ready for a motion I move that we approve the certificate of compliance for 15 Cove Hill Circle second Cheryl hi Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi I say I thank you very much thank you okay Paul okay uh I hope that still there um the last one is 50 Horseshoe Lane Larry Paul meron map 10d parcel s7a the EP number SC10 3482 project maintenance and renovation of the exterior living space including removal of invasive Ivy changing exterior surface from Stone to FES lawn relocating a Rin station and installing a 7x7 Spa a Timber wall and installation of a walkway in kind um in the front yard with uh mitigation uh was out there yesterday there's no asilt requirement here there was an option for it so he didn't actually submit one um mitigation looks good uh stairway was done in kind looks good um lot St documented everything with photographs the order was issued in 2021 I believe um that you had a typ on said 24 um the property owners have um been monitoring the mitigation with the exception of a few ferns that have been planted the plants appear to be uh well establish lished um they've included all their ongoing conditions so they have met the requirements for a full uh CC unless that has something to offer or add to that okay he's there yes that's here of course he is yeah okay go ahead that all right for the record that ald we submitted everything and if there are questions I'm happy to answer them that was important that you stay for that absolutely and Mr PT's here to answer questions as well and I I I just had a comment um I I couldn't help but notice this mitigation is kind of like a formal bed um it's it's it has indigenous plants in it but they're individual separated wellmaintained with and it's been freshly mulched um so so I just I didn't know are we supposed to be pointing in that direction or are we suppos it's supposed to be naturalized or that's the only thing I could comment on that you know well as it gets older hopefully it'll fill in more it won't it will when they stop mulching it yeah yeah they have to so I don't know uh I mean at least they're indigenous plants I mean that's certainly on the right side but I just don't think they're supposed to be you know maintained weeded and mulch continuously maybe if you could just let it let it go a little bit I know it might be hard because you probably invested a lot of money in it yeah the problem is the invasives always pop back up as janon alluded to it's on going I agree yeah I can imagine it it's hard if the invasiv keep popping up not to want to pull everything out yeah I mean okay anything else all right then I think we're ready for a motion and I move we approve the certificate of compliance for 50 Horseshoe Lane second Cheryl I Janet I Elise I Eric I and I say I all righty glad I help thank you all right thank you now you're on to minutes Madam chair May 30th 2024 four yep and I think my one correction was made which is that I was on virtually I can't that was my one and only correction to it are there any other corrections to I made it I made a change because I was both attending and absent yes and I was actually attending so I fixed that one oh yeah saw that anything else no then I think we can do a motion I move we approve the minutes for May 30th 2024 as revised second Cheryl abstain um that's right y present Janet um I Lise I Eric I and I and Bob you can vote on minutes I and I say I so those are approved um anything else Paul no Madam chair Commissioners I don't have any unforeseen uh items to bring before the commission unless some of the Commissioners do does anybody have anything else to bring up no then we can entertain a motion I move that we adjourn second Cheryl I Janet hi Elise hi Eric hi Bob hi and and I say I oh we actually didn't do bad than you it's not bad go