e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] you're going to be up at the podium when your time comes but just shortly not right now good morning um this is the April 2nd 2024 meeting of the chadam from historical commission uh I'm Bob Le I'm acting as chair today in the absence at least in person of our chair Frank massina um I need to do a little note before we get started this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone phone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chairman pursuant to Governor Hy's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law until March 31st 2025 this meeting the chadam historical commission is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately address access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress might do so by calling the phone number 15 8945 4410 conference ID 81445 9844 hashtag or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and Samuel cast on chadam TV despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide for real-time access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh our first order of business is to do a ro Roll Call to verify that we have a quorum um Mr massina is virtual are you Frank I don't see I don't see I'm on not yet okay uh the vice chair is here Mr Burling game is absent Mr Aman is absent Miss Hamilton here miss Porter here miss Tennyson here Mr Stevens here and is our alternate present oh there's Frank Frank are you oh there's Frank are you present Frank I I see you but Nancy are you present yes I'm here okay Nancy Bor is here and Frank and Frank is here at least I can see him um therefore um because we're missing Mr Berling game and Mr Aman both of our alternates can be voters this morning on our one application um so the minutes are the first item on the agenda from March 19th I have reviewed them and didn't see any air ORS any other comments or Motions like to move that we accept the minutes from uh a from March 19th 2024 7 you didn't second you may have to to do it again you weren't your microphone wasn't on I know but he didn't but he didn't yeah he knocked did he okay I'd like to um accept the minutes from March 19th 2024 second okay um Mr massina your vote can't are you muted you're muted Frank yes ah there you CH the vice chair of votes yes uh Miss Hamilton yes Miss Porter yes Miss Tennyson yes Stevens yes and Nancy oh you weren't here never mind yes never mind you weren't present so for good reason no then all right our first application first and only application is number 24-9 to be heard in accordance with chapter F 158 which is the demolition delay bylaw of the Town General bylaws with a notice to of intent to partially demolish a historic or at least more than 75y old building at 171 Morris Island Road um and we have a representative here from the applicant um you want to come up and give it up there give us an idea of what you're up to and uh what you're asking for hi um my name's Bert deont I'm with deont Dunham Builders and we're proposing to do work at the 171 Morris Island Road home and we're proposing to do some ders and some second floor work and that's pretty much it wait do we obviously have the plans and four of us were out there yesterday morning uh and your partner I believe said you're not changing the footprint of the that's correct okay and the the windows and shingles and all those things are going to be comparable to what's there and yes what's there appears to be in keeping with everything else in the neighborhood yes yeah okay I just wanted to get that background um do any of Commissioners have any questions about this concerns I do not that it was constructed in uh 1978 so it's barely 48 I'm sorry well 78 be better 48 um so it's not really historic in the old age sense and we did learn or did not failed to learn anything yesterday that would make us think that it otherwise met the his significant criteria in terms of famous people or whatever might be frank you would you like to speak to this yes just briefly uh Bob thank you very much um yeah you know this this whole neighborhood area which is about to be flooded and washed away Mother Nature has her way U is uh is kind of interesting u in the sense that we've never really uh we do have some homes in the area cottages which were worthy of some kind of uh retention or at least protection uh you know in the cottage area and I think the ship has kind of sailed on us no pun intended as the water comes in uh so uh I guess I have to agree with you it intrinsically by itself it it really does not in my mean meet the standards of historical significance and um you know by skin of its teeth 76 years old hearing it and it's something when the commission has absolutely nothing to do I don't know when we should re-evaluate that whole question I know it's on our agenda of uh the criteria of 75 years or not but just the thought for future thinking so I would not support it being historically significant okay anybody else anybody else online okay any motions to be had oh Robert I'm sorry yes I I don't think it's uh historically significant by any means but the one thing that took me back in the area is this is a very very crowded uh property between the other uh properties that around there so I would just uh it's uh probably not our business but if I were on the other side of the fence I'd be thinking about trying to uh do all your work in such a way that it doesn't change the streetcape or doesn't crowd out other neighbors that are already crowded so that's just an FYI it's not a complaint good luck with your project motions anybody miss Tennyson yes I move that the chatam historical commission finds that the building located at 171 Morris Island Road is not historically significant because it does not meet any of the definitional criteria in 8-2 a b or c of the bylaw therefore the commission does not impose a demolition delay I'll second all right we'll do a roll call on that motion Mr massina your vote Yes Miss Hamilton yes Miss Porter yes Miss Tennyson yes Mr Stevens yes Miss bar yes okay okay you're good good work thank you so much have a good day day thank you thank you all right um we don't have any new business on the listed agenda we have a couple of old business to follow up on um one is the preservation Awards committee which we reported on a couple of weeks ago that has sent out their um selections and I gather that there is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow um and to help prepare for the uh presentation event on May 18th um Janet is there anything else to add to that process I don't know Frank do you have anything that you want to add on that we're having a meeting tomorrow morning yes uh thank you very much Janet and the meeting is basically I guess as Christina can can let us know she's doing most of the work at this particular point is to finalize the preparation for the meeting on May 18th and I hope the members of the IAL commission will come you know I remember one of the first preservation award meetings uh we had Nancy who's joining us from south of France there I can re can remember we used to hold them at chatam bars in we had 100 maybe 150 people attending could be because there were Fe free eats and inexpensive drinks and now we hold him at the U at at the Historical Society the bar uh of the Atwood and we appreciate the fact and it's become a much uh smaller event from that perspective but I still think the concept of us acknowledging uh good work when good work is done is uh is very important and I I like to think about the fact that some of our contractors uh every everybody from Mr pimus Peter pimus to Bill Marsh Eastwood Rick Roy you know now they love to advertise that they're award-winning historic restoration Architects and developers but but does get the word out and so uh it continues support it and um and I do appreciate the fact that Janet has joined me this year and I would hope another member of our commission would be thinking about uh joining the committee so a certain individual would like me and Frank to tell me to move on but anyway so uh that's where we are with that so thank you very much that's great Nancy said she would join Frank that would be good all right Nancy you're on kid yes thank you raising my hand I would be happy to join uh this year I will not be back until May 5th but if there's anything I can do remotely uh let me know and and you'll be back yeah this year's pretty much wrapped up but you know we well next year is another year so thank you very much I want to speak to a couple other things when you have a chance Bob I was about to ask you if you'd like to talk about the Nickerson Homestead status yeah I think you know we this was been on our agenda for uh forever preco and um a I think the the Nickerson dig was done in 2017 and 2018 uh and here we are you know finally reaching the point to to finalize an application to mass historic to ask for the eligibility of the Nickerson family dig as a national register site uh uh Katie Donovan has assured me she will be moving out with that and hopefully pretty quickly so uh it's a very small effort from our archaeologist Holly Holly herbster of pal to prepare the documentation and we as a commission would vote and submit it to National to mass historic similar to what we did for the South chatam and hopefully we if we get a a return of a positive eligibility uh then we will then have to dig up some money again to find a way to actually submit a formal application uh similar to what we did with Eric Dre our preservation consultant so that's where we are with that uh if you mind I'll just Segway quickly to the uh The Boat House The Boat House continues to move forward the Selectmen are going to be talking about it again tonight on dredging there's a couple of there's a warrant on town meeting uh to uh uh for for funds for the entire Waterfront which I would hope the members of the commission and the public would support so we can allow the uh US Coast Guard boat house to float back from uh up in quinsey back to chadam uh which I think would be great when it happens one last thing if I could Bob I wanted just to remind the commission members and members of public three people listening besides us there's a group called historic chadam which we established after uh the 300th anniversary when we decided that we needed to continue to keep the historic elements in ch the venues in the Public's eyes and this is a group which the historical commission myself and uh and the Atwood the malcone the mail housee the the eldrige public library and the the lighthouse so there's about seven or eight of us you know who are part of this group and we meet INF frequently and have something called history weekend and this this week this year it's June 14th to 16th the purpose of History weekend is for all the venues Lighthouse the windmill the atw the Marone to be open at some kind of reduced fee for those who charge fees and to just to get people an early view of what's going to be happen historically in chadam over the summer for instance the windmill on Saturday the 15th will be grinding corn if Mother Nature provides some wind uh but what two other things I wanted to just comment as part of the history weekend and the historical commission is the results of the archaeological work we did with Dan zodo on the cemeteries uh which I think we all appreciated enjoyed his brief presentation to the historical commission the Elder Public Library Amy Anderson is going to be having a a a talk on June 14th where Dan is going to be giving some of the history and the highlights of the archaeological history of chadam cemeter cemeteries and following that in May May 9th and I'll send something out you know uh Holly herbster of of the uh palal archaeological lab will be giving a presentation on the results of the archaological survey of chadam so you know we spent some good town money to do these things and it's good to get get into the public eye what's you know what were the results of what we're doing saying that Bob I think you're going to conclude this meeting in 20 minutes they set a record well I was the Chairman's report consists of the demolition ition delay status none of which has changed since our last meeting which when we upheld or continued the one on 107 Highland Avenue there's no correspondence and other things are on hold so if anybody on the commission or in the public has anything to add to that let me know anybody on the commission have a motion to make I move that we end this meeting adjourn I second the motion to journ all right now vote on that Mr massina yes sir Stephanie yes Sandy yes Janet yes Robert yes Nancy yes good we're done thank [Music] you [Music]