e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening chadam this is the May 28th 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing no such indication I will proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29th 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceeding as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chatam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible first order of business is to establish a quorum select board member Mets present select board member Davis present select board member dykens present and select board member shell is present as well this evening we have a relatively short agenda we have uh two sets of minutes May 17 and May 21 we have public announcements and agenda requests we have public comments on the business agenda and the business agenda consists of two items the first is consider the use of town property for October Fest 2024 um with a presentation from Kristen Mueller of the chadam Chamber of Commerce and secondly we have a presentation from Mr Rob Brennan of the Massachusetts housing and climate Innovation Center summer Allstar program uh regarding a possible cooperation between that organization and the town of chadam um so we will go first to the minutes um do I hear a motion on the minutes of May 17th motion to approve second are there any comments on yeah uh Mr matters just one minor one on the very last page three the carryover for the roll call I think the responses are probably should be yes not names ah oh no I think that's right oh wait oh motion motion toj no that motion to adjourn you're absolutely right good catch any other comments no uh uh select board member Mets hi select board member dykens hi select board member Davis I and the chair says I as well um May 21 motion to approve second uh I have a couple of comments anybody else nope nope um on page four at the top of the page after the the carryover um paragraph and second sentence of that carryover paragraph I would like to add um the following Ms um runquist ackn knowed she had actual notice of the hearing and had no objection to the action proposed and that is all I have on that any other comments with that um uh select board member matters I select board member dykin hi select board member Davis Hi and select board member shell says I um public announcements and aend agenda requests any from the board no uh I am advised that um uh the uh Community Health um Health agent Judy George and there she is you are recognized thank you chair Michelle um I just wanted to announce that at our Board of Health meeting on June third uh we're going to be holding a focus group um to discuss our uh Community Health needs assessment that um I'm participating in the town the chadam health department is participating in with the Brewster chadam um harch and Orleans uh Health departments and being facilitated by the barnville county um health health division um this assessment is um involves first of all Focus Group which I'm discussing and um we're going to we hope to provide an opportunity for community members to share their ideas and thoughts and insights U about our community's health and our service needs um in in the lower Cape area um I would I would encourage you all and our our viewers and and guests at the meeting and tell members to please take part in this uh we I'd welcome you to call in we're going to have this uh the teams call in or they can come in person to the Board of Health meeting which will be held uh again it'll be June 3rd at 400 p.m. at our regular Board of Health meeting and again encouraging everybody to attend we can we we want to get everybody's ideas about what they feel uh the needs are of the community and their experiences in um health and well-being in chadam so again uh Town Annex at the um large meeting room where you you guys meet and where the Board of Health meets at 400 p.m. on June 3rd or you can attend online and we will have the link in our agenda posted so is um is this flyer posted somewhere that uh May attract some attention as well I I um I'm I have to put it up around town I I not sure if I put it on the website I will put it on the website I have it posted in all the town buildings and have um have sent it out to all the departments and yes it will be it will be out in about good okay this week I I'd like to note that shaa is noing her head our Communications person is noting sha did put it head okay yes it was in the main sheet last week as well okay good thank you thank you sh for that okay um any other uh public announcements or agenda requests from the public I don't see any at the moment um okay um public comments on the business agenda I don't see anybody here in the room with us are there any on the in online don't see any there either so we will turn to item a on the business agenda and Kristen Mueller are you on I think I see you welcome Mr chair yes I'll be recusing myself oh I'm sorry yes um Miss Davis will will will be recusing from this item and also too I'm just going to make note I am a member of the chamber but my membership is Broad enough that I'm going to participate so since we can have a quorum also thank you thank you okay welcome Kristen hi thank you um so I am before you again to request permission for the use of various town properties um for the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association October Fest um as we have done for many years in a row now um the uh most of the requests are the same as uh last year and previous years for the use of cold Park and the adjacent parking lot uh for music and um food and uh beverage sales and um also for the use of the Town Hall lot for the same um last year we increased where we requested an increase in the footprint in the town hall lot um and you all generously granted that and it worked out very well um we were able to include a lot more um local uh merchandise and craft vendors that have not really been included as much in past years just for lack of space and so that worked out really well despite the weather last year that was um less than ideal uh we still had a fairly crowded event and filled the space really well um what we are requesting if you would consider so this year is to um simply use that entire lot um for this year instead of just that front half um the truth is that the back half of the lot wasn't really used for a whole lot last year except for some of our overflow cars that we parked back there and other such things but um nonetheless it was technically open to the public so what we would request this year was would be simply the use of that entire lot um so that we might be able to spread out the vendor Village which was sort of smashed in between the food and the entertainment last year and so it would give some people some space to move around and it would give the pedestrians and the people watching the music acts um some more space to do so up at the Main Street end of the parking lot which is where that would occur so I think I'll pause in case you all have any questions about the event and then um we can go from there thank you Kristen um from the board um Jeff thank you Mr shill hi Christen how are you I'm good how are you I'm good the only comment I had expanding the use of the Town lot and I think if it works so well last year it'll probably work even better this year but the only question I have is we're starting the sales of alcohol at 10:30 in the morning is that is that necessary we we typically do Grant every one of these it's just we've been really kind of looking at start times a little bit lately and 10:30 in the morning seems like is that mimosa and and uh bloody mary time or what are we doing here seems early to me the alcohol starts at 11: um we start some of the music entertainment at 10:30 and that's mostly really even in C gold Park the chadam band sort of kicked the event off and they do a little bit of a kids parade around the Gazebo and sort of get that all you know get the excitement going over there so the event technically starts at 10:30 but the alcohol sales have never started before 11: they go from 11: to 4: but we book in the event from 10:30 to 4:30 okay in the verby it just says consider two special one day alcohol sales would begin at 10:30 and end at 4:30 so I guess that's non-alcohol related yeah well that's that's my error I just put the event time rather than actual alcohol sale time so technically the alcohol sales would be from 11:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. even though the event is 10:30 to 4:30 okay did I lose you no I'm here I I just I want to hear from my fellow contributors I I just want to apologize in advance I'm sitting in a car side of the highway on a road trip so I was afraid I lost my connection no no we can hear you fine we can hear you fine okay um Cory what are you going to say no I mean obviously once this one of those events that you just crush your fingers for good weather or if you're going to have bad weather just subtle weather that still you know people can still enjoy the day and activities um I guess I just kind of following up on Jeff's comments uh just want to stress that we take all the safeguards we work with the uh the police department and everything to secure the the alcohol uh sales and consumption um because I know let's be honest I mean there there are going to be people who are going to be coming downtown that are going to probably be drinking stuff that has is not coming from your Source whatsoever they're going to be walking in on their own um and they're the ones that may be you know tainting some of the events um the VIS the the perception of how the events are controlled so I just I would just stress work with your safeguards protocol the security the police that are involved and uh keep it a keep it a safe event and uh hopefully no you know hiccups will happen um but I don't have any really issues with it we've done this before for a couple years um I don't think there's been any uh major issues I mean there's a couple small subtle uh concerns that have been expressed over the years which are valid um and I think we can just button those up and we should have a fun event yes and um I have spoken already um with Andy Gard about the possible change to the size of the event space and I you know we I will follow up with him whichever way it is approved we then allocate the appropriate number of police details in terms of um choke points and ing you know egress and Ingress points so once we know what our scope is then I will work out with him how many police details we should have um on duty Jeff yeah thanks Michael um yeah you noted in your write up Christen that you're going to have adequate parking between Elder's garage and and ancillary satellite Lots what are you thinking about shuttle buses and satellite Lots so last year we used the Middle School lot which worked out fine and we had two shuttle buses um which we found to be Overkill last year so um we will contact the the school again um there's some nominal fee for that but we don't you know that's not a problem at all and that seems like the best place to have extra parking last year during October Fest there was a um unaffiliated event happening at the community center um some sort of a health fair or something and so we actually um people couldn't even use the community center lot to walk into town I don't think we're overlapping with the same this year and if we are not that's an extra lot um that would not that was not available to us last year but we will still um have a shuttle coming from from the uh Middle School that loops around and sort of comes around cross street drops people at the corner of cross street in Maine and heads back out of town without ever coming down Main Street and um we're planning on doing that again okay that sounds good thanks um Kristen just I I have two or three mostly technical um one um your your memo said clean up to be completed by 5:30 and it was kind of hopeful the the uh resolution says five um and I I just wonder if that isn't a little bit tight and and and I as far as far as I'm concerned five 5 530 but just for good order sake maybe the resolution should say 5:30 um that that is fine with me absolutely um we what we tried to do last year was get um both parking lots back open ASAP and and then sort of finish cleaning up around that because we wanted the parking lots to become you know public use again and then um you know if we were still carrying tables and moving trash cans and things like that um so that's the Hope what we did in the cap gold parking lot was you know as soon as the time was up sort of get the food trucks out of there and get our cars where we needed them to load them and then let people pull in and start parking um and that would be the the same hope in the in the town hall lot the um a lot of The Craft vendors start shutting down they start packing some of their things you know for 4:30 so you know they can they can start cleaning up um especially if we allow them in that back side of uh the parking lot at Town Hall and um then they can start packing up so I you know I would hope that by 5:30 the public spaces would be public again we might not be done cleaning but we would be able to you know open them up to people at least okay and that's that's fine I I that was I saw the 530 over there I thought you may as well have that in the motion um second question I have is um the uh in terms of the outdoor um display and sale of goods on Town property is that all three locations um it is uh no sale of goods in Kate Gold Park only in the adjacent parking lot okay and then the two parts of town hall lot would both have um sales of goods but nothing would happen in the park proper as per the Deep okay that that that really wasn't clear I appreciate that and then my last uh question really is prompted by Jeffs I I'll just ask the question he didn't ask I'm I'm I'm not really concerned particularly um about um starting um beer and wine um service at 11 but I I I think in terms of just the overall perception I'll ask the question whether you think that it would be um it would be a a burden if you will uh to to back that up to noon and I'm that's that's a that really is an information question uh more than anything else um on the surface no um my my my hesitation is only in that you know we contract out with um vendors to to provide this uh service and last year we worked with Cape Cod beer we have not contracted a vendor yet for this year because we needed to see how much space we had first um but you know on on some level they have this obvious desire to make it um financially worthwhile to them so um I think you know a bit more time I think that if we didn't start till noon they might request the stretch at the other end um which is not a problem for us but I think becomes a problem for the town in terms of restaurants and you know other things for the evening time so making this happen all day and then be done when when restaurants start you know kicking into gear is probably better for everybody involved um but so I think you know the five hours from 11 to4 would be from from the the restaurants in town they would prefer for that to a 12 to5 um because if we move it back to 12 the request would probably come to push it on the on the back end um in term in terms of you know maximizing the effort it takes them to bring their trucks and to fill them with the you know the kegs and the Taps and their staff and all of that so um that would be my only hesitation in in saying I you know I'm not married to 11:00 a.m. but I think that the the five hour is probably more important than what five hours those are I'm I'm fine with that um I I don't know do you have any thought I guess the only thing that prompts me to ask another question uh which is 11:30 to 4:30 but other than that I I I'm Gonna Leave it to you beine I'm Gonna Leave it to you whatever fine with that okay all right good okay so 11:30 to 4:30 I mean I I are we not going to have uh requests from Individual Merchants for one day alcohol permits for that that oh good question Michael um question that was an issue the last last year I think wasn't it jna did we get a lot of requests for not to uh shaa Ney licensing agent not for October Fest it's the Christmas stroll that's really the individual St good okay then 11:30 to 4:30 okay Mr chairman I move to approve the use of town property as requested by the chadam chamber and Merchant Association for the 2024 October Fest on Saturday October 19th 2024 from 10:30 to 4:30 with set up beginning at 6:00 a.m. and clean up by 5:30 p.m. I move to approve go ahead once you I move to approve two special one-day alcohol licenses for wine and Mal beverages at Kate ghoul Park in the town hall lot at 549 Main Street on Saturday October 19th 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I moved to approve Three Special one-day entertainment licenses for live Amplified music and Amplified recorded music at K Park chattar AB lot in the town hall lot at 549 Main Street on Saturday October 19th 20124 from 10:30 to 4:30 p.m. and I move to approve the outdoor sales of goods on Town property as requested by the chatam chamber and Merchant Association at the locations requested by the chadam chamber emergence Association on Saturday October 19th 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I'll second that uh any further discussion uh all right all those in favor select board member Mets I select board member Dyken I and select board member shell says I thanks very much Kristen thanks so much have a good one you too bye bye okay um our next item of business is the application or the presentation from the Massachusetts housing and climate Innovation Center summer All Stars program and we have with us Mr Rob Brennan president of that directors of that organization great um Mr chairman thank you very much um members of the select board thank you as well for this opportunity uh I feel blessed that uh we're here in aight with what I understand is a uh a much shorter agenda than usual so um I'm gonna do as best I can to keep this to to a short meeting um but I I want to introduce to you uh the Mass Housing and climate Innovation Center um as well as speak about a a program that we're launching this summer um this organization was was born uh in a lot of ways out of a conversation or or thoughts that led to a conversation uh with Governor Baker uh when he was still in office um and the ation was something like this it was me speaking with Governor Baker uh Governor Baker would you be surprised uh you know to learn about a program where the Commonwealth is working with MIT to identify climate challenges to get companies to respond to those climate challenges uh bring those ideas bring those companies to the Commonwealth test out prove up the concepts set up those businesses in the Commonwealth and have incentives for those companies to to relocate to the Commonwealth and and set up businesses he said no it wouldn't wouldn't be surprised at all well the MIT is the MIT that we all know in Cambridge uh but the Commonwealth that MIT was working with on this was the Commonwealth of Virginia um we weren't doing this in in Massachusetts at the time um but we are now uh and we're doing it uh here on Cape Cod with a with a particular uh focus and that's at this very unique intersection uh of Housing and climate uh challenges and and Technologies um that can be proven uh be demonstrated uh and help solve those those challenges that are under our feet but also um as K proven Technologies uh take steps forward towards investment and commercialization and broader adaptation um the message that we have been carrying uh to members of of um uh trade organizations including the Northeast clean energy Council uh to Laboratories that were sponsored by Hud uh like Oakridge National Laboratory uh is that the Cape is open the cape's open for housing capes open for resilience for decarbonization for Innovation uh and for investment in all of those um for the climate economy um but it's for proving up Concepts and proving up solutions to challenges uh the two most profound challenges and I'm not telling anyone in this room or anyone watching on at home uh what they don't know um but it's that we're faced with compounding challenges uh of climate change um need for climate resilience uh the need and for um mitigation as well and and just before I go any further my perspective on all of this is not only as as uh chair of the board for the Mass Housing and climate Innovation Center but I also uh I'm a practicing attorney um representing housing developers I I live in Barnstable uh I chair the government Affairs Comm comme for the mass home builders I also serve on the board of directors uh for the Cape Cod climate change collaborative uh I serve on the national board of directors for the National Association of home builders um and I see the crossroads of Housing and climate particularly as they play out here uh on the cape every day with a foot in in both worlds of Housing and climate and those feet are are often in those two um Concepts housing and climate are often at of tension um because building for climate resilience means building uh for more um more robust builds and that often means more expensive and that has a negative impact um same goes for for carbon uh mitigation building towards net zero when you have few choices on how you're achieving those Net Zero thresholds typically means going to the products listed in the very back page of Pella Windows or uh or others those are the most expensive products are the highest performing but there's the fewest of them so that adds to the cost cost um so the challenge really is how do we build for climate resilience how do we build for Net Zero and how do we do that affordably and MIT uh did a study this past year for the mass home builders looking at that looking at the increased costs of moving from a stretch code to a net zero code what those impacts would be on on housing affordability and production and then looking for tools and solutions and one of the tools and solutions they put on the table and they said it's through innov it's through building those better less expensive uh products so both better performing in terms of resilience better performing in terms of Net Zero but also um more uh cost effectively and that's by attracting uh more folks to bring their Solutions forward we here on the cape obviously we've got a very vested interest in that um we have over6 billion dollar of assessed property value in the special flood Hazard area um these were provided by the Cap Cod Commission um and that translates for for our 15 towns into properties that um are exposed but also properties that are supporting our um our uh residential uh real estate tax base um so there is in in building and wherever we're building whether we're building outside of the of the uh of the flood Hazard areas uh or you know within the flood Hazard areas building those properties so that they can be resilient so that they can remain not create impacts um to the surrounding environments but that all takes uh new ways of of doing business but this challenge here on the cape between housing affordability and housing resilience and climate change also creates opportunity right so we have 15 towns that can serve as a living laboratory uh Proving Grounds for Innovations of climate resilience decarbonization and Net Zero construction and housing affordability and there are technologies that are being worked up these are the materials products Technologies models of building more resiliently and systems that can be um uh can be Net Zero in terms of not emitting carbon um the challenge that these technologies have and they again they're being worked up in places like oakd National Laboratory in places like Greentown labs and Somerville uh also coming out of Private Industry uh Laboratories is making that move from the Whiteboard to the bench and then from the bench into the field right into the intended environments that they were designed for to prove their efficacy that is the opportunity here across our 15 towns looking at our natural and built environments to have these Technologies again whether it's materials products Technologies models of constructing coming into the field going onto rooftops of municipal buildings going onto Waterfront areas and demonstrating how they work um that's an important step because that's the Step At which they attract additional investment that's a step that they they take those moves forward into broader mainstream adoption right we want to see them go from the Whiteboard eventually onto the shelves of our hardware stores right so that we are building with these new materials products Technologies and models but making that leap um is often the most challenging one of finding the places um that can put them to their test but also the places that are open and welcoming of having those things proven uh in the in the field so Mass hdic was born uh August 1st 2022 and I I know that date because I was in the room and it was the one Cape conference in 2022 um we had uh Joe Caton who spoke at that um Joe was the former mayor of Somerville and the chair of the North Executive Officer of the Northeast clean energy Council which um Joe was instrumental in launching Greentown labs in Somerville which is a um an incubator uh for clean Technologies um but uh Dorothy saves uh was also in in the in the hall uh so when Joe was speaking about the need for finding places for Technologies coming out of Greentown labs to find their way on the cape um that you know I I grabbed Dorothy Savar and if you know Dorothy uh for prom promising spark you know she is the oxygen that that can set that on fire So within a couple of weeks uh we had a group that was traveling to Green toown Labs Joe curat Tony Dorothy Savar to the right uh Christy senator Paul news Wiki uh Dan Wolf John Cox from the community college uh people that you know and and recognize um this you know was was seen and mobilized uh as an all of Cape Cod effort because of both the opportunity but really because of the need uh the need to bring Solutions at this unique uh and Amplified Crossroads that we're at between housing and um and housing and and climate uh so exactly one year to the day from August 1st uh 2022 on August 1st 20123 uh we filed our organization as a Massachusetts not for-profit and uh again the founding board members include uh folks that you saw you know in the photo and others that you'll recognize um as being you know Folks at the table with their sleeves rolled up here on Cape Cod so the mission is to leverage Innovation to increase climate resilience decarbonize to achieve net zero emissions and Advance more affordable production and renovation of housing uh and I know that this is a uh these are all issues that are are I know of importance uh to this town as well uh in my capacity on the board of the mass um excuse me the Cape Cod climate change collaborative um have the opportunity to work with uh with Janet Krauss and and Janet Williams who I know are involved in the climate action plan here um so again in bringing this I I know that these are not issues that are are going to be new to anyone here um what we are focusing on is looking at as I mentioned those Technologies and this is a a technical term technology Readiness levels you know five and above what does that mean again it means those ideas those Concepts that have gone from the Whiteboard onto the bench that been proved up on the bench and that are now you know ready to go in for field testing scaling deployment and and eventual manufacturing um and another benefit that we have here and and why the Cape is uniquely positioned is because we have the Cape Cod Commission and we have their extensive GIS database so what we are talking about building out is an opportunity you know Atlas for Innovation here on Cape cot right to go into each of the 15 towns uh and working with the Cape Cod Commission to identify those opportunities you know for testing and and deployment but also to identify specific challenges uh that our 15 towns are looking to solve for and while they might be of the same general variety particular challenges that are before chatam are going to be different than particular challenges that are present today in Sandwich so also identifying you know those particular challenges that town is trying to solve for the audience you know for this Atlas is going to be again those labs be they government academic or Private Industry off of Cape Cod that have those promising innovations that are looking uh to go into the field so this again is looking to mobilize an all of Cape Cod effort with each of the 15 towns participating uh and working with the Innovation Center to identify those opportunities uh for Innovations to be proven up in the town so again the message going out to the industry is Cape cot is open for housing resilience decarbonization for Innovation investment for the climate economy we have a very unique sum uh summer program that's very exciting um that ties in with this and this is built on a Model that I know is known here it's the model of the Cape Cod uh baseball league and I know chadam got its its Anglers uh who bring the best of the best um from college baseball to the cape every summer for an eight-week session we're looking to do the same exact thing so just like we're bringing uh future Allstars who sometimes go on to be New York Yankees uh we're looking to bring those students who are going to be the all stars uh in housing and climate Innovation to the cape for the summer so we have eight undergraduate and graduate students coming to stay with host families for eight weeks they're going to be working together as a cohort to help build out the in Innovation opportunity Atlas they're also going to be spending their time here advancing independent research in a variety of areas uh all of which you know relating to housing and climate so we have our students from Harvard Boston College Wentworth Institute of Technology and University of Kansas that'll be coming here starting on June 15th and then staying for eight weeks the opportunity for chadam to participate in this is to join us as one of our partners for the summer and again what our Allstar students would be doing is one would be assigned in addition to their independent research to work with the town liaison again this is not a supervised internship doesn't require that level of commitment but just to have a liaison in the town so that our students who are going to be working again you know with the Cape Cod Commission applying a common um uh rubric on going into the towns and cataloging those opportunities uh to identify again where Innovations could be deployed you know for field testing um looking at municipal buildings and assets you know natural Coastal and Inland resources that could serve as those platforms um and the commitment you know it's a $2500 uh commitment toward the stien and these stiens will be paid both to students and to the host families uh and a point of contact UM someone or or multiple people in a town that are familiar with town-owned properties and assets that could point and provide access at as needed uh to our students at the end of that summer um what we'll have is the chadam chapter as part of this you know first uh set of chapters for this Innovation opportunity Atlas um I would love to see chadam join for so many reasons um first of all you know as as just a a marquee town on Cape Cod that's known nationally you know globally um it means a lot to us to be able to say to our corporate sponsors uh that chadam is participating it also helps us attract students and it'll helps us attract students for next year you know seeing that chadam has participated but also knowing you know that there is already Mission alignment um between the work that's being done with the climate action plan uh here in town uh as well as you know looking at um at solutions to the workforce and and missing middle housing challenge so I think there'd be great opportunity and great interest you know for these innovators from off Cape uh and really you know globally to bring their proposals to field test opportunities you know here on the cape that could be incorporated into future projects in chatam that could be branded as Cape proven and could be then you know scaled and exported for Solutions far beyond uh Cape Cod so that's an introduction to The Innovation Center and to our summer program um I hope that you'll consider it favorably uh i' be happy to answer any questions Rob thank you sorry sharen that's okay Rob thank you I I have some questions probably more about uh logistics for the staff just to see if that this is workable for us but this is so exciting and um it really aligns with the goals of our select board a few years be prior to covid uh a group of us were looking at how would we attract um Academia to chadam to address climate issues for our community what that would look like and we invited um some folks into town and just sort of had those conversations so it's a very similar sort of concept and I'm very supportive of of us U being part of this I think it's Forward Thinking and uh it it's it's something that is going to address um housing issues but it's also going to be I think if it if it becomes something bigger than ourselves which I think these kind of things do then it's an economic engine for for a a a new and and and um not a new economy but economy that's driven towards conscientiousness and understanding of what our real needs are um I'm I'm very supportive my question to staff is you know we've done something similar I think with did we do something similar with like uh volunteers that came in and did some mapping or something at one point a few years ago do you recall Katie um I don't know if they were a maror but we funded some some work around um they might not have been a maror cuz that would have been a volunteer thing but I think we had some folks in town that were doing some some work some academic hit some I believe you're correct but it wasn't something that I was involved in okay um nonetheless thanks um are are we positioned to be able to um fund a project like this and also has there been any thought to who would oversee it as on a staff level sure thank you um so I did speak with our finance director and we have identified a funding source to be able to um fund it out of the y 24 budget um so that shouldn't be a problem and I actually reached out to um our DPW director our director of Natural Resources as well as our principal projects and operations administrator not only were they all supportive they were all excited about it so I think that um between myself and you know the rest of the group you know will'll certainly be able to spend some time with our Allstar and um and also um you know identify a point of contact UM once we hear more about it okay great that's all the questions I have I am in support of this fully thank you uh Jeff thanks Michael yeah uh Bob um wonderful presentation fasinating interesting if Cape cod's the the petri dish then chadam is your you know your number one petri dish to be honest with you surrounded by real three really distinct bodies of water we struggle with Coastal resiliency from all three sides if you will right now addressing the issues of affordable housing and and green housing and and how to get to you know the ultimate and green housing Etc so this is this is wonderful I Echo um select select person Davis select board member Davis's comments about preco we did have folks in it's a fascinating I think Endeavor to you know I I always ad beened kind of a a Woods Hole East if you will to to take a look at it's just a great place to experiment and to innovate my only real question other than very positive comments um about the whole thing is is what's the deliverable at the end of the summer what what are the students going to deliver back to you guys no thank you it's a very good question um so as I mentioned you know the the first phase of of you know the Innovation Center again is building out across all 15 towns this Innovation opportunity Atlas right and again building off of the the the backbone of the Cape Cod Commission and their their GIS this will uh provide you know an accessible uh interface you know for again all those academic corporate and government Laboratories of what are you know the opportunities again what are the unique challenges like prioritize challenges of the towns but then also you know what like so if if someone was looking again that they they had a technology that was looking for a a coastal environment that is experiencing erosion you know being able to put those criteria in and seeing okay we've identified you know this Coastal area you know that's a that's a town beach in in chatam and maybe there's multiple if they're looking for you know you know uh an inland Pond or an estuary that is uh compromised as you know with with high levels of of nitrogen and algae blooms again being able to identify that so it will be those first chapters you know of the um of this Innovation opportunity Atlas so this would have a a chapter for chatam among the first set you know of I think we're doing six this summer um so that would be the first piece of it but you know to uh just to pick up on on some other comments that is not the end all you know Beall um for the Innovation Center right we decided to start with what distinguishes and and what we have available and that is uh the natural environments here and that is the need you know for The Proving Ground but we see you know and in the business plan opportunities that go far beyond that you know of establishing you know physical locations you know throughout the cape that folks can come and work out of um but also going beyond that attra ing the academics you know to come here and study um working with the community college and building out of their you know Science and Engineering Building uh as well as you know again remote locations as well so this is definitely phase one but to answer your specific question that deliverable for the summer for chadam will be that first chapter of the you know one of the first chapters of the Innovation opportunity Atlas you know capewide yeah great and I I was just going to comment you've got a Dream Team there on your board it's really a an impressive array of folks good for that's a good team we no we certainly do and I think really that's it's a reflection of just you know how grave you know these challenges are that you know we're able to Rally a whole set of Allstars to our board as well yeah I'm familiar with the the for sees the new science center and that that's a great tie in as well it's no-brainer thanks looks great I'm very very much in favor thanks thank you um yeah Corey thank you um no philosophically supportive of this no problems whatsoever uh I just have a couple more uh mechanical ISS questions concerned or to get clarification on is um there's an ask for one or more Town staff um have we budgeted that identified the the staff that we might be asking to help participate in this U have we covered that review or is that kind of already queued up or for starters yes yes so I've spoken with um again the director of Natural Resources the um public Works director as well as the principal projects and operations administrator and and all were excited to work with um with the candidate that would be in chadam okay good um and then you m made the comment of the comparison of the cape League Baseball with host families do you have host families already lined up for these individuals or are you going to be reaching out to solicit for host families we we we do have host families that are lined up already yeah we we knew that was was uh we knew from the cape baseball league folks that that was the challenge we wanted to take on first so we wanted to make sure a you know we had the um the host families B that we had the students and knew that once we had host families and students uh you know we we knew that we'd be able to uh to get the interest of the towns or hope that we'd be able to get the interest of the towns okay and then one very minor this just for my call clarification the ask is the $2,500 uh to help with the um stipend in the cover letter it's for the student in the presentation you also mentioned the host Family Y uh did you just kind of clarify that yeah so so the the students over the course of the summer will be it's a $7,000 stip in in total to the students it's a $1,200 stip in to the host families we're also bringing on uh corporate sponsors so corporate sponsors are coming on at $10,000 each and the municipal sponsors we wanted to you know to have a much lower threshold so that's at $2,500 each so all of that will go towards the program funding um that will again include the the student stiens the host family stiens um some you know Small Program Administration and then um you know a travel materials as well to get these students to you know to be able to to all you know see the entire Cape get them into Boston and meet with officials Etc okay great no thank you I'm supportive yeah I I I I could spend a long time on this I'm thrilled with this I I think it's great um and just a couple of of thing one um can you give me a sense I mean what is the Atlas at the end of the year or at the end of the summer what is the the atlas is this a compendium of uh projects and ideas and Status uh in terms of development or give me a sense of what that so I think it's it's a it's right so again we're building all of this you know off of the Cape Cod commission's um GIS database right so again it's been great investment and and I think as you probably all know it's an incredible source of accessible data that is also has geolocation you know in it as well so this is going to be building out another accessible layer you know on top of the commission's existing database for Innovation opportunities right so just like you could now pull up a layer that says like wetlands and you'll see you know capewide uh all the wetlands in the gis database this will be another uh section um so again you might be looking for um you know solar arrays right so where solar arrays are located you know on municipal buildings um for a company that might have a new component for solar arrays that wants to to see how they you know prove um you you know it it could identify you know projects that are in the queue right so projects that are in the queue across all 15 towns again for those companies that have Innovative materials that might want to bring those forward and propose their uh incorporation in construction projects um so all of these things and and kind of with you know with Innovation one of the things that I've learned is is you don't try to identify Solutions right you're identifying challenges and and opportunities right and the innovators know what they're looking for they're going to be looking for something very specific because this thing this promising Innovation was designed for a specific criteria and it was designed for a specific environment which is why we're also going to be working you know with Greentown Labs which is why we're also going to be working um you know with Folks at HUD we're going to have our students interfacing you know with those innovators to see how it is that they're thinking about you know identifying where they are looking to place their Innovations so um it's it's very much a challenge of just trying to describe the lay of the land and the opportunities but by focusing on Municipal owned buildings and lands that limits and also you know we know that that can then be the um you know in terms of of creating that connection between an innovator and a place that you know they're looking to deploy if we're working with towns we know that there's you know there's a body and a mechanism as opposed to just you know working with private land owners and trying to find out who they are and track them down so this is all in terms of of kind of mainstreaming and facilitating cutting through red tape in the interest of proving up ideas you know here across Cape Cod so uh and that's helpful um thank you I I the the um you mentioned corporate sponsors I I think of kind of big companies maybe you know in Massachusetts but off Cape um is there a role either in concept or you actually have them involved uh for local um Builders local uh trades people uh local trades um that that are facing these issues as well right no it's a very good very good question and and in fact yes um so part of uh and you know we're building just as we have with the launch of the Innovation Center this is a broad Coalition you know behind this um so for instance um you know midc Cape you know their parent company um because again they're they're providing Building Supplies you know here on Cape Cod uh they saw the opportunity and they saw the pathway of proving up you know ideas here and those turning into products that are going to be on their shelves so mid Cap's parent company you know is is one um the home builders Institute which is a nonprofit uh segment of the National Association of home builders um they are looking at job training you know here on the cape and are currently actively you know meeting with with schools and other organizations here about building out a job training presence you know here on Cape con building for resilience building for Net Zero and building for affordability they are a sponsor as well um and the part of the one of the research projects done by a student will be looking at you know the opportunities for the home builders Institute to work with uh and build out a capewide training program here so yes very much and and Workforce and training for construction is an important part of of that Innovation right um so it's Innovation and how we train Innovation on how we build not just what we build with so um not a question but I I I just want to Echo what I heard from all of my colleagues here um one of the first things that came to mind uh as Jeff put it was you know some sort of a Woods Hole East um in this neck of the woods and uh I I think if if if this holds out the prospect of something like that down the road hopefully not too far down the road but as part of the the the expansion and development of all of this I I think it would be fantastic so I'm I'm I'm I'm thrilled I I think it's a great idea and thanks for bringing it here um Miss Davis I'm gon to make a motion if I think we're we're all set our piece here I moved at the town of Chad and participate in the mass HCC summer Allstar program as outlined and provide the required $2500 contribution to participate in this initiative second uh any further discussion uh all in favor uh select board member meters hi select board member dykin hi select board member Davis Hi and select board member shell says I thank you very much thank you thank you very much look forward to it I look forward to working with you great motion to adjourn or do we have anything else I think we're that's we are complete that's it motion to adjourn second uh all those in favor select board member matters hi select board member dyens select board member Davis Hi and select board member shell says I thank you very much we are adjourned at 6:26 good night chadam [Music] [Music] e