##VIDEO ID:Tu6xEzxwpDg## e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening Chad this is the uh August 2024 meeting of the uh chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing no such notification I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 38 section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1 15894 54410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide real time access we will post a record of the meeting of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible first order of business is to establish a quorum um Mr necastro present Mr Shell is present Miss Davis present Mr dykens present and Mr matters we have a quorum um this evening we have um uh we start with the minutes uh and I note that um our secretary Kathy Lewis is on vacation and we'll be taking the minutes from a recording uh when she returns from her vacation we have one set of minutes August 6th this evening um item two is public announcements and agenda requests um item three is committee board and commission update from the Traffic Safety Committee item four is public comments on the business agenda the business agenda itself item five includes considering the proclamation for suicide prevention and action mon month um considering the use of town property at Kate G Park um during Chatham's first night on December 31 2024 uh considering a licensed enter and Ed real property at 129 Steven Drive and Adam uh considering a draft special town meeting uh warrant for September 16 20124 um and uh appointments uh one one appointment uh committee the waterways advisory committee uh and finally the town manager's monthly report at the conclusion of which we will go into executive session uh to discuss strategy with respect to the uh Collective bar bargaining with that I will invite a motion on the minutes of August 6 motion to approve second are there any comments Dean go ahead thank you Mr chairman I just I have two on page um nine um in the final paragraph right in the third line at the end of the um that second sentence which reads should be ownership period I'd like to insert the following sentence division into two lots within current zoning was specifically suggested or you could strike specifically just put also division into two lots within current zoning was also suggested and then on page um 14 you may have caught this mic um I don't think so in uh under H um the motion at the bottom in the third line there seems to be a stray phrase um that line begins property as requested with the date of the event being and there's nothing following and I I think it was I think it's just extraneous that's it uh okay I just had one um suggestion on page 10 um in the fourth paragraph it begins with it was asked what the RFP would produce there's we're we're talking about two different uh RFP or kinds of rfps and I thought it would clarify if we added before RFP feasibility study RFP would produce and that's all I had on that I we have a motion and a second um Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I Mr M Davis Hi and Mr Dyk hi and Mr matters hi and the um minutes are approved as um amended next item public announcements and agenda requests uh on the dean go ahead I just have one um I I'll address this to Jill uh I don't maybe we don't have any kind of backlog here but we um quarterly approve um executive session minutes I know we had we did a whole bunch of them a while back I could we just check the plan was to every quarter to take a look at the list and get them moving thank you um I have one I just want to Echo a request I know that the housing and sustainability director um sent directly to the town manager uh requesting an item on our agenda on June 20 sorry uh September 24th for uh presentation of the housing production plan in what is hoped the final draft to this board by um Gloria mcferson and the Consultants JM Goldson and I'd like to Echo that uh request for that date uh at which um comments will be um uh open uh to the board and the public and then I believe Mr Burman has a agenda request uh something I do sorry fairly last minute Greg bman director of Natural Resources uh just an announcement that the dredge mden the Army Corp of Engineers is uh planning to arrive on or about September 1st for about 12 or 13 days of dredging they'll be working two 12h hour shifts uh The Dredge is currently in New Jersey for an emergency project then goes to another site in New Jersey and then finally we'll move up to chadam stage Harbor and you know this is the best information we have to date but they have changed their schedule several times already good news yeah thank you very much uh Greg okay anything else from the public either online or in the house here I don't see anybody online do we we we don't have anybody do we Jill no okay moving on to the um committee board um commission update from the traffic Traffic Safety Committee good evening uh you should have all received my memo um dated August of 24 Traffic Safety Committee activities and accomplishments my name is Joan Craig I am the chair of the Traffic Safety Committee I'd like to acknowledge a number of individuals who have participated in the traffic safety committee meeting throughout the past years firstly the committee members and that includes Vice chair David Morrison Diane Rollings Ellen Marx Zion alternate Jeff Gordon who at the time when I wrote this was the alternate it's my understanding you just approved him as a full-time member thank you and a recent member who moved off Cape Mark Hoffman DPW director and liaison Rob failey and his Administrative Assistant Pam Jones lastly a very speci recognition um of Andy Godard Lieutenant um Andy Gard who has um retired he has been our uh chadam police department liaison over many years and we wish him the very best in his next chapter he will be missed some of the most frequent requests brought forward to the Traffic Safety Committee are speed reduction stop signs no parking signs oneway signs clear crosswalk signs the Traffic Safety Committee frequently expresses is concern over the abundance of signage throughout the town to a point where the signs are ignored when necessary the Traffic Safety Committee has requested the uh chattam police department to contact the appropriate parties regarding speed or parking issues for example the school department regarding some buses on stepping stone local landscaping companies and chattam bars in regarding speed throughout the chadam um police through the chadam police department Department radar system uh the data received regarding the timeline the system was set the number of cars traveling on the particular roadway and the breakdown of speed versus the posted speed limit have been helpful when assessing the issues and how to address the complaints at speed all the um sorry all the beach access roads have had the attention of the Traffic Safety Committee and you as a board from the residents of these areas and again the radar system has shown the percentage of speeding cars to be low that said we understand the frustration of the Neighbors when these cars pose danger to pedestrians bikers and other drivers some of the offenders are neighbors delivery trucks and landscapers regarding stop signs both the chadam police department and the DPW have been responsive to our questions when looking at areas well traveled as well as areas within neighborhoods that pose a safety concern regarding no parking signs as the select board is well aware this is the most contentious issue that comes before our committee it is the hope of the Traffic Safety Committee that the parking study group will bring forward a number of suggestions that will improve the issue of parking in chadam Rob failey and his Department of Public Works have been quick to address one-way Street signage and painting clearly marked crosswalks and stop lines he has been helpful when recommending such changes as the Bridge Street Morris Island Road Silver Leaf Road area as well as School Street at Main Street the intersection of training Field Road and Old cers Road has been on the Traffic Safety Committee agenda for many years and Dave marrison of our committee is to be commended for his persistence in seeing this project through Rob failey is also to be commended for overseeing a number of pending items that he inherited when in hired including this project we are pleased to work in conjunction with the bike waste committee and the golf advisory committee when they ask our help with traffic and safety issues over the past year the Traffic Safety Committee has presented a number of recommendations to you the board of uh the select board and we appreciate your support your thorough um thoughtful questions and concerns that are raised prior to voting on these recommendations over the past year the following are some of the items that the Traffic Safety Committee has been involved with no parking on nor the north side of barcliff a from old Harbor Road to hitching post this item will be readdressed by your committee over recommendations once the recommendations from the Cape Cod Commission are presented stop signs and stop lines in the areas of woodland forest Beach Road and Forest Beach extension stop sign on Mars Island Road Southbound at an intersection with little beach and Windmill Lane always stop signs at River rview Drive in chipping Stone Road stop sign at the intersection of Park AV and Lake View AV stop sign change from yield sign on Joshua Jethro Road at Riverview do not enter sign at How Lane intersection with School Street no parking cew street from Main Street to Shore Road except at CBI loading zone and the 4 foot Passing sign throughout town for vulnerable Road users law and as an aside that is on our agenda uh for this Thursday afternoon at at the request of an individual in the community endorsement of the uh Traffic Safety Committee regarding the bikeways committee requests for posted 15 M hour speed limit on Old Colony rail trail in chadam so you see we've been busy since I wrote this up um we've had a number of other issues that will be coming before your board um they have been forwarded by Andy Gard to your secretary or your administrative assist assistant so we'll be back with more information I'd be glad to answer any questions thank you uh thank you Mr chairman thank you Joan I don't have a question I just wanted to say uh I commend you and and your committee under your leadership for your um action and activity over these past several years I think we can all remember when the committee was basically moraband for several years and we had lost members people had left left the state and so forth was so um it's a very vigorous and um involved committee and I very much appreciate it thank you I appreciate that yeah I Echo those comments uh you do a great job Joan as chair and your your committee I think is I liken it to the bikeways committee because you both are really focused you get results and you get a lot of stuff done so and you work well together along with the golf advisory committee would like to report that the the no parking on uh CV Street has worked out really well that's good to he it's it's it's it's worked out really well um everybody's very pleased with it and I think we have some uh pay some attentions to crosswalk markings Etc and repaintings Etc I know there's been some some for that some some requests for that um in the in the near past but anyway you guys do a great job really appreciate your effort and uh it really you yield great results here in town so thank you very much and and also your participation in the parking study I really do appreciate it thanks thank Shireen um thank you um thank you for all your work and the committee's work I really appreciate it um I am the lay on I don't get to the meetings with these this committee because of work but I do uh read the minutes and review reports um I do want to say that one of the things that you know I think the training Field Road issue is probably you know there's so much traffic coming in and out of chadam and at times uh old Queen an and training field can just be you know a very dangerous place to Traverse if you know um by car but also if you're a pedestrian or or biking person which there's a lot of that going on this time of year um the abundance of sign issue and people ignoring that um is it do you feel that it's the because the cons the inconsistency of signage or design or how what do you feel is one of the leading issues that we're we should be thinking about or your committee's thinking about well I think also the um um parking study group is looking at more consistency in signs um I think people get so used to seeing a sign that and eventually they ignore it um I think others would feel the same way there are some of the newer your speed is type of signs that are fairly reasonable that we feel people are more in tune to then look at their speedometer and slow down I know Dave marrison lives on um I believe it is old comers and he's up and down that road all the time has seen quite a difference in the speed the other issue there too with with that area is we feel that a lot of your heavy truck traffic is going that way because they're not utilizing the roundabouts at George Ryder and at um Harding or Barn thank you barn hill um so that traffic's heavier so I think those um speed um reminders have been very very helpful I I know Rob has talked about it at our meetings and I I don't know if he's talked about it publicly too but I know he is looking also at more consistent signage and I know it was brought up by the Cape Cod Commission at the meeting that we had so yes um and another example is the beach roads um and some of the individuals are taking it upon themselves to do signage which is very very inconsistent um some of it is too wordy in my opinion some are placed on uh polls that it's probably illegal but they're very noticeable so uh if that's going to slow down traffic I can understand why they're doing that it's um it's a difficult thing we understand completely and all it takes is one person speeding for the neighborhood to get very upset but the other issue that we're seeing and I think it's going to to be brought up at our meeting on Thursday is that our pedestrians and those with carriages and Beach wear have to also realize that if there isn't a walkway you've got to be careful and you can't walk Three across three AB breast going down to the beach at on a curve um so um I know that's going to be brought up at our meeting too thank you and thank you for your good work thank you so much Cory I'm going to keep it simple I want to reiterate everything that was said here thank you very very much for your service and the volunteers on the committee um I know the committee's P membership very well it's done a great job but you guys have been very active in the last couple years and bringing items forward for consideration and I I appreciate the efforts thank you so much my husband's gonna think I have a big head going home with a smile thank you thank you well I I I I have one comment and one question I I'll I'll start with a comment I I've noticed um the effect on traffic of the the uh 4-foot um passing signs for vulnerable uh pedestrians um and I I I it what I've seen which is just anecdotal it's not in any way indicative of what all is going on but first of all people do tend to pull out and second of all because it generally puts them potentially in the lane of oncoming traffic they tend to slow down and um so I I think that's a that's a very beneficial thing and I know there were kind of at least I had the impression there were a limited number of those signs uh in in in the in the early going I think they to the extent there are more that get added that could have a very beneficial effect um my question and I kind of gleaned a little bit from the comments from my colleagues by the way I endorse all of those comments I I think Traffic Safety Committee is doing a great job uh and addressing a number of difficult issues it is the issue at training field and old comr is mainly speed and and and amount of traffic is that essentially what the issue is or there more to it that was it yeah speed and traffic and an increase in traffic since we had the change over on um Route 28 okay okay and if you you indicated you might be going to say something about the the four-foot um passage uh comment but if not that will be coming before our committee on Thursday at uh our meeting starts at 4 good so that'll be discussed again um yeah go ahead one quickly Mr chairman I Jo I just want you to know we also have requested a a relook at our sidewalk plan here in town so I think it's very important to Marry with your work along with the town what the town's planning for sidewalks as we go forward um you know it negates the need that you know for the three AR breast going around a corner going to the beach it's there are there are areas in the town that really are very dangerous very we would be in agreement with that definitely thank you very much thank you very much and pass it along with the committee as well please um next item is um Chatham's recognition of September as Suicide Prevention and action month and public comments oh forgive me I'm getting ahead of myself yes any public comments uh on the agenda thank you no hands raised online I don't see anybody okay back to the first item on the agenda um National Suicide Prevention and action month Proclamation if I could ask the clerk to read the um Proclamation thank you Mr chair um this is a proclamation that is um made annually um and it's um as follows town of chadam National Suicide Prevention and action month Proclamation 2024 whereas with September recognized as Suicide Prevention and action month the Capen Island suicide prevention Coalition invites our communities mental health Advocates prevention organizations survivors and allies to join us in helping to destigmatize mental health through initiative taken action towards Suicide Prevention we seek to awareness and visibility of Suicide Prevention resources in our communities and help connect individuals with the appropriate services such as 988 and whereas according to the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention afsp suicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34 with More Than 49,4 se6 People Dying by Suicide annually in the United States and whereas with a average of 132 suicide deaths daily each one directly impacting 125 additional people including friends service members family social media connections and neighbors we know a sizable number of individuals have been impacted by Suicide whereas Barnesville County suicide rate is 1.5 Times Higher standing at 14.4 per 100,000 versus the state of Massachusetts rate of 9.4 per 100,000 we recognize the need to create hope through action locally whereas our local cap and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition works hard to spread the word about prevention awareness education and action through training forums and events in our region whereas chadam commits to being a active prevention partner with the Capen Island suicide prevention Coalition and publicly places its full support behind those who work in the field of Suicide Prevention and research Mental Health Community health education and law enforcement who deal with this daily whereas we encourage all residents to take time to understand mental health and suicide through education and recognize that we need to take care of our mental health while we take care of each other now therefore be it resolved that the chadam select board do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 as a National Suicide Prevention and action month in the town of chattam and if I could I would um move to proclaim the month as a motion move to proclaim the month of September 2024 as National Suicide Prevention and action month in the town of chattam Massachusetts second uh any discussion comments just wanted to ask a question Jill do these get these proclamations get pred posted in the town offices what happens to something like this once we adopt it I believe it goes on the town's website okay and I'm not sure if it's posted in the town offices but I can check tomorrow okay and I I this calls for our signatures I presume we can use uh we're going to use your your stamps your sign stamps y yeah thank you with that I will uh call the role uh Mr necastro hi Mr Shell says I uh M Davis hi uh Mr dykens and Mr Mets I thank you uh next case um consider the use of town property first night installation at Kate G Park uh from the first night committee um do we have Mr Stuka please Mar oh and Marie Williams forgive me thank you Mr chairman uh traditionally the chairman of first night chadam has appeared before this board in the Autumn to request the use of town facilities for our event and that will certainly take place again this year so I will be back in a couple months with a general request um my understanding is that first night chatam has rarely used Kate ghoul Park prior to to the last four or five years during the pandemic era where we were able to do a band concert one day one year out there we used many golf one year there um we had a small arts project with frames where people were allowed to take photos of themselves family whatever so we've used it more in recent years uh given its central location in its access we would like to do more at Kate Gould Park and we have a subcommittee part of first night chatam that would really like to do an art installation at Kate G Park and so they've been working on that for the last couple years discussing the possibilities Marie Williams will come up uh for those of you who might not know Marie she was one of the founding members of first night chatam and she's been involved with the committee for 34 years so she has taken it upon herself and some select members to see what we could do at Kate cool Park and maybe come up with an art installation that would be open to the general public at no charge and people might find entertaining as part of a festivity so I'll let Marie explain what she's thinking of doing thank you I'm Marie Williams I'm short um uh we we have a little subcommittee and and I think what promoted all of this is that there's so much entertainment and performance art at first night and very little visual art we've tried in the past to do an art gallery by using the storefront windows with displays and stuff and we've done some of that but um and we have the ice carving and we've had the sand things and they've been outside but we just thought it would be fun you'd think after 34 years I'd give this up but um we thought it would be fun to have some kind of Visual Art in the Park and we've been working on this in our minds and we've had some committee meetings and I've got a committee of about 15 people and we have succeeded in involving several of the high school or the monoy high school sculpture teacher Jeremiah Nickerson and also the art teacher at Cape catch who's Jen Reed and they've both agreed to do little parts of this for us so we like the collaborative idea behind it um but lately the last meeting I scheduled it's it's like hurting cats because I'm dealing with artists when we first started first night it was everybody was excited and everybody came and everybody did stuff now the artists are going oh I can't make that meeting and well oh I had to go back to work I can't make that meeting and so and and it's still only August so there's still time for that but I think we're from what I sent I sent out something about what we were going to do a table a tableau of people dining and what I think we're going to skip the dining part we're going to have the and and maybe focus on the tree that's right in the front and I don't know if any of you have paid attention to the trees in C Park but I've visited the park quite a few times that first tree on the left is huge it takes two people like this to reach around it it's the the trunk of that tree is giant so we're going to maybe focus on that and we have um 20 32 little folding chairs that we're going to paint all the same color and try to do something funky with them we've talked about building a tower we've talked about tying them to the tree and we might have these tape figures the the high school kids is their first um sculpture project he has the Morgan teams making tape people and if you've never seen those they're life-size figures made out of packing tape they're very bizarre looking but uh I think he's going to have them make six or eight of those and we could put them in the chairs and the trees or you know we can do some fun things so that's basically where we are and our ideas keep you know changing and um but we're going to focus on that we have a thousand seat CS that we've painted silver and drilled so we're going to maybe hang those on fishnet as a background but a little bit of stuff in that part of the park instead of trying to use the whole park that could change and we'd let you know that later in the fall but sounds great Shireen well Marie thank you I I think installation art is one of the things that are the most exciting to see the town do I I the shark and the park stuff and all the things that have happened with around some of the some of the um stuff that has G on Cape gold it's fun and it's in you know it's fun visually and it's free and um I I understand you know having owned an art gallery how artists work and you just I think have to be patient with the timing right now it seems like this is an organic work in progress yeah definitely which would probably be the funnest part of it um i' be happy to volunteer my time because I'm very excited to hear about yes please do um I uh I think it would be a lot of fun and a great distraction to some of the things I have going on um however not to say that but um you are seeking approval um for um the use of the park um which yeah it's almost like a heads up at this point and when Paul comes later with more specific I will be back probably in October with the formal requests for the use of facilities and all the facilities that we request will be outlined at that time really this is more of a as Marie said a heads up meeting to get your thoughts the select board's thoughts about the use of the park for a form of installation art we thought it would add to first night and then we'll need to coordinate with the chamber because they'll have it decorated for Christmas and some of that might need to get moved or something but if they have the tree in the back that's fine because we'll be up in the front and you know we have to work all that out I'm very supportive so I'm just going to turn it over to uh back to the chair any uh go ahead Jeff very supportive sounds like a lot of fun um go ahead have fun be creative uh I I think you're right about performance art which is wonderful but it's nice to have some visual art as well sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun doing it Mar have fun we hope to and we are but it's been you know stressful for me personally because I can't I feel like I've started something that isn't quite working yet so we're you know I'm trying to make it doable and I'm tempted to say something glip about being married to an artist but I'm not oh yeah Corey no I was just going to say uh thank you for coming in early and and putting this I'm supportive of this but it gives some time to kind of uh flush up some of the logistics that may or may not become issues um ahead of time um so I appreciate the the advanced notice for this for this conversation so thank you uh Dean do we not uh obviously I'm very supportive do we not want to do a motion tonight there's a I think we should St M calls for one and and I just put it on the record we understand this is early warning uh to be uh continued but let's put it on the record and and by the I just want to say I'm very supportive you're making me nervous that I ought to be thinking about Christmas I know I'm sorry uh we're given you know few other things between here and there so uh but it's great and if there's anyone watching this meeting uh which we hope um and they are interested in getting involved they can contact me super call Marie William Willam okay I'll take move to approve the use of town property at C gou park for a first night art installation as presented by the first night committee this evening second any further discussion Mr Mets hi Mr Dyk Miss Davis Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi thank you thank you looking forward to the next iteration yeah yeah thank you it could be completely different um next we have a uh request to consider a license to enter and use real property at 129 Stevens Drive chadam uh AKA starog Conservation Area and I think Mr Burman has the presentation yes and we just have one slide to be able to you know show the location great so this is a a relatively there we go this is a a relatively unusual conservation area um the kind of yellow highlight on that left image is the conservation area the only access to it is via the road that goes through the property at 117 um the property owner Stephen King uh his daughter is getting married and that parking lot holds about uh three maybe four cars if they're parked appropriately so part of his concern is you know being able able to use that parking lot to store um Furniture tables chairs maybe cars for the wedding uh but of also great concern is uh people visiting the conservation area would be driving right through that lane uh during his daughter's wedding so he was really hoping to be able to uh license the use of that parking lot during his daughter's wedding which would you know restrict the number of cars that could flow um and potentially disrupt the ceremony we have a uh draft license to enter and use property and uh just hearing from Mr King this afternoon he would like it adjusted uh to be from September 6th through September 7th so actually including those two days uh and then we would you know change it for a two-day period instead of a one-day period we didn't come up with the $2,000 number um This was um him asking what could be done we said we would you know potentially bring this license to the select board and he offered a donation of that amount so that's what we included in the lease but we would need a you know motion to approve lease allow T manager to sign if you so choose k yeah thank you thank you Greg I I just uh I had a question I I don't have a problem with this at all but I wondered um um so during the wedding there still is the possibility of some traffic coming through is that so how's that going to be handled I guess yeah so the the parking lot only holds three or four cars the theory is if it's full there's no reason for traffic to flow down he's going to have valet taking vehicles that are attending the wedding and posting somebody up near the entrance uh this is all uh the road through private property where it becomes public property you would have a valet telling them that the parking lot is full okay all right thank you did you want to add that comment uh Jeff no I am familiar with this piece of property um there is a gate that to the at its entrance that can be open and shut is open in the during the day for folks to go down there beautiful piece of property great place for a wedding um you know I I wouldn't I wouldn't be opposed to not having access for those two days I mean it's not that well used an area um having driven down there and there's grass High grass growing and stuff it's just not that well traveled it's just not it's very private it's kind of you know it's near the box down there so well I wouldn't be opposed to saying hey just shut it down for two days and I'm good with that and then he does have to worry about a valet and stopping people halfway down and it's just anyway I think it' be a lot easier for him that's all Cory just just kind of follow I'm just getting uncomforted if the valley would be an appropriate mechanism for handling it there there's no need to go to a level of police detail or anything like that so it's basically what I'm asking I think you know it's could be because they only talk at a couple of spaces so correct relatively simple simply um you know monitored and and and directed with a in a simple manner yeah yeah we we feel p is probably appropriate I have been in touch with the uh chief of police and we're just going to notify him if this is approved as to the process but he's not planning on keeping a detail or anything there fine fine I'm I'm fine it sounds fine to me do I hear a motion move approval second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shel says I Miss Davis I um Mr dikin hi and Mr Mets hi and the motion passes thanks very much G thank you next item is the um town meeting uh special town meeting article review placement recommendations and consider closing the warrant uh which will be posted honor before August 30 Jill do you want to walk us through that thank you yeah thank you Mr chair so in your packet you have the draft of the special town meeting warrant for September 16th what's changed from your last meeting was that we've um requested to designate uh shelfish Constable Renee gagy as the speaker and then we've included a draft explanation that would be posted in in the warrant that was still in the works um at the last time that we met Town Council has reviewed the article as well as the motion so we alls set with that and um tonight again is just respectfully requesting that you review the warrant and also close the warrant so it could be posted on or before August 30th um I will say if we do get a citizen's petition uh before like a day before or so the Constable goes out and um posts the warrant that state law requires us to put it on the warrant as long as it's reasonably received in a reasonable amount of time um so while you would close the warrant if there were any petition articles coming in and those petition articles for a special town meeting require hundred signatures of Voters um so that is it if um you you had a presentation at your last meeting Greg Berman our director of Natural Resources is here if you would like any more information or a presentation um but we think that um everything in the war everything in the warrant is is a final draft and subject to your review and approval any thoughts Dean yeah thank you f thank you uh Jill uh I just this is something that I've mentioned uh several times in the past again I think this is something that is in system somewhere it's a typo I believe on the motion and in the description of the motion that precedes it on page three of the proposed warrant so I'll go to the motion which is about halfway down uh 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight the ninth line the word therefore I think the it's I think it's misspelled I think there's no e at the end of it same thing is true up in the fifth line from the bottom of the paragraph that begins this article it's right in the middle of the word therefore um some I I don't know whether this comes from Bond Council whether it's in the financial systems but I do believe it's incorrect that's what I would propose you can ask Town Council I just before you leave it I I I'm I'm going to agree with you I think you're right uh I'm also going to say you should strike the comma that precedes the word as well yes I agree the other thing I wanted to say is um I assume there'll be a motion to place and a motion to recommend the article um when when we when the board voted a call Town a special town meeting I voted not to do that um and I gave my reasons um but I do support the project and um I think that the finances for it are good I appreciate that the the price has come down by a half million dollars so I'm going to be supporting the placement and the um and an affirmative recommendation on the article tonight thank you Mr chairman Jeff that's great um there was one change other change that was uh made the phraseology uh in the bottom of page four that paragraph uh started with in 2003 Alone um the original language was the system generated over 1.7 million and we've changed that to harvested Landings I think is a very important Nuance to be honest with you I'm really glad you made that change and um I've suggested today elsewhere that we get some idea of what the increased capacity in the new wew or given a new wew what the increased capacity would generate in in um revenues uh singular revenues for just the generation of new new cogs or additional incremental cogs but also what the generation of extra revenues are Downstream that use a multiplier as well so that there's an economic argument here as well as a historical argument um and a environmental argument and other arguments of Public Access argument Etc but there is a fairly large economic argument as well I think we need to do a really good job in making thank you yeah unless anybody else has anything else I I I a couple of things let me get the small stuff out of the way I I would suggest um just a clarifying Amendment on page four at the top of the paragraph uh that begins two phases of the 2019 consensus plan remain I I think it it would be a little clear if we said remain to be completed um I I'm going to invite um comment from my colleagues uh with respect to on page five the last sentence says these projects will likely be presented as individual articles in future ATMs I thought it was very um it it influenced my thinking um and I thought it was very useful that the staff memo indicated that there was um anticipated um that that it wouldn't all come up in in 2025 a piece of it might come up in 25 a piece of it in 26 piece of it in 27 um I I wonder how folks would feel if we said in future ATMs in 2025 26 and 27 I I don't feel strongly about it but that leverages off what I um what I thought was a good point made in the staff memo um yeah or you or the language could just simply say and I don't know if this because we don't know if that's going to happen you know we I mean I hope it happens but maybe it's anticipated in future in incremental uh annual Town meetings rather than giving a date specific I don't know I don't want to muck up the works or anything I'm fine with what you said I just you know as an alternative to the language um well to take that comment I you might say presented incrementally as individual articles that that takes care of your point Corey well I I guess I don't feel strongly one way or another but when you say incrementally what happens if we wanted to put two articles in one year um I I I I think keeping it as slightly broader is is more consistent with what we've done in the past I don't feel strongly one way or another to be honest with you but I just don't want to put us in a in a corner um and have some flexibility to move these projects forward um as staff and the board sees fit so whatever keeps it cleaner is is in my preference leave let's leave it unless somebody objects let's leave it as it is um with hat tip to Mr Burman in spite of my efforts uh I I want to say on the broader Point here uh first of all Dean thank you very much I really appreciate that I I um frankly been stewing about what I might say in anticipation that you might take a different point of view um and to take Jeff's um thought this is something that has a tremendous benefit economically to the town we we have a a a goal and objective on the select board um to uh improve the economics the town economics this I think is a really direct um and immediate and likely to be very effective contribution to that effort um it it add addresses a a constituency that's been around a long time and makes tremendous contributions uh locally um both from the entertainment point of view and from the commercial point of view uh and and I I just think this is an opportunity for us to respond to what we heard from the town uh but go for go go forward with something that I think is is almost uh exclusively beneficial and not all that expensive if you look look at it in terms of what it costs on the tax rate annually which um is is a very modest amount of money so uh I I'm very strongly in favor of it I I really do hope that the people who brought this forward to us will um rally the troops and and come out and vote overwhelmingly in favor of this Sheree um yes thanks Mr chair um I there was a meeting in the shellfish advisory committee yesterday um where they would like to thank the board for supporting the shellfish industry of the town of chattam um as Jeff had said this is about access it's about economics culture and environment for the community so I um and it's about feeding people and that's one of the most important things that I see as as part of this this we have a community where uh we have programs set up where people can just go the water you know along the shoreline and they can pick up food for themselves to eat and that's a that's something that we should be very um appreciative that our town has that kind of um uh you know water system that supports that and that we have programs that support that um it's it's generational it's uh it's it's really I think um this will be uh once it's completed uh if it's approved and completed is going to be one of those um finer moments for the town as far as um a facility that has a lot of character and strength um for all those things that I just mentioned previously thank you thank you Dean I thank you for your comments I I just wanted to say for the record so people don't think I'm caving on principle that um back in 2020 in 2021 I have I voted against calling a special town meeting on a project that doesn't need to be named but when the once it was called I voted to support the project because I believed in the project so I'm being internally consistent thank you nobody's going to charge you with inconsist consistency anything else um so I think we start with a um a motion uh to place um the article is that correct motion to place move to place second uh all those in favor uh Mr Mets hi uh Mr Dyk hi and M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi and move to recommend second uh Mr necastro I uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis hi uh Mr dykens hi and Mr matters hi okay and then we need a vote to a motion to close the 2024 special town meeting warrant vote to close the 2024 special town meeting September 16th 2024 warrant second uh all those in favor uh Mr Mets hi Mr dykens M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I and that takes care of that Mr chair I'm sorry just one more so uh we typically when we're doing the order of who's making the motion on the warrant we start with the chair so I just want to make sure that the board is I'm okay with you as chair offering the motion I I'm okay with the tradition I um privately offered uh that slot to to Shireen if if she'd like it and I'll reoffer it um but I'm happy to do it myself I'm I'm fine with the chair making the motion I appreciate that okay great thank you so thank you quick question I just when does it go to the public sure um I it's going to be next week but this isn't also mailed out to every residents this is uh put up on our website and also at all the town buildings and post offices too yes definitely the warrant will be posted in all the post offices yes yep thank you next item is committee appointments we have one I will move to appoint David oppenheim as a member of the waterways advisory committee until June 30 2020 7 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh Mr chairman can I ask a question by way of information yes on the on the me the cover Memo from the staff refers to Robert's rules um in analysis of the motion that failed a couple weeks ago um but I just wanted to point out that we don't we're not subject to Robert's Rule I the I the result is the same but we we don't have a parliamentary manual um for the select Bo rely on tradition and custom and practice so I think the reference to Robert's Rules is prob am I am I not correct uh you are correct and I I think what she had intended to write is that we consulted with Town Council to verify status of the vote but I I will that's fine I just think it's it's an extraneous reference that's that's fine that's fine all right we have a motion and a second can can I make one very very minor please CL just for clarification I'm happy with the process it's presented the motion is is printed exactly how I think it's appropriate but just for clarification um in the cover memo there's a line that says it was requested that the candidate be reconsidered for appointment by the board it wasn't that the board had a deliberation it was presented that the board should be presented with this opportunity to review it and it's an opening um it's the motion is properly worded um and it's before the board in a proper manner so it wasn't like the board had a previous deliberation following the last meeting we have had not had a discussion on this is my point so we're we're we've set this up properly and and that's fine and and I think that just noted that we were not all five present correct and that's fine okay Mr chair just want to Mr chair um I did reach out to Shauna this morning I wanted to make sure that there if this is an appointment versus a reappointment um I wanted to make sure there was no um pending um candidates for the position and she reached out to two potential ones and did not hear back from them one said no and has not heard back from one so but I'm fine with going force with the vote tonight I think we're all clear now um Mr Mets obain uh Mr dik I Miss Davis I Mr Shell says I Mr necastro no um motion carries thank you um Town manager report thank you I'm doing double duty tonight taking notes uh thank you Mr chair in your packet you had the monthly report for July as well as some current items and as we normally do we recognize the years of service for our employees and for September which is our next month and noting that um Sergeant Glover who who have been here 43 years I think he is now the longest serving employee on record and and we really appreciate his service to the town and then um Kevin Moore firefighter 30 years uh our Deputy police chief Lou maone 18 years and then it it gets into um some of the employees who I have hired including Jo Amara Diane buers Connor Brickley Kristen Taylor and Anna uh milon and then also we wanted to uh introduce our new Regional M Municipal recycling I'm sorry Regional Municipal energy coordinator Kim Grant she's an employee that we share with the Kate light complect and it's the towns of chadam Brewster in Orleans and so we have Kim in our office she's located in the DPW office next to Terry and we have her one day a week on Mondays and she's has a whole list of items that she's working on but I think the first one's going to be on the electric vehicles uh database as well as the policy and charging so uh again one day week we have her and she's at the cap light compact for two days a week and then I also wanted to was there any question I just want to say that's a lot of tasks for one day a week person yes so she's prioritizing them as well I I highlighted I said oh my goodness yes part time anyway she's gonna be busy she's very busy and already got started um so thank you on that and then uh our promotions for our police Sergeant Sarah Harris is going to be promoted to Lieutenant with the retirement of Andy Goddard and then officer Chris merrian is going to be promoted to Sergeant so you received already the the prior notice but we wanted the public to have a little background on on who um both uh Sarah and Chris are and so um very ex distinguished careers and and Link the service with the town to be noted um I just mentioned Annie Goddard we just had his last coffee this week which was um really great to have a lot of people show up to give their thanks to him and then the week before we recognized Michelle Clark she was uh the projects and operations assistant most recently but the longtime serving um office manager for Community Development so she retired last week uh recruitments as we know they're posted online um other items that are are non-personnel related um I have a joke we're empty nesters at Hardings Beach we the birds have fledged and uh we started our regular raking schedule on August 15th and then I have a recap here of the 78th summer resident town meeting that was last week uh with the access to the link uh as well as the position papers that were presented I also noticed just for the Public's review of the special town meeting for September 16th um we will have uh daycare available or Child Care available for kids three and up as well as um transportation provided by the center for active living so there is information in here about how to sign up for that and just a note anyone who has not registered a vote or is new to chatam um any unregistered voters wishing to attend the September 16th meeting have until September 6th to register to vote so again you if you're already registered you don't have to re-register it's just for people who have not registered to vote and have not uh voted in chatam and then as you see here we have some um our musty TV we we have our first Youth Academy there's a YouTube video and um checking out the town's YouTube station there's a lot of really interesting videos uh this also has some of our hits on our social media website um still the main sheet is is doing really well um with almost um a little more than 1500 uh subscribers so um I was actually on a walk and I was walking by one of the the dining establishments and someone yelled at me like Hey Jill we love your main sheet so that was kind of fun um someone I didn't expect it who who had subscribed so that was that was really fun to hear and then as you'll see too you have the the department reports for the month of July looking back very comprehensive I know the board really likes this report but I'm happy to answer any questions if you have thank you Mr chair yeah please um thanks chill always a good report um on the uh Harding speech um U Bird fledging that's really great news um but what I wanted to ask is while you're doing the raking of the beaches are the uh um is DPW monitoring for any turbine to pre at all um they have been in I know there's um I think it's Vineyard wind they they have contracted with Robert B hour and so I know that there's been people on the beach so uh again most people are either notifying Amy Hal or Jason our Harbor Master and we've asked people not to touch it and so there's been a pretty quick response by the contractor to pick them up so um I I have to look back at um my over the weekend reports I don't recall if there was anything but let me get back to you on that thank you um just a question that's prompted by the report on the summer resident town meeting um they expressed a desire to come in front of the select board on the subject of um grinder pumps and I I just looked at the uh future items uh I didn't see it there is there a mechanism for accommodating that or how and I know the water insur advisory committee is is still um uh deliberating but I just want to ask what the process is for coordinating those two so I think first that the board should receive the recommendations from the water and sewer advisory committee I know that the summer residents had uh various Representatives at this meeting I think was was it Monday the water and St advisory committee meeting yes thank you so um once the the board schedules it then we'll certainly notify the summer residents they can um I think there's three people who've been working exclusively on it and if they're not able to be here in person they can participate remotely okay thank you um anything else yeah just a comment looks like Diane Ash is settling it nicely as the adult Behavioral Health uh counselor she's she been busy and she hasn't been here that long I also thought it was really cool to see where the referrals were coming from to her and how our Police Department was active so and very active so it's that's that's good Synergy it's good good uh working together yes good okay I think the next step here is a motion to go to Executive session would you thank you thank you Mr chairman uh I move that the select board go into executive session under Massachusetts general laws chapter 38 section 21 number number three to discuss strategy with respective Collective collective bargaining parenthesis chatam Municipal Employee Association close parenthesis and that the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the body with no return to open session um thank second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr dykin hi and Mr Mets hi thank you we are now in executive session