[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome chadam to the July 23 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair I don't see any in the room I don't don't see anybody online thank you pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this joint meeting of the chattam select board and a that's not right uh this is not a joint meeting this meeting of the chadam select board uh is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam TV xinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may be able we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh the first thing uh order of business is to establish a quorum Mr necastro present Mr Shell is present Miss Davis present uh Mr dykens present and Mr Mets present we have a quorum present public our agenda for this evening very quickly uh we start with public announcements and agenda requests we have a public hearing we have uh then public comments on the business agenda our business agenda is uh seven items uh first is the acceptance of a fence donation uh for the golf course the second is considering the use of town property uh and town roads uh for the 40th annual 3-day Autumn Escape bike ride um the third is considering use of town property and alcohol on Town property um by the broadreach broadreach healthc care end of summer staff party uh the fourth is considering a new charge and reduction of membership from 9 to seven members for the Community Housing Partnership committee uh the fifth is um discussion of the proposed new adult supportive day memorandum of agreement uh with the town of Orleans for fiscal year 2025 uh the sixth we have some appointments um and reappointments for both election officials and committees boards and commissions and finally the town manager's report um we begin with public announcements and my my first one will be Katie Donovan T Katie is the acting Town manager this evening thank you Mr chairman and members of the board I'm excited to introduce uh to you all and to the town our new town planner Christino um Christine comes to us most recently from the town of Dartmouth ma Massachusetts where she served as the planning director and also served as the city planner for Newport Rhode Island so she has great Coastal Community experience um Christine holds her American Institute of certified planners certification she holds a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture and a MERS of community planning and area area development from the University of Rhode Island and she's also successfully completed the public service fellowship program at the Harvard Kennedy School and we are so excited to have Christine join our team in Community Development and wanted to provide a brief introduction to her tonight so hello everyone welcome thank you for having me I look forward to working with you all absolutely great to have you thank you absolutely uh I'll go next to the board um Shireen uh thank you Mr chair I have a couple of items just a matter of announcement that um select board member U matters and I um had the pleasure of meeting the new um sector Southeast New England uh Commander at the US Coast Guard Station this morning um in the presence of the former Commander Captain Prindle um this is uh Mimi Moon she comes from um Seattle Washington uh with a background in um uh all sorts of things she was very interesting we had a great conversation about some of the challenges chadam faced in the past about Communications and um uh purpose forward also a little bit about the wind turbine offshore projects that are occurring in our area and um I feel I think we walked away Corey I'm sure you agree that we have um we have a good staff in place that's doing great work uh uh Greg and and Jason Hol are establishing wonderful um Communications with the Coast Guard Station and I feel that we're on a really good path to have a better understanding of some of the issues that our commercial um and recreational voters uh have don't you AG greate I won't get into a dialogue but yes I it was a very good meeting uh you know we can continue to have more of these type of face to-face meetings I think it's going to be to the benefit of the town the Coast Guard um and then our staff resources especially our new Harbor Master uh I think are critical in that process so it was it was a good meeting it was a nice 30 40 minute conversation so it was a not a little 10 quick 10 minute quick it little face to face but these are the type of meetings we need to have very informal on another note um uh to follow up on the letter that the cape and Island Municipal League Association uh um and the support letter that the um Board of selectman sent on the offshore Gulf Gulf of Maine offshore wind projects uh consequently there was a meeting last Wednesday uh in East Ham it was not a formal uh public hearing but um staff from bone which is the Bureau of ocean Energy Management were in the room with some 250 to 300 uh uh lower Cape Community members uh select board members representatives from um uh rep Peak and Jillian Sear's office were there as well uh to go over some of the concerns and questions that some of the citizens had um there was a request to put a hold on the project for 6 months we consequently um cape and Island Municipal League assoc uh leaders Association decided to do another letter to make that request but there were two important factors that came out of that meeting one was that there was no programmatic e um environmental assessment being done on the project and there is no socioeconomic uh impact um um um study being done on any of the projects which includes Vineyard wind which last Friday uh lost a 300t blade off of one of the turbines full of fiberglass that ended up in the water and consequently on the beaches in ncka and closed it now um Nantucket uh bom uh has assured us that um and Bessie which is another agency is assured that uh Vineyard wind will be paying for the cleanup however there is no mitigation or compensation around the fact that those beaches were were closed and this is a this has now created an industrial situation for the town of um a town of Nantucket consequently some of our local fishermen have found um debris in the water and have brought that in uh fortunately we haven't seen any wash up on our beach but some of the things that we really need to do is do uh demand that we see more um more and have more input into the process of Permitting and citing um wind turbines thank you Jeff yeah thank you Mike uh just to follow up on what Shireen just uh just spoke about the bone it wasn't a public hearing a formal public hearing but I was an attendance and it was fascinating I appreciate shireen's interest and certainly the interest of the cap and Islands Municipal League you Sans and and the municipal League Association but um there are so many and I'm not uh uh speaking against wind power or the Notions of climate change or um global warming however there are many unanswered questions about this massive wind farm that they're proposing in the Gulf of Maine it is a massive in ever the technology they're proposing is a float are floating wind wind turbines 1,000 feet high that have yet to be designed but they're ready to sell leases they're ready to sell eight leases in order to get the electricity back to the mainland they're going to have to go I think in in my unstudied estimate estimation they're going to have to go through the Marine Sanctuary through St wagon Bank they're targeting sandwich where there's a substation and they're targeting Plymouth where there's the nuke plant substation to get the transmission lines back into the mainland and then into into the grid so there there many many unanswered questions with respect of this wind farm again not against wind power um I I just think that we need to really examine the issues that are presented by this massive development offshore that will be able to be seen from the shore Ptown Truro East Hammer perhaps Chad maybe not Chad but on on on the Outer Cape the lower and Outer Cape so I I would like to place an agenda item here so that we have some inkling of what's going on and I really do appre appreciate the leadership that frankly I was totally unaware of this until Shen brought it forward a couple weeks ago totally unaware I didn't know there have been hearings up in down the coast in Maine and in Danvers I think and North of Boston but I tell you that we are we are unprepared for this we we don't know really what they're proposing and what the long-term ramifications of what they're proposing are going to be so I think we need to have a presentation we have to reach out and we need to get informed as a town and as a select board and as a citizenry um fascinating not against it but there are just so many unanswered questions with respect to so many items you guys never mind that the impact on the fishery and on whales on lobsters it's just it's it's endless it's very very it could be very impactful um to go from the sublime to the mundane I I would like to revisit the power to K ghoul Park I've been told that it's wavering still during band concerts and I asked three times to have the power Revisited to kol park the Gazebo kol Park I asked last August I like asked in in uh March and again in May and I know we're doing uh Shakespeare in the park this week and and this tonight so I just the last thing we want is a power outage and our wavering lights while we have entertainments there and it's such a critical part of our life here in chadam and then also as an agenda item I'd like to revisit the notion and I hope that the water and sewer advisory committee is on this one but betterments uh Mr oppenheim raised the issue a couple months ago and it's stuck with me ever since that we need to get out of our own way in terms of how we Finance connections to our sewer system so I'd like to keep that keep that in the Forefront thank you Amen to that did you want to add anything Shireen I no I'm fine um I well I did just want to say that I know that um natural resource department is tracking the wi proposal project so it's not like you know okay just for me where do we put the uh requests to look into the power issue at Kate ghoul Park is that for the town staff okay absolutely yeah Town staff okay okay um if there's nothing else from the board um should can we go to the um the the yeah go ahead I Mr D Mr well can we do the the the noted item for the public announcements were the uh the awards for the the parade uh if you don't mind let's go to that and then we'll get you Mr Davis if that's fine with you go ahead thank you Mr Shell as chairman of the chadam Independence Day Parade committee it's my honor to pass out the awards tonight from the 2024 parade and I know you're all there it was a great day it was a great parade um the crowds frankly were unbelievable not sure it was the most ever but it was a huge crowd there and I think everybody had a very good time so we'll call it a success helping me tonight Mr Steve dor who's a member of the parade committee we we had three new committee members this year and frankly they were great members and it went very very well so that being said I'd like to give out the awards we'll start with the best business entry going to exit merchandise congratulations the best Civic entry chadam Elementary School congratulations the funniest entry going to chadam municipal [Applause] airport the most patriotic entry chatam bars in we can we can put that aside we'll get it to them uh the best youth entry Ken Owens Memorial soccer jambur thank you very much congratulations thank you the best family entry the Fitzgerald Family congratulations overall third place witches on the water congratulations overall second place the Magner [Applause] family and overall first place and it looks like we should have spent a little money polishing the trophy for them but for the sixth year in a row the eighth out of the last 10 the Phillips Farm family a tremendous Flo congratulations thank thank you I think Sean is over in the corner you and we can go it outside if you like congratulations [Applause] any questions comments from select board members uh Jeff go ahead wonderful parade thank you so much for your efforts it was a phenomenal parade I I you know I you say it's the biggest crowd you've ever seen every year but I think it was the biggest crowd I've ever seen really was really great really well organized well run lots of fun I got so many great accolades from people around town and visitors alike so than you thank you to gentleman like Steve dor you bet you bet thank you thank you so much for your efforts so the team no tremendous thank you to you guys the staff I mean it takes a lot of effort to kind of pull these things together we have a great template in place but it takes the action of of volunteers I want to thank you um in case we haven't picked up Paul's decided to step away we thank you very much for your service thank so your your one little task before you leave is to kind of recruit one more body to fill that seat um but no thank you so much for your efforts y well I'll be back in two or three weeks with first night so you'll see me uh congratulations on such a well-run event we really appreciate you thank you all oh wait a minute I'm not done yet I I I I I want to I want to say um I I I don't think I've missed too many but I know I've been to at least 35 of these over the years and there are others of course who've had more but if there's one event that brings us all together and and by the way brings a lot of other people from around uh chat you know harwitch I mean the people who don't have parades come to our parade it is a truly unifying event and this one this year was um nonp paral in that regard so thanks to you thanks to everybody who did that uh who put it together thanks to all the people who participated um it's a it's a phenomenal event for chadam so thank you very much thank you thank you okay Mr Davis you get to follow that act conat thank you thanks a lot that's a tough fact to follow uh my name is Bob Davis I'm chair of the shellfish advisory committee and I'm here this evening uh as a followup to a letter that our committee sent to you folks uh at the end of May uh and the subject was uh some ideas on uh separating 90 Bridge Street as a separate project and funding it U on a singular basis and we also propos the possibility of a uh special town meeting in the fall so I at this moment I was going to ask for an agenda item on the subject of 90 Bridge Street but it's my understanding that you folks have uh Set uh an agenda item on that subject for August 6 if I'm correct so instead of asking for that agenda item I'd like to thank you for being proactive and moving this very important project along uh I'd also like to take the opportunity to uh encourage members of the public who are interested in 90 Bridge Street and chadam shellfishing to come to that meeting to demonstrate your support for chat and shellfishing and all the activities at 90 Bridge Street uh so please come on uh August 6 I do have that date correct is that so you do have the date correct um the the board hasn't commented or otherwise uh uh participated in that judgment but I have tentatively with the town manager uh put put the item on the on the agenda for our next meeting which is August 6th great um and I I I do want to say just following up um your um in treaty uh I'm told that there is a considerable amount of Interest as represented by not only your letter on behalf of your committee but in other uh Waterfront committees here in chadam as well as uh among um other organizations yacht clubs for example um in this initiative or this this possibility and I just like to add the encouragement that if that be the case it is important that everybody come out and and demonstrate that um support um I think U this the the um it's always uh problematical uh for the board uh to to to go back to the the the the town the town meeting uh before the next annual meeting and and to the extent that that's coming from the community that's a big help great thank you again for your support we look forward to working with you thank you thank you thank you anything else yes sir good evening and uh thank you for allowing me to uh request an agenda item uh my name is Bob Burns and I'm from 147 Lim Hill Road uh October 28th 2022 and that was 20 22 uh two members of our Lim Hill group uh met with a member of the select board after receiving the mandatory two-year uh connection letter expressing Our concern and also giving a presentation with our concerns that I'm sure is in the uh Town records subsequent to uh that November 2022 so a few months later we had a follow-up meeting with Dr duncanson with a presentation and our concerns and recommendations Dr duckson at that time mentioned the grinder pump RFP release for the town to purchase the grinder pumps was imminent and help us on the way by the summer of 2023 so now we're into 2024 summer of 2024 at the January 16th 2024 select board meeting 6 months ago the water and sore committee was directed to revisit their recommendations for Homeowner grinder pump Equity the second remanded item was to revisit the chadam master sore plan and deter and determine where more connections instead more gravity connections instead of low pressure could be installed so so another 6 months has gone by with no recommendations and no decisions because of the urgency of moving forward I'm requesting the select board add the grinder pump issue as an agenda item at the next scheduled meeting thank you thank you very much Mr chairman yes sir may I just provide a point of information as a Lea on to the water and sewer committee um and I'm not going to deliberate or discuss but this matter is still before the water and sewer advisory committee they've been meeting monthly I think they may have had one month off um so you should be aware that this matter is pending before the water and sewer committee and they are looking at it and they will be coming up with a recommendation so thank you Mr chairman okay thank you very much thank you thank you um any other um M Wilcox I would like to thank the chair for this opportunity I'd like to request an upcoming agenda item to include reviewing the airport commission's approval of the Airport layout plan reviewing the approval of the final AMU and reviewing the airport commission's approval of the approach that's in the master plan I've recently sent several emails to the chairman of the airport Commission requesting the above the first email was sent on June 30th 2024 my second email was sent on July 17th I copied both the chair of the BOS and chair member Davis a copy of this email I'd like to read you some of what I was contained in that email there was an airport commission meeting held on 111219 the main purpose of that airport Commission meeting was to involve the public with the development of Chatham's master plan most importantly with regards to its changing of the Approach at cqx which were chapter five and chapter six this task was not accomplished by the T by the time the nextport air commission airport commission meeting was held you and again this was directed to Mr Harrison had formatted advertised and scheduled four more four formal and three informal meetings to be held which addressed the boss's request for public involvement to quote actively seek excuse me Community input and help refine the ampu only two out of these seven meetings were held it's important to remember that no airport commission meetings were held held um for close to 8 months after that meeting um the airport com which was the time of that the airport commission closed due to co shutdown my question would be if these meetings were never held how could the U have been finalized at the first meeting held after the shutdown was on October 28th 2020 at this meeting Gail and Associates presented a monthly project update this report States quote the Airport layout plan was submitted to the FAA for review by the FAA this was done during the eight months when no airport commission meetings were held question who authorized the submission of that report I was appointed to the airport commission after March 10th 2020 meeting during its shutdown during my time on the commission I do not recall voting to approve any of the chapters 1- 4 5 and six or 7 through 10 of the ampu I do not remember voting to quote authorize the airport layer plan end quote either however while I was on the commission I do remember that the airport commission voted to to change its prior decision regarding the new approach into cadams Airport from option three to option four this new Option added vertical guidance quote unquote to the approved approach and that is establish a non-precision straight in instrument appro approach with quote vertical guidance at our airport the addition of vertical guidance to the new approach resulted in the need to add quote guidance qualification service gqs approach clearing standards end of quote to the new approach this effectively increased the number of easements regarding tree removal to over 24 more properties and the overall cost more than doubled um to the plan making it much more costly to our town as well as more invasive to the environment and the community surrounding the airport as this is all indirectly and this is in the email to the airport commission as this is all indirectly related to the pending tree removal on properties surrounding the airport I would like to request no further action be taken on any proposed tree trimming or removal in the approach Zone at cqx until answers to my concerns and questions are res are resolved in conclusion I would like to note that in Jan on the January 133 2021 meeting of the airport commission a vote was taken to approve revisions done to chapter 7 and chapter nine again I stress what happened to reviewing and revising chapters five and six never done also during that airport commission meeting we're we're going on past our three minutes here I just have I just have one more short thing to say okay um that the meeting held in January the commission voted to approve option four again I was on the commission I want to go on the record as stating that either before or during that meeting I was told by at least one person that option three and option four were the same I will agree they're the same except for the three words with vertical guidance I'll end by saying the ampu on file has a completion date of February 20 21 which is only one month after the airport commission voted to approve chapter 4 its new approach thank you and if you have any questions please address me thank you your your request is noted I I I'll just note for the record I I I believe I was present for the last airport commission meeting at which you made essentially substantially the same request and my understanding was that the undertaking on behalf of the the airport commission was to go back and and and look at the files and attempt to answer the question with documents to support those answers do we do we agree that that was their resolution at that point that was their resolution and again I followed up with the email on the 17th supporting what was and wasn't done what was approved or sent to the FAA during the shutdown and and added which is fine but they haven't had a chance to have another meeting so asking that the tree remve will be put on hold until understood thank you any any others uh that being the case uh we can move to the one public hearing we have uh and I'll ask the clerk to read the public notice of the public hearing thank you Mr chair town of chadam Select board public hearing notice notice is here by given that the chatam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday July 23rd 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George Ryder Road chadam and remotely via Microsoft teams platform to consider an application to transfer an all annual all alcohol beverages Package Store license with pledges of collateral and inventory from SX Inc doing business as South chatam liquor 2447 Main Street South chatam Timothy jamulus manager to South chattam liquor Court cor doing business as South chadam liquor 2447 Main Street South chatam I'm going to really mess this name up um a appas Kumar Patel manager all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you thank you Jeff thank you uh do we have the applicant online to uh present this request Mr Patel good evening thank yes uh and good evening board my name is Matthew I'm the attorney uh for S chadam ler Corp along with me on the hearing is Al PES Kamar Patel um before the board um first thank you for your time uh before the board this is a transfer of the all alcohol Package Store license uh which relates to the sale of self uh chadam liquor at 2447 Main Street uh Al PES Kumar Patel is the president treasur one of the principles of South chadam liquor Corp he is also the proposed license manager meaning he'll be the on-site manager uh there you know anywhere between 40 to 50 hours per week um this is a very experienced ownership group uh along with Mr Patel is pin Patel um and chetton Patel all three individuals own liquor stores uh on the cape uh they all live locally so certainly they understand the rules and responsibilities that come along uh with the operation of a store they've operated all their stores very responsibly um they're all alcohol tip certified all employees would be required to be alcohol tip certified as well uh there are no major anticipated Chang changes to the store itself it's a fairly small store thousand square ft so there's not a whole lot that you can do inside um but they'll um there's no change of hours no changes to the structure of the business so essentially um you know it's a fairly straightforward transfer uh before the board in addition to the request for the transfer of the license um is a request for a pledge of license Rockland Trust is financing the transaction uh so we would be requesting uh that the board approve a pledge of license and inventory to Rockland trust um as well um but with that I can certainly answer any questions that the board may have Mr Patel can as well uh Dean thank you Mr chairman oh I'm sorry yeah I for I should offer the opportunity for the public to make any comment uh before we go to the board anything in the public go ahead thank you Mr chairman I I just um on the application itself attorney um on page four U regarding the um item 8 occupancy of the premises there's a question at the end that was left U unanswered will the landlord receive Revenue based on a percent I assume the answer is no yeah the answer is no we'll we'll make that correction I get that over your office before and I I just had a question regarding um the employment information the to in well I just was cons was curious as to the nature of the the businesses that the um individual was employed New Orleans Corp yeah New Orleans Corp owns a package St in ORS so similar business to this yep okay and Shar sharah Corp was that also a package leay was a convenience store um I don't believe that had a package store license but orle does a full package store I just want to note for the record when I saw that there was a pledge involved I remembered that the board had had an issue of regarding pledge of license way back back in 2016 in connection with CBI and then I I had forgotten we also had a similar one with the Wayside um and we got opinion of Town Council at the time relative to uh whether the interests of the town would be protected if there were a default uh in the agreement between the The Pledge or and and the bank uh and um I we were s i was certainly I think the board was satisfied with the opinion of of Mr Costello that um the town would still have um authority over the license in terms of any prospect that the bank might want to transfer it to somebody um and I think shaa um is is quite familiar with that and I did ask shaa if I could see the pledge instrument in this case which is which I did get so I took a look at that I'm not giving a legal opinion on it but I things look satisfactory to me so I'm I'm comfortable with the arrangement thank you yeah and the only thing that I would note not to interrupt but if Rockland Trust were to ever um have to act on the pledge you know any subsequent purchaser would obviously have to come back before the board for your vetting as well yeah we in the case of Wayside we approved it in the case of CBI they did not go forward with it as I recall after some discussion by one of our board members at the time yeah I'm just thankful for uh select board member necastro for reminding us of that pledge the activity around the pledge we did have those questions and that was that was the outcome that I remember so I appreciate that um Dean and uh this this application looks great to me it looks fine thanks I I appreciate that as well I have one other question however um and that is uh the the transfer that we're approving here is from one operator owner to uh your client operator owner The Pledge itself is a transfer we and and I guess I'm asking you as a legal matter whether this approval that we're being asked to make encompasses that se what what to me would be a separate transfer so yeah so the the transfer of the license you're correct is from one Corporation to the other Corporation a pledge is not necessar it's not a transfer of license um it's more so collateral so think of it as a a mortgage you know securing a Banks note uh on a payment of a home you know only if you know a homeowner were to default with the bank then you know foreclose here the bank would then act on their pledge of license and they would have to come back before the board in order to transfer to anybody else so it's it's really here it's one transfer and then it's a request for you know approval of that pledge but it it's not a secondary transfer per se if that makes sense uh I think it does and Dean is going to comment on it that's all right I think uh you probably took un uh commercial transactions L that might have terrible course um the the it is um the I think there's a security interest under the under the uniform conditional if it's a security interest that then I'm done we don't want to know anything I'm done I'm done okay um a motion move approval second uh all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr hi Miss Davis Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi thank you sir um you are in good shape very good thanks so much bye bye thank you um our next item is uh to consider um the acceptance of a fence donation at 233 cvu Street benefiting the golf course uh if you weren't here I would would really screw it up uh I'm going to offer the opportunity for um uh public comments on the business agenda before we go to the business agenda I don't see anybody in the room I don't see anybody online um so as previously stated uh acceptance of the fence donation do we have somebody is Amy Howell online to speak to this evening can you hear me we can hear you great thank you um so the fence uh along the seaside links um parking lot in 233 cvw Street uh fell into disrepair uh just due to age uh and storm so subsequently the town DPW Department did remove the fence uh for safety concerns after the removal of the fence Mr Ron Camy of 233 C View Street uh approached the golf advisory committee and generously offered to replace the fence at uh his expense the replacement fence would match the old fence and remain in the existing footprint uh thus making it on Town property so after the installation of the replacement fence the town would be responsible for maintaining the fence after it's installed and the golf committee uh advisory committee unanimous ly uh voted to approve the donation of the fence from Mr Ron Cammy Mr chairman uh Mr Dy yes I'm the liaison of the golf committee and I move to accept the fence donation from the Camy family to be placed along the old fence line between the seide links parking lot in 233 cvw Street second um okay uh all those in favor question actually just quick question I know we're going to put the well the proposal is to put the fence back in the same footprint how much space is between the where did where the traditional footprint was and the actual property line had of curiosity because this is going to stay on Town property hardly any hardly any it's minimal minimal go exactly where it was before it's very minimal I just want to just he it and it and it looks great all right s good okay until he hits it with a stray ball excuse me until he hits it with a stray ball yeah yeah yeah right um I think we have a motion in a second on the table Mr matters hi Mr Dyan hi M Davis Mr shelles I Mr nicastro hi thank you very much and thanks to the Cami family um thank you next uh we have an application to use Town property and town roads for the 40th annual 3-day Autumn Escape bike ride on Friday September 27 24 24 four do we have somebody on uh is Mr Curley online yes I am here thank you welcome can you tell us about what your uh what you're planning here and what your application is all about well um this is the uh 40th annual 3-day bike ride uh from the uh American L Association and we have only been reduced to a two-day ride since covid and uh this year we feel like it's safe to come back to the Outer Cape and our start point would be one of our traditional rest stops which is the uh oyster Pon beach house and parking lot and our plan is to start the ride there on Friday so we would be doing a ride uh on the Outer Cape on Friday and then the inner cape on Saturday and then sort of the Middle Cape on Sunday three different three different routs on three different parts of the cape and what it would involve in chadam is use of the uh the beach house there um the parking lot and about five to seven miles of town roads to get us either into howich or into bruer depending on whether the Riders are doing the short ride or the long ride uh ideally on that day we're going to get back to Camp burges which is our weekend accommodations uh in the town of Sandwich but like I say for many many years um we've always traditionally used the um oyster Pond beach house as a rest off on one of our other days uh prior to covid so we we have been involved with the town for for many years I've been doing this as the root manager since 2004 was my first year so this will be my 20th year doing The Root Management for the American Lung Association thank you uh Miss Davis um thank you Mr curle correct um yes uh just and congratulations on 20 years of doing that so that's quite an accomplishment um so my understanding is that you have 150 riders that are going to start at oyster Pond for the bike route yes corre okay and so um and that would be on Friday that would be on a Friday that's not on the weekend yeah um that's a lot of I mean can you give me a scenario of how people are people going to park there is their transportation are there bike racking vans that come in how how do how do the people show up and start riding well the 150 is more of a number for the uh average for the weekend obviously our Saturday and Sunday ride uh have larger um number of participants just because a lot of people you know don't get the day off on Friday but what we would be doing is we would be busing them with school buses from our overnight accommodations at Camp burges uh in Sandwich so we would come in with a bus and a Truck prior to that our 11 o'clock start you know probably hoping for a 10 o'clock arrival in chadam for an 11 o'clock start on the ride and it would be uh basically everything would be cleaned up and out of there by you know a couple hours after we leave probably even less than that by noon time I think everything would be back to completely normal at the oyster Pond so we're really just using as a drop off point to get our ride started and I see both the police and fire have expressed no concerns with the with the event um so they've said that they're okay with it that's all I have thank you just the the history of our group is it's it's an older crowd it's a um the last time I did the average age it was 48 point something and these are um you know L abiding cyclists that are not trying to race um they're stopping at stop signs they're wearing certified helmets um they usually have Blinky lights on the back of their bikes and they're not traveling in large packs you know they'll they travel in ones and twos um sometimes you'll get a group of three or four but it's not like they're making any changes in the pattern of the uh existing traffic thank you um yeah Jeff just just for the public uh Mr curle are you availing yourselves of the use of the the bike trails that are extensive through the cape absolutely any anytime a bike trail is anywhere near where we want to go we are on the trail um you know there are some places where you know uh there's some scenery and things that are not available from the from the bike path and we do try to utilize that when we do start from um chadam the first place we do go is we go by the lighthouse and then we head up Shore Road and then we work our way into Brewster and then to hop on the bike path there to head back towards the uh inner Cape super thank you anybody uh my only question I I uh looked at the map um do do I understand correctly that the only time that we here in chadam will see this group is that Friday afternoon um where you start the the business and then Saturday and Sunday you'll be elsewhere is that is have I got that right that's absolutely correct uh we're there in chadam for an 11 o'clock start right and the Riders doing the short route are in the town of chattam but mostly on the bike path for the first 7.6 miles uh the riders that are doing the 45 mile route back to sandwich will be in town for five uh uh about just over five miles so yeah we're really out of there within one hour of our start I think your town is completely free of our cyclist by noon time okay than uh Dean go ahead I was going to offer a motion uh please Mr chairman I move to approve the use of town property at oyster Pond Beach and parking lot on Friday September 27 2024 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the American Lung Association 40th annual Autumn Escape bike ride and to approve the use of town roads as outlined by Paul Curley of the American Lung Association second um all those in favor Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I and Mr Dyk I and Mr matters I thank you sir uh we'll see yeah have a good one we'll see you in September all right we appreciate it thank you have fun be safe yeah absolutely uh the next item we have is um considering use of town property and alcohol on Town property uh on behalf of the broadreach healthc Care end of summer staff party Friday September 6 2024 do we have um Ms Murray Stephanie Murray are you with us online I'm not seeing her online Mr chairman do we have anybody who I I think this falls under our rule that we need to have the applicant um present in order to Grant the um the request Mr chairman I would suggest that perhaps we continue this item the event is not until September and um I think that there were still some outstanding questions um raised in the staff report it was a little bit um betwix and between uh and and I I would request that that some of those issues or questions or uncertainties be clarified um which will help us in in being expeditious and dealing with it we'll hope for the August 6 meeting then if that's okay that'd be fine yeah thank you um okay next case um for the uh Community Housing Partnership Miss mclen is here to ask for considering a new charge and a reduction of the membership of that committee uh from 9 to 7 hello everyone okay welcome hello so um I'm just going to give you a little synopsis of where we're at and then I think you have a copy of the charge okay great so um the partnership continues in its role to honor its commitment to advocate for the housing needs of our community we have a great committee right now it's small But Mighty currently we have representation from the Housing Authority the community preservation committee and the affordable housing trust plus one longtime affordable housing activist another recent member she's proven herself to be incredibly hardworking and willing to immerse herself in all projects at hand we're very fortunate to have the crew that we have Bill bikrom and LM pner pleffner have stepped down both have served for a number of years but they have other commitments and unfortunately one of our recent Appo appointed members has stepped down citing scheduling conflicts she was very apologetic about having to do so that stancy bar um that in addition to our um a few of our other vacancies we were originally nine and two of our members had moved um that was over a year ago so we were deficient those two vacancies for quite a while um so we were missing some members and we didn't have a quorum for a number of meetings um but despite our sporadic meeting schedule we did manage to engage in a number of Outreach with Civic organizations we met with the chaden men's club and there we were able to recruit John Avery for the affordable housing trust which was a great catch we met with the newcomer um multiple members have continually participated in Regional Housing forums and training programs at one Cape Summit um lower Cape housing Institute and with Chapa we've contributed extens extensively to the housing protection plan we updated our housing brochure with relevant information and 2024 data and reviewed and updated our charge um moving forward we've identified a couple of areas that we know we're going to be focusing on the future um one of them is definitely trying to build um better relationships with the public um realizing that many residents have identified uh and expressed feelings of not being heard and being ignored uh we thought one of the easy things that we could do as our committee would be to try having a um a Q&A session at the end of our meeting maybe the last 15 minutes of our every meeting we're going to do a hybrid meeting so they can come in person they can be online they can email questions we'll do Q&A see if that helps um if there's a uh questions that need more robust conversation we can do an agenda item in the future but try to bridge that Gap a little bit and create a little uh a better relationship with the folks in town um also looking forward at the um the Main Street and meeting house projects at hand we know that we're going to have to do Outreach with the people that we want to um have as prospective tenants that a lot of folks in this community don't really understand or probably aren't prepared for what the process is to become applicants for those projects and we want to do everything we can to make sure that they're in the queue to to get into that pool when they comes we don't want people showing up the last week saying can I apply it's a long process there's a lot involved so we'll do a lot of Outreach a lot of Education work with the um business Community making sure that they're supporting and encouraging their employees to participate so we know we're going to do that and also just in general trying to um build up I you know my work with uh habitat understanding the value of starting from a really good place when you build these kind of communities because right now they're just buildings in our communities till people move into them and if we start in a positive note we don't want to have we want to destigmatize these communities we don't want to be polarized we want to celebrate them and that's going to take a lot of effort and you know it's an initiative that we have to do as a larger Community we have to be deliberate in that and however successful we are I don't know but we have to make an effort to do that so I think our our partnership can uh at least try to make that effort um and also I think we really have to work at the res zoning effort and uh I know the planning board's trying to work on uh uh West chadam but we really do need to do community outreach and helping the community understand uh the missing middle and what that means how it's resoning the value that's there I know that's a going to be a a tall order I don't know how the community is going to embrace it but an effort needs to be made at least for them to understand what it is whether or not they accept it or not that's another issue but I think the information needs to be out there and I think the um they need some help doing that so we're all for that um so if you look at our charge if you look I don't know if you want me to read all these things you have the the pre-existing one and the older one uh um and then the new one up there uh if you want me to read them I'd be happy to or I I don't think I unless somebody here thinks that I think the more important thing would be to if if you can and perhaps we can do this as well but identify one or two or three things that occurred to you as you looked at the old one and caused you to say hey we better uh expand that or or broaden it or add it or subtract it whatever sure absolutely um I think on on line two one of the things that was uh really important was um focusing on you know all the the the emphasis nowadays being affordable and attainable there's always that Dynamic now there's a lot of narrative about uh what demographic we're trying to address there seems to be a lot of tension about who we want to serve or whatever but I really wanted to make sure that we had some language in there um and if you look at the the the second line the second item there um the third sentence there it has to be proportional to the need and I think that should be a good measure for all of us moving forward um the housing housing production plan will identify different things and we need to focus our energies on that we all might be passionate about different things we might know particular individuals but we have to make sure our policies are proportional to the need so I really wanted that to be in there and the thir the third bullet I really wanted to uh emphasize the the need and the value in um working with different communities within the town but also regionally um what's the saying that you know Life's too short to learn from your own mistakes you have to work you have to learn from other people's mistakes also and I think right now even though we think chadam is really unique um every town is but every town right now is dealing with the same problems we are they're all doing the same types of things um they might be subtly different but we the right now is a great opportunity to be looking at other communities seeing what they're doing what works what doesn't work and taking those best practices and and applying them to what we're doing seeing if they'll work for us so I think we need to really uh make an effort to do that in in a meaningful way and that we'll we'll be more successful if we're able to do that so those are just a couple of things um that I really want I also uh um as I was reading this earlier to prepare for this uh item five uh make recommendations to town meeting on um housing warrant housing related warrant articles I promise not to make so many citizens petitions I'll try not to but uh that's just a I'll try to learn my lesson on that but also uh still leading into housing all always but uh any questions oh and also on the um the number of uh members I really want to reduce to seven but I actually really want to reduce to five if that's possible we have five now I don't know how you folks feel about that but that would be my request um Shireen you have a question yeah thanks Carolyn for the presentation and so you have a two-part um uh scenario here um I I read your I read the changes in the charter in the charge and I'm I'm fine with those I think one of the most important things that this committee can be doing along the way is education materials and Outreach to the community um you are a committee of of people that have been dedicated to understanding um uh housing needs on the cape you you know and taking you know some of the workshops and and attending meetings and being part of other organizations and I I'm I'm fine with uh the charges that you put forward as far as the committee is concerned we um I appreciate that Lynn and Bill and Nancy were part of uh the committee and and did some good work and um I just want to say thank you to them uh it seems like you have a as you said a small and mighty crew but I you've got some pretty powerhouses on your committee um I thought that Katie sh's letter to um that went up to the State House on some of the housing Bill stuff was really strong and informative and uh showed a lot of initiative and leadership in into that committee and that was she's been great she really has and Shirley has been there forever and is one of our biggest housing fans on on in chadam and truly appreciate her work U that she's done in her guidance to the committee as well and his her historic knowledge um I would like to see the committee stay at 7 we have seen some interest in the committee uh we just interviewed um somebody for the Housing Trust and asked him if he'd be interested in the Community Housing Partnership he said yes with uh a little more background so uh I it's my obligation to get his information to you so that maybe you can sit down and have a cup of coffee with them and tell them what the committee is about um but for now I'd like I'd like to see you guys try to stick to seven um and and see uh where you go from there maybe come back and say it didn't work um knowing that you have your core five right now thank you Dean thank you Mr chairman carollyn thank you very much uh appreciate your committee um partnership taking a look at your charge particularly in light of the the relatively recent change in the affordable housing trust and trying to sort of complement the work that the trust is charged to do and I I think you've updated this um admirably I particularly like um the new um bullet number six which talks about advocating for all demographics including the range of family sizes seniors singles and younger people new to the housing market I think that's really important so I'm I'm very comfortable with your proposed charge and prepared to support it um I was I understand what Shireen just said and I was prepared to support reducing you to five um the individual that we interviewed is is still an applicant for the affordable housing trust U we're going to be voting on that tonight but uh in the event he is not approved for that at this time um he might be a candidate for your your group um can you live with seven I I I'm more than open to seven my my angst is this quum like the my post-traumatic stress of not having a quorum for like four meetings in a row almost um we had a housing production consultant at our last meeting and we couldn't we couldn't have a meeting it was it was devastated we had all the people that had worked so hard Katie was there with all her she went through every single thing in that housing production plan had all her bullets and we couldn't have a meeting it was awful um so that's my anxiety about that you would need four people if you have a right I realize that but that that was the issue because I know with the five we have we have we'll always have a quorum I'm open to seven but that that that's that where I'm coming from for the five if we can get this other person if he's going to always you know he's committed to being here um then I'm and then we then we're short one we'll have to get one because if we have the seven we need four always on board um do you need a decision on on your size tonight um yeah because I don't we won't be a I'm worried about making because we have nine right now so we we need to make I want to be able to have a meeting uh this week uh this month if you reduce to seven do you think you could have that meeting this month yes okay all right thank you all right thank you oh am I good I'm very supportive as well as of the charge um I really do appreciate your your advocacy and your energy and your passion on this issue um I the charge for me really just describe education and advocacy across the board for both affordable and attainable and for all Strat of our demographic so I really do appreciate your and your effort your efforts are very much appreciated and you know I I think I think you go to seven and see how it goes you have five members that are active and so it's likely they'll get a quorum in four and then there may be other folks that are interested in in serving so I I you know my I'm comfortable keeping you know getting getting it to seven and see how we do Carolyn but okay but I I I thank you I can live with that I thank you Cory I appreciate that no I have no I have no problem with the amendments to the the charges the charge and and um as far as membership goes I mean it's mechanically we drop it from 9 to 7 if it doesn't work we can revisit it very easily so it's it's not like it's a Time issue or long process it just you bring it back we have further discussion and we amend it lower if necessary so I I'm of the opinion seven is a good number to to go with for the time being yeah I I I um before I heard what I heard including your request to go down to five I I was going to ask you um about nine and keeping it at 9 no and I appreciate the problem and I I'm I'm convinced that you don't have to worry about that um but um I I'm a I am a strong believer that part of any committee's charge is whatever you're supposed to be doing is to uh look for talent in the in your whatever your community is and to recruit talent and to persuade people that you know what you're doing as a committee is worthwhile over and above the the whole business of of um speaking to the community the advocacy and and education work that you're you're doing with respect to the the the rest of the community which I applaud you for I I I I and I I give you a lot of credit also for um having um encountered and recognized the talent that John Avery has and and sending him our way at the affordable housing trust but having said that I I I I would like to to stay at seven or to go to seven but um I'm I'm it's it's not just for me about the ability to get a quorum it's also about encouraging people to show up and and participate I know people have jobs they have other obligations I'm not um impervious to that but um I it I I think it's also important to to recruit and um you know if you can find we have this one person um that's a potential um but I I think it's also important to recruit so um I'll leave it with that so thank you for for a very good presentation I appreciate it uh yes sir can I offer a motion please do Mr chairman I move we approve the proposed charge uh for the um chattam Community Housing Partnership has presented by the chair and a reduction in the number of members of the partnership from 9 to seven members second um okay all those in favor Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi U Mr dykens hi and Mr Mets hi um thank you very much in the charge do you guys vote on that or is that you have you have what you asked for great thank you very much thank you Carolyn thanks um okay the next item is the um proposed fiscal year 2025 Orleans adult supportive daycare memorandum of agreement do we oh there you are okay Leah lacrosse to present thank you Mr chair um good evening everybody I think you all have um the my staff report and the contract in front of you this will be our um eighth and final year that we're hopefully asking for this uh memorandum of agreement and this takes us through to June 30th 2025 what's different about this year um the good news is the cost is level with last year um it has not increased this year but um what's different about this year is as you know we're planning on opening our own adult supportive Day program in chadam hopefully by the end of November is what I'm targeting um so but we want to as we've talked about before be sensitive to the needs of the participants that currently um attend the Orleans Day program and we don't want to ever force them to leave a program that they're uh quite used to and have adapted to so we have agreed to ex hopefully extend this um contract for one year for anybody who wants to stay in the Orleans program for the year um so that we don't disrupt their lives um but with the caveat that um what's different about this contract from the others is that either party can give six months notice to end the contract um so we are not if if for some reason every one of are currently we have 13 participants that's changed from the 14 that um we did they did serve 14 over this past fiscal year but now we are at 13 um so we have agreed to continue to subsidize um those attending the Orleans program for the next year and then they will have a year to um decide what to do after that so that is um that's what I'm hoping to what we're hoping to accomplish in the next year um and and again I want to note that due to the impending opening of our own Day program in chatam the added Clause to this year's intermunicipal agreement is that either party can end I'm sorry not 6 months 60 days notice with 60 days notice um I know that everybody is anxious to know how many people from that program may be coming to ours we I had to wait until Orleans sent out a notice to the participants which they have done um so I've begun talking to the caregivers for the current participants I actually had one um set up a meeting with me last week that does uh is is a definite wants to come over to our program I have only spoken to three caregivers so right now we have two yeses um and a no so and I know that others are kind of weighing their options right now I don't want anyone to be nervous about that we have people who are not currently enrolled in a day program in the town of chattam who are anxiously awaiting our opening and want to come to our program so I am respectfully um recommending that the select board approve and sign the Moa between the town of chattam and town of Orleans for the adults supportive Day program for the duration of July 1st through June 30th 2025 well I I nobody else has got their hand up I'll ask the question I um I was hopeful that we would be able to know what um the uh and and I'm more interested in people who are in The Orleans program what their intention is with respect to The Orleans program and and the reason is I don't read and Dean you or anybody else may want to help here but the provision to which the 60-day mutual termination right to which you refer I think is on uh page two the duration uh Item B it says either party May terminate this agreement with 60 days notice to the other party if the other party fails uh substantially fails to fulfill fulfill its obligations hereunder through no fault to the terminating party what that says to me is if the other party is in breach you have a right to terminate it doesn't say you have a right to terminate just because um and which which means to me that this is a um this is truly a one-year commitment that and that may be something that we can accept but um I want to be clear about that yeah um understandably this this agreement the 60-day term was reached um by this was done in a conversation between our own town manager in the Orleans Town manager uh with the understanding that if for some reason every you know every one of the Orleans participants decided to come to our program that we could certainly um terminate the agreement with that notice what is um what's on my mind right now basically is I'm I'm trying to open the program as soon as possible because we got this grant Orleans has let us know that they won't be taking any further chatam partic participants so the people without care right now who are seeking it are unable to get into the Orleans program so um and you know which is which is great if I can get my program open as soon as possible Dean yeah thank you Mr chairman that very language was language that I had emailed Leah about I don't know that I CCD you because I had the same question about the qualifier qualifying language um beginning with um the if in the if Clause um and Leah responded as she has just done now I I I don't know whether this was run by Town Council it It's Curious like language to me well I mean I don't want to make this too complicated if the agreement is as you articulated it between chill and Miss Newman then we just need to fix the language because the language doesn't say what you said the agreement is yeah I'm happy to request that the language be fixed before we or to be corrected or you know to reflect that um before you sign yeah I I I I again I I was trying to sort of play it back as to how this would work who would be disadvantaged chadam or Orleans um and it's it's a curious phrasing I would suggest that you consult with town counil and and get the language cleared up if if need be before the chair uh our chair signs the agreement and that's fine but I I I'm I don't I don't I don't need anybody to help me clear up this language this language says the other party has to be in breach for you to be able to to to terminate right which I don't think is what we want and I'm not sure how you are in breach I mean if we don't send anybody to Orleans we're not in breach because their obligation is to take the people we send if we don't send anybody we're not in breach if we send people and they don't they don't care for them then they're in breach so I don't know but I'll leave it up to you I just you you put your finger on the same thing I I did that's all I'm saying I I don't have any I want putting that to one side does anybody else have anything else they want to talk about here I think you no I think you bring up a very good point valid point I think the language ought to be very ought to be cleared up before we sign okay I mean other well no we can do ay motion we don't whatever you like if you want to wait we'll wait I'm happy to to prove this contingent on the the the the language here being that we can either party can terminate without fault with in 60 days with 60 days notice yes I'll offer that motion second okay all those in favor I Mr Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I uh Miss Davis I um Mr Dyk I and Mr Mets I so um see what you can do with that language and um hopefully we can wrap it up we'll do thank you very much okay thank you um next item uh is the uh approval of um the um appointments and reappointments the approval of election officials I think we can do this with a om Omnibus motion uh the clerk has given us the list of um officials for the election uh elections do I hear a motion Mr chairman I I move that the board uh appoint the election officials as recommended by the town clerk uh on in her memorandum of July 12 2024 second all those in favor Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I miss Miss Davis I uh Mr dykens I and Mr matters I okay moving right along we come to appointments commit cons committee appointments and reappointments first item is affordable housing trust fund Board of Trustees one select board representative and two at large members um before we start here um the pro Proposal with respect to each of these is for one-year terms the the bylaw says the board sets the terms not to exceed two years uh it was my recollection that when we chose one and twoyear terms we did that uh in back in October of last year we did that in order to stack the terms so we didn't end up with the entire board um coming to the end of its term at the same time and therefore there are three who have oneyear terms the other four have twoyear terms which would expire next year and if that's consistent then presumably we would be um nominating people for twoyear terms and I I'll I'll with respect to myself if um first of all if I am proposed and re reelected I I don't care one year two year I don't care but uh with respect to the other two I think makes sense so you you're saying that we should change that to 2026 those those yes they should be changed to 2026 okay or proposed to yes that's correct that's what you say is correct that was what we planned we wanted to stagger the classes okay it it was my mistake on that I I misunderstood but just it is six so that you you took the safest route and let us expand on it no problem ready to go I'm ready okay Mr uh Mr Shell I moved to appoint Michael shell as the select board representative member of the affordable housing trust fund Board of Trustees until June 30th 2026 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr matters hi Mr dykens M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I Mr nicastro hi um next Mr chairman mooved to appoint Leslie schneberger as a member at large of the affordable housing trust fund Board of Trustees until June 30 20126 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I Mr dykens and Mr matters I Mr chairman I move to appoint Bruce Bean as a member at large of the affordable housing trust fund Board of Trustees until June 30 2026 until sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro I uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr dykin and Mr Mets hi okay um with respect to uh the um I'm I'm speaking as the liaison for the economic development committee the um the memo correctly says we have two uh potential reappointments um both of which expire uh in June of 2024 um we also have two vacancies one vacancy is for a term that expires next year 2025 and a second vac expired June 30 of this year so any appointment there would be until um June of 2027 the reason I'm going through all of this is I've had a conversation with uh Mr Bates who's agreed to stay on for a one-year term as a kind of a support and and AD adjunct to to help get the the committee back up to speed as you uh we all observed when he met in front of us um some time ago uh he was not willing as the the memo says to be uh reappointed uh in contemplation of continuing as the chair um so I would um with I I I would propose I I will uh move to a point Luther Bates as a member of the economic development committee until June 302 25 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed I'll second all those in favor Mr necastro I uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I uh Mr dyens uh and Mr Mets I okay any other nominations okay moving on to the cultural Council uh we have two open seats and one member for reappointment can I hear a motion um Mr Shell I move to appoint Susanna Foster as the member of the cultural Council until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed I'll second that um all those in favor Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I uh Mr dykens hi and Mr matters hi okay uh the next next we have the golf advisory committee one member up for reappointment I'll hear a motion Mr chairman I move to appoint Steven kosma as a member of the golf advisory committee until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed I hear a second second and we're so energetic tonight J I know let's move this along this is this shouldn't be hard all those in favor Mr matters hi uh Mr Dyk hi uh Miss Davis Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi uh Human Services committee two members up for reappointment do I hear a motion um Mr um uh I need to check I yeah I as a point of order I think uh Kathleen CC matz was stepping down yes she is after 25 years on this committee do you want to say something Jeff no she's wonderful and we're going to miss her dearly and thank you very much for your service very much for your service okay um and I move to point I take a yeah I move to app Point barar as a member of the Human Services committee to June 30 2027 L soona revoked or successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr NE Castro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr dykens and Mr Mets hi um Independence committee we have one person up for reappointment and one whom we've already ready thank but I'll thank him again Mr Stuka who is not standing for reappointment Mr sh I moved to appoint Peter tul as a member of the Independence Day Parade committee until June 30th 2027 unless soon revoked her successor appointed uh all those in favor Mr Mets I uh Mr Dyk Ms Davis Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi open space committee uh one alter open Al alternate seat and two members up for reappointment um Mr frell is up for reappointment as a member of the open space Comm Mr Shell please I move to appoint John Jack frell as a member of the open space committee until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor uh Mr necastro Mr Shell says I'm um M Davis Hi Mr dykens and Mr me I Parks and Recreation Commission two members up for reappointment Mr sh I move to appoint Kimberly Robbins as a member of the park and rec commission until June 30th 2027 unless sooner voked or successor is appointed I'm second that um all those in favor Mr nicastro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr dykens and Mr Mets I um Mr chair I moved to Point Tanya khil as a member of the park and recreational commission until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked to her successor is appointed um do I hear a second uh all those in favor Mr dykin I Miss Davis Hi Mr Mets hi Mr necastro I and Mr Shell says I four members of the planning board are up for reappointment to terms ending June June 3 30 2024 uh I'm going to start uh move to appoint Mr Robert wefer um as a member of the planning board until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr nicastro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr uh dykin hi and Mr Mets hi um I'll listen to another motion I moved to appoint Katherine helper as a member of the planning board until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor uh Mr necastro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Mr Dyk and Mr Mets hi Mr chairman I moved to appoint Frank Sherer as a member of the planning board until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr Mets hi Mr dykens M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr nicastro hi Mr chairman I moved to appoint Charlene Greenhill as a member of the planning board until June 30 2027 L soona revoked or successor appointed second uh all those in favor Mr necastro Mr Shell says I M Davis Hi Mr Dyk and Mr Mets all right uh public ceremonies committee we have three open seats and one member up for reappointment um Mr Robert France the oneman show onean show does he does he still really okay Mr chairman I move to appoint Robert FR as a member of the public ceremonies committee until June 30th 2027 unless soon a revoked or a successor is appointed if he accepts no second uh all those in favor um Mr dykin hi Miss Davis Hi Mr Mets I Mr nicastro I and Mr Shell says I um the Railroad Museum committee one member up for reappointment and one adviser up for reappointment I um Mr chairman so yes please I move to appoint Elizabeth McCart as a member of the Railroad Museum committee until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Mr tkin and Mr Mets I Mr chairman I move to appoint Bruce Evans as an advisor to the railroad museum committee until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second um all those in favor Mr necastro I uh Mr Shell says I uh Miss Davis hi uh Mr dykin uh Mr Mets hi and I take it we're not able under the open meeting law to appoint the gentleman that we interviewed this evening no to be post I don't think we should okay that's not protocol but okay I think it's best to have it posted since everything we there's another candidate that have we already interviewed Mr Denny did we already appoint him I believe Mr jny has them but I'll confirm that tomorrow morning yeah I know we interviewed him I don't remember whether we appointed him okay I will defer okay uh summer residence advisory committee four members of for reappointment take a motion Mr chairman I move to appoint Jeff spalter as a member of the summer residence advisory committee until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shel say I Miss Davis uh Mr dykens Mr Mets hi Mr chairman I moveed to appoint steuart green as a member of the summer resident advisory committee till June 30 2027 unless sooner revoke to a successor is appointed second uh Miss Mr dykin I Mr Mets hi Miss Davis Mr Shell says I Mr uh necastro I Mr chairman I mooved to appoint Michael Waters as a member of the summer residence advisory committee until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Mr Dyk and Mr Mets I Mr chairman I move to appoint Thomas Garvey as a member of the summer residence advisory committee till June 30th 2027 unless sooner roked their successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr Dyk M Davis Mr Shell says I Mr necastro I uh zoning board of appeals one associate member up for reappointment Mr chairman I move to appoint Steve deur as an associate member of the zoning board of appeals until June 30th 2025 unless sooner aoke to successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr Miss Davis I Mr Shell says I Mr necastro hi and Mr Mets hi Mr Dyk hi um that concludes our committee appointments and now we have the town manager's report thank you Mr chair um another comprehensive report put together by Town staff um just a few items to note as you'll see that we have a lot of work anniversaries in July um you know a lot of a lot of years of service here with Kenneth Ren uh DPW heavy equipment operator with 38 years I'm sorry 33 years um our police chief Mike Anderson with 28 years and uh police Lieutenant Andy Gard with um 27 years um moving down the list we've got Judy Georg our health agent with 20 years um our Deputy fire chief Ryan Clark with 17 years um also of note uh Leah lacrosse that was here tonight director of community services has been here with us for two years um and Brianna Fitzpatrick our assistant media coordinator um is celebrating her oneyear anniversary this month um also just noting some employee um anniversaries for August um we have um Candace cook our assistant assessor has been here for eight years Michelle Clark um who is I believe retiring soon with 18 years um and our town manager Jill Goldsmith will be here for 13 years this August um we also have our housing in sustainability director Gloria mcferson with two years and Andrea Warner our accounting assistant with one year um just a few to note um comprehensive list in the report uh we also have in addition to our new town planner that was introduced tonight we have our new assistant Town accountant and assistant Finance director uh Nick cantella and we also have our Emergency Management deputy director that was appointed and that's a familiar name it's uh former fire uh mark Keller and he's back joining us in the deputy director for Emergency Management role so just a few items of note thank you very much um I think yes sir can I can I just offer a suggestion I appreciate the report we all do um and this evening uh we had an introduction to the new town planner prior to co we regularly had before for us every new employee that came to work for the town no matter what the position was and we haven't really gotten back to that I don't know whether the plan is to have just department heads or senior managers but I'd like to see us I personally would like to see the new employees come before us one by one again I think that would if you could pass that suggestion on to the town manager I would appreciate it I certainly will thank you anything else Mr chairman move to adjourn second all those in favor Mr Mets hi Mr Dyk hi M Davis Mr Shell says I and Mr nastro hi we are adjourned at 7:13 thank you all good night shad [Music] [Music]