##VIDEO ID:fIzbOdna5-w## e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening chadam I I I guess before I read the our usual routine I need to call the meeting order um glad to see all these folks here um this is the August 6 2024 meeting of the chat of the chadam select board um please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair I don't see anybody telling me that they are so I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain cid9 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 3A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam chadam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible first order of businesses to establish a quorum select board member Mets present select board member dykens select board member Davis present select board member shell is present and select board member necastro pres um I will review briefly the um the agenda for this evening which is a little bit lengthy we have two sets of minutes um with the next item is public announcements and agenda requests um the third item is a report on chadam Wells posos and drinking water testing and pumping update uh from our DPW director Mr phy um then we will hear from our Barnstable County um assembly of delegates uh representative Randy poach reporting on uh actions there next we'll have public comments on the business agenda um I will identify I'm going to rearrange the agenda to put the uh Bridge Street discussion um number one and the discussion of 127 old Harbor Road number two and invite the public to join us in that discussion alongside of the board I'm doing that because I I I think there's there's quite a crowd here I suspect that you're not here to hear hear about uh applications for use of town property so we'll we'll try to get you in and out of here as quickly as we can um so uh the first um item will be uh The Bridge Street project update and considering a request by the shellfish advisory committee for a special town meeting to fund the 90 Bridge Street project the second item will will be um the 127 old Harbor Road property update uh which we'll get from our housing and sustainability director Gloria mcferson and then we will proceed to um consider a request to use Town property and town roads uh for the Christmas stroll on Friday December 13 uh next will be considering a use of town roads a special one-day entertainment license uh and sale Goods on to Town property for the 20th annual annual Turkey Trot um in November next we'll consider an application for a new common victual or uh I never can say that right license uh from J Bar at 400 Main Street next we will consider an application for another new common vict license from chillers at 22A barill Road um next we will consider a special one-day alcohol permit where the side for Where the Sidewalk Ends bookstore um next we will consider uh use of town property alcohol on Town property and a special one-day alcohol license for broadreach healthc carees uh Employee Appreciation event in September um and then finally we will um I'm sorry not finally next is a um clean water trusting finance agreement approval uh which will be um staffed by uh our Director of Finance Carrie M mazero uh next we will vote to sign the state um primary warrant uh and finally we have 11 sets of um appointments and reappointments to town boards commissions and committees so with that um I will invite comments on the June 25th 202 24 minutes motion to approve second any comments yeah Dean thank you Mr chairman just two on page five second to last line um I think the first word orange should be yellow um that was the you see that I'm sorry where is it Dean second to last line on page five says orange section represents option two it's actually The yellow section that represents two and then on page um six um second line I did not check the video but I'm a little puzzled it says U um he discussed the potential to add a dedicated driveway for the condominium Community was I'm not was that what he was proposing okay all right then I have no edit on that thank you Mr chairman any other comments all those in favor Mr matters I Mr dykens M Davis abstain Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I um I will invite a motion on the minutes of um July 23 24 second any comments uh I gave the one to um Kathy it's just uh a rearrangement of the um on pages 12 and 13 I I actually made the motion to uh nominate or appoint uh Mr um uh Mr um wter thank you um so with that um Mr Mets I uh Mr dykens hi Miss Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I okay um public announcements and agenda requests do we have any on the board Mr necastro Mr chairman I have an agenda item requests as follows that the select board consider amending the town's budget and financial management policies to limit the ability of the town when borrowing money to exclude debt under proposition two and a half and Reliance on a ballot question approval that occurs at an election that precedes town meeting action to authorize the proposed borrowing I will provide draft language when this is scheduled for select board consideration and I invoke our one Monon policy that requires that it be placed on on the agenda within 30 days thank you Mr chairman okay duly noted any others uh from the um yes sir just if you wouldn't mind identifying yourself please uh good evening U Bob Burns 147 Lim Hill Road chadam permanent resident and I'll be I'll be brief uh thank you for allowing me to come forward with a follow-up agenda item that uh I presented a few meetings ago the limehill group along with the summer residence advisory committee have continued to research our best policy practices for sore grinder pump implementations our most recent Focus has been around repairs and service by speaking with other towns who have had effective policies in place as we all know from the summer advisory committee Wastewater is their number one agend agenda item for next Tuesday August 13th annual meeting we trust their meeting will be successful with a wellth thought out recommendations on the grinder pump fairness issues now 7 months after the January 16th 2024 select board meeting I am again requesting an agenda item for the water and sore advisory committee to return to the select Board Water Commissioners with the response to the remanded request board or select board request to revisit recommendations and secondly present an analysis of where more gravity connections could be installed in the master plan of the source system thank you thank thank you Mr burn anyone else in the uh audience here uh do we have anybody else online I don't see anybody no okay moving forward uh the report on chadam Wells posos and drinking water testing from Mr failey thank you Mr chair good evening uh Rob failey director of Public Works so our um our water and sewer sorry get that out of there our water and sewer maintenance and operations contract violia is up and running they started July 1st uh the transition is going very well um new technology new vehicles are on board they have a new project manager on board that's oversees both water and sewer and they already have uh new sewer employee that started on Monday yesterday and another one starting next week so they are filling some of those needed vacancy gaps that we've had uh over the years so really good uh start for violia for us uh for training field Wells 5 and8 uh well five still continuing to pump with a temporary GC filter um I'll go down to the next page but uh the foundation hole for the permanent treatment facility um um the foundation hle has been excavated you could see the geotextile fabric and the gravel base and the mud slab have been poured uh they're out there um tying rebar and um things are progressing nicely we're expecting a big concrete pour on the 15th of August 650 cubic yards which is substantial and then uh they'll start working out of the ground from that point so it'll be nice to nice to see that taking shape Wells 10 and 11 11 online uh this well has uh well 11 has really taken the curse off of those low level alarms that we've seen um we're typically we're seeing them in the like the 70 plus foot range like the high 70s we haven't been below 80 this year even though we still hit lowlevel alarms they're not as severe as they have been in the past so so that's really good I can't wait to get well 10 online as well um we've uh talked to town Council whether we could possibly um without that conservation easement activate that well and it's not looking promising so uh it looks like the office of office of uh energy and environmental Affairs will not get to that uh easement language until sometime this fall so we'll probably be sitting on well 10 until sometime this fall uh for the month of July Wells were running 8 to 18 hours per day we had lowlevel alarms four times um the 15th 17th 19th and 22nd they were all Monday Wednesday or Friday with our typical irrigation schedules that we're seeing in town um water sampling you know we've had some bacteria samples and POS samples that went out all of them were free of bacteria non- detect on posos which is all great news and here is our pump in comparison July 23 versus July 24 I'd like to call out July 4th we pumped over 4 million gallons in that one day that's uh very substantial that's about just about our maximum of what we can our capacity is for a day of pumping so that's substantial but the funny thing is that um that was on uh Thursday we didn't hit the lowlevel alarm that day even though we pumped over four million gallons we still didn't hit the lowlevel alarm so that shows you was probably spaced out over the course of the day a little bit more and the total is um we are right in line with what we pumped last year you can see on this uh the daily fluctuations you could see on the July 2nd July 4th and July 7th were really spikes but uh but overall um compared very well with last July and this is the uh water comparison per well per day um this really tells the story the output of every single well um again well eight is offline and 10 is not contributing to the to the overall pumpage of well 11 and below that it's it's not a competition but it shows our highest producing Wells uh at the bar chart on the bottom and Wells one two and three collectively are are very high performers and here's our year-to date pumping we're already up at um 254 million gallons last year we were at 273 so there's a little bit of a reduction and you can see down below Wells one two and three have almost pumped 100 million gallons just by themselves and here's the status of the um USGS observation Wells chadam is up on top we're continuing in the seasonal trend of uh the downward trend um you can see in chadam on top is slightly better or about even to last year um but on Brewster down below it's it's more of the Bell weather uh last year it had dropped to 31 feet prior to midyear um and this year we didn't drop until uh 30 below 31 feet much later so so we are hopefully climbing out of the drought you could see the if you look at the the Peaks uh on Brewster it's a it's a steady increase um hopefully that Trend continues some of the rain we're getting lately is all contributing to the health of the of the uh aquafer and this wasn't uh this got excluded from the report this week I'm not sure why but it's just the fiveyear average that we discuss um again we were right online with last year um and we're slightly below average um and I think part of the uh the totals like the the hours that we're using you can see now well 11 is online so it is kind of fluctuating you know with the different Wells that have been offline over the years now we're adding Wells so I don't know if the value on the bottom is as useful as it used to be where it shows which Wells were online and offline um and that's not in your report it's only I don't think it's in was included in your report so it's only up here on the screen so I apologize for that but I'm happy to answer any question questions sorry it's a lot of data I threw at you in a short term I just have one quick question ahead yeah on uh what's the Hang Up with the state in the easen it's a fairly straightforward easen is it not yeah they provided the template yeah so they just haven't just haven't reached for that folder that file or whatever but there's a large large backlog in that office and so they said before they even get a chance to look at it it would be fall sometime this fall they really said that yeah it's because I've been I've been emailing them every other week and just to be a pain in the neck so they can get rid of me but it hasn't worked well you know we love these reports I I think they're great um they're comprehensive the news this this month is for this report is excellent I think all around in terms of supply and no surprised that we had a peak July 4th seeing so many people were here but anyway great report um it's all good thank you so I just I'm just curious if I look back at the mon ly July to July 23 to 24 the total numbers are 81 682 for 23 and 81654 for 24 when I look at this the colored chart they're not quite the same sometimes there are slight fluctuations because that is raw data and then we as the month progresses it gets finalized ref a little bit further okay so I apologize it's not a big deal I just was curious that's all yeah it's just it's you know what 20 or 30,000 gallons which sounds like a lot of water but it's not it is immaterial I I it is a pure matter of curiosity Dean just just one question uh Rob thank you for the report I share um Mr dyan's compliments as well uh on the water sampling um can you just just tell us what is unregulated contaminant monitoring rule five what is that is this a new test we're doing that's for Wells 10 and 11 because they are new they're coming online so those are required tests that we need to go through to make sure the healthy systems basically all right thank you question okay thanks very much Rob okay report okay moving right along to the report from our delegate to the cape cot assembly of delegates Randy potach PES I'll get it right one of these days my mother-in-law calls it poach so we'll stick with that so thank you for having me um I want to tell you some things about the assembly that I'd like you to hear from me first um so just for anybody that's not famili with Bible County government 15 towns 15 delegates I'm your chadam delegate I'm also the deputy speaker and I am the chair of the Public Services uh committee which I will get to in a few minutes with regard to The Dredge uh so what's new um our budget has been uh finalized of course and we're in fiscal 2025 now and we have all level Services last year you may recall that the assembly had to step in and restore services for the shine program for shellfish seeds and for children's Cove because as the assembly we are basically the last say on how money is appropriated so um that's what we do and we like to focus on services to make sure that they remain exemplary and at the very least function so this budget really is unremarkable um one thing that is separate from the from the operating budget is the dredge budget and I know you're all familiar because you went through a lot of drama to as we talked about having to raise the rates sorry I'm a little horse today um so as the Public Services chair I've taken a special interest in the dredge especially because I'm from chattam and I've attended two years worth of um meetings with the dredge advisory committee we also have meetings um at the assembly about the Edge because we are responsible for the rates so you can thank us and blame us whatever you choose but the rates used to be 75% discounted for the towns that was not working because we couldn't pay our bills it's it is a Enterprise fund so it wasn't working out at a 75% uh discount the rates are much higher now but it's still a 50% discount and we considered that to be you know a success story because the Reed is very functional now we also got a lot of opa funds and um it's got all kinds of new pots and I I think it's going to go well going forward it is more expensive but everybody uh probably can agree that we need it for Beach nourishment and to keep all the channels open so we're proud of the dredge program and we hope that you are too um so another thing that I've been busy with um I gave you a beyond the lookout last time that there'd be a ballot question and there will be a ballot question in November and it's asking the public um of uh bouno County to allow the assembly to uh amend some of the charter now it's not a big chatter change because we couldn't have done that through a simple Amendment it passed muster with KP law and with the state and we we knew it would I tried to sort of impart that last time because it was very simple change that just really are language changes and clarifications no real functional changes so we look forward to having people vote Yes on the ballot question that you'll see doesn't cost any money and in the long run it probably will save you money because the lawyers like nothing more than obfuscation and we're trying to clear up some of that and I was a little surprised that KP law didn't find something wrong with it but they did not so there's that see what else um we have a new County Administrator starting in September and his name is Michael Dutton he comes from uh Bridgewater he was he's presently the administrator town no Town manager in Bridgewater and he starts in September he seems nice I've had a couple of little exchanges with him I've not met him in person yet but I plan to um because Beth Albert is retiring also we have three delegates that are not coming back out of the 15 and they're people that you probably know um Mary chaffy from Brewster is not returning U Pat priny our speaker is not returning and these both of these delegates have been on for over a decade and also um George Slade from Bourne so we're going to get some new people and we look forward to that let's see um anything else new so one other thing um sha O'Brien retired you've probably heard his name over the years I think most notable for sea was during the pandemic he set up a drive-thru at cap card Community College for uh covid testing and that and the governor came down and used Shawn's plan as a model for the rest of the state so we're going to miss Shawn everybody loves him and he has not been replaced yet and I think the county may take sort of a page out of your playbook and separate the department of environment and health I think you you might have done something like that and perhaps they're going to have two people replace Sean because both of those departments are so big um and I know besides the dredge the town of chadam depends on the health department I hear raving reviews from uh Judith Georgio about how she's in touch with the county health department basically on a daily basis and of obviously water testing in the environmental department is important as well um I think I'll stop now and see if you have any questions go ahead chff thanks Mike I I just wanted I didn't want to uh leave folks with the notion that our lawyers are Abus cator but well I'm an attorney so I think I know you are Randy so that's that's so I'm going to allow the opportunity to to spread some light or shed some light I should say on on what you're asking us to vote on when when we go to the ballot Just what's specifically are is the ballot question about thanks so the ballot question is asking the voters I brought a copy of it because I was one of the authors of it um asking them to approve amendments to the Charter that cautify what basically the assembly does as we approve the budget every year so for example there's a finance committee and everybody depends on the finance committee to have meetings with every department and make recommendations to the full assembly uh there was some old language in there about um an advisory committee and that's actually the finance committee and so it just clarifies that um and it defines it and it it puts it in a sit in a an area of the chat with other definitions like that so it clears that up and it also um um expressly authorizes any delegate or any um County um commissioner to put forward ordinances on any topic because the charter does not uh discriminate on its face about what what um ordinances could be put forward but right now there's some opinions that there are types of ordinances that cannot be put forward by the assembly and it's caused problems I give you a couple examples but I don't want I don't know if you want to go into that but that's that's a change that's well it's just clarification okay it's codifying what happens anyway yes okay well what's supposed to happen it's supposed to okay thank you thank you is there oh I'm sorry Shar go ahead no I just wanted to thank you for the report Randy and give a shout out to Shan O'Brien I worked with him during the co on Senator Sear's task force he was a leader um and did some really great work for for the county and and I really appreciated his time yeah thank you uh is is there a a a structural plan for succession to the speakership or is that an election after they elect the assembly or how does that work are you wondering if I'm going to be speaker because I'm Deputy speaker if if my colleagues elect me then I would be honored um so I am going to run again this this will be my fourth term yeah so we'll see how it goes you know every the the uh eight members of the assembly will elect a new speaker and a new Deputy speaker and I'd like to come back in January maybe with Mr Dutton you think that's reasonable and maybe bring one of the department heads to sort of Enlighten you on on more detail of what some of these big departments really do and one of the one of the topics um could certainly be grinder pumps because we uh have a 0 to 4% Lo program that includes grinder problems that would be good too yeah so see you in January okay yeah absolutely thank you and thanks for the report thank you thanks for having me thanks okay um next item is public comments on the business agenda but not on the Bridge Street item or the 127 old Harbor uh item because we're going to allow for public comment at the same time that the board is discussing those items so except for those two items is there any public comment um here in the room I guess not um is there any public comment from the remote participants I don't see anybody no okay um so we will go first next to the uh Bridge Street project update um and a request by the shellfish advisory committee for a special town meeting to fund 90 Bridge Street uh the 90 Bridge Street project um the staff report has been prepared by Greg Burman with support from uh I think a pretty wide array of other members of the staff uh I think we probably might start with you Greg unless you have somebody else in mind um and then um we will um have a discussion thank you Greg Burman director of Natural Resources here in chadam so we are here today because the shellfish advisory committee came forward and requested a special town meeting for 9y bridge and also to separate out nighty Bridge from the other projects within the previous uh attempted Waterfront Bond so in addition to the shellfish advisory committee we also have the South Coastal Harbor plan committee which recommended separating out 90 Bridge from the other projects and while it wasn't a formal recommendation when uh finance committee was looking at the original article 18 two of the three no votes um much of their discussion had to do with too high of an amount and trying to reduce the number of projects the idea of having five projects versus one project project so that's not necessarily another vote for separate article but kind of support for it um so we did go uh request from Town Council guidance if the board were to look at doing a special town meeting and Our Town Council indicated that um the previous ballot question would be uh appropriate to use for the potential upcoming special town meeting so this is the five projects um phase one and two of 90 Bridge uh that passed at ballot question number two but did not pass as article 18 at uh the annual town meeting if you take out the other four projects we had presented $4.5 million for Justin 0 bridge that number has gone down and I'll discuss that in just a few minutes this is a table that was provided in the Agenda Report I don't necessarily feel that we need to step through each individual project unless you'd like to I'd be happy to discuss any of them I think the main takeaway is that our 90 Bridge Project is ready to go the design permitting is ready um we're you know currently in the bulkhead phase the dredging was completed already um since it did not pass at the annual town meeting we're about 3 to four months behind where we thought we would be if the special town meeting were to occur um that would save us potentially nine months versus going to an annual town meeting this upcoming May so we have those five projects um that we are proceeding with at uh various speeds uh a lot having to do with what funding levels are going to be in the future here is the permit status of just the 90 Bridge Tree project so again kind of the takeaways uh the top two on the list are the ones that would uh expire before the next annual town meeting uh the order of conditions from the Conservation Commission hopefully would be a relatively Light Lift to do an extension for that the variants uh that we have for base flood elevation wouldn't necessarily expire but we do have a new building code coming into effect as of January 1 uh speaking with the building inspector today we don't necessarily know everything that's going to be in that building code there is potential that there might be other items in there we would need to request a variance if so we don't know what that would entail whether it would involve redesign rep permitting um again it just puts question marks on the project which makes it more difficult moving in the future and here is uh the slide talking about the money so um over on the left side there we show the article 18 the 45 million we were able to come in below estimates with AGM by about 400,000 the dredging came in about 100,000 less the new amount needed for completion of the 90 Bridge Project is $4 million so that would be a reasonable request if a special town meeting were to be held that table in the upper right of the slide is something you've seen before in some of the other presentations uh we just like to provide what the uh estimated total cost of just the 90 Bridge Project is what that uh portion is Town funds versus outside funds grants things like that so that's showing we need about 6.4 million two 2.4 of that would come from the existing bond and a uh very likely wolf withdrawal from fiscal year 25 leaving us with the 4 million of new funds that would be needed just a little refresher there's a lot of Moorings a lot of commercial and recreational use within this area that's serviced by a relatively uh uh small facility this would greatly increase and take pressure off of existing facilities our historic boat house this is the proposed area where it would be replaced and this is a multi-use project this is uh commercial recreational historic and I I did just kind of want to call out you know what's been referred to as the upweller project the upweller is a fairly major portion of this project certainly not the only portion uh but with that if uh with permission I'd like for n to come up just to chat a little bit about the existing upweller and what our uh look into the future would be sure go ahead please thanks Renee thank you and thank you for letting me speak um the upweller is a fairly big component of the nauy Bridge Street so I was asked to uh talk a little bit about the actual importance of the shellfish industry and our shellfish resources this is not going to be very new information all of that is very intrical to what makes chatam chatam whoops okay sorry um again I was asked to speak about the shellfish resources um our shellfish resour sources are very intrical to chadam uh for Generations that they've been providing uh uh food and also uh economic benefits and jobs for our Chatum residents our commercial fishermen are domiciled residents of the town so all of that money goes to you have to be a local resident a year- on Resident in order to be a commercial fisherman and it also helps to uh uh for supplemental income for other Industries like painters Carpenters Etc so it's it's important IND industry to our local our local folks um our wild Cog Fisheries is the largest landed Fisheries in the in the state of Massachusetts uh we land between um just a little under a million dollars and that was in 2021 that was during covid when some of the markets were closed and up to 1.5 million pounds of cogs are landed in chadam annually and with my fuzzy math that equates to about approximately 10 to 15 million pieces of cogs are harvested out of chattam waters primarily our Southern Waters that's stage Harbor and our Nantucket facing estuaries we also that also equates to the largest Val values uh the most um lucrative valued um wild coog fishery in the state of Massachusetts um those values uh are between $1.5 to2 million annually we do have other shellfish in town um so it's uh our total uh annual Landings are between 2 to 4 million but our Cog Landings actually are more than half of those Landings on an annual basis like for example this year we have a huge soft shell um set these numbers are going to be a little different next year but for the most part when uh uh a muscle uh set fails when a soft shell clam set fails everybody relies on the Cog it's the backbone of our industry it's the insurance policy of our industry and I did want to add one more element and this is the multiplier effect and I actually got this from the Cape Cod commercial Fisherman's Association pamphlet and this talks about the economic benefits of an industry and primarily for them it's the finfish industry for us it's shellfish and this is uh incorporates the people who sell the gear the people who sell the engines the people who fix the boats the people who work in restaurants who work in in the dealer um the wholesale dealerships all of that is important to to understand in the scope of what the value of this industry is for chatam and those values are between uh6 to1 million and those are on an annual basis I don't want to disregard our recreational Fisheries our recreational Fisheries are valued between two and 300,000 a year I believe that those are greatly undervalued it's a very very difficult number to grasp um because we just usually have a snapshot of when we check somebody um but that's not really the value of our recreational Fisheries we sell um approximately three million family per I mean 3,000 family permits a year um and it's the actual activity that actually has value I mean we get to share this with uh families with grandchildren they get to experience our local uh Shore I mean this is a really unique experience that we get to share with not just local folks but with our also our visitors I've checked numerous people out there that say I don't even eat shellfish I give this stuff away I'm here because I'm communing with nature recharging my batteries I'm getting and that's that's the activity that we get to to share um through our recreational um Fisheries so what does all this has have to do with nauy Bridge Street all of the things that I just uh talked about are supported by our propagation program and that propagation program has been in effect since 19 1983 at the request from our commercial industry and my predecessor Stuart Moore had the foresight to put the current upwelling facility into um an existing building has retrofitted in there it's been there since 1995 and it's what supports all of this and the biggest tool in our toolbox is that upweller it it allows us to purchase small seed at an affordable price and make sure that we have a shell fishery that's going to maintain our our commercial folks and also our uh recreational Harvesters um I I have our propagation specialist Ben Sako on the phone there are issues with our current facility we patch that thing up every year we try to uh our our best to to make it work it's it's it's an old facility there's also a lot of conflicting issues in the site that we're currently in the new proposed facility is uh proposed to increase Capac capacity and also to increase the capability of our growing size because uh it's it's going to be a new facility more water going through the building Etc I'm going to let Ben um um add something if you're on line Ben yeah I'm here okay if you want to just uh talk yep if you want to just talk about some of the issues that we're currently having and and uh what the expectations for the new facility that would be great thank you sure um yeah so like that slide was saying um we've had some recent near misses you know it's it's a very busy area people are launching boats all the time people are offloading fish people are gassing up their boats and um there's been oil and gas in the water numerous times and those pumps are right there at the end of the dock so if it goes into the water right near where those pumps are it's coming into the building so I've gone into the building a few times and just seen a Sheen of oil or gas up in the silos it's floating above the the cogs or oysters that are in there so we always hope that they're okay but you know if there was a substantial spill we could have some issues there and the same issue arises if people are cleaning their boats with um harsh chemicals out there you know if they're using acid wash on their boats to get that scum off or something the pumps are going to suck that in so it's just a proximity thing with um being in that very popular area and and the new facility not to say these things couldn't happen there but it's just further removed from those those issues they're just trying it would separate us from a problem uh potentially we would hope that it would uh make a difference um there's also the issue of the tanks and I don't want to go into too much detail um there's chadam TV has put together a great video about the uph you could watch if you want some more um detailed uh information about it but the way that tanks are designed is one tank feeds the next so all the food in the water that goes from one tank or all the water in the in the top tank that goes into the bottom tank has already been eaten out of so the the clams are um oysters in the bottom tank are getting left over water that has it doesn't have as good of food as the top so um we're getting less growth out of those bottom tanks than we do out of the top and even with even with the tanks and the the way that they are the the building is at capacity I'm at capacity right now and we're not even halfway through the growing season um there's no room to expand tanks there's no room to expand silos we're stuck with what we have so I have um over three million animals in there right now and I can't spread them out any thinner than I already have them so I just have to get them to a size that I think is good enough to plant out in the field under a net and then get them out of there and that's the only way I can give these other animals more space to grow and I would like to get them bigger than they are but I don't really have choice in a current facility because there's just not enough space to spread them out um we also have power issues but that's not really the up Weller's fault that we lose power so often but just being in this building that we're in now there's no room to expand there's no room to install a generator if we were to put in a transfer switch to have a portable generator we'd be blocking like the road for the fishermen or the gas trucks to get in there and get down to the Trap dock so there's no real way to prevent the to have a backup for those pumps go off we have small we have small trash pump now that we use but it's not something that can sustain it in an extended outage and just um the new facility would be I mean it would have more capacity for shellfish as well we'd be able to expand the program and I would be able to get the animals bigger so it would just everything would grow better out in the field because of because of it's getting bigger in the um upw and that new facility is going to be a lot easier to show people around I mean people Forest you know local people everyone comes in there they love to see what's going on they always have a million questions and getting up through that building is it's kind of tight in between the tanks and there's a big step in the middle and um sometimes it's a little a little uh I don't I don't want to say dangerous but I worry about if there's elderly people coming through going down that step so I just have to make sure that people are aware of their surroundings while they're in there and this new facility will be a lot easier to to show off and to explain to people rather than having people go down these tiny little corridors and and like pretty much yelling at them because it's hard to hear and there um I mean there's and we do we do a lot of repairs every winter just to try and keep what we have going um we did we did a few things this winter to try and um fix up some issues we're having with two of the tanks but I don't need to go into crazy detail about that um and we were always patching leaks and and making sure the pipe fittings are all sealed and everything so we're not getting so we're getting getting optimal flow but there's always something that needs to be fixed and we're always in there working on it that's about all I got I can take any questions too thank you Ben um thank you I think we should maybe hear from Mr Davis who was the um proponent originally if if uh if you want to say anything um before we open up the discussion and and I did just want to share with the select board that in addition to Rene myself we do have the coastal resource director and harbard master here if you have any questions thanks Greg Mr Davis thank you Mr Shell uh good evening everyone um once again the staff has done an outstanding job of giving a very comprehensive report and so much so that I have virtually nothing left to say um I think we recognize the value that shellfishing has brought uh to the economy of chatam and certainly to the tradition and culture of chattam and I think they've explained that very very well uh I would like to thank the select board for following up on our committee's request of some months ago and having this this H agenda item this evening and in doing so showing your leadership and moving this valuable project forward the one thing I would emphasize uh in fact I can't overemphasize enough is is the concern of our committee as to the urgency of completing this project this has been going on for 10 years and admittedly we had setbacks with covid which are unavoidable but now is the time to take action and I reiterate our request to have a special town meeting to get the funding we need to complete this project to bring it to successful completion so we can all enjoy it after all this effort thank you very much thank you Mr Davis um I I think this is on the agenda basically in response to listening to uh mainly the uh the shelfish advisory committee request and letter but we've heard elsewhere that this is a project that the public is very interested in so before I invite comment from the board um I'm gonna yes I have some questions I'd like to ask the staff can we not ask that at this time or do we have to wait for the public comment you're please go ahead thank you so I I wanted to ask um Greg and U Renee a couple of questions let's start with Greg first and I don't have many um you you had a slide that showed the status of permits that might expire so you mentioned the the building code permit so that's a local board right the building code appeals board or is that a state board uh local level okay and you explained uh there might be some potential well there's some potential unknowns because of the um adoption of the state build the new State Building Code in January 1 do we know if that's going to apply to this situation if we don't Begin work before that date then it would apply it would apply okay the uh order of conditions from the Conservation Commission you do list the mass D is that because they're in app pellet body yes there's not a separate it's not because they have issued a permit that might expire at this point or a superseding order no it's the same order what is what is the WPA that's I'm not sure what that stands for sure my apologies Wetland protection act AC still sneak so that may be updated soon that conceivably could apply if the legislature in the new session it's going to be I guess that's more of a an update if the extensions didn't happen if we waited so long that the project had to be you know redone through the wetlands uh protection act then the new act might apply but right now the ACT has not been edited it's only gone through a series of listening sessions with proposals um some of those proposals would have a pretty big impact U hopefully we wouldn't need to go through that uh if the Conservation Commission were to allow up to three years of extensions it probably would not come into play but that is a you know potential large danger if uh that did go into effect and that would that would be something before the new legislature I I think the legislature has ended its session for this year and they would have to start again after the elections in January um just one one last question for you the boat house is still up in quinsey do we know maybe this is for Ted is this is the boat house ready to come down here or is there still more work that needs to be done up there do we know um Ted's welcome to talk but he and I have both chatted with Mr dowy and I I believe he is oh who maybe here also uh but it's my impression that they are anxiously awaiting when they can uh have the boat house here so they're no longer paying storage fees okay well it's it's been way a long time I'm not sure 8 months delay is going to make a whole lot of difference and quinsey is not a bad place to for it to stay um I have a question for Renee um I I fully support the value of the program I full support the project by the way I I I think I was on the finance committee when this property was acquired and um I was particularly concerned that it be not limited to commercial but that recreational use be um a part of this project I I so I don't have to be convinced about the importance of this program what I have to be convinced about is why we should have a special town meeting in September versus letting this go to the annual town meeting as a separate project um so I just wanted to know and I I heard what um your colleague is said about the various issues with the current upweller um but if we were to delay this um for eight months I mean is there a is there Serious injury that's going to happen to the program you have a functioning up well or now so I just wanted if you have any thoughts on that yeah I I mean I don't want to be overly dramatic I think that we um the it it's functional and we maintain it and we make it work um we do have all of the um the obstacles that Ben had had made clear you saw the suds in there that was from people washing down their boats so we are in proximity to currently to a lot of activity that could be uh impactful um but uh you know we're at we're at we we we work at the mercy of the town so we're going to make work what we have um work and you have done so for for a long time and I'm aware of the concerns that some of the concerns that your colleague expressed je Greg did you have something else in response yep no I I just also wanted to add it's I I feel like we're at the point where we are hesitant to make expensive repairs to an upweller as that would just be wasted if you know we proceed down this road for 9y bridge sounds like the center for active living thank you I have no further questions Mr chairman okay well I I will now invite uh uh comment from the uh from the public uh yes Mr massina hi Frank massina 58 Island View Lane South chadam uh it's interesting to hear how some people waiting 10 years those of us who' have been involved with trying to save the boat house it's more like 20 plus years years uh you know the boat house has been part of stage haror for a long long time and certainly an historic part of chadam and iconic structure I guess I'm speaking as chairman of the historical Commission because I'm speaking not only for myself but the members of the commission who wholeheartedly endorsed the return of the boat house back to chadam uh it's been waiting a long time and I'm not sure how much more we can wait and how much longer the uh the folks who are footing the bill to keep it where it is can continue to foot the bill before we bring it back to chadam uh it's it's time to bring it back from my my perspective from an historical preservation point of view we've lost a lot of historic things in chadam giving them away Province Town orans and uh this one I hope we don't lose when we first started to try to bring it back to chatore before we tried to stop it from being lost um as most of you know we could have had the whole thing for nothing or a dollar and here we are going to spend a lot of money to bring it back but I think it's worthwhile to bring it back um and I hope you guys um really seriously consider that issue um I can't speak to the issue of a special town meeting or not that's for you to make the big decision that's why you get paid so much money okay but let me speak to the issue of 90 Bridge Street um I kind of live there from like May through October working at a stage Harbor uh sailing a lot and I've been watching it over the years as as we seen the the first iteration of n of 90 Bridge Street when we put the the pier up and we we we got rid of the old shed there and we it's being used it's a very popular place for the public and not only for the public for fishermen who Ed it to to back up their boats to sell the scallops and the the appropriate time and for the other fishermen who use it to to do repairs I dropped my mask about two years ago and we used the 90 Bridge Street as a very convenient place to do that so it it certainly has a lot of recreational uses and multifaceted uses within the community uh as I said I spend a lot of time there I've watched the process the dredging the new bulkhead being put in and there was guys that think they doing a great job uh so I really hope that you consider the historical preservation element in your consideration as well as the shellfish not to denigrate the shellfishing uh but I hope that we could bring it back to chadam and U bring make it again part of stage Harbor so thank you very much thank you sir um yes ma'am and then the gentleman with the hat the pink hat Pat Freeland 74 Horizon Drive um I've been an enthus eastic recreational shell fishing person for 40 over 40 years one of the things that sold us on coming to chadam was the wonderful access to water that we have for everyone and the abundance of shellfish the commercial value of our shellfish industry is unchallenged our commercial shellfish men and women deserve the security of having future animals for them to propagate and have available you have heard the data given by the staff or and and it's very accurate um Renee says that they work at the mercy of the town but they are working at the mercy of good luck duct tape and creativity and whether or not that holds up for the future is going to be a big concern for us I joined the shellfish advisory committee in 2017 at that point that was already a discussion about what we needed to do to improve the upweller and Nai Bridge Street became the goal after much discussion with all the waterways groups and all kinds of discussion finally we got to be on the project list the years went by rightfully delayed some might say by the fish Pier observation deck and the trap dock finally our turn had come in May of 22nd things started to happen we have secured the goat the the boat house because of our good volunteers and the dredging is complete the bulkhead is in progress now is not the time to stop without the bond issue support from the town meeting we cannot go further with funding we cannot continue to tempt fate I live in a fixed income but I feel that the minimal tax impact is worth it to perpetuate our shelfish population we need to support our hardworking commercial men and women plus the recreational bonus that so many enjoy please consider a town meeting to address this separately and to let the let people understand exactly what the impact is because the duct tape and good luck can run out at any time and that will be a disaster for our shellfish thank you thank you yes sir go ahead David Davis um I'm for the Bat House coming back to chadam but I'm not for putting it at 90 Bridge Street if Greg could put a picture of the boat house back up on the screen for me stay here I want you do one one thing right there yeah that that doesn't look like it's going to look it really doesn't if you've been here any amount of time you'll know that that's it's it's just it's the boat house is so overwhelming it's it's just and it's going to block off more of the channel than you see right there I just don't I just don't see that as being proper so um with that I just don't believe the vot house should be there I think that we should go with the um we we were thinking of putting like a shanty like building on there that made it look more Cape CSH The Boat House belongs in chadam but it doesn't belong on Bridge Street um one more can you put the graph up that um uh the money spent on the wall and the little Mil Pond Dock and Bill Bill from the original Bond proposed or I think that might be the one yes no nope well anyway he had go back right here he had money that was going into places like the Bon Hill ballhead there was wolf money that was going into all of these figures right here and he added them in and made it look like it's bigger than what it I mean this is what you would want to B but the wolf money already is out there being spent on this so those aren't the true figures um the PE and fls yeah okay it's just it's the little mopon that's that's wolf money that's being spent there that that shouldn't even be in that figure right there that's what I'm trying to say Am I Wrong by saying that Mr chair Dave Dave do you mean that you're saying that um the 700,000 at little Mil pond that's wolf money that was earmarked it has been earmarked already for as wolf money by by like your committee or or or by the town I'm not speaking for waterways advisory committee right now okay but you you feel that that was intended wolf money is what you're saying okay thanks yep and there's more that's going in more w money going in too uh the fish pel walkway that's $700,000 I I don't I don't I didn't I've never seen that figure before so but anyway the The Boat House belongs in chadam and we can just discuss where we'd like to put the boat house but there was never any discussion um there was just they oh we can't we have no place to put it so I think that we should go back and and and go with the shanty like building at Bridge Street and make it look more fishy more Cape CSH because that sitting there is not going to be I I I've been around chat too long to know that's going to be an eyesa if you just come over the bridge it'd be fine but for myself I just don't agree with it so I might have more questions as they go on but I had to voice that so okay thank you you thank you uh yes sir so and then you'll you'll be next in the back yeah no please go ahead Tom King 28 seers Road uh chairman of the South Coastal Harbor management plan committee we've been following this project since the beginning and we've been for it 100% uh we were very dismayed at the last meeting that the bond didn't pass because obviously we have other projects that are waiting uh in the same amount of uh problems that we have at at Bridge Street in terms of getting them done so uh just on behalf of the committee just wanted to say that we're 100% for it thank you yes sir good evening Barry Greco uh member of the shellfish advisory committee full-time shell fisherman longtime resident um I'm just going to speak a little bit on uh we have two kinds of fishermen in chadam finfish and shellfish and I think if we decide how much money has been spent on the finfish in the last 20 30 years fish Pier One Fish Pier 2 elevators walkways uh ston wall on the way down to the pier and how much has been spent on the shell fishermen in this town in the last 20 30 years I think it's pretty outrageous how we've I'm not going to say how we've been treated but there's a lot of us and we've paid a lot of taxes and we've done a lot of things for Cham and uh I think it's time for this to go through ASAP we've been talking about a long time and I don't think postponing it again is the way to do it because it'll be another 10 years and it'll be another $10 million so thank you very much thank you sir you have someone online to uh is that Miss Gibbs yes Miss Gibbs uh yes thank you I had a question and a couple comments um I note that it says it's gone from 4.5 million request to 4 million because savings for dredging Etc and the bids came in lower uh but at the same town meeting uh the town approved 350,000 of CPA uh preservation funds and so and that was at the same time so I don't think that's reflected in the number I could be wrong but that's cash that they can receive at any point so has wouldn't the the number go down by 350 that's my question I I I think I'm sorry I I'm I'm told but I also remember that that 350 was for the boat house correct but that's all included in this $8 million that the the 350 is to go towards the uh refinishing inside and outside we approved 350 the year before and another 350 contingent upon it arriving why why don't you go ahead and finish your your questions and then we'll let uh Mr Burman he he had a chart that showed Town Money versus money from other sources and I think the 350 indeed the whole 700 was in the other sources but go ahead okay and then secondly um I I would agree with uh one of the prior speakers comments I think the renderings we've been shown um are not to scale that is a huge boat house uh when you look at the amount of parking that's going to be available uh I think that tells the story there aren't going to be very many spaces for people who are going to be dropping by and looking at it um I think it's unfortunate I I want the boat house back but I think it's the wrong spot I think people are going to be shocked at the size of it and it's going to totally block the view of probably one of the most beautiful views we have and we're not even going to see The Boat House really because the entrance where the boats used to come in are on the other side they're facing out to the water so that's a comment and then I guess this is a more General comment I agree with Mr nicastro's request to consider a bylaw uh Amendment where we do not take advantage of the loophole when town meeting rejects an article and then because the ballot passed because the people didn't know that little glitch in the system that it can be brought back to a special town meeting something is important this is $8 million the town is paying you know excluding grants uh I I think it it makes town meeting irrelevant it uh people show up they sit there for three four five six seven eight hours and then you know they go on to do other things and suddenly they find out it's back and they're out of town I think I think it's unfortunate I I think that if we have want to consider town meeting important uh you should not be doing this um and those are my only comments thank you thank you um anybody else here in the room yes sir my name is Steven low I live at 86 Plum Daffy Lane in West chadam um I spent most of my career in Risk Management advising all kinds of organizations about disasters airplane crashes trained arment Etc and I listening to the previous comments and the reports which I thought were quite good um I I was startled by the fact that the current upweller is a little bit precarious and one can never know whether that um existing upweller Will Survive for another 3 five years or whether we might find ourselves the particularly the shellfishermen Mind find themselves in a situation where it fails for some reason either because of pollution or because the pumps just quit or the building falls down whatever might happen um uh and it it it bothers me because it's precarious and I'm thinking through well what would it look like if the uh exist exting uh facility became abruptly unavailable and the existing uh shellfish that were being uh grown there uh couldn't grow anymore so we go all of a sudden we have no Harvest uh to put out into the waters for both the commercial and the recreational people to uh Avail themselves of and I I think that's a situation that we should sort of seriously think through um and I think it's the select board's uh area of responsibility to Think Through well that would be a disaster it would certainly be a disaster I think we can all agree on that and I think it argues for trying to move this project forward um and and to do so expeditiously thank you thank you anybody else uh oh uh yeah Mr Dy good evening David Dy onec strandway uh chadam um as you may know I'm the uh owner of the V house currently which is in quiny at J cashman's yard and a couple points I want to make the rendering that was done by a gentleman for me is to scale there's no question about it um if you look at the foone poles on the north side of bridge street that gives you the height of the building and they're comparable so that is a scale drawing uh two um I looked at a lot of other places in chattam to no avail um we looked at Harding's Beach they were in need of a new uh facilities for for men and women out there we looked at the Ryder's Cove um we looked at I had a arrangement with shatam bar in a budding the fish beer uh that looked very promising um but that fell apart uh for various reasons so all these people who wanted in chatam if they'd be glad to tell me where we could go I'd be much appreciative uh but it's not as though we haven't been looking um as we all know this is 180 degrees on the compass from where it was and and uh I think it's the ideal spot for it and it fills a pressing need here um for the shellfish upwelling and lastly uh uh addressing the concerns about putting off another eight months um I've lost two years anyway and the meter is still running uh on the rent in in in quinsey another eight months is a significant amount of money thank you thank you um yeah go ahead Carrie Corey sorry don't worry I'm G call it worse um all right a couple thoughts about this first of all support for the Waterfront projects 100% I'm there the pre and and actually before I get into the special town meeting components The Boat House storage element and and Dave we've talked about this um there's a Citizens that's come forth to me that if we if we so choose is willing to store the facil The Boat House in chatt as of right now I know there's a lot of logistics moving it down to a land location um and it's maybe not ideal but there is at least an offer on the table if we so chose to exercise that so and Dave is aware of the individual who made that offer if we want to exercise that that's on the table uh the pressing issue is a special town meeting so you got a couple thoughts on the special town meeting one it's basically four weeks away I understand the urgency of trying to get this project moving forward there's also a lot of urgency for the transfer station councel on an agent you could list a handful of other projects out there that we that citizens really would like to get done um from an Equity issue um based on the 23 special town meeting the cost of a special town meeting is pushing well last September 23 cost $ 23,649 to hold a special town meeting so it's not an insignificant number um so I got to so our position we got to be Equitable the biggest concern I have I support the Waterway Waterway projects and I no fortune teller I can't look into the crystal ball but this is the feeling I have I've spoken to enough other people to reinforc this position um I think from a strategic strategic perspective you push this through in September it's gon to fail which is not the outcome I'm looking for I think you are misreading some of the concerns and opposition that is out out there on this project you really want to not delay this package it properly bring it to Maytown meeting get the support move it forward you bring it in September I'm not as optimistic about it and that is my true gut feeling about it um I think it's it's a it's it's it's a conversation has been shared with other people I've had who are very in tune to what's going on with this town involved um so I just think that's something we you guys are dismissing a bit by pushing this to September that's my and that's just my thoughts um thank you Mr chair and Corey I could say the same thing about the amount of support that I've been hearing for this project to go forward in special town meeting I think it's a matter of who you're talking to at times so you know and there is a a rationale behind um behind that um one of the things that I think you know Mr Greco brought up that I thought was really significant was you know we've done a lot of support we're we're very supportive of the Eon uh you know people's Industries in this community we support the um Chamber of Commerce and the merchants and in their Endeavors to uh promote chatam and get people into town and and um they're the people that are generating you know the economy of this community and supporting people that live here uh we have put a lot of money into uh commercial fishing and supporting the commercial fishing activity we have with a shellfish uh Community as well in the past when there's been some difficulties in red tide and um all kinds of things um that have occurred the thing that that I'm I'm you know there is a residency residential requirement to be a commercial shell fisherman in this community and it's a very hard place to be um to be able to afford to live here if you don't own a home and and and have a rent and and you know th this is the this is the kind of thing that we need to generate a healthy econom uh a working working economy uh that is year round and um the upweller serves that purpose 90 Bridge Street as it stands right now is you know under construction and not completed um what happens within the next few months if we so decide not to move forward with this and do we just have an uncompleted project that just look is a blight for the town and it could have been a could have would have should have there's a lot of um timing in this um in in getting something done is sooner than later the it does stand out a little bit I I think we're all very supportive of the transfer station we have been supportive of the Council on Aging and we're we're supportive of building infrastructure that are assets for this community and this is one of them um this isn't just a fly by night kind of like um we're just spending money um frivolously we're not not um I think this board has been very um prudent in how it's looked at how we build assets for this community and how we enhance the quality of life for our our citizens I am more than supportive of moving this forward for a special town meeting and I would encourage um folks that are that are um in support of this that they've got to show up they've got to show up and they've got to be there and they've got to talk about why what's the reasons behind why you want this to uh go forward in our community it failed last year it was very disappointing to see only a handful of folks in the room that that this would impact I don't know if it's the temper of where we are in our politics uh today where people aren't really interested but um or uh have a bad flavor about it but um I'm I'm confident that if there's passion around this that this will pass and I'm I'm very um supportive of having a special town meeting to move this for for thank you yeah go ahead Jeff thank you Mr Shell um uh well said uh Miss Davis uh I'm supportive as well um I suggest that folks watch the Youtube special that the town has produced that really gets in depth and describes the upweller and and Ben and uh um our shellfish uh Warden do it ber does do an excellent job and explaining what the upweller is all about and the challenges that the upweller currently faces with respect ECT to his facility and the capacity in that facility and how well they can grow out um Juvenile cawks and how fast they can do it and how fast they can return those juvenile CWS to the water to be harvested by our shell Fisher persons both commercial and residential um the Cog uh industry in this town is part of its year- round culture it's it's part of its DNA if you will um I was lucky enough to fish for 13 years here in my early career and went coh hogging in the days that we didn't go offshore so if we weren't offshore we were attending the shore cogging um and and uh Mr Greco's comments about the support of the shell fisherman or the shell fishing industry I should say is very well put um we have expended you know millions of dollars in investments in the fish pier and observation decks and improvements and in our fin fishing Community both in the eldrid dock in U on the south south side in stage Harbor and our and are considerable investments in our fish beer over over time um but we haven't really invested um and reinvested in the Shell fishing Comm Community here and they are part of our fabric of our community um big time and never mind the the the topic on the cake for me for this one and I got it took me a little while to get here to be honest with you I thought it was a little pie in the sky but returning the the the Coast Guard boat house at least to Stage Harbor um uh and using it to how the upweller resonated for me and it hit hit the the the nail in the head from an historical perspective as Mr Ms spoke to um we let the the 36500 go as you heard me talk at town meeting we let that go we let the old Harbor life G life Saving Station go to Ptown the 36 500s in Orleans God forbid so let's get this back here and and if we're going to get it back here let's use it in a really significant iconic way way that's what got me over the top on this one it's not not inexpensive but goodness we've we've invested millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars in in in other facilities in this town we missed the boat on the council in aging I regret that one but let's not let's not miss the boat on this one um I'm fully supportive uh you know there's an educational component here as well um our our visitors to to town will will just think this is so unique and so different and so cool um I just think it's it's an opportunity that we can't miss so I understand that town meeting especially of late has been U more of a risk than one would like um but if we're we're going to advance the ball if we're going to get this thing off the dime I mean goodness we we've improved the dock we've improved the bulkhead we've dredged I mean this thing's ready to go and it would be a shame to kind of have a stutter step on this one the way we've kind of had Stutter Steps in past projects so I think it's time to go I'm supportive of a town meeting it's expensive but it's going to be be more it's going to be expensive to wait too we could be impacted by changes in building codes we could be impacted by weather who knows cost of materials let's go let's get it done I think there's momentum here in this room I want to Echo Miss Davis's comments about if you if you want this if you really want this then you got to get votes at town meeting that's the key to this stuff because we lost COA by one vote twice so if you want this you got to get the town meeting and you got to get the vot out and frankly on the 114 the 114 package that we put forward which I think was an excellent proposition we didn't have the votes so if you want this if the town really wants it the shell fisherman want it the fishermen want it you got to get out and vote please so you're going to get my vote tonight but uh you know I've got a little bit of town meeting PTSD right now I'm uh you know I do and um you know we're rolling the dice a little bit here and is this the project I hope what's the project that we can get over the top because I think it's a worthy one from a whole bunch of perspectives thanks thank you Mr chairman uh I don't have PS PTSD town meeting um I I I value Town meetings input they're a separate branch of government and we have to work with them to make the town successful um I don't have to be persuaded as I suggested earlier that this is a worthwhile project I have supported it consistent instantly um I pressed to have a plan in place to in order to support the return of the boat house that was put together and I supported that um and I I commend our staff in the natural resources department not only for the great work they do with the existing um infrastructure but for their excellent presentation tonight but I I'm not persuaded of the urgency of of doing this now versus next May Mr Mr dykens just referenced the senior center and the and the loss by one vote back in May of 2023 so what did the select board do we got an opinion from Town Council who said we could rely on the ballot question vote that occurred after that town meeting so three days after that town meeting and we could call a special town meeting and we voted unanimously to call a special town meeting but the difference was one vote and I intimated that night that if the vote had gone the other way by one vote I would have I would have supported calling a special town meeting for the other side and what happened at that special town meeting on September 18th at 2023 it lost by 100 votes because a lot of people were ticked at the sele board using the device of relying on the previous ballot question and as Mr Met suggested that could very well have happen again if we call a special town meeting I had requested and I appreciate the town manager and her staff putting forward um the cost of conducting a special town meeting which as Mr matters indicated was in the order of 23 to $24,000 um I also had a conversation with the town manager last week about whether if you're going to have a special town meeting why don't you call a special Town election and put the ballot question before the public again as a ballot question that's focused on this $4 million and she explained to me that that would be extremely difficult right now because we have a presidential election State a state primary and the town clerk's office is out straight hand Ling that so that's not feasible for me I guess in the end I just am not persuaded that this project has any more urgency than the other projects that we've talked about I think it is a not withstanding the Town Council our new Town Council has advised that we could rely on this ballot vote that took place um right after town meeting to support uh a an an authorization at a special town meeting I just don't think it's good Financial practice that's why I'm that's why I proposed earlier that we consider amending our financial policies not to not to impose an absolute prohibition on it but I think we shouldn't be using this mechanism to call special Town meetings and relying on previous ballot uh successes except in cases of fiscal emergencies or for housekeeping purposes so I just don't think that's that's good government uh and I will just add this I just I suspect I I I I think I know which way the vote's going to go tonight it's probably not hard to predict but mine will be a no vote that's the issue before us whether we're going to call a special town meeting but I will say that if there is to be a special town meeting I hope that it is scheduled with enough lead time for the select board or members of the public by petition to add other articles to the warrant out of considerations of fairness and efficiency I don't think it should be rushed I don't think we should have it as early as September 9th thank you Mr chairman thank you Mike I just have one comment if I could I I just to respond I I think um not so much as an end around on the on the ballot question if you will passing and the the voted town meeting not passing I think I think town meeting reacted negatively to the 114 because it was such a big number that's what I heard after town meeting a lot of folks came up to me and said you know we would have voted for it if you had broken these projects out um the 114 was just too big a too big a pill we we couldn't buy it so I think the selfish advisory committee you know is breaking out this project in in a smaller amount to try to to try to get it P because the 114 was just too much money it's not an end around I think they really want what they want and I think the town needs it and deserves it and I think the ask is much less and I think it'll be more palatable to Town Meeting those are my thoughts thanks yeah [Music] um everybody has psychoanalyzed um town meeting I I'll I'll have a go at it myself um what what what I heard and what I heard from a lot of people who were sharing their psycho analysis was that people were uncomfortable with the lack of clarity with respect to which the the the the presentation said we need 11,400 th000 to do what and the and and the the criticism was it's not clear um and and I and and plus the fact that it was all bundled together uh almost as if it was a blank check um the the the staff has come back uh with a plan and that's not really a good uh picture there's there's another picture in the in the in in the report which lays out that the The Bridge Street project is if we decide to call a special town meeting is this year this fall um in 25 there's an item 26 there's an expected item 27 there's an expected item it's laid out with the numbers and where the money is coming from okay so why do I bring that up it's responsive to what we heard uh I I think it's a uh it's a very good response second thing is um they've managed to um and maybe it's just good fortune but they've managed to cut the AL a for the Bridge Street project from 4 A5 million to four so to the extent that people want call it value engineering call it a sharper pencil whatever there is a response to that issue as well um the the third thing is I haven't heard even around this table I even Mr Davis who doesn't seem to like this his his prob is with the boat house it nobody have I heard in principle who says this is a terrible project we shouldn't have started it we should kill it now we don't want to do it I I have everybody sort of agrees that it's a good project but they have some either tinkering they want to do with it or or or procedure that they're not happy with and I'll get to that in a minute um but in principle we seem to have a consensus in this entire town that this is a good project so I I have a hard time understanding why uh I I mean if we flip the coin and said it's either going to be September or October on the one hand or may on the other hand and it turns out to be May fine let's do it in May and and and be done with it but if the project is number one in Midstream in need of money at risk of being put at further risk with delay I have a hard time understanding why uh there's an objection $23,000 that's a good reason that's a reason but that $23,000 cost to of the of the special town meeting uh that that's that's kind of like an insurance policy as the gentleman who talked about risk management uh identified the risks for $23,000 we get a little bit of an an insurance policy against the the things the contingencies that might happen if we delay um that's how I analyze that um I come to the the the the part that I really don't understand is that somebody would vote against it because they're they're unhappy that it came back um to me first of all we talk about it's a mechanism legal opinion Ops the reason we got a legal opinion is because we didn't know the answer the law is clear this is not this is not a there's nothing um you know unusual or anything the law says that you can do the the the election vote before or after it doesn't matter okay so this is a call it a mechanism if you like but it is a procedure by which the town can accomplish something that as I say it seems to me everybody agrees we ought to be doing the fact that it fail by the way it failed by 38 votes the first time 38 votes and there were only five I think the number was 525 people at the meeting you know we need more people at the meeting um that's that to me that's the answer um and and I I I I really issues come back to legislative bodies all the time they get changed changed and people come back and they say okay you didn't like it the way it was the first time how about this that's all this is about to me I I I don't see a reason nobody's trying to pull a fast one or anything we're trying to get something done that as I say I think everybody wants to do so um I I'm I I most of this I have to admit and most of you probably know that anyway the the the underlying pieces other than the economics the benefit to chatam the constituencies that are benefited all of that I I understand intuitively but I don't know shellfish from finfish to be very honest with you I I I think this is a good project for a very important constituency of this town and we ought to do it and um I I I don't think we should get caught up in you know whether it's September or or may or anything else it's we have an opportunity it's been re-engineered in a way that I believe is responsive to what you heard uh what we heard and as Mr dykin said um you know uh we just have to get to town meeting we have to all come to town meeting and vote in favor of it unless you're not in favor of it then you'll come and you'll vote against it but I I I don't see any reason why more people are going to be in favor of this project if it if it waits until May that doesn't make a lot of sense to me so that's that's kind of where I am anything else should make a motion please okay uh Mr chair um I move that we uh call a special time meeting at uh at the request of this shellfish advisory chair um and place the article specific to 90 Bridge Street on the warrant I'm not doing this right but am I getting yeah do F okay um for a date specific in September or October yeah I think the best thing to do have to determine a dat we do but I let let's let's vote on the resolution unless it's material to you uh no I understand I I understand I don't know whether you have to have the date in there or not we do have to have the date in it but I'd like to have a resolution that we have um either a consensus or whatever we have and then discuss the whole ISS all there's a lot of logistics to the date as you by the way have articulated among others well I think I I have no nothing further to add I think what's what's Miss Davis has put a motion on to call a special town meeting for a date in September October I think you just picked the date put that in the motion I'm going to vote against it but that's that's it so the amount should be in there as well correct four million yeah four million yeah okay so it's immaterial all right yeah no Jill why don't you give us the information about the the logistics would you want to take a vote whether to call a special town meeting or not and then if it does pass we can insert the dates of either sometime in September or October or I'm not sure if the other board members feel that that date is going to be the primary factor for them voting whether to call it or not that yeah and that's where I was headed um and so let let's make your motion to call a special meeting to um seek authorization for $4 million um appropriation to finish the uh Bridge Street project uh to be held either in September or October and then we can come back and decide what the date is when I say come back I mean tonight yep so moved second all right all those in favor Mr necastro no uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr dykin I Mr Mets no okay date do you want to speak to that Jill sure so uh Mr chair for a special Town meing it requires a 14-day posting requirement and when we inquired of the school where we normally have our special Town meetings there's some work being done on the gym and the first available date would be Monday September 9th and talking to the town clerk about it as well she was in favor of a date such as September 9th but as long as it wasn't September 3rd because that's the primary election so September 9th for a town meaning is doable um further the the complex at the school is open for every Monday following Monday in September through October and there's just um a couple of dates just to be considered of there's a holiday on Monday uh October 14th and I'm presuming we would do it on a Monday that's when we we did the last special town meeting so it would be a Monday at 6 p.m. and and the only other constraint that I I have is um I'm not around for September 23rd but that's you know something certainly the acting Town manager can take care of so essentially every date every day Monday in September and October except for October 14th because of the Columbus indigenous uh people's holiday so and I'm trying to be respons to you Dean although you've you you voted no but um are there are there any projects and I'm thinking about the um the transfer station the cfal um is there any other project like those that conceivably could be let's say in the next three to four weeks right for the board's consideration to include on a special meeting warrant just looking for ra haly when we talked about it if he's still here he said that there uh was some more work that they needed to do for engineering U but as you recall that project also passed the ballot uh last May so I can connect with him um we we didn't connect on this today uh for the seal project there's no funding allocated for that so um we did promise to come back to the select board I think we were thinking to try to do it um before the end of this month before the end of August to get back to have that discussion about uh preferred options and then get a solid cost estimate we have been planning for a Maytown meeting with a May ballot question presuming it's going to be over $3 million but we don't know for sure and we don't feel that even a free C or at least I don't feel that even if free cash was certified U before this town meeting which could be you know before the end of October that there would be that it would be prudent to allocate all of our free cash to go towards one project which would require a town meeting vote when we typically allocate almost 9% to go our our uh Capital program but that can all be hashed out you just as a board as well as a COA have not received the the final report yet from the consultant but we don't have a ballot exclusion that would support even if we did um a uh uh the cfal we'd still have to either call a special election or wait until May correct correct okay so basically the the issue is the the transfer station I I'll just say my own reaction here is that um that may maybe we give a little bit more time than the 9th of September although I would be inclined to go as quickly as possible but we go we we give as a little bit more time in the 9th of September to see if seel could be um brought to what I call a right um proposal that could be included does anybody else have a thought about that M the 23rd or the 30 I think resonates with me maybe even the 30 that gives us a little B more time it gives us the month of September to to to so that's a Monday that's the last Monday of the month that's the 30th I can't do the 30th then the 23rd yes sir yeah I look I just want to respond I know you're trying to be a commodor and I very much appreciate it let me take the two projects that you mentioned okay the seou given especially what town manager just said when I first talked about moving the seou in terms of a renovation or something done at 193 I had in mind um a special town meeting in September or October and possibly a special Town election to get that moving it is very clear to me and I don't want to call a special Town election now given everything else that's going on that we're not going to have the seel information ready for us to make some determination for a while so it's best that when that comes we deal with it and if there's something to be done to move it forward that that go to May as far as the transfer station I very much support that project I was disappointed that it that it failed at town meeting but I would be intellectually dishonest if I'm going to support the transfer station at a special town meeting in September based on the ballot question since I have a problem with the protocol and I understand what you said about it but you haven't persuaded me to the contrary so you guys pick a date it's your tell me and whatever you whatever date you pick I'm going to vote no anyway because I don't think there should be a special Town Meeting thank you Mr chair Rob failey has dialed in I'm sorry Rob failey our DPW director yeah uh go ahead Rob yeah hi thanks can you hear me okay yes we can hear you yes okay um yeah so the so for the transfer station you know we haven't Broken Ground yet we're still navigating some of the change orders to bring some some of the work that wasn't included in Phase 2 that's the building that was originally included in phase one just to bring like water service to the building we thought there would be more site work done at the same time so we're still navigating some of those changes and I don't think we'd be ready for a fall town meeting so how does everybody feel about September 9th bottom line some any dat you threw out there is going to have an issue with somebody we've learned that year after year after year so you you just got to pick a date and momy well my my my concern of special town meeting is is going to stand whether it's the 9th the 13th the 20 you know whatever that's so I'm I'm I will roll you guys can roll whatever date you want my concern stands regardless of what date we throw it out there if we're if we're not going to have other issues then I'll go to the nth or the 16th soon good the 16th word yes 16th just be careful here 16th is fine so I think we need a new motion I mean a motion to I move that we um determine the special town meeting uh that we vote to have the special town meeting on September 16th 2024 second okay all those in favor Mr Mets no time yes can we just um before the board good point good point that's 6 o' at the um monoy Middle School yes Auditorium thank you second uh okay Mr matters no uh Mr Dyk M Davis I Mr Shel says I Mr asro no um okay and I take it that when we have the actual warrant um article in front of us we can place that and recommend it at that time yes for your next select board meeting we'll have a draft warrant for you okay okay that takes care of that item um next case moving right along so now we'll move to the easier one I think they can if they they learn their lesson time okay um next item is um 127 old Harbor Road update and feasibility study and we will hear from the housing and sustainability director Gloria mcferson it's interesting that housing cleared the room so don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing um all right very briefly um I laid out in my staff report um multiple considerations that um the select board members are going to have to um consider and integrate um in giving guidance to staff for how you potentially want to develop uh the property at 127 old Harbor Road the reason this decision is important to be made is because um back in in June of 2023 so over a year ago um you voted to do a feasibility study you allocated um some money $50,000 from the town manager's c& account to do that um we got super busy with the um rfps for Main Street and Meeting House Road um but in the background i' had been working on an RFP for that feasibility study and it became clear that um if there was some expansion of the vision for the property to include more than the two um structures that are there renovated or rebuilt um then the scope of that RFP was going to have to be expanded as well and there was a little bit of ambiguity in the motion that was made back in June of 23 where um the feasibility study was for um attainable housing and possibly affordable housing so it wasn't and and yet at the same time uh the board decided not to use any affordable housing trust funds because they didn't want to be locked into affordable so it was a little bit ambiguous whether it was something that you wanted to expand the scope um and I was you know loathed to do that without um guidance from the board especially because it will cost more money um so I don't want to waste an additional say $25,000 to expand the scope if that's not what you want but on the other hand um we would end up having to do a second scope that would probably cost as much as the first if you got the feasibility study back which included just the structural analysis and then said oh actually let's look at you know expanding the scope and doing um more than two units on the site so just in an effort to be efficient with Town resources and um in order to properly scope the RFP I think that it's uh worth having a discussion about how that property should be developed and actually very briefly as I for people who are listening who may not have read the staff report um if you want attainable housing uh based on a potential rezoning to our densest residential zoning District R20 it would be possible by right to get two um dwelling units on that property um subdivided into two lots um and coincidentally there are two structures so it works out really nicely um if however you want to do more than just two that would require 40b and there would be an affordable component to the project and I'm happy to um answer any questions or clarify anything Dean thank you Mr chairman well I'm just going to cut right to the chase what in terms of what I think should happen on this property I and this right now this project is under the control of the select board um I favor two units I don't think it needs to be rezoned except to transfer from Municipal zoning which I think it is currently to residential 20 then you'd have two lots each could have a unit by by by right conceivably one of those units maybe both but perhaps just one could even add an Adu you could have three units I don't think you need to have a 40b I don't favor that um you talk in your memo it's a great Memo by the way um about the possible use of his of CPA funds for U renovation of the historic exterior and you mentioned also the the the I'll call it a windfall the the million dollars a year we're getting from the short-term rental tax that's devoted to attainable housing so the I think the model should be ownership um I think eventually you would submit an RFP would you not for developers who are interested that's correct and I would think that that um RFP which would have to be approved by this board unless you're going to go the affordable way uh which case the affordable house Trust might be involved but I think that RFP should go only to nonprofit developers it should call for two units and the model should be ownership so that's that's where I'm coming down on this thank you thank you Mr chairman um do we at this point and maybe I'm just going to throw this out here is it necessary to talk about how whether it's going to be rental or ownership at this point in a feasibility you know for a fe feasibility study um not at this time yeah okay I'm I think you know I mean I'm I'd like to see Home Ownership um happen as well um but I want to see the practicality of what we can do for the community too um I I would like to see a little bit of an expansion on on the um the scope of a of a project whether it be like a duplex sort of scenario or or what have you I just don't want to see a just a limited two house uh scenario I'd like to see what could be possible um you know so that we are looking at it in in a bigger way it doesn't mean we're going to go for like a a big development but you know let's look at what could be practical and and realistic on the lot so that we're not short changing any any um thoughts or you know ideas that could come forward so so i' i' I'd like to see more expanded just for that fact um you know I'm not sure that that anything a large project would be fitting for that for the area but I'd like to see what could be probable there yeah je Jeff go ahead thank you Michael yeah I I favor um as I've said publicly um home ownership for 127 in for stepping stones the property we have Stepping Stones um uh attainable housing I don't know if it's two structures or two structures plus an Adu or what it is but I think that 127 Harbor Road the the the location speaks to what we probably ought to do there we want something that we want to develop uh structures that fit in with the neighborhood um and provide for great housing that's affordable attainable um where I should say affordable that is attainable um that provides home ownership opportunities um I think we we've uh uh satisfy the rental aspects at least in some measure with meeting house and and Main Street and I think it's time to address home ownership so I favor that whether it's two structures and two and a half structures or or three structures certainly want to maximize the opportunity for housing there but I would emphasize home ownership I'm not lucky to do a big affordable uh anything big big development for affordable there thanks cor with all due respect we had a great opportunity for home ownership recently so to talk about one two three units is kind of insulting to be honest with you um I'm I'm this please you we can respond but we we toted this as a low hanging fruit reuse of properties we've queued it up it's set on the back burner for a couple years now I understand it whatever town meeting voted to move forward with this reuse the ReUse of the structure two units that's I'm fine with it I've accepted that let's move forward with it but I want to make sure that we stay true to a couple things that we've said before because town I'm still very very bothered by the fact that we've app that the wishes of the donor um kind of expired but that's Town opinion weighed in on it and if you go through all the language that all used restrictions have expired and I brought this up before and and I'll bring it up again because I want to make sure because we've said it verbally but I want to make very very sure that even includes the playground that that playground never gets touched not only because it I think philosophically would be pged a decision to interrupt that playground we just stum a couple hundred thousand dollars into it recently to renovate it so that is off limits as far as I'm concerned I think reusing the structures if you're going to keep it in in balance with the community uh the neighborhood that's that's my limits the to say we're GNA have it more than two units that could be six that could be eight we've all seen plans that have been sent out there that are much higher I don't think very realistic but we've all seen the plans um not something that my appetite would would support but um if we're going to do this I'm I'm as two two and I'm at home ownership for this maral so and please respond yeah no uh Corey we we you know we it went the way it went um I made the statement then I'll make it again that home ownership for 127 home ownership for stepping stones I think is or viable Alternatives and I also want to emphasize the notion that we don't stop there we don't stop with the notion of having home ownership for chatam there we're going to have other opportunities uh apparently there's another option uh in um at the affordable housing trust um that considers perhaps home ownership and and by not expending um our warchest if you will or in anticipation of getting future War chests if you will funding we'll have many more opportunities for home ownership in this town so I I I we have not turned our back on home ownership because hack didn't get the Main Street project we have not and we won't and we all we're committed to home ownership we're committed to housing the missing middle and I I'm bothered that when no one's going to mess with the playground there it's been it's been etched in stone when I'm messing with that playground there and it's also been a repeated legal opinions that were fine with with with the with the will so I don't believe I I don't really don't want to hear it again and again and I'm fully in favor of affordable housing excuse me attainable housing there couple structures maybe two and a half or whatever but um we haven't turned our back on attainable housing in this town home ownership we have not and we won't so um I don't I mean this is sort of implicit in in Gloria's memo it's not stated articulately or it's articulate it's just not um a punch in the nose um I I I have no we have no investment of Our Own in in that property uh and I'm not really I mean we own it for nothing at this point um and I'm not I I I don't I don't think think it's makes any sense to to have a um you know a huge uh arm wrestling match over um how many uh units you're going to put over there I I think there is pretty General um consensus that that is a place where you want to have um homes that people own I I think the issue um which will come up sooner or later and it's implicit in this question here about the RFP is the number of units um and I I I I'm not really interested in in having a fight to to to get whatever the number is I we've seen plans as as Corey said um of 16 uh um Mr um levit has submitted one that I don't remember the number I think it's 12 that may or may not not make sense but um I'm not looking to go to war over that I I think that we should find out um whether those structures are viable um and um I would really like to know whether some very modest um expansion of density um is possible um Jeff you said um you know two plus an Adu whatever it is uh why do I say that um I say that because you're going to put out an RFP um and pick your number it it it that it it it costs about $750,000 um to build a um a unit um and that's that's a very I'm just throwing a number at the wall um and if you're talking about attainable you're talking about something less than 200% Ami the town is going to have to underwrite that the town is going to have to sub subsidize that and again I'm just throwing numbers at the wall but my expectation is with two or three units you're going to be spending a lot of money to to create um two or three um ownership units uh which don't really do a lot for our housing problem I mean it it it will improve the the situation and the use of the property but I think there's a larger opportunity there that that I don't see the political will to uh Pur so I I I I I'm a little surprised that it cost $50,000 to find out whether those two structures are you know structurally sound and it and for another 25 we can we can have a whole design of of uh multiple um housing units on that property but I accept that if that's what the what it is um I I I'm just not particularly anxious to to go to war over that so yes sir I just wanted you touched on what I was going to ask what is this RFP going to produce is is because I thought that the building inspector and the health department went through that building and those buildings so so we did we did a staff walkth through the RFP is for there's a couple components to it so structural analysis because even though we walked through um we didn't do like a structural analysis The Building Commissioner is not going to do that so it's going to be a structural analysis um it's also going to be an analysis of and this is probably more applicable to the barn structure whether that is suitable for redevelopment into housing you know it could be that um it doesn't you know it doesn't work for whatever reason another component of this is that if there are structural deficiencies the RFP that's been drafted also asks the consultant to do and I'm assuming you guys want this especially for the house um to do drawing so that if need be we can recreate the house well let me ask a question that might be crazy I mean can't you could the town not put out an RFP to developers and say we have this lot here it's got two structures on it we're interested in putting for the sake of argument two units what can you do for us I think that you could could potentially do that if it's decided that the property only is going to be developed with two it's possible that you can put out an RFP where you ask the Consultants to um do their own due diligence and um come up with a proposal whether it's to renovate um demo and rebuild or demo and build something totally different for both of those structures well I think that's something we ought to think about so thank go ahead Mr oppenheim David op I'm U on the affordable housing trust I'm speaking for myself um although on we're scheduled uh at our next meeting footable Housing Trust to discuss several of the properties that are available uh 127 I think uh Stepping Stones just to see what we think or what approach we might like to have knowing that the board of Selectmen has I what jurisdictions what I want to get into that I think spending $50,000 to a structural analysis property is absolutely stupid waste of money um it's foolishness um you know it's you can walk through the things and say well if you increase the beams here to do all that when you don't even know what you're going to do makes absolutely no sense to me what makes more sense is to put an RFP for a proposal for the usage of the property um and and in some cases I mean with the last process we went through whether you like the result or you didn't we saw some very creative ideas that were proposed by people that know what they're doing um I don't think that there should be 16 units there I I don't remember what Mr lit's proposal was but it was something it was more eight or 10 or whatever it was it was very creative looking I'm not saying that's the right thing for it whatsoever but the idea that it should be half acre zoning there when a lot of the Lots in that area are substantially less than half acres zoning several one down to less than 10,000 square ft so to stick to what present zoning is is unrealistic in my opinion so to me what you should do perhaps defer your discussion on this until maybe getting feedback from the affordable housing trust um who just went through a whole process and it was it was not just a process of getting RFP done it's it was a whole learning process for us on how things work and what you can do and can't do uh my suggestion is would be probably for us to put an RFP for proposal for home ownership um most likely um that that's would be such discussion certainly it's what I think is appropriate there um what what the the um Li limits of ownership pricing wise this is something would be discussed I think there could certainly be more than two plus an Adu there but that's my personal opinion but I think we put an RFP out and we have the people doing the RFP do a structural analysis because I think what they're going to find is possibly the house itself can be saved possibly if the house can be itself can be saved it could perhaps be made into two units I don't know maybe with an addition on I would be really surprised if anybody thinks that the the uh shed is is appropriate to be uh cost effectively re redone into a house where it would be much easier just to build new and maybe that could be another something that would be even more attractive than that quite frankly shed that's there maybe you could do something that mimics the main house I think somebody that knows what they're doing some of these Architects that we've seen will have very creative ideas it's a great location it's a terrific location so I would suggest that you defer this and get more input before you make a decision and absolutely not spend $50,000 for somebody to tell you what anybody can do walking in there and tell you this this property's in trouble and needs leads a hell of a lot of work thank you thank you Mr Lov thank you Rick levit 31 Barn Hill Road uh I agree with David this is a outstanding exceptional opportunity to show the town what we can do to provide the housing that this community needs the uh Phil Richardson George Mars and I provided you with a concept plan and we can put put it up on the screen if I if you would allow that if you can put it up go ahead can we put that up this is 12 new units on an acre of land that's a density that's no greater than uh what's being proposed for Meeting House Road in South chattam today and less than what's being proposed for Main Street in West chadam today an acre of land can take 12 units that's how we will solve chadam unrelenting housing crisis we have to build smaller homes on small Lots so they can be affordable for people who uh well what kind of people we talk about I've got it here somewhere teachers Town employees trades professionals all of the people who earn a good living cannot do not qualify for lowincome government housing but still not cannot afford a house in chadam the only way we're going to solve that problem is building smaller homes on small Lots so that's what this shows could I scroll down a bit I I can't do it one more and keep going these are town houses uh when the town went out we went out a year over a year ago to get in a visual preference survey town houses were highly preferred by the citizens in town what's being proposed I'll go go back to the first slide what's being proposed here are 12 new units in addition to preserving the existing house in the existing Barn there are six paired tow houses 12 new units you can cut that down to four paired tow houses and eight units if you don't want to do that but this is an attractive layout it has open space large amounts of open space it is not overly dense for a Village Center environment like downtown chattam as I mentioned a moment ago it's no denser than in fact it's less dense it's what than what's being proposed uh on Meeting House Road and in West chaden so Rick with with with all due respect ECT it it's getting late I I I think the question is you've made your point if if you want to address the issue at hand which is the the the um do we do a feasibility study or or or and and what does it look like uh this is a great illustration of what's possible we have a decision tonight that I'm asking you to help us with that's your decision that's not mine what I'm saying is that this is the kind of develop that you should be doing it's the only way this town this community is going to solve its housing crisis if you need to go through steps and processes that's fine but I that's not what I'm here for thank you okay thanks very much I appreciate it um yeah Carolyn hello Carolyn mclen chair of the Community Housing Partnership um I just have a couple of opinions I'll share with you I'll be quick if I can um I think an ideal situation for this uh property would be 5 to seven units um rehabbing or you know reconstituting the two existing buildings and if you look at Mr lit's proposal I think that's way too many I wouldn't build behind the existing barn or the house but there's room for two on to the um to the left and probably three to the right I think that would be an ideal situation I do have some concerns about the Ami I know we've always talked about this being attainable and and maybe affordable um my concern right now is that um we've just approved uh Penrose to develop I think it's 90 units um for the two properties and most of those are 30% Ami and 60% Ami and then we have on uh Main Street we have some at 110 and on meeting house we have some at 100 and a meeting house those are actually attainable okay there's nothing for anybody in this town in those 100 units in those 90 units between 60 and 100 Ami that's a big segment of the population that's in housing need and we are not providing a single unit for them so I would love to see us end up with a 40b on this property we'd have to do some and I'd love to see at least two or three units if say we did five units on this property I like to see three units at 80% and then the rest at 100 110 or if we did seven do four and three I think you should be leaning more towards the 80 because we've done nothing for that demographic in this community so far even with all these units that we're doing so I think that was a miss and I'd like to walk it back a little bit and try to create some opportunity and spread it across all the demographics that are in need of housing um and I do think that property could hold five units um and it could look attractive so I'd love to see a study done that could kind of uh look at that five to seven units what would that look like I don't think you should encroach so closely on the playground and the topography I I'm not a builder obviously but it seems like a we should stay away from that part of the property yeah go ahead hi Carolyn can I ask you a question uh sure put aside the number of units whether it's five or seven five or seven or two could if if you just let me go back to the two if if you had just two could you not reach that I know you're not going to reach them in numbers but could you not reach that missing Ami group you just want to do two units and you're going to you're going to do offer those at 80% Ami yeah I would be happy with that I I I'm thinking you wouldn't be happiest but you'd be happy right I mean obviously that's only two units I mean the numbers are down but um I'm looking I mean I'd like at the end of the day to have produce some units for that group of people that's a that's a a good body of people that are in this community working people if you want two income earners who are in affordable housing that's the only way you're going to reach them you're not going to reach them at 60 or below um so I really would like to have you try to address that demographic with this build I want homeownership um so and I like I said five or seven I think would be good if you wanted to only do two um I think that would be a waste of the real estate that we have there I think it could be done Tastefully I think the 12 is a is a would be a lot for people to tolerate and accept but I think you could do 5 to seven and have it look really nice so thank you okay thank you um Miss IB uh I'm sorry my hand was still up I never got an answer to my question uh finances I'm sorry no I said that was up from uh the boat house I never got a response concerning the CPA funds I I I see another hand up um is that Mr Meyers do I guess I guess not I'm sorry it's George Myers he's unmuted for some reason his audio is not working you seem to be muted Mr Myers we can't hear you so sorry so what do we want to do here where are we I think Mr oppenheim's suggestion of the RFP um uh and in combination with some of the suggestions of of Carolyn's um make sense to look at um not just to but as I had said before you know I'm I don't even know if it's five I'm I don't know what that would be but let's look at it and see what it looks like and and be more informed um and then have a a deeper discussion going forward about what we'd like to do were you gonna say something Jo oh sorry um I I guess I I agree with that I I really I mean I am just um I mean I I am the idea of spending $50,000 um to to to to get to the point that I I think we're going to get to which is not very far ahead of where we are now just is is really um I have a hard time with um the other thing is I would sort of like to put this property together with stepping stones and take them up as a pair and talk about from a conceptual point of view from a strategic point of view how do we want to think about going forward with those two properties to maximize the benefit for for chadam um and I I I don't say that as a as a way of ducking the question or whatever I I say it because I first of all I I the missing element here is it it density is about a number of things obviously design obviously how it fits in the neighborhood but it's also about money and and what it's going to cost the the the town to um do what what we would like to do um which is a create quote attainable housing in other words address um the higher levels of U of of Ami than than um are addressed in in in in numbers in any event in the other two projects and I think that to have as David said an expert talk to us a little bit about you know how what what the parameters are so that we can make an intelligent decision about what what direction we might want to go is is a much more sensible thing here than commissioning somebody to spend $50,000 and focus only on 127 Harbor Road Old Harbor Road yes sir so just a couple thoughts the 50,000 no way shape form it's a waste of money flat out waste of money and I think we're generally all agree with that um with your point about trying to package it with stepping stone um I understand kind of the philosophical concept of that because we just recently learned when we did the rfps for the two you know two of the largest Parcels we've had an opportunity on um we got very few responses and I think we're going to get very few responses on if we were to package stepping stone in 127 because it's an economic thing the companies are going to come in so you understand I don't mean that as a project no as a project but but philosophically how do we tackle it do we do we throw it out as one RFP two separate RPS there's a lot of strategic elements completely understand the reviewing the strategy of how we want to roll them out completely understand that but we also got to understand and I think the light was shown a little bit on the last process is we are going to deal with limited response resources so we got to figure out how to best do that so looking at them strategically no problem at all with that and how it gets packaged or not packaged together that's a decision we'll make down the road okay yeah I I guess I want to ask who's us is it the select board or is it the affordable housing trust Mr oppenheim wants us to defer this so that your trust board can look at this and come back to us I don't think I want to go in that direction I wasn't happy with the process previously I said that public and I think we should take ownership of this this parcel make a decision about it and go forward with that I'm not in favor of $50,000 for an RFP I think we should put out an RFP we should decide how many units we want there put out an RFP and and see what it what it produces and the Stepping Stones can be dealt with separately that's those are my thoughts thank you sh I I'm going to be brief but I just um you know I do respect the affordable Housing Trust expertise as people who understand housing um you know uh in the town I think that um there's no reason why we couldn't just ask for an opinion from the committee and find out what their thoughts are on that um having those having that level of expertise that doesn't you know if we still want to hold ownership you know if we're going to do like attainable housing ownership or whatever and it's in the selectman's jurisdiction it's fine but I think there is a level of expertise at that committee that could make some recommendations that we would well inform all of us can I say a word yes please um I think that one thing that the process um showed us for Meeting House Road in Main Street is that developers do not shy away from scattered site developments um originally we had talked if you remember like over a year ago about doing both of those projects together as one RFP and then um ultimately broke them apart because the number of units on each site was was roughly manageable um and we had gotten some preliminary feedback through the RFI that scattered sites aren't the most desirable and then lo and behold like two of the developers put in a proposal for both um saying that they prefer to do them together so as Mike was saying um about combining the projects I was thinking the same thing when David oppenheim was speaking that if you want if you want the same type of development on each site attainable home ownership put them together I mean make make sure that there's some critical mass of units so it makes sense I think that it would be really difficult if you decided um we only want two units on Old Harbor Road and put that out there like that's a that's a tough project for a developer to do like two units at attainable prices too um but if you consider doing um you know a few units on Old Harbor Road and then we' been talking about like 8 10 maybe 12 the most on Stepping Stones I think together that could be a reasonable project that would actually get some responses and the other thing that we learned from the the um process that we just went through is that we do have a local nonprofit who really put it out there and tried to do something that was really creative really good for this community which was taking uh the 40b process um which requires 25% affordable making all 25 at 80% Ami which Carolyn rightly noted is really lacking in the proposals that we have so having the 20 25% at 80% Ami and then all the rest going up to 200% like that's a really appealing home ownership option I think it's not necessarily appealing for a developer to do that um with two units only on Old Harbor Road if we do that but if we do that scattered site um and have both in play and let them figure out what they can do with both I think that that's reasonable and one other really quick design kind of comment about old Harbor Road I definitely appreciate the fact that um you know there are two existing structures and it makes sense to use those two existing structures in some historical context because that's what was bequeathed to the town and and everything and that's the way it's always been but if you walk down old Harbor Road in that neighborhood that lot is like a gap tooth lot so if you can picture this if you look at the existing house on Old Harbor to the left there's room for one unit to the right there's room for two but the depth of the lot is deep enough that you could probably get a duplex in each of those but front to back not side to side that's six units that would be in a perfect Urban pattern consistent with with the rest of the neighborhood so when I think about that site and I think about how it makes sense to develop it within the context of the neighborhood and the design of the neighborhood to me for Frontage buildings and because of the depth um to the right of the house um you can get two more that to me is six units that's like a really conservative way of developing that parcel that would look Perfectly Natural in that setting so I I'm I'm gonna I'm going to I'm going to try to draw this to a close here I I and I'm going to make a proposal and and it is that first of all we we we do nothing tonight second of all that we come back together and talk about how we could do an RFP um that everybody can agree on that has the input of the sort that Gloria has just given us but I want to emphasize two things we can put whatever condition we want to we can put a Max we can say we don't want any more than two units at 127 and we don't want any more than eight units at whatever the number is we can put a maximum uh on those the the the risk you run is that you have put out an RFP that is economically impossible to to respond to so you don't get any bids but we we we can we can that to me is is a much better way for us to kind of um work our way to doing something that that that makes sense than hiring a consultant to to to look which we've agreed we're not going to do but I do think that David's point that we need somebody who knows how to design a project to to respond to what our desires are um and so that's my proposal is that we do nothing tonight and that we get back together again to talk about what kind of an RFP we might like to put out for those two pro those two properties yeah Mr Shell I agree um Gloria your your most recent comments were very helpful for me um um so I you know I I'm open to other Notions um in keeping but still in keeping with the neighborhood but I I think we we'd be closing the door kind of too early and saying oh we only want two units or two and a half units I mean I I'm I'm open to other ideas as well I'm learning as I go here um and those recent comments did help so Mike I agree with you though that we kic We Kick the Can a bit and let's let's regroup thanks and I think that's what I said at the beginning was that we should look at it that way well it takes some of us a little longer to figure it out than that you got you got there faster I will say one other thing and I realize I'm walking in a mindfield here but uh I I do think that for for to help us we should take account of what what Shireen said about incorporating input from the uh affordable housing trust you you can ignore it you can do whatever you want to do with it but uh there is some expertise there that with all due respect I I don't believe is here at this board it's like it's like asking waterways to weigh in on a you know on moing issues and whatever issues that we had so I find it to be similar okay um I think we're we've we've addressed that one the next case is um requests for road closure and use Town property for Christmas stroll is that you Kristen yes Kristen chair I got to recuse myself was this is my very front yard of my business so I got to step out I'll be right back okay and shireen's recused too yeah uh shireen's Gone okay are you still allowed to we have we have a quum yes that would have been a long three hours if you lost your quarum right now I'm not gonna lie um okay this will be brief I hope um Christmas stroll um I don't know how many of you were on the street last year but um by all accounts the most attended Christmas stroll anyone can recall um it was fantastic and we're hoping to replicate that um so everything is basically the same as last year uh the kids parade would come from the community center through the uh rotary to the um lighting site at the corner of C View and Main Street um we worked with the police and will again to sort of close the road in a moving way so that it it's only closed where it needs to be when it needs to be and then as soon as the parade gets through the rotary the other three sides of the rotary would open um the closure at the top of cew Street um sort of near Highland and um until after the uh lighting ceremony and then after the ceremon is over everything sort of reopens um the it was a huge success to have the lit tree back in the Sears Park triangle so I thank you for allowing us to do that last year um we'd like to have it there again and um with that uh the buoy tree was also a huge hit on the corner of cross Street and Main Street I can't tell you it became like selfie Heaven over there like people were literally lining up on the sidewalk to take pictures in front of the buoy tree um throughout the the season so um that's a wonderful location for it that we're requesting again um what else is in this request um couple of the parking spots that you approved last year um for the loading and unloading of the um people on the horse and carriage rides um directly in front of town hall in the parking lot as well as directly in front of town hall on Main Street um and I think that's it um we will be lighting both the triangle and the park again um well at least the triangle as long as we have um electricity in the park we will light the park again but that's another issue um so yeah that's it okay Dean just thank you Kristen uh I just had two questions they're raised in the memo that Kathy provided to us um hiring a boom truck to place the tree who's going to be responsible for that um when I saw Kathy's memo that was the first time I had heard about the boom truck um we're certainly open to discussing that I wasn't aware of it I had put in this year's budget the EMTs because that request from Chief Chief tavano last year came after we had already made our budget so I included the EMTs along with the F the police details but I did not know about the boom truck do we know what kind of a cost that it like I don't know that I can say unilaterally that the merchants will pay for that one I don't know what the number is and I can't vote for them but it's certainly something we can and would discuss um I I was unaware of that well um do we have if we don't have an answer we can defer that I don't I don't think we received a total cost for that um as well as the um the other that was the the other was the and we had met with um Chief Tano and chief Anderson earlier this spring so I had some rough ideas of what those details were going to cost so those numbers um were put in um the boom truck I was unaware of okay if we could barter and do it this year cover it next year I don't know I mean I'm prepared to offer a motion unless I mean I I don't as I look at motion I don't think that's Incorporated one way or the other can Beal L they can deal with it I was just going to offer one Consolidated Mo please I move that the select board approve the use of town property for the annual tree lighting celebration in Sears Park as presented by the chadam Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association and that the select board approved the use of town property to place the buoy tree at the corner of Main Street and cross street on the town held property and that the select board approved the use of town property to Stage the horse and carriage rides in front of town hall on Main Street and within the town hall parking lot as presented by the chadam Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association and that the select board approv the use of town roads for the children's light parade on Friday December 133 2024 at 5:30 p.m. and the closure of Main Street in the vicinity of the triangle for the duration of the tree lighting celebration is presented by the chadam Chamber of Farmers and Merchants Association second okay all those in favor uh Mr dykin hi Mr Shell says I Mr necastro hi thank you thank you Christ thanks Kristen okay uh next uh use of town turke yeah Turkey Trot is Kate wiby here Katie wiby sorry that's okay good evening how's everybody doing just fine thank you um I am here to request our 20th annual approval for the chadam Turkey Trot the route will be exactly the same as last year um if you recall last year we did uh change the starting point to oyster Pond um the uh excuse me um Lieutenant Goddard uh indicated that that was a much safer environment for the the start just for emergency Personnel getting in and out should there uh be a need for them um and we'd like to continue doing that for the foreseeable future the one um addition we were looking for approval for this year is a tent that we would like to put up in the oyster Pond parking lot um just in the case of inclement weather weather excuse me um we wanted to have that available for the volunteers who typically arrive around 5:30 in the morning to get that stuff going um and then obviously the registration when the runners arrive um usually around 7:30 um that the uh company that has agreed to donate that tent uh would be able to set it up Wednesday afternoon and take it down Friday morning um but obviously that is pending your your approval to utilize that lot for that that period of time Mr chairman yeah this is the 20th uh uh time that done tooky trout here in town I moved to approve the request for sale of goods and town property and the use of town property at the chatt up community center on Wednesday November 27th 2024 from 1: to 7:00 p.m. and the request for a special One Day entertainment license use of town property use of town roads placement of a tent and outdoor display and sales of goods on Town property at oyster Pond Beach lot on Thursday November 28th 2024 for the 20th annual Turkey Trot as presented by Kate wibby of lower Cape Outreach thank you second okay I did have a question I do support this but I uh the memo we got internally talks about um local radio station and a DJ Amplified recorded music was that done last year is it has it been an issue there it was done last year um I apologize I didn't know that there was a special permit required for it but the radio station did show up around 7:30 they were late um they broadcast it live on the radio from the from the parking lot um I don't recall there being any uh complaints or issues with that noise at the time uh okay historically we've just used a blow horn okay inste thank you absolutely okay we have a motion in a second on the table uh Mr nicastro I uh Mr Shell says I Mr dykens and Mr Mets hi thank you very much thank you have a great night yeah yeah absolutely look forward to it um next um an application for a new common victualer license from J Bar at 400 Main Street are you Miss Tucker yes I'm I'm Aon Tucker okay welcome thank you so can you just tell us a little bit about what you're what you're going to do here briefly sure thank you we are looking to open our second location um we currently have a business that's been in operation for 10 years in harport and we are looking to duplicate a sister store in chadam at 400 Main okay thank you yeah any questions take a motion Mr chairman uh I move to approve the application for a common vital license to J Bar at 400 Main Street chadam second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shel says I Mr DK and Mr matters hi thank you good luck and uh welcome thank you um another common vict or license for chillers at 22A Barnhill Road Mr chair can I just make a disclosure first that chillers is actually one of my uh commercial Neighbors in our block and west chatam on the formal vote I will recuse or I'll abstain from the vote but I would like to make a comment for clarification purposes in regards to our memo that I think should be noted so at the appropriate time okay please uh do we have a representative of um still t 10 she's online Mike anyway okay I'm here oh good welcome so can you tell us a little bit about what you are proposing here so we are a shave ice and a place in chadam and we've actually been established there for 27 years um but we just purchased in the fall um so we're just looking to continue selling ice cream um the ice cream go a scoop goes on the bottom to make it a true Hawaiian shave ice and that's what we're asking for the I see okay uh just my point of clarification in the memo it says this location has not been licensed for The Last 5 Years basically I went for clarification it's this is a new ownership the prior operation didn't have a requirement for this uh their menu they've upgraded their menu become more um you know a lot more ingredients and stuff with the little vanilla ice cream in one of their concept drinks uh triggers this requirement so they're just becoming a compliant simple okay okay well thank you for that um any other questions um Mr sh I move to approve the application for a common victual license to chillers at 2 22A Barnhill Road chadam second uh okay thank you all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Mr D hi and Mr Mets thank you and thank you very much good luck thank you okay um a one-day alcohol license for wine and Malt Liquor only from the Where the Sidewalk Ends hi thank you hello staying in welcome um and considering this one day application we have um Greg schl the shark expert coming to sign his book called chasing shadows and we did this um at the Christmas stroll we had applied for the one day wine license to give out um great white wine um from Newport Vineyards so it's a little bit of a word play it's less about the wine and more about having this sort of um festive marketing point to make his event special um and in this case we have Susan Casey coming as well um who wrote the underworld um about the deep sea so it sort of ties in and it's just a way to have um a little something special for their book signing okay and this is next Monday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. it is yeah okay any questions yep go ahead yeah hi thank you I just wanted to ask you um your your application says you will check IDs if recommended but I think you should yeah I mean I feel like the demographic is probably sure older to begin with um but and are is there a limit to the number of drinks per person that you're going to offer one yeah this is you want to offer the motion Mr chairman I move to Grant the special one-day alcohol license to Caitlyn doert of Where the Sidewalk Ends for wine and Malt Beverages only for the meat the author event and book signing to be held on Monday August 12th 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 at 4:30 to Main Street chadam second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shel say I Mr dyin I and Mr Mets I thank thank you good luck thanks um the uh use of town property alcohol on Town property and special one-day alcohol license for wine and well beverages to uh broadreach health care for their end of the summer party do we have somebody representing broadreach online Stan Miss Murphy Mur Murray sorry I'm doing great with names tonight so that's a deferral yeah she had emailed yes um she had emailed me that she was having issues at the beginning of the meeting but at 7:30 she had said she was on and listening in and I believe that the phone number is her but I'm not sure if she is able to hear but so that phone number is muted I'm not sure if we can unmuted or chat of TV if it's star n star six no no no okay can I just ask um if if this is deferred can we get an answer to two questions because I was one was is the is there a rain date because I they talk about it but I don't see one applied for and there's something about a bartending license and I'm not sure what the status of that is whether it was required or provided or not required I don't believe it was required but we did discuss that if shaa wants to speak to that we did discuss that with chadam I mean I have no problem with the request but we do have that policy can we wave it um so I believe chatam bartenders it's a service that they offer through I'm not positive but I want to say um cholate Liquors but it's not it's not a requirement that we have locally that a professional service be hired okay if that was the question don't go away okay well this may not be for for you but um I'm just curious the at the top of the uh the memo page two it says according to section 17 of the rules and regulations quote alcoholic uh beverages are banned in Parker Beach areas at any time except with the written permission of the select board only private nonprofit organizations based in chadam May request a r waiver of this regulation and I'm just curious is broadreach nonprofit no they are for-profit and Miss Murray has emailed back she said she asked if we cannot hear her I let her know no we cannot so apparently she's on but we're not able to hear her so I think um to to maybe address any confusion about how this comes to the board where the regulations that are in place say basically that it's not allowed is that the park and wreck commission was approached first and has granted permission despite their regulations to allow this event at the beach if that answers that question okay can can we if we can hear her I mean I hate to defer this to one one more time can we wave our regulation that they have to be here in person there's a certainly an attempt made to be here tonight there are your regulations You could argue she's here yeah can't hear I I I'm okay with that Miss is she communicating a little bit we're emailing I have my emails she's emailing back as can we make an attempt to just correspond a little bit basically with her I mean I'm yeah I'm amenable to that I mean if she could hear you U asks the questions and she can respond I've been texting her too on how to unmute so yeah she she's present the whole point of that policy was to have someone responsible for communication so I'm I'm I'm fine with working with I don't have a question but I just want to I'm willing to work with this and put it I had only one question that was UN answered is there a rain date that they want and we can put it in she had not provided me with one but I can I'll ask her now I can email her right now for it okay or I could insert something in the motion this sure well why not why don't I offer this motion uh I move that uh the select board approve the request for use of town property at Hardings Beach parking lot uh by broadreach Healthcare Stephanie Murray yes and she just emailed back that can you hear me yes yes yay hi Stephanie hello oh hi I'm so sorry I've been listening for the last three hours so I'm here do you have a rain date do you want a rain date so the original rain date was the following Friday okay so the 13th let me just the 13th that's the rain date yes okay all right so I'll continue with the motion please I I move that the select board approve the request for use of town property at Hardings Beach parking lot by broadreach Healthcare and that we allow alcohol on Town property for this event as requested with uh the date of the event being September 6th 2024 and a rain date of September 13th 2024 I'll second that and uh just make a comment I'm very familiar with this applicant um and the staff of these facilities are so welld deserving of a of a party to celebrate Labor Day it's ridiculous so I'm very very supportive this this organ these organizations are a tremendous asset to the town of chadam and I'm delighted to vote in favor of this application okay I think we have a motion in a second Mr nicastro hi Mr Shell says I Mr dykens and Mr matters hi thank you very much Stephanie and uh I hope you enjoyed the meeting thank you so much I appreciate it okay thank you thank you bye bye byebye so M masel you are here to get $15 million is that it yes um thank you good evening um so the mass clean water trust has approved $15 million for article 26 which was approved on May 6 2023 and that is for a water treatment facility training field for Wells 58 the original approval was for 19 well the borrowing authorization is for 19.8 we've already go went out to bond for uh $700,000 which was for incurred costs in fy2 24 um with the 15 million from the Clean Water trust that would bring us to um a leftover of unissued in the amount of $4,100 th000 um the loan is 0% from the Clean Water trust as well okay um Mr chairman before you do that I I just I have my usual question you've looked at all the representations in the certificate and if you were a member of the select board you would be comfortable signing them uh yes there were some corrections made under their certificate I believe and that is for the home rule which um was corrected there was a correction of a date um May 14 2023 was actual approval vote for home rule and there was a correction as well for um Weston and Samson was still written on here instead of Viola contract which is now in place these were written um prior to Viola coming on board so we had those corrections made thank you Mr nicastro with this edit so um with what Carrie has mentioned I believe the new forms have been printed for your signature oh for Signature okay yeah well there's there's I read it there's a typo in item seven of the certificate did you see it that's it um paragraph a um the the proceeds of the note not knots yes I see that okay yes chairman please I find that enlightening and not Ator well I I I also move would that I would not I would never want to be accused of being an obscurantist yes an obscurantist um I mve to adopt the vote as printed in paragraphs 1 through eight in the document titled vote of the select board attached to this document you should read the rest of that then um I move that we sign both the note and two and presented to the board and and presented to the board stop I think you can stop it after the word board thank you I'll second that um I move that we'll sign both the note and the two copies of the closing certificate and I'll second that okay all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dyens Mr Shell says I Mr necastro I thank you thank you very much have a good night you very much okay now we have to go through I gotta find them we have a state primary State primary one oh sorry where did that go okay um a motion yes I'll take a I'll take a motion yes Mr chairman I move that the select Board sign the state primary election warrant as submitted by the town clerk second um thank you all those in favor Mr necastro hi Mr Shell says I Mr Dyan Mr Mets okay done um committee appointments and reappointments see if we can move through this smartly um Board of Health Mr Shell I move to appoint Ronald Broman as a member of the Board of Health until June 30th 2027 until soona revoked or a successor is appointed second I'm sorry Mr nastro hi uh Mr Shel says I uh Mr uh dykin hi uh Mr Mets hi Community preservation committee Mr chairman I moved to appoint Deborah Aman as a member of the community preservation committee until June 30th 2027 LESA revoked a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr uh Mets I Mr Dyk Mr Shell says I Mr necastro I uh Conservation Commission two open seats uh to open associate seats Mr chair I'm sorry we we just received a note from the chair of the Conservation Commission that Paul Johnson had requested during the interview to be appointed as a full member not as an Associates there he that yeah he did she strongly urged the board to approve his full member appointment so as they would not have a quorum yeah no and and yes thank you very much so um we can start with uh Mr Delio um I move to appoint Robert deio as an associate member to of the Conservation Commission until June 30 2025 unless soon revok or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr Mets Mr Dyk Mr Shel says I Mr necastro I okay I guess oh I Johnson is a full member I to app Point Paul Johnson as a member of the Conservation Commission until June 30 [Music] 2027 unless soon revote for successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Mr Dyk I Mr Mets I COA we I I I'll do I move to appoint Joan Bagel as a member of the Council on Aging board of directors until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shel say I Mr DK Mr Mets I historic uh business district commission Mr chairman I move to appoint uh Doug Gratton as a member of the historic business district commission until June 30th and 2027 luno revoked or successor appointed second all those in favor Mr Mets I uh Mr Shell oh sorry Mr dykens I Mr Shell says I Mr necastro I Mr chairman I move to appoint Timothy Gilmore as an alternate member of the historic business district commission until June 30th 2025 onless sooner revoked of successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr necastro hi Mr Shelson say I Mr Dyk Mr Mets I okay uh historical historical commission Mr chairman I move to appoint nyar as a member of the historical commission until June 30th 2026 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor uh Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Mr dyens and Mr Mets hi shellfish advisory committee Mr chairman I move to appoint John Gary as a member of the shelfish advisory committee until June 30th 2027 Luna revoked or a successor is appointed hi a second sorry Mr Mets hi uh Mr Dyk Mr Shell says I Mr necastro I uh Railroad Museum committee Mr chairman I move to appoint Don Marone as a member of the Railroad Museum committee until June 30th 2026 unless sooner revoked or successor appointed second uh all those in favor Mr dykens hi Mr matters hi Mr Shell says I Mr Nic Castro hi Traffic Safety Committee yes Mr chair I moved to appoint Joan Craig as a member of the Traffic Safety Committee until June 30th 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr Castro I Mr Shell says I Mr dykens hi and Mr Mets hi Mr chairman I move to appoint Diane rowlings as a member of the Traffic Safety Committee until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr uh necastro Mr Shell says I Mr dykin and Mr matters hi excuse me Mr chair on the next one for Mr Gordon um I did send out an email late this afternoon there was a um a someone uh stepped down from the committee so Mr Gordon would be eligible for the full member seat as opposed to the alternate seat should the board wish to appoint him to that and what's the expiration date on that the expiration date on that would be June 30th 2025 Super Mr chairman I move to appoint Jeff Gordon as a member of the Traffic Safety Committee until June 30th 2025 unless sooner revoked their successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr necastro Mr Shell says I Mr Dyk and Mr matters I water and sewer advisory committee Mr chairman I moveed to appoint William Cook as a member of the water and sewer advisory committee until June 30th 2027 unless soona revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dykens Mr Shell says I Mr necastro uh waterways advisory committee um I moveed to appoint Craig Martin as a member of the waterways advisory committee until June 3227 a sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr necastro Mr Shell says I Mr Dyan hi and Mr Mets hi and one more I I I move to appoint David appenheim as a member of the waterways advisory committee till June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor uh Mr matters abstain Mr dykens I Mr Shell says I Mr n as roain two that doesn't you have to have to wait for say again have to wait for shine oh no it's two Z two two two2 two2 yes okay so we had you don't have three votes oh you need all right two out of four isn't isn't a majority all right um I will take motion toour all those in favor second oh second all those in favor Mr nicastro I uh Mr Shell says I uh Mr dykin n okay I and Mr Mets I um we are adjourned at 8:37 thank you [Music] [Music]