will okay okay very good for e e e e [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the July 22nd 2024 meeting of the planning board of the town of chadam my name is Katherine helper I'm chair of the planning board of the town of chadam this meeting is being conducted uh in a hybrid for format both remotely and in person I'll give you a few points on that in just a few moments um please also note that this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone is recording the meeting please notify us I'll give you I don't see anyone connected remotely I don't see any hands up all right so pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29th 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law gl3 a20 until March 31st 2025 this meeting of the chattam planning board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while it's in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 and the conference ID number is 155 964 664 pound or you may also join the meeting online using Microsoft teams through the link that is in the agenda that's posted on the town website while this is a live broadcast and simcast on channel on chatam TV former formerly channel 18 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide for realtime access and as mentioned we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible so let's start with a roll call of our board members art sprew art spru present chain present Bob worter Bob worter present Frank Sherer Frank Sherer present Bob dubis Bob dubis present Charlene greenhalge Charlene greenhow present and this is Katherine helper I'm also present um and is there anyone who needs to recuse themselves from any item on tonight's agenda NOP um first what I'd like to do before we get started is I think you see sitting uh with our community development director Katie Donovan is our new town planner um Christine ogrady and today is her first day with us and I just want to mention that um we're very pleased that you've come to join us in chadam Christine has a very long um and impressive uh career of professional experience uh as a planner specifically working in municipalities um most recently she was the planning director in the town of Dartmouth uh and prior to that for about 3 years she was city planner in the City of Newport Rhode Island uh and prior to that she had a 20-year career as a senior planner uh at CDR Maguire so she has a very impressive and long-term experience uh in planning and specifically uh in town planning and specifically in town planning with towns that are somewhat similar to chatam Newport is a um Seaside community and Dartmouth is nearby So Christine uh we're really happy to have you with us and we hope that you'll enjoy your time in chadam working with us thank you very much okay um so we have the first item on the agenda is the minutes um let me see does anyone have any corrections the minutes for July 8th any additions yes art okay just uh underneath the pre-application for 166 Depot at the very uh bottom of that just before the motion the board agreed that a site visit would not be required I think we also agreed that a public hearing was not going to be required that is correct yes so I just wanted to note that we should include both of those as not being required and Annie heard that so we'll just yes great thank you any other additions or Corrections um with that one uh amendment can I have a motion to approve the minutes from July 8th um Arts Brew I'll make that motion I have a second all second thank you so much Arts Brew Arts Brew approve Warren chain Warren chain approved Bob wter Bob wter approved Frank Sherer Frank Sherer approved Bob dupus Bob dupus approved Charlene green hge charl green hge approved and this is Katherine helper I also approve the minutes from July 8th um the next item on our agenda is a request for recommendation to the zoning Board of appeals regarding a driveway in a Conservancy district for 159 Seine Road and I think we have Dave Clark do you want to just um give us a brief overview of this situation uh good evening David Clark Clark engineering on behalf of uh the Baldwins I think Bill Lichfield might be on too um but uh nonetheless uh this is a demolition rebuild project uh and U the way we have the garage situated requires the reconfiguration of the driveway um we had originally designed it so that it was a wash as far as the new driveway versus the old driveway but we've got to take into account the apron to the to the garage so you see that little box in front of the in front of the garage that's what gets us the uh increase in uh in amount of driveway within the flood plane um but the good news is it's a paved driveway now uh the driveway within the flood plane is going to be converted to a semi-pervious gravel surface all right and so on this the pink areas are the where the new driveway will be and the yellow is existing driveway to be removed correct yes so it's just kind of a reconfiguration and you're adding about a little bit less than 100 square fet y to the driveway and it will no longer be paved it will be now pervious just the portion within the flood plan okay great um any other questions from the board for Dave yes um Dave I think it'll be helpful just to get some information out about this because there are when you take a look at the whole picture including building and everything there are there are increases that um and I'm not sure how they're being dealt with the house footprint is going up by I believe uh two 240 Square ft yes so that's an increase in an impervious area the so that also affects the um volume of uh of uh storm water but I was wondering you have a crawl space is is that crawl space going to be allowed to take any of that flood water it's required to it's required to okay that's a good thing um yeah I noticed that your your foundation is going up because of the um flood zone that you have um so overall I think uh you have a uh reduction on the impervious area which is probably a good benefit there there is a slight increase but I I'd rather take the reduction of 400 some um plus square feet of uh of impervious area any day so other than those comments I have no no issues great um waren any comments or questions um I really don't have any comments or questions okay great and just a reminder our our purview just covers the driveway and we just give a recommendation to zba um Bob no questions and Frank um thank you it's it's been referred to us because under the protected bylaw um it's in the conservation area and one of the criteria that we're supposed to look at is whether uh there's any obstruction to the flow of water right um so I went by there today because I was curious and uh I I just asked the question are there's going to be any obstructions to the flow of Water by putting in the new driveway the new driveway no yeah okay and I have no more questions okay and it's just a also you probably noticed on the staff report a standard condition that we always put in is that the the driveway should be constructive perious material uh and allow the unobstructed flow of water so that's absolutely correct thank you Bob dupus any questions no I looked at this and I think uh somewhat like art that uh they're taking out the asphalt yeah and putting in stone and uh they'll uh looks pretty good to me the house has been there a long time as it is hopefully it'll stay a long longer great and Charlene any questions or comments for Dave uh no I have no questions or comments okay um but I'm ready to make a motion yes would you why don't you make a motion I uh move that the planning board recommend the uh construction of the driveway within the Conservancy district for 159 sepine Road okay we could say that we give a positive recommendation um okay that to yeah and that we include that standard condition the driveway shall be constructed of permeable material and shall be constructed in a manner which permits the unobstructed flow of water suck on that all right great so let's do a vote arts spr arts spr approv Warren chain Warren chain approved Bob Warf Bob WF approved Bank Shar Bank Shar approve Bob dubis Bob DUIs proove and this is Katherine helper I also approve and Charlene Char appr too yes sorry [Laughter] Charlene did you vote I approve as well great yes all right and I also approve so thank you very much you uh we will send a positive recommendation to the zba regarding this matter have a good night um this might be our shortest meeting yet we might have a record breaker um the only comment I want to make for the board is as you know we usually do our annual reorganization of the board on the second meeting in July but in this case we have to postpone it as the select board is still working through the reappointments um so we will be doing that shortly but not tonight um so with that Madam chair question um May I make a suggestion for an agenda item for the future is that um sure we can consider it yeah uh I guess it was a meeting or two ago that I suggested that we take a look at whatever the Tim table was oh right yes you know for getting the West chadam approved prior to the board in other words who's going to do what when what you know that that kind of process I'm wondering whether that could be added as an agenda item perhaps for the next meeting sure I think we I mean I think we have it as a pending agenda item we've already noted that so if we can include it on the next meeting we will thank you you can certainly try to put something together for that yeah I think part of it was is we wanted Christine to get started oh absolutely yeah right so and again um a warm welcome to you Christine we look forward to working with you and I'll try we'll try not to be too difficult all right so with that I think if there's no other comments from the public move to adjourn well um second all right there's no other comments from the public we have a motion we have a second Arts Brew uh arsb approve waren chain War chain approve B approve Frank Shar Frank Shar approve Bob dupus Bob dupus approved Charlene greenal you've already been disconnected no she's here no I haven't okay um do you do you vote to adjourn I vote to adjourn all right this is Katherine helper I also vote to adjourn let's note the time is 514 uh and thank you everybody for participating please enjoy the rest of the evening [Music]