e e e e [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] y [Music] welcome everybody to the town of chadam zoning board of appeals meeting today is March 14th 2024 pursuant to the governor Haley's March 29th 2023 signing the acts of 2023 extending certain covid measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law um Mass general laws uh 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting the chadam zoning board of appeals is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the access the proceedings provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 conference ID 145 533 641 pound or join the meeting via the online Microsoft teams um link through the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simoc cast on chadam TV despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide for real time access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible in accordance with the town's policy the public can speak to any issue hearing or business item on the agenda during the meeting when recognized by the chair um this is how the the meetings are run Sarah Clark our um our Central Permitting officer who's on my right will read each application um and then there'll be a presentation by either the applicant or by their professional that they hire um and for the benefit who's of anybody that's not sit in set in on our meetings in the past um we go through certain legal criteria um for example um massing and um the you know there's 12 criteria basically and the applicants will will talk to each of the criteria and uh that is you know how the law provides and that's How We Do It um topics such as scaling mass adequacy of size uh site for the project are always discussed at length after the criteria are addressed by the applicant uh the public receives an opportunity to speak in favor next I will read the correspondences and the public has an opportunity to speak against or ask questions um and then may be time for autal after that the board asks questions um we vote to close the public hearing and the board deliberates as mentioned um we focus the deliberations on whether the projects meet the app applicable criteria then we vote on the merits to Prevail you need a four out of five uh vote super majority uh per Mass law um and then we'll discuss conditions if applicable we end the meeting with a verbal confirmation to adjourn and note the time uh there's five minutes allowed for public comment and the clock will start running as soon as you start talking um and please don't start talking to you get up to the microphone so it can be recorded um in addition to to Sarah clar we have um Shantel Kilkenny here from Community Development and we usually have our Building Commissioner but he is not able to attend today um and then we have chadam TV Mark vanan B and Brianna Fitzpatrick who um help us with the with that and all on members of volunteer citizens who bring their best selves to every meeting um and today we have all eight of us there's three uh Associates and five members um voting today um will be um Virginia Fenwick um Lee Hy um Paul simple Ed Acton and Dave Beach and this is Dave Nixon and myself we uh are not going to vote today but um generally the five members vote and the three um Associates um take turns but we also have the um opportunity to use our discretion and have other people vote so that's how it's going to be today and I think we need a motion from from Paul for our minutes um should we give a roll call uh with respect to the for of yeah that's that's even a better motion yeah so if we could have a roll call vote uh to um approve of this form of meeting Virginia Fenwick Virginia uh approves Steve Steve dor approves Lee Lee H approves Paul Paul C SLE approves Dave David as nexton approves Ed at act and approves and uh David H and I approve as well um on that note I will move to approve the minutes of our meeting from February 888 2024 as published dve V seconds and Jenny Jenny approves Ali I approve all approves Dave I mean Ed Ed approves and uh Dave V approves okay post application yep so the the minutes we um we we voted on that we just said that first application haven't had a meeting in three weeks so we have to get back into the we have to get back into the group application number 24-8 uh failure prop Properties LLC care of creative Barnes Inc 159 Old Main Street South Yarmouth Mass 02664 owner owner of property located at 34 Longs Lane also shown in the town of chadam assessor map 2A block 18 lot pe18 the applicant seeks to enlarge extend or change a non-conforming dwelling and a non-conforming lot be the conversion of the existing garage to a family room the building coverage will remain 1,392 ft 16.6% where 15% is the max allowed the law is non-conforming and that it contains 8,360 ft where 20,000 ft is required in the R20 zoning District a special permit is required under Mass General Law chapter 48 sections six 6 and 9 in sections 5B and 82b of the protective bylaw okay who is here to speak on 34 Long's Lane hello sir please go up to the mic and state your case introduce yourself if you would yeah my name is Constantine with creative BS and I'm here to um request uh variance uh for the subject property I think it's a special permit a special permit yeah big difference y do you have the criteria uh the criteria for special permit correct um no okay we'll give you a copy of that and then you can go through it if you want to approach come get it yeah the applicant Pro probably forgot to give that to you so if you could just apply the facts of your case to the criteria when it's applicable and if you don't think one of the criteria is applicable just say not applicable all right um could you just give me a a second sure we don't have the Jeopardy music but so um what I'm getting from this is uh so basically we're not increasing the the footprint of the building uh we're not changing anything we're not changing the exterior look except removing the door uh the garage door and change it with Windows I have met with a family and the main reason for that uh for them to seek that expansion as a family room is they have larger family grandkids kids and they just don't have enough room in in the existing uh house and um that's the the main reason so um again meaning that we we're not extending the footprint um we're not changing the look of the house dramatically we're not seeking to do any drastic changes um I I believe that's that's a reasonable request so you're saying that the size is adequate but the size of the lot is adequate for the project right um yeah and and you're compatible with other structures in the neighborhood yeah absolutely yeah all right um and you're not increasing any non-conformities are you y yeah we're studying with yeah we're staying uh staying within the existing building yeah and you think that the site is suitable yeah and it doesn't impact neighborhood properties uh or the natural environment including slopes vegetation Wetlands groundwater water bodies or storm runoff would you agree to all that yep okay um and the impact of the scale sighting and Mass on neighborhood visual character you consider that to be um acceptable Y and you're compatible with proposed neighborhood uses yes yep all right so in your view it meet the criteria yeah all right so now what we'll do is we'll see if anybody in the audience or on Microsoft teams wants to speak in favor of this application if so please indicate don't see any there's no one to speak in favor okay so now I'm going to read any of the um correspondents that we got which I believe is just one from the health agent which we always get um on uh 31124 we got a note from Judith Georgio the health agent saying I reviewed the plan to convert the garage of this property into a family room the property was approved and septic installed for the existing three bedroom property no additional flow is proposed I have no concerns and that concludes the correspondence now if there's anybody here or on Microsoft teams that would like to ask a question or has a problem with the application please indicate there's no one with a question or an opposition all right so now we're going to have questions from the board Steve I have no questions Jenny quick question what is the um I'm looking at the proposed plan y um I just is it stairs that are in the middle of that picture that has the arrow going up so this is just an atic axis okay yeah y That's What I I wanted to make sure thank you uh lee no question you already said that yeah Paul I have no questions Dave I have no questions no questions nor do I nor do I so Paul if I could have a motion to close the hearing I will move the uh move to close the hearing and move into deliberations a seconds Jenny uh Jenny approves uh Steve Steve actually Steve's not uh voting today sorry I have to remember now Lee I vote Yes Paul all votes yes Ed Ed votes yes yes all right so deliberations Dave V uh certainly um not substantially detrimental to the neighborhood more detrimental in neighborhood it meets all the criteria as and he presented and um uh it's um nice looking project and I will support it okay uh I agree with Dave um it is a reasonable way to certainly expand a uh living space for the house and I support it Paul is your neighborhood isn't it uh it's close it's close I walk by there frequently uh um and uh it seems to be it will fit into the neighborhood I think it's not substantially more detrimental and J um Jenny I agree with all my colleagues Lee I agree too and Ed um Steve I agree it's not create any other further encroachments or anything it's fine all right so what about conditions I guess one question would be when do you expect to do this work it will be dependent on uh the homeowners availability and the health availability um we were planning to start work pretty soon uh but if you know if the homeowner says uh let's wait until the season is over we might start it in the fall so it's either now and complete by the summer or starting the fall and completing the off season so the usual conditions probably would be so uh you would expect that you'd either start it now and have it completed by uh June 30th or so y or do it in the the fall yep okay uh I'll move to approve the application as submitted with the condition that all construction activity and vehicles be contained on site or at a neighboring property with the permission of the property owner that between June 30th and Labor Day no exterior construction will be allowed that no work shall be permitted on the weekends and construction activity would be between 8:00 am and 5:00 p.m only da8 seconds and Jenny Jenny approves we I approve well all approves I approve and dve each approves all right it's unanimous congratulations thank you okay 414 Fox Hill Road will be next When Sarah's We Ready application number 23-1 120 Christopher J lroy and Kathleen M lroy car of William F Riley Esquire PE box 707 chattam Mass 2633 owners of property located at 414 Fox Hill Road also shown in the town of chadam assessor map 11m block 5 lot two the applicant seeks to reconstruct a pre-existing non-conforming private residential Pier the existing Pier is non-conforming and it is 112 ft long the proposed reconstructed Pier will be non-conforming and that it will be 112 ft long where 80 ft is the maximum allowed the property is located in the R40 zoning District a special permit is required under master General Law chapter 48 sections 6 and 9 and sections 5D and 5B and 8D 2B of the protective bylaw this was continued from January 11th 2024 uh good afternoon Bill Riley on behalf of the lroy family um we're caught in a sort of a regulatory uh I think it might be a dead end but some sort of loop uh the uh the existing pier and ramp and Float have been uh unchanged since the mid-50s the original per was built in the 1930s with a railway and a boat house and they shortened it sometime back in the 40s or 50s unfortunately uh the uh when they shortened it they did not it was a licensed paer they did not seek to amend the license to show the ramp and the float so in the uh in a world where some people are given a lot of authority uh we asked the Pleasant Bay Alliance well the Conservation Commission asked the Pleasant Bay Alliance to comment and uh the uh because the rampant float were not part of an amended licence uh uh they in their Infinite Wisdom decided that although they' been in the water since 1958 uh there were new structures and uh they recommended against them so uh we're still trying to figure that out a little bit we think we have a away but I'd like a one month continuance to see if we can work it out that'll be it really I think the next date that's available is May 23rd if I remember right could be getting ready for Memorial Day weekend's perfect that is what I'm currently scheduling applications for is that work for you yeah I guess so okay we we have like five meetings in a row so we don't really have any no no I I appreciate yeah yeah so um all right so I think we need to take a vote on that I'll I'll move to Grant the requested continu May 23 g v seconds Jenny Jenny approves Lee I approve I approve Paul yeah approves and Dave V approves thank you very much unanimous thank you all right the next one is going to be eight arutas Trail When Sarah's ready application number 24-9 James and Christine fezio care of Nicholas McKenzie 101 Signal Hill Drive Dennis Mass 02 638 owners of property located at 8 Arbutus Trail also shown in the town of chadam assessor map 9k block 56 lot G1 the applicant seeks to enlarge extend or change a non-conforming dwelling and a non-conforming lot via the construction of a portico the existing dwelling is non-conforming and that it is located 19.4 ft from Arbutus Trail the proposed Portico will be non-conforming and that it will be located 30.3 ft from ourbus Trail where a 40ft setback is required the existing building cover is 240 ft 11.4% and the proposed building coverage is 288 ft 11.5% where 15% is the maximum allowed the law is non-conforming and that it contains 17,900 ft where 40,000 60,000 ft is required in the r60 zoning District a special permit is required under Mass General Law chapter 48 section 6 and section 5B of the protective bylaw is there Nicholas McKenzie welcome yeah my name is Nicholas McKenzie I'm the contractor doing the work who happens to be my cousin who owns the house and I don't have one of those criteria papers either so all right you have to come get it we don't deliver yeah they do come in your packages but all right if you're not on the lookout for it you probably missed it I think the size is going to fit right in there the house is 52 ft long and it's only eight wide and the house is the smallest one in the neighborhood by far we're only talking about a portico right right that's it um it's not near any vegetation groundwater the scale's definitely proportion to the house um I don't think the neighbors are going to mind it it's the ugliest house in the neighborhood now so it's going to get cleaned up uh sorage wouldn't be a problem traffic noise with the utilities the lights are going to be on the side not in the P um PCO uh I don't think the neighbors is flood plane not a problem it's well up um you like it's only 6 by eight wide so I don't think so it's compatible with proposed use with uh neighboring uses right oh yeah it's a lot smaller than anything up there okay so um is that your case that's it I guess all right very good um if there's anybody here are on Microsoft teams that would like to uh speak in favor please do so or indicate looks like no one and um I will read the one correspondence we got from the health agent on uh March 11th 2024 um I have no comments or concerns says Judith Georgio about this poro addition thank you that's that um if there's anybody on Microsoft teams or here that would wish to ask a question or speak against the application please make it known seeing none questions from the board Dave I have no questions Ed uh no questions none PA I have no questions Lee no questions and Steve no questions and Jenny no questions I'll move to close the hearing and move into deliberations DAV seconds JY jeny approves Lee approves all approves Ed approves and V approves all right so deliberations Dave well um similar to what I said in the first at the first appage this is um certainly not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood it's in it's actually in a quite a nice Improvement to the look of the house uh meets all of our applicable criteria and I will support it okay Ed uh yeah I drove by the site uh yesterday the day before looks like a lot of work going on there a lot of yeah we're doing the inside till we get permits for that and the outside get new windows shingles so it's going to look like a new house when it's done yep it has been touched since 52 I I think all the neighbors will be happy and it well they're going to be happy so I approve they got to drive by it every time they come and go yep certainly not substantially detrimental Paul I agree with my colleagues Lee I agree with my colleagues as well Steve I agree and Jenny I agree all right conditions um I'm assuming that uh you're going to be able to keep uh off of that section of the road with your construction vehic we park around the corner and we get tucked them in on near the driveway garage around we're not get worry about we don't want to get hit either I noticed that that's what was happening when you were there before and obviously coming in off of uh the main drag uh it's pretty tight so that gives you some thought um and um given that we're only dealing with a small portion of this project I'm not sure that there's any need for any conditions so I'll move to approve the application as submitted and Dave Fe seconds okay Dave how do you vote I I vote in favor I vote in favor Paul Paul votes yes and Lee I vote Yes and Jenny I vote yes that's unanimous congratulations all right thank you I'll leave this up here thank you very much yeah we on the last one already wow why don't I oh 16 s yes oh never mind okay 16 s lane Sarah application number 24-10 James and Mary Sullivan 16 Sur Lane chattam Mass 02633 owners of property located at 16 Sur Lane also shown on the town of chadam assessors map 14f block 43 L m7a the applicant seeks to enlarge extend or change a non-conforming dwelling and a non-conforming lot via the construction of an addition the exist dwelling is non-conforming and that is located 8.4 ft from the easterly ab butter where a 15t setback is required proposed addition will comply with all bulk and dimensional requirements of the bylaw but is considered a substantial alteration and under the second except Clause of section six of M Jal Law chapter 4A such substantial alteration requires the grant of a special permit the existing building coverage is 1,32 squ ft 88.3% and the proposed building coverage is 2273 ft 14 .5% where 15% is the maximum allowed the LW is non-conforming and that it contains 15,646 s ft or 20,000 ft is required in the R20 zoning District a special permit is required under Mass General Law chapter 48 section six and section 5B of the protective bylaw okay do we have James and Mary Sullivan is that James I presume all right welcome if you could just state your name for the record I'm James Sullivan my wife Mary is over there um I will go through the 12 factors which I did include in my application but we'll go through them anyway okay first is the adequacy of the size of the site including but not limited to the maximum lot building coverage um our lot is six or 15, uh 650 Square F feet and on our 20 Zone we're 20,000 Square fet isqu re ired our current house has 8.3% of lot coverage the proposed addition would be 14.5 which is below the permissible 15% maximum um it so there's plenty of of land for the the proposed addition the compatibility and the size of the proposed structure with the neighboring properties currently our house is, 14 52 Square ft it's the smallest one on S Lane um like the neighboring properties it's a 1 and 3/4 story Cape style house the proposed addition will it will be 2,834 square feet of living space um that size is fully compatible with the neighboring Sur Lane properties which range from 234 Square fet to 3,079 Square ft the extent of the proposed increase in noncon uh in non-conforming nature of the structur use the proposed addition will increase the living space um but will not increase any of the non-conformities suitability of the site including but not limited to impact on the neighboring properties natural environment slopes vegetation Etc our lot's generally flat it's tree and hedge line has a Cape Cod lawn the proposed addition will replace part of the lawn area it will not impact the slopes natural vegetation um there are no wetlands near the property um that will be impacted and it will remain our our single family year around residents the impact of the scale sighting Mass on neighborhood and visual character as can be seen from the proposed drawings um the addition will appear from the front of the house to be a garage addition on the Westerly side the above the garage Edition will have a dormer on the back and um the existing garage would be converted to a family room so the garage door that exists will be replaced with a window um so it will pretty much look the same just a little bigger uh the compatibility the proposed use with the neighboring uses it is our house it will remain our house and we will continue to live there so it's fully compatible with how it's used and how our neighbors use their houses the adequacy and method of sewage disposal water runoff the proposed addition will use the existing septic system um the septic tank will have to be skitted to get the 10- foot uh required distance from the proposed Edition um but the rest of the house will stay the same impact on traffic flow and safety uh there will be no effect on the traffic flow in the neighborhood we will still come when we get home and leave when we leave noise and litter it's just going to stay that's really not relevant it's just going to remain our house adequacy of utilities no impact there we do have our neighbor the electrician here who will probably come over and do some wiring um uh the visual impact the house will continue to look pretty much the same it is it does now a cedar chingle Cape Cod style home just like the rest of them in the neighborhood and the the house is not anywhere near a flood plane so the 12th factor is not really relevant so when all the factors are considered it's clear the proposed addition um will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than our existing house so we request the granting of a special permit okay thank you is there anybody here are on Microsoft teams that wishes to speak in favor of this application you do sir okay please go to the mic Peter shock I live at 17 s Lane right across the street uh Jim Mary great neighbors the we've gone over the design and they've been let all the neighbors be a part of what's actually is going to be built and uh just excited for the project think it's going to be great okay thank you anybody else either here or on Microsoft teams seeing none okay um correspondences there are three Health agent 31124 I reviewed the plan says Judith Georgio and the plan the plan and an addition to this property the property is approved for four bedrooms The Proposal is to relocate two existing bedrooms to the addition maintaining four bedro BS the septic tank will need to be relocated to meet the offsets to the new addition then there's a letter from uh Robin and Daniel De Carlo from 74 eldrid Square as neighbors of that was on March 14 2024 as neighbors of James and Mary Sullivan we're in full support of the plans for their addition and special permit for 16 s lane and then one more from 71 eldrid Square by Susan and Gordon Melville as seasonal residents of chadam since 2004 we've had the pleasure of knowing our neighbors Jim and Mary we recently expanded our home to spend more time there in the coming years we enthusiastically support Jim and Mary's petition for a special permit to allow for the proposed expansion that'll be more suitable to their family needs and better support year round living the proposed Edition is consistent with the surrounding properties size and character and will improve the neighborhood we strongly recommend the board vote to support the Sullivan's request and she wrote that on February 27th 20124 that concludes the correspondence is there anybody that would like to ask a question or speak against this application either here or on Microsoft teams please indicate seeing none questions from the board Dave be um I I have no questions uh no questions da no questions Paul no questions Lee I have a quick question um regarding Mechanicals do you have a plan for AC condensers and or generator and where are you going to put them no generator the AC will be behind the house behind the house perfect thank you Steve um can you just sort of um what are you going to do with the driveway now that the the existing garage is is not going to be a garage anymore the driveway is going to as you see it's just going to be a circle or it's so it's going to remain sort of the yeah it's going to stay there it's it's probably not going to look exactly like that that's pretty extensive but yeah we'll have just a circle in the front and um we'll shorten what goes to where the existing garage is okay so no need to get in there right okay and Jenny oh sorry no no that's it that's it yeah I have no questions okay um so um you're going to almost double the house is that the way you see it the living area yeah okay that was my only comment um at this point uh Paul I'll move to close the hearing and move in deliberations dve seconds and Jenny vote on that uh Jenny votes yes um Le votes yes all votes yes Ed Ed votes yes each votes yes okay um deliberation David Nixon I don't see any reason to think that this would be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood he's addressed all the criteria thought in a you can go back up Sir perfect way and uh I think the special perment should be approved okay um first of all I wanted to applaud and I guess Thanks James for typing up the criteria and submitting in there that was that was that was very uh helpful um I don't see any issues with the project uh all the neighbors are in support certainly not substantially detrimental and uh I have no issues da I agree with the previous and I will support it Paul I agree with my colleagues and I also uh appreciate the uh narrative that you typed out it covered all the bases and did a good job thank you and wee I think it's going to be a fantastic addition and will be um a good addition to the neighborhood Steve I think it's a nice project I think most of it's you know hidden from uh behind the house the majority of the work is behind the house and not visible from the street and you're respecting the sideline setbacks um I think it's a nice project and Jenny so I agree with my colleagues um a couple things to add um Mr suvin you did a nice job with the presentation I agree with with Ed that it's nice to have the written summary it was excellent um I also like have the stepping back of the garage I think that's really um nicely done I I I thought that that was visually very attractive um and I also appreciate the renovation of a 1952 house uh you know you have a lot of options and I I really applaud the thoughtful uh renovation yes you are within 70 square feet of doubling the house but it but it works it makes sense and um so very nicely done and you've been there for 25 years so um I would I would support this and I I would just add that you know you're maxing out everything that you can on that lot but you're doing it very Tastefully and often if you're going to max out a lot and double the size we'll have lots of problems but as you can see you you you know what you're doing so congratulations uh a vote with about conditions and yeah I would just ask Mr s when your plan on construction when do you plan to do this if you would ask my wife she would say tomorrow if you ask The Frugal Yankee he will say we have to make sure we have all the money so we'll probably start it not this fall but next fall okay um so do you have any objection to our standard conditions that we would Supply no no objection all right I noticed that uh as a Mason that's been working at 26 Eldridge or Siri for quite a while and uh it can end up being an obstruction of the traffic there after a while thank you okay I'll move to improve the application with the condition that all construction activity and vehicles be contained on site or at a neighboring property with the permission of the property owner that between June 30th and Labor Day there' be no exterior construction Allowed no work would be Comm permitted on the weekends and construction activity would be between 8: a.m. and 5:00 P PM only DAV seconds okay Jenny Jenny approves Lee approves Paul all vot yes Ed vot yes uh V yes okay and I would just remind you that it's got a two-year limitation on the permit so you might want to listen to your wife we usually are right yes Ma just this once okay down that way yeah and last but not least right 26 Wilford Road application number 24-12 Jerome and nen Murphy care of William Ari Esquire peel box 707 chadam Mass 02633 owners of property located at 216 Wilford Road also shown in the town of chadam cessor map 10g Block 17 Lot B A the applicant seeks to enlarge extender change a non-conforming dwelling and a non-conforming lot via the construction of an addition the existing dwelling is non-conforming and that it is located 14.6 ft from the Wester Le butter where a 15t setback is required the proposed addition will comply with all bulk and dimensional requirements of the bylaw but is considered a substantial alteration and under the second accept Clause of section six of Master General Law chapter 4A such substantial alteration requires the grant of a special permit the existing building coverage is 1,5 56 ft 88.5% and the proposed building coverage is 1,416 Ft 11.3% where 15% is the maximum allowed the lot is non-conforming and that it contains 12,500 ft or 20,000 ft is required in the R20 zoning District a special permit is required under Mass General Law chapter 48 section 6 and section 5 be of protective bylaw Mr Riley uh good afternoon Bill Riley on behalf of uh the Murphy's uh I think today's agenda is a good a good example of why the bylaw should be revised because I mean as a just as a for instance in Hart if you're making a change to a building even on a non-conforming lot if you're not if you're not encroaching on the setbacks uh you know you don't don't need to go to the zoning board so like this application couple of the other applications you know what have just got a building permit you know instead of having plans done taking time taking your time I don't think a critique of the bylaw is on agenda today so we'll leave that perhaps Mr Riley's running for president or something like that well no I mean somebody has to understand that's all I mean you guys what five meetings in five week in a row for me starting today is five yeah so it's it's your time too we're just warming up on this one Mr Riley you're you're an expert at whining and this is a perfect example and for those who don't know year after year Mr Riley gets voted best Wier in chadam well as long as as long as you make it clear that I'm not drinking the wine or the Kool-Aid okay could you put the L up for me please uh okay so uh this is an example of a modest application in a modest neighborhood so the Murphy's wanted to uh create an addition that would give them a decent sized uh dining room and a screen porch so they can enjoy the outdoors without being bugged written they're uh they there between White Pond and black Pond and Emy Pond and so uh I think it's really an intelligent U modification of the property you've all been there it's a very modest neighborhood Wilford Road I don't know if you know Wilford Road Wilford was that road is named after Wilford baraby the guy who gave the airport to the top anyway uh so a very modest change and uh uh the I think that you know this is something that is easily approvable so let me find my paper just do a quick run through on the criteria so adequacy of the size of the site in terms of size of the proposed use we're just increasing from uh 8.3 to 11.3 8.5 to 11.3 very modest change um other than small encroachment on the left hand side that the building meets all the setbacks and coverage uh the ridge is uh 15 feet below the maximum height and the addition Ridge will be three feet below that Ridge so uh really is modest very much in keeping with the neighborhood compatibility the size of propos structure with neighboring properties the uh I noticed nobody else mentioned gross floor area today but I have a sheet a gross area this shows you that the uh size of the building as as as modified is still below most of the buildings in the neighborhood the U so the extent of the proposed increase and nonconforming uh nature of the structure is that we're we're increasing SE a living area on a non-conforming lot cuz it's it's an R20 lot now used to be r10 uh so it's 12,500 Square fet increasing the living area under Bransford that means we need a special permit suitability of the site again you know it's it's a very label a level site and the uh uh and there are no Wetlands or or water bodies close by also want to point out that the road surface is uh almost 20 feet from the lot line so just to point out how far away we are from the from the actual Road surface so impact of scale sighting and Mass on neighborhood visual character uh you know it's just a very modest design change very much in keeping with the existing structure I think think that I think it's easy to find uh that the proposed addition is not substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood the compatibility of the proposed use of neighboring us syst it's a single family house and single family neighborhood they are on Town sewer Municipal Water and we don't think there'll be any impact on traffic flow and safety or noise and lter thank you okay thank you is there anybody here obviously not here present but on Microsoft teams that would like to speak in favor if so indicate no and correspondences there was just one from J Georgio the health agent written on 31124 I reviewed the plan to an addition for an addition to this property it's connected to mun Municipal sewer and no additional flow is proposed I have no concerns at this time Do's anybody that would like to speak against either here on Microsoft teams please indicate seeing none questions from the board I could I could ask you all if you have any questions or we go through yes you could always just skip to the vote we could but I'm gonna I'm gonna just or on the side of caution Jenny questions no questions Steve no questions Lee no questions Paul um let me just ask you uh 196 Wilfred is back off the road and is really sort of fling on the pond that's correct the concept and then right next to that is uh uh when you look at the the site I was a little confused about what that was is there is there a little house there or I don't know it belongs to Jamie Basset so I don't know oh those of you who know Jamie he's a I do yeah so I mean he he's a he's his own individual he went to he was in my daughter's class going through the har chadam school so I've known Jamie for a long long time okay uh so but you know that's sort of bassville that you know Ivan Basset lives right behind uh Jeff Basset used to live there I mean it was uh uh so it's probably a property in a is just looks looks a little bit like a compound in effect uh everything is open there to each other uh I'm asking that question in part because I'm thinking about conditions in the future and uh whether any construction at that location is going to be a problem for Neighbors I can't imagine that it that it is is uh the uh as I as I indicate if you look on the site plan I mean uh there's almost 20 ft between the edge of the travel surface and the house so there's plenty of room uh the uh it's just a frost wall that they're building so they're not putting a full foundation in uh so I think that candidly I don't think any conditions are required for a project this small uh where there's this amount of room on the lot and the uh and you know they're all neighbors I mean they've all been there a long time so I think we just okay I have no other questions I would just ask you um about the bike trail you know being that's a lot of bike traffic there so that's something to think about get condition in general the bike traffic's on the other side of the street but okay all right questions no questions Ed I have no questions and no questions all right I'll move to close the hearing and move into deliberations Dave each seconds vote on that jie approves Le I approve all votes yes I approve and V votes yes all right deliberations um d uh small very small uh project very uh you know it's it's nice to to uh see a modest proposal like this come before us uh certainly not substantially more detrimental in neighborhood it meets all the criteria and um I will support it okay uh same here I'll support it uh it seems very reasonable and um certainly will fit in with the the neighborhood very reasonable U Paul I agree with my colleagues yes and Lee I agree too Steve I agree with Jenny I agree okay um I will move to approve the uh applic is submitted I think the only condition I would suggest is that all construction activity and vehicles be contained on site or at a neighboring property with the permission of the property owner given that uh there's room for that and it is the bike trail right area oh yeah no I we have no objection to that at that requirement dve seconds okay Jenny Jenny votes yes and we I vote Yes well all votes yes head votes yes vot yes okay thank you very muchim say that yes all right and that concludes we need one more motion motion to adjourn I'll move to adjourn dve seconds okay Jenny Jenny votes yes do we all vote on that yes Steve yes I vote toour we I vote Yes well I'll vote Yes yes yes yes and yes and what time is it 4:50 p.m. all right good good night shadam [Music] [Music] w e