e e e e e e e e e e okay great thanks hi good evening everyone apparently the Rangers are playing so we're going to get the show on the road um in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 announcement I wish to announce that the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the school district of the cadams board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted in the board administrative offices sent to the clerks of ch Cham bur and chadam Township the library of the cadams The chadam Courier The Daily Record The Star Ledger and tap Mr Dilla here here there we go okay please join us if you're able for the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] to the flag of United States of America and to the rep for it stands Nation okay good evening everyone thanks for joining us I don't have anything specific right off the bat for myself um so we'll move on to the administrative reports first Dr Lusa thank you Miss chiarelli um the first item on uh the agenda underneath my section is an update on the reconfiguration plans at CMS you will recall that in March we had an update from the K through three uh principles and uh Dr danu then last month in April at some point can't remember exactly when we had an update from Miss Russo and uh what Lafayette is doing is their planning and now uh we'll finish off for the school year with the Middle School plan plans which are of course the most uh significant because we are it's the only school that's gaining a grade level uh in this reconfiguration plan so I'd invite the board members down into the seats and then we have principal uh Tony orini with assistant principal Danielle Dunes who are on hand to kind of show us what they've been up to for good evening everyone uh thanks for for being here tonight um we have uh we're at the end of the year and this is the end of the beginning of a lot of hard work by the uh the Middle School staff and the lafad staff um and the supervisors and administrators in the district uh they did a unbelievable job putting together um some recommendations for Dr Lusa and uh and we're ready to go forward the real work begins now for the upcoming 2425 school year um where we really have to now put all the details together of of putting together the plan that's been in place and it's going to be a lot of work but we're looking forward to it um we started with a strategic planning uh process with an appre inquiry at the beginning of the year with um about 25 staff members went through our process for different things that we were going to do we um started out trying to find the best practices that we already had at the middle school we had um our team really looking at the best practices nationwide at middle schools we visited several five8 schools and um we came up with basically our um our belief system uh we really wanted to focus on our fifth graders um making sure that uh we really were able to welcome the fifth grade into the middle school and we saw a lot of excellent practices throughout the state and throughout the nation on how to really incorporate fifth graders into uh into the school uh in addition we were able to um really take the uh we really wanted to make sure that our Lafayette staff um is an integral part of the middle school and and tried to have that be one of our guiding principles that we want to make sure that the culture of us school really incorporates all four grades that are going to be at CMS um that's just a quick look at some of the people were on the strategic planning team uh in addition to all the teachers who were involved there was another whole group of teachers who were on our visitations to several different school districts uh across the state and these are these are the people who visited some of these five8 schools that we get to be get to go to um they included Butler um pamis uh mendum uh Scotch Plains Fanwood what did I miss yeah two schools in each of those places yep Danielle's going to talk about um you know our guiding principles okay so I'm going to share a little bit about the process that we went through in order to get to what our recommendations are as we embark on this process so as Tony mentioned before we engaged in an appreciative inquiry process um and the other great thing is that uh CF provided a grant for and you can see all of the lead teachers there uh grades five six seven and eight to go to the amle conference that was held in Washington DC and as he mentioned we were able to learn a lot about best practices um for 5 through eight middle schools at this National Conference and see what some of the great things are that are happening Across the Nation and then we also put together that strategic planning team that you saw that had a bunch of teachers not only from chattam middle school but also Lafayette teachers that Spann different grade levels different content areas that they taught um and we engaged in and what you're seeing up there is actually some of the data that we had collected from our Discovery and dream phases uh this allowed us to take a look at what are some of the best aspects that we currently have right now both in our middle school as well as at Lafayette and then we also engaged in the dream phase where we started to think about what are some things that we really wish we could offer things that we have could have available to our students and then um as we also mentioned we visited quite a few I believe it was five uh five through eight middle schools across the state and that document down at the bottom are all of the reflections and notes that we we all of the teachers took and the team took the time to read through all of that data both the National Data our Discovery and dream data as well as what we noticed from site visits to kind of come up with some common themes and identify what those priorities um will be for us as we engage on developing recommendations as we transition to a 5 through eight Middle School and these are just some of the notes as we had put all of those things together um and these became our guiding principles so amily has the this we believe statements and we as chattam middle school trying to imagine ourselves as a 5 through eight Middle School came up with our CMS this we believe statements and the major themes that came out of all of this was a focus on we wanted to make sure that we were prioritizing student wellness that we were taking a look at engaging in a schedule refresh in order to meet the needs needs of all of our students and staff uh making sure that we provided avenues for student support um focus on teacher Wellness as well as make sure that we really do focus in on the transition support necessary in order to make this change possible and um I we do have quite a few different CMS We Believe statements however we just try to distill some of the major themes here so in focusing on student wellness we wanted to make sure that we were really fostering a community that focused on both social and emotional well-being when taking a look at a schedule refresh we wanted to make sure that we provided um opportunities for character building um for enrichment as well as for student support when we're taking a look at student support we wanted to make sure that we were kind of focusing on making sure that all students feel welcome and seen and creating an inclusive learning environment focused on student growth and fostering a love of learning and F focusing on teacher Wellness we wanted to make sure that we were engaging in collaborative decision- making and teacher self-care so that kind of grounded our our why um and that's the process that brought us to these recommendations that we're going to talk about in a little bit so this is kind of the what I'm going to start off with talking a little bit about what our priorities are in terms of the transition and then we'll we'll kind of transition into a few more areas so so in terms of our transition we um the team so we the the uh the team kind of broke ourselves up into smaller working groups so we had one working group that was focused exclusively on um transition and some of the ideas that they came up with that we're we're moving forward with as recommendations is taking a look at leveraging a spring 2025 professional development day that will enable us to engage in some team building as we come together as with our fifth grade staff as well as our six through eight staff which will allow our fifth grade teachers to familiarize themselves with not only the building and where like where their room is and the library and you know where they're going to be working but also with their new colleagues and their new admins so that we can use that to disseminate information and engage in some team building we also want to make sure that we are taking a look at our student orientation program which we actually just engaged in this past week um kind of taking a look at potentially engaging in some more visits to Lafayette both as an administrative team going down there to be make ourselves a little bit more visible be able to answer any questions that students have um and then also take a look at how we do our spring visit where the students come up so obviously as opposed to what we just did on Friday where we brought up one grade level we need to think about how we're going to be bringing up both fourth and fifth graders to visit CMS talking about about extending the time that they're there um providing more opportunities for some small group meeting time with some of our Pro leaders who are some of the the the eighth grade leaders actually seventh and eighth grade leaders in our school um and we're they're talking about potentially changing this uh to PM so that the students can kind of take a look at what the cafeteria looks like during lunchtime we want to make sure that we have you know opportunities for Connections in pure leadership so just as we had mentioned the administrative team being able to head down to Lafayette a little bit more throughout the year in order to meet our students and let them familiarize themselves with us we also wanted to do the same with bringing our students down to Lafayette um so that maybe that's during lunchtime so that the students can maybe might feel a bit more comfortable asking questions and talking a little bit about some of the things they're wondering with to some peers this is kind of I guess a little similar to our Milton CMS connections um we also wanted to take a look at cougar Community assembly so taking a look at more opportunities to build community with a positive start to the school year one of the things that um we'll kind of talk about a little bit later is taking a look at how we use that first week of school and um potentially leverage a little bit more time for students to be working in some smaller groups to get to know one another build community both as the school as a whole as well as within their individual grade levels allow students to kind of become a little bit more familiar with some of the CMS clubs that are available to them also take a look at our parent orientation night um you know taking place in the spring preceding the new school year um a separate opportunity for fifth graders and a different night for sixth through eth graders and really expand upon our summer openhouse and then another aspect in terms of the transition we wanted to kind of take a look at creating a middle school 101 course that would be a cycle style course that focuses on things like study skills organization socialization basically what our students will need in order to be successful middle school students and this was some of the stuff that we actually learned at the National amle Conference quite a few schools Across the Nation have something like this and we think it would be a good opportunity for our incoming fifth graders me so uh one of the things that was really important to the teachers was making sure that um we can really build on the the culture of the School Lafayette has a great culture of its own um they do a tremendous job over there in regard to not just making the kids feel a a a big part of that Community for the two years they're there but also the the teachers really um you know they're they're they're all Lafayette right and so they all do a great job um with each other and having that Community there so there's some ways to do that um that we want to incorporate some of the stuff that happens at Lafayette and bring it into CMS and some of the stuff at CMS and and really create our own new CMS culture for our 58 School these were just some of the the ideas we decided to put on there but those are the type of things that you'll see whether it's like door decorating we had a scarecrow conference or the uh Olympiad that the Lafayette has every year um so that's one of the things that we're going to be working on um with both faculties next year making sure we have a really robust um and organized way to to bring the kids together um with friendly competition and and make them feel a part of something I'm happy to say that next year um CMS is bringing back our teams um so that's another way you make a school within a school you make smaller um units so that the kids can feel a part of something so that's another positive as we move toward um the 58 restructuring keeping those teams there and when we get to the schedule I'll talk a little more about it but um um we're going to keep the teams for 68 and we're going to keep what the fifth grade has now which is the two person teams um so that they can keep that same structure that they currently have in Lafayette for the fifth graders um we also want to leverage when appropriate and when we have um a really strong group of leaders and we have a ton of leaders at CMS in the seventh grade and eighth grade really great kids um so we want to make sure that uh we're able to combine with buddies and with our Pro leaders good examples for the younger kids as they come into CMS and become a part of their new school for the next four years um we also want to make sure we have space that's dedicated for the kids to make sure that they um can I mean it's a big school and so they're going to need time to be mindful they're going to need time to decompress so we want to make sure that we have places that that are you know safe for them to do those things our new guidance counselors at CMS have done a tremendous job um they're running groups they're um meeting with kids constantly and they're really bringing kids together in really positive ways and we want to give them the space to continue doing that at the same time it was really important for us to make sure we had really deliberate spaces so that our staff can can be together as well we don't want to be a school that has our departments all separated with each other as a middle school it's really important that all four grades of teachers have an opportunity to interact um and you can't say enough about how important is for teachers to have that space so that they're not it's a difficult difficult job and they do a tremendous work and it can be a lonely job when you're in that classroom by yourself uh for eight periods today and and and not having a chance to have um peer support so we wanted to make sure we were deliberate about that and then finally you know Across the Nation um AML the uh Association for middle level education really the Cornerstone of what they look at for middle school kids the thing that kind of drives positive culture that uh helps with Middle School behaviors that helps kids kind of proactively understand behavor Avi and how to interact with each other and and get a little bit more empathy and also be able to drive some of the character themes that we have as well as practical things um is putting in an advisory to kind of support that development um and be proactive instead of reactive to behaviors especially with um four different years of school um in one building the most difficult part and probably the driest part for for the public audience is the schedule cuz we still have the same amount of time during the day so between uh 7:55 and 2:30 we're still going to be um you know having the same amount of instructional time for the kids um it might be organized in a little bit different way than different grades are used to um but some of the things that drove our decision making was we want to make the school feel smaller which is one of the reasons we're bringing the teams back um we also want to provide provide some opportunity for cross-curricular connections to allow that to happen more easily and look at places for extensions and learning and and some meaningful assessments that are a little bit longer the schedule that we came up with um is actually one of the other things that we had in mind that was really important is that it's kind of getting to be similar to the high school to get them in the habit of that rotating schedule in the morning in the afternoon and then being able to have uh the one dropped class so they'll be teaming we're going to kind of follow what the high school does and we're able to use two lunches um they'll be in the lower gym and in the lunchroom it is highly likely that we'll make a a change in the middle of the year so every kid gets a chance to have lunch in in a different place based on their age level um we're going to incorporate recess um next year with the sixth seventh and eighth graders and with the fifth grad graders into that lunch period the fifth graders will have also have some other time built into their schedule to make sure they have an equitable amount of the recess that they currently have um so the kids will have all those things we've also and this is part of the work um that we're going to have to do with CF and the board um you know we need to put in a playground we're going to have you know some uh four square and some uh Gaga pits and things like that um that we're going to try to put in as well for our for our younger students and for our older students who doesn't like playing a little Gaga when you're 14 um one of the biggest decisions we had to make was the middle school is currently on a uh quarter system and the elementary school is on trimesters and uh it really made a lot of sense for us and this is good and bad for everything but it really made a lot of sense for us to go to trimesters it allows us to get away from the um uh from the the need to get a ton of different Assessments in there um and allows for the teachers to have more time to really have more meaning assessments um it increases the time that some of our special teachers have with it it it allows our special education teachers to be able to manage their time pretty well and for the kids and most importantly for the kids it gives them a little bit of a a breather with different things um school can be intense especially when you right now they have eight classes a day for 43 minutes this is going to be a way for them to really digest their learning without losing any learning time um like I mentioned earlier it's a rotating block uh drop schedule um 58 minute classes uh those longer classes provide some sustained time for instruction assessments um it helps out the science program it helps out PE it helps out uh Ela all of the classes can benefit from it and the great work that the the math Department's doing um with the way that they're setting up their classrooms the Math teachers have given us some good feedback on that as well the other thing we wanted to put in there was an advisory Flex day when there's a five day week um our schedule will change slightly it'll still have the same rotation but we're going to add an advisory period in on that day and some Flex time in the middle of the day where the kids can get some extra help um that might be where some of the assemblies are we'll try to put our um a lot of our lessons in there that's when the um guidance councils can do a lot of their groups and so that flex period um is going to be a good chance for them to get started on the week in a positive way some of the teachers have already asked if they can do extra help then um we're looking to expand uh as a possibility um not definite but as a possibility we're looking to provide a little bit more opportunity for kids who take the bus to be able to to be part of uh clubs that usually meet after school they'd still meet after school but there'd be an opportunity for kids maybe during the day to be able to get involved in clubs that we don't currently have um and then we really want to be deliberate about that first week of school so we'll probably go on a flex schedule for that week to let the kids get to know their um advisors all four grades let our fifth graders really take a breather and slow down and get to meet every everyone in the school and do a bunch of different community building events during that first week of school and start off um on a strong on a strong footing uh it's great to get in there and do your math and science and social studies in English that first we of school and they'll still have those classes uh but we really thought it was important for the transition for our fifth grade coming in and for all of the kids to have a part of establishing that community at the start of the year um this is what that Flex Monday would look like um and again we'll adjust some of these times The Advisory might go down a few minutes the flex time might go up a couple minutes um the uh lunch and recess times are uh pretty equivalent to what they are right now it might be confusing to see it we'll get this out to DRC Lusa and the public um so they can see some of this stuff a little bit later but you'll notice that the the third period class and the seventh period class or the seven S Class both drop on this particular day so the days go 4 3 2 and one um then the next day would be a three- day and again you see the minutes are a little bit longer you have those 58 minutes and the kids are out by 230 just like now and they have that 27 minutes of recess which is equivalent to what their current state is um and they'll believe me 27 minutes is more than enough for a middle school kid to eat and get outside 10 minutes is probably uh enough for them to finish eating uh and you'll notice as you go through all four days that a different class drops so they see those classes three out of every four days or on a five-day week they'll see um six of them twice um during that time uh I'm sorry four out of the five um so with that rotation going from the regular 43 minute classes that we currently have 39 that Lafayette has um to the 58 allows us to do that for the fifth graders the transition might actually be a little bit easier because they have double and sometimes triple box of ela that of 39 minutes and then put together um so that's the the general rotation it also allows the fifth grade to be on the same schedule we had spoken a little bit about whether the fifth grade should be on a totally separate schedule but with the fifth grade students um specials um it's not really possible to to run those parallel schedules at the same time and utilize the staff effectively Danel okay um and then I'm going to talk a little bit about logistics I know Mr orini mentioned this before um but I just want to also highlight like we are going to go teaming for grades six through eight um and then Lafayette so you know when the fifth graders come up here they are going to continue with switch teachers so you are seeing all those classes there but if their Ela you know block lines up with social studies for example instead of switching they'll probably just be staying in the same room and switching into the next subject okay so in terms of logistics um I happen to be on this team and what some of the things that we were talking about that we really loved when we visited a lot of the schools that we visited this year was that they were very um particular about where classrooms are located so um for example they had a fifth grade Wing or section of the school a sixth grade Wing or section of the school and so on and so forth and that's something that we really wanted to make sure that we bring to CMS as we bring our fifth grade in so some of the recommendations that we're making is that we have fifth and sixth grade on the first floor I will show you an image of what the school looks like and what rooms we're proposing turn into fifth grade rooms and which ones turn into sixth grade rooms and then we're proposing oing that seventh and eighth grade are primarily on the second floor and this is for their core subject areas obviously our specials areas would continue to be in those different rooms that they are in right now um and one of the reasons for this is that it gives them a specific location in the school makes it easier for them to access their lockers their classrooms they don't need to be you know running all the way across the school in order to get from Ela to social studies they might need to just walk across the hallway for example and it also lets us really think about all of the different hallway traffic patterns as well as stairwells and making it easier in order for us to kind of just make navigating the school that much easier for our students one of the things that we currently do right now is we do have separate entrances for students when they enter CMS in the morning so we're proposing that we continue to keep it that way um one of the recommendations that we made is for fifth and sixth grade to enter through the upper gym and entrance this allows them to head directly into their first floor classrooms their lockers which is where they're going to be located primarily for the majority of the day um we're proposing that seventh grade enters through the main entrance where they can go right up the staircase to their classrooms and their lockers not needing to enter onto the main floor and then eighth grade something similar um but entering through the auditorium where they can also go straight up the stairs into where their classrooms are located as well as where their lockers are located um another thing that we are proposing is that we take a look at all the spaces within the school and engage in a little bit of reconfiguration that enables us to gain some additional classroom space small group instruction rooms um and as Mr Orsini mentioned before some locations for teacher workspaces and wellness spaces for our staff and for our students um another thing that we wanted to be very cognizant of is making sure that we have location for teachers um where they can go if they need to make a phone call home speaking with parents engaging in Virtual IEP meetings so we wanted to make sure that we were taking a look at all of the spaces that we have in the school and providing uh locations for some privacy access to a phone uh where teachers can go when they're not teaching um another thing that related to teacher Wellness was expanding the faculty room so right next door to the existing faculty room um is Room 217 that happens to be flanked by two different private bathrooms so uh we met with the maintenance department uh to take a look at whether or not we can turn that into a larger workspace for our teachers um and as what was discussed in the culture team recommendations this may or may not be possible but one of the things that we're taking we would hope we can take a look at is potentially reusing the upper gym locker rooms to be able to provide us with some space and location for those things such as a guidance Suite um such as different locations for teachers and or students students to um to uh visit during the day so as promised here's an example of what we came up with so this is our first floor as I mentioned before uh we want to have fifth and sixth grade on the first floor so if you take a look at our 160s wing uh that is what we're proposing turns into the fifth grade section the reason why we picked the 160s wing is that there happens to be uh bathrooms that are Loc at in the 160s wing so for the most part we'll have a like the fifth graders will have access to their own bathrooms that are in their section of the school and then you'll notice that sixth grade will kind of take up the rest of that main hallway um and some of those classrooms near the auditorium and if you take a look at the 170s wing um one of the things that we also wanted to do was try to keep World Language because obviously World Language will happen for all of the different grade levels to have a World Language section um and you'll notice there's a staircase at the end of that so that's going to enable our seventh Andor eighth graders to be able to walk down over there to access those World Language classrooms um and then the classrooms on the right hand side are existing uh relatively updated science labs so uh we keep going back and forth on this whether those science labs will be seventh grade or eighth grade classrooms uh right here this is what Mr Orsini is proposing this is where eighth grade is um but it could also be seventh grade so those are still some of the things that we'll be talking through as we work through everything and then if we take a look at our second floor this is primarily where seventh and eighth grade will be and the remaining World Language classrooms will be um at the uh end of that 270s Wing so again just trying to be very thoughtful about how students will navigate the building uh what stairwells specific grade levels will primarily be using in order to access their classes their lockers and so on another thing that we talked about as a logistics team is parking uh we need to take a look at reconfiguring our parking adding approximately 20 spaces uh Mr orc and I already met with our maintenance team as we were scheduled to have all of these lines repainted so we've already identified where those spots can go um and we hope to get those added over the summer so getting that work started so there's a lot of things we're excited about there's some next steps going on but um you know as we're going into these next steps and if you can um you know we are really excited to to have the fifth grade here and we think it's going to really rejuvenate the school and be a nice um addition so we can't wait for our our Lafayette fifth grade teachers to join CMS and and and be a part of the school we're excited for being able to bring things like um recess back to the kids and the teams back to the kids um you know we're really it's going to be a lot as far as the logistics of where these kids can move throughout the day um we're excited about some different connections that they can have with each other um but there's a lot of work left to do um obviously we're meeting with everyone here today um we're going to be putting together some FAQs for our teachers and for the public as well um as we get through next year the biggest thing that we're doing right now is we're devel developing a series of working groups that our teachers are going to be a part of um throughout next year during their go time that's really going to be putting the details on those things the work groups will be everything from curricular adjustments that that will have to happen based on going to trimesters for some of the specials to um uh a spring cleaning group to make sure we can get rid of everything um that's kind of been around in the school for decades um at both schools um you know a a a group that's going to work on being able to make sure that our teachers have everything set up with the massive move that's going to happen um it's going to be a it's going to be a big lift uh change is is really difficult for everyone and uh we're really thankful for the the board's support in this in this work uh because it's going to be a lot of work for our teachers um next year to make sure that we get off to a great start to that 20 uh 5 26 school year um so we're looking forward to the work but it is going to be a lot um and it's going to be difficult for you know everyone that's going through all these changes um but it's also something that we're going to that we're trying to be really excited about because we think it's going to be great for all four grades at CMS and that is it okay all right as everyone is taking their seats let me uh just make a few remarks to start things off um first it occurs to me that I I it was almost 20 months ago to the day that I stood on this stage and uttered the word reconfiguration for the first time um and if you think about it through the course of of last school year so that was that was September 2022 uh and through the course of last school year uh I'd say we really only answered two questions semide definitively by the end of the year uh and both of those questions were answered through hard work of of uh the administrative team at CMS and others the first was whether we could schedule four grade levels in the building and if you recall we had to create a phantom copy of Genesis as a student information system we had to run various schedules we were trying to do so with the students who were in the system a year ago um but thanks to to that work we we pretty much believed by the end of the year that we could do we could schedule the all the students and then the second thing was we wanted to retain pretty much all the instructional minutes roughly equivalent for fifth graders in other words we didn't want to treat the fifth grade like sixth seventh and eighth graders in terms of how much math and Ela and everything else they were getting uh but when we began this year back in the summer um it was really kind of a blank canvas uh with a lot of blurriness and uh we really didn't have a lot of much else figured out I'll I'll put it like that uh so I really want to you know extend my gratitude to Tony um for putting together kind of a master plan that involved a lot of people uh that took a look not only at some of the the logistics and the and the concrete kinds of details that go into scheduling uh students but also more of the philosophical questions about what do we stand for what do we want this school to look like what do we want our identity to be I want to thank Danielle who's been the point person in a lot of this and has been the one identifying schools to visit and collating a lot of this data and information certainly want to thank Shawn dine uh who's kind of an unsung versatile team player in the district that just does anything you need him to do and is uh Deep In The Weeds on the scheduling and some other questions and then of course I really want to thank the staff at CMS and Lafayette uh I think if you count up all the staff who were involved in some way either through visitations or by going to the amle con conference uh or by being part of the strategic planning team I think we're up over 40 staff members who volunteered and put some skin in the game and stepped forward and tried to contribute to some of the decision- making and the structure of what uh ultimately you saw tonight and um it it's just tremendous how I I witnessed firsthand Lafayette teachers and CMS teachers working together I saw Jim Cronin some of you might know Mr Cronin a couple weeks ago who was a part of the team uh and just thanked them because he's a veteran he doesn't need to expend his time in this way at this point in his career but in instead he wants to be part of it from the beginning he wants to contribute and uh help influence what fifth grade will look like at uh chattam middle school and he's just one of many uh but it they've done a tremendous amount of work uh a lot of those edges and details that were blurry are now I think in relief and in sharp relief in some cases we still have some decisions to make we still have some polishing to do and some fine-tuning uh but I think we have a framework and a path that we can work off of uh gradually as we finish off this school year and enter next school year so I'm I'm really excited and I just wanted to thank uh all of the the people who have uh brought us to this point because I think we're in a a much better position right now than I maybe thought we would be in a year ago and we're certainly in a much better position than we were uh any point prior to this so I'll turn it over to uh president chicarelli and any other board member who might want to ask a question of Tony or Danielle yeah thank you both for that presentation it was very thorough and uh you know gives us a really good idea of how successful this reconfiguration appears that it's going to be so um thank you so much for all the time you guys have put into it I'm sure there's a long road ahead but um we do really appreciate it and you guys have clearly left no stone unturned so we're thankful for that um does anybody have any questions Ally go ahead I actually have three questions okay I ask the first and then maybe the others later but my first is around um talent and I guess my question is K through3 teachers that I've interacted with over the years tend to have a very special disposition middle schools have a little bit of a uh teachers have a little bit of a different specialness to their disposition as well and the talents by which they come to the job with um so on the crossover or interdisciplinary subjects um like PE and Art and Design and Tech how do you kind of bridge the gap for someone who's used to teaching Middle School to what it takes to connect with a fifth grade classroom of students very slowly um and you do it in a way where our teachers um and you give them a lot of support with having uh different grade levels our fifth grade teachers are still going to be the the Cornerstone and key for those kids for six out of the eight periods um that they have the classes because that's kind of the equivalent to what their current state is as far as their their teaching goes five to six of those periods um and so those other periods are going to be filled in by there will be most likely a small amount of those uh uh specialist teachers who are um going to be moving up to the Middle School school and then the current teachers being able to support especially the ones that have been there for a long time um all of them are K12 certified uh so they're all certified to do it but not having the experience of being with the younger kids for a while is definitely something that we need to spend a lot of time on next year as they're kind of developing what those classes are that they would be required to do with those fifth graders so that's that's the that's the main piece for them um and the bottom line is they're they're kids we're actually looking forward to having a little less um you know middle schoolers think that they're uh young adults and right now they're growing up way too fast with all of the Technologies and other things that we have much faster than uh when you and I were kids and so allowing the fifth graders and having a little bit more of in elementary philosophy is something and I've been in middle school and high schools my whole life I haven't been with Elementary School um but it's something that we're looking forward to because I think we little need a little bit more Elementary in our middle schools right now great do you want me to ask my other two or someone else a turn okay so my next one and I'm not sure if this is uh for Mr Orsini and DaNell for it's more for Dr lza so I I this is just an observation you mentioned things like playground equip equipment and Gaga pits and four square painting and um I'm wondering if we've talked to the pto's or CF because that would be a great source of funding for these things or can it be and do we have a budget do we know how much this is going to cost we have quotes on Gaga pits uh we know we can paint a whole bunch of Four Square uh courts where we want them um Cheryl Russo has surveyed the fifth grade students maybe all of lafay I can't remember if it was just fifth grade or all of Lafayette um and we've been doing kind of observational uh walkthroughs of what equipment they actually use at recess and how they use it um so we don't have a firm handle on exactly what the cost would be we know we probably could use some swing sets because believe it or not that's one of the most popular pieces of equipment out behind Lafayette um it's easy to see that the students are going to enjoy being on the turf field a lot uh because they like playing with balls in the middle of the field uh at recess um so I think kind of the my thinking was that we were going to try to accomplish as much of the internal work in the school as we could this summer so we're repainting all of the lockers with a third party we're doing a lot of painting in the interior we're uh replacing the the ceiling fixtures and Lighting in the hallways which was something that was on the referendum that that died with with in 2020 uh we're doing some interior work in classrooms where we can some of that involves ASB bestus abatement so there's a a you know kind of a two-step process and then next year in the summer we'll try to tackle some of the exterior principally the the you know mapping out the playground and then um installing it and certainly there have been some discussions informal ones with at least the PTO and generally speaking the CF which is interested in getting behind um whatever they can as as they're always you know supportive of us and they were the ones who kicked off the conference uh with some of our teacher leaders so that they could get a kind of broader perspective on middle level education uh in the country so we're grateful to them and I believe Mr orini is going to their next trustee meeting which is either this week or next tomorrow night tomorrow I'll be there sorry Sally one quick followup on that what about the the interior work I wrote down the that reconfiguration of the teacher lounge and maybe the upper gym to guidance you know more private space is that something that our maintenance teams can do or is that like a budget issue for next year or are there any numbers some of those things are part of what Dr lus already talked about um that's part of that our maintenance team can do some of those things are are goals that might not be available right away um I'll use the the upper gym locker rooms for instance right now to be frank in in most middle schools and in CMS they kind of a glorified um space for storage right um the kids aren't changing since Co and and we're not going back in that direction and the the showers haven't been used in there probably in 25 years um so there's there's unused space that I think any um any District would want to maximize the space it's just matter of when we'd be able to to afford to do such a thing but but those are you don't want to have um instructional Andor large spaces that could be utilized to help the kids for long periods of time if you can help it okay thank you y sorry my third question was just more clarification and I know you said it but um during the 27 minute Peri 27 minute lunch period I think it was the afternoon class rotates in on half of it Cycles in is that correct is that how it works so is it a 27 minute with a with another 27 minute so the way the way it works and again we can put it out so people can see a little bit more clearly but the way it ends up working is essentially uh you have a period of time that's 27 and 58 and the first 27 would be like fifth sixth grade lunch or fth fth seventh grade lunch and the other two grades would have their 58 minute class and then the bottom 27 minutes of that middle period in the day would be the opposite classes lunches okay thank you so it's like a full yeah yeah I have a quick question can you clarify the we're not going back to houses where people are in ABC what what how does that differ from a team so the teams are different and that they are only for one year if you're in a house it kind of goes through the three or or in in our soon to be case the four years where you kind of have that same flow of kids okay so uh you might be on I don't know team a uh in sixth grade but Team B in seventh grade the equivalent of 7B um and team C in 8th grade okay so that's the difference and then does the Middle School 101 class or elected replace Maps or is that only for fifth grade it wouldn't replace Maps per se from the fifth grade schedule as is because we have advisory um the Middle School 101 would pretty much take the place of the period that's in the kind of specials rotation for the fifth graders um give or take the minutes but yeah that's essentially what it kind of takes the place of because it'll be hit in advisory okay thank you suan done yeah no that's it okay great okay great thank you very much um just like Ann said thank you it's a Herculean effort so thank you and I'm I'm sure you're going to have some additional sleepless nights um but if I could just get clarification on a couple items and you know I forget if it was Danielle or Tony that mentioned it so either one jump in um you had mentioned I think it was Tony you had mentioned that you want to create safe spaces for the teachers to meet during the day you know it get a dedicated space but wondering having looked at the schedule how do they you know we I can meet with all the teachers how would they have ever have time during the day to meet so first of all there's there's definitely time fit so one of the things is it non-instructional time that they correct all have at the same time no no not the entire staff it's not like there's going to be 110 well the whole team I'm just trying to yeah so the way the re one of the reasons you have the teams is so that they're and one of the reasons middle school schedules in general are more difficult than high school schedules is those five class classes say are locked into five the same five periods which also means they have the same three planning periods so during those planning period times they have common planning time either with their subject area and we want to make sure they also have common planning time with their teams because those teams all have the same kids whether they're the switch classes that the fifth grade will have they all have the same you know 40 kids or so or whether they're the 90 kids that the or 100 kids that the other teams will have um that the 678 will have so you want them to have common planning time um but it also gives them a chance to have those common times with um other colleagues that might be in a different grade level and and there are three or four periods for each of them that'll have overlaps with other teachers that aren't in their grade level okay got it so it's already baked in that meeting time yeah the meeting time itself is baked in so that's the team meetings that they'll all have um and and it'll be better than this year because right now we have grade level meetings that have like 16 or 17 people in them which makes it difficult to talk about kids and support them in the way that is necessary in middle school when they have the teams they'll all have the same common kids so they'll be able to to support the kids that are just in their team so because they'll have the same 95 kids or so 90 kids okay okay great got it thank you um and if you can I I like Sally I had a couple questions can you just in the Readers Digest version can you unpack that 42-minute advisory HR is that I'm having trouble visualizing is that you know Mrs Smith is going to have the kids or the kids can go off and get help from from other teachers no an advisory per so a flex you're talking about the flex period in the flex period would be like an assigned um it's this is totally the wrong way to say it it's not a study hall because we want it to be a lot more of a lot more value than kind of an independent study hall but it is a chance for the kids to be able to goal set for the week to be able to get extra help if they need to and sign up for it whether it's using smart pass or something else it's an opportunity for them to um if we want to reinstitute drop everything and read that would be a space where that that where that something like that would work so you know some of those things are open right now we don't want it to be any kind of a it's not an extra planning for anyone but it is going to be an organized and um expectations in that time so it's of value to the kids so they can get their week off to a good start okay sorry and is the expectation and if and if it's not fully baked I get that but is the expectation that The Home Room teacher is going it would be an assignment um similar to what a knit is right now okay um for the flex time for The Advisory the expectation is that everyone including Danielle and I have um a small group advisory so from 10 to 12 kids that we uh establish a relationship with throughout the year um in that particular period so that's different The Advisory is slom room is different than the flex perod okay okay great um just bear with me bear with me a minute um is it fair to say based on the reconfiguration and all the little color dots that pretty much 90% of the staff is impacted by the move is there anybody keep in their classroom that some people are but it is it is 100% and that's um that's a huge stressor and that's big it is it is pretty much going to be most of the people whether they're fifth grade teachers obviously or right um the current staff um some people will uh you know get the luck of the draw because they happen to be in a class like that already but sure and how how are we goingon to we I mean you and Mike how are we going to allow for the teachers to have enough time to to not make this challenging not make this stressful not say oh my God you've got 24 hours go like how do we just a physical move we're gonna mik Mike's not gonna like this but that is something that's an investment I mean we do have to invest in making sure that our teachers have both the time and the support for that massive of a move to happen um in a 3month I mean it'll be essentially a two-month period to make that occur so that's that will be hard that is definitely probably logistically the biggest hurdle that we have okay I mean are there going to be challenges where teachers you know in Europe for the summer and they can't get back here bless their souls being in Europe but you know or you don't have that situation and I'm not trying to put a brick in your bag no no it it what the I'm trying to be fair to the teachers it's a lot and we 100% agree so the working groups that are being put together right now are all going to have essentially project plans with deadlines so the group that's going to be working on that transition is going to have to have those and it'll include administrators and te teachers the logistics to that put together we're looking at by November if Dr Lusa wants to change that timeline obviously we can change it one way or the other um and then and then we're starting to execute on that project plan after that um you know it's really that's how we're looking at doing it putting together all the details of what needs to be done and then starting to put boxes together in December and January and and and get things ready to go okay great yeah I'll mention a couple of things too um first if you recall we altered next year's school calendar after we ratified the contract with the CA and we placed the additional PD day the day after school ends so we've talked about next year this coming school year the day after graduation is a wear your shorts and t-shirt and you know sneakers and get dirty all day type of day um and that would affect everyone in the district who's moving uh the following uh year the calendars that that you know we'll talk about next after uh after we're done with this conversation um we have a couple of days we have we have always have had two days before the school year begins uh for staff two two days with staff and then the students report we inserted into that calendar a third day so we actually have three days with staff only before uh students return and doing that was deliberate so that we can um have you know kind of the the that summer before 2025 fall we've got two extra days where staff are reporting and we don't have anything planned yet um the the middle school as much as you know moving classrooms may be difficult the middle school is much easier uh because every year every one of our schools empties everything out of every single classroom puts it in the hallway then puts it back into the classroom or moves it to a different classroom the custodial staff does this um no one within the middle school is moving out of the middle school but we have our entire third grade moving over to Lafayette and our entire fifth grade moving over to the middle school and that's where we plan to um contract with either the same moving company that helped us in 2018 when we moved the central office out out of Myersville Road over to Lafayette Avenue um or another company if they end up having a lower bid for us but they have systems where the teachers or the staff pack in plastic crates they label and then they move everything and take it to the location so we're going to have to do a combination of all of that I'm sure we'll have some overtime probably for our own staff custodial and maintenance potentially um because we can't you know obviously we can't shut a third grade classroom down in June or May or April in order to allow more time everything is going to have to take place from the day school ends pretty much until the day school opens so that'll be a big lift a lot of pizza days yeah on you yes um and then the the the la I'm sorry Mike were you done no I'm I'm good oh the the last thing and then a half a last thing is help us get in front of what are we going to hear grumblings about other than the challenges of moving like what are you hearing on the streets that they're talking about you behind your back like what's what are or in front of your face I I I mean A Change Is this is a massive change um and you know I I did a thing with the staff about going through the change curve it's it's it's essentially the same as the grieving process right so there's people at different spaces with it at different times you know some people are in the pit of despair um and some people are ready to start having fifth graders there tomorrow so there's just a a large uh part of that um you know it's going to it's going to take um keeping everyone together as best as possible um making sure we spend a lot of time listening um a lot of time um with one-on ones and groups um you noticed on there we're we're trying to sit down with individuals and with uh the groups of teachers to really listen to where their concerns are and it's different concerns depending on what your constituency is the fifth grade teachers totally stressed about all their stuff coming over here is there going to be the right Furniture is it going to be um The Specialist teachers some of them now with trimesters that's an extra like two and a half weeks onto their current like what they currently teach in quarters so they have to add to their curriculum and those things are difficult um because their changes uh so I think those it depends on where that constituency is right and everyone's at a little different place okay but you're listening so that's that's good we're we are definitely listening great I appreciate it and the only half a comment that I have if you're using the Pres I don't know are you planning on using that presentation which was very comprehensive again we've used we've used different versions of this several times at this point you know what because I'm a little slow on the uptake the only thing that I had trouble tracking was what pcts 5 to eth and what items were you were just talking about were just fifth grade you don't have to go over it again we're not going to we encompassed everything so everything 5'8 um we wanted to include fifth grade into the entire not just presentation into entire piece yeah there was a couple times you said oh that line is just for the fifth graders those are the type of things like switch teachers they're not going to have team teachers those are the logistics that are currently in place that wouldn't be changing that's all yeah got it great thank you and and Jill I'll I'll note having been around for a long time now and seen a lot of changes uh through I think anything that's new can can provoke uh anxiety or grumbling or just flat out disgust right like you know we changed the high school start time there may be people who just flat out will never be happy that we did that um for whatever the reason might be uh so I think anything new can present uh concern so just as an example my kids went to a middle school with an advisory period uh advisories are very common but we've never had one we've never had an advisory period in chattam middle school and if I were a teacher uh and I knew all right I'm going to be responsible for 12 students as Tony said and I'm going to see them most Mondays of the Year 25 or 30 or 35 Mondays whatever it might be um I'd want to know well what am I supposed to talk with them about you know what if one of them shares something that is sensitive you know what is the protocol that I should follow the whole purpose of the advisory is to ensure or do more to ensure that there's a trusted adult in the school setting that students have a connection to and when you are a teacher who may have a 100 students and each class is about 20 strong um and you're worried about the lesson plan and Grading and assessment and which kid it need you need to call home about and which students are being supported and so on and so forth um the whole point of the advisory is to shrink you know shrink those 20 students down to 10 and loosen up so we want to create a framework so that teachers feel comfortable or counselors or administrators whoever is working with the students uh we want them to feel comfortable but the point is to establish relationships between the adults and the the students because we know that that's literally one of the most important things not only for student achievement but for school safety for climate for a whole range of things aside from advisory for some folks moving across town is a is the most concerning element in all this and how will my stuff get from here to there and how will I set it up for other people it's having a different Administration there are teachers who you know probably have invited Cheryl r to their weddings and now they're not going to see her anymore and they're going to see these two along with the vine um so Danielle gives very generous wedding gifts what I understand um so I think you know part of what I I feel has been very positive is that we've tried to devote a lot of time this year right we we spent last year you know kind of exploring there's been a lot of time devoted this year to trying to talk through um the decisions what the decisions will mean uh there are a lot of individual conversations happening smaller group conversations happening and now we have a real opportunity over the next 12 months to keep on doing that and try and hopefully as every month goes by uh a slightly larger percentage of folks feel more comfortable with what's going to happen in 2025 um so I think the advisory report that you talked about is going to be key to reiterate a few more times with the parents like the parents aren't going to care about the moving company that you hire right they're not going to they're not you know people that work in my industry I'm happy my desk is in the same spot every time I go in like changes every single day but the parents are I think are going to be very interested in that advisory thing that you just talked about and the purpose is to connect with their PEB Cod right so the I think that you know instead of maybe going over some of logistics during orientation focus more on how it impacts them and their kid point taken any other questions anyone no thank you all right thank you both again thank you thank you the other item under uh my report uh is just a 2526 calendar and uh last meeting I shared with you three potential uh versions of calendars uh I had one board member respond subsequent to the meeting with feedback that perhaps we should consider uh converting at least one of the calendars maybe more than one uh into one more day uh you know adding on one day to the calendar and in exchange of for adding on an additional day having off on March 20th which is Eid and that would then have calendars that are representative of every major uh you know really major work religion uh in terms of the the religious observance on on school days so um I talked with uh an a little bit about you know what direction she wanted to take and hopefully you guys can discuss it tell me give me my marching orders but if we wanted to get any parent input before the end of the year we'd want to do that now and then I'd be able to give you that input by the next board meeting and then you could adopt the calendar on on June 10th so that everyone has has it a full year and a half in advance well I think that I I I think it's important important to get parent input where we can and um you know I think in years past we have gotten parent input on the calendars and I think it's helpful and I think it's it's good to collaborate with the parents based on what you know may or may not work for them or what what their opinions are and I think um you know we've done well with it in the past and and in most cases where the majority lies seems seems to have worked so I think it's I think it's worth it I don't know how anybody else feels but we would put all three of those choices out for parent vote yes unless you want me to add a fourth or you have some type of issue with one of the ones that are here but you're going to make the change to calendar three before you put it out right before you put it out the 12th making the 12th graduation and now March 20th yes and I could if I could make that same change for all three of them and add a day to all three if you think that that's I don't know where you did the day I was just looking because one's a Friday right yeah the a one it would be very difficult right but I couldn't figure out where you would do it on one or two well two we would do it and then the school year would just end on the 17th instead of the 16th right and on the first one we would have to have the school year end on the Monday yeah which right isn't great ideal perfect but still but possible but doable maybe do it to two if it's not you know I love taking it to a vote to the community I think it's great to have parent input the only thing that over the years I've personally grappled with and I think other people have is we've change the February break you know and then and then you know for next year it's back down to three days off and then if it changes again the year after it's just really inconsistent for planning purposes for people wanting to travel on a break that's my only concern it doesn't bother me but right right I I think personally the feedback a little bit has been having it that break in February every year sometimes becomes burdensome because then six weeks later you had spring break this year so maybe alternating every other year makes sense but I just think that the community should vote I don't think it's up to the five of us but I I like having one option of it being there and then having another choice that it's a long weekend right on a I think yeah there's two A and C are long weekends or yeah yep yeah have a comment yeah I was just I was just thinking about what Sally said I was thinking about what Sally said because in the past some people hate the spring hate the February break whether it's week or no or just a couple days so you're never going to please everybody which I know you know that right um and I think it's always been pretty inconsistent at least in my time it depends on how the calendar Falls right where the holidays fall and um but I you know I think there's plenty to choose from here you know there's a full February break a partial and then an even less partial right yeah right there's three you know the only difference between these three calendars are the February break mhm that that's it right which which just changes graduation dates right which is yeah shifted graduation one way or the other but it doesn't Loop into the next week on any of them oh no well the 16th is is one um so I agree with you Ann and everybody I think we just put it out there see where it falls and see where most folks want I'm curious to see how many people want the full break because a lot of people complain about that but I guess we'll see great let's just put it out yeah all right you'll take care of that okay yep everybody everybody in favor of that the I'm just going to mention this really quickly off the off the cuff on on the calendar two the one with the um or is it calendar one sorry um calendar one one way to not end the school year on the Monday would be to close schools potentially on the 29th of August before Labor Day weekend and have a 4-day weekend for Labor Day weekend and then add another day at the end so that the school year ends on Tuesday the 16th which is still reasonably early oh yeah so then students their first week of school would be a 4-day week instead of the five days in August they'd get a 4-day week then a weekend it's just a thought if you wanted to avoid the final day of the year being on a Monday right I no they would they would return return to school on Monday August 25th but that would be a 4-day week instead of a five-day week and to make up the day you'd add a day at the end of the year which would just put them out on Tuesday instead of the Monday although calendar one right now has them out on the Friday before on the 12th right but if we added the March 20th I'm saying I'm saying if we added March 20th to all three calendars that would have them go out on Monday June 15th and if we wanted to avoid that and make it Tuesday June 16th we could just take out a day in August i' like the know it but that doesn't accomplish then then the school year still would end on the Monday June 15th it already is a half day on this calendar yeah I I like that option of making the Friday before Labor Day a full day off rather than a half day I think a four day start to the school year is more than a four year a four day start to the school year is very better than five better yeah okay so then just to summarize what I'd be doing is taking inserting March 20th as a school closure on all of the calendars and then doing what we just described in terms of adding a day at the end to each one sounds good all right yeah okay all right perfect so yeah if you could send that out to parents for survey I think that would be we'll do that would be good I think it gives a lot of good options too because you know if you look at like calendar 3 where even if we moved it one day you know graduation is pretty early um so it'll be interesting to see kind of where the chips fall as far as yeah what's important is the February break important or is early earlier graduation more important so we'll see yeah we'll see sounds good so yeah um okay perfect that's it for you that's it for me okay great Mr Dilla sure I just want to note that one of the items on the agenda is the uh appointment of John O'Hara company as their low bidder for the security vestibule project uh as long as the board approves the reserv resolution this evening the architect will notify them tomorrow so they can start ordering the material and indors and hopefully be ready to hit the ground running uh the Monday June 17th after after graduation um also continuing on on the construction update uh the partial roof replacement at CHS should start in June when school is over and that will be completed before uh school starts and the planning for the small SE section of roof at CMS and the roof at Southern Boulevard is just about complete and those projects are being planned to be started in the summer and completed in the summer and we are working on the other projects for the middle school that were mentioned uh by Dr Lusa and principal arini of the locker room I'm sorry the locker painting the uh hallways being painted and new lights and ceilings be installed in all the hallways okay great perfect anybody have any questions for Peter so oh sorry just uh to clarify Peter all these uh security vules are expected to be completed over the summer at all schools we that is the game plan where we'll know once the contractor starts ordering the doors if there is going to be a lead time for the doors or not if the lead time for the doors extends after later than August um as much of the construction we've done as possible so only the doors will need to be installed during different breaks or time off from school okay thank you but but CMS was the the most complex of the projects to begin with so so I think we were anticipating at least CMS would stretch into the beginning of the year year okay perfect moving on oh um okay so for the high school um we had AP exams start last week and they'll be continued to be administered through this Friday um it's currently Spring Concert season so last week were the middle schools Orchestra and chorus concerts tomorrow will be the middle school band and then um throughout the week we have the high school jazz band on the 15th choir on the 16th and then the high school's orchestra concert next week on the 22nd um the senior internship program begins next week following AP exams so 150 seniors are going to be going on internship for the last four weeks of the school year um also next week Juniors will have njsla science Testing and then um the district art show is next week May 20th and 21st think that's all awesome thank you so much District art show is always a good one um okay perfect moving on to committee reports Personnel Miss Weber uh yes we haven't met since the same the last meeting um but just a quick question we're scheduled to meet on the 22nd but there was some talk of moving the curriculum meeting out are we also moving Personnel out or we're keeping it on the 22nd good question you don't have to answer now just let me know yes thank you for bringing that up we should move it or cancel it depending on what Beth has shaken on the agenda okay but if we're moving the curriculum we should also move Personnel if we can so then will'll either meet on the we'll probably our next meeting will then either be on the 5th or if there's not a ton to cover it'll be canceled right six six yeah okay um okay great curriculum yep so I don't have an update but we are definiely definitively meeting on June 6th for the next one potentially June 6th is that a Thursday no the fifth I think oh maybe it was just wrong in the email that I was read yeah the sixth is the Thursday so it is the fifth okay definitive Wednesday you have a paper calender now okay June 5th potentially potentially June 5th for everybody um okay Finance who's moving Finance for I am I'm sorry um the finance committee met on May 8th last week and it was quite a short meeting we really just discussed the bids opening for the security vestibules and at the time obviously it's the that we had three biders for the project joh oara company which Peter Mr Taquila mentioned was the low bidder the other two companies that bid came in over budget and so um we'll vote on that tonight and that was the only item on the committee meeting agenda okay perfect and policy and planning Mr Sor met May appeals Don who mentioned that there have been a few uh few more kindergarten appeals regarding parents not wanting their child to be at school full day or and or are in need of tuition relief so we are dealing with those on a each Appeal on a on a case- toase basis also um there was a tuition student requests um Peter mentioned that there were rep he reported there were students who had contacted or two two Stu two families from Hardy want to send their kids in uh their ninth grade students to CMS next year or CHS next year and are willing to pay the $23,000 a year tuition also another individual requested that their ninth grader attend CHS as a out of District student because they're moving from here out of here and they want to continue to have their kid come to school here paying $223,000 a year which is uh full tuition so the committee approved uh approved and accepted all three students for 2425 may you have it got it perfect um okay great any liaison reports to be had borrow Township uh just a quick one for CF I'm just going to read that what they sent they extend sincere gratitude to everybody who came to the 30th anniversary celebration and it helps them get closer to their fundraising goal of $300,000 for the year and at their next meeting next month they will be approving another Grant so I'll have more to report on in June okay great and it was a committee uh was the other one um r r had a they're had a meeting mostly about field usage and they're going to have another meeting we met was about a month ago I think it was April 16th going to have another meeting next month about actually another two weeks about field usage everyone's worried about you know wants more field usage access the field usage and they want it now when they want it the most so they want to try to update their going through Carol with with the system all the time which is very difficult to do because our school system uses Fields as well so it's it's all stuff is always you know it's an amiea it's constantly moving anyway and the other thing was that the uh School District is spending $200,000 to fix the baseball field in the back here the Outfield and moving forward the chadam baseball club will donate $10,000 a year to maintain the field from not M to that that field particularly if I'm not mistaken for maintenance of that field every year so great just a quick question on the field um Carol NOA as the rec director still going to go through our athletic director as it relates to the district yeah so Carol has her master plan of fields all the at all times and say it rains somewhere baseball teams rained out okay maybe they got to use I don't know maybe another field use you know I know what happens with softball where they have to use the lawn where boys baseball they got to go practice where there's Turf so if there was lacrosse that day or if there was soccer whatever basically they get booted off because high schools have to use it you know school district has to use them so that's you know and that's the big problem so that's one of the problems the other problem is people say that sometimes Fields aren't being used well some sometimes Fields need to be rested or they're wet or whatever uh sure they get beat up um okay but we're continuing the Carol n rad communication line correct okay Chris do courts fall under wck Department like Fields you're talking about the lack of lines of colony still okay okay they're still not done I've reached out to the ad he said now there's well the ad doesn't lie in the fields because those courts are that is a that is a Township thing and right now I know they've lost their the meeting I was at three weeks ago well I noticed that the township Rec director was not there Larry and just figured Larry is not there anymore from what I was I mean I I I I just figured he missed a meeting is what I thought he's not there how it turns out they let him go yeah it was never even mentioned at the meeting that Larry is no longer on the rec committee so I have no idea I'll find out okay when I'm at the next meeting but the answer to your question is we don't have control over either of the courts the burrow or the township so we were notified that there was an issue with the township courts um I think they were being painted today actually so our team um our boys team this spring I think they've been off the courts for maybe three weeks now or so something like that and we only have about a week of the Season left so um they we've made the best Arrangements we could and utilize the burrow Courts for the home matches but we that wasn't that's not within our uh perview okay well um and just three of the buau courts are pretty much not safe so just if if this ever happens in the future having the boys or girls teams play on those buau courts there's only three that are in good condition the others might run into a problem with an injury I'll be see him at a meeting this we next week so I'll mention them all thank you not a sweat yeah so we haven't had access to those Courts for the boys team the Township Court correct I just I I Mike give me a jingle last week they were refinished in the fall um resurfaced I don't know I don't know what oh they weren't L someone mentioned it might have been the earthquake that messed you know that damaged the courts somehow I don't know I have no idea but our ad was not sure you know what the exact nature of the issue was only that we couldn't use them and they needed to be re at least reigned I don't know if any other you know repair work was done I don't know okay sounds fishy thank you we'll look into that um okay that's it then for liaison reports uh moving on to the minutes from the last meeting yep regular and I motion to move the minutes from the last meeting second excellent uh the regular executive minutes from the April 29th meeting M Ross Yes M Allen yes Mr dandro yes M Weber yes M Chelli yes agenda minutes P 5 Z perfect okay this is our first opportunity for public commentary hearing of the citizens during the public commentary section of the agenda is an opportunity for any member of the public to be heard about issues which are or are not topics scheduled for the current meeting to help facilitate an orderly meeting and to permit all to be heard speakers will be asked to limit their comments to a reasonable length of time please and when you go up if you could just sign in and state your name that would be helpful they came special to see you Bill yes those are friends new friends for you Bill that is a creepy crowd would any of you like to comment before I begin I guess not the kind of audience you like um Bill Heap from uh chattur uh I think first the great rearrangement will work if everybody displays uh a reasonable amount of patience cooperation uh and flexibility there will always be those who will be unhappy not much to be done but it looks like you did the work so I think it will be a success uh next I'm going to put on my JC hat and announce our 46th and annual uh fishack race Saturday June 8th uh 9:00 for the family fund run and uh 9:30 for the more serious run you can sign up at runsignup.com or you may see these kinds of posters around town especially a big one in front of Scoops if you hit the QR code it will take you right to registration I would also like to re reveal this year's t-shirt very nice nice looks good how about that sort of retro Varsity don't you think looks good did you design it uh it was designed inhouse yes um this is a kind of an item that I think um well the trendy the sophisticated the fashion conscious catamite will be featuring in their spring and summer wardrobe uh you too can have one even if you don't want to run uh just sign up uh and get with the crowd uh all the proceeds uh will be distributed uh and this is the second announcement at our Awards dinner on Thursday uh June 6th just before the race we will be having our dinner at the chadam burough uh fire department uh we will be honoring um somebody in town who has done a tremendous amount of service we're buttoning up that announcement right now uh but uh the public is invited to this and um critics agree that this is the highlight of the social season you get to rub elbows with all sorts of luminaries elected officials and important people in town uh and you also have get to see how the money from the tree sale and the race is distributed we will be giving out uh $10,000 in uh high school scholarships for graduating seniors and another 40,000 to Boy Scouts Girl Scouts emergency squads the library and you name it so uh please stop by it's it's probably one of the best ke kept secrets in town and it's a great uh it's a great event so uh we invite the public to attend and we hope that everybody signs up for the race thank you very much thank you Mr Heath nobody else okay so we can close this section of the public commentary and move on to our regular agenda you want to move person now sure that be great to be invited to move that' be great I would love for you to do that excellent very good thank you so much I'd like to move um items a sorry A1 through 17 17 is on the addendum and there's also a correction of item number six on the addendum I'll second it I want to thank Joan garyo for a 20 plus year career in chadam wow yeah so jealous anybody have any questions for Jill anybody I seconded second yeah I did second second okay6 being corrected addendum items 17 through 22 Ms Russ yes M Allen yes Mr dandrew yes M Weber yes and M Chelli yes agenda items pass 5 Z perfect finance and Facilities Sally can you move Finance facility sorry um uh do I have a motion to approve agenda items B1 through b14 do have a second second just a big thank you to all the organizations like the pto's and uh others who are donating to the district uh especially the PTO that keep helping us with uh making our environments even better for kids can I ask a question you can ask a question um Beth can I or not Beth uh Peter can I do an audible on a18 because I forgot to call it out I'm new at this I said a through one through 17 there 18 through 22 actually you we just voted on on all of them because I included 18 to 22 great when I took the role okay perfect thank you I I have you back J don't perfect than thank you got it I turn the page okay perfect agenda items B1 through b14 Miss Ross Yes M Allen yes Mr delandro yes M Weber yes and M Chelli yes agend it is pass 5 Z okay perfect curriculum yep I'd like to move um action C1 through C3 on the regular agenda thank you any questions no no I second it agenda items C1 through C3 Miss Ross yes Miss Allen yes Mr delandro yes M Weber yes and M jelli yes agenda item is pass 5 Z okay perfect moving on to policy Mr delandro move action item D1 I'll second that and no questions agenda item D1 M Ross Yes M Allen yes Mr dandro yes M Weber yes and M Chelli yes agenda item is pass 5 Z perfect thank you so much um moving on to board business I don't have anything additional for board business do you I have a question for Mike are we going to have is there a presentation scheduled for the June 10th meeting yes we have the um Law Firm handling the social media litigation is going to come and give an update uh that for the public and we have the annual discipline report okay yeah it was the um Law Firm one I wanted to if it was scheduled I wanted people to know about it yeah in case they want to schedule time with us thank you okay perfect June 10th for that spread the [Music] word uh anything else for board business anybody no all good perfect okay we'll have our second opportunity for public comment if anybody is so inclined so much we have an executive session we do not wow all righty well period what is that I don't know the answer to we don't need yeah yeah so Mike do you know anything about this map I think Beth was going to brief you on the map but this was a collaboration of our uh one of our art teachers at the high school candy Hull and one of our German teachers at the middle school Lisa Coleman and they uh obtained a grant through the uh CA to create map you know chatam Maps based on a German um I'm not going to do it justice but it's it's in the in the mode or the style of a particular German way of making maps and and uh illustrations and so it's like a map of chat would be quite handy for the fish awak festival I'm sure for folks who might be interested in in the uh key monuments around town it's a very cute that you met it is very cool it's very cool thank you for that yes attached to it yeah thank you B on this paper my wife could use this so she doesn't have to print up on a mest anymore when she goes any place okay perfect awesome so it's a gift for all of you thank you courtesy of candy Hall and Lisa Coleman and the ca amazing so get maps I Maps um okay I suppose we can adjourn this meeting with no executive session to be had thanks for coming everybody get home safely e e