e haven't figured it out yet huh haven't figured it out yet e we will start this meeting uh call this meeting to order the Conservation Commission um my name is Carl Bishoff uh we'll be following the published and posted agenda this meeting is both in person and through Zoom hey Chris can you uh thumbs up that you can hear us Chris garan looks like you're good okay thank you and uh so if there is no Zoom we'll continue without uh without the meeting uh and whoever else is on Zoom please go to mute everybody on Zoom please go to mute thank you and um so this meeting is being broadcast uh and recorded by chord Tel media thank you chord Tel media it will be available on their website and in YouTube so first item on our agenda is the um uh discussion on 59 and 61 carile Street erosion issue and my understanding is that is now moved out not tonight uh but another date in the future to be determined 2bd okay so we'll wait to hear on that okay second next item is uh listed as uh Dutra Batello is looking for a request for guidance on proposed buffer zone work uh David do you want to give us a little background is the well yes um I can I can just um introduce um can you come on up to the to the podium thank you very much can you just give your name and address please hi my name is dellio H bro and CH thank you so my understanding is that Mr batell wants to just bring in some fill to uh his backyard uh and regrade it and and why do you want to do that d uh because I got two young daughters in the AF that lives from the house with me and it's un level and my I got like a Hunt Road that's a busy street and they hate but the area that I have that's level it's close to the street and I think it would be saf for to be on the backyard you know so so this this is uh his lot um with the Wetland resource um data layer turned on um and you can see that it's this is this is Beaver Brook uh right here um so there's there's River Front area and a buffer zone on on his property um so you know just nominally he has to file with with the commission um I I think the main question is uh he's asking does does he does he have to you know spend money on hiring a wetland consultant to delineate Wetland resource areas and then you know have a have a survey or map the delineations and put them on a plan um he he has uh submitted uh this photo right here um which to help help I think a little bit or Orient the commission so so Dutra what you want to do is you want to bring in the field yeah bring in the field from the like the concrete area to the to the stack of woods that you see there and level up right there that's how the area I want to do it the grass area I'm not going to go into the the like the tree areas you know so I'm I'm going to try to leverage just the grass area that I already have so so over over on the other side of the wood pile is that still your land it is okay so I mean it's hard to tell whether whether that's Wetlands or not on the other side of the wood pile or or whether or whether it's just uh buffer zone but in in any case the LI the limit of work is you know really defined by the wood pile right yes you wouldn't be intending to no no I don't need to go past to it any any Pony degress area that I'm trying to level it'll be plenty PL plenty area for them to play so uh I you know I think I think the law the lawn I mean I I I can certainly go out and take a look at it you know after he files um but I I from this photo it looks like the lawn is buffer zone it's not Wetlands um mhm uh and how many yards so I I it's roughly estimated I estimated like kind of like 10 trucks it would be like 200 yards of dirt and then probably like 30 yards of fill but it could be less it's just like a roughly estimated I did it myself because probably it's going to go up on the wood side about a foot you know and it's it's going to be the whole length of the house probably you know so that's the thing okay so questions from Mark you got a uh you that wood wall or wood whatever it is is going to stay there is that what your plan is oh I can't remove and put like a bigger rocks you hold back if you so that's what I'm saying I can put like bigger rocks in the place of the woods that will hold it or you can do like even a slope I can buy blocks and put it over it's it's really tough to make deter mination on this cuz I don't know how much you say it's going to be a foot it's in the buffer zone correct David that's that's what you know without having visited the lot that's what it looks like to me um Dutra uh on this plan can you show approximately where that wall where that wood pile is on this plan uh can I show here yeah sure so here probably is my shed and the wood part is probably like across here so the limit of the house I'll say like yeah like because the shed is here and then I got a area that you can see on the picture that I showed you they get the rocks and it's right at the end so it'll be like roughly around here it like this further down so like so according to that it looks like it maybe goes into the buffer zone at one point because the plan is coming all the way to here and here like square square the area of the the whole build the constructed area for the house make a level all the way to the bar it looks like some of it might be outside the buffer zone and David you're you're when you mean the 25 foot foot buffer not the other numbers um no I'm I'm talking about I mean this you see this this orange cross-hatching here that's the 100t buffer zone oh all right on here so yeah I'm talking about the 100t buffer zone oh all right oh I thought okay I thought that I I was like like Peter I thought it was something else oh uh but you know my plan is to put Like Straw walls behind the wood so any dirt won't go into the oh okay Conservation Area you know it's it's tough to say normally we want more documentation to this yeah it's just because I'm doing myself I'm not working too you know so that's the case no I I understand I'm not trying to make this expensive than it has to be if if you want to go out there Peter and make a determination we'll go off with your recommendation if you don't mind doing that um yeah I can I I can certainly do that some I mean I'm not going to go in where there's you know a million ticks and no delineate Wetlands what what what I what I what I can do is I and I'm certainly done it plenty of times before I can I can make some kind of determination of how accurate you know this depiction is yeah if it if it if it turns out that this is pretty accurate then he can just go ahead and submit this map okay as as a plan you you'd have to draw you know do the best you can so draw the line way it's going to be yeah to put it you know as accurately as possible on this plan where where the wall where uh the limit of work is I mean that shouldn't be too difficult cuz you have the house is shown on here yeah take measur as as a reference point okay so anything else Mark yeah he's not building anything so it's it's not that I you know you need a setbacks and things like that so yeah if if David's okay I I would you know listen to what he has to say if he thinks it's should go further we go for I'm good okay Peter um David I'm sorry I missed the address UH 60 H 16 hun 16 60 okay yeah I just I agree with you Mark it's a little bit hard to tell but if if that line we're looking at is the 100 foot that changes my thinking I was thinking we're looking at talking about the 25 I mean I'll I I'll do my best I mean it's not always really possible for me to oh no understand determination but you know I think it's I think it's within my job description to to try your capabilities all right good thanks John no I'm good with it yeah okay yep no I'm fine and let's go uh to the zoom hello Chris hey guys um yeah I mean it looks to me like a you know an RDA and we're not going to be I would wouldn't be too fussy about you know having professional stamps or or Engineers but we it'd be good to have pictures and have uh clear limit of work and keep it make sure it's a buffer zone project and you know just document it come in on an RDA I think it's going to be pretty clear cut it uh gives us oversight but we don't want to make a a science project out of it but that's those are my thoughts okay good so I'll be in touch Dutra um we can set up a site visit but in the meantime uh why don't why don't you go out and stake uh the length of the um you know the limit of the fill okay so you know on the Wetland side go out and stake and stake that you know I don't know every 10 feet or so um so that then then I can go out and you know that'll make it easier for me so you want me to stti just where I'm going to do my project or you want me to go beyond the the the wall uh just just just just stake where you're as far as you're going to go okay you know the limit of fill on the Wetland side you don't have to do the whole area it's going to be to the woods and then it's going to be just a measure of the house so it's not going to go beyond it's not going to go I don't think it's only the grass area I'm planning on working otherwise it would be too too much thing to do you know if you could stake that line that would be very helpful okay appreciate it thank you for asking and know when you've done that and we can set up aside sure I'll give you a call thanks for coming before us and asking the question appreciate it thank you not everybody does that okay next uh we do our uh update with the planning board and we see Chris is here hello Chris good evening good evening um so last meeting we did um close out two projects uh 93 brick Hil and 270 b r Road uh so we're happy that those large projects were done um this coming week we are starting at 6 with a work session um we are going to be meeting um with the proponent who is proposing the um an update to the chelsford outdoor lighting bylaw um and see what uh what that is going to entail uh and then also we're going to have a discussion with David Hedison on updates and recent on updates on recent and upcoming projects for the uh planning board hearings that we've got coming up we've got uh a new project coming before us on 150 North Road uh for a uh Early Education Center and then we've also got hildr and also we've got one10 middle sex uh Street Suite One I think that was before you guys or was it I uh no it at least not yet I had submitted uh comments departmental comments that it might require storm water review okay you know depending on whether it's a change in use or not um I'm I'm I'm I'm going to have to talk to the engineer well at least at least the applicant I don't know if got an engineer or not all right um it's not a change in use but they are proposing a special permit uh for uh an existing non-conforming use okay I'll have to get a better understanding of those details okay um and that's all Chris the lighting proposal is there a draft document or you just starting um there is a proposal uh that was presented to us um by um I believe it was Kelly who was a big proponent he um he has proposed a lot more strict lighting um uh restrictions uh to help uh with the environment and things like that right we do have a draft that we're going to be uh taking a look at uh this week and it's linked in our agenda um that he's proposed he is proposing it not as a zoning change but as a general bylaw uh change that would go to town meeting yeah and I think you guys understand this but I feel like it needs to be said it turns out that the lighting in our communities have a lot more negative impact on habitat than we all realized when we put up our lights so yeah so they're they're he's proposing things like um downward facing uh lighting and uh restrictions on illumination and lemons and things like that yeah that's being done in Progressive communities across the well the world really yep great thank you all right any other questions no all right thanks thanks Chris appreciate the update regulatory hearings um first one we have here is a RDA for 11 Dalton Road uh Chris I I'm not going to ask you to read it uh given your concern with health uh I'll I'll read it if you want um yeah we don't want you sharing your your uh problem with us over the over the zoom yeah thanks there we go okay pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetland protection act mgl 131 section 40 and the chumpon wetlands bylaw chapter 187 the chumpon Conservation Commission will conduct a public Hearing in room 204 at the Chumps Town Offices 50 Billa Road on Tuesday June 25th 2024 at 7 p.m. to consider the request for deter mination of applicability filed by Property Owners Chuck and Penny Howell for proposal work within the 100 foot buffer zone in bordering vegetated Wetlands at 11 Dalton road further identified as a sesses map 72 block 288 lock 6 the project ENT entails construction of a portico deck and patio so my apologies for not printing out uh plans um I just it just um slipped your mind huh David yeah okay too much going on did we got copies sent to us though right yes although we have there is an updated plan here showing the erosion control so let Mr zulie give us a presentation okay Rob Zuli I'm the general contractor for Signature Series construction representing 11 Dalton Road we're looking to build a deck Portico and Pad 78 from the left of the house the erosion control on on that which I'm looking at now is actually backwards uh it's 35 ft silt sock from not from the back of the house from the wetlands which would push it back and then 50 ft from the left which was uh a recommendation from David when we did our s sidewalk last week together he also recommended that we use um like a 9-in silt sock and as long as we're not stockpiling dirt um everything looked pretty good to go which we're totally fine with all those suggestions um we are going to be doing some excavation and we're probably going to be Excavating and removing um and filling back in about 10 yards or so of material in order to prep for the patio um but we do use kind of a limited um uh a limited disturbance footing I guess UK we use helical piles which are kind of like screw piles instead of not going to have all excavation and dir and all that pour and concrete so we like them that helps a little bit um and yeah questions for that or okay uh sorry David you started out anything else you want to add um yeah just the only other thing was and and I discussed this with Rob um you know nor normally or typically there there would there at least nominally would be a concern about um you know runoff from the patio because the patio is impervious correct so um normally or and and many times you know the commission might might ask to do something to manage the runoff like putting a crust Stone fil trench along the edge of the patio but but in this case it's it's such a flat grade out there I I don't think that that's necessary to do at least in the beginning did talk about with Rob um mon monitoring it you know see see what happens you know um the first few um you know significant rain events and and and I think if if it turns out that the the water is somehow channeling off the patio and causing erosion then then I can think you can certainly be dealt with at that point but I I I think you know can sort of take a wait and see you know you know monitoring you know position on this okay other than that I think it's a just a negative termination with standard conditions okay all right Peter you want to start us off any questions um no questions I was just going to make the observation that unlike some of the properties we look at this one is not you know on the banks of critical habitat and so that kind of influences my thinking that normally you know if this were in the endangered species habitat I'd probably feel a little differently but um I agree David with your sense it's fairly benign except for you know keeping an eye on the runoff okay John I'm good you're good Chris uh hey Chris hi yeah um I'm good this looks like a negative determination so I'm good okay Mark I'm good yeah okay yeah same here David you uh do order of conditions uh just standard yeah yeah I think so watching the erosion yeah yeah okay so I'll take a motion oh I make a motion to approve the uh uh close the meeting close the hearing chair yeah Chris motion from Chris second from Peter all in favor to close the hearing I motion approved so uh motion for approve uh order condition standard conditions I guess negative3 negative3 RDA maybe yeah negative3 just just with the the one special condition you might call it just to you know monitor the uh the runoff okay so so motion to for negative3 with special condition so move by pet by Mark second by Peter all in favor I actually technically we're supposed to do a a roll call so uh Chris when you're remote we have to do a roll call vote I just remembered so let's do it this time go ahead Chris I approve I okay John hi Peter I and I'm an i okay all right um motion passes thank you thank you thanks thanks very much thanks Works ready uh okay next up on the uh agenda here is the notice of intent this is continued from May 28th just about a month ago this is 10 hildr Street um and we see Brian is here representing the applicant hello Brian good evening uh for the record Brian goodro with hancok Associates excuse me uh so we have submitted uh an exhibit plan and a brief narrative and I before I kind of summarize and go through the details uh we did submit hard copies I also have them with me if any Commissioners need them thank you think you have them so everyone should have one yep perfect now at the last hearing um we heard some concern about uh generally just our our lot layout right so what what we were proposing uh in the areas that we we proposing it uh expansion of clearing some of the tree line and brush that surrounds the the offside fernal pool and basically we were kind of sent um or we continued with the expectation of of of just holistically looking at the site kind of taking a step back and seeing what we can do to either eliminate or further minimize on-site disturbance within the buffer around that Vernal pool um so we spent quite a bit of time kind of revisiting the project as a whole and what we where we landed uh was a four lot configuration now the four lot configuration that uh we submitted the northern portion of the site remained consistent with previous iterations and this new configuration uh Lot Number Four uh with lot five being eliminated Lot Number Four now contains the existing house so we're going to physically we're proposing to physically pick up the house that is on site today and shift it to Lot 4 now in doing so it it allowed us to do a couple of things um that footprint is not as deep as the duplexes that we were proposing previously so by tucking it up against the front yard setback we were able to pull that structure enti entirely out of the 100t buffer so now with Lot 4 we are exclusively using some of the previously cleared area as yard uh and then there's a small corner of the deck that falls within that 100t buffer so the entirety of the limit of work Falls around the 75 ft buffer so it's the outer 25 within area that's already cleared on Lot 4 now in arriving at this configuration I think it's important to kind of just talk about uh the lots that remain consistent and kind of the roadway that remained a little consistent so by we weren't able to move physically move the Road North further away from the Vernal pool uh to and reconfigure the three lots that are proposed up there and that's that's simply an exercise of geometry the subdivision regulations and zoning regul require um very specific lot widths depths Frontage and what we're showing and what we have shown consistently is kind of the best configuration that we can come up with to be able to fit those lots on the site and then provide for Frontage with the proposed roadway now as a part of the proposed roadway and that's not um really the purview of the commission but it's kind of the biggest your pictures tomorrow night we have planning board and we're going to be having kind of the same presentation and explanation of of our reconfigured project and one thing that we would like to revisit with the planning board is a waiver list that allows for reduced roadway width uh elimination of sidewalks elimination of curbing at at some point the project goes from a subdivision with 12 units down to to four Lots one of them um currently existing where we feel that the road is more of a driveway it's an access point for uh a few a few houses so in by requesting those waivers um we may have the potential to adjust that roadway geometry the physical right of way and limit our disturbance further now last week um myself and and the applicant and our attorney sat down with David and Evan and kind of went through uh our revised plan here and discussed uh you know different things how we could come uh come up with a better plan or maybe en enhance or minimize what what we're proposing to do and a lot of that conversation revolved around the roadway proper and the geometry and whatnot and that's that's clearly under the purview of the planning board not the commission but uh a recommendation was kind of of made or or commented on that potentially the commission uh could work a little bit in concert with the planning board here where we're we're trying to uh get at the same goal to protect the resource area um maintain the projects kind of viability and and be able to uh have the commission support uh though that way kind of list if you will because everything that we're reducing within the RightWay would directly affect the lot positioning of Lot 4 and where we're in the outside 25 ft of the buffer maybe that yard could be entirely outside of the buffer we clearly can't do that because of zoning as it stands right now but it is it is under their purview um and and David might be able to speak to that uh just uh the conversation that we had had uh last week a little bit better now some other key points on this plan the entire balance of the land is now being proposed in a parcel X so where we have lots one through four in the right of way that's 3 acres somewhere in that neighborhood so the balance a little less than 3 acres is going to be uh earmarked or or reserved in this parcel X the parcel X is never to be built upon we can talk about putting a conservation restriction on it we can talk about potentially donating it to the community uh having it under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission it could be retained by the homeowners association but the key point is the land is is to be to remain undeveloped in perpetuity um additionally on that parcel X wherever we Define the excuse me uh adjacent to the parcel X on Lot 4 wherever we Define the limit of work to be the the end of the yard if you will for this house we can extend that same CR that same easement that same restriction on Lot 4 to make sure that we're protecting this 100 foot buffer so we think a combination of these different approaches kind of gets us closer to where we want to be um with respect to the Vernal pool uh trying to to minimize any potential future disturbance um allow us to restore what was previously Disturbed and really minimize uh what is happening within that 100 foot buffer uh so the goal the goal for this evening this is just an exhibit plan uh that we put a lot of of time and and effort into but it is an exhibit plan we kind of we wanted to get some indication from the commission tomorrow night from from the planning board whether or not we're we're on the right track whether or not what we're doing here is more in line with what the commission feels is appropriate uh kind of within that buffer area and um just for the site in general excuse me um outside of that one one thing I I will call attention to is is at this point we haven't Revisited our storm water design so there is a small section of 100t buffer as was proposed previously for an outlet pipe um for the underground system on the exhibit plan you can clearly see an easement around it the rectangle to the right of Lot 4 within parcel X we've indicated some kind of demarcation for that area essentially we're going to be putting a storm water outlet pipe it's part of our design to mirror exist exting drainage patterns it will over only ever be accessed for maintenance purposes um and it will have signage associated with that so it will be an area that's within buffer um it will be temporarily Disturbed and then restored and allowed to to be naturalized um and as I'm looking at the plan one thing that I did fail to mention is we had a a split rail fence that was proposed previously kind of on this this parcel X it was part of Lot 4 on the last iteration uh but now fully within that that parcel X um we're extending that split rail fence across Lot 4 so there will be a permanent line of demarcation from where the yard is where um you know house activities can occur and then where uh nobody's allowed to go that that that is intended to remain um we CR or easement or or whatever kind of restriction um that we can talk about so at a at a high level um we eliminated a lot we've reconfigured the project to have this reserved land um and we can talk about what what to be done with it we've pulled the lot 4 house ex entirely outside of the buffer with just a small corner of the deck falling within it we proposed a permanent uh kind of limit of work limit of yard line that falls entirely within areas that are already cleared there are no tree clearing uh proposed as a part of this um and again uh uh if David could maybe speak a little bit to our conversation uh last week about potentially having the commission maybe give an indication to the planning board with respect to uh some of the relief that we're going to be requesting uh if if you know the commission feels that that is uh appropriate and and and suitable uh for this project okay Brian thank you um David comment um sure so um C certainly uh I personally anyway certainly appreciate the development teams uh good faith efforts and to try trying to um you know satisfy the commission's concerns with respect to the buffer zone of the Vernal pool um I think this is a little bit of improvement but I I I think it's really basically marginal I I think it's it's uh it's really important to uh preserve the um the buffer zone to the Vernal pool um if if there's a way to do that um with with waivers um you know get well the house house on this plan is shown outside the buff Zone but if with waivers it's possible to move it even uh farther away and get uh the lawn as well um outside of uh the buffer zone or at least just coming up to the boundary of the buffer zone um I think that would be you know significant mitigation along with you know permanently protecting uh in some fashion um all of uh parcel X plus plus the portion of the lot that would be uh inside the buffer zone uh Brian do you do you have do you could you give us a rough idea off the top of your head what the area of that protected um region would be uh I don't have square footages on here I apologize for that so we're we're a little shy as 6 Acres each Lots 20,000 so that's about a half an acre we four Lots there's two acres there you figure about an acre or so for the right of way so that's three um it' be a parcel X is around 3 acres uh but on on our next iteration of the plan we'll be certain to to call that out um to David's point about kind of minimizing the yard or any of of the actively used Lot 4 uh it is about 25 ft um from the back of the house to to the limit of work um that's the area that we're talking about um so and that and that's what you're going to propose to the planning board that you could get outside of the buffer zone so what I'm proposing to the commission is if they were to support a waiver request what that allows us to do is tighten up the right way by that 20 25 feet elimination of sidewalks elimination of grass strips we can then pull lot four uh the distance uh and we think we might be able to get it entirely outside of the 100 foot buffer again if if I if if that can be done again I think that that's a significant mitigation I mean it's and just recall here that we're we're not talking just about vernal pool um there's also you know rare species habitat out there that that to be able to have that habitat you know permanently protected you know legally possibly at least some of it to be under the care custody and control of the Conservation Commission you know that that would you know provide uh you know the commission the ability to really get uh involved in say restoring uh the habitat um and may maybe doing some additional Sur survey work for you know actual animals and you know uh you know conduct Ed educational events about that can you can you I'm I'm trying to follow so can you re re reate what you said would be where you're looking for that change what you were looking in this change so so we we talk about having a some kind of a protection of of that parcel X and a little bit more of the other property but you're talking about moving where this house is now on this plan further right I think that's what and correct me if I'm wrong Brian but I think what Brian is suggesting um is that yeah the house would be moved another 25 ft North uh or away from the buffer zone boundary get the get the lawn uh out of the buffer zone as well because that's roughly about 25 fet in width right correct so so so if and I can I can help maybe visualize a little bit for the commission so the RightWay line is is right here this is the the C sa that's dictated by zoning um the the respon the authority having kind of jurisdictions the planning board on that uh Evan did confirm that they would be able to wave kind of the width of it um within subdivision regulations so anything that we could do to reduce roadway width um which is basically what we've shown it's a 20 foot wide strip of pavement without sidewalks uh the planning board could allow for a smaller definition of the right of way and what that does is anything we reduce the right of way by we can then pull this lot north and by pulling the lot north the lawn the yard if you will uh follows yeah okay okay and so then therefore that gets us a lot more out of the um disturbing the that area but to your point that gets us better but not certainly not 100% because you're still in a Upland Vernal pool area uh well but but but but it gets it outside the commission's jurisdiction really that's right which I think is all you can really hope for um I mean you know almost any scientific reference you read about vernal pools is that 100 feet is not enough kind of no no nowhere near enough yeah uh not only that this buffer zone is degraded but so but you know again that's all the commission's legal uh jurisdiction extends to okay okay anything else you want to the only the the only thing I I I would say you know again speaking personally is that I'm I'm not really comfortable requesting that or requesting the planning board Grant the waivers or even even you know you know in some way uh urging the planning board to Grant the waivers I think that's really kind of getting outside the commission's sort of um Lane but but I but I certainly think you know um it it is perfectly reasonable appropriate for the commission to send to send you know a memo or something stating in fact that to get the house and the the lawn outside of the buffer zone to the Vernal pool is is significant protection yeah you know of these natural resources and and consistent with our uh bylaw yeah exactly I mean tie it to the what's legal it it gets it out outside the commission's jurisdiction which is kind of a win for the commission yeah yeah okay anything else you want to add um can't think of anything at the moment okay John you want to start uh the single family house that's the one that's going to be hooked to the Sewer mhm okay I think you've you've done a lot to pull it out of our our jurisdiction and any anything you can do to further that I'm in favor of you know if the planted Ward gives you a hammer head that that helps so I'm good you know where I stand with that veral pool yep from the beginning y was part of the towns okay anything else John nope I'm good Chris know I mean I think this is um it's a better plan and appreciate the time and effort to come up with a better plan um and I think um you know the Apple kid listened to our concerns that we're quite concerned about protecting the the the buffer zone habitat for for the Vernal pool as well as for the endangered species and so if we can get this um you know we can pull back that back and get outside the 100 foot I think that's a you know that's a a that's a win frankly for conservation to have that I think it it makes this a much better project so I certainly would support um you know if there's something the planning board can do as far as mitigating the roadway with and take some actions that enable us to better protect um some very valuable conservation environmental habitat I would certainly fully support that so I'm again I'm glad that we're moving in in a in a much better Direction so thank you okay Chris thank you appreciate it Mark uh well I I I do appreciate what you've done to minim Min minimally brings it outside the buffer uh there's no trees coming down as you mentioned right not but you but that's that's getting down a row when you come back with another plan um is that still going to work with sdss on the site for the other yep so lots one through three um we already have septic designs testing so we know the north side of the road is good we had developed um septic designs for Lots 4 through six um as the plan is shown right now with only lot for the existing houses on sewer uh so that existing house is entitled to be moved and reconnected essentially so they're the the only septics in the project are on the Northern three lots and if you don't get your uh your your waiver granted from planning this deal is not going to work is that so right now um this plan would be kind of the plan we come back to you with if we don't get a waiver um we can look to to increase um the distance and and minimize the yard further but I I have a feeling that if we don't have some kind of relief afforded To Us by the planning board um there's going to be a little bit of yard uh within the 100 foot buffer on law four so this is this is our first uh tomorrow night's planning board uh if um we could get you know kind of a and I think we're hearing it um kind of a positive indication from the commission you know we can we can share that with the planning board and see where the conversation goes basically um but yes if if we are not um granted relief then the next time or before you it's probably going to be very similar to this okay I I think the proposed plan that you want to bring with outside of the 100 foot is pretty much like like uh I think da Chris said it it's out of our very out of our uh our concerns right that's that's all I have now okay okay then I think if if I've got this right if I frame this up right then I think what we're looking to do is continue our meeting continue this hearing um we I think we support this proposal to move the house another I forget 25 ft or whatever yeah somewhere around there and then if the planning board we're not putting pressure on them in any way we're just saying if that we're essentially saying if it if you move out of our jurisdiction we're done in a way and the planning board goes with this if they don't go with it you're coming back with with this plan that's in front of us more or less uh we'll we'll take a second look we'll see if if there are additional measures on Lot 4 to reduce the impact and pull that limit of work line you know closer maybe outside of the 100 uh it looks unlikely to be entirely outside of it but maybe it's a little bit better than this um one thing that Evan Evan had kind of uh indic or asked if if there's any kind of written correspondence that the commission could have to the planning board even if it's abstract and not saying uh we want you to Grant these more we fully support the request for waivers to allow can I I know we're tricky and yeah Peter go ahead can I make a couple comments yeah and well the first one was related to this so you guys know where I'm coming from this is a beautiful example of what's often called smart development or sustainable design that is two different boards working together trying to say hey maybe those sidewalks don't matter in a smaller neighborhood and that's not for us to decide but the concept here that Brian describes is exactly what I hope the town can do more of down the road is working out those compromises and of course remember besides this idea a of a potentially three acres set aside Chris as you pointed out I think there still would be this Turtle mitigation plan on the table so I mean it makes it a better project if if and I would all be all in favor of writing a letter a short email to planning board saying something like we support the idea of you know taking a look at waivers because it does yield significant benefits to the town's goal for Habitat protection or something like that so I want to make that point this is a thing out there is smart development and then the other thing I just wanted to throw on the table I agree with what everyone's been saying um but one thing we haven't mentioned that we did talk about before is how does this development change the hydrology that is the water coming into the Vernal pool and notwithstanding John's point about where those water originally come from the fact is our regs say you can't alter the hydrology of the Vernal pool or help me out David maybe they really say without mitigation or I guess we could overrule that but it basically says vernal pools are to be protected our regs give a list of 10 things and one of those is don't don't change the drainage so I would suggest that that get a little bit more attention well of course if it's moved outside the Cron's jurisdiction and the commission and maybe it doesn't matter right so right that's why so Peter I'm I'm listening to what you're saying and my I'm not sure I want to go as far as suggesting that we propose that they adopt the waivers so much as I think we support the changes that take it out of our jurisdiction period yeah that's perfect that you know it's simple and I'm happy to send that email to I I guess to Deedra the chair and I can I can do that would would you go so far as to add a second sentence that acknowledges there's an environmental impact or a benefit to our mission to do this not just that it takes it our jurisdiction but that it does it is an improvement yes yeah that's a good good point I I'll word something on those l i mean I agree we can't push it's not our job to push the plany board but seems like we could weigh in with that observation that it takes it out of our jurisdiction and it's better we don't have to say it's perfect environmentally beneficial something like that I think Chris can relate that message to he's right here he knows yeah but I'll I'll send an email so they have a document because they want they want a document so well yeah sounded like the ask was something in writing you can verify that with yeah yeah no they do want something in writing yeah I can do that but the key is really protecting our valuable resources correct the valuable values yeah that the buffer zone plays and this is a big advantage to protecting those values it moves it in that direction okay all right anything else from anyone else I'll take that on I'll send it to to the chair of the planning board and um I'll take a motion to continue you want public comments oh sure yeah we'll take public comment that's a good point even though the meeting is being continued um good evening evening McMaster six Hilder street I'm to the north and I appreciate the emphasis I was an environmental science teacher in junior high for 35 years that's great but I'm on the other side and as near as I can tell those buildings are on Higher Ground fact I know down well they are than my property is so water runs downhill right now that water runs downhill all the way from Bara Road and then down my driveway and around my garage if I'm lucky into my garage and Breeze Way if I'm not lucky so when these guys get finished doing all this stuff that water's going to be added to the water coming down hild to Street and it's going to look like a flood well you you've got historically the pictures of the back of Nate monteros from Bara Road above him that's what it's going to look like a gigantic Pond back there that's my concern okay and the other concern I have and I I guess it's I don't know if it's yours or the planning board's concern is this septic system under driveways that is a nightmare waiting to happen you you can't cut it any other way something goes wrong with that you won't even know it until you're drinking water is brown Y and then you'll know it and what are you going to do these guys are going to be gone so that's my input thank you very much for hearing me out thank you anyone else yep we do have another um M comtoise 24 Hilder Street um a couple quick things first of all um through all these meetings there's been talk that this property is in part the National Heritage line and to the state has anybody seen anything from National Heritage about their thoughts on this building in the National Heritage line nothing's been brought up at meetings other than that we still haven't heard from National Heritage um number two um in regards to you guys wanting to speak to or make mention to the planning board um I've attended every meeting um both here if you guys ask for continuance I get online I watch the meeting so I am very well versed as to what is going on um and when I saw these new plans attached to the planning board agenda the first thing I went and I was rewatched quite a few of the meetings the very first meeting that this was brought to planning board almost every member of the planning board has already stated that they were against giving waivers because we're talking about an already inappropriate size Road hildra Street doesn't meet the requirements for a road because the road was built well past the 1950s and you're now going to shrink another road to an inappropriate size um they were very clear at that point in time they wanted a 25 a 26t road with sidewalks and granite curbing this was brought up at multiple meetings um at this point whether we shrink the project from six duplexes to three plus a single family I would assume that the planning board still is going to because there's also been made mention from members of the planning board that what are we going to allow people just continue to build inappropriate size roads so that we can get away with things and do different things this seems to me that this is going to be you know we're going to stick to to what they've originally said which was 26 ft with sidewalks and uh Granite carbing but that's what was said back in September again through October thank you thank you very much appreciate it what oh okay just quickly um thanks my dad okay that's my that's my father Robert C here two Hilder streets um I'm trying to remember because so many things the last couple days um so yeah so we we look at this plans too and again here and we got the plot line um we currently have a prop problem with property owner already taking trees out from areas where they're not supposed to be in Lot Number Four you have trees again in property line who's to say the new owner doesn't just say after a couple years up I don't want the trees they're an annoyance to my property I'm going to cut them down and we're back to the same problem we currently are at now we have a loss of trees in our 100 buffer zone impacting our veral pool um on the far side of the property in parcel X there's tons of trees that have been cut down um because the property owner that currently resides there owns the property Figures it's on his property he can do that um as residents we can call you guys and say hey they're cutting down trees but when the trees are gone what's going to be done you know you take um things just went down you take old mature trees down putting a new tree you're going to be waiting 50 years before that tree is going to do what it needs to do yep thank you thank you appreciate it anyone else could I speak please oh yeah sure thank you it's Linda Carney at 17 Hilder Street and I'd like to just remind everyone that we are doing anything and everything as a planning board and as a Conservation Commission to bend over Backwoods to accommodate this plan there is nothing that says there has to be duplexes on on this site the Lots aren't drawn they aren't deed it's a contractor's fantasy and if they simply don't fit they simply don't fit we shouldn't be putting things like sewers under driveways we shouldn't be watching the flow of the land we should be paying attention to the way the water flows and protecting the people's property that already exists thank you very much appreciate it thank you Linda okay um anyone else anybody else on the zoom David no no okay uh I'll take a motion so at this point I think we're continue the meeting um so we'll continue it I guess to the next meeting uh the July 9th 9th July 9th okay I'll take a motion to continue to July 9th do do we need a motion for the email that you offered to right I don't think so I don't think it's necessary but I I I think that that is needed needed for tomorrow night's planning board I'll do it before I leave the room okay otherwise it may not get done because I'll get busy with something else I move we close the or continue the hearing continue motion from Peter second from John all in favor uh Chris are you still with us yes you are okay so we got to do a roll call vote Chris yes okay but John yes yes Peter yes Mark yes and I for Carl SO meetings uh uh continued the hearing is continued until July 9th thank you Brian thank you yep thanks thanks to the uh folks visiting here tonight and online Chris you gonna stay with us a little bit how you feeling uh I'll stay for a little bit but yeah I'm starting to fade a little bit yep yep yeah appreciate you staying with us it's great to have you here with us okay next um we do have a uh on our agenda so folks can keep moving please uh keep it quiet in the room please uh thank you um we have the uh town of chelsford uh continued from October 10th for 48 Central Square uh the DPW um uh David you told me they are looking for a continues to the second meeting in July which would be 23d the 23rd so I'll take a motion to continue this meeting of 48 Central Square town of chord to July 23rd I move we continue this meeting hearing till July 23rd motion from Peter second second Mark all in favor Chris yes yes John yes yes yes Peter yes yes yeah I here same here okay that one's continued thank you very much end of our regulatory um next we have ual business this is the update on the open space and Recreation plan so we had a open house last week at the senior center um I would say good attendance considering the hot hot hot weather and not the best publication of it but we actually had three pages of visitors who signed in we had a good group of presenters that were there I really would like to thank um cost was there the land trust Sudbury Valley trustees nemba new new house Wildlife was there clean energy and sustainability committee the recycling uh maybe recycling was it recycling there didn't see that I don't think they were I I missed that tree committee grower o marac Valley Watershed Council dog park advisory committee agef friendly implementation committee and of course ncog uh and conservation we were there we didn't really have a conservation table but we were there so um that was good and also uh just a reminder for folks on the uh that we do have an a survey to take everyone in town should be taking it as best when they can it is on the website yep there is a link to it on the commission's web page now okay um it should take 5 to 10 minutes doesn't take long quick survey about land use in town so um we're meeting again in a few weeks um we meet every uh once a month so we're making progress so anything else Peter you're in those meetings anything else to add um no I think uh personally I like the leadership that uh northern middle sex government agency is providing the folks working with us and find that very helpful yeah okay good da you yeah and and you're there too okay good so Land Management um let me give you some updates on the first the Warren pole reservation yeah we have a uh CR approved by the uh by the select board uh Dale and I were there last last night um the select board approved it um we do have a couple of typos that um uh uh chair wjas found um she she she promised me she would stop looking because she said The more every time you look you find another one right so but I I appreciate what she's find because I found one also in the meantime so I mean they're they're they're not not a big deal but you know when you say go to paragraph 3 and it's actually no go to paragraph two not paragraph 3 whatever it's that kind of thing um so that's good we're in good shape there we still have to get the easement um closed and actually we're meeting with the owners on Friday uh yes yes um so but what not that that's depend not that the CR is dependent on that but I'd like to get that wording into the CR if we could um well yeah I mean we'll see yeah so so was so was was the timeline for sending it off to the state now was that discussed last night no they're they're like that's up to you and I we can figure that out yeah yeah but I'm just saying if if we get the book and page number whatever it is on the eement it would be nice to have that put it in there if we wait a week for that or something that's that's fine yeah and I'm sure Dale would be fine with that um that's just more accurate information in there um we can submit without it um and then there was um there was a question that I sent to you also that she that Pat also had about um there was a paragraph and in fact Dale said he's going to talk to their lawyer um attorney Mullen about this and it has to do with some wording in there that we took off the template that it's a good question I don't want to go into it here but um it's just kind of a circular kind of a thing that I'm not sure I read it right or haven't had a chance to yeah yeah so we'll we'll figure it out and if there's something to change we'll we'll Circle back on the circular circular thing but um might be that the attorney Mullen might say none that's the right wording it's the state wording and leave it so okay I hadn't actually paid any attention to it until she brought it up um so then we'll submit it to the state once all that's cleared up and um we'll be good so the other thing on Warren poll is that the CPC we had our meeting last week um and they approved the $5,000 for Oxo Associates for the wetlands delineation and the more detailed Botanical review of the meadow in fact it's 3.5 million uh 3.5 million 3.5k um is what the quote was um we know it may go over a little bit so hopefully it's still in that 3.5k range so that's good news I don't know if has the PO been or the um uh I'm to get chance to Paul hoping to have Paul signed tomorrow okay okay good that's it on Warren Paul I don't know if there's anything else on that um I think there's anything else on war PO on kolis um I I can say that the CR has been initiated because I took the Warren pole CR and I saved it with the title coolest and I changed a few things so it started um I can say it started still have to work on determining who our grantee will be I had a little bit of a conversation with Dale about it but um we'll see maybe it may be the land trust it may be someone else we'll see um and um I have have sent requests to both the state DCS the division of conservation services and again to the community preservation Coalition for opinion on having the wildlife rescue clinic on the property which has been a lot of um people looking to have that happen but um I don't want to go down this path of saying it will happen when the state is in my opinion um just from my reading of the CPC is that's probably not going to be allowed but but um I need I need for some somebody in the state to tell us that it's still possible or no it's not so I haven't I haven't heard back yet so we'll keep chasing that um at last week's open space uh open house I did meet John Ray who who's on that committee with you so we had a good conversation um we'll probably get him to come talk to us I know he wanted to talk about the the day-to-day maintenance of the site with us so um I we had a really good conversation he's a good guy um so we'll have some conversation we'll get him here probably in July sometime and I had talked to Mike risbeck a while back about having him also present the recommendations that you guys have done I've seen them um but I think it's good to officially have it presented to the commission so um unless you want to do it but happy to yeah that's his job yeah and Mike was Mike was very willing to do it he was he just said schedule me up so um and uh I I would like to have us the commission review the site go do a walk around the site all the par sometime in July or August something like that I don't think there's anything urgent there but I'd like to get that happening and um in the meantime this is where we've got um we've got a young uh Chomps resident uh ready to go into Environmental Science school in the fall um he's helping David with um double-checking the wetlands flagging on the all the properties um double-checking the what's there what's missing um so he's out there getting ticks on his shoes and pants or whatever and um but he was very enthusiastic about getting out there and doing this work um and so that's going to be done so we'll have a confirmation of what's still there and what's not there for Wetlands flagging and um that's part of the process of getting started on uh a baseline document review and all report and all all of that other stuff so so so I am in the process of um working with a surveyor on uh a price quote for mapping those flags okay good so um just getting on shortly okay anything else anybody want to ask on is anything time critical John and Carl time critical related to kol is that I know you know as we transition from the task force to the concom is other than the the new house thing and what we just talked about is there anything else that's critical I don't I don't think there's anything short-term time critical I think the long-term is just that Mike risbeck and Caroline probably have these leases that are year but that's that's many many months so so I'm I'm you know other than that I don't I don't think there's anything that's do the leases work like the leases work on Sunny Sunny Meadow these are just one year because they were authorized by Paul as opposed to the select board um so in order for them to have some opportunity for this year he said he can authorize that but that's just so it's just a one year 12 but further down the road when it wants to be used more consistently and every year is it the same kind of agreement lease agreement that because that's Sunny Meadows isn't conservation controlled this probably will be that's the conversation that's actually the next item on the agenda sorry that's okay no it's a good perfectly good lead in so Paul had asked um uh asked me he's getting ready to write up uh a um a warrant article uh for the town meeting um and he was proposing that um so so you know there's properties in town that are owned by the town and there's properties in that we own um and when I say own it's under our care care custody and control control um and it actually is a legal transaction that happens it gets filed with the registry of deeds well it's it's it's supposed to supposed to my opinion yeah but it's certainly it's part of a town meeting vote and um so we've done this a number of times before we've had a number of properties that have moved from caring control of the the town the select board to us we had a number of them on Freeman Lake a few couple of years ago um uh so um Paul's recommendation is Warren poll to get transferred to us now that the CR is nearly submitted and and going to the state and hopefully gets turned around and get signed off um and um we had said that we wanted that to be done through the select board First Once once that's done even though we did the work um that it would that after that it would come back and so by by October would be nice if the state had replied and we were in good shape um I mean if we have to push it off or something that's fine but at least he could put it on the agenda but he also mentioned um Sunny Meadow and um shean Farm which um he and I had had a brief conversation about that but I was a little surprised he was talking about putting it on the town meeting um because I'm I'm not entirely enthusiastic about taking on Sunny Meadow and uh Sheen Farm because there uh well there's a lot going on in both properties I'm just surprised that he's mentioned that yeah I I well so part of it was that when they asked us to take on kolis I had the conversation with them where I kind of said well you know okay you know the CR I understand because we've gone through the the conservation restriction process process but if kulus has a multi-use um thing then you know does it make sense for us because we don't have that for Sunny Meadow and I think he took it as meaning we wanted to have it all and I I'm like no no I'm looking at it the other way around I'm not sure I want to take that on so that's kind of my comment here on the agenda was just to talk about that but then in the meantime David gave me an email that he had got um about a number of properties that John Souza had brought to his attention John soua being the John soua Jr being the town finance director and Treasurer and so I'm going to shift stories a little bit here um but it's in the same general space um there were four properties that John mentioned that are just small half acre quarter acre 2 Acre Properties in town that were um the town acquired through foreclosure procedures let's just call it that um two of them in they're they're in the 2010 11 12 time frame generally and two of them were at the same time I think and two were random other times and they're mostly Wetland and I can share the information and the details with you but they're mostly Wetlands if not all Wetlands on one or two of them um from just quick looking at the gis and his proposal is that those properties come under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission and his reasoning it's an interesting thing he said that um there are many times or a handful of times over the years where a piece of land um the taxes don't get paid and it goes under foreclosure and the town ends up with a piece of land and then they own it and then someone comes along and offers to the town to buy it either through auction or something or makes you know some recommendation and he said we've actually sold a piece of land to someone they end up finding out they can't build on it because it's almost all Wetlands which they should have known but not everybody understands that and they end up going into foreclosure on it they said I'm not paying these taxes and whatever and they and it ends up back in the town's hands and he's like that just cost us money for the transactions he said this makes no sense and he said if they're really never going to get built on let's take them off the table put them into conservation and be done with it and I'm like I think that makes a lot of sense so as I'm looking at these four properties this was just yesterday I think or this morning um I noticed one of them there was another piece of land right next to it this is right near the country club and the town owns it and it's in the exact same situation except that it's it was acquired when the country club land was bought in 20 uh 1995 is does that sound about right for the country club property and um it's all almost all Wetlands as a single parcel there's nothing on it and I'm like well that one should be too and that then it becomes kind of our we've had this discussion with the open space plan what else in town like that so to me anything that's already in the town's ownership and it's got a significant amount of valuable Wetland resource we should be looking at moving so my recommendation is that for these five Parcels I'll get back to warm pole and cool this in a minute or the sunny meow but for these five Parcels because they're virtually undevelopable developable and by the way they're mostly Wetland so we don't really want anybody coming before us trying to build like we've been talking about on a property that's barely buildable so let's let's just take it off the table and I I think that makes a lot of sense so I think what I'm going to ask is I'll get that information to you guys maybe for the next meeting so you can see this ahead of time look at it make your own decisions I'm I'm giving you my view of point of view but then Paul can put those five Parcels on maybe we'll find more uh on the town meeting um and it's I believe I don't think this costs a lot of money in terms of legal fees or anything to move this kind of thing it's pretty pretty trivial um and then it becomes protected land forever and we don't see this problem going back to the Sunny Meadow Sheen farm and Warren pole my opinion is Warren Pole's a no-brainer it's a you know the the the family wanted it to be a conservation reservation we're making it a conservation reservation it's it's up and running it's doing what it's supposed to do um moving it to us just is kind of the way it was always planned to be from what I understood from the beginning um on the other hand Shen and Sunny Meadow I'm open to thoughts because uh and and we don't have to decide tonight and I'm not actually looking to necessarily Paul may want us to decide but I know I don't believe he has to finish articles till probably August or even September so I'm open to thoughts ideas on that um I I know Sunny Meadow has let's just say a lot of baggage a lot of um there's a lot there there's there's a lot going on Sheen's a little clean cleaner and that it's it's that's yeah Sheen is it's heand yeah although although um it could be you could also add trails in there if you're only going to hit it twice a year you could you could put public walking trails in there which you know it's odd yeah you start getting garbage and yeah so yeah there's no yeah but that one's a little cleaner in that Sunny Meadow has so many things going on there's there's big nasty compost pile there which you know which you know has been there for a number of years and something conservation wants to do right that's that's that's not really our no sweet spot you know so so can I throw a couple ideas out see what yall think first of all would would these properties be the tip of the iceberg aren't you working with John Susa or somebody you mentioned a while back to identify get a better feel for all these little small properties like this the little landlock Parcels that we're not even sure who owns it the way it's listed in the town GIS so is isn't there an initiative or a discussion about straightening out who actually owns what and who manages what and is this the beginning of a bigger so you started out saying I'm on Sunny Meadow I I'd put Sunny Meadow did I say sunny but but for those no I'm thinking for those yeah for those four or five Parcels yeah that what what it turns out um I was not aware that in the 2017 open space plan that Katie had done a detailed Deep dive on all the properties in town and as I understand it from talking to Evan uh and and Dave you was on Dave sper was on the committee that they did a deep dive on all these properties so that we know exactly what is owned by conservation by parcel number that's that's like that's fact as opposed to so if it says town of chord on the gis but the but the spreadsheet says it's conservation it's conservation what's not clean is that the gis if that's the case I'd like to get the gis title changed so that it says conser so you could run a report then I'd like to see a report of town owned property that is not owned by conservation that has no structures on them no buildings and those would be ones that I would like to look at and say should we own it or or not and that might be 5 50 100 might be none I don't I don't know what that is and I'm not quite sure how to find that that set right well and and and and whose care custom control uh are they under yeah if it's school committee I don't fine done well unless they somehow have random pieces of property that are have no buildings on them or whatever I think if the daisy chain existing property it's a no-brainer yeah but if you find a pastor in middle of nowhere yes but if it's if it's in the middle of nowhere and it's um we we don't want anybody to to develop it moving it to us would mean it never would get developed and that's about theend that's about the end of it we have a lot of those properties I was surprised how many we already have well there's an awful lot all these categories there's probably a hundred isn't there of these little half acre and one acre orphan I call them orphans you know left over from the development service well this well the second thought so let me just so I I think what I want to do is through the open space plan committee that's one of the work products I want to do in there is is get that picture so so that we can see everything you know what are the what do the land trust own what do the water districts own what is the town own what is what is the commission own and you know get that so we can do a much more systematic view than it's now very random haphazard yeah stumble on them well that's kind of why I meant by the tip of the iceberg because to my way of thinking this is sort of a foundational first of probably many steps and let me tell you where I'm going with this the master plan and the current open space plan says this commission is supposed to develop Land Management plans for all the parcels and if we got to the point where that was happening you probably would I would Advocate a Land Management plan for All These Little Orphan Parcels that like you say nobody really knows could be very simple yeah and then related to that and I'm almost done related to that is the previous open space plan that Dave Sperry worked on strongly as I recall recommended the town form an open space I guess and Recreation committee specifically to help with Land Management plans and manage these Parcels which in my mind would be reporting into the Conservation Commission because we hold the legal Authority and if we thought we were going in that direction that would be a further reason to start this consolidation that Paul's recommending including Sunny Meadow which is is probably too much for this commission right now to take on agree because that but but if we had a separate organization of you know people that wanted to pay attention to these properties that we could then work with then I wouldn't be as concerned about trying to dig into Sunny Meadow because you know yeah it's so that's sort of my thoughts if if you want to look further down the road if you think we're going to go this way possibly then it makes sense for this organization to do that foundational work to start you know following Paul's lead and okay organizing this stuff I think like Sunny Meadow that's under open space okay and it takes on the recommendation of the Agricultural commission to Grant what you can do on the property so there is a chain of command okay on open space with to write the farm law in the town of chumford yep and we do have a right to farm law and we do have an agricultural commission yep so I know what they want to do out to Sunny Meadows but there's there's a lot going on out there that that you guys don't know about that oh yeah okay and I know they want to reel it in yeah yeah I don't know the best way to do it yeah I know and and and I you know why you and and you know John and again if I could just say this when I look at Sunny Meadow I think that you know despite all the little nuances and all the little whatever is going on at the end of the day isn't that what we're trying to do as a commission community outreach and education and make these Pro you know get people out into open space and you know smell the roses like that's a that's a so so the reality is that's a super popular site there's a lot of people there it gets I think on our open space survey so far it's been our most um popular site so far it's early but um yeah yeah yeah it well this community garden is a lot of people involved there and there's a lot of people there's a lot of things happening there there's a lot of cool things going on there a lot of lettuce being grown out there yeah lot of lettuce lot of lettuce not all of it organic so I I just wanted to get this discussion going and get you kind of aware of some of the things going on so I think what I'm going to do is go back to Paul and say um right now I'm I'm pretty comfortable that um you know we'll we'll have a little more formal discussion at our next meeting about Warren pole and those four or five proper I think it's five lots and maybe something else will come up in the meantime to have those put on a warrant article Sunny Meadow and um I I don't see this right now wanting that uh maybe someday like to your point maybe someday but like for the for him to put it in an August or September draft uh well forgetting forgetting about any of the issues or whatever that are seem to be lurking at Sunny Meadow you could also I'll just throw this out there I don't know if it's a good idea you could also say to Paul yeah we'd take that on but we need some dough for an outside consultant to help develop that Land Management plan with all the stakeholders and not to leave anybody out or a second David is a yeah it could really be a full-time job for somebody so I I I I did look at I did look at some that day some of the towns are posting we get emails of the uh postings for like conservation agents in various towns and assistance to agents and I'm reading their agent their um um what do you call it their job postings and a lot of them are like you know be out there and clear the trails and I'm like wow you know like David you're not clearing the trails you you need to get out there he's blazing Trails but he's not C blazing Trails yeah so okay directing it from a higher level yeah but but think about throwing that on the table when you talk to Paul yeah that that as these as as the community grows the scope is you know as the community grows and as more and more people are interested in these properties it's becoming a management job there's a job there doing these Land Management plans and then working them there's a job that's being done ad hoc I want to go on record I'm I feel as though the land that the conservation owns should be passive Recreation I'm not in favor of anything else more than that I know you like agricultural stuff like that but I like passive yep that's all I want to keep that that's why I said the two pieces that kol us that are agricultural should stay under the control of the Agricultural commission yeah that's not my first choice right I understand and Sheen is just it's it was strawberries until the deer decimated the strawberries then it was corn and he had to rotate crops now it's hay and it's been hay and hay and hay and that's yep what goes on thanks me hanging the property only maintains it care I don't care if anybody makes a $100 or a million dollars it's just for maintaining the property that's correct and I was so happy that you were able and agreed to make waren pole a passive Recreation I know he had some different input from different people that didn't want that to happen but I'm glad you made that happen yeah yep okay appreciate it good good conversation and I appreciate you all all your input um Peter anything on the Russell Mill tree uh situation oh yeah I went away for a week and didn't put the signs up we get them there okay good yeah it it it uh L when I did walk through there although this was about 10 days ago it did not look like it had gotten significantly worse although it's hard to tell there's so many trees tagged yeah well it's a lot Greener yeah and and we all talk to people when we see them there like the the bike people and whatnot and nobody's really I don't think there's somebody there like every day no I don't try to chop down all the trees had a bad day although it was a lot a couple bad days bad week um the only other thing I want to add that's not anywhere on here but last night I watched the seel I was here for part of the select board meeting is the um KP law is now going to be the Town Council as of July 1st um so um the Hy uh Town Council uh uh will move on uh this Friday will be their last day although he's committed to a transition but um KP law was Our Town Council about seven or eight nine years ago something like that um and had been for quite a while before that yeah yeah prior to Hy so um so they kind of they know us they already do some work in town already so this is just we'll have them across and I've worked with them for years I know them very well yeah okay is there something that you I assume you're managing this transition of any of our legal stuff from so actually to the other you're sort of it occur your finger on that P it occurred to me that the CR the Warren poll CR it might not be a bad thing to say can you take a look at this and just tell us if there's something GL typ number one yeah yeah number one and number two see if they have a read on this uh new house um cuz they have a lot deeper I think a lot deeper uh you know experience in that space from what I read on their website on this new house CPA question so can can can I can I just jump in here I think I said this last time I'd suggest we ask the following question not does the state allow it which is a good question but the second question is is there a way around it is there a creative way around it because you hear about surrounding towns are building high schools on conservation land I don't know if they had a CR or not I there are ways around so if you ask a state regulator a question you may not you may not that might not be the right answer well there may be a creative way in the RS that's legal and that's what we want a smart attorney to help us with on on the new house story not just uh not not to denigrate the state people I don't mean that at all I'm just saying you know how this works there's often a way around a barrier yep so I don't know if that's if that kind of a question is appropriate for an attorney um oh I think it's totally the attorney well except they don't it's not really their job to tell you creative ways around the law you know oh really the attorney I know oh really you tell me where you did the crime and I'll tell you what to say yeah they're only private attorneys but but I but I at least KBW I know them well enough to know that they're just going to they're going to they're not going to they they're going to likely give a yes or no answer may may possibly a maybe you know depending on this depending on that but what about some of the lawyers we've run into at mapc Ma Mac CC yeah some some you know maybe a private organization that but but I would think that the Stuart sagar's organization would be the one that pinged him again today to get a response he he's responded a little bit and he has he hasn't really been a hard like give me an answer he's kind of yeah need get really wants to touch it yeah I I need to get get him to be a little more definitive and so okay okay let's keep moving on um anything on your agent's report um uh um just just a quick update on you're you're aware that there's kind of a minor Enforcement issue going on with new house being constructed at 348 Boston Road is one where they started the house in the buffer zone without approval from the commission didn't an after the fact filing of an RDA was down there with um uh a number of people from building department and DPW on an adj on the adjacent property uh maybe three or four weeks ago uh notice that on that 348 Boston that um there a lot of Fu has been brought in to create a a steep you know High slope um and that that's eroding it it blew completely through the erosion control um so I I I asked the the Builder to restore the erosion control back to proper working order submit an engineered plan for stabilization of the slope um again this was three or four weeks ago he said he said he'd do it right away or at least restore the erosion control right away um somebody from be DPW went down and looked at it last Friday said absolutely nothing has changed so I told him I I I I asked the building inspector to put cease and assist on any work on the house you know pending correction of these that'll attention that that doesn't sound like Joo uh no no it doesn't it doesn't now now he sub sent me an email saying well he he did restore the erosion control well that wasn't evident in the photos that you know the DPW guy took so I guess I'm going to have to go down and take a look at it myself um do it as soon as I [Music] can I don't know who's do is he doing his own site work is there's another contractor in there I think it's it's him well I mean he I mean he called it than someone to like pour the foundation or whatever but I think now yeah who did the dirt work I don't know you don't know who brought the fill in don't that does makes any difference it doesn't make it a lot of times it does Mark you know certain guys if Dave comes down and says hey you got to fix this they're going to fix it but but the GC because they don't want to stop a million a million dollar plus house from being built but the G GC should have his finger on that right I built enough houses right I know I know and I agree 100% with you that well you know I I actually did um in the meantime have spoken to the engineer he said he' get me something shortly and you know for the stabilization of the slope so you know Dave what's the environmental impact and that's the one that's right along the little Wetlands on the edge of the right right right now it's it's um just on the outer edge of the buffer zone I mean certainly not an environmental catastroph Ry but there's such a hellish amount of fill that was brought in that it's got to be addressed otherwise it will it will and that's what a couple couple hundred yards from the pond if I remember the map correctly yeah so there's enough stuff it's not like running set there's a long ways to go but it's in that direction yeah and and there are and there are wetlands there BBW and theond okay anything else the building inspector put a cist on yes he did he did yeah um I had a think of anything else question from uh just a a voice about the uh any progress on the Freeman Lake uh surveying and um deed research um well and I think I probably got the same so um I I I sent an email uh out today um to the person who saying um that the commission agrees with my recommendation to the first thing to do was the title exam to make sure that in fact the town does own that property um uh and I mean it's it's partly because you know often with these Lake Shore Parcels the the ownership history the title can be kind of murky to begin with but I was also recently told that down at at on Russ Russell Drive you know that comes in off of Route 40 that there was a parcel there on on the the lake side of the road that for many many years it was it was thought that the town owned it but one of one of the private property owners uh in the area said no no I own it and was able to prove I guess through a title exam that they in fact uh did own it um and uh the town conceded it okay so so that that's really the first step and and that's been delayed a little bit that by the Town Council transition yeah okay so she she seems good with it oh okay okay okay I I actually got it from an interim person who okay might have been sitting right here at one point okay and and uh the lake study at Freeman we had a talk about that the other day but I assume that's moving forward uh I assume it is too um I'll get an update from Christine yeah I can ask her next time I see her but I assume everybody's comfortable with we're waiting for the experts to answer our questions so far I haven't heard any complaints okay so yeah I agree with um uh we have New Town Council so maybe we'll come up with a list of like can you do this this and this yes can you read over this this CR can you give us an opinion on this and can you do these Deeds okay um and the enforcement actions yeah oh right right right 59 to 61 carile and 35 brick count yeah that's a question yeah did you uh award a contract for that home owner don't wanted trees cut down we recommend we get three bids um no not not yet um Brook uh it it turns out that maybe uh Christine has to improve that um if if it involves taking down public shade trees in the town's right of way so I'm actually meeting with her on site tomorrow um tomorrow to to for her to take a look at that uh but that actually that actually does remind me that that that today um actually um I I issued an emergency order of petitions to take down some trees at 27 Old Stage Road that the homeowners are very worried about and went out and took a look at it it was a reasonable concern so I I did approve that okay and next is the uh 75 conquered Road certificate of compliance 29- 0832 yes so that's actually a relatively recent one for a change yeah I think we did this we did something on this like three or four years years yeah yeah it was it it was started but then for whatever reason it it died um it it's so so this the one that's the COC is being requested for was uh issued back in 2016 by the commission where where the property at 75 was subdivided in into the existing house and then an additional building lot um so that so that that was for approval of the construction of a new house which I think is now 77 conquered but but the assessor database has still not been updated still shows it all is one lot so I don't understand going the old cross Marine I think one mill belt so so yeah back back a couple of years ago the owners of the new house uh um it filed for a um to build a swimming pool right um and that's and that's where it came up that there were some issues that still hadn't been resolved with construction of the house and that order of conditions um so so re recently um 75 you know the the parent house the parent property um was came under agreement to sell so they want that certificate of compliance and what what I said was well if if if the the new house in the new swimming pool order of conditions if they are in compliance with that order of conditions because because a number of the conditions were virtually the same said well I would recommend that the commission issue the certificate of compliance for 75 and and I H I have since verified that they are in compliance they've they've delineated the 25 foot no disturb setback um there was some there was some rip wrap or Crush stone that was required to be put at the end of the driveway for drainage so um I I recommend the commission issue the certificate of compliance for 75 okay I'll take uh any any conversation any discussion on this I remember there was some surface water issues there wasn't it wasn't the older house the one up front pumping water well no no right that's uh good uh good recollection yeah no that was actually the new house they had they had a sump pump oh okay in the basement that was I guess working like 24/7 to the point where it had actually uh expanded the Wetland delineation so so that the 25t Noti dist setback that was originally uh uh there um when before the house was constructed now had moved toward the new house but they have since moved the sump pump um it it's it's not having any impact to the wetlands where 10 years ago what's that that was 10 years ago holy man you remember we had a hearing on this the more recently yeah more recently yes yes and yeah when they put the pool in um just just I want to check Chris Chris Gan are you still with us no I don't think he is do we know when he dropped it was a while ago yeah I I thought it was a while I know he said he was fading so okay so commission we need to vote a motion yeah so I'll take a motion to approve the recommended certificate of compliance for 75 we can't make a motion I I'm I'm requesting a motion oh maybe I did maybe I said that I move we approve the certificate of compliance for 75 conquered Road motion from Peter second second from John we have this four okay we're all in favor we got enough yeah we have enough just just made it the okay that's what this is [Music] yes sorry no you're you just signed it after we voted Mark you're signing over your deed okay your house press down Hardies I haven't heard that one in a long time press iron old school on the mograph okay um that was it on there so now we have meeting minutes um we have uh our wonderful uh uh meeting minutes lady has given us minutes for April 23rd we can knock these off tonight I did get a I did look at them and they look good to me I actually saw wait a minute there's there's one slight change I think when we looked at the um this is like really really minor what we talking about [Music] um yeah on page page eight Willis Drive conservation land issues speaking of Willis Drive conservation isn't it a dock not a deck aluminum dock yes aluminum dock yeah so if you can change that do Aluminum deck dock yeah aluminum dock deck dock is two places where it shows up in that paragraph but other than that it looked fine I mean I'm I'm nitpicking there I am nitpicking there but I'll take a motion legitimate one though huh it's a legitimate one yeah totally it's a it's a perfectly good word make a motion to approve April 23rd conservation minutes second motion from Mark second from Peter all in favor I motion passes as corrected with as corrected yes as corrected thank you motion as corrected yes um and the only other thing I have here is that our next meeting is July 9th we have a July 23rd meeting we have an August 13th meeting we have an August 27th meeting we do not have a 3-we cycle if you think about we occasionally have three-week Cycles uh gaps until the end of October into November so we're you know on two we Cycles um and so I asked David um the possibility of having us miss a meeting this summer take a let's create a gap well that that sabatical may sort of need to happen anyway because um in the community development planning office there's new carpet being installed and I think right now I'll double check but I think right now the schedule date is or or the schedule time is like that same week of the 23rd and so it's really I good time for you to take some vacation what's that a good time for you to take take some vacation yes at at least some time off I think it's I'll I'll double check with EV but I think it's sort of going to be forced on us okay because I'm not going to be able to use the office obviously while they're replacing the car and this gives us right now talking about it now gives us enough chance for you to plan with any applicants um yeah and and I don't have any filings for the 23rd yet so do you want me to I'd say you know I'll I'll ask the rest of the commission but I know we're never upset if we end up having a a little little summer sabatical um we have in the past done it didn't you continue a hearing to the 23rd the DPW oh that was uh July we can adjust that's that's not a huge good catch but we can adjust that I'm sure I don't care are we talking yeah no no good point July 23rd did you say July 13th 23rd our next meeting is July 2 July oh maybe no meeting sorry we heard wrong July 23rd so that could be a limbo 23rd well we would cancel it that's the point yeah right yeah right and I can't imagine you're going to complain about that no oh okay okay what do we got to do Mark he's going to come here and sit in a quiet room Day pub okay so why don't we just make that a decision um and and I guess in a way if you're if you're scheduling your office changes we're still going to take the take the week off and I think it's good for everybody to to do that and take a break all right so that one's that one's done okay done everybody in agreement everybody nodding I mean I can't imagine yeah I think it's good good to take a take a breath okay um I'll take a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn motion I'll approve yeah okay thank you CHS Tel media good night say good night everyone e e e e for