got it okay there were some uh requests at that point from some of the committee members is what can we actually do there we have received uh opinion from Town Council that in fact all of the projects that were presented are legitimate uses of of pools they're all they all fall within the open space basically two pieces there there's open space piece and the agriculture piece and most of them fall in both or at least substantially in one or the other so so we don't have any issues about whether any of the things that were presented are legitimate now doesn't mean that they will all get approved they probably can't long but um we don't have to worry about that at this point um so before we get to talking about the individual uh uh proposals sry hey that's okay see more people before we get to the individual proposals uh what's happened in the meantime um yeah just for people have been by there the DPW is is essentially moved out in the main operation of the clean up of debris um the demolition permit for the structure has been issued um in the contractor is ready to begin I 90% sure it's going to happen on Monday morning um because and and um there's a slight chance it could happen tomorrow or Friday but I think it's really going to be Monday morning uh it'll probably take two days to to take the structure down and and it'll take a little bit of time to get the material out of out of out of the site um the so that's where that will go um so anyway that obviously the site will be restricted during that period uh all the permits have been issued all the sign offs we we had a staff meeting this morning everything is ready to go uh if you notice the fire departments were training over there prior to that the police department I think the last Fire Department training is tomorrow uh which is again the demolition won't begin tomorrow and rather than having them started on Friday I think the DB is going to ask them to just start on Monday morning um could you let Don to know and the family members I know it does have some you know significance toed family members um and then once the demolition crew vacates the site then the DPW will grade just like they've graded the other part of of the material in the front of the property so we just wanted to let people know that um that that will occur as well okay um so that's where that's where we are on the demolition um the dpw's done that I asked the DPW to remove the vehicle across the street um again just trying to get debris and everything out of there I think the last thing is sort of giving a little hard time with the mailbox keeps getting struck theil theil by the way there is one more piece that probably no nobody's ever noticed there a plow over on Hunt Road on Hunt Road yeah back way back in there and uh looks like a person perfectly usable snow plow if somebody has a truck to connect it to uh so I would think the town might want to pick that thing up and uh I bet you could sell it and then the other thing is it's still it's aware there's going to be a burn out there as well you know we're still in the burn season until May 1 so the ppw will do a burn of some of the you know the you know wood debris I guess that's been the invasive material and other stuff that's been out of there I I did speak to David to the Conservation Commission I don't think we're going to impact the conservation vernal pools or other stuff I think we're far enough away but you know we're trying to be mindful again of the environment that's been out there I know that the tree committee's been out there there's been there's been a lot of activity out there on the site so again we're just trying to to be good Shepherds of the property um and then again depending upon what what the recommendations are come from tonight I will give the select board additional update at Monday night's meeting um then the other and then DPW has been out looking at the temp temporary parking areas um for the site um and we can get into that as we decide how the you know and again the reason they're looking at it now is they have a very limited window and you know because in a couple weeks once you hit April they're going to be out there very busy doing seasonal work IE Road and sidewalk projects and drainage projects and so forth so so their availability is going to Lan um what that goes so that's sort of where we are with the town at this point good progress you guys been busy oh Trail work yeah yeah we U so far the trails are in about 6.7 miles U temporary bridges are up um they're WI enough and workable the grade is good enough for possibly um cross country skining um there still needs some cleaning but I would rank it as as one of the um good quality compared to the rest of the trails in town they're double wide at least um it's also the design in such a way that the emergency vehicles like the gates can get to any section of the property in case we have a fire or we have a medical emergency so that was incorporated there is ready to go Bill one of the issues brought early on and I know you were very keen on it was the idea of handicap accessible Trail area on the property have you identified an area where that might go and I know we can discuss in part of the picture but I don't want to lose track of that around the me because that's that's a nice grade on that one either the right probably the left hand Meadow and that connects to a proportion of the old road that runs down almost the full length of the property um so that could be so you have the met you could have a branch that goes out to that one the rest of the grade is is not quite Ada but that would that looks pretty good so that's that's a major thing I'm I'm I think we need to have at least some portion of some trail in town accessible that would be I think that would be ideal okay sounds good all right uh then I guess um the next thing up is consideration of the proposals that have been made uh I there were six made at the last meeting these include the pickle ball court the wildlife Clinic the pollinator Garden uh a pumpkin patch Hayfield and Weston and uh and we should probably go through each of those and uh there are a couple of things we can do tonight here uh anything that we decide is definitely a go we can declare a go and we can get going on uh things that need more consideration we can we can entertain that but there's enough space out there that we can get some of this going we don't have to have every single thing nailed down uh now before we do that um there's been a lot of talk about having some public space up there some some event space as you put it and is there somebody here talk a little bit about a couple yeah there's Scout and there is the hi I'm Barbara Riley and I'm co-chair of the cultural Council Y and we are able to provide grant money from time to time to um Finance some of the events that happen in the area um we're very interested in the fact that Phil has talked to us he came to present to us at our last meeting um about using some of the space for events uh I have a letter which I'll read to you and then I'll give to you that sort of it's from myself and Mike rney who another coach and this should sort of explain the Chon cultural council is committed to supporting a diverse cross-section of art forms including works of local artists Environmental Education projects and other collaborative proposals that being bring together artists organizations and local cultural groups in projects to serve children and the surrounding communities we believe the addition of a new outdoor space at the coolest farm property in charford could benefit a large number of these initiatives including musical performances historic and historical and dramatic shows and outdoor walks and talks as well as simply providing an unstructured space conducive to the thoughtful reflection so import important for Creative work the council unanimously supports the proposal presented at our March 13th meeting by the Vice chair of the kulis Farm task force to create East and West Meadow space as part of the Redevelopment of the coolest farm parcels and we look forward to working with the coolest farm task force as this project moves forward sincerely Barbara Riley and Mike Ry co-chairs with ch we get this you no I think that we're going to it's just nice to get it on the well another thing too is that that although we have 7 the Ys the um seating inside is only 200 people and an out to venue like this could create more seating more space for musical groups to perform and have an audience now I know stuff like this has been done down at Sunny Meadow a couple of times small but it's somewhat Limited in space yes it is that's what this is another way to expand what's been going on at Sunny Meadow it is a limited space there um but this would be a nice venue for performing groups and I mean even theater in around things like that would be you know would can very good okay well thank you very much we've got that on the list it's on the list of proposals uh now I kind of skipped over public input because looked like everybody here you have to hear from the scouts ah well that works sure um my name is Elmer lion I'm resident here in shalford um I am a leader of one of the Boy Scout Troops here in town but I've got my uniform on that represents the district which is the greater L District which is part of the Greater Boston Council and I can say that chalford is a star in the district and the district is a star in the council they're really set a a prime example of what scouting can be in a community here in chord compared to pretty much everything else at Eastern Mass we're one of the stars um one of the things that makes us a star and I hear this from all our neighboring towns is that our town is an example of what resource and support looks like to scouting at the Town level a lot of towns don't don't give Scouts the uh the opportunity or the or the resources to do what they're here to do which is to practice one of the things uh participant citizens ship um the unstructured space that was just mentioned is a great opportunity for those uh sort of engagements that Scouts look for it's not just eag projects and gold awards from the Girl Scouts it's being um active uh and engaging with a natural setting that this is so uniquely uh providing um to study vernal pools uh for instruction on nature um but also provide a venue for the larger events in our district um we've got I don't know I'm going to guess here about a thousand Scouts in the great alol area chelsford has and I'm just speaking Boy Scouts right now chelsford has two to 300 um members of the BSA I judging by cookie sales I'd say the GSA is about the same the Girl Scouts so we've got roughly 4 to 500 Scouts in town there currently is no place for an event that would bring that many number of Youth together um Sunny Meadows is great but it's pretty structured and it doesn't have that they can't support that size of a venue this is really an excellent opportunity for us to to engage with uh nature in this sort of unstructured environment so can't express my support enough for that very good just a question or two how big we're talking about event space here how big does it need to be are we talking 50 people 500 people we're we're talking 500 500 we have we have what we call campes yeah I and think I've been on one yes and we've been trying to have one at the at the Town level for a number of years now but there really isn't a place in town to do something and this is exactly the sort of thing that we've been we've been looking for um no other town has what we have already but this really just is above and beyond okay good this is some ideas of of what we might want to consider designing for uh any other general public comment before we just add a little bit to what Mr Li has said um I know the town of Andover has an area within their AVIs properties that their Scouts can go and camp on and that would be another asset to if we could have that kind of a place that that allowed us to go in and Camp because some of our units are pretty small and and we used to you know when there was Winterfest or something we do something on the common but H it was a winter fest that I remember I was never so cold yeah very good uh okay um I I don't I with anything like this there are a lot of details liability detail and control details and stuff like that it's way premature to be dealing with any of those but we have to be cognizant yeah the scouts generally have Scouts are covered they are covered yeah we have a couple million dollar liability thing that we can get uh any other General comments before we get to specifics I I most of the people I see here are here for specific things and then I the committee saw the correspondence that came in at four 51 this afternoon from Steve Gordon want me read it yeah why don't you why don't you go through it right I saw it but I don't think I even had a chance okay that's you know because my guesses it's public Comet he says hi I'm Steve Gordon an occasional volunteer at kolis Farm as well as living a quarter mile away from it and I literally drive by it essentially every day I want the main body of coolest farm the land north and south of Pine Hill Road to remain as undeveloped as possible ideally I'd like to see structures on that land max out at a shed and a couple of porta potties CH paid a lot for that land for open space usage and I do not want to see it used for any new construction I Su you don't want to see any of this very valuable land used for non- toown bu building SL usage I know there's a desire for land for an animal rescue shelter and if the land off of Hunt Road can be used for that that sounds like a perfect balance of keeping open space open and utilizing land that isn't ideal for open space purposes for semi-commercial Industrial Development I also do not want to see any of the pin Hill Road land rented outsold to any non-farming commercial entities Western nurses does try to keep this destruction down but they still cause a fair amount of dust and gravel on the roadway thanks Steve Gordon andion we'll get it in record okay um anything else and I think it's time to jump in uh why don't we do this by sections of land we basically have three sections of land there we have a big 25 acre chunk that's on the right hand side of P Hills up we have the six plus acre trunk on the left of Pine Hill which is all essentially all Open Meadow at this point and then there's a chunk over at uh on Hunt Road which is almost entirely wet it's got possibly two acres that are not so with that said why don't we jump in to the uh the 25 acre trunk and the things that have been proposed up there so far are pickle ball Wildlife Clinic uh pollinator garden and in effect the the some open space uh for you know event type space this is in addition to the trail work that's being done but the trail work and things like that are being done on on land you're not going to do anything else with except except for the handicap access except for the the handicap accessible stuff will have to be done on one of the flatter PS y but but other than that uh I don't think we need to concern ourselves with which turns out to be about two two-thirds of that land is is either steep or wet um so um just to get started if I can just before please do two things I want to know one is we the town I may call it ear mean we are having the wetlands flagged out there for help that work has begun they've already the Wetland scientists already been out on the main parcel that we're talking about now as well as a 6 and a half parel across the street and then they're going to do the other parcel off of Hunt Road and then that will be mapped so again because of the weather conditions have been able to get out there a little early and as soon as I get those plans I'll get them out to the committee so that we'll get that to you I want to note that and the other thing I wanted to not is the pickle ball since there's nobody here in pickle ball but I want the committee to be aware that I I did meet with the two pickle ball Representatives since our last meeting um we're looking at two two possibilities um for pick ball that are offsite right kind of how how we sort of address the yeah we talked about it a little bit at the meeting one one would be the McCarthy School uh and so I've had discussions with the public works director and the superintendent of schools is perhaps that can be Advanced for fall town meeting to this the effort of restoring the tennis courts and and obviously SL pickle ball Courts at the McCarthy school is probably you know a significant area for them and then the other thing we're looking at is over here by m McFarland the the corner of will in CHC Street you have the fitness Park but then adjacent to the fit Fitness Park to CHC street is that area so not not heading towards the softball diamond right yeah it's kind of an area that doesn't have a use so I have DPW looking to see if one or two there so I'm not saying that the pickleball folks have withdrawn their request I just you know I just wanted to share with well that's good and and those some of those areas might be more appropriate for them right because they're flat so I just I just want to share that with was there any space for pickle ball down off won near the fields mean mean up by by the Community Gardens area no I mean down by down by the softball fields down by the softball fields No No in fact no extra space down if if that were the case we'd actually put a young soft a smaller softwall field down there just just thinking that you know where we already have Recreation space down here all right um I would like to add for the trails yes we talking about trails to wway I did invite the conservation agent to walk the Trails um and he what did David think he said um the only area he was interested in was the veral pool area and since that we were well out of that way he he didn't need to walk the trails so so they were we did offer it was checked and uh I know I know he's quite familiar with the maps talk to okay that's good to know yeah was the veral pool flag with the russ Wetlands I don't know I it's it's pretty obvious where that pool is I would assume it would have been if they were doing all the wetlands I the limits of it nail down okay gotta that makes a lot of sense okay so nobody's here representing pickle ball uh it sounds to me as if we put that that on hold while some of the other possibilities are being investigated is that unless there's a sentiment the task force to advance pickle ball I don't know I don't I don't want I didn't want to step on pickle ball I just wanted to information okay I had some concerns about set setbacks for noise so it sounds like some of those other places are probably more appropriate okay all right well let's let's note that and then let's put that to the side for the moment uh the pollinator Garden I can probably speak for to that yeah how built six of them um I uh looked at I looked at the area the upper Meadow does look doable um we looked at running tapping water from the p on that looks very doable um it's really just if we want to do it they can start clearing that land there's a lot of invas about there yeah know nice and that when asked about what the impact would be in sledding in the winter and they said there'd be no sledding issues okay so you're talking the back the hill down you give a sense yeah the upper Meadow is upper right hand Meadow would be northwest corner it is this area right here yeah right that up up up by that little pile of tires yeah where where the tire of the trailer hole so it runs parallel to the roads to the right and it's well up on the high end of the field which really isn't being used for anything but the concern was to make sure we could get water to it and that with the pipes would not have to run across any trails or any um War okay and so so from your view that's doable very doable just it's just the ideal is this s clearing it before everything comes in okay what are the feelings of the uh people on the board now you might as well speak for concom because John's not here well um I I guess I'd want to see it I've been up there we're talking um I uh you know putting in a a pollinator or any kind of any kind of metto garden is a good thing I'm all for that um that's the right thing I I'd have to see it how it's laid out I don't I don't know if there's a big rush make this happen and as I understand the committee is making a recommendation to the select board right yeah yeah in effect what we're doing is making recommendations of the this would be invasive removal you get that okay there's a lot of invasives up there and if they're going to do a meow it wouldn't happen till the but you don't want to wait till then because then if you all more invasive just going to keep growing so I would I would say oh you know get startop removing those invasive because even if it's used for something else you got to remove you got to remove those invasives that was pretty bad uh Paul um how much of what we do here should should we assume that our recommendations will all get presented to the select board I've been I've been giving yeah last meeting I gave an update to the select board okay this coming Monday I'll give an update to the select board but I imagine at some point this committee is going to give a formal yeah we going to have to make a formal presentation but we're going to get going on some of this stuff some of that may have to happen got so I I can talk to the board on Monday I don't know that the s Court or anybody to object to invasive removal no because I think it's kind you know it's beneficial no matter what happens out there um that's nothing will be pulled nothing be planted I mean it's going to take first is removal and it's filling any holes which are out there m any a hidden trash yeah so just no matter what you do it's it's clearing that section and they G ker understands that this is not a done deal that this is this is some preparation for possible putting in a native um pollinate Meadow okay well what's what's the feeling of the uh committee here on pollinated meow it sounds to me like it's pretty positive seems I see one two 3 four I think it also keeps with the historic use it was it was a pasture was they were they were doing catalog okay so so we we shall we shall recommend the pollinator Garden Meadow or Meadow that's so that's that's a def a definitive recommendation on the part of grp it makes sense to stop okay I have a question uh would the clearing of the land happen how quickly did that happen like immediately after the first Frost um the clearing this just removing invasives REM invasives are removed since it wouldn't be Town funded whenever we can find someone who has equipment or we the work party together some interesting Scouts coming out there and helping um but it's a big field this we at Redwing Farm we've spent U about 12 years removing invasive and we've made it D you so this is nothing that's in this town invasive it's a bit to Sweet just the national flower in this town so the the sooner you start the better it is my concern was just the like the bugs and the pollinators that are over wintering in those oh yeah I would it would be several weeks from now gotta yes just they have to fence that are because the deer will e these small plants in a second you know is that part of the plan I was under the impression that once it got established that the meta will function pretty much autonomously you have to get yeah she she said it would need a fence yeah you need a need a fence before with the first oil you need water fence when you're first going um what's it take about a year to establish okay but you still got to get all these giant evasive bushes out of that oh yeah they're they're pretty awful I've seen them too who knows what's underneath there years okay um any more on the pollinator Garden that's a definite thumbs up um pickle ball court is is a hole while we see what else happens uh the next one up for that piece of land and and you're going to be looking at where we could put a EV space uh next one up is wildlife center and uh what are people's thoughts let me let me pass it around me i' i' I've gone both ways on it but I finally I've s sort of come to a conclusion myself I guess I'm going to give you my thoughts all right and they probably Sac but new house provides us a really valuable service for the not just the town but the area and they need a home going forward whatever home they find it's permanent it's not a 5year lease or a 10year lease it stays there that land is then absolutely dedicated to new houses and organization I believe that the town should be selling land to new house to put a new facility on not leasing it to them on any kind of a term and I believe that we should be selling it to them really really really cheap but that said I don't think think this is the right place to do it I think we should find a different property in town that could be turned over to them for a permanent home and that's my two cents and like I said it's probably sacr yeah um I've like you've gone gone back and forth um I read the um memo from the attorney I and I know the Town Council has said that it is um a suitable or legal use um of the property um the um service is undeniable it's certainly within the spirit of the land um I'm in favor of some portion of land I question whether and would like to put it out for discussion and I know there's been a lot of work and done well on the um bottom corner of the 28 acre parcel which I could uh agree with um I think I wonder if the Hunt Road area which is more um industrial would have less of an impact I don't know if there's enough land over there if that land's buildable but if there would be less of an impact uh to the property if it was placed uh I'm not sure if there's enough Frontage on uh on Hunt but if it could end up in that property um maybe more suitable I'm not saying I'm against what was proposed but I think uh more in the spirit of keeping open space that area may be best suited for other uses I um just a technical point I want people to understand because we haven't really talked about this but there is procurement and other legal aspects that affect these things and town meeting votes the way the town bylaws are in the state law is if the town wants to Grant the lease of any Town own land and and Mike knows this from Street anything that's more than five years of length we have to go to town meeting get authorization okay um and realistically that would the soonest town meeting that could probably occur would be October so just it's not going to happen next month uh that warrant is closed and those that you know that process is in place um there also is a and going to N Point there's also a legal requirement in terms of procurement um when the town leases property and particularly for a longer term period um the town has to do that in a competitive Pro process um so other we'd have to issue if if we wanted to lease you know for 40 years for whatever purpose then then it has to go out and it has to be a legal competitively bid process um and then you know then that has that has to then go from there um so I just want you you know I think I just don't know if the committee has an awareness of how that envelope works I mean we dealt with it obviously acquiring the property in terms of we were in a competitive process and so forth um but I just want the committee to be aware that is when you look at some of these uses that you know you're ultimately not only looking for this approval of the select board you looking at approval of town meeting um or if there's something extraordinary you may be looking at approval of the legisl um if you wanted to do a special act you know to do a directed type of use for example on these issues of the use of the property we have an opinion from Council but as Phil knows and Mike knows other may know this property is going to be put under a preservation restriction and that preservation restriction is not only issued with the approval of the town it's held by an independent third party most cases that's the land trust in town um but also it's has to be signed off by the state um environmental Affairs so they have to agree to the provisions um how that process works is the town imposes drafts a preservation restriction um and where it's conservation if it's becomes conservation land it's through the commission which then gets the select board approval you then have a third party approval generally then the land trust on All Pro so far and then it gets sent to the state for review and their approval before it becomes effective so what that means is there's there's time issues and legal issues that you go through this so I because I know there's an an eagerness to get out there and do stuff but um I just want the committee to be aware that some of these things may not happen if they're to happen for a little bit of time so there may be if you're discussing this and thinking of this there also may be some short-term uses or issues at the property as these longer term things are being flushed out and developed I just want you to be aware of that yes so Paul how long do you think that process would take say they decide to go forward well how long does it take us car it's be minimum is going to be fall that's yeah if we're going going to a town meeting we're talking fall town meeting which doesn't finish till the end of October and if you're doing if you're doing some kind of a procurement process that's in the matter of months and if you're doing a preservation restriction that's in a matter of several months if not a year a year or a year or two I mean we've done we're still doing working trying to wrap up the one and War pole so again it's not to you know dampen anybody's enthusiasm or ask anybody hopes or I just want you to understand that some of these things because you're dealing with government and it's not because government wants to be bureaucratic it's because government has to be transparent and they has to be uh open that these things have to take place so again you're probably looking realistically 2026 Maybe for long long for for everything to move forward to be doing that which means then you know you've got to go through that process uh and navigate that but also you you have to deal with the property until that that use gets conveyed I just want to be aware of that so I'm sorry that's actually feels some stuff discuss um I I like the concept of an animal a wildlife rehab facility on the property um new house is a great candidate for them one of the best but it's not exclusive to that I agree we need one um I think it adds you know it's if it's on the Disturbed footprint I'm okay with that if it if it's not on the Disturbed footprint you know for any structure then that would have a problem with it but the Disturbed area is significant to that I think um I think it brings some benefits to the property one is it brings a very high profiles of the town on a very a very successful area we need it would be a drawer yeah I think it would add security to the site um because a facility that would run all the time we'd have you know EPO in and out of there and nothing deters any type of problems and some cruises coming in out of the place I like that um and also what better to have on an open space where you're trying to preserve nature but a place that fixes problems with open space nature and you know that um they would be the first Advocate against any problems there you know that'll be they'd be the first people up in arms the first people out the door and um it also provides some infrastructure stuff like electricity water um those type of questions and I think it would draw in um support for the site and it would be a big step to making it self-funded that would be a big chice CU I think we we really need to look at these Open Spaces we add them and not be a burden on the taxpayers because there's just no money there anymore so the more self-sufficient like Sunny Meadow the easy it is to maintain it I don't think that's any money on that so I like the idea right I like the concept of of it um it should course well forbid and it's going to take years I mean I I would think two to three years is not understandable and then it's going to have to go to town meeting and there'll be lots of you know wailing thrashing and they work something out and then there's conservation restriction on it and he holds it yeah but I I absolutely support the concept of the wild we have on as long as it's on the existing yeah so question if if new house has the wildlife um preservation there how are the animals going to deal with having a concert there or does it procure preclude using that the lower field as uh open open community space and can could we still get enough parking in to be able to use that space for community events with new house in there the left hand me is huge and that's more enough for We're not gonna have acbc playing that it might be it might be you're not but nonetheless but but the events when they talk big events even if it's Scouts it's they're very quiet they not I wasn't really worried about Scouts but I was thinking more like if if we actually decided to do an open air concert in there because we don't really have any place else to do that well I think we should probably get some input if we have any experts on that well we have folks here that maybe can give us some opinions on the how compatible all this might be so many opinions all right um as far as us renting or purchasing other space in town there is none with first of all with our budget because we're a nonprofit um and so this this happened Co Co incidentally right when we ran into issues we have outgrown the space and not for nothing we are the first place people in shurg We Are Who the animal patrol refers people to We Are Who the police refer people to we have asked for nothing other animal controls from other other animal yes we have and we for nothing the town has spent zero dollars our our Animal control officer gets 60 Grand a year we have asked for nothing and we are at the point where we cannot do what we are trying to do without some support and the reality of it is hands down this community as a whole not as a whole but as a large majority supports this supports the conservation efforts supports the wildlife acknowledges the need and many of them we've dealt with one to one throughout these situations for example Donna kouis we literally helped her save a coyote so whenever I met her on her property she recog me i' helped her I've been there and when you've been in those situations where you seen animal suffering and no one will pick up and nobody will come out and everybody's afraid when someone does you appreciate it so much more and we've been those people we've not asked for anything I don't know about where a concert would be or what the noise level would be but I know that we need this now if we're stay well I want I want to make sure that there's I mean I I would hate to say go ahead with this go and go ahead with the concerts and find out that they're incompatible and that's what I'm trying to AV it would depend on how loud the noise was exactly where it was in the field like if it's people playing guitars and doing some the animals do have to get used to some sort of noise from people they're all there are there are raccoons that live in the middle of L where you don't see any trees so some noise isn't a big deal uh yeah if we had like like like ACDC or Metallica blaring with their speakers right up to the animals it absolutely would be an issue yeah as long as there's no fireworks or ACDC I think will'll be they even handle the fireworks once a year but yeah I it it it would really depend it's hard it's hard to say it would depend on where I think what I imagine the Boy Scouts even would be willing to work with the placement of speakers and the loudness so that they could if they knew that the other option is to not have a wildlife Clinic like there could be collaboration there what what do you is the potential separation given I mean you know the site as well as anybody um I would say if it's a music you know if it's a a small to midsize event say 200 people yeah but that's about big you get the left met was more than big enough for if it's a large of something like a um like a craft fair or or Farm b or something like that then the left man would probably be parking and the right man would be very Avent so that case it's minimal sound I don't think it's going to be that disturbing the trucks are going to be louder yeah than than what they should be any type of events and that we we run events at Sunny Meadow all the time we've never had a complaint and you can't really hear it when when if if you set it up right so we're talking separations in the in the 500 foot kind of yeah it's I don't think it's going again I don't think we're doing you're not doing giant rock shows it's going to be someone playing a guitar and singing but but if you have 100 people how many vehicles how many cars people that's your living Factor right there you can only get so many cars you can only Park somebody on Scout the advantage to is at we park on the fields we have we have sportic events we park on the fields and it doesn't really any damage um the cool is leftand Meadow is more than high and dry enough to park you know 50 60 cars and if you want to so you're gon have 50 60 cars and the 200 people in that leftand Meadow I'm just asking I'm not my questions aren't to be to be Point counterpointed more I'm just trying to understand we we can fit 135 cars and people into Sunny Meadow that's a fraction of that size and that is so so we in this place would you put would you put the cars the cars would have to be in the left side oh and that's where the people are going to be the people could be in the could be on one side of it again it's big matter or if you had an event be on the right the and that's it depends on how big eventure have I mean I don't see more than a couple 100 people's house um I've seen spaces before because I used to do if it would be maybe if you say it's twice the size of Sunny you know twice you look at twice the size of Sunny Meadow and that's from the the raise Garden to the back of the hill and so that's that would easily fit in that matter so I I would think that we could manage the events um they're occasional I think versus having you know being able to accommodate I I am all in on new house being part of that property I think it fits with what we're looking for with the wildlife preservation and um I would think the rest of it where it's more sporadic we could accommodate around that again if if it if it's a problem you don't put big events there right exactly you scale up you scale down and find out how the mix works we don't book you know heavy metal bands at Sunny Meadow because the neighbors will be crazy we put acoustic or Barbershop portet or or jug bands because that's you put the appropriate stuff and if it's a town on be flying a kite or or or the scouts campaign you know it's it's all very lowkey events and if we could do it in Sun man you could easily do it there just for the next biggest scale up if needed it might just be you put 50 people out there yeah okay so we got a couple who are very much yes we'll play this tonight okay I'm kind of representing the family again but my sisterin-law is Don I remember the coyote incident at her house but we when I first came to this meeting it was we were hoping to have Trails which we have the beautiful um preserve the wildlife and this new house would do that in away and so that make us happy and the third thing we asked just a sign that says cool as F it's all we asked for and I I never wanted a building on the on the 25 acres I didn't see that but if you're going to put any building i' rather see this than anything and and then Phil just mentioned security if you have someone you guys said you're going to have somebody there at night or whatever if some the kids are solling around you call the cops there no one's down there to call the cops so you know so I think this that this is the best thing and I want my daughter to volunteer at your place she'll get bit in five minutes but I tell her that all the time you can work down there they if they have that she'll get bit okay so two thumbs up one with concerns but thumbed up uh some views negative I I'll tell you what my view is is I think this is a pretty good use uh I see Financial challenges which I believe this organization is capable of meeting at least based on what they've reported to us so far um I see a time scale that's looking like two or three years really to get something to happen I know everybody wants it to happen immediately but uh mean I I could almost guarantee that if it goes out for a bid for an animal um uh Wildlife Clinic there won't be a whole lot of other bids but uh but it would have to go through the process and go through it cleanly and I don't what do you think um yeah again if it's a directed thing then you may be going for a legislative act it's a nonprofit so so that could be a directed activity but it still would take time you're still on that same time frame my my concern when I saw the for the clinic is where exactly it located on the Frontage of the property right you know um because it and I and I know I know it was just an art you know the architect and Engineers rendering but my concern was you know it was sort of and I think I went to some of the concerns we heard earlier was you know it was sort of almost towards the middle midd of the property as opposed to an edge of the property all in the front and and so that's what I wanted that if if they were going to put the clinic in could it be moved to a border of the property meaning an edge of the property as opposed to because I think one of the things that we've heard from the people going by they want the openness to see the the meadow and the other part and it wasn't wasn't I wasn't fully clear in terms of where that would be located and how that would impact the view shadow of the property I'll just off okay I'm getting a full assessment agree with that I think the more it could creep I think it would be East down downhill the better there's a wetland along the front right we got to stay away from the Wetland right so we're actually squeezing it in between the two WS that exist so we're as close we're as close to I want to say the Eastern side as we can get meeting the conservation buffer zones that we have to and we're actually just outside the veral pool Zone which would be to our left which be to the West so we're squeezing it in the only I guess legally buildable area by conservation and there's no way to put it more linearly as opposed to horizontally you you know yeah in other words why why it I mean I think it would be better if it went deeper into the property as opposed to more it well so the the enclosures go deeper into the property but what we have is we just have the building and the parking lot um set side by side for Bly adequate access and then we have the enclosures set directly behind those and they go straight back into the property and they and they would be fenced the enclosures have yeah so what we proposed was a stockade fence that goes from the building across and around the Aquatic enclosures to kind of prevent any access okay from pedestrians and then the back would be open to the meadow area so that you know we don't want to kind of disturb that with more fencing but we were going to propose a firm across the just to kind of make sure people aren't impeding on the open you know keeping people away out of the okay I mean I think what the committee should be done is is when we're done with the schematic plans we should go out there and stake area so everybody goes out there and says okay this is where the you know this is where Wildlife Clinic is going to be this is where the metal is going to be this is the left meow going to be this is the Wetland buffer you know this is the parking area and then that way you know it it would be helpful and then you know because if the select board want to do a go a site visit they be able to visualize where does the DPW have the ability to stay out if I give them coordinates and drawings um they may they may be able to do it I don't think we need to be within the oh yeah yeah we're not talking you know you that that might that might make very good sense but my my general sentiment is positive on this one uh I mean I realize it's yeah I'd like to to have it all r and trees U but this is an important Wildlife uh preserving thing I mean and you know and it's it's got some meaning to it although I don't know for a minute or having visions of of a whole bunch of raccoons wearing sunglasses AC okay uh do we want to give a thumbs up thumbs down on this whether we want to recommend it what do people think yes yes yes all right I think we definitely have the majority of this committee okay so the view here is we want to go forward with this recognizing that there's a whole lot of work to do and this is just a recommendation to this point this is got have to go down to the select minut at a minimum to to to get some kind of and they'll eventually up in me because this is going to be a long it's not a no yeah that's the way you have to say not a no yeah so far it's not a no okay um we've got two groups two people looking at some of the other particularly the six acres I don't know whether you you've got some other ideas you might do go ahead why don't you tell us where you well I heard I heard from two or three of the members of the committee that you'd rather keep the piece that we were interested was the six acres more what Henry parley and Donna Caroline Caroline I'm sorry my parents are mostly out of it I know I know so if that if that's the case we certainly want to um this is a very important uh um opportunity for us on the other side too it wasn't ideally as flat and as nice as what we thought would make perfect sense with the noise on the highway but if you want to lean toward keeping that pristine I I get it I also heard you know minimize structures today and in the last meeting um so if we were to look at the other side now I could accommodate a lot of what the group is doing with what we would do there which is essentially lining out trees and on the disturbed land with less building minimal building um and building where the foundation was would would be a good spot for us as well um The Mulch bins and things like that wouldn't have to go over here it would strictly be trees and shrubs and it would be nice rows it would be very Agricultural and More in line with what I think this committee wants to see is an agricultural look and feel to it so uh unfortunately I feel like I'm competing against somebody that town really Embraces because it would be right there on that same spot with those open medals that I would be talking about too so I had written a note to advocate for Weston because I feel like it takes a bigger picture view of conservation than having the six acres be devoted to Hay if you were going to do the uh putting forward the native plants and maybe doing some Outreach with it um I basically there's a book called uh Nature's Best hope that says get all of these native plants into everyone's backyard and you'll have this literally call it a continuous National Park in your backyard homegrown National homegrown National Park yeah and for me you know in the big picture that is advancing the cause of conservation if you know something like what you were doing if that was part of the agreement um you know putting that forward getting people aware getting the natives into all the yards and uh making it a better environment um so I I like the idea of the hay Metals a beautiful thing but for me from a big picture standpoint advancing conservation could come from an agreement with Weston if that was part of it and I do want to add there is a lease here and it would be positive cash flow for for the community I don't think that I don't know if that was realized or discussed enough too but there would be good I think we understood it yeah well we do have le other leases for other properties and that goes to the general fund yeah so my idea of the lease fill was also to contribute exactly what she was just saying and I would prefer that you know it could be a combination of cash and could be a combination of supporting projects of native plants of ripping out the invasive PL right here that's what we do on our property where we have 500 Acres of hopkington embarking on the same type of thing you're talking about ripping out the invasives and putting stopping points along the way that our education will get school AG children involved use it as a Hands-On learning opportunity to add biodiversity back into the landscape so we' be very interested in that um piece still if if it's open still but I had a feeling after the last meeting I was getting pushed out of that so for me the 68 is across there the most valuable thing we have in this town is is prime farm and it keeps on getting taken away and want you put a single Structure Parking Lot anything on Farmland is done forever and never comes back um even some of our Farms have been shrunk down and shrunk down so for me it's six acres of well it's 6 Acres maybe four is three or four us is that the rest is wet yeah and I think that the the loss of any more fall is is a is a no line if we can save it so that's why I I if new house wanted to be across the street on six acres I would be just as no you know it Farmland is here for value and you have to have something here to C away and I just can't think of anything that would yeah would you be more in favor of the Disturbed met I would be very as I said I'm willing to reconsider I'm willing to consider that across the street yes i' have to see plans I'm open far more to that I think that's fair that's yeah it's there's Disturbed error over there there's you know that that's a possibility I'm not know but the 6 acres for me is a is a hard line on the sand Jim um I agree I I see su's point and I see a valuable resource to the town but the 6 I think just has to stay as farmland and two weeks ago I said what are the other other Alternatives I think maybe meeting kind of halfway I think the parking and a lot of landscapers coming in I don't think is in the spirit of land but if you're looking for lay down area for trees and other stock um I'm open options on the 28 acre portion as was okay I guess I'll I'll throw mine two cents out as I'm I'm kind of of the same view there are there are several aspects to what kol's farm needs to represent some of them are visual some of them are conservational some of them are recreational uh I think the six acre trunk is both visually important to the town to show that we retain at least a little bit of that agricultural flavor that we had in abundance 150 years ago um which is why i' really like to see that stay as as Meadow and moan but I'm perfectly uh perfectly happy if we can find a plan that is compatible with the wildlife stuff and I I haven't gone out and measured so I don't know what'll fit where but uh a lay down area for plants and shrubs uh I think is is not an unappealing thing and it is certainly as you pointed out an important piece of General conservation across the town and I like that point the point of and I want to be honest we're not solely 100% native I know I know that but it's becoming a huge part it's growing every people people want that they do but the deer you so it is tough they look at that one and it's prettier and they want that every time it's not the native so we're working hard on educating people but it takes a while got to educate the deer yeah we've been trying we're not getting any is would there be any way to position your tree and sh area such that it provided a screen to the new house I have to remember but I think it's pretty much on the same spot yeah that's what I'm confused about it looks like it is but we just heard from the the engineer for new house that they were squeezed in by the wetlands and the brook inside and that's where I'm confused about where is this lay down area going to go and how are they going to get to it um that's that's why I'm saying well there there are there are some differences and adjustments here um we have well we have the man from the concom here but but you got a 25 ft no no disturb but beyond that you have a no build now you could do stuff on the no build yeah you have stuff on the no build that new house couldn't do because they have to build so there Agri we've been used to getting within 50 ft yeah that's it you probably actually get 25 agult yeah it does um okay so is there any way to fit those two uses over there I mean if there's not uh we're kind of at a dead end then I think we I think there's a lot of sentiment in favors yeah takut yeah so I'm I'm I'm with Sue on this I I agree that the um use of six acres uh for Western um and i' I've been involved in this since day one before the acquisition and I just thought that was an obvious easy solution for that piece of property uh I think the money that would come in could be um tell me if I'm wrong Paul I think it could be um targeted for certain uses like conservation and agriculture it doesn't have to go with general fund and so that would provide funding for projects all around the town on other properties as well if I'm not mistaken yeah I mean what what what you have to realize is when the when the town purchased the property we have remember that 6 and half acres was probably was FR lot right yeah and the value of front that wasue that was high value uh and I'm not talking out of school because I don't think it's an appropriate but Weston looked at it themselves you know when when you know when when this was being sold by the estate um so that's high value property um and so I would expect that if the town we're going to lease it to a commercial entity Pro for-profit entity that I think the expectation of the community would be that there'd be a fair market rate rent and and I think it failed from Weston as well I'm not I'm you know again I'm not taking Sid and trying to give an overview that there did be a fair market rate which I think is what car may be trying to get at saying is the rent on that case would not be nominal which the rent is nominal when we're doing metal Farms or hay farming and so forth so that I think that's kind of what's being looked at because we yeah we put a bid on it yeah exactly yeah so I'm just saying so and so again gone before not only the select board but town meeting remember there were people who felt that the town over paid for the property were then you're going to ask some of these same people to say oh we want to give approval to lease this you know then what's that what's the market what's the value going to be coming back so I get you know again I just think that that that is a consideration I think what Carl suggesting from is that there there could be a you know value consideration meaning Revenue consideration that could be applied to conservation lands here and other places in town from that if the town were to go that direction so I just thought for that perspective but I would like to say that that has always been the reason for losing Farmland in this town well we have this Farmland but if we build something on it we can get tax revenue if we do this we can get revenue and and that's why Farms keep disappearing I think at some point in the line when we have so little Farmland left I think the value of the Farmland exceeds the revenue you can get in because they're not making more farmland and I say that farming it's farming but it's I I hear you guys you don't want big structures and I'm saying I could really meet your needs on that now because there are some other things that we we could consider doing to minimize the the non-farming aspect of it really make it a holding area and that's still well within the purview of what we really need for the um to to continue to business in this community and and you know our business needs to be healthy and we really need more space so that's why we're here to begin with all right so it's the other thing that's again just coming at it from an outside perspective the other thing is it's and I asked this question at the last meeting and Caroline it's not criticism it's such high valuable Farm landfill but we're going to grow hay on it you know what I'm saying hay is you know and and I know hay is a valuable crop because for those who are but I'm just saying is you know what I'm saying this is all this is all this is all going to be challenging to put out to the community of town meeting and but the growing pay on it preserves it exactly as it is and I think then call it conservation but but that yeah I think preserving it as it is is important because there might be you know maybe things will change down the road someday but once you once you once you put stuff gravel and all that stuff on p l it's done forever it would have to reapply soil and be SE again but we wouldn't be building on there as my point it would be able to be do if our lease was 5 years or 15 or 25 years someday we could be out of that lease and it would be recoverable sure even you would have to add soil to it to be recoverable yeah we would have to we would have to scrape soil and that is the big difference versus hang it you wouldn't but we would be able to create the top soil ler and put it back to its original condition relatively easy so we're not going to change topography we're not putting structures up there that are any substantial but we have so many places in town which are labeled farm and it's really just a gravestone it used to be a farm it was a farm um and and and I think out of all of this stuff the only thing that that I really want to keep is that that 6 Acres all the property of was war because it's a beautiful ha field and I think we need I think we have historic value I think we have people towns have no development no nothing on this whole property and and that hay field is going to be the the primary you see it from the highway you see it from the road and I strongly feel that that should be remain as is the rest of the stuff the rest of the properties I easy Bing on you know the rest of it but that's the only the only well okay have we established that a new house use and a Weston use on that other side of Pine Hill is probably not compatible we can't fit them in have we come up with that yet I don't know if we' come upy understand I that should be looked at I think it's up for further review I think that needs a secondary review we couldn't say either way might be they could fit maybe one fit maybe other one I yeah W markings and what now again none of these are going to happen in the next few months anyway so we have the time to to dish that out but I think it's it's I think you've got to go out there and have the Wet Ones mapped flagged and then lay out you know the 2.4 acres and then where's that going to be and then where where would the Western Nursery thing be and then and then where's everything else but I think compared to the entire three pel yeah we're down to one little area left that we're really talking about everything else is pretty much falling into into different columns which is which is a amazing step forward considering how long it takes on S Open Spaces it takes years decades and sort well you know we're going to have we're going to have to face this decision uh I don't know now may be the time to do it um I mean are there any other uses aside from the ones those those are the only two that were proposed for the six acres and no I thought were on the other side of on the other side that still needs to be worked on yeah I yeah I mean one one possibility here I won't say it's the best one would be to decide an allocation of the six acres okay and then to continue investigation on what can be done on the other side if that's still of interest to all the parties involved okay uh and I'd love to get stuff everybody in it can we go buy another 20 acres we can put good stuff on it just what you want to do right we the capacity to do it and as I said the fil before the meeting there still has some well we don't know when if we're going to see him if we will um I mean this this might be the point at which we decide I we haven't heard from Caroline but but we know what you plan to do with it yeah it's pretty it's pretty clear pretty clear yeah um to to answer a little bit why I'd say hey instead of vegetables yeah I know it's a deer deer I have very ugly 8ot exactly people AR going to want that either they not going to want to drive down Pine Hill Road see a deer yeah I mean one of the pops into my mind is is there's this little little pristine piece of agricultural Paradise just a small chunk of town but it's visible from the highway it's visible from P not ridiculous me know I mean you go buy Apple Wards now and they they've got deer fence around them but they're not but people didn't go epiplectic because it was a deer fence around the Apple workers I I don't R I'm just saying don't you could actually grow something there value but so but anyway I I'm getting 11 bucks a bill right now yeah I know for your vegetable that pesky vegetable haveit all right so we we need we need a a path forward here and I think everybody involved deserves some degree of decision on our part so you looking for a decision on the 6 and a half acres now or well I'm looking I think I think the 6 and A2 we have we have two proposals are there any other uses for the six and a half none that were proposed okay right okay uh looking for a motion well I I guess maybe I mean what we're doing is a recommendation here remember we're not doing a final allocation this does go to the selectman um but yeah what's your I would vote in favor of the the proposal for haying with Pary I would say ha haing for par with the caveat is we need to look at the properties across the street so we don't exclude West yeah yes I would go for Weston okay well I go for the Hayfield uh any further commentary before we let let's make that our recommendation um yeah John's not here but my senses John would be for the h I'm just going to take a a leap of f he text me with his he said you want my proxy because he wasn't here and then and then you out of respect for Mike too Mike did write mik a recommendation others read it for the 6 and half acre lot he wrote hay fail for Proby Farms seems like a very good idea there is minimal work to prepare for hang and there would be little traffic or activity except for a few days for a week for a year it would like would also have a nice visual with hay and bales of hay while technically commercial use it isn't keeping what the land was used for previously finally if har decided to stop paying the field there's little to no work to undo anything that has been done Western Nurseries is also a good idea supporting the expansion of a local business especially one that sells trees shrubs and flowers and offers Community Education as a positive I have two concerns one lies with the potential for additional traffic with additional workers and More Trucks the second is how well does this proposal fit with the definitions of open space recreational use Western Nurseries clearly helps all of us improve our homes with plants trees and shrubs but does this de with open space in chord um and then he did say pickall is another worthy proposal clear this growing demand would be great to see more courts in shord prer not to see open space land get paved over to the extent proposed it seems like the other opportunities may exist for this property other than the coolest as mentioned above this Lane could also be gr as a pollinated Garden area that was my okay well I mean it looks like our our majority is for the hay field that would be our recommendation uh but I think further work is needed um and how do we proceed on that question for Caroline could that six acres be used as an event space after your mowing um it would have to be in like the week after I mow um any foot traffic on it after after the grow the grass starts growing back really tamps it down okay so it's so it's so time critical that you really can't schedule around it it's it's really weathered especially the last two years where we had drought and yeah and and you have to have to cut your hay based on what the weather is yes yeah and even with my cousin's property over on 27 um the the r the horse ranch even when the horses would ride through the grass it would really damage it take a few bails away so I can only imagine what a car would do yeah I get it I I know some places Park in fields for events yeah that's why I asked I got a question for Caroline um a 5e lease would be sufficient for us to okay all right so no now we're not talking town meeting and we're not talking anything else so and so my thought is that maybe something we can bring to the select board sooner than later um but also if I remember from the last meeting is she really needs to be out there this fall cuz that seems to be the critical time September to October October okay so so basically that's that's sort of a time frame that we need that we we' have to get select boards approval and then issue an RF Fe and then award it basically by end of summer fall but if you want me to clean it up I could mow it for mul as soon as July so I I could give you a license for that with that yeah I think I did something similar for the Warren right before they sold the property um because they wanted the property on load before they sold it yeah we did something all right all right I just I want I I want to get back to to deal with the interest of Western because I think I think the Western interest here is important enough that we don't want to let that um what do we need to do to investigate the other side of the road that will be useful for everybody involment it sounds like we need to walk it we need to have an understanding of exactly where the corners are of the new house activity um how can we get that organized U and I got to get that Wetland map we got to get the Wetland map um and understand what the details are of that um think the Wetland map is that's the driver to then yeah well that's supposed to be going I get that yeah I just don't have a date where I can say I'm going to have it by you know April L and just don't have that yeah think maybe it's a good idea forties involved to get their Engineers to sit down and sayare at a map can't look at a map and say can we do this it's y or n but we might as well try and stop need be G to get a surveyor out there to do the to do the Mapp well somebody's gonna go out there we can do this plus or minus if I mean I got to get a surve to do the wet need the yeah I I I can't I mean I had a wet scientist go out there but I got they're talking to David we got to get somebody out there to actually do the mapping and that hasn't happened okay so the mapping is separate from the flagging yes this is something I didn't know yes what saying stage that I don't want don't you think that I can have a Wetlands map in you know in like two weeks Al so I was gonna offer up sitting down with the Weston group and seeing we have a plus or minus mapping right now based on G so if we could talk Plus Min and just see you know what might work what might can you can you guys do that absolutely because I would really love to I mean we should we one to we should be working together on things and give and take and backwards and forwards and and I think this committee is also flexible in that way um and we can see what could be worked out and I mean I'm open for any type of plan on the right side if you guys can take that see what you can do let us know and whatever we can do to support it holl we'll get we'll certainly get the mapping to you as soon as we possibly can okay um have we covered all right we've covered everything except the one piece for which I'm going to have to get out of the room no no before you get out of the room before we leave the big parcel I'm going to go back just ask the question again Phil would you be able to put out there where this accessible Trail would be on this property at some point whether it's you know yes it it would ring looking at as it exists right now it would be ringing the left hand me okay because that's the flat area and then it go out to where the road is and swing down the road okay second second issue parking second issue is parking um as I the if the DPW is going to assist with a temporary parking area that has to be done soon meaning in the next couple weeks and what I'm talking is gravel okay I'm not we're not talking a paid parking area the only other thing they could use outside from gravel is the millings that you know we've used at other but my guess is nobody wants to do that so I'm put again all right so it's gravel all right so can get put gravel out there and as I you know indicated they can probably put a 15 space gravel parking temporary grael parking area get us up and running to get up and running yeah if I just there any concerns with that if it's gravel okay and temporary okay you could put it wherever makes but closer to the road um because my my concern would be people driving up into the field but we want access to the field we so there going to be somewh we can get out into the field but other people can't get out into the field well the other thing is is we have vehicles in there we want to have a barrier so the people aren't driving out into the me driving out the other side okay that's where where the barn was is the bus right and you saw with the photos that I sent you that was sort of the area where it was cleared um we need somewh to get out there going to continue doing the work and that um if it's I don't think we don't think we have any fire Gates left we moved around in town we may able to make some arrangement but basically the idea would be create a temporary parking area but also be mindful of restricting the access to the re we the land trust has one in b par that we built which is just a wooden one doesn't have to be anything okay you know indestructible I just you all these other things are going to take some time in the best case scenario because I think there is going to be if if trails are going to be open and what's going to have you there going to be need to get vehicles off that street because that's not a wide roadway uh and okay all right so I will work with the DPW and police department other we a temporary parking area that that wouldn't that wouldn't be inconsistent building if we were or anything else and that's putting Stone on Disturbed areas that are disturb aren't going to be Meadow anyways right you a thumbs up and thumbs down on that yeah it would be helpful I'll go okay and then my only last question is um is there nothing done to the where the left side of where the house is now or where the house is now I know there you bet the veral pool he got the because everything we've done we've sort of stayed away from this whole this whole area of the property what has to become of that I think it starts getting steep doesn't it part of it's steep part of it's really Rocky and part of it's wet and I know we have to say away from the wet part but it's there it's quite a distance from the wet part to the property does not really CU I walked out there and we what we call the Overlook overlooks drop to Wetlands and that was the area that ation officer was concerned about and we what we would thinking for trailing Trails there is keep the trails on the high and dry and if they want to do Trails through the wet or the the areas conservation can design Trails for that that we don't but I had heard from the family there was an orchard there at one point and that's why I don't that's sort of in there was an orchard mentioned earlier and then we kind of dropped it has to be small yeah I don't know but I'm just saying it just seems like we've totally not wish we could use more of that space on that side just yeah just like would that and open enough to if it gets cleared to accommodate Western lay down area I don't know that's what I'm saying I don't know really wet beyond beyond the house on the right if you're going up the hill you talking here a huge area there that's deep but this area yeah yeah that area in the front I would question it just seemed more prudent when we did the trailer system to stay out of that area and then as the focus got clearer that could be something could be put there but that's the only reason that area was was being it's a funny kind of geology there that I've seen around Eng Wetlands everything's coming together that that area why I this sounds like some further investig investigation we go out there it does run close to paper Road the dry section and that is the other reason we want to stay out of the area paper Road it goes up the hill I'm not saying open it up from the from Robin Hill from Pine Hill Road but it just seems like that are we just missing are we just question is West use it I don't know well we I think it's worth looking at those are 5 foot lines right those are 5ot lines doesn't look that great with so many lines that close together I me this is yeah yeah and then that's not a lot of space Go I mean it's an acre or two well the other side would have been I was guessing three and a half acres usable so you know you're look really looking then at this whole area well this is all wet okay so you're looking at this whole field and then we would be in you know if new if new house is there we would be behind is what I was thinking through this conversation and how you going to get to the behind I'm not being I'm going to call that guy up and talk to him I the behind so does that rule out public use then of that battle that's I mean that's what it sounds like that's what that that's what you're saying well flat is good for us for sure yeah yeah for what you're doing and then Trails connected to our operation somehow wouldn't be opposed to I just don't know how it looks after maybe if there's enough room you have a dirt road on the west border of new house to an area in the back you'd also get a a bit of a buffer from the Open Meadow area to the animals yeah okay that sounds like some more investigations required there definitely that's there going to be again it's not a Sol not and so let's look at this and let's look at it see what you can do let's see what we can let's we can sit okay appreciate you guys thank you thanks well thank you for persevering with us it's good process we got a bunch of balls in the air I'm trying to drop any not easy good job okay uh there's one more trunk uh which is the U The Hunt Road piece uh and I'm going to get out of here cuz I'm actually an interested party will we have not Ty have a I think you kep close enough three out of five seven how many are IDE because Mike's not here right um John's not here okay one two three um sorry that really is yeah prob only let me just to the three so that that that was asked early you can't put new house there right just doesn't fit no I'm just yeah so the only use is let's just talk let's just talk in the in the abstract the only use that appears to be agricultural right is there any other use that that could go there I on the question whether or not you can get it's it be two wet out there because so much water I mean it is a problem site and putting Farms on it I putting someone on there I think it's bre otherwise who was looking it might just be a wildlife preserve it's the only it's not really usable because it's a narrow strip land but it was ha previously was in early and it is useful to us for food production and that would human food production and it would provide security from it you know security for that site which has had problems in the past security I worry about at that site no no it's just it was it was being people were staying has there been any objections raised to agricultural anybody so is it fair to say without a quorum that that I could report back to the select board that the only viable use that anybody has considered out there is agricultural The only positive ultural I think Mike's letter was in favor yeah Mike and Mike Mike's letter basically said um pumpkin path is a great idea especially knowing that a significant portion of the crop would be to support those in need as mentioned above this Lane could also be great as a pollinat c so so is he raising the idea that you could do the pollinator met there we already found a home for them and John was supportive of the of that one I okay so I think we then have a majority of the committee that recommends agricultural so I can bring that to the select board and probably start that process in motion as well we with some kind of a license or something we can go buy license this one's easier there's no no competing non voting majority it's always it's always the anything out there is an improve it okay all right okay so I can probably I'll bring that to the select board on Monday night probably get going the only thing that's holding up anything there is we got to get it flaged is we have to stay out of the 25 foot no no disturb and we don't know I know approximately where it is but I don't know exactly where it is trying to get the Wetland scientist to do that yeah anyway we start the process okay all right um I had a question about that piece the brook there could be some cleaning out um it's backing up into my field up on the Reed property which is so you're saying this off of Hunt Road the brook is cog or congested it's so much water it's never so what we typically do for Farm Brooks is we go and dredge them every few years the water flows through that hasn't been done recently has it no so it's the water is not flowing through the property and it's coming into um you know is it going Hunt Road or is it is there so 215 Littleton Road is where my parents my property is Highway you're over here yeah that's my field there okay the this Brook is here and it's here and I looked at it it's got tons of trees in it so it's my field was this deep and water this summer which was this sum none of my other fields were that deep in water where is it supposed to drain out so it goes um here or there I I don't know where it drains out but currently it's draining into the field currently it's not draining out uh but that was just a concern I had and that's going to affect your farming ability there absolutely um it's really it's really simple you go in with an escavator and you just clean up the bottom of the the brook so do we think the water flow is is it going this way that way all way like it feels like it's going always where historically with so there's a brook you can see it flows um that way as well okay um and then I believe it comes from down this way yeah all right so it's not going this way no going that way that everything's going that way and then some going this way M which I think must link up to the irrigation Pond that I had over on how how would that how would that get clear so it's it's really simple you go in with the murator it's a process that you should do with agricultural Brooks anyway um but I don't know if that's on the town stocket or the renters would be responsible for that um but it is affecting my abity it is that becomes an issue because I don't have an excavator which means I have to hire you yeah which a part of my rent I'm happy to help out things on the coolest property I don't know how to drive the excavator my dad will have to show me oh I can drive an excavator I just don't have one I've done this ours is really big too it's not a Min I can look our storm I want to make sure that we're consistently with it's just something I wanted to be on the record dring isn't encouraged by that's my however um so so my concern is you really need to do that in relatively dry weather not in the in a wet spring because right now you just mire the bloody equipment down you can't get in there helicopter once once you get that stream flowing again it's going to affect what effectively is weet it the amount of area just it's it's just something that I'm concerned about and you need affects you more well no it affects us too because it's it's how far up the hill we have water and how much land everybody's interest to get unobstructed and here's the thing is that if you gu you're going to end up with the entire areaa there as Marshland I don't want to disturb my turtles yeah I get that I'm I've become rather a fan of turtles the last couple of weeks but but I guess what you're saying is in years past when it was actively used by the coolest family somebody was ending to the to the obstruction as a farm you keep your dra in order in order and you know it keeps everything healthy mhm um so it's an agricultural use all right okay that's good to know all right good well then we'll okay are there any more issues to bring before this committee our next meeting what our next meting our next meeting yeah that's a good point and Paul is there anything you think we're missing I mean here on top of this project quite a lot all right well well if we're doing Wednesdays we're looking at first and thirds uh I think the third Wednesday uh of next month has got what landed on that one 17th yeah I think that was the uh that's what we're doing every other week no we're just doing once a month well I guess question I think the question is how soon do we can we get back that it's meaningful for us to be back yeah and I'm not sure in two weeks it will be much further no I I suspect not I mean we might or might not have flagging results I don't what else we have I am on your docket by the way for uh next month RDA oh okay but I'm going have got the material for it dat that might put us to yeah it might given that we don't have half the people here maybe easy to send out one of those Google things let's do it that way I I don't it's no sense chatting the day then having to change it because people here I know the 17th school vacation yeah school vacation week yeah so I think okay so it might be we might have to go on off off of a Wednesday but find someday the only way to do that everybody's not here is all right let me let me put an inquiry out to the uh to the committee and and see what we can get and I'll I'll take care of that tomorrow okay and uh try to move this long I've got to say as projects go in town this one's been moving pretty quickly but uh do we want to approve the minutes or just approve two sets next meeting I'm approve motion approve meetings from 2724 second second I minutes approved that's four that's enough y yep motion toour hi thank you everybody 8:40 p.m thank you thanks a bunch