e e wondering why I called you all here today 5 o' on a Friday 5 o'clock welcome to the uh the coolest farm uh task force meeting uh I don't know whether this will be our last one but it'll be darn close uh you know where're it's time for us to wrap it up declare Victory turn the real headaches over to the town manager and uh and you know declare Victory and run at this point DPW is off the site they've done with they can in terms of clean up they've done a beautiful job they really have that tour I was amazed really transformed the you should see it you that was a week and a half ago you should see it now yeah I was over there I was over there this afternoon I walked a week ago yeah Ken came over and cleared the right me Meadow yeah and not you know a good start at it and we Phil locked out you're locked out door is he at get it what door what door is he at where are you are you in the side door or the front door that was open Henry locked one oh Henry's on the way down I'll unlock it get up all right oh you have a automatical [Music] unlocker it's going to zap somebody sitting up here okay I'll just make sure the other doors are open too they were I I had ridden these well we all got in yeah yeah I say everybody else get in maybe they locked at five yeah that's right sure you know I can hear him talking he's coming there was there was a famous case I remember when I was living in Italy at the time where a bunch of guys tried to rob a bank they ran up to the bank and they okay uh pulled on the door and it wouldn't open so they got out their sub machine guns and I blew it to pieces and it still wouldn't open and it still wouldn't open and finally all the sirens are going off anywhere and they had it off it was a push door oh my gosh right in Milan all of us get in we don't know what happened I was pulling the locked door thank you okay here we go the uh coolest farm task force uh we are as you know not a committee that makes Grand declarations we're an advisory committee to the town and we've done a lot of our advising already and we have allocated a lot of the territory up there uh we have a couple of pieces yet to work through uh which is Weston I see you guys are here uh and the wildlife people and there's some things working on that space and uh have we have we nailed down where up with uh the uh flower garden yes it's clear it was cleared yesterday it was cleared excellent so that's taken care of so these are the only two we have and the third request that I've gotten is that we should at least have a space available should we decide we want to put uh some community garden up there uh I mean we could allocate it now um we could simply declare it now um where might that go what about a lot three huh he's got that I got that he's got that four it would have to be adjacent to a piece of farmland or in piece of Farmland something that's being F just for water and things like that so probably in the six or in yours eventually if you have a pack on we could put this but otherwise the infrastructure getting water in a well and I think say you got my pond you yeah we can pull from all the yeah I mean you could just say you got to put what it where it seems the best I would think yeah okay because I think that's actually is a pretty good idea I know that uh at the moment we seem to have enough space but then as youve pointed out that you know that's a part of town that's not particularly well served with uh with uh community garden so let's try to lay something out for that and how big does a community garden have to be an acre two acres oh God no no about 40 plots is probably realistic over 40 plots is unmanageable okay so um won Street does have a clause in its CR that specifies for Community Gardens could be built right and in fact we have them I just I would just Zer I mean for um Warren Paul has one Warren Paul okay I would just see I would just look at that section and duplicate it okay then we should probably we should probably make a point to do that but 40 plots at what are they typically 15 by 30 15 30 so 4 500 time 40 is half an acre yeah okay so half an acre we could find so let's let us resolve that it's a good idea to to have an appropriate Clause uh in whatever documents finally defined what this is going to look like yeah ultimately there'll be a preservation restriction that will advance before any right specifies it in that okay that gets us down to Wildlife any developments on the wildlife people I know you've been yeah I and like I said that there have been discussions through that uh I was had communication from Melissa Robbins either at the end of last week or beginning of this week they are looking at the possibility of Misty Meadows if you if you remember Misty Meadows was acquired decade ago maybe even less than that no less than that probably six years or so ago by the water district for water supply and that's not being pursued at this time yeah and even if it were if you remember Misty Meadows it was the resident's house that was in the property that's remaining in there it's actually privately owned and then you have the driveway to the other home at Misty Meadows it's that section of Misty Meadows that you that potentially could go because they needed about two and a half acres as we okay so that's a possibility I don't know where it stands um last I know they were trying to reach the Commissioners I don't know what you know they've just had their annual meeting and their election so they're they're in transition as well but but I know that that this that it's being explored so what's the reason for the shift well one of the reasons is is is the uh what's the right word seclusion or privacy whatever the right word is is if they are there there's no one else who has a reason to be there whereas if they're here at at yeah there going to be people around it's it's there's a lot of people around and and you know you don't want to be an attractive nuisance to you know it's not a petting zoo you know it's not you know and and and so the qu that's that's the that's the difference uh and whereas if they were over at Misty Meadows or another location like that that's out of the realm of the public activity that then that's a that's a preferred option I think for all parties okay um and you know so that's again I don't know where that stands but the other thing is it also we have uncertainty as to whether the state will permit right a wildlife Clinic uh because we won't know that until we submit the the preservation agreement because the state has a has a party to that because they contribute Monies to community preservation they have to there's no Misty Meadows doesn't that's I don't know I'm not aware of any deed restrictions on Miss that's the water district not the town so I don't but I'm just say I'm not saying it's a done deal or I'm just saying it's another possibility so I mean can we I don't want to rule it in or out I'm not trying to can we curveball in or diversion just can we word whatever we do then in an ultimate agreement to offer the possibility of it without necessarily committing that we will do it well yeah I mean we can't commit anything I mean all we we could include it in the language for the preservation research right um and then we we we would see but as Phil knows that takes quite a while to get that that takes a a good long time time it would be it wouldn't be for specifically for new house everything has to be generic and everything goes out to bid so it would just say the concept of a wildlife Refugee refuge and Hospital on the site isn't it would is a good use and um and that's all you can really say because there might be another one who comes in and and decides they want to do it it might be that the select board decide they don't want to do any of them that they just want to leave it is and come the final one you have to have voted by town meeting yeah and those reps might I mean they are all the Reps I'm speaking to are no no development no development any kind so those are I mean getting it through you have to also have something that will get through town meeting right yeah that's a separate process is the procurement and the use long-term lease or use whatever would require town meeting approval okay that's a two-thirds vote at town meeting that's a tough it for any any of those including uh yeahor including West and nurseries yeah okay so I guess the wildlife is on hold pending further investigations does does the committee support that to then and I think we support I think I think it's clear we support it we support the concept yes yeah as a as a conceptual thing all right okay that would be I think is the way to how do people feel support the concept absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely okay yeah we're good with it all right great consider that good that it gets us down to Weston hi folks uh what's the current situation uh your search for a spot if if they're not going to hear you watching it unless you're at that Podium thank you so we were asked to get together with new house to see if we could share the property and in conversation with them it just wouldn't fit okay because their uh facility needs to be quieter than what our operation will bring you know even a truck or a tractor driving nearby where the animals are yeah it's going to cause problem is cause a problem so after discussions back and forth with them we realize that the best solution for us is to have the ability just to use the land or lease the land uh at kolis for ourselves and if possibly use use Misty Meadows for their uh residence you know or location so um we um Peter emailed this morning to Paul and Paul forwarded to the to you guys a conceptual idea of what we're thinking um which is um as you go into the right side kind of a budding Henry's property where we could put um our larger stock siiz plants and trees shrubs um and have some smaller things as well then and and maintain them there um as far as a building is concerned one thought that I had is we if we could uh get a building that would have restroom facilities on the back side of it kind of like a gas station where we would pay for all of the that so if the residents come in and want to walk the trails and they need to use the head they can use the head you know what I'm saying yeah um it's got some so it's got some meat there you know um we'll maintain it and clean it and pay for the utilities that go with that um and then just have a smaller area where our staff can have a lunchroom and and how how big do you anticipate that would be th000 square ft well we drew in our initial submission something that was around 1,000 square F feet but it can certainly be smaller you know we're very flexible on that it's more about the plants yeah okay yes Henry I'll get up um just I know when we did the sheen uh um different properties in town green houses weren't considered as a permanent structure good point so that's something else for you to think about a tree house GRE Green Green House Green House or tree houses or tree houses yeah my hearing is not that good but green houses are not considered permanent structures in which you know we over in South Chumps there's several green houses on Town own property this because it's easily removed just something for you to think about if you're looking for a structure with a trying to get around the permanent structure isue Point yeah thank you okay it would be tough to do a bathroom in a greenhouse so maybe it's accommodation I mean you can sell tickets the head house the head house and the green the head house would be perfect for the restroom yeah so um so our idea would be to um have access from the road go in um and you know based on what the task force and the select board feels they can allocate for us we would live within those bound B so if it was 3 acres great if it was 5 Acres awesome you know if it's two acres um because you've got a lot of different things going on there right um we still would um feel like we could benefit the community because we would do some kind of a lease agreement which would go back of course it goes through the select board and at the Town vote as Paul just mentioned but you know whether it's a um a lease agreement that's us giving plant material back back to the coolest farm back to the community or you know a monetary what however that kind of pencils out you know we certainly want to be good stewards to that um and then as far as the Community Gardens if there was Community Gardens AB buding this area it would be perfect because we do have the advice to help those people they had question and and also that that makes it clearly Agland yes um let me run this around what's what's the feeling of the group here as to whether we want oh one other thing I want to mention before is you're talking about the lower corner I think that's pretty wet well kind of where uh new house has drawn there okay we realize there's Wetlands there we'd have to be okay although we could probably be a little closer than than they could because of the Agricultural um aspects but we know we have to stay away from those yeah you basically I think a gear supposed to be what 25 ft off the off the line we know it drifts yeah where they had to be 100 feet we could be 50 or 25 what I think you could be 25 um I've always known cranberry boxs to be in Wetlands but I don't know that's true I don't I was thinking I was thinking of rice I have really have no idea yeah is that that East Meadow area Phil is that what they're describing as all way up the hill the original diagram covered the whole hill um and parts of the um the left Meadow and the walking trails it covered most of the area we've just cleaned out was after this afternoon's diagram covered every area that DPW had cleaned and we had cleaned so all right I haven't had a chance to see that yet so I thought this was the to the right the original drawing that sent out this afternoon covers both right here they covers both meows one sent out this day oh that's what can we clarify my my drawing was very rudimentary so that blob that I drew could go forward backward sideways but cany AC and they're looking at I think what's in red yeah this is the barway that goes on I don't see you're talking to the right side all right right um yeah I mean level is better so I can see the Contours but then the wet is here so the wet's here so yeah could go that way sure yeah this area right here this is the part that's all cleared and everything's done I think I did draw over a clear but it could go that way or both yeah this is the that looks like it includes the meow that you guys have just cleared out that was so ideal for one DPW cleared out the upper one was includes all three and the is better than I I think this can beunk leveled out but right Henry the question I have is the right side yeah if if a if a if that large amount of land goes up for use as a nursery which it goes out to bid there are lots of nurseries around here and they' be chomping to get that um you know it's not you can't you cannot allocate one piece of land to one it has to go out to bid and um considering what land is renting for that's in the town right now it could be considerable well we can't just say Okay Weston you could be the Jones guy is is ready to pack it in he's looking for new places there's always people looking for nurseries so it would go out to a general bid so you couldn't say one or another all you could say is that you recommend that x amount of Acres be allocated to building a nursery which would include roads truck storage um buildings that's all you could recommend that's all we can recommend anyway well you know I I think they're looking for a lay down gu yeah they're looking for a lay down yard not a no storage of vehicles no vehicles out there no I don't think they're going to store their vehicles there I mean if you specify and restrict it to just it's going to be a this is going to be under the EG this isn't going to be conservation maybe they can yeah sure it has to be con it has to be AEG right it have to be Agriculture Commission but EG is is fairly Broad in this context agriculture if they're going to put trees well if on that property some going to put trees yeah we can't guarantee okay yeah all right cuz now you're dealing commercial we're dealing with a lot of variables you know it's not like a farmer who just Farms it and turns it over this is commercial to the to the very right side after everything's cleared here nothing's going to happen over where it's cleared or whatever the parking lot right to the right side of the parking lot I think there's room there if they're willing to put the investment into it right again it's if someone because it does have to go out for bid okay so you're going to bid this property out to somebody like and they're going to have to put an investment in there yep of $50,000 worth of excavation mhm anyone's going to have to do that I mean you just can't because that's part of the bid process of well I I think if they're reaching out to us and they're right around the corner mhm and I think if we can recoup a little bit of money yeah but that's jumping the process the process is it goes out we specify it goes to bid then it goes to bid yes I know all about this all right okay you're not talking to somebody who doesn't know no I'm just saying it's it's right yeah you can talk all you want but if they're willing to bid this and invest in it and we're willing to accept it m as tax revenue back to the Town M we should look at it I think it should be presented yes yes okay we can't you know it's not a guarantee nothing's a guarantee till till the residents town meeting and the select board agreed to it yeah true quite true this you're 100% right yeah this is agricultural this is going to go to the ad commission um have we just that no I don't know we decided that yet if you plant a plant if you put it in a lay down yard now there's a possibility that you can put this plant in the ground and keep it in the ground until you go dig it mhm okay that's agricultural not necessarily you call that agricultural Henry yeah yeah but not under not under agricultural because what do we have in the through that nurseries orginally went in the I should see in front of the TV um when it was parle's Nursery um the we went through the whole thing I was on the other side back and forth agriculture came in the definition if you bring a plant in you set it down and they water that plant whether it's in the ground on the ground around the ground it's agriculture but not necessarily under Adcom no could be under it could be it'll be under whoever we decide whoever you decide I mean to be perfectly honest some some towns do have their agricultural commission running their Eggland and it does work well and sometimes it doesn't work well it's and a separate decision that's a separate decision there's a lot of issues that have to be worked out with that but now you know what I know but it's a mixed use proper the parcel itself is mixed use it's a mixed use it's agricultural right yeah and it's concom right exactly okay yeah and that's how the deed is going to be written is it though but I but and it maybe the con may be managing the whole parcel yeah including agriculture that's a separate that's a separate discussion that's a discussion that has to go you better talk to Kyle about that talk to car about that yeah exactly because I'm not making any statements about that right okay if they want yeah right we have to have that but if they start writing this yeah I don't know what's going to happen right but agricultural you can see what happened on you can see what's going on in 27 they got green houses y they're planting right they're doing everything right and that's not conservation land but that's that's not conservation no it's not that's board that's the conservation it's half and half land okay we could do that yeah so I don't think anything is under um the select board controls Sunny Meadow and it controls um Shen yeah yes well you know that's an interesting discussion but I'm not sure we need to reach that in order to make a decision here about what the use what use we would recommend remember we're only recommending yeah I think the question is what do you want to do we'll figure out how to get there I you're getting it yeah okay well I know they're looking at investing money leveling it mhm obviously yeah because you're not just going to go in there and stop putting plants down no right uh I don't know it's what it's whatever the committee recommends well yeah and and that's so and and honestly our recommendation does not have to be taken right it's just a recommendation and let's understand that's what it is so I have a question related to this there was some discussion previously about having this be um use for larger groups yeah is this in replace of that next to it well you don't know to to level that piece of land and and make it useful leveling regardless it's what land is used for what because there's l disc about an open space trying to figure out portions of the land where would this be just trying to understand that come in here with a map number one which you have and I have okay it's a secret map you read it you look at it and you say okay here's the driveway here's what the town has done this is absolutely beautiful this is about the only place that they're looking at right here right Meadow the right meal right metal and that's what he's saying is if you use the right Meadow then you don't use it as for a public space is what he's saying right yeah yeah that's all he's saying yeah all right but um can I yeah please this is the you guys Jim where were where have you been the last month where you been I've been working okay but Jim I understand that but we asked we said a month ago all right we're not going to we we want to leave that left field to hang yes and and the 495 side yeah correct okay and so we've done that but we haven't seen a plan from you in the last month to my knowledge no but they were asked to go to figure out if it would Co if it would how if it could be done in conjunction with new wild and down and that fell down pretty quickly well we just recently talked with them we were going back and forth um and they were looking at different ways that we could both use that piece of property and they discussed the possibility of where the house used to be to the left of that for us which would have been difficult too close to the Vernal pool correct on the left side of the Vernal pool basically so those woods going around so and that that didn't really work for what we wanted they were they were hard we realized after a couple of phone calls that they were hard fast wanting the the the place where theyve designed and after Peter and I had a conversation we felt like their direction is not the same direction that we want to go in yeah um and um spring is upon us and so we've been very busy at work unfortunately that's why we haven't submitted anything till this morning yeah so here's the problem you on this committee we're trying to wrap up Jim all right and and we've discussed new house and and maybe going to Misty Meadows or maybe going somewhere else but but that hasn't been resolved so that's going to hold up our discussions okay and then we get this that's going to extend beyond your disc this committee's discussion that's going to take quite some time right and maybe yeah so maybe that's what we end up doing but but this is not a proposal well we made a propos this one paragraph is not a proposal okay it's not a sufficient proposal that this committee can make a decision on on uh your proposal okay it there's there's very little in there and flex I understand flexibility but you make it very difficult for us to make a decision all right but first thing we've got to do I mean because we have heard from you in in a month okay and and it's fair everybody works hard all right and we want to help but we haven't we don't have the tools for it so we need to look at what we have for a plan and we have the new house plan right now and we have the native plants plan and then we have uh events and stuff like that and that pretty much takes care of um that area those two Meadows and you know it's it makes it difficult for this committee to do anything finite that we can go forward with although I don't know that we they are all conflicting uses I don't know that we've resolved where the Wildlife Refuge would go either I mean they proposed a location which was SLA down Center in the property exact but and that right meow that they're talking about could also be the issue for the for them could also be for issue the spot for new house could also be the spot for for the for the for the cinat Garden open area sure so I think that's the issue is is what does the Comm what does the committee recommend for the property that's really what it's coming down to those that core area because we know the rest of the property is all trails and you know there's nothing else you can do right right I think that's the that's where the what's been cleared right I think that's the question what's going to go in the area that's cleared and what you're what you're hearing now are three different uses Western Nurseries Wildlife clinic and Community use yeah all three can't use it and what they've determined is they can't be adjacent to new house right right which I fully understand so and I think that's what we got to resolve is okay well what what does the committee recommend for the property and we said yeah we support new house but we didn't say where um right because I'm not sure where new house proposed originally daps Center in the property is is going to be acceptable to the to the town or is the best location for them quite frankly um and I think they're trying to do the same thing they're trying to get out of the main way off to a side which is what John describing is saying what about way over here off to a side so what can we do to speed this along for you and for the board of Selectmen I think the question is is what do you want to see we can say we've support all three but that's that doesn't resolve the problem let let me ask a couple of fundamental questions here first one is if you were to go in on the right in that that kind of right Meadow area what exactly would the access be would it be straight in from from Pine Hill h Road yes is that doable is that there a wetland off it's a wetland there you can't you're not going through the Wetland to get to the to that area it's got to be somewhere near the car entrance right that's that's what I'm thinking which which changes the whole nature of this I think it's same question for the Wildlife thing yeah yeah are you talking through where the construction entrance is where the stone is out front where the barn was yes where the bar the barn is because anything beyond that is wet I mean this is this year right if you if you just picture a 3 Acre rectangle wherever you guys want to make it on relatively flat land we don't really care where it goes it's the same drawing I did when we proposed this side just put that over here wherever it's conj Cooperative with the other right here right yeah you'd come in there come the constru could be very narrow here and the whole thing could be back here the construction entrance is here and you drive in and this this the pel that you would be looking to flatten out right there and this is our this is our roadway this that's the roadway the bway all the way down now is this wet over here as well that's wet this is wet yeah so this is the only chunk right here that's available right you you can't get to the right of the you can't get to the right of the property without going through the center because W because W well you might be able to yeah it's about all you could do would be that' be about it to come in this way and then what Jim was mentioning is if there's shared parking shared building that will help other aspects of this plan here we'd be willing to put that right on the on this Edge so it goes that way or this way but I didn't realize this was all wet right here you're saying all wet it's pretty much wet you I thought the wet was more up here it's up in here this whole corner it's all wet everything that's low and flat down there is it's all wet right in here well I'll put it this way conservation wouldn't even look at that so it could be this it well some kind of a two and a half three acre spot right there but where there's so many parties trying to work together I couldn't really yeah work in conjunction with we tried it with new house and we would have been over here oh over here yeah that's where new house said in their conceptu I I don't ever see that and then I didn't want to step on a beloved group like them but if it doesn't work out take their their area and that's what we're essentially talking about but if you want to move us over that way more if that weren't wet we would do that too see that's the yeah okay I think the same problem new house has same thing if they're really looking all at the same location right well because I think if new house goes out there they should be off to the side as well they in particular need to be off to the side uh given the nature of what they do here building verus the outside Refuge that would easily be cleaned right next to the road that's pretty wet down through here no but I'm saying you not anywhere up here nobody and we won't have the uh we won't have the survey on the wetlands for a while yet well the the fieldwork is we we don't have we don't have the mapping done it's all flag do we have any idea when we're going to see the mapping I'm working with David Co to get that done yeah I know it was been a little slow yeah okay so there is just one other alternative I want to throw out there to be complete which is do nothing that's another option yeah yeah not no Nursery no Wildlife no open space events and just leave the land just saying it's another option we don't have to say it's used for something else well I certainly on the open space event stuff I I think that's pretty clearly in the interest of the of the broad population of the town I I don't think we should take that one off the list I'm not saying take anything off the list I'm just saying it's another option well it doesn't require any infrastructure but it doesn't require infrastructure it's basically there all right but building something out is I was hesitant thinking about it it um but the amount of work that's been out done out there and when you see it now on the improvements the less and less I I feel um development would go down well at the front um of any type of any any Ty which is I think what he's getting at yeah yeah well and there just another element I you know I did have I live nearby kind of cor you do around the corner um and a neighbor had said oh open events I'm because we talked about 60 cars and they said wow that's going to increase the traffic in the neighborhood on one night yeah well one night no more than the so I'm just I'm just expressing the concern that I heard loud and clear from a neighbor right that there would incre traffic in the area i' say pick your own strawberries hay maze Easter Bunny they're all farther up the road yeah oh yeah I've never heard complaints about those they're they're one off several hour events that happened once in a blue moon so if we'd had lots of complaints on those not going to be narrow Park I don't want the neighbors to think it's going to be narrow park I think that's probably meaning like it's a s day a week uh Gathering I get the con all right well we're we're going to have to bring this into some kind of a conclusion here guys yeah um I'm seeing a lot of of uh conflicted views on this so we went around once and we said yes for new house right we did although we're working on we didn't say new house here we just said new we like new house yeah I would like to see new house land somewhere okay yeah I feel really strongly about that whether it is Misty Meadow or here but or somewhere else right yeah but that's being worked on now I mean that that's not something I don't have any visibility to it so I don't know not very few of us do there's not a lot to be visible right it's just people are talking so and I figure we can we can put the uh we can put the wild flowers pretty much any in there anywhere in there as long as it's they're up on the hill anyway they're up on the hill so they'll be fine them anywhere the whole go anywhere yeah it could be not a rocket sici what do we want to say here about Weston given that we don't we don't have an absolute final set of plans or anything from them uh what's your feeling yay nay do we have another month that we could how much time frame yeah there's no there's no there's no hard clock that we have to have this done by May 1 I I've I've been on enough projects where right but if you don't you were faced with a difficult decision and people pushed it down the road right so there's no no it's not like oh we have to have a decision by May 1 we be out we have enough information to make a decision right now is the thing it's not like we're just pushing it down to push it down the road right see the problem is I have with Jim your decis your input I don't have enough information to make a decision okay I in that case because keeping it loose like this I'm really against moving any more of the trucks up the road closer to where I live and where I travel all the time you know and and that's where I stand with that all right so I'm I'm I'm concerned about that I'm concerned about a few things the other thing that well the other thing that I've been out there for three months mostly working on uh the the uh bit suite and cutting it so an option is to do nothing well that's not much of an option no we got all cutting that that I meant to say this in the beginning DPW is a fantastic job I think we all agree with that they did stuff in three months that we thought would take two years yeah y they did they they vested uh um Christine and and and Joe had a vision and they came across I mean I never thought I would see stone walls so I I'd hate to waste that and and you can go over around and look at all the trees that have actually been saved but if we stop and then say nothing we're not going to do anything all that of batement right it's going to go away not today not tomorrow but in a year or two or three yeah yeah no one I don't think any was to leave it as a nature reserve and just like put a fence up around the property and say nobody's going to go in there because that's what's going to happen well that's not going to happen either but you know no I'm just yeah yep okay so let me ask this is the kind of question I ask in the planning board you'd probably ask on the concom Y what additional information would help us decide here you've indicated you don't think you've got enough information to make a decision on this and I understand your point uh how do other people feel uh is there more information that would help um well I don't have enough information about Western Nurseries right that I think that's only question right now well I the other question and then um if we can find a place for new house exactly that's quieter that's what they want anyhow yep y that would that would open up space we don't have to divide it up right and the two two uses is just don't work together any proximity any kind of a form right but then the other point was is do we want any of those uses out there so that that's the Spectrum the spectrum is right you accommodate 0 one or two that's issue and I think what we've heard is you can't commodate new house and right we know that and Weston so it's really a question of we've heard a preference to put new house preps yeah like we've done to the pickle ball and other folks if there's another place in town oh by the way how the P the pickle wall we're we're probably coming to fall town meeting hopefully McCarthy for that beautiful not we have a plan that they could actually put them next to the fitness Park here without going further okay so we have two plans that takes care of them and it's already flat that's that's in process okay so that's we took care of that good Richardson Road yeah for flat Henry have a comment yeah I mean I've been down this road a couple times um and yeah all you guys are do is making suggestions right so you can suggest whatever you want you can say say hey two one quarter acre whatever would be nice for nursery's usage but underneath that Nursery usage you can put your restrictions yeah no parking of trck what Phil's been saying is we can't necessarily say it for one person it's the same thing as the land across the street after we get everything all settled it has to go off a bid right yeah um so I don't think you can tail or make it to Wester Nursery I think you can include what they what they would like or what somebody else would like you can also put the restrictions on it that you want yeah um I don't think you need an actual bid for them right now I think I don't think you need actual bid from anybody but right now you're just improve you're approving Concepts and you can give limitations on spaces and acreages like we can just say hey two A is for agriculture whether it's Nursery this that fine we could take and say you know we do support the the concept of new house you know but that you can leave it at that and figure out what you want to do it's it's going to be a little bit vague you can't take and actually tail it to one person right um I think I think you're getting a little bit lost in the details I think if you take and put your details down on what you want on the leas Restriction you let it go with that now that you have to be careful because other towns have put leas restrictions together and people have come around looked at and said there's no way in hell i'll ever take and do this right yeah um and that's happened with several spots you know right on Main Street in Westford they all Drew Farms now they're talking about putting a pig farm in there which nobody's going to be happy with uh you know the neog or they've they got a committee together and they put a lot of restrictions on and nobody wants to come in and spend a million dollars it takes to get the thing up and running yeah I've heard about you need to be you need to be realistic about it but I don't think you got a tailor make it to anybody you can just say yeah in theory 3 acres of Agriculture on this side of the road whether it's Nursery appach whatever yeah and um and it has to go out to bid MH um I I just think I think that's what you're trying to get that's good wisdom good wisdom can can we hear from Mark's hand up fact speak yeah get to get to the microphone or nobody's going to hear no it's a short comment and yeah and might should probably be getting everybody to identify themselves although we tend to know who you are I'm Mar Petra con I live up the street um my family was the coolest people um one of the things that came up on meeting before this and I hope it doesn't get forgotten is having new house there was a form of having some security f brought it up that first night when we talked about it and I like the idea of having some security just looking over the property late at night if they have cameras or if they have people working there or volunteering there that's a good thing and I'm afraid it's going to get forgotten when we start talking about other things and I I definitely would like to see these guys taken care of too um but I just want to bring in that fact of security that's all good point and that was why the parking area was right at the front bold it off and visible so that anybody our Cruisers could go go by can see what's going on there and that's that's been a common theme that we've done and I think it's I think it's crucial otherwise you get problems so maybe if we can help Jim okay Western Nurseries give us a quick plan a little more detail doesn't have to be the two-page job that you did the last time but give us an idea what would you do with three acres that's a lot you know or two acres yeah no I mean the committee make a decision I think they told us that it would be for plant stock it would be n stock that's what they're proposing to do I mean and they're here but they basically would they'd be dropping off you know he can explain yeah if I could our original proposal I'm going to take it and I can do this as quickly as you guys ask me to do it it's just we we have been busy but no excuse and I'm going to re I'm going to redo it and I'm going to show it on another piece because I don't think you guys wanted certain aspects of that but I've already written exactly what the nature of the Agricultural part would look like which is seems to be what this group's more interested in versus um you know structures let's just call it we'll need parking obviously but it's lay down area for plants yeah and that's what you saw in our first proposal we really wanted that other side um three acres is kind of the kind of the number I would push for that versus one or two uh to make it worthwhile okay so could you do that that for us I'd i' appreciate that uh is there anything else you need for guidance from us um you know I don't think so if you want to listen to what everybody's concerns are and security cameras for a concern we'll address that shared parking the bathroom thing that Jim mentioned yeah it's not a bad idea um feel free to tell us what we are allowed to do I mean guess yeah I mean if you the way to Envision it if you go to the back end of Nursery whether it's their location there or others you see the large Plant stock that's in the back that's what they're proposing is having an area where they can put their largest stock and and and you know maintain it that's so what that would entail is you would come in with a vehicle to deliver that stock and then that vehicle would go away so it's not like you got trucks coming in every day and then basically they're then maintaining that inventory and yes occasionally they're gra pulling from that inventory sure that's what they're talking about so it's a lay down area or or a stock area and like I said you can go their location go to other nurseries you see that they have their yeah you have kind of a once a week 18 wheeler and several daily pickup trucks yes so so and you know it's our business is seasonal so spring and early summer is when our busy is so you know in the summer it's not as busy so there'll be less activity just maintenance of the plants and in the fall it picks up a little bit obviously during the winter there's nothing happening um and um you know the invasive thing is a huge concern concern as you mentioned with the bit of Suite so for us to take the two to three acres uh and and clean that area up it reduces the amount of invasives in that area from our hard work just to get it ready for for what we need to do um and quite honestly we could plant plants native plants in around like a buffer zone so that it would look attractive as well you know um and make it look more from the from the the outside looking in more attractive yeah that that has a lot of Merit okay can I ask one more question yeah to keep with the other thing I heard about his equipment park there at night yeah we would need some guidance on that too because if we could drive the tractor back to the main facility on that small stretch of road is that allowed and we would not put equipment over there rules under yeah yes you're right the EG rules you're fine fine yes that's what I thought but yeah two miles yeah five miles or something uh 10 answer is yes 25 miles 10 and you don't even need plates you just need insurance 50 miles yeah you have all right just get on it and go so nobody ever stops a tractor half mile turn this around going down the sheen yeah yes easily yes I can this time and maybe we'll get a little more Headway with with a new house I don't know how quick yeah maybe maybe not maybe maybe all we can say we support this we support that is that what we want maybe we just block out the area which is in question yeah and just put a question mark on that and do everything else except for the yeah that that's what we're talking and we could do recommendations on everything except that one block which is a question that we be pending and two weeks we could vote and on a write up and submit it then we could then we could uh declare ourselves done go on vacation go on vacation then you have the question of what's going to happen when they're done for maintenance yeah well there'll be a lot of questions that come up but that's that's well beyond what we're trying to do now we're trying to we're trying to get this property under appropriate uh appropriate uh permanent guidance and Leadership I would just say cross out do a section red section on that one the recommendation everything that one section okay yep I'm going to make a suggestion put it on paper so everybody can see it yes M we're sitting here looking at a plan everybody's looking at their phone no my phone showed off I can't look at it you can't look at it when when your phone's on we're looking at what was said and I don't want to I never want to do that I'll never come into the next Century I'm old school put it on paper put a plan down show us what you're going to do and you're done keep keep it 100 ft from the wetlands going in right you won't have a problem with concom right and I think we're good I think we're aular good at 25 we're not going to push the limit right now and I'm not going to say that I think okay the only one I'm not going to say that the only thing you're not going to get me to say that I know they're going to say John said you can put a road right through here well John would just go do it right ask questions later and I and I would do it not scared but again the only question we have is the lower right met everything else is f pretty much done F this this this area right here nobody's ever going to do nothing here which one you got to have the plan in front of you this area right here nobody you can't do we know that ler squ squish squish when you want that's um fernal pool that's done lower right Meadow is the only area yeah that's squish this is Vernal pool this is dedicated veral pool yeah the lower right Med is the only thing that's in question in the parking lot yeah everything else has already had worked on it over here oh we're not we're not even looking over that's haand yeah we're not even looking at that it's perfect haand it was gorgeous cut it and [Applause] go bring the plan next time okay so it sounds to me as if this committee wants to do one more meeting to work our way through this this little piece not on a Friday night yeah sorry about that it was just the only time with with town meeting popping up we're all just up to our eyeball we should also go through all the recommendations to date that we've talked about we come up with a list so we can check those off of the meing too we're already done I think we already have effectively done that what's up we don't need to talk though we need to sign up on talk about the list of things that you time oh no we have to we have a list of what recommendations we have we've not got a formal list well we we've we've recommended the the two egg pieces the 6 acre and the Hunt Road piece that's well I don't say it's a done deal at some point the possibility will come up for leases for that but right now we're operating on license we'll get through the year and since what we're doing is basically hey we're recommending agricultural use yeah we're recommending agricultural use that's all we need to do those two Parcels yeah um but we don't have just a simple document that says what what we recommend up following the six acres does this this this is this I can put it I I'll I'll make sure it gets into the next minutes yeah agricultural use for the six Hunt Road and every every everybody likes the wild flowers the uh pickle ball court is probably going to a better spot richon Road perfect spot you have you have your walking trails you get your you know just just TR are in just we should have like 10 recommendations and that should be it let me see what back draft and then run it by the committee and uh and and see if we can all home in and out which I think we can so let's get together in two weeks and let's let's commit to uh putting ourselves out of business two weeks the eight all you got to do is start farming yeah make a million dollars million yeah right can I just ask a question sure we just want to make sure that we get to you the information like you so there specific things that any of you from us that we haven't really answered already I would say delineate the land you're interested in okay because it could move in different areas based on what you delate what you're most interested and I would recommend to the extent you can keep it to the lower right yep on there and don't worry about what goes on the Wetland the Wetland nobody's going to use yeah got to stay away from the Wetland going in yeah stay away from it coming in tell them are you looking for us to actually map out how the beds would look for the trees and shrubs or but if you're going to put a building up at least suggest okay a location for the building in a size access the road or the driveway yeah yeah we have to have the access in and out we have to know where people are going to be driving yeah or what what you're proposing for that and uh how much is going to be gravel how much is going to remain soil yeah God I keep getting these spam calls uh yeah um I assume there's nothing there's no impervious involved here sure as hell hope not uh I think some suggestion about how you might landscape buffer it a little bit and that's just as simple I mean you got all the plants just dig a deeper hole for some of them put them in I can always recommend uh sugar Maples but just an idea um I'm not an engineer so take this comment for what it's worth talking with the DPW they were concern the area where the barn was and they filled it might be soft MH that I would see yeah I could see that yeah you know and so you know an engineer or somebody that knows it wouldn't take much to be more smarter than me but that might be Rees some compaction and stuff like that just to move that access over closer instead of having to go at Angles where right now you have to go out like this and then you got to make a turn if you could get a direct through there somehow well you're going to need something like that because although there won't be a lot of 18 wheelers going in there there may be a few yeah an 18 wheeler's got to be able to get in he's got to be able to get out you have to have e even though it's it's egg with any kind of structure on it you're going to have to have appropriate turning radius for the uh for the Fire Equipment y so which is not a hard thing to do if you're dealing with open wide open space that that you can do by just placing your rows just thinking um and trying to maybe expedite things yeah from what I'm seeing is there support amongst the task force for a wildlife clinic and a support for the agricultural use that's being proposed for um by Western Nurseries um and and really where it's going to go from here as we talked going back to the beginning of the discussion is the town's going to have to draft a preservation restriction document agree with a third party to hold that restriction then submit it to the state and then once that's approved then you do the procurement process and so forth right right right I mean I guess the question is is that sufficient for now because we're not going to know these answers till quite I think it's quite sufficient uh particularly I'm not I'm oppos you guys meeting again but I'm just thinking it's a long time for no if what just finishing up and that's I'm saying I mean that might be sufficient from and now because I'm I'm not sure we're going to be much further along if we if we meet in two weeks three weeks or two months quite frankly Dan what I am thinking is we could we could delineate a piece of land there and I think we I think I think we've understood that is proposed are suggested areas talking we're right we've moved down to that because because what has to happen and Phil knows this because we've lived through it at both Sunny Meadow Hart Pond yeah Sheen farm and now waren pole and so forth we have to go out and do what's called the Baseline survey yeah which which is going to take a lot and as the name suggests it's a baseline survey yeah meaning we just did a Wetlands flagging this is like Baseline the entire property which means they go out there and document everything that's out there photographs you know mappings the whole thing that gets completed as part of this process that's going to take Pro probably the good part of the Season yeah hopefully we get it done by the fall and then you got to do the redent so what you know what I guess what I'm saying is is that that's that's I think that's about as far as we can go at this point there's nothing that's going to prevent us in the future or the board or me or whatever in the future that is that Progressive we say okay we now know what we got can you got let's let's bring everybody back together and oh by the way you've had a season of of of coolous you know existing what are what are the thoughts now that we know the parameters from the state and before we go to town meeting what do we want to at the town meeting for now I I because because if that's the qu case then that may be as far as we can go now but what a but what I've also heard is is what do we do in the meantime and I think what I'm hearing is is in the meantime when do we open the when do we take the no trespassing signs down and and and what condition is it to allow the public to be on the property this season and then Phil's question was is well what do we have to do to to allow that to be a a viable use for this season right and I think we're much further than we ever envisioned coming back to than we'd ever be well because DP saying because dpw's been out there and I guess the question would be is when what do we need to do to open the property up because we've already opened up the parcel across the street to the license agreement for agriculture we've open the one up h Road what do we need to do to open this up for public use I I think what we need to do is simply delineate an area that is still a matter of conversation for fundamental use which we might have already have right but that but that use of that right Meadow can happen while this other stuff is going on right and then bless the rest of it and blast is it safe for what what do we need to do to make it safe for people to go on the property to the public because as we saw what happened with Warren pole and everything else they're going out there anyway and so the question is at what point do we just want to you know basically I can address what do we need to do go ahead before we go I know we got very limited time I can address that one because the we are um um signage been put in a temporary bridge is in y um I see no imminent safety hazards out there additional signage has been added to stay out of the to please stay off the hydro receeded area um but I see no reason not to have a soft opening and let people walk out there it's safe enough it's safe for the most our open space so where I'm getting at is is is does does Mike as the chair of the committee and others the select board's next meeting assuming town meeting finishes next week is May 6 do we want to report in basically saying this is what we've done we we we've worked with DPW the property can be kind have a opening you know by the way we we need we need the board to do the preservation restriction the Baseline survey and everything forward so that we can get a better determination on these proposed uses whether they're allowed and if so how they can take place that makes sense we can do it by the 6th yeah I'm going to make a motion fire away I put it to a vote yeah take the signs down take the hustes down leave some signage up don't walk in this or that right yeah have a soft opening when do we want to do it let tomorrow uh 6:05 uh we're ready let let the town get a feel for the property yeah yeah yeah the parking's there parking parking there the stones are already put in let the town get a feel for the property I think we're going to be better off with that and then come back at a later time we have more definition so how do you how do you want to do this do you want to do do it with a ribbon and you have a pair of scissors no no no no I think we often have soft openings before you do the ribbon even softer than the ribbon who do you want to make the sign I I'll I'll I'll volunteer Mark write The Sign what's the sign gonna say stay off the hydrated area well those are going up anyway eventually it's going to say coolest farm right conservation and agricultural reservation right oh yeah no we're going to get a we're going to get a granite sign Gran side and we know where to get that right we're going to get a grand I know we're not to get it too I know we're not to get it I know we to get it but we can do that we'll out of the sign we'll take care of the sign okay and Billy V and JG what I'm thinking what I'm thinking John saying is is take the cones away I can sell the select board you're going to commit at their next meeting on May 6 yep and or you all mean all mean all you come or any whatever but I but Mike's a chair and so he certainly has to be there and then basically you can report in basically saying is this is this is what we come back with and this is where it's going forward and oh by the way it's safe now for the public officially you know to be on the property okay that that assumes absolutely is that assumes that town meeting doesn't run three nights it's not going to run three nights all I sure as hell hope not I made the motion that somebody second it I'll second it you want to take a vote on it soft opening yeah you got it you can do that you can do that 605 okay U technically it's under my jurisdiction yeah he owns it um I'm fine with that as long as it as long as it senses that it's safe to be on there it's it's safer than the trails the safer than lot yeah so basically we just take out the orange cones and no trespass so there's some things we ought to be doing we can talk about it just some other signages um we had to put some signs up there about tick the standard sign yeah standard sign do for whatever we can get you know um because that'll keep you know stay to the trails because if not you you will get you get eaten by dicks those those are just standard I I came out of Hunt Road one day with 30 ticks on my jeans yeah all right so I think that's where we can leave it at this point I think it's safe enough and yeah okay so we are going to do a soft opening I will prepare something you can give me a hand rest of you can give me a hand yeah you're all welcome to come on the six but and we'll show up on the six and it's going to be a little way cool as Farm well you might also be there because they're talking about rck road that night for the conservation the the the the friendly local the stuff you guys talked about tonight rivu road yeah the 40 the friendly 40b project the commission oh you're not a Tuesday night's meeting no last Tuesday three nights ago yeah I was there right my sense was the commission recommended against it because of the it was recommended twice yeah exactly that's what I'm saying okay we took the former recommendations from the former commission is right and brought it into right but I'm saying that's going to be presented to the select board uh this same meeting so I'm just saying it may be a little while into the meeting before we get to Mike's in this report that's a whole different story okay but I'm just saying you might be there anyway so I I will be there uh a week from next Monday y uh I'll push things back and forth uh with you yeah and maybe you can be the distribute point back out to members so we don't violate open meeting so so my question is then you don't need anything from us cuz I think we understand yeah I think we get what you want people out there so at this point we're just waiting until the next step take some okay and at that point then we can present something yeah okay because if it's not going to go anywhere because of the the because of all the other things that have to happen yeah correct then it's a mute issue at this point it could take a while any of these things correct and even on that once You' got a CR you have yearly inspections you if I put a kiosk up at Sun met I have to not it's it could be a while that's the thing it could be a while before this advances okay very good thank you I just want to make sure I get you weren't going to get in for this season anyway anyway right realiz do do we think we'll have any CH chance to have anything presentable to fall town meeting on any of this fall or spring well well I'm telling you this Monday night I've got two aerial photos from DPW and I'm basically going to take all 30 seconds to basically acknowledge the work by DPW and this task force and basically say that you know that that the chair will be reporting to the select board okay perect on on next next Monday and that the the property will be open and and then basically we we'll look for your continuing feedback on how that property is going and what should be done in the future but it's going to take a while to get the Restriction done and determinations on what can be done out there I think uh residents will be very happy yeah stunned yeah okay and and and really looks like we're GNA have a new uh Town Park open and I want to thank all of you because I think you all should be amazed and proud and pleased at part of part of what flabbergast is the word this going take all year I also want to comment that besides DPW Phil Phil saying everybody that's thing everybody but I know people volunteered with Phil who were part of this and everything that you know we moved Heaven enough we mve and also we even moved prly to get the agricultural even if she can only get mulch it gets them started and same thing for you over on Hunt Road it gets it started into a br my first pumpkin to it as opposed to a Lost season where nothing was going to happen sacrifice my first pumpkin to the select board all right pumin well it's going to be me and the Deer uh the if this um if this uh hot pepper oil doesn't work we'll have to go to plan B yeah and we're going to have to hot pepper even the flowers CU I'm actually more worried about him eating the flowers that's what they eat first yeah and that kind of does your crop in doesn't it really without the flowers have not much happens you get lots of beautiful green all right well I'll maybe I'll a Jour Mo I second third okay so right now we do not have another meeting planned right and I we'll see how things go at selectman meeting on the 6th and at that point we probably declare Victory and go out forers for