##VIDEO ID:7_HCs9Lk6us## Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you this meeting is being live streamed by chela media and posted a CPS website for interested community members to ask and watch iners public participation will be taking place tonight in accordance with the chumon school committee public participation policy anyone anyone speaking tonight during the public input portion of this meeting has notified the superintendent's office of the desire to speak and has been provided with these guidelines one request written comments receiv received no later than 12: p.m on the day of the meeting will also be read made part of the record of the meeting during the second public input session welcome this meeting of the Town school committee our first order of business is to approve our minutes for our meeting on August 6th hey I make a motion that we approve the minutes of August 6th 2024 I'll second that okay anybody have any corrections on the minutes okay all in favor of approval I 4 Z all right uh any good news oh uh just we're obviously gearing up for school but starting tomorrow is our new teacher orientation so they're coming tomorrow and on um Thursday for two days of orientation so tomorrow is like the big kickoff where we'll be there and everybody will be all excited all the principles and they get to meet their coordinators so they're going to be a whirlwind of information but we're super excited to welcome um almost 35 to 40 new people tomorrow is that right yeah big numbers and they're all teachers um yes okay some counselors I think so well I yeah I consider everybody in the teacher unit so teachers counselors special Educators is there like an orientation as well for other staff or is it usually for teachers usually for the teachers that's required thank you that's when they get all their credentials they go over edal they meet with their coordinators they meet with their principes they have lunch together all the you know good things that happen at schools that's great and now what's what's next week's schedule then the teachers come in so yes so the teachers have a full day a prep day um on Monday the 26th I wanted to make sure I had the right date the 26th then students start on the um SE on Tuesday the 29th however only our um one through eight students come because our kindergarteners have an orientation day and then at the high school only our freshmen come so the 10 through 12 students start on Wednesday because they have an orientation with their mentors and it's Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and then no school Friday no school Friday no school SCH right the whole right everybody all oh because Tuesday is a voting day no we have school that day we just have a four- day weekend got a lab Day weekend and then everyone comes back that Tuesday Middle School on the voting they they keep the kids outside for PE it works out right okay great anybody else have any good news they want to share all right moving on uh public comment we don't have anybody here so I'm going to assume we don't have any public comment so right into new business sure got a few uh things we want to do tonight obviously we um we got a lot of our business done at the July meeting so the August meetings have been more uh prep there has been a lot of activity happening uh behind the scenes to get ready for the side of the school year we're really excited about the uh staff and students uh returning next week um I had mentioned one of the things we talked about doing last year and I don't think we ended up doing was at the tail end of this meeting um actually offering up a little tour to the committee members to go around and see some of the projects that completed this Su and some of that are still like in the works to be done I'm going to highlight them in a little bit but um like I said a lot of energy and time has been spent on um kind of getting ready for the start of the school year um just so you know also internally for kind of like planning purposes down the line we had our admin Retreat um last week for two days which was great we had us all uh back in we did a lot of work um kind of looking at our strategic plan and all the different results we had from last year starting to look at initiatives and things for the coming year um Linda and I are going to be meeting with um Tess and DM group this Thursday to kind of refine some of our proposed goals and initiatives for next year and then I've talked to test um remember we don't meet the first Tuesday in September because that's the election day so we meet the following two Tuesdays in a row so I've asked them to see if they could identify one of those two kns to come and actually work with us around U kind of school committee goals for the year how are they going to align with the Strategic plan work and I'll let you I'll shoot you an email when I know which state that'll be but that is on the Horizon and we're still working obviously on kind of refining ours but um already going into year three of the the plan which is um which is great we're excited to get that work going um we're also working on several of the reports and different information pieces that different committees members have asked for so I'll start to kind of forecast those for you over the the uh coming fall as we get going um one of the things actually we always kind of take a look at at this meeting is student enrollment so I'm going to touch on that in a moment and then um on that particular so we're going to touch on that we'll touch a little bit on student transportation and that'll give you some highlevel um uh information on the capital projects that occurred this uh this summer so we always do just to you remember um The District's final kind of numbers for the school year are all predicated on the October 1st student enrollment so that's what is kind of the driver for some of our budget decision- making that's the number that the uh state uses when they calculate Chapter 70 so October is the time of year where it's kind of like that's your pure number those are the kids who are actually in seats in school and that's what things are based on at this point in time the enrollment numbers I'm going to share with you today we literally just pulled from the computer yesterday so this is what we're actually planning to start the school year with obviously there are some students in here that may have moved over the summer but they haven't officially been factored out uh we also had families welcoming to the district today uh enrolling so they're not in these numbers so this is a little fluid for the first couple of weeks of school uh but overall you can see the total District enrollment tracking at just a little over 5,000 uh students and again this is a prek through um 12 numbers that's pretty consistent we uh provide the information to you by grade level and then it's a little bit easier at the elementary school grade level down below um I think this is good data that you've liked in the past we have uh typically our elementary schools is set up to have a four classroom um configuration so that there'd be say four first grades four second grades in certain schools we have what we call like a bubble classroom so we might have to offer a fifth section of a particular um grade level so in that chart just to gives you a sense of like what the average class size is obviously you may have an individual class that has one or two more kids an individual class that has one or two less based on needs or pairings but it just gives you an overall good sense of our uh numbers in the district um biome as you'll see um is a school that actually has five sections at each grade level that's the max we really don't have any capacity for more than that um at Center School there're our school the second largest they have five sections everywhere except for second grade um the second grade had a h lower number and then at Harrington in South Row both of those schools are just four sections with the exception of fourth grade fourth grade was a large kind of bubble for us in the district uh we have five sections at each of the uh four schools so that's a little bit of an anomaly we don't typically have that but that's can I ask a quick question about that just that part yeah so two things the um pods where the fourth grades um have their classes they're already set up so that they can handle five in the in the pods um Center School we only have four pods because of the um they're attached to the building so when you're walking down the hall the first the last classroom on the right is the fifth um but they wholeway attached so it's not it's all attached so it's not as bad but in the pods in the other three buildings with the detached there's six classrooms oh good good so um six of them would be your um I'm sorry five of them would be your core classes and then the sixth one would be like special education l or reading something like that yeah and then the other thing just buy them I mean where they have five sections at every single grade has that impacted any of their specialist classes like have they lost any space like music or art or anything do you know if that's impacted that um not significantly as far as like the class offerings are concerned like they still have dedicated art rooms and music rooms and things like that that's what I me definitely affects um and even when you walk through some of these buildings like the um the interventionist type areas where you might do like some pull out small groups and things like that there's really just not a lot of space left in the buildings um they're very creative and you know kind of crafty and carving out little nooks in the buildings or you have a little kind of quiet hallway and they have like a little Nook kind of built in sometimes at the top of a Stairway at the bottom of a Stairway we don't have a lot of extra space for those kind of breakout rooms but the core classes and even the specialist classes are stilled can I can I ask a follow-up question so I see that the rising first grade class at biome in particular is very large even as compared to other classrooms there and I have actually heard from several parents at biome whose kids are rising first graders that they felt like those classes had concerning class sizes in kindergarten I'm curious as we look I know that it's tricky to address this now particularly since all of our schools are you know about at capacity but I'm curious you know is there anything that the district has thought about doing um since biome consistently tends to be on the large size if there is another very large exceptionally large class that comes through bi them clearly there's not room for a sixth class like what what would happen in those instances and are there any ways that the district has thought about to alleviate some of those very large Early Elementary class sizes yeah I think with the um we obviously look at this annually we don't have capacity right now to go beyond five sections in a particular school without repurposing some of the specialist spaces within the building so that would really mean actually kind of taking away say music room or an not room or something like that I think more like rezoning like is there any possibility that some of the schools that are lower yeah I mean that's like a bigger thing I was just saying like within the building we really have looked at every like nook and cranny and there's not much we can um do I will say can one we try to make a conscious effort to keep those numbers as close to like the 20ish 22 range as we can and I really do think we do a very good job obviously that um one blip is that cover first grade at um at biome um again when you look at these numbers across the board I'm very pleased with overall where they're at um when we if we would ever look into um like a rezoning obviously we we enroll purely by geography the neighborhood and address it would just be a bigger um discussion and you need to put really kind of a policy and a procedure in place to figure out how to do that one of the um biggest issues that would be a challenge for us is because again we look historically at like South Row and South Row typically um has always I think for the first time they had that that fifth section they typically are just a four section school there's not a lot of buildout in that particular neighborhood um ironically the Housing Development on Turnpike when that came up we thought we were going to get a lot of kids from we really haven't and that actually falls um in the center school zone but we actually talked about like that's a perfect example of like maybe we would like Annex that particular development as it's coming online because no one's enrolled in school yet and say if someone enrolled there we would actually have them attend say South Row instead of going to Center so we've made those kind of decisions we are going to have to take a look at um West Campus when that comes online only about a year or so from now I don't have any I know you asked about this I don't have any hard figures as far as like exactly where their build is at or like when they're going to start to enroll we're a good year away from that but what we might have to take a look at is does Harrington really have the um capacity they they used to have three sections of fives uh because they actually are our most transient kind of as far as populations are concerned because of some of the different apartment and condo complexes that service that that's one that we um kind of look at I don't know that Harrington necessarily could take on the full capacity of that project so we may have to kind of figure out you know do we actually because those kids would be bust anyway you wouldn't be walking from west campus to say the Harrington so would you actually again kind of annex that that development or even a piece of it maybe to South row because if your bus is picking up the kids at West Campus you could shoot down Route three to South Row you know probably as easily as you could to kind of whip around the back of Drum Hill to get to Harrington um but aside from that we really have not looked into any kind of districtwide kind of rezoning or reshuffling of students that would Factor more into uh there are districts that do it basically by um oftentimes it's like programmatic uh needs or or the schools offer different programs um why you'd want to do that um it'd be a bigger undertaking so you know let's Pres there isn't really much wiggling for example that Rising first grade class at Bome is there work to make sure that those classes have consistent par professionals and things like that just to address what I imagine is a slightly greater need for adult supervision with such a large class yeah a special educa I mean our pars are predominantly special education right so they are in the rooms to support special ed students obviously to help cut down on class size a lot of them are dictated based on like IEPs if there um services in the ie P um when we did our um par review we obviously looked at like the number of Paras we have we're very well um equipped with the number of pairs we have for these classrooms um you know school committee guidelines around enrollment also I believe top out at like 25 um so we're obviously we're under those averages and this is kind of a blip because if you if you look at the rest of biome right you know your average is a 19 21 21 you know 20 um it's it's just that one particular um class that's a little bit High yeah but um no that's something certainly we would look at the service needs of the kids um and that that is something that we can adjust you know within classrooms we just really don't have the space to say create a sixth class right no I understand that I do want to point one thing out because this was a question I had last year about Harrington and there was one grade that oh there was one class that had a particularly High number of students when you just looked at the class list but it ended up that quite a few of those students were in that was it I don't know if they call it at um Harrington but the autism program so they really weren't in the classroom for most of the day so while the class list looked like the class was very large the actual reality of the day in the class was not as large and that's possible Le bam has a program like that that that class yeah for this for this kind of quick report this doesn't take into consideration kids who are in those we call them like a substantially separ program right um bam and Harrington both have autism programs and there were a good number of students you know in a sub separate classroom they wouldn't be part of the general ed class during good majorities of their day um Center has a life skills program and then South Row has Strife so those kids are all kind of baked into just these overall numbers when we hit October 1st remember I gave you that full report because it actually listed like the individual rooms the classrooms and numbers that's when you're going to get a better sense of who's actually being like educated for um the literacy blocks and the math blocks and things like that during the day that's even like when you get to the middle schools um you see some of those numbers are like they're close to the average of 25s but um when we actually looked at you know how many kids were in a class um I think we mcy Pops to mind but most of those were actually like High Teens low 20s um actually in each teacher's class because there were multiple sections of um English going on at the same time it's not like a Elementary core where one teacher is with one group of kids all day the kids are rot through a schedule so when we get the October one numbers um obviously I'll provide that higher level detail and and we can definitely talk about it then again um to your a point though um Diana I think what we'd have to do is really take a look at like the overall District enrollment policy right and just see you know is that something that you know could be entertained it is a big undertaking um if we saw us consistent you know year-over-year in classrooms that would obviously be something we have to address um it's such a changeable thing though so you talked about West Campus riverneck might come on board in a couple years and that's going to hit Center I would assume right right so that you know it's going to yeah I mean my main concern is I don't want to just wait for a potential new Middle School building to you know look at any changes that need to happen in the meantime um so the other thing that I noticed for example and I I guess this would be my last question is looking at this fourth grade class it's clearly far larger than it's other than the other classes in the district if we have um five in every school um is there any concern about capacity at Parker for the following year since every Elementary School would be feeding in five classrooms full of students yeah even if you look like across the very top of the spreadsheet um you can see that the fourth grade at 427 is the highest um right up through the elementary schools the um the closest would be like the seventh grade at 407 right um spacewise McCarthy actually has more physical space like if we had to even add like we've done this in the past like added a team even like temporarily because it's like a two person team to cut down on numbers and things like that it's a little tricky to do with scheduling but it can be overcome it's just the physical space in the buildings I meant more Parker yeah Parker they like near and at capacity um again it is something that we can certainly look at and we have a year to be able to do that um but Parker again just doesn't offer us a lot of options on this Parker situation and the movement of the fourth grade into fifth so then we'll have to consider adding teachers as well so additional teams to meet this particular need well that's why we we've done that in the past when we have had certain numbers of kids it's more um temporary and it's also um just spatially kind of figuring out where they go in so the question about the temporary part of it because all the way from 5th through 8th then you're going to have an increased number of students students in that particular class so they keep on moving and so the temporary te team keeps on moving with them potentially okay so that's why it's not easy mob teacher that go through yeah yeah we we've had it before and you know remember we had the um you'll remember like the split team oh yes I do MFE you know and there's pros and cons to having those kind of things yes but um potentially you have to look at those okay so the other question I had is I believe that um that project that's coming up the Princeton one the west campus I I think it would be important to get an update because I'm not so sure one full year but just kind of you know get a scoop on what's going on there and then the other thing is we have money there MH so when do we get those funds I I would have to look back at the record but I know that there was a set aside for when um I think it's 400,000 I don't remember the exact number of my head it was a good good sum of money that was set aside for when um they start to um lease the houses and people start to move in that we would have funds available to us for some one time you know kind of upfront costs um I'll get more specifics on that I just I couldn't focus on that for the um start of school year but it's definitely on the list to be working on this fall I understand because that money is you know not part of our budget so we could use it for you know even temporary placement uh actual physical space if we needed to do that that type of thing to allocate so that people have they can move around because I have been in the schools before where you had those interventionists in the hallways right they are very creative there is no question but it's still in a pass through area and so on so no it's it's not ideal we just we don't have a lot of like extra you know we don't even have extra kind of meeting rooms or you know um conference room spaces for meetings were really kind of maxed out which again in the long term I think a new school project obviously will benefit from that um because if you if you think about it if you were actually able to take out five or six classrooms at the elementary level because you've got your core and your special ed and L services and things like that and put them into a new building that's kind of right size when we build it that would help us significantly absolutely but we definitely have to be thinking over the next 5 to 10 years when we don't have that what are we going to do to manage this right overall I would say I'm pleased with um you know the uh the numbers and how again K and K1 we really do focus on being close to the 20 to 22 range and then 234 um you know we go up to um obviously 24 to 25 um and that's within our guidelines we obviously try to keep those numbers as low as we um as we can because the obviously the close to 20 I think just allows a little bit extra r space but to um Susan's point this does bake in all kids in the school so when we do look at the October one numbers I'll give you the breakouts of who's in specialized programs and things like that great that would be great yeah um and then again just kind of following along with this on the the Middle School front is well the high school is just too difficult to run at this point in time because again you've got different iterations of kids coming and going from classes and they still you know balancing and adding and dropping um but at the middle school level this is again just the total number of students that we have enrolled by grade level um divided by the number of sections we're currently offering so you know if we ended up just for example next year adding a section at Parker for fifth grade instead of having 16 teachers you'd have 18 you know we'd have an extra team built in there and that would knock your your numbers down a little bit um at the middle school level again those numbers include all specialized programs so um we have the autism programs we actually have life skills programs we have a bunch of different programs at the middle schools so these these numers are actually the high end these kids wouldn't all be in in classes together all the time but um again they're they're hitting our um our desired caps for the district so I'm feeling overall pretty good with those numbers as well one comment on the high school that is one of the highest numbers that's a pretty high number compar over the years the high school 14 16 it's um no to be honest with you it's been higher was it higher last year I bar we we've been like in the 1400 range are there but the high school has capacity you know to be 16 1700 kids there's plenty of capacity at the high school see back in the day my class was 650 so is that right yeah at home to high school so wow yeah I was had plenty of capacity wow GE the other thing at the high school level that you just don't have it say at the elementary or even as much as the Middle School level you just have while not ideal you have more flexibility in use of classrooms so if you you got a classroom being used you know we have available seven periods a day and a teacher is teaching five periods a day there's the two periods a day that the teacher is not teaching that a class could be repurposed um you know for someone else you can keep your class sizes low you can utilize class space a little bit differently again we don't try to do that but the high school just affords us more space than uh for scheduling purposes than the elementary schools do or really even the middle schools for that matter the teaming concept just kind of U takes away that flexibility so maybe along the year at some point we may have to have some outside entity do some study of our space and make a provisional plan in case we need to move certain groups from elementary into other buildings or whatever um look at all the options well I mean that's part of what like nezda did with us when they did the enrollment projection itself and if you look back like to this front page if you look across the top um you know you with the exception of like at the elementary level the 400 number you know you're under 400 for all of those um those other grade levels um what we look for is kind of like the blips you know if you have a particular blip you're going to see that number go from um fourth obviously to to fifth down a little bit we do have some students again fourth going to Fifth and now we're going to see like eighth going to ninth you have a dip because some kids will elect to do like a private a prial a chatter school things along those lines so you do L some students U particularly at those grade levels um so that 427 you know may be closer to 415 or something like that but we'll watch the numbers and we that's something internally we can kind of report on how we want to address it um that fourth grade number is is the only number that kind of like jumps out to me at this point that's like a a um not a significant concern but like a concern to be watching just because um you know we know when you get over the 400 number um because we've seen you know currently in say seventh and eth grade those numbers are right around 400 um yeah we don't want our class sizes on average creeping up over 25 right okay all right but um like I said overall I think we're in good shape for for the side of the school year um it is amazing though to see people still like coming in because they're either they realize school is starting next week or they're like new to the community and they're moving but we're still getting regular registration so they're still coming in and uh we're welcoming those kids onard board trying to get paperwork down as quick as we can um get assignments updated and um we should be good to go now so you have the Middle School up sorry I know that was this is our second year at the realignment y um a couple of bugs last year anything new happening I know scheduling was a little kafuffle at the beginning and yeah anything new happening at that level um not like significant wholesale changes or anything I think the bigger issue that they looked at at the uh not even so much um Parker again because you've got the two person teams it was McCarthy with the four-person teams that just becomes again like another scheduling element you have to add to it um they had certain so they have kind of re reconfigured the um Team itself to be uh more in align with some of the Specialists and some of the counselors so that there's consistent counselors servicing specific teams I think that's going to help um we did also uh schedule at the middle schools almost like two teams running parallel to each other so if you had a particular issue where a child had to move from teams there's another team at that grade level that's offering say like English at the same time or math at the same time so you can interchange a child from one team to another let's say there was a conflict or there was a need so you don't have to go and uproot a whole team you might be able to just switch out one team member um so they made like after going through the schedule for the first year they did certainly make some tweaks on those lines um I think the other thing that they've made a conscious effort they tried last year and obviously doing it for a year get hopefully gets a little bit smoother was um scheduling some of the special education services to fall during um kind of that second specialist block because all of the the kids in the school basically doing your four core classes and they're doing a specialist rotation but a second specialist block where they can do like say an elective or they can do um a specialized if that's what they required or an L or a reading um so that the kids aren't getting pulled out of a core class they can actually schedule it into that section I think that has gone a little bit better this year so we need to give it a couple of weeks to kind of roll out but um again nothing wholesale change we're still offering the same classes and and things like that but it's more in the way that they've actually aligned the teams to be I think a little bit more conducive to um supporting kids and potentially staff if things need to switch during the course of the day great just want to give a note sort of a shout out that I I got to go with my older son to the tour to at Parker um last week um actually ran into uh John Moses there as well with his child but um we uh we were really um pretty thrilled at just overall the uh the what am I looking for the the way in which the school is set up and and aligned really with the needs of fifth and sixth graders and just really appreciated that it was this is our first year where the kids in Parker will both have been in Parker the whole time you know all the kids there will have been in Parker and the kids at McCarthy are all sort of in McCarthy as a seventh and eighth grade school and um I just thought my my son felt very comfortable seeing that there were other kids close to his age there and um I just wanted to say from a parent perspective um that I really felt really good about the way that things are going with the realignment we have gotten a lot of good feedback just around like the kind of the age appropriateness and even just like the age feel of having the 56 in one building and the 78 in another building that really has gone well um at all the different levels this past year one of the things that the schools through like theal initiative were really looking at was trying to support kids during the transition years because now we've added a transition you know we used to just transition from elementary to middle and then high school but actually now have a two-year transition and sometimes in two years it's hard to kind of build community and feel a sense of um kind of belonging to the school so they really did spend a lot of time this year working on with the elementary principles kind of that pass off to to five and then the six going up to the middle school and obviously the eth always going up to the high school but um it is good to hear that um that you felt that way when when yeah I just that's what I was hearing from parents was lots of positivity and confidence about it great anything else on enrollment and more detailed reports will come uh but this is just kind of like your snapshot to get our year going um Joanna just wanted to share with you um some of our transportation numbers so from a transportation standpoint the registrations are still um coming in uh strong the numbers are very consistent with what we had um last year uh about 3,184 individuals had registered as of last Friday um to ride the bus which is um good we just kind of tell you when they actually uh register uh Peter's been very uh working very hard to create the different bus routes and the bus passes were actually mailed out last uh Friday the 16th so people should have them in their doors this week I don't know if we have any people who did you get a bus pass we got a bus pass all right you got a bus pass we're hitting a thousand here today uh so the bus houses went out and we actually on a positive note we didn't get a lot of returns in the mail which is good as well so we know the people's addresses are good in the system um but there's a lot of work that goes into that we obviously have to lock into bus routes to get the year started so at the point where we commit the schedules and the bus passes get printed the information also gets updated in X2 so parent when they go in the parent portal can also verify their students pick up and drop off times that's all on the computer um that's what we actually start with so if people now kind of remember that they need to sign up for the bus when they do sign up they certainly can ride the bus but they're assigned to one of the stops uh closest to where they can on an existing route we on a daily basis don't go creating new roots and adding individuals because it's really not fair to the people who registered on time and we created The Roots around um we run the routes for two or three weeks the bus drivers actually give us input into like what's working or maybe there's a particular stop that needs to be altered because it's difficult for uh the bus to pick up um so Peter will take that feedback uh for the first couple of weeks of school and then towards the middle of September and again by then people realized they had to have signed up for the bus so they they do and they get their bus passes um if there were any changes to the bus passes themselves um a communication goes out to the family to say you know this route had to be altered we had to add a couple of stops your time may be affected um if it's significant you might get a new bus pass in the mail if it's rather insignificant the times just get updated in X2 um that's just an upload and then there's just an email to the parent just indicating a time in your bus route or pickup stop may have changed go ahead into the computer and just verify so that'll happen through mid to late September and then ongoing throughout the course of the year as people um add to the bus most people will just join an existing bus stop but if there is a bus stop that's just inconvenient to run safe um we obviously can add those but we try to get people plenty of advanced notice um overall Peter and Joanna were happy that um you know we had the Riders ship already registered that we did so it's consistent with past years um we're hoping for a good school year um you know we are under contract with North ring for 29 large buses a day um we do know that you know they're um trying to maintain the 29 dedicated full-time drivers for us that they're still having a very difficult time um getting substitute drivers um for not only our contract but other contracts that they service so um we're going into this kind of fingers crossed hoping that we're fully staffed on day one um and that they have uh some backup drivers but Peter does although we don't like to do this he does design The Roots so that in the event that you know we only have 27 drivers for that day he has ways to combine routs um you know to be able to add on do an extra pickup here or there obviously the buses don't run perfect to schedule when that happens we we try to notify people when we know that that's going to happen as quick as we can um but it I admit it's not always perfect uh but that's not kind of the scenario that we plan for we try to really have all of our buses be uh able and present so um we're going to monitor that Joanna repa meet regularly with the bus company relay information back and forth um I'll typically have a fall meeting with them as well just review at the beginning of the year what's working well what needs to be improved upon and um you know we're just going to really try to communicate with families what's what's happening just so that they were in the loop so a couple of questions on the transportation I've had some questions from some families who don't have access to computers at home and so are not able to access the ex2 portal or in a couple of the cases uh have not registered for the bus and I know you have to register even if um you don't pay and so on right so what do we do about those students is there anything do we reach out to them by phone what do we do um what do you mean by reaching so for example uh the student may be transferring from you know from elementary into a fifth grade at Barker or going into the eighth grade at McCarthy yeah and and does not know where to show up when to show up who the what classroom they're assigned to um because they can't access the portal right so that's one and then number two is they may not even know where to go for the bus they're probably going to go for the bus wherever they went last year right but they haven't registered right um so they do need to register um you know so what do we do when those students we know the families don't have access and there's no way they registered what'll typically happen like you said is the kid will appear at the bus stop that they went last year um the bus driver likely you know will make a note about the child when they get to the school uh they' convey to whoever the administrator get the kids off the bus is that you know Jay rode today but he's you know we know he's going to the school but he's not on the bus he'd get referred to like the guidance counsel or the social worker to make contact with the family to um um you know figure that out but um I mean one way or the other we do have to get the kids registered um to ride the bus so that we can account for them they can be given an appropriate um you know bus time to pick up drop off the family needs to know like if the child doesn't appear who to call that kind of information okay so if the child arrives it goes to that old bus stop and comes in fine but if not then they just don't make it to school and how about uh in terms of of knowing where to go especially when there it's a new school what do you mean by it's a new school they don't know their assignment so let's say they were at Central School last year yeah they're now going to be at Parker but they don't know what their assignment is they don't know they're assigned room she's talking about schedule so when that happens when students get off the buses there are so many people out in the front like it's all Hands-On deck so as students get off the bus even the ones that do know what their home room is where their teachers supposed to be or their schedule they're lost because they went on a tour and then they don't know so there are plenty of people there that stop the students like they you can tell who they are when they walk off the bus and they'll say you know can I help you we'll find out who's this student the secretary is out there and then they bring them to their home rooms okay in terms of the bus if they are supposed to register and then they can't um they don't have an a computer they usually typically call the school the school would make accommodations for the parent to use a computer at the school if they have trans so they usually work with them especially even like your L population those teachers know who their students are they're looking for them they're in constant contact with those families but the school will be looking for the students anyway but if they when they get to school and they don't know where to go they start showing them where to go they have the student ambassadors out in the hallways it's it's a it's a big feat but they we get them in there and believe it or not it kind of happens in 10 or 15 minutes stops it's amazing yeah one of the families has children both at the Elementary and at the middle school in both middle schools Y and it's transitional years for each one of the middle school kids so at the elementary they know what because they were emailed and somebody is checking the email for them but they don't have a computer and they were told where to show up but for the um middle school kids there was no such thing they should call the if they want to they can call the school they also can call Transportation with Peter B he'd be able to tell them where they to go if they have a phone and if they don't have a phone then that's a whole another conversation okay any other questions on Transportation just so people know they can still sign up so you have to you haven't done it yet please please take care of that we can and again this is a this happens every year right so and if you think about it you know we're transporting over 3,000 kids a day uh on 29 Vehicles yes buses are going to run late um you know I was even driving I had to go to a meeting tonight and I was driving back and I didn't realize that they were going to be doing road construction on North Road which is significant so I get rerouted so it took me 15 minutes longer to get back to the office and I anticipated like those little things are going to happen um we're going to make a conscious effort to really try to communicate when we can if we know sometimes we don't know but if we know something's running late or something's running you know typically it doesn't run early but if something is running late we will uh make the conscience of it to let people know um over the course of this year but work with us for the first couple of weeks things will shake out by you know mid September as they always do and you can always sign up to to add you know it's just it's crucial that we have that information so that we again just for accountability sake um know who's on our buses that we have the right numbers on the buses we don't have too many or too few um but you know we we'll work with families too if if families are having troubles anything else [Music] right capital projects so he's um a sense of some of the work that's been taking place and again we'll visit some of these a little bit later so you can actually uh see some of the work that's in progress um this has been a very busy summer for us we have a lot of different kind of hands on the pot so on the school department end Brian Curley is our director of facilities he manages a bunch of these uh school department related projects we work very closely with the town um Christine Cy the DPW director and Matt schwitzer who's the facilities manager um they managing a bunch of these different projects um Gary petti who actually used to work for the town came back part- time and he's helping manage a couple of these projects so there's a lot of action uh taking place it's a combination of you know Town Capital funds uh some school department Esser funds are paying for some of this uh Town arpa funds are paying for it so there's a considerable amount of time and effort that has gone into these capital projects and unique to school systems is uh we kind of call them summer Slammers but you've got eight or nine weeks when there's no one really in the buildings we you've got to do this work because over the course of the school year which just not conducive to heavy construction projects so um overall I think we're in good shape we still have a lot to finish up over this next week or two but um here's kind of a highlight of the major projects that took place this summer so over at Parker um we obviously redid the the whole gymnasium floor so uh the old floor was in tough shape uh it's used quite a bit obviously during the school day by our staff but we've got a lot of extra groups that use it after hours so a whole new it's a poured floor a whole new poured floor uh went into Parker gym and that came out beautiful um that's ready to go for day one um again in an effort to try to kind of build some more kind of private spaces for student counseling and U to meet with the counselors and psychologists they have a very large um conference room uh near the cafeteria kind of at the top of the stairs if you think about it and uh we worked with a contractor we divided up that space into a couple of different offices so the school is making that kind of a counseling clinical uh psych space so that um kids can have uh you know kind of quiet places and times to meet with the psychologist and then they relocated the conference room to one of the other um psychologist former office so it's a little bit quieter and it's a little bit more conducive to holding meetings as well because sometimes it was difficult to be near other cafeteria and you're trying to conduct a meeting it was a little bit loud um one project that obviously you can't see from the ground level but that is ongoing right now is the replacement of all the rtus what we call a rooftop unit and the modular classrooms so those buildings are constructed in such a way that they have a a dedicated rooftop unit that handles all the air conditioning and heat in those buildings and they will really be on the useful life um so over the last two weeks all the old units were uh craned down all the new units were craned up and they're going through the process right now of connecting all of those units we had to add a lot of additional power to the school um but that's in the works and we'll be completed by heating season we really need those to kick on for uh for the heating season so Parker overall is in um good shape everything is moving along fairly well there at McCarthy obviously one of the big projects we had this summer was creating that secure entryway the call a vestibule at maccarthy similar to what we have at the high school um that is under construction uh right now uh we're probably looking at another week to week and a half for that to be uh finalized the structure has been built we're just looking for final uh taping doors and things like that are actually going in tomorrow so uh that'll be up and rolling right after we get the school year uh going which is uh which is great that's one of the things that we're going to take a a trip over to later on um the whole front um entryway the door we call them storefront units the doors are all being replaced in the front of McCarthy even separate from the secure entryway and then that necessitated having to dig up and redo the front walkway with all new kind of cement and things like that a whole new handicap ramp so that is actually began today and is being continued to be worked on tomorrow that'll be done by next uh Monday when the kids staff come back and then lastly McCarthy you can't really see this but they also got new rooftop units on the modul classrooms um I was going to ask what are we are what we doing at McCarthy are we eventually going to translate to other schools like park or into the for the rooftop units no the vestib type of thing oh yes the yes so mcarthy was the trickiest of of all just because of the like the blind sight lines there's really no sight line to the office we had to really create from scratch the area there but um yes what we wanted to do is kind of go through the process this year at McCarthy because again we know it's the most difficult of kind of building out the space um almost as like an example of what we'd like it to look like in the other buildings and then this fall we actually will Engage The architectural firm to do the design work for the other um schools it's just going to be much more cut cut and dry at the other building buildings and even when we go to them I can show you but typically the other ones when you walk in it'll be very easy to just construct an L-shaped wall uh because there's already a window uh there to be able to do the checkin uh system with the kids and it's just once you actually check in you'll be able to get buzzed into the building that was because you have the sight line just much easier to do than the other ones we really wanted to kind of test uh McCarthy and see how that went so I see those U projects actually getting um kind of plans done up um budget costs put to them and going into Capital this fall to be done probably next summer um so we're still probably like a year out from doing them but at least we'll have the design and everything kind of ready to go now at the high school when we did that I believe we had to have a new position or we had to have a person transfer from one position yeah we had they had to relocate what happens at McCarthy um well at McCarthy and even at the other like ele schools when we do this the um School clerk that was responsible for checking in and checking out students like at mcarthy they're just going to relocate to that new space in the other elementary schools and even the other Middle School Parker there's already School clerk sitting at the at the window so they're really not going to have to relocate because we're just going to be building the wall kind of where they are already but at McCarthy physically because there's no sight line to the office it's just the individual is going to relocate okay and I'll show you that all when we get there I think it'll make more sense when you see it but I'm very happy with how those are um those are progressing elementaries we didn't do quite as much work this summer as we did um last summer just projectwise we hit them with a lot last year at BAM we had um the kitchen floor over there was really in tough shape um so we had a whole new kitchen floor poured so it's we're not going to go out to buy them just because of the proximity but the poured floor that we did at buim is similar to what you're going to see the PED floor at the maccarthy or Parker or even the high school kitchen um and then the second floor bathrooms we had done over February and April vacation those floors were in uh tough shape they weren't done when they did the bathroom upgrade so we had a company come in and actually repour floors in the lower level of biome it went really well I I forget if it was February or April but we decided to go ahead and do the second floor bathrooms at bayam this summer so that was completed over there and they came out very nice so uh so that's in good shape at South Row uh the town received that Grant to install the lightning protection system at South Row so that has been installed um we were also able to you know there's that overhang in front of the building um it's kind of metal but that was in tough shape so the roof had been replaced a couple years ago when we did The Accelerated repair program with msva but we had that all reconditioned and repainted and it looks Sho for the uh for the opening of school so so that's in good shape um Harrington in Westlands again you don't really see this because it's in the boiler room but those two boilers are being replaced um we had to Crane out the old units um about a week and a half ago last Friday they craned in the new units to those buildings so between now and the end of September those will all be hooked up so we're ready to go for a heating season but um those two obviously needed it they were at life end uh very similar to Center we did Center over April vacation and uh that was needed there as well um the high schools were a lot of the activity took place this summer um the kitchen renovation is in full swing um this was a significant probably $2.5 million U project it is um going to look great when it is done um we have had uh construction complications uh throughout the process and it's probably running about 3 weeks uh behind schedule at this point so we do have contingencies in effect for uh the opening of school and how we're going to prepare and serve meals um at the high school we are going to have full use of both uh um the lunchrooms uh so that the kids will be able to have spaces particularly if it rains to uh to eat we're going to implement um some of the old um kind of covid lunch protocols when we're at the high school we are going to allow the kids to say eat lunch on the like they had done before just to be able to get outside when the weather's nice the kids actually like that anyway um but we'll be bringing in some food from aarth and Parker and then also U we're going to be doing some grilling on site so we'll have barbecues for a couple of weeks at the at the high school in the end it's going to look great it just uh ended up having a couple of unforeseen uh Plumbing issues that required a lot of extra work and um you know it's it's just coming along but we have Provisions in place so we'll be good on that front the out classrooms are coming coming out great uh so they're about 95% done that those we'll look at today those in included um you know complete new flooring couple of walls had to be actually built to separate out the spaces um new Woodworking and Cabinetry in the rooms themselves new Plumbing for the sinks uh I think the teachers are going to be thrilled when they come back in the fall and see how nice those rooms came out we did new ceilings new lighting um it really looks like a completely different uh different space the one thing we don't do a good job at and I really wish we did is take more like before and after pictures because we get deep into the construction we kind of forget you know what we should have taken the before so that we could we could show it but um it it really does look excellent um the sports courts in the back of the school are coming along if you've driven through the back parking lot um the tennis courts and the and the um basketball and street hockey were all ripped up over the course of the springtime and then the uh tennis courts the six courts are actually it's a post uh concrete uh surface that's going in place it's absolutely A+ level um Foundation that's going in for these courts that's already port in place U the fencing is already up around them and I believe they're going to start smoothing and then doing their layering and painting about a week from now on the backside where basketball and street hockey were in play um that's going to be um well hot top it's not going to be cement as a base so that's been all leveled and is going to go down next week one thing that we are looking at is um potentially switching out um the street hockey for uh pickle ball at the high school and moving the street hockey over to mcarthy because we're actually going to have a warrant article on for that this fall about redoing the McCarthy space um it's quite possible over the next couple of years that pickle ball may become um a high school sport um and it's becoming quite popular but um certainly wouldn't be bad to have them located at what are you looking at nothing I think it's going to be great coach to say I do like pickle ball myself uh so there's a chance of that but also the the Middle School um kids are more active with the uh street hockey so it kind of makes sense to have that actually over at McCarthy so we are looking at that because it might be kind of cost neutral um and just makes sense we're actually doing this project all at the same time but I'll have more to report on that um but all in all I think that'll be done I think we had like an August 50 um I'm sorry October 15th date for that to be all completed all at least the big construction work is done so when the kids come back back to school they're not going to have to be dealing with that it's going to be painting and surfacing and so those will look wonderful um in the back of the stadium we had a significant cement pad poured to house the new uh storage units that are coming in place um they're on track to arrive the second week in September um so the at least the surface that they're going to go on is looking great um that should really be a nice addition it's going to allow the high school um athletic uh group both at that stadium and even like McCarthy we have a lot of just equipment that ends up being like out on a field or on the side of the field and things like that it'll be able to be nicely stored and secured um that's going to provide them a lot of great uh space and then uh downstairs in the science rooms we had an old kind of chemical uh storage room where they would put uh use chemicals and things like that they would also do some science uh prep that whole room in an adjacent room were kind of all joined into making there will be a prep area there's also going to be a a classroom area for kids to work on projects in and storage as well so that's in its um final stages now too we're probably another week week and a half away from that um so all in all when we get to the high school a ton of activity taking place there um but I think you know by the mid to end of September when we really get up and rolling people are going to be very excited about the improvements we've made um and then lastly we're we're on track with our big kind of three technology enhancements and these all came from that safety audit that we had done um obviously the McCarthy front entry vestibule area is not only the physical build of the space but Bill has to add all the technology for the cameras and the access control systems and communication systems so that is all um hardwired and ready to go um visitor management very similar to what we have at the high school is being added at all schools this fall so um that is going to be rolled out school by school just because it takes a little bit of training uh but the system is in it's already being uh programmed and sent to the school so again within the first couple of weeks of the school year um we'll introduce the visitor management system and some strictor screening protocols for entry into the buildings and then lastly um we did uh purchase and are in the process right now of kind of finalizing the um setting up of the network with the radio communication system so we have an a completely new um radio system that integrates not only individual schools but the whole District on a it's our our own network and um certain individuals are also tied in with the police department connections so um so that's a nice uh a nice feature that's probably rolling out over the next week or two as well so right as we're coming back to school those three big projects are also uh finalizing and I think are going to be U welcomed additions to the district any questions on Capital question I know it's not something that's physically going on I know the planning um can you give an update in like the South Ro roof project and McCarthy roof project even if even talk about that yes so South roow I can actually um very easily talk about so we had a uh phone call with the msba last Wednesday or Thursday this is for the accelerated repair statement of interest that we provided and uh that went uh well they obviously knew the South Row roof because they done a portion of it a couple years back I think it was in 18 um had a good call with them they actually were on site today at 11:30 over at South Row to walk the building and to go up on the roof and just take a look at the existing conditions um I think they have all the information they need now to decide they have 72 different projects that was submitted uh that are eligible for funding across the state I think it's just going to become a capacity issue and um uh the age of our roof qualified you know they had all the paperwork that they need on it um will likely hear towards the early part of October if we're going to be allowed into the that particular program the um msba I think meets the last Monday in October so we would officially be invited into the eligib not eligibility into the accelerated repair program at that point if if we get in um it would then be about a year and a half long project because by the after you get voted in you have to do all your paperwork and everything like that it'd be probably January February by the time that they would actually assign a um an architect and a project manager you then have to kind of do all your your bid specs and things like that get board approval from the msba like in June or July and then at that point in time you have to finalize all your construction documents do your bidding so it is likely that if we get approved that that roof would be done um not next summer of 25 but the summer of 26 it's crazy but it actually takes that long just for a roof yeah is it the same reimbursement rate as for a building approximately about 52% okay yeah I mean they may do something to just see if that's what we still qualify for but it's a 52% reimbursement so it's well worth doing when you work with the msba it just takes a little bit longer because you have um steps you've got to complete with them um on a positive note they've already pre-screened the designers and the OPM so you don't have to go through a bidding process to bring those on yourself you just get a signed one by them um it's just a little bit more cumbersome the other issue for us though is again because we're a school we can only replace a roof during the summer it would be very again if the roof blew off mids school year yes you'd have to do it but it's it's just loud it's cumbersome to do so those are things we try to do during the uh Summers there would not be enough time to be able to physically do it for summer 25 by the time you went out to bid and had your contracts and place and things like that that's why it's likely to be the summer 26 but we'll know in October I think um obviously if it passes um Paul was considering putting on a um kind of a a temporary or what like a provisional warrant article that says you know if we're um approved by the msba then the town would commit X number of funding the only thing we have to pay for is the schematic design uh of the project I'm going to guess about $100,000 so I would assume Town me would appropriate a $100,000 contingent on the msba inviting us in if that then happens it would kick in um there was another project you asked about oh McCarthy roof is more in the exploratory stages so um DPW is putting out a um I forget exactly what it was called I don't think it was like an RFP but it was some kind of a request for contractors to take a look at that particular roof they were going to do some corings to figure out exactly what um needed to be replaced like how significant damage was and then their thought process was to get that into a report to ultimately come back to town meeting not town meeting to uh the capital planning committee this November to potentially get funding to do the whole roof and now that could actually even be next summer if everything worked out well but um that's where that one stands that one does not qualify for the msba because the age of the we put aside some money for study or something like that it's the study piece basically so they're working on the study piece to be able to bring that data back to the capital for this year to try to get in the in the pipeline just what if it leaks and then we have to do temporary stuff right I mean if and this happens now like we'll get a roof leak from time to time but it's basically just patching so if a roof unless it's like a huge structural issue um they basically just would patch you know until we actually were able to put a new roof on right any other questions in capital right thanks for the updates thank you yeah lot happened this like I said lot still to be done but we had a very good um productive summer Capital wise all right and Personnel uh yep a Personnel this is just a in your packet you had a copy of the Personnel report for the month of U July so again this kind of uh included some of the reports of individuals who um are newly hired to the district uh we had a lot of hiring that was taking place you're going to see effective date 826 on a lot of these individuals because because even if they were HED in the spring or early in the summer they don't start until next Monday just because of the kind of positions that they have um we do have a few uh resignations a couple of retirements were formalized and uh that data was all provided for you uh we have just a couple of individuals within the district transfer from one position to another that's also noted how did the hiring F go the hiring F actually went very well um so I know Diane Cary and the and the individuals from hi were pleased with our first of doing it they work very closely with the um the L um the career center there and um I believe they had approximately a 100 individuals pre-register to come to the event um I know they were able to hire a number of uh Food Service workers um par professionals um lunch and recess AIDS we didn't have too many professional openings left for individuals to be applying for it ended up being a lot more support staff that were able to kind of screen a lot of the principles met on site conducted interviews on site um but it was well worth it um I want to say about a 100 people came in and they did hire a significant number of people toh to help fill some of our spots that's wonderful how about the psychologist positions they're all full not quite uh so we're doing fairly well on that too and nothing has changed since the last time we talked um we have three openings this year because we have three retirements which is very unusual usual in the in the psychology world so two um we have two excellent candidates coming in the starting uh orientation actually we'll see them tomorrow um we have not been able to secure a third yet um we do have a second round interview with a candidate tomorrow um you know we're hoping uh to be able to to lock in that third candidate um in the event just so you're comfortable in the event that we're not able to actually hire a third candidate it is unusual to be hiring three in any one year uh we would have to look at more of a contracted Services model it's not that services wouldn't get fulfilled this year um we just may have to actually contract with individuals maybe one maybe multiple individuals to provide some of the testing or services that we need to get provided so the the services will occur um it's just by who is it going to be a staff member is they going to be a contracted psychologist um so that we don't know yet um again overall with our um kind of permanent license positions in the district um we're down to still uh The elusive um Spanish teacher at the high school level um we do have an interview tomorrow as well on that so we're hoping to be able to um to fill that position we have the psychologist at Center and then we have a um a life skills position at Center as well um those are the three positions that we're still trying to uh finalize so I was going to ask with these newly reported retirements for example those positions have since been filled I didn't see them on the new hires so I wasn't sure well yeah um so those people had had been with us for a while and they told us they were retiring like last winter so they were on the first round of hiring we did in the springtime so um oh I I didn't realize that yeah they're not like new retirements it just happened to be that's when they they didn't have an effective date on the last day of school they must have a birthday over the summer or something and they waiting to retire on the birthday so that's why the effective dates a little bit different so those positions have been filled those are not currently yeah no we actually we had a great nurse candidate for bam who's going to be starting and I I forget the uh the individual's name who's the math teacher at the high school but that's been filled as well so it really just down to those three um you know Spanish at the high school clinical psych at um Center and a life skills at Center great most of our we actually been very lucky this week a lot of our long-term Subs um for the beginning of the year openings have been filled um so we're in good shape on that too a handful of Paras was still looking to hire um we on a positive note we're getting applicants so we're actually getting applicants each day uh for some of these jobs it's just a matter of you know quickly acting upon them interviewing them and getting offers out before other districts do because other districts are in the same same ballpack as us any other questions on Personnel all right uh any Lea on reports people have I know it's still early Susan I have a really quick one um the town strategic plan steering committee has um created a little uh blurb title for ourselves it's called creating chelmsford's future a strategic plan so you might start seeing that on documents around town and just to let people know that um there are now going to be four Community visioning forums schedule the very first one the kickoff event um is going to be held on September 18th at 5:30 p.m. at the chelsford Elks Lodge anyone in town is invited there's going to be free ice cream snacks and you can even bring your kids there's going to be kids craft activities there so you tell me the DAT of that again it is September 18th I think that's a Wednesday yes Wednesday September 18th 5:30 p.m. at the Elks okay and there's going to be little tables set up to do different discussion groups about what people hope for in the town of chelur great right any other L on reports no no not yet I'm sure it'll be coming Fast and Furious next month I already know my first meetings that's good strategic planning did meet cuz we were starting to prepare for the administra administrator's uh okay Retreat yeah okay so we did we had a meeting with that Barry D people with my subcommittee yeah met the oh the school strategic plan the equity sub committee yeah not your strategic plan not the Town available I wasn't available that day but my subcommittee did meet and I got feedback so I do know about that that's great all right anyone have any new items at this point I just want to I got an email from town manager Cohen about a um a committee orientation meeting on Tuesday September 24th I guess this it goes out to all the Committees boards in town um asking people to attend uh against the legal councel will be there for the town just to discuss um things about public meetings and um public input and that type of thing so I'll forward you the email I just got it today so I'll forward the email it's on the 24th which is a Tuesday which I don't think we meet that one at 6 o'clock uh and that would be at the chelwood public library so I I'll forward that along to everybody and maybe try to dig out and see what what else that involves besides those type of things that day yeah um the other thing just a reminder the MC conf I know superintendent Lang sent something out as well in terms of just if you want to intend to see Robin yeah if you just forward Robin just shoot an email or caller and just let her know like how many dates you expect to go where you want to go and she'll fill out all the paperwork for you and get you registered um the obviously there's a base conference hotel but there's also other you can book your hotel anywhere there's other options to go to um it starts I'm kind of waiting myself to just see exactly what the agenda is going to look like and who's presenting what but it's typically a um um like a Wednesday is it Wednesday wedes Thursday Friday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday meeting but that's not that's like yeah not we typically at most would do like the Wednesday Thursday maybe Friday piece I don't know that people have stayed for the Saturday you're certainly welcome to if you want to but um once the agenda gets posted and we kind of know who's doing what I'll figure out like what days I plan to go um I'll certainly let you know you're welcome to come for as much or as little as you like um and again if you decide to stay you you can kind of just book wherever you like I just gave you a couple of of ideas but wherever you pick is fine um just let Robin know for the registration she'll take care of that for you and one of the things we've done the past you if you reserves say Wednesday night Thursday night and then you find out well there's nothing good on Friday and you want to cancel a night you can always do that too because we don't know what's going to be on each day I mean the program's not out yet I know I look today to see if there's not you know at least preliminary program there's nothing so you don't know you know what sessions are going to be on what days wrote to the Oregon ER and have yet to hear back if you do let us know yeah I don't know how how even like finalized they're on it yet so I'm not surprised um I just so you know I booked at least temporarily for the Wednesday Thursday night and I'll look and see what it is the hotels have a 24-hour cancellation so if I end up going Wednesday and staying Wednesday I'll just cancel the Thursday or you know maybe nothing's really happening until Thursday Friday but you can always just reserve a room if you need to and then just cancel within 24 hours and you don't have to pay no yeah check each each Hotel may have a different policy right what their policy what their policy is I don't know if every policy is the same I know for sure personally that I cannot do Friday because I have an immigration conference in uh Boston all day okay um go right from one conference to the next and it starts really early it ends really late on that day so I know that I can't um miss that one but Wednesday and Thursday I'll look to see what the um what the topics are yeah as soon if anything comes out if you see something forwarded along but I'll certainly forward it if they get back to me I'm I'm going to register for the conference I don't think you have to register by day I'm just registering for the meals for Wednesday and Thursday okay all right anything else anything other new items okay all right I don't think we have any other public comment so uh if not we'll I'll take a motion to adjourn and then we can go to there was two motions motion to adjourn I move to adjourn I'll second that motion hey all in favor I was zero right now is the Bus full of