to access and watch inperson public participation will be taking place tonight in accordance with the chelon school committee public participation policy anyone speaking tonight during the public input portion of the meeting is notifi the superintendent's office the desire to speak and has been provided with these guidelines upon uh request written comments re received no later than 12: p.m. on the day of this meeting will also be read and made part of the record of the meeting during the second public comment session so welcome this meeting of the CH school committee our first order of business to approve our minutes from our meeting on June 4th I make a motion to improve the minutes from June 4th I'll second the motion any corrections to the minutes hey all in favor I I yes go ahead all right uh let's see we have no student reps any good news so good news we uh closed out the school year yeah inent free it was great and um everybody's on summer vacation and we're planning right now for the next school year right anybody else I just had one uh I learned from an inside source it just came out I guess tonight to on Facebook um that our former School Committee Member Donna Nukem was recently honored as a commonwealth heroin award at the State House for all the work she's been doing as a teacher a coach School Committee Member Community activist everything else so I just wanted to say congratulations to Donna for a welld deserved honor and if I could add I know she's watching this right now because she's definitely watching every meeting um she can come by any time come to any meeting sit in the audience say hi I know I know you're watching I figured if she was watching we'd get a text pretty soon yeah I'm waiting for it see all right anybody else good news okay we're at our first public comment session but I don't see anybody here so on to new business T yes so we're going to jump we don't have any public comments tonight so we're just going to jump right into um new business and um Robin Adams from our um Community Education Program over at the the Westland schools is going to talk a little bit about some of the community ed programming um and it's timely with the season and some coming up this is a big uh point of emphasis for them so I'll turn it over to Rob and hear a little bit about your programming great thank you for having me um I apologize I couldn't come last me I appreciate you moving me to this one um so we're at a very exciting time we're starting our summer programs and we're just going to quickly go through everything we do through the school year and I'll get into more detail about each of the programs as I go through so for those who don't know cheler communication cheler Community Education we have full day childcare which is the Lions pride and the Lions Pride North the Lions Pride North is at the high school they're both full day programs for at Lions Pride we have 18 months through age five at Lions Pride North it's three and four year olds and 5-y olds um we do all the same curriculum that the public schools do so they're ready for kindergarten when they go in we have Summer full day program of Summer Fest and Quest Summerfest is our more traditional program for the elementary children agees kindergarten through or first grade through sixth grade um we do rotating stations where they go to the stem room the art room outdoor wreck we go on a weekly field trip it's more of a a camp feeling where summer Quest is a program for teenage students um our middle school students who come to that and they go on a field trip every day so they'll be in Boston on Monday there'll be at canopy Tuesday and that was designed a few years ago and it's been a big hit both of those programs have already enrolled for the year and are completely filled um we have summer enrichment classes for children um that offer little mini programs for two to three hours for parents maybe who were staying at home with their children wanted to come over those are still enrolling adult dead classes and trips run year round um and then extended day and that's a big program we're going to talk about first so extended day is held at all of the elementary schools and Parker Middle School we have about 400 to 500 students per year it is before school care after school care as well as vacation weeks we have a variety of activities for the kids to do they can come after school work on their homework they can do a little organized activities some arts and crafts few science projects um in the picture you see Aussie came to visit us next year we're going to be offering yoga once a month at each of the sites and it's really a place where kids can go until their parents get out of work we will be opening that in about two weeks so that's the hot news front of you're watching um that program fills up very very quickly and we do have a cap at each site just based on Staffing and here's just some examples from this year so South Rog stad day they do a lot of projects giv back to the community so one of the projects this year was they wanted to honor the seniors at one of the senior center so they did May baskets for those of us who are old enough to have heard about them or maybe our parents or grandparents told us about them but um they're just a little thing that you hang flowers on somebody's door in a day in May and um the kids hadn't heard about him so it was a fun lesson talking about it and a lot of nostalgia and one of the the residents is the mother of our staff members so she was willing to take a picture with her May Basket and from what we heard it was the hit of the senior center um the give Club has come a few times so I wanted to talk about them as well as some of the other high school students that have helped us they come and offer to do projects with the children they reached out to us and every year the past two years we've had high school volunteers that reach out and want to come to our sites so they went to Harrington South Row Center and Bome this year and they organize a projects they come with a curriculum we get the materials for them and they are big hit the children love having somebody different to work with and um and interact with so that's a project they did at our school today um you'll see on our social media that the high school students came and helped us um from the give club and a couple other clubs and sports to do all of our moving when we have Summerfest we have to move all of our preschool furniture out so it's a full day and we had about 30 children 30 High School young people not children um who come and volunteer their time and they move all of our stuff and put in storage and at the end of the summer they come back and do it and they're huge for us so we thank the high schoolers Lions Pride which I briefly talked about is is our childcare program that is booked for next year so um we have 62 participants daily and that's 18 months through Age 5 going into uh kindergarten we have a stem room we have a preschool um toddler play Space the playground over there for anybody who hasn't been there has been redesigned the past few years so it's all appropriate for ages five and under which is fantastic that we share with chips okay um and here's just some adorable pictures again even with our youngest students we do academics it may not look like academics from what some of you are used to but that's our Hands-On science and these are our toddler one so they come in in the fall and we do pumpkin pumpkin patch that's our youngest kids you really have the best job just go we do I agree um Lions Pride North is um for ages students ages 3 to five and that's at the high school that we work with the high school program for the children the high schoolers who do exploring early childhood and they'll come over and work with our students they have their own Traditions they've been doing for years before I was even in the program they have a teddy bear picnic they have a field day um and these are some of the pictures of that and what's really nice is they get to really know the high schoolers there's a theme day that the students the high school students plan and come over and Implement they give them each a shirt they find out what the students like and at the end of the year they'll make them a wi the Poo shirt or Sesame Street whatever characters the kids are into so they get a personalized shirt from the kids and that's been a fantastic addition to our program in the past two years summer Quest I again talked about that that's full for this year as well um we have 40 students a day and we travel all over the state and a couple out of state which you guys approve thank you very much um where we go up to New Hampshire and it's really designed for students to have more of an independence that they're not walking around in a camp with you know a teacher and 10 children you know 10 students they they have the ability to go independently if their parents approve it and check back in every hour so it can be they can go in a little areas and come check back with us and they really enjoy it um we found it's a big hit for the students who maybe don't want to go walk around with their parents as much anymore so um it's a good time that they have a great summer and build Independence and then on Friday we always do a community service field trip and that can be we've done some with um Steve Callahan who does our playgrounds they'll go and help spread mulch they go to um the Open Spaces and work with Phil stanway and spread do gardening do weeding and anything within the town so if there are people out there who are looking for for ideas reach out to us cuz we do that every Friday Summer Fest that is the one I talked about a little bit we have 130 students grades 1 to six we do weekly field trips in the different interest areas again stem art um outdoor wreck theater we're also having some um art and music instructors come in this year for weekly theme as a specialist and the high school we're working with um the high school to have some different sports teams come over and do a day of interest for each of the teams so we already have rugby booked and we're waiting for a few more to come in we really want to give the kids who are with us especially year round a different environment than extended day so Summerfest is very different it may be the same students but we have different staff different activities so that they feel it's their summer and they're not just continuing their school year adult education um hopefully you all get our catalog we are Reinventing that we have a new designer so it's going to look a little bit different this year we increased about 12% this year um the team has worked really hard to bring in some new activities so some things coming up are on my next slide um some new cooking classes we're doing a quilting class for those t-shirt quilts that people do for their High School seniors where they cut up the t-shirts that's going to be something offered um we have a new trip a compy new company that runs our trips and that's been a big hit for a lot of the seniors in the area and some of the staff so this year some ones I just want to point out were the African and Greek cooking those are brand new we're doing the quilt making smartphone photography line dancing Pilates introduction improv and buyer guide to real estate so those are brand new as well as some of our Classics we're going to have all of our cooking come back those fill up very quickly um and then summer classes these are still enrolling um we do a variety of activities we try and do 2hour classes for classes up to six hour classes again typically for parents who are home or might be doing full day camps and just need a little bit of care so these are holiday Film Production Shark Tank Jr writing Wizards yoga musical theater tennis coding the escape room and art adventures and again just trying to make sure that we cover kids who are interested in science and art and all different interest levels and looking ahead for us we're going to be updating the cafeteria at wesland school we paint it the painting starting this week and then we're going to be getting new furniture um the high school playground we're going to improve that for the students over at liines Pride North our hiring for extended a staff is going to be done much earlier we actually are posting those jobs this week so if anybody knows people that are college students that are looking for a part-time job last year we did have to cap our extended day due to Staffing so we're trying to get out much sooner so we can bring in more students and then adult dead is going to continue to expand their offerings for the community a and that is it anybody any questions for me uh just a comment I've also had a child go through lies Pride I had one in each and loved both programs and the work you guys do is amazing Summerfest is a huge hit with families everywhere thank you sub um but thank you very much and then um all of those services and programs you put out there really uh high quality and the kids love it so thank you so much my pleasure um my family takes advantage of a lot of things offered through Community educations so um I think you know the offerings are wonderful I'm curious I know you mentioned that there's going to be at least at first a cap again for extended day um I know there's always more interest than there is space for the summer programs um has there been um consideration of the best way or is there kind of a new way to think about doing enrollment that is a little bit less advantaging the person who has time to not be in a meeting at 10:00 a.m. and be logged in instantly I I I have the advantage of working from home so I never miss a sign up but I know a lot of people who struggle to get their kids signed up for no fault of their own yeah we have talked about that we're considering we've reached out to some other directors at our my community about doing a lottery possibly for next year um it's hard because every one of them has an advantage and disadvantage because a lottery isn't always fair either if your family's been with us for years some people asked if theyve been in the program should they have first rights um we've really looked at a lot of it and I'll you know potentially bring you know J and Linda some thoughts next year if we want to change it for next year because we have had feedback um I do feel like our system's a lot better we used to be all paper forms and parents lined up outside the door at 5: in the morning it was always the dads that got sent the wives would send the dads to line up um always so so we're trying to make it better um and I do feel like our software is fast except for the one year we had the glitch which we don't speak of anymore but uh it if people are on there at the right time they do get in as quickly as they get on there but I don't know I I have mixed feelings about all of them and I do feel it's unfortunate that we can't take every child in the district but we just we don't have the capacity in any any means space staff um but I'm open to feedback so if people have suggestions like I said please let me know now all the these summer programs are they all based out of Westland are they based out of different schools or they're primarily was based out of Westlands we have a few that run out of Bome some of the sports programs that are vendors so we have them at biome so that there's a little more space on our fields for the students in Summerfest and Quest okay but yes the majority of them there the summer Quest students come in just for half an hour they meet at Westlands and then they go on a bus somewhere but and and who's Staffing is it is it high school kids are these we have high school students mostly college and adults okay and we have it broken down that the high school students are never alone with the group if they're working with us they're suppor by a college or an adult person okay great all right anybody have any other questions all right well thank you very much for coming and give us all the information good luck with the summer stuff thank you thank you Robin all right uh next up we're going to transition to our um technology director Bill Silva he has some tech updates for us have a good night um as the year comes to a wrap talk a little bit about some of the stuff he has planned for the summer and then this is also the time of the year where we start to work on updates to all of our different manuals our staff handbooks student handbooks things like that and he has a couple of recommendations for us so whenever he is available we'll turn it over to Bill a very new setup so give me a moment did you get the badge here yeah new we want that okay hi everyone thanks for having me good to see you all um I have a I think too many slides for you once again and uh you had awful lot of reading to do if you went through all the items that were in the packet for me so my apologies for that uh few things we'll go through tonight I'll give you a quick recap um sort of from last summer to present of some various items the technology Department's worked on um few project items some that are in progress some that were completed some that are upcoming uh and then I'll talk to you about a technology assessment that we had done uh this year and uh we also ran a steering committee um and I have some items there that um will need your your votes on as far as uh acceptable use policies things like that uh before I get into all of that you know I always like to take just a moment to thank my entire team um the icts department spans across not just technicians but integration Specialists Library staff uh technology assistants who teaching out in our um our schools and every single member they're just excellent to work with and I'm very fortunate and I just always like to put that out there first uh the department really runs so well because of them uh very quickly take you through some Grant awards from this year um we were able to get a $115,000 grant from locked Martin for our pltw programming uh $3,600 from8 which was for uh applied learning for manufacturing and Engineering uh the Innovations Pathways that's a Desi Grant so um to the technology engineering area came $6,185 and those were uh the breakouts for where that money went and then eate category one funding we receive a 40% reimbursement uh for all of our internet firewall Services Etc and that is usually right in the the vicinity of $50,000 um one interesting thing from eate is they are going to Pilot a new cyber security category uh so that's going to open up soon and we'll definitely be applying to be one of the pilot schools for that um some of the pieces of PD that the tech integration group worked on this year they focused in uh on a few different applications screencastify was one of them um that's a really neat little program teachers can uh capture their screen record everything for a student so they could uh watch things after class things like that but it also has the ability to flip and teachers can assign uh you know a quick assignment for students where students can record themselves as a response to either you know a reading or just to even introduce themselves at back to school time we piloted a new tool called near pod which we'll be implementing next year uh this group also created a graduate course for Project based learning um which I think is really important we were doing a blended learning graduate course which was really well received and project-based learning really is the next logical step for um for our staff uh there was all kinds of different projects that TI's would go in co- te do projects with classes across all the different buildings and they also ran all the Proctor trainings for m yes uh test that we sort of uh facilitated this year of course mcast and and access uh and also the AP and sat are now all completely digital um so we were fortunate enough to take part in that testing as well uh everything went pretty smoothly um at least as far as mcast and access went AP and sat is a different testing platform there were a couple of bumps with the College Board application excuse me and and uh some of the devices that were being used to test on that either were not ours or they were from out of District couple of bumps with that but uh my tech staff did participate on Saturdays with sat testing and uh they did a great job with that uh last summer you know we had the uh grade level realignment for Parker McCarthy um and we also were rebadging the entire District so I just wanted to uh give a quick thank you to the the tech staff for all the work that they did last summer getting classrooms ready uh moving all kinds of uh classroom technology making sure the staff had everything that they needed when they returned um there was a lot of work behind the scenes with uh phones even being reassigned to people and all the e911 information being updated um and then we did rebadge the entire the entire District uh everyone now has photos on their badges uh everyone depending on role is colorcoded this was a really big undertaking um on the bright side if anyone needs a wedding photographer or holiday photographer a couple of my guys are very very proficient at photos now so um service requests we fielded 9,833 tickets this year uh average response time was 7 hours and the average request closure was 1.4 days I don't know if you can make out that picture uh it's sort of the best thing I could grab but what you'll see here is typically the high school used to have one of the largest areas for Ticket openings and closures in the district McCarthy actually moved into first place this year um and I think a lot of that had to do with um Chromebook sort of Damages repair and things like that so um it was a little bit of a shift for us but overall uh the tech staff handled it really well um you know we have two uh dedicated High School technicians and then I have uh two districtwide that operate out of this office and and their service manager that oversees that pool um and of course other folks get some of these requests to but they do the main thrust and it's so it's really these five uh five technicians that get out there and uh take care of an awful lot of these tickets so I thank them for that what's beautiful here is that most people are getting service the same day that they enter their request uh we've done a lot of work in um wiring closets this year uh we've upgraded firmware on every switch we have about 81 switches throughout the district that all has to get done off hours so we don't take people down during the day um our wireless system began an update today and we have a few more to do uh throughout the course of the summer and then these cleanups that we've done if you look at the leftand picture here that's what a closet may have looked like and then after the sort of the work was done to recable everything uh that's what it looks like now the benefit there is that if something happens in that uh particular closet it's not taking an hour to triage where the wire runs to um and that's really how it should look things sort of get installed originally and it never gets updated and then you add pieces and it can become a Rat's Nest quickly but our network administrator uh did really nice work with that we've moved through about four buildings so far um so there's plenty more of that to work on few more updates um Chromebooks again will deploy to grades five and nine and this year we will also be refreshing the CHS teacher devices we did the middle schools this year uh and then the plan is for staff we're going to try to refresh at the same uh rate that we do for students which will be once every four years and that should keep them with a you know relatively new device that is powerful and works well for their needs uh this is actually going to be the sixth year of our onetoone implementation which is crazy to think about I feel like we sort of just began that um implemented a new neat little tool for elll teachers called pocket talk um this has the ability to translate um and all kinds of different languages to and from and so you can have a conver conversation and everything's translated instantly on the Fly um so those are pretty neat and we'll see how that goes in those classrooms and there's a lot that's happening in um in that venue now especially with all the AI changes and updates Our World Language lab was completely refreshed all the teacher machines uh student machines all completely redone uh there are new projectors going in there that uh room also has a three projector setup um it's pretty big so folks can get a good view from anywhere in the room uh and we also ran PD for the world language teachers so they can take uh full advantage of all of the new hardware uh the Hamington Elementary library is getting redone and this is a horrible picture it's going to look much better than that but this gives you an idea of what the space is going to sort of uh be laid out as it's actually being painted right now uh first coat's almost completely done I was just over there a little while ago uh but this is going to be a neat space you'll see in the bottom corner there like a comfy reading Nook for for our students everything's going to be mobile uh much more modular this will look a lot uh like what you've seen at the high school um and this is something obviously would like to continue through all the libraries over the next several years uh just keep updating those spaces they're so important security uh this is one area where I think we've grown tremendously over the last several years um so this summer all Panic buttons throughout the district will be activated um we have them in all the the modular buildings and every main office has multiple uh these will give a direct alert to the police station uh if there's any kind of an emergency the McCarthy uh is also getting a vestibule installed for uh you know being able to bring visitors into that building in a in a safer way um we are also adding visitor management to every single school next year uh there will be a districtwide two two-way radio system installed this summer uh that's been a need for a little bit uh so this is going to give buildings a much better um communication methodology not uh just to themselves but they'll also be able to contact Police Department if they need to and admins will be able to directly talk to each other when needed uh and then a pilot that we're going to work on this year is a LED strobe and network-based speakers and um so the Jason Maru who works uh on most of our security items he you know also does PA phones uh all kinds of different things he's actually fabricating these boxes that you see on the right that have four different push buttons on them uh in the left hand picture is the LED strobe this has the ability to light up in a number of different colors and then a IP based uh speaker which um we're going to have play a pre-recorded message so we met with the Alice group and uh discussed how we wanted to implement these uh strobes and and button presses sorry and uh what we had decided Ed was um we'll have something that initiates sort of the Alice or options based response protocol that's like the big emergency protocol there'll be one for evacuation which will GL uh glow Amber on the LED uh one for a hold in place which will glow blue on the LED and then the green will uh bring the building back to normal operation the pre-recorded messages will play uh Alice group wrote up what they'd like those to say and so we'll be recording those and that's what will come out of the speakers and the main thrust for the pilot of these will be to be uh put in areas where either the PA system sometimes isn't loud enough because if the room is full for instance a cafeteria full of students a gym full of students maybe Performing Arts Center uh these are light up they'll play a very loud announcement so everyone will know exactly what's happening at that time okay on to the tech assessment um so we have had Dr lri Keon come in with the Integrity group um and this group used to do really uh very large format Tech assessments and blueprints and they sort of scaled a lot of that back so they wanted to Pilot a new rubric based approach so they offered to come in and do this at no cost um and I had worked with her before so we said certainly let let's give it a shot and see how we score so they looked at seven different Focus areas uh you could see here leadership curriculum and instructional technology access to technology PD tech support network infrastructure and data analytics we scored really highly um basically in every single area and there were a couple of places where they made a couple of um recommendations for improvement so these Focus areas were a technology committee a long range Tech plan instructional Focus acceptable use policy and data analytics uh you can see the the little rubric that I put up for you here on this screen this is strictly the instructional Focus one and it's not like we scored badly in it we were in developing but of course that's not good enough for chumford I want us to always be proficient or advanced in all of these uh these areas so um when we take a look at at what this says basically it it asks you know how is technology impacting the teacher and the student and developing is the teacher using this in a teacher Centric model where they're kind of just presenting information up on a board and we would like to see them continue sometimes that is the the best methodology but we want them to be able to do other things um when they integrate technology and so you see in the proficient category um some assignments are done collaborative collaboratively or Project based and that's why also the tis group said well let's offer this graduate Project based learning course and we can start the teach these skills to teachers and move oursel up the um sort of the instructional Focus uh into the proficient or Advanced area um the tech committee I didn't really have a a huge problem with this a tech steering committee for me is something that you don't form every single year these are things that you do maybe every four or five years and the last one we had um was just before we were going to implement one to one uh we did an awful lot of work with that it had been 5 years so it was time to convened the assessment happened to fall before the reconvening of this uh unfortunately but we did have the tech committee this year uh long range Tech plan um this is something that desie used to require from every single district and you had to have an approved Desy plan in order to get e-rate funding but they did away with that an awful long time ago it's not like we're just I'm kind of making things up willy-nilly on the Fly we have a plan but maybe it was just never really committed to uh 100% on paper or really looked out five years you might only be two or three years out so uh we took the time to go ahead and and plan out five years um worth of Technology goals and things that we want to focus in on um the acceptable use policy I think this was a a good pickup on their part we sort of had policies and a number of different spots um and so what the steering committee worked on was taking on all these policies in various areas and sort of getting them all together in one comprehensive uh document which will become the new overarching tech acceptable use policy for the district and then data analytics they flagged um which I didn't 100% agree with because we do have Panorama and that's a really tremendous platform but I feel like we're still in the early stages of implementation with that as we use it more as teachers interact with it more uh I think that is the right platform for the district and it does a really good job at showing teachers and administrators the data they need to see so I listed it here because it was a focus area on their report but I don't feel like it really is a item that we need to worry about at this time okay so I kind of get already gave all of these points while I talked on that last slide um but these were things that the um steering committee got to work on it was uh the long range Tech plan all the acceptable use policies we also talked a lot about AI how we want to roll that out with Staff first and then students at a later time and then we updated the staff policy to have ai language in it so um that we're we're covered for that and we can start to teach staff how to use it appropriately and um you know and safely the CHS addendum also had updates done to it and that was mostly language based in the um the addendum for AI and uh basically it became like another form of cheating or plagiarism so it ended up in their honor code section um the other thing in the CHS ad dundum that used to talk about uh the ability to have a bring your own device policy the steering committee uh discussed that at length and we've decided to do away with with the bring your own device policy um one reason is we provide a device for every student in grades 5 through 12 that we manage we maintain uh we know that they're going to work the way that we want them to work we know that their students are going to get to the resources that they need to get to and not get to resources that they shouldn't get to um we've seen a lot with the BYOD where uh users can sort of load up anything that they want at home and then that becomes applicable at school and it can it can cause some problems where they can get to things that they shouldn't get to or use applications that maybe a teacher doesn't want them using um so that and that coupled with network security uh things like that we did vote to get rid of the the Bood and so that is also added in the addendum okay that's I can't believe it went that fast that was pretty much the whole update um I was I was I was moving the pieces that I do need from the school committee are uh several different votes will need a vote to accept the uh empowered digital use policy for students the empowered digital use policy for staff the updated CHS addendum and then there is a new tiered Chromebook repair fee schedule um which was in the documentation the way we had done that previously is we've never charged for labor for any repairs um for students we charge for parts and uh we would charge the first time that there was a damage incident 50% of the cost of the parts if you think back to the uh ticket page that I showed you an awful lot of those tickets are damage um devices we probably spent out somewhere in the vicinity of4 40ish th000 in Parts alone this year and we recuperated approximately $11,000 in damage fees um so what the steering committee talked about was going to a tiered system where it goes like 50 100 150 200 and then full replacement cost and doing away with the 50% uh discount on the first damage and hopefully that will sort of uh curb a lot of the the damage that we see uh and maybe um um we won't have that those kind of uh that number or volume of repairs uh moving forward do you I'm just wonder anyone can ask any questions but do you want to just like walk through like in just broad terms like the empowered digital use policy like any big changes or or what you've Incorporated in that you want them to act on yeah the um the empowered digital use policy for students that has taken what appeared in the handbook book under the acceptable use for internet and email and merged it with what we already called the empowered digital use policy for student that policy was um was built during the last steering committee when we were coming into the one to one and it was really only applied to grade 5 to 12 students this will now be every uh technology policy for acceptable use it's all bundled into this the use and care of devices regardless of whether or not you're on the one to one um and the another piece that came up in that assessment is that this should be something that parents or Guardians sign off on on a yearly basis so we've come up with a way to deliver this to to families and they can digitally sign off on it and we'll ask for that sign off every year the empowered digital use policy for staff the main uh changes to that was strictly uh in the venue of AI language about the dos and don'ts of using artificial intelligence and the importance of protecting both staff and student um Pi while using AI uh the addendum we spoke to I think you heard that and then the tier Chromebook component I there's a lot of information here you know is it possible for for us to vote in this like next meeting could pull this out the specific policies that we're supposed to be approving pull out the tiered repair fee schedule just so we can kind of like have it in isolation versus we ask some questions now though because oh yeah absolutely no I'm just I'm just saying I you know at this point I don't know if I'd be ready to vote on it but um but yeah absolutely you have some questions yeah um I have a couple um so one is um from pretty much all of the empowered digital use policies it names some things that are unacceptable by name and other things that says anything else inappropriate to minor um it mentions things you know that are obscene or pornographic make sense to include those explicitly it mentions drug use and things like that there's no mention specifically of things related to weapon use or violence and I'm just curious if there was any consideration of inclusion of that as being something that would be specifically unacceptable um and I know there's stuff around bullying and stuff but it doesn't explicitly call out um exposure for example to like third- party violent images and so for example it would be covered somebody couldn't make a threat to someone but there was nothing specifically forbidding a student from say sending um graphic images of something violent happening to another student so that was one question I have or I guess um I'm curious to hear if there was consideration of that so I think uh your first point for weapons so most of um what's blocked for schools comes from sipa it's the children's internet protection act um things like weapons gambling uh drugs pornography all of these things are just broad categories that are automatically blocked by sipa um so I don't think that you need to specifically address them and I feel like the uh weapons component and things like that fall under the all other things that would be inappropriate um but if you wanted your Lang I mean this is your policy at the end of the day so if you wanted your language to mention very specific things we certainly could um but I can tell you that those types of things just by the law have to be blocked okay thank you yeah I'm I'm not sure where I stand on I was curious um I could see the use of kind of graic violent images being something that's worth specifically naming but I could also see that being a slippery slope for example if students are researching images of difficult periods in history Wars things like that that there may be things that would be flagged as violent images or graphic images um so something to think about um the other question I have is when you look at the offenses for k to4 [Music] um for student students who first and second offense um and what the consequences or possible disciplinary actions excuse me would be um under second offense number four it mentions brief detention during recess or after school um I have no problem with it mentioning after school but it is in our policy document to not take away um recess time for children that young um since it's critical for their physical well-being and mental health so I would suggest that we consider removing that specific mention of detention during recess as a potential consequence for a student um and lastly I um was curious about this is more of just like a broad question um we have devices that presumably because we no longer have BYOD all the there's District devices do those District devices specifically have access to any of the popular AI tools that are currently out there for students right now no um but as you know new websites pop up every day you know so right but sometimes by the time the filter Flags a site for you know potentially having some component like that like a math solving type of picture taking tool or something like that um it's possible that a student has seen it once but typically the filter uh is is pretty quick um within every hour it's getting updates uh and those things are shut down pretty rapidly but right now students will not be able to explicitly use an AI tool like a chat GPT or Google Gemini or any of that type of stuff because the staff haven't even started touching this yet or receive professional development on it um so we're not in a position where we're ready to have students start uh interacting yeah that was my question like I could see both sides of that like the benefits you know in one of the things I don't know if it was here or in your presentation mentioning the potential appropriate use of AI um it's not going away anytime soon and learning about it um balanced with the the risks in terms of academic integrity and um sa student safety and things like that and right that's a it's a tricky balance um it does seem like it's worth not including that for students devices if the teachers haven't been educated yet themselves on the use of it um I can tell you in our tech classes next year there will be uh curriculum added to start teaching students about it and about ethical and safe use and things like that that just won't be able to to get to it yet so we'll be doing the the groundwork to to prepare them to begin interacting still very much the wild west out there for AI so I I can see being cautious um I think that was it for my most pressing questions I'm curious if others have any any other questions John has um yeah so with the e- rate for the networking equipment coming um I'm sure there's going to be some kind of focus on that I know it's the I think the network was my first year here was so eight years ago now yeah um so I'm is with the e- rate I think it makes a lot of sense for the cybercity side so that's not just for firewalls is that for the switching like is it yeah so the the cber security component to that is going to be for things like uh endpoint protection all that type of stuff and then they still will have category two which covers Network infrastructure and um structured cabling all right well I look forward to seeing that and just so you know I know cleaning up the cables seems like oh you know it's just a detailed thing but it actually lengthen the life of your equipment because of the air flow that's required for all that equipment so when you leave it like that for a long time your equipment actually dies really fast so but uh good work this year thank you and um congratulations to your son his graduation thanks John I appreciate it no problem losing any questions um I don't really I I didn't read it all through thoroughly enough yet so I definitely want to do that my question really doesn't have to do with the paperwork but it's something I've been wondering for a long time what happens to the Chrome Brooks after the kids use them for their four years and turn them back in yeah they they do turn them back in um so some get will get repurposed down to elementaries and and replace uh devices that maybe aren't up to Snuff down there um sometimes if we have student students that have damaged too many times or H you know have not uh paid the fee they'll get issued one of the the return devices um we do keep carts of them around so when we were um running SATs we had those on hand for students who came from out of District who had trouble with their devices so they do get repurposed until they no longer can take updates and then they get recycled out the reason I asked is um the town community services coordinator is working in a program with Nim Cog on digital equity and and come up in a discussion about one of the issues with digital Equity is people who big piece of it is not having access to Internet but some is not access to Hardware either and I didn't know if there was any way that you have things that are turned in the school doesn't need them anymore but there might be people in the community who could use them as opposed to having nothing so right it's um it's a it's a tricky uh area because the taxpayers own the the equipment um so I mean uses it as much as you until you kind of can't get anything else out of them right right so I mean certainly worth further uh discussion and investigation um because digital Equity is certainly important okay um two questions before we come back to policy um one is the the vesu at McCarthy is that slated to get done this summer or you looking for fall no I mean the goal is to have it be completed this um this summer there are a couple different stages there's the um exterior like the front uh store front windows if you think about it like that um those being replaced um there's a special door going in on the kind of the far left side um where we're creating the little entry area um so that all looks um like it's in in good shape um then there's just the build out of the interior wall and if all goes well that'll happen towards the the end of July early August so it will a lot of these projects going to be up right against the start of the school year but no the the goal is to have that done it was funded by the town in April so the funding is available it's just more of a coordination of project and then will that be staffed by a separate individual how is that going to work yes so they have three individuals in the main office now so one of the individuals will come out and staff the U the entryway whether it's a mixture during the day or the same person I truly don't know but it'll be an existing staff member right and my other question is how did you do getting your Esports stuff going did you get it going or go yeah the Esports has been a little bit rough um the the company we were using were running matches uh sort of later uh in the day it was like 5 500 P p.m type of matches so it was difficult to have students stay until that kind of time it was difficult to find coaching to come back uh at that time so it has not taken off the way I expected it to um but that's not to say that it can't continue to grow we will certainly continue to try to grow the program great all right so just oh sorry John go are you doing the policy next well sorry go ahead I just really quickly because Maria is not here I wanted to thank you uh for the work you're doing in ell the pocket talk thing that sounds neat and then U the World Language lab so Maria's not here I want to make she's always about elll so uh thank you for that work as well sure say I'm really excit I just wanted to share positive thing I'm really excited um and enthusiastic that you all are offering a Project based learning yeah course um it feels like that will also move the a little bit on that academic thing that the um those who came in to do the assessment picked up on moving it toward more student centered practices um and I love that the district is offering that internally because there's there's a lot of stuff out there but um not always as easily accessible right thank you so just getting back so the you have two empowered digital use po we have one on the books is very very very general so I would like to be able to pull out the each of those compare we'd have to if we could have two different policies then assign them two different can designations um right can I ask Bill one quick question go ahead Bill what you say I I don't think that they're going to be two uh different policies at this point you you're going to have an empowered digital use policy for students and there there's one for staff but we won't be utilizing two empowered digital use policies it won't be the old one and the new one no no but if if we're going to change change of policy then we need to just make sure that it aligns correctly with the format vote on that today anyway no that's why I want to make sure we're going to do that but anyway so you know what I'm saying here's my question for you if if we wanted to wait until the July meeting to vote on these well we're going if if this got voted through tonight then the changes are going to get updated into the student handbook the addendum and then the staff handbook which we're going to come forward at the July 9th meeting um I guess the only thing I would suggest is there aren't really big substantive changes to those other documents with the exception of this so on the agenda that night we could list these policies and get them to you you know well in advi for you to review come up with any questions you want but if you then approve them we would have them slated to be included in those other um handbooks because we really do need to get those to the printers for the start of school and we don't meet again until um August 4th so that would be kind of T cutting it tight so um we will get you also those other handbooks ahead of time almost like pre-loaded with uh if you approve these this is what's going to go in um if you can just be prepared and like I said I'll give you plenty of lead time but just to say approve these and then the other handbooks all in that one evening that would be helpful to us at least to be able to kind of get that done we have to do the translation piece and be able to get them up to the website in early August for families readable and then if you have feedback you know if we get them Hadad of time enough if you have feedback something like you know You' mentioned before then maybe we can get that discussed between you and yeah yeah no that'd be fine also if you come up with questions as you're reading through them now then feel free to reach out I'm more than happy to to discuss any of it with you and um you know they're not obviously set in stone this was the best attempt from the steering committies revisions of everything so if there's different language or you wanted to change something this is certainly the time to do it okay great I'm sorry I have one more question actually since you were so kind to invite it um does this policy still essentially leave it to the individual schools or in some cases teachers to determine what happens to students personal devices when they enter the room um well I guess Define which personal devices you're talking about so let's say cell phones right so I'm going to name cell phones because I know there's a lot of schools that are coming up or districts that are coming up with districtwide policies of what happens to cell phones when students enter the building M so uh cell phones are not something that we dealt with in this is strictly dealt with um with our devices and the acceptable use and care of those devices um there is cell phone language in the CHS addendum um and the regular handbook has uh cell phone advice in it as well okay yeah I noticed that wasn't anything about it here so I was curious if it lived somewhere else okay am I correct by elij this really just addresses our our equipment got it that we provide to people so not like a personal device that they may be bringing in but there but you're saying you're discontinuing to bring your own device so are we going to crack down on bring your own device any devices are we cracking down more on this is this is more about if they were to bring their own tablet or laptop something okay yeah I wonder if that should laid out specifically because when I see bring your own device I think of students wanting to access materials on their cell phones for example well there's nothing stopping that from doing that well for eliminating bring your own device that's that's what I'm wondering is that student students will still certainly be able to carry cell phones if that's what their parents want them to do but it's the building policies are what dictate when and where a student may be able to access the the cell phone or something like that I know this is just kind of more discussion but I also read that bill and correct me if I'm wrong to mean bring my own device to connect to a network correct right so you won't be able to connect a private device to our Network your guest Network you would still be able to use though yeah normal the the guest network will be available and we make that available specifically if a student needed to connect a cell phone um because we allow calling over Wi-Fi so if they had an emergency or something like that they could still um I use make a phone call did you get locked out of the other one but the guest network isn't always that great the guest network no I mean you can't there some stuff you just can't do gu network was not designed to um to be a great experience for everyone it basically can get you to your email Etc there no say it I understand why I don't I don't use it most of the time now that I can use the other all right so we will get you cleaned up versions Standalone of these four documents by the weekend early next week so you have plenty of time to kind of read through them and then we'll also queue up the other documents that we had on the calendar to be approved assuming that this will be incorporated in and then we'll just bring them all forward at the July meeting yeah so anything that we have to read through if we can have them a little bit in advance because if I get him the day of I don't know he's had right like this today I skimmed it but any other bigger documents like the handbooks things like that um we use like track changes so that you can see what's being changed because um there's again there's no real substantive changes in um in those often people change names and things like that but you can uh follow that along yeah yeah like say because it's a policy thing like to make sure we yeah yeah because what we have right nowc this is this that one yeah it's pretty generic okay you know so I'm think guessing what yeah I don't even know the bill is necessar do you know the school committee policy on this I don't know whether you even necessarily saying to replace that or is this just happen to have the same name well when you when you uh moved to the masc um set of policies included in there is what they referred to as a uh Power digital use policy however that never existed at at that time so we generated that um during the one:1 steering committee that we had that type of policy on hand the only Tech acceptable used policy we had simply lived in the student handbook and that was that that should probably get here on onto the site you know since we are calling a policy it is a policy so it should really be so this would be enshrined on that policy correct we have to put it in with masc and all that so you know and they have other ones on internet you know social media all that other stuff in there too so okay so we can take a look at that we can take a look at that at the same time yeah all right everybody good with that great so we'll take up all these things uh next meeting all right thank thank you thank you Bill thank you thanks for the updates okay back to okay the school committee in yeah about that e- stuff too for the uh security that's yeah that was really helpful to us when we did the um the network upgrades so we're kind of at that point again so we'll be looking at that that was helpful um the next two documents on the agenda um tonight are just our goals review kind of updates um we typically do the mid year and then at the end of the year um Linda helped us put this together um the first one item three is the school committee um goal review update and the fourth one is um progress that I made on goal updates for the year um at this point in time we use this again to kind of track some of the work how it ties back to the different strategic plan initiatives um just to keep a running record of what we're actually accomplishing as we get into um you know the end of July and early August when we start to focus on like what initiatives and goals might look like for the 20 4 25 school year it's often helpful to just have this as a starting point um I don't know D if you had anything specific on no basically we've done the past and Linda was kind enough to do this we should go through our our year you know our school committee meetings and what what what happened during the meetings how does that link back to what our goals were um so these basically goes through all the different meeting dates where we discuss some of the different features some of the different reports we have um so again I appreciate that uh assistant superintendent Hurst took the time to do that and uh you know but you when you do this I've done this the past it's it's remarkable just how many things there are I mean when you go back and you look at the meetings and you think ah we didn't really get much done but we really a lot of what we did does link back to what we had said we wanted to get done at the beginning of the year so yeah and the same thing with I'm sure you for me too I mean I think what was actually helpful for for both of us was the um the fact that we kind of coordinated the report outs of the five different working groups over the course of the year so we had the Strategic plan updates we had uh some updates on the special edit opportunities review and some of the work of the par professional or par educator working group um but then we actually kind of earm marked a presentation at each of the five meetings over the course of five months to talk specifically about one of the um the initiative areas and uh it was just nice to see how it all kind of tied back to the to the progress document honestly when you do this one you know a meeting at a time it doesn't feel like a lot that's what I'm saying let's when you sit down at the end of the year and you look through and say oh okay we did that and we did that and did that that's awesome yeah so I don't know if anybody has any questions or see if the think there's anything like missing again this is just something that once we add done we kind of post just to keep U keep track of the different work we've been doing haven't we done working groups on these in the past when was the last time we've like had well we'll kind of do a working group usually um to start talking about like next year's um goals and initiatives but once they're in place we basically are just reporting out on them so this is last year this is last year to right these are the goals we came up in the fall yeah this is this is our graduation day yeah gr our report card we haven't graduated yet Alex yeah this is really good this is good work Linda she out did herself I it really did out twice I mean really with the newsletter the newsletter picture was unbelievable oh I didn't see that off the look my best work I noticed it right away hold on the newsletter hold on all right any other questions or things that they no think we need to add or good work everybody so as somebody who wasn't here when these goals were set um when does what does the process look like like when would we set our new goals probably start in August right so typically in August um so like now we're kind of closing down the current school year in July um at as we'll talk about a little bit later what I usually do is kind of the um the whole full year recap um like the year in review at the July meeting and we kind of Clos down 23 24 and that's what John was mentioning like sometimes we've had kind of like a working session or even just dedicated a portion of the meeting in August to take a look at what we want to have for goals for the next year um I'll also coordinate with like tests and District Management Group because another decision we made was really to have the school committee and the superintendent goals be aligned to the Strategic plan of the district um so we'll have them come also and talk about um our accomplishments for the year areas we might need to retune or refocus on and then what initiatives we might want to look at going into year three of the Strategic plan we actually had a full day um kind of retreat with our whole admin group today to just stop that work and kind of do the um the year and review so that was good before everyone breaks for the summer uh and then again coming back in August we'll kind of set that so that right after the school year gets going we're really implementing um so I would imagine one of those two meetings in August think it be good to have them come in or even a special meeting oh yeah they'll come back as well it' be great to have them they'll be able to kind of forhad on what's happening with the district so that you know my goals and then your goals can all be aligned yeah I've said it before I think having that strategic plan is so helpful in putting the focus on the same things for everybody so I mean I've only gone through this one time is do the school committee goals though stay fairly similar I mean these are things that have to just keep happening well two I mean again you you talk about two different things even like if you look at it like say the superintendent goals or the District gos um are going to stay pretty similar as far as like kind of the big buckets if you think about it that way for the 5 years of the plan because when we put the Strategic plan together we identified five different areas so you have kind of the academic curriculum area you have seal you have facilities um so we're going to be doing the initiatives under those five categories may change and that's what we're going to talk about what do we actually get done this year that we're satisfied is done is not going to continue or what do we accomplish that we then need to still kind of work on going forward that might be like a tweak or there might be a totally new initiative that that gets identified for the next year but I see the formatting or kind of the layers all kind of falling into those same five headers it keeps us all on the same page yeah yeah we might see we want to focus more with the new building Pro focus more on Outreach the community about the building project and that type of thing that we didn't really have to do this yet because we hadn't been that's true but then the Align it's still going to line with our our facilities the Wayside where the new building might take a Forefront exactly yeah exactly yes so I'm going to ask a really like this is very in the weeds and very nerdy um but um I so I'm looking at these and I see the goals I see the the metrics for the goals as part of the goals the action steps and then some indicators I'm assuming that's what those you know outputs whatever things underneath the action steps um which is which is super helpful information what I'm wondering is is there anywhere where we're actually evaluating the outomes of the steps so for example I'm looking at supporting academic programs it says this goal will be measured by successful implementation of the new curriculum in mathematics okay is it stated anywhere whether indeed it was successful and by what metrics it was successful and in what ways our work as a school committee impacted that success you're kind of in the Wheats uh no which is good thing so in your particular document no we have not specifically kind of called that out this is more of kind of like a reporting of what you've just historically done to support the general um goals when we actually do the Strategic plan report out that's where like within the plan we have the different benchmarks and you know do we make a Target do we not make a Target does something need to be adjusted that's when we would kind of talk about if we're on track and not and let's say something's on track and we want to maintain it then we we don't need to touch it we might just need to continue that work next year let's say something isn't quite doing what we want we would then have to have a discussion because maybe we need to reallocate some resources we need to you know prioritize something different budget-wise and then you would kind of come into the equation at that point because I'd have to make a recommendation to you to say hey I'd like to spend X on this or I'd like to bring a consultant in to do this um so that's how you kind of circle back around to it but this specific document um and even mine really don't specifically call out the measurables that is what's going to come out in the Strategic plan got it so this is more of an outline of the activities if you want to think summ an analysis of any data right the other complicating Factor though and I'm sure you know is that like even when we talk in July and August around the Strategic plan work for the year several of the different goals are tied to mcast right which we don't have the data yet so we have to wait until the fall for that so a lot of this is kind of like a work in progress and when we you know we'll look at some I ready data but we're going to have to come back again in the fall once we get the mcast data and look at it so it's just never kind of a a quick close type thing because it just rolls but um in those two documents that we're going to look at is what you're going to see more of the measurables got it thank you that's really helpful it was it helped me give me a sense of what the focus it's a good summary just for I think like and again we have gotten feedback that like say the viewing audience just kind of likes us to get a sense of what's Happening without them having to kind of get too deep into the weeds but we do get into the weeds when we look at the Strategic plan and the data later on great thank you all right um so since we're going to post these why don't we have a motion to accept these yeah please so individually do each one separately um I make a motion to accept load faster load faster the school committee's professional um goals uh as presented I second all right any other questions all right all in favor all right I I I okay and we'll do um I move to to approve the superintendent goals for 2023 through 2024 as presented I need you guys I need a second somebody say second so these are the same ones we've seen all along right yeah just we haven't talked about these yet so I you made a motion about moving ahead to the next I didn't know what we were motioning exactly because we've these are last year's goals right so we we're we're approving of last year right we're approving the or accepting the report on our updates review of our goals for this past year right so for the superintendent one we're just accepting that we have seen reviewed yeah accepting a report right okay we move so quickly into the next one I was yeah you're not approving goals or anything like that for next year it's basically like a report of progress the report of progress if you want to think about that like a report of progress that we've made toward the goals you do and again this is summary level he didn't look we're kind of approving that we've accepted that we've received it yeah that's yeah it as a report we've seen it that we've read it we are going to post this we want to make sure everybody's on board with oh don't worry we're getting to the part where you get to grade them I know I know so we have a motion I will second that motion thank you for second so we we're voting on um accepting the review of the superintendent's goals okay all in favor I I okay 4 Z okay thank you um so yeah so the next is um just an outline of just to be consistent with what we've done previously it's my um in review each year so I'm the one employee of the district that um you review individually and then um there's a cumulative report that uh the school committee um files as far as my evaluation is concerned I kept the similar timeline as we've done in the past just to be consistent and um again this is something that we've actually talked about from year to year as well because we're always just align to the school year but so much of this work doesn't align because you're waiting for assessments and things like that so we have you know kind of every year we talk about well should we do a different cycle you know it's certainly something we could talk about when we get into the fall but um for the time being just to be consistent um what I plan to do with the July 9th meeting is give you that year in review so that's kind of your overwatching document that you use um to help with your assessment of me everyone gets the evaluation rubric that we've been using I attachment uh for you and each of the five members are in their own completes their section provides a narrative if uh they'd like to and an assessment of the individual um pieces and then an overall uh rating for the year and I had just indicated if we meet on July 9th and you get the report if you then have about two weeks time to get that back to um Dennis you would just send it to Dennis with a copy to me um Dennis would then go through and take all of the five members um ratings compile them into one document and then Dennis would take the feedback from each of the five members and create a um cumulative kind of summi of um narrative for the evaluation we would then email that back out to the groups who everyone saw at the meeting before the I'm sorry the week before the meeting and then come back at the first meeting in August to um to actually accept the evaluation for the year so um that timeline would be consistent with what we've done for the last couple of years and I always say too like after you get the um the year and review for me in July if you wanted to meet individually if you have any questions you know please do so I'm happy to give you whatever information I can to to help you when you're um in your review questions you'll send the spreadsheet and all that out yeah after we meet in July um yeah and you just fill in the spreadsheet you send it back and I think we've said with Susan last year and Diana you know whatever you're comfortable with you because you've only been on for a month you know you can go really in depth you can just go very general you don't have to do anything right just because you're y new to the process it's tough again just because like every community's town election is obviously different as well so it's hard for a new member to come on in April um and then to to do an annual report which just ended two years so honestly whatever you're comfortable with and then cuz I think actually did you obain last year I did comments but I didn't do scores okay I felt like I hadn't been part of it long enough to do scores but I did have comments and then Donna put them worked them into the whole bigger document great okay that's it's definitely a lot less intimidating the second time around right exactly right because you've been through the whole year right you get to see the whole process right and again after we get through this and everything we can also talk about if there's a different timeline or something that's that's fine with me Joo you we can we can figure that out but I think for this year just to be consistent with what we've been doing I think that would make most sense any other questions okay great that works yeah um there's no item six just had no I item six was I just put a placeholder because I had to get the agenda posted last Friday and I didn't know if anything else was going to come in so I put a placeholder in case we had any more one-time expenditures but nothing came in between now and the meeting so there's no action on item number six um there's just one action on item number seven which is a recommended budget transfer as we close out the year um this is something that we've done um actually the last I believe three years um is transfer the turf uh the tur field so this is the last year that we're actually paying for the tur fields at McCarthy and the high school yeah the Bond's going to be paid off there's a bond principal payment and an interest payment um so what we've done is actually transferred it's an expense transfer moving the expense from um the um revolving fund which was charged to the local budget which basically then uh just increases the amount of funds that are available in the revolving uh fund for the turff revenue um that'll help us longer term when we actually have to build a new um State not new stadium but put a new Turf in which actually isn't too far down the road for a couple of these uh schools if you think about it um they've been in for over 10 years and the life expectancy is depending on usage and things like that you know 10 to 15 years so we are going to have to have that disc discussion but we've had available funding in the local budget we've done that offset and that's allowed the um revolving fund to um increase a little bit of of um Capital the second one is a uh transfer also so where we had some additional funding available in the local budget this year we always budget for the employee separation cost so these are individuals who are retiring say June 30th they're entitled to a a buyback or buyout payment um and so normally we budget that for the following year because they're not leaving until June 30th but will we have available funds um this year and we also know who those individuals are because the last day of school happened and they're retiring um we prepay the funding out of this year which basically then just frees up the $997,000 from next year um so those two transfers are what we're recommending tonight um again just to actually um what we think is best utilize the the funding that's available in fiscal 24 to free up some revolving funding in athletic for the CH fields and also to free up some funding in the local budget next year under the employee separation crost line so happy any questions or um take a look at that motion any questions on either thing the turfield or the I'm happy to hear with the payments coming up yeah last one really great just in time to buy new ones right now does money come out of that revolving fund for like year maintenance and I mean yeah so there's there's a couple of different things so if we have a group that might rent the field and we have like an pendant that's there like we'll take money in from the group but then we may have to pay out like a a fee for someone to have watched the activity or say clean up a bathroom something like that the other thing is we do have a contract with a company that comes out to do the maintenance on the tur Fields I think they come out like three times in the fall three or four and then three or four times in the spring they have a special machine they run over it they add some rubber and things like that to make sure it's in good shape they test it for us annually um often times there might be like little rips in the seam so they'll do the seam repairs so we pay for that out of the out of the fund but there's really been no uh the the principal interest payment hasn't been hitting the fund the fund could pay it but it hasn't been hitting it because we've been trying to actually build up that reserve and does that group when they come in give us an idea or hey we probably have three years left in this five years left in this yeah so uh we're going to be seeing what the the reports are because they came out this spring to kind of give us a recommendation um anecdotally I believe um they're indicating that the high school field um actually has some good life still left in it uh and a lot of that is because this the field is um closed off you know it's locked and it's basically only used for athletics After Hours the maccy turff um takes more of a beating because it's open to the um public people are on it U much more than they are the high school field so that one just typically gets a little bit more wear and tear so that one likely will have to be replaced before the high school field um there is a significantly different cost in replacing just the CHF because we've already done the um the call the base but there's also like all the different filtration and ERS um layering system so it's basically did they call it a cop it basically just taking up the old caret and putting a new carpet down um so that will be significantly less than what it costs to to do the uh still a lot of money uh but it's significantly less than what it cost to do say like a brand new field because of all the grading and the um not irrigation but the drainage the drainage system that has to go in um but I am thinking within the next couple years we're going to have to tackle maccarthy and we might just be able to wait a little bit longer for the high school but that one will be following as well all right I'll take a motion I recommend the school committee voted the regular school committee meeting on June 18th 2024 to approve these FY 2024 local operating budget transfers totaling 176 $396,000 from 16 faval Desy categories to the two Desy C categories noted above for the chamford public schools I'll second the motion any further questions or discuss discussion right Diana hi Susan hi John hi I great thank you very much um last item for me this evening is just the Personnel report for the month of May um you can see on this uh we're still busy hiring for the fall we're in uh actually overall very good shape I will have a report for you at the July meeting with any of the outstanding positions that we're still trying to fill but we have a bunch of new hires coming on board and um anytime you see the effective date of 826 that means an individual who's joining our district next year they're already signed on but they're coming on board so we have some new hires we have a few resignations and uh we had one assignment change of an individual just moving from one school to another within the district um but as I said uh hiring overall is is going well and I'll have that report for you at the next meeting will that report include what I had requested around the data on what um kind of disaggregated by like race and ethnicity and other factors that may have to wait until we get a little bit deeper into the summer or fall um until we're kind of finally done I was looking more at like open positions and like what we're still trying to hire for um I can find out for you based on what data they may already have on the people who have already come in and signed it would be incomplete until we actually get all the way through the hiring season but um I'll see what they have for you yeah I just saw that's related to some of the goals um right like in terms of um our staffing and things like that so I wondered if there was any movement in terms of even slightly more diverse um applicants and hires right any I'll see what I can do any other questions on Personnel report oh great all right thank you all right uh any leaz on reports we windling down so I don't know if there's much left I uh I can speak to a few I I did go to the last PTO meeting for McCarthy and Parker for the school year um and they also reported that they feel like they're in decent spots in terms of high ing um and they feel like people are more confidently able to say yes or no than they had been previously so that's good um UniFi games day which we heard already about was very successful but very hot um Parker in particular is still working to engage more people into board leadership roles um and really hoping that some Rising fifth grade families can step forward and assume some of those roles they're going to do some thinking over the summer if there's any way to kind of reconfigure even retitle some of the roles so that they're a little less intimidating but if anybody is interested I think they're eager to hear um and you know ensure that there's ways to engage whoever is interested um there was a lot of excitement about the select chorus Orchestra and Festival band all getting to uh perform at the woo Sox game recently um and lots of positive feedback about um from from the woxs about our performers which was really great um also just a couple of comments um that were pretty positive um for example they were talking about field day saying that the narrower age band for each school has really enabled them to tailor activities to the kids developmental levels in a way that hadn't always been easy to do when there was a four you know 4E age span at that um level and and um let's see the other thing at Parker was that they are they specifically named although they have also felt pretty good about hiring they are really trying to fill a health teacher position and wanted uh wanted that shutter from the rooftops in case there's some qualified folks any other Ladi and reports y um I went to Harrington PTO and um I was really happy for them that their PTO board has doubled in size for next year compared and it was I'm really glad because there were some sparse years but they now have twice as many people cuz a lot of them are co- you know hosting a role like co-president so that's great they've got a much bigger board so it's not the same three or four people trying to do everything so I'm really happy for them another thing that came out at that meeting more came from the principal's report but I wanted to share it with school committee we're hearing all the time about you know we we keep getting reports on ir and how we're doing and they're using those I ready scores over at Harrington in a very positive way one of the things that they not noticed by looking at it that while some of the types of reading scores are were really good they were lagging a little bit in some comprehension and I think it was two of the teachers really worked on putting together some modules and setting up um comprehension um centers to give to the other teachers and they're using ftis and panel manyi lessons but they're now having more teacher-led um centers about comprehension and that was a direct direct result of looking at I ready results and using them to find out um where there was a gap and finding a way to fill the Gap so I thought that was really great to hear that you're not just having data for the sake of data they're really using it in a positive way instruction that's great yeah just quickly went to the biome they uh said had a good summer I actually got to say thank you to biome this is actually really special year for us this is the first time next year there won't be a Moses in the BAM school system so I my wife and I graduated out of there so I was just a good opportunity to really say thank you to them say thank you to the principal um and you know just everybody there so it was a good year said have a good summer and they were like you have a great summer too and that was they didn't have a lot so great um last Wednesday there was a municipal open host of Library so we attended that and it was it was was actually there a lot of people from a lot of different committees a lot of different boards um you know probably two doz or so people went through and were asking questions um you know people interested in the building project which is was nice one one Middle School student wanted to know if we had to keep doing I already still and I said yes we do but no it was kind of fun so it was good it was good to see like all the people that are invol the town in one spot so that was nice to see all right anything else any new items for we have one more meeting left in this I know it's crazy last one last one oh yeah so this is the new year starts yeah oh um when's our next meeting July so we have the parade oh so yes on the fourth oh yes we can't forget that so what yeah what Dr comfortable sneakers yeah short sleeves probably around that day it's still a little do she need a shirt yeah we'll have to get shirts if we we just walk is there like a we get a bus we have candy we walk you get sprayed with hoses there's all kinds of things not so many hoses anymore but I know the kids grew up that did the well I assume we'll figure out via email all the logistics I'll I'll send you an email the town um is putting together obviously the 4th of July it's pretty typical what we will do is meet at um mccy Middle School in the parking lot like under the trees when you're walking in on the left um we'll see what the lineup is for that day but we basically leave McCarthy um I have shirts and stuff like that for everyone so we'll get that um going um Linda provides a a lot of candy so we have candy and things like this and uh and she's kind of like the candy police um so we actually we walk all the way through the center all the way down to like Max and Leos where that is where it ends and then we have to come back so well I'll talk to you ahead of time we just have to plan for and a starting at McCarthy but having someone being able to be at the other place to be able to get us back here remember the year we drove the golf carts back and I thought I was going to die like like a quarter of a mile on the golf cart coming back here all the way down from the center traffic opened back up and it was like I have photos of it I have photos of oh and you were trying to drive no we drove the golf carts on the street driving a golf car in the street like driving a lawn mower on the street the car is are flying by that's terrifying but if you can go it is a fun day I I I think we'll be around um still firming up plans because I'm on vacation that week yeah but then I'll talk to you ahead of time about get the meeting scheduled because that following Tuesday will be our regular meeting for July so that's our that's when we'll be talking about this technology stuff so that's why I'll get you I'll get you everything ahead of time so you can read it and even those other the handbooks that we're going to ask you to that night we'll give them to you in advance um so you can read those to all right good take a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn seconded all in favor I I thank you you thank you