to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation God invisible with liy and justice for all thank you this meeting is being live streamed by chelon tele media and posted a CPS website for interested community members to access and watch in-person public participation will be taking place tonight in accordance with the CH school committee public participation policy anyone speaking tonight during the public input port of the meeting has notified the superintendent's office of the desire to speak has been provided with these guidelines upon requests written comments received no later than 12:00 on the day of this meeting also be read and made part of the record of the meeting during the second public comment session so uh welcome everybody uh first order of business I'd like to welcome our newest member Diana La congratulations Diana congrat board I'm sure we're all looking forward to working with you um okay um our first order Biz will be to approve our minutes from our meeting on March 26 so sue if you could make the motion I guess you want you want to make I say I'll make a motion to accept the minutes from the March was it March 2 March 26th meeting second second okay any corrections or comments right all in favor i i i two three four and abstain one AB you don't get to vote yet y oh I don't we wer there you have to be in the meeting a school Committee Member another place so like minutes to go hold on so four yes and one exstension all right next up we'll hear from our T high school student Representatives um congrats to the CHS acapella program for their success at the International Championship of high school acapella the Thursdays played third in the Northeast region and qualified for finals in the Wild Card round the crescendos are the 2024 Northeast Regional Champions and will advance to finals in New York City on April 26th additionally registration is is open for CHS students for lime's 24-Hour relay which will be May 18th to May 19th and registration is due by April 10th which is tomorrow additionally former basketball star and Current public speaker and wellness Advocate Chris Heron will provide educational presentations to students in grades 8 through 12 at chumford public schools on Tuesday April 23rd and he shares his story with the goal of making a positive difference in the lives of others based on his personal experiences hello everyone so the chumford high school track team will be hosting their first ever Jack Ling trackme ever and it's named after a longtime coach and teacher at chumford high school he's still alive they're excited to be able to showcase the McCarthy facilities since it's probably one of the best in the states as coach Daniel RoR said and the national English honor society's hosting an English trivia night tomorrow Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the school learning Commons will be $5 per person and there will be snacks drinks sold at the event along with prizes and Senior week is coming up starting May 28th to the 31st with the following events senior your breakfast barbecue prom and banquet students will be able to start buying their tickets for prom and banquet the week of April 29th thank you thank you glad to hear coach Lang is still kicking alive and well alive and well the you're related any good news I can write it down yes coach Ling very excited um so SRO had a multicultural Festival this past weekend that was very successful and um everybody I think is uh we made it through the eclipse so that was great yesterday we're very excited that we're all still here no conspiracy theories came true and um everybody's just getting excited and ready for vacation week so this Friday is the last day before school vacation week next week John um I just want to put this out quickly uh ID Mubarak to all of um the people that celebrate I think it's really important holiday and on April 11th uh there will be a a Eid celebration uh at the chumford center for the odds from 1:30 to 2:30 and it's women and children only though so it's women and children only there'll be food all those kinds of things anybody wants to go there'll be a bunch of Cher uh students there as well so that'd be kind of neat Afghan students so great anybody else have any good news right all right do we have anybody register for public comment we don't okay so I will at this point then turn the meeting over to superintendent Lang thank you uh so we'll walk you through the first order of U business on a new business this evening um so every time we have just folks watching every time we have election um the first time the school committee uh reconvenes we need to do a reorganization and election of offices so we need to elect a chair a vice chair and then a secretary so I will help you through the chair uh motion and then the elected chair will take over for the rest of the um piece of this um but at this time I would open up uh for any of the members if they would like to make a nomination for someone to serve as um chair of the group joh I nominate Dennis King for chair okay we have a nomination of um Dennis do we have I'll second okay thank you um do we have anyone else who would like to be nominated anyone else want to bring a nomination smart okay so we have a nomination and we have a second um we do need to do a roll call vote and it's a Voice vote so you just name the individual that you are supporting for chair um so we'll start with uh Dennis uh Dennis Dennis Dennis uh Maria Maria yes you're going to say say Dennis's name oh he's the only nominated person Dennis I know so Dennis Dennis join Dennis Dennis Diana I can vote on this okay yes thank you all very much Dennis has been elected the chair and I will gladly turn this over to Dennis great to to take over for the rest I will now take nominations for the position of Vice chair I'll nominate Maria for vice chair okay are there any more nominations okay we'll vote then I we'll start the Diana okay uh Maria s Maria John Maria I'm voting Maria and I'll vote for Maria as well great so Maria congratulations nice you're welcome and finally uh I'll take nomination for the position of secretary Susan that's you you gotta you got to nominate that one I will I nominate Diana for the position of secretary all right any more nominations for secretary okay I'll start I say Diana Maria what oh Diana oh Diana yeah Diana what is wrong with me congratulations I'll take I'll take it um that sounds fine uh do I take minutes starting now no you you only have to take minutes during um executive sessions okay thank you that's great yes so Shon will'll take care of regular we'll help you with the other ones yeah yeah you have to worry about it for what all right so next up we have uh presentation we do so we're continuing with our um some fun participants here tonight our Spotlight on the schools one of our meeting each month we have our different schools to come in to talk a little bit about what they're doing and we're very happy to have uh some staff and students from Center Elementary School we have our principal Diana full reader and our assistant principal Donna omono so i' invite you guys up and um tell us a little bit about Center and you can introduce the friends that you out with you tonight can you write your name on here so I can get it right in so we're pleased to be here tonight and share some of the um important work that we've been doing at Center School with our staff and our um school councel um and we're going to save the best for last we have um four students who are going to do some wonderful um culture presentations for you so we'll in introduce our VIPs as they come up to do their presentations um so this year um aligned with our school um District uh strategic plan focusing on insurance um ensuring that students have strong relationships with staff and their peers and feel welcome and included um we've been focusing on some Dei work in our in our building and to ensure they have a sense of belonging so our school council goal was to um again to ensure that students have a strong relationship with their staff and their peers um and feel like all are welcome um in order to um create that environment one of the things that we've been doing that we worked on with our um School C uh school council is a Dei 21-day challenge we're really lucky we have two members of our um Council that are teachers in other districts car Conway and [Music] um piscot piscotty say that five times fast um which is wonderful because they're able to share with us some things that they've done in their districts Di used to do that with us as well her her knowledge was wonderful as well um and one of the things I talked about was a 21-day challenge where um you can explore um different articles and about race and gender and um differences and um how we can be create a more welcoming environment um I'm happy to report that we had 13 staff members sign up are participating in the challenge with us um the link here has um it shows you each month we have um at least seven different activities that people can sign on to um and it's been really successful so we're we're really pleased with that um and we've also been exploring some of the links um during our staff meeting so um that's been a success and we hope to continue with that the rest of the year um I think I missed a um oh I missed this piece Maria participated in this one of the other things we did for some professional development um was we had um cultural conversation circles um and it was really one of our most successful um PDS we learned a lot we invited um people who have immigrated to the United States some of our families we had school Committee Member and if you want to speak to how it was we we'd love for you to share um we have some staff members who immigrated and talked about their experiences and so we had um five different sections and the student and the teachers went around to each um station and um were able to ask questions and engage in conversations with parents and families we had some students as well who came in with their families um and I felt like it was really powerful want to say anything I think it piggybacked a lot off of our professional development that all of our elementary team had done in the fall when we had brought the Affinity groups in from the high school and the staff just loved hearing the conversations and and just learning right about each other and more about the world we're living in so from that that's where Diana came up with that idea so we worked with our L teacher to actually contact uh many of our families and then they came and I thought it was a great experience yes so I'm not an L family right now but um as a former parent at Center School and being involved with the English language Learners Council um I asked my husband to come to and we're both immigrants to the United States from the aour Portugal when we were in our right prior to our teens and it was wonderful to be able to be open to share what it was like to transition to this country what it was like to later raise our children and um to be the first uh in our families who went on to college and so on it was really important to do that and I personally person Al also learned quite a bit from the other participants in the whole day and even more important I thought was to be able to interact with the teachers and the entire staff and um to be they were very open with us and we were open with them and I think it it really we all learned from the whole process so thank you it was great to be able to come we appreciated you coming it was a great day and now for our most important part um our in grade two every year students do a cultural a family cultural project where they interview a family member and talk about um a country that they their family may have come from um so we have four very brave volunteers who have will um agreed to come to school committee and talk to you today we're so proud of them yeah and and just so you know the project when the second grade um um started this it's a lot to the state framework so we have four amazing students here first we have McKenzie H you'll notice for Scotland here cuz she even has on her her little plaid so Mackenzie come on up here even her nails are painted plaid y really this is McKenzie from Miss Gregory's class go ahead and sit down sweetie go and I'm just going to walk us through your presentation online hopefully see here we go all right McKenzie I did my culture project on Scotland my family in 1840 a woman immigrated from Scotland to Louisiana after her husband died she came to join her family she was a lace maker and schol Scotland and continued the that career in Louisiana she also taught that career to her daughter when her daughter grew up she moved to St Louis and Mary James McKenzie in 1864 James Mckenzie was from Amber Scotland he was born in 1833 he immigrated in 1860 to St Louis he was a master Shipman and assistant captain on the ship to America they moved to Philadelphia and James joined the Union Army the generation James wa and James K James Kenneth and he was born 1895 Gerald and he was born 1927 Ken and she was born 1952 Elizabeth and she was born in 1987 and I was born in 2015 map of immigration and migration so they started in Scotland and went to Louisiana and then to St Louis where they met up with James McKenzie and then to Philadelphia and then to Texas and and then to California and then to Massachusetts H holidays hog Manny it's a New Year's Eve celebration one of the tradition is first Fring which is supposed to bring good luck to the family if the first person who the door is a handsome man with gifts also families trade gifts at midnight for night they celebrate the life of a famous poem named Robert Ben one of his most famous poems is a lan sign is son midnight on hawman L Mass day is celebrated August 1st is about the first harvest there's a street fan at St Andrews and it is the oldest surviving Med evil Street Fair music of Scotland Scotland's national instrument is a bag pipe it is a wind instrument and it has four pipes one of the four pipes changes the chords while the other three keep making the same sound the whole time sometimes it does Scottish dances the Scottish sword dancing was is when people try to dance around Coss swords without moving them the Scottish Highland fling is a four or six step dance is performed after a victory battle Scottish coat Scottish coats are skirt like garments that men wear Scottish food a traditional Scottish dessert is crouching it is made from oat milk cream honey and raspberries Scot many dairy farms create amazing cheeses such as cheddar and azard and L SC shortbread are these bre cookies that date back to the 12th century Scottish Sports Scotland's most popular sports are soccer and rugby Shanti sport that start in Scotland is similar to field hockey rugby is a 15 player team sport the object of the game is ground the ball behind the opponent shine line into what is called the girly area rby is played with both ball in hand and Ki in the ball however when the ball is being carried in hand it can only be thrown or passed backwards Mar golf was invented by Scotland in the Middle Ages attractions SC prehistoric Village Castle Leo Clan McKenzie St Andrew Link's birth place of golf andberg Castle Glenmore firstest and those only a few fun attractions in Scotland fun facts the official animal Scotland is a unicorn it's been the official animal since the 1500s The Lochness Monster is a mythal creature that has supposed to live in Lochness Lake and some people think they saw it it nickname is Nessie the first time somebody said they saw Nessie was in 565 Scotland also uses the metric measurement system thank you for learning about Scotland nice [Applause] job and our next um presentation is Anan from Miss Walker's class Anand do you want to sit have him sit next to you you're all set [Music] okay you okay yeah let's do your best good India by me where is India India is in the continent of Asia family cultural interview I'm interviewing my dad my ancestors are from India my dad was born in the state of Gat India my parents and grandparents also lived in India they still on a mango sugar can and banana Farm my dad lived in India tell you was six my family moved to America in 1988 for business and opport and better opportunities and education for the kids festivals in India the is the Festival of Lights it's the last day on the Hindu calendar it celebrates the victory of good over evil it's lots of yummy food seeing family all the decorations and Gifts holy is the Festival of covers colors it also also celebrates the victory of good over evil it's the first day of spring in India and you can throw powder um colored powder on friends and there's lots of yummy food Sports in India um national sport is field hockey and the most popular sport is Cricket why is the black it's hard to see huh yeah I don't know why it's black I don't know sorry about that music and dance of India Bollywood music um and folk dance music it might be because it's displayed interesting facts and attractions the statue of unity the largest statue in the world is 597 ft tall I'm just going to put this so they can hear you interesting I think we oh no never mind built um the Taj Mahal built by Emperor Shah Jan between 1631 and 1648 around 350 years ago live for the emperor's wife Johan made entirely of marble one of the seven wonders of the world one of the Seven Wonders great the end and that's the end thank you very much this is like a mini cricket bat it's not really it's only like half the length of a real one this is a bird whistle my aunt got it for me and it sounds like this cool that's awesome thank you nice job and now we have Bella and she is Miss McConnell's class and she has a poster for you for them to hear you H talk right you want to H for hold I know so so this is my great grandmother so I'm doing Ireland this is my great grandmother ma which is who I interview her parents are from Ireland her mom came from America um um from came to America from the her mom came from to America from the Aaron Island and her dad was from Dilla around 1920 they moved to America for better opportunities for raising a family the Aaron Islands did not have electricity at that time I was step dancing and folk music is a huge tradition The Cliffs of Moher The Cliffs of Moher are the biggest tourist attractions some Cliffs are 70 700 ft High about one 1 million and a half people visit each year traditions and holidays St Patrick's Day and Bridget and St Bridget day are a big holiday we know what St Patrick's Day is and St bridg day is February 1st in Ireland named of of to um the only girl patron saint sock um soccer which is football and rugby are pop are the popular sports in Ireland the chunky Irish knit sweater is actually from the aand the islands of Aaron where her parents are from corn beef and cabbage are and soda soda bread are the traditional Irish dishes and that's [Applause] it and now we have AIA from M Pierce Clark class I did my country on Nepal I interviewed my grandfather I interviewed him in March 3 2024 my family do you want to say who who's in the picture yeah the the guy with who's wearing red is my dad the one who I'm sitting the one who's sitting on my dad is me and the one at the back is my mom and the and the girl that's sitting on my mom is my little sister what's her AA introduction the country that my ancestors are from is Nepal the continent is Asia the major religion is Hindu and Buddhism Capital of Nepal is kandu the language is Nepali and the flag is a double triangular flag with the moon on the top and a sun on the bottom Nepal is between India in China and next to Bhutan from Massachusetts to Nepal it's 18 hours the Customs are Hindu and that's the symbol it's called the m and and these are the Nepali dresses Festival holy is the Festival of Color and it's celebrated in March looks like you had a celebration did you have a celebration yeah do say we worship goddess dur God 10 days in the month of October Dali is the festival lights and we worship goddess Lakshmi and we make this thing called the rangoli [Music] chut we worship godess God suria the sun god two days celebrated in November and we go to the tri Baba Temple to pray Sports one of the sports is kabadi um so you play like in a field and there's two players and one player needs to go on their side and hold their breath and take a buddy and touch them and go to the other side and they get a point but if you stop holding your breath then they get a point and that player's out we told them they can't play kabat ATS to ourselves soccer the red team is in theal team and it's called football in Nepali cricket cricket is one of the popular sports is in Nepal and and they're celebrating for their score have you ever played Cricket I don't know food the one at the top with the green thing under it it's called Momo and beside it it's called Dro and below it it's dbot music that is a musician and the instrument is called a sarangi something like a violin dance they were some special clothes when they dance in special dances interesting facts Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world and one of our Gods Buddha was born in Nepal and that was his birthplace and that is Buddha Nepali currency it's called Riz in Nepal and there is you could use $500 and $1,000 there thank you so you can tell that they work very hard on their presentations and we're extremely proud of them so thank you guys for all coming anybody have any questions or comments or I just want to say thank you this is a great program and I'm really glad and I loved all the stories Who had who had um Scot who had Burns KN on their slide I've gone to a Burns KN and you're probably year older but it's really cool they like tell poems and they like have a whole act in a play I thought it was really great but it was awesome awesome program and I think it's great for kids to learn about um other cultures and and tradition so it's awesome thank you I just wanted to say it it was really great to see the example of the student presentations and uh my son still remembers from a couple years ago his uh presentation and what he learned about his peers when he did that at uh Center School so it's wonderful that you're preserving your identity and showing others who you are and all about you congratulations this is so good I just want to say cental school is my favorite I used to work there so I know all of your teachers and I'm sure they're very very proud of you because it's really hard to come and do this presentation in front of a whole group of adults who don't know so excellent job doing that and I talk to your teachers the I also want to say that I McKenzie is your name the one about Scotland and you talked about not just a Burns KN but a hogman my husband's family is Scottish and their most favorite holiday of the year of all is hogman and it's crazy we would wait until midnight like just kind of hang around wait till midnight and midnight everyone goes crazy and you talked about that first foot we would always have a person come in the front door carrying Bread and Wine and lots and lots and lots of money to bring good luck to the family and they wouldn't come in until midnight and then we scream and chant and bang things and then we sit down and have dinner after midnight and then we sing all Lang Z and then people start singing every old Scottish goes on for hours of singing so it's definitely a lot of fun so if you ever get to go to Scotland and go to a hogman party on New Year's Eve it's a lot of fun but everyone get a great job I really say thank you for coming yeah and I'll just Echo what suan said Su school has a in my heart as well my kids went there and uh you know so a lot of connections I really appreciate that the the students came and shared their their culture with us and it's great to see that you know both the students and the staff are are buying into the Strategic plan in terms of trying to make everybody welcome and and feel accepted so you know that was great to see from both ends thank you yeah I I very just quickly just appreciated you know Donnie and Diana for all your work on this but seeing the kids tonight too uh was special so some of the schools have been able to have kids come in some have done videos but it's really nice to see you in person so I know it's not always the easiest to get here at this hour but thank you very much for coming everyone did a wonderful job I've had the privilege this year of being the PTO uh rep at your at Center which brought back a lot of wonderful memories for me but I've got to say parents at Center School the dedication is there and so congratulations to all of you it makes a huge difference in a school um thank you thank you all for coming thank you so so much enjoy your night I couldn't do that at a second grader I couldn't do beautiful second grader I mean that's amazing it was really gooders that's really they did a great job great job guys thank you secretary do that with your classmates let alone a group of adults like this good for them was great heavy duny minutes you don't have to thank you good night guys have a good night take care thank you thank you nice seeing you next up is uh kindergarten registration yes just another reminder for you um and for families watching that we do have kindergarten registration our spring uh registration at the uh the end of April um from April 25th from 9: to 6 and we have an online um way to kind of schedule your appointments for that but we do want to encourage as many parents that maybe haven't signed up yet or if you know someone neighborhood who has a um child who's kindergarten age you know just kind of share the news particularly sometimes the first child in the family to go to school may not obviously get District Communications if you have all the siblings in the district you receive them so um spread the word a little bit Joanna and her staff do a good job of um working with the school secretaries to get all the kids um registered and on boarded for the fall so um we do have one more this spring um kind of a dedicated day to this uh April 25th so uh information in the newsletter information online the more kids we can get to sign up the more helpful it is to us as we're trying to do our um assignments and Staffing uh for the fall any questions or this what is progress just regular are you finding it comparable to past years in terms of registrations I mean as far as the number of students yeah yeah it's up there it's there yeah and we'll um we'll know more after April 25th so maybe we can get an update in like May or something yeah towards the end of um we'll give you an update with just with regard to the number of kindergarten registrations we have what we're doing to plan for our sections for the fall we originally budget to have four sections at each grade level sometimes we have to add a fifth um so we usually do that before the school year ends so that we can make those um decisions we also do have a handful of kids that may just come to us at first grade um so they would have enrolled as well so um at some point in May we'll give you a little update with regard to how the registration went um we do still have students that will just come in you know dayto day or the summer to register and you certainly can do that we just try to get the masses um to kind of register ahead of time so that we can plan properly questions okay all right and then we have a couple audits yeah fourth and fifth um we have our audits back um I'm going to ask Joanna to um just kind of touch on these so the first one is just the annual uh financial report um this is uh each year the district has to report all of its expenditures to the Department of Elementary and secondary education and then we have to have an external auditor come in and audit the books um powers and Sullivan is the firm that has come in and U done that for us the format of their report is a little bit different this year as opposed to previous years usually they would just say that there's no findings and you wouldn't really have the backup um desie has them just following a different U format um Joanna and the staff in the business office really do an outstanding job of um obviously the accounting for us but the reporting of that and uh so it is another uh finding free audit that we have for fiscal 23 which is the last book that we have the last fiscal year that we have certified um and again just the formatting is a little different but I'll turn it over to Joanna if she has anything else but um just appreciate the continued good work on this thank you and I say this every year you know it's not just the audit it's the day in and day out work of the business office team and the department leaders and uh following our compliance guidelines and um and that's what makes um our audits clean so just want to thank everyone you know it's part of the whole process um and how we can use you know these Financial tools to run our district any questions or comments I think always awfully lucky yeah we're awfully lucky to have such um your direction and your leadership in that office every time I go in uh for the warrants they are totally Pleasant at the same time you can see how hard they're working um um and so that's truly appreciated and it looks like now the words to look for procedure performed without exception on these and then you're all set so good job here I really like the format I don't know if you remember the old a basically open up everything's good you know and that was it there was no didn't say what we were good at what so this is this is great that we actually could see all the different areas and I appreciate that you know again congratulations another great year you want just commenting on the first one just the first one yeah y all right any other questions on that one so I'll take a motion okay to accept I would like to make a motion to accept the FY 2023 Mass desie end of the year audit report as presented I'll second yes Sor second love all right we have a motion second any other comments or questions right all in favor I 5 Z thank you and the second audit you have before you this evening is the Financial audit and this year it's um chumford high school so as a totally separate thing outside of the annual report that we have to do for the entire District districts are required every three years to audit um any Student Activity funds so what we have done is traditionally um done the Middle School audit one year and then the high school audit the next year and even though you can wait technically the three years um we just do one audit a year of those Student Activity funds so this year happened to be the high school was up and so you have the high school audit report um in front of you that details U the fund balances for each individual club and the overall um status of this particular fund and I'll just turn over to Joanna for any um comments that she has yep so this was the high school this is the largest of the three funds you know over $200,000 and then all the clubs are listed um and then this is the same format as you've seen in Prior years and they had three recommendations for us it's um not really a finding it's a recommendation for us to consider and you know we we always listen to them and we try our best to uh Implement all their recommendations any questions on this audit report joh you had something yeah I just noticed that um there was some recommendations in here on the procedures are we going to adopt some of these some of them were just like around like when we're signing for receipts and like when where the accountability comes in and then also do we have I think we've talked about this a million times and I just don't remember do we have old accounts that are ready to be like redistri Ed like what's the I know it tells us the process but yeah goe yep so on the um the accounts that the clubs that haven't had activity um we did have a few and um the Auditors also added language in here we didn't have activity in some clubs um because of covid and the look back is three years and um so we didn't close them because we reached out to the the principal and said you know back in September M and said what do you think and he said no I think these are going to uh start back up and some of them did and some of them didn't so we'll review it again and um close them out and then all those funds go to the kind of the general student body fund of the high school yeah on that particular one there was a conscious conversation about what to do with the fund and I think just for practical purposes sometimes you can have the best you know procedures to follow but you know we didn't have activity in a couple of the clubs particularly because of Co and it was a club that was going to operate and continue to have funds going forward it's more work to close a fund and then you'd close it to the the general activity fund and then you'd have to bless you you'd have to reopen it again um the decision was made to just keep the club open for this year at the end of this year if it's not going to maintain they'll have that same conversation again and we can close them um but again they they do make good recommendations we always try to see if we can you know adopt some adapt some of our practice but it's a good kind of check and balance um to the work that happens as as a follow-up question I'm curious what happens to the class funds that aren't used so I noticed that there was a pretty substantial I don't know where it came from receipt in the class of 2023 and that there's an ending balance of you know over 10,000 there um does that stay for future reunion purposes or um so we have a a year we have a policy that says you have up to a year to for the class officers and their advisers to decide what to do with the that's the like the leftover money from all their fundraising you know and actually they're working on that now um sometimes they do it all to their future reunions sometimes they give a class gift um sometimes they give a little seed money to maybe the freshman class so uh they'll decide and um we'll have that all wrapped up uh before June of this year great question so that's why 21 and 22 are zeroed out they they would reallocated okay yeah they've um when we give it will either give it away to whatever they decide um and then the the funds that go for their reunion their future reunions go to um the alni alni associ thank you right other questions on the high school audit okay I'll take a motion okay I make a motion to approve the audit report of the chumford high school student activity account from the external audit form powers and Sullivan LLC as presented I second okay any further questions all in favor I I have zero okay thank you and that's that's all I had for tonight so no field traps right no not tonight great okay no I was on originally no I always have it as a placehold but I took it off because we didn't have it great yeah all right anyone have any a leaz on assignments I did attend a couple of meetings um I went to the high school PTO meeting and it was on that pouring night when we went in there was nothing when we came out it was frozen but in any event um they are working very hard planning the um Afterparty they're calling it that this year which is the after prom party uh they have done quite a bit of fundraising during this year as much as they could for it so that they're leaving next year already with a little bit of funds they are now going to be posting out to anybody who's interested in making specific donations to that Afterparty last year they had over 200 students participate so um I think folks realize how important it is to the students um they are also doing a staff appreciation event uh coming up and uh they have one more planned for the very end of the year and then the middle schools I uh was not able to make it in person so I gave a written report and they reported back to me that they would like us to know that Parker's Pride run is May 19th they have a lot of events going on um McCarthy's rock and roll Bingo was a huge success uh and congratulations to everybody who did that chrisen fer was her last last time running this she's moving out of the middle schools and stays at the high school recycle day will be May 4th Saturday May 4th the Banners are going to go up in the next week or so um for everybody to know uh seventh grades in Richmond May 22nd Mary and Blumenthal and they're looking to see if they can schedule also for the eighth grade um the across both schools there are a couple more fundraisers going Tavern on the Square dining to donate is April 22nd if you want to help with that and finally they would like to really have Katie Greer next year really know that you didn't know that right that's so new to me so Dr H I'm glad I'm sure you're working on that and they just want me to make sure I say how important that is to them they have one big volunteer opportunity um that they're looking for and it's a richal coordinator so if anybody has a chance for that it would be wonderful righty John you have anything I do not so yeah I went to um two PTO meetings since the last meeting I went to chips PTO meeting on April 1st and as always they are super busy over there they do a lot of activities they just had Big Joe the Storyteller come in March tomorrow they have goldfish water safety coming to do a program for the kids um they've got spirit week in May and also a field day in May and a Touch a Truck Day in June um so they've got some big things coming on plus a a staff appreciation they just had one last week and they've got um teacher and staff appreciation week coming up in May so there's a lot of activities there and um Harrington PTO is um doing some great things they just bought a new table that one of the physical therapists needs for a student to kind of help the student out in some like lunch and recess areas and I actually saw the PTO president physically carrying the table right into school today it was just a little something extra that they needed um they've got uh they're working with some seniors it might be happening at all the elementary schools but some of the seniors during Senior Week are coming back to Harrington to do a breakfast so that they can see their former teachers and the former teachers can see them before they graduate and um leave our Chums for schools um there's a steam Fair coming up they're looking for participants that will be on May 2nd the ice cream socials coming up later in May there's a field day in June and a big event called a color run which had been postponed from earlier in the year it's now scheduled for the weekend of June 2nd one of the things that really came up and I've talked about this before is that they are um they're really struggling to find board members to continue the roles of pt PTO and for people who don't know pto's they do lots of fundraising so that they can bring extra programs into the school I mean we have tons of great things that are funded through our town money and through grants and things but they bring in a lot of extra money to do a lot of just the extra things that go on Just for some enrichment things for the kids that tie in and um it's a very small number of people who do a lot of work so if you're listening and you hear out there check out your PTO come to a meeting it's a great way to meet other parents meet some teachers meet the principles at your kids school um make some friends but also to make a big difference in improving um school life for the kids and you don't even have to be on the board just come help out because um PTO do really good work and if we don't have people to run them anymore we want have fundraisers and if we don't have fundraisers we W have enrichment so it's a big deal so get involved um it can be fun too so just want to put a plugin for that because people who are doing it work hard do all right um the only one I have is Alumni Association met last week um they're in the process of um selecting a scholarship award winners um had a great great um turnout this year in terms they did new online uh enrollment on it and they had great um numbers in terms of applying so they're going to actually do an in-person award ceremony this year for the first time in a couple since Co I I think um and that's going to be on Tuesday the 21st and that'll be in the pack um they're also in the planning stage for next year's hall of fame um and they're considering possible alternatives to how they've done the past before it was a big like formal sit-down meal but they they're considering all sorts of different uh options to see what they're going to do next fall that's wonderful all right uh any new items people have they want to share or ask this I don't know if this is the appropriate time to ask um or kind of confirm with you as chair what I should be doing in terms of liaison assignment should up for the remainder of this school year at least yeah that was actually one of my items so we will we look at that next meeting so if people that are currently serving in certain roles you would like to change or or you would you know want to switch with somebody else just let me know that and then uh we can talk and see if what your preferences are and then hopefully by next meeting we'll have um somewhat of an idea and then get in contact with the the schools and the um different people in the different associations and get you on board okay sounds great um one thing I wanted to bring up is that I I attended that presentation as several of us did on the building that uh was done uh I think you did an excellent job Dr Lang really an excellent job uh we had a very nice turnout I thought it was a good turnout and it's good to see it on the website uh and be able to refer folks to it so every time I've gone to Le on leis on meeting now uh you know I make sure that uh I point folks to the site um so I appreciate that and it was really good no thank you we actually have gotten good uh feedback from it and I have to thank um we always thank them because they're a good part in but CH for Tel media um Pete Pete puller and Tom Peterson um you know they were on site they were recording the session because um even if people couldn't make it that night um we wanted to make sure that um people had the whole story and they had when they had time they can log on and they can watch it um I did follow up we originally invited all the town meeting reps individually and then I did follow up to the town meeting reps just because one of the first pieces of action is going to be a town meeting voting to hopefully approve the feasibility study so I wanted to make sure all the Reps had it and could you know just kind of um get acquainted with the information so I got a couple of very nice responses from Tom meting reps who couldn't make it that evening that they've had a chance to review it and they appreciated just kind of the scale and the depth of it um um so that was good and it is it's on the website it's preserved you know for anyone that wants to watch it we included it in our newsletter and um it has received considerable hits so um not only is it on like our newsletter on the front page but it's also Jenny put it in the Parker Middle School building project page so it'll always be there just for individuals to um to come back and get it and I think one of the big takeaways um that I've just received some comments on people did obviously appreciate it but um it was the the context of the framing of not only looking necessar feel like a new school but yes there's a new school involved but it also is addressing the enrollment um needs of the district and it's really a two-fold approach and I think some people hadn't got that Nuance so I'm happy that they've been able to watch it and get that so I think the more we can promote that and have people watch it when they have time um the better we'll be and it is it's right up on the site so thank you Mar and just to continue without that a lot of people have asked me about the enrollment and at that presentation it was really only one or two slides about but there's a complete report that was presented to us at school committee correct um our last meeting and it was an excellent report yes that was the nezda report and we also included that full report as a link on our website under the park of Middle School building project all right so if people want the full report it's in the packet but it's also on that website so when you go there you can hear about the school you can see the backup we want to contain it all right there that's great any other things people have I just wanted to mention I don't know if anybody's day on the hill is Monday May 6th so if anybody's interested in that um you could talk to uh Robin the superintendent secretary and she'll sign you up for that um I know I have something that day so I'm not going to be able to attend but if if other people going to attend you want to kind of get together and do it as a group um you know I don't know if you were going or not or yeah I'm going to look at the date and Robin my secretary is more than happy to help with anyone so if you want to go um just email her and she can do the registration and if there's a payment required we'll take you of that piece of the processing I'll look at it too and see if I can um go if there are multiple people going people want to C pool we could always drive together good event it is it is I'm gonna try to go I'll figure it out okay yeah just shoot just shoot Robin an email or copy me if you want the date of it day believe it's May 2 May Monday year yeah are we thinking of possibly having our legis inviting our legislators again this coming year six to meet with us CU that was also very helpful as we were able to present our I think it would be a good thing to do annually um you know maybe if there was a particular um time so you know we have them in and I thought that was helpful and it kind of gave some information about the school building project um the merch Valley um kind of superintendant Association which we're a part of also had a legislative breakfast where we invited all of our reps um to just hear about some of the Mas like legislative priorities and things that was very well subscribed we had that about a month ago but I think specifically talking chelsford if we got in a cycle of having them in say every fall or something like we did the last time I think it would be good you know the day in the hill gives us an opportunity to kind of go to them in the spring the summer there's not a lot of activity that happened so maybe if we picked a meeting in the fall that we could kind of have a standing meeting with him be a good idea I think so yeah I think that would be great I'd like to try to get our big resources out here we'll talk yeah yeah more engagement okay oh and I signed up to go to that ideas conference on a April 27th so the school committee meeting after that I can give a little report back on the workshops I go to but I did sign up for that um the only other thing I wanted to mention you got an email today about graduation so if you could just reply back and let them know if you were going to attend and if you're going to attend what your size would be for a graduation role you might be getting one soon if you haven't already gotten one you you'll get one soon just uh curiously so adults wear the the robes on the stage we do we do we do you're gonna be we got parades you got all kinds of stuff we get exciting if and and Donna and and I got to tell you Jay really screw up the curve for everybody else cuz their stuff is super fancy it's got fluting fancy hats fancy hats and my name is Donna I mean not Donna Linda Linda Linda Lind sorry I miss I miss her Donna had a plain one like me yeah we all have just normal robes they have like these crazy but yes we we we have the Reg and we we go up the stage yeah it's exciting actually then we get to walk in the Fourth of July parade and all oh yeah we got lots of fun do not throw wait do not throw a beach ball even if you're on the stage you'll get in trouble oh true I thought remember the chairman it's going to happen I thought you were to complain about people throwing too many candy and are in a parade no no I will complain about that thank you mainly throwing in front of the bus I just wanted to quickly say Dennis you're doing a great job it seems like you've been built for this role of chairman might have experience excuse me you haven't liked my motions I think they've been great Fant they've been so good they just sailed right through that's how you know all right anything else no okay uh I didn't don't think we have any other public comment I don't think we have any emails or anything we don't no okay all right I'll take a motion to a journ oh yeah I moved to a journ that's the best one I second all in favor I I I all right thank you e