e e o' I'm going to call to order this uh May 20th 2024 select board meeting um and notify everybody that um Cher T media is broadcasting this meeting live and also recording it for later rebroadcast uh if you would join me now in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to United States of America indivisible thank you um first up is uh Regina Jackson and we're going to read a proclamation for Memorial Day uh the town of Chelmsford proclamation in recognition of Memorial Day May 27th 2024 whereas Memorial Day May 27 2024 has been set aside as the annual day of remembrance for those men and women who served our nation during times of conflict as members of the Armed Forces and whereas we pause this day to especially remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice of of their lives to defend the freedom of all Americans and whereas we honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans of all wars and conflicts and join the living Veterans of the town of chelsford and expressing our gratitude to their fallen comrades now therefore we the chumford select board do hereby Proclaim Monday May 27th 2024 as Memorial Day 2024 and join all residents of the town in recognizing the deceased Veterans of chumford on this solemn day and Regina this is for you this one thank you so much um just want everyone to know that next Monday Monday May 27th is Memorial Day so in chelsford this year we will be observing it in North chelsford we will um have a parade it'll start at the American Legion Post 313 which is 90 Gren Road the step off time for the pr is 10:00 a.m. so we ask anybody who would like to be in the parade especially all the scouts and um anybody that would would like to join us to please assemble about 9:30 at the American Legion Post and we will walk down to vinyl square where we will have a program uh immediately following as soon as we all get there and after the program everyone will be invited over to the Northtown Hall Community Center for ice cream and cake and some Community time so we just want everyone to know everyone's invited and um hopefully we'll see you all the next Monday thank you thank you okay next to pride month Proclamation and I think we have somebody here to receive that also okay so the town of chord Proclamation lesbian gay by section ual transgender and queer pride month June 2024 whereas the town of chelsford is a welcoming community and an exceptional place to live learn work play and raise a family and whereas chelsford recognizes the importance of equality and freedom and whereas the nation was founded upon and is Guided by a set of principles that includes that every person has been created equal that each has their rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness and that each shall be accorded the full recognition and protection of Law and whereas the town of sford lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer Community are a vital part of all fields and professions and contribute to a stronger community and whereas the town of chumford is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all its citizens and preventing discrimination and bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity and whereas chelsford is strengthened by and thrives upon the rich diversity of ethnic cultural racial gender and sexual identities of his residents all of which contribute to the vibrant character of our town and where as the Centers for Disease Control recognizes that lgbtq plus teens are at higher risk to be victims of violence and have increased suicide rates and whereas it is imperative that young people in the community regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity feel safe valued empowered and supported by their peers Educators and Community leaders now therefore we the select board and on behalf of the town of chelsford hereby Proclaim and recognize June 20 24 as lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer pride month in the town of chelsford and urge citizens to recognize and celebrate the contributions made by members of the lgbtq community and to actively promote the principles of equality and Liberty I have a proclamation for you guys this thank you okay do you want to say a few words um yes I would everyone can hear me okay okay good evening good evening everyone my name is Holly kabosi and I'm the 2023 to 2024 president of prism chord High School's GSA or gender sexuality alliance with me I have Treasurer era panel I'd like to thank the chumford select board and the chair of the select board Pat Wes Mo snow of rainbow chelsford um Jen malanson of the Department of Community Services our adviser Julie Gonzales who is not here right now um she recently had a baby and is out on maternity leave um and our current adviser um Jessica farinetti in the past we've taken up several Ventures including educational programs for staff and students presentations during plus block blocks workshops projects and general conversations that all focus on queer issues identities and experiences and our final weeks of school we are planning our Annual Pride party pride month exists to celebrate queer identities that have been and has been used as a time to encourage acceptance and work towards equality this is the goal of our club as well we encourage all these things through the success of quer people historically this of success has been nearly impossible we have been forced to conform to Antiquated Notions of of social cohesion under threat of violence arrest or ostracization but in our modern worlds and with the work of leaders who have come before we no longer have to wish for Success we have only expectation to break and they are breaking this ceremony is a symbol of that the plaque of social Dogma cannot exist forever I refuse to live in a world where I succeed in spite of my S of where I succeed in spite of my gender and sexuality I will succeed with it it is this sentiment that we aspire to not only as a club but as queer people we build on each other strengths organize work and educate pride month is celebrated to prove that we are as worthy of acceptance as straight and S gendered people with this we are able to forge a connection with society that with a society that only began to accept us to join Broken Ground and find equal footing for us all we joined together not because we need to feel safe but to find security we can GA with us thank you thank you thank [Music] you um more other announcements we have the health department welcomes you to join in a walking group on the Bruce Freeman rail trail every 2 and fourth Tuesday May through September from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. uh they meet at the 110 ball fields at the intersection of Fletcher and chelsford Street please wear comfortable clothing if you have questions you can contact the chumford health department also from the health department uh we have a community Wellness series let's talk about mental health supporting the beinging of the lgbtqia a plus youth um this is Tuesday May 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the chumford public library and next we have another announcement from the chumford health department it is regarding a caregiver series understanding the stress associated with caring for children with significant needs it starts Thursday May 9th and it is free and it's May 9th May 16th May 23rd and May 30th at the chelsford public library McCarthy meeting room from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. we also have an announcement about the chelsford market on the common the artisan and Farmers Market it's going to start on May 25th and will be every Saturday until October 12th from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and another announcement from the chumford health department there is a free youth Mental Health First Aid training um for parents Educators and all community members this is on May 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the chelsford Town Hall in the fire training room at 50 Billa Road for more information you can contact the chumford health department the Chelmsford Center for the Arts has an announcement on June 1st at 9:00 a.m. they are having a familyfriendly character Drag Brunch um tickets are $15 for kids 25 for adults and for more information you can look at Chelmsford arts.org also at the chelsford market on the common we have an announcement regarding celebrating Pride at the market on June 1st from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. says learn join us for facts about lgbtq plus history resources Health disparities free goodies and fun um skip one you want to go back to the and there's a children's bike parade at 1 p.m. they were in the wrong order on this in the packet you're okay okay I'm sorry um also at the chumford Center for the Arts we have a celebration a drag show that is adults only tickets are $20 seniors are $10 and this is going to be June 1st from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and you can buy tickets at chumford arts.org [Applause] in other news the town of chelsford is hosting a municipal open house become more engaged your community if you're interested in getting involved in what our different committees and Boards do this is a great place to get some questions answered and find your place in our municipal government it is at the Chelmsford Public Library on June 12th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 P.M and representatives from many of the boards and committees in town will be there to tell you about their roles and how you can help and last we have for immediate release the chelmsford's diversity equity and inclusion committee is celebrating the 4th annual juneth event on June 22nd uh from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on chelmsford's Town common all are invited to join in this commemoration of freedom and unity in the event of rain the event will move to chelsford Senior Center at 75 Gren Road there is no admission fee and for more information you can contact the diversity equity and inclusion committee or Carly re okay next on the agenda is committee vacancies committee vacancies as of May 20th 2024 the following committees have vacancies if anyone is interested the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee the Conservation Commission the commission on disabilities the Community Action Program committee the cultural Council the diversity equity and inclusion committee the historic district commission the holiday decorating committee the parade committee the public records advisory committee the Robert field Roberts field advisory committee and the recycling committee if you are interested in serving on a Town board or committee please complete an online uh application available at the town website or you can contact the town manager's office for more information okay thank you okay now we're at the public input part of our our meeting if there's anybody here who would like to address the board about any topic they can come up to the microphone keep in mind that you have 3 minutes to make your presentation and also I want I should note um you noticed that one of our board members is missing but Pat um m is actually on Zoom okay good evening my name is Paul razio resident of six Technology Drive a town meeting rep from Precinct 2 I'm here to discuss the P pet School feasibility study not specifically the the project itself but basically the funding of it being a retired corporate finance manager and a CPA that's my area of expertise uh the $64 I do support the qu the project and I believe that the low grades are increasing based on the birth rate of the last four or five years so that there is a need for you know bigger small or bigger elementary schools so I'm in support of that uh but the question is how do we fund it there's three ways that we can fund basically the $900,000 cost that the town is going to have to pay one way is be to borrow the money over the next 5 to 10 years and it Bas obviously that will cost additional interest do we include it in the cost of the current tax levy and thirdly do we use it do we Avail ourselves of available funds that the town has and talking to uh Town manager Town officials namely John Souza and one of on the select board that I believe that the town is looking towards a surplus this for the coming year so my thought is do we my thought is that I think we want to uh you know use the option for using the Surplus fund to fund this 900,000 we're looking forward to probably a one1 or $200 million project for a new school four or five years down the road there's no years no basis of trying to expand that cost by extending the funding for this project into the four or five years you know the four or five years so again so again I strongly recommend that we fund this project out of the Surplus cash that I believe is expected for the coming year and again hopefully the the board will agree with that and appreciate any comments you have okay thank you no comments um no we don't we don't start a debate or a conversation all right okay thank you m thank you thank you okay is there anybody else that would like to address the board is there anyone on Zoom no okay thank you okay we're two licenses uh we have a one- day um alcohol beverage license for the American Legion is anybody here from the Legion of course uh good afternoon uh my name is Dan vent C of the American Legion Post 313 good evening bu um Phil Hamilton senior Commander good evening board Al richill general manager of American Legion Post tree 13 okay do you want to tell us a little bit about the application you're presenting this evening uh just our annual block party um hosted behind our building on Willis Drive um same uh program as Mo usual uh move blockades on each end live ban uh with the tables set up on each side of the road okay does anybody have any questions for the applicant okay we'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the one day all alcoholic beverages license for the American Legion at 90 Gren Road as presented second okay we have a motion and a second um since we since we do have one member that is remote we are required to do uh roll call vote so I'll ask for the roll call Pat I George I Aaron I Virginia I and I'm I that's 5 Z so uh you're all set thank you very much see you then see you there thank you thank you very much thank you thank you okay we also have a transfer of a common Victor license from New England Pi Company Incorporated doing business bus as Domino's Pizza to St Mary piie company doing business as Domino's Pizza for 118 chelwood Street and we have somebody here to talk about that good evening I'm just U the brother of the uh the previous owner I was a supervisor and now I'm taking over I'm looking to expand U the business by providing school lunch to the area and hopefully looking for more work to the um the current uh generation of the uh um people around that's about it looking for more business opportunity but you're not going to change anything as far as the inside of the building or hours or anything else no or everything is already set up and uh an application all the hours are specifically is the same building is the same are you George yes George Mel I am the brother of the owner of the current owner yes yeah I noticed they had the both same had both had the same last name um anybody else have any questions for the applicant okay we'll take a motion then I'll make a motion to approve the transfer of the common vict license from New England Pi Company Inc DBA Domino's Pizza to St Mary P Company Inc DBA jino's pizza at 118 chelsford Street Unit 1 as presented thank you second a motion and a second uh so I'll do a roll call again Pat I George I Aaron I jinia I and I'm an i 5 Z okay you're all set thank you thank you all right next up we have reports and presentations and first up is uh Mike risbeck to talk about the coolest farm task force recommendations well thank you Mike rck I'm chair of the uh coolest farm task force uh start out with the good news and the good news is coolest farm is open after four months we started work in the beginning of January and honest to God it's open to the public uh a minor miracle if you ask me uh for which there are lots of kudos to go around and I'm going to indulge myself and spread a few Kudos first of all to the the committee uh Jim Dow Phil stanway Mike chilinski uh Sue obendorf John Ray and John swensson uh made up the coolest farm task force and additional Kudos go to the cheler DPW who did an incredible amount of work up there uh straightening out the uh the parking area leveling things getting rid of some of the uh pretty serious safety issues that we had up there with you know walls that you could fall off the top of and you know Old Farm Equipment you could get stuck in and lots of other nasty stuff they took care of all of that and also the uh coolest uh task force work party uh headed by uh Phil stanway uh who uh have actually got a u a set of trails up and running and open so you can go up there and you can enjoy it and I um hope that you do um coolest is about I think 41 A2 Acres something like that the big trunks 21 Acres that's where most of the big and interesting stuff goes uh we looked at uh a number of possible uses for it we took proposals from the public and we also had some ideas of our own and I'll go quickly uh down that list um on some of the other there are actually three Parcels to this land depending on how you accounted three contiguous Parcels uh the other two uh uh or either Wetland or agriculture land U they've already been put to agricultural uses to the extent that they can be um some of the proposals that we had were a wildlife or wildf flower a pollinator preserve pickle ball courts pasture lands tillable agricultural land and two chunks a wildlife rescue facility and some commercial outdoor uh plant storage we've made recommendations in the report uh and you can see details there uh but in particular uh the agricultural uses uh the the native plant Meadow um uh got our thumbs up and the uh the wildlife rescue facility although that's going to be a fairly complex uh piece of work to develop so our recommendations is it's a good idea uh but a lot more Works going to have to be done there before something uh acceptable can uh can be put in place uh um the pickle ball court turns out there are other places around town that are already flat so uh that that may be more appropriate as well um we kind of had to choose between the uh the uh Wildlife facility and the outdoor uh you know plant area commercial that which by the way is a legitimate agricultural activity however they both needed to use the same piece land uh there wasn't any way to accommodate both and we uh decided that we preferred the wildlife uh facility so there you have it uh we there are a few other things that we're cons that we considered uh community garden space we've recommended that something be left in reserve for that that would only need about an acre uh and if the need develops and the uh uh the muscle can be found to actually prepare it cuz prepar ing a community garden is not a simple process I've I've done it myself uh but but we Reser should reserve some space for that should it happen uh there's a possibility of a nice sledding hill over there it actually could be on top of the same piece or very close to the same piece as the native uh plant garden I mean they're completely compatible you could sled on it in the winter and there's a very nice event area there if you've been over take a look at the big Meadow uh it's it's got a nice little rise you can almost see where people could you know 100 people could sit there and watch even a the theatrical uh presentation personally I'd like to see them do midsummer's I dream up there but uh there are lots and lots of good possibilities so there you have it what remains to be done is finalization of Land Management agreements Associated State filings and there's a whole bunch of stuff there and Paul knows all about that he was at every single one of our meetings um and the kolis task force work party which is not not the same as the as as the team that that made the recommendations but very closely associated uh they will continue to work on the infrastructure over there um with the report there's also an addendum that shows just a long list of things that can be done or are in process to that uh space uh there are some maps uh uh the one the one map in particular shows you the the 21 acre parcel and and show some of the proposed activities the rest of it is just Agriculture and with that uh questions yeah as you note I mean um there is still a lot of work to be done before we can make any decisions on how to move forward so absolutely I hope didn't come here expecting a oh absolutely not our our our job is to make recommendations and that's all that we're doing uh I think at this point we'll go into hibernation but you can pull us out of hibernation anytime you need if you want more um you know more work uh to be done so my coolest farm goe um first of all thank you I I think you guys did a tremendous amount of work and um working with the DPW on the safety of the the land and getting a few trails open um with the Conservation Commission uh taking responsibility for this land now I think that it makes sense that these recommendations go to them to work the details um and the feasibility under the conservation restriction and all that same process that you alluded to that has to happen when in terms of the um the task force work party when we voted to um approve the town manager establishing this task force in November the letter that we voted on was to come up with ideas and that was the only scope in that letter and um so you've overachieved and gone well beyond that my my point though is that I believe I feel very strongly that additional work being done on the land you said the task Workforce party is going to keep going but I don't feel that should happen independent of the conservation Absolut I think that should actually be guided through the Conservation Commission as the authority on the land right now you're absolutely correct in fact there's a member of the concom on our C I understand that but we're also we're also receiving kind of emails counter to that and I just want to say publicly that I I feel that this all needs to go funnel through the the commission now with the support of Paul and his staff I think you're right um and I I think you guys have done what you were supposed to do and done a tremendous job at it I know it wasn't easy at times um so thank you again well my pleasure my pleasure we had a good time I'd like to thank everybody that was involved in the work it seems the same people do most of the work in that type of work when a project like that comes up so quots to all of you thank you very good thank you anything else Paul were you gonna say something no I just would would just remind the board and the community of where it goes from here and Mike referred to it and this is very similar to what what happened on Warren pole when the town acquired the Warren pole in under the same language and Provisions at town meeting we have we have formed an Advisory Group The Advisory Group made its report to the select board what has to happen now and it's going to take a little while and we've talked about this at the task force meeting is we have to go out and and submit a preservation restriction to the state but in order to do that we need to do a baseline survey uh and draft the Restriction get the third party who will hold the Restriction um and that's going to take some time it'll probably take over a year um and and in Virginia what you getting is while that process is still unfolding in fact with Warren pole the commission manages the property and the activities go through the commission much like what's happened at Warren Pole where that's open and this you know so I think what Mike was describing is the workforce is is stepping forward to basically to work you know to provide that ongoing maintenance while that's going with the through the commission while it's while it's going to go on um and I think that's fine coordinated that's how we're going to do it and what we're doing is we're um you know we're working with trying to get the same principles because for example we're we're I think you'll see the you'll see the chair of the commission here probably within the next meeting or two with the final document to submit to the state for Warren poll same thing will happen happen for this and then once that's submitted and accepted by the state and executed then the process is Mike also described about doing the lease agreements and everything unfold so it's going to take a while uh but again I just want to thank everybody for their efforts I think it far sueded far exceeded what anybody envisioned and then also as Mike noted along the way because we are we are losing seasons and so forth we we did the license agreements as we had discussed at this table a couple meetings ago to allow the agricultural activities on the two smaller partials to take place this growing season and most likely next growing season um and then and then hopefully it all comes together uh in in the months and you know several months and probably maybe year or two ahead so again it's the renewal of those licenses although it's like under your author do that but you would coordinate that with the commission as well y exactly basically you know the that's how that process will take place uh I've met with David koun who's the conservation agent uh and we I've also met with Carl Bishoff who's the chair of the commission they're aware of that and again we're trying to work some Efficiencies For example we you know we want to put a sign out there you know the permanent sign and the language that's required under the Community preservation act and so we're trying to do those efforts but the biggest challenge and you're seeing this everywhere is getting people to do the work you know and we saw that with the wetlands flag we had our Wetlands flag but we still haven't had the mapped yet because trying to get that resource so again tremendous success I think the message that Mike delivered is the land's open to the public and uh and then we're going to do the behind the scenes work and again everything that's done in terms of that restriction everything else will come back before the select board as we have with Warren pole and and the other properties uh for for approval and then ultimately you know it it gets w up and if the public wants to go walk on the trails is it is it obvious when they approach like where to park and where to go yeah they're they're working on signage and they should stay on the trails yes at least until we get the last little bits that there may still be a little bit of Barb Wire off on a corner somewhere you know they're doing the best they can but uh we'll find the stuff and clean it up okay wonderful hey go over there and enjoy it it's a beautiful piece of land thank you okay all right thank thank you very much okay next up is Chief Spence with the Traffic Safety Committee report good evening pleasure to be before all of you tonight uh just couple quick updates as you know the traffic safety meeting uh meets monthly uh the third Monday of every month we just met today we communicate via email on a regular basis one thing that was brought to our attention was a sign on linv as a truck exclusion we ended up removing the sign and the reason why we did that there was no record of it ever being improved therefore it was unenforceable by the police department now as far as having a truck exclusion on linv how we could justify that is if we have an alternative route and what I'm going to show tonight is there really is not a viable alternative route now if there was an alternative route we would have to conduct an engineering study to show that 5 to 8% of the vehicles going down linv were heavy commercial vehicles which we do not believe the case is but we really don't have to do that because we do not have a viable route um the other thing would be if the condition of the pavement on linv which I don't believe that that is really an issue I believe it's at a 74 um that the trucks would have to be excluded if the condition of the pavement um now if we look we looked extensively at the alternative route which would be Main Street at gron Road and when we did certain simulations and I had the DPW thank you uh to Christine and Tony they did simulations of all different heavy vehicles that may take that turn and as you'll see uh the first one is the box truck and dump truck simulation and when you look at it the truck goes over the yellow lines and also the fog lines a triaxle truck would also have further overlaps as everybody knows that intersection is pretty much a here pin turn we also did a fire truck simulation and there was significant overlaps over the de double yellow line in the fog lines when you maneuver through that intersection now when you look at that simulation for the fire Tru if we can just go back to that for one second the front of the fire truck actually goes over the lawn that's there uh that's how far it would go over now the the tractor trailer simulation based on the current intersection significantly overlaps the double yellow lines the fog lines and also the tractor Trail is would go through the parking lot that is currently there causing more issues so in summary the exclusion sign the truck exclusion sign was removed because it was not enforcable because it was never approved that we could find in any sort of Records by any board um which would make it enforcable for us based on the simulations that's not a viable alternative route and also if you look at the simulations it doesn't take into any account driver error If a driver misjudges something it's even worse than what's this is a perfect turn pretty much that these simulations and also we do not believe that 5 to 8% of the traffic is heavy truck traffic on linv so that's pretty much where we stand as far as the linv explanation so I'm here to take any questions you may have when you do have truck exclusions are emergency vehicles um excluded from the exclusion normally no really uh normally I think usually a fire truck um if it's an emergency they have to get there they have to get there um normally we try to abide by any of the signage especially do not ENT a signs because you're at a risk for an accident but I would think a truck exclusion if it's an emergency and that's the only way that they can get there I would say I think that that was more of a simulation itself as far as the size of what that vehicle is and within how many miles does the alternate route have to exist I can't was it within a mile or two or I don't remember it has to be a v I think the big thing is the viable alternative route well as as the closest alternative route you could could be anywhere I mean I know yeah there's a I think there's a distance limitation there some distance limitation we looked at this before when we were thinking about sending other trucks to Drum Hill right yeah we ran into that also on Golden Cove we did go out and look at linv today I I went earlier and DPW director uh went tonight uh just to see you know if there's any other issues that we could you know look at line of sight issues uh we might be cutting back some vegetation on linv uh or asking the resid to cut back some could you look at one other thing yeah at the corner of linnen Maine where one of the signs was taken down the pole is still there the green metal thing that the sign was on is it possible to remove that yes you can so I I know that it I guess it wouldn't totally fix the the issue still you still might have some turning but if it were made one way would that help especially at least in that one way if linv was made one way correct I don't believe it would if you look at the simulations I think we're still going to have issues um because both both directions had issues in the slides as far as how and that's without driver error whatsoever and everybody knows how busy gron road is but you put Drive error in there I think we have a significant safety issue if we allow that and the traffic committee is going to look at the other safety issues that were brought up by one of the residents to see if there's anything that can be done to mitigate those so that was one of the things that uh was brought up by somebody that runs down that road I believe that's the email you're referring to that was the vegetation as far as the trucks didn't want the trucks but also some overgrown line of sight issues which we're going that's what we looked at today to address thank you you're welcome so I have a question so it says you don't believe that heavy commercial vehicles are at least 5 to 8% of the overall volume of traffic right which is necessary but there's been a truck exclusion sign up there for how long how long has the sign been up there years years so so if there's a truck exclusion sign I mean they're not turning down there but I I drive in that area of town pretty regularly and I will tell you that Google Maps does direct you down laav so if you have trucks operating up there and they're looking at a at a mapping app in their phone it is going to direct them down L AV so I mean I would I would I would guess that you might not see 5 to 8% now but but you might see a lot more than that going forward if that truck exclusion sign isn't there anymore then you know that's going to be well I think the one thing that we did look at and we actually discussed during one of the committee meetings was as far as the need for somebody with um as far as utilizing Lin a not a lot of commercial trucks are they're normally going to get off at whatever exit they need to get off at they're not really if they're going into westfi they're not really going to take Main Street unless they have to unless they have to go that way um they can't Chief the issue we have now is that they do come down to the triangle variety and they go down Main Street to get into Westford and and then the ones that are coming out of Swain Road also sometimes go down Main Street to get into Westford to that Highway interchange yeah and I I think Aaron makes a good point though that maybe it would be appropriate to like go monitor it in the future when the signs are down after some period of time to see if more trucks are going on that route yeah we can do that that's easy enough mapping it will tell them to take that right but there's a truck exclusion sign so they're going down to the corner and going going they're going the other way but if there is no truck exclusion sign they're going to start turning down that road and I think you're going to see because Google sends sends you right down Reas the reason they are taking Main Street is because of the permitting exclusions that Westford put in place that sends everybody to chelsford and not down down Route 40 and Westford yes yeah so they're one of their um workarounds is to go down Main Street if they want to get back into Westford yeah I mean we can look at the changes as far as maybe wait a month another month when the sign's gone or towards the probably towards the end of the summer when things are really it from the people on Lev to be honest CU I think you're going to see bump up there any other questions on that I would think that ly would be much safer I I don't know why I mean that especially with the track the trailers and whatever but I guess you know I don't like to put the you know the heat on people on Len Avenue but when you take those big track to trailers and they got to go all the way around have there have been many accidents up there at at the triangle store like no I mean we've had accidents in the past cuz it's a pretty high traffic area it is um and now but basically having all that traffic down there um it is kind of a different intersection definitely it's tough and they're kind of offset it's not like a four-way intersection that's they're offset in the different are you see issues with tractor trailers going down linv along with residential cars I mean with with personal vehicles is that I have those Corners I mean lenth isn't a big street you know it's small yeah I have not seen any issues with it now obviously I think if you live in a small Street you're not going to want larger trucks going down it um and but I just don't think we have a viable option right now if we that turn is going to create an issue it's basically here pin turn that we're forcing all the trucks to go down um so but you don't think that linva is going to be an issue with trucks turning down there and private Vehicles pulling out at the same time well I think I think I think on any Street yeah yeah when you turn there too you have you have to slow down to go down on to linv when you're taking that turn in um and I don't think we have a lot of tractor trailers per se maybe more box trucks yeah um UPS things along those lines so well if we need some other traffic caling or whatever measures then we'll we can look at those right if if it does get to be excessive the truck traffic gets to be excessive there yeah we we we'll put the speed board out there again it's really not a speed issue it's just not yeah it's such a short road I mean you can't get much speed yeah especially in a truck maybe in a car but the TRU is just not yeah yeah the speed proba is less of an issue than the turn I'd imagine either way yeah all right okay any other uh questions okay so Subway AV uh there was a request to lower the speed limit uh to 15 mil hour on subway AV and the request basically came about because the one of the homeowners had seen a 15 M hour sign on another Street it was not a legal sign uh so that's how everything started um now if everybody knows Subway AV Subway AV has Subway AV and Subway AV extension uh that connects to it now the request to go to 15 miles hour I I strongly do not believe that it is feasible uh for what it is we do have a 25 M hour warning sign on each side when people come in and it seems to be working if you look speed is really not an issue the latest traffic study that we did in April shows an average speed of 24.2 mil hour Northbound and 21.1 mil hour Southbound and we also don't have a large history of accidents on that street and that's one of the things we look at when we're looking at stop signs because the other request was a three-way stop on the two Subway side sides and Subway a so it'll be a three-way stop I don't recommend that uh we just do not have the accidents there to justify that there is just not a lot of traffic coming out of Subway AV and we don't use stop signs Mainely to slow people down that's not the purpose of a stop sign purpose of a stop sign is to basically have people stop and I I think that that may be more problematic by putting stop signs there now you have people stopping other people you know it just creates more of an issue don't they use that as a cut through in a morning sometimes they do there is a high traffic volume there because you do have the intersection uh stemman at Dalton so the high you know it's a higher traffic volume but you also silven has a high traffic volume also people a lot of those streets there unfortunately it's just human nature people are looking you know uh but we just do not have the speed issue and we don't have the speed issue on silven either uh we did a traffic study on there I believe it was a year ago and it was a little bit higher uh then Subway uh but it wasn't over 30 miles hour so what sorry what's the speed limit now 30 it is currently 30 30 yeah uh we do utilize those yellow 25 M hour signs we do not enforce those as speed limit signs though uh they're just warnings recommendations uh those would utilize years ago we don't utilize them as much now uh but we figure something like that we leave them there and it does appear to be helping because they they are going under the the average speed is well under Sor at one time they were going to have like a between like say 6 6:30 in the morning and 8 8:30 they we going to only local traffic only local traffic only on those streets yeah because everybody's leaving Dalton Ste Street taking a left and then they get back out out to 110 and then go back this way I remember that I remember when there was a push for that I don't know what happened to that but yeah I I think the issue with those I it it goes to everybody because we can't determine somebody takes that right you know if it's there no right turn or between whatever hours and we stop the person it applies to everybody including residents so I think that that creates more of an issue too um and I think it would be very difficult to do that that's a great Point George U well it's just for the locals I mean you know what I mean because but how do you yeah you can't really is it one remember one time we had a big meeting on right on the Weston school and everything everybody showed up and they were all upset about it and yeah just a point you know I don't I'm sure the traffic isn't any less now than it used to be if not it must be more I don't know yeah we put those we put those no left turns on Golden Cove remember coming this way along all those side streets but it doesn't say except for Lo except for local you know everybody has to go go around yeah so so so um so I have a couple things if everybody's done with the subway Avenue questions um you might remember um a few years ago when we had our listening session up at the senior center for for traffic um it was before your time as Chief but there was a a resident there who had asked that we look at Hazen road to be one way um do you know where Hazen road is yes yeah I'm sure you do um um at the time we were just getting ready to start the project at um conquet Road and Boston Road so it was suggested that that that evaluation wait until after that construction was done because there were um detours that were going all through that neighborhood so I wonder if you could take a look at that again at um Hazen Road um one way you know I don't know I don't know which way this was a a a resident who lives there he actually abuts both conquer Road and Hazen Road and um Hazen road is a narrow Narrow Street um and just asked if that could be considered and kind of in that same area along those same lines we're talking about stop signs when you have a stop sign don't you usually have the stop line the white line on the street is that required not really for enforcement is that I can answer that okay so for enforcement the stop sign is really what's used oh sorry the stop sign the stop line is good to put when you have a new sign but we don't go around town refreshing all the stop lines I think the requirement is really the the sign um and the line is the line is really um not not as enforcable as a sign itself okay because it it seems you know just driving around today I've noticed it seems there is a line almost at every stop sign but the the side of Hazen road that comes out the conquered Road there's kind of a funny intersection there Arthur Avenue comes out in Hazen Road and then conquered Road and there's no stop lines anywhere there's stop signs but it's kind of sometimes it's can be confusing as to who's supposed to stop and who has the right of way to go we yeah we can look into that I know also when you have like new stop signs the word stop is looked at that's something we do not do that would only be for um but we can look at the stop sign my understanding is the stop sign itself is the enforcable okay yeah just it seems to be more noticeable I guess if you have the the line also you know I've seen I've noticed that but that's all okay that's all I had anybody else have anything you want to talk about this evening on traffic safety anything good thank you very much right thank you very much for having me okay Christine you could have oh question um well actually not sorry during public input you they don't know they can leave I think okay for the events that you announced in the morning uh for the events yes those events that you announc how can I participate in that like uh to supply some food or uh you could there's there's usually contact information on how can I get the contact SLE it's on the Flyers if you go to the agenda the agendas the agenda Center go to the agenda for the meeting and you can get all the flyers in the each flyer has contact information and where do I get that on the town website town go to the homepage and there's a button to say agenda sender and then you look for the select board agenda all right if you have any problems when you can buy for your license they'll help you in the office there you go the Board of Health also hosts a lot of them they might just be a great place to start there's also news flashes on the on the homepage just need to grow some businesses there you go and you you if you're welcome to stay but you don't have to thank you all right good night have a good night good night thank you thank you good luck good evening Christine Clancy DPW director just want to provide the monthly ARA update um so before you tonight we do have the spreadsheet that we do update monthly uh we have a total of $10.6 million in arpa funds that are to shy of $10.6 million to date we have allocated 60 projects to the the this um uh to the arpa funds of the 10 .6 million $9.8 million has been allocated uh we do track monthly the percent uh of the projects procured and spent so uh to date we have procured uh 91% of all the appropriated funds and 68% of those procured funds have been invoiced and spent to try to track progress of those projects there is a remaining balance of just about $740,000 that has been unallocated um so that's something that we you know in terms of a timeline we have until this December to allocate um but we still have that balance um and so this December for allocation and just as a reminder we have two years to actually complete the projects but the I have the spreadsheet before you uh this is the same spreadsheet updated monthly the blue projects are projects that are complete procured and completed the green procured but we're still in progress yellow is partially procured and then we have projects on here that are listed in red um that is where we still are in the in the middle of procuring um I guess to give a couple highlights not to go over all the projects uh we did do a number of projects where we out we uh the drainage projects we did complete the procurement of that since the last month's update so that would be numbers 52 54 55 uh number 53 is or sorry sorry number um sorry number 51 the stream cleaning that will be procured uh should will be a opening that bid next week um and then we also have the the recently uh approved projects that we are working on procurement we should hopefully have updates on those in the next month or so we also still have the uh I call them the tab projects the testing and balancing projects going back to numbers 14 and 17 through 20 we haven't prioritized that CU we have some other projects that are more time sensitive but we do know that this is on our list so we do um have plans to prur it this spring potentially I guess into the summer are there any questions projects specific on the arpa update I just have a question about like the timing of allocating the rest of the funding so we said that we wanted to wait for some of the yellow and reds to clear to know kind of where we stand so are we talking maybe later this summer or early fall that we would take a comprehensive look at the options for the rest of the funding yes that's my understanding um I know we I know we did some peace meal that were more urgent but I would prefer like for the remaining allocation if we can to just know the whole picture um I think we'll have a really good understanding by mid to late summer um okay especially and like there's there's a lot of these and also some of these projects is where they are progress wise some of still like the rtu replacement work a lot that a lot of that is going to happen this summer so I think you'll start to see a lot of these projects not only you know be procured but also completed so I think this summer is a really later this summer is a good time frame great thank you any other questions or all right so if there's no questions on that I'll move on to um our I have a presentation a brief presentation on the FY 25 sewer rate update um first slide thank you so this is this slide was presented to the select board and um at town meeting this is the U FY 25 operations budget that was approved for the sewer division um the sewer the sewer division is an Enterprise account so that is funded uh really a self-funded um self-funded division same with our storm water so what that means is the the Billings that we gener the Billings the revenue that we generate that if that goes into that particular division the sewer division so we do annually is we do look at the sewer rates to see if we have to make any adjustments um since I've been here now two years I've been looking at annually looking at sewer to see if it's an adjustment and then we also look at annual annually at storm water so we're we've been making some adjustments for storm water in the beginning of the calendar year being in January um and then sewer be I guess being July uh so going at looking at the this year's FY 25 budget we do have a um anticipated 8.76 increase and we had presented this at town meeting we had various reasons um there was some adjustments in the um uh we had in terms of the Personnel Services we had some changes there but actually was lower than projecting lower than in previous years uh really the main reason for the increases were we had an increase in the lower user fee uh through the our you know with our increased um capacity or increased usage that triggers a higher Bill also with the L having a consent order for their upgrades they they we have um have seen our our bill is increasing essentially for every gallon that we send to low there's an increase and looking in the future that likely it's just going to increase um so we did project an additional $200,000 in next year's um fee uh also grinder pump maintenance has increased and also we have the debt service for the Kensington Pump Station and the the flush truck so that all kind of rolls up to a 8.76% increase estimated so you think we we think that in LEL addressing um their D orders they're flowing that cost down yes they've told us they are that's in the contract so they are pushing those costs down they're seeing rate increases I think generally a lot of people are but those costs are coming to us um so this is just I guess just last year it went up about 10% um their fee to us and they've told us to expect double digit increases in the upcoming years um and in the reason is our our sewer flow goes from our town line through the L sewer line so as they're replacing those lines they you know that portion of that cost gets attributed to the ad joining communities that flow through those lines also so they are doing some upgrades at the plant as well yes improvements at the plant um and therefore they basically the answer is is we should expect a double- digit increase for the next several years for our flow um charges so for the fy2 24 sewer rate I did provided this presentation just about the same time last year we switched from a um a standard rate for residential for commercial industrial we used to have three rates we switched over to a tiered rate structure this is similar to other communities also similar to our Chums water districts uh so really it promotes water conservation uh we we still have a res broken down by residential commercial industrial um you know every 6 months per the Thousand gallons if you use more water you do pay more po per the the Thousand gallons um so we use this to establish our fees last year um and these were just shown this just shows the minimum residential six-month bill and the average uh and the average residential income commercial Bill based on that tiered rate structure and if I remember last year the increase was about uh depends it depending on what tier you fell into but for residential it was average about just over 8% increase uh and so I will in the next slide get into the is or stand uh the tiered rates proposal but are the our revenue is variable is based on the flows so we can't anticipate what the flows are going to be next year um and it's based off of water water readings so if irrigation being and is includes Irrigation in our in the water readings so that is a variable that is um somewhat unpredictable so when we do establish these rates we base it off of you know look at the data we have but we also we you know and we track it throughout the year um also we have our neighboring Community Tings Boro their flows come through us so we also we do just like I guess low builds us we build TS sporo so if their flows change then their um their fee to us changes as well so we when we looked at this tiered rate structure um how you know how would we want to increase those rates um I I had to take various factors into effect it's not as easy as doing a calculation to say okay what was last year's FL flow and what's the rate and let's us increase it by a certain percentage it all depends on what the rate flows are and what the flows are for those C you know the categories I just presented so there's a few things that we took into consideration uh right now under our FY 24 sewer Billings we're falling just a a little bit below Target 94% so close but that is partially because we um we've had a lot of rain when you have a lot of rain even though our sewer flows are increasing to low people use less irrigation um and so when people use less irrigation actually our Billings are a little lower so like the year we had the drought I not complete drought but um our Billings were actually up uh so it's almost like an inverse effect uh depending on the rain uh in terms of our Billings uh also we looked at the budget increase that I just just showed you so with this 8 and a half 8.7% budget increase that includes the increase anticipated with the low treatment plant um and then we also looked at in the tsoro flow so since last year tting tsb's flows are up 22% um and without there being a change I I estimate those will continue in some capacity so that does um really does um involve more fees I guess so that so that we take that into consideration when we're establishing the rates so when we look at all that we're estimating about a 4% increase which is which is I mean given where rate inflation is that's um I think pretty Nom pretty minor compared to where we are um in the current environment uh so here is a a chart that we put together effective J this July 1st um and I just wanted to show what the minimum residential commercial industrial rates are so from from last year uh the minimum rates go from 45 to 47 um and all the way down the industrial is from 65 to 68 we also have well Waters so that flat fee went from 155 to 162 that's the minimum um the average residential annual sewer bill that last year was estimated at $433 so it will go up $17 to $450 and the average commercial annual sewer sewer bill goes up uh $88 from 2,188 to 202 6 $2,276 these will be effect July 1st um and we will monitor it like I said we each month we look at the flows we look at our Billings and we just track to see what percent complete just in case there was any change that needed to be made I don't know if there any questions it it seems that the the uh the flat fee for the people who have their own well water um seems kind of low compared to what the average residential is I mean there is there some justification for that or so we did look at that last year and that was something that we um we looked and I was I think their usage is generally lower than the average um because I guess they don't typically don't have as irrigation so we actually looked at their usage Al we looked at some of their usage some of these well Waters the the usage is is lower um but I did I guess it's something that I do want to monitor for this year just to see if we want to make an adjustment for next year okay we don't have many in that category though do we 175 I want to say oh okay yeah I didn't think it'd be that many okay thank you anybody else have questions okay thank you thank you thank you okay um next is uh the the selectwood policy for the outdoor alcohol beverage service areas is Christina available Paul to talk about this um no I don't believe she's I don't I know she's running the zoom but I don't believe she's on but she believes that what you put in here was pretty much what the board had agreed to the last yeah yeah I mean um as um Christine and I looked at at the policies and the regulations it it made more sense to put um what what you see here um under the licensing rules we have for serving alcohol and looking at the policy there there didn't really seem to be anything that specifically needed to be added or changed because it refers you know to these regulations which need to be you know they're enforced by the um who you know whoever the uh um the approval process is is that the police or Board of Health or whoever um goes out and does the inspections yeah the the the Building Commissioner goes out as well as the the Board of Health and police all go over separately yeah okay Pat you lost me looking at what it didn't seem that what need didn't need to change we didn't need anything in our in our actual policies this is from our rules and regulations okay thank you that's all yeah so yeah it did we did add uh section 3.04 here uh which you know basically explains that they we need to get the detailed information about where they're going to put their their tables and chairs and make sure that they and and also references the um abcc guidance which lists about have you know being a the requirement that you have to be able to see from inside what's going on out in that area that you have outside um and make sure you have people to cover that area um and they they still are they are required to bring the request to this board for our approval before it goes into effect we just don't require public hearing and it does not have to go to the abcc so I think that pretty much covers it and we don't have we had any requests no not yet so I don't even think we need to vote on this do we because those you should adopt the policy yeah yeah you should adopt the policy okay but this isn't a policy this isn't a rules I mean you should adopt the rule adop the rules I mean because what the state said with the new law was that a loc subject to the local approved regulation yep so I guess we do need a motion to approve this new new rule a policy okay I'll make a motion to approve the new draft liquor license regulation regarding expansion of outdoor table Service as presented second okay we have a motion in a second I'll do a roll call vote Pat I George I Aaron I junor I and I'm it okay thank you all right so next up is a discussion of uh topics for uh next meeting when our legislative delegation will be here yeah at this point uh Senator Barrett will has confirmed his attendance representative Elliot has cons confirmed his attendance um representative catalo has a conflict but he's going to send an aid and was still awaiting word from representative aro's office okay um I I I I kind of when I I actually spoke to representative Calo this afternoon on a different matter but told them that I expect the issue of accessory dwelling units would likely come up in terms of the housing bot Bill uh and I'm sure that'll will make the select board's list in terms of discussion items uh that's before the legislature uh currently I I had on my list the housing Bond Bill status like the whole thing but and I know the adus is part of that that we and I don't my understanding is that it's still in Ways and Means yeah but it's expected to be acted by the house within the next couple of weeks but most likely after they meet with you in two weeks but probably not that much further out because they're they're they're nearing the end of their session they have two months left do you have any others Virginia I do okay go ahead see if you cover some of the you want me to go yeah um I was wondering if it would be appropriate to get a status on the uh middle sex North Road vinyl square [Music] intersection we we need State support for that right I don't I don't know if we know what the current status is but yeah they seem to be um yes we we we it comes up almost every meeting at the viol the right they're the ones that that suggested okay um and then I also have the middle sex williamburg sidework status but then I saw today that it looks like the construction has started yes so um that's good and then with respect to um ledge road we had House Bill 3876 which was specific to chelsford and then the status of House Bill 3706 which was the larger um truck bill from a couple years ago and I did look up the um the status of both of those today the 3876 which is the one specific to Chelmsford says that on March 28th the Senate concurred that was the last piece of it and my understanding was that might still be hung up in transportation and they might refer it to study but I thought it would be good to get an update on that and then I don't I don't see any um the one of the residents that's tracking 3706 asked me about it but I don't see anything on the State website past January 3rd 2023 when it says no further action was taken so and then the only other thing that I had I don't know if this is another is an appropriate topic I think we've talked to them before about how do we navigate the underground utilities and the Verizon shortfall MH okay Aaron you have any um I had the housing bill in ledge Road those are mine so do you have any um lights actually at Richardson Road oh yeah yeah and princeon Street I mean it's I know there sometimes they might have ones but it seems to be a lot of we've been looking for that for a long time so I I don't is it the do that passes us up or is it we get it's it's I don't believe it's on the tip it's I think it's on the upw yeah it's on the upw which means it's in line to be put on the tip but we we tried that a lot I mean we initially yeah like eight or 10 years ago I mean I because you know my concern is all the you know the school buses sure and all the kids going is three schools up that street you know what I mean and and the line of sight is terrible there coming out of there uh you know I mean it's frequently there probably a lot of bumps that don't come they don't get people just pass their papers and take off but you see a lot of you know little collisions and stuff like that there you know yeah I know there's a couple other projects in that area like you know further up on you know Technology Drive yeah yeah Technology Drive down to the to the light there um maybe they could you know I could see if maybe they could combine those because they it makes sense to do that I mean you're talking just a couple hundred feet more it's also blind coming over the you know when you're coming from from the rotary down and you're approaching you're approaching the Richardson Road area I mean when somebody's like packed to make a left-and turn you mean you're right on top of them before you even see them because there's a blind spot in there you know just okay you know I mean i' we've been talking about a for years but nobody you don't seem to get any action on it so I don't know why but okay to me it's one of the most dangerous areas in in the town and particularly where all the kids you know I mean you get the Harrington and the Parker and the the high school yeah in the high school and then you get all the buses and you know so okay whatever all right that it yep speaking of tips is there anything that we want do we need any further update on the um the intersection of Princeton and North Road that we put in place for when the UMass West development was happening was light they contributed funds toward the Improvement of is there anything that we need to coordinate with the state or that needs to is it ball our court right now or somebody else's Christin shaking her head yes the ball's in our it's in our court right now okay advancing the 25% designed for the okay thank you okay Pat do you have anything uh I had Adu and led Road okay I had a few other um the the deputy fire chief Home Room petition um yeah it's past the house it's uh it's now in the Senate so okay we can okay but we is that one more likely than than LED Road yes okay um and you know maybe some discussion about early voting rules and requirements I know um several months ago Trisha had um other Town clerks here and and the legislators and the legislators to talk about all the additional resources that are needed and you know time and effort with the new rules that they have um you know one of my pet peeves about the all the ear voting I think it's great that that we have the male option the mail you know the maale ballot option but when you fill out that that postcard you don't have an option to to check local elections if you want local elections you have to get all and somebody that maybe isn't going to vote on a primary election um you know they would just vote local and general election you can't do that you have to vote you have to check all elections um somebody told me it's because it comes from the Secretary of State's office and the secretary of state is not that concerned about local elections which I hope that's not the case but anyway just a couple of things on that and then um you know an update on the bottle Bill changes to that um you know two parts of it increasing the deposit to 10 cents and adding it to more bottles that are just typically just thrown away like water bottles nips nips that wouldn't be a bad one to talk about too I see more and more communities are are Banning nips and maybe that should be a Statewide initiative um you know I had on my Note just other environmental initiatives I mean there's always plenty of those that they could talk about that that don't seem to get very far at the state level which is unfortunate the last time they were here we talked about Chapter 70 chapter 90 and also like MB ta ta and possibly Adu with these unfunded mandates is that a recurring theme we want to push back on and just keep it front of mind yeah I guess it depends too how long we want to keep them here well so I actually I actually mentioned to Paul this week I was sitting in the zba meeting last week and the zba was discussing the adus and I was I said to Paul I said I feel like the zba is kind of talking about it and I think the planning board is obviously talking about it and we're talking about it but I know you had mentioned several weeks ago maybe we should meet with all of our housing kind of partner boards and committees in town and have a bigger discussion about housing um I still think that that's something that we should probably attempt to do in some capacity maybe it's is that a separate them to the legislative meeting just maybe they want to hear from our planning board they want to hear from our zba or maybe we need to rendevu with our planning board and our zba and have some sort of um consensus about what were what we want to say to them regarding that you know I don't um I feel like we're kind of having separate conversations about it the planning board has already approved a letter that the planning board is sending in regarding adus that was very much in concert with ours yeah so I think there is alignment there I don't know what the CBA discussion was I just don't know how we want to kind of present that to them and in what capacity you know I think it's probably kind of the biggest issue that we have for legislators that's front front of mind at the moment so I don't know if we have like a strategy of how we want to kind of present that to them or just I mean we do have the letter so that's great but which they've all received yes yeah yeah so they know how we feel yes already but um as far as how we kind of present it to them at that meeting um I don't know I don't know if anybody else has thoughts about that I don't know so so you think perhaps you know we should have a local meeting with those with those boards to sometimes I do I think they have kind of a different view you know like the zba has that they're the ones that deal with most of our residential zoning stuff right so and this the ones that have experience with adus yes yeah so they're the ones who have have kind of a really specific um mindset about about this and probably some input I don't know that might be valuable I don't know I don't know if it's possible to do that kind of before before the legislative meeting or if it's not I don't know right and and given you said that's that's it's our next meeting yeah it's yeah no I mean the the voting for the housing B bill yeah it's it's got to happen within the next two months but I it's probably within the next 3 to four weeks yeah okay so this is our last kind of opportunity to make I don't I don't I don't have I mean first of all let me ask a question we know where the planning board stands where does the zba stand so I I don't really think they they they I'm not sure that they have discussed it maybe as much as we have um I don't that's a great question I'm not really sure so I think that's a discussion we should have with them I don't have an objection inviting a representative from the planning board or the zba to our meeting with the legislators but what I don't want to happen is that we're not prepared as a town and we have people coming in that are just talking about this for the first time yes we need to we need to vet all that ahead of time if we don't think if we think that needs to happen so I don't know if we can do it for this round or not yeah it does seem like kind of pushing it unless you want to have an extra meeting but I mean they are having discussions about it well I mean yeah I mean you know you being the liaison if you if you you know if you have some insights it would be good to to bring those to us too to you to see if and see if they have a sense that they would like to get input from us and have a Consolidated like you said a consensus yeah from the community I mean the the issue on the table is by right versus you know local permitting discretion and then the other question in ch is accessory I mean attached or detached CU right now we require attached and then the third one is owner occupied right I think those are the only three top is issues related to adus that are out there and and and I think size I think well size well State's saying 900 square fet is their cap under the bond bill so I don't think any St at 750 but I don't think anybody's proposing greater than 900 I think I think so it's 900 or less uh I don't think that's the issue of contention I think it's the question of owner occupied and and attached or detached right and is is it also by right or is it you know or is it a relative you know some um bylaws say it has to be a relative of one of the of the resident of the main right main uh number of occupant I think is Big too you know if depending on if they make that ruing up but if they don't you like I said you get college kids in there you might have four or five kids if you know problem well and I think I think at a the other point is if they're really if the people on the hill who are opposed to it the way it's written are pushing for local control then that kind of that would satisfy our need too right then we can just decide on our own right rather than saying we want you to write in there that it's owner occupied or attached or detached but I mean the big push as you saw the article over this weekend you know about why the mass the MBTA uh zoning may not produce the desired results they reference the Adu and they keep touting it that this could produce 10,000 units so that's the push that the try that the state's trying to get at is housing units housing units um they just want the yeah they want the data yeah they just want unit dat and I think and then from the town's perspective the boards that set policy or the select board and the planning board the board of appeals is really an adjudicatory board you really aren't to set policy so if right now we have the select board's letter and the planning board has a letter I don't know that the board of appeals really the enforcement board basically exactly they have yeah they're an appeals board they're not meant to be a policy board well that was my next question do do maybe I can Le a son with them and ask if they want to write a letter but yeah that's a good that's their role isn't to set you know that's why they're not you know elected and that's you know they don't set this would essentially be taking that out of their hands in the cont in the context of a policy board I I wouldn't an object if we wanted to let the planning board know they were coming and this is on our list if they want a representative here to speak from the planning board perspective I I think it could help it helps give our Representatives the ammunition to say this isn't just coming from one place or one resident yes or the policymaking select board it's coming from the the committee that is tasked with planning housing right for a community so yeah I think it's a little bit more and that's the feedback I got on our letter too is that it was really helpful to have it formalized that the board was taking a position on behalf of the Town rather than just dealing with individual emails and yeah but also with the backing of the planning board yeah which is I agree can we do that can we yeah I'll invite I can invite the planning board and let them know that that will be disced one one member yeah the chair chair yeah um okay so we got can we can we go back to infrastructure did we decide whether we want to just mention that theme again yeah yeah the infrastructure thank you I know that means sewer roads yeah and then the lack of um support for that coming from these other housing mandates Paul do you have anything in the um ear marks or anything that you want to call attention to at this point with them or do you think proc we're well on our way you probably saw the stories the last couple weeks about the aark process which is a little disappointing as well but I think you know I I think our thear requested for of the Barrett is in the list of amendments that will be considered this week by the Senate so I think we're in good position there and by the time they get here you know the Senate will be completed and it'll just be a conference committee so I think we're in good POS position given the stabilization of the state's finances do they get involved at all with the um or do they I know they're aware of it do they get involved at all with the the building efforts like with Parker no that that's just with the msba that's outside their domain okay is that it that's a l the list it's shorter than last time I think is it could be we we hope it's getting shorter right all right thank you okay we have a bid award yeah um we're seeking a bid award for the Harrington and Community Education boiler project um DPW solicit bid request for bids they receive four responses the lowest Bid And also the lowest qualified bid was for Alano Services Corporation in the amount of $544,500 and the good thing on this one is you can see this is actually more of a normal bidding result with where the bids are relatively close to each other uh and you have four biders uh so I think it really gives us confidence that it's a valid and a good price so again we'd seek the board's confirmation to award the Harrington Community Ed boiler project to alanco at $544,500 can you remind me what we had allocated for this yeah Chris come up since she's here so I don't have the exact dollar figure in front of me but we had two allocations one for the Harrington and one for the community um the Ed community ed for this coming fiscal actually Community Ed was last year Harrington so combined this is actually this amount shown is actually we still have $50,000 about $50,000 left so if you so if you add that because it's two there two separate allocations we decided to move forward putting them together as one project great thank you anything else okay we'll take a motion I will make a motion to approve the town manager's bid award for the Harrington schooling Community Education building boiler project um do go finish the motion yeah you can finish to to alanos Alano Service Corp as presented second okay we have a motion in a second now um Pat I George Aaron hi Junior hi and I'm and I 5 Z okay thank you and comment reports okay um as per the board's uh schedule tonight is the uh fiscally a 24 final report on the goals for the current fiscal year um I'll sort of walk through them many of them were completed earlier in the year but so it just ask me if you want to stop or slow down but the first one was on arer funds as as we know um and heard earli this evening the um the board uh the goal was to vote on the allocation of remaining funding um as of this point as you heard tonight $740,000 remains to be committed by the end of this calendar year and and I think again in July or August we'll have that request and in fact you may you you I expect you'll actually get a request at your next meeting on a on a uh considerable project that's worthwhile and um so again we're clearly wrapping up the allocation of the funding and obviously the manage managing on the ongoing projects uh the reports monthly and obviously we just received another monthly report from our Public Works director and as she noted 91% of the funds have been procured and 68 have been invoiced and expended under the Strategic plan uh scope will be presented to town meeting for funded that obviously occurred at the October fall town meeting where $125,000 was appropriated the next part goal of that was was to finalize the RFP that obviously has been completed uh with the appointment of the Strategic plan steering committee which began its meetings in January and the RFP was issued at the end of February and obviously awarded which then brought you to the next part of that goal which was the execute the plan development um and um you know the the D everything has been awarded the the initial meeting with Barry Dunn was held last week I think it was a very productive initial meeting uh with and and uh in fact U I was on a telephone call along with Evan bansy community development director with the project manager just sort of doing a project timeline which will be presented to the committee um message is is the project was scheduled to be completed in a 12-month period so is we're sitting here a year from now it should be completed they're realistic and I think and I expect the committee will approve the the timetables for sessions in October uh and then another one in November um So the plan sort of comes into draft the development stage after the beginning of the calendar year and then once that gets vetted then again everything wraps up by next May so I think the consultant is mindful as we discussed with the committee of the where we're starting and obviously you very difficult to get community input during the summer months in terms of forums but survey and other documents will will be taking place so again that's moving forward um storm water sewer and drainage the inflow reductions um about continuing to to plan to reduce the inflow and the monthly B monthly reports of the select board um again you're aware of the uh voluntary sum pump disconnection program I've send you the monthly sewer flow reports and DPW director Christine Clancy comes in periodically and provides periodic updates with a little more detail but again I think we're on top of that issue in terms of the continuing of the plan to reduce infiltration uh I think it's the same thing the DPW is cured the initial stage of the manhole cover replacement um and utilizing the sewer capacity transfer program uh we we have projects that have been executed in the town center with and in Drum Hill those had to do with dining establishments the obviously the brewery in the center and then the new restaurant that's coming in in Drum Hill um and um so again things are are on target for that in terms of continuing to reserve and allocate limited capacity for development Bal reports again it's part of this whole process and she was last here with a report at your April 22nd meeting last month um in terms of the MW option um you approved a $40,000 an opera funding to explore the option of connecting to the mwa onine the rout three Corridor and that project is being procured um Regional cooperation Paul yes on the MW so we do the 40,000 to do the feasibility study and then the next step after that is more of like a strategic discussion right if it I mean if it's deemed unfeasible we're done but if it's deemed feasible then we're for a strategic discussion exactly how do we want to proceed or if we want to exactly but first we got to find out technically Is it feasible and around what range of ballpark be talking if it can occur in terms of uh Regional cooperation with our partners um at my request Nim Cog held a regional meeting with the municipal users of the Wastewater system um two weeks ago to discuss the sewer capacity limitations and the consent order as we talked about earlier this evening about the sewer rates uh and the plant uh and a more detailed meeting is being scheduled um but so we're really bringing an mcog into this process in terms of infrastructure maintenance the biggest one on that continuing the capital plan for sewer U the kensen road sewer pump station upgrade was approved at spring annual town meeting which is Again part of the sewer long-term Capital Improvements plan uh utilities double polls um as you know you had number of meetings with National Grid they're now providing the double poll report on a monthly basis so basically the beginning of every month they are sending me a report I just I received the one for May but it was not quite different than the one you received two weeks ago in April so we didn't present it this evening but we'll see where we are in June uh um and and I think you're seeing progress made what what how it comes at our end is is we take those reports once they're initially received and then send them I send them to the DPW director they contact our vendor you know for fiber relocation to make sure that things are on status so I think you've seen the trend that the number is going down uh regarding power charging stations um we did receive a air mark in the house budget for a rapid charge electric vehicle station at the Adams library and we're also pursuing grant funding for additional electric vehicle charging stations here at this building and other Municipal locations uh underground utilities project as was touched on briefly earlier this evening uh this this is a work in progress uh to solve the verison funding shortfall which is what's inhibiting this project from occurring um communication concerns again with the utilities you've held the meetings with National Grid I can tell you the department heads and I are in regular communication with ntion grid regarding the enhancements to the conet road electricity substation it recently went before the board of appeals for variance um and I think it'll go smoothly I think what you have seen and what was evidence of that was the one that was on chel Treet by The Duncan D is gone I mean that's closed and I think that was a successful effort where it sort of happened without any fan fear and I think that they're the communication continuing and I think it's they're mindful of the you know of the Aesthetics and such on conquered road is their expansion there hey Paul yeah on the first one I get it's a work in progress what do you see as like our next steps do we have any it's as I mentioned at the last meeting I think there's three options one is funding in other words we we we develop an alternative funding source and the only alternative as I mentioned at a recent meeting would be Community preservation funds um to fund the Verizon po portion um two is to get some legislative change in terms of how do you fund a system that's in the millions of dollars when your Revenue source is only in is less than $100,000 per year that's why ver and if you're in Verizon shoes you're not going to take that expense on either so it is has to be a legislative solution um or you know and and the third option is is to just you know play hard ball and then basically give a letter of of direction to Verizon saying well there's nothing in the legislation that says that you have to recover your cost within a certain period therefore proceed with the project to your but that's just the you know that's just trying to fight with Verizon lawyers which is probably not productive so those those are what I see the options at this point on the lighting policy that one was uh pretty succinct you know the idea was to D Criterion implementation of a policy for advocacy Lighting on Municipal properties and as you know it became evident early on in the process that the town zoning bylaws regulate exterior lighting and in fact Kelly Bey was at the last planning board meeting looking to amend the town's light exterior lighting policy but I don't think he had this in mind for lighting monuments what he really wants to do is with the Advent of LED lighting you know and is really to to enhance more restrictions but in terms of this goal I think that pretty much you know laid that to rest in terms of the lighting policy by the fact that it's regulated by the town zoning bylaws recognition process you now we're getting to ones that were adopted and completed um this board um in terms of defining the different levels of recognition that were available you adopted a policy for monuments and memorials and then similarly in terms of providing recognition you also adopted a recognition policy so again those were completed uh within the last few months uh performance review revising the town manager performance evaluation form and the timeline and process um you you you achieved that you established a timeline and a process for the town manager's performance appraisal and then below it also for the town accountant and in fact it's in process as we speak now we received notice uh and so that's again I think accomplished uh process improvements for Town departments this was a gap analysis for departments early in the year we explained about the health department uh examining it's process for de de delivering community Assistance um and they uh again a gathering data public works you know adopted a program on CDL licenses uh for with an in-house program which has been launched and been successful and then the most recent one which was one you approved uh last month in terms of arpa funding was $335,000 for The Gap analysis of the of the various bi bylaws and regulations need a protection to the town's groundwater and drinking water and I I I sent you earlier by email the end of last week uh an example of of how cognizant and and present that really is and this Wednesday's planning board meeting it's kind of come up again about you know the peer review and the Consulting of of of this whole issue of the past contamination the groundwater protection as it pertains to 93 Burk Hill road development um so again I think you know that the the issue of a of an important challenge has been recognized and I think progress is being made on that um for the um Gap another one the Gap analysis for the uh prove the front end for the town's capital projects um we did a restructuring between the library position of facilities and the DPW to improve the procurement of facility projects our biggest challenge is finding somebody to to take on that role we we've procured this position believe it or not three times unsuccessfully not finding a viable candidate uh and we've we've changed the title we've changed some of the wording but the best thing to do is not to force a hire um you know we've we we thought we had an individual then the person didn't show uh to begin the work and then again it's just anyway but but that is it's a good example of how we executed but it just didn't achieve the result thus far but it's going to happen um um under the execution parks and wreck in terms of a updated directory that was completed back in the second quarter for the inventory of Parks and Recreation sites on the town's website and then the other one which is current is the updating of the open space and Recreation plan to support the conservation commission's formation of a committee to complete that task that committee has been appointed they've contracted with Nim Cog uh in the committee's meeting uh clean energy and sustainability committee providing support for that committee assisting with the Outreach of available sustainable resources and coordinating what that committee as requested uh the big one that is in works right now is the state's Municipal vulnerability program MVP 2.0 initiative that includes you know CS Representatives we've had several meetings with the program administrators and Consultants uh and that that includes myself Christine Clancy our Public Works director Evan balansky as well as volunteers from across the community including CS um we're assembling a survey that will be issued out to the community to develop a pilot climate change project um we're also partnering with cs to promote an energy efficiency grant program for small businesses um I signed a letter of support that I think is being distributed uh under under the Energy Efficiency program um that's you know funded through the utilities uh in terms of partnering with cs for outreach in listening sessions and providing information to residents um again you know this the effort of myself the Public Works director and Community Development director are working with CFS to promote their climate change initiatives um tree planting and enhanced energy code in the community our Recreation Fields courts and uh spaces uh pickle ball and Cricket identifying a demand for the spaces and identifying locations you heard earlier this evening it came up is most recently with the uh coolest farm task force um pickle Bott is under active consideration uh the two main areas uh that are focusing on right now the big one is the um is the um McCarthy school um site that um that site is now cleared meaning ready for new work to take place the DPW over the winter months when it was quiet removed the old asphalt material um and I expected that that in that when I last spoke to Dr Lang he's he's re-engaging that Committee in hopes of bringing something to fall town meeting um to move that project forward uh and then a more minor project um well one that's that's going to be happening in the next several weeks is at the um South Row School we're realigning the tennis courts there so with um for not only tennis but also for pickle ball so that way when that's completed there'll actually be eight pickle ball courts with concurrent with the with the four tennis courts basically each side of the tennis court of the four tennis courts will have a pickle ball court so that would give them eight playing areas um and then and then the other one we've thrown out is is the corner here McFarland and chord Street DPW has engineering has determined that you could actually SP fit a pickleball court adjacent to the fitness Court parallel with with Wilson Street so in other words you wouldn't encroach any further in on the softball field that's sort of that little corner that's that's that's that's vacant behind the fitness court so that's under consideration as well um not no advances really on Cricket um you know there there is there is demand for field space uh where you know in terms of Playing Fields rectangular fields and whether it be Cricket or soccer and so forth um and that's that's a major challenge in terms of finding land that's flat and available um M uh McCarthy and South Row fields in court um again this I just alluded to this is bringing the new plan to McCarthy at the fall town meeting and as I mentioned the South Row court for pickle ball and Tennis uh Personnel rules and regulations the chair provided you the report on the Visions at the your November 20th meeting last fall uh and again support is provided when and if needed the Personnel Board hasn't met since then they they only meet when and if needed um so that's what that occurs in terms of outward communication a news flow from our website um we have made improvements quietly to the town's website on the pages for the senior center and the building department and we're tackling others as you move along we are scheduled to do a full revamp of our website in the upcoming fiscal year but in the meantime we work with this compete now for short money to do some updates to the layout of the of the uh Senior Center and building department website and so far they' seem to be well received and easier to navigate and then social media um again we continue to use news flashes through Facebooks and Twitter um to get the word out uh in terms of you know outward communication and that's outward communication we're we're we're not engaging on comments on Facebook as you probably have noticed recently because that's sort of like a that this a rabbit hole that you know would you uze resources that we can better use elsewhere going back to the discussion we heard earlier on the town's website about the town of cha. us domain um it's still embedded in our data links uh and we just don't have the resources to update all those links um to so that's where that stands and I think over time we'll just kind of weed those out but we still do have that underlying town of json. us domain rodent sidewalk infrastructure um on The Benchmark report um again our Public Works director was here I think just over a month or so ago maybe two now presenting the 2024 Road season sidewalk construction plans she also appeared at the school committee meeting presented those plans they're posted and available on the town's website um and and again I guess she noted in her report we're making progress there on 54 Richardson Ro the past remediation um Paul McKinley was here as you know your last meeting he's completed all the required filings with the Mass Department of Environmental Protection um and pro has provided periodic reports uh and obviously it demonstrates the progress with the remediation system and and as you know he as he explained the last meeting he'll be coming forth with additional uh work in order to meet the new upcoming standards fire station study committee um they provided an update at your December 18th meeting and at the spring annual town meeting um and then the recommendation to act upon the recommendation from the committee I think the last discussion we had is they going to come in July June June I think we're going to try to come in June but um just with people's schedules it might be early July but I think you can shoot for June yeah the key there is is the to get on the ballot for November election you have to notify the secretary State's a office by August 5th um so that's that's the hard deadline if you're going to move forward with that um project as a dead exclusion and so again they'll be presenting here in June or July Warren pole Farm as we touched upon earlier this evening um Carl Bishoff the conservation committee provided a status report at the January 22nd meeting and he will be here probably by the end of next month um with the final document uh they're working out that final language on that Meadow uh and then that would be then sent to the state for review and approval uh on traffic issues again as you've had this evening the uh Traffic Safety Committee quarterly reports um the issues with ledge Road and the quaries uh and other concerns that are you know that come up or presented to the board um again with any of these other things aside from the truck traffic but even general safety concerns the same process and then obviously intersections um it's again it's they're all wrapped together um in terms of the Center for the Arts strategy and sustainability um Lauren cochan the director provided you with a report at your November 6 meeting she's due to come back in next month sort of as a yearend WP um as part of the um you know we've obviously funded her in the upcoming budget I spoke to Darlene last week as we're monitoring stuff and still running in the black in their programs and I think it's you know I think they seem to be on solid footing at this point uh NBTA zoning um yeah you're very familiar with this it was adopted at town meeting um it's the overlay District B has been submitted to the Attorney General's office for approval once this occurs which is basically 90 days from the submitt uh which should be probably Midsummer uh after that period of time you this you you can modify the project development agreement on prinson Street to achieve compliance with the provisions of state law um and then the Sheltering of homeless and refugees um again we're continuing to monitor this and again chood case on this has been the state does not does not integrate the Sheltering of homeless individuals and migrant families therefore we continue to be the location for the homeless individuals at the uh for at the hotel on chela Street known as the Best Western Al the signs been covered um that is you know that is a very one that is the busy site now for police and fire response and as well as the health department um but again there have been no issues in terms of the impacts from the families uh that's all been really targeted to the L area uh as you've been probably reading and know about so there hasn't been any issues beyond what really what we've been accustomed to now for the last few years uh Central Square um the the mobile site formal mobile site um where this is at is community development director Evan balansky communicated with global over a month ago now supposedly they had a per they had an agreement to sell the land it fell through they informed us that they'll be sending the town a proposal to acquire the site for nominal dollars uh we just waiting for that document the problem with that is like it's like any other big conglomerate is trying to get them to move it's kind of the same reason why the freight house is still on School Street it's just the frustrations is that what did that just happen which one's that I feel like we just spoke about that like a couple weeks ago yeah it just happened yeah so we're wait we we're just waiting for the they say they would send us yeah but we haven't received it oh good U but then again as we saw in The Freight House they they reach did you hear the story that they reached the they reached an agreement with with with PanAm and then at the end they said but now you got GL to get the agreement from Boston and R Maine Railroad and they're like there's a Boston and main railroad still so anyway it's it's moving along but just it's just very slow with again with a small resource for a big company that has a lot of Holdings and then the issue of beautification again related to that is we would continue our efforts to plant trees in or beautify the vacant parcel um because what happens now is when the weed suck growing that's when the complaints pick up uh tree plantings um the North Road tree planting has not occurred um we have obtained legislative earmarks for the North chood Middle Street which is our environmental justice area um that was included in the House of Representatives proposed fy2 budget and then I I thought the environmental justice area was up on Smith Street it is this is this a different one it's it depends upon how you how how you're defining it and what saying by that is is the en the environmental justice in zone is it based upon income level or is it based upon um ethnicity um and so we we when we were doing this MVP training we've seen different maps that show environmental justice areas of the Town um so we we think that you know we'll be able to get to the middle sex North chord Smith Street area uh with this through the through the legislative through the legislative effort yeah the first one North Road that was North Road coming out of chumford Center yeah that's from the center from the highway offramp um into the center in is it funding that's holding us back and just dpw's bandwidth quite frankly but but the big funding thing is National Grid and that's the last one is they still have not released the funding they promised CHR you know the town and that's been going on for several months now um so we're for the trees for the trees 50 they was like 50 trees or something we've not we've not been able to obtain that funding so we may call them and ask them for a meeting if we don't get a breakthrough in the next two months that'll come right after Double polls double polls exactly where's the money for the trees um and I think that's it that's the that's the last uh part of the goal report okay any questions on all those goals making good progress on many of them so that's good okay we don't have any this evening so we're to the aison reports and referral so Pat we'll let you go first uh yeah the only thing I have this week is um we have a meeting Wednesday at 1:00 with the general contractor from North fire uh hopefully to do a get a final resolve to the um defective siding issues so um we uh look forward to hopefully getting that put to bed and having an approach and uh putting a schedule together for when the work can be completed so I'll have uh more at the next meeting that's it okay thank you George okay Aaron Virginia um Paul and I and others participated in uh Nim Cog uh public input session on digital Equity uh so they they are in the process of going to all the communities that they serve and getting inputs on how do they improve equity which is um you know access to the internet and uh all the things that come with that looking at how do we reach underserved areas underserved communities do you want to add anything no um and also the uh the vinyl square focus group for the clock met and you can probably expect to see some things coming from them later this year for fundraising um when they were here before they said they would do fundraising to to pay for the clock uh Paul mentioned the Strategic plan kickoff with Barry d uh the fire station study committee we are going to try to get here in June early July at the latest and also um uh Tim Po at the P permanent building committee agreed to have a joint meeting on Tuesday uh some of the members of the fire station study committee just wanted an opportunity to speak with the permanent building committee about considerations for stick versus modular build reliability some things they're personally experiencing with both of those types of construction so um that's really the only point there is to look at the Weston and Samson recommendations and allow them some opportunity to give the building committee some input um I have a question about a future agenda the sewer rate discussion just U reminded me when was the last time Paul that we reviewed our non-resident fee structure for licensing and things like that and is it is it time maybe to look at bumping those up again I remember we had a meeting I think it was I think it was not not not well the sewer fees are leving on residents right I'm saying other fee structures that we have in town where we collect Revenue with with inflation and everything should we look at how do we Christina did a really nice analysis I think a couple years ago comparing like our fees to other municipalities and we made some adjustments and I'm just wondering if it would be worth looking at that again yeah I think I think as we go yes maybe toward later later this year um but that was just a that could be on our goals huh go yeah yeah and um that's all I have I'll let you talk about the peace officer the Peace Office the peace officer ceremony oh yeah yeah I mean I wasn't going to mention anything about it because I do it every we do that every year but okay um last uh last Wednesday was um May 15th was Peace Officers Memorial Day so there was a a short ceremony over at forefather's Cemetery to honor officer Donald Adams who was the the only um chancel police officer to date who has been killed on on while on duty he was shot while um pursuing a a bank robber on a trolley headed into so we have had um as the I think the the chief may have mentioned or maybe it was in the thing that you read last uh last um meeting um three officers who did die of heart attacks while on duty so they were also uh recognized during that uh that ceremony um so a couple other things um I've done um three I've been to three ribbon cutting since our last meeting the first one was at Grace Point Church which is on Academy Street um they're doing a lot of Outreach so if you're looking for a new church you could try them out um Enterprise Bank up in Drum Hill had a ribbon cutting for their totally renovated uh Branch building there so um if you need some money you can stop by there and this morning we had a ribbon cutting at simply Kamai which is a new restaurant on Summer Street um they have really good food uh Cambodian Focus um this is their second uh location they they we also have a a restaurant in in LEL um and I think they'll be very very successful while we're doing a ribbon cutting there were people coming in already so so that was good um uh last uh last week uh we had two new firefighters who graduated from the police academy firefighter Michael noon and Nicholas spinali so they will be on the uh on the firefighter force and uh responding to calls around town and also congratulations to Bernie ready who uh was awarded a a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Historical Society last week uh for all the work he has done um with historical uh structures and and other events and things around town so congratulations to Bernie um I just wanted to mention too that at our next meeting on June 3rd it's going to be the uh we will be starting to do some uh reappointments for uh boards and committees I think I know a lot of people have already been uh reached out to to see if they want to get reappointed so we're going to do that but I as part of that since we're doing um committee since we're doing appointments as you know we're also responsible for Town Council um I'd like to consider um what we have with Town Council if maybe it's you know if we want want to stay with uh with um Paul H's firm or consider another firm so we can do it one of two ways we could either since I didn't get get it on the agenda for tonight we can discuss that at our next meeting or I could bring forward maybe um executive summaries from two or three uh firms to see if we want to consider somebody else so we can I think say how we want to go on that any thoughts I think we should have a discussion on what we want to do before we start bringing all right we'll put that on the agenda then that'll be that'll be on our agenda for a next meeting so uh I think that's the Mass housing thing I was I was going to do that off okay okay yeah I just don't want the I think could probably let the community know that we've received an application for 40b housing on on Riven Road at the former Mercury computer site 19921 Riven road to construct three 300 uh affordable rental housing units um we received a letter today that basically um from the state looking for comments from the town um by Wednesday June 19th okay but I just want people to be aware okay but I think we shouldn't give out dates because we're going to change the I just want people to be aware of the fact that this is out there and more importantly this the application is on the town's website okay so if people want to look up Riven Road um you know it's it's on the town's website for affordable housing property because I I you know we we I know word has been getting out um I know the the L son has knowledge of the project I we've sent him the copies of the application to department heads and to boards but I just want people to be aware that they want people to think that we're not being transparent if we're going to talk about scheduling can't we just do it now sure I mean I guess especially since Pat is here okay so so they did in in their letter they did um uh propose a s sidewalk visit on May 30th and for this letter to be uh sent to them by June uh 19th um as far as May 30th for a s sidewalk I'm not available v no you're not and Paul is not um I was going to write back and propose to them the following week either that Wednesday or Thursday June 5th or 6th um this is not not a required um meeting or anything like that that you have to go to it's for us to go out and and see the site um if you want to if you have the time and you know if if you want to do that um if you're available so uh any sense for June 5th or 6th in the morning in the I would prefer yeah both those are you okay on those either of those mornings the sixth is better than the fifth the same here I'll make I'll I'll make either work but the sixth is better okay all right so we'll do I'll I'll ask them to do June 6th instead and then because of the the close timeline to our next meeting I don't think it's practical to to have all the department heads and uh Commissioners that need to um give their input to get those to us in time to get on our to get on our agenda for our meeting for June 3 so and our next meeting after that isn't until June 24th so it's impossible for us to get a letter to them for June 19th so it's was going to also put see if we can push that back a week until June 26th which would be two days after uh June 24th meeting if that do um so would June 24th also be the public input date cuz we have to do two weeks to notice that right we don't have time to notice it before our next meeting um well we don't we don't have any dead any requirement on that CU this is not a lip not a whp it's not a whp I thought I thought that you tried to give two weeks notice to the abuts well we we will send notice out but we can we'll we can get that out it's not a requirement yeah yeah so that will give us more flexibility to get the notice out to the abutters so so if you but the only meeting in other words if the site visit is on June 6 the only discussion the board will have will be on the 26 24th that's what I'm wondering and I think we can let the butters know that that's when the board will be considering it and assembling its comments that evening are are you are you comfortable turning a letter around by June 26th Pat or do you want to have the board like in the past the board has looked at the letter before it goes in and that way would push it out further into July but well I mean I could say the end of that week then you know because we we don't well I don't know that the next time we meet after that is July 15 right and I think that's way too too long I think we would be accused of you know trying to stall the project um I thought at the last time I created the letter and then sent it to you and you had no we we looked at the draft in this meeting okay and then I sent you comments offline okay um I mean I I think we need to to be you know timely with it I think that if we would wait till the till the middle of July there may be some push back Paul I don't know you probably have more experience with them than I it's amazing how quick this was turned around yes which I think absolutely indicate something um so what do we do at the June 24th meeting we agree on the points that are going to be made in the letter yeah you'll have the you'll have the comments from town boards and committees ahead of time we can send letters out to the abutters and ask to submit their comments in advance in the meeting or to appear at the meeting and then I think if you said it would give the chair a couple days after the meeting I would ask for Friday the 28th just to give a little more buffer all right okay anything else then we can have another motion I'll make a motion to a jurn second okay a motion and a second I don't know if this requires a roll call vote but all in favor I all right thanks Pat we'll let you go e e for