##VIDEO ID:zdelysLjc3A## e e TR okay it being 6 o' I'm going to call this uh august 19 2024 select board meeting to order um and I notify everyone that CHC T media is broadcasting this meeting live and recording it for later viewing um as requested so if you would join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of aliance of United States of America repu for stands one nation under God indivisible justice for all thank you okay we have some public service announcements uh this evening and first up will be Harrison mayor to tell us about voting for the primary election hi good evening everyone my name is Harrison Maya departmental support coordinator for the town clerk's office um I have a quick update regarding the September 3rd presidential primary approximately 7200 vote by mail ballots have been sent out to date um we are also conducting absentee voting in our office um over the counter for those who will not be able to make it to the polls on ele day this Saturday August 24th is the voter registration deadline at 5:00 p.m. uh you can go to chumford ma.gov vote to check your voter registration status and registered to vote online uh this Saturday in person early voting also begins uh the weekend hours for the 24th and 25th are from 1: to 5:00 p.m. and weekday during normal Town Hall office hours next week uh the vote by mail application deadline is August 26th at 5:00 p.m. completed mail and ballots must be turned into the town town clerk's office by 8:00 p.m. on Election night thank you for your attention if you have any questions please contact our office thank you thank you okay we have a few more public service announcements um the chelsford military Community Covenant task force invites the community to the 911 remembrance ceremony on Saturday September 7th at 9:00 a.m. it is at the chumford 9911 Memorial at 50 B rer Road um says please join us to honor those who perished that day and First Responders who answered the call to serve the health department welcomes you to join us as we walk on the Bruce Freeman rail trail every 2 and 4th Tuesday May through September from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 they meet at the 110 ball fields at the intersection of Fletcher Street and chelsford Street for any questions you can contact the comford Health Department also from the health department uh they are hosting a depression and anxiety support group facilitated by Marissa Cameron chumford health department social worker uh open to individuals 18 years and older snacks and safe space provided registration preferred but not required for more information or sorry that's the every fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 8: at the chumford center for for the Arts another another free event the shord Health Department's third annual plant positivity event where youth can decorate a plant pot and attach a positive quote and they will be delivered to the senior center it's open to youth ages 10 and up at the chelsford Town Hall Gym on Tuesday August 20th from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. the chumford health department is also hosting a CPR training Thursday August 22nd uh it's at Chelmsford Town Hall from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. the cost is $20 per person it's chelsford residents only it's a three-hour training and participants will obtain an American Heart Association heart saver certificate that is valid for two years more information can be found at the chumford health department also from the chumford health department um they are hosting an annual Candlelight vigil for international overdose awareness day it's at the chelsford Centertown common on Saturday August 31st 6:30 p.m. Under the Stars we'll light candles to remember those who lost those lost to overdose and show support for those struggling with addiction the chumford health department is Al also hosting a free program Creative Connections um registration is required this is for parents and Guardians pairs create one shared box or two individual boxes to be used for communication of needs gratitude well wishes Etc between parents Guardians and teens it's at the um chumford Center for the Arts September 3rd 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and it's open to Middle School aged Youth and their parent or Guardian the chumford open space and Recreation plan is looking for feedback uh they have a survey on the town website um they're looking for people to tell us what their favorite place to play is and what other types of open space and Recreation does our town need and what could be improved upon the municipality vulnerability preparedness project is also looking for um survey responses they want to know what we think would make Chelmsford better and more resilient and that um website is also available on the town website the link to take that survey uh another event creating chelmsford's future a strategic plan they are holding a community kickoff event to help shape our community there's free ice cream snacks and kidcraft activities it will be September 18th at 5:30 p.m. at the chelsford Elks Lodge and one more um this is a legal notice oh do I have to read this in full um I think right it's a legal notice from the town of chelsford cable television license renewal proceeding the town of chumford Select Bo at statutory cable television license issuing authority under Mass General law 166 as S1 will hold a public cable license renewal hearing on September 9th 2024 6 p.m. at Town Offices 50 Bill rer Road Chelmsford as part of the town's license renewal proceedings pertaining to Verizon New England Inc chelmsford's Verizon cable license is due to expire on October 31st 2024 and the issuing authority will be considering final action on a proposed renewal license including possible approval or denial of renewal public comment is invited regarding the chelsford Verizon renewal license and on Town license renewal needs and cable operator past for performance interested persons May attend and direct directly participate in person or remotely using the link the zoom link which will be found on the agenda posted on the town website the hearing will also be broadcast for viewing only by chelsford tele media that's it okay thank you okay now we're to the public input part of our agenda if there's anybody that would like to address uh the board on any topic you can do that at this time and just a note you have uh you'll be if you could keep your comments to three minutes okay okay how are you everybody this is Vivian Merill um I have a couple of of things to ask you about first one is on behalf of the holiday decorating committee um just to let the public know we are doing a calendar raffle for the month of October uh tickets are $10 and you can find the uh tickets for at um the collector's window at chord Town Offices we have a bin over at chumford Animal Hospital we have one at parley Farm and then there's another one at Old Millhouse coffee in the center uh the more the mara basically your $10 is getting you 31 chances to win a prize and all the money rais will go to help uh fund different things at the Holiday Prelude um the second thing um coming before you to ask as the uh Vice chair of the dog park advisory committee to request permission to table the discussion on lighting at the dog park tonight because the dog park committee has not had a chance to discuss this lat Proposal with the chu dog Association okay I can't answer that right now when we get to that topic we'll take that under advisement okay um during that hearing will we be allowed to make comments or anything if if we don't table it yes yes okay fair all right thank you so much okay thank you is there anyone else that would like to address the board at this time anybody on I don't see anybody on Zoom uh waving their hand or anything okay we'll go then to committe committee vacancies the following committees have vacancies as of August 19th 2024 the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee the CCA Town Hall advisory committee the clean energy and sustainability committee the commission on disabilities the Community Action Program committee the Conservation Commission the cultural Council the historic district commission the holiday decorating committee the parade committee the Personnel Board the public records advisory committee the recycling committee and the Roberts field advisory committee if you're interested in serving on a Town Bard committee please complete an online application available on the town website or you can contact the town manager's office for more information okay thank you okay we have um a public hearing a continuation for a National Grid poll petition on Princeton Street that we um uh opened at our last meeting but we did not have anybody from National Grid here or Verizon to talk about we have somebody yeah we have National Grid and the contract to both on the zoom this evening okay um Sam do you want to start uh good evening everyone I can start uh my name is roil I'm the contractor on behalf of National Grid so um basically this is a recent project it's called flier scheme uh it's fa location is Will and service restoration uh and the major part of the work is installing a new reclosure on pole 58-50 it's basically um just to get the more power reliability and also several advantages including like power service quality improving the fall detection and um preventing outages um all 850 is the most suitable also um I would say easiest and cleanest location to install a reclosure um initially we had a we petitioned on installing on in front of 30-32 Princeton Street but considering a large Sion trunk Verizon cables were hanging on those poles um we had to relocate one of the locations so that is all I had on this one if you guys have any questions I'm more than happy to answer it okay are there any questions from the board so is is it a so they're installing a new poll are they removing the old pole the old J no we we are installing a new pole uh between pole 58 and 59 so it's it's a new midspan pole between 58 and 59 but on the on the a new what a new poll like it has an existing Jo poll here and this is the proposed new poll so what happens to the existing pole so those two poles are not um I would say easiest location or like as per the national grd standards those two Poes cannot be utilized for installation of reclosure because as per the standard it has to be a straight through pole no angles on it because on that pole there will be a large heavy equipment on it um so that it doesn't H if if the pole has some angles on it it might create some um obstruction and as per the standards of national grd it should have uh a straight through with 0 to 6° angle that's it so I'm just curious once they install the new pole do they remove the old pole the old new additional pole not additional po it's a new midspan you know so there is existing is 58 and 59 we'll be installing one pole in middle of those WS so it's almost called the midspan poll is what they call it it's it's going in between two existing poles because they need it to equipment that they using but the existing pools will still be utilized or they won't oh they will still be that's kind of what I was asking yeah um okay Virginia did I hear you um start to ask a question no I have the same question Aaron had but I just wasn't understanding what the applicant was saying I think it's clear to me now so you're putting what's called a midspan poll in because the existing polls can't handle correct it's it's because yeah the existing pole is a junction pole like there are a lot of already equipment on that existing pole so we cannot use the existing pole we need to have uh a new mspan in that V and there's no possibility down the road that you could consolidate anything onto this new Pole to get rid of one at least one of the other existing poles sure we we initially were going to install on p58 which is right in front of 30-32 but as I said like those two Poes have large uh Verizon cphon trunks which were hanging down down those Poes so it would be very very difficult for us to install that through closure no my my question is that's not my question my question is once you have the new pole up rather than subjecting this neighborhood to three polls in a row is it Poss is it possible over time to situate any of the Mater any of the equipment on the two existing poles to that new pole so that you could get rid of one of the existing poles and get it back down to two again um I I I haven't seen it in my experience like if the PO are already existing in the future we can remove one pole but I can see a possibility if there was a reconductoring job down the road um let's say the whole street is going to be reconducted definitely we can reduce some po based on the maximum spine lines that we can go for right I think that's the problem Virginia is is they're putting this new pole in between the two existing polls so if they take down one of the existing poles it's going to create a greater distance to the next poll which is then going to create that sag issue that I think he's describing that's that's why I've not seen that had occur thank you that's all I have Pat okay thank thank you anyone else on the board okay this is a public hearing is there anybody here that has any comments questions about this application okay is anyone on Zoom Paul that no not not looking to speak no okay I just have have one question usually we have a um a memo from engineering about this and I don't see that that's right it's right there I just pulled up on the screen it's July 30th from from Anthony Ruchi oh I don't see it in in my packet maybe it was an Omission when copy but as you can see they they reviewed the poll petition and um they think that it conforms um with the current requirements you know okay and this is this is near the fire station is there any is there any equipment from the fire station that's going no not aware of the site visit okay um if there's no other questions I'll take a moment motion about to close the public hearing I'll make a motion to close the public hearing second okay um since Virginia is joining us by Zoom this evening we have to make all our votes um by roll call so Virginia you can vote first I George I I I and I'm an i 5 Z okay so do we have a motion I will make a motion to approve the National Grid and Verizon poll petition at Princeton Street as presented second okay we have a motion in a second uh Virginia I George I I I and I'm I 5 okay thank you very much and thank you C okay um which two licenses we have a license one day license for the American Legion on for August 24th I see we have representatives from the legion here good evening uh Dan vent commander of the American Legion good evening Phil Hamilton senior Commander good evening Al richill general manager American Legion okay do you want to tell us about your uh yes so same as years past um we're applying for our one day liquor license LIC for outdoor block party on Willis Drive um we'll have movable barriers at the beginning of Willis drive just beyond our building um parking in our top lot and overflow parking at the senior center okay anybody have any questions for this application this is the same thing they do every year right correct okay all right we'll take a motion then I will make a motion to approve appr the one-day all alcoholic beverages license for the American Legion at 90 Gren Road for August 24th 2024 as presented second okay we have a motion in a second Virginia I George I I I and I'm so it's 5 Z okay thank you okay we'll see you thank you thank you very much okay thank you all right we have another one- day beer and wine light for 115 Middle SE Street do the applicant he's on Zoom he's on Zoom okay George hi okay you so I'm here I apply for one and wine license for my daughter's birthday party at St John Evangelist Church Hall okay uh the board have any questions for for the for this applicant tip certified right it say it say right there yeah yep y they have y but they have them they have there all the time right yeah they certainly do all right so we'll take a motion I will make a motion to approve the one-day beer and wine license for George Nalan uh at 1 15 middle sex Street for September 15th 2024 as presented second okay we have a motion in a second Al a roll call vote Virginia I George hi hi I and I'm I 5 Z okay you're all set thank you thank you all right and then we have an update from Kissa Incorporated on the pocket license yeah Madam chair members of the board we heard from the applicants uh Council this afternoon uh and we also been notified by our building department uh Building Commissioner last Friday um good news progress finally the applicant has paid the $60,000 building permit fee and Council has informed us in writing that the administrative issues that were described at the last meeting have been resolved and they expect construction to begin shortly um and they they also do apologize for the confusion they did not realize that they were should have appeared at your last meeting so big picture um progress um they've resolved the issues that we're holding up the construction and have in fact paid the building permit fee and I anticipate that when it comes time for the board's annual renewal we will actually see construction taking place um by that time so which probably be a couple months from now because we start that process in October so it's very good news okay I mean yeah I feel like it's a it's a commitment to for them to pull the the building permit that's not it's not refundable yeah it's a $6,000 check not insignificant so um and I guess we can give him three months to see what it looks like in October November when we when we start talking about license renewals to see if some progress is indeed going on there makes sense so so they're not here tonight no we we when they U Council and the applicant met with the chair of the board and myself in my office last Friday um basically they provided the documentation that we described and quite frankly it was only going to cost him legal fees to have the attorney come in and say what we just said um so I think got a consideration you know we basically said that we'd report this to the full board did they have any I know you said they were going to start construction shortly do they have any um timeline in which like within a year or within months or whatever where they're actually going to open up and be using the license yes they basically expect to start construction within the next several weeks and I would anticipate that you would see them open in calendar year 25 probably within a year from now thank you and again we'll we'll keep the board updated on this so this plan has been approved yes yep they have that now they're going to have to come back and modify the liquor license permit um because they've removed the basement from the building and we've been in communication with them so I think you will see them before you shortly for that modification because now they're proceeding at risk but it's their conversation with abcc and ours is it's not a significant risk but the fact that they've modified the building they do have to come in and amend that license okay thank you Paul they would do that before December yes yes okay okay any other questions so everybody okay with with that process then and see how far it gets when we when it's time to issue a renewal yeah yeah the permit's not issued yet they've only applied for it they they've paid they've applied and paid but the Building Commissioner is going through the review now that it's been paid so the permit should be issued you that's non-refundable yeah my only common is that I mean that if it's not clear to them already there should be an expectation set that they coming back before December with that modified permit before we vote on renewals yes yeah they're aware we want whatever we vote on we want it to be accurate yeah they it's indicated they've indicated that now that they've they've addressed this administrative accounting issue that they can proceed and that really was what was holding them up uh in terms of their financing to do the construction and do the license change so again I I expect that we will see them within probably within two months for the license modification uh and then at that point have a timetable on their construction okay everybody all upet with that for now okay thank you okay next on the agenda is a discussion of a proposed chapter 40b affordable housing project at 39 North Road and 3 Crosby Lane um is the applicant anybody from the applicant here okay well I don't see them on Zoom either okay um I know there there are butters on Zoom who want to speak to this but I don't see the applicant yeah I mean well when we um when we had the initial meeting in February on this I I don't remember if they were here or not but um so anyway I just want to give an A A your attorney was here Pat okay um so I just want to um go through the process that we'll we'll do tonight um um so if the applicant were here I was going to give them an opportunity to give us an update on the changes to this application as I said we we did go through this process in February um the the application has changed there are additional units added to it um so the way this will work is I'll I'll report on the department comments that we've received and then if the board has any comments um about this comments or questions and then the public will will have an opportunity to make comments also um and just so you know the comments that were received in February um I still have those I started to draft the letter that was that we was needed to be sent at that time so I will amend that letter with whatever additional comments we get um so I guess I I would ask that you know if if you did have something to say in February I I do have that information if you do want to repeat it you're definitely free to do that too so as far as the uh Department comments and many of these are the same as what we received in February to but I'll read them anyway uh uh DPW um notes that Crosby Lane in its entirety is designated as a Scenic Road so it is so any work done to the road itself is covered under chumford um bylaw chapter 130 uh as far as site plan comments they feel like they don't have the full sight plan review yet so they cannot comment on man uh storm water management conditions uh they also are looking for enclosed dumpster pad in the dumpster location and what the Perpetual care of the dumpster will be they want to see existing and and proposed utilities on the on the site um they note that this section of North North Road is proposed for roadway construction this calendar year and will be under a 5-year moratorium um which will not allow it to be um Disturbed for that in for that time frame access to Crosby um village is uh is is proposed off Crosby Lane pavement width there is about 18 ft um so they want you know they're they noting that uh probably that needs to be modified somewhat and are also looking for proposed pedestrian accommodations uh looking for uh snow storage locations and regarding sewer um they ask for some clarification on the data application but note that there will need to be an on-site treatment system for anywhere from 470 to 4180 gallons per day of waste water so that needs to be taken care of for DPW uh the fire department uh noted that um they need to uh test the pressure and flow for the water flow test um they require a hydrant within 60 ft of any sprinkler uh connection and hydrants need to have a clearance of 10 ft from any obstruction of or parking spots the a fire apparatus access and turning plan much must be submitted for approval the building must be protected with a monitored automatic sprinkler system um um all work on the fire alarm and sprinkler systems must be permitted through the transword fire department and is subject to fire department approval and they note that the applicant needs to apply to the town E11 committee for addresses the police department notes that um that the the street uh they say it's 15t wide as opposed to 18 ft from the DPW um and uh note that the the entrance is only 20 ft in in in with it does not presently support the continuous flow of two-way traffic and pre presents significant traffic and safety concerns emergency access is a serious concern and needs to be addressed um and this they note there's no easy way in or out of Crosby in or out of Crosby Lane in either direction and that this project will further contribute to problematic backups on North Road the Board of Health notes that the onsite s septic system must meet all Title 5 requirements along with the Health Department's uh process and they also note about the the dumpster site and um and that it needs to follow Board of Health rules the Building Commissioner um notes that the certified plot plan and construction plans have uh have to meet the most current building code additions which would be the current energy code and the special ized opin code AS was recently adopted by the town of chelsford uh Community Development and Conservation Commission did not have any new new comments so uh are there are there any comments or concerns from the board I'll start Aon how about I start with you um I think that there's a lot there's a lot of concerns by a lot of our various um departments in town most shocking really the emergency access and safety concerns I think are probably the most concerning to me um the lack of planning here for their sewer needs and for snow storage and things like that is an issue I mean there's I there's a lot of there's a lot of issues here I'm not sure I mean we can put them all in our letter we um yeah I mean the the emergency access concern is really the most shocking to me but yeah there's a lot okay yes uh I agree with everything Ain said and I agree with the um uh the reports as issued by our town departments um I was out there on the S sidewalk last week and it's very tight I mean the the the um Johnson police are correct in their assessment that there's not two vehicles getting down that road so if you've got a school bus or an emergency vehicle or anything like that um it's just going to be really difficult to um provide Emergency Services Etc as well as looking at the building on the site it's a very very very tight site they're looking for some relief as far as setbacks on the rear um and it just the building is much too large for the current site um and the fact that they don't show um areas for ERS and snow removal and all that I don't know where you'd put it and still meet all the Green Space requirements and and such so the way it's in its current condition I couldn't support this um we we don't get the vote on it no but I'm I'm just stating my my position on this that I I would not um be in favor of this project and the Aesthetics don't fit the neighborhood in my opinion so those are my uh those are my comments the Aesthetics the um Public Safety aspect and and um just the tightness of the site okay George you said the police said it was 15 ft the road was only 15 ft that's measured by hand by hand okay but so I'm I wonder how much how wide is it with the easement do we have any idea how how wide would the road be including if the if you went to the extreme of the easement yeah I don't I don't know that I think they like what 24 ft is what a normal Road would be would be 40 ft yeah I think they said they had 30 foot easement yeah the the RightWay is 30 ft I think 24 is acceptable I mean I don't know but you're going to have to do a lot of work you're going to have to do a lot of work out there to get to 24 because of the utility polls and and and I mean if they want it bad enough I mean they'll do it but I'm just saying this maybe that's I don't know if this that's what the state accepts but I mean that's what I would look at anyway minimum of 24 okay Virginia I'll Echo what my colleague said in terms of the departmental concerns uh and uh that the applicants not here to address any of that so I think those just remain open concerns and I think some of them are very significant um I also agree with the density comments the size of the structure in the Aesthetics and uh if the applicant were here I would have asked if they had intended to hire a historical architect uh because this is in the historic district and the rendering in the packet um not only just doesn't seem to fit in the neighborhood but it doesn't look like it was done with a historic district in mind I am um just confused a little bit about what we're seeing in our packet because some of the documentation is from our previous review and then things like the drawings and the the financials are updated but there are still pages that are referring to the old number of units um and with that I it's not clear to me what the um percentage Ami is I'm sorry I just couldn't find it there was a page from um the original review still in this document that says they were three units at 80% Ami and I didn't know if any changes have been made to that um so I I just uh this the the packet itself to me is not cohesive because they didn't update the whole thing yeah I noticed that too yeah and and I think whoever is doing the permitting or the review at the state um should may want to consider asking for a completely updated package because it's it's inconsistent all over the placee sure y okay that it can I yes thank you can I ask another question so in regard to the um the proposed roadway construction on four and the moratorium so did they need a cut on North Road do they need a curb cut on North Road I don't know for Access or I don't know with the utilities yeah I don't know they they may be have to to connect to to um um gas or something like that I I don't and utilities yeah any the utilities anything like that they might have to we don't know we don't know that and maybe they don't either at this point so if we were to approve it and then our road approve it oh if it were to get approved there would still there would could be a hold up because they would be able to but remember the board of appeals is the authority to wave all local regulations oh so they can they and if they turn it down the state has the ability to override local regulations so the state can override the the moratory as well okay thank you yeah yeah so that being able to I mean well that couldn't potentially hold up our road work they would just make the cut anyways it would be the other way around yeah okay is there anybody here in the audience that would like to make any comments regarding this uh come up to the microphone please and state your name excuse me excuse me Douglas howler from Lampert howler and Rodman representing one of the abutters of Ronald and and Marie Greenwood who live on Crosby Lane at the end um on the left side they have an 18th century Farmhouse home that has been in their family for over a hundred years um they are greatly concerned about this whole project going forward I written to the chair and the board previously in February um my client's position is probably even more stringently against it than it was initially I I don't know if there's any explanation given for why it increased from 10 to 16 units if any explanations been offered we we would notify that it wasn't that was the state didn't feel was economically viable at the smaller size okay I just didn't understand the reasoning for it because they were as I understood the neighborhood was totally against 10 units and I'm sorry is it 10 or is it 16 or I thought it now it's 16 it was 12 was 12 it was 10 or 12 16 but we're told that's why it was increased because of the economic viability thank you um that's one question answered uh the second question or comment I hope and I hope this helps the town is that the town Board of Health seems to have perhaps two different policies it's F following with respect to development within the town and what I'm trying to get across on this particular application is they're identifying that there's going to be a septic system on a new proposed new development which means uh that there's going to be substantial Earth moving and yet and with the risk of a septic system failing and yet they're not requiring any kind of a pest testing of the site yet on a subdivision that's considered generally conventional right across the Street here the the town has taken the position through the Board of Health that it required a phase one environmental and made the client in that instance Supply a phase one environmental assessment I don't understand why this board if it's going to follow that precedent would also be consistent with the uh Board of Health and say part of this package should be some environmental testing to see if there's P to the extent there is how is it going to be addressed how is it potentially going to affect uh water supply going you know it affects everybody's home in chelsford but what I'm trying to get across is in Hiller Street the Board of Health has taken a very strong position about development with septic systems on a five lot subdivision and yet here 16 units are being prepared and there's not even a mention of P I think the board should investigate that why there's such a discrepancy I think you should ask the Board of Health that question well I respectfully I do think that it's within the purview because the select board is the one that is responding to the state and you're getting comments from the Board of Health so I would just ask for you to get clarification as to why do we have policy a for one site and policy B for a site with greater your comment is noted thank you I I just want to make that known um with respect to I I didn't understand how they were calculating the gallonage for sewers it appears to me that they have to do an on-site septic system because I don't believe they do have Town sewer allotment to do it so before the town goes spending a ton of money and time and energy reviewing plans I think they have to give you more detail on exactly where the septic system is going to be placed on an already tight site and then number two how they're going to deal with it um again I I don't know how they are able to get 16 units uh potentially here even with State override uh of a board of appeals decision at least as to board of board of health questions I don't believe that that process applies to the Board of Health if the Board of Health local regulations say this is not a healthy safe environment for this that shuts it down and I think that the board should take note of that and have the Board of Health tell the board whe whether this is a type of project it wants to approve or not because it may just shut the entire thing down um going further to the extent that this board's going to consider any type of multif family housing on Crosby Lane uh the Greenwoods have always taken the position that it's either all for one and one for all meaning the entire Street becomes multif family housing so that everybody could take advantage of the use of their properties but it's not the appropriate place for mixed housing like that you know substantially significant homes being located next to a 16 unit apartment house um especially in the historic district so if if you're going to allow a 40b for this particular portion of Crosby Lane as they said in February of 24 please make the entire Street Zone that it would allow for multi family housing um and I think these are our preliminary comments um I agree with the board that there's a significant lack of information um making it very hard to determine what other waivers they're going to be seeking um the viability of the project and we'd ask respectfully that the the applicant be required to provide substantially more detail now and a lot and granted they don't have to do a full 40b set of plans I I realize that but there are a lot of open questions about sewage and capacity and P and um some other zoning issues the width of the road um whether they'll be entitled to get wavers whether they'll be able to store enough cars and parking and they probably I did not see that they attributed anything for visitor parking which is an issue with 16 units uh the site looks tight to begin with I don't know what do with the visitors unless they have some type of Ben easement from St Mary's that we don't know about so I'd ask the board to consider those thoughts thank you okay thank you I think that was Mr Greenwood's uh he requested that in the beginning remember that you have that in your notes I do y okay is there anyone else I just a question if you could just come up to the microphone I have an abutter to the property and I wouldn't to know if they're planning to take down the building no the no that's they're going to behind the building that's existing at 39 correct yes yeah if if you go to the town's website there there is a a a packet there that shows the site plan where the where the buildings I just I got the letter in the mail and that's the first I'd heard of the any of this and um so I'm here but I just didn't know whether they're planning on taking the house down that's on the street it's very tight you see if you look at the screen you can see that the existing building is there to the left and you can or behind you either way it's there as well so you got the ex excuse me could we get could we get the speaker's name and address please name my name is Sally Gilman and I live at uh 30 uh sorry 14 waran Street which is directly across from more uh Crosby drive and I I do walk down Crosby Drive frequently and I don't see I don't see room for this project at all or that it goes with a area as the other gentleman said the historical nature of the area is just doesn't doesn't work so okay looks like it's going to be very very tight too so um so I will go on the website you said that I can go on and find the more details about it yes as much as we have yes yeah this is like I said the first St I heard about it was with a letter that just came about this meeting tonight okay thank you good thank you anyone else okay you said you had with somebody on Zoom Paul yeah there there are about us on Zoom um some by phone and some by traditional Video Connection U I believe that I'm not they're welcome to comment now I don't see anybody unmuting their microphone okay maybe they just here to listen then maybe they're listening I don't know do they need to raise their hands or something in Zoom yeah I know although Christina told me that one of them since they're on by phone they can't raise their hand but go ahead go ahead Colleen yeah go ahead Colleen hi how are you okay can we have your name please yep my name is Colleen scus I live at 16 Crosby Lane I'm actually um Greenwood's neighbor um I attended the uh first meeting back in February and I'm here to reiterate everybody's concern as well my main concern being safety um I have three children there's other children on the road and the fact that the police department and the fire department have these safety concerns honestly scare me I don't know how we're at this point that we're actually proposing more units than we were in February when we have a road that literally cannot fit two vehicles at the same time I'm just wondering my now that we're on record who is liable if something were to happen is it chelsford or is it the state because God forbid I have a medical Mercy at my home at the end of the road and now that we've added 16 families which to a family we're now at 28 people who knows how many children that's that the other thing they can't get down the road to if there's an emergency at my house I'm just wondering where the liability Falls um I don't know that we we can answer that question at this time I mean we're here we're not holding a public hearing on this on this project that will be the zoning board of appeals that does that we we're just taking comments and providing those to the state so um right and that's I totally understand that I think that's so that is my proposed like question in all you know again like even with the fire department they're saying that they need to have that apparatus access and the Turning Point that'll have to be proposed prepare um approved how do you go to the next step if we haven't even done that yet that that's correct and before they go to the zoning board of appeals you you will receive notific a of that public hearing and have opportunity to bring your concerns to the zoning board of appeals before they make any vote to approve or deny it so that's all and again I'll reiterate what other people have said too like I mean I know what the project looks like really you know in the grand scheme of thing it's not going to matter to the state or anybody else but it is a historical Road the first town meeting was held right next to my property um you have the Greenwoods property you have the doy's property they are 17th century homes um and you know I think that is a lot of the draw of you know Massachusetts having those like quainton Street you know old homes and to put this massive what looks just like a motel on the road it just it it kills the vibe so I mean again I know in the end that doesn't matter but you know as somebody that's a chuner resident raising children here you know I I like the quaint look of our our street and I do think it matters to the T okay thank you for your comments you're welcome Janette Holberg do you wish to comment she's the other one who joined yeah she she just unmuted go ahead Janette hello go ahead Janette hi um I'm also in a butter I live at 43 North Road and I just wrote down a few comments that a lot has already been discussed but uh you know based on the comments that were discussed tonight in the previous meetings safy is a huge concern for the children who use the roads for getting to school or playing it's also been discussed with multiple Town departments that the location is unsafe because of the size of the road and getting safety Vehicles deeper into the street or being able to have two cars pass each other is virtually impossible there's already a lack of space for the people who currently live on the street to maneuver around the road and adding a large building with multiple cars will only make it worse as mentioned we're in the historic part of town and many of the houses are registered within the historical so Society including my own and like mentioned the Aesthetics are very different from the look of the neighborhood um and based on the meeting tonight there's a lot of agreement and how unsafe this is within um the council and the abutters and commenters um but it's just unsafe to have such a large building and we all hope that the state will deny this application mostly to keep us safe okay thank you thank you that's it that's it okay so thank you to everybody who uh provided comments um I will be drafting a letter that uh will be submitted to the state later this week and as I said um The Next Step would be for the applicant to apply for a comprehensive permit from the zoning board of appeals and all the butters will be notified and will be a a public hearing notice in the in the newspaper about that when and if it does happen so again thank you all for coming and for providing your your inputs so we're going to move on to our next uh topic on our agenda which is uh CHC dog Association president will Wagner is going to talk to us about lighting at the dog park now before you even begin I just want to comment about the earlier com you know requests that we had about tabling this discussion um since you had prep prepared a presentation um you know I'll I'll ask the other board members too I guess I'll be okay with hearing that presentation with the expectation that you wouldn't get an answer tonight that that's acceptable okay that okay but for the dog park Association too as we're allowed to make some comments sure okay okay thank you uh will Wagner I'm the president of the chor dog ass Association um just quick a little background on the chelsford dog park and the association uh we opened the dog park in 2016 uh the operational hours are from dawn to dusk as our most Open Spaces in chelsford uh in partnership with the town uh the cheler dog Association was uh responsible for the um planning uh implementation and has been responsible for the maintenance of the dog park for the last eight years um and we get between 100 and 300 dogs through the park in a day um Vivian Merill uh on the um uh dog park advisory committee was the president of the chancelor dog Association when we started uh in 2017 she left the dog Association to join the uh dog advisory committee dog park advisory committee and I took over as president since then um so that's just a little background the rest of it you can read yourselves um we spend approximately uh 122 to $13,000 a year and 2,000 man hours maintaining the park uh there is a huge volunteer Workforce that helps us maintain the park and we U maintain the park through donations and volunteers without any uh tax money on the whole being spent by the town uh the DPW occasionally helps us with a drop of dirt or sand um but for the most part we do all of the maintenance using our donations and we are a 501c3 so um regarding the solar lighting in 2022 uh we expressed an interest to the advisory committee of adding some solar powered uh at the time it was called Stadium lighting uh it took us approximately a year to get the lighting plan and to uh raise some money because uh DPAC had asked us to uh get a um sample of one of the lights which was going to cost several thousand dollars so to find that budget in our volunteer uh donations it took us a little time uh when we uh approached deac to do this um they said basically don't waste your money we're not going to approve it anyways which is what led to us coming here um so the initial reasons for the rejection were that no other dog park in the area has lighting uh and then a caveat to that in a future meeting was if we add lighting to our dog park and we're the only dog park in the area with lighting it will attract non-sheltered Park users and I'll address each of these uh in a future slide no other Town property has lighting or after dusk hours and then the addendum to that was if we add lighting other open space locations and Chums are going to want the same thing um since people frequently stay after dusk especially in the winter if we add lighting it will encourage people to State even later and uh finally uh this would contribute to light pollution and the neighbors would complain about the lighting uh the last item uh that this is uh my initiative and very few people at the park wanted uh this was added uh after discussion um in July as another reason that this wasn't necessary so to address this um I attend regular webinars uh on dog parks uh throughout the country and uh there is a group called Bark Park uh which specializes in dog park design in helping towns and organizations build or enhance their dog parks and uh lighting is one of the key features that many new parks being built are looking at uh and many parks that are currently built are looking at adding for enhancements uh there are uh several parks in Massachusetts alone that have added Lighting in the last two or three years that did not have it originally uh it's an increasing search term on Google uh especially as we get into the darker months where the parks close at 4:00 uh as of August 2024 uh there are 118 dog parks and I have since modified that I am now aware of 124 dog parks in Massachusetts 42 of these have fixed hours uh with or without lights of those 42 34 of them actually have some sort of lighting and the next page shows the list list of the towns that have lighting primary lighting secondary lighting being at an adjoining field but allowing them to stay open and then there are eight dog parks that have fixed hours even without lighting so they stay open past dusk uh to address the concern about uh lighting at other transfer locations well of course all the ball fields and soccer fields and playing fields have lights um and those are uh use-based as would the dog park be um even and though the use for the dog park would be pretty much every day it would still be fixed hours not blaring all night uh and to address the addendum concern uh CDA is planning to fundraise and install the solar lights without cost to the town um if another open space wanted to add lights having their group fundraise and install the lights without cost of the Town should be no skin off the town's back because again it's Improvement to town property without costing the town anything uh staying after hours uh in the winter months as I said we close at 4 p.m. uh this becomes very difficult for people to get to the park and exercise their dogs and a well exercised dog or well socialized dog is important to the dog's health and to the health of the community because socialized dogs get into fewer problems um as we uh we've already seen cord is adding many more um Living Spaces that do not have yards uh therefore the dog park becomes even more important for these people they get out of work at 5:00 and the Park closed they have nowhere to take their dog at all um as for um out of town people coming to the park well I can't see that as anything but a good thing because people come from out of town to chelsford they then spend their money in chelsford stopping at the gas stations at the food eateries at the stores even with their dogs because there are many stores in shelter that allow dogs as well uh lighting pollution um we are planning to work or we are working with uh Mr Kelly Bey uh who is presenting a uh bylaw Amendment on Town lighting uh to make sure that we live up to the Future standards not just the current standards uh and that the any light pollution is limited um through through the use of fixed hours through the use of focused lighting and other things so the light pollution should be minimal and uh I've already discussed the addition of lighting or the potential addition of lighting with the neighbors who would be most affected directly across the street and they said as long as uh it's out by bedtime and when I mentioned 9:00 being the latest time that we would expect it to be open they said there was no problem with that um as for this being my initiative and not anyone else well my entire board is on board with this uh initiative and I have 190 uh signatures from parkg goers uh saying that they are also interested in getting lights for the park so thus extending the hours in the especially in the winter time okay uh finally the benefits uh dur defining the hours of operation uh removes any uncertainty over what dusk is what Dawn is uh we have actually bumped into people trying to argue that dusk is a certain time or a certain median of the sun being below the Horizon um basically just arguing what dusk is uh if we had lights with fixed hours we could say the light the parks's closed at 9:00 or at 8:00 and if anyone's there after that well then it there there's no question whether it's dusk or almost dusk or anything else um provides benefit to the community I've already said about exercise and social ized dogs um it will allow the park to operate safely during these hours so people who do come down despite the technical closure of the park they come down because they feel that they must get their dog exercised won't be doing it on a dark field because they'll have the available hours to come down and do it in safety um and uh our initial presentation here is for solar lighting uh we worked with four solar vendors uh on the initial presentation um two of them withdrew there or stopped responding because we weren't moving fast enough for them uh we do have two active participants in our request for proposals and since engaging those original four I have uh found an additional six vendors who we could uh go forward with um so that being said we have quotes ranging from 35 to 55,000 uh for uh approximately n to 10 posts uh all focused inward on the park uh and the maps that follow show uh the initial uh layout that was proposed from our first vendor which included I believe it was 18 light posts which was indeed excessive uh the additional vendors who we've been working with have reduced it as I said to 9 potentially 10 and the maps show the L breakdown uh I've discussed uh this also the the lights that we've been quoted on with uh Christine Clancy from the DPW and uh she is she was concerned originally because uh I know the town had problems with some of the initial solar lights that they implemented around the town uh with the reliability especially in our Winters uh in the last two or three years the solar lighting uh have improved their technology and the respects that she received she's more comfortable with those including the 10e to 25e warranty on the parts than she was originally so uh she's not necessarily on board with this but she's not opposed to this at this point um so that's essentially my presentation uh if you can't give me a a answer tonight that's fine as we already discussed um my goal tonight was to introduce this um because of the initial denial from from DPAC um that's why I came before you all um but also in order to move forward with good in good faith with the two vendors who we've been spending time with or additional vendors um I need some good faith acknowledgement from the town that if we get proposals that are good they won't just be denied because no lights are desired that we can have lights as long as certain criteria are met that lighting at the park is not just a straight out denial and that was my goal with the presentation tonight um well I I think what um we said is that we would table at least a vote on this I mean if anybody has any questions but I I I guess I'm not ready to make that determination yet in you know in um consideration of the of deac having their meeting and then you know coming back after their complete meeting um so I I guess what I'd say as far I I don't think you're going to get that Assurance from us tonight and again as I said at the start that's acceptable and not unexpected so I I just wanted to bring forward the reason for this meeting and the reason that I had the presentation uh ready for tonight okay now if you could hold on if anybody has any questions Virginia any questions for will um I have one question for Will and the rest are more for um Paul or the board so my one question for will is the the solar lighting um those have timers on them to turn off at a certain time it it's at this point is actually better than timers uh they are time set so in other words we set them to run when it's dark from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and if it's not between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and it's not dark they will not be on so or whatever the whatever the determined time is if you know 7 to 8:00 p.m. same difference uh so they they are at fixed times not even 3 hours past dusk so in the summertime the lights probably won't even go on at all because 6:00 a.m. to 9 9:00 p.m. is all light okay do you want my other questions or comments Pat or you want me to hold yeah let's wait and see if anybody has any other questions for for will anyone have any questions for will George Aaron okay and Paul if you want to pull up the next slide it's actually a better representation because that's one that we rejected my only concern would be that how dark that road is at that area I mean you know if the lights are going to be in the park that's one thing but that's a bad road and it when it gets dark in this time of the year or from now till the spring it's a very bad Road and it's a lot of turns and still got a lot of children and kids students I should say not children but uh a lot of traffic and it's a lot of turns and a lot of blind area so so to to address that uh Mr Dixon the uh there's a street light right on that one turn uh that leads up to um the Mahon uh and then we have parking lot lights already in the in the dog park parking lot and the DPW uh lot or the former DPW lot which is now used for maintenance of uh some of the other vehicles uh is fairly well lit so that section is actually pretty well lit right now thank you okay so um Vivian did you want to make some comments now or um I good sure okay want don't you come to the microphone hi Vivian marold uh Chon for dog park advisory committee um I did go through this presentation by myself because we haven't had time to meet um I noticed a number of incons distes over here um I'd like to kind of go through some of the major ones with you um basically a lot of the stuff I can agree with uh we know we have visitors from all over the place we don't know where they come from um our opinion was never to leave like make people from out of town stay out of chord that was never our intent and never has been our intent um another Point made when uh we talked about the history of the dog Association um bullet three on that particular page is very misleading because the town does support the dog park it supports the dog park in a number of ways and Mr Wagner has tended to minimize this over the years especially when he's doing a lot of fundraising it's like the DPW does do a lot of supply drop offs for him whenever he has a work session they plow the lot they work on the fountains and and help us you know with some of the water issues over there uh this win they're going to be rebuilding The Fountains um right now the DPW is working on a proposal to help us improve the walkways over there we've got a big um DPW just submitted a big Grant application through the cool and corridors program to try to plant more trees over there so they are very vested in this particular site uh the town manager's office and the police department and the Animal Control Office they are instrumental in handling a lot of the complaints over there the town clerk's office and the accounting department help us with our rental functions so grants of the deacs work is largely administrative but we get a lot of help from a lot of places all over town um as far as the request for the the the solar lighting the original proposal that we were given was way too intense it was 20 lights on 16t polls and that was just too much and we did reject that outright and then we didn't hear again from Mr ragner until July of this year and last week we found out that this proposal was coming before you tonight had we not shown up at their meeting I wouldn't have known about it until your agenda was published and that to me is distressing he never even came back to us to offer any kind of an alternate to say it was even an option he just jumped the gun and went right to you that's his decision he has the right to do that but it's it's going to create a problem um as far as lighting at other dog parks um I know uh Arthur has put together a list of a number of the dog parts listed in Will's presentation as well as some other ones the majority of these Parks do run from dawn to dusk that's the way it goes Nobody questions it and it is what it is uh we visited several of the other Parks ourselves a lot of the lighting in these Parks is ornamental or it's like meant to to to augment the parking lots or the nearby athletic fields and things like that and ju to say this is an upand cominging thing maybe it is I don't know um even even deac is not saying it's out of the realm of possibilities but what has been presented to us so far is just like way over the top um let's see as far as staying after hours I personally have a number of concerns with this because all right you've got these lights that are scheduled to go off at a certain time um a lot of people lose track of time if you're out in the far end of the field looking for that dog poop and all of a sudden the lights go out you're going to be temporarily blinded and even with a flashlight on your cell phone and things like that it's going to be very difficult for you to could navigate across the ground if there's new holes or ice on the ground or things like that I'm I'm still not convinced this is an absolute necessity people have been walking their dogs on leashes for decades there's no reason you can't do that in the winter too um you know he he says this is mostly for winter lighting the presentation itself I'm not buying it he wants this year round okay now this is not going to be a debate and you know you asked for us to table it so you your your committee could meet so we're going to let your committee debate and I mean meet and deliberate and come back and and tell us you know and we can put it on our agenda again for our next meeting and have um will and yourself come back and see if you can come to some agreement that would be ideal that would be ideal and I'd love to be given that opportunity okay that didn't happen today okay well so so I I think maybe we'll leave it right there for now and uh and we'll look we we'll look to see you at our next meeting on September 9th okay we're not meeting again until September 30th could you have a special meeting yeah I mean do you want to schedule another meeting before then I have I have a heavy business I I work um excuse me could could you take this off off you know outside or do9 all right we don't need we don't need to hear your schedule we don't need to help you guys make make your schedule for when your next meeting will be but um we will put it on our on our next meeting um which will be September 9th so that gives you 3 weeks to have a meeting if you can okay and if not then you know you're welcome to come back and fair enough give us your thoughts M Madam chair members of the board I I want to be said and I'm little disappointed it wasn't said this evening by anyone six weeks ago I met with Vivian Eric and will in my office and received this proposal and I did I said exactly what what you said get together and get this thing resolved because I don't think the board of Select select board wants to be placed in a position of you know being a juror on this kind of case that hopefully you can come together with some resolution as to what can be worked out um and and therefore together we can get an outcome um because this is different than what has existed out there and I explained to them that I think the concerns would be about what is the issue on the neighbors that you you should check with the neighbors and also that um you know what what is going on in other communities as example and information to the board uh and I guess it's a little disappointing to me that six weeks later when I know that the dog Association has attended a meeting at the um dog advisory committee um since that time that this wasn't resolved then and and once again we're sort of left with what we're at tonight and I I would hope that this can get resolved soon and hopefully everybody can come together on a common plan that would benefit the community okay I I I think I think the the two groups need to get together can I just make one statement one statement seriously mer we did meet Paul exactly okay we don't we don't need to fight over who he's saying that he was disappointed but we did meet and continued it to the 29th we had made no decision this has come up since but we did meet and we tabled it to our next meeting so okay it wasn't anything else okay thank you thank you um Virginia you had some questions for Paul um I have a qu question and um just some considerations uh Paul you may have started to answer this already but from your perspective why do we have a deac and why do we have a CDA and what are their what are their roles and how do they work together with the town you appoint the dpath right yes yes I appoint I have appoint the dog park advisory committee um you know it's it's sort of like what you see with the Conservation Commission and cost unfortunately what I do not appoint the dog Association since its Inception the dog Association that was a self-organized group yes they're the the dog park advisory committee as the name suggests is an advisory committee to the town manager who's responsible for the properties under the control of the select board for their operation since it's Inception has been a memorandum of agreement between the dog Association and the dog park advisory committee in terms of the maintenance of the park um obviously they're all animal lovers they're all dog lovers and they and and I and I think I was unfortunately I think what we've SE what I've seen in the last couple of months is there been a Schism and um it's has not clearly has not been resolved I hope that it can be resolved um but the PO but the point of the advisory committee and I think they will readily admit because they've stated it to me is there're sort of an advisory committee and oversight role and it's really the dog Association um that's really on site more frequently doing the maintenance and operations of the park very similar as I said earlier between what you see with the Chums at open space stewards and the Conservation Commission on the open space land thank you Paul so um I guess Pat I'll just offer some thoughts that I had um before I heard the presentation uh and I I mean I agree that the two organizations should work together and figure that out and then come back to us um I agree with Paul I don't think we want to be in the position of like being the adjudicator it seems like this is something that um the two organizations who both have subject matter expertise and input um we should be able to reach some kind of a joint proposal that's what I'd like to see my my other thoughts were that um if we are looking if the select board has to vote on this um one of the things at least in the future that I would like to see is when we do have a Consolidated proposal that we're voting on I think that we should um take the initiative as a board to invite the ab letters to ask for input from DPW to ask for input from the police and the fire in case there's any additional safety or um you know emergency access concerns or anything like that with with the opening extended hours uh I'm glad that you know we're looking at lighting standards and light pollution and then Paul my only other I didn't know if the town would get involved in the procurement process at all or if that would rest solely with the the group that's funding it but I I do think that even when a proposal comes back to us um I would like to hear directly from those major town departments and from the abutters I appreciate the initial due diligence that's been done I just think that we should be informed directly before we vote okay well we're not voting tonight so I understand I'm just that's where I am for the future okay thank you anybody else have any comments before we wrap this up for tonight okay all right we'll see you in 3 weeks unless you resolve it before then which is would be ideal well we still have to come before you um regardless with even with an agreement because involves okay thank you all right um next up is Christine Clancy to give us a monthly ARA update good evening I'm here to give the monthly arpa update um so we are looking at 9.9 million of the 10 point just under 10.6 million of funds have been allocated um of that we also do track the amount of so that's 95% of all the funds have been appropriated to projects and of those we do track the amount of invoice spent for project completion so 69% of all those appropriate funds have been uh invoice and spent uh we do also track monthly the estimated remaining balance because we are become we um Coming upon a critical uh point where we have to allocate any remaining funds by this December so looking to see how we would want to handle or allocate those funds um I can go over and then I do so as we get close to that date I did put together a preliminary list of potential projects that we could allocate for the remaining uh funds but before jumping into that I could just go through the spreadsheet and just go over some of the the items right there yes so this spreadsheet updated monthly shows so anything in blue is projects complete so we're really looking at the green projects those are projects that are uh all procured but we're just looking at the completion um so looking at um going down I'm not going to go over all these projects but one to just the number three the modula rtu replacement at the high school in McCarthy and Parker um so the rtus are all in the buildings but we do still have some final work to do um in September uh for the McCarthy and Parker uh so we have updated that balance as remember this had a large change order as it related to electrical upgrades U so for the really for the McCarthy Parker so that up that has updated total uh project forecast but we are getting close to that completion um we know with with uh uh September right around the corner so that's been updated and then just going on down to uh numbers the the we do have some red projects highlighted here which are really the projects that just haven't been procured yet um we are happy to report that we recently brought on a facilities project manager um and so this is one of his first tasks to jump on he's actively working on this now so hopefully have update soon as on procurement of of these projects 14 17 18 19 20 uh number 15 is the senior C HVAC HVAC system project that is also um looking at starting later uh really more of a September uh most the progress and then completion for the most of it before uh we want to be back in that space for town meeting in October um I am I am carrying a $100,000 contingency there just because you know as we start a project there could potentially be um you know changes so we are right now there's no large uh no known changes but that's something that we're closely tracking so when you see the 1.0 just over $1 million that includes uh some contingency that we'll watch that you know the next month or so um and then moving on down to some of these other projects that are still shown in green number 21 22 24 these are projects that uh when we originally started with the arpa allocation they were allocated to different for one being Public Health associate the Frontline initiative with the police department so that something before the next September update we'll look at that just to refine that and see if we how much more spending we see because Paul correct me if I'm wrong after December we need to we need to know those funds are allocated um because if if we're if we don't allocate that after December then we would be you know uh we wouldn't be able to reallocate that money um and then just jumping down to number 32 the Kensington Road Pump Station project uh this is actually out to bid right now um it is at you know estimated at $900,000 but those funds are appropriated separately under sewer so we really don't see any project overruns there um and just continuing along as we go onto the next page um we have a lot of projects showing so the covert structural assessments that pairs with a project further on down uh so a lot of these that project we're just um updating we should have updated cost for our updated progress on that this September um and then jumping down to the watersheds that's underway I don't see really any I mean that will come with recommendations and F future cost recommendations but that would be outside of the arpa funds um and same with the drainage Improvement projects 50 51 52 those have been precured they're pretty much substantially complete um we're still or we're not seeing any you large change orders so I feel confident in those numbers um as we are nearing towards the end of construction and then number 53 is it's listed as partially procured uh we have procured the design it's currently being designed right now we have a placeholder for $400,000 for that in that project um we are asking for an update by September um just to confirm that number and this would be bid in the in the fall procured before December um moving then number 54 55 are the drainage projects that are in in good shape number 57 is a pilot smoke testing sewer system that RFP has been issued that we're will be receiving rfps by the end of this month so we'll have a cost to put to that for the September update we've precured the Gap analysis um in coordination with the health department and the ground groundwater and drinking water protection and that the different um uh policies we have in town that's been procured it did come in in a little higher just because the number of meetings estimated um and some of the additional uh scope that we had we had asked for so it came in that we originally had $35,000 uh the signed uh proposal had uh 5,360 uh and then number 59 um we're requesting a quote right now so that's something we should be uh procuring in the next month the number 60 the oil water sewer separ separator that is uh been procured and construction is anticipated this September and then I know the fire department is working on the purchasing of the past free PPE so in all I think the projects is the some of these red projects that remain and I think the um Culvert project really the ones that we have the the largest uh completion to do within the next month month two months um also for tonight I do know in talking with Darlene is that we've you know met monthly and and revised the project totals but I think from a uh like a Reconciliation of the of the budgets she was wanting to reconcile the accounts so example was if we're tracking that there's a change order for $10,000 for a project you know that's updated in the project cost but I think this board would have to vote to appropriate those additional funds um and I I don't I think that could just be done under one one reconciliation vote not going over each one of the projects so that's something that I do have on for tonight as well um and I guess if we if also if you want to go over now to some of the the projects why don't why don't we see if anybody has any questions about the the update um tonight any questions from anyone okay and now the reconciliation do you want to do that now since you you said you sure yeah if that may make sense to do that now and so the vote would be to reconcile in the I mean overall so that if you take the total project forecast that would be the reconciliation basically it amends the budgeted amount for each one of those line items tot uh going to a total of 9.91 730 because right now what uh the budgeting accounts or what's been authorized is really the $9.1 million okay does anybody have any questions about that the need for that or have any concerns about voting on it this evening okay so we would be voting to amend the budget amount for the line items presented to what outcome yeah to the project total project yeah the 9.9 01730 oh so it's the it's the forecast that we're amending you're basically aligning the the budget with the forecast yes so reconciliation yes reconciliation you ready I'm not sure um okay so that's the motion the motion is to approve a Reconciliation yeah thank you girl you could do the you have it oh yeah okay okay I will make a motion um to approve the reconciliation of each of the 61 accounts presented so that the budgeted amount can reflect the projected forecast for accounting purposes in the town's munice database as presented second all right very good have a motion in a second roll call vote Virginia I George hi Pat I and I'm I okay thank you okay thank you so there's no questions I guess on what we've been working on the So the plan moving forward we are going you know we're close to that deadline of this December 2024 we do have until December 2026 to spend all the funds but it's really important that we allocate all those funds so if we are carrying $100,000 of contingency and we don't use it after December we Lo we lose it so what I've put together is a project project list of projects that are also relatively easy to procure there's a lot of you know so example of reconstructing a bridge well that has to be designed then it would have then you have to procure it that's a longer lead time so I was looking at ease of procurement for selecting some of these needs um and all of these are you know we have many needs across town these are all uh much needed projects um I I put this list together just in you know in the past week I've even thought of a couple other ideas um assessments are easy studies one uh one project on here I have is this the police station hbac is getting older so looking at a study or uh preliminary design to make recommendations for what's our what's our plan uh for the police station HVAC and so I just misplaced the the list here but here it amounts to $689,000 um I can just quickly go over each one that if we're ready the plan is to come back in September with the updated list but just to go through quickly some of these the first one is the Hugo Lane in St State Street drainage improvements um we have done some work in this area and looking there's a section of corrugated metal pipe that has completely failed uh but it is still uh alignable pipe it is an area between two neighborhoods uh so we're going in and doing dig and replace we'd be removing dozens of trees uh mature trees so we did bring in a company we spent money through storm water to C to clean it CCTV it um and we do have a quote from Rapid flow they're on a state contract uh just under $50,000 where we could line it so that's something that uh we have it you know ready to go now just looking to identify a source of funding uh number two on here is rain Garden at cherbury Lake and Overlook Drive as part of the ms4 requirements where we're required to do a um minimum control measure example is like a rain Garden in year six which this is the year we're approaching so we actually compl nearly completed this project we haven't uh paid for it yet uh it's being paid under of out of our roadway account but just thinking about it's part partial roadway partial storm water but just thinking this is potentially an arpa project to you could reallocate it to arpa and that money would be used this to fund more roadway projects um that we've already had anticipated spending the $90,000 uh number three is a GPS unit for engineering we do a lot of In-House uh layout and surveying uh Wetland flagging uh edge of pavement structures updating our storm water and sewer infrastructure that unit is almost having to be reserved because the sewer needs it well then the people that need to do some layout um have to reserve a separate time thinking with the smoke testing pilot project coming up we might want to use it more on a daily basis the unit cost about $35,000 but it's really a very very valuable equipment because to hire a surveyor to do that you probably spend that on one or two projects so that's a a much needed pieces of equipment that um if it is an arper we'll we'll find a way to to uh obtain it in the next year or two but that's uh definitely needed Senior Center Vehicles there's two passenger vehicles one is a uh 20 2013 Ford cmax and one's a Ford Escape um they do have uh some repairs that potentially might not allow for an inspection to uh it might not pass the next year's inspection so looking at um potentially replacing those with electric uh electric um vehicles uh th those could be purchased right off the state contract or I know with uh with DPW we recently went with uh I Volkswagen so you just have to receive three quotes So that would be relatively easy to procure police station hbac assessment I mentioned that one just as we look at our lot of our building so we're you know going forward with the library right now assessing it the police station's right behind that that's 2004 so that needs that needs to be assessed as well um so just looking at you know how to build a road map or a plan and an estimated cost on how we look at uh upcoming repairs or Replacements McCarthy School switch gear assessment and repairs this is a larger uh line item $175,000 but is very important so the switch gear is really what steps down the electricity as it comes in from the street um McCarthy being the oldest school building that switch gear is original to the building to replace the switch gear we've been told could be millions of dollars um and something that's not easy construction you don't just replace it it' be a substantial construction uh there you can refurbish it and basically you're going through the unit cleaning it and assessing it um and but it's almost like a tuneup on a car it's a tuneup on a switch gear so that's been recommended um really we're looking at it for all of our schools but McCarthy being the oldest that's something that we want to move forward with we have had some outages there in the past couple years especially the past year so um this is becoming a critical uh infrastructure need uh particularly for the oldest school that we have Adams D repair assessment um this is the the Dome part of the library there has been leaks in the past we haven't had any recent active leaks but we do know that there's uh more extensive repairs needed so we just want to understand assess it and understand the overall needs for that structure maybe on a longer term basis uh CCA exterior improvements this started as just maybe a painting project but really if you're looking at the trim there's a lot of trim there's some rot there's replacement this is a historic building so looking at um up updating some of this or uh replacing some of the trim um and and also in that the paint has peeled to a point where it needs to be scraped and painted town office bathroom renovation design that's been talked about in on our Capital plan for many years that will be a substantial cost but I was just thinking move forward with the designing of it as part of arpa that at least then we'll have plans to put forward into a capital plan uh so that's been proposed and then lastly the food panty trailer um we are looking at a 50,000 State earmark which is which is a great you know amount of money to be able to replace the the food pantry trailer but they'll we have still have to demo the or get rid of the existing trailer and I do think that the cost um my a little bit more because it has to be the air or HVAC controlled so looking at supplementing um that $50,000 with potentially $40,000 so that's preliminary list um and we will go over this again and refine it I also just put procurement process because there are a couple things to highlight the switch gear the CCA exterior improvements in the town offices like whens are last like hit the go button and that's September because then if we wait till after September it's going to be very difficult to try to procure that because we have to develop the documents get it out to bid and then make a recommendation to award the contract okay I I just have a couple of questions um it looks like three of these are are on the the warrant the Tom meting warrant if if we do this will we take them off the warrant yes but the but the challenge is is you're going to sign the warrant at your next meeting in three weeks as well and we're coming in and part of the reason that they're they're in both places is we still don't have the close out for the fiscal year that we just ended so I don't know what the town's free cash balance would be so that's why we're we're we're you know sort of keeping our Avenues of funding open if it were to remain on the warrant we would basically take no action at town meeting yeah so and I have another question too on on number two on work that's already been completed is that eligible under I don't I'm not aware of any uh arpa requirements that actually require to be procured or allocated before procurement um I can double check that but when I was looking at I did not see that I think there's more flexibility okay does anybody else have any questions about these projects I um what constitutes procurement we we need to be fully procured by the end of this year correct yes so I think sign contracts cont sign contract contct okay yeah it's got to be OB they basically has to be obligated yeah okay allocated or obligated obligated mean you have to have an in place exactly yeah assign even if you're referencing a state contract you'd still have to have something referencing it and under that that agreement thank you anything else any other questions can I ask a question it's kind of it's kind of a random question but what's why is the food pantry in the trailer behind town hall to begin has it there everybody has there ever been consideration is to reloca to an existing like Town building or something like that just curious years ago the food pantry was in a very small like 10x10 room over at the old Center for the Arts in the back and it was literally about a 10x10 room when we embarked on the project to redo the Old Town Hall and and make it into a Center for the Arts we needed to move them out of there so having no place to put them at the time we procured a trailer and um thought that this would be the best spot I think historically it's worked out location wise as a as a great location but we had no place else to put them we procured a trailer and uh and put them out back here and it's worked out pretty well except for it was a used trailer at the beginning and now we're looking at buying a a new trailer and I'm hoping this time we can you know paint the like the green monster sign on the side for the baseball field that's what we wanted to do originally that's just a little side note but that's but that's why it's there we had we had to vacate the town office with the renovation there and Sandy donov at the time I was running the food pantry was like initially adly against it it was going to be terrible terrible terrible it going to lose people and so afterwards when it happened she's like this is so great because now if you see what happens is it has the cars and the the drive through that goes through we did look at the possibility of of actually locating it next door at mcf seems like the time when David when David hederson was was uh doing his Renovations um but he wasn't able to accommodate it there and we really just don't have another location in town and like you said it worked well here okay because the idea is you wanted to be in an area that was near transit route that was some somewhat in the center of town and there's also people come from out of town who come right off the highway as well so that was that sort of plent lighting do we have the room back I mean is this new trailer going to be much bigger they obviously want more space I think we're constrained in the footprint but we were looking at maybe another foot higher and we actually provide more volum volume and also inside the trailer I think their shelving is like 12 or 15 inch so we're looking at just some uh 24 in or 18 in wide so the layout gives them more Capac so we're just looking at a different layout I mean it might be incrementally but when you look at the space there's not too much more space we can't you have to go back more toward Center Field from where we are from here like away from yeah I mean it's tight already so that's why I was wondering how bigger this more room back there we're looking at a little bigger volume but probably within a very similar footprint so do the the people who run it do they not do they not are they not looking to relocate or are they happy they happy and they've been they've been seeking I guess a new facility just because of the age of this facility so they're welcoming this initiative to replace but they're happy to stay there in the location that they're okay just curious okay thank you um Christine you want to tell us about DPW grants sure so I thought it' be good to to give an update on some various grants that the DPW has either received or applied for um so first I'll let's go over some of the grants that we've received uh there's a $7,000 grant that we just recently L received through dcr's Urban and Community foresty program um which will allow us to procure uh trees and plant in within the town's right of way or town properties it could also be used for assessing existing trees if we want to look at the health of U trees on the common uh I guess the scope is to kind of to is to remains to how we want to allocate it and that's something that we'll work on with the tree committee we do have a lot of needs at are within our right of way or on town properties um but now that we have the fund the funds do have to be spent by May 31st so we're just going to quickly look to see what we recommend um thinking 10 to 15 trees um that includes the the mulching the the fencing around it looking at uh they're called tree diapers you put them around the tree so they almost self-watering um so that's something that either if it's not this fall we would be planting them uh this spring so that's H we'll have locations my guesses on a lot we have a lot of dying trees on Town property so potentially replacing some of those smaller trees uh so happy to report that um and then the next Grant is is really something that just kind of fell into our lab which just doesn't really happen but I mean our uh sustainability manager coordinated this um but as we build out the you know V uh electric vehicle H people switching from diesel gas to electric vehicle uh there has to be that infrastructure to support that and so in the past we've you know there's different um private developments that have the charging stations the town has added it it's becoming costly to add those charging stations um you know it could be a couple hundred thousand just for a port uh so there's an initiative paired you know between National Grid and um East Coast renewable energy there's some you know there's they they're invested and there's because there's incentives for them to you know help build out that network uh so they looked at different areas in the community and we're putting together opportunities for um where we could potentially put electric vehicle charging stations we were approached about 6 months ago we put together a list of eight locations and we just found out we've been awarded uh six locations um sorry five locations and six ports so and these are the fast charging stations right now we only have one uh one location at the chelwood form so that can charge your car in about an hour whereas the other locations it takes you know several hours or almost up to a day to charge uh so we're we will have six ports at each location um chump Public Library Town Offices Senior Center robertsfield and vinyl square so that's um this will significantly uh increase our inventory not only of just the locations we have almost doubling our locations but significantly increase the fast charging stations uh the value of this project is $2.2 four million and we do not have to pay any of it which is it's a it's a great um opportunity for us the only thing we'll be responsible for is the cost and maintenance after the 5-year warranty but um excited to see this so it could be as early this fall it could be this spring um but my gu basically right now we've worked on the the layouts they come in with the infrastructure um and then it should be up once they start should be up in a couple months so we don't have it a time frame yet but right now it's spring or fall so so the fall spring so the stations that are already there right now like here at the library in vinyl square will they stay yes so those are those will stay will this expand the network um this these are a teleports and right now we do have charge point so people will have to have a separate app um but they as of right now we're looking to keep the existing stations when we look at some of the spaces I guess we still have to look at the library because there's one there do we relocate it maybe the atam so there might be an opportunity to relocate some infrastructure uh but right now the it's just getting these in new spaces and then we will'll have to see how we modify the network if we want to and and we do uh generate some revenue from these correct yeah yes so I I did look at that um from the from the 20 locations we have I ran the numbers for FY 25 24 and we made $55,000 in Revenue um of that we paid about probably it's hard to get the exact amount but I think it was like $133,000 in electrical cost so the Delta is close to $40,000 so there is a revenue coming in on that okay right thank you any questions on on that all right uh so then we move to some new grants that we're applying for and hopefully we hear uh this fall so the first and it was mentioned earlier tonight is a cooling corridors Grant um this was where we looked we had to look for a site um potentially like a climate Hot Spot areas where in town where there's uh you know in need of trees and really what aligned was the dog park um in North chumford that really looking at the mass Massachusetts database um it is an environmental justice community and climate Huds spot it really became a attractive application so we worked tree committee planning board dog dog park Association we worked on a proposal um we it will be trees interior to the park so I think it will really improve the the space of the park right now it's it's um it's hard to grow grass there just because of the harsh they it's it's in direct sunlight so if we add these 25 trees it will really I think uh the walking path will be clearly defined and it will just really uh I think really transform the site so that is estimated at $317 that is because it also required a 2year watering commitment so we do have a watering contract proposed in that um project so hopefully we hear back this fall on that um the next grant that we are applying for this week is the in coordination with the police department is the Mast dut bottleneck reduction Grant we did win this a couple years ago for the or last year for for the Turnpike Road um this grant comes up every year through Mass do so looking at the Hazen Harvey Hazen Street Harvey Road Boston Road intersection um that has been in Nim Cog study um identified as one of the top 200 cluster intersections where really um if you look at the site distances in that area uh you know it's it is hard when you're traveling down Hazen Street haen Street doesn't have a stop sign Harvey does um who has the right of who has the you know the the right of way um so we want to look at that intersection as part of this bottleneck reduction Grant and through that um you know we'll see what hopefully if we receive it we'll we'll have more information um that does take a bit of a process because right now we're going through the turnpike one and so that's something that's that will be for next year so my guess is that if we found out we' be awarded it but we wouldn't really start it till next year the year after and that could be up to $500,000 so that could be a significant Grant and then lastly through the State Department of Labor and safety there was an opportunity for training and we do try to uh provide as much training as possible to our staff at DPW so we did apply for various courses bloodborne bloodborne pathogen training safety leadership chainsaw hand tool safety and Aus awareness that's for $8,000 so uh hopefully we hear from that on this hear about that uh application this fall as well okay anybody have any questions about those grants all right thank you thank you okay next uh on our agenda is um I received an email um earlier this well last week um from a resident asking for a if we could do a proclamation for national service dog month which is September um as you know our policy is that the proclamation has to be brought before us for one meeting to see if there's any concerns from board members or any edits or anything else uh having to do with the proclamation and we can um ask the uh proponent to make changes if if needed so that's what we're doing that's our that's what we're doing with this bringing it forward to see if anybody has any comments or concerns about it so there any thoughts about national service dog month and I did ask Mr Wagner since he I knew he was going to be here if representing the dog Association if he would have any comments so uh yes as a representative of the board of the dog Association and the dog Association members we discussed this and we do support uh this Proclamation okay thank you so any comments who would who would have who would be receiving it um I I will ask the person who asked that it be done if she would want to come and accept it at our next meeting um thank you she she actually is I I I believe she works for a company that trains the dogs um so that perhaps would be you're not are you that person no no I'm I saw you nodding okay so that's that's what I would anticipate and if if not them um we'll have other dog people here so I'm sure somebody will accept it so are there any edits comments everybody's okay with it as written all right okay it's very good thank you all right so on to our next item agenda um and I see Mr brusso sitting in the back very patiently um so he had asked me to uh create a a letter to endorse the age friendly ction report for um for what is what we're going to be we're applying to get recertified is that what we're doing it's a progress report progress report Madam chair members of the board Mr Town manager good evening I'm Fred brusso I co-chair of the AG friendly CH implementation committee and on behalf of the committee I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you before you vote to endorse a letter that we want to include with our five year progress report which signifies a major milestone in our efforts our continuing efforts to make Chet even more age friendly if I may I'd like to quickly share with you how we got to this point in July 2019 chel was granted a five-year membership in the AARP network of age friendly States and communities in March of 2021 we submitted our age friendly Chet action plan that was approved by the town and subsequently by AARP in May of 2021 the age friendly implementation committee was appointed and our efforts to address the actions in the action plan began in Earnest in September 2024 next month as required by AARP we plan to submit our five-year progress report which you will hopefully endorse this evening to include the letter upon approval by AARP Chum's membership in the network of AG friendly States and communities will be renewed in October 2024 we plan to have the progress report available at fall town meeting as a handout on behalf of the implementation committee I'd like to take this opportunity to gratefully recognize the hard work time and support from town officials and committee Town departments and their staff residents numerous Community organizations and several business partners and sponsors for their enthusiastic participation in our efforts to make Chet even more age friendly it's truly been a townwide team effort and our work's not done we look forward to further enhancing our age-friendly services into the future so any questions any questions for Fred thank you yes a lot of good work it's a team effort yes across town okay so so tonight you're you're looking for us to um endorse to endorse the letter which we will include in our progress report okay um any comments about the letter it was well done yeah looks good can we have a motion to endorse it I will make a motion to endorse um the ARP letter of support as presented second okay we have a motion in a second roll call vote Virginia hi George hi yeah hi hi thank you very much thank you thank you thank you okay next we have uh a review of the um select W and town manager goals uh we talked about these at at our last meeting um I made updates that we had mentioned um if there's anything that I missed let me know and we can update again um otherwise we can vote to make these be our goals and have them posted on our on our web page anyone have any sure can I ask a couple questions sure um Paul on the sewer storm water drainage section it just says reports as needed but I think we've tried to give a little more attention to that than just as like is there a frequency that we want to commit to reporting out on these uh I mean like a minimum I I mean probably a it depends on the time of the year I mean I'd say quarterly generally but you know it it may depend upon time of the year um for example inflow reductions we may not have a lot in the winter months um but then we would have more later but we may have more later um you know so so they would be they would be at minimum they would be quarterly and then some of them may be more frequent depending on the time of the year yes okay what about like the MW I mean that's almost a yeah it could be what it is yeah I me that's what it is unless there's steps that that multi-step effort but but basically my plan would be to come in as I give quarterly reports to the board and then we would you know include updates on each one of these as our quarterly updates okay but again more frequently more frequently if issues arise yeah right okay and and I had a similar question with the roads and the infrastructure I just it's I get uncomfortable when it just says as needed because like you get what you measure right so do do we want to be more intentional about when that's when that is when we actually take a conscious look at where we are with roads and sidewalks yeah very SL I again not only the quarterly updates but as you recall and we've done the past what we'll do in the future is we'll have the Public Works director Comm in at the end of the construction season which at this point would be October November time frame provide a look back at what at what we're looking at and then as we we did this past year as we get into the February talk about the look ahead of what we have for the season and then what happens during the season it you know we saw with my newsletter we're out putting out there you know these roads are going to be paved in the next month this is what's happening so yeah I think again you'll get quarterly updates but you may get more frequently depending what time of year and similar with the underground utilities I know that's kind of a complex thing that has a bunch of moving parts so that just depending we'll get status quarterly but then depending where you are with the project or the study exactly we're already we make get a deeper yes we're already working with Council on that and yes Pat my only other comment was on the second page where it says board and committee initiatives um in at the last bullet it says consider Senior Center inclusiveness um if somebody just picked this up I would hate for them to think that like we don't think the senior center is already inclusive so I just to it might be a nip but maybe just say consider senior Center expanded inclusiveness or something like that okay sure I think it looks good thank you for doing this okay all right so I I can make those edits anybody else have any that looks good then if you want to if you want to make a motion I will make a motion to approve the select board and town manager fy2 goals as presented second okay we have a motion in a second Virginia hi George hi Pat hi hi and I'm I 5 Z okay next up is time manager reports yeah um real real brief um the first one is the revi I've given you the revised draft warrant for the October 21st fall anual ual town meeting as I mentioned earlier 3 weeks from now when you have your next regular scheduled meeting you'll be signing the warrant uh for the Fingal town meeting which the date is September 9th for the signing uh and then the town meeting is October 21st um the um as as was noted earlier that we we we're sort of covering the financial aspects because we don't know what the funding level will be from our balance sheet um what I anticipate is is we may not have it certified by the by by September 9th but but we'll know it's been submitted and as we've seen in the past the end result comes within a few thousand dollar um you know of minor changes uh but we don't have that estimate at this time from from the accounting office um but but Darlene told me she expects to have that done by the end of the month um so anyway we have the warrant um I've this is the second draft that what's really changed from the first draft is I did I did include the um citizen petition that we received at the last meeting from Mary dunan on the pet cemetery I I out of consideration for her and courtesy to her I put it as an article to uh after committee and town reports because I just I just trying to just recognize her efforts and and also you know I just trying to be fair I don't want to keep her there till 11 10:30 at night for her article and again as you know we can take things out of order but I think that's the way it goes um the other thing that's major since the last draft is is what's listed as article 18 on this draft the South Row School partial roof replacement schematic design you may recall um several months ago the superintendent with your approval submitted for the msba accelerated repair program um since that since your last meeting we had an Outreach from the msba and a virtual meeting with the superintendent myself DPW director Christine Clancy uh and our our facilities managers on the school townside they've not giving us a formal notice that we've been invited in the accelerated repair but they're doing a site visit tomorrow uh and we don't think that they're sort of and they're very familiar with that school because we did the kitchen work there a few years ago so we don't think that they're doing all this to then say Oh thanks you know we'll get back to you next year so we we anticipate to be uh brought in this is only for um schematic design we asked well can we accelerate the accelerator repair because what they envisioned is this project would not occur until the summer of 2026 so even though it's the accelerated repair program it still takes time um so what the the expectation is is we would receive a notice um September early October by that date that we've been invited in why this is here is you have 90 days from the date of in of the notice um for the schematic design to to secure funding for the schematic design well we don't have a town meeting between October and April regularly scheduled so the idea is that we anticipate that by the time of town meeting we will be formally invited we have an estimate we're working with them for what the the schematic design would be for that roof project uh we think it's around $100,000 because we have to hire as the own owner project manager first and then the architectural firm to do the work um and again msba has has their list of vendors and so forth um so that's why that's on there but again the only obligation at this point would be $100,000 and then we would get 50 plus per of that reimbursed uh but we're probably not looking at funding that until the fall a year from now fall of 2025 for construction in the summer of 2026 because once we then get the funding you then got to do the procure design full design procurement uh and then line that up and in order to do summer work you really have to have that done by January February we want we inquired to see could we do it for the summer of 2025 and no they they have their schedules they also they also have their project assignments as much as we've seen on the Parker school project and you're not going to deviate their schedules and part of it is is because they're vendors and list they're all they have their time allocated uh assessments as well so that's a major one um so that's that's new since the last time you had the list um so again and uh if you have no further comments I anticipate coming back with the final version of the warrant what will change from this is probably more text as well as Town Council legal review on things like the um drainage easements that are being requested by the Water District to install the water man across the High School McCarthy middle school and Parker Middle School properties those plans are being reviewed by the school administration school committee and DPW but I need to have all that language because that's a considerable easement as you can see the distance and that's for their treatment requirements for the water main so that that'll have to be reviewed by Council um similar to the drainage easement on High Street at 40 High Street as well as the street acceptance so again what's really going to happen between now and the next meeting is the formal legal review and flushing out the details um I don't anticipate any other major changes uh over the next three weeks so if you have any concerns or questions and I said um where we won't know you the arper funding we'll probably leave the articles on and then we can just take no action um because I don't want to be presumptuous of what the board may or may not choose to fund but you know some of the items are timely like the trailer there's an air mark for that it has to be from the state budget it have to be expended by next June 30th so I don't I can't wait till April I don't want to wait till April as well um so that's and um so that's that that's where we're at with these projects uh and the and the exterior the painting of the town hall and so forth um so again we we'll we'll finalize this for your next meeting okay thank you um just quick question South Row um can that wait till 26 to get I mean what kind what what state are we in yeah we think it'll get there but it does qualify because one of their criteria your roof has to be 25 years old that they won't even consider you in the program we meet that threshold but we think we can get to 20 and uh one of the big challenges there is we got to take the solar panels off and then put them back onject that's a big project like $300,000 just to the is and but we're told that that's that that's uh in will be inclusive of the state funding reimbursement because if we didn't have solar panels we'd be required to assess and plan for solar panel installation on the project um but that's that's a major one there that's why we're estimating $100,000 because it's not only schematic design for re-roofing and and the project you know project manager you also have to get the assessment on on removing the solar and then putting the solar um uh they they balast it up there but it it's still a consideration is that part of the schematic design that'll be part of the schematic design yeah okay good okay the next item I have under my report is the massud this fy2 250 Grant um program which was part of the goals that that you've approved tonight and we've discussed at earlier meetings the information has been out um uh um we attended the online webinar on the 250th Grant couple key things that were part of that presentation and the the um the application information one is the money's have to be expended by June 30th of 2025 um so even though it's the 250th which doesn't occur till 2026 but it's 250th of the of the start of the re start of the Revolution occurs so it's really Patriots Day right and it actually began back to the Boston Tea Party a coup couple years ago so so we they couldn't commit to the fact that whether they'll be funding next fiscal year but what they looking for is funding for efforts of this fiscal year like for example we know our our um Minutemen will March you know uh and April and so forth um you couldnot expend It on Capital and again it had to be expended and and committed and occurring it could last past June 30th but it had to be done so we you couldn't say oh could we plan this and will use it for the parade on July 4th of 2020 no that didn't qualify so that's why there's no request from the parade committee so again I circulated this to department heads I included the um the uh information that we have um and again what what we're really doing is we're trying to do a coordinated effort between the library the senior center and the Center for the Arts to to focus events in May uh when the weather will be appropriate um to you know near the common area um as well as a a production um at the CCA regarding the history of the American Revolution um so what will happen is that the grant the other interesting thing is the grant deadline is the end of this month so um we we it's actually the 26th at 3M um so we're going to work on this in the next week U but I wanted to bring the board because this was one of your goals and I know that we've had discussions briefly at our previous meetings but this is fast-tracked and we're trying to propose something uh to uh participate in this commemoration and again I'll keep you updated as that with the final application and once we get a decision because they want to make decisions by September um and then the last thing I have under my report this evening is a double poll report from National Grid I think it's good news uh you know in in terms of relative good news probably until the storm last week I was a little more encouraged because I think we're getting double poles out of that um severe storm where Chums was one of the hardest hit areas in the state um from the storm last week and that's why you the news crews from Boston were in town um but the good news from the from the report as of the beginning of of August is um there's the number of double polls went from 65 to 61 um but the good news is is the um chood only has one so we we basically did a lot of work in July as they indicated we would to move it along and the and why you can see that's progress is is when it when the ball lands in the court of Open tickets of Comcast they're the last ones to go so you can see in from July and August um the the 17 of those 61 were in the were in the hands of Comcast which basically meant they were near near the end and then Verizon being the the the penultimate one so you can see we're progressing with with getting some of these down uh again I think we're going to see this list bounce up with new ones um as a result of the storm last week I also as I mentioned at the previous meeting I did go out and and to and do some inspections on some of the older ones from National Grid um and National Grid said they would examine those uh and I also reached out to Verizon and and said look can you look at these that that we highlighted as aged ones and they came back said they would look at their entire list again that was prior to last week because I know they get a little bit derailed but I I want to point the board that this is an ongoing commitment and we want at this point now we want to really get stuff done before we lose them for the winter winter conditions uh because we're nearing September so we want to keep pushing them to get out there September October November um before they they really can't come out if you get a severe winter so we'll keep you updated with the progress on these so these that say dispute on them yeah um what what do you do with those that's we don't we don't as a town adjudicate that that's really NA national grid and and Verizon Verizon owns the polls National Grids the initiator and they're working with if um to resolve those disputes particularly they come with third party vendors as terms of what what's going on here why isn't this work taking place so we we're hoping to have those resolved soon as well do you have a question yeah Paul I'm looking at the second page the um summary table at the bottom and specifically the one that says July 1st to August 5th yep so you said you know Comcast is the last to go so they've gone up from the previous month from 10 to 17 is that indicative of them not moving it it's also indicative that Verizon for example went from 15 to 11 so once it leaves Verizon it goes to Comcast so if people ahead of you or in the queue are moving then the your numbers should go up and and even as you're them out you're still getting others coming into you so the key National Grid National Grid is first so that's why they but they actually went up so that's an indicator that we had for a storm issue or something there were new polls yep exactly uh I thank you y okay okay great all right um next up is appointments first we have um election worker appointments anybody have any questions about um this lengthy list if not we can take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the um annual election worker appointments as presented second okay we have a motion and a second Virginia I George i p i Aon I and I'm I 5 Z okay and then you have yeah have three appointments this evening one is for the Council on Aging Dale Phillips for unexpired three-year term ending June 30th 2025 the second is for the cultural Council Patrick snow for an unexpired three-year term ending June 30th 2026 and then the final one is parade committee Shan Hanway uh for oneye chm expiring June actually should be 7312 um because those go to the end of July thank you okay any questions about those appointments have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the town manager board commission and committee appointments as presented second okay have a motion in a second Virginia hi George hi that hi Aon hi and I'm I 5 thank you okay okay now we have some minutes we have a set of regular meeting minutes from meeting of August 5th any edits Corrections on that if not we'll take a motion but is this this is August 5th was this this was two weeks ago right yeah um why do you have something was this the one that I was I on Zoom for this or was that before should that be noted in here been on Zoom that was the 22nd that was the one before right okay just making sure that's it that's all I had that's okay so we can take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the select board regular meeting minutes of August 5th 2024 as presented second there a motion in a second Virginia I George hi Pat I Aaron hi and I and just for um some executive session releasability of minutes um segment three from our June 24th 2023 exe 2024 executive session um have been released um segments 1 and two from June 24 2024 are not to be released at this time okay we're to uh liaison reports and referrals Virginia we'll start with you since you've been going first with all the votes I don't have anything tonight thank you okay George no P um just quickly I had an update from the building committee that um we're getting close with the north chumford fire station and it looks like we'll be or they will the contractor will be mobilizing um right about October 1st and be done uh shortly after November for us to uh reside that building in North chelsford so that is coming up soon okay thank you Aaron anything thank you okay the only thing I have uh last week I attended a a ribbon cutting on Summer Street at Heritage kitchen designs um if you have any needs uh if you're renovating your kitchen or building a new one they have all kinds of things to help you with there so um Heritage kitchen designs on Summer Street and that's all I have so now we have an adment to Executive session I will make a motion to adjourn to Executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining regarding the police commanding Officers Association not to return not to return second okay we have a motion in a second Virginia I George I I I amendment I 5 we are adjourned to Executive session thank you e e e