evening it is 7 o'clock we're not going to open the meeting immediately we have a member stuck in traffic and it's important that we have a quorum so talk among yourselves should be 10 minutes he said I don't I don't quite know those packets I gave you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we're going to open the public meeting from background from the Army oh my God you must be right tell you about Parker can't even imagine this is a notice of a public meeting for the chel Zoning Board of Appeals all meetings are televised live and available on Demand by Chums of Tel media public input shall be limited to statements from the public relating to any issues within the jurisdiction of the Chelson zoning board of appeals that are not currently subject of a pending public hearing before the zoning board of appeals public comment on any pending public hearings shall only be heard during such public hearings and shall be limited to 3 minutes time would anyone like to speak this this evening seeing none our first uh hearing is an administrative review for 61 Carlile Street William Harvey III he has a request to endorse the automatic covid provision permit expiration extension date Mr Harvey had a application in front of us the uh Co laws allowed for an extension of 400 odd days I think it was 460 462 and uh Mr Harvey would like to exercise his right to extend the permit do we have a date for the extension September 9th 2025 yeah till September 9th 2025 the original expiration date was June 8th 2024 extending after the expiration no it's extending to it's it's I think a formality so he may have some need for it Mr Harvey was asking for the formality of having the board endorse it and then provided in writing so that it's in the file and and I think there was discussion before the expiration date regarding this organize ourselves but we were aware of it okay I don't know if that matters because there was an understanding it June 88th was when I expired but that's not the case based on what Paul Harvey said correct right Paul hav said yes hav excuse me uh yes so he he he's of the opinion that this is valid and yeah within his rights we're going to vote on it uh to confirm it and be able to write a letter okay uh confirming that I I don't know if it's for finances or I have no idea so okay um should I put this on is it just administrative administrative so if someone like to make a motion to that effect I would you do with I'll make a motion that we extend uh Mr hiv's building permit for 462 days as per of the covid con U Provisions 61 car street 61 Carl street address town counil I'll second second by Peter all in favor I unanimous yeah second uh hearing is a public a new public hearing 26 Strawberry Hill Road Ralph DS is requesting a special permit under the zoning bylaw section 19582 non-conformity to construct a 34 by8 Farmers porch which does not meet the front setback requirement and any other relief deemed necessary the property is located in the residential RB District parcel ID map 36 block 125 lot 30 and consists of approximately 0.52 Acres someone here to speak uh on behalf of the 26 strawberry H that's that's it is yeah good evening good evening I'm at cafrey 30 crooked Spring Road and uh I just wanted to say that you know looking at the front are you the applicant for this no I live I live is the applicant here tonight perhaps you could we let him speak and then we you will certainly have your chair good evening I get your name and address as well Ralph DS 26 Strawberry Hill Road I want to just kind of walk us through it Ral it seems failing uh self-explanatory I know if you can see the the map up on the screen there yes I didn't have the 40 foot front edge that was needed uh the house was built I know 50 years ago pretty much so it's uh non-existing as far as uh what the code is nowadays yeah so I put in for the special permit to see if I could put the porch on and so your your setback uh now is 363 and are you removing a portion of an existing porch is that what's happening no that's just showing uh what I would like to put on the yellow that's the existing house okay and you're going to have a Farmers porch go across the whole front side so what is this yes it's of the house yeah is it the whole front uh the whole front of the main the garage and I think that entryway would be okay excluded shows the angle we could go back to the uh PL plan yeah here we go is it 28 yeah 283 it brings it to 28.3 what we what is the special permit for 40 we can go down to 32 uh no it's currently non-conforming so it's a special permit under non-conformity to allow further non-conformance so he he is allowed to go out the steps not being covered yeah they are from that look like they are but they just they'd be extended beyond the existing steps so the Orange is the proposed porch and then two steps coming off of that correct yes that's correct yep that's I'm saying the two steps coming off the porch aren't covered they weren't drawn into the certified plot plan do they matter for the front footage it would if it's covered or not covered would it so regarding the steps um I the setbacks is not really defined in the bylaw so I consider the step as emergency means so I kind of did the uh denial ba based on the uh porch wall not the steps okay okay do we have any letters yes departmental comment letters we have Jose's um termination letter which let me just double check I think that was on the agenda it was not so you can read that into the record as well okay this is from Jose Nan the building commission dear Ralph please accept this letter as a denial to the proposed front porch construction as you did not meet Frontage of 40 ft requirement therefore requiring relief under special permit from the board of appeals I encourage you to promptly appeal my decision within 30 days of this notice to the board of appeals and I look forward to assisting you through this process thank you respectfully Jose negro I have a letter from the engineering in dear members this office has reviewed the project application plans and documents submitted to the DPW on June 27th 2024 for the following public hearing on July 11th 2024 26 Strawberry Hill Road Ralph Dons requesting a special permit under the zoning bylaw section 1958 E2 nonconformity to construct a 34 by 8 foot Farmers porch which does not meet the front setback requirement and any other relief deemed necessary this property is located in the residential B District as a result of this review this off office has the following comments consideration should be made to install roof drain drywalls to the new Farmers porch this is not a requirement for approval you have any questions please contact this office you familiar with what that is pardon me are you familiar with what that is what I I couldn't understand what you were saying so what the engineering department is saying is not a requirement but a request that you put in a roof drain dryw so the water that comes off this porch is okay uh cleaned in a way okay that's a treatment not a requirement but that is their suggest I think I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about yeah basically you put in gutters and it goes into a a dry well that filters Stone and stuff in there somehow or another water gets very dirty on the roof I don't quite know how but it does uh we have a a letter from the chel water district with no concerns very independent Day letter assess no concerns no comments or concerns El assessor's office oh the assessor's office okay that was it that's it for our letters we did not receive any um public comment and writing was the house built in 84 is that correct uh no it was in the 70s I think okay I'm just looking at one of the registry of deeds here I think 72 I believe 72 okay 74 74 74 any other comments from the board at this time question see none I'm going to open this up to public comment any like to speak in favor or opposition to this application now would be the time I think that looking at the pro well I'm again I'm Ed mcaffrey diry cook Spring Road and you know looking at the property and looking at the the schematics it's displayed here you can see that there's plenty of uh room for grass and he has a beautiful lawn now between the street and the uh new Bush that he's trying to build and uh you know I think that uh a thus porch along the front of the house will enhance the property and it'll also make an improvement in the in the whole neighborhood and uh so I'm in favor of the this project thank you sir you anyone else like to speak this evening seeing none I get a motion to close the I'll make a motion to close the public hearing okay second by Peter all in favor I think we can take this up right now yeah feel like making a motion in affirmative I'll make a motion to approve the special permit under 195 d8 E2 uh for construction of a 24t by 8T farmer porch at 26 Strawberry Hill Road taking into consideration the letters that have been read into the record second all in favor I I good luck with it motion by Steve the second I Jamie have a good night thank you I'll follow up with you about the paperwork okay our next hearing is 10 King Street Hugh and Genevie bner requesting a special permit under the zoning bylaw section 19582 non-conformity construct an attached 24 by 28 garage that will alter the pre-existing non-conforming structure project meets the historical zoning setback requirements but does not meet the lot coverage or floor area R ration F and any other relief deem necessary the property is located in the residential RV District partial ID map 84 block 352 left 3 and consists of approximately 26 Acres it is yeah was a title good evening I Mr chairman members the board my name is William Martin I'm an attorney with offices 491 Dutton Street in LEL represent the land owners here uh Hugh Patrick boner and Genevie boner uh and also here this evening other family members in uh Brian godo from Hancock Associates in case there are any questions about the plan sure uh as you described it's a uh a permit seeking to alter a pre-existing non-conforming structure the the plan actually uh will um decrease the nature of the non-conformity right now the existing garage is up against the property line and closer to the front Pro to the street line than what is proposed so so we propos to push the garage further back and over from the edge of the property it'll be attached to the house but it'll actually be more conforming than it is now it'll conform to the historic setbacks 20 ft and 10 ft but it doesn't conform to floor area ratio or the lot coverage ratio which is the reason we need to seek the relief um so and it will would demolish the existing garage demolish the existing shed um and we think uh improve the neighborhood overall there letters of support from a butters on either side uh indirectly across the street we couldn't ask for much more from an addition that's going to improve the lot that's really that's the what we like to see every time so even with the removal of the two [Music] ones but it still grows but uh like 2.2% on the building coverage and the [Music] existing was already 2 point 8% over and it goes again just about 1.8% yeah 1.8% on the uh floor area ratio it's pretty slight [Music] any questions at this time from the board is the is the existing garage over the lot line it's close uh it won't be when it comes down right yeah yeah but that that neighbor is fully in support even offered uh to Grant an easement but we don't think we need that we taking it down but that's certainly an improvement to the to the issue [Music] any further questions Char um where were you reading the um the building coverage if you just bring it up a little bigger the building coverage is 15% yes I thought you were saying 17.8 right okay then it'll go to 196 I was thought you said some other numbers okay we did should been dreaming the floor area ratio is going to be 2X or a little over the limit uh the floor area ratio is 0.20 will it will be 2x yes but it is under you're not you're not adding a lot but you are adding where you have floor area ratio now that is allowed because it exists 38 and it'll go to 045 must be a smaller garage that they have taken away that's what saying I was R size is the buildings that are being destroyed [Music] do you know how big the existing garage what the dimensions of that are 12 12 by 18 so less than half what what's proposed and a standard garage 24 by 24 is is very typical okay further questions from the board [Music] departs we have a letter from the Tron fire department officer has reviewed the proposed attached garage Edition at 10 King Street and finds the following it's part of this project a heat detector shall be installed in each garage Bay there must also be a carbon smoke carbon monoxide detector present that is interconnected with the heat detectors within 20 feet of the door to the garage all installed devices shall be hardwired and shall be interconnected with the existing H's fire protection all smoke detectors and other life safety devices shall be marked on the plan prior to submission for a building permit this department approve of this plan with these conditions and I ask that the board make this letter part of their approval process respectfully Danielle cafas Captain jumps at fire department I have a letter from engineering Sheila Joyce project engineer this office has reviewed the project application and plans and documents submitted to the DPW on June 27th 24 as a result of this review the office has the following comments the proposed addition shall be nearly or possibly over the existing Sewer Service the applicant must contact the DPW sewer division to coordinate any necessary actions to preserve or author the new sewer service consideration should be made to install roof drain drywalls to the new garage this is not a requirement for approval I have a denial letter from Jose Negron should be in already right it wasn't on the agenda okay Dear Mr and Miss boner this letter serves to as denial to your propos addition at the clove subjected address which will increase the lot coverage and F maximum therefore requiring relief from the board of appeals please make an application for an appeal to my determination to the Community Development Department within 30 days of the date of this notice I look forward to assisting you during this process respectfully Jose Deon Building Commissioner and this one's from David Co conserv conservation there are no issues of concern to the Conservation Commission with this application and this is from the assessor's office there are no comments or concerns and the chelon water district has no concerns that's the extent of my letters mention some neighbor letters yes we did receive neighbor letters of support dear members of the board this is from William Harvey II 36 Bartlet Street my name is William Harvey and I reside at 36 Bartlet Street and illegal AB butter to 10 King Street I've had the opportunity to speak with the appli Mr Hugh Bonner and he provided me with the proposed plans for review I believe the proposal will be substantial enhancement to the neighborhood and will not in any way be a detriment as a legal abutter I am in complete support of Mr and Mrs Bonner's special permit application and wish the well wish them well July 8th Mr for Thomas and Deborah Hill of 39 Bartlet Street the zoning board of appeals my name is Thomas Hill and I reside at 39 Bartlet Street in chenford with my wife Deborah hill our rear property is adjacent to 10 King Street and we fully support the appeal of the project before you by Mr and Mrs boner and ask that you vote in favor of granting [Music] it uh this is from Katherine Brun I'm very much in flavor in favor of the planned Edition for 10 King Street the planned Edition adds to the value of the neighborhood and gives the Bonners the room they need for a family of five I have lived in my home for 47 years they are wonderful neighbors I would happy to be answer any questions you might have this contact that's Kathleen BR I say that right lot of typ christen and Joe Flynn of nine King Street Story We Are comfortable with the plan for your addition and will that will increase the roof coverage in additional 2% kist and Joe Flyn n King Street uh this is regarding 10 King Street and it's Moren and David Pelini to whom may concern David and I would offer our full support to the Bond as they embark on their home edition at 10 King Street house has always been beautifully maintained and I understand the new edition will not only Prov to be more functional for the family we will have an updated roof window siding all the things that will add to the overall overall value of the neighborhood for everyone thank you for the opportunity to offer our support all the best Moren and David Pelini 29 Bartlet street that is the extent of the letters I'm going to open this up to the public if anyone has uh comments or concerns now would be the time seeing none I'll make a motion to U close the public hearing second second by Jamie motion by chman all in favor unanimous now we can take this up it's uh an increase that does go two times but I think that uh it's definitely an improvement to the whole process bed on the letters from the neighbors too they they feel that way I think that's a un very important thing no concerns SS an awful lot like a motion I'd like to make a motion you also have PE yeah I'd like to make a motion to approve the special permit for 10 King Street under Section 195 ae2 um to construct the 24 by 28 garage um with consideration of the letters being written into read into our meeting second second by Peter motion by Char all in favor I I in flavor everyone's in I I think to ask good luck with it there you go thank you very much have a good night attorney Martin I will forward you copies of the department comment letters great okay thank you you're welcome our next proposal is 39 Evergreen Street take care guys byebye all there for chemistry good [Music] family really more next public are is 39 Evergreen Street to Black me NR I apologize I do not know how to pronounce your name correctly bat laap and um marthy yes I did okay yep sure he's being nice it's not flavor so I think he's just being nice okay he is requesting a special permit under the zoning bylaw section 1958 E2 non-conformity to construct a 23x 29 fo5 second floor Edition that will alter the pre-existing non forming structure the gck meets the historical setback requirements but does not meet the lot coverage or the flare the floor area ratio F I'm going to get fired aren't I any other Rel necessary this property is located in the residential RB District parcel ID map 41 block 140 by 28 and consists of approximately .16 Acres this have the yeah flare flavor what are we doing what's your flavor so uh we do have a problem sir and I I think uh it's it's going to affect the vote tonight so I'll explain it as best I can uh we received your your plot plan which is stamped and I think as you know there was concern as to what the actual size of the addition was and they came back with a corrected plan that certified that in fact it was 32.5 ft by 23 but what didn't happen is the F calculation the floor area ratio it didn't change at all and we did a little math uh Jose and I before this and determined that the actual size requested is 62 feet bigger than you're asking for it's not a problem I think it doesn't create any new problems for you what it does is make it uh impossible us to vote on it because we don't have an accurate plot plan got it I understand so it's a matter of just continuing it I mean sorry yeah it's I know he corrected the the number but he didn't correct the fa section right and it does change right so rather than you know we we can't really just guess on it we can't we don't know what the size would be it's it's not going to be a major change it's just we need a certified uh plot plan a correct certified plot plan so with that I'm going to ask to continue uh the meeting until September I don't know the 5th September 5th uh we do not meet in August and with that small change uh Becky tried to reach J this afternoon and see if he could uh you know magic I would have run to him actually I didn't know that yeah yeah so I we tried to find him and and uh you know see if we could at least get it corrected but without his I appreciate that uh guest though but uh okay uh so yeah I would have to come back in September again I believe right like that's correct I left hushi a voicemail message I was hoping he would return the call before the meeting started right to give us some indication y but I haven't heard back from him sure uh yeah that's fine like so yeah I'll reach out to him maybe and uh but if I have a plan maybe I'll submit tomorrow but I have to come back in September for the continuation right yeah I mean you don't need to bring it tomorrow at all just before the meeting so we have time to get it and yeah uh but I don't have to go through the process all over again right like submitting in the yeah you're simm the process completely we'll just get the corrected data and be able to move on I will do it yeah sure thank you I appreciate thank you sorry no problem unfortunate make a motion to continue yes I think that is the case I'll make a motion to continue um special permit request for 39 Evergreen Street I'll second second by Peter uh motion by Jamie down then by Becky Jamie and Peter right y yes thank you chair in favor all in favor it's been a long day flavor it's hot out there something everyone say yes we're all in the FL I don't know what he's at today long day oh God uh so Glenn is not here this week so we can probably pass on the uh Adu laa update yes I have not received any updates so I have nothing to share there either okay so we'll hold off on that and we have June 6 2024 minutes to approve I found yes below the date you have two oh yeah that's just the template that's where I put in approved in the date when it goes to the town clerk so that's a space holder M thank you I had a feeling someone would point that out now we know who now we know who hey I read them I was prepared them too any other Corrections or addendum anything like that see none can get a motion to approve the minutes I'll make a motion to approve June 6 minut Charlie V he wasn't here no offense Char that's okay all second second by Peter right all in favor all unanimous who made the motion I'm sorry I did jie jie thank you we're here for you I appreciate and I guess I would accept a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn okay all in favor I you too have a good night