Oh my off cast already. Good evening. Welcome to our meeting. We're going to call our meeting to order and ask you to please join us for the pledge of allegiance. Okay, the United States of America. Yeah. Mr. Sugars, can you please call the roll? Mrs. Sheriffane here. Mrs. Gallagher here. Mr. Greenbaum. Mr. Mayor here Dr. Rude Mrs. Yeah. Miss. Okay. And we will move on to our. Resolution. 2. A point, a resolution appointing member to fill board vacancy. 5.1. The acting superintendent recommends an item of the following motion. Whereas Board of Education member Jen Fleischer resigned her seat on the Cherry Hill Board of Education effective December, the Cherry Hill Board of Education effective December, the 30 first, 2,023 and. Whereas the board conducted a thorough process in accordance with its policy 0 1 4 3 to seek candidates for the vacant position and to identify an individual to fill the position through the board's next organization meeting in January, 2,025. And whereas after careful consideration of the candidates, the board deems it appropriate to appoint Quadzea Niaz at this time to fill the vacancy created by Jennifer Fleischer's resignation. Now, therefore, be it resolved. That the Terry Hill Board of Education hereby appoints. Kwazii and as a member of the Cherry Hill Board of Education to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jennifer Fletcher, effective until the board's next organization meeting in January, 2,025. Do I have a second? This is Winters. Mrs. Sugars, can you please open? President, I just would like to clarify something for the record before the vote. This is not, it's one of those rare occasions where it is not a recommendation of the acting superintendent. This is a Board of Education decision. This is the board's determination. Thank you so much, Mr. Solicitor. Mr. Green, shall I rephrase any of what I have said? Okay, thank you. Just wanna make sure we're doing. Doing it all the way we're supposed to. Thank you. So I had a second which was Mrs. Winters. Mrs. Sugars, can you please open the voting? Board members you may cast your votes We have a unanimous yes vote. Thank you, Mrs. Sugars. Mr. Green, can you please administer the oath of office? Mr. Green, could you all use the microphone? Thank you. Under New Jersey law, no one is required to swear to an oath or, to use the Oh, God phrase. By religious freedom were free to abstain from that. Is your right hand repeat after me? I quite see Indians. I could see a nails. Do solemnly swear. Do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution. I will support the Constitution. United States of the United States and the Constitution and the Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and then I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. And to the governments and to the governments established in the United States. Established in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people. So help me God. I, QUEZ, you solemnly swear. Do solemnly swear. Do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications I possess the qualifications. I possess the qualification. Rescribed by law. Prescribed by law. Prescribed by law. Prescribed by law. Prescribed by law. Prescribed by law. The office of member for the office of member. For the office of member. Of the Cherry Hill Board of Education I am not disqualified. I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to pursuant to order. As a voter? Pursuant to? . 18 A. 18 A. Congratulations, Miss. Welcome. You can sign. Okay. Okay, and then give it to Mr. It's nice to be a board of 9 again. Okay, thank you very much. And Ms. Nez, I'm not sure if you had wanted to. This was the time of Mrs. Misney as what had some remarks you wanted to make. Mister green, our board members, we okay if we Okay, this is a great opportunity for you to feel free to make some remarks. Please do so into the microphone so everybody can hear you. Do your fellow board members and estate members of our community, I am deeply grateful for the honor of serving as your news member. And I want to express my sincere appreciation to each of you for entrusting me with this important role. I'm genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing success of our educational system. I must acknowledge the exceptional candidates who interviewed alongside me, their qualifications, commitment to our communities, education mission. Educational mission were truly remarkable. Why I'm honored to been selected I want to emphasize that they were equally deserving of this position. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with them in the future, whether it be on the board or in the other capacities. As we collectively strive to enhance the quality of education for all of our students. And my new role, role, my focus will be on upholding the handsome quality of education for every student and our district. I am dedicated to promoting high academic achievement, ensuring that the needs of our special education students are met with compassion, effectiveness, and fostering strong connections with our community through meaningful outreach initiatives. Furthermore, I make it to collab to collaborate with stakeholders across our community to address the diverse needs of our children. It is crucial that we prioritize the wellbeing and success of every child regardless of their background or circumstances. By fostering an inclusive and supportive education, education environment, we can empower our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. In closing, I want to express my help for appreciation to the Board of Education and our community for this incredible opportunity. I am enthusiastic about the journey ahead and committed to working and tirelessly to ensure that every child in our district receives the highly. Qualified. High quality education they deserve. Thank you for your trust, support, and dedication to the future of our children. Thank you. Okay, we will now move on to our board recognition, which we do not have any, I believe. So now we move on to our presentation, Dr. Morton, if you want to take us in. Thank you very much, Miss Stern. Is my pleasure tonight to Call up someone who was on her way up already, Miss Carolyn Messiah, who was here with us this evening with some members of the cast of the Sound of Music of the Spring musical from High School West. Besides, if you can call your group up, give them an opportunity if they can just say what grade they're in as well. I know you have a diverse cat. So. All right, without further ado. How are you doing? Okay. Okay. Oh my hair looks nice. Okay, well I'm just going to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Gabby Creighton. I'm a senior at West and I play Maria. Hi, I'm Becca. I'm a junior and I play Lisa. Hi. I'm Tony. I play Friedrich and I'm an eighth grader back. Hi, I'm Talia and I play Louisa and I'm a sixth grader at Rosa. Hi, I'm Andrew. I play Kurt and I'm a 6 Greater Rosa. Hello, I'm Lindsey Langman. I play, and I am a third grader at Johnson Elementary School. I'm Maxine and I'm marked at and I'm in Woodcrest and I'm in 4 3. I'm taking the seeker. I play Gretel and I'm in second grade at A. Hey. Waiting. At 7 and then Okay. Salesburg. Yeah. Well, what songs do you know? You don't? No. Well, now I know where to start. I'm going to teach you how to sing. Let's start at the very beginning a very good place to start when you read you begin with when you sing you begin with, the first 3 notes just happen to be, the first 3 notes just happen to be, the first 3 notes just happen to be. Dory me, the first 3 notes just happen to be. Go ray me. Come, I'll make it easier. Just listen. Oh dear, a female dear, grey, a drop of golden slime. Me, a name, I call myself far along the way to run. So, a needle pull me through and no to follow, sir. A drink which, that will bring a spec to, oh oh oh, a dear, a female dear A drop of golden sun. My name I call myself a long way to road So. Oh, no to father, that will bring us back. To do a dear a female dear gray a drop of gold inside Me, my name, I call myself. Along our way to So when need up on the throne Oh, Hey, I drink which I've never, that will bring us back to da. That was amazing. And I hope that you're all so proud. And thank you and congratulations to you guys and your families. We're very, many of us were very excited to come see it. Ourselves. So thank you so much. Thank you for coming out to all of you. And do I say break a leg? Is that the right thing I should be saying? Break a leg. Thank you, Mrs. So great to see. Yeah. So many students in our district. Participating. Alright, none of the rest of this is gonna be that interesting. It's all it's all downhill from here. Alright, so we do not have any administrative reports tonight. Dr. Morton, is that correct? Okay, so we will go on to correspondence. So any board members have correspondence? Mr. Greene. So. Is it BNF chair? I thought it would make sense to give a quick report out on Governor Murphy's budget address this afternoon. Obviously we don't have specific numbers yet. But the outlook looked very positive. I talked about additional investment in preschool across the state, which is something we're already on our way to do. 30 million dollars more in school meal funding so that no child should go hungry. An additional 900 million in public school funding. As well as some other items that will help hopefully help with recruitment into the teaching field, student teacher stipends, Teacher loan redemption program. We've yet to see how this will impact Cherry Hills budget, but we should find out later this week. And it was definitely a positive signal. Great. Thank you for taking the time to listen and letting us know about that. Timely report. Other board members have correspondence. This is Winters. I got to go to Thomas Paine Elementary School for their literacy night. It was a really amazing experience. I got to see their awesome library. That was just renovated and see kids using it to work on poetry projects. I was a mystery reader. I don't know if the mystery of me was really that exciting for the kids. It's a board member who's that. But I did enjoy, I had a nice group of kids and I got through a really fun book and I really just enjoyed spending the night at pain. But the best part of it was that the Kurusi administration and students came there. To join in Pain's Literacy Night because the middle schools are taking a real initiative all the middle schools to make connections with the elementary schools that will feed into them. And I just think it's a really positive thing to see in the district when you see our schools collaborating and making connections like that. Dr. Birdie was there. Several Karussi students were mystery readers. I assure you they were much more excited to see the Kerui kids and they were to see me. They were wearing their Kerussi gear and the kids, especially the fifth graders. There was a real intentional way of making sure that the fifth graders at pain were connecting with the Kurusi. And I just think it's such a nice thing to see. I know I've seen it at other schools. I know the Rosa Music Program has been very intentional about connecting with the elementary schools that will feed into that school as well. I know Beck is doing the same thing. But it was just the second time this month that I've seen a real new rebirth of cross-school collaboration I saw at the jazz showcase that was hosted at Rosa. Where it was really nice to see the middle and high school jazz programs all supporting each other. And collaborating. So I just think it's a really positive sign for the district and I hope it's something we can bringstorm ways to do more of. I mean you guys know I love a good sports match. I love a good football game and sporting scrape but it's also very competitive. I think Also fostering collaborative and supportive. Interactions between our school communities is a really positive thing for the district going forward. Mr. Mayor. So since our last meeting, together with missus winners, I had a chance to sit in on. First labor management. Collective steering committee meeting. It was for a couple of reasons really eye opening one just to see how how well the committee is structured, how well it runs, and the fact that you know, each of the components, each of the various stakeholders, staff members at the various buildings. Based upon each of their areas of responsibility are are not just at the table, but that they're opinions, their experiences are valued and are taken into consideration because at the end of the day, they are the ones that know what works. They are the ones that are on the ground. It's their hands, it's their minds. They are the ones working with the students. And they are, their ideas are not just. You know, off the wall concepts. They're based upon their own experiences and best practices and the fact that you know, this group can work together. Sharing those best practices across the table. Engaging one another and coming to consensus on Sometimes some very difficult issues is great to see. So you know honored to be, you know, a part of that said at the table. And, was really impressed with what was brought up. With Dr. Morton's facilitation of the meeting and genuine desire to ensure that each of the component staff members, opinions, desires, concerns or are aired now are brought to the table with that criticism. And with support across the table and from others in administration. So that was it was a wonderful opportunity. Secondly, I just had to spend an hour with. Primarily with Dr. Burns but also with assistant assistant Principal Roscoff for a while at High School West. Friday before last. Which was in the middle of, you know, some. Some tension. However, what was brought to my attention and we actually walked around the school. So Dr. Burns and I walked on, we spent the hour together walking around talking to teachers. I'm talking to a couple of students as they were, you know, passing by in the hallway. And number one, the, the School was in amazing shape. Incredibly calm. Everyone respectful. But what was brought to my attention and actually was was asked. A couple of staff members asked me to bring to the board for the rest of you. Was their appreciation. Board support the fact that they knew that the board was behind us through those issues. They were. Thankful for our support. Thankful for Concern that we have for them. They know that we have their back. There was concern from them, with regard to certain things that they were seeing. Thank you, they're on social media too. They knew that what they were seeing just was not true. It was not happening. People were commenting. With absolutely no information. But. They were supportive of one another. Thankful that we as a board support them. But so it was important for them to bring that to my attention. So I felt this, you know, spending an hour with them and with Dr. Burns and with the staff was helpful for me to see just how well the schools handling. You know, everyday issues and some less than everyday issues. In a way that I think if you were all had the opportunity to be there, you would be as equally as impressed as I was. And, one thing that I left them with was you know, being there for that time and this more of a personal node. Confirmed again for me that, you know, I was, I've always been supportive of our children, all 3 of them, 3 of whom chose Jerry Hill West. 2 are still there. And it was just another one of those days that confirmed. For me that you know I supported their choice I'm glad that they need it. And it was a I'm glad I took the time to be there. Okay. Other board members have correspondence. Okay, so I, had a chance to have 2 nights in a row with Dr. Morton. And also with Mr. Fain, we had a chance to go to the Barton. We were in to the Barton PTA meeting which was very kind. It was nice to be there. It was a very exciting night. Dr. Mayhin was there as well. There was it was the opening official opening of their learning. They're newly renovated, a newly designed learning room. Where they have small group. I guess you it's called considered small group instruction students who were receiving extra supports it was exciting. There was a very, helpful and interesting presentation to the PTA by the teachers and the staff who were involved in providing those supports and they talked about the number of students that they reach in those supports. About a hundred students are receiving. Tier 2 and tier 3 supports. And doing so in those rooms, those kids. It was just beautifully read-designed, well thought out, very inviting learning environment. Kids who don't get to go to that room are kind of jealous that they don't get that opportunity. And the kids who do who if for some reason they're expecting to go one day and it gets skipped they get upset that they don't get to go and we really got a chance to see the entire room is supported through Title One funding both in the renovation and the staffing. It's a way that, you know, again, we get a chance to see that how Title One resources are really being put into the schools and the students who need them. At who you know when they're qualified that they're having their receiving them. It was a great evening and there were a lot of other things we got to see. With the PTA and learn, you know, the incredible job of the Barton PTA and the job that they do to support their schools. Their students, their staff. The fundraising opportunities, I'm always blown away by what they do over there. I'm Miss Kizzy. You know, was was great leading the charge. There was a lot of, we got a lot of chance after we had a chance to see the room. We then, had a chance to answer questions, Dr. Morton at the helm answering the vast majority of the questions and then Mr. Fain and I here and there asking, answering some questions. So, you know, the topic, some of the hot topics that came up, our topics that came up last year, the SAC program, one that was new this year, newer, was pre-K. It was very exciting. A lot of questions about pre-K. So just a great night overall, always nice to get to the schools. Have a chance to talk and listen and then when asked to talk about things to talk about. Things with members of those communities. So great night, always appreciate that. And then the next night we got a chance to go to the literacy night at Kilmer. So Dr. Morton returned to his. Original Cherry Hill Public Schools home. Saw a lot of people who were very happy to see him. I didn't get quite as many, you know, welcome and that's to be expected. Although some people that I, got to see again. It was really nice to be back. It was nice to see. I mean it was unfortunately a rainy night. I think that deterred some people from coming out. But the kids who were there and the families who were there Just tons of just fun games, very well organized by-grade. Miss Staff is on here, she was there as well. Just a lot of, you know, teachers and staff supporting the kids to play games. There were students from High School West. Who had come over as well who were playing with different educational games with the kids. It was just a really fun learning night. Math and reading were really the focus. The kids got to take home educational games, the packets that the teachers and staff had put together, they got to take home. Books so again title one funds supporting the students to ensure we're really reaching the students who are at most at need and the reason that we that's what the funds are for. Miss Daniels was great. She was the MC, there was music in the background. It was just a really lovely night. Again, it should have been not raining. Maybe we would have had a little more. A little bit higher attendance, but it was it was a great night really and snacks of course always have to have a little bit of food for the kids. And water. So. Those are my for raised into the community that I can recall. So, anybody else? And then Mr. Fain, if I missed anything from our Barton night or anything you want to add or? No, I was just gonna say as a response to some of those pre K questions, registration starts on the fourth. So if you did not call in to that meeting, yesterday, starts on the fourth. For anyone listening, that cares. I don't know. Miss Winters, if you Do you wanna talk about that? Yeah, we can. I mean, I miss Gallagher and Mr. Fain attended the noon. Preschool open house meeting and then Mr. And I attended the 6 PM. Meeting. You didn't? Oh. I never made it on. I'm not gonna wanna be very honest and forthcoming. I never made it on to the meeting. I was just listening to what you to tell me. So yeah, we attended the meetings. It was 2 meetings of identical content. So that families who are interested in our preschool program with the school expansion continuing next year could get some information. It was led by Dr. Mayhan and Ms. Edwards, who was the principal of the Melburg Early Childhood Center. They provided a lot of great information to families, including the registration window, which is coming up as Mr. Fain said, a lot of good Q&A from members of the community about the preschool program. A lot of enthusiasm, I think. People are excited for our expansion. And I think that's about it. The presentations will be available. For people to view if they didn't get to see the meetings yesterday, which was Monday, they will be available online for anybody who missed them and has any questions. Or concerns. But yes, preschool is almost pre school registration is almost upon us again. Very exciting. Thank you. Anybody else? Alright, we will move on to our. Student representative reports. So we will start with High School East and Matt if you would like to give the report. Thank you, mister. Thank you, Mr. So starting out with arts, we also have a musical, the spring musical. We have Mean Girls coming up this weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as well as next weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Stay tuned when the IC SHA quarterfinals. And the East Jasmine, the Cavalcade ofans that moved to a higher competition group. So big big time for all of our different musical groups. In terms of academics, we have state testing coming up on March twelfth. For clubs we have the DECCA state competition next week in Atlantic City. And the Spring Blood Drive is currently in the works for development. We have the winter pep rally next Thursday on March seventh And then senior trip will be on March fourteenth to eighteenth giving seniors an opportunity to go to the Disney and Universal Parks in Orlando and make memories with their friends. Multicultural Day will be on March 20 eighth and spring break, spring break will be the next day. Or the first part of spring break. For March 20 ninth and April first off school having giving students nice 40 weekend this past weekend we had the East MOLYN team go to the Philadelphia Molu in conference. With the whole entire delegation being named the best large delegation as well as a number of students winning different awards. The East Robotics team won tournaments in Monroe Township and Millburn High School. With top skill score in New Jersey. And for Valentine's Day, the Kuma Society hosted the Rose Hill giving students an opportunity to show love and compassion towards their friends. For climate and events the Lunar New Year celebration is hosted by a number of our culture societies including the Chinese Student Association, Korean Culture Club and Vietnamese Culture Club, giving them an opportunity to fundraise and expose elements of food, art, and clothing to members of the school community. We also, the PLC, including members of student government, held focus groups to better understand student perspectives across all grades. And applications for Mr. East have been released and will be due this Friday night for any interested seniors. For sports, the boys swimming made it all the way to the state championship hosted at Rutgers University and they ended with 8 12 and 2 record very impressive. And for girls wrestling, Maya Pasternak became the second girls wrestler in school history to make the state vinyls. Sorry, state competition. And from, just miscellaneous events. Students had their second early dismissal day last week giving them an opportunity to have some time off a good time for mental health wellness and relaxation. And also gave teachers an opportunity to plan and meet with their different. There are different committees and plan for their different courses of study. What's going on? Thank you. Okay, and Colin, if you would give us the High School West report, please. Thank you, ma'am. Starting with academics, tomorrow, 11 colleges will visit high school West for info sessions with junior students and parents. These institutions include Monmouth, Montclair, Rowan, Ryder, Rutgers, Camden, Temple, Camden County, Drexel, TCNJ, RCBC, and Seton Hall. For athletics both of our boys and girls basketball teams have advanced the playoffs. Tonight the girls will host BCIT Westampton and the boys will face off against Ocean City. Winter chair brought some great spirit to our sports events this season thanks to the West Cheer team for their passion and commitment. Spring sports registration is now open and we look forward to seeing what our teams accomplish this season in boys volleyball, track, unified track, golf, baseball, softball, and boys tennis. A special congratulations to West Jr. Quinn Gibson on making his one thousandth point in basketball. We look forward to seeing how how much you can exceed that number as he goes into senior year. West wrestlers are advancing from regionals to states including junior ARE Tyson who is looking to defend her record as the first female champion from West. Moving on to arts during the month of March West art students will display their masterpieces for show here in the Lewis administration building. On Monday, students were pleased to welcome our newest staff member, Mrs. Jamie Cream, as West's new, threed art teacher. West Theatre has concluded their performances of Romeo and Juliet. Our theater staff and performers did an excellent job with reenactment. In March, theater arts will begin to show their productions of the Sound of Music on March, the fifteenth. 1720 first and 20 third. Additionally on the 20 third there will be a matinee showing for the super seniors of our Cherry Hill community where West catering will provide baked ze tossed salad cookies and other refreshments. This past Saturday West hosted the quarterfinals at the International Championship of High School Acapella or IC HSA. Men of note and for mom for Mata both participated with Fermat taking second place a special congratulations to seniors Skylar Murphy and Gabby Creighton for being awarded outstanding choreography and outstanding arrangement respectively. Moving to extracurriculars, 31 of our DECCA students will continue to the state competition next Monday, 2 of whom are already pre-qualified for the national competition. West Asian Culture Club held the spicy ramen noodle contest. Congratulations to the winner, senior Tommy Rudder and sophomore Daryl Baldon. West student government held a blood drive with the help of the American Red Cross. STO is able to collect and donate 45 units of blood for those in need. For other notes this past Thursday over 130 sophomore students attended Tillion for an extravagant night of dancing and socializing with their friends. West Feminist Club will hold a drive for female hygiene products. And on February first the class of 2,027 held their globe party themed freshmen dance in our work cafeteria. That is all. That's also a lot. Thank you. Great stuff going on. Thank you. So much different stuff. It's exciting. Okay, and now we move on to our first public comment. This public comment, there will be 2 opportunities for public comment this evening. This first public comment session is for board action items only items 14 through 17. There will be another public comment section for any topic related to our schools at the end of the meeting. If you were a student in the district, you may comment on any item and any topic during the first public comment period. So you guys have special treatment as you should. If you are a student and you'd like to speak and you are online, please put an S after your name online so that we know that you're a student and we can call you first. Oh, and I lost my way. If you would like to speak now, please identify the agenda item and clearly state your name in your municipality. If you would like to speak now, please identify the agenda item and clearly state your name and your municipality. We will alternate between speakers here in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have left remaining. Public Common is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hill Public School District. Or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums. Statements which demean individual community members or groups or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district. Or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent. Board President and all board members via email or other or other alternative means. Okay, we will start with the room. If anybody would like to speak, if you are a student and you like to speak, please approach the podium. And if there are no students who approach the podium, we will invite any. Non-student members of our audience who would like to speak on any of our action item agendas. Don't see any. Students at the podium. And I'm looking online. I don't see any students with raised hands online. So I go back to the room if there is a non-student who'd like to speak. Or not a current student I should say. Got'm glad I'm out of non street. I don't know the right language there or whatever. An adult. And I knew in Cherio, New Jersey, 15.1 0. Whatever. An adult. And I know in Cherio, New Jersey, 15.1 0. New Jersey. 15.1 0. What did the stadium improvements include in that particular grant? Is that of information available this evening? And 16.8 the additional classes at West for math The 6 teachers, can you tell me what levels of math are included in that list of teachers? Thank you. Okay, we go back online. And I do not see any hands online, so we go back to the room if anybody would like to speak in the room, please approach the podium. There's no one at the podium. I'll go back online. Do not see any hands online. And I'm going to Now close our first public comment. We move on to our. Acting superintendents comments. Thank you, Miss Stern. I would just like to say thank you again to the students of High School West, the cast of the sound of music as we had an opportunity to hear there's representation from. All of our schools, children from every every level elementary middle and high school who participated in that. A show as well. It's a great spectacle to see those kids on stage collaborating together collectively and working effectively, as you mentioned, Miss Winters towards something positive. So, so kudos to them all. As a reminder. The show runs March fifteenth, sixteenth. 20 first 20 s 20 third at 7 PM. And on March seventeenth at 2 PM. We're celebrating Read Across America Week and Read Across America activities currently in our schools. It's been very exciting to get out to schools and to read with classes of students. Students are enthusiastic, they're bright. Intelligent, some forms, it's been such a pleasure to personally interact with them and to watch others interact as well. We've been fortunate to have, different members of our community. I was at Stockton on Friday with the mayor, Mayor Fleischer and Miss Fleischer as well reading with the group of kids. I know there are board members scheduled and others scheduled in the coming weeks also coming days. We definitely look forward to it. So student voice is definitely been important for us. We've continued to push forward with the idea of allowing us students to provide voice. As we collaborate together and we interact together. At the high school level. I've enjoyed working with members of our Student Advisory Council. I've also had the opportunity to interact and work with students at our middle schools at Kurusi. And Rosa thus far. Great, great conversations. Our children are very insightful. You know, we've talked about ways to. Effectively unify our student body and enhance the student experience, enhance the way students interact with one another in more positive manners. We talked about, which would be a big topic for us as well. And one, that's a national topic. Positive uses of selling cellular phones and how or what places they have within the instructional classroom. I see Matt smiling at me over there as we started discussion a couple weeks ago as well and we will continue. As we move forward. I'm very thankful for staff training that it's taking place. Performed by the IAC, Israeli American Council around anti-Semitism. We've had secondary schools trained. And the last 2 months. Next week we also have training on understanding culture, ethnic and cultural perspectives, training around Islamophobia that will take place within the schools on March, the fourth and fifth. We are excited to bring. Mr. Habib Quadrien from all the way from Chicago who will be with us and who will you know hoping to broaden our perspectives and provide information. He'll be working as well with our administrative teams also and it's a great opportunity for learning across the board for all of our staff. I think that's it for now. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, we move on to our action agenda. And I'm going to ask Mrs. Winters, could you please move on to our action agenda? And I'm going to ask Mrs. Winters, could you please move the CNI agenda? I would love to. Superintendent recommends and I move the following, 14.1 approval of attendance at conference and workshops for the 2324 school year. 14.2, approval of out of district student placement for 2324 school year. 14.3, resolution approving settlement agreement. 14.4, approval of professional development agreement for the 2324 school year. 14.5 approval of professional development proposal inspired instruction and 14.6 approval of professional development proposal Crockett coxon consultants LLC. Do I have a second? Stern, are there any questions? Mr. Fane. I just have a clarifying question on 14.4. My understanding is that this will go towards professional development around the pre K expansion and I'm not super familiar with ARP funds. I tried to do my best to read that 74 page document before I got here, but I just wanted to. I guess, verify that the funds specific in that document, including any addendum from the 2023 addendum that was placed that that can go towards those. That professional development. For pre K expansion. Mrs. Suffain, I believe that is correct. I do not have the exact account number that that was budgeted out of in front of me, but. We have tried to use. All of our ARP and ESSER funds in any way that we possibly can. Okay. Do any other board members have questions? I was just like, I'm gonna abstain from 14.3. So we're bad to get to the voting. Yeah, sorry. No, that's okay. It's first night. We're getting there. That's it. But thank you. That's helpful. We'll get there shortly. Any other questions? Ms. Schickers, can you please call the vote? I abstained from 40.3. Good members, you may cast your votes. I'm gonna vote no on 14.4 and 14.6. I'm gonna also vote no on 14.4. And Miss Nia, I'm sorry. Just want to make sure Mr. Sugars, are you, do you want to clarify, are you abstaining from? 14 point there okay. I wanna make sure I heard you write too. Okay. Other than the exceptions noted, the motions carry. Okay. Mr. Greenman, can you please move the business and facilities agenda? Thank you. Superintendent recommends and I move the following. 15.1 approval of minutes organization meeting minutes dated January second 2024 15.2 approval of minutes special meeting minutes and executive session dated January eighth, 2024, 15.3, approval of minutes. Many minutes in executive session dated January ninth 2024 meeting actually held on January sixteenth due to inclement weather. 15.4, approval of minutes special meeting minutes and executive session minutes stated January, the twentieth, 2,024. 15.5, approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes and executive session dated January, the 20 third, 2024. 15.6 approval of minutes special meeting minutes an executive session. Data January, 20 seventh, 2024. 15.7 financial reports 15.8 resolution for the award of bids 15.9 resolution for the award of transportation. 15.10 resolution approving the submission and acceptance of a grant application. And 15 that 11 acceptance of donations. Do I have a second? Mrs. Winters. Any questions? Yes. I have 2. So for 15.8, I know I asked and it was clarified previously, but I just wanted to revisit My understanding is that we go with lowest bitter, Sorry if my math is not correct, but it looks like. TNL would be the next lowest from first student so it's a reason why we're not taking all 3 of those. We evaluate each individual bid and So there's several items that are being bid within each category. Sweet evaluate each one individually and then we add it up at the end and that's that's the bids that we take so it's not necessarily based on the entire bid from T and L or the entire bid from Holkham. We go in and we look at each of the items that we're bid on and we pick the lowest bidder based on that. Okay. I did have one more question. I was hoping that we could maybe expand a little bit on 15.10, just what the grant is covering and how much is covered by that grant or how that project will work. After the grant. Sure. So this grant that we have the resolution on for tonight. We were told well the original deadline for the grant was today so we rushed to put it together and get it on the agenda We found out today that it's been extended to April, the sixteenth. So we would have provided I guess a little more information for the board had we known that we had additional time to do that. Last year we applied for a similar grant. This is through the Department of Community Affairs. It's a local recreation improvement grant. We applied applied for the same grant last year and we were awarded. Funds to supplement the cost of the lighting at the East Stadium, which is one of our bond referendum. Projects. So the things that the Department of Community Affairs looks for with this grant is locations that have community usage. So we had submitted an application. 3 years ago for some playground improvements. We were not awarded that. Last year we were awarded for East and so we thought we try again now with West. Since it worked with East, we're going to try with West. And so these were improvements that we were planning to do anyway. And this is just improving accessibility to the West Stadium. Putting in some parking spots walkways and some additional lighting the total cost of the project is pretty significant. It's a lot more money than the $100,000 that we're asking for. But, anything that we can do to supplement the cost, any, you know, funding opportunities that are out there. We certainly want to try to take advantage of. So, those, that's a project we were going to do anyway, but we thought we would try to, get some funding to help with the cost. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions? Seeing none, Mr. Sugars, please open the voting. Okay, board members, you may cast your votes. Mrs. Tongue. Did you use your microphone, please? I'll apologize. Mrs. Shugar, I'm just gonna send kim point 3. Everything else is. Hey, other than they section noted all the motions carry. Okay, thank you. We move on to Mr. Mayor. Could you please move the policy and legislation agenda? Okay, let me go back. Apologize. Miriam, Stern, Mr. And can you please move the HR? Yes, I'll be happy to move the HR agenda. This acting superintendent recommends and I move the following. 16.1, termination of employment certificated, 16.2, the termination of employment non-sertificate. Not certificated, 16.3 appointments, certificated 16.4, non-certificated, 16.5 leaves of absence certificated. 16.6 leaves of absence non-certificated 16.7 assignment salary change non-certificated 16.8 other compensation certificated. 16.9, approval of a new job description. And revision and job title. 16.10, approval of sidebar agreement. Do I have a second? Mr. Vane, are there any questions? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, could you call the vote please? Board members, you may cast your votes. Business if you want to use your microphone. I'm going to abstain from 16.4. 16.6 and 16.7 due to conflict of interest. Okay, then other than the exceptions noted all the motions carry. Okay. Take 2, Mr. Mayor, can you please move the policy and legislation agenda? Finally, my turn. Of course, happy to do so. The assistant or the acting superintendent recommends and I move the following. Item 17.1 approval of harassment, intimidation and bullying investigation decisions. Following amendment. Incident report number 2 5 8 5 8 5 as amended to reject the school's determination. That is the loan item on the PNL agenda for this evening. Item 17.2 will be returned to the agenda. At our next public meeting. Do I have a second? Mrs. Stern, are there any questions? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, would you kindly open the voting? With members you may cast your votes. Chickers I'll be voting no on HIV number 2 5 8 5. Sugar is I abstain from 17.2. I think it's We're moving only 17.1 tonight, Miss Niaz. Is that so? Are you choosing to abstain from that? No, I was going to sing from 17.2. I'm sorry. I apologize. But we're only doing 17.1. We're only yes. We wanted to abstain from 17.1 since that occurred before. Oh, that occurred before, okay. Before you were sorry. That's it. Listen, it's okay. We're gonna get there. We're getting there. It's a lot. That's a lot to do. Ms. Sugars, I'm also going to vote no on hip number 2 5 8 5 8 5 8 5. Okay, we have one abstention from Mrs. Tong. And other than the exceptions noted, the motion is carried. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought she. My apologies. Okay. Dain. I can. We have 2 abstentions, Ms. Niaz and Miss Tong. We have 2. 2 no votes on 25 8 58 and the rest of the motion carries. And we have no items for strategic planning, so we move on to new business. Is there any new business to discuss this evening? Any board members have any new business? I do want to put a plug. Not really sure this is probably the best time. Maybe it's the best time to mention it, but I want to put a plug for the Terry Hill Education Foundation. They are having They are a huge supporter of our district. They make a lot of they put a lot of effort and time into trying to support our students. And they are having a Hartham Wizards night. It's the Harlem Wizards verses. Staff teachers from our district. Happening on March fifteenth. At 7 pm at high school east I want to encourage everyone to come out and support this fantastic event. Cheer on. Our staff and teachers to beat the Harlem Wizards in this basketball game. And come and have fun. Hopefully a bunch of us are going to be there. That's the plan. So hope to see you guys there. And Mrs. Sheriff Fein, you have a new item? New business? Yeah, something I just wanted to mention also from our Barton night. I just wanted to put it out there for the powers that be. I think it also falls under you and I love signing you more stuff. So one of the parents had mentioned how the summer activity list comes out. Pretty late to the point where a lot of people can't sign up because they already have other obligations for camp and whatnot. So I just wanted to put it out there that that was one of the concerns from the parents that they were hoping to get that information sooner. To make better decisions and be able to participate. Noted. I know that we did one round of summer activities in CNI. I want to say January. And I know that there's another round of discussion coming up for other summer activities. So, but I do, I do feel that because I'm starting to have that panic in my chest about my children will be home all summer and what will I do with them. So I, I completely understand that concern. And as soon as we have information, we'll definitely put it out there. Okay, any other new business tonight? All right, do we have any old business tonight? Board members. We do not. Sure. Okay, then we're gonna move on to You guessed it. Second public comment. Here it comes. This is the second public comments section during which Members of our community may comment on any school related topic. If you would like to speak now. Please clearly state your name and municipality. We will alternate between speakers here in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak and the timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Always we will start with students first if we have any students we would ask you to speak either your online please Put an S after your name so that we know you were a student and we can choose you identify you first that way if you're in the room and you're a student you'd like to speak please do approach the podium first if you would like to do that. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hill Public School District or within the authority of the Terry Hall Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions. On relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which to mean individual community members or groups or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent. Board President and all board members via email or or other alternative means. And at this time, we will. Start in the room. If anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium. Big surprise and I'm on Cherry Hill, New Jersey. So I want to go back to a question that I asked at the last board meeting about the math program. I know that you're utilizing Eureka and expanding the program. But there are 2 pilot programs. Barton and Kingston called ST Math. So I would like to know. Where does that put those students? Does it put them behind moving forward? Since the other elementary schools are not participating. And I did ask several questions in December. They have yet to be answered. So I'd like to know when I could expect an answer. Thank you. Okay, we go to the line. And it's a phone number ending in 8 9 one. Please state your name and municipality. We just hold on please. There we go. My name is Jeff Pottowitz and I was in Sherry Hill, New Jersey. This is about preschool expansion. I have stated before that universal preschool expansion total our material will exceed a cost total over $30,000 per student per year. Next year our school district, I have to make that the that we will have a hundred 540 students in universal preschool, we would need over 60 million dollars. That's the approximately 8 8. Please understand that. The city of Camden, their school district, they get approximately $30,000. A preschool 8 per student. So that would even out if we if we got 60 million dollars that would be great. I hope we would agree that students would disabilities, possibly 20% of our student population or one of the highest is now the highest at risk group. In our school district, and in fact, all school districts. However, when it comes to preschool, state aid for our community, Cherry Hill and others, these preschool students would disabilities appear. To come in laugh. They're on the bottom of the barrel. The funding is specifically that preschool funding specifically not intended. For students with disabilities and New Jersey. On breathing from preschool. preschool students with disability. From the state of New Jersey DOE, the division of early childhood education. You see if some of the states preschool aid funding was used for these students that students would disabilities, the school district would be diluting funding for the preschool program. Okay, so they really don't count kids with disabilities. So when budgeting for classrooms that include both general education and preschool students with disabilities. I suppose you can call as including classrooms the district must separate the course for these students with disabilities from the students with out disabilities and then this district has to show that the state the calculations so that state funding for preschool dollars. From the state program is not diluted and going to that group that's the students with. Just abilities. Got it? The most at risk group. No, they're not. Interesting that the way this state feels and I think it's interesting article called New Jersey Spotlight news April, the New Jersey Spotlight News, New Jersey Spotlight News, April, the third, 2,017, New Jersey Spotlight News, April third, 2,017 by Ms. Lynn Strickland. The hot button issue of the day back in 2,017 is fairness in school funding. The way special education aid. Is calculated and distributed. She found that it wasn't fair. Alright, and he felt that it was so unfair that it stands out like a sword thumb. And my feeling? Thank you, Dr. Pottow. Your time is up, I'm sorry. Thank you for calling in. We go back to the room. If anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium. Hi, I think by now you guys all know me, but Jen, I'm saying I'm in Cherry Hill. I just had, a thought. While you guys were talking about. The, I don't know if it was a program or it was one of the student nights that you went to where you had the program or it was one of the student nights that you went to where you had the students nights that you went to where you had the students connect with the middle school students connect with the middle school students. I really think that needs to be like a middle school students. I really think that needs to be like a real permanent program. I know that all my children, I really think that needs to be like a real permanent program. I know that all my children had really big a real permanent program. I know that all my children had really big issues going from elementary to middle school going from elementary to middle school. I think that all my children had really big issues going from elementary to middle school. I think that it's just too overwhelming for them. You know, having one teacher that teaches all the subjects and then all of a sudden you have, you know, one teacher per subject and that gets very, very overwhelming for the students. I always asked for that when I was in, you know, when my children were in elementary school, I really think if you kind of implemented that as a I don't know, a day where the students could just follow a student and go through middle school with them just that one day so they can get more of an idea of what it's going to be like. It is a big jump for them and they tend to really have issues those first few months going into middle school. I think the transition from middle school to high school is a little bit, you know, smoother for them because they're kind of used to moving from class to class and you know their lockers and stuff but I think that first year is really really hard for them. I think we need to implement something where they are more, you know, they're just more comfortable going into that middle school instead of just, you know, throwing them in from 50 to sixth grade. It's just, it's overwhelming for a lot of them, a lot of them get anxiety, they get stressed out, you know, they lose, they get lost. In the middle school. So I think that was a great idea just doing that, but maybe you should implement it as a, you know, as a program one day, just have the students just follow a middle school student, have the students just follow a middle school student, have the the students just follow a middle school student, you know, have them mentor them. That mentoring program was something that we did. I thought that was really helpful. And it helped a lot of students, you know, just transition. So I think that's that was a great idea. You just brought it up and it was something that I said, wow, I wish that might children had them going from elementary to middle school because they would come home that first week or first month. And it was it was hard for them. So yeah, I would appreciate if you guys would consider that. That I think that's that's a really important thing for our students. Alright, thank you. Here we go back to the line. I don't see any hands on the line. Go back to the room. But anybody else would like to speak, please approach the podium. You state your full name and your municipality. Hello, my name is Jawad Hussein. I live in Cherry Hill. I remember one of the previous board meetings there were students from. East and west talking about abolishing the class rank and I was wondering if any decisions have been made about that. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the line. There are no hands on the line. If anybody in the room would like to speak, please approach the podium. Colonia is Cherry Hill. I listen to the governor's budget address today and I just want to say that I didn't poke my eyes out because it was very boring for me. However, I did my due diligence and the governor has suggested 11.6 billion dollars in funding for district school districts with a 908 million dollar increase that will fund fully fund all districts in the state and hopefully that means that Cherry Hill will get their fair share of funding. So As soon as those numbers come out, I know that you'll be a prize at the situation, but I just wanted to make sure that you knew as the chair of the Fair Funding Committee, I also paid attention and know what's coming. Thank you. Very important. Thank you. Thank you for your work on the Fair Funding Committee. We go to the line and we have Harvey Vasquez. If you could please state your full name and municipality. Yes, hi, good evening too well. Should we have? I want to follow up on your response to my communication question during the last public hearing. First I want to thank the board since I did get a response from the school district to my email in question. But I would be remiss to not redress the response you provided. In regards to my question. While I do understand the task of delegating your responsibilities for the sake of following up with your stakeholders. You mentioned and I call that you wanted to be clear that even though we may not get a response It does not mean that there has not been a follow up or consideration of the email. My question to you, Madam President, is how are we to know if no response is received either by you? The superintendent or those you say may respond on your behalf. I is a member of this community and a parent of a special education student. Once fear that I did not get the response until I came here. To speak publicly before the distinguished members of this vote. This falls month after my original email to the administration. With all due respect, I truly believe that had I not taken that course of action, my email will still remain unanswered. Still, even after the response we received from the district. My main question as to what approach will be taken to educate my child remains unanswered. These are the frustration we and others within this community have with the way communications are executed. It's hard for us to guess for example whether or not you or the acting superintendent did in fact request that someone follow up. What there is no follow-up. Thank you. He might go back to the room if anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium. You know, yeah, Cherry Hill. We're at a cool opportunity in the district right now. But getting lots of new things stadium at east. Upgraded auditorium at east or APIs at several the elementary school systems Cool. Sorry about that. So with that in mind, it brought me back to policy 72 50, which is naming of buildings and other pictures in the district that it be really nice for us to put together a naming committee because as much as we love the pipe during having naming right sold I just don't see it happening The economy has shifted, priorities that these businesses have shifted and we've also discovered that some companies when you get in bed with them bad things happen like FDX in Miami. So I don't really want to see how that happened, but we could honor people. 1, 2 people that come to mind for East would be, the late Len Teranova, who was a champion of the arts and theater to put his name on the renovated auditorium at East. And Charlie, I know his wife. I'd hope to have the softball field. And after the football field or the press box as a new football stadium would be excellent that what his name on here had been someone advocating for that. He was somebody doing restoreative practices and things before there was a name for them. He was somebody who didn't care if you were top of the class, bottom of class having a rough day that he was someone who came there and helped you find yourself. He was that person you could turn to. But I also recognize this board is very new. Outside of Mr. Green having a long time memory of this things that a lot of people now don't have that historical memory of people in our district and I think we're losing that and I think it'd be nice of course we can also go through and just start making a catalog of these things before it's too late so that we can honor our past and celebrate the future. Thank you. Okay, and we go back to the line. There are no hands up online. On the lines, we go back to the room if anyone else would like to speak, please. Approach the podium. No one's at the podium. No one is online. I'm going to close public comment. And I turn it over to acting superintendent, Doctor Morton for any comments. Thank you, mister. Just a couple follow-up comments. Question about ST. Mathematics is a supplemental program that was actually rolled out to all of our 12 elementary schools. All administrators and myself included, support teachers, had professional development on that in the summer. It's being utilized across all 12 elementary schools and it's used in concert with or parallel to the primary curriculum, which is Eureka. It's Abdul Rockman, our CNI supervisor for mathematics has done a great job. Terms of monitoring its effectiveness, she sends out weekly reports to us all to ensure that students are using it using the program and taking advantage of it. A reference to the West mathematical classes, they are algebra 2 classes and geometry. And just in terms of responses to the community. I'll just say like this tremendous collaboration that takes place amongst the administrative team with the Board of Education. With legal counsel as well. You know, when their processes in place, we allow those processes to work themselves out. And we, we, communicate when the time is appropriate to do so. We apologize for any frustrations and any delays, but we, you know, we want to make sure that we allow processes to work with fidelity. And with that being said, close. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Martin. I make a motion to convene into second executive session to discuss a personnel matters. No action will be taken. After the second executive session, do I have a second? This is Winters all in favor. Motion carries. Meeting is a. Meeting is moved to second agenda recessed.