Good evening and welcome. Public notice of this meeting pursued to the Open Public Meetings Act has been given by the Board Secretary on May, the 21, st May 20 second and May 23rd in the following manner. Posted notice on the school bulletin board at the administration building transmitted to the courier post. Philadelphia Enquirer and the clerk of Cherry Hill Township. Please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance. To the Just agree public for which stance one nation under Okay. Mrs. Sugars, can you please call the role? Mrs. Sheriffane here. Mrs. Gallagher here. Mr. Greenbaum? Yeah. Mr. Mayor? Yeah. Dr. Mrs. Niaz. Here. This is Tong. Mrs. Winters. Here. Okay, so we have some really nice board recognition that we will start our meeting with. First, st we're going to start with recognizing our student representatives. I just want to say a few words to all 3 of you who are here tonight. You all 3 of you have served this community not just your own schools your own high schools that you represented but also this entire community of students. In the most professional and courageous manner. Truly elevating student voice. Again and again and again. And you've gone above and beyond so many times you came to Trenton with us to advocate for fair funding. We spoke out and public comment at the mic. From your perspective as an individual student in the district. And, I just I've learned from all of you and I will say I think on behalf of the entire Board of Education We are so amazed. We're so proud and we really are so grateful. And We cannot wait to see what's next for all of you. So I just want to thank all of you. And can congratulate you. The 3 of you. Colin, Gia, Matt, and Latasha, who's not here tonight, unfortunately. So 1st we want to give you a big round of applause. Dr. Morton, I think we have, something to present to them, is that correct? So for, excuse me, both of our board student representatives and our alternates, we have plaques of appreciation. So Colin Duckett, our representative from West. And Latasha Bailey, our alternate will also get a plaque. We'll make sure we'll see that she gets that. And then our representative from East, Matt Ren is Alice. And our alternate from Cherry Hill, is. Okay, thank you. And we're excited to see who comes next. Not sure they'll serve as well as you all have, but we'll see. Challenge is on. So we, so we, next meeting, okay. Challenges there. Hopefully challenge accepted. Okay. And now we're going to move on to our next board recognition, which is our employees. Of 20 years of service in the district. I think some of you are in the audience tonight with family, so it's lovely to see you. I'll turn this over to Dr. Morton. Absolutely. Thank you so much, Miss. Stern. Very excited this evening to have the opportunity to recognize staff members who have put in 20 years of service in the district. 2 decades, who have given their life in support of our children. I'm going to call them. Wilson back up to join me at the microphone. Okay, so I have 66 names to read off tonight. So I will ask that everyone hold their applause until the very end and then we'll applaud wildly for everybody for their accomplishment. Those 66 names represent 1,320 years of service to the district. So. Quite amazing. I apologize for any names that I mispronounced. We will start with Nina Anastasia. Well, eska Batista Arias Ralph Barry. Anthony Brocko. Dovi Brown. That too. Nicholas Caputi. Christina Curlett. And a to Marco. Yes. Timothy Dempster. Thomas Depatri. Veronica Donahue. Courtney Da Hugh. Julie Dugan. Stacey Dykes. Helene Extra. Dexterowitz. Michael E. Kathleen Fargo. Sharon Ferguson. Rachel Fiore. Carol Freileck. Donna Friedman. Caroline Fritz. Karen Fulture. Kelly Grill. Laurie Grossman. Amy Heard. And of it, Hornsby Ferguson. We say. Lushik, Ivanus Torres. Michelle Chiminz. Susan Joslin. Marilyn Keeling. Leanne Kisaw. Melissa Lampman. Angela Lankos. Claudia Long. Kimberly Mcallister. Vinnie Mclean. Maria Mcveigh. There. Michelle Martino. Christine Bayes. Joseph Miola. Christine Miller. Lauren Mishyoshio. Emily Murray. Tanya Meyers. Suzanne Pizzarella. Megan Rios. Yeah. Brett Rosen. Lisa Sagan. Melissa Santiago. Ray Savage. Lisa shown. Frances Stowe. Roxanna Stewart. Eunice, Yunmel, Song. Michael C. Andrea Attorney. Jasmine Vale. Sarah Weber. James Wentz. Jacqueline Woods. Zina, and George Zagraffos. And we also have our very own Director of Human Resources, Diane Lieber. So let's give a round of applause. And if all of you who just got recognized would meet me out front, I'll take a picture. Thank you. Graduations and thank you. For your service. And for your coming and for your families coming. Okay. We continue on. We do not have any administrative reports or presentations tonight. So we will move on to correspondence. Do any board members have any events that they've attended? They'd like to share about. This is Winters. On Friday, I got to go to one of my favorite events of the year, which is the star. Games. It was held at the Cherry Hill West Stadium. Mr. Mayor was there with me to see all the athletes competing. I love seeing star games. I love seeing the students that are their participate. I love seeing the high school students who are there to help. And all of the teachers and staff that come with the kids. It's really a beautiful day. We have beautiful weather. And I just want to thank everybody for including us. It was great. Thanks. Other board members, Mr. Greenbaum. Thank you. So a few weeks ago, I was at the Track and Field Mentor Day at High School West. This is where the high school West track and field athletes worked with children in grades one through 8 to learn more about the sport and try out some new skills. The younger kids had a lot of fun. My son was one of them. And the high school students really did a wonderful job working with them, making it a fun and welcoming event and just just making it all around good day. The kids love meeting West mascot Wesley as well. I also attended the last fair funding committee meeting of the school year. This is the final committee at the final meeting of the year before we take a break for summer. The focus was on thanking our legislators on both sides of the aisle for passing a bill to partially restore our funding. We also discussed some of the next steps in advocating for funding. By focusing on the funding formula, which is likely to get revisited in the next year. And some of the topics we talked about were changing how the district district's income is calculated since that's 1 of the factors that likely led to our funding cuts this year. As well as more sensible calculation of transportation aid, which tends to stay pretty flat each year, even though our enrollment doesn't and with inflation those costs tend to go up. It's really just looking at where we're getting hit the most and where we'll see the most bang for a buck. Alright, thank you. Thank you. This is Mia's. So I attended the signing day at West with. Mayor and I was great to see. All these athletes with their families and having their hard work pay off. It's very exciting and love that. All those families were there to support the students. Thank you. Mister Mayor. So I was also at Star Games, just to piggyback on what Mrs. Winter says, one of the, one of the greatest events I think we do in the district just to show. You know, our the willingness that we have to support. Those students and the enthusiasm that the all the athletes showed this the the volunteers from the high schools that helped out just everyone is there to to lend a hand and they wanted to be there. One of the things that isn't apparent or wasn't a parent on the field was that there were so many more students who wanted to volunteer to help that couldn't just because they they were full. They had they had enough and that says a lot for for what I think the staff has been doing and hopefully what maybe we've been doing and signaling. Importance and support and acceptance for. All marginalized communities in in cherry homeland district so it's just a wonderful event And also with mitt, Mrs. Nea has attended the West athletic signing day. Personally, it's also for me it's. You know, hits me a different way because some of those students who assigned to Go on to play their sports at various colleges. Our kids that I coach, some of them I've been coaching since they're 8 years old. And knowing what they've put into their sports and what and how much family support that they've had. How much staff support they've had from coaches. From teachers. To have it pay off so many have those. Dreams of playing their favorite sport in college and very few will get there for any number of reasons. But to be, to be there to watch. The thrill that they have to see the pride that they're that their parents have. And to know that it is really village and that it took also the support of the staffs at the schools. To make to make that happen together with the drive that the individual athletes have shown from, you know, very young ages is really spectacular. So. Just 2, 2 great events. Glad I was able to attend both. Anybody else have any correspondence? Any of the members? Okay, then I will share that I had the chance to go to the Terriheil East Model UN. Which was held on May 18th And Matt was one of the. I'm gonna get it wrong, but one of the leaders, I guess you're a chair, a chair, thank you. So, So a lot of kids banging gavels that day, I just have to say that was something that was part of the UN. The whole UN, model UN does. So it was lots of students in many different rooms spending hours and hours and hours with guidance. Little bit of guidance from teachers but pretty independently, debating, discussing, negotiating serious topics. Including Star Wars related topics. One of the rooms had Star Wars characters representing rather than countries. But it was a really neat day, very creative representing rather than countries. But it was a really neat day, very creative, and it was a really neat day, very creative, and it was a number of schools came and joined in a number of schools came and joined in the competition. West was also there at the competition. West was also there at the competition. Our students, our high school students, you know, all dressed up in suits and ties and you know, their professional best. You know, really thinking deeply about these topics and making the case for, you know, whatever side they were debating. It was impressive. And we actually had video intro. I didn't get to see this, by Congressman Andy Kim, who is in East Grad. Nanese alum. He gave a video speech to open help open up the model UN and we also had one of our own community members who is also a parent at East who has worked, done work at the UN. She, I understand, also spoke pretty extensively to the So a lot of real world people with real world experience. Helping our students connect beyond the classroom. So it was really impressive stuff. And exciting to see. And I did not make it to the arts and food festival at Teri Hill High School West with great regret, Colin, because I had every intention to get there, not just for the food, but in general to seek. This was a great event. Unfortunately, I was out of town. I ended up being out of town that day. So it did not make it back in time, but I'm. Absolutely going next year if we're invited again. I just want to extend my apology for not making. Okay. Alright, so I think we're done with correspondence at this point, right? Oh, Mrs. Tong, correspondence. I wanna thank extent of my appreciation for May I know it's a little late. I was nothing well last meeting so I was not able to express myself. But I want to thank everybody for coming on the AAPI month. Cherry Hill is one the sponsors. We're very happy. There's a lot of vendors over 1,000 I think plus people was in that day on a rainy day. The shows is performances. There's a lot of community environments from different school, different towns. I appreciate it. Thank you. Okay, anybody else? Alright, we now go on to 1st public comment. There are 2 opportunities tonight for public comment. This is the 1st public comments section. It is for board action items only. There is another public comments section at the end of our meeting for any school related topic. If you would like to make a public comment tonight and you are a student in our district, we will always prioritize you to speak And if you are a student and would like to speak. Then kindly come to the microphone And if you are online. And you are a student and you'd like to speak, please put an S after your name. So that we know you are student and can identify you To speak We will alternate between speakers who are here in the room and those who are online. And those are online when you come to the microphone. We ask that you please state your name, your municipality. And if you are an adult speaking of the specific agenda item you're speaking on if you're a student you can speak at any topic. When you come to the microphone, we ask that you please state your name, your municipality, and if you are an adult speaking a specific agenda item you're speaking on if you're a student you can speak on any topic. East fear will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. And as always, we ask everybody to give the respect to the speaker and not to interrupt the speaker or disrupt them with. And as always, we ask everybody to give the respect to the speaker or disrupt them with any. Comments in the back. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Terry Hill Public School District or within the authority of the Terry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums, statements which demean individual community members or groups, including our students, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the superintendent, board president, and all board members via email or other alternative means. And with that, we will open our public comment. If you'd like to speak, please approach the podium now. Jo, and if you could please state your full name and your municipality. My name is Julian Daplin. I'm from Cherry Hill. I go to Cherry Hill West. So. I would like to talk about action item. 18.7 on the transfer of Mr. Blaise Dalio. So 2 weeks ago, many members of West Music came before you to discuss the issue of a position removal from the West Choir Department. 2 weeks ago, several students and parents poured their hearts out in front of you in hopes that you would hear them. I'm here tonight because I hope that you've done some consideration and some deeper reflection on the true ramifications of this action. As we've said before, the removal of a teacher in this department disrupts the very foundation and structure of the program. It is unable to function at its fullest potential but without the dynamic that is currently in place. At the last meeting, there were certain issues brought up in compared to the issue facing the music department. Dr. Morton, you said something that I could not agree with more, that the issue facing those programs was extinction. Bowling and golf face the extinction of their programs while the music department is not. This is very true. However, that does not mean that there is no extinction facing this program. The decision faces the extinction of all the momentum of progress that has been made since the pandemic. It faces the extinction of the amount of opportunities that every student is able to take a hold of. The extinction of the unmashed quality of instruction that we have currently. It faces the extinction of the promise of a massive renowned program that we are on the course to achieve. The extinction of easy access to extra help. And even if none of that matters. It is also the extinction of any notion that there is an equality between your East and West high schools. It is beyond evident that the opportunities and programs of East are favored, but the staff of 5 music teachers, music teachers, to West soon to be 2. It is East that is less vulnerable to a blow like this. They've been favored in most aspects for a long time. But if the divide between the schools does not seem a problem to you, then I understand, but it is truly a disappointing thought for any West student, parent, or teacher to hear, and I hope they all hear it. Currently, we are looking at almost 60 students in our vocal workshop class, our entry level choir. And I personally don't know how one teacher is expected to instruct, teach, and control 60 students alone. This class should have a second teacher or if not should be split so there are 2 vocal workshop sections. With this plus the addition of concert choir, which is extremely necessary and I pray you decide to run next year. There will be 6 sections plus 3 extracurricular groups and 2 major musicals. This is impossible to be handled by one person alone. The students of West Music will fight for our success. And I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we would rather do it with you than in spite of you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Okay, we go to the line. And I don't see any hands raised online. So we come back to the room if there are any other students who would like to speak, you certainly have the priority to speak on any topic, so please feel free to approach the microphone. And if there are no students who would like to speak, if there's any, if there are any adults who would like to speak specifically on our action agenda, then please approach the microphone. It wasn't going to be speaking. I was here for Brett. Sorry. Well, you just, and I'm sorry, could you just wait to the timer goes up? Apologize for the interruptions. I'll make sure you get your 3 min. I'm Indy Rose and Cherry Hill. I think it's 8.3 or 8.9. Where there is a nurse that was little at the alternative high school. I'm sorry, it's action items 10 through 19 tonight but you can definitely come back for a second public comment. Thank you. It's okay. Anybody else who, either student or if there are any adults who'd like to speak? I don't see any hands on line. Okay. See some students making decisions in the back of the room. No pressure. I just don't want to close public comment if you want to speak and I'm going to close public comment if nobody else approaches. Okay, okay, that worked. There you go. You could please state your full name and your municipality as soon as the timer comes up. Gotcha. Hi, I'm Simon Molly, Cherry Hill. I came here to speak last time about also the same issue as Julian about the removal of a teacher. I just want to say like I have like family members, relatives, that have all been a part of like the Cherry Hill Choir program. At West, like my aunt was part of it. My other aunt, my mom, everyone like did it and they remember all the fun trips and all the traditions that West Choir had. And I just think it's a shame that like those will have to come to an end if we limit the amount of teachers we have because that decreases the potential for new think new new ideas and and old ones that our program once had prior to COVID prior to like other things that happen. You can keep saying that like our numbers have been decreasing. When we looked through program books, we looked through like our spring program from every year the past few years. In our program our numbers of students and it's showing an increase in students. We were slowly developing through the current years and I think like any decreases has to be over like a span of like a bunch of years when we're not focused on like the change that's still occurring. And also like the duo, right now like Mr. Dalio in this chambers, this is their 1st year together. Didn't experience them together. Any changes was from past teachers that we had. Working together and it's not the same. Every teacher comes in, they bring new skills to the program. And if they could just get like a year get together, see how much more they can accomplish. Cause we did so much this year for MADA and the IC just says they made it to the semifinals or whatever. Like there's just so much that they do and like they're such a good team. So please like I please like beg you to like reconsider your decisions thank you Thank you. All right, as soon as the timer goes off, if you could comes up, please full name and municipal. Okay. My name is Mona Orlov. I live in Terry Hill. And again, I wasn't really planning to speak today. But again, I just wanted to go on like piggyback of what they said on this subject of 18.7. So last week on Tuesday we actually had our concert. It went really well and I really noticed how beneficial was to have 2 choir teachers and obviously you guys aren't sitting in a our classroom like we are every day, but when we have even like one kid more than we need to have 2 teachers, you can imagine it as a classroom with like tables and desks, if there's 1 more extra kid. You just need to teach us. There's just not enough space. It kind of works like that with music, but in my opinion, music is one of the hardest to like subjects to teach just because you actually, it's a lot, it's a lot of work. So when we had our concert, we actually had one music director directing it and in songs, which is the second, there's 3 choirs, but it's in the middle. And our autos, they were struggling with their section. So what we actually had, we had our second teacher go in while one directed it. And that was just so helpful and it just made our concert such a success. And yeah, I just wanted to inform you guys that like. It's not only like we're saying 2 teachers are beneficial, you can actually like see the progress. All the like benefits you can bring. So thank you. Here. Hi. Any other students would like to speak, please approach the podium and when you see the timer come up on the screen, please take your full name and your municipality. Hi, my name is Jenna Taylor and I'm a student at Terry Hill West High School. And I as well was not planning to speak tonight, but I just kind of want to piggyback off of what they said. I, this is my only only my second year being in the West Music Program. And When I originally joined. It was Mr. Dallio who you know, encourage me to. Join the program and he's the one that encouraged me to stay. And just seeing the way the classroom dynamic is. We just, we need 2 teachers. It's as simple as that we like Melana said during concerts we have one teacher directing we have one teacher playing piano we have one teacher in the crowd singing with us they're everywhere. There's so many groups of us. And It's just too many of us for one person to be try to be over here and try to be over there and try to help this group and try to help that group. So it's just vital that we have 2 teachers. Because one can grow the program. Ms. Chambers came from her last school and she was able to grow the program at her last school. But Mr. Dalio. He helps grow, grow the program as well, but he makes a very great connection with the students. And he makes them want to learn music and he makes them want. To have the passion to sing, to do things beyond just in the classroom to go out and join musicals and extracurricular choirs and I just think he's made such a big impact at West. And I beg that you guys look beyond the numbers and look at our community and what we're asking for. And just. Listen to our needs because we are the students that sit in this classroom every day and we see that we need that we need a second teacher just beyond the emotional aspect of the connections with our teacher, but just looking at how we run our everyday classrooms, our concerts, our theater program, and our competition choirs. There's just a need there. And I ask that you listen to our requests and consider re-considering your decision. Thank you. Thank you. If you would like to give any information to, you could give it to, Am I gonna do this every time? Sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, please give it to Mrs. Wilson. Thank you. Thank you, Mrs. Wilson. Are there any other? Students who would like to speak. I don't see any hands online. If you'd like to approach the podium, please do so. At least when the timer goes up, please state your full naming municipality. Hi, I'm Telemagrath. I'm from Trail High School West. I am a part of the West Choir of West singers met of note chamber singers. And I also have been involved in Fremata. And sometimes I've even ate it in Chance and vocal workshop. So I have been involved in so much. And Mr. Dalio, I'm here to talk about mainly the achievements that he's had. In the past 2 years, we have competed in the ICTSA, which is International Collegian High School a capella or something like that. I don't know what it stands for, but it is. A capella competition for high schoolers that we compete and we prepare for for months. We have only done this for 2 years now and Mr. Dalio has introduced us to this whole new world that nobody knew was ever possible. In these past 2 years, we've won. 8 to 10 awards, whether it be outstanding vocal percussion, outstanding choreography. 3rd second or I don't think 1st place but A lot has happened and he's grown us in so many ways and he gave me opportunities that I never thought possible. I am one of the 1st freshmen to ever get into Man of Note, not only as a vocal percussionist, but also as a base. I have gotten so many opportunities and so much to just grow my confidence from just him. I know that Miss Chambers is more than capable of running a program by herself. But Mr. Dalio helps in so many ways and the connection that they have is just unlike that anything that I've seen because I worked with. Mister Kane, he is the Kerusi vocal director over there and he also goes to my church and I worked with him for several years. And he's doing great by himself. But there was a point in his life where he He was raising children and he was having a very tough time and it's not as much about. The numbers of the program than it is about the emotion because a lot of teachers do it on their own. But if you think about it, I'm sure every single one of you has struggled on your own and you've always wanted somebody to lean back on. And with those 2 teachers. The second that one goes down, they can boost each other. But I hope that you take. The emotional as well as like statistical into the Nyer effect. Thank you. Okay. I think. I believe almost every student current student who's in the room has spoken. So there are no other students who want to speak. I don't see any hands online but if there are any adults who like to speak on items 10 at 10 to 19 on our action agenda. Please approach podium. Just go kindly wait for the. Timer. Good evening, Kim Freidale, Cherry Hill. So I want to speak to 18.7. I'm not sure why. The other person was told it's not an action item because it is an action item. Hopefully when you are doing your discussions before your vote, the community will understand a little bit about why one of the people being transferred is the current nurse from the alternative high school who is not moving with the students to alternative high school and is going to be staying here at Lewis. So if there's no students at Lewis, what is the purpose of a nurse being here? Also I just want to thank the students for speaking their, their love of their teacher at West. And I just want to remind people that equity doesn't mean equal and we need to be looking at what the opportunities are for all of our students. And there may be fewer students at West who are part participating, but don't they deserve the same opportunities and the experiences that everybody else does. Thank you. Thank you. And. Mr. D, thank you for pointing out. I heard 8.7. However, if it was item 18.7, it's absolutely on the on the table. So please feel free to come back to the microphone if you'd like to speak on that item. Or anybody else. Okay, got it. Thank you. Public comment is still open for any of our action item agendas, action items on our agenda. If anyone like to speak on 10. To 19. They don't see anybody at the podium. I don't see any hands online. I'm going to close public comment. And. I just want to. 1st of all, thank the students for speaking. So passionately and giving us an understanding of your experience. Because we're not in the rooms that you are, we're not in the schools all day doing the things that you're doing. And really want to acknowledge and recognize how difficult this is to sit here and hear that. Some of you were at Trenton with us. And we see you in school activities and we appreciate. You know, what the school means to you and what Mr. Dally means to you and I have to say that I'm, you know, thrilled. We have a teacher like that. We have many teachers like that, but I'm thrilled to hear the depths of a teacher like that having an impact on our students. I'm thrilled he's staying in our district. Unfortunately, in a different school, if that's where the vote goes tonight. And I want to ask Dr. Morton, if you could speak to some of the conversations we've had about what might pursue in the future depending on the numbers and how that could sway things in the future. Yes, absolutely. I echo everything that she had to say in reference to the students who shared, such kind sentiments and such positive thoughts and emotions about Mr. Dalio. That makes me happy to hear that. And it makes me happy to hear that that's been the interaction. Was a point. During the last meeting where students shared information about a qualitative versus a quantitative approach. And clearly, the qualitative approach is being addressed and listen, that's something that we want all of our students to experience. So that's fantastic to hear. Just to give it like just to give some, legacy and background. Students spoke about the legacy of the West Vocal Program and how There's such a rich alumnus that had participated in that program. So many years ago, there was an individual by the name of Christine Bass. Who was a singular force behind the growth of the West Vocal Program. When Miss Bass ended, the program started sort of going down just a little bit, but her numbers were upwards close to 300 students. That this individual was able to to get and to generate to be a part, you know, kids to be a part of. The students Well, well-known. That program was well known throughout South Jersey. You know, within the region and nationally as well. That's the hope. The hope is that we can we can get back to a place like that. Where The qualitative piece is there, the emotion is there, you know, the kids feel that connection like individuals felt. To Miss Bass and the quantity is there as well in terms of the numbers also. In reference to concerts and things, the expectation is that Mr. Dalio will still continue to work with the small groups providing instruction. So he still would be there and be present with you guys in future concerts. And the strategy behind the move as well with them is the thinking is that we need to start a groundswell effort. We need to start a grassroots effort to increase the quantity and the numbers of kids who are interested. So by having him work in the elementary schools gives them an opportunity to do just that, to expose children. To love of music and hopefully as the years succeed we can see the program grow. And it would be fantastic for him to return to West. Again, as I, as I vocalized in the last meeting. My emotion is connected with you. I'm, I'm 100% there in terms of the emotional piece of it. It's just the reality of it is that There's a limited amount of resources that we have and our responsibility is to allocate resources as appropriate. And, you know, in this instance. The quality of the program won't diminish based upon the numbers and based upon the assignment of one person during the day and an additional person coming over to provide the small group instructions. And provide opportunities as well for events and things like that as well. Again, you know, thank you for your comments. Thank you for your advocacy of the program. Clearly, the impact is there. We just need to spread that impact to more kids. Thank you for explaining all that, Dr. Morton. So. We appreciate the students being here and speaking. And speaking of students. I think I got so caught up in saying goodbye to our student reps that I skipped over your reports and I'm sorry so we're going to go to our student rep reports final report of your tenure. I think we start with. I'll end this time. Thank you. We're gonna start with High School West. So Colin, if you could give your final report of your service. Alright, thank you. Starting with academics, the NJSLA was held for freshmen and junior students from Monday, May 20th to Thursday, May 23.rd Final assessments will be held on June 5, th 6, th 7, th and And various West honor societies are having their induction ceremonies. Congratulations to all inductees. For athletics on Wednesday, May 29th volleyball will face off against West Windsor Plainsboro North in the quarterfinals. On Wednesday, May 20 second West softball beat Pinland 4 to 3 and are playing a game today. On Thursday May 23rd boys tennis beat Lacy in the 1st round of the NJ SIA group 3 playoffs and we'll also play tomorrow against mainland. Tomorrow West Girls lacrosse will face off against mainland. On Thursday, May 23rd baseball also beat Lacy with a score of 11 to 0 and will face off against Morris Town tomorrow as well. And track will face DelC in sectionals this Friday and Saturday. For arts, the art show was a huge success with beautiful displays of art from West art groups including 2D art, graphic design, and more. On Wednesday, May 15, th West catering supplied tacos, fajitas, pico, guac, and trace lay chase for our faculty book club luncheon. Tomorrow the pops concert will take place and will feature our music groups as well as a wide variety of musical instruments. For extracurricular Star Games was held. On Friday, May 24th for special education students in our district as well as Haddenfield. West model UN attended Chismann where Senior Benedict Segist and sophomore Melana Orlov received awards. And clubs are closing down for the year and wrapping up and have begun succession planning. Brother notes, Hall of Fame was held on Friday, May 17th for 16 senior students were recognized for their accomplishments during their time at West. Seniors are making final preparations for prom at the Collingswood Grand Ballroom on Thursday, May On Monday, June 3, rd STO will meet with Tasha and myself as well as our incoming representatives, Rebecca and Jenna for the final STO BOE report of the academic year. Along with Mr. Mayor. And finally I will be continuing my education at, the American University in Washington DC where I will pursue a dual bachelor's and master's program in United States foreign policy and national security. I wanna thank members of this board for giving me the opportunity to have a different perspective and understand how school policy is made. It's been an honor serving with you and it's been an honor serving with Matt and Gia. From East. Thank you. Thank you, Khan. We go on to Matt. I don't know if you're sharing the spotlight with Gia tonight or it's okay. Alright, so if you guys could give your final report and. Luckily, I do know that some parents who were in the room are online, so. They'll still get to hear your final report. Alright, so to start, we have the season of the seniors right now, a lot of senior events going on. We had Mr. East earlier this month with Trevor Priest placing 1st Alex Kang placing second and Shy Gilmore placing 3.rd This Thursday at the Crystal T. Ballroom in Philadelphia, senior prom will be held. And students can begin to pick up their your books today and tomorrow with senior sunset next Monday, which is a yearbook signing opportunity for our seniors. Next Wednesday, June 5, th we have the senior skating party. Thursday we have the senior solo night. And beginning on the 12th and 13th we have graduation practices for the seniors. Followed by graduation on June 14th Friday June 14th at the Leic Corps Center. For academics, we have science and history, national honor society inductions tonight. Congratulations to all inductees. We also had numerous E students when Camden County best of class awards. We had state testing over the past few weeks and AP testing over the past few weeks as well for a number of E students. Final exams will begin Wednesday, June Dr. Martin and President Stern spoke to faculty about the transition of alternative high school to East PTA, and spoke to faculty about the transition of alternative high school to East PTA, or ESPTA, sorry. And we also had college equipment day for our seniors on May, the For athletics, we had our senior signing day on May 20 second. As our sports seasons come to a close this spring. For arts, we recently had our band Coral and Orchestra concert. We also had one X from our theater department on May And also like West our photo R and tech show on May 14th as well as elementary school tours from our music groups at East. And finally for clubs we had our MOLY UN home conference on the 18th which was complete with a lightsaber duel in the middle of one of the committees. Also a mime company ice cream social and the SGA class officer elections that included allowing the class officers to prepare for next year and all the activities for each grade level. We also have the NJ ASC Spring Conference Mar for SGA, which will take place at 6 Flags Great Adventure. Next year I plan to major in philosophy and political science at Cornell. Thanks. You're always studying marketing communications at the University of Pennsylvania. Yeah, thank you both so much for representing this community this year. I don't know, all 3 of you are just super stars and Latasha. Superstars. So, so pleased and so excited to see what's next. I think all of you, I think all of you for. All the respect you've given me and and she had throughout this past few months and really flew by. Even though some of the meetings were a little bit longer than expected, the overall time was definitely a fast process. A lot of unexpected stuff for me just to experience but I say for for Selim and Airline and all the students who come out to speak don't let people like scare you don't back down. Like if, You have a you have a voice and you are the most important people at these meetings because you're the ones who are being affected firsthand. You're the ones who are seeing firsthand the effects of policy and because of that. Don't let other community members try to, you know, bully you out of speaking or. Stop you from feeling comfortable speaking. It's already a very stressful process for many people to come up here and speak. Taking time other day. So as a community, just make sure that we're being respectful, kind, making sure that Everyone feels that their voice being heard in respectful manner without. Name calling or posting people on Facebook when they're when their students are yelling at people in the middle of their. Comments. So yeah, thank you. Yeah, I just like to echo everything Matt said. Thank you all so much for allowing me to understand that even as the high schooler you really can make a difference even if it's in like a small report or a public comment. It's been so amazing to see all the respect and how much you're willing to amplify. Student voice and yeah, it's been a great year. Nothing more to say you could have said it better than we could. Thank you. Okay. Yes, and please tell your the next folks that. Sometimes it goes to midnight, so. Sorry, but true. Alright, we're gonna move on to our organization agenda. And I make a motion to approve the organization agenda items 11 through 15. Do I have a second? Mr. Mayor, are there any questions? This is your fame. I'm just hoping, can you hear me? Yes, okay. I was just hoping that we can get an idea of what the plans are for Miss Worthington's appointments after her retirement. Yes, absolutely. So the information was shared on an organizational structure. Chart that was given to the board 2 weeks ago. And on the response to the questions today. Put down the positions as they would be reassigned. Affirmative action will be taken over by the supervisor of special projects, Title I will be taken over by Director of Athletics. And there's 1 other I'm missing. 5, 4, 5, 4, director of special education. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, any other questions from board members? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, could you please? Open the online voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. And the motion carries. We have a unanimous yes vote. Okay, and we move on to our action meeting. We start with curriculum instruction. This is winters. Can you please move the CNI agenda? It was 11 to 15. Yeah, I didn't read them all out. So that may have been my Sorry about that. That's okay. I have a script, so I just follow the script. That's what it is. The superintendent recommends and I move the following. 16.1 approval of attendance at conferences and workshops for the 2324 school year. 16.2, approval of attendance at conferences and workshops for the 2425 school year. 16.3 approval of out of district student placements for the 2324 school year. 16.4, approval of standard orders for the 2425 school year. 16.5, approval of professional service agreements for the 2425 school year. 16.6 resolution to approve research study and 16.7 resolution authorizing resubmission and acceptance of the school climate change grant for vision. Do I have a second? Mr. Fain, are there any questions? Miss Stern. Just a reminder of board members which I got to say earlier, just that all of our names are listed under 16.2 because of the conference in October so just a gentle reminder to please abstain from your own name. Stole my thunder there. Sorry, Mrs. Winters. Any other questions from board members on anything under CNI? I'm happy to answer. Everybody is okay. All right, Miss Sugars, can you please open the voting? Board members you may cast your votes. Ms. Schickers, I would like to abstain from my name, item G, under 16.2. Miss Sugars, I have no idea what item number I am, but I would like to thank you. I can't click back into it. I've seen from 16.2 FI would like to vote no on 16.4 and. I would like to recuse myself for a conflict of interest on 16.5. The sugars I would like to recuse myself from 16.2 H. You too. Good. Could you use your microphone, please? Thanks. I, Mr. Sugar need to abstain from 16.2 L. Mrs. Sugars, I'll wait till you're. Done making notations there. I'm good, clear. All right, so I'm I'm also going to abstain from 16.2 I. Yes, to everything else. And Miss Siggers, I'll staying from, 16.2 R. Just go in order. Okay. Abstaining 16.2 J. And Mrs. Sugars, I'll be abstaining from 16.2 E. Thank you. Mrs. Sugars, I'll be abstaining from 16.2 K and yes to the rest. Okay, other than the many exceptions noted. Motion carries. Great. And now we move on to. Business and facilities, Mr. Green M, can you please move the BNF agenda? Yes. Okay, the superintendent recommends and I move the following. 17.1, approval of minutes, board working session. Special action meeting minutes and executive session. Okay. 17.2, approval of minutes, special meeting minutes and executive session. And stated April the 30, th 2024. 17.3, financial reports, 17.4, resolution for the award of bids, 17.5 resolution for the award of competitive contracts. 17.6 resolution authorizing competitive contracting for the procurement of preschool. Before and after care. 17.7 resolution for the award of transportation. 17.8 resolution authorizing the use of cooperative pricing agreements. 17.9 resolution to close dormant special revenue fund 20 other local projects accounts 17.10 donations and I always like to read through these. I'm Harris Kogic and Family Trust donation to be used for art supplies and scholarship at the alternative high school. Allen Miller to be used for assisting families with senior trip payments at High School West and Beck PTA to assist toward trip transportation at Beck. Do I have a second? Mrs. Winters, any questions? Seeing none, Mr. Sugars, please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. This is sugars I'll be abstaining from or accusing myself from 17.3 to 2 conflict of interest. Other than the exceptions noted, give a unanimous yes vote and the motion carries. Okay, I will move the human resources agenda. The superintendent recommends and I move the following. 18.18 point 1 termination of employment certificated 18.2 termination of employment non-certificated 18.3 appointments certificated. 18.4 appointments non-sertificated. 18.5 leaves of absence. Certificated, 18.6 leaves of absence non-certificated, 18.7 assignment salary change certificated, 18.8 approval of a new job description, 18.9 other compensation certificated, 18.10 other compensation non-sertificated, 18.11 affiliation agreement, 18.12 other motions. Do I the second? This is winters. Are there any questions? This is Tafane. Okay, so it's kind of a compounded question. So the 1st part is I would just like to understand a little bit better. The purpose of transferring the counselor and the nurse to the Lewis building and what their responsibilities will be. Sure, it's actually a great question. So they're not gonna actually be transferred to the Lewis building. They are servicing our preschool expansion efforts. They're just gonna be housed out of the Lewis building to have a location to work from. But they'll work with the external providers. So will they be seeing? Treating patients if needed or is it more of just an oversight position? So they'll, so if you think about the provider sites there are a number of different provider sites and they won't be on site at a particular provider site. They'll be on site at the districts. Administrative home, but they'll go out to the provider sites to work with. Those communities. Oh, okay. So the reason why I was asking that was I was just wondering, we're giving that nurse a student. So I was wondering what the clinical experience would be. For that student, seeing if they would actually be able to. Work with the the kids at the schools and see what the actual role is is the reason why I was asking. Yeah, that makes sense. Sure. Okay. I'm just trying to get a little bit more of an understanding of why that person would be getting a student from Ruckers. If they at the time I wasn't sure if they would actually be working with the children or not. This is Tom. Any questions? Yes, I just have a question about the alternate high school students transferred to Lewis administration school nurse. Can you, That was I think Dr. Martin just he just spoke. Both. And there's an account, sir. But does that? You heard the counselor and not the nurse. Okay, got it. Okay, so yes, so does that make sense? For the information. Great. All right, Mrs. Winters. I just wanted to provide a little additional information, Mr. Fein. So the way the preschool program works is there's thresholds and when you hit a certain number of students you need to add additional positions. So once you go over a certain number of students like. Last year we have the nurse who was assigned to Melburg and she was able to cover all the children that were in the program. As we expand certain positions as you hit certain threshold markers, you need additional staff. But that's covered by the preschool expansion aid money. Does that make sense? It's helpful. Thank you. You're welcome. Any other questions or explanations? Comments. Okay, Mrs. Sugars, can you call the vote? Members, you may cast your votes. Okay. Mrs. Sugars, I'll be abstaining or accusing myself from 18.3, 18.4 and 18.6 2 2 conflict of interest. And, Mrs. Schrocker on 18.7. I'm gonna vote no on Mr. Dalio's transfer and I'm going to abstain from the 2 Lewis transfers. Miss. Columbi and Mrs. K. Mr. Shugo accidentally pressed up staying what I'm trying to say was same with Kim Gallagher just happened to be the same. On the Lewis transfers and on the . Okay Other than the exceptions noted, abstention on 18.7. Just transfer of the Lewis employees and 18.3 18 4 and 18.6. The motion carries. Thank you. And I want to now, before we move on, to congratulate, we have 3 new appointees who have just been officially appointed in new roles in our district. So I want to congratulate and then turn over to Dr. Morton to say a few words, Mrs. McCartney. Miss Franco and Mr. Finkel. Very excited to welcome you to 2 of you 2 are Terry Hill Public Schools community and this is McCartney to a different role. I'll turn it over to Dr. Morton. Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much. Miss Stern. I'm very excited, this evening to officially congratulate and welcome, 3 new principals to our team. I'm going to call up Miss McCartney Ms. McCartney is well known to all of us. She is currently the assistant principal Rosa of Rosa International Middle School. She's been a supervisor of curriculum and instruction for the district for several years as well as a literacy coach. Standout teacher from the school district of Philadelphia. Ms. McCartney knows the district inside and out knows it well as a parent. As a community member and as an employee for a very long time. Mccartney's going to be assuming the role of principal of Woodcrest Elementary School. I'm going to call up Ms. McCartney. To share just a few thoughts. Thank you. I just want to thank you. I am very excited about this next step. It's a little bittersweet. I'm always, you know, looking for a new challenge, but sad to leave my current home. But sad to leave my current home. But looking forward to joining the Woodcress community, sad to leave my current home. But looking forward to joining the Woodcress community and, to leave my current home. But looking forward to joining the Woodcrest community and learning a new aspect of Terry Hill Public Schools. Thank you again. Awesome. Thank you so much, Alison. And I'm also equally pleased this evening to introduce to the community. I'm Mrs. Christina Calazo Franco. And her husband and beautiful little guy there. This is, Miss Franco. Will be assuming the role of principal of Karusei Middle School. She comes to us with the bast array of administrative experience. In the current role, she is the principal of Una Regional High School. Her references raved about her and the wonderful job she's done there. In addition to that, she's also served as the principal of Pinsville Middle School. For several years. In addition to that, she was an assistant principal at Highland Regional High School. A former English teacher and one who lives locally and is from this local community. I'm excited to have her join the team as well. Miss Franco, if you can come and share a few words. Good evening. Thank you, Dr. Morton. I just want to say thank you to the Board of Education. I am looking forward to this opportunity and I am super excited to join the Terry Hill team and specifically to join my family at Kurusi. So I appreciate this opportunity and I'm excited to actually start the school here, although I know we don't want summer to be rushed by. So thank you. Awesome. And last without least, I'm thrilled to welcome Mr. Daniel Finkel as the principal in coming of Prince of High School East. Mr. Finkel has gone through enough interview processes to last a lifetime. Absolutely. Mr. Finkel comes to us with a vast array of experience. He has been a standout principal, Del Ran High School for the past 12 years, has done miraculous and wonderful things during his role and during his time there as principal at Delaware High School. He's also been. Principal in Denville Township Public Schools. Served there for 11 years. And prior to that. He was an assistant principal, Livingston Public Schools for 3 years. Mr. Finkel has very unique. Background is a teacher having served in the public and private sectors as well as a teacher of mathematics. West Windsor Plainsboro and also at the Hun School. So it comes with the. Fast array of experience. Staff. During his visit to the school had tremendous things to say about him. We're excited to have Mr. Feng, join the team. I'm going to ask him to come up and share a few words. Thank you very much, Dr. BI figured this was more questions coming my way. But no, it was an extensive process. It was a complete process. It was wonderful to meet all of the different constituencies and stakeholders. I spent 30 years in this business and cannot imagine, you know, having the opportunity to come to East. And I'm excited to start. I'm excited to become a part of the the family and ultimately see what we can do together with all the students, all the parents, all the staff, and continue to embrace the traditions of East and make it the best possible experience for our kids. So thank you very much. It's thank you for your everything. So appreciate it. And just one other comment. I want to thank all of the faculty and staff, labor management, collaborative teams, Mr. Steve Redfern and everyone who participated in the process in the 3 processes. We had tight timelines, very aggressive and assertive as I like to call them, but I'm just very happy we were able to find 3 outstanding candidates. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Morton. And Mr. Finkel, has it is that some kids have said you are a low-key super chill. So I take that as a compliment. All right. We now move on in our agenda. To 19.1. And I'm going to ask Mr. Mayor to please move the PNL agenda. A will superintendent recommends and I move the following. As also as revised by. Earlier hearing this even during executive session. 19.1 approval of harassment, intimidation, bullying investigation decisions. 19.2 resolution of the approval of the harassment. Intimidation bullying hearing decision. 19.3 resolution for the approval of harassment, intimidation. Bullying hearing. Decision. Are there any questions? Oh, there isn't. That's right. And 18.19 point 4. I can, consent item to approve the policy legislation item. As revised. Which is, reversing the finding. One unconfirmed case number 26. 2 6 3 5 5. Do I have a second? I think I got that right. Well, let's get the second 1st and then we'll get the questions. We have a second, Mrs. Are there any questions? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars. Would you please open the voting? Would members you may cast your votes. This is I'm gonna go 19.1 abstain. 19.2 no. 19.3, yes. There's also 19.4. 1919.4. Resolution reversing the finding of the unconfirmed HIV that was too 6 3 5 5 5 Yes, Well, Mrs. Tongue is getting Clarification, I'm gonna vote no on 19.2. Machiko, I'm going to go 19.4 abstain. Thank you. This is sugars on 19.2 I'm going to vote yes, 19.3. I'm going to vote no and 19.4. I'm going to vote yes. And the other I will. Vote yes to on 19.1. Messy piano. I'm just gonna go with the motion carries. I think that's a safe bet despite. All our different votes. Yeah, that's, that, okay. And we move on to. New business. 7 52. Wow. All right, new business. Is there any new businesses? Just it's just it's brief, but I wanted I've been thinking about this over the last couple of months and have yet to actually say something about it in public. So I wanted to just kind of put it out there. It's kind of a CNI thing. With all of the preschool expansion stuff that's going on, something that I think that maybe we should look at or consider is some. And honestly, this might be a state thing that we don't have any jurisdiction over. However, with children being in preschool and some of which will get 2 years of preschool, if there is a way that we can look at the children coming into kindergarten and if there's any jurisdiction over their ages and their cutoffs and stuff if there's children that are well prepared to get into kindergarten. After 2 years of preschool. If I don't know if we have a leeway on that, but something that we can. Consider the cutoff. I know there's children that have spent multiple years in preschool that are coming into kindergarten but don't hit that cutoff even though they would probably really Excel entering kindergarten. Even if they're off by like a week or something. I think traditionally a preschool wasn't a thing back in the day, so. At the age of 5 was probably a reasonable time to consider their entering into kindergarten. I think now that we're expanding preschool and this is something that will eventually be hardwired in in the district, if that's something that we can maybe discuss or consider if there's children that are more prepared. Their ages don't hit that. That date if I'm making literally any sense whatsoever. It's something that maybe we can discussions that we can start to have for the future. Mr. Chapin, are you talking about November, the November first? st It's November Yeah. Just so like, is that a man? Is that a state thing? Okay. And also just based off of cutoffs. The students would have to go through, you know what I mean? Sure. Okay. I hear what you're saying. There's just something that's been with all the discussion of preschool and stuff. I know previously there has been you know, families that present, they think that their child could probably start kindergarten even if they don't technically meet that cutoff. If they're off by a day or 2 or whatever. If they are going through preschool now at a younger age. That's not a, that's not us thing. Alright, sorry to waste your time. We'll get out of here early. I mean, I think it's always helpful to hear, you know, thoughts, you know, things, you know, we talk about a lot of this work and we have ideas that come up. There are possibility. And I think Mrs. Winterty of your marching orders now. I was just going to say I think it's a PNL issue actually. I mean, not that I don't want it because I want lots of things, but I think I want so many things, but I actually think that it's not it's not a CNI issue. I think when you're looking at that would be the about the date. The birthday and the date in which you enter school, I actually think that would fall under Mr. Mayor and not. I think the mix the mix must sense. So, Okay. Challenge accepted. Okay, anything related further related on that topic or a new topic for this is time. I'm bringing this up again. I don't know. I'm thinking about since we're doing the, putting all the money into the bank with the school project. We are working also on the school. Well, talking that's think about solar panels. I'm still thinking up there might be a chance of helping us save some money. I know a lot of states has been doing that, having schools having solar panels put in and also like Paco train station having solar panel put in. I want if it's possible we can look into it further before we I guess when we dig up the ground. Think about what is possible to save money. You know, Dr. Rude, you want something else for strategic planning? Because I feel like it falls within. Kind of green the green initiatives that were your work your leading the charge on? We can certainly talk about it. Some more. The the use of. Sorry, it's been a long couple of weeks. The use of solar panels is. Oftentimes made beneficial. By having all kinds of rebates and different things from the state that make it more. Cost efficient. So It's really a more complicated issue of seeing what's available. There's also a lot of, work that would need to be done. And it's not specifically budgeted in the bond work. So those are some of the reasons that I've been. I know there are any immediate plans, but I think that. That doesn't preclude. Future discussions about the possibility. So. I'm just going to step a little bit. I don't meant that the the bond has because of the bond we have to put a solar I meant is since we breaking up the ground on the parking lots and things like that. It might be a good idea to look into it and see what's the best for the school saving. That's that's why I'm suggesting. I definitely agree that it could be a good idea. And I'm saying that it through the sustainability committee, it will be considered and it's something that a recommendation may be made by that committee. To the district. To pursue in the future. Oh yeah, one last thing I want to add to it is since we're going to a lot to electrical. Electrical like electric costs. I think, 2030 they are coming out with all electrical costs of 2,030. We should possibly think about why wires, I guess, outlets. In the partner put in place maybe somewhere along our age at that point we need it we can just I guess think twice. I mean, we were playing ahead already putting the wires on the ground. So it's less on. What work later, less work later. Right. This is Tom just to clarify, are you talking about like electric vehicle type? Plugins. Okay. That's something that we can also bring up in strategic planning and sustainability. I thought you were going to throw that one to Mr. Greenback. So. For Vienna. Yeah. Any other new business for board members? All right, that leads to. Old business. Is there any old business? Mr. Greenbaum, you have old business. Go for it. I do. So, so much for talk of ending early. But we'll see how this goes. So something I wanted to talk about tonight is a discussion on the use of restored state aid funds. We received notice after our last meeting that some of our state funding was restored. 45% of what was cut, which is getting about 3.1 million back. In old business tonight, this is really just meant to be an initial discussion of how these funds may be appropriated with the full discussion planned in our BNF committee meeting next week. And a discussion of the full board and vote expected at the next full board meeting. So I thought it made sense to broach the subject tonight so the full board can at least have a public discussion of some of these initial recommendations. It's important to note. That there doesn't appear to be any mechanism for text relief and the state requires a proposal showing how the funds will be spent to directly benefit students. There is a mechanism to increase taxes higher, although it's important to note there's there's no desire to do this here in Cherry Hill and our district doesn't appear to be eligible for that anyway. But that's a question almost certain to come up. I wanted to allay any concerns there. It's that's not something that's that's being considered. At a high level, I wanted to walk through what the proposed appropriations are and we can have a discussion from there if there are any questions. So in no particular order, there's reinstatement of the ROTC program, which includes 2 positions and some supplies. Reinstatement of the Gulf program at the high school level and bowling program at middle school and high school levels. The alternative high school move, reinstating some of the positions. It was recommended that we retain some of these positions to provide sufficient support. As the students move to a new location. And as such many of the positions are expected to be are requested to be maintained. Or reinstated rather than reassigned. There's also physical plant modifications for relocation of the alternative high school program includes, inst, installation of hallway doors, access controls, clock intercom networking, repainting. Signage room conversion etcetera A big item that's been a topic of discussion for a long time and was a top priority of Dr. Morton and the administration before we found out our budget was getting cut is enhancement of teaching staff salary guide. This is our pay scale for our teaching staff. A big concern moving into Next year is looking at how our pay scale aligns with neighboring districts and really districts all over the region. And if we don't do anything about it in the next year, we're potentially looking to be the lowest paying district for steps one through 10 and that's not good place to be for recruiting or retention. You know, we're certainly not looking to necessarily be the highest, but needing to be competitive in order to. Retain the best talent in order to recruit people. I personally know several people that applied for jobs in the district and ended up going elsewhere because of this. It's been a priority for a long time and it's something that for us to include in appropriations with some of the funds that are that have been reinstated. There's also been a need identified for 4 additional sections at the elementary school level. If you take a look at the demographic study we had a number of weeks ago. We're expecting significant growth in the district starting at the elementary school level and some of that is as soon as next year. So we're looking at including funding for 4 additional sections at the elementary school level. Purchase of ELA ELA curriculum materials. Reinstatement of purchase of interactive flat panels for classrooms that was one of the supplies that was 1st cut. From the budget when we received our state funding cut. There's an interest in reinstating that. And then lastly, purchase of software for elementary schools that have to do with diagnostic and assessment. For for math and ELA. And that is the list. So with that, I will. Open up the floor to any questions or comments with with the expectation that in BNF. There will be additional discussion next week. And a recommendation coming to the board the following week for any further discussion. This is Terfane. I guess I would the one question that I would ask is when we had originally talked about the transfer of the alternative high school, we said that those positions that were originally suggested to be I guess combined. They were not part of the budget process. So I'm a little confused on that whole thing. And then also I'd like to have a little bit of insight on what changed to decide that those positions were actually necessary or preferred. Sure, so I'm going to almost immediately refer this to Dr. Morton. But my understanding was it was specifically requested by the administration for the alternative high school to retain some of that staff that was originally going to be reassigned. And with that I'll refer to Dr. Morton for better explanation. Yes, absolutely. So in consultation and conference with Mr. O'donnell and the team, we did talk about essential staff that was that was needed. When we went through the process, we had initially reassigned the staff there as we went through the high school sectioning process. District funds. I mean, they're all district funds essentially. So these funds coming back to the district with the stipulation that we can't necessarily use them for a bank of funds in the future or tax relief or anything along those lines just makes it wise and makes sense to allocate it toward. This, you know, this, this reasoning. But essentially the staff. With the exception of the nurse were all accounted for and covered prior to when we received these funds back, we decided to. Allocate the funds toward this purpose as well. So what this does is on the other end, if we don't use the positions each one of those positions comes with a potential average. Salary, which would potentially be a savings for us. That would give us flexibility later on. So. Okay, any other questions for move on? This is winters. Not a question but more comments since I'm not on BNF. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents here as you have your discussions. So just from a CNI perspective, I want to talk about the teacher recruitment and retention and how that impacts. Things that we see in CNI, especially when we look at recruiting and retaining certain kinds of teachers that are very hard to find. World language has been a persistent problem ever since I was on the board and probably before that there just aren't enough world language teachers in the world to staff the sections that we want and need for our students. We're really lucky that we have Spanish and French currently offered at the middle level. But we're hearing that sometimes those sections can be really big. And it's because There's just not enough French and Spanish teachers out there for us to hire. So I'm really hopeful. That with, and that's just one small example, there are all kinds of different specialty teachers that we need. To staff the programs the way that we want to to keep our class sizes reasonable so our teachers can teach them. And this will help us do that. On the flip side of that, we know that there's a lot of districts around here that due to the budget cuts are cutting positions right now. So there are teachers out there who are looking for jobs and in this market where there's a teacher shortage, it's an opportunity for us if our salary guide is competitive. To have more experienced teachers come into the district to staff the sections that we need. So from my perspective, I'm in favor of changing the salary guide for the lower levels because I think it would help us to recruit more teachers. And ultimately help us to keep the classes that we want to offer to our kids, especially like I said, things like world language and also keep our class sizes reasonable. So that's 1 piece of it. And the other piece that I want to talk about, which is something those of us who've been on the board for a while. I've been talking about is elementary class sizes. So if you can rewind back about, I guess, a year and a half ago. There was a lot of conversation around the elementary class sizes and class caps. Well, if we want to keep our class sizes where they are right now. Then as the district grows as the population grows, especially in the lower grades, we need to add more teachers. So I'm absolutely in favor of adding the 4 additional elementary sections in order to keep our class sizes where I think we all want them to be. I think it's an asset to the district that we have the class caps there. I know. Sometimes we talk about, you know, things like. Flexibility, but I also think we also need to think about the reality of our teachers. Who came through the pandemic and did a heroic job and continue to do a heroic job every single day with the behaviors that they see in class with the kids that they're still working to catch up and accelerate from learning loss. And I just think it's the benefit of our younger students, especially in grades K to 5 that their class sizes remain reasonable for teachers. So as we continue to see growth at the elementary level, I definitely support adding elementary teachers to keep our elementary class sizes where I think they should be because I think that supports learning for all students and also supports our teachers as they work really hard every day to teach our young learners. So those are my thoughts on those 2 items, Adam, if you can take them back to be enough for me. I appreciate it. You got it. Mrs. Gallagher. So I'd, I'd email that, Mister Greenbaum this, but since we're having a public discussion, I thought I would. I had mentioned a couple of items to him, so. One was just. I know we decide or the decision was made to. To close job openings that we had and I said, you know, if there's any that we think that look critical to maybe reopen them back up again. And then I'm always in support of increasing support staff, whether it be basic skills, reading specialist math coaches. Whatever levels are necessary, you know. I think as we all know, students are still coming back from the pandemic. And any assistance we can provide the students and their classroom teachers by having more support staff. Is appreciated. So that's for me. Thank you. Mrs. Stern, you had your hand up. Yeah, I mean, I think one of the things that I, you know, we face this big aid cut. And it was quite unexpected and you know, I think the focus from administration has really been, you know, How do we plan for the future? It's actually something that Dr. Morton testified about in front of the Senate. The state Senate, you know, and Mrs. Sugars talks about a lot. You know, I don't, I mean, literally it's this constant moving target. And we have a ton of moving targets in our district. Our enrollment is a moving target. We have people who enroll all year long and roll their kids. So our class sizes are moving target. You know, how do you plan properly and run a district well, comprehensively and efficiently. So, you know, my ask has been What are we adding back in that is this and how do we keep it sustainable? That's really a big question of mine and you know, I think when we look at all these decisions, although I, You know, I'm I'm I'm conflicted in terms of the CHA discussions, so I'm not involved in those. But overall, you know, I just think like comprehensively, I want to make sure what we're doing is sustainable. And you know, I think the question about at assistance. Specifically support staff. You know, I, you know, Dr. Martin, if that's I think it's a good it's a question that's come up and I wanted to see if that's something that you could I guess perhaps address your thinking because that was not a recommendation of yours at this point in time and I wonder if you could just have a little share a little bit about why. Yes, so we didn't necessarily recommend that just at this particular time just due to the number of vacant positions that are currently available. Absolutely, I think any teacher would welcome the resource of additional 2 hands to provide support, but the reality for us is that we haven't been able to fill those positions. I don't anticipate that we'd be able to fill additional positions. We can certainly give it a try, but. Pool of candidates and people. Aren't really out there and don't exist at the present time. So that's essentially why. I see. Thank you. And I guess again, bless you. I think and we can have more discussion and be in alphabetets the sustainability of. Of the salary scale. And also. You know the elementary class sizes but I would second what you said mrs. Winters you know it was last summer that we had teachers from, parents from elementary schools, send us a slew of emails and come to our board knees and talk about, the high number of students in their classes. I've been at school events where elementary teachers and I have been chatting. Volunteering at the events and I'm there and they talk about the challenges of really big class sizes I mean, I think it was, it's, it's a pretty, you know, monumental. Suggestion to hear you say Dr. Morton, you know, we really need to try to keep class sizes lower at the elementary school and you're recommending adding teachers. For that purpose, especially as we look at the grip study. It's a very It's a much more macro approach to learning and education. You know, we saw last summer that after the parents, you know, came and spoke and and it was looked at really closely that in fact. Okay, it needed to be addressed. And and that was I hadn't risen to the conversation. It's nice to be a lot more proactive at this point in time. That just helps significantly. So I'm a, Definitely in favor of that of that piece for sure. We'll have more discussions, but. Okay. Mister Mayor. I think there's also another aspect to that. The present experiences that teachers have and the students have. Is one thing and certainly you know if we can alleviate that a little bit. Now by adding 4 teachers, that's fantastic. But, just like the, the learning and the educational experience and dynamic with, the experience that full day pre-K gives to students they sort of they get that head start right they they continue to. Evolve from there. In their confidence because they've had better relationships hopefully with their teachers they've had more one on one time they have more of an ability to concentrate and to grow as learners. If we can do something now that is going to help the students as they matriculate through the grades. We may see and I expect we would, more adoption of students getting, electing AP courses, honors courses. Feeling more confident in what they can do because they've had that opportunity. To, grow as learners earlier. So. I think it's more it goes beyond just the present experience and alleviating. Class sizes, which is which is a problem, but it can be turned into a real. Advantage. For, for many of our students, of course, it will be interesting. To see you know what dynamics we can come up with. To ensure sustainability going forward. But you know, again, you know, I'm very supportive of it and, and look forward to, to the details. Dr. Since I'm not on VNF, I just wanna, throw my weight behind, Mrs. Winters comments. She put everything that I Thank you very eloquently. Thank you. Any other comments for we, before move on? Okay, seeing none. Again, with, with such a short timeline to submit the revised budget, I want to make sure we could open the discussion tonight so that we didn't just suddenly discuss it and vote on it all in one evening. Again, there'll be a deeper dive next week in VNF committee with an expectation of some additional discussion at the next board meeting on June the 11th likely with with the vote to submit the recommendations at that point. Alright, thank you. Thank you so much for for helping us. How about discussion, facilitating it. Are there any other members who have old business? Okay, this is time. Student public comment, I think we did pretty good so far. Achieve to the 1st one but we got to as much as we can so that we can get a student public comments. Address sooner than tell the end or somewhere along the way so we get you guys prioritized it. Thank you, for that. And thank you everybody. I know that was something we've talked about. You talk about earlier in your bird service. So yeah, I think we're, we're doing better with that now. Trying trying hard with that one. Thank you. We can ask a student here, see what they think, or you could write an email to. President. The student board reps have any comment about the opportunity for students to speak in our meetings. I think the implementation of. Like the ability for students to speak in 1st public comment without it being a specific agenda. Agenda item really helps. Although there are still times where if there are presentations to the board, some of them have gone like longer, you know, 30 min, 40 min, so that could be difficult for students to really know like when they're supposed to to come up specifically or if they are busy, it's a lot of time that they might have to take out of their nights to speak. Maybe moving, public comment a little bit earlier in the meeting could also work as a method of make sure that it's more like structured. Predictable period for people to speak. Rather than having it fluctuate based on recognition presentations. Correspondence beforehand. Okay. Alright. Anything else on this topic or not any other old business? Great. So speaking of public comment, this is it. Second public comment. Very early to start. I don't. I don't really know what to make of that, but here we are. This is our second public comment section during this time. You may comment on any topic related to our. School District. We will always have students come Not sure there are any other students in the room who have yet to speak, so. But this is second palm a comment. They can speak during second again as well 1st if they want to speak If you, would like to speak now, please state your full name and your municipality. Yeah, we start with students who are in the I'm sorry, we always start with speakers who are in the room and all alternate with speakers who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak and the timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. So as I was kept asking earlier, and I'm sorry to have interrupted people, but always just if you could wait for the timer to pop up before you start. Public common is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the cherry operations of Cherry Hill Public Schools or within the authority of the Therry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Lender established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech in public forms, statements which demean individual community members or groups. Specifically our students. Or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or are repetitive will not be permitted. We ask that all of our speakers be given the full chance to speak without interruption. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the school district. Superintendent, board president and all board members via email or other alternative means. And with that, again, if you are a student in the room or online and you'd like to speak, I would ask if you were online, please put an S after your name so that we know that you are a student. If you're in the room and you'd like to speak in your student, please approach the podium. If you would like to first, st cause you will have the floor And it looks like we're okay. I don't see any students, so we will start in the room and as soon as the timer goes up, if you could see your full name and municipality. Thank you. Mindy Rosen, Cherry Hill. So, I understand that the alternative high school move has been in discussion for a really, really long time I hear. But just a few. Years ago when we were presenting our bond, Mrs. Giordano spoke to the things that they were doing here at the Lewis building that would benefit the students. That we're here at the alternative high school. So my question is, what is happening? With the bond money that was slated to fix up the rooms. At the alternative high school here in Lewis. So that's my question. What happens to that one bond money now that the students are moving to east? Thank you. Okay. Now we go to the line and the name is Tyra Lacy. If you could please state your full name and your municipality as soon as we're gonna reset our timer. You hold on one second, please. Okay, please, sir. Go ahead. Hi, I'm Tyre Lacey. I live in Sherry Hill. I sent an email to the board members earlier today. Hopefully you all receive them. I'm sorry, Miss. Miss Lacy, I'm so sorry. Your, Just hold on one second, please, because you're very garbled. Just if you could give us one sec. Sure. Okay, Mrs. Lacey, if you could please start again. Sure. Hi, my name is Tyra Lacy. I live in Sherry Hill. I did send an email to the entire board earlier. Hopefully everyone received it. I wanted to talk to you tonight about. An incident or multiple incidents have happened to my son who attends Woodcrest Elementary School. Around mid March. Through mid April. He was the victim of 3 separate incidents of bullying. They all involve racial slurs I've personally been in this district. I have 3 children who are in this district. Or about 15 years and I've never experienced any sort of harassment or bullying. With my children until now. And I'm extremely concerned about this uptick. And harassment of my child, but more importantly, I am concerned that the parents of the children who were found to be in violation. Of his policy. Were very dismissive of the incidents, downright rude in many ways. As it relates to the incidents that happened to my child. And I wanted to Talk to the board about possible ways that we can look at the current policy and make adjustments to kind of account for what I consider to be more of a cultural shift or uptake in these types of violations because the climate, I think, across the country. Has changed significantly in the most recent years. I sent in the letter, I won't give it to specifics about what I'm looking to have happen with the policy, but I want to take a kind of a holistic look at what we're doing now and what we can do better to really kind of advocate for the victims. I think we spend a lot of time looking at the policy as it relates to disciplinary actions. For the actual violator but the impact the children who are actually received on the receiving end. Of these incidents is really not being considered. And I'd like for the president of the board to hopefully read my letter. And respond to me. So that I could hopefully work with. Miss Weatherington, which I just heard may be retiring, and also Miss Carter and Dr. Morton as released. So this matter, I have spoken to all 3 of them individually and meetings. So they're aware as well of my idea to help improve the district policy. But I also would like to hear from the board. President. You have an opportunity to review my email. Thank you. Thank you. Let me go back to the room. And if anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium now. When the timer goes up, please state your full name and municipality. Rick Short, Cherry Hill. Wanna make a comment to the last caller? I wish. Sure. Could you address your comments to the board and not to callers or other commenters, please? Isn't that part of the She just said something and now I can't. Talk about it. You can talk about an item for the board. Okay. Talk about an item for the board. Okay, the item for the board is restorative justice and how it doesn't work. And how at a cruci just recently. They had an incident, a lockdown, because 2 parents got into a fight. Maybe if the district went back to the good old suspension system. And not talk. And try to conflict manage through talk and actually do what they do all across the United States and get rid of restorative justice, maybe you wouldn't have so many cultural problems. How about that? Let's get into truth and lies. So is it a truth or is it a lie? You still haven't answered it. Now we have Dr. Patina Love. Working with Cherry Hill West. Yes. Dr. Patina Love. Hates America. Dr. Patina Love said it on. Let me correct that. She hates capitalism and she's working with Cherry Hill West teachers. That. Is not a good thing. What about Dr. Goldie Muhammad? What is she doing? She is Miss DEI of the world. And I know I've been up here many times asking about DEI and no one has Let me a school that's done it for 12 years and providing me any success. All DI does is create separation between groups. And fights. Dr. Kenday, another cancer to the district where my son had to read the stamp book. Just more comparison, just more separation because that's what this district loves. Cool. Can't talk about Black Lives Matter and Philadelphia. But my next question is this. Recently there was a. Recently I was banned from school. During working hours? Today I put out a video. Where it said, Dr. Morton said he would take care of it. But it doesn't look like he took care of it because the actual student who harassed me. Ended me up to get suspended from all school grounds during school hours. So, will Doctor Morton? Allow me back on school grounds after he hears this tape. Cause he said he was gonna take care of it. And then to make things worse, The student apologized to Dr. Morton. For harassing me. Thank you, Mr. Sure. Thank you. We move on to the line and the name is Laura Einhorn. If you just hold on one second, put up the timer. There you go. Name and municipality, please. Designer. Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry. Can you bring me the? Can we start again, Mrs. Sure, hold on one second, please. Okay, good. Go for it. 3 min. Okay, it's and I'm born Cherry Hill. So I'm very confused about tonight's agenda from 18.7 You're moving 2 positions from the alternative high school one to east, which I believe is art. And the other is especially it's teacher to West and then the alternative school nurse is going to Lewis for pre K. But under all business. I heard Mr. Grival mentioned that positions were cut from the alternative high school program. So. What are we doing with the students that attend the alternative high school with the movement of these 3 positions? Are they going to be integrated into regular classroom for art? Or is the art teacher coming to them? And the same thing when it comes to a special ed teacher or hiring a new one to replace Miss. Or we're not replacing her. I'm really very confused as to the programming going on here. Think it's very interesting that about restoring state funding your number one issue should be bringing up the salary guides because you are indeed losing people because we are one of the lowest paid districts in the area. And from the last. Meeting I asked. For Kingston. Where is the playground going to go? Because currently on the district website it says playground enhancements right next to Kingston Road. And I think that's a very dangerous area. So thank you. Okay, we go back to the room. There's anyone who'd like to. Speak please approach the podium. You could just wait to the timer goes up and please state your full name and municipality when it does. Go for it. Hi, my name is Emmanuel Swity from Cherry Hill. I'm talking about matter 18.7. I graduated from West in 2,002 as long as I can remember at Cherry Hill West. It was known for its music program. All my friends and siblings. We're part of this program. They talk very highly of it. Now for the past 2 years, I get to witness my 2 nieces that I've been raising talk very highly until the past month. Now I hear fear. Of losing the one person. That has impacted her life greatly, the one person that actually made a change and made music fun. Last board meeting, we were told how talented at Krusey students were adoring their concert and the large number of students who were involved. How do you expect one teacher to handle all these students? I understand COVID has affected a number of enrolled students in the music program. However, looking at the data, the number is rising. Why would you want to ruin what's already working and it's great? I feel that West has always been targeted. We will forever be the second compared to East. The one thing that West was always known for for decades is it's slowly being taken away. To be honest, I wasn't planning to speak because I know how this all works. It's all politics. I even told the students this last time we left. However, for my nieces and their friends, I had to show up for them. These students are speaking their hearts out in something that they really care about and why. I really hope you're listening to what they're saying. Like I said, I wasn't supposed to speak here. I was sitting in the car because I know. In your head, you already have what you're going to do. You just let them. I mean, if you look at how many students are here, I need in last time, they're showing up. It's day after a long weekend. They're coming. It's beautiful outside. I know my niece has homework to do. Every day, but she's here speaking on what she wants. Students nowadays like. They're telling you what they want. You're in the streets. Getting himself in trouble, not going to college. But they're doing what they enjoy. I hear so much about their music teacher how great he is. I'm the one who's picking them up too. Different practices and how hard he works on these kids. Don't take away something that it's great for them. Wes is going down from when I graduated. Let's just be honest, East is getting everything. So leave the music program alone. Let them. Grow in it, let them have a safe environment where they feel safe and feel like they have a mentor that they can look up to. Thank you. We go back to the line and it says wider bridge if you could just hold on one second. We restart the clock and then you could please get your full name and municipality. Okay, it's on. Alonia is Cherry Hill. I noticed that Mr. Fain voted no on the standing orders for nurses for the coming school year and I believe her professional profession is a nurse so I'm just curious. As to as a nurse why she voted no if the district has recommended yes I know that she cannot answer me but if the nurse voted no maybe there's a reason for that and second I sent an email. Almost a week ago, asking a couple of questions about the 2526 school year calendar and did not receive. A response back. So I'll just read it here. I see that the Martin Luther King Day is not listed as a day off for that year. Will it be a day off? It usually is. It's a community day of service. I also see that E is listed as March, the 20th and the schools are closed that day. March, the 20, th 2026, but I believe E is March, the 19th in 2,026. I know that it's a lunar. Holiday and it moves from year to year but if that could just be double-checked about when if we're off for MLK day in 2026 and about when it is for 2026. Okay. And the other thing is that in the middle of the year, professional development was added to the high schools on the last Friday of the month making that school a half day. It was not disclosed to the public that that meant that there were no after-school activities at the middle school because late buses would not run. But my son came home from middle school on all of those Fridays and the 1st time he came home, he said, oh, there's no late buses. And I asked why, even though the buses are running at regular time for middle school and high school and elementary school dismissal. And he said there were no late buses at the high school, so there are no late buses for the middle school. So if professional development in the future is done as a half day at only some of the schools and not all the schools in the district if it could still be looked at that the middle school can still get after school activities because I think it's important for those middle schoolers who aren't having teachers. With professional development. Thank you. To get to all time and that your full name and municipality. Okay. Hello, my name is Natalie Mellon. Cherry Hill. I'm going alumni of Kingston, Kerussi and West. I am here on behalf of my son, Eric Mallon. His beautiful drawing of Earth is currently on display in Dr. Moore's office. He is presently at Melburg where he has been enrolled since he was just over 3 years old. We live in Kingston. I am a current involved parent at Kingston. My son Vinnie is currently about to enter second grade. Eric has been recommended for autism support for kindergarten, a program that is offered at our home school. However, we just found out last week that he was placed at Cooper. Having 2 boys so close together in age and a younger sister that will also be going to Kingston as well in the next 3 years. This has been a highly stressful thing to learn. That the opportunity when there is opportunity for Eric at Kingston. Both boys have severe food allergies with Eric being minimally verbal. It is hard to imagine that he will not have his older brother with him in school in the coming years that we saw it for his future. Beyond the financial. Burden that the district would be sending a child in the neighborhood out of the neighborhood. Eric also has severe GI issues which has been documented at his present school. He suffers to get out the door very early in the morning and it can become very stressful for him to use. The restroom early in the morning at school. For this reason, he has been late. Additionally, my other son has been late to school due to missing the bus. So on so on. Additionally, we live on a dead end. The bus is unable to get to our front door of service that our qualifies for. As you can see, there are many challenges for our family with this decision. He would not need a bus if he was at Kingston. We have always, will always have another child with him to drop off. I have asked this question as to why he was placed at Cooper and I have not felt heard or supported the director of special education did let me know this morning that there are multiple students in my neighborhood that require autism support and that the classes for Kingston are almost full. This year coming. I would like to share some of what I replied and I have not gotten anything back yet. Keeping students with special needs within their neighborhood should be of top priority when it can be provided. You state that the rooms are almost full. To me this indicates that the room there is room for number then the parents is in Kings and another another school. Just over 3 and has been in the autism room this year. It is of no surprise what program is needed for him If there are multiple students within the neighborhood needing the program, why is my son being chosen not to? Have the same opportunities as his peers in the same situation. We are an established family at Kingston. He should have the same opportunity as anyone else in this position. This is highly distrustful for our family and I am a well informed member of this community. I've seen these adjustments been made in the past for friends and I would ask that somebody help me. Thank you. One. And it's the number 7 8 8 if you could please state your full name. And your municipality just give us one second. Okay, timers up. Go for it, please. My name Is Jeff Pottowitz and I live in Cherry Hill. I've heard some talking about this East West thing. 1st of all, yes, West is being short changed. They were always known for, for coral work for years, it's well-known, and what you're doing, or what has been done, unless you change your mind, is troubling. Very, very troubling. With special education, same way with the kids who have IPs. Yeah, it's troubling what's being done with the AHS. All this is troubling. East has overcrowding. West has problems. Everything is troubling. Where the money is going to is preschool expansion. It's a priority for the district because it's a priority for the state and they're doing what the state want at the expense of our community and your kids right now because this learning loss and that should have been the priority. Preschool expansion should have been delayed. It is causing a lot more. They are hiding costs. How much it really is costing. They're hiring more administrators. That's where your money is going. And the people you're looking at right now, those administrators, it's the door, choice choice to put the state's agenda above your kids. 15 to 700 kids and that's how much it will be we will be the largest preschool expansion. District in our state. We're a good experiment. They're experiment, but it's our funds a tremendous amount that will end up paying for it. And when you add construction cost, believe me, that's where the money is going. Believe me, I've said enough now, but those administrators, they're doing what the state wants at the expense. This should have been delayed. It was not. Anyway, thank you very much for listening and folks. Don't go east and west. They're gonna they're trying to separate us. That's what they do. Understand that. Thank you very much. Can we go back to the room? If anyone else would like to speak, please approach the podium. And you participate in me as soon as the timer goes up if you could please state your full name in your municipality. Okay, Muhammad, Hussein, I live in Cherry Hill. I'm speaking as a role of a pediatrician. I am actually hugely in support of the preschool expansion that has happened in Cherry Hill. One of the greatest ironies of the human condition is the most important, of your life. Are the ones you don't remember, right? 0 to 5 is greatly important for development, for the health. The mental well being, everything in a person's life. And so the preschool is expansion. As, you know, has helped given more opportunities to young children. And it will create benefits down the road. So I actually do applaud the Cherry Held School District for. Doing such a good job with the preschool expansion and continuing to work on it. Thank you. Thank you. We go back to the line and there are no hands up online so we come back to the room if anyone else would like to speak please approach the podium. You could please state your full name and municipality. Gotcha. I spoke earlier, but just wanted to like add on to 18.7 what I was saying. I heard like when you guys were discussing that you talked about adding more teachers to address the high classroom sizes. You stated that your goal is to limit that to allow more focus and a better ability to grow as learners. Which, Mr. Mayor, you were saying that, specifically, but now look at the choir classes taking away isn't going to help build our program. You keep saying that your primary goal is to assure our program thrives. If we have 2 now taking away one will tear us down and isn't going to help us live to Miss Bass's expectations as we brought her up. She was known as a legend to the choir program. She still is. And realistically, that is hard now with 2 teachers but so taking away one is necessarily going to just bring that up and like boost that. Which eventually we can reach that level, but it hasn't happened yet. So looking in the future as or numbers have been progressing in the short span of years. And then also we're also one district. If we're looking at the elementary schools and the middle schools, I went to. I was in the choir program there and it's the same Kurui kids coming to West to continue. Throughout the choir program in the district. And they're looking for that to expand as they grow and for new opportunities to like arise as they continue throughout the district, which is why I think we should focus on the high schools being of more opportunity than let's say like the elementary schools you can't like compare them because it's not the same level of education. And it's the same people going through that whole entire process. And then if the choir program is being compared, if if we can't compare it to regular classes, like the need for English teachers or math teachers. If we compared to like let's say sports, I play volleyball, I have 2 coaches at Terry Hill West and having 2 coaches allows for 2 styles. Each coach has their different way of serving or their different way of serving or their different way of serving or their different way of passing or their different way of serving or their different way of passing and their different way of serving or their different way of passing and like you benefit from both of those. And so it produces like a double like advantage. And like what works best. For like certain students. For the choir program, we work in sectionals with our 2 teachers. Obviously, Mr. Dalio has a more like tenor and low voice than this chambers. I'm a soprano. I benefit personally having someone that's a soprano for my voice because then I could compare that when others may see like Dalio being of more use to them because of his, deeper voice. So it's just, it depends on the student. Thank you. Thank you. Let me go back to the line and there are no hands up online. We come back to the room. Just hold on for the timer because Okay, I'm Milano, I live in Shreheel. I apologize in advance, I'm losing my voice, so please bear with me. I'm going off of what I previously said. All you think is all of you think us for coming and highlight the importance of students advocating and speaking of, which we're thankful for. But what's the point of us coming if we're voiceless? As a student, I'm just urging for voice, but I feel like I'm talking to a law sometimes. It was mentioned earlier that our music teacher, Mr. Dalio, was a expected to work with small groups. How? As I mentioned last meeting, he can't. It's unreasonable. We can't have any lunch rehearsals if he's in a separate school. He can't teach us after school if we have to wait 50 min for him to arrive from a school that ends significantly later than 2 30. An elementary school that won't even be on the west side. Yes, he can encourage kids to join. But a majority of them will go to east anyways. Of course, not all children that live on the east side will go to east. For example, me, I went to Rose, I ended up going to West. But during every icebreaker in school, when students were asked, well, at med school did everyone attend? It's not surprising for me to be the only one that raised my hand that went to Rosa. Just like Dalio could encourage elementary school students to continue their music passions throughout middle school and high school, most of the students won't even end up at West. Going back to the cotton Trenton, we were given back 45% of the original cut. So why are we so eager to get rid of a course teacher? This regarding numbers disregarding emotions disregarding feelings. In the end. It should not. Makes that huge of an impact for one teacher that we are trying so hard to advocate for. Thank you for the time I spent today. Have a good evening. Yeah. Hey, we go back to the line and still no hands online. We come back to the room. If anyone else would like to speak, please approach the podium. As soon as the timer starts, full name, a misspelli. All right, my name is Janine Salem. I'm from Cherry Hill and I've been here. A few times before and 1st I wanted to congratulate the new Cherry Hilies principal, Dr. Finkel. I was fortunate enough to be at the interviews with the PTA. Where we asked him very real questions about, you know, how he would, you know, take care of some of the issues that are present at Cherry Hill East. And I think that he was a very good choice and you know I was I was very happy about that and I wanted to thank Dr. Morton for giving us the opportunity with that scan for giving us the opportunity with that scan for us to thank Dr. Morton for giving us the opportunity with that scan for us to you know voice our opinions of how how we felt each candidate was because we did sit in for the 2 days of the interviews. And that really, I really wanted to thank him for that because that made us feel like we had a voice and we had like a role to play in the decision of a major school in our district. And I was very thankful for that. So I just wanted to thank you and I wanted to thank. Matt, did I say your next? I always call you Mark for some reason. I'm sorry. But thank you, Matt. I know that in a previous school board meeting, you did mention coming to the Muslim IFR and you did you know Give us some props and I appreciate that very much. Thank you so much. And it was it was a pleasure to have you with us and we would love for more of the school board members to join us in other activities because I know we have emailed you about the June 3rd event at the Cherry Hill Library and we'd love for everyone extending the invitation to everyone to please come out and you know just just we want to be a part of the community and we want you all to you know to experience some of the things that we experience as just not just as Muslims as Cherry Hill residents. So if you could please support us, we'd appreciate that because that to us we have we have reached out. For other events and we just kind of feel like you guys aren't making time for us. And I know that's not your intention at all, I'm sure. But please try and make some time to come out and you know just have mingle with us and we did put a lot of effort into this particular event so we would like to see some some faces there if that's possible to every single one of you and you too Matt please come on and come and see the calligraphy and you too Matt please come on and come and see the calligraphy and you too to every single one of you and you too Matt please come on and come and see the calligraphy and the beautiful artwork that is going to be on display in the Cherry Hill Library. Thank you guys. Thank you. Let go back to the line and there. Still no hands raised online, so I come back to the room. If anyone else would like to speak, please approach the podium. As soon as the timer goes up, if you could. Start. You're only our Cherry Hill. I'm in complete agreement that salary should be one of the top budget priorities. I for one would have considered coming to apply and cherry help but it would have been a several $1,000 cut from what I mean is all the district areas are paying. So I think you're losing a lot of talent. I talked to other teachers who I'm friendly with and they are steering clear because Costs are up. Especially if you're coming out of college as a new teacher, you're looking at debt to pay off and things like that in your art. Pitching pennies. And so that starting salary really matters. What Nally brought up is my West and I greatest fear with Mac. Who next year will be graduating from the Malburg program. Right now he will not be getting his home school of even though we will be at that school for a very, very long time. How we have done special education divides family and puts a lot of stressors on families. Especially in terms of back to school calendars and other events constantly conflicting. Are people being on the west side shopping all the way over the east side? It just is not conducive. For families and puts a tremendous tax on them. I think it's time for us to get rid of open enrollment. I believe that is the cause of many of our issues. And the imbalancing. The community has awaited one high school over the other open enrollment encourages that behavior. It is we've gotten rid of the selection process at the middle school level. It is time for us to go back to fully zoned areas. I just it seems to me that would be a big step in the right direction. Advocates against the preschool expansion are actually speaking out against special education suits my son next year will be going into the half day program if there was no expansion. Because there was expansion in every special education student has the ability to get full day education with no reduction. And I full day shows tremendous growth central versus the half day, which going to put increased burden on those special education parents because finding childcare for professional education students is next in their impossible. To find care that you can trust and feel safe with. I would say congratulations to Matt, Colin, Gia. You guys have been absolutely incredible. I thought last year if bars was set high. I think you guys had near impossible lengths to succeed and also special thanks to Matt and Gia as a dear friend of E-side and someone's on there. You guys have done incredible work there. You've built even more of a legacy for all the writing you guys have done left the giant mark for that and you've also set the bar up really high there. Thank you all for you've done and best of luck as you go on. Forward. Thanks. Okay, let me go back to the line. And it's Jim as soon as the timer restarts if you can please take your full name and your municipality. Okay. Thank you, Chair. Jim Neary, Cherry Hill. And I. Don't often disagree with Mr. Jaris, but. His statement he just made about ending open enrollment at the high school level would be a travesty. I'm gonna have to strongly disagree with that. Until there is equitable. Programming and equitable outcome. At the 2 high schools ending open enrollment would do nothing short of completely Devastate this town. And basically hold the board. Liable for one of the most massive lawsuits. In equity and equal rights. For not supporting. One side over the other. So that would be an absolute travesty. I would strongly urge the board. As somebody who's looked into what the ramifications of that would be to not entertain that idea whatsoever. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the room. Anyone like to speak if anyone would like to speak please approach the podium now As soon as the timer goes up, ask you to start. I know you won't need the full 3 min. You never need the full 3 min. Steve Redford, so, Obviously for me to stand up here and talk about what you're talking about next year. More staff, increase salaries, you know, my position on that. But what I want to do is thank Dr. Morton. For the process that we went through. With hiring 3 principles and utilising the school-based labor management teams. They felt vested in the process, part of it. Great discussions and all the interviews and then also still being a part of it. You know, at east when the 2 candidates visited. So. Again, I know. And Gina, you're part of those meetings, but it was nice to see it at the school level come to fruition and everybody be happy with the process. So thank you, Dr. Okay. Not even a minute. What's the secret? Time. You look online, there's no hands up online if anyone else would like to speak in the room, please approach the podium. Nobody in the room no hands online. I'll close public comment I do want to say. Not always the most eloquent about these things, but. I really want to say to the students. Please do not. Take an inability to change a decision. On our part as not listening to your voice and not having value in your voice. You have tremendous value. You bring tremendous value. And there sometimes are very hard reasons to understand and I get that. And I could spend a lot of time talking to you about many different facets of the reasons going back to the past. Over the past year, these discussions. I hope that you take from this the fact that All these adults and kids are listening to you. Sometimes the outcome is not what you want and I realize that night. I, I take full ownership of that on my part. But please continue to understand that we are listening and we do care very much. It's exactly why we're here. We put a lot of time into this role. Lot of time because of you guys. Exactly why we do it. So please understand how important all of you are to us. Okay, Dr. Morton. Thank you very much. Thank you for those comments as well. Those are definitely resonate with me also. I just want to extend kudos to our student board reps this year, Matt Gia, Natasha, and Colin. Approached each meeting with a great level of preparation. I thought you spoke with eloquence and intelligence each and every time that you did have an opportunity to speak. I thought you served with a perfect combination of Grace, humility, but also courage. And that's, that's important, you know, for you as you move forward and to your future endeavors. I'm certain that you all will be successful and I'm going to be rooting for you. You can get me some pompoms. I'm behind you, 100%. Definitely stay in touch and let us know how you're doing. Kudos as well to all of our staff members who are recognized tonight for 20 years of service. Again, you know, I'm of the mindset that the the minutes and the hours and the days of our lives are those that we cannot get back. So essentially when someone gives up their time, given of their life. And those staff members have given up their lives to educating the children here in Cherry Hill. And it's important. It's extremely important. I want to say thank you to the board for your support of things to address our salary scale and things to address overall teacher morale. I don't know if you are aware, I'm not speaking to the board, I know you're aware, but publicly, but there is a national crisis around teacher morale, national crisis. All the data points to the fact that individuals are leaving the field and students aren't coming into the field. And if there's a number of reasons that affect that. Salaries, one of them, value voice being connected in a part of a community, feeling a sense of belonging and being respected, part, you know, a part of the concerns. We want to definitely address those things here. We value our staff greatly. If you think about it, we had a consulting come in earlier this year and said, you know, the working environment that we create. Directly impacts the learning environment for our children. So, you know, how can we expect our teachers to create wonderful learning environments so we don't take care of them and create wonderful working environments. Thank you so much for your support of creating the positive working environment for our staff. We value our staff. And we want to be a model for what that looks like across the state and across this country. Hard to believe. This is the last week of May. We're moving into the month of June and before we know it. The year will be wrapping up. Yeah, it's it's truly incredible. There's many great things happening and with that this time of year synonymous with just wonderful culminating events and truly fantastic things that are. I know it was mentioned several times, Star Games event that we had, but Star Games is one of my favorite events that occur throughout the year. The energy is palpable. The participation in the collaboration is truly amazing. So I just want to thank Kristen Bradford, teacher who will have to facilitate that along with the Star Games team. Want to thank Cherry Hill Police, Sherry Hill Fire, Terrio EMS. I custodial teams and maintenance teams who came out and made sure that things were set up. Thank you to all the staff who were involved in putting forward that day. And thank you to the student volunteers as well because the students are a critical piece in helping that event to occur and helping that With that said, because we have one more meeting before the close of the school year, but thank you all for coming out tonight. Thank you for your comments. Thank you, Dr. Martin. It's 9 0 1. And make a motion to adjourn. Do I have a second