Ready, Adam? Good evening and welcome to our meeting. We'll start with our roll call. This is sugars. Can you please take the roll? This is your fame here. Mrs. Gallagher here. Mr. Greenbaum. Here. Mr. Mayor, Dr. This is Niaz. Here. This is Tong. Mrs. Winters? Here. Ms. Stern. Here, please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act has been given by the Board Secretary on May, the 24th in the following manner. Situation building. Transmitted to the Courier Post, Philadelphia Enquirer, and the clerk of Cherry Hill Township. Totally out of order here. Okay, and now we are on to our public comment public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Terry Hill Public School District or within the authority of the Terry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums, statements which demean individual community members or groups were relatively relevant to the operations of the school district or our repetitives will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent, board president and all board members via. Email or other alternative means. We will alternate between attendees who are here in the room and those who are online. And if there are students who will wish to speak at public comment. Then they will have priority to speak If you are a student and you are online, kindly put an S after your name and that way we will be able to call on you And I see there is a name online. David G, you haven't asked after your name. I, it looks like it's G hyphen S. So David G. If that is you, if you are a student, you will have the 1st public comment. Oh you're online but you're not you don't have your hand raised i take it back i'm sorry i'm at a David G is right. S is right there. You're under attendees and not panelists. I'm a little confused. All right, we take it back. There's no David G with a hand raise. So, and I don't actually see any hand raised on line. So there we go. All right, can we erase that from the record? I mean, it's just a little embarrassing. No, no, no, we don't erase anything from the recording. I was really making a joke. Okay. We go to the room If anyone would like to speak, please approach the podium. When the timer goes up, you'll have 3 min to speak. Rickshaw Cherry Hill. This is something we should all agree on, guys. I just don't get it. It's almost like we're in our Groundhog Day. Constant thanks keep constantly happen. An example is Miss. Years coming up to the mic every single year. Every single year she comes up to the mic, she finds mistakes in the calendar. I don't understand it. The same thing happens year after year. I can probably go back 4 or 5 years. Mrs. Years finds a mistake. Every time with the calendar. How does this happen? Next stop, school security. Same thing happens year after year after year. I come to the mic. I say the same thing. Recently it was report from. Parkland. Basic things, you know. Fencing, interior. All these things have been missing for years. Does this of emails. And then last year I had hope. But why? Why would I have hope that actually someone cares about the internal security and external security of our of our schools. We have 300 million dollars. And we are not investing the money in for security. We have the same faults as Marjorie Stone and Douglas and Parkland, Florida. We had the same exact fault. How do we allow this to happen? Don't we all care about Social Security? 1st thing that went bad with Parkland. Fencing. So what does the district do? The district puts out an ad not to come during school hours. Well, if you had fencing, then you wouldn't have to put an ad out. So I just don't get it. I just don't get it. Why you don't care? You have an extra 4.5 million dollars. Why aren't we put it into fencing? Why do we have to put an add up to remind people not to come during school hours? That's not security. Now the other stuff I can't really talk about, but I've said this about several years ago to Dr. Morton when he was. Principal at last I gave detailed detailed things about what is wrong. And to this day, we have 300 million dollars. We have it all allocated, but we haven't done it. Get it. I really don't get it. And the other thing is, is you know I come up here year after year and I make predictions. I say, you don't have any, I said this 7 years ago, you don't have armed officers. Then all of a sudden, bingo, we have armed officers. You know, then I'm saying, oh, we don't have any security cameras. And then bingo, we have security cameras. I say this for year after year after year. Why can't you be productive? Thank you, Mr. Your time is up. We go to the line, phone number 7, 8, 8. If you could please state your full name and you're municipality when the timer goes up. My name is Jeff Potowitz. I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey at the last school board meeting. A comment was made by an individual who I believe was a check to turn a special NPTA board member. He warns about what could happen if our school board administration decided to stop open enrollment. I thought about it. I wondered what would happen if they wanted one academic high school only. What would the what would the construction course be? How much how much how much chaos would it create? you see, there's a problem and that is our school district leaderships do not optimize our tax dollars already and all our K through 12 students had preschool students with disabilities are suffering are suffering as a result of that. I felt that the idea given by our leadership's that they would be in effectively spending our tax dollars by keeping that. Choral music teacher at Cherry Hill West was ludicrous. Cause that's what it sounded like to me, what was being said. How much are you talking about? How much are you talking about? How much extra money? Our total tax levy increases including the increases for the course of the bond will be over 9%. Just do the math yourself. Look at the math. We're talking about tax levy. Taxes the increase in the tax but the total will be over 9% the cost of preschool expansion is significantly adding to those costs. Preschool expansion costs will, weigh over $30,000 a student. All right? The possible temporary state aid per pupil will be less than $13,000 a student total cost for approximately 475 students would be over 14.2 5 million dollars that's just for this year So we have a deficit between the money they're giving us in extra aid, all right, and the actual cost next year for 2,024 our total I said look at the user friendly budget. The course of expansion will be over 30,000 state per people, maybe $30,000. Preschool expansion. Drains funds from students with disabilities in our district. It does not help students. The New Jersey DOE specifically states none of the additional aid for that they provide risk of data will go to towards the education of any students with disabilities. If the states were providing us with $30,000 or 25,000 but suiting extra in aid and they do that in other districts. They are providing that much it would be okay but the state is not and they are continuously cheating our students and our Thank you, Dr. Potto, it's your time is up. And I will close public comment. Okay. And I will make a comment that that was information that was shared. The opinion that was shared was factually incorrect. Our tax levy is nowhere near 9%. So I want to correct that for the record and I also want to state for the record that the it has been stated again and again and again and I'll say it again that there's 1.5 million dollars that is needed from our budget. To run our preschool and all the other funds at this point in time are coming from our preschool expansion money, which are significant. So. That's my only comment. And now I'm going to make a motion to convene executive session. Do I have the second? Mr. Greenbaum. And all in favor? A motion passes. We will convene and