Welcome to our first.st Your phone. I think I think you're No, my, That. My phone. Right. Your mic is off. Yeah, you're talking. All right. So I thought I'd. This is not one of the mistakes I practiced. Hello. Sherry try this again. Here we go. That's better. No, it's not. Alright, so welcome. This is our first.st or meaning post graduation. Everyone please join us. For Pledge of Allegiance. Oh, United States in America. So, I know. Yeah. So our first, st our 1st ad lib to mistake is out of the way. I did practice a few more. So any mistakes that I make at the microphone were practiced well. So I'd like that feedback at the end of the meeting. Mrs. Stern is not able to join us. She is returning from a well-earned vacation. We have a relatively light but still important agenda tonight. We will start with the roll call. Mrs. Sugars, would you please take the role? Mrs. Sheriffane here. Mrs. Gallagher here, Mr. Greenbaum. Yeah, Mr. Mayor, Dr. Rood. Here. Mrs. Niaz. Here, Mrs. Mrs. Winters? Here, Ms. We move on to board recognition. There is no board recognition this evening. There are no presentations this evening. Nor are there any administrative reports. So we'll move right into correspondence. Or any board members wish to share correspondence. From the last couple of weeks. Mrs. Gallagher. Since I wasn't at the last meeting, I wanted to mention that I went to Barton's wellness day back in beginning of June. It was a really nice morning. I guess it was a full day of activities they had for students. They had me and Mrs. Kizzy went on a the mindfulness walk around the school and they had students engage in a lot of different practices to reduce stress, just to be mindful. And some of the techniques I thought were really creative, like with breathing, they're like blow bubbles, like that's how you should breathe when you're stressed. And I was like, oh, that's a really. Nice way to think about it. I never think about, you know, when you're breathing and you're stressed out. And so it was just a really nice time. She showed me the title one room that they have for the students there. It's really nice and it's quiet and I know that they have a lot of students that they support in that room. And it was just a really nice morning to walk around part and I'd never been before. So thank you. Any other board correspondence, Mr. Green, Thank you. Last weekend I attended the Cherry Hill Juneteenth celebration along with Mr. Mayor, Mrs. Winters, our board rep from East Salon. Mr. Redfern and of course Dr. Morton who is the Grand Marshal as wonderful celebration of freedom and the diversity of our community and despite the heat was a fun, enjoyable event. So thank you to everyone who came out both to celebrate and to support it. Any additional correspondence? Mrs. Winters. The biggest one we should mention is graduation. Several board members were present at graduation for both high schools east and west of the Le Corps Center. It was a beautiful day. Seeing all the kids graduate, my favorite part was that Mr. Greenbaum somehow got pictures of them all throwing their hats in the air. He captured that moment for us, which was really, really neat. But graduation is one of those days that makes it absolutely worth it to be on the board. It's the culmination for those kids of all the hard work they've put in no matter what comes next. It's a moment to celebrate exactly where they are on that day with their friends and their family. And I'm just really honored that we get to be part of it with them and celebrate. Congratulations to the board members who had graduating. Seniors, Mr. Mayer, Miss Tong. Everybody this year, right? 2 graduating seniors. Excellent. Any additional correspondence. All right, then I will follow up with that graduation was spectacular. I'll focus though on the student speaker. So every student that got up. And spoke from, My School East or High School West was just outstanding. In the presence in their message, in their competence. And it's just another reminder. Of how. How well they and their classmates are going to move. After they graduate. It was inspiring to hear and It's 1 of the highlights, I think, of graduation. I know how nervous a couple of them come. Claimed to have been beforehand, but they all really. Show themselves to be so incredibly well composed and Great speakers, great thoughts. And hopefully they left their classmates with. You know, some, some, you know, some good lines to come, come home with. Juneteenth celebration also was, you know, was a wonderful celebration. I wasn't as happy with the heat as Mr. Greenbaum says it was a little wife had a little more fun if it wasn't 95 degrees but it was a wonderful celebration it was great to see so many people from the community come out. To support Juneteenth and celebration. It was wonderful to share in. Of the pride that the community has. And the community has also specifically for Dr. Morton and his new role. Just, it's another one of the highlights that I'm, you know, I'm glad to be able to participate in. Annually look forward to it again next year. The only other thing I'll add is, clapouts were also last week for, Graduating seniors visited each of they visited their elementary schools and they were clapped out by the elementary students. And I was able to attend it. Russell Night, my daughter, and it's great to see the younger kids how happy they are and excited to see the seniors walking through their halls and their caps and gowns and knowing that's going to be them. In in far fewer years than they can possibly imagine. It's a wonderful tradition. Parents that I've talked to that did not go to these schools. They rave about it. This they ask why don't or why don't we do that? Why doesn't our district do that? Just a great way to bond the younger kids and the older kids. All smiles and teachers love it as well. They love seeing their seniors come back. And You know, just, pass that joy on to the younger kids. So. That's it. Alright, so that closes. Communication, we are happy tonight to welcome or 2, 3. 3 that are here with us tonight, new student representatives from both high school West. And high school east from high school West Rebecca and Jenna. From high school east tonight. We have Salon. So 1st of all, welcome. Your, your schools. You know, chose you wisely. To, represent them to represent their interests and to speak on their behalf at the board. We look forward to that. You've probably often heard that. You have big shoes to fill given, who you are following. I don't look at it that way and I hope you don't, because you only fill those big shoes if you intend to walk in their path. And you have your own paths to walk. So with that welcome, this is now. Your 1st opportunity to provide. Report from your schools. I don't know how you selected between yourselves east and west. Who is gonna go first.st We're gonna leave that. To your democratic process and whoever grabbed the mic 1st Welcome and We'll start and start your reports. Hello. Okay, so in regards to academics, June, the 10th was the last day of finals. And then the school you're officially concluded with makeup finals ending on a Friday, June 14, th which is also the day of graduation for the seniors. I'm at the like, Cora center at Temple. In addition current E students and rising these freshman have the opportunity to change their tentative, 2,024, 2,025 school year schedules by this Sunday through completing a Google form, email, to all these students and parents. In regards to activities, the students who took physics this academic year were able to go on a field trip to 6 flags on June 4.th I went, it was a lot of fun. But the last few weeks of school, I definitely revolved around the senior class. There was the senior sunset on East, on East track on June 3rd where seniors got to get their yearbooks, your book signed and spend some time together. It was a full circle moment as seniors had the senior sunrise in the beginning of the year. In addition, there was a senior skate night on June 5.th E students also got to participate in senior clubouts. As was mentioned on elementary schools. In which seniors went got to go to their elementary schools and get applauded by. They're teachers, some of their former teachers and elementary school students. Finally, 82% of East senior class of 2024. Attended project graduation and which recently graduated seniors spent the whole night at East. So that was 10 pm to 5 a. M. And had a lot of fun in a safe environment. They got to have characters made of them to karaoke, play games. So a lot of food and I'm just say goodbye to their classmates. So special thanks to the PTA for organizing that night. I'm in regards to the arts, the thespian society inductions occurred on June 4.th Congratulations to all the inductees on June 6th senior solo night occurred. And which seniors performed at their last concert at East. I also want to shout out East Senior Aviv Heroz for recently winning the 2,024 Paper Mill Playhouse Rising Star Award for best supporting actor in a male identified role in the state of New Jersey for his role as Damien Hubbard in East recent production of Mean Girls. In regards to athletics, many of our sports teams are continuing to practice. As the summer starts, East football team also announced that rising senior Jackson Bowman has committed to play for the University of Delaware and he will be the 1st East football player to play Division One football since 2,003. So that's, to him. That's pretty great. And then finally in the community, the Cherry Hill African-american Civic Association's annual Juneteenth Freedom Festival this past Saturday, the 20 second. I got to go and represent East African American Culture Club along with our outgoing President Sierra. It was a great event and it was wonderful to see so many board members there and walk with you all in the parade. Thanks. Thank you. Salaam. So shift over to high school West. Awesome. So for academics, the last day of finals also took place on June, the 10th followed by several makeup testing days and for any students who had missed finals, grades and transcripts were also finalized around that time. Also some are reading kicked off for many students when classes finished so that they could prepare for the upcoming school year. As far as athletics on June 5, th the West volleyball team became state champions winning against South. Brunswick after an incredible 2 to 0 game against northern Burlington on June 3.rd The West volleyball team is also being recognized by town council tonight for their amazing achievement. Was baseball ended their season after a game with Delsey on May 31.st Brooklyn Ezekiel and Noah Casa both competed at the meat of champions on June, 12th at Pennstock in high school. Brooklyn placed 17th and Noah placed 13th in the 110 meter hurdles as well as 16th in the 400 meter hurdles. Brooklyn also competed at New Bounce Nationals, which took place at the University of Penn Stadium on June, the 15.th She plays 7th in the nation in the freshman division of the triple jump. As for arts on May 29th this spring instrumental concert took place with performances from wind ensemble orchestra jazz ensemble and more senior solo night for students in the West Music Programs also took place on June 6.th Showcasing a variety of talent as a way for the seniors to bid farewell to their high school experience. Some of the West art students also took their artwork to the State Teen Arts Festival on June 6 which was awesome. Extracurriculars. Junior RLTC Awards Night took place in the West theater recognizing a number of our wonderful cadets for their for all the work they do. As for other notes on May 30, th West seniors and friends had an incredible time at the senior prom on June, the 14th project graduation took place for the graduating seniors on that same day prior to that. S. Seniors graduated and on the 20 second West and district staff and students walked in the Cherry Hill Township. That's all. Thank you, Rebecca and Jenna. You're and and Salam. You are now officially all veterans. Hear from you again in a couple of weeks. We now move on to 1st public comment. There are 2 opportunities to see for public comment. 1st public comment session is for board action items only. Those are items 13 through 16 on the agenda. There will be another public comment section for any topic at the end of the meeting. If you're a student in the district. You may comment on any agenda item during this first.st On any item during this 1st public comment period, but please identify yourself as a student if you're online put an S. On your name so we can tell that you're a student. If you would like to speak now, please identify the agenda item and clearly state your name and municipality. Will alternate between speakers here in the room and those that are online. The speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Cherry Hill Public School District. Or within the authority of the Sherry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums. Statements which the mean individual community members or groups. Or which are relevant to the operations of the school district. Or repetitious will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district. Always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent. To the board president and old ward members via email. Or alternative means. That said, we will commence. Our public comment. Normally we start in the room. If you are prepared and ready the room, if you would kindly take your microphone, identify the. Your name, municipality, and the agenda item that you're speaking on. Hi, I'm Carolyn Msias, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Good evening. I'm here to speak on agenda item 15.7. In support of the appointment of Carol Roskov as supervisor of special projects. I have known Carol for over 20 years. We met when we both began teaching at West. She is much more than a colleague to me. She is friend and someone I consider family. I don't know anyone who is more invested in this school district and this community. Her love for her students, their families, and the staff is extraordinary. To say that I was sad to hear that you would no longer be at West is an understatement. For me personally, she has helped me to create an outstanding theater program at West. That allows students to be themselves and mature into confident and creative individuals. I have learned from Carol that in order to get things done and be successful it takes more than hard work and dedication. It takes time, effort, and sometimes failing in order to succeed. When Carol and I 1st started, we were both teaching in the IB International Bakal Art Program. Her knowledge and insight into literature not only allowed her students to become better thinkers, but also helped them to develop skills that they could take into college and into the world. For the next 20 plus years, she continued to make those connections. To Spite heard sometimes no nonsense exterior. She has a heart of gold. Her generosity and love for her students and their families and her colleagues, her friends, and of course her mom and her son are immeasurable. I know that whatever this new job entails, she will approach it as he she has with every challenge and task she has given. She will get the job done. There is no stopping Carol Ruskov. Thank you. Thank you. So we're gonna go. Next to the line I'll just remind anyone. If you are a student, put an S in front of your name, I do not see any students online. I do believe, however, 1st up is Dr. Pottowitz, number 7 8 8. So if you would you are next up. NAME and ME. My name is Jeff Podot and I live in Sherry Hill, New Jersey. 16.2. Dr. Potter was just hold off for a second. We're having audio issue in the room. We'll reset the timer for you. Okay, thank you. Tell me when. Okay. All right, you're good. Let's just wait and reset our timer and then we'll go. Okay. Tell me when. Just tell me when, okay. Okay. Yeah, all right, Dr. Padovs, you are good to go. Okay, 16.2 student use of wireless communication devices. I would say vote no on that now with and then make some modifications. A lot of times students, especially those that are bullied, use their phones as a protection so they can talk to someone right away. When there's a problem. And a lot of times that problem Actually happens during lunch lunch has a very high degree of. I was bullying during lunch. My kid was, I'll tell you that right now. So if you go to number 3 and please read this 16.2. All right it says that students are prohibited from using wireless communications blah blah blah during law. Okay. Studies may use wireless communications during lunch recess between classes. While on school buses or during cocoa activities unless the school's principal elects to prohibit such use during lunch. And then it goes on to No. That part and I don't agree with a lot of things in this in this new policy in this policy that has to be left out unless the school principal elects to prohibit such use during lunch. It leaves it up to the individual principal. No, it negates the fact the gates that the student can use it during lunch. Principal will all that's good. I don't want you to use it today. I don't want you to use it during lunch. And that kid who has been bullied. Is stuck. That phone is protection in the school district itself. That phone, I mean, especially if a child is being bullied. That screw that that phone is definitely protection during lunch. You have to remove that. You can't leave that up to an individual principal that has to stay in this policy and to vote. Okay, for this policy, I believe you'd be hurting the very kids. That you claim maybe would be help kids get bullied all the time. Especially during lunch, principal can't do it. Okay, now principally it can't be done at the principal's discretion, that you can use it during lunch. Thank you very much for listening. Please vote no because it has written on 16.2. Please do that. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Pottowitz. We will return to the room. Seeing only lifelong learners but no actual students. Move ahead, name a municipality. Rick Short, I'm speaking about 13.1. It has to do with the, Teacher, teacher training. I would ask you to not be a part of the teacher training, especially the ones that have to do with Rowan College. Because, somehow or another. Rowan is also associated with Dr. Patina Love. She was. Basically, part of the program at Roman College. So it's called in the thing it's called. Rowan University Empowerment Education. So we have all these teachers going taking this. More education about culture proficiency, but our math grades at East and West keep falling. So why do we keep sending all these teachers to all these events about culture proficiency when our math scores keep falling at East and West. It just doesn't seem to make any sense. What makes it worse is is that Dr. Patina love is associated with Rowan Colleges. Culture of proficiency, which is just absurd. So you're sending teachers, our teachers. To talk to Dr. Love. I mean, I can't believe it. And we already know from emails and from Facebook posts. That you're working with. Dr. Love and Cherry Hill West. Who's an extreme radical. Radical nut. And you've normalized it. I mean, she's like communist. She hates America. She wants to totally redo America. Yeah, that's what we want to do, right? These are the consultants we're working. It's unbelievable. Continuing on. And section 15.7. We have. All these teachers, let's say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. More culture proficiency at 30 $36 and 66 cents an hour. Again, can we do any more culture proficiency in our schools? As grades fall at east. And West for math. And you do absolutely nothing. In your teacher training. To improve teachers how to teach math. But all you do is spend time on culture proficiency. So what's going to happen? Grades are going to keep falling. And people are going to wonder, whoa, why are the grades keep falling? Well, because all our teachers do is study cultural proficiency. Please vote no. Thank you, Mr. Short. We will return to the line and the next hand up is Jessica. Fingerman. Hi, Jessica Fingerman, Cherry Hill, Jersey. Commenting on 16.2 the cell phone policy. Wanted to say and I apologize, I don't have any prepared remarks, but I wanted to say that I highly encourage Board of Education to pass this policy and also to empower our school administrators, our teachers to have the support that they need to enforce this policy to its full extent. As a parent and an educator, I've seen how damaging these devices are. To our students, notwithstanding those students with 5 or 4 plans or IPs who require assistive technology, which I know that your policy outlines exceptions for that which is great assistive technology can be a wonderful resource. However, for many of our students, It's the equivalent of us back in the nineties or the eightys bringing in our TV, our walkie-talkies, and all of our friends and and neighbors and every encyclopedia you can imagine. It's just the temptation is too great. Telling students to just put it in their pocket. It It's just, it's not. It's not a reasonable request for many of our students. They can't help but check and then they're distracted and I wouldn't be surprised if it contributes to a reduction in their ability to perform well in school. I also think it is a reduction in their ability to relate to their peers. So I highly encourage, a strict cell phone policy, and I Hope that that's in place for for my children. Thank you so very much. I appreciate it Thank you, Mrs. Finn. Returning to the room. I will use Mrs. Stern's line, you know the drill. I think. And I know in Cherry Hill. 1st of all, I'd like to congratulate Brett Rosen. I see he's on your agenda tonight. I don't know the item number. I have known Brett all of his life. He and my son Willie whose ages I won't disclose because that I really show you how old I am. But I'm glad to see that bread is still working for the district. It's been a wonderful opportunity. I'd also like to congratulate Carol Roscoff, 15.7. I won't tell you how long I've known her too because sometimes I do feel like a dinosaur in this district, but I know. That she is definitely up for the challenge and I echo everything. Miss Messiah said to say. I would like to discuss 15.1 2 the contract renewal for Dr. I am very confused about this. I thought a couple of meetings ago she was appointed the assistant superintendent for pre K only. And now I see she has double duty pre K. I'm sorry. Yeah, 3 K. Kindergarten through 12 and quite frankly I thought that was overwhelming for her last year. Since the book of her time needed to be spent on pre K and as you expand pre-K, I don't know how you can expect one person to do all those jobs. Absolutely, no reflection on Dr. Mayhean. I've also known her since she was young whippersnapper as a teacher at Barton. But quite frankly, that is way too much responsibility for one person, in the sense that her time is valuable too. And not just her time as a business person here, but her mental time. So, to explain for you how one person can be expected to do a dual role again. Thank you. Looking online. Thank you, Mr. Leonard. Looking online, there are no hands raised. Anyone else in the room wishes to approach? The the podium. The free microphone with no podium. Jim Neary, Cherry Hill. At 16.2. Actually I'm going to echo the sentiments of Dr. Pottowitz. Where it comes to the one line that I take objection to in the policy is with where the principal has final discretion. If we are going to rewrite a policy as a district, Why are we farming it out to the franchises again? If we're going to own the policy and make a policy, Do not give Willy-nilly. You know, ad hoc to create discrepancy from school to school. This can create discrepancies and disparities in discipline throughout your schools. It can create all sorts of issues where things will not be the same. It will not be uniform. One principal may do one thing, one may do the other. You may see an increase spike in discipline in one school. You may have a lot of inadvertent consequences by leaving that one little line in the policy and giving. Basically, the additional authority down to the principal level. If you as a board are going to insist on rewriting a policy, then own the policy, write the policy, make the rules. And have them enforce it. Don't throw it back to the building level because when that creates disparity, people are going to come back to you. Please make it uniform. Do not franchise out our 18 different schools that hasn't worked in the past. It needs to be the same at all levels. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Still no hands on line. Anyone else in the room wish to make a public comment? This is your big moment. And it's. Alright, that's the end of public comment one. Thank you for those who. Took time to comment in the 1st public comment. We are moving along now too. Superintendents Comments, Dr. Morton. Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. A little loud today, so I'll step back just a bit. Anyway, the end of the school year was absolutely amazing. It was fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the various donating activities. Celebrations, field days, and especially, especially loved all of the moving up and graduation ceremonies from the earliest of our learners up to our high school students as well. There's something special about. High school graduations and both of those ceremonies were truly outstanding. Did enjoy quite a bit. Our cultural celebrations that have occurred as well. Juneteenth was phenomenal. I was honored to have the opportunity to serve as a Grand Marshal in this year's parade and festivities. I've been out, been at everyone that's been held this year, but. It was a bit different to ride in the car instead of walking along along the parade route. And you know, as we think about culture and what culture is, you know, you think about the values and beliefs and norms. That groups have, it's important for us that. Each cultural, cultural, culturally diverse group. In our town, in our district. Has a sense of belonging and that they definitely have a place. It's very important for us. It's part of our identity and who we are. And with that, I say happy Pride Month. As time off comes to a close for all of those. We're celebrating. Again, it's important that we recognize. Those within our community, that. Everyone within our community has a sense of pride, a sense of belonging and a place. As we moving, move into. The summer. Clearly the heat is upon us and summer is definitely here. I encourage our students to continue to learn over the summer, take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. There are learning opportunities that the district offers that are being offered to township level as well. I encourage you to reach out to our district website or job for more information. If that is needed, summer is also a time where the confines and the structures of school are not present. So, you know, I always like to encourage and like for families and children just to think about safety as it relates to the summer. So it's very important. Whether it be spending time on the beach or just going for going to the pool for a swim. Just think safety 1st is definitely important for us. As we also move into the summer. Our correspondence from the district move from a weekly. Newsletter to a biweekly newsletter, but I encourage you to stay connected as well. As, as we move forward throughout the summer. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. With respect to that choir that you wrote in, I understand it was not air conditioned. So it says a lot you could still speak about enjoying the car ride with a smile and No, it was, it was a great, it was a great event. We are onto our action agenda, 1st up. Curriculum and instruction, Mrs. Winters. Would you please do the honors? Certainly. Superintendent recommends and I move the following 13.1 approval of attendance at conferences and workshops for the 2425 school year. 13.2 approval of out of district student placement for 2324 school year. 13.3 approval of out of district student placements for the 2425 school year 13.4 approval of submission of NJCAP Grant Program for the 2425 school year. 13.5 approval of professional service agreements for the 2425 school year. 13.6 resolution authorizing acceptance of the school climate change grant funds. 13.7 approval of evaluation models for 2425 school year and 13.8. Approval of NJ DOE, 2024 to 2,027 language instructional program LIEP 3 year plan. Do I have a second? Mr. Fain, does anyone have any questions about any of the items on the CNI agenda tonight? I'm happy to answer them. No takers this evening. I must have done a good job then seeing none. Miss Sugars, can you please open the voting for this evening? Board members, you may cast your votes. I'd like to recuse myself from 13.5 and abstain from 13.8. The rest is yes. I vote yes. Okay, other than Mrs. Shervine's. Cusel on 13.5 and extension on 13.8. All other board members voted yes and motion carries. We move on to business and facilities, Mr. Greenbaum, all yours. Thank you. The superintendent recommends and I move the following. 14.1, approval of minutes. Bw, board work session, special action meeting minutes and executive session. It's dated May, 14, th 2024. Approval of, 14.2 approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes and executive session. May 28, th 2,02414.3 financial reports, 14.3 financial reports, 14.4 resolution for Perkins, 14.4, resolution for Perkins funds, 14.5 resolution for the award of bids. 14.6 resolution for the award of transportation. 14.7 resolution to join the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group, (202) 420-2714.8 resolution approving a services agreement between the board and Kroll Associates Inc. For the provision of enterprise detection and response. 14.9. A resolution approving services agreement between the board and schooltics, Inc. For the provision of data processing service. 14.10 resolution for the word of contract renewals, 14.11. Resolution approving vented meals contract between Yale School and Cherry Hill Board of Education. 14.12 resolution for the cancellation of outstanding checks. 14.13 acceptance of donations which I always like to read through of a donation from Nicole and Matthew Schwartz for project invent club trip to New York City at Beck. We have a donation from Beck PTA to be used for the 2425 field trips. The Mark Homan Foundation to be used for photography equipment at high school West, an anonymous donation to be used for financially needy families with middle school male debt at all 3 of our middle schools. Sustainable jersey to be used for a sustainable library at Rosa. Cooper PTA to be used for picnic table and supplies at Cooper and Cooper PTA to be used for a Gaga pit at Cooper. And. I think that covers it. Do I have a second? Dr. Rood, any questions? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. This is sugars, I'll be, recusing myself from 14.3. I'm sorry, Mrs. Niaz, could you say what item again? Fortune point day, 14 with 3. Okay. Other than, Mrs. Nia's recuse on item 14.3, we have yes vote on all other items. And motion carries. Moving right along human resources, Mrs. Winters, if you are not. Too tired after removing the CNI agenda. Would you kindly move the HR agenda as well? Oh, try. This is the tricky one. Superintendent recommends and I move the following. 15.1 termination of employment certificated. 15.2. Termination of employment non-certificated. 15.3 appointments. Certificated. 15.4 appointments non-ertificated. 15.5 leaves a vaccine certificated. 15.6 leaves of absence non-certificated. 15.7, assignment, salary change, certificateated, 15.8 assignment salary change non-ertificated. 15.9 contract renewal, certificated athletic and co-curricular. 15.10 approval of sidebar agreement 15.11 other compensation certificated and 15.12 other emotions. Do I have a second? Mr. Mayer, does anyone have any questions about anything on the HR agenda at this time? Seeing no questions going once going twice on the HR agenda. Miss Sugars, please open the voting. Board members you may cast your votes We have a unanimous yes vote. Motion carries. With with that vote. an item 15.7 officially now approving. Carol Roscoff, as our new director of special projects. Congratulations. Thank you. If you would like to say a few words, please do. Dr. Morton for your confidence and the board members for your support and your confidence. I'm excited to get started. If I didn't thank my cherry Hill West family. I will miss them. I did not expect Carolyn to be here tonight. My heart will be there, but I am excited to take my that energy and that commitment to the rest of the district. So thank you. I'm sure. Mrs. Rusk off knowing your commitment as a teacher who I've had the pleasure of. You know, dealing with with 2 of our children, knowing what you bring to the school and what you have brought to Cheryl West into this community. And wider role in the community. We are lucky to have you in this, this new role and. Of the district will be better for it. Thank you. Alright, moving along we are now up to policy and legislation. I will move that agenda. The superintendent recommends I move the following item, 16.1, approval of harassment intimidation. Billing investigation decisions. 16.2, second reading of policy that is the cell phone policy. 16.3, approval of the revised. 2,024 2,025 school calendar. That's it. Do I have a? Second. This is Nia's. Are there any questions? Mrs. Winters. Not a question so much, as I just want to thank the other members of the PNL committee for collaborating on the cell phone policy, I think. It was something that We worked really hard on as a committee this year and I think it's going to make it a measurable difference for our students. So thank you, Mr. Mayor, for leading us. Thank you to the other members of PNL and to the rest of the board who contributed to this policy. I think it's. Positive one for change for our students. Think it might be a rough landing in September just to be realistic about it. I know I'm usually the board optimist, but I think change takes a time to get used to, but I think ultimately be beneficial for our students and teachers. I'm confident well. Thank you. Alright, seeing no more questions, Mrs. Sugars, would you please open the voting? Hmm. I'm Mrs. Sugars. I need to abstain on 16.1. This is sugars, I also have to abstain from 16.1. I was not here. Sugars my. Technology is still not playing nice so Please record my vote as yes to all 3 items. Okay, so we have 2 abstentions on 16.1 from Mrs. Gallagher and Dr. Rood. Otherwise, all board members voted yes, and we have a motion carries. Strategic planning, no items this evening, given the relatively heavy agenda that strategic planning has over the course the next several months that is likely to change. Sooner than we think. We'll move on now to new business. Any board members have any new business? They'd like to. Bring up or discuss this evening. Seeing none, we move on to old business. Any board members wish to discuss or address any old business? Matters, Mr. Greenbaum. Thank you very much. So tonight, I wanted to take a little bit of time to talk about our preschool program. This isn't out of nowhere. I this is probably the most frequent. Topic of questions that I get. And I've been waiting for an evening that had a little bit lighter agenda to talk about it, which. Fortunately is tonight. I support the program. I think it's the right direction for the district. But a condition of my support for the program has always been that it was financially the right. Decision to make. So that's the perspective I want to take tonight. I'd like to talk to you a little bit about preschool funding. What it costs, what we get reimbursed for, what the plan is moving forward. The reason I bring it up in old business is None of this information I'm bringing up is new. It's just been presented in so many disparate places. And our public board meetings in different committee meetings, preschool committee. Some was only shared with parents that have kids in the program. So if you indulge me for a few minutes, I wanted to go through, a stack of papers I have. I promise I'll try to do it quickly. But I wanted to share some of this information because there's, I think there's a lot more transparency than some people believe and I thought presenting it all at once might be helpful. To my fellow board members as well as the community that might be listening. So 1st off, what is preschool costing? Next year it's 1.5 million dollars. This was shared on March, the 19th when we had a presentation on the initial budget submission it was shared again when we voted on the budget on April 30.th For a little bit more breakdown we have the user friendly budget that's posted on the district website. It has the same information. It's broken down a little bit more on page 3. We see we're getting 6.1 million dollars from the state. On page 6, we see the total cost of the program to be 7.6 million. You do some quick math. The difference is 1.5 million. And on page 7 we see 2 transfers from the general fund the total 1.5 million. For anyone who's a glutton for punishment, there's a hundred 48 page person that we submitted to the state. On page 23 it says the exact same thing. Total cost is 7.6 million. We get 6.1 from the state. The difference is 1.5 million. And that differences almost entirely for transportation costs. Another perspective that I wanted to share, I'd ask Mr. Sugars if she can provide a comparison. Between what the prior program cost which was a half day program for about 200 students primarily focusing on our classified students with IEPs. And the preschool expansion program, which now has over 500 students. It's a full day program. So breaking that out and this is this is a worksheet that was provided to all board members on March 19.th We had our budget discussion. Is important for everyone to see this. But the The prior half day program was about 5 million dollars that's again focusing on our classified students that that's inclusive of instruction, support services, transportation, and everything it takes to do that. Moving into next year the total cost of our preschool program is 6.9 million Excuse me, again, some quick math. The difference is 1.9,000,001.5 million of that is attributed to. I'm sorry, that 1.9 million is almost entirely transportation. 1.5 is for the Gen Ed preschool expansion. Something I wanted to talk about briefly about the cost of transportation is it's an ongoing challenge that the district has. It's not specific to preschool. This is something we deal with with K through 12. If you look at our at our state aid every year. Transportation aid doesn't remotely cover our cost of transportation and it doesn't change year to year. It doesn't change with enrollment. It doesn't change with inflation. That's something that the board and the administration have been looking at ways to address something that the board and the administration have been looking at ways to address. At the preschool level, taking a look at as we continue to expand to more community providers, can we make sure to district families. To facilities that are closer to them. So not only don't we have to pay for transportation for those families, but they won't need it. We're also looking at wraparound care. It's something a lot of families need and if a family needs to drop off early or pick up late, they won't be utilizing transportation. But probably the biggest piece of this is working with our legislators through the fair funding committee to advocate for changes to the to the funding formula for. Transportation aid that makes more sense and changes with enrollment changes with inflation and is actually tied to actual costs. Alright, so something that has come up a lot I want to talk about is How much do we get per pupil from the state and how much does the cost per people from the state? If we looked in the preschool expansion 8 application, you could take a look at that right on the Department of Education's website. On page 7, it has costs of full day programs and it listed by county. This is how much the state gives us per pupil in district. It's about 14,000 for community providers. It's 16,000. It's a little less for Head Start because those are federally subsidized. Well, the new application hasn't been published yet for 2425 for next year. Those amounts all went up significantly. Now we're looking at about 15,000 in district and over 17,000 for community providers. So the big question is what does it cost, right? We know how much we're getting from the state. Well, it's something that we can also take a look at by using the state funding software to see what we would have to charge touition for. Any students coming from out of district and looking at pre-K, it's about 17,000 per student. You'll notice that's roughly the same cost that we get from the state. The part that isn't covered is transportation. Other than that. The program mostly pays for itself. And as I mentioned, transportation is a challenge at every grade level and something we're continuously trying to work on. A big thing that I want to point out. It's a lot of people. May not be aware of this is that preschool and K through 12 are separate funding streams. We're getting 6.1 million dollars for preschool and then you know the topic of all our discussions has been. K through 12 funding. Our taxes are not going up because of preschool. It's its own funding stream. Any tax increases because of cuts to equalization aid which some of it was fortunately restored and we were able to restore some of our cuts. If we get rid of preschool, this money does not go back. To K through 12 we just give up 6.1 million dollars they are separate funding streams preschool is fully funded other than some issues like, such as transportation. I also want to talk about what the plan is. I've heard a lot of comments that do we have a plan? Are we just going full speed ahead without a plan? And the answer is. Absolutely not. Of course we have a plan. On August 8, th the board voted to submit the preschool education aid application. It is a 33 page application and a significant part of that is a high level five-year strategic plan. And this plan documents how we plan to implement the program, how we plan to staff the program, what are what are mixed between in district providers and community providers are and really just a high-level plan that says we know what we're in for. We show that we can launch the program and meet the requirements of the program and that we're able to do it. Once we applied to the program and got that aid in November. We had to submit. A three-year preschool program operational plan which the board voted on on November 14.th This is a 31 page document that has a much more detailed operational plan over the next 3 years, where we have classrooms what are the size of those classrooms what is our split between in district and community providers where do we plan to seek new opportunities to grow the program and how do we plan to grow it over those years. Something else that ties into this is understanding. How many more classrooms we're going to build and how many teachers are going to hire. And the answer is 16. It's the same answer we've had since last year when we applied for rod grants to build 16 new classrooms. Be 8 more at Melburg and 8 at Kilmer. It's the same thing that I report on every month when I do our construction update. A total of 16 new classrooms. And 16 teachers and 16 educational assistants. Potentially more as needed. But that's it. 16 more classrooms. Anything beyond that unless the state decides to throw a whole lot of money at us, which they don't really do. The rest will be met between community providers giving us a split of about 1 3rd in district and 2 thirds out of district. The last thing I wanted to mention is that the board doesn't keep voting yes to do preschool and to continue preschool expansion. That's not really how it works. In April of last year the board voted to submit the budget and in that budget we earmarked funds to meet the requirements of the program. In August, we voted to submit the preschool expansion at preschool expansion aid application with an understanding that if it was accepted, we were committed to the program. And that's it. August of 2023 is the last time when the board voted whether or not to proceed with preschool. Every other agenda item that the board has voted on related to preschool has been to submit documentation to comply with reporting requirements for the state. So when we vote yes on. Submitting an operational plan. We vote yes on. Approving a preschool budget. That's not whether or not we continue with preschool. That's voting to comply with requirements of the program, which has students in it. Next year it's gonna have more than 500 students. So that being said, there are a couple takeaways I just wanted to wrap up with. You know, there certainly is a plan, both long-term strategic and short-term operational and how to implement preschool expansion in our districts. Both plans were submitted to the state and approved. The text levy that, unfortunately we had to go through. To address the budget cuts really had nothing to do with preschool or K through 12 budget equalization aid was cut preschools its own funding stream that could only be used for preschool. If you look up our state funding on the DOE website that you see there are 2 separate funding streams. We can't take one and use it for the other. We get rid of preschool, we just lose 6.1 million dollars and have the exact same budget struggles for K through 12. The cost of the genid preschool expansion aid to the district, as I said, is 1.5 million. And it actually reduced the cost of inclusion services due to economies of scale. For our students requiring the most support, we saw as much as a 33% reduction in the cost of those services. It certainly wasn't the reason for doing preschool expansion, but it was a nice benefit to those services. It certainly wasn't the reason for doing preschool expansion, but it was a nice benefit to see that some of those costs did go down. And, again, there, there have not been any votes since August of 2023, whether or not to proceed with the program. They've simply been for complying with state requirements to continue the program. It's it's a current program in our district and these are our students. So I hope that was helpful. This is just a collection of a lot of the questions that I get. It feels like every week. And There's just so many different places to point people to. I thought providing all this in one shot. Would be helpful, both to the board. Excuse me, both to the board and to the public. So thanks for letting me take a few minutes to do that. And. I hope this is beneficial. I think it is, I think it's a valuable time. Thank you for doing that. I recognize your frustration level as chair of you know over the last several months in in having to field. Several questions and and repeat information which is which is there but I think we've learned a lot also as we've begin to Understand more about how. And where we need to improve. With regards to communication with through the communication audit and one was just what you've just done. The information that you've just gone. Over and the last handful of minutes is out there. It has been out there. For a very long time and it's been clear. But it's not always easy to get, right? It's not easy to access. And so. Your frustration is shared by sometimes by some of us on the board. And and oftentimes by community members who find it difficult to to find that information. So. Take a handful of minutes to sort of compile it and and point to the source documents that are there. I think is, is valuable time. Well spent. And we're going to do more of that in in various ways of trying to trying to do a better job of compiling information making it easier to access. Easier to understand. And and be you know friendlier in communication. Miss your fame. Since I don't know we're going to be talking about this. I do have a question. I don't know if you would know the answer, but I feel like you might because of some of the information you just spent over as a parent of a child in one of the schools that is the potential for the district. I know what the costs of tuition is as a private student in those locations when you are talking about the cost per pupil at some of the private locations. If their regular tuition costs are higher than what we're allotted for is it a wash or what happens with that? I don't know if you, if you don't know the answer, I totally understand, but I figured since we're. Since we're here. I, I could answer that, but. Mrs. Winters is racing. Thank you. I'll let you elaborate. So if you it wouldn't be the same program. I'll let you elaborate. So if you it wouldn't be the same program. So the tuition that you're paying at a site is for those the program that site is running. If a private provider site is running a Cherry Hill preschool classroom under preschool expansion. That classroom is running the same exact program that's running at the Mallburg building and all the other provider sites. So it's not an apples to apples comparison is the answer. The $17,000 approximately that we get from the state is going to cover what's provided for a Cherry Hill. Preschooler and a cherry hill preschool expansion classroom and then we have systems in place to ensure that all the classrooms are consistent no matter what the location is. So whether your child attends the Malburg building or one of the provider sites. It's a consistent program, curriculum, student teacher ratio. And there's an evaluation called the ECHERS evaluation that ensures consistency among those classrooms. So I wouldn't I wouldn't compare what the private provider provides for their program. They are running like their legacy program and they may continue to run for let's say a twos class. In that same building, but if they have classrooms that are designated for Cherry Hill preschool, then that would be under the Cherry Hill preschool program with that curriculum and that the requirements that are given by the state. Does that answer your question? Thank you. Very well put. Any other questions for Mr. Greenbaum? Okay, on that, and she, okay, Mrs. Winters. I just want to thank you for putting me through the ringer a lot on this. As you know, you are the numbers person for us on the board. As you know, you are the numbers person for us on the board and it was really a great collaboration. We sat down a couple times and you asked a lot of really interesting tough questions and made sure that the fiscal side of it was sound. So I. While I sit with the operational and the curriculum side of it in the CNI committee, it was really nice to work with you even though we don't sit on the committees together to make sure that it made sense both for the students in the classrooms and also budgetarily for the district. So thanks for compiling all the information. Thanks for saying so. And of course, I'll give a lot of credit to Mrs. Sugars on the financial side and Dr. Mayhan for for putting the the plan together. Mr. Greenmon, thank you. Any other old business? Any other board members want a mission? Bring up Mrs. F. This I actually completely forgot. It's kind of more new business, but it's old business in the sense that I, from my understanding this used to be a thing. I think now that we have this new position of special projects, something that. We may want to consider for far in the future once we, you know, once. This roughs cough gets up and going and potentially bringing a lot of new and exciting things to the district. Maybe we can revisit considering, having other students from out of district paying tuition to come here and to be a part of some of the programs that we have. I learned that that's not, that has not been a thing for a long time. So correctly, if I'm wrong by all of this, but, seeing what the potential could be on the horizon of things that are being brought to the district or expanded within the district that are being brought to the district or expanded within the district that may be. That's something that we can consider doing moving forward. It would also be an additional funding stream potentially for us. But just the thought to put it out there, kind of all business, more new business. But. Thank you. Yeah, one of any number of projects that I see, I see it. This is Rothkopf is shaking her head yes so Lots on lots on the plate for her already. Any other old business. Seeing none, we'll close old business and we'll move to. Second public comment. This is the second public comment. During which time you may speak on on any item if you would like to speak now please clearly state your name and municipality We'll alternate again between speakers that are here in the room and those online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min and the timer will indicate the amount that time you have remaining. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of the Cherry Hill School District or within the authority of the Cherry Hall Board of Education. Who welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forum statements which to mean individual community members or groups or which are relevant to the operations of the district. We're our repetitious will not be permitted, community members who would like to present information, not relevant. To the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent. Board president and all board members by email or other. Alternative. Means so same drill as public comment one. If you are in the room. If you are a student. You go first.st If you are a lifelong learner and in the room. The microphone is open. We'll start in the room. Anyone have any second public comment? Welcome to come to the microphone. And I'm home Cherry Hill. So a couple of things. The July calendar for the district, there's nothing on it yet. Does that mean you're not having any committee meetings this month? Coming forth. I am really disturbed about one thing. Thank you, Adam, for presenting that information. And yes, it's available. No one knows where to look for that. So perhaps your presentation tonight could be on the district website somewhere for people to pursue if they would like to and where the information is located. That's a real problem finding information on the website. And it has been helped to sculpture if you're sitting in the audience trying to. Follow the program. I, my main concerns remains is what is the five-year cost? When we're at year 5, what will it cost us in total? As compared to today's budget or the next budget. The other thing I'm bothered by is that when a fellow board member asked questions, forgive me, Dr. Morton, but in the past we've always had the administrator answer the question, not a fellow board member. And it's not the 1st time it's happened. So I think given the roles in our district that the administrators should be answering the questions. So I came here. I'm sorry, Miss. S. Should be answering the questions. So I came here. I'm sorry, that the administrator should be answering the questions. So I came here, I'm sorry, Miss Stern is not here technically to apologize for the last meeting where I was testized by Miss Stern and Dr. Morton rightly so, in information that I had asked her set at the mic. One thing I pride myself on is integrity and honesty. So I extend my sincere apologies for the inaccurate information. But I will say, this all goes into your strategic planning and communication. I was totally unaware that I just have to double-click. Under information that was not there originally. When the agenda was 1st posted, it was added later on and I've had quite a few 4 weeks so I I will admit I was not on top of things as I usually am. But I can tell you. That communication is indeed still a big problem. Somewhere on this website while you're trying to figure out communication, you have got to put a page up that says this is what's happening. Adam's presentation tonight to find example of that. Okay, and for the 5th time, where is the Kingston playground going? Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Leonard. We will go to the room. A telephone number. I'm sorry, online telephone number, ending 7 8. 8. Here we go, my name is Jeff Pottowitz and I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm just doing some simple math. We supposedly have 475, 475 students that are, that don't have any disabilities. We divide 6 1.1 million in by 475 and we get approximately $12,800 a student which is about the numbers that the state calculated we should get around the year 2,010. Okay, I know what those numbers are 12,800. What did averages out to for Cherry Hill spending per pupil for total spending for people for year 2,021 2,022 was almost $25,000 per pupil that was on the DOE website. Anyone could see that. Okay, there was no way that the total course for preschool, expansion suited would be less than that. No way, because that's what the student Sherry Hill, the total cost. Now there are different ways to calculate cost. One is basically only classroom costs, but total cost is more than that. Remember, there are startup courts for preschool. All right, we will have a mixed delivery, private system that the state wants. However, it also increases the influence of our school district leaderships. That is what our school district leaderships. That is what a poll of our school district leaderships. That is what an article and political was published a few years ago said. This is going to increase pre school expansion, it increases the influence of the school district. Locally. So how much, how much per people are we really paying? All right. Okay, head start may be cheaper. However, do you really believe that's less than $3,000 a student? To the school year that we pay directly, remember this wraparound preschool is going to this wrap around childcare is going to cost money. What about all the other costs? So right, what about support staff? What about the facilities? What about construction course? Support staff, administrator step. Remember what you said, we had that we had an assistant superintendent spend all her time one year. What was that counted to? Maybe that was a reason, maybe she still will spend there all the time, but you can make, you can do an accounting now and say she does other things besides preschool. With that counted, I'm not so sure it was counted that way. All this administrative course, our child study team. And course of testing. Yeah, how much did business staff pay for this? Cost for equipment costs for, so many costs involved here. That's total cost. And the total course, believe me, have to be equal to at least 25,000, which is their total course per pupil. There is no way it isn't. See an item I see where they're spending money. A few years, right? That is what is important to look at when you look at preschool. And I know the numbers from back then back then because I followed it since 2,006 2,007 it scared the life out of me and by the way do you really believe that the Hey, thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Returning to the room. I think you know the drill as well. Rickshaw, Rick Shaw, just some simple math questions for, Doctor Morton, Miss Winters, and Mr. Morton, Miss Winters, and Mr. Greenbaum. It's on the record that there's the goal is 1,700 students you just said. So that's that leaves us 1,200 students to do if you take 1,200 divided by 15 per classroom that's 80 classrooms we need 80 classrooms times $695,000, which is on the record on video. Total cost per building if we can find outsource is around 55 million. So where are you gonna come up with 55 million on top of whatever? Dr. Padowitz just pointed out on top of everything else for all the building. Again. Now on to, a quote from the inquirer What keeps you up at night? Asked, Dr. Morton. I definitely want our kids to be physically safe. And protected. From harm. So if this is true, why are you doing anything about the explosive device that was taken out? Protection, taken out from from earmarked money. Why aren't you acting on that, Dr. Morton? Mr. Greenba, why don't you bring this up in subcommittee? Next stop. What about the? Pta report for bus. Auto and pedestrian safety coming into the school. Where's that report? Whatever happened to that? Remember, a student almost died. April, 2023 almost died. Because of you! You guys! Your failures! Next stop, exterior. Security. We don't have any fence around the school. We don't even have signs. What time to be at the school. We can't even put up signs. We have 300 million dollars and we don't have any signs and we don't have any fence to keep trespassers out. Doesn't make any sense. Can you do anything about that, Mr. Greenball? Can you ask to put signs around the school to be where to keep people away? Pretty simple to put signs up. Maybe we should put a fence too, huh? What about the internal of the building? From an active shooter. April, 2020. Sent to Dr. Morton as principal at West. All my concerns about the internal weaknesses of our schools and these are all 19 schools. We have 300 million dollars. You're not doing anything with it. You're not doing anything. To protect our schools. You are failing. Dr. Morton, you are failing, Mr. Greenba. You have a chance to do something right. To at least start it's gonna take a year or 2 just to start the internal. To Strengths of it. Why are we in 3 years to internally strengthen our schools? Thank you. Mr. Short. We will go on line. No hands are raised. Back to the room, anyone would like to speak. Microphone is all yours. Hi Jeff Fingerman, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Just a couple of quick points. Point number one, going back to. Mrs. Springer, just a little closer to the mic. Oh, is that better now? Hi, Jess Fingerman, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Just a couple of quick points. Point number one about the communication. For example, on the website just to echo what Mrs. Einhorn said, if you go to Board of Education and then meeting dates, there's no meeting dates there. So just something simple that could be easily rectified would just make things a lot more clearer for, for our our community. Second thing that I had a question about I was just looking over the agenda and there's often very large amounts of money for certain students. Who are, you know, not identified, which is completely appropriate. And they'll be out of district placements to go to Yale or Bancroft or whatever have you and it'll be 50,000 60,000 70,000 $80,000 and If that's what's needed to provide them a free and appropriate public education, that's what's needed. But my question was, is that ever like checked? Does anybody ever look at? What these private providers are providing and whether or not the services are being delivered and if they need to be as expensive as they are. And perhaps they are and you guys in budget and finance committees will get all of those itemized bills but As taxpayers, we don't see those itemization. So we just see the total amounts and of course compared to other students who are in district you're talking about many multiples of what it would cost for for a typical student in district. So I just want to see if anybody's looking at that. Thank you so much. Thank you. We do have a hand online. A familiar hand from a wider bridge. You're up. Alanna years, Cherry Hill. I was just calling in to state that I know when reading the agenda for the January reorg meeting all the dates for the for the board meetings for the full year are posted. And approved by the new Board of Education. But sometimes extra additional meetings are added and there's nothing on the calendar after June 30, th 2024 for this year. So if an additional meeting is added or. A meeting is changed. It's hard to know that because. There it looks like there's nothing happening July 1st and onward. Second, I currently have a student arising second year preschool student at Malburg who's in a self-contained classroom. I live and I'm zoned for Kilmer Elementary School. And if he continues on the path he is on, he will probably be in a self-contained class for kindergarten. There are none at Kilmer. I've spent a lot of time at Kilmer. I want all of my children to go to Kilmer. If the part of the strategic plan could be to look at how we can get special education classes at all of the elementary schools. Currently Kelmer and Barton are the largest 2 elementary schools and do not have any special education programs. I know that not every program can be at every elementary school, but the fact that the 2 farthest West elementary schools don't have any programs at all is a problem, especially when you're sending zones are all the way as far out as Merchantville. If there are students who live near Merchantville who have special ed services that are needed. They can't go to their home school at Kilmer or Barton. So the closest schools they could potentially go to are pain, Kingston, arc oftentimes overcrowded and filled as well. So then your busing kids from the far west side of town all the way to the east side of town and it's unacceptable and please look at it for strategic planning purposes so that my kid and future kids with special ed services can get the services they need as close as possible to home. Thank you. Thank you, Mrs. We're turning back to the room. Anyone else wish to speak? Oh, come on up. Laurie Neary, Cherry Hill, 1st and foremost, I'd like to congratulate I also wanted to mention with regard to a bit of what Miss Jaris was stating. I know there was speak of the Lewis building at the last meeting, so I'm I'm hopeful you'll be looking at elementary redistricting. And then beyond expanding to additional buildings, but. Underutilized buildings as I know some of our other elementary schools on the other side and I know that's not always exciting for some folks if they're going to be pushed out of their local school, but I do understand the need to appropriately utilize buildings and services where we can. And I just want to note, I know it's not fun. I've been on that side of the table when folks are. Not always kinder and I've been one of those parents. I'll just say passionate at the microphone. I know it's not fun. I know it's tough. But I do appreciate the job that's being done. I've been there. So, and I know it's a tough, long hot week, but thank you. Thank you. There are no hands online. This is your last chance. To be famous for 3 min in the room. Seeing no one taking that opportunity. We will close our second. Public comment for the night. And move to. Superintendents, the superintendent's comments, Dr. Morton. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I'd also like to echo the sentiments heard this evening about Carol Roskov. Congratulations to you, Kara Raskov. Definitely looking forward to this new chapter, new opportunity to work together. We work together for very long time now. And I don't know if there's anybody in this town who loves Cherry Hill as much as Carol Rostov as much as you do. So definitely looking forward to that love being spread throughout this entire town. The appointment of Carol Roscoff also is the final piece in the reorganization plan as well. The administrator reorganization plan as well, the administrator reorganizational plan that, you know, that we that we started some, months ago, difficult to explain every piece of things, but you know, things fall into place at a certain point. And I'm definitely excited about the team for moving forward. I think we're situated in a way to allow us to maximize our productivity and allow us to truly make progress and move forward in a positive way for the district. Monumental thing happened. We didn't talk about it this evening, but the approval of the sidebar agreement, CHCA sidebar agreement, see Steve reference sitting here. I want to thank the board. We'll get out of here before 8. But I wanna just express, you know, what this board has done this evening by, approving the sidebar agreement. It's monumental. CHA is currently not in negotiations right now, but the board recognized a need to adjust our salary. Scale. Number one, we talked about staff wellness and rewarding our teachers appropriately, but number 2 is making Terry Hill public schools more attractive for candidates that are new to this district. And what that does ultimately is allows us to attract the best candidates and provide the best teachers possible. For our children, the children that we serve. So kudos to this Board of Education for that. Remarkable. Simply remarkable that you've seen it fit to make this adjustment right now. Just a reference to our preschool model, the preschool model itself is a hybrid model. So we actually aren't looking to necessarily build. Classrooms or build schools, but we are looking to partner with existing preschool providers and early childhood providers and that hybrid model allows us to seek the classrooms and identify the classrooms that are necessary. This question about outer district placements and follow-up that takes place. So just let you know the child study teams across the district through visit placements and reviews them each year as part of annual review process. There's information available on NJDOE website about approved private schools. For our students with disabilities as well. I like to also just speak about the cell phone policy that was approved this evening. That is the combination of many months of work and many, many conversations, surveys, input from community members. Begin with the conversation through through our parents in our community and it was brought up through zone PTA. But our Board of Education jumped on that conversation. CHA obviously was involved, community administrator, students, a tremendous amount of feedback. And we went through different incarnations that included the most restrictive Possibilities to, you know, a moderately restrictive, I guess, possibility. But what we did here from the survey that we had given out was that, 85% of the people that we surveyed, the thousands that were surveyed. All agreed that something needed to be done. Something absolutely needed to be done to mitigate just the unfiltered use of cell phones and their negative impact on students in the classroom. Thank you to all who took part in that that effort. Thank you to our board as well for the collaboration and the approval of. That policy. And with that, I'll say good night. We have 2 min before 8 o'clock. Thank you, Dr. Morton. That will conclude our meeting for this evening. I would like to take a least a little bit of credit for getting us out before 8 o'clock. Just a little bit. I'll just remind everybody that tomorrow Terry will pass through the Sun's Corona once again. So stay safe, say cool. Stay inside if you can. With that, do I have a motion? To adjourn tonight's meeting. Mrs. Winters. All in favor