Okay. Good evening. Okay. Thank you. Call the meeting to order, and I'm going to read. I'll do the roll call, and we'll do the advertisement. This is. Here. Mrs. Gallagher. Here, Mr. Green, Mr. Mayor, here, Dr. Rude, here, Mrs. Tom. Mrs. Winters. Yeah, Miss Stern. Here, yeah. Public notice of this meeting. Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act. Timbo, the Board Secretary, on July 16, th in the following manner. Posted notice on the School bulletin board at the Administration Building, transmitted to the Courier Post, Philadelphia Enquirer, and the Clerk of Cherry Hill Township. And I'm going to ask everybody to. Join me for the pledge of allegiance. States, in there. Like. Yes. Okay. So looks like. We have a. Wire that wants to bother us and haunt us. Hopefully, that will not continue. Thank you, Mr. Flavinski, for trying to help us with that. Dr. Morton. It looks like we do not have any board recognition tonight. We. Do not have any presentations, and we do not have administrative reports. Is that correct? So we move to correspondence. Are there any board members who would like to share correspondence. Mr. Greenbaum. Thank you. I attended last night's Town Council meeting, where Mayor Fleischer and Council members honored Chelsea Monahan for her performance on the Us. Women's ball hockey team that won the gold medal at the 24 Isbhf. Women's World Championship. Ms. Monaghan is a teacher at Horace Mann. And it was a pleasure to join Mr. Cohen, Dr. Another, colleagues, friends, and family, to congratulate her. Thank you for. Attending. That's fantastic! It's to recognize our staff. Other board members have any correspondence, any activities. Quiet few weeks. Alright! We will move on to our student rep reports. We will start with. Rebecca. well, I'm a little confused. I wanna make sure we wanna start with. East or west, this time. I apologize. It looks like we have easted first, st so we'll start with. Solemn, but. I hope. We're in the right order from. I don't know who went 1st last time. You don't. Do you remember? Okay. Alright, we're just gonna go with the East, and then we'll switch it for next time. Alright, thanks. Oh, I'm being okay. To be fair. Looks like we might have had East go 1st time, so we'll have west. Sorry. So we have Jenna in the audience, and Rebecca at the table with us. And Rebecca, if you take it away, please. Okay. I don't have much to report on, obviously, because it's summer, but construction is going on in the building with new air conditioning units and dewing and bing. Sports teams are currently conducting summer workouts, and our wrestling camp got to go. Ohio, which was awesome. Several teams are participating in summer leagues, and we also wish. The West students participating in the Arlton Swim Club this upcoming Saturday. Good luck. The custodial crew is coming to prepare. The school for the new arrival of students in September, and counselors have also been meeting with newly registered students to welcome them to High School West, and to get them scheduled for classes. Great. Thank you. Be plenty more in the fall, I'm sure. Okay. And I'm going to go to Solomon and Erin are here tonight from East Solem. If you'll take, let us know what's going on in East. Okay? So although it's the summer, there's still things going on within the east community. In regards to academics. East guidance counselors held a common appeance workshop. On Thursday, July 11. There are 2 sessions to help aid seniors and their parents. With the college application process. The next common app slash. Naviance workshops will be held at East on Monday, August 12.th Summer enrichment programs have also been going on. Going on at least this month, for students entering 6th grade up to current 10th graders. Students were offered a variety of courses to enrich their learning. Taught by Cherry Hill teachers and. The programs took place on July 15, in July 22 to 25.th Next month. Cherry Hill teachers will also be teaching SATS. A, T. And called us hey college workshops. They used. So as for some of our activities rising east, seniors had the opportunity to take their senior portraits. From Monday July 8th until Thursday, July 11.th At East. The next opportunity for seniors will to take their August 12th to August 15th at East. Looking forward to freshman and the new students that we will have, and that we are hoping that they will have the opportunity to participate in the 30 min student-led tours of East from 6 to 8 PM. On August. 7, th 14, th and 21.st 9th grade orientation is in about a month. On August 27.th In regards to athletics. Throughout July the 4 of the East gym was majorly renovated, and looks great for athletes and students to enjoy the upcoming school year. Bond construction is also allowed for the Cherry Hill East Dance, Gym. Renovations. And the track and turf also. Was closed for some repairs and maintenance. We hope to continue to see improvements of some of the more aging parts of the east buildings. You. Esports. Teams have also continued to practice throughout the summer, including the football volleyball. Wrestling soccer and field hockey teams. The competitive seasons for many fall sports. Be starting very soon in August. Thank you. Thank you so much. So As a parent, I got to attend the common app workshop. And I want to highly recommend it for parents and students. And if if your students tell you that parents don't attend, that's just not true, I'm a witness to that and trust me, it's a lot to do, but it also gets for kids who are interested in filling out the common app. With the intention of applying to colleges. It's. Incredibly helpful. Have all those questions answered and get a lot of it done. It just takes a lot of the stress off the students. I'm the parents. If the parents are involved. So highly encourage. Highly encourage anybody who's listening and share this out, please. Those are really valuable resources that are offered. If you can make the time, and I know there was a daytime and an evening offering previously, so. You know, lots of help from our students and families who want that help. So. Alright. Then we move on to our 1st public comment. There will be 2 public comment opportunities this evening. The 1st public comment session is for board action items only items 13 and 17. And there will be another public comment section at the end of our meeting. Which will be for any item on school related at that time. If you're a student in the district. You may comment during the 1st public comment period. On any topic. Doesn't have to be agenda. Item. But we would ask that in order for us to know that you are student. If you're online to please put an S after your name. So that we know you are a student, and you'd like to speak. Public comment is the opportunity for members of our community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hill public school district, or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education. The Board welcomes opinions on relevant matters under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums. Statement which demean individual community members or groups, or which are relevant to the operations. Of the school district, or our repetitis will not be permitted. Who would like to present information not relevant to the school district, are always welcome to communicate directly to the District Superintendent Board, President, and all board members via email or other alternative means. So if you'd like to speak now, please approach the podium. We will alternate between the podium in the room and online, and if you do want to speak, please be sure if you are an adult to please state your name, your municipality, and the agenda item you're speaking on, and if you're a student, please be sure to state your name. And your municipality. I don't see anybody at the podium, so I'm gonna go directly to the line. And the number ends in 7, 8. If you could please state your full name, your municipality and the action item, you're speaking on 1314, 15, or 17. Okay. My name is Jeff Padwards, and I live in New Jersey. It'll be a couple of these. One is 14.1 transfer of current year surplus to capital reserves, 12 million dollars transfer. We discuss it at the last meeting. Public comment, too. Bottom line is cut that amount from 12 from 12 million to. 8 million to 6 million. You no, don't know if you're gonna need it next year. What's gonna happen? What's gonna happen the following year? So just cut that amount. Just don't leave it to capital reserve, 14.7. A resolution approving the board. The board and right of school, Llc. To provide preschool before and after school. Please vote no for this. Was published May 31, st 2,024. They received approvals. June 20.th That's less than a month later. This was proposal that was accepted. You know something. We don't know what the cost will be. That's not listed, I know. Eventually we put in a new paper. You can do this, but for for transparency it would be nice to know exactly what the release. Relationship will be, it's a two-year relationship. Where are they going to be? Where are they? You know, this is just basically a lack of transparency. Yeah, you could do it this way. But what are the numbers? How much money are they getting per year? This is 2 years. What is going on here. What classrooms in the schools it's going to be in our our schools. Will this be done? How will it affect elementary schools where I guess they'll be housed. What rooms will they be in? Do you need any dedicated rooms, or how many people are coming? What are the costs? There are so many questions, none of which will be answered here. It would be nice if you gave us the answers that it was discussed in the public. What will the charges be to the parents will be, will it be free to the parents? We don't know anything, and that's pretty. Typical 70.1 approval of goals. Look at goal number 2, 9, ensure smooth and effective transition for students receiving special education. I. Yeah. Well, what about the movement of those students to Cherry Hill east that are coming from what was termed our alternative High school or a 3rd high school. I don't think that's smooth. You broke that. You broke that goal already, so you might as well take it out. That's not a smooth transition. When did they find out about it a few months ago? They're gonna be moved into an overcrowded classroom. That's your definition of small. That's going to be a smooth transition. Will you be held to this goal? So people should read all these goals, this goal, at least goal 2 number 9. Take off. You've already missed a vote on that. So please look at those, and please provide some of that information about about the. About the preschool Expansion, pre school care and. And daycare. What? What, exactly, is that going to be. Okay. Thank you, Dr. Padowitz, and we go back to the room. There's anybody who'd like to speak in the room. Please approach the podium. I don't see anybody at the podium. We go back online, and it is Laura and Ipad. If you could please state your full name, municipality. Agenda you're speaking on. Agenda. It's an einhorn. I'm speaking 1st on 14.1 0. What is the exact dollar amount of the transfer to. Capital, reserve. And 14.7. So I'm assuming that. By reading this. That this contract is for. Preschool, Slash. Sack. Availability. So I might to make the assumption that as a result of this. That Lewis building will only be for Pre. K. Or are you. Also expanding it. To reduce the overcrowding in other community schools, because the way I'm reading it is. That. This contract is for pre, k. Only students at the Lewis building. So I'd like some clarification on that proposal. It makes me believe that that's. This building is really designated only for Pre. K. Because if it's not. And the. Availability, of. I'll be forwarded after school program. To be available to all students. As an elementary school. If that's what you're doing with the Lewis Building, I would like some clarity. Thank you. Okay, just. For clarification, because board members are looking at me. There's no mention of Louis building, and that item We move on. Go back to the room if anyone else would like to speak. If you please, approach the podium. Okay, please state your full name and the action item, you're speaking on items 1314, 15, or 17. Wait. 17 actually has something for a change. Yes, goals. Dr. Yaris, Cherry Hill. I want to 1st start with 15 to see Miss Laura Monty leaving our district. She is a Juggernaut of the one Juggernaut of the team at the Malberg Ecc. My daughter had her during the pandemic, where the preschool students were remote. One day a week. And the level of connection that she was able to foster with my child. Even during that. And have that connection was incredible, and she will be missed. Where she's heading to. She's gonna be doing a great job making more of her. Which is really important, great to see. But hopefully we can do more to retain our teachers. Who are that good, and can do more. 15. 7 ish assignments, obviously congratulations to Mr. Davis. I've known since I was a student in the district, and beyond that it's really exciting to finally see him being moved into an assistant role. There's nobody more who represents the cougar spirit, the Cherry Hill spirit that Mr. Davis. It's gonna be wonderful. I think the team that the new principal is building over there is really gonna make some vast and great changes, and you need to evolve what really has created school spirit that didn't exist when I was a student. So very excited for that in our community. Thanks. Okay. You, and we go back to the line, and it's a. Believe it's a double header it's listed as a wider bridge, but I don't believe that's your name. If you could please state your full name you're speaking on. Alonairis, cherry Hill. I'm speaking on item 14.7 as a parent who utilizes Malberg for preschool. I urge you to vote. Yes, before and after care at the preschool level, especially since the school day is 9, 30 to 3, 30. And although that's 6 h. Parents work more than 6 h usually, and so the school day being only 6 h, means that I could probably only work. 5 and a half hours, if I had to be at the school to drop off, my child, and pick up my child, and before and after care would help greatly in being able to alleviate some of the stress of the outside source and uses of providers outside of the school, so that. My child has care for as long as he needs, and my future child at the preschool would have care, and anyone who works a full-time job can send their kid to full day preschool and have care the way they need. So I urge you again to vote. Yes, on 14. Okay. We go back to the room. And I don't see anybody else at the podium. We go back online, there are no hands up online. So I'm gonna. Close 1st public comment, and we move on to our superintendent's comments. Dr. Morton, do you have any comments. Yeah, just a few. Just wanted to share just a couple of things. So preschool before and after care at the Malberg Ecc. Has been. As Miss Stern likes to say, a pain point. District of the district for a very long time. I think the Board and the Administration has sought to Be mindful of the concerns. Of the community. And to listen to the community. And one of the things that we did in the previous school year was examine opportunities. To provide additional support and services for our families. What you see with right at school. Llc. Is the culmination of a process that we follow. And listening to the community to, you know, in an attempt to provide support in a service that had not been provided. Previously so. Just wanted to. Additional details will be worked out as it relates to that program. It is a 1st for us. We're embarking on many 1st in the world of preschool. Thank you to Dr. Mayhan. For work and bringing about these these innovations and these supports for our community. So I think it's awesome. Just in reference to a comment about District goal number 9, special education. So the document that's that's provided. Part of the agenda is a condensed version of. A full. Very detailed. Goals and action. Process. I'm not gonna steal the thunder from Miss Wenders. But what I will say is that alternative? High school children are not going into overcrowded classrooms, that that is inaccurate, that is not going to take place. I will reserve my comments until the end. The rest. Thank you. Dr. Morton. Hope you don't mind. I'm just. Sorry, everybody that might have been my foot. I hope you don't mind. I'm just gonna add one thing, too, and that is that Expanding school age, childcare. Was part of our goals this past year. To conduct through our research, identify opportunities for improvement, and explore additional avenues for enhancement. So. I'm thrilled. That we've not only explored. But we're actually being asked to action on this. And that's step one, and hopefully an expanded process which we know. Is a pain point. And yes, we have received emails this week which we appreciate and get. So, yeah. Continuing to hopefully make forward progress on that. Thank you. Okay. Remove. That was really loud. I apologize. We moved to our action. This is Winters. Can you please move the Cni agenda? Sure. The superintendent recommends, and I move the following 13.1 approval of attendance at conferences and workshops for the 2425 school year. 13.2 approval of out of district student placement for the 2425 school year. 15.3 approval of services with Mj. Commission for the blind, and visually impaired for the 2425 school year and 13.4 approval of professional service agreements for the 2425 school year. Do I have a second. Mr. Fain. Are there any. Comments on the C. And I. Agenda. It gets pretty straightforward this week. I'm excited to see 2425 school year everywhere. It's coming. Nature, capture. Alright, seeing no questions or comments from board members. Miss Sugar, can you please open the voting. Board members, you may cast your votes. Yes. Well done. You have a unanimous vote. Okay, great. Thank you. Business and facilities. Mr. Green, can you please move the Bf. Agenda. Thank you. Superintendent recommends, and I move the following. 14.1 approval of minutes. Dated June 4.th 14.2 approval of minutes, dated June. 14.3. Approval of minutes. Dated June 25.th 14.4 financial reports, 14.5. Resolutions, 14.6. Resolution for the award of bids. 14.7, approving a services agreement between the Board and right at school, Llc. To provide preschool before and after. 14.8 a resolution authorizing competitive contracting for the procurement of world language, live instruction services, 14.9 resolution for the approval of contract with horizon, blue cross, blue shield. 14.10 transfer of current year surplus to capital reserve, 14.11. Approval of Esa and ideal. 2024, 2,025 budgets. 14.12 resolution authorizing the use of contracts with approved one GP. For vendors to provide goods and services. 14.13 for the word of change. Orders. 14.14 for the award of transportation. 1415. Acceptance of donations. And this week we have a donation from Rita to be used for enhancing the literacy program at Bret Hart Elementary School. And that will do it. Do I have a second. Mrs. Winters. Any questions. Yes, Mr. Fain. I'm just curious at the process at which we selected the the preschool before and after Care Company, and when that decision was made. I will defer to Mr. Sugars. If that's okay, I believe we put this out to bid. Several weeks ago, and this was the winning bid. And I'm gonna defer to Dr. Mayhand. Thank you, Miss Sugars. So the process did go out to bid. I work very closely with the business office with a member, and that. Office to make sure that the bid was written. Properly. We looked at several. Previous Rfps. Done by other districts who have preschool style programs to ensure that we included everything in. The bid that we needed for our families. Each of the companies who decided to respond had to submit a full packet responding to the Rfp. Which you receive. Monday packet. We reviewed all of those. There was a small committee myself. Mrs. Edwards, who is currently the preschool. Mrs. Webbington being the former supervisor of the school age, childcare program, and myself as the current supervisor. Wow! Recent current supervisor of the school health care program and responsible for the preschool expansion. Grant. After we reviewed all of the. Proposals. We had to rate them based on. Particular scored areas. We had additional questions after we scored each of the companies. Then we had 2 that we narrowed down to. We had a virtual meeting with both of those companies to ask specific questions. Which actually stemmed around. Services for. Students, special education students. Which they were able to answer. We scored, and then we were able to make a determination. Thank you. That was very, very helpful. Thank you. Can I? Can I assign that one. I. So I was researching them a little bit. And I looked online to some of the other districts in in New Jersey that use them. They seem like a very reputable company to go with. My question is, do they have a prediction of what it would cost for the parents. Because it seemed like there was differences in the districts that currently use them. And. Yeah, I guess that's that's my question. So I'm actually scheduled to meet with them on Thursday to go over all the details. I do not wanna speak out of. They did give us some guidance on how they determine the pricing for particular school districts. They are aware of the pricing for our current program. But again, as this is a private provider that we are bringing into the district, they will determine the rate. Okay, are there any other questions before we move on. I'm sorry, Mr. Could you just clarify, and and perhaps Dr. Mahan can, if families. Choose to use this private provider that is offered. That's an option, but they're not. Preschool families would not be. Required to choose this provider as their after school option. Is that correct? If they, if they wanted to. You know, if they had transportation and could provide to another provider that they could provide that on their own they had. They're not mandated to use this company just if the provider would be. More accessible directly because of this relationship? Is that correct. So similar to the setup that we have now with the school age childcare program. Parents are not required to utilize the program that we offer. They can utilize any before and after care program that they are comfortable with the program that we will be providing at the Malberg. Early childhood center is right at school. Thank you. Sorry, Mr. Grayman. Thank you. Okay. Is it your fame. Sorry. I just thought of another one. Do you know it? I. Did see that you sent in the contract, and all the information from that company. I. To be honest, I didn't get a chance to read through every detail of it. I trust that you're you have that under your belt. So my only question would be, is there a minimum requirement that we have of students that they that we would need to have for the program. So. We did not discuss minimums. And the reason we did not discuss minimums is because when we did the registration process this year, we actually surveyed all of the parents who applied for the preschool process, and we asked them specifically. Will you be in need of before and after care? On what days and what timeframes. So we had a really good. Handle on the number of families across all of our locations who will be in need. So our conversations were more focused around maximums, not minimums, because a number of families, as has already been discussed, This has been a pain point for us. Families certainly voice that they needed. Before and after care based on the timeframes of the program. Thank you. Okay? Seeing no further questions, please open the voting. What members you may cast your votes. Mr. Sugars. I'm gonna abstain on 14 point. Mr. Sugars. I'm also gonna withstand 14.10. Okay, Mr. Others, I believe I have to abstain from 14.1 14 at those meetings. Mrs. Sugars. I'm going to recuse myself from 14 point. And I'm also going to abstain from 14 point. I'm sorry. The last item, Mrs. 14.10. Was in abstention, abstention. So we have an extension on. We have 3 abstentions on item 14 point. We have extensions on 14 and 14.2. And one recusal on item 14.4. Motions, carry. Okay, we move on to our human resources. Agenda and I will now move the Hr. Agenda. Superintendent recommends, and I move the following 15.1 of employment certificated 15.2 appointments certificated. 15.3 appointments non-certificated, 15.4 leaves of absence certificated, 15.5 leaves of absence, non-certificated. 15.6 assignment change certificated 15.7 assignment salary change, non-certificated, 15.8. Other compensation certificated. 15.9 affiliation agreement. Are there any? Do I have a second? Sorry, Mr. Green? Are there any questions. Okay. Seeing none. Mrs. Sugars, can you call the vote? Please? Kim, are you logged. Okay, board members. You may cast your votes. Mrs. Sugars. I need to abstain from 15 and 15.8 to avoid a conflict of interest. Yes, to the rest. Mrs. Sugars. I'm gonna recuse myself from 15.5, due to conflict of interest. Okay, we have one recusal on 15.5. We have an extension on 15 and 15. Otherwise we have yes, vote, and the motion carries. And with that we want to congratulate Mr. Davis, who's here with us tonight on your appointment. As an assistant principal at High School, East. So, 1st of all, congratulations. Those who know Mr. Davis. He's affectionately known as Cj. To to all of us, well known individual who serve the East community. For the past 2 decades more than the past 2 decades. East graduate as well. This man truly embodies a love and a passion. For that building. Unknown like others, you know it's a pleasure to see him receive this opportunity. Seems everyone given opportunity to share some share some words as well. Thank you. Dr. Morton. Are you, Dr. Borden. I hope I didn't mess that up for everybody else. It. It was probably about 15 hairs ago. That I started in Cherry Hill. I've known Ms. Staffin for a very long time back when I was 16 years. This has really been, you know, the joy of of my life. Being a member of. The the high school that I graduated from. Knowing that these 2 right here and I share a common bond in that, I think, is something that's. That's incredible. Just being a Cherry Hill public school graduate is an an amazing thing. Back in 2,007. When I started as activities director, I anticipated that being a very short time period and 18 years later it was. It it is. It has been the joy of my life being part of that. That does not go away. Being an assistant principal. You know, you're still part of all of the activities you're engaging with the kids, and it's something I am absolutely looking forward to. It's good to see all of you, not in caps and gowns right now, and you know we hope to have a great school year being successful. I want to really thank Dr. Morton, Mr. Finkel, who is here as well, the Board of Education, for giving this opportunity. Thank you. What I want to know is, who's going to lead the student the senior trip? Okay, we'll figure that one out. Right? Okay, very good. Thank you. Congratulations. Alright! We do not have any items to move for policy and legislation. For a change. Well, I'm. With policy and legislation. This opportunity to strategic planning. And with that we will move on to. We have an item to move under strategic planning. Dr. Rood. Get in shape for this item. It's a new thing. You could please move the agenda. The superintendent recommends that I move the following approval, 17.1 approval of 2425 district goals. Do I have a second. Ms. Stern. Are there any questions? And I'm gonna for those questions. I'm gonna pass it over to Mrs. Winters. Thank you so much. You did beautifully, Ben. So. Thank you to everybody for. Working with me through the goals process. I was asked to lead the goals process. Last year, when. Ms. Fleischer let it. It started a new. Way of approaching goals, which is through the committees. So this year what I tried to do was flesh out and build upon what was begun last year, and add a little bit more structure. To how we move goals through committees, making sure. Board members could use the expertise they've developed on committees to really give substantive input on the goals that come through those committees right? Because the hope is that on committees we're really deep diving into the issue. So you have that background information. So we started. We started actually right after graduation. After graduation, I sent out the goals, timeline. Gave us a running start, and then we did have committee meetings in July. Which is unusual. But I wanted to make sure that we had enough time to really work through the goals process. So the 1st week in July committees. And board members develop the goals. Through those committees with board member, input. And then all of the changes and suggestions we had were merged into a draft document that came to the full board for review and discussion at our last meeting, which was July 9.th So the idea of this was to give everybody kind of 2 Byte at the apple. The 1st was in the committee meetings, where we were able to use our expertise, and then the full board got to discuss all the goals. Add a meeting in public, so that committees that you weren't on you were still able to give feedback and input and hear the discussion around those goals. So that gave everybody 2 chances to really. Speak with each other and develop the goals. Following the July 9th meeting. We had 2 weeks in between then and now. And during those 2 weeks I want to thank each and every board member who took the time. To go through the goals and email. Suggestions, feedback input. Deep thoughts, criticism, edits. Through their committee chairs, because it was really, I think, a good process, working with all of you who contacted me. After July 9, th we actually created a new goal around special education. That had not existed in the previous version of the document. So I think that was a really. Benefit to doing it this way, that the goals are really able to evolve, and I think that ultimately. The goals document that came out of it really reflects the current priorities of the Board and the Administration. And sets us up for addressing the challenges and opportunities that we see for the 2425 school year. I hope that board members found it to be a open, transparent, and inclusive process, and that was what I was going for. With multiple opportunities for feedback. So that was, that was my hope. That was my quest. I'm going to be asking you for further feedback after tonight, because I think that whoever shepherd the process through. Next year. My hope is that we just continue to improve every year. And how we approach this. So that. We get better and better at doing this year over year. So now I just want to talk about some of the highlights of the goals document. And this is definitely not going to be everything, because. There's a lot in there, but I just wanted to. Kind of hit. Some of the key points that I think came out of the goals discussion that reflect where we're going. Next year, and I do think that it really reflects some of our, some of the priorities, and also some of the issues that we've been discussing. So the 1st thing I want to talk about what I would argue is our central mission and goal student achievement. That's the reason why we are. All here is to support student achievement. So I just want to discuss a few of. The things that we put together around student achievement. 1st of all, I want to highlight the online data dashboard that's going to be done by December of 24, which is not that far away. When you think about it. To boost transparency and accountability. By providing the key metrics for school and district performance. The idea is that we'll utilize the data collected through the online dashboard. To target instructional areas for improvement at each school. So the data dashboard will be available. The goal is December of 24. I also wanted to highlight. When it comes to. Achievement outcomes for the Njsla. Which is something that we talked about. Nj. Sla. Scores extensively in the fall, October, November. So the goal here is to meet or surpassate averages. And the question might be, Well, how are we gonna do that? That sounds like a lofty goal. There's a lot of things listed, but I just want to highlight 2 of them. One is going to be just at the elementary level. For an example. This year we're gonna implement the Eureka Math squared curriculum district-wide. Previously it was piloted. And also the implementation of the brand new Ela curriculum, which is amplify. So those are just 2 concrete examples of things that are going to happen. This coming academic year to support student achievement. And boost our. Results on the Njsla. Outcomes, which are important, but not as important as. Increasing the instructional efficacy for our students. I mean the standardized test scores. I feel like it's like tanking or temperature gives you a snapshot. At one moment of time. But I really think the changes for both Ela and Math for our kids are elementary. Learners are, gonna be huge, and I can't wait to see outcomes there. Another big item under student achievement is our district program. When I was not on the board at the time, but I very. I remember zooming into a meeting where it was discussed that. By grade 3. You really start to see the disparities between our youngest learners. And one of the best ways you can set students up for success is with an early childhood program that make sure that they're coming into kindergarten, ready to learn with all the background information they need and the skill set they have. To really hit the ground running. So by 2027, 28. We will enroll at least 90% of our 3 and 4 year olds in our district preschool programs. And we are going to be getting a presentation this coming November, which is not that far away. About the enrollment targets for each school year, including the projections for each intermediate year. So that is a real step in the right direction. I think it's seeing the growth of what our preschool program can do. And having had 3 children go through the excellent preschool program, our legacy program. We already had the half day program, and knowing what the current full day program. Looks like, I really think it's gonna make a difference for our learners that we're gonna see sustained through their academic careers all the way up to grade 12. I do want to highlight just as we're talking about achievement, 2 goals that touch on our special education students. Because I think that's something that the Board has said this year that we really want to focus on a special education. And one of them is the expansion of access to ap courses. The high school level. For historically underserved populations, including those with Ieps, including those with Ieps. And I think that's just. Something that's been missing. And it's key, and I'm looking forward to that. And also, as I mentioned, we actually ended up adding a goal. Following the discussion at our July 9th meeting about transitions between levels for our special education students, I think transitions are hard. For all students. It's hard to make those jumps between Preschool and K. 5 and 6. 8 and 9, and then 12, and out into the world whatever that looks like. And I think for our special Ed students, it's especially hard. And it's something that we wanted to focus on. So there's a brand new goal. Thank you, board members, for contributing to that. It focuses on our special Ed students. Beyond achievement, which, of course, is my favorite thing to talk about. I wanted to highlight a few other things, and I think that they reflect. Some of the larger conversations we've been having this year. And I want to really talk about how. This is data driven decision making on this board. That, for example, with communication, we're developing the strategic plan that includes measurable objectives focused on moving district forward that came out of the communications audit that the Strategic Planning Committee did. So we have the communications audit information that translates into what's the plan going forward. Community relations. Implementing a comprehensive community relations plan in the 25 school year to enhance stakeholder involvement. This is something where many of us on the board have said for years that we have such a wealth of resources in our community that's untapped. And I think that. Having our community members having it be a 2 way communication. Between. Us and the community back and forth. We can only strengthen each other. So I'm really looking forward to seeing that community relations goal. Matt. Strategic planning. Believe it or not, we are at the 5 year end of our previous plan. We're going to launch into a new one. So by the conclusion of the 2425 academic year, we will adopt a comprehensive five-year strategic plan. Involving again extensive engagement, the community will be involved to help. And mold what the aspirations are for this district. For the next 5 years. Balanced student distribution. Again. This came out of the demographic study that was done. The grip study another data driven process where we asked a demographer to come in and look at what the enrollment trends look like in our schools. And based on the data that we received. We're going to undertake a process to look at how to achieve balanced student and maximize resource utilization across the elementary schools. By the 26, th 27, academic year. Which is again not that far away. And again there will be extensive community feedback and stakeholder engagement. I can't emphasize enough. How much this is going to change our processes, and I think better outcomes. I really think that. The more voices that are at the table, the more different voices. Who see things in different ways the better the outcome. So I'm looking forward to that. We have goals again around student and staff wellness and school climate and culture which were a highlight of the goals. Last year we made significant progress. We're gonna continue that. And then just 2 other things I want to highlight. And again, this is not. The whole document, not going to bore everybody with that. But just 2 other things that I want to bring out, because I think. It reflects the fact that the Board is really trying to. In my opinion, listen to where the needs of the community are. Is that there's a goal around the sack program, school age childcare. We just talked about the fact that community feedback. Around, preschool. Showed us the need for a preschool before and after care program, and we responded. With the Rfp. That went out, and now, attempting to see how you know an outside provider might be able to provide that service. But there are issues with the elementary level as a whole. So we're gonna take a deep dive. Look at that this year. To try to see where we can move forward with that. And also. There's a goal that came out of the Pnl. Committee which Mr. Meyer leads around the Hib process. To identify areas for enhancement. So I think that's another point. When you talk about the hib process, that's something that comes up a lot from community members from board members. So we're gonna take a look at that this year. So those are the some of the highlights. It's an ambitious year. Despite it being a transitional year, I mean, one of the things that we went into this process talking about is how once we do the new strategic planning process for the next 5 years. The goals may look very different this year. So this is sort of a transition year in between. But I think it's an important one. And I think that. The increased input from all the board members. All 9 of us needed a better process. I think that we came out with goals that reflect. The Board's priorities, the district's priorities. I think that we put in it was funny, because. I told Mr. In one day I was overwhelmed with all the different reports and presentations and things. We're gonna get a support. I actually sat down and typed it all into a document. Because I said, How are we gonna keep track of this? How are we? And I came up with a 2 page, single spaced, bullet, pointed document. When you put together all the different reports to committees. Reports to the Board. All of. Points that we're gonna get touch points. Feedback reports on how we're moving towards the goals. So I think there's really a lot in there where we're gonna see. Progress throughout the year. And I mean, that's our role, as the Board is not just to. You know. Put out there the what is the district supposed to be focusing on? But then also the accountability piece of it. And I think we've got maybe a lot. To look at with that. And I think that. You know it. I hope that this process felt good for all the Board members. I did get a lot of positive feedback after the last Board meeting. That the discussion felt good. So that made me. That everybody felt like it was a robust discussion. It was honest, and it was reflective of where we are. So with that, I'm gonna stop talking because that was a lot of talking and throw it open to any other board members. Who. Have want to add something. Maybe there's a goal that you really liked, that I missed. Or anything else they want to say about district goals before Mr. Rood does his awesome job and calls the vote. Any other board members. Mr. Mayor. So. No, not. I don't want to highlight any particular goals. Just. From my perspective. I've been involved in the Goals Development. All 3 years that I've been on the board. This has been the best. Process, so far. It's been. More transparent. It's been more detailed. And I think it has given At least for me. An opportunity to, I think, better understand More board members, positions, concerns. Worries. And and be, and. And have that be mindful of all. And and see that. They've they've been taken. Seriously. It's also the document itself. If you look. It's aspirational. But at the same time, and that's that's pretty rare. Aspirational goals are. You know. They are what they are difficult to achieve, because sometimes because they're not concrete enough, I think there's. There's been a there's a lot here that is concrete. It remains to be seen. You know there, there's also some built in flexibility which I think there needs to be. As as. Wide. And as. Transformational as some of these goals are. I think that's important. But overall. You know, very happy with how. These goals came together. And so for you, Mrs. Winners. Thank you for. Shepherding this process. Don't be so sure someone else is going to do it next year. Because you might have done too good a job. Thank you to Dr. Morton. And the administration for providing support and input. And and data and advice that. We need it as board members, you know, because. This is one of those areas where. And I've said this many times. We're not the experts. You know, administration teachers, staff. You're the expert. You know what works. You know we where you know we can. I think, come up with a number of asks things that we recognize as important. Not just that we recognize, but the community recognizes as well. How to accomplish those things. You know, that's really not. It's not our area of expertise. So we appreciate. And I appreciate. You know your input in in helping to. To craft goals that we can track through the through the next year and beyond, because some of these are going to be multiyear goals. Of course. So that's it. Those were. Put together, well. Lot of work. All be easy. But I'm excited to get in and and and start working on. Thank you. Thanks. I mean, I think, to your point, one of the challenges, I think, with a school district this big when you're talking about over 10,000 students. At all different levels. Pre-k, 12. Is that. You know. The school-based goals, I think, will be really interesting coming after this, because that's what comes after this process. This is not the end of the goals process. This is sort of the. Sky, high district level view. And then after that, there's the building. And so I think it's, you know, there's this. Dual, Pole. To. Have it be specific enough that it's measurable, but also recognize that it's not. It can't possibly be. One. Size fits all because it's not gonna look the same. At Pre. K. At 3rd grade, at 8th grade at 12th grade. You know you have to have. Accountability, but flexibility. So I I think we squared the circle pretty well on that. And I do want to say, like, I think, that the development through the committee process. Adding that this year, even though like who wants to come to an extra committee meeting in July. I think it was useful, I mean, I remember, I think HR. I think the Hr goals in particular, I feel like. Were measurably, demonstrably better after we had the Hr. Discussion. I think. There was a level of specificity added to the Hr goals that wasn't there before. And that's just one example. I mean, all the committees did excellent work, but that was one example of the committee that I was on. That I really felt like when we walked into the room. It was good, and when we walked out of the room it was better. So I think if I. Could speak to whoever inherits this next year. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's not. I thought, you know again as much as nobody wants to hang out another committee meeting in July. I thought the committee process actually worked really well for small group discussion around goals. And did make them demonstrably more specific and better. Then they had been in the past. Any other Board members have. Goals. Preys tomatoes to be thrown. Deep thoughts. Ms. Stern. First.st Thank you. Mrs. Winter. This was a a big lift. I pulled up my email I sent out on. June 15.th Day after graduation. Happy start of Summer. And we have an aggressive timeline to complete district goals. And there it began, which you are already prepared, which was fantastic. So in 5 weeks time. With you on the board side at the helm, and, Dr. Morton, you on the administrative side, with your team. You know, I think you know practice makes progress right. So as Mr. Mayor referenced, you know, having done this for a few years, and been, you know. 1st year was. Not a great process that I, when I was involved, my involvement was not, you know, that 1st year we were. I felt like we were just kind of shooting in the dark. Of how do we. Revamp this process. You know, we had that year, actually my 1st year on the board, you know, Juju School Board Associations came, and they. Kinda. Gave some documents. And okay, you're on your own, you know. It was like a really interesting experience, because it's not their role. Their role is to kind of provide us guidance, and then we have to. We have to execute right? So so. This was. Honestly, the process was fantastic. So I really appreciate how I know it was a lot of work. A lot of work, and it was a lot of work for all of us, because week after week we got updates. We were asked for feedback. We got responses from Dr. Morton. And. And we know, you know, Rinse repeat right? So we've been doing. We've been at this consistently with Dr. Morton and your team, but has been at this. So You know. For me. I remember sitting in this room at this table looking at achievement, looking at some of the You know some of the research that had come, the data we had been provided a few years ago, and the question of Well, why is this out this way? What's the root cause? And that was kind of the end of the topic. End of the discussion. And it's like, just really left this sense of like we, we need to. We need to gain traction on these, you know, concerns these issues. You know, fast forward to where we are today. I'm you know, 2 things. 1st of all, I said to Dr. Morton, I think these are extremely ambitious. Are they too ambitious? Is the question I asked Dr. Morton, because there's so much in here. Which I'll give you a chance to speak on. But for right now I'm gonna keep going. And also, you know, as a board talk about accountability. Our feeder to the fire. As you, said Mrs. Winters, because now you have a 2 page document. Of deliverables that are in this document that now we have to track. To make sure we are meeting the responsibility to the community, to the students. Right, our elected responsibility. So it's a lot. And it's fantastic, it's exciting. I'm particularly appreciative. That. You know, we started a process a couple of years ago of interviewing special education families. We knew we needed to do better. We wanted to do better for those families. The resounding outcome of those meetings was. The transitions are a a significant challenge for families across age groups across. Whatever the special education needs are of the students. The transition points are very difficult. They're difficult for our general education. They're especially difficult for a special education. Population. That's also my lived experience. But you know. But that's what the families told us. Well, now we have a goal to address that specifically. So. You know, I just think there's so much that has been. Brought to the table. I just feel like this process is manifesting. Deliverables to do this. But it doesn't stop there. As you said. This now goes to the schools. Why is it in my mind? You know. I look at this document, and I think, okay, like. You know? Do we have enough indicators of success? Well, why don't we have. A very specific singular indicator of success. Let's say for certain, you know certain achievement. And then I look at well, special education. Are we going to apply. The same expectations of our special education students. Do we want exactly the same expectations? For our es, our ell learners, as we do in does that make sense? Or do we need to defer to the experts in the buildings who say, Listen, in our building, you know, with the programs we have, these are the ways that we want to implement. Indicators of success along. You know the the district level, and I think you know it. You know, quite honestly took me some time to wrap my head around, understanding that, but it makes so much sense to me, and so. You know, that's kind of the next step in the process is for the buildings to then. Take this. And you know apply it so. You know. I know there was a ton of reading for everybody again, and a ton of tracking. And I just want to really thank everybody for the you know the questions. And Dr. Morton again for all of the The responses. I will tell you. It feels really good to. Hear from community members who list out problems. Right challenges. And then I can. Be able to have a response and say. You know I'm glad you're bringing that up. This is where we're addressing that in our goals. This is what we've done this year to address it from a personnel perspective. And I, you know I can list out the ways in which. We are. We either address things or continue to have a plan to address them. That feels really good. It feels really bad to. Speak to a community member and then bring a concern and not have any. A a default already defined, path forward to addressing it. Or you know or see a student struggling, and not have a defined path forward. So I'm excited so. Dr. Morton. My, I hope. Mrs. Winters. I love to hear from Dr. Morton. If this is too ambitious, because that was a question of mine. Yes, thank you very much. Stern and thank you to the board for collaborative process. Thank you to the administrative team as well, for you know the guidance, and the application of the expertise that exists. Amongst the team. Absolutely the the goals are ambitious, as they should be. Our kids are with us. For a very short period. Students that we serve and the families that we serve. Deserve ambitious goals. If there are areas that we know. Our opportunities of improvement. We need to attack those with vigor and with tenacity. That's the attitude that's. Embody. From this administrative team. That's my philosophy, as my philosophy on life. Be cliche, I'll say, you know. We have to get after it, you know, because our kids. Deserve the best, and they deserve us to, you know. Take that approach so there, absolutely ambitious. But I believe that they're realistic. You know, I I understand the person on the people that we have. And their ability to execute. And and implement. And we're we're definitely gonna get it done. You know our expectation. Throughout the process. I think you know, when we started the conversation, you know, Miss Winners and I was, you know, clear expectations. Inclusion of ideas and information, you know. Try my best to incorporate. The feedback. As I heard the discussions, you know. And you know the the team has done the same as well. Whether it be meetings or email exchanges, or just other feedback. That's been provided. So the document itself is detailed. We believe it's targeted. And you know again. You know, as as we think about. Ambition, you know it provides accountability measures that there should be accountability measures for for everyone seated at these seats here. And that's important, you know. So. Either we're getting it done or we're. You know, and and that's that's the bottom line. But you know I have most confidence that we absolutely. We absolutely will get it done, and we'll achieve. Ms. Gallagher. I just wanna make a comment as well. You know. I think the the process might be fantastic, depending on where you sit at the table. Not everybody might. Have seen the process as fantastic. It was better than last year. I will say that for sure. There was more transparency and And communication as to the process of the goals. But I think more input in the front end from the the majority of the board might be more helpful next year, and I'd be more than happy to provide more feedback. I just. Want to say that, you know. Everybody is providing positive feedback. I just wanna like there is another side to it. And I just want a voice that and I've also asked questions for clarification, and there have been times that I don't feel like I'm I'm getting the answers that I need to. I'm not against the goals. I just feel like there are questions that I still have, that I haven't received. Full answers, too. Thank you. So. I'm sorry to hear that. Is, I mean, and we'll definitely so like I said on my end, the next step is going to be going through Asking for Board Member. Feedback. I mean, I really tried. I really tried, and I'm just being completely honest. Anything that came to me. A goal that was under C and I, whether it was preschool or achievement. Anything like that. To. Respond back and incorporate the feedback. And send that up. To be incorporated into the goals. I mean, if there were ever points that you felt that you went through. The process, and it didn't work for you. I mean. That's important to hear. But I I will say. To From from my perspective we all different perspectives like. I was hopeful that. Starting the goals. Conversation and committees gave you that gave board members that feeling of being engaged right upfront from the start. And. That was my hope. If it didn't work out that way, then we can try something different next year, and I was also hopeful that. I thought I thought the discussion. At 2 weeks ago was really good. And I was hopeful that. Over the the 2 weeks interceding then and now. That people would. Continue to work the process. I mean, you can laugh. But I actually sent Dr. Morton, like literally 2 pages of like edits. I'm talking punctuation. I mean, it was. Maybe it was a little bit much. But I mean, that's the way my mind works like I really wanted to go through and understand it are the goals. Are the goals exactly the way that I would have written them if I would have written them by myself. No. But that's collaboration. They shouldn't be, you know, like they. I do think, however, that the goals embody. In broad strokes. What the. What the board, as a whole, envisions. Are the priorities of the school district for the next academic year. I mean, if it. If it doesn't. From your perspective. Then I would say, then we need to work more in communication and collaboration at the Board level, because I really tried to make sure. As best to the best of my ability, that everybody's voice was heard, and that the process was transparent and clear, like, if I have a question. If I have a revision or something, I need more specificity on. Where do I go with that? And then action on it? That was my objective. If I didn't meet that then that's definitely something we can talk about in the future. But I don't think. I appreciate all the praise. I don't think it was the, you know, the perfection of all goals process my 1st shot at trying to do this. I did the best that I could. Besides. Coming from my, I'm just saying it was more on, and the transparency and the communication was there. I'm not saying it wasn't but what I'm. I guess. And we don't have to talk about this right now we can talk about it. But, like my point is, is that like. When they got to committee the goals were set like the goals were formed at that point, like when they. When they came to committee in July we had a list of idea of goals like, so I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that like. From my perspective, not being a chair initial brainstorming. And it's like against the goals. I'm just saying from the process I think this year. And let me just say this, then we'll get other people's perspectives. But, like my understanding coming into it this year, when I was tasked with this. Was that this is like this is the 5th year of the 5 years of 2020 to 25. So the I didn't have as a chair any information that you didn't have going into the start of the goals process. It was taking last year's goals. And updating them. For this year. So there wasn't like a pre meeting that occurred prior to the committee meetings where that occurred. It was. Taking, the. 2024 goals and updating them for 25 with an eye to the fact that once we go through the strategic planning process. This might look totally different next year. So you and I are lucky because we're going to be here for that, because that'll be. Well, I guess it'll be my 3rd year on the board for another. Couple of years, but like this coming year, I think. It will be different, because we'll be starting with the new 25 strategic plan and the goals that build out of that. Whereas this year was almost, it was the last iteration of. The previous session, so there wasn't anything that was pre-decided or pre pre baked. Going into committee other than. The starting point was last year's goals. And then the up. The newer ones that were added were hibs. Which came out of a board discussion and special education. Other than that everything was a An update of a previous year's goal. So. Ben. I'm sorry. Dr. Rud. I appreciate your opinion, Kim. I think. I do want to reiterate that what we received like in strategic planning was. Last year's goals to start with. So that 1st time we talked about them in July we hadn't. Nobody else had been privy to anything. That you hadn't seen at the same. Time. So if if you were feeling that, I just wanna make sure that that's not it. But I I appreciate that you had a different perspective and definitely encourage you to. You know what? What specific goals like. You know. Make sure you voiced those concerns to everybody. Cause if we don't hear from you. Now then, we don't know. But definitely. Your comments can make. The goals better for next year. I I will say like. And and Mr. And said this as well, that it was a tight timeline, so the process was good, but it was fast. And You know, a. I will say, like I didn't have a lot of time to look at them. I've been really busy with work, so. You know, whenever anything is done over an abbreviated timeline like that, it means that some people aren't really gonna be able to. You know. Contribute the way they might want to. So maybe you know, more time in the future would be awesome. It's kind of hard to do that, because, you know, we're we're on a pretty rigid schedule throughout the year. As a board But definitely I I, for one, appreciate your feedback and And understand that not every pro process. Is gonna appear the same way to everybody. So thank you for your comments. But. And just to just to address that last year we voted on goals in August. But. The feedback we got from the administration was that didn't give enough time for the school-based goals. To be done. So that was the reason. This is, I guess I will take some of the blame. Slash criticism. The compressed timeline. To vote on goals by the end of July was me. Because I had asked Dr. Morton in A. C. And I, meeting. What's what's the goal on goals like? What's what's the objective here? Where's the target? And he said, end of July that way. There's time for the school based goals, and I. Personally work the timeline backwards from there. So that that compression that was. If that the blame or credit for that falls upon me because I was trying to make sure that there was enough room. On the back end for the school-based. If that's too tight of a timeline for board members, we can talk about that. You know. Next year, because I appreciate your feedback that, like people are busy. People have stuff going on at work. Summer is hard with little kids at home, I said to Mr. Greenbaum, I can only think in 10 min increments because my children are in the house. And every 10 min somebody needs a snack like it's just my reality right now. So it it is. It is really challenging to do this, you know whether you're working full-time, or you're parenting full-time, or whatever you're doing full time in in July. With vacations and children and work and everything. So I do appreciate that. And maybe that's something we can look. To improve next year. But June feels like the rush towards graduation. And you know, so we'll but we'll figure it out. But that's that's really good feedback. I appreciate that. Anybody else, Miss Stern. So, Ms. Gallagher, I also appreciate the feedback. You know. We always want to do better. Year after year, and I appreciate hearing that it felt better this year. I know last year, you know. I remember you saying that you didn't feel included. You didn't feel like you knew about this work, and you weren't involved in it, so I'm glad to hear that was better. I wanna ask you specifically if I could. So I'm looking at the email that I sent out right before our committee meetings. And I said, we are asking that everyone review this document, which was Winter's document, which, had it pointed to the original goals from 2324. We're asking everyone to review this document and the embedded links and come to committee meetings prepared to discuss. So that was like. From where I sat. That was the invitation to ask each board member to bring ideas. So it sounds like that. Didn't that didn't compute to you. So what would have been a better way to say that. Or perhaps, or even approach that. It doesn't sound like you're looking for fresh ideas. Be prepared. Look at the document and be prepared to discuss the document. So I mean, I've read it. I've read every email. I went through all the links. It's not because I didn't. But you know a lot of it was like the chairs are meeting. The chairs had a discussion right? And if you're not a chair. Then you're not in those discussions. So. That's what I'm trying to point to. And it's nothing that I didn't compute. Well, no, I so if so, the language would have been better if it had said, fresh idea bring fresh ideas. That you didn't feel like that was conveyed in the email. No, and at any point I mean really kind of at any point during the process, from my perspective. Okay, that's helpful feedback. We'll definitely think of it. I think the I mean, I did see some of your feedback throughout. Trying to sit with and synthesize, and I think that. You know. It's it's not always easy. It's a lot. It was compressed. It's a lot of information. It doesn't always synthesize. Well. For. And I think that's you know it's it's a challenge to to deal with, for sure. It's a lot I mean, I just think it's a lot of work. And You know. I think the. Normal, as Mrs. Winter says, we normally don't we normally do committee the whole in July. But the intention of engaging and getting true collaboration. Was to start in committee, which is like as you referenced Mrs. Winters, like. HR. Brought a lot of ideas, had a lot of fresh discussion. And I. That was the intention of exactly why we did ask everyone to come in and meet in full committee meetings in July for that intentional purpose. So it didn't kind of get lost in committee of the whole next year. We'll feel like that fresh start that. That maybe it didn't feel like this year, but I also think that the charge this year to me was. The transition year like to update, not like a revamp this year. But to that that was, that was the charge that was given to me was to update the goals. And then this coming year, with strategic plan, and just to clarify the chairs, did not. Meet. Other than our regular chairs meeting to to work on goals like I had revisions coming through the chairs just that way. It wasn't like 9 of us talking past each other. But that was structural. That wasn't like gatekeeping, at least in my mind. Switchers. I'd like to pull this back. As the person running the. Strategic planning vote. If I could take questions. I feel like we're getting into an area of. Kind of back and forth, and some defensiveness and. I really don't think that's at all in spirit of talking about the goals tonight. We were talking about what our goals are. I do appreciate Miss Gallagher for voicing her opinion. And I think. I think there's probably some discussions. To be had. But I don't think right now. If I if I could say I don't think right now is the. The the best venue for that. So if Mr. Fain, I'll I'll give you the. The floor. But then, if we could. Mo move to the vote. I think that would be best. Agreed. Okay, Mr. Fain. So somebody that is doing this for the 1st time. I don't have a baseline to judge anything off. So something that I think would be helpful is having a very intentional conversation about where we are with the goal, especially since these goals were a runoff from last year. I think. One of the pieces. That was, in my opinion, that was very successful about the Hr. Committee. Discussion is that we. Kind of took a step back and evaluated where we were. We were able to get some insight. From Ms. Celebr about where she was and what her intentions were for the year, and we kind of set a baseline, and then moved on from there, and I think that that's something that we kind of. From my I guess again, from my perspective, that I. I would have liked to see is maybe had an overall discussion about where we are, cause it's very difficult to understand what we've achieved and where we want to go. If we don't really understand where we are. I know there's always a thousand things going on, and we can use numbers, but. That to me was a big reason why the discussion was successful in Hr. Cause I feel like that was maybe something that was missing from the overall discussion which led. It to seem like we were starting from somewhere that had previous. Because we never really had. Board discussion of where we are and where we intend on going. Kind of thing. Thank you. I think that's a fair observation. Okay, with that. If any other. Comments about the goals themselves, or. Questions. Seeing none. Mr. Sugars, could you please call the vote. Members, you make. Cast your votes. So we have 3 no votes, Miss Gallagher and Mrs. Niaz and remaining board members all voted. Yes. Okay, well, Dr. Rude don't get used to it. Not sure how often we're gonna have votes in strategic planning. But. I'm glad we had one tonight. I'm just joking around. I'm joking around. Thank you for leading that. Okay, we move on to new business this evening. Mrs. Winters. I have some new business I would like. To ask for help from the community, because we have some openings for Spanish teachers in the district. So if anybody is a Spanish teacher knows a Spanish teacher. We could really use Spanish teachers at all the levels. If you go to the Hclc website and click on employment. I'm just saying it's a great opportunity to work for a wonderful school system. So just putting it out there. It would be really neat, that's all I have tonight. Thank you. It's helpful. Other new business from any Board members. We move on to old business. Yes. Mr. Mayor. So it's sort of quasi all business. But it's important business that. I think, for the rest of the Board members to recognize that. There was another Lmc meeting this past 2 weeks ago. It was the Lmc executive Committee. Another opportunity for. For us to see them. The direction that. The staff as they work together. Collaboratively. Have. Have. Come together to. Real purpose to move forward and. Address. A lot of the the. Very important issues that they see from their perspective one of the things that. They talked about, and that, I expect will continue to be an issue with Lmc. And that we can. We can talk about. Board, as well. Is delivery of professional development, you know. To make it. Actionable. Professional Development. I'm not just checking the box. But what? What? Staff at each level, at each school, truly need, what do they? What works best for them, so that they can immediately turn around and use that. To improve outcomes for students in the classroom. So that was, that was one of the issues that was discussed. I'm happy to say that. The calendar was not addressed. At at that particular meeting. But it was another opportunity for For us, and and with respect to business of the Board. Whether whether we discuss it in old business each time. Or not. I just think it's it's important for us to continue to support Dr. Morton and. The administration, and with the recognition of how. We view. Lmc. What it is doing, how. Else working and looking forward to. Lmc. Being branched out now into each of the levels. As well. So. Was a great meeting, and I think we should probably. I'll make it a point. To report out. Or Mrs. Winter, since the 2 of us sit on that The committee. Each time. Was another another good opportunity. If there are any questions about Lmc. I'm happy to try and address those Dr. Morton, I'm sure, could. Do a better job. But. And that's it. Thank you. Any other old business from anybody. Board members. Okay, so we move on to second public comment. This is our second comment period. It is an opportunity to speak about any school related topic. If you would like to speak. Now, please clearly state your name and municipality. We will alternate between speakers in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate that. Public comment is an opportunity for members of our community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Cherry Hill public school district, or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education. The Board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters under established Federal law, governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forums. Statements which demean individual community members or groups, or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or repetitus, will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the District Superintendent board President and all board members via email or other alternative means. And as we always do, we will always offer the opportunity to speak 1st to students. So if you are here in the room, it looks like we do have a student at the podium. Might be easier for us. Identify you. But if you were online and you were a student, and you'd like to speak kindly. Put an S after your name when you raise your hand so that we know that you are a student, and we'll give you the opportunity first.st And with that we would go to the room, and if you could, please set your full name. Hello. My name is Erin Camp. And there's a few things I would like to speak on. 1st off as a student at Cherry Hill, East. I would just like. To emphasize that there are so many East teachers. That the fact that Mr. Davis has really shown as one of the teachers, that I have never sat in a classroom with. But still has so showed himself to be such an integral part of the East experience, especially as the activities director just building up all students, all clubs, and really being that teacher that cares about the students themselves, which I am glad to say many of our teachers do, but checking up on students as school can be a rigorous time really caring about the students. As a person, and not only as an academic. Striving to achieve many things, but. He really cares about the students themselves. I congratulate him on his assistant principal position. I also would like to speak today, not as. The East Poe alternate representative or a student from East, but as a proud, older sister to a preschool-aged little brother. And I would like to say, with aligning with some of the goals for next year, that Miss Winters has mentioned one of the ones that really stuck out to me was community relations goal and really helping one another because a lot the community has to say can help us. And a lot. That you guys have to say can help the community. So I really urge the board, as you guys are looking for places to have preschools, and looking for facilities. For all these new students coming in. I think it would be a really good opportunity to preschools that are currently functioning in the district in the district, because I know that as we are now offering a more a free alternative to these. Paid tuition preschools. I think it would be a mutually beneficial relationship to allow these facilities to possibly become one of the Cherry Hill public school facilities. So I think reaching out to these facilities would be beneficial. And that's all I have to say. Thank you. Thank you, Erin. And we go online. And the phone number is 7, 8. If you could please state your full name and your municipality when the timer starts. 7, 8. If you could please state your full name and unmute. Okay. My name is Jeff. What should I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm making comparisons now between 2 school districts. Cherry Hill township, for 2,023, 2,024, we had approximately 1010,600 students are free and reduced. Lunch was was about 18% required uncapped aid for last, for this, for this past year was approximately 38.5. 1 million, and our actual State aid was 36.3 million. According to. According to numbers found on Sfra District Profile Education Law Center. We were 20. We were 20. So around $2,700, $2,000 per pupil above our local fair share. According to the State, we were getting taxed. Much more significantly more township enrollment, 5,264 students. This is 2,023, 2,024 freedom reduced lunch. Approximately 19% in line with us. Uncat stayed was 20 million dollars. State aid itself was 21. 7 million dollars The key is, they received about twice as much in state and pupil that we did. Those numbers are very, very important. Alright. Okay. According however they were, they were. They were also overtaxed like we were there. People stated their local. They were about $1,000 over their local fair share. That's important. We were about 2 and a half times as much as they were. According to the State calculations, this year, 2425. Our State aid. Will be what's supposed to be. 29.5 million. How will state aid was approximately for this year? 2,004, 25, approximately 2,002,000,000. Again, they're getting more State aid for us. Demographics appear to be similar of the students. That is important. Okay. However, in their case. They have had their aid cut. During Sfa. They were getting adjustment aid. So the total cumulative effect was about 50 million dollars. Their tax levy increased about 7. Percent hours increased more, and their school Board president really wanted a balance between taxes and. Thank you, Jeff. How do it. Time! Is up. And and the raising of things, and the raising of, and the raising of the tax. Levinsky. Thank you. Your help with that. We moved back to the microphone, and if anyone liked to speak we go back to the room. You could kindly state your name and your municipality. Yes, Harvey Vasquez, Cherryhill. I think this is the most I've heard word special education, and a board meeting. For the 2 years I've been coming in, so I do appreciate. That the light is finally shining on our community. Although I'm happy to see that. Special education transition has been added to your goals. I would argue that this specific action, more with goal number one. Vote number one, which is create frameworks of learning and support for all students to develop the skills needed for social. And emotional wellness rather than go number 2. Which is to develop highly engaging learning, centered experiences. With an environment that promotes voice, choice and passion for learning. As I mentioned during my last You're my last public hearing. The difficulty facing many of our special education students are the need of support services. As they move on to the next grade. You cannot expect our special education students. To develop highly engaging. Learning. If they are lacking the basic support. To highly engage in curriculum. I exhort this Board to realign this action. And look at this as a special education, parent. The fact that this district continues to expect our special education student to excel. While lacking basic support and services, is to me. I axed this administration to speak with your educators. Okay, speak with your educators. In special education as to what is their most challenging. And I can guarantee you. That shortage of support staff will be one of the issues. I truly believe, if early identification. Of these students is done, their transition would be vastly improved. This means assessments and evaluations. As you know, there are 3 types of referrals, school staff. And state. Agencies, referrals. There's no shame. And school representatives taking the lead. And once your 1st line teachers, take this. The administration should do their best to assess those leads and follow suit. Many times. The referrals from teachers. Die at the administration. And that's what's happening. That's why you can't expect these students to move on to the next grade. And be successful. Our special education students need the support and services. That they are required by law to have. And this district continues to ignore that. So I exhort this Board. 1st of all to realign that goal because it should be in your 1st goal, as I mentioned in my last public hearing and not in goal number 2, because you can't expect them to do well if you don't provide them the services and support that you need. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the line. And we have again, Laura and Ipad, if you could please set your full name. And I'm home in New Jersey. So I just. Listening to the word. Gold's Discussion. I think it's pretty admirable that you've done it within a forward time span. But in the past, and even though you've gone to a new model. Perhaps you should have started this as far back as April. Though I have. Read your previous goals. I certainly hope there are measurable. That you've achieved them. But one other thing that concerns me, even though I was corrected. Is, that. You're very happy that you've added Pre. K. After school program. With the potential of a new provider. But what about the other students in our district? And their parents that desperately need Pre. K. Are we gonna expand to other things? You're gonna ask some new companies program in one of our schools. I I think you have really short changed. The rest of the students. In in our district who also desperately need childcare. Regardless of whether the times are different for your pre-k program. All the kids and their parents deserve the same opportunity. To have childcare within their school. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the room. If anyone would like to speak. Please say your phone, I mean, and your municipality when the timer restarts. I'm Sara Jocelyn Hill. I have a couple of comments 1st related to the. The goal to boot, to boost performance on on testing you did not include the achievement for science test in your thing. Second, I would like to understand when the next Qsec. Testing will be, and I think that should be part of your consideration in the goals. Because, of course, you don't measure. Once in every 4 or 5 years. 3, rd I would like to bring forth that. It's very important to have youth, voice, and engagement, and there's an opportunity to do that through the United Nations. In September of this year the United Nations will be focusing on the future, on accelerating achievement of global. They are seeking youth, voice. And there will also be a compact for future generations. I think this is something that should be part of. Communication with our students. I'll. Going back into the area. I'm very excited to hear you have an improved communication plan on the agenda. I do not have children in preschool. I have grandchildren that are in preschool in other districts. But I'm even though I have looked. I have not seen the right place to find the outcome of the lottery, the number of applicants that were filled where we are what the plan is. I hear we're putting in pre in in before and after school care as an option. This is excellent. I needed that. I was a working mom. So I I applaud that, and I did use the program for my children. But it's, I think, as part of your communication plan, and particularly when you talk about expansion. Moving forward with pre-k, when you talk about the impact of community. And when you talk about the extreme benefit of Pre K. For children to be kindergarten ready, you need to include the full community. And you need to make it available in a place that somebody looking at the website doesn't have to go through minutes. Okay, doesn't have to try to say, Well, can I call a communications person and try to find the right answer to this question? It's essential that the community as a whole. Understand the importance for the success of the overall of our children, whether they're in special needs or any other place, whether they're transferring in. To to have the benefit of this. You talk about having 90% of preschool in district schools, I think you really need to clarify that. What that means. Because we have a lot of other options, and parents can make different choices. So I think kindergarten ready is the focus. And I do think you should look at the measurable part of that goal and provide more definition. Okay. There are no more hands online. There's anyone else in the room who'd like to speak. I'd encourage you to approach the podium. Now. And you just wait for the timer to restart. You are still Cherry Hill. I'm really excited to hear that we're pushing about. Ap. However. The district doesn't, hasn't done a great job in terms of dual enrollment, and that with the recent news of coming out with the Ap. Scoring shift. I don't know how much that is. Divine hysteria. From the public. But I think dual enrollment is a path forward that we really need to take. I'm really excited to hear that we're looking at making an opportunity and. Honors and Ap. Courses. But as a special education teacher myself. How will that be? Information passed along during Iep meetings. And how will that be shared, and how will that be communicated down the line. I often talk about parents because I am. Oh, the expert! I know too much about dual enrollment due to my own degree work. Being heavily involved with that. But parents shouldn't have to turn to me. To go and get that information to know. That's even an opportunity. To do that, and also the fact that Stockton still has scholarships available. Just figure out, how do we push out that information? I'm excited that we now have the staffed in her role because she's been a champion for years in the district. I think that will significantly help. Another concern being the facilities in the past. Cruci has had an incredible welcome program which allows 6th graders over a period of August to come in toward the building. Peruzi is offline for hopefully through. Hopefully before the school year starts, because I don't want to have nightmares of what happened when I started at Rosa. We had to go to Camp Rosa for a week, and I get kicked back into a building. So I'm a little sensitive to building construction work. So just working to figure out how we can better integrate that. And also a few people have posted on social media, having new students moving into the district. When my family came back to Cherry Hill, my son was going into 1st grade. Bethany was the interim principal, and we reached out to her, and she was able to do a tour and bring my child in if we could just. Put some of that information out for new families of how to make them feel more welcome, even though the teachers are obviously off. But even just come and meet the principal and try to break down some of those barriers. So the students feel like they're not getting lost, because even elementary schools are bigger than some schools and other districts. They are very large buildings. So just figuring out a way to make it so. The student feels more welcome, knows where a bathroom is. Little things like that. I could really help them and make them feel more at home, and they have a friendly face to turn to on their 1st day of school. Cause. That's always a challenging time for any student, be it. Pre. K. All the way through high School. Thanks. 'kay. We go back to the line. I don't see any hands up online, so we'll go back to the room if anyone else would like to speak. Please approach the podium. Now. And when you do, please wait for the timer. Please state your full name, Guy Holtzmann, Cherry Hill. 6 months ago I bought. A house next to Cherry. Right next to the yard. When the Baseball season started. Baseball started flying in the air, landing in my backyard. By the dozens. Until eventually one of them hit my car. Left the size. This big. I ran out to the coach, told him, stop! Because my kids are playing outside. So that's my responsibility. The athletic director is the one who's possible. Spoke with the athletic director. Apparently. And his response was, Talk to your insurance. Whatever happens. That's your problem. Also, he said, pretty much if and if I and I quote. The field is there since the seventies. It was here. Before you bought your house. You'll be there after you bought the house. Which is total nonsense. According to the law. Detort law according to common sense, because, imagine it was a shooting range there. And I moved my family there and said, That's your problem. We're shooting here, too, but just even throwing rocks as part of. Our game. A week later my wife and son. One year old. We're outside. He was hit in the back with a baseball. It was then that I contacted the police. And then contact, eventually. Everybody like the superintendent, Miss Sugars. I think Mr. Myra and Mr. And the principal. Told them about the problem. Ask them to move. The baseball field just 15 feet diagonally. Put trees, put something. I got really no response other than saying. It's your problem, which is amazing because it's illegal, and it shows lack of caring. About human lives, especially my children, 5 year old, 3 year old, one year old. Who actually have to be prisoners. When baseball season is done. Which is insane. By the way, one of the things the athletic told me, I'm the 1st one who ever complained. My neighbour said. I showed her photos and showed him photos of dozens of baseball in her backyard, including. In the past. It was A sign, said No trespassing, because the players and the coaches in her backyard. Now. To make things short. In my book. I don't want to press charges, but I will like I lost it. But that would be the waste of my of everybody's taxpayers dollars, because at the end. You guys are in my pick taxpayers, dollars. And you should know this is happening. This is your accountability. This is something that the Board of Education need to figure out. It cannot be that baseball are landing. At people's homes. And me. Strike them. Just simple as that. That's it. Thank you. Okay. Don't see any hands online. We go back to the room. If anyone else would like to speak. I'm going to close public comment, and I'm going to turn it over to Dr. Morton for superintendent's comments. Thank you very much, Miss Stern. I just like to mention as well. So we we heard about the appointment today of mr. Cj. Davis at High School, East. There was also another individual on the agenda as well. Mr. Rayson, Junior. Mr. Robinson, is being appointed this evening as well. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it out this evening, but we are definitely excited about his appointment. He comes to us from Esampton Township School district, where he's an assistant principal. And he does a little bit of everything in that building. He's he's truly a jack of all trades, and amazing and an amazing influence in the building. Had an opportunity to spend some time with him along with Mr. Finkel. Who's here? Thank you, Mr. Finkel, for being here as well, and he's truly an inspirational figure. He is going to infuse high School East with a tremendous amount of energy. An enthusiasm. So we're excited to have him join. The Terry Hill Public Schools team as well. Just like to mention as well a summer. Is moving right along construction projects and moving full steam ahead. Summer cleaning is moving full steam ahead. I like to just give kudos to Mr. Steve Nicolla and his team buildings and grounds maintenance custodial staff. It's difficult. Challenge right? So we have construction projects that are taking place while some are cleaning is taking place which is most important to get buildings back. Clean and ready for the return of students, and what feels like just a few weeks. You know, while projects have taken place, and while we have summer programs running as well. But the team again is approached with the tremendous optimism. Wonderful attitudes. And you know, level expertise where we see projects getting done and we see things happening. So I'll be remiss if I didn't say kudos to to Mr. Nicolla and the entire team. And the sugars, as well. One of the things that we heard, you know quite often this evening is this idea of community involvement, and ensuring that there is community. Voice. Miss Roscoff, who's seated there. Our supervisor special projects, has been brought on. Just assist. You know, in that area. We had an outstanding meeting last week. With several about 2 dozen community members, where we began to engage in these critical conversations. The conversation centered around. Predominantly elementary, redistricting. And our needs. And you know, we. Through, some. Big essential questions out there. And as I stood in the in the room and interacted with. The community members. It was just a reminder for me about what I truly love about this community. The level of passion and engagement. That is consistently. From people within the community, and as we think about how to engage the community collectively and comprehensively. You know. Not all those people represented in the room actually had children in the district. Some have had children who have graduated and moved on, but others are just community members who are. Who are engaged and involved. And want to be a part of the process. Calish. Miss Roskov reached out to him. And they happy to oblige and show up for so. We look forward to expanding, that. That approach. We will be getting out there. Whether it be, you know, to a. Community. Center school or home near you. Well, you know, in this next year we'll we'll be going out to, you know. Bring the conversation to the community. And, you know, hear feedback from the community. So. Again. Just a just a plug and. A reminder of the importance of, you know, community voice, we have some big projects that we're working on as we move forward. There's definitely some big things that are necessary and are needed. For us to do. We talked about our 5 year strategic plan. As we go through that strategic planning process we will hear community voice. By just by a matter of default. And as we map out our goals for next year, our goals will have to be reflective of what we hear from our community. And as we think about that 5 year, 5 year Strategic Plan. Is a portrait of a graduate that will compete as well. That portrait of a graduate will embody. What it is that our community believes and hopes and aspires for our children to be able to do as they're with us, and you know, progress through Pre K. Through. Grade 12, but also, you know. The opportunities that our children are able to access after they leave us as well. So. Definitely look forward to that process as well as you know, focusing on some of the other target areas for us, for improvement as well. Thank you to everyone for your comments this evening, and hope everyone has a great night. Thank you. Dr. Morton. Okay, I make a motion to adjourn. Do I have a second. This is Winters. All in favor. Motion carries, meeting is adjourned.