Okay, good evening. We're calling our meeting to order. Before we begin the public portion of our meeting or the portion of our meeting I just want to ask all our board members to please put your phones in the sleeves that we are continuing to pilot. On behalf of our modeling for the students on behalf of what we plan to ask our students to. Potentially to find one way or another too. Have our phones not disrupt. And model that for them. Thank you. Have the release for after the meeting good because I don't know that our We want to leave our meetings with our phones locked up. Alright. Please, everyone rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. Yeah. Okay, Mrs. Sugars, can you please call the role? Hold on. This is Gallagher here. Mister Greenbound. Mr. Mayor. Dr. This is Niaz here. This is Tong. Here, Okay. We are starting our evening with board recognition. So I'm going to turn that over to Dr. Morton. Yes, thank you very much. Miss Stern. I'm very excited this evening to have an opportunity to recognize a few of our outstanding young people. I'm going to ask Miss Wilson to come to the microphone and to join me there. Alright, good evening. This evening we are having 2 recognitions. Our 1st is of Jerry Hill East Senior Grace Yun. Grace participated in the United States Senate youth program in March. She was just one. She was one of just 2 students representing the state of New Jersey. This is a tremendous accomplishment and we invite her to come to the microphone to tell us a bit about her experience. Hi, my name is Grace and I had the honor. I'm sorry. Could I ask you to face the board? Love for you to face us. Thank you. My name is Grace You and I'm currently a senior at Trail High School East and I had the opportunity to represent our state alongside our senators at the 60 second annual US Senate Youth Program. And along with that, I also received a 10,000 Scholarship from the Hearst Foundation. And the US and a youth program is essentially a program created by the Senate bill and I had the opportunity to meet numerous public servants and leaders within our community. Ranging from President Biden to Dr. Jill Biden, from numerous senators to Secretary Blinken to Secretary Pete Buttigieg and it was honestly just a really eye-opening moment to be brought together, 103 delegates, including me from across the country, from across the world. And it was just really eye-opening that we got to talk and to really emphasize the importance of civil discourse, especially among youth. And overall, it just really opened my perspective on a lot of different political issues that currently take hold of our world. And it was an opportunity to hold discussion and effective discussion with a lot of different individuals. So it was a very eye-opening experience and I'm truly honored that I had the opportunity to represent our state. Grace, congratulations. It's very impressive. Grace. Okay, next we're going to recognize the East Chess team. They are being recognized this evening for their south jersey championship win and we invite Coach Greg Run to come up and say a few words about the team and their season. Thanks. I'd like to congratulate the team and in particular our captains, not only for what they accomplished this year, but how they maneuver the team after COVID to a 3rd place finish in 2,022. Second place finish behind Eastern in 2,023 and then avenging that loss for the 1st place finish this year over Easter in the final round of playoffs. It was a dominant year indeed completing an undefeated regular season in 1st place with an overall record of 43 and 2 cherry lease has had very strong teams in the past and no doubt Jake and Aton our captains are naturally gifted players but these are also the hardest working captains I've ever probably had. They signed chess puzzles as homework to be completed for the next practice. And beyond that, as far as I know, they're the only captains in South Jersey that demand that all of their varsity players take notation every So, that's, and they don't just dispose of these notation sheets. They collect them and analyze each player's game. And in the post-mortem during the next practice, they recreate the games highlighting solid moves as well as critical areas for improvement in the next match. We wish all of our graduating seniors the best in their future endeavors, knowing that their talents and superior work effort will be missed next year. Thank you. Okay. Lovely to see the success. Now we will move on to presentations and we have no presentations tonight. So we will, Move on to our public budget hearing. And I'm going to turn it over to. Mr. Greene, who is going to lead this portion of the meeting. And they'll then turn it over to Mrs. Sugar as I believe, but I'll let you do that. Certainly. So our next section is adoption of the 2,02420 25 budget and with that I will hand this off to Mrs. Sugars to talk about the final the final presentation for our budget. Okay, so tonight we are conducting the public hearing on our 2425 budget. As you know, we have a 2 step process. The 1st step is to approve an initial submission budget, which we did back in March. We then submit that budget to the county office for their review, which they conducted and they approved the budget in its current form. So there's been no changes to this budget. From the budget that we submitted back in March. The same budget that we saw at that point. So this is This is now in Cherry Hill since the elimination of April elections for school boards. We no longer vote on the budget the public no longer votes on the budget now. The board once we go through the public hearing process if the board approves the budget then. We can move forward. And start planning for next year. So I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on the presentation because again, this is the budget that we saw a couple weeks ago. But we will, just touch on a few highlights. So the main part of the budget that we take a look at is the general fund. The general fund is the day-to-day operations of the school district. There's also Fund 20, which is the Special Revenue Fund. That's where we account for all of our grants. And the debt service fund, which is fund 40, which is where we pay our principal and interest on the bond that was approved. In October of 2022. And so that was already, it's not part of our budgeting process, however we factor it in because it does have tax impact. But that was already approved through the bond referendum. So if we start, we, Divide our budget. Our budget is governed by budget codes. And the 1st portion of our budget is. Is what we call distributed expenses. So these expenses are related to a particular grade level, a particular classification. Basic skills and bilingual are extracurricular in athletics. And other instructional programs. And so this 1st portion of our budget makes up what we call our distributed expenses. And again, these are. These are classroom teachers, supplies for the classrooms, athletic activities, officials for athletics, those kinds of things. And in this particular category, you can see that we have an increase this year of $225,000. And then if we flip it over and we look at the other side, which is more the operational side of our budget, these are undistributed costs, which means they can't be attributed to a particular grade level or classification. And these type of costs include things such as tuition that we pay, to other private schools. For the disabled or to the Votech or to special services school districts. It also includes student services and instruction. So this would include. The nurse's office, the guidance office, the child study team, those kinds of things. Administration would be principals offices, superintendents. Office, business office, and the tech department. And that's again guided by code. Maintenance insecurity would be our buildings and grounds department, our security offices, transportation would be transportation and then employee benefits would apply to all employees across the district. And so you can see that we have. Fairly significant increase in this line. Of about 7.5 million dollars so Fund 11 is a component of Fund 10. Again, our day-to-day operating costs and overall we have an increase in that. And those costs of about 7.8 million. We also have capital outlay costs in fund 10, so that would be equipment construction, capital reserve. And then we also are using some of our capital reserve money to offset the cost of the debt, repayment. And so these items are continued, are included here. You can see we have a fairly significant decrees in this section and that is mainly because we used a lot of capital reserve funds last year to provide our local fair share for some rod grants that we had applied for. Some we were awarded, some we weren't, but you can see that. We have a fairly significant decrease in the amount of spending in that section of the budget. And so overall, when we compare our general fund budget from 2324 to 2425, we have a decrease of about 4 point. 5 million. So if we look at this a different way. We often divide our budget into salaries, benefits, and other. We've talked several times about what constitutes other. It's everything that isn't salaries and benefits. See here how much our salaries are increasing, how much our benefits are increasing. We have a contribution to the preschool program that's new this year as we have implemented a full day preschool program. Again, that payment of debt that we're making out the capital reserve account and then our capital reserve projects, which we'll talk about briefly. And again, you can see here that we have about a 4.5 million dollars decrease overall in spending between 2324 and 2425. If you are a graph person and you want to look at this graphically, you can see that the 2, I guess, largest portions of our pie graph here is our regular education. And our employee benefits. Other than that, you can see the categories that we just talked about and how that looks from a graphical standpoint. If we look on the revenue side of our budget, You can see that we have a fairly significant increase in taxes this year. This is mainly due to a fairly significant decrease in equalization aid that we had this year. And so, that sort of offsets, we're not, we're going above our 2%. We'll talk about that in a few minutes. You can see here we had a 6.9 million dollar cut in our equalization A had a 6.9 million dollar cut in our equalization aid had a significant impact on the district. We had the benefit of a 7 million dollar increase the previous year. And if you look at our 2223 equalization 8 and you compare it to our 2425 equalization need we're not even at the level that we were 2 years ago. So that is concerning and that is something that has me concerned, you know, as we move forward and ask what that's going to look like in future budget years. We also have a federal aid that we receive. We are using fund balance, which is sort of our own savings account. We've increased that. And then you'll see the decrease in the capital reserve account, which we talked about previously. And again, you can see the 4.5 million dollar difference in this budget and the revenue side of the budget as well. And then graphically, you can see how significant. Tax support is of our budget. And how much of our budget is supported by that. So what's new in the budget? Not a whole lot, unfortunately because of the cuts, we do have an additional special education class at Keracy, an additional special education personnel. At high school east. And where did we make cuts? Personnel, when you have to cut that much money, unfortunately, some of it's gonna have to come from personnel. We've done that through looking at our position. Control roster, looking at vacancies that we have across the district, whether or not we need to fill those vacancies. Have we had retirements come in since we started the budget process? A couple of program cuts that we're going to make and relocation of the alternative high school program to high school east. On the non personnel side. We looked at equipment, supplies, technology, furniture, professional development, and athletics. So we made cuts there as well. And on the revenue side, we adjusted our revenue projections in extraordinary aid and miscellaneous revenues to reflect what we're seeing, what trends we're seeing. We increased the use of fund balance. We were eligible for a spending growth limitation. We were eligible for a spending growth limitation adjustment for health benefits. What that means is that spending growth limitation adjustment allows to increase beyond the 2%. And then we also use some of the bank cap that we had from 2,122 when we have not gone to our full 2% or used our SGLs in the past, that has that allows us to bank cap. Which affects the amount of tax levy that we can use in the budget. It's not a pot of money. It's taxing authority. And so we have a significant amount of bank cap and unfortunately because of the cut in state aid we needed to tap into that as well. We have some capital reserve projects, a much smaller list than last year, but as we mentioned with the initial submission budget, there's a couple projects that we need to do, not everything. Bond referendum does not pay for everything. And then there are also things that we are trying to complement budget work or bond work for instance the bleachers the scoreboard and the curtain at both or projects that will complement work that we're already going to be doing in those buildings. And so we have just over 3 million dollars in projects that will be paid for out of the capital reserve account. So let's break down the tax impact. So the general fund tax increase is about 6.8, almost 6.9 million. This is a combination of our 2% tax levy cap, which we are permitted to increase our taxes by. That's about 3.8. We had a spending growth limitation adjustment for health benefits at 702,000 and then we used banked cap from 2122 of about 2.4 million. So banked cap runs on a 3 year cycle. And so the remaining 352,000 from that will expire. Because we did not use it this year. We have bank cap from 2223 of 1.3 million that will expire in the 2526 year. We also have Ben Cap from 2324 and that will expire in 2627 and that was also because of an SGLA for health benefits. So the tax impact is a hundred $26. $127 from the 2% increase and the spending growth limitation adjustment, $67, $68 from the use of the bank cap. So the total impact on the average assessed tomb is about $194 from the general fund tax increase. And then also, as I mentioned, not part of our approval in terms of taxes and the budget, but we also have a special revenue fund. At this point, we don't know what our grant funding looks like, so we're required to budget at about 85% of what we had this year. And so these numbers except for the preschool expansion aid we do know what that number is. These numbers are estimates for now until we get those, numbers. And then also our debt service fund, as I mentioned, we have interest and. Principal payments on our bonds I mentioned, we have interest and principal payments on our bonds that we are making and we will use various tax levy and debt service aid that we receive from the state. We received this year about 8.6 million dollars in debt service aid from the state. That we will use to pay that number as well. There's a fairly significant increase in the payment to be made. And if we look at that over the next couple of years, we can see that. 6 it goes up again and then 2627 starts to go back down. And then, 2728 it goes back down again. So the tax impact from the increase in the debt service is about a hundred one dollars. So what are our next steps? So we've gotten through most of the process. We're here tonight at our public hearing, pending board's approval of the budget, we will set that up in mid-May, then we can start ordering and planning and you know, sending out purchase orders. We will also continue to monitor, A, 4,161, which has passed and, s, 30, 81, which is. Still sitting out there. To see if there's any relief from the state in terms of the amount of state aid that we have lost. Okay, so that was a lot of information. If you have questions. I'm happy to answer those questions. Okay. Do you want to lead this Mr. Greenman? Sure I can do that. Any questions? This is your thing. Sorry to put you on a spot and maybe Gina can answer this better, but I was hoping just for the public to understand what those bills are and the one that's pending and what that means for potential aid for the district. So the one bill that has passed would restore 2 thirds of our funding that was cut. However, where I am not clear on with that bill is it requires that you don't cut any positions. So we have not cut staff because we've been able to do most of the cuts through attrition. So I'm not sure how if that will make us eligible for that or not. So that's what we're waiting to find out as we get more information. About that the, the S. 30, 81 is the identical bill to that, but it's on the Senate side. I know that that has been introduced, but I don't think there's been any movement on it since its introduction. Mr. Mayor. Could, Ms. Sugars, I don't know if this is really better for you or maybe Dr. Morton. But, would be great if we could, at least I could better understand. The reasoning behind the potential termination of the Air Force Junior ROTC program in high school West. You know, let Dr. Morton take that question. Yes, absolutely. Mr. Mayor, more appropriate for me. So, each, each and every year we go through a process where students section or schedule for classes that they want to take. At the high school level for the, new school year. That process typically takes place from February through around March. Individual courses are based upon. The the interest that students have shown by scheduling for specific classes. As it relates to the decision for the deactivation of the ROTC program over at High School West, there's multiple factors that have gone into that, but specifically a points, primarily to the enrollment figure that we've seen. Over the last 6 years the enrollment in the program has declined. In the last year the program's enrollment declined to about 44 students. The minimum enrollment that the Air Force establishes for us is 100 students. On roll within the program. In January. Or in February, we were notify. By the Air Force that as part of the Air Force's decision that they would deactivate. The program based upon this low enrollment number. At that time recognizing that we were within the scheduling process or well within the scheduling process. I'd ask Dr. Burns to follow an appeal with the Air Force to see if they give us more time. To see if we could spur enrollment and and get more kids for 2425 school year. He submitted the appeal and we were granted a postponement to the deactivation decision for a period of one year. That came directly from the director of the Air Force, our junior RTC program. So as we went and we closed out. And unfortunately, our enrollment number did not increase. The enrollment number, this projected for next year, actually declined. And what we're looking at is 35 students. Projected that scheduled to be enrolled in the program. With that number it just makes it very difficult for us to have a sound basis for providing. A pathway forward. In in my estimation I believe you know ultimately it would be inevitable. But you know those numbers continue that the Air Force would actually shut us down. But also as we think about the needs of the district and you know, last at the last meeting we just had our demographic. Study done and you know as we as we looked at that we looked at projections around high school and enrollment, elementary enrollment. What we've already seen. The demographic studies. Anticipated projections come to fruition. We're looking at increased enrollments in elementary. You know we just shared the tax impact on the community, I think it would be very difficult. And unfair to the community for us to go back to the community to ask for additional staffing. To provide, you know, areas where we're seeing increases. When we have other areas within within our district where there's there's dramatic decreases. So now just generally when we look at sectioning and general on running courses. We have historically looked at a number of around 12 students. Register for a section at High School West and about 16 students registered for section. At east if you look at that you know over over the full gamut at Easter looking at 80. Students minimum per teacher. You're looking at about 60 students minimum. Per teacher at West. With 2 instructors where we are that number represents a ratio of about 3.5 students. Per section per instructor. There's a number of courses that we do not run every year at the high school level. Due to low enrollment. So we have over about 300 courses within our course of study. But annually there's 20 to 30, 30 courses that probably do not run. I can tell you with absolute certainty that there are including RTC. 30 courses at West that aren't going to run because of low enrollment. And that eastern numbers 22 So. Okay, thank you very much for that. I appreciate it. This is Dr. Martin, Again, probably for you. So just to be. Clear it sounds like what you're saying is you know, we were told the program is no longer viable. Right. And, and how long has that been going on? How long have we been hearing that from? Af J. OTC. So we've heard from the Air Force for a number of years. At this point that we need to increase enrollment. The enrollment had been for a few years hovering around following the pandemic, of course, hovering around 70 students. As I mentioned, this school year between last school year and this school year that that number declined significantly so that number went from. Exactly. A number went from 76 students down to 44 students enrolled. With with with status of being less of having less or fewer than a hundred students enrolled. The program has been on probation. Because of that. The Air Force is that it's on probation. With the numbers at 44 this year's inspection. For for the Air Force. It's just an untenable, you know, for us to be able to continue. Program with numbers like that. So the deactivation decision. That was communicating on February 20 second was primarily based upon that. Now again, I want to emphasize. Dr. Burns did follow an appeal and we were granted. A postponement to that deactivation. So to be activation was scheduled to be. At the end of this this year but they postponed it for a period of one year. To provide us an opportunity to increase enrollment. Our our opportunity is that window that section and window from February through March where students you know register for courses. So how many students we would we have had to have had enroll in those courses in order to stay viable? Yes, so a number that they had given maybe 56 students. So if we had at least 56 students, you know, they we could continue in the probationary status and still be able to move forward and try to continue to increase up to the 100 number. So we really need to be at 100 to maintain but to stay on probation we would have had to have been at 56. 35. Okay. I just wanted to make sure I understand. Yes. It's very upsetting. Extremely upsetting for me. I haven't had the opportunity for 8 years to be intimately involved with the program and to see the impact of the program. Not only had on the individual students that have been involved in it, but the program has had on entire high school West community and in the community at large. I'm extremely extremely difficult and Tough, tough, you know, tough recommendation for me. Yeah, I think for a number of us and people in the room, you know, many of us have family who are military or veterans. It's very hard. Yeah. Many of us, so. It's very tough to see. And we do not have this program at High School East, is that correct? No, the program is not available at High School East. The program is available at Camden County technical schools. Students have an opportunity coming out coming from 8th grade to choose Camden County technical schools. Some students do take advantage of that opportunity, but there is a thriving cohort of good that's there. Thank you. I do have another. But I don't wanna, I have more but I can. Nope, go right ahead. So I also want to ask because Mrs. Sugars mentioned some of the programmatic changes that are part of the budget and some of the programmatic changes that are part of the budget and one of them was mentioned was the alternative high school movement. You know, I think in the conversations that you've shared with us and with the community, you know, it although it's included in the budget as part of a programmatic change, it's not. What's been shared with us, it's not the rationale behind it and I wonder if you could just say a little bit about that. Yes, absolutely. So it isn't, you know, budgetary reasons would not be the primary reason for the move of the alternative program. The the discussion has been a discussion that has been. One that's taken place for for many many years it it precedes me. At 1 point there was More of a concrete substantive plan to to make that transition and make that move. Which is interrupted by COVID. In the pandemic and in the lockdown so things hadn't moved forward since then. As we look at inclusive opportunities, opportunities for connection. Expansion of extracurriculars. Expansion of elective offerings to children. Immediate opportunities for mainstreaming and inclusion into schools environment. You know, those are some of the reasons why. We, are looking at making a move now. I'd be remiss if I didn't say as well. We have a great program. We have an outstanding principal. Outstanding teachers and faculty. The program would be well supported next year. I think, you know, if ever was the time to make the move, now, now is the time. I truly believe that the program will add value to the East community. Thank you. Those are my only questions. Okay, thank you. Are there any other questions from the board? This is Gallagher. So, Mrs. So we've lost about 7 million in equalization aid. So with the The not filling the teachers or the staff positions the. The cuts and all the. The budgetary items you've discussed. Are we even? Like do the cuts and stuff equal the loss in the aid? And then the increase in taxes. Do you know what I mean? So like. Well, it's not just so each year. We have increases in our budget. That we have to take into account as well. So we have increases in salaries. We have increases in benefits. And so then also we have to look at. Accommodating those increases and then accommodating the fact that we have lost. Our state so if If we look at. Kind of our revenue breakdown. We accommodated. An increase in taxes. We also, if you look, see that, you know, we had a significant increase in fund balance as well. So if you look at the different type of revenue categories that we have. We had an increase in the fund balance. We had an increase in taxes. In terms of being even if you mean that we you know, have we been able to maintain essentially all of our most of our programs and you know our current status as a district yes. We have been able to do that. My concern as I'm sure is everyone's concern is what does state aid look like moving forward? And what are we gonna have to be thinking about which is something that we have already started to ask ourselves. Because we want to be prepared. We find ourselves in this position again next year. Any other questions from the board? Alright, seeing none, I'm gonna hand this back over to Mrs. Stern to bring us into public comment, I believe. Thank you. This is the public comment portion of our meeting that is specifically only for our 2024, 2,025 budget. So there are 2 other public comment sections during this meeting. That will occur later. For, for the agenda items and also for an open public comment on any school related topics. So. If you would like to make a public comment specifically on our 2,02420 25 agenda. I'm sorry, not agenda budget. This would be your welcome to do so now. We always, offer students the 1st opportunity to speak before the adults. So if you are a student who would like to speak, you are more than welcome to approach the poet, well it's not a podium tonight, it's just a microphone. And if you are a student who was online. I would request that you please and you'd like to speak to please put an S after your name. So that we know that you were a student, otherwise we will not know that you are a student. We would not be able to call on you. Public comment is an opportunity for members of our community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Cherry Hill Public School District. Or within the authority of the Cherry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which demean individual community members or groups or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or are repetitive, will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent, board president, and all board members via email or other alternative means. So with that. If you would like to speak again if you are a student and you'd like to speak, we would offer you the opportunity to speak first.st And if so, please approach the podium. And then after that, we will have any non-students, non-high school or middle school students. Speak. So when you approach the podium, if you could please state your name and your municipality, which would be Chari. Before you make your comment you will have 3 min to speak. Thank you. Hello, my name is Noah Casa. I live in Charihil, New Jersey. Dear Chairhall Board of Education, good evening. Mine, I'm 3 0 1 1 2 80. To you, but to everyone behind me, I'm Noah. I'm more than just a number. I'm the future like all my peers. I'm honored to be I've given the opportunity to run the Air Force Junior RC program at Cheryl High School West. It's taught me more about it's taught me so much about leadership and life. Without this program, I could say, A 100% wouldn't have the confidence to speak in front of all of you this evening. I'm extremely disturbed with the news that the GRTC program is going to be disbanded after standing for 46 years. It's 1 of the oldest junior RC programs in the state of New Jersey and is the only program that sets apart the high schools in Cherry Hill. I'm not one to waste my time on things that are pointless. I stand here. I'm standing here in front of you asking to give junior RC a chance. This year, the enrollment has dropped. By 20 cadets due to lack of organization and leadership. This extreme drop is because Chief Boucher left the program. We know this we We now have the opportunity to be under the leadership of mass sergeant Costa, a strong inspirational leader. And have been given who has built a new foundation for this program over the last month. We have been to a drill competition where we learned how to lead run an event. We have learned of new ideas to get involved with the community. We have learned to fight for things we believe in. How many programs can say that? I'm a senior leaving the school and I'm still fighting for this program. I believe that shows more than words. If you shut down this program, junior art, if you shut down junior RC program, Terry Hill West is losing it's in. Instrumental program that teaches young, youth young minds to become the best versions of themselves and gives Preparation for future endeavors for every program you cut give students less opportunity to grow and help them. Thank you. Thank you. Noa. If you can give that to, Mrs. Wilson in the black shirt, that would be great. Thank you so much. And now we go to the line. I don't see any student hands raised on the line, so I'm going to come back to the room to continue with the students. And if I do see any students online, we will go to that student next. If you could please state your full name and your municipality, my name is Caitlin Campbell. I'm from Terry Hill, New Jersey. I actually, I talk about AFGRTC at a different time today, but right now I do have a genuine question. As a high school student and who knows everything that's going on in the world, is any of that money going towards our safety as students and the building? Or is it going towards projects like the stadiums and the bleachers? Is it not going towards? Anything to keep us safe besides word of mouth. I don't need 2 min. So, Kaitlan, if you may not have seen our meetings before, but in our meetings, this is public comments, so it's an opportunity for people to speak, but we don't have dialogue or interaction. There's not answers. However, if you would like, you could actually give your email is usually the way we correspond to Mrs. Wilson over there in the black shirt and I'm sure someone would be happy to get back to you with your regarding your question, okay? Thank you. Okay, we go. I'm still looking on the line and I don't see. Any students hands raised. I'm gonna stay in the room with the students. If you could please state your full name and municipality. Hello, my name is Essence Bishop and I've been a part of ROTC for 2 years. As a member of ROTC, determination is a key skill I learned. This program has showed me how to be a leader in and out of school. I have the opportunity to leave flights, physical training, kernels lessons, team bonding, and drills. Oh, TC has contributed to my growth and instilled skills of resilience. RTC has a bit had a big impact on me and my peers That's why I'm here speaking today. KG once said, we're more than just a group of teenagers. We are more than a program. We are a family and we stick together. Please don't discontinue the RTC program my peers and I still have Many lifelong blessings the program can teach us. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Okay. Still not seeing any students online so continue in the room with the students. Hello, my name is Xavier Bridgeeski and I'm here to make sure the program doesn't shut down. Hey, Sabra, I'm sorry. Just your municipality, please where you're from. Terry Hill. I feel like the program has taught a lot to me. And I feel like a lot of people can relate to me. Before I joined the program, I was really not doing anything. I had no really a any experience. I did not know how to lead. I did not know how to listen really. But within the Jared TC, I feel like I've met a ton of friends. And I feel like a lot of people here can relate. I originally joined the program because of a friend who joined. And me and him have both progressed through the program. We feel that We, students have become, you know, stronger and We hope that you do not shut down the program. My friend cannot be here today, but. I feel that he wishes the program would say. Thank you for your time. Thank you. We'll continue in the room if you could please state your full name and your municipality. Thank you. My name is Beyonce Sliffcoat and I'm living in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today as a testament to the transformative powers of leadership and the profound impact of programs like AFCRTC on the lives of young people. I have JRTC has not only provided me, but the countless leadership opportunities, but also enriched my life. In ways I never imagined possible. Through rigorous training, mentorship, and hands-on experience, I've developed the skills and confidence. Needed to excel in any environment. I have JRTC doesn't just teach us about military tactics. And instills core values of integrity, service before self, and excellence in all we do. It teaches us to lead with compassion, to inspire others through our actions. And to never underestimate the power of resilience. So today I stand before you. Not just as a product of A of J RTC, but as a proud testament to the limitless potential of young minds within our Cherry Hill West community. AFGRTC instilled in me a sense of duty to serve others. And a commitment to positively impact my community. These values motivate me to continuously strive for excellence. And to go above and beyond. This program brings students from all walks of life. Athletes, academic achievers, musicians, and those who could be deemed a loner. This program is a safe place and a team where everyone is accepted. We are truly one team, one fight. In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the AFGRTC program for providing me. With the foundation upon which I built my career as leader. The lessons, values and experiences I have gained through A of JRTC have not only shaped me as an individual, but have also empowered me. To make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and in my community. I've learned more in the last month under master starting costs as inspirational leadership. And empowering us to formulate fundamental building ideas. Than I have learned all year. Thank you for your attention and thank you to AFTRTC for providing me with the tools to become a leader and who I am today. Thank you. Yes, stay in the room and I ask you to please state your full name and your municipality. Caitlin Campbell, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. No. My answer. My answer is no. We're not just quantifiable. We are not just people in a classroom. We are future college students, leaders, Marines, airmen, sailors, soldiers, coast guardsmen, and people. People united together to make a difference in their nation and community. People who are held to a higher standard than the average student. People who are seen as a reminder of those who serve before us to protect. Not just a number, people who are taught to lead. Taught to be mentors. The people who are taught to make an impact. Enough to feel more than a squadron. Be part of something greater, to protect you and your family. Even if military isn't something for you, JRRTC teaches vital skills to succeed in the real world. Were more than just individuals. We are a unit ready to do something bigger. We are not just a list of names and numbers who are enrolled. But people who decide to go above and beyond ourselves where real growth begins. The people who are supposed to be in charge making decisions based off their own beliefs and opinions, not for the students and community. The greatness that is preached to our communities of our opportunities only to be taken away. The amount of stress and talk about college to be told about saving money constantly discussed discussing about scholarships. Why am I having plenty of opportunities discussed for my future to me when one of the greatest opportunities you can get through AFGRTC is being taken away. Why are we taught something? But there's no need for it. There is only one question I leave with you today. Why talk about futures and scholarships when you snatch away something so valuable? Thank you. Thank you. As the timer goes up, if you could please state your full name and your municipality. Hello, my name is Colin Coleman and I'm part of Sherry Hill High School West. Can you get closer to the mics? We can hear you. Thank you. So I'm here, for JRTCP program. And we all wish that the program would not be shut down. Throughout my experience during my freshman year at 1st I'd never wanted to join ROTC. Here I am as a flight commander, teaching teaching classes. And helping kids go through some tough times. Me as a student. Never really wanted to do anything to do with after school activities, but while in the ROTC program I have stayed more after school hours than I could ever imagine. I've been staying for a ton of activities that we have within the program. And it has helped me mentally and physically as a person. I would, really appreciate it if we could keep the program. For those to come that could really use this program to get out of the shell and express themselves as to they are. That is all. Thank you. And the timer goes up if you could please say your full name in your municipality. Hello, my name is Max Ivory. I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Jarrow TC has not only been an inspiration on my life. But on my parents. TC has inspired me that after college I want to join the Air Force. And this is not just a regular class of random pupil. With nothing to aspire to be. This is like a closely knit family family who has grown. And shown strength. There are parents here today who wish to speak not just for their cadets. But for those who wish to come. And I know few freshmen and sophomores. Who plan to continue the legacy that will be left behind? Not only by the outgoing seniors, but also by May. I stand here before you today. Okay. So, Please do not let the program that I've loved so much. Be closed. Thank you. See you as the timer goes up. Please state your phone. I'm Andrew. I'm Andrew Hughes and I live in Cherry Hill. I would like to just speak to you a little bit about the opportunities that Junior RTC offers for our high school cadets. This past summer I was able to earn my pilot's license my private files license completely paid for by the Air Force. They flew me out to Washington State. And paid for everything for 2 months for me to fly. Which end house me which ended up costing about $10,000 And that was, again, completely paid for by the Air Force. I didn't pay a single dime. And I want Max especially. As well as other cadets. Don't know that he's here, but there is another cadet, Marco. Who would also like to. Go out for that program and I want them to especially to have that opportunity. Cause there are numerous things that you can do with the RTC program that are not possible. At all anywhere else in any program in the high school. And because of this program I have been accepted into an aviation college. Where I will become a commercial pilot. After about 4 years. And I don't think that would be possible without. Without this program and me getting my private pilot's license beforehand. Or at least it would be a lot harder to do. I would also like to point out. That the salaries of the instructors are half paid by the Air Force as well. There's a lot that the Air Force puts into the program for us and them having. Postponed our closure. Means that they want us and they are willing to pay for the program again. And that is huge because the Air Force Again, pace for all of this. So thank you for your time. Thank you. If there are any other students in the room who would like to speak, I would. Request that you approach the podium now. And if there are no other students who would like to speak, then we will continue with our public comment and now we will go to. Our 1st hand who's raised, that is raised online. And that would be ending in number 7 8 8. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. My name is Jeff Podworth and I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Let's go through some numbers. The total tax lobby according to it's listed what's listed now it's gonna be it's going to be for 2,024 2,025 about over 211 million dollars total tax 11 if you go to the user friendly budget for last year that's 2,023 2,024 the total tax levy last year was around a hundred 93 million dollars that's total tax levy that means the increase of one year increase if you do the math is 9.3 9%. Just do the mask. That's huge. And that's not enough. The general tax levy, again, using the same figures, but for the general fund tax levy has gone up. Between the 2 years, 4.6 6%. Do the numbers yourself. Go to. Go to the numbers that you see here. Yeah, from this meeting and go to the user friendly budget. One thing I would suggest is 7.6. 7 26. Why don't you decrease some of the items? Lewis made interest enhancements, $250,000. Stop it. Remove all an underground storage tank. Maybe stop at 4 to $50,000. Rosa bleachers and kerosene bleachers. At around $300,000 a piece. Stop that postpone that we are doing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bond work so Say no to 7.6 some of those items could be replaced and why don't you give some of that money towards the or the They are junior RTC because it sounds like that's something that we should have that our kids should should have for the future of Air Force is playing for half of it. That's a lot half. All right, the just the state of New Jersey isn't paying half, not even close to half for our preschool expansion. This is half. It's worthwhile doing it. It is worthwhile keeping it. As for alternative high school, it's worth while keeping that too. All right, both those things. Should be kept where they are and this Definitely should be kept. There was no way it shouldn't. You should be ashamed that your card will come. You really, really, it should not be cut at all. Anyway, thank you very much. Look at the numbers. Okay, thank you. Go back to the room. If you could, Mrs. Messiah, please state your full name and your municipality. I'm here on behalf of my son Sam, who is taking the final type. And myself. I mean, I'm here to support junior RTC program at Cheryl West. As a parent whose child has greatly benefited from the program and has chosen to continue their RTC journey in college. I believe in the immense value it brings to our students. Our community and our country. Firstly, I want to highlight the impact that the RTC program has had on my son Sam Msias. A 2022 graduate of Cherry Hill West. Through RTC has developed invaluable leadership skills. Discipline and a strong sense of responsibility. As a family, we resided on the east side of Cherry Hill where we still are. And this is the program that brought him and his friends to West. I have been aware for some years that the Air Force has been on probation. This program's been on probation. But my understanding is that they will allow them one more year to up their enrollment. And I believe. After meeting Master Sergeant Terrell Costa. That he will achieve this goal. In addition, I believe that the RTC program plays a crucial role in preparing students for college and beyond. It provides them with unique opportunities for scholarship, leadership roles, and real world experience. If you didn't know this, cadets who complete the four-year program canon list after high school and enter recruit training at a higher rank. E 3 private 1st class instead of an e 1 private. And I can look that up. Sam had to explain it to me. But this is also an increase in their pay. And for those attending 4 year colleges, Junior R to see offer scholarship opportunities. Sam was the beneficiary of a few which helped greatly with college tuition while 2 of his best friends who enlisted in the Air Force received pay increases because of their participation in Cherry Hill West. Junior RTC program. And I understand the challenges involved in sustaining such programs, but I urge you to please keep this program going. It saddens me to think that a district as large as Cherry Hill will no longer have this opportunity for students. Since I was a student at West in the early 1980, s I've watched programs like cosmetology, auto shop, wood shop, and others that have benefited a large part of our population disappear. And I hope that you will see the benefits of junior RTC to our community and give this program one more year. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, we go back. We go back to the line and it's major. Looks like major elf then if you could please state your full name and your municipality. And good evening, please confirm if you can hear me. Yes, we can. Good evening, Dr. Morton and board members. My name is Major Louise and I actually live in Lumberton, New Jersey. Between the years of, 2013 and 2014, I was the senior instructor there at at West and I really loved the program. I left for personal reasons. Dr. Moore and I had discussed that length. But, I'm part of this meeting because I wanted to try to go ahead and I see that there's incredible support for the program. I encourage you to take an opportunity to if the Air Force headquarters has given you a lease on going ahead and having program for one more year. Then postponing it for this next academic year. Might actually serve you well. I'm willing to come in and speak to you well. I'm, I'm willing to come in and speak to Maslank Acosta and discuss with him some avenues for which he might be able to go ahead and Help his numbers. I don't know if you have 2 instructors. I've only heard of the one ASI, but there are ways to go ahead and try to help the program. Biggest reason that the program I think in years has suffered comes from. COVID and some of those lingering issues that, even now in 2024 have affected many students across the board and the Air Force headquarters is noticed, over those those past years that there is an incredible decline. In programs staying viable. But I will tell you that trying to establish a new one if that opportunity ever comes up again put you on a waiting list and I think the biggest reason why the headquarters is so encouraged to try to go ahead and give programs such as the ones that West an opportunity to do what they can to increase their numbers or at least meet viability as well as you know there are all the issues with with also not having more than one instructor is because they don't like to see programs like this. Clothes. It usually means that they'll never go ahead and open their doors again. And while I've heard many students including one of the parents encourage you to try to hang on to the program even if it's for the another academic year. I encourage you to do the same because I can tell you that, the students that I got an opportunity to connect with and teach when I was there, I'm still in touch with today. And that was a very short time that I got an opportunity to teach, but I know that I was able to go ahead and give them a little bit of what my knowledge was and tried to go ahead and encourage them to do whatever it is that they wanted to do, but we did, we did bolster. Their leadership abilities. Their followership abilities, their abilities to come out of itself. Thank you, Major. Than, I'm sorry, your 3 min were up, but thank you so much for calling in. I'm just. And we go back to the room. If you could please state your full name and your Is the. Good evening. My name is Dr. Tony Damon. Cherry Hill. 1st I just wanted to take a look at these kids and invite you to do the same. And when you look at their faces, I want you to know that they are not beings to be counted. And so we cannot just look at our students and talk in the sense of dollars and cents as far as numbers of our students. So we know as we've heard across the country, programs have reduced enrollment. But let's talk about Cherry Hill. Okay, we know that this program has seen a lot of transitions. Over the years they have lost teachers they have gained teachers so there has not been consistency in the program so if for nothing else you give them the opportunity to move forward with some sense of consistency. I would also invite you to consider while there was a very eloquent explanation of the costs and benefits. I just want you to consider an example, not that I'm asking or know anybody's salary. But if we have 2 teachers at a hundred $1,000. And the government, the Air Force is willing to pay half. That is $100,000. And what we know is the other $100,000 is considered taxable income to the district. Think if you will about the $167,000 grant we got for CTE. That I know I help right. And we know that this ROTC program is a program that can be turned into a CTE program that can benefit from those dollars and other future dollars from Perkins funds. What are we talking about here now? $50,000 at best a cost to the district? I would ask you all, please consider our children are much more worth it than that small amount. I would also ask you to consider if you choose not to keep this program, if you vote this budget in as it stands and cut this program. Would you then consider including these children in a out of district expense and allow them to finish their educational program at Camden County. What then would be the cost to you? Because these children are worth it. You saw us Max, my godson. Stand here and talk about what it means to him. But what you don't know is what he's been through. Like you don't know many of these other children. You do not know their story. You don't know what it means to them. Everyone can be an athlete. Everyone can benefit from the lights that will go up on the stadium or the new bleachers. But what we do know is this country can benefit from young people learning leadership. Thank you, Dr. Damon. Thank you. Okay. Hey, we go back to the line and the name on the line is James Garcia. James Garcia, please take your full name and your municipality. Thank you. I'm retired Lieutenant Colonel James Garcia. I'm the regional director for New Jersey and Staten Island for Air Force Junior RTC. Right now I'm down here in Montgomery, Alabama, which is where our headquarters is at. I was intimately involved in the director's decision to keep Sherry Hill West, the Air Force Junior RTC program opened based on no small part from Dr. Burns's appeal level. That moved the needle as far as our director is concerned. Our director is a active duty Air Force colonel and usually when he makes a decision whether a school has to close or be extended whatever the case might be that is set in stone however He was moved by Dr. Burns's letter. And you decided to extend the probation period out for another year. I could tell you part of that has to do with the history of Cherry Hill West, which used to be a considered a powerhouse. In the world of drill competitions and things like that that mean a lot in the world of Air Force Junior ROTC. I know because I used to be in a school that was one of the competitors. If we knew Cherry Hill West was going to be at one of our drill competitions, we were not going to do too well. The record shows that from 2,011 to 2019 not only were our numbers viable, were your numbers viable at above 100 but they were hundreds and 2,100 3,140 so I know that these numbers can come back based on no small part on that vision that Dr. Burns outlined in that appeal letter. You know, we're all going still recovering from the COVID. 19 dip. That we all took and all of the numbers went down across our country. The different schools, different programs across the country. Harvard, University did a researched research report which showed that the communities that responded the best and recovered academically the best after kovat. Was not based on income, was not based on race or ethnicity. It was from civic involvement. Hi, the involvement of the community in voting, the voting rates, their census responses, things like that. Civic, involvement is what this program is based on. Our mission statement is building citizens of character for our country and our communities. And these cadets. By being involved in our communities are helping to build a stronger country. Thank you. Thank you. We go back to the room. You please set your full name and your municipality. Hi, my name is Jennifer Sharman and I am from Sherry Hill. I am here tonight to advocate and support my nephew and the entire Air Force D. Program. My nephew is a junior and is enrolled in the program. So we all talked about the funding. We all talked about the low enrollment. I was informed that in order to get the program back into our curriculum that we need you, the Board of Ed. To vote no to pass this budget and to continue to vote no until the Air Force Der PC program is included back in it. You've already heard from everybody else the importance of this program. Since April this year, only a few weeks ago, Master Sergeant Costa was hired and through his commitment, inspiration and leadership, he has grown the involvement by 50%. Imagine what he could do if he was given more time and more support from our superintendent and district leadership. Master Sergeant Costa and West Principal Burns have worked diligently to come up with an enrollment plan. The plan was presented to the Air Force and was approved to continue the JRTC program for another year. So why is our superintendent and our district willing to remove a program rather than share the same patriotism, confidence and faith in our Air Force DRTC students and its leadership as the Air Force does. It is evident that the Air Force does not want to give up on the program, but Dr. Morton and our district does. Why is that Dr. Morton's 1st action as superintendent since April, 19? th I'm sorry to shut down the JRTC program. This goes against all of our district beliefs and statements. Where is the inclusion for a JRTC students or military families and community? While overall the enrollment members are currently low and present logistical challenges, the academic benefits in continuing the Air Force JRTC program far outweigh any of the potential drawbacks. The Air Force So, program instills the value of citizenship, personal responsibility, teamwork, leadership, and self-discipline. These skills are extremely beneficial to the academic performances of all of our students. They played crucial role in the overall development of self-esteem and are vital to the success of any future endeavors. The Air Force DRTC program provides scholarship opportunities that help all students afford college. And for those who choose to go into the military upon graduation, they will be given higher pay grades. The Air Force Dior TCP program helps students develop a sense of patriotism and civic duty that fosters a strong sense of community. In the last week, a student petition received over 1,500 signatures in support to keep the program. Removal of this program goes against our board district school goals. Vote no in the school budget and add the JRTC program back into the curriculum. Thank you. Hey, we go back to the line. And the name on the line is Christina Muso. If you could please stay your full name and your municipality. Hi. Can you hear me? Hello? Oh, hi. Yes. Christine and me, so sorry, help. I'm just calling in regards to the budget. I'm still struggling with the preschool expansion. I find it hard to believe it's only gonna cost us 1.5 million dollars and I understand that that may be just this year's amount, but as Miss Sugars, Mrs. Sugars had pointed out, we don't know what our state aid is going to be in the future and if we continue to invest in in programs where we don't necessarily have the funds for. I just find this to be disturbing. I there are tens of things I want to do to my house. I want to go in expensive vacations and I can't afford it and we're asking the in the struggles that we're having right now in the economy and with inflation and all of the issues we're all facing, you're really put and we were generous enough to vote in the bond. We know there are schools have been underfunded for years and the schools are falling apart and I was you know we're grateful that you know everybody agreed to be putting forth the effort and additional taxes to improve our buildings. But this is just getting to be a little bit ridiculous and I just don't understand how we can in good faith. Bring on new responsibilities and new liabilities for the future when we really don't have a sense of what our state is going to be in the future. I'm just, I'm really struggling with it and I understand that people have in the past said that it's, you can show me every study in the world that it benefits the kids and I'm not going to disagree with you, but if you don't have the money to do something, you shouldn't put yourselves in debt in order to do it just because it's good. I understand that if you know if the state aid wasn't an issue I wouldn't have an issue with it. I just think we just need to really think hard right now about sending ourselves up for just future issues and continuing to raise taxes and I just really implore you guys I just maybe it's just a communication issue and I'm not understanding what the true output from the community and the the what we're gonna have to pay for this program in the future. So maybe it's a misunderstanding on my part. But I think we need some better communication because I don't think it's just a million and a half dollars. And to be honest, if we're short, that's still a significant portion if we were to cut out preschool that's still a million a half dollars that can go to stuff that for our existing population. Thank you. Hey, we go back to the room if you could please say your full name and your municipality. My name is Nelson Mellots. I'm retired Air Force Colonel, 32 years in the military. Sherry Hill, New Jersey since 1985. I'm also the pest immediate past national commander for the Jewish War Veterans. I'm the chair person for Governor Murphy's Veterans Services Council, which is the highest level counsel. 1st of all, let's all give, let's give these individual students round of applause. They're fantastic and sure he holds a fantastic area to live. But these students These ROTC cadets coming up here and speaking and backing them up. That's just a fantastic opportunity for us to see, the skills that they get within this program. Our OTC at Sherry Hill West. Has been a struggle for many years. That's basically because what everybody's saying, it's the leadership. We now have fantastic leadership. It's a community event. It's not just the leadership, it's all of us are involved in this. Communities, individuals. Look at these parents out here. Thank you. Thank you for sweating this effort. I pledge as the governor's representative to Veterans Services Council. That I'll get the VFW, the American Legion, the Jewish War Veterans, DAV and every other of the 32 organizations involved. Making sure this program is a success at Cherry Hill West. You can't ask for anything more than that. We just need one more year. And I understand the budget. There's ups and downs. Difficult. I've done budgets. Everybody in this room is probably dug budgets at the house level, their house. It's important to keep this program going. Thank you very much. We go back to the line and it's Laura Einhorn. If you could please say your full name and you miss the panel. It's and I'm in Cherryville, New Jersey. 1st of all, I'm absolutely flabbergasted. That the district. Specifically, the superintendent's office is then the critical mass issue, but the junior or OTC program at West. It certainly wasn't on any of this curriculum and instruction meetings that I attended. At the board holds every month. So might maintain that. You must keep this at least for one more year. It reaches children that you don't. Reach to academia or sports or from music. Come from a big military family. 8 uncles, also in their armed forces, one uncle. Was a palette for the Air Force. Flew the supplies to Vietnam and brought the bodies back to Dover Air Force Base. But the one thing it does teach is pride in oneself leadership, etc, and this is our future. That you can spend money on so many other items, particularly pre-K. And not allow these students to continue their mission in junior or OTC is absolutely fibregating to me. What's more hurtful is that as the parent as a parent from the west side is how many more things are you going to take away from the students at Chario West? Taking away foreign language, you've tripled and doubled up on science, math, and special ed classes. And now you want to take this away. And I don't understand that. I thought we were for all the kids. This does not seem like this board is for all the kids. I'm really sorry. This really strikes a chord. It's enough. This board is diminishing the quality. Of education and services to the kids at Terryo West and they deserve better. But I will say you should keep the program. Because You're all gung ho about expanding a pre K program that number one is not state mandated. Alright, and I'm hearing that it's 1.5 million dollars out of the regular budget. Quite frankly, I believe that it's more. But you must protect these kids at Terry Hill. Hi school West, at least for another year. They deserve the opportunity with new leadership. To expand the program. And I think it's. Your moral obligation to allow that to happen. Thank you. We'll go back to the room. I just want to correct the record and and say that there are. There's some great inaccuracies about program changes that are going on. That have been stated and I just want to caution the public. To be thoughtful and do your own research about it's actually Still there and and the things are being said a lot of inaccuracies. We go back to the room and you could please state your full name and you to miss about your municipality. Excuse me, my name is Barbara Minidderi and I'm from Jerry Hill. I retired in 2,011 as a West English teacher and I was there for 32 and a half years and I was the student activities coordinator for 28 of them. My husband, my son and my 2 daughters are West Brad. We do bleed purple. I even wore my staff shirt. Pulled it out. My son. He was a parochial school transplant and he came to West in 1,988. And join the Air Force Junior RTC program. He stayed in the program all 4 years and when he graduated he graduated with a nomination to the Air Force Academy a nomination to the Naval Academy, a Air Force full scholarship to Lee High and an Army Scholarship. Today after 2020 year career, he retired as a commander in the US Navy and he leads, now he leads his dad's company and serves as a blue and gold officer for the Naval Academy. And where was his leadership skills in personal confidence and discipline instilled in nurture? With you guys. He had incredible instructors. You know, I could talk here for hours about my son, but I choose not to tell you about. Just about him but my wonderful students Not a year of my career went by without having ROTC cadets in my classes. I watch these young men and these young women grow in front of my eyes. In my humble opinion. No program at any cherry hill school teaches responsibility, respect, community awareness, love of country, and commitment to self school, family, and country. Like the Air Force Jr. R. It services the academically elite, the academically challenged. And everyone in between. It provides structure that too many young people lack at home and encourages them to be productive. And proactive role models. It offers a pathway to a respectable future if they choose that and there's no pressure obviously. The current and incoming. West students deserve all the opportunities that my son and all of the many students that I taught embraced and grew from. If the Air Force chooses to approve the program's existence in our district, why can't the board in administration do the same? For a course of study that not only fosters the positive and molds and strong. Thank you, Mrs. Minute. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. I appreciate it. Okay, we go back to the line, the tenor corporal, looks like Laoi. I hope I got the name, right? If you could please state your full name and your municipality. I'm not sure if I, Allah, I'm talking Elijah. OKAY. I apologize. If you could please say your phone, the main municipality. Yes. Hello, can you hear me? Okay, my phone name is Elijah Lowy and I'm in Pensacola, Florida. In regards to the Air Force Junior and to me in regards to the Air Force Junior RNCC, NG. 7 81st program at Sherry Hill High School West. Dear Cheeriho Board of Education. My name is Elijah Lowy and I'm a United States Marine. I attended Air Force Junior RTC program at Cherry Hill West and graduated with a class of 2,023. I'm 1 of the only 3 from the class in 2,023 who joined the military straight out of high school. Every other senior who was in the JRTC program either had a plan regarding the military or into an excellent college. I know for a fact that all of us can thank West and their RTC program for the careers and educations we all have in entertaining. In June of 2,019 my mother and I moved from Harlem, New York to Cherry Hill. My 1st experiences at West were shaky due to a difference in community and people I was around. It took me a while to acculate myself and settle into my environment, which caused me to get into a few fights and altercations. But the RTC program helped me to develop myself and focus on what was important in school. I learned how to be more organized and how to apply myself in class and it allowed me to find lots of friends who I'm proud to know to this day and one of which I am proud to serve alongside in the Marine Corps. I attended the GRTC program all 4 years of high school and every year I was in a leadership position. This allowed me to learn how to lead and take care of others and be the best version of myself. I learned proper fitness, problem solving skills, and how to portray the best leadership traits to others enabling them to follow in my footsteps and be great leaders in the program as well. During my junior year, I was a fly sergeant. The second highest point of leadership in each class period. I learned how to teach students to drill, which is an excellent skill to have. Drill teaches the highest levels of professionalism, coordination, teamwork, and discipline. I can say that confidently because the Marine Corps takes great pride in its drill standards, customs and courtesies. Without drilling the RTC program would have no organization, there would be no other purpose to wearing the uniform, which is still a sense of pride and belonging. The uniform includes several defining attributes like ribbons which show what you have accomplished in the program and nametags which tell people who you are and that you belong to something greater. As well as the program insignia being the Air Force logo and the West Lion. When people see the insignia on the uniform, it tells them that these fine young men and women are part of something amazing. They're an extension of Cherry Hill West, which is an extension of all of you working in the Board of Education. The ROTC program is a direct example of what people see as a 1st impression of Cherry Hill Public Schools. The RTC program allows students to attend. Allow students who attend to find themselves and be the best they can be with every given opportunity. These opportunities get greater with every year they attend. Without AFJ. I, I wouldn't be the man or the Marine I am today. I wouldn't have been the leader. I was in boot camp, combat training, or at NAS Pensacola where I'm currently stationed and waiting training to become an air traffic controller. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your service. And thank you for allowing these students to be part of this program. Please don't shut it down. It's very important to me. Okay, we go next to the room if you could please approach the podium and state your full name and your municipality. My name is, my name is Ryanat. I live in Charihil. Can't tell by the hat and was best soldier in the army for about 3 years now and I went to West and was a kid in a JRTC program for 4 years. I went there back. When COVID split us right in junior year in the senior year, I graduated in 2021. So the back half of my time was kind of cut short to be in some of the superior leadership positions that these kids are in. But from my time, what I can tell you is that again and again we had problems with recruiting. But it wasn't that no one tried and it wasn't that no one came up with different ideas is that every time we were asked a place to speak. Or a bus to get us to the middle schools to tell them about who we are because none of them really know unless you want to go in the military. Every time we asked, it was either, well, it's not detail enough. Well, we just don't have that money right now. Well, we just don't have the allocation. We would need to have these kids come out to class and talk with us and do this and do that. The constant bounce around for the opportunity to recruit back then. And seeing the numbers now, I mean you said there was 35. This is about 35. You have almost the whole core in here. If it was that bad then I can't imagine any better now. I see the music kills. I was a music too. I see the music guys go to the middle schools. They recruit there. I see the sports coaches. They'll come down to the middle schools. They'll recruit there. We're the only program at West that doesn't get a chance to do that. If you are gonna shut them down, give them a chance to actually do what you want them to do. Okay, they have a year. I'm in the Army. When you have a deadline, you have a deadline. When you tell a kernel. Who has been 30 years of telling people what to do. Hey, pretty please. Pretty freakin please. They're 9 million times out of, you know, however many. They're going to tell you know. Get back in line. You guys manage to sway one of these press field, I'm sorry, sirs, but one of these old men who get to tell us what to do all the time. That's remarkable. Which, and I just want to bring that to light to you people. Cause I, it's hard to understand if you're not in. So if you're going to show them down in a year, they don't have the numbers by then. That's the Air Force. That's their problem. We tried. But give them that year to actually do what you want them to do. And we go back to the line. There are just a lot of letters and a few numbers. So I'm just going to read them all. And if you could please state your full name, a municipality and Mrs. Sugars, it's going to take me about 30 seconds to say them all. So if you hold the timer for them. Swcs CIO ACO Small 0 SG 6 director if you could please translate that by telling us your full name and municipality when the clock starts Yes, can you hear me? Yes. Lieutenant Colonel Chris Moonar, currently station at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. I'd like to give a moment for you to hear. From a student that actually graduated all the way up through the Terry Hill. System so i graduated from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School. I graduated from Kerussi Middle School. And I graduated from Sherry Hill High School West in 1998. From there I went to the Citadel, the military college, South Carolina. Join the military and I'm currently in right now. My 21st year as Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. So where would I be? Had it not been for the Terry Hall High School West. Air Force G and RTC program. I don't know. Maybe I should be in college right now, trying to get through. Maybe I'd still be struggling. But I was given so many great opportunities and Every time I was given opportunities, one of the 1st things that came to to my mind was always that experience that I had with the Air Force, you know, RTC program at Cherry Hill High School West. And you know. Time to tell me again. I hear from everybody about this, that they've had. When it comes to just promoting the program and stuff. And I get that even back then from 1994 to 1998 it was, it was a challenge. But we always made an attempts to try. The other good point to note is that, Could I have been given these or? Learn these leadership skills. Anywhere else. Certainly, you know, I played a lot of sports in West to include Farsity basketball at Cherry Hill High School West. And I did learn a lot of leadership skills during that time. But there's, there's a lot of intriguing values towards. The junior ROTC program and what they offer. That you know you don't have to be an athlete to learn those skills. And now just, I'm proud of, I'm proud of what it has given me. I always reflect on it. Even 20 years later. And. It really became my foundation and my base. Reflect on the past Look at where I'm at currently and also see the future. And I hope other kids get that opportunity as well. Through that experience. Please don't shut down, turn your high school SAF junior RTC. Give it that time to succeed. And I think it will. Thank you very much. Okay, we go back to the room. It's okay. We won't buy it. I promise just take a deep breath. You take you please say your full name and your municipality. Yes, my name is Kerry Curry and I live in Cherokee, Jersey. I am the mother of a JR OTC cadet. My son Giovanni is a freshman and had decided to attend attend. Cherryho West instead of attending east with all of his friends and his girlfriend. That's how important this program was to him. This is a program, it's not simply a class. When he was 13 years old, he prioritized his future before his friends. He wants to serve his country. Most children dream of being many different things. The only thing my son has ever wanted to be as a soldier. This program teaches the youth respect, responsibility, integrity, structure, and leadership skills. Sorry, I'm like trying not to cry. Organization, real life skills that can actually be applied in the real world. Let me enlighten you on what J. R. OTC has done from our son. My son is a special education student with an IEP. Classified other health impaired. He is currently in a placement category that states he be in the presence of general education students less than 40% of the school day. That is where he has been since he was in pre-school. We have had his annual IAP for his upcoming 10th grade year. His category will be in the 79%. Presence of the general education students. 6 months of him being a cadet and having to push to keep his place in jail or OTC. Has now placed him in mostly genet classes. He's been given a purpose. It has given him drive and determination to accomplish something that I have never thought possible. What happens to him without this program? What happens over the next 3 years? If this program goes away. Just because there's not enough interest. If it changes the life of one student, just one, that should be enough for it to remain. But this is about more than just one youth. It is about all of these kids. So please remember Terry Hill School District prides itself in diversity, equality, inclusion, accessibility, and belong by taking this program away, you are going against everything you stand for, especially when it comes to youth like my son. So please vote no on the budget until the JROTC program is voted back in. Thank you. So we'll go back to the line and it looks like we have John, if you could please state your full name and your municipality. My name is John Wojick. I'm in Sherry Hill. As a product of the district and a product of the RTC program graduating in 2,001. I look back as an adult and realized The lessons I learned in the program. State me who I am today. I remember back in 1997 when East. Was cut. Program because of numbers. The numbers might not be there, but the value of the program is. It take me to be a better adult. It take me to. Being a better parent and most of all. It killed my stepson who went one year for the program. How much? Role he can serve in the community. Because of this program. The didn't have an opportunity to learn all the skills that. The many other people have spoken about. But I'll tell you from someone who, Gradually, 23 years ago, those lessons are still in in my mind today. I think all the members of service that have spoken and will speak. And thank you for your time. Thank you. Go back to the room if you could please state your full name and your municipality. Christopher Poochy, Cherry Hill. I'm an O for graduate of Terry Hill West. I attended our DC all 4 years. I'm also here to represent my brother who was a 4 year cadet. And my sister was a former core commander. I didn't really prepare anything. I just found out about this. Honestly, I don't know if I would have graduated without our OPC. I had major scally and Chief Gargas looking over my shoulder the whole time and they kept pushing me and pushing me. And that's what kept me coming to school sometimes, not my academics, but to be part of. This program. It's it's not I know you said it earlier that they're a number of courses that aren't being offered. Due to the budget, but this isn't a simple course. It's a program. You can't just start it up once it stops. I learned leadership, I learned personal responsibility, I learned patriotism, I learned civic responsibility. I wouldn't have any, I didn't learn that in a classroom. I learned that in RTC. I've, I've seen this program. I've seen honor students. Go through and have a chance to excel and distinguish themselves. I've seen it save. Troubled students who didn't have anywhere else to go. With as much as this core has given to this community over the years. I think that you can give them one more year to to do what needs to be done if the Air Force is willing to. Hold off on that, I think. Thank you, of them that much. And if there's 1 thing I know about the NGA 7 81st If you give them a task, they will do it. Thank you. Okay, we go back to the line and we have JC. I hope I say right, Var or Villa. If you could please state your full name and your municipality when the clock restarts. Hi, ladies and gentlemen, my name is, JC Vlar. I'm actually calling you from Palm Beach County, Florida. I actually went to Violin High School down in Kremlin County. I graduated there in 1,998. I say that because we had no GRTC program. I sought out and found Kerrio West as the closest program. Who me? That being the case. I contacted that time was Keeper Argus and kind of Colonel who gave him the opportunity. Obviously I couldn't be at Terry Hill West, but gave the opportunity to do summer leadership school is the program as part of the program you have to do those 2 weeks before ticks. Now only did I do it my sophomore year, I went back my junior year, I didn't, or, to me, my freshman year's Python year and junior year. All the time learning different leadership structures in a short 2 week program. And building relationships that have lasted a lifetime. That's somebody that didn't have a JRTC program where they went to school and found you guys and you guys offered me the ability to obviously through all the waivers and my parents OK in it. But being that determined and learning those kind of leadership skills. Led me on to a career. I ended up going to Virginia Militaries. One of my best friends that you heard from earlier is Lieutenant Colonel went to the Citadel. Being that I got injured, I couldn't get cleared by Math to continue my military career. However, because of the lessons I learned from your program, the GRTC program and leadership, but giving back to community and building those relationships, I ended up going onto law enforcement. I've now been in 22 years as a deputy. And let me tell you. If these guys are there, if there's that much care and concern and you have someone calling you. Over 20 plus years. The program work. You change lives. It's more than what you just think. It's not just a budget item. And if you have the military will in the back it. I'll beg you from someone way down here. I'll even come back and volunteer for something if you need it. But please give these kids an opportunity to build these same kind of relationships that carry a lifetime. Not just in the moment. I appreciate your time. Thank you very much. We go back to the room if you could please set your full name and your municipality. William Sharm and Cherry Hill. We shall provide all children with an education that develops open-minded thinkers. The strong academic and interpersonal skills. To thrive and an ever-changing world. And make it a better place for all. You recognize that statement? I hope you do. Cause it's yours. Because we value high quality education, we believe, let's say, oh, all staff will dedicate themselves to support student achievement. Students must be prepared to explore multiple perspectives. Students must have the opportunity to demonstrate proper respect, responsibility, positive citizenship. In their schools and their community. Because we strive to produce well-prepared inspired graduates we believe students must graduate from our district ready and prepared to enter college and or careers. Schools must partner with families and community to foster lifelong learning. Students must be supported in their efforts to develop and pursue meaningful goals. Those are all your words. So I have a question. How you gonna prepare these students? And the ones that choose to serve their country. If this program is discontinued. By not funding this program, you are doing a great disservice to the students that want careers in the military. And that goes against your mission statement. All you need to do to see what a big mistake it would be to stop this program. Is to look at what happened in the years. Since you chose to remove. The shop programs. Now there's a generation of adults. That have college degrees. Debt, no job, or jobs that have nothing to do with their degree, and they still live with their parents. They don't know how to work with their hands. Or to be accountable. The RTC program teaches core values. And holds each person accountable. For their action or their inaction. And that is what character is made of. And now this BOA, Board of Education. Stands at the precipice. What will be a generational decision. By choosing to improve the budget without anything for the RTC program, you will forever change the lives. The students that want to see if they have what it takes. For a life of service to their country. And as a former student and RTC member, it discussed me. That you haven't put the same effort into this program that you have in the other programs. What is the administration going to do? To help enrollment come up. Okay, we go back to the line and we have Victor Seguin. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. Victor Staguenaut. You. S. Air Force retired. Calling in from Syracuse, Utah. The junior RTC program that I attended as part of the graduating class of 1998. Hi, I attended all 4 years. Did the SLS classes as well during the summer time? And the program changed my life. The program and the mentorship given to me from it. Was the main driving force in helping me navigate around bad choices. And bad crowds. If not for the gold moral standards exemplified in citizenship. And leadership. I would not be the citizen, father, and proud veteran I am today. Lessons and experiences guarded during my years in junior RTC program. Ignited my passion for aerospace science. And taught me how to be part of eventually lead a team. These lessons I have in turn imparted to my children. This program and my family has had and will continue to have. Lasting positive effects for generations to come. I'm poor the Board of Education. To nod in this program and deprive countless children future generations. The opportunity that I had. I learned. Early on. The beginnings of how to be a leader in this program. And it continued to help me through my Air Force career. When I chose to volunteer and call on those citizenship skills. That I'd learned. It helped me excel in my career as well as my personal life. Again, I implore the board not to end this program. It'll change people's lives. Thank you. Looks like we looks like we have a student in the audience. I would ask that the student please be given the next up. Well, I'm going to offer you the next opportunity if you would like the chance for it. Thank you. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. Hi, my name is Naomi Wees. I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm actually a student, as you just said, of Cherry Ho West and I wasn't originally going to speak today but after hearing these inspiring speeches I felt the need to. Please give me one second. Okay. I find it appalling that the Air Force GRTC program was compared to a fancy vacation. This program is not an extravagant, an extravagant expense unlike new bleachers for middle schools. The Air Force JRC JRRTC program holds our future Army Marine Corps Navy Air Force Space Force and Coast Guard members. These extraordinary students have put in long hours to keep this program alive. I would also like to point out the number of students who changed their original classes during the 1st month. Of school that are not being encountered for, especially the incoming freshmen. There are more opportunities to build numbers. That aren't being accounted for, especially in the income refreshment class. As a member of both varsity sports and leadership positions at West, I can account for the great in balance and recruiting opportunities giving to the leadership programs, much like JRTC. By taking away this program, you'll be taking my countless opportunities. I urge you to vote no to this budget until the Air Force DRCC program is reinstated. Thank you. If there are any other students in the room who would like to speak, I would offer you the opportunity to come forward. There I. There are not other students who like to speak. We go to the line and it looks like the name Corinne Driscoll. Please take your full name and municipality. Geraldine Ivory. I'm sorry ma'am we have somebody online. Yeah we're just alternating between the room and online. Thank you. If you'll just wait. So we'll go to, Korean Driscoll for next. Hi there, can you hear me? Hello. We can hear you. Please go ahead. You can? Okay, thank you. Corinne Driscoll, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm actually calling on behalf of my son, Pomeranz. We just got out of marching band practice. So his statement is Hello, my name is Palmer and I am an 8th grade student at Beck Middle School. I'm going to be a freshman at Charihil West in September. I chose West because of the marching band and the JR OTC. Tonight, I am asking the board to delay passing the budget until the JR OTC has been added back in. I understand that the enrollment for the program has been low, but I also understand that the Air Force gave an extension. So the program has another year to increase participation. I'm asking tonight that the board give the JR OTC a chance to put its plan to increase enrollment into action. Please don't take away and opportunity for me and others to develop. Leadership skills and become better community members and citizens just because you don't believe in the power of the people to affect change. Please don't take away a program that can help students just because you don't believe it can be successful. Instead of shutting the program down, please use your seats and influence to represent the people who voted for you by promoting and supporting the . So please believe in the students and instructors and give this the chance it deserves. Thank you That's all. Thank you very much. If you would just let us reset the timer and then please state your full name in your municipality. My name is Geraldine Ivory. Jerry Hill, New Jersey. Max Ivory is my grandson. Like they said, you don't know these children's stories and each one of them. Look at him. They look so good and proud and you all want to stop a program like this. Why? My husband served in the service. For over 22 years. And I see what this program has done for Max. When he 1st came here. You understand? So if you take this program away from him or any of these children, you are taking away a lot from yourselves. Because you're taking away things that they need. And they wanted to, he is so proud to be in this organization. He has volunteered so many hours, I say, are you tired? No, Graham. I gotta do this. I gotta do this. Grandmom, can you say? I don't do much. But I'll tell you one thing, if you keep this program going another year, I will volunteer. I don't do much, but I got a scooter and I can get around faster than some of you all on your feet. You're saying? So like I said, if you give it one more year. You can count on me, all right? Thank you for your time. Well, We are getting a lot of offers for help tonight. I am very grateful to those offers. We will continue in the room. There are no other hands currently up online, so we will continue in the room to please state your full name and your municipality. Rick Short, Rick Short, Terry Hill, New Jersey. Cadets? Active. And retired. Thank you for your service. Tonight is one of those, I think, patriotic votes. Ladies and gentlemen. It's It's about patriotism tonight, whether whether it continues in Cherry Hill. Madam President. I've been up here before and commented about Not saying the pledge of allegiance or having the Pledge of Allegiance turned off for over a year. That's not too patriotic. Commented for 3 years about the way you control applause. I don't know if anyone knows this. But the board controls the applause. So short, this is public comment about the budget. If you'd like to speak about the budget, I'm speaking. No, why it's why to vote no. So you can speak about the budget. Well, this is part of the budget, right? Actually, it's not. Please continue. I'm sorry? Mr. Short, you have the microphone. If you like to use your time in this budget, constantly. Excuse me, you're interrupting me if you'd like to speak on the budget. Please do. If not, you can you can complete and come back during other public comment periods. Anyway, tonight is a vote for America. Tonight matters. Tonight's vote matters. I'll tell you a priceless moment tonight. To watch the cadets. Get excited when hierarchy calls in and for the respect they have. That, ladies and gentlemen, is priceless. And darn it, if you're gonna keep shut me down on everything I think or say. Madam President, I hope you vote yes tonight. I hope you vote yes too, Mr. Mayor. I hope everyone on this board votes yes. This amount of money is peanuts. Peanuts to the 90 million or 4 15 million that you have left to pre K. You heard hunt you heard dozens of people come up here tonight and speak. A person's life, their direction. Honor, integrity, everything. I never served in the service, but I wish I would have. But God Darnie! Thanks again! Again, tonight's vote. Is about. American. Soldiers supporting our country. It will forever live. Your vote tonight matters. Yes or no? And, and, and whatever amount it is. It's peanuts that you need. Thank you. We go to the next person. So in our public, in our public comment period, each person has one opportunity to speak during that specific public comment period. We do have 3. So this one is specifically for our budget. If you have already spoken. I would ask that you hold, come back to during another public comment period. If you have not spoken, then we would ask you to be the next person to speak. I don't believe that you have. There been a lot of people tonight and I'm. Want to make sure. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. Omar Ortiz Lopez, Sherry Hill, New Jersey. I'm here to speak about Junior RTC. Junior RTC has gave me a place to belong in. And I'm pleased to work. A workplay, place. To show my values and I wanted to join the Air Force and get become a An airmen. Doing RTC has gave me a whole lot. And showed me their core values, integrity first, st service before self. And excellence in all we do. And I'm begging please. Not not for you to close this program. For all these people who stand here. Want a program to be here. Thank you. That's all I have. Are there any other students who at this time would like to speak? If so, you always are the priority. So we'll ask you to come to the podium. And speak. We'll continue on in the room. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. Colcasa, Cherry Hill. I graduated from West in 92. There are. A few cadets here whose parents were in the junior Air Force RRTC when I was in high school. And my son. I'm gonna get a little emotional but He is the commander of the Junior Air Force, IRTC, and he's worked very hard. To get there. I stand before you today with a heavy heart and deep sense of disappointing disappointment regarding the decision to dissolve the junior Air Force RTC program as the parent of the commander of the Union Air Force RGC, I know firsthand the impact. This program has on students and the community. Did you an Air Force RTC program has been more than just an extracurricular activity. It has been a cornerstone of character, development, leadership training and academic excellence for the countless young individuals. Through this program students have learned the values of discipline, integrity, and service to others. They have owned their leadership skills, developed a strong work ethic, and cultivated a sense of responsibility that will serve them well in all aspect of their lives. By dissolving this program we are not just removing an option from our students extracurricular menu, we are depriving them of unique opportunity for growth and personal development. We are closing the door on a pathway to success for many young individuals who may not thrive. Excuse me, can you stop typing? You've been doing that all night and it's so disrespectful. Could you please arrive in traditional academic setting but excel in the structure and supportive environment provided by the Air Force RTC program. Furthermore, the The solution of this program sends a troubling message to our students about the value we place on their aspirations and ambitions. It suggests that we are willing to sacrifice opportunities for their growth and development in the name of budgetary constraints or administrative convenience. This is a disservice to our students and a betrayal of the trust that they and their families have placed in us as educators and leaders. I urge a school board to reconsider its decision and explore alternative solutions that would allow the junior Air Force RTC program to continue thriving within our schools. Let us not deprive our students of the opportunity to become the leaders of tomorrow to serve their country with honor and distinction and to achieve their fullest potential. In closing, I ask each member of this board to reflect on the values that guide our educational mission and to consider the long-term impact of the decisions we make today. Let us stand together and support of our students and their dreams and let us ensure that this junior Air Force RTC program remains a vital part of our educational landscape for generations to come. Please and thank you. Do we have any more students in the room who would like to speak? I'll continue to make the offer if there are any more students who have not spoken yet who would like to speak. All right, we go back to the room and you are next if you could. Approach the microphone and say your full name and municipality. Thank you, Speedy. My name is Ashley Massinkovic and my municipality is Cherry Hill. New Jersey. I don't do public speaking, but I love, I absolutely love and adore my oldest, but I have never. Ever, ever been able to get him to join anything. I couldn't get him to join soccer. I couldn't do crotty, football, nothing. Absolutely nothing. I've never been able to get him to put himself out. I begged, I pleaded, I tried bribing, nothing. He always refused and as the mean parents that we are against his initial wishes. We signed them up for the ROTC. And honestly, I think that was probably the best decision we ever made. To be honest with you, we knew that's what he needed and we needed we knew that was going to help him break out of a shell. I don't think my son has come directly home from school more than one day a week for the last few years and frankly I'm thrilled. Not because I don't want to see him, but because I am so happy that he has either volunteered or stayed after school. Darn near every day for an ROTC program. He's joined the Raider team, which is a fantastic exercise program. He has joined Rocketry. He did the robotics and more. His attitude did a complete 1 80 he's become so much more responsible and respectful. And his grades improve, they're no longer a fight. So thank you very much. He and the rest of these cadets take all the growth that they get in the ROTC classroom and the leadership skills and they do bring them out to the rest of the students in the school. So removing the program would be a huge disservice to the rest of your. Community as well. And speaking of being bettering and giving back to the school, these cadets also volunteer their time every chance they get. They are ushers at back to school night and help direct parents. Mainly me who gets lost in the maze, that is Cherry Hill West. They also are the ushers at plays and other after school events. If the program goes away, I don't know who you will have step up. And actually give you a hand there. But with that said, the removal would be a huge. Disservice to the kids. So. Go back to the. Go don't see any hands online if there are any other students who want to give their parents a hug or speak. This is the time to do it. So. And we come back to the room and. We have a student who would like to speak who has not spoken yet, so. Thank you, Mr. You could please state your full name and municipality. Oh, hello. Okay, Avironi, Chair. I am a . S. 3 about to be in AS 4. I am a flight commander and I am a future top 5 leader I have been at Cherokee West obviously for 3 years and I have not been more excited to stay out of school. To even go to school than I have been since I joined the IRTC program. I joined the RGC program my freshman year and I told my parents that I might not enjoy it. I now am able to stand in this room and call all of these ROTC cadets not just cadets but my family. I have every one of y'all's back. Are you my family? I won't call this microphone, my family. But. Without this program I would not be as self-confident as I am. I would not be as respectful as I am, so I'm on that. But I have grown so much as a leader, as a person, as a human being, because I have people that are backing me up supporting me. I have an awesome instructor that guides me and helps me no matter what. And this class is just show me so much more. I was a rocketry commander. I was a robotics commander. And I just This program has meant so much to me as it has meant to all of my family members. And if you're taking away something that has meant a lot to a lot of people, you're telling us who are so passionate about something that It doesn't matter. And Look at everyone. They're so proudly standing here right now. It is currently 8 30. Could be sleeping but I am fighting for this program. And so are all of you and I appreciate you. Thank you. Yeah. We truly have some of the most amazing young people that exist. In New Jersey right here in Cherry Hill in this room. Dr. Martin. Dr. Morton. So if we want to continue with our meeting, I have to request that the audience. Not interrupt as we continue to conduct the meeting. Dr. Morton. You have asked to speak at this moment, so I'm going to turn the microphone over to you. Yes, absolutely. Thank you, Mr. Dearne. Wow, I gotta tell you, you know, I, rarely have I been as proud of students as I am of all you this evening. Truly, truly touching, truly remarkable. Wow, you guys have definitely made me so proud. So one of one of the conditions that we had to align with as well is that we need we had to send enrollment numbers to to the Air Force headquarters. With our projections for next year as of March 31st We hadn't heard back from them. You saw me texting tonight. I was, I was trying to get. An assurance that if We move forward with the numbers based upon, you know, where we are with 35 students that they would not come back to us later in the year and say, well, we're going to deactivate you anyway. We were just received assurance that they will, no matter what the numbers are, allow for one more year. To grow the numbers. I didn't share the best part yet. So, so we will allow for another year for the program to get the opportunity. Dr. Martin, that is incredible news. I want to thank you. I knew we made the right choice when we chose you as our superintendent because in real time as your listening to our student and community voice. You've made a really important decision. To allow this the program to continue and I want to thank you for that. I do want to say at this time, and I want to be really, really clear, our budget vote tonight. Does not indicate didn't wasn't going to did not indicate. Was not connected to better language. Thank you. Whether or not JRTC would continue for another AFJ or TC would continue for another year. Unfortunately, I think that's. A message that's been put out there to people and I'm sorry that you were all given the wrong message. Because that's actually not accurate. But regardless, we still have your voices raised and they minute you made an impact. So your service is already. Making a difference to our country. So I thank you all. And I want to thank all at this moment. We continue with public comment on the budget if people still would like to speak specifically on the budget. If people still would like to speak specifically on the budget, you are more than welcome to speak specifically on the budget, you are more than welcome to. You know, I think we've heard some very powerful information and I want to thank all the people of offered to help. We definitely would like the governor's help here and anybody else. We will take it. We will not turn down support and resources and help. So thank you. We'll continue on with public comment with that on the budget. We have a hand online. When go to the person online. And it is J. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. Yes, hi, Laurie Neary, Cherry Hill. I just wanna say how pleased I am to hear what I just heard from Dr. Morton. And after having advocated since 2,016, 2,017 and filled this very minute. One thing, one word I'd never heard and it never thought happen was pivoting and I heard that and I heard a care for our students. Recognizing that we need to give it a chance for the students of West. To not decimate that program that matters to so many. And serves, you know, a population of students that I think everybody needs to hear, listen to and what it means to them and that you know if It wasn't impacted in the budget. I think it's important to lead with that information when speaking with the community members and let them know at the start, if that's not the case, because people are just coming out passionately for what matters to them so much. I am so pleased and this is the refreshing change. I cannot tell you, how please I am to hear that. So thank you, Dr. Morton. For all the families that have been speaking from all over the country tonight. To make this change and not wait until the end of the meeting. To like these families know that we are going to give it the good old try for one more year and let our servicemen help us turn the program around. Thank you. So much. Okay. Hey, let me go back. We go back to the room and if you could please state your full name and municipality. Sure, Dr. Plainments, Cherry Hill. I want to thank you all. Students for participating in this program. I was privileged to participate in a similar program when I was in high school in Israel. And then I went on to serve in the military. What you're doing today, participating is probably will set you up for the rest of your life. You are the leaders. Of all of us of tomorrow. The IRTC program. Is it central for Chry Hill? A budget reflects the priorities of the community. If it's not in the budget. It's not a priority. So I do urge this board to keep their ROTC. For many more years to come because these are the leaders that will protect our country forevermore. So thank you and I applaud you. You could, please, we do not have any more names, any more hands online. So if you could please state your full name and municipality and yes, please make sure the microphone can capture your voice. Thank you. I'm not really sure. Here we go. Mr. Sugars, could you please restart the timer? Good evening board, I'm Toro Costa, Master and Tro Costa, Winona, New Jersey. There's no such thing as bad teams but bad leaders and that was something that was instilled in me as a young airmen by retired. I started reared in. Through all my 23 and a half years serving this country. I've I've learned to navigate that. And take something that is broken, learn, and see what obstacles are at hand. And learn to mode it and fix it. And and it's just through that leadership and guidance and organizational structure. So when I was hired on I started April, the 9, th so I've only been at the school 3 weeks. And I knew that I had to hit the ground running because at 1st I I knew that they lacked organizational structure. They acted they lacked leadership guidance. Right? And it's hard to do with one instructor, Colonel Tumasi who was there. And so I knew that it needs a 2 man team to do it. And so I was inspired by these cadets and their ability to want the program. Not just when I got boots on ground, their action wanted to take action. And so I truly believe without a shadow of doubt, I'm here for a purpose, right? And I'm here for a reason. My path. My childhood experiences I experienced most. By the age of 5 that most people would never experience in their life from sexual abuse. To racial discomfort, anxiety, fear, all of these things. And so when I'm out in the hallways connecting with students. Who may similar have those similar experiences are meeting them at their level. When they're acting out in their ways and screaming, I see that there's trauma attached to that. And so I want to connect with them. And it made me inspired to to work and just connect with the guidance counselors to get students on board to understand that there is an additional instructor here and we're here to work. And when we were doing PT today, I was very moved while we were running. We had one cadet that was like lagging behind. And Colin. Who who led that PT. May short out cadet finished the race. Cause I said, whoever finishes with the fastest time, I'll buy them pizza. And of course they are posing their times on the board. But then I said you guys had the slowest time, but you left no man behind. And I truly believe. That he wouldn't have learned that without the JRTC program. I believe that we will get to 50 by the end of the year and I believe that we will get to 100 by the end of the year. Because I serve a God that parted the Red Sea. So why not bring a miracle to Cherry Hill West? I got one more thing for the cadets. West SAY! Thank you Okay. We have. A name on the line. We have a Jen Nadio on the line. If you could please state your full name and municipality. And Nadia, you're the next hand online if you could please state your full name and municipality if you'd like to speak. Okay, we're going to go back to the room and then, if the If you come back, we'll come back to you. If you could, if you've not spoken yet, if you could please state your full name and municipality. It's drop journey to speak. Hi, my name is Stephen Sunshine. I've been a resident of Cherry Hill for since 1,970. I'm an Air Force veteran. And my daughters both. Went through the Charry Hill High School system. Knew nothing about the JRTC. My grandsons are in the Chari Hill High School system. And we've spoken about the curricula. And curriculum curricula. And what they're doing at school and never once. The . OTC. Been mentioned I don't know how much it's. Pubicized, but they never brought it up. We've discussed what afternoon programs there are. And I think that If it would be publicized more. There may be more. People, students that would Take part in it. And I think if we have a budget. There should be some money that's available. To publicize this program. I think if it's publicized, it'll flourish. Thank you. So on the public comments for the budget. Wait, we will, yes, but we're still in public comments, so we need to finish public comment first.st So we have, Jen Nadio on the line. If you could finish public comment first.st So we have Jen Nadio on the line. If you could please state your full name and municipality on the line if you could please state your full name and municipality when the clock restarts. You're muted. It looks like you're still muted. You were unmuted a minute ago or few seconds ago. You're still muted. Okay, Janet, I'm really sorry. I continue to see you muted and not unmuted, so I don't think we, oh, there you go. Hands down. Alright, we are still on our budget. Public comment. If anyone else would like to make a public comment regarding our budget, please approach our microphone. All right, 3rd times a charm, Jen Nadio. Let's give it a go. You're muted. You were unmuted. Try the other thing you just did. See if that works. And Nadio. And the audio. I don't know what to do. Maybe leave the meeting, come back. Okay. Not sure what to do. Alright. Any. Any more public comment on the budget because if not I don't see any hands online. There are no people in the room. And I'm going to close public comment on the budget. Martin is back. Okay. Lost my place. Now we are going back to. I'm gonna turn it back. Well. First, st I'm going to say thank you again to Dr. Morton for demonstrating the kind of leadership that makes a difference to our students. And although most people are. Maybe not in the room. I do want to very much thank all of our cadets and all of. The folks who have who serve. Serb our country. We are grateful for your service. And all the people who spoke. In that category. Now we will. Continue on. I'm gonna turn it up. Turn it over to Mr. Green to continue the. Budget part of our portion of our meeting. Alright, thank you. So the superintendent recommends and I move the following. 7.3 adoption of the 2024 2025 budget. 7.4 maximum travel expenditure 7.5 motion to approve use of capital reserve to fund debt service. 7.6, motion to approve the use of capital reserve. To fund approved projects for the 2024. 2025 school year. Do I have a second? Mr. Mayor, any questions? I'm going to take Liberty here and. Make a comment first.st I hope that's okay. I know many of the community members that were here have already stepped out, but I want to. Give a profound thank you. For coming out and sharing what this program means to you and sharing your passion for it. To the community member that noticed I was typing. I apologize. I meant no disrespect. I was actually sending an email asking to confirm. That we can separate the budget vote from this because I wanted more time to discuss it. I don't want to put words in anyone's mouths, but from the hands up, I think a lot of people were feeling the same. And I thank you, Dr. Morton. For pivoting on this and listening to the students. I think we've all heard how important this is. That's it. I, I just wanted to say thank you and how appreciate it. Appreciative I am. To students past and present. And to the community. So. With that I will. Give the opportunity to question your comment to other board members. Thank you. This is your fame. Are we able to just provide a little clarity on how this is not now connected to the budget? So will the positions, the will remain. Yeah, so this actually came about as part of the high school sectioning process that happens annually. So, you know, again, we make decisions about what courses will run based upon enrollment. So yeah, so budget was one thing. High school sectioning is another thing. So. Okay, other questions, Dr. So my question was going to be about like it was my understanding that the budget is not tied to the ROTC existing or not. So that came up so many times that was a real a real heavy concern for me and a question that I now don't have to ask. A couple things that I do wanna say, some feel I feel very passionate about it. 1st of all, a lot of our speakers tonight talked about. Patriotism and service. I'm a public servant here. I was elected to this board to serve Cherry Hill. I'm proud to serve my community. And I take that seriously. The district of Cherry Hill doesn't doctors videos and remove the Pledge of Allegiance or remove clapping for people. That is misinformation. Those are lies. We, we have the same value of patriotism and love for our country that our service members do and that our community does, or at least I'll vouch for myself. And so I want to set the record straight on that. Second, 2 years ago I had an opportunity to go to the ROTC Gala. I don't, I'm not a military person. I don't have a lot of military in my family, just one member. And uncle. So I don't know much about the military. And I sat there and I just, I had the whole evening over dinner to talk with. The commanders of the program. And what I learned was that this program offers many, so many opportunities. Beyond just the like day-to-day, the the fact. I think about like scholarships. There's so few opportunities for anybody but the most elite. Academics to get scholarships in this country and that's a tragedy because it helped. Makes it hard for people to move on. ROTC is one of those few areas where the government supports students, from federal governments, that that provides an opportunity for students of all stripes to be able to. Gain advancement to reach higher levels. That's unusual. That sets the ROTC apart. And Unfortunately, the ROTC is an unusual program in that it needs support from the a military branch that's sponsoring it. And fortunately, and as Dr. Morton has acknowledged, The government has done that for one more year and we're gonna hold on to the program. And I think. I personally would go to bat for the program as long as the military commit continues to their commitment to Terry Hill. Because without, without the Air Force, the program loses, it's real. It's real power, it's real teeth, it loses the opportunities for the outside training like that, like the one cadet talked about the piloting training, it loses a lot of things. And if I'm wrong, please correct me on this, but I believe a lot of that power comes from our partnership with the Air Force in this case. So as long as the Air Force backs us, I'm willing to support that personally because I see the Air Force backs us, I'm willing to support that personally because I see the leadership opportunities, I see the training, I see the opportunities for kids that don't normally have that and that's so important. And. So I'm really grateful to all of the students, parents, and community members and even military that aren't associated with Cherry Hill at all who got on the line to call and to provide their support. And, and all, all I can say, I wish the students were still in the room. Cause y'all, yo, we need to fight for the program and get enrollment up. Like that's not the board of educations. We can't control the enrollment. And that's the one of the bars for the. Air Force. So enrollment has to go up and we have to show that We have purpose and passion. To continue and that's going to take the community and the gentleman who said he works with New Jersey, it's going to take people like you who are going to interact with the community and who are going to help to bolster interest in the program. And this isn't something that the Board of Education can just hand to you. I can't give you ROTC. It has to be, it has to be wanted by the students and it has to be populated by the students. And that's, going to depend on you as the community to really help that and I'm sorry I'm a little long-winded here and but I thank you for your attention for your time. And that's all I have to say. Mrs. Gallagher. I just wanna confirm the alternative high school move is tied to the budget vote, correct? This is sugars. I'm going to defer to Mr. Sugars on that. Yeah, I mean, my understanding, and Mr. Sugars, maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong. Every everything we offer. Is funded by our budget. So, the decision to move the alternative high school was not budget driven. It was need driven by our students and it was need driven by the program. It is supported by the budget just like everything we offer are busting everything. So, so the it's part of it. Dr. Morton's coming and maybe Mrs. Sugars can add to it, but Mr. Sugars can add to it, Dr. Morton's coming and maybe Mr. Sugars can add to it, but everything we do is encompassed in our budget, every decision that's I don't know, Dr. Morton or Mrs. Sugars if you want to expound on that, I mean, and Mrs. Gallagher, if you would you restate your question? That the the alternative high school move is is linked to the budget vote. Yeah, so there are financial implications of financial ramifications. Of the move ultimately. But the budget, the proven the budget tonight. That move alternative high school. Your budget approvals not contingent on making that move. So there are. Dollar savings, but you know they'd have to be captured another way. Are there any other questions or comments from other board members? Mr. Mayor. No questions, but I just can't let the evening go without, recognizing the amount of work that went into crafting this budget, a budget which. Probably the most if not one of the most difficult. You know, in memory, given the timing of the bad news that we got from the state and the severe cut and funding so just I just want to thank Mr. Sugars and her team. For the work that they did together with Dr. Morton and his you know intimate knowledge of of the district and the position control roster to be able to find efficiencies to make. These numbers work as well as they possibly could given Just impossible situation. And that's it. So. We all appreciate it, but don't always recognize it publicly as we should. And I just wanted to take a moment to do that for both of you. For your teams as well. Mrs. Winters. Thank you. To echo what Mr. Mayor said, I think when we all realized that the state aid had dropped by such a precipitous amount. There was a sense of. Disappointment, at least I will speak for myself because I, the eternal optimist of the board, had envisioned a budget where we were going to be at least flat funded and was hoping to. Add positions enhance things that would support our children academically. Instead, we found ourselves in a position where we had to make strategic decisions in order to maintain the level of services and academic excellence we currently have in Cherry Hill. And I want to thank Miss Sugar, Dr. Morton, and their staff. And the members of this board for the work that they did. And put into these decisions. Nobody wants to be the ones talking about a budget where 7 million dollars of state aid was cut. We I'm proud of. All of us who went to try and and tried to fight. For our funding to be restored. I have not given up hope yet. In response to Mr. Fangs question from before the Senate is scheduled to meet on May 9th there will be committee meetings including Senate budget immediately followed by Senate session. The The Senate budget will meet at 10 Senate session at 11. It's not. Out of the realm of possibility that the Senate will act very quickly on that day. It's not out of the wrong possibility that they'll wait and see. Or that they'll do something completely unexpected, such as budget season in Trenton. But I whatever the outcome of that is, I think the budget we're voting on tonight. Is one that supports our students in the best way possible is a budget that we tried to make the best of what we had and we tried to prioritize things and to that end I just want to yet again echo complimenting the students and families who came here tonight to express what the ROTC program at West means to them. I came into this meeting. Really concerned because all the times I go to West to see concert, they're always there, handing out programs, helping people find their seats. They're integral part of what makes West special and of that community and while I understand the boards responsibility to the taxpayers and finances and finding efficiencies, I also really felt that. This is a core component of what makes West special. And I I'm really proud of the students who got on the mic tonight and told us what it meant to them. And I'm proud of the alumni who called in from around the country to tell us how it affected their lives. You all made an impact tonight. When we sit at this table, our decisions are not made. I sit here and listen to every word that is said. And I take it seriously and try to act. According to the best way that I can to support students. That doesn't mean everybody's ever always going to agree with me or as happy with my decisions that's called accountability. But tonight I really feel like the students who came and they they did what democracy is meant to do. Thanks. They showed us their passion and they made a difference. So even though they've all gone to celebrate. Joyfully, which I'm proud of too. Thank you to everybody because really, really we appreciate your input. This is what it's all about. It's about us hearing from the community and we are supposed to be reflecting the best of the best for our students, for our staff and for all of Cherry Hill. So thank you tonight and I'm proud to vote for this budget. Yeah, glad I didn't have to follow that. Any other, any other comments or questions from board members before we take a vote? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, will you please open the voting? Members you may cast your votes As sure as I'm going to be an O for 7.3. I'm also a no for 7.3. No, everything. Just vote. Oh, this is just for that item. I already voted. Oh, here all change. There you go. So we have 2 no votes, Mrs. Sheriffin and Mrs. Gallagher. And the remaining boots are all yes vote so it's a 72 vote motion carries. Okay, and we go on to administrative reports. We do not have any administrative reports tonight. And then we have. Board member attendance at events under correspondence and are there any board members who want to share about any events they've attended? This is winter. I'm tired and hungry, I'm sorry. It took me like a snack. I have some Cheerios. I'm good. In my back, like I'm a toddler. I'm going. Please give us your correspond. So I made a list for myself. It's actually been 3 weeks since our last board meeting and I'm forgetful. So I attended the Rosa Climate Showcase, which was phenomenal. I saw Dr. Morton as he was walking out. We were ships passing in the night. And Dr. Rood was there as well. It was a really great day to watch the Roses students. Work in an interdisciplinary manner using skills across different subject areas, which I think is a key skill they're going to need moving forward. They were able to use their science skills, their research skills, their presentation skills. All together to really present on issues and topics that were important to them. I want to thank Dr. Morales who was there and I also saw him at the Arbor Day celebration. Croft Farms weekend out and about with our Roses students. Really helping these kids live their passion about environmentalism. So that was a really great morning. For myself and for Dr. Route to be present for that. I also attended the East Art Show here at Lewis. It was actually a 2 step art show. There were sculptures out in the lobby over here as well as. Canvases that were present in Dr. Morton's office. It was really great to speak with the E students and their families about the art that they're creating. And one of my favorite things about the way that the superintendent runs the art shows is that it's a different school every month. So it's really neat when you attend an elementary one and then a middle school one and then a high school one to see the progression of art students. Through their years in Cherry Hill and what they create and how they express themselves and how their uniqueness comes out. Some of the sculptures were really just. Phenomenal. I couldn't believe the art that our students do. So I just want to thank the art teachers who were here as well. Encouraging students to take further art classes. I thought that was a really nice touch. It's really amazing to see how students bloom. When they're instructors notice their talents. And then encourage them to go on and to need to succeed. And I think our teachers. At all of our schools do just a phenomenal job at that but thank you to the East art teachers that night for encouraging our students to continue in their pursuit of art. It was really amazing. And finally, several of us were at the opening of the new Cherry Hill East Stadium last night. It was a beautiful night. I personally think the best part about football stadiums are the half time show in the marching band, but I hear they play sports in them too. So to all of the students at Cherry Hill East and the fans and the spectators who will benefit. From that new stadium and will be joining me under the Friday Night Lights in the fall to watch the games. It was just a great night to celebrate what we can do when we come together as a community. And we're really beginning to see the fruit of the bond referendum that many of us supported and how that's going to really impact our kids in their academic experience and their full high school experience going forward. So really just a thank you again to the community members if we don't say enough, those of you who supported the bond referendum. We appreciate. You and I'm so, so pleased and excited to see what we can do when we come together as a community. To work in concert for positive change for our students. It's just great to see it physically manifested in the stadium. And that's all. Thank you. Thank you. Other board members have any community events that they've attended they'd like to share about Mr. Greenman. Thank you. So. This is going to piggyback a little bit on the budget discussion. I attended the fair funding meeting this past month. Where I provided a legislative summary that I prepared with a lot of help from from mrs. Winters. Tuesday tweets still going on Friday phone calls. Still want to support our students, stabilize their funding. I urge anybody who wants to help to find fair funding on Facebook. Join the meetings. We could always use more. There are a lot of bills that are out there that have not passed yet. And we want to call our legislators and urge them to do so when we went to Trenton and our students testified. They listened. They hear us. We want to keep advocating. That being said, I had a much longer version of this legislative summary, but I'm just going to go through some very brief highlights. Assembly Bill 400, and 59, which is now going to the Senate as 3, 0, 0, 2. Allows certain districts to delay budget submission until after appropriations. By understanding is that if this passes, it will allow us to make changes to our budget after it's been submitted or after it's been approved tonight. The other main one that's gaining correction is assembly bill 4 1 6 1 which is now Senate bill 3 0 8 1. This is a bill that restores up to 2 thirds of our fund of our cut funding with no requirement to use bank cap. This has already passed the assembly. It's going to the Senate. And that's something that fair funding is urging people to support as well. There are a lot more details about those and several others that haven't seen much movement, but for the sake of time, I will cut that short. I also wanted to mention that the high school stadium grand opening, there are quite a few of us there, so I'll be very brief. It was exciting to see new lighting there. Finally, we could have games there at night without having to go that these students having to go elsewhere. And a lot of great accessibility improvements, both to the bleachers, to the sidewalks. It's really nice just to see that inclusivity in such a great new space. Thank you. Great. Any other board members have community events they want to talk about? This is Gallagher. I don't know. I walked out to use the restroom. I don't know if anybody talked about roses. Sustainability. And I don't have the correct words. What was it? Showcase. It was a really nice afternoon. The students did a fantastic job. And the presentations were really, you know, well planned. Well, presented and. It's amazing. I say this all the time. I go and I see students and I'm like, I was not like that as a kid. So it's really amazing to see some kids who really have. Passion who and then can not on like on top of that like articulate it in a way to adults which you know it's a huge feat so it was really nice. And yeah, there was a good there was a good crew there to to see it all too. So thank you. Mrs. Niaz and then, Mr. Mayor. I also intend on the climate show case with Mrs. Gallagher. And, I have to say I learned more about climate change from those kids than I did in college. So, but they were very passionate and they did a very good job about, showcasing the information. And I enjoyed it myself very much. Mr. Mayor. Aside from last night's East Stadium, stadium celebration, which was outstanding. I'm also an opportunity with Mrs. Winters and Mrs. Neaz to attend the Jerry whole West unsung heroes event. It's great because it's 1 of those few opportunities where publicly, students sophomores at Cheryl West can can give thanks and and show the appreciation that they have for an unsung hero in their life. It's usually a a coach or a teacher, occasionally it's even a parent. And, it's, it's, it was a great opportunity, to spend some time with the teachers, with the students and show. Allow them to show appreciation. For someone who is in the process of molding them to who they are going to be. When they grow up and kind of thing that we You know, we take for granted, we take gratefulness for granted and our kids occasionally will do that and that's a you know, it's opportunity for them to do that publicly. For us as adults to support that. This the 3, rd second or 3rd one of those I've attended, they've all been outstanding. And, just wanted to, I didn't want that one to go. Unrecognized. This is time. Could you speak into your microphone? Thank you. I know. There you go. A little bit. Oh wow, I apologize. Well, I want to say thank you for who was thinking of me while I was away. I was afraid you to family situations. But in between I was away I do attend a couple events and then look at my notes, give me a second. I will set a multicultural event at the Johnson. And they have all types of different from different. Countries. There was also the line does the Japanese Koreans it was very Well done. And there was a lot, a lot of people at the Johnson's, multicultural. I also tend to. Come, come, Low, induction. I think there's a lot of students. I think they are so well. Penial. To say proudly had to say that. All my 4 kids. To do that and my daughter was the youngest one. I think over the course of the and plus years I think I've been to these events. So this is the biggest students that we have a lot of students even though during the COVID we have so many. The time, the challenge time. But there's so many students still do very well. And I'm very proud of that. I'm so proud of them and I also attend the Well, I don't think this is school function for a parent. There was student from Rosa attend the Earth Day cleanup day. At the Need the riverfront and they were doing good job. Everybody had put time that the morale was there. Della's substantial months, no system as well as high. Go to it. Well, I'm not sure just to one. I just happen to help out with my daughter. So I don't know what was it. Well, I I say I'll support you and just go along with the event. The last thing I went was the grand opening e stadium and that was a I think testing is very well done. And I'm very happy. It's my 1st time, Aji. After the COVID. High school stadium. Cause my kid played tennis over there so I know a bit about what's going on. Nice very well and we'll be happy about it. Thank you. Thank you. I just have a couple. So. Several board members were have talked about the grand opening of the. Renovations to the East Stadium and the one thing I will add is that I it was really full circle for me because I was at the town hall that we had. When we were discussing. With the community and getting input from the community on what to include in the bond and also what the community wanted to see with the bond where the community. You know, what their input was. It was, it was, it was our opportunity to listen to the community and it was at the town hall. That a student came to the microphone and said We want lights at the stadium in our high school. Others high school has lights at their stadium and we want we would like ours here too. And they talked about school spirit, how important, having nighttime events are how that brings a school community out and parents came to microphone and said the same thing. Because originally that was not part of the bond project. That was not included. There were several projects like that that after town halls, after we got community input, there were projects that were changed in the bond before it went to vote. There was changes to the bond projects at West as well. So, you know, for me, the full circle experience of then going to the grand opening was just really meaningful to see what community voice student voice spearheads and then community voice behind it and we saw that again tonight. You know, I think you know, we're listening. We continue to listen. We listened. We were listening then. We're listening now. And it's, it's nice to celebrate that. The other. Event I went to activity I went to was the mental health and wellness task force. That met on April 15.th And a large focus of the task force were just several updates including updates about the safety team trainings, which. Are now being implemented. That's a requirement from the state that's happening. At our in our district. As well. There was talk about the cell phone policy and asking the the there was some talk about you know the significant disruption that cell phones. Go. To especially at the upper levels of our schools. It's why and you know why the board is having conversations with the administration and PTA. And and actually the labor collaborative as well. So just about how to move forward with addressing cell phone usage and again appreciate that we are all trying. We are all participating as leaders to. Test out one of the ways to. Address that so there we go and then there was also several staff members who really sang significant praises to some of the professional development that they've been attending this year, including one called Breaking Bias. You know, they actually talked about, they'd love to see those kinds of, some of the speakers who've been part of the professional development. They'd like to see that expanded to students because they found it so powerful and So. So educational informative. So really interesting stuff. They talked about Red Ribbon Week. And we also talked about, about parent university, which is, Dr. Kafon, I see you're in the room. So you were a big part of that conversation, the debate about when exactly to hold it because of spring sports and trying to find a break in the schedule, trying to make it a night that parents can come out too. It's not happening till next spring, spring, 2025. So we have a lot of lead time, but it's it's a great night to provide all kinds of educational opportunities and information and resources to families in our district about anything and everything related to mental health and, technology used cell phone use with kids. Yeah, it so that's what the mental health task force is is focusing on. So we have a lot of lead time, but hopefully that'll be a great event and well attended next year. And that was it for the Masalah task force. And any other board members have. Any correspondence. It is really late. We have our student reps next. And if our student reps decide that after giving you reports, you would like to go home and maybe do homework or sleep or whatever. Please feel free. So tonight we start with, I believe we start with. East. That's what I have. Is that what we did last time? Do we do West last time? Well, normally we alternate. So I don't know. I think we started with these last time. So let's start with West tonight. Yes, please. So Colin, if you would do us a solid and and give us the report. Thank you. Starting off with academics, over the next 2 weeks, AP testing will take place. Deaf and students in the AP levels are making final preparations for the testing period. And from May 20th to May 23, rd the NJ. SLA will be administered for West students. Moving on to arts on Tuesday May 7th West catering will serve vegetable and meat quiches alongside muffins with coffee service for the vinyl zone. Final zone PTA brunch of the school year. One Thursday, May 16, th West Art Exhibition will be held in Jones Jim. This year, Arts is partnering with No Place for Hate, Empty Bowls, and West Catering to put together an awesome display. Other activities will include scavenger hunts, empty bowls sale, and a dessert competition. I have materials for all of you for that event. The West starts is also making preparations for the local and state competitions of the Teen Arts Festival later this May. In the state of New Jersey. Girls across are currently 7 and 2 overall. On Tuesday, April 16th boys tennis won their match against Paul the 6.th On Thursday, April 25, th student leadership represented us. At the all in Renaissance conference at Central Regional High School. On Saturday, April 27th West softball beat Camden Catholic. And on Saturday, May, the 4, th East versus West Day will be held. Where West's sports teams will face off against their counterparts at High School East. Good luck. Flag football is finding their feet and practicing hard to launch into the season. And West baseball was successful on their trip to Myrtle Beach winning 2 of 3 games with 15 and O against Kasian Novia High School from New York and 2 to one against. Skin Netelles senior high school. Also from New York making our record 14 and 2 For extracurriculars, DECCA is currently away in California showcasing their business know-how at the International Career Development Conference. On April, the 12, th Multicultural Day was held with a stunning performance from our culture clubs with cultures represented from all across South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. On April, the 18, th the world language cookoff took place where students bake dishes unique to their cultures and educated staff and students on the history and process of making their dishes. On Wednesday, May 8, th Latinos at West will unveil, unveil their mural in E Wing where alumni and graduating seniors have been asked to place their handprints to be part of the mural. On Saturday May 18th West Model UN will be hosted by our East counterparts for the Final Model UN Conference of the Year. And finally, other notes from April second to April 6.th Senior trip took place in Orlando at Disney World with 114 seniors attending. On Thursday, April 18, th the unsung heroes event was held for sophomore students to thank the role models in their lives, whether it be a coach, friend, or family member for all their kindness and support. On Thursday, 18.th junior prom was held at the Weston Hotel in Mount Laurel. We had a staggering 250 juniors attend the event for a night of dancing and fun with their friends and dates. Also on Thursday, April, the 18th senior interns presented their end of the year presentation on their professional experiences at the Township Hall. On Friday, May 3, rd we will conduct interviews for West's next board representatives. And on Friday May 10th star games will take place for a day of fun in the sun with our special education students. Thank you, Colin. Mr. Green reminded me it's skinny Atlas. That's the how you pronounce that. Yeah, I. It's a really difficult, it's a very tough one. You, you agree with that. Skinny Atlas. Couple of us have driven through it or Upstate, yeah, upstate near. Great, thank you. I hope we'll be getting information about. Invitations to some of those events. Especially the food ones. And hopefully maybe the dedication in your, that'd be fantastic. Anyway. Just putting in plugs for invitations. Oh, that if you could kindly give the East report. Of course. And 1st I'd like to say that good luck sounded a little bit backhanded, but we'll let the score speak for themselves. 1st with school updates in academics, we had spring break 2 sessions with the second leg last week with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday often then half day on Friday for wellness as well as staff prep time. If AP testing beginning on May 6th as well as the following weeks and then NJ SLA testing from May 20th to May 23.rd Science and history, honor society inductions will be held at May 28.th And this will honor students who have excelled in those fields and come out induction ceremony was earlier this month honoring the top 10% of the junior class in the top 20% of the senior class. And then Dr. Dennis Perry, Principal of High School East, announced earlier this month that he'd be retiring from Cherry Hill Public Schools. And we wish him luck as well as hope to involve students in the process of selecting the next principal. In terms of events, multicultural day, it was held March 28th just after the last report I gave. We had a great showing from all the different culture clubs with food, dance, dances. Art on display just a great time The Senior Hall of Fame has begun to be displayed on the social media pages, the Terry Hill East activities page. With 43 seniors who have excelled in the east community having a spot to be seen in the spotlight each day senior prom will be held on May 30th at the crystal team room in Philadelphia. And it will be a graduation meeting on May 7.th It's a virtual meeting at 7 PM. On zoom. In CAF one the Latinos and Migos will host a notch Latina party on May 3.rd Mr. East will be hosted May 17th at 7 PM. In the auditorium where we see a number of male East students compete to see who is the most talented and who can put on the best show in a number of categories. And then Junior Palm was recently hosted with a great Gatsby name. And we have a college commitment athlete signing day on May 20 second. For competitive clubs, ICDC, the international deck of competition is currently underway with students in Anaheim I believe attending and competing and I believe they're finding out about final awards shortly today and they return tomorrow. So we wish them good luck in their final competitions. The chair at least, MYUN conference will be held on May 18.th Last year was the 1st one in, I think close to a decade. So it's good to see that this home hosted conference has continued. And we also had a very successful esports season. In terms of sports, our spring baseball team visited Florida for a number of competitions recently and volleyball was on a 6 wind streak recently so very impressive. And then in terms of arts, we have a number of music concerts, the bands concert, 7 30, Wednesday, May 1st tomorrow in the auditorium, the jazz band's in orchestra, 7 30, Thursday May second. In the auditorium as well and the spring choral concert on May 23rd at 7 30 in the audience. And we have one X on May 10th at 5 pm in the auditorium. And on May 14th we have the Pavas art show. Where we get to see a number of students display their artwork, truly incredible work, they get to see on display there. And that's it. That's a great stuff. Thank you both. Again, invitation is open. If you You probably stay up 7 h past right now, but. But you definitely have things to do. We appreciate your stand so late. Alright. Now we go on to our 1st public comment. There are 2 opportunities, well 3 really tonight but 2 normally left. This evening. This is our 1st public comment period and it is for board action items only. So I is 14 through 17. Unless you are a student, in which case you can comment on any topic. Related to our schools. There is another public comment period at the end of our meeting, which is for any public, any comment related to our district so you will have, you would like to speak now, you will have 3 min to speak if you are not a student. If you are an adult speaking, we ask that you please identify the agenda item you're going to speak about. But either way, we ask whoever does speak to speak your name clearly and your municipality. We will alternate between speakers who are here in the room and speakers who are online and you will each have 3 min to speak. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hill Public School District or within the authority of Terry Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which demean community members or groups or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district. Or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent board president and all board members via email or other alternative means. So we will start in the room and it looks like we have students so you will all go first.st If there is a student who is online who would like to speak, please put an S after your name so that we can identify you as a student and have you speak before the adults. And with that, I ask you to please state your full name and your municipality. Stella Kim representing Cherry Hill. Good evening members of the Board of Education and thank you for allowing me to speak tonight. My name is Stella Kim and I am the president of the freshman class of 2,027 from Cherry Hill East. We are the class that will be at Cherry Hill East for the next 3 years, which means we will be the most affected by the decision to integrate the alternative high school into East this coming fall. The mission statement from the Cherry Hill Public Schools website states, that our goal is to quote, provide all children with an education that develops open-minded thinkers with the strong academic and interpersonal skills to thrive in an changing world and make it a better place for all. End quote. This mission promotes an inclusive environment, a vision we all support. This vision, I believe, might have influenced the decision to move the alternative high school to East this fall. However, there's a big difference between theory and practice. And they are often worlds apart. There are significant gaps that need to be addressed to ensure a successful integration of the 2 schools. There are many concerns that have been raised by my peer and questions are being asked, such as, how is the loss of our social studies wing going to worse in our already overcrowded halls and classrooms. Why do we think East would be a more suitable place for students who chose to attend a separate school in the 1st place? Was student voice even considered through this decision? These are just a few of the many questions being asked with my fellow peers and we are still waiting for any answers. This silence leaves us with a lack of confidence and trust that the best interests of both East and the alternative high school students are being prioritized. Even though I have only been at yeast for less than a year, I truly love this school. East stripes to embody the mission statement of our district with our diverse community of races, ethnicities, genders, and neurodiversity. But the success of our community isn't an accident. It's because of the dedication of our teachers and administrators who continue to devote their time and energy to support our schools. However, as my peers have and will state, we are currently at maximum capacity and underresourced. This community is amazing, but it's not invincible. We need more transparency and better communication, not more anxiety. We need more support and resources, not more challenges. We need our teachers and students to feel valued and respected, not like an afterthought. And we need to know what steps will be taken to reassure us that we can continue to thrive in the school that we all cherish. Thank you again for listening for the opportunity to contribute my voice. Cool. And you go back. We'll continue on with our students if you could please state your full name and your municipality as soon as the timer restarts. Kyle, Kyle McCann, Cherry Hill. So hi, my name is Kyle McCann and I'm a student from Cherry Hillise and a member of the Class of 2,025 SGA there. And I'm also here today to share my concerns about the integration of the alternative high school into East. Now, I think the mental health and well-being of students should be addressed 1st as this is what should be. Considered the most important. The alternative program provides students a safe place for learning who are not able to go the east or west for whatever reason. By taking this program away from the kids and playing them in the school that is clearly not ready for this transition, you are damaging their education. They attend the alternative high school for a reason. So this change is definitely unwanted by many of the students there. Additionally, need I remind you of some of the incidents that happened just at East Alone this year. This is also getting a new principal next year. So so much change is going to be happening in so little time. So I don't really see how anyone could view this transition as wise with the current state of affairs. Additionally, the closing off of a portion of East is in order to conduct this transition is not a bright idea, as East is already overcrowded. I cannot recall a single year when there were enough deaths at the beginning of the year for everyone. By closing off a number of classrooms, this problem is just going to become worse. I know you can say the east used to be bigger in the past, so this plan is feasible. However, when the East population was bigger in the past, this was already considered a major issue. Why would we want to worse than the overcrowding problem now out of all times and basically move backwards in progress? My uncle went to East at the time when they were A and B sessions for school because of how overcrowded the student body population was. I recently spoke with him and although he still received an education, he told me that he almost felt as if he was getting cheated from a full high school experience. Now, these concerns are additionally furthered by the fact that the east population is expected to increase dramatically in the future. The current 1st grade and kindergarten classes have more kids than they have had in a long time. So this program is implemented, it will certainly have long lasting negative effects. Furthermore, implementing it as hastia decision as this one is extremely concerning, as if the talks about implementation have been going on for years, then why are there so many questions to be asked? What's going on with the wall? Well, this implementation effect East Lunch and Learn? Where are the teachers that have been in B wing for years going? What about the bathroom that has passed the alleged wall? And why is this huge announcement coming so suddenly out of a budget meeting? As you can see, the lack of transparency is a sounding, not just to me, but seemingly everyone in the East community. With our classrooms went to Trenton to testify, you talked about the importance of student voice. But where is that now? If all of these student adult and community voices speaking up cannot reach the minds of our own school board, then what will? And that this plan is just going to be implemented now anyways despite all the reasons why it should not, then there needs to be clear answers. There should be no more talking points or, the community wants to know exactly what's going to happen and as of right now you're failing us. Do better. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Thank you. You could please state your full name and your municipality. Good evening. My name is Ashley Boyskin. I live in Cherokee, New Jersey and I attend Trailized Police. I'm also the student body vice president and I'm here to insert some questions into the record that a lot of members of the East community and probably behind me today have Board of Education. Have you visited your new alternative high school in the viewing of Trailise, Police? Have you walked into one of the 7 classrooms? Did you attend one of our amazing social studies classes? Were you cognizant of the fullness of the class sizes? How did you feel entering the places that many teachers have called home from much of their careers? What will happen to the social studies faculty room and speech therapy room? Will they become assets of the alternative high school? To what extent will this decision impact teacher morale for the teachers losing access to their faculty launch? Where will the school continue providing speech therapy services? Will the new room be built? How will students rely on an all gender bathroom viewing be impacted? Will the district create a new bathroom for them to use? Did you solicit feedback from E students and faculty before making this decision? What communication did the district have with Dr. Perry and other administrators? What about those at the alternative high school? Have you met with the Cherry Hill Special Education Parent Teacher Association? When you say that this decision has been part of an ongoing discussion, that's quote, 2 decades old. How come this move feels so sudden? Why now? And why not later? How come East faculty were only notified about this decision one day before it became public knowledge? If community feedback is so important, why does it feel like this decision was made in a vacuum? What exactly about this decision incorporates the community voice you always talk about. Why have so many questions from students, faculty, and community members gone and answered. What's your taxpayers now expect? Does this decision come in light of the 6.9 million dollars budget cuts the Terrio public schools face. What new cost will the district incur? Will the district save money? Why do you claim that you have, quote, not had conversations yet about budget implications, but have also considered this change for more than a decade. Over the years that this bureaucratic body has met in the decision-making of this initiative. Did you never once think to evaluate its effects on our budget? What can E students expect? What can alternative high school students expect? Are the rumors true? What will happen to the lunch and learn program at East? Should students brace themselves to have home room next year rather than the current flexibility they have? Well, the extra space in the Arthur Lewis administration building go to administrators. What do they need an additional office space for? Does the district plan on A, hiring more and administrative staff be selling what we become a mostly out of use building or see using the property for student activities. How do you plan to transition? Students used to a small school setting to east. Which has more than 2,000 students. How will this impact students with 5 or fours that need to visualize special education plants, especially those who need smaller classes to have academic success. Will students retain the special education plans they need? In a school that is time and time again come under fire for having an unwelcome environment, how will you ensure that students from the alternative high school feel included? Why does it seem like we all have spent more time thinking about this than the district? Can we all expect answers to our questions and concerns? What is taking so long? Thank you. Please state your full name and municipality. My name is Ronak Pathic and I'm from Cherry Hill. Why? With the moving of the alternative high school to East confirmed, I would like to 1st state that I have nothing against the movement of the alternative school. But why? Why now? I stand here as the president of the sophomore class at Cherry Hill High School East. All 4 of us stand here today as a elected representatives from every grade of Cherry Hill High School East in Unity to address the shortcomings of this decision. I would like to re-emphasize the points that we had brought up at Trenton. We addressed overcrowded classrooms, underfunded activities, and much more. But now when we bring those same concerns to you, there are no answers. Such a change to the school would have so many implications that need to be fully addressed before the decision is made. Not the other way around. Why did I take a day off from school to speak on your behalf in Trenton when you fail to speak with us in our district? But what gives the board a right to make such a drastic decision without consulting public opinion? Why could this decision not have been more democratic? Now, after this decision, I fear a loss in the quality of my education. Sitting in the back of an overclouded class. After this decision, I fear the loss of the electives that allow me to pursue my hobbies and interests. And I fear the loss of my voice and the voices of all of our students in this district. Thank you for listening to me. Yeah. Okay. It looks like, I don't see any student hands online, so I'm going to go to the phone number. If you could please state your name, your municipality. And the action item you are speaking on. Items 14 through 17 and it's the phone number that ends in 7 8 8. My name is Jeff Potter and I live in Cherry Hill and the item is 15.5. 15.5. John A. Crusi Middle School referendum renovations this multi-year comprehensive project at Kurusi Middle School. Will include the following items, it lists the items there, the install and all the installations, something interesting. And this is what concerning to me, at least to me. The project is slated to begin next month after the . We award to Newport Construction through a competitive bid process on April 11, th 2,024. Fine, okay. The renovation is scheduled and contracted to be substantially completed. By June, the 20.th That's 4 years. It's going to take 4 years. And it's going to take more than 3 or 4 years because it it says contracted to be substantially completed by June, 2,028. That's a long time and what's how do you define substantially is it 50% is it 50% is it 60% When will it be totally completed? 2,030. 31, 32. I mean 4 years is a long time. But it could be 6 or 8. So can you give us the definitions of what substantially is? And maybe explain why. It's gonna take 4 years to complete. Renovations and again it's going to take more than 4 years because it says substantially so what's your definition of actually. I don't know. 50%? Anyway, that's my question. I'm sure I won't be answered, but I mean, it's like. School board members. Maybe you could ask some questions. What's the definition of substantially? Legally in this contract. Thank you very much. And 4 years. Thanks very much. Okay, we go back to the room if anyone would like to speak on any of our action item agendas. Oh, we have a student. Okay. I think you know what to do. Just waiting for the timer. Yep, thank you. I'm Matthew Regiselle's Cherry Hill. 1st I'd like to say there's a fly around the room, so that might have been bothering some people now. I'd like to also talk about the alternative high school transfer. 1st one of my classmates, Asher, brought the gender neutral bathroom within viewing. I believe that's 1 of the only gender neutral bathroom within viewing. I believe that's 1 of the only gender neutral paths in this school if not the only one. And this is very important. Facility for that are not for instance. So I'd like to see another. It's nice. Perhaps. It's, That's. Thank you. Once top of a million of others and listen to. Actually, I can cause odds on Yeah, Yeah. And Thank you. 2 And, experience. You don't need that. Especially Let me see. Sounds. Thanks, and other non non-traditional stocking. Let's just do it. It's Traditional sense. That's nice. Okay, yeah. Okay. That's how much IS getting on the desktop system. . That's That's this one. It's just something about doing sharing separate along the schools. Yeah. Okay. I, Dr. You. Harris? I was. Is there a student at the mic? Or no. There is not. You can please go ahead. Yeah. Oh, sorry. I want to comment on I. Hey, Charge, I'll pull it up. I just totally mind as well. My screen, 16.1. I just wanna acknowledge that, Mrs. Grassi, who is leaving district after 30 years. In fact, Student Tottenham district, I realized tonight that she and I started in the district simultaneously. She student taught here and it's just a giant who got better and better. And the, was getting to be in her classroom last year for a bit. And it's really special when you see an educator have the same quality and just continue to improve and improve. And then she took on a new challenge this year by moving over to East and that's not something you do when you're 30th year she is going to be a major loss for our community. I am personally really grateful to her. As a 1st year teacher myself and having someone be able to reach out to who has been in the field for that long and is just a resource. Obviously I also have that, but for our own, for the students coming forward to have lost that to just very sad. I'm excited to see what comes from her next, but I think it's really important that we need to keep figure out what to retain these, veteran teachers and create teachers, who can follow them who have that same caliber. I also want to acknowledge with Washington who is also retiring, her work in the last couple of years, especially, and her new role as superintendent has been incredible. We have moved that work faster and further. In the last 2 years in the previous 5 10 years I will say and I hope that the board and dr. Morton work to figure out who will be shepherding that and championing it to make sure that doesn't fall to the wayside. It's really, really important work that needs to be done and that's it. Thanks so much. Thank you. Go back to the room, not a student, nevertheless. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, I canberly Gallagher, item 16.5. I've had kids at man for about 4 years. And the 1st 3 to 4 months of our time was rough. It was COVID. Dr. Kafonia and I spoke many times. And if you ever disagreed with me, I will never know. He was always kind, respectful, and he listened and he took criticism in a way that was remarkable. Yeah. Dr. Gafonia understands the customer service element that Much of education lacks. You may get a few emails back and forth, but eventually he will pick up the phone and have a conversation with you and that makes all the difference. It's not unusual to see Dr. Buffon yet drop off and pick up. He is visible all the time helping kids on and off the bus, greeting kids and parents every morning. He makes it for a very warm environment. Dr. Kafonia will always go above and beyond. He will change out the front display. Showing days off and events, he will put on the yellow vest and be the crossing guard when we need it. He will be the mascot at the Wizards game. Your shoes gave it away. Nothing is beneath him. Everything around the school is his job and that is a true leader. Others that others will look to that. Sorry. Our crossing guard, Mrs. Bowman retired 2 years ago. She worked at man for 57 years and she was 94. And we talked every morning and she said that she's seen a lot of principals, but Dr. Kafonia was the best. The man community will miss you. But assuming nothing changes, we will see you in a few years at Rosa. And it will be nice to have a familiar face when they kids head to middle school. I just want you to know how happy I am. For you and how much you deserve this even. When it makes a sad to see. To lose you. Many parents feel the same way. I've gotten a lot of text messages over the last couple weeks. The man community looks forward to meeting and working with Mr. Cohen. Dr. Kafonya, thank you for everything you have done to make man an amazing place. Okay. And we go to the line and it is. Laura Ironhorn, if you could please state your full name, your municipality and the item you're speaking on. Good, and I'm going to be speaking on 16.1. The HR agenda since I like accurate information. I'd like to congratulate Mrs. Weatherington. On her retirement and the only thing I have to say is it's been a pleasure knowing you. And seeing you in action. And I can only wish you all the best and I sure hope you have a lot of fun when you retire. Thank you. Okay. Okay, we go back to the room. And if you can state when the clock restarts, your full naming municipality. Okay, Dr. Payne, s, Sherry Hill. I'd like to. Second, the students voices here. I'm sorry, Dr. Mins, could you speak on which item you're speaking on? I apologize. Agenda item 14 to 17. Yes, so. Alright, I don't see it here. I think it's 14 as far as the transfer of the alternative high school to No, that's not on our agenda. It's not on the agenda. Okay, so and it's item number 14.5 if Dr. Morton will share with the public the full cost of taxpayers funds. That are going towards this program. Thank you. Okay, and we go back to the line. And it is. Stephanie Graph, if you could please sit your full name, municipality, and the item you're speaking on, on the action agenda, 14 to 17. Hi, Stephanie Graff, Kerry Hill, New Jersey. I am speaking about the alternative high school. I just wanted to ask a couple things. Both. I'm sorry, Miss. I'm sorry. That is actually not on our action item. Okay. I will. Yeah. So if you would kindly call back during our second. Thank you. Okay, there are any more, folks who would like to speak on our action item agenda. Students who want to maybe go home. Don't blame you. Wish we were following you, but we're not. We're still here. Very happy to be here. Please do not misunderstand my joke. Okay, we are moving on to our superintendent's comments, Dr. Morton. You'd like to make any comments. Yes, absolutely. Thank you, Mr. Thank you to everyone who came out and made comments this evening. Again, I'm overwhelmed and that sort of a loss for words to express sentiment that I feel and hearing students advocate for a program they deeply believe in. Very important is what we hope that our students would grow to be able to do. Thank you to the E students as well who came out and who so bravely step before us and share their perspectives as well. I also want to say Thank you to, Miss Sugars. For the work around the budget, you know, having the opportunity to have a bird's eye view. And watch her work has truly been remarkable and extremely impressive. I appreciate the rest of the administrative team as well who participated in the process also. To try to find a way to minimize any losses of positions in any true negative impacts on the experience of children. We're hopeful and fingers crossed that something comes through with one of the bills that definitely will help us, you know, in terms of moving forward. But, you know, definitely appreciate the ingenuity and the, you know, the effort of all involved. There are a lot of phenomenal things happening in the district. I'm not going to recount each one and every one of those things we heard from many people tonight, and every one of those things we heard from many people tonight just about all the wonderful things that are happening. I can't echo enough what Miss Winter shared about. Visiting the high school East Stadium last night having the grand opening there and just reflected on the community support. For. Improvement of our facilities. Our kids deserve it. You had to see the pride in the in the children there yesterday. It was like a palpable buzz and energy. On that field and in that area. And this has been a conversation that's been a long time, long time coming. So it's just wonderful, to understand all that it took and the unified effort to allow, the fruition of that stadium to come to pass and then all of the other projects that we'll see as well over the next several years. So it's truly fantastic. I want to acknowledge the efforts of Dr. Mayhan and her staff. Around work for preschool. We mentioned during the last meeting, I believe, or maybe before that, that there were 526 students who registered for preschool over a two-week period. Letters were sent to those who have been given a space. Decisions are due back on Friday I believe there may have been a misprint in terms of the day with the decisions that are due back by this Friday. Decisions I do back. So thank you, Dr. Mayhan and all involved there. I also want to take an opportunity to address alternative high school. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to come back out and work with you, Matt and speak with students as well. Specifics around the decision and answer questions that exist as well. We're also arranging for an opportunity to come out and speak with parents as well. So, you know, wanna address questions is candidly and as transparently as possible. So that those announcements in those days will be forthcoming. But as we as we think about who we are as a district. We are truly one district, right? When I hear conversations that categorize students as alternative students or our school and E students or our school and just West students. It, it, it, it impacts me somewhat negatively because I understand who the children and the alternative high school program are. They aren't students that came from an external source. They're our kids. Their kids who are high school East or high school West students who receive a program. An individualized program at a specific location. They aren't separate. So if you think about the populations. About 70% of the kids are actually East students. If they receive mainstream opportunities like the students so frequently do. They're going to go back to their school. Which is High School East. Belonging, belonging is essential. I think as human beings, I know certainly as adolescents the need to belong is probably the greatest need that kids have. Of what I've seen, even as individuals as adults, you know, the need to belong to something belong to a group along to a family, blown to something. Is essential. And when I hear conversation that Students have been castigated. Families have been castigated that may be targeting of kids. It does something. You know, the father and me. The grandfather and me gets gets Rowed up and it makes me think of a quote and the quote is what you permit you promote. What you allow you encourage. What you condone, you own, and what you tolerate, you deserve. Who we as a community? Are we gonna, are we, are we going to concede to something because of the potential for negative behavior to occur? That's not who I am as an individual. I don't I don't believe in that. I believe that high school East. Belongs to all of our students. I believe that all of our students should have the opportunity to reside there and take advantage of all of the extracurriculars and opportunities that exist. When we think about our core values. As a district as people. I call that core values can't only exist when it's convenient for us. But if we truly believe in inclusivity, belonging. If we believe in these things. We believe it all the time. Even if it's if it's slightly inconvenient for us. So, you know, that's who I believe we are as a district. That's who I am as an individual and that's who, you know, I envision that we will be. As we move forward, you know, during the time that I'm in this seat. As a think about individual items. There are several things that are somewhat unfounded. They'll be addressed when we have an opportunity to talk more candidly and question and answer sessions. But there will not be a loss, a loss of lunch and learn. Lunch and learn and autonomy is not contingent. On a location. At all. So having been a high school principal for 8 years in this district and one who introduced the concept of student autonomy around lunchtime. I can speak to that very, very. Clearly, there will not be a loss of electives. We just finished the high school section in process. There are no like electives that are lost because of. And allocation of space. That's just not that's not the case. The only way in electors do not run or will not run are because of enrollment. Law enrollments, as I mentioned earlier, an association with RTC conversation are the only reason. There's 22 courses that will not run at east out of the full gamut of. 300 courses that we offer. The new principal, New Change, provides a new opportunity. You know, I can't emphasize enough. We have an experience. Seizing rock star in principle of our alternative high school in Lauren Giadana. Lauren Giadana will come and add value to the High School East community. My you know my my I'm going to exhort the the new principle of east to tap into her and to use her her knowledge and her leadership as well. She will absolutely provide support. As we think about classrooms and overcrowding. Currently, slightly, but. 2,090 students at East is over 147 staff. Positions allocated if you run simple numbers that's a ratio of 14 to one. Principals and administrators as we go through this sectioning process, make decisions about where to run classes at higher ratios based upon the prevailing needs of students. For instance, if we think about an English one. Class that might be at the R level. We might want to run that at a lower. Student to teacher ratio so students receive more support. As opposed to an English 4 AP class where students have much greater independence, the ability, greater autonomy, they can work more independently. We may run that at a higher ratio. Those are classes that you typically see at 2728, 2930. I know because I did it. As a principal as well. And we do that to sort of try to balance the resources that we have and maximize the resources that we have in a way to meet the individual needs of students. I look forward to opportunities to speak more with students and families. About this move and you know we'll we'll take her from there. Thank you, Dr. Martin. It's very helpful to hear. Where things are at and and where they're going. Good information for us. Thank you. Okay, we move on to our action agenda. Mrs. Winters, can you please move the CNI agenda? Superintendent recommends and I move the following. 14.1, approval of attendance at conference and workshops for the 2324 school year. 14.2 approval of out of district student placement for 2324 school year. 14.3. Resolution approving a professional services agreement. Between the Cherry Hill Board of Education and Effective School Solutions to provide mental health services. 14.4 resolution approving frontline professional learning management. And 14.5 resolution authorizing acceptance of the additional American rescue plan ARP homeless children and youth HCY 2 funds. Do I have a second? Mr. Fain, are there any questions from board members at this time about the CNI agenda? Everybody's cool. Excellent. Seeing none, Miss Schickers, can you please call the vote? Board members you may cast your votes We have a unanimous yes vote. Thank you. Okay, Mr. Greenbaum, can you please move the business and facilities agenda? Thank you. Superintendent recommends and I move the following. 15.1, approval of minutes, board working session, special action meeting minutes and executive session minutes stated March 1220 24. 15.2, approval of minutes, special meeting minutes and executive session minutes dated March 19, th 2024. 15.3, approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes and executive session. It's stated March 26, th 2024. 15.4 financial reports 15.5 resolution for the award of bids 15.6, a resolution authorizing competitive contracting for the procurement of data processing services. 15.7 resolution for the award of transportation. 15.8 acceptance of donations. I'm going to continue with. Reading through the donations, cause I always think that's something nice to do. This month we have sharp PTA donation views for 3rd grade field trips sharp PTA the donation fees for kindergarten field trips, sharp PTA, donation for 5th grade field trips. U Penn, a donation be used for CPR research and Mark and Heather Kramer, a donation to be used for art show and no place for hate expenses at High School West. Thank you. Thank you very much. Do I have a second? This is Winters. Any questions? Seeing none, Mrs. Sugars, please open the voting. When members you may ask your votes. Is the sugars all will be accusing from 15.4 to 2 conflict of interest. If I was not at a meeting, do I have to abstain from the, the minutes? Additional I don't remember which meeting I wasn't at and my phone is locked up. Okay. So I'm gonna abstain from 15.1 to 15.3. Because I don't remember which meeting it was. Very fair. Mr. Sugars, I need to abstain from bill list 5 to avoid a conflict of interest and I have voted yes to the rest. Other than the exceptions noted, we have a, Yeah, Mr. Sugar, I had to abstain from. How long? I think it's 15.2 and 15.3. Thank you. Then the abstentions noted the motion carries. Okay, the superintendent recommends and I move the following, 16.1, termination of employment certificated, 16.2, the termination of employment non certificated, 16.3 appointments certificated 16.4 appointments non certificated 16.5 salary assignment salary change certificated 16.6 assignment salary change non certificated 16.7 leaves of absence certificated 16.8 loses absence non-certificated 16 point 9 other compensation certificated 16.10 affiliation agreement. Do I have a second? Dr. Rood. Are there any questions? Mr. Greenbaum. I just wanted to make a comment on 16.1. I wanted to miss, wish Mrs. Wellington. A happy retirement. Are there any other questions? I'd like to also make a comment to join in. I know Mrs. Webbington is online and I wanted to. Thank you for many, many years of serving education, serving the Chair Hill community, and wish you well in your retirement. Anybody else? Comments? Mrs. Fain? Just a quick question. Recuse myself from a single person or do I have to do the whole item? Singapore. Okay. You're the or the section. Yeah, the other way. Single person. Second. All good. Okay, Mrs. Anybody else? Questions, comments? Questions. Mr. Sugars, can you please call the vote? Remember, you may cast your votes. Mr. Sugars, I'll be recusing myself from 16.6 and 16.8 to 2 conflict of interest. Ms. Sugars, I'm going to abstain from 16.5 and recuse myself from 16.6. Just go for the whole thing. This is sugars. I'm going to abstain from 16.3 G. To avoid a conflict of interest. Okay, other than the abstentions noted, we have a unanimous yes vote, motion carried. And at this time, I would like to congratulate Dr. Kafonia. Who has been here for almost 4 h. Waiting for this moment, I believe. And invite Dr. Kavanaugh if you would like to have a moment to speak some words. We'd love to hear from you. I just wanted to say thank you for this privilege and opportunity to move forward. In 26 years this will be my 8th position in the school district. Only my 5th building. And each time I go, everybody always asks the question, oh, are you excited? And it's hard to say because I am excited about where I'm going, but I am sad to leave where I'm where I'm leaving from. But we truly foster an atmosphere in this in this entire school district for growth. Looking around this room looking Dr. Mayhan, Dr. Morton, myself. Mr. Plavinsky was a student when I started in the school district. You know, we all we all have grown up in the district and we keep on having these opportunities to grow and learn from one another. And every community I've been in, I have found such awesome connections. I have parents out here, I had students calling on the line. I've hired students as teachers. I'm just so proud and excited to be part of this community and moving forward to Rosa. Which is the building where I started and where was the administration building and then became Rose and International Middle School. I'm excited to come back there for what's to come. So thank you so much for the opportunity. Congratulations, Dr. Kafanya, and we are very lucky to still have you. After all these years. Okay. Mr. Mayer, can you please move the PNL agenda? Indeed, superintendent recommends and I move the following item, 17.1 approval of harassment, intimidation, bullying investigation decisions. Also item 17.2 approval of harassment intimidation and bullying hearing decisions. Item 17.3 approval of the revised 2,024 2,024 2,025 calendar. Item 17.4 second reading of policies I'll list those by policy numbers relatively long 1140. 1523. 1530 1550 2260 2411 2423. 2431.4 30 to 11. 55 70 50. 57 50. 58 41. 58 42. 76 10 and 92 23 also item 17.5 which is the abolishment of I flip my notes at the wrong time. The abolishment of policy 57 55 Policy actually isn't isn't in in in practice being abolished. It isn't completely subsumed. Into policy 57 50. That's the reason that that particular policy is being abolished. And finally Item 17.6 approval of the waiver regulation 2340, which was field trips. Why have a second? Dr. Rood, are there any questions? Mrs. Winters. Not a question, but a shout out again to the LMC for all our hard work on the approval of the 2425 school calendar. I would like to let everybody who's been in those meetings know I counted the days again twice over the weekend to make sure it was the accurate number of days because now I'm, you know, I've just gotten in that habit. But I do just want to say that it was a really lovely process. Being in the room with all the stakeholders and working it out. And it is amazing when you have more collaborators working together. The ideas just get better and better and things you haven't thought of. In ways to solve problems become clear. So, it was just a really productive process on something small. Like the calendar. And I'm looking forward to continuing that process on bigger things. Thank you for pointing that out. And that's true. That was, not only do the ideas. And processes get better, but the products are better. So. Thank you to everyone who is part of the LMC. Dr. Morton for. For running it so well. Any other questions? Being 9, Mrs. Sugars, would you please open the voting? With members you may cast your votes. Ishika, I had to abstain from 17.1 and 17.2. Other than Mrs. Tongs abstention, we have a unanimous yes vote. Okay, we do not have any items for strategic planning. So we move on to. New business, is there any new business to discuss this evening? Is that we'll move on to old business. Is there any old business to discuss this evening? There is not and we will then move on to our second public comment. This is our second public comment period. This is the opportunity to speak on any topic related to our school district. Or the Board of Education. If you would like to speak now. Please clearly state your name and municipality. We will alternate between speakers who are here in the room and those who are online. Each speaker will be given a maximum of 3 min to speak. The timer on the screen will indicate the amount of time you have remaining. Public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hill Public School District. Or within the authority of the Chair Hill Board of Education. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech and public forms. Statements which demean individual community members or groups. Or which are irrelevant to the operations of the school district or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent, board president and all board members via email or other alternative means. I will state again as our 3rd public comment period begins. That we always offer students the opportunity to speak first.st I do not necessarily think there are any. Current students in the room besides besides Matt, but just wanted to state that and if there are any students online who want to speak I would ask you to please put an S after your name so that we know you are a student so I can call on you first.st Don't see any of those either. So. We will start in the room if you could, please state your name, municipality and. That's it. My name is Jack Barangen, Chari Hill. Unfortunately, at the last board meeting, we had to. Listen to Dr. Rood. In tune the character of several of the community members here in Cherry Hill. Subsequent to that, I sent an email to Mrs. Sugars. To add some agenda items for one of the upcoming board meetings. And I copied each and every one of you on that email. And I'd like to read some of that email into the record. So everyone in the public has heard this. In the beginning of the April 9th board meeting, Dr. Benjamin Rood made inflammatory remarks. About certain members of the Cherry Hill community. Who did not share his political views. Specifically, he called out community members addressing them as dangerous, right wing extremists, white supremacists. Modern day Nazis. Domestic terrorists. And violent. This is total garbage. These phrases are highly inflammatory and could potentially Insight violence from individuals or groups looking for a cause. Making matters worse, Dr. Rood complained that there was no public rage. No public anger. No public response, no push back. This is a public call for action. By Dr. Rood. A call of rage, a call of anger, and a call for violence. For groups and violent individuals looking for a cause. Dr. Rood is pleased to target on the backs of residents who do not share. His politics. These are slanderous and threaten the safety of people invited to speak at the Board of Education podium. Dr. Roo to send in a clear message to future speakers. Of the podium that they addressed the board at their own peril. He created an untenable situation, situation as. Speakers who wish to address the board during the public forum. Now, fear retaliations if they express opinions that differ. From Dr. Rood's politics. Furthermore, board members mirroring Stern and Joel Mayor. Followed Dr. Rood making comments supporting Dr. Roods. Comments and admiring his accusations. I'm requesting 4 board items for items. A full board vote condemning the dangerous. Statements made by Dr. Rood. A full board vote condemning the statement by Miriam Stern. A full board vote condemning the statement of Joel Meyer. A full board vote centering Dr. Rude until January 1, st 2,025. And we go back to the line Stephanie Graff if you could please state your full name in your municipality. Hi Stephanie Graff, Terry Hill, New Jersey. 1st of all, if Dr. Kafonia is still there, I just wanted to lend my congratulations as well. He was our principal at heart and my oldest that started there in 1st grade with him is now graduating college in 3 weeks. So, glad to see him moving up. I think that's fabulous. Second of all, thank you, Doctor Moore and for the explanation on the alternative high school program. I will call it with its right name. I do have a couple questions that I just wanted to get into the record when we watch the presentation last month about the demographics. I believe it was clear that East is already over capacity. I think it was 279 students, but I don't think that presentation is posted yet, so I'm not a hundred percent sure on that number. What my biggest concern is, is more just about them the space allocation. It's my understanding that that that program has about 35 students that will be moving over to there. It's you know if you're taking 7 classrooms and and those classrooms for history or generally there are no art level so they're not small classrooms they're A and AP they're generally you know 25 to 30 kids in each classroom so you're talking at least 200 Students displaced, to put in 35 students in that space. And so that's a concern to me in a school that's already overcrowded. I think I've heard that the demographic study projects out, you know, that that that school won't be overcrowded, but I don't know what it projects, which is always been an issue is that just because of warehouses are placed in the neighborhood, more students than are scheduled to go to East end of choosing East. And so that tends to skew those results a little bit. So even if the projections may look like east is going down, that's not necessarily the case because of of the open choice. So just really concern that you're, you know, moving 7 classrooms and potentially 200 students to bring in 35 students. I'd be curious to see after you guys have had all the discussions with the current students in the program if you surveyed them how they feel specifically about that move. I because it's a smaller program I would think there's been a lot of conversation with those students. So I'd be curious to see, what their thoughts are about moving back to, their home school, for the majority of them. So. That's it. Thank you and congratulations to, Laquoia as well. Thanks. Okay, we go back to the room. If you could please state your full name and you municipality. Constant Stitzel, Collingswood, New Jersey, of course, grandchildren here in Cherry Hill. I'm speaking on the subject of student safety, the subject at the last board meeting, April 9.th Coincidentally, I wanted to address student safety at that meeting but was unable to attend. You beat me to the punch and it was indeed a punch. During March Madness, I wondered when in our area a biological male might accidentally topple a female player to the ground to the point of serious injury. With greater bone mass, weight, and overall strength that has happened already. In Massachusetts, for example, when a young woman's teeth were knocked out. The school board may not be able to change the safety issues that go unchecked for women and title and Title I I do understand that. But it can amend the safety issues pertaining to it in 57 56. Some 29 school districts in Cherry Hill. I'm sorry, New Jersey, have repealed or changed 57 56 and as time we view it in Cherry Hill in the interest of all students and I will address that however at a later date not tonight. Since student Staypee was brought up by 3 board members, my concern for safety is spot on. However, it depends apparently who's questioning it. It was a great leap, great leap to conclude from a single incident where a student approached a parent to conclude that we parents who question policies are attacking students. Then to couch us as right wing extremists, white nationalists and modern day Nazis. I mean, these are highly offensive labels. To set the record straight. I have spoken out wanting a curriculum that offers objectivity and balance in different viewpoints. I've questioned our coursework that doesn't appear to reflect balanced viewpoints. I'll be asking about the safety of all students at school as pertains to aspects of 57 56. The reason there is no buzz, no anger, no push back. To quote is because these are reasonable concerns, Mr. Dr. Rude, of many parents. We don't take to the microphone and are being horrible to our children. You even said domestic terrorism, shame on you. And shame to Mrs. Stern and Mr. Mayor who concur and anyone who silently concurred. I haven't heard anyone be horrible to our children or to your children for that matter. I find most appalling the frequent reference to our children, our students, You are talking to we the parents and grandparents, the children. Or not the school boards. You have temporary domain but are very influential. We are the ones who care about them. Love them and are more concerned about their safety than you as a collective of course could ever be. We're going to be around in the future for them. We come to meetings because we care. We are not paid activists. We don't like to be here on a Tuesday night. We do have lives. Please consider that those of us who speak here are very limited by time, 3 min, and to one-way communication. We really, truly are doing our best to frame our comments. To be kind, to be fair-minded. We do want to work with you. I want to work with you, not against you. Can we please all agree that we're here in the and then I the phone number is 7 8 8 if you could please state your full name and municipality Could you please unmute Dr. Padowitz? We can't hear you. My name Is Jeff Padowitz and I live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I want to repeat what I said before that that this year when you do the calculations and I explained earlier how you do them the amount our our the. Dr. Pottowitz, I'm sorry, we asked that the comments not be repetitive if you have a different topic. No, it's all right. It's not repeated. I'm just giving out a number. That's it. It's important to know that the amount of that the amount of, the amount our tax lobby is going up is 9%. That's very important to understand. And given the fact that it's going up, they're going up to 9%, that's just the minimum. That's just a start. That's not enough for you. And someone needs to look into why a 9% increase in our tax levy is not enough for you. That's the issue. In a nutshell, or one issue. The other issue is the alternative high school. What are you doing with the old building? What is going on with that building? Why are you doing the move at all? If not to make more room for either more administrators or preschool expansion, which is which is going to cost us. Of fortune all right and that's what needs to be really looked at do i trust you not necessarily if you if someone if as a district well if you go to dot. And. You'll see recently over the last 2 years there were 8 OCR, Office of Civil Rights Complaints against the Cherry Hill Public School District. For things like denial of benefits, retaliation, discipline, retaliation, disability harassment, discipline, disability, faith, disability, sake. So I don't know if I totally trust you because that's your history. Your history is people had to file OCR complaints. Do I feel comfortable about you? Why are you transferring the the students? Why are you doing away with the alternative high school? Overcrowded you hear students talk but you're doing it and plus the fact gee we don't have enough money I believe it's because of certain things you've done like preschool expansion like some of the vocab programs that you've institute, you stop shop, you wanted to stop and stop the the junior ROTC but yet you're doing expensive programs that the state loves. The state loves these programs. The state loves preschool expansion, but we're going to pay for it. That's where our money is going. Where else is our money going? I think that really needs to. Used to be considered I said before this was not the time to do it with learning loss but you did it you're spending your money and by the way you knew just like I knew that our aid was going to be cut probably you knew by the summer because you had more access to the numbers than I did. I knew in mission it in November that our state A was going to be cut. I knew a probably on September October. Thank you. Okay, Dr. Otto, we go back to the room. I really ask everyone to please, please pay attention to this timer and stay within the timer, please pay attention to this timer and stay within the time or missus sugars. I'm sorry, I don't want to cut into the next person's time, so if ask you to be started. But please everybody stay to the timer. Thank you. Thank you. Now, and Cherry Hill. Thank you for the opportunity to hear the public's feedback. Just as the board must work together toward behavior toward beneficial moves for Cherry Hill children primarily and that parents teachers administrators and others who are affected by decisions must be included. As an integral part of the process, so must public thought ideas and opinions be factored in to arrive at acceptable goals. We all have background and life experience which provides deeply held arrangement of beliefs. This worldview is essential in underlying is essentially the underlying guide to one's viewpoint in conversation. For anyone elected as a representative to express opinions in ways that shows lack of building understanding with those. Whose worldviews differ from one's own is not fostering respect. Having listened to a prior cherry hill. Board meeting. I want to point out name calling, which is being fed to us willy-nilly online and by other sources doesn't belong among neighbors, we're neighbors. Because it doesn't solve problems. It's unkind and it's also unusual, not providing a method in which caring combined with listening skills can feasibly provide whatever growth or change is needed in any area of concern. We can all agree that young people listening in need exemplary models of business conduct. This board is a source of learning for young people since this is their board. Hopefully working carefully through each issue and of course not from legislative authorities expectations that distract from priorities of our district nor according to presumptuous agenda rather than prioritizing what was actually going on in the schools. And I'd like to suggest a couple of ways to help students. First, st listen to the students with care. What are they saying or not saying? What are they intimating because they are fearful of telling how they really feel. Will listening with love help despite any disagreement. Of their various views or worldviews. And to provide a caring atmosphere. Let their fears and concerns be of utmost concern and immediate action, not shutting them down or ignoring their perceptions. Students in the last meeting were concerned about space in East, busy hallways, crowded classrooms, and not enough desks due to the alternative school students being added there. How is this being handled as a display all of caring for both sets of students? Parents and those who work in school atmosphere are concerned about safety. How about emotional safety? Do they feel safe around peers or accepted by those whose worldviews differs from their own? Addressing these felt needs with action against anyone who is not following this important rule. Getting along with others is listening and caring. Our adults being genuine in providing a caring atmosphere for all. It's a tall order, but necessary. And I just, the last part of it. I'm going to skip and I just want to thank you very much for allowing us to thank you. Thank you. Thank you for respecting the 3 min. We go back to the line, there are no hands raised online, so we come back to the room. Anyone would like to speak? Please approach a podium. Please do not hand out anything. If you have anything you can, you could, you could give it to Mrs. Wilson. She's over there in the black shirt if you'd like to speak, you welcome to speak, please approach podium. Next speaker at the podium, please. Thank you. And please take your full name, your municipality. Hello, my name is Michael Powers and I'm proud to be at Cherry Hill resident for over 50 years. Last Tuesday a pad was constructed at Cooper Elementary to relocate the dumpsters. I wondered why since the dumpsters have been at the carrot spot for at least 28 years. They are somewhat secluded spot in a corner against the back of the school between the loading duck. And the fenced in mechanical and you utility equipment. They are 100 yards away from everything else and hardly noticeable. On the other hand, the new spot is very close to the children's playground equipment and neighboring properties. Over the weekend I checked the location of the dumpsters at all the other schools in the district. Most are right next to a school while others are a little distance away. Only Barton Elementary has. Them even close to a neighboring property. None of them are located near the children's playgrounds. I wondered why after 28 years in the same spot which you want to move them The schools were closed, so I went to the township and they didn't have any knowledge of it. They had no There's no permits, no inspection. No zoning approval, etc. They said compact the schools. I went to the school on Thursday after they came back from spring break and they told me that's a question for the district office. District told me I should talk to someone at building and grounds on Morrow Cross Road. So yesterday I talked to . And they said it's a safety issue I guess the safety of what? They said the kids. I said that doesn't make sense. The garbage truck comes at 6 a. M. There's no kids at the school then. He said the principal told him a garbage truck showed up while kids were on the asphalt. For Jim in the middle of the morning. Well, the kids only do gym outside for maybe half an hour and only like once or twice a week and they're closely supervised. The new dumpster spot creates an even bigger safety issue. The kids run all over the playground and the asphalt to the school much more frequently. And some kids walk right behind the new location, unsupervised at the rival and dismissal. Times, especially at the Smithsonian. They shoot out the school door and write to the playground. Seems to me it's a problem. It can easily be addressed without moving the dumpsters. You could conduct gym class in a different location than on the asphalt behind the score. There's plenty of room on the other side of the school. It's a large property with plenty of suitable alternatives. Where you could tell the trash company that cannot pick up. When the gym is scheduled. I'm sure the trash trucks cannot pick up trash at all their times such as during recess arrival or at the end of the school day. This is a logistics problem. You know that could be addressed by putting cones out so that no other trucks can come to the loading back it doesn't eliminate the problem. People have posted on Facebook page. It's an iceberg. Thank you. Your 3 min is up. Thank you. If you'd like to leave your comments, you're more than welcome to leave them with Mrs. Wilson over there. Thank you. We go back to the line. There's a hand raised online and it is LB. If you could please state your full name and your municipality. He's on mute. Albee, if you'd like to speak, please unmute. Okay, I don't hear you, so we'll go back to the room and if you'd like to speak. Try again. Please say your full name in municipality. What display till we restart the clock, please. Thank you. Rick Short Cherry Hill. Just wanna go on the record tonight. Tonight's meeting was a complete disaster. Thank you, emotional train wreck. Miss Stern. About 6 min into the meeting, she states, oh. Well, you all don't know the financial output. That's not my fault. That's your fault. You brought all these kids out. You had a petition made. You didn't communicate with the community. Unbelievable. Really, really unbelievable. And then what's worse? Is to see these kids emotions go. Like I mentioned before, it was priceless. It was priceless to see the excitement. When one of their commanders called. And then at the end, you have kids out in the hallway crying. That is a disgrace. That's because you don't know how to communicate. Oh, communicate. Oh, let's talk about communicate. Great. So, about 2 years ago. A person came up to the mic and said there were too many white kids in Russell Night. I objected. I said, what? Shouldn't come up to the mic and say there's too many white kids. That's offensive. That's racist. Nothing was ever done. But the last meeting. Dr. Ru took this to like in extreme. Now, it's okay to say dangerous right wing extremists or that I'm possibly a white supremacist. A modern day Nazi, a domestic terrorist. No, I'm a critic. I care about our kids. My next question is this. Let's talk about truths. We need to talk about truce. I have information from Terryo West and outside sources provided me that are that are that our school is working with this Dr. Love. Dr. Love is a consultant. She's an abolitionist. She works along with Dr. Mohammed. And it's crazy because Mrs. Love, who's working with the NGA. Stated in her meeting or comrades on the inside. So. I guess the question for the Cherry a public school district tonight. Is are we starting to work with communists? I have plenty of quotes from or Dr. Mohammed that are quite concerning. Let me bring these up. Alright, here we go. We have to abolish state testing. This is from our, this is from our, our consultant, our culture or consult, you know, cause we want to bring these good consultants and We have to boss teachers evaluations. We have to abolish curriculum we have. Oh yeah, we also wanna work with the unions so the unions can take action. Mind and President. We need an answer. Mr. Short, thank you. We go back to the line. It is the initials LB. If you could please, unmute state your full name and municipality. Yeah, I can. Yes, we can hear you. Yes. Hello, can you hear me? Okay, great. My name is Laura. I live in Cherry Hill. I did not make, I did not plan to make a comment tonight. Thank you. I'm sorry, Laura. Could you please take your full name? Yes, my name is Laura France. I do not plan to make comment tonight, but I do have to echo support for some other members comments tonight specifically about the horrible insult made by Dr. Root on the last meeting to our fellow neighbors. I am appalled that this was allowed and I see it as a direct aggression against our community. Dr. Rude, how utterly rude on professional and downright mean that was a view. I also want to quickly question Dr. Morton's comments on all students that have an opportunity to learn at East. What are you all going to consider the practicality and reality of these actions in this decision? The ideology of acceptance and inclusivity does not solve all problems. Especially when it comes to reality being ignored. Please listen to the students instead of gliding over their concerns with a silly philosophic answer. Thank you. That's all. Okay, we go back to the room and if you could please state your full name and your municipality once the time and restarts. Mike, at Prescotto, Cherry Hill, class in 98 and proud parent of 2 goopers in sharp school. On April 4, th the NJ PTA sent an email highlighting the 2022 2,023 school performance reports in that email it states these reports can be Use as a total, as a tool to help evaluate whether all students have equitable mean access to high quality education. While the majority of schools met the State average for assessment tests in English and math. There are some glaring negatives, mainly the math assessment scores in both high schools. Both were way below state average scores. Kerusi was below state average scores as well. And Kilmer was the only elementary school to be. Below the state average scores both in English and math. In the high school reports there's a section called our students at risk. This section shows percentage of students that were absent for 10% or more of the days enrolled. Cherry least head, 13.3%. Jerry O. West was 19.3%. The state average was 18.1. This means that one out of every 5 students roughly. At Sherry Hill West had 18 or more absences at a school year. As the new superintendent, I hope that Dr. Morton has a real plan to try to bring up these scores. And not like his predecessor by reassigning teachers from stronger schools, quote unquote, to weaker schools. A former board member called in during that last meeting on April 9.th and about 2 h, 8 min of the meeting. She stated that quote, Remember that they, meaning Dr. Morton and his appointees, did not get us to where we are in terms of the trials and the stats that where we are. So they cannot be held accountable for those, but they certainly can be held accountable for where we need to go in the future. End quote. I ask. Who should be held accountable then? Dr. Milosh. The board members who blindly followed his lead and did not ask questions. I commend Miss Gallagher for doing the exact opposite of that. She's the only board member that I see. Ever hear or ever question items. With those scores being released, it is a wonder why It was still viewed as a good idea to allow a half day on Monday, April 8.th For students, especially the high school ones. To get out for the eclipse. When they cannot afford to miss more more days of learning. I wish, I wish you good luck, Dr. Morton and success, because this is about the betterment of our children. And we'll stay in the room because there's no hands online. I'm so sorry we could not make it work online. I'm glad you came in and thank you. I don't know what happened. I just kept telling you, kept saying, it's off me. You're right. It's OK. Talk me. It's like a terrible, like Saturday Night Live skit. I'm so sorry. I'm really glad you're here. No problem. You know what to do? Well, yes, Mr. Zerger is going to. Really gonna get frustrated with me. It's been a long way for her. To restart the clock please. Jan Nadio, Cherry Hill, I'm here as myself. Not as president of Chisepta. I, I just said I would unmute and mute, sorry. I don't think you're going to listen to me, but I'm just going to try. And I thought I'd come over anyway and I know it's after the budget vote. Thank you. To those who vote no and on any topic. Dr. Morton and I just spoke about this. But what do you know is okay? You don't always have to be unanimous. Yes, all the time. It's important to have a voice. I am truly hard broken. Dr. Morton and I have talked about this extensively. About the non welcome. Of our AHS students. I'm also heartbroken that we think They're doing so well here. So they're going to do so well over there when my own son doesn't do well with transition. And I'm heartbroken with this whole change. Based on the Q&A, AHS doesn't have an accessible bathroom. So how will a bath one bathroom assist 45 people? Because if you figure you have 30 kids, then you have staff. What are we doing about a bathroom that's not accessible? Are we not hiring people who need accessibility? What about our? Kids who have anxiety and honor in the bathroom a lot. How is inclusion happening when students will need a 1-to-one to go to the same nurse that all the other kids use? Because we're not getting a second nurse is what I'm what I'm reading. The schedule still makes no sense for inclusion and the students and I was on this committee. Tried to get a later start time last year at East. But next year the students with IEPs at A. Are going to have to go to school at 7 15 am. Did I need to bring thousands of people here? To stop this move and approval. And it's not because of what people are saying about inclusion and stuff. I just do not believe that the transition is going to be good for these young people. Because I live it. I live it every day. My son lives at home with me now. I know I only have 30 seconds, so I'm going to just say a very special congratulations to Dr. Gafonia on your move to Rosa. So well deserved our family major life interesting and I want to thank you so much. Okay. Taking back in the line. There is one hand online. It is Rosen if you could please state your full name and your municipality. Mindy Rosen, Cherry Hill. Thank you, Jen Nadio, for running over and speaking for all of us that have. Real concerns about the alternative high school going to east and my concerns are really for the alternative high school students. And I am concerned about the building itself and all the things that Jen said. And I do know that there is, and I wrote to the school board about the only gender. The only, every gender bathroom that will be taken away from the And it is not, it's not an accessible bathroom and now that's the bathroom that the alternative high school students will be using. It's my understanding. And I would like that confirmation if someone could confirm that for me. So So. I agree with Jen. I don't think the board is listening to us, but I had to also raise my hand. And say thank you Jen for coming out and speaking for The students like you always do. Okay, thanks a lot. Good night. Okay. We go back to the room. If you could please. State your name and your municipality, your full name and municipality. Dr. Plantamence, Cherry Hill. I'd like to ask. The board, president and the board members. If they are exempt with same policies that apply to the public. If I understand agenda item 11.1 and I'm gonna repeat what Miss Stern said that under established federal law governing reasonable restriction. On speech in public forms. Statements which demean. Individual community members or groups. Oh wish our, relevant to the operation of the school district and so on and so on. I would ask each one of you, to, share with the public if Dr. Ruth's comments in the last meeting. Seconded by Stern and second by Mayor. In violation of federal regulations. And if they are, then you have to do something about it. Either issue and apology to, to the public. So the public can trust you again. Or Again, you're going to ask another civil rights violation, another litigation and so on and so on and so on. To my second point. I live in this community for more than 30 years. 3 kids to the public school system. I've always conducted my life in a accordance with the truth. And I think that's the problem that we're facing right now. This school district. Have taken and just shoved the truth away. And adopted basically that the ends justify the means. I ask each and every one of you. To revert back. To truth and ask yourself. Do I look like a man? Am IA woman? You are telling the children. That a girl can be a boy and a boy can be a girl. That's untruthful. And my question is, If that's not true and the children, the five-year-olds know that it's not true. And you know that it's not true. Why are you doing this? And the question is. If you accept on truth, then that's what you're seeing now. All of our experiences in the past few years is lie after lie after lie after lying you have to now defend lies. You Eventually it comes up. And I'm gonna share with you in an email. A litany of and truth that were shared with us over 3 more than 3 years. I ask you to defend the truth and be transparent. Thank you. Okay, we have a student who wants to speak. You are next? Please state your full name and municipality. Good instruction, Fowler. Go for it. Matthew, Cherry Hill. I made a joke about whether I was going to speak earlier, but after some of the comments I heard, I feel like I have to. I just I really can't stand the sort of transphobic comments that are being spread at this meeting. If you study after study has shown that the brains of trans individuals match that of their preferred gender identity more than that of their assigned sex at birth. Gender is is a societal construct that is different from biological sex. I think that is a very important thing to distinguish for some of the people in this room. There are 2 very different concepts. Gender is the way that someone presents themselves in society. Biological sex has to do with chromosomes. Even that is a flexible thing that's been shown after study after study. They're just vastly different, biological differences between each person because each person is a unique individual. So it's you can't generalize to an extreme degree. Anyone with a degree in science will be able to tell you that because it is objective fact. I'm hearing laps behind me but it's true. And for the record, like, what is the harm in just allowing people to live their lives when they're not even harming other people? A study of their study has also proven that the rhetoric that's being spread in this room, some of the rhetoric actually leads to depression in people with gender dysphoria which can lead to increased rates of suicide. So the the type of rhetoric being spread in this room can directly lead to incidences of suicide of teenage individuals. At east, I'm friends with a number of trans individuals. I've spoken with number of trans individuals and they are frankly just like terrified a lot of time because of the sort of harassment that they get on a daily basis, whether it be on social media or in person. And they feel like they have no one to talk to you about that. The people at least are not the traditional. Cisgender people at east are not like being harmed by transgender students. It's the other way around. And it's, I have to set the record straight on that. So I don't want to hear any more of this like fear mongering like trans athletes in sports or whatever rhetoric you want to use, you're mongering, like, oh, trans athletes in sports or whatever rhetoric you want to use, teaching students to live by lives or whatever red herd you want to use because that's not the case. If that was the case, you'd have students in here like talking about some stuff. The students who are being harmed, the transgender students at our school. I feel that they have to be silenced because if they speak up, they're going to face more public outrage from, I feel like some of the adults in this room, which is. Truly just beneath the members of our community because we have to protect our students, not speak about things that preach kind of This harming students and causing, you know, depressive tendencies, like I said. Thank you. Thank you for your courageous. Willingness to speak at the microphone to speak on behalf of the students who are in our district. Who are your peers? Who are the people that we are here to serve? Thank you, Matt. No hands online. We go. Oh, wait, I stand corrected. There's a hand online. Oh my gosh. It's a 2 for here. It's tradition. I mean, it doesn't say her name, but I kind of know her name by now. So the person whose name by now. So the person whose name online shows as a wider bridge, but I kind of know her all name by now. So the person whose name online shows as a wider bridge, so the person whose name online shows as a wider bridge if you could kindly set your full naming municipality taken the place of the person in the room. So. It is your turn. Yes. Alana, you can hear me. Okay, I wasn't going to speak tonight. I tuned in late to the meeting. I had things on my mind, but I I just wanted to say as a parent listening with some of my children right now who have been waiting for pizza for a few hours while I cleaned up my house from Passover. They asked me what was going on at this meeting. Because they heard adults yelling and being angry about what's happening in our schools. And I just want to say as a mother of soon to be 6 children in the Cherry Hill Public Schools. I'm proud of Matt Rantzelis for standing up at the microphone and calling out adults in the community who who don't understand. What it means to be different in the community. And I just wanted to say that even though I'm not your mother, I'm proud of you and I'm proud of you for representing the all students in our district and those at east who you speak on behalf of. And I just wanted to say thank you and I hope that any student representatives to the BOE in the future look up to you as a role model and know when and when not to stay silent or speak out against hatred and bigotry in the community. Thank you. His mother is listening and I would venture to guess that she's proud of him as well. Alright, name and municipality when we restart the cloud please. You know, Dr. Ernie Ernest, Cherry Hill, my wife said everything I was going to say about Matt. So to not, I go that again. Also suicide from putting my e side hat on. I'm incredibly proud. I know what work goes on there and your leadership there and what you do and the constant generals. I know what goes on there and your leadership there and what you do and the constant generalism that comes out from that is inspiring. And so thank you. You, and Colin have done. I can't believe we've only got one meeting left of having the 2 of you here. You'll be missed. It's going to be a gap. You have set the bar incredibly high for what happens next. I'll say more about this next meeting and we wish you guys well. In terms of missing things, I, inadvertently did not talk about Dr. As someone who, I think it was learned me, who was knowing me the longest at this point, from when I was a 6th grader at the 1st day when Rosa came back, welcome home. Welcome back. I think you're the perfect person who will bridge. Between what made Rose amazing it will make Rose even more amazing as it enters into this new era. I have learned so much from you. It's been a pleasure. Going to work with you as an adult. Now and it's just gonna be really fun they got to go and visit and see you in that incredible office and that you are going to rocket and follow in the steps of Tammy at George. I don't think I forgot anyone. Who have served there before we've just had incredible juggernauts I think it'd be time for our strategic plan. Get some more work to do the planning. My district where I work just completed a studio planet was presented at our board meeting. I've been reading through it. I'll send it over. Very fascinating. I set up 5 goals with the 5 year plan. Which is generally is what we can do in education. I think over that we're just guessing. Because we just don't know what's going to happen. I think it'd be really helpful. I've talked about this before creating a portrait of a graduate. I know we've had some stuff in works. But to really figure out what does it mean to graduate from Cherry Hill and the values that we want to instill in our students well beyond, we're gonna have a great English. Math and they're gonna know that but what type of person is graduating from Terry Hill? We've seen that we need some better people in our community to come up and be more inclusive. And we've got the role model that from our students who come here time and time again. We're willing to speak out that we may not always agree, but our students are never just agreeable. They come out and they speak and they're willing to do so. And even for a student who came out to us to try and to come back and be like, I did that and I'm disappointed with something. Although I may disagree with her perhaps that they kill came out and shared. And that's the culture that we breed in Cherry Hill. And I hope the people in the public understand that that we are in a different generation. I was talking to us at work. We are in a group of students who have gone through more trauma. Than any student in a prior generation have ever gone through. We don't yet know what the impact of the pandemic will be. For students who not yet enter the district and that we need to be aware of that and making sure that the PD that we do brings that in and I am out of time and I want to respect that time o'clock. Thank you. Appreciate that. Okay. I'm going to speak for the podium or? If you'd like to speak to the podium, I think that's probably the best place to go. So thank you. Thank you, Dr. Rick. So I just want to say thank you to the community. Oh, Benjamin Rood, Chair Hill. Thank you. I just want to say thank you to the community members coming up here and calling out a member of the board and asking that member of the board. To be held accountable is certainly exactly what public comment is for so thank you for your comments just to clear up for board members, my comments are not a call to violence. They're a call to call out bad behavior and hate speech. That's what I am asking for and in the vein of that I will walk the walk. Using edge cases of injury in other states because of a in our interaction with a trans athlete. Is a form of fear mongering and hate speech. It is using that edge case to try to impugn the whole group. Those are the kinds of comments I'm talking about. Talking about. People's inability to form their own identity. I find that to be a form of hate speech. Other examples include. Talking about trans women trying to get into the girl's locker room Painting trans people as perverts. That is fear mongering and hate speech. That is what I am talking about. That is unacceptable. And it's not a political discourse. You can have your people everywhere. Any everyone can have their political opinions. They can have their personal opinions. You do not have to like trans people. I do not care. You don't have to respect trans people in your own home. I do not care what you do in your home. But when you come into a public venue, and you impugn transgender people, you are in fact attacking students in our district. And my job when I sit over there. Is to protect the students in our district. No matter who they are. Whether they have liberal or conservative viewpoint, whether they are gay or transgender. Or whatever their identity is, it is my job to speak up for them and I will not. I will not refrain from speaking up on behalf of students in our district and and a quick thanks to Matt who always gets up and speaks more elegantly than I do and I appreciate that your support for students in our community. Thank you. Okay. I think we are at the end of public comment. I will, just want to make one comment from earlier. And that is. That there has been misinformation about our debt. Tax levy so I just want to clarify that the tax levy of our budget this year is 3.6 4%. We have a previously. Past budget that puts our bond debt at 1.8 9% bond tax levy i'm sorry at 1.8 9% so the total is around 5.5% which includes our previous bond tax and this year's tax increase. To balance our budget given our 6.9 million dollar cut from the state so Yeah, to correct the record, there's incorrect information being shared about the text and I wanted to correct that. That's the only comment I have and Dr. Morton, I don't know if you have any other superintendent comments. No, not many. I just want to say congratulations to Dr. Dennis Perry on his, pending retirement. And also congratulations to Mr. Koya Wellington. On her pending retirement as well. We spoke about it yesterday again. I told her she sent me for a loop. She had my head spinning in circles when she told me I totally didn't anticipate it, but I'm very happy for her and Dr. Perry as well. Thank you. Okay. And with that, I think. It's time. So I make a motion to adjourn. Do I have a second? This is your