Good evening and we will begin our meeting. Mrs. Sugars, can you please take the roll call? Oh, I didn't even turn it on. Thank you, Mrs. Sugars and the entire board has. Answered affirmatively that they are here for in attendance for the roll call. And we also have Dr. Morton and Mrs. Sugars. And Mr. Plavinsky. We will, I'm going to read the public notice. Public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act was given by the Board Secretary on January 20 fourth in the, 2,024 in the following manner. Posted notice of the school bulletin board at the administration building transmitted to the courier post. Philadelphia Enquirer and the clerk of Terry Hill Township. And we will move to the Pledge of Allegiance. Please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance. Okay, we will open for a brief public comment. Before going to executive session. Public comment is the opportunity for members of the community to comment on matters relevant to the operations of Terry Hope of a school district or within the authority of the Terry Hill Board of Education. I'm trying to move fast, we have time. The board welcomes diverse opinions on relevant matters. Under established federal law governing reasonable restrictions on speech in public forums, statements which do mean individual community members or groups or which are relevant to the operations of the school district or our repetitive will not be permitted. Community members who would like to present information not relevant to the school district are always welcome to communicate directly to the district superintendent board president. And all board members via email or other alternative means. Each member will have 3 min to person who would like to speak during public comment. We'll have 3 min to speak. We will begin in the room and then we will alternate with folks online. If you are a student in the district and would like to speak, please approach the podium or if you're online, please put an S after your name. So that you can. Have a chance to go first and we start their room if anyone would like to speak please approach the podium Okay. You say your name and your municipality. Great short cherry hill. One of the most important things, to decide with the school board member. Is basically the mindset. Basically, there's 2 mindsets that you can have. You can have a mindset of wanting equality. Or wanting equity. If you want equity. You want everything to be the same. You want the same outcomes for everything. Do you want a quality? You want the personal best for every student. You want to do everything possible to bring that student to be the best possible person they could be. Something weird happened in this town. On June fourth, 2020. The district produced a video. And in the video. Hey called for equality. Didn't call for equity. Now other schools across America. They called for equality also. Something changed. We became obsessed with equity. Now with equity. You don't have any critical thinking. You want everything to be the same. And the same outcome to come. So when there's no critical thinking. Debate clubs are gone. There's no more debate clubs. There's other things that when you're not critical thinking, looking forward to the future. Like, what could our schools do better? Well, one thing. Is we could get more into social media marketing. We could get more into AI. We could become the leaders in America about AI technology in schools teaching in young. And who knows? When you don't push students. And you want everything to be the same. And you don't do critical thinking. You don't produce great students. When you're more concerned about cultural proficiency. And let's see. The dates of culture proficiency started October fifth, 2,018. June tenth, 2,019, June eleventh 20. May 2420 22 July twentieth 2021. January 20 third 2023 September nineteenth 2023 and we're still doing culture proficiency. You're missing what's the future of America. Culture proficiency is not the future of America and in students. What's the future of America is creative thinking students. You guys want everyone to have the same outcome. And the same result. And not to be critical thinkers. Don't you want the best for your child? When they go through life, don't you want them better than you? With all this equity, all you're gonna end up with is with the same. And Dr. Morton. We'll be doing DEI. Okay, okay, and now we go to the line and the phone number is 7 8 8. Please state your full name and municipality. My name is Jeff Pottowitz and I live in Cherry Hill and I'm discussing an article that was published in the or or mentioning an article that was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer. First, first New Jersey district to mandate will have black history course here how it is done. I believe it was February, the black history course, here how it is done. I believe it was February, the twentieth, February, the fifth by Miss Melanie, February, how it is done. I believe it was February, 20, February fifth by Miss Melanie, in Melanie, Bernie. This is Mayhand that's Dr. Mayan said the graduated the graduation course was desperately needed in Cherry Hill, a predominantly white district to address systemic racism and implicit bias by staff. Cherry Hill, the eleventh public school district in the state is 53% white, 17% agent for Asian 14.6 Hispanic and 9% lack. I previously said something about those statistics. That were given, they were, they were given in a previous article, maybe a year ago, in, Hold up, Inquiry, and had some issue with them. Though technically those those numbers are correct, I felt that predominantly white district should not be used. That term. Preferable but also just as accurate as that is that we are an integrated and diverse school district. And then state those percentages. It would be just as accurate. And there's less of a negative connotation to our community and to our school district if stated that way because predominantly white and that's what a lot of other people would focus on it's really between 150% a hundred percent is segregated. We're not. All right, we are an, we are an integrated, integrated school district and that's it that's a positive of our community. But however that that that predominantly right could be viewed as a negative. And then comes there was another, when you break down the beginning of that statement, may end it's active, he said, graduation course was desperately needed. In Sherry Hill, a predominantly white district to address. Systemic racism and implicit bias by staff. And students. I hope that the Union Chief There is a union chief. And our administrators. All of the administrators and our school board would have issues with the way that that was presented in this article. All right. And that's really a mischaracterization. Of our students. And staff. Okay, thank you and we go back to the room if anyone would like to speak please approach the podium Okay, thank you. Okay, we go online. Nobody in the room. So we go into the next hand in the line. There we go. Speak your full name and your. Speak your full name and your municipality. Hello, I'm saying up Osden. I live in Cherry Hill 0 8 0 0 3. Can you just confirm you can hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I just want to say, you know, with the, The new board member being interviewed. I thought it was really positive that all 4 of the candidates seem to be really like great representatives for people with disabilities. Either through personal experience or that that you know they're like profession has to do with serving people with disabilities. One thing I really want the board to pay attention to when hiring the new board member although it is only temporary until we have our election in November, is really to think of representing We only currently, I believe, have one member of the board who actually lives in West Cherry Hill. This, you know, representation shouldn't only be like of, you know, an individual, but should also be of socioeconomic class. And location. So I think it would be a really positive. Thing for our district to have more people from West on the board as well. So I just wanted to put in my 2 cents but otherwise you know I just wanted to put in my 2 cents but otherwise you know I think in my 2 cents but otherwise you know I just wanted to put in my 2 cents but otherwise you know I think fantastic candidates were chosen so props to the board for a pretty fair interview and I also read like an article about the interview and I thought the article was very unbiased as well so yeah I just want to say thank you and just keep cherry hold West in mind thank you. Thank you. Anybody else in the room would like to speak? Please approach the podium. That looks like there's nobody at the podium. There's no other hands online. I will close public comment. And in doing so, I just want to correct the record. We currently have 3 members of our Board of Education who will all live in an area of Cherry Hill that is considered the west side. So just wanna clarify that for the record. And now we will. Right page here. Move, I will make a motion to convene to executive session. Do I have a second? Mr. Greenbaum, all in favour? Hi, motion carries. Meeting is moving into executive session. Well, we will be discussing. Mr. Mayor. This is a board vacancy. I want to make sure I got the language right. Thank you. The board vacancy. Thank you so much. Okay