good evening everyone the July 2nd 2024 reorganization meeting of the CES and Township Min is now called at wo if everyone can please stand and salute the flag United States America one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you this meeting is being held in accordance with the openhub meeting act H law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the rington county times and The Courier Post on January 6 2023 I'd like to do real roll call Mr order here Mrs crille present Mr seest here um Mr cond yes Mr Miguel here thank you thank you now if I can invite R Ro to come to the F and ination us in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen amen Heavenly Father we ask you to send your grace and blessing upon the people cinon and those who govern them may they continue to find in their community friendship success freedom and safety we ask you to bless all those who will assume new positions this evening if you through Christ Our Lord amen amen next I'd like to invite to come up fron high school student Evans to sing theal anth everyone woulde [Music] weight Stripes [Music] STS or the ramp parts we watch were so and The Rock the bombs [Music] in prove through the night that our [Music] flag wave or the land of the and the home of [Applause] the ask Mr Str and our new reelected committe members Mr and Mr okay one at a time who wants to come first okay well I hope we're gonna have Tracy Kyle yeah Kevin Matt guys ready left hand on the Bible raise your right hand repeat after me I Ernest team migil I ernesty migil do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint true Faith allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of member of cinnamon Township Committee Member of town cinnamons and Township commit according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] good job Carl okay oh good wow we got the whole crew don't on well okay so repeat after me I Ryan I Ryan do Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the Constitution the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear true Faith true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me go so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of member of cinamon Township Committee Member of cinnamon Township committee according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations [Applause] sooner later top to below and you each get these nice certificates of election suitable for framing sweet right over the mantle thank you although you're going to have a lot of these over your mant we'll see okay next on the agenda have the nomination of Mayor may I please have a motion for the nomination of the mayor M uh clerk is my um extreme honor to nominate Paul cond thank youel I'll second that okay Mr yes ma'am you have to do yeah I are you will sure Mr I Mrs CRA I Mr Miguel I thank [Music] you to tell the story of the Bible is this I have been told that this is the Bible that my father was sworn into Freeholder with the first time he was elected to that position so I'm I'm honored to use this Bible yes got it five I paa swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to G and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in the stat and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God may be further soln swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of Mayor of the office of Mayor according to the best of liability according to the best of liability so help me God so help me [Music] [Applause] God do c sign it thank you sir EX okay um I guess we can start now right at this time I would oh we we have to take okay and yeah i' like to ask for a motion to nominate the deputy mayor uh Mr Mayor I would like to nominate committee woman Stephanie krael as Stephanie mayor for 2024 thank you Mr Warner and um as for a second I believe I will second that W follow yes we still I I Mr I I thank you repeat after me I stepan I Stephanie Crable do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States ition of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear true Faith true faith and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I knew further S I swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so so that me [Applause] [Applause] God ties at this time I would like to recognize former Township Mayors members of Township committee and others dignitaries who are present this even May um we have a former mayor G Smith no [Applause] mayor Conor I our Township officials admin administrator Eric [Applause] shuer C TR edmon back in the public works Kevin G police chief Rich Cali pleas um recently retired fire chief Bill [Applause] kraman installed fire chief Phil [Applause] dranga zoning board chairman Jack bener C in the fire board Commissioners Richard Petri and Billy Norman and I save the best one for last former mayor of Delano FL Burton County Freeholder former County Clark and my father Mike H tell if I could ask uh any guil to come forward come on down um the past year has been a dooing um as all years have been and um as he has done in years past um Ernie McGill has has uh kept this committee on task and done a great job and he's done it with his trademark sense of humor um so we all laughed for the year and uh I guess I can just on behalf of the committee and myself um May Mill thank you for the year and I'm looking forward to the next year thank you [Applause] uh may I have Chief Kramer come forward please chief chief just you can say right there I'm going to bring you up at the end I just [Music] don't today we're going to honor Fire Chief William Kramer as he embarks on his well-deserved retirement from the cinon Fire Department chief Kramer's unwavering commitment to the safety of our community has left an indelible mark on C Minon Township and its resident Chief was inspired by his father William E Kramer at the age of 13 to join the fire service and he was supported by him for over 53 years join formerly November of 1973 turning 16 which makes him about 35 right now and he rode the back and side of the apparatus which is a fire vehicle if nobody knows at the age of 16 his his commitment from a young age including volunteer work reaching the position of Che WX his passion and dedication I had the opportunity to talk with Chief Kramer and was able to attend his retirement event last week and I listened carefully to his speech he commenced with an an I quote we and when I say we I mean we all the members of this great honorable organization that accomplish many many things they're not me they are you and us this demonstration of inclusion underscores s leadership Chief Kramer's Journey has been marked by significant achievements including the establishment and continuation of updating apparatus fire vehicles and tools to ensure the latest safety and Technology he fostered a culture where volunteers and career members consider themselves teammates and not adversaries under his guidance and help from the board of fire Commissioners the department implemented remarkable incentives for members including multiple Health screenings and in some cases volunteer stiens his efforts led to an increase in career staff less testing the burden of volunteers and ensuring Dependable services for our community he initiated a 911 ambulance service showing remarkable foresight even during challenging times the service started November 2019 at the beginning of the global pandemic tough times to start anything the the service has had a significant positive impact on the quality of life in our community Chief Kramer's dedication elevated Department's I O rating to class 2 placing the department in the top 3% Nationwide it's crucial to recognize the impact of iso which I didn't understand until I spoke to Chief crer a higher ISO score in a community translate to potentially lower insurance premiums for whole owners and business owners Chief Kramer's dedication not only enhanced our firefighting capabilities but also directly benefited our community with potential Insurance savings as we bid farewell to Chief Kramer let us express our deepest gratitude for his Decades of service the sentiment and Township committee and the entire Community are profoundly thankful for your sacrifices leadership and countless hours spent ensuring our safety we wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life congratulations on you l [Applause] you guys all want to come down as you want someone's got to stand next to bill because he's too tall you want you want Ernie I'll be the F if you want [Applause] appointments of Township Leons for the 24 uh legislative year leis on to Administration and Senior Services is myself Paul cond leaz on to finance and economic development is Ryan Herer Lea on the public works is Albert SE the aison to Public Safety is AR the Gill and the aison the parks and W and Veterans Affair is Stephanie kraal um and the first resolution of the year is resolution 24-1 designating Township Comm solicitor as capart scatch scat can't even read tonight ke CT Sketcher may have a motion to approve resolution 2024 D1 Mr Mayor I'll make that motion to approve resolution 20241 thank you Mr Mild May I have a second I will second thank you Deputy Mayor roll call vote M secretary Mr Mayor Mr for I Mr mingel I Mr SE hi mayor cray I may P hi thank you this evening on the consent agenda and you want to Buckle in for this because unlike a normal meeting where we would pass off to Mr sh to explain these I'm going to roll through these and there's a lot official newspaper is a br to County Times with the alternate the carrier post resolution 2024-25 resolution 2024-the to invest excess surplus funds in treasury outs and government securities up to $500,000 with approval of the finance Leon Investments over $500,000 require the approval of Township committee 2024 D4 designates insured Banks and Trust companies and insured savings institutions in BR County a rich j page 202 24-5 fors the mayor to give inur approval to vouchers for payrolls Utility payments and Social Security governments authorizes the signatures of the officials for necessary checks for is only AFF d 6 provides the interest rate on delinquent taxes 20247 designates the planning board secretary as the individual to issue certificates as to approval of subdivision of land 20248 designates the dates when the administrative offices will be closed for the holidays 202 24-9 schedule of 2024 Township committee meeting dates 2024 d10 authorize the signatures on checks 2024-25 12 conflicts and special Consulting engineer CME Associates 202 24-13 designates the public defender Jeff Snow 20244 designates annal Control for 2024 202 24-15 affirmative action officer is Lisa Pion 202 24-16 additional penalties and delinquency es on taxes 2024 17 the appointment of Risk Management Consultant and insurance broker World Insurance Associates LLC 2024-25 d19 approvement of bond Council Barker M 202 24-20 app plement of planning consultant environmental Resolutions Inc 2024 21 appointment of Serv Personnel to designated positions for 2024 202 24-22 authorization to purchase through State contract 2024-25 cancels or refunds the link weight taxes less than $5 202 24-24 appointment of Township auditor Bing company 2024-25 appointment of Township health insurance administrator James a Bristo 2024 26 appointment of Township engineer rington and verick 202 24-27 appointment of conflict Council Raymond colen heinel LLP 202 24-28 appointment of Township architect CME Associates the appointments of boards and committs the economic development committee will consist of Township Committee Member Paula Township committee liaison Ryan Herer Township administrator Eric schubiger Economic Development coordinator Michael mitton and William ' Conor the Emergency Management Advisory Board will consist of Township committee leaz on Ernest T Mill police chief Richard calibri EMS deputy chief kiberly Brown fire chief cinnamon fire chief Philip tranga cinnamon School District director of facility operations Mark tindel Sewer Authority superintendent Kevin Kramer Township administrator ER Sher and Public Works superintendent Kevin B the finance committee will consist of Township comme Lees on Ryan Warner Township Committee Member Albert sigrist Chief Financial Officer Julia Edmundson and Township administr administrator ER chuber the rout 1330 advisory committee will consist of Economic Development coordinator Michael Minon and Township Committee Member Stephanie prel the planning board class three member which is a member of Township committee is Albert seis ter to expire 12312 Parks and Recreation advisory committee uh appointees this year will be Stephanie Crable term to expire 12312 24 Brian s Devon ter to expire 12 3126 and Kimberly Kelly ter to expire 12312 chicken Advisory Board that's a good one yeah Janice Smith chairwoman Edwin Blair Matthew Clark Adida g go that Ryo hosi and Tammy SCH does that go close good okay Zoning Board of adjustment marielen stasco will be appointed to complete an unexpired term to expire 1231 2025 Nora goosi will be reappointed to a turn to expire 122 1231 2027 and alternate number one Nicos will complete the unexpired term to expire on 1231 2024 and that finally is the end of the consent agenda um may I have a motion to open public comment on the concept agenda items only please Mr Mayor I'll make a motion to weling public comment on consent agenda items only thank you Mr horon I have a second Mr Mayor I was second that sir thank you Mr sigis may I have a Voice vote all in favor I I I nose uh extensions or yeah nose and abst It All Passes um if anyone has any questions or comments on the consent agenda items only please come forward to the podium state your name and address for the rest sorry no one gave me the the memo not to ask a question so I figur I'd ask a question real quick Roger Harris 2603 yellow stun Road um resolution 20242 can anyone explain what the designated positions might be very V said the pointment of serving Personnel the designate positions just curious what those designate positions are through the resolution and read them all I just didn't memorize them all um it has to do with emergency Asda coordinators Lees on the Brockton County Community Development Brock brw granting seg board um tax search clerk Deputy tax collector register V Vital Statistics municipal clerk Deputy municipal clerk and register of B statistics um domestic animal registar Municipal Improvement search clerk ada8 coordinator public information officer Municipal housing officer ve communities officer and coordinator and recit went coordinator just just a bunch of odds and ends uh positions that I just Mond you repeated r Mr har be SE seeing no one else come forward may I have a motion to close C comment on the concept agenda I'll make that bution Mr mat thank you Mr seers may I have a second I have a second thank you Deputy Mayor Voice vote please i i n nay and abstention um may I have a motion to approve consent agenda Mr Mayor I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Mr Harter I have a second I will second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr ril M secretary can we have a roll call V please yes may Mr fter I Mr Nigel I Mr I right we've just passed a bunch um now we have the appointments by the mayor uh the CL one appointment which is the mayor's designate to the planning board is Frank Gallagher with a term to expire 1231 2024 uh the class CH planning board member which is Mike which is um a member of the uh C staff is Michael midley turn will expired 12:31 2024 and class 4 is William oconor ter to expire 1221 2026 and then we have the we have multiple class fours Al alternate keev uh number one is Kevin shallow term to expire 1231 2024 and alternate number two is Michael roadside term to expire 12:30 Mar 2024 appointment to the sewage Authority is Brian dunworth to complete the unexpired term set to expire 131 2028 um and that pretty much means we have a boming again don't we excellent um and then I'd like to see if there are any comments from um committee members Mr guer uh thank you uh Mr Mayor first and foremost congratulations on serving is this committee and this townships mayor for 2024 it's well deserved and well deserved um thanks to outgoing mayor Mr Migel for once again uh doing his duty and serving as mayor in Township uh not once or twice thank you so thank you very much uh I've also been accused of being longwinded and kind of taking a lot of the Thunder from my colleagues and speeches so I'm going to keep this very short and very brief and as vague as possible thank you thank you so ladies and gentlemen esteem staff professionals cherished family valued residents as we stand on the threshold of a new year I filled with profound gratitude for the journey we've undertaken together this Township is not just a collection of buildings and roads it's a community of family and a shared vision for a brighter future I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the dedicated staff and First Responders who work tirelessly day in and day out ensuring the smooth functioning of our Township your unwavering commitment and hard work form the backbone of our success and I am truly grateful for each one of you to the professionals who collaborate with us bringing expertise and Innovation to our endeavors thank you for your invaluable contributions your skills and dedication Elevate our Township and I look forward to continued collaboration and growth in the coming year families are the backbone of any community and I extend my appreciation to all the supportive families who stand behind each member of our team your encouragement and understanding make our shared efforts more meaningful and certainly more fulfilling to the residents who call this Township home your trust and engagement are the driving forces behind our initiatives we are committed to serving you better and making this and our shared efforts more meaningful and fulfilling embracing change is not just a necessity it's an opportunity for growth and progress let us approach the new year with open hearts and Minds ready to adapt and evolve together we can build on the successes of the past and create a future that reflects the shared aspirations of our entire Community as we embark on this journey into the unknown of this New Year let us carry with us the spirit of collaboration resilience and most importantly hope with each challenge we Face we have the chance to emerge stronger and and more united here's to the new year a canvas awaiting our Collective brush strobes may it be filled with shared accomplishments meaningful connections and a very positive change thank you each and every one of you for being an integral part of our Township's story wishing you all a year ahead filled with joy success and fulfillment thank you [Applause] um Miguel thank you uh May H friends family neighbors dignitaries and colleagues thank you all for attending our 2024 cinus Township reorganization meeting first off i' like to thank my family my wife Tracy and my three sons Matthew Kevin and cot without your unwavering support I wouldn't be able to do any of this and I love you guys to committee men Horner congratulations on your your re-election and to Mayor K and M Deputy Mayor crille congratulations on your new position on Township committee I know you will all continue to serve sen Miss with Grace respect and integrity to the three of you committee Mist outgoing uh solicitor steart plat Eric Julia Lisa thank you all for a great year for all you do uh you guys baby look good and it my my wife and family tell you it takes a lot so I appreciate that thank you uh you continue to do your duty during another trying year and the township has thrived it was an honor and privilege to work alongside all of you and look forward to more Good Times ahead over the past few years s has seen a number of positive changes uh we installed a new Township administrator Eric um and new solicor um will be here next meeting a new superintendent and of Public Works and returned to promoted a chief of police from within creating a truly Dynamic team working together for the benefit of the residents and a team that can look at things from all angles and make well-informed decisions we have seen great strides in eal development with business coming in Simmons up and down Route 130 caror especially with the conundra that the Enigma called covid-19 was we have worked with our school district to place a school res officer in every Public School allowing our children to have uh an approved relationship with the police all while keeping them safe tax have remain stable with no increases on the municipal portion of resident's tax bills coming in the last few years all the while being C of our economic climate and planning for the future 2024 has the makings of a very exciting Year we're underway on a number of projects in cinamon which is Testament to to the continuity and hard work of this committee as well as our professionals employees and volunteers economic development continues to move forward with multiple National retailers and businesses viewing cinamon as a destination to succeed our economic development team led by committe committee M horer and Mike Mitten is working hard to see projects through for the Ben benefit of all cineson our Police Department led by Chief Cal Bree is continuing to work to improve community policing and keep our streets safe our awardwinning fire district and fire department led by former Chief Bill Kramer and current chief Phil draga have transitioned their agreement with the pamar ambulance allowing for improved EMS services in town the township is working to improve communication with residents by utilizing our nixel and G pilot programs our Township website was revamped for improved access of information for our residents we have worked with our Township engineer and contractors to implement drainage improvements and Street improvements in areas around town that had previously been neglected for decades this could be credited to all the people up on deas who have all proven their love for cin and and dedication to making it a better place respect and civility is a new Norm in senson a norm which will continue for the foreseeable future of course none of this we possible that our incredible staff professionals volunteers are Force the residents to all of you who have attended meetings Michael thank you uh and provided your thoughts to us on committee we thank you we are not omnison and we are not mind readers and the best way to to work for you is for us to work together I look forward to working together with all of cinon in 2024 and Beyond may we have a great year together and may God bless each of you and your families today and every day uh fall good luck to you sethly good luck to you you guys are are awesome and uh I know you got keep us keep doing your duty and and bring us forward thank [Applause] you [Applause] even SEC you're up than I'm delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to these two Mr Ryan Mo and Ernie McGill uh on the reelection your wavering dedication and hard work have paid off and in addition I would like to extend my War congratulations to to the mayor Paul condom and Madame depy May Stephanie Crain uh I'm honored to have the opportunity to serve alongside you the coming year and I have no doubt that your leadership would being on the mark outgoing mayor Mr Aron McGill I express my sincere gratitude and on behalf of our community as a resident I thank you for your dedicated service and as a colleague I extend my appreciation for your leadership and guidance over the past year your role as Chief has been a pival in navigating important decisions keeping our Collective focus and infusing moments of levity of course uh to our professionals staff and volunteers they make our job easy thank you so much thank you for all your ongoing commitment on veter of our community and I look forward to a successful and collaborative year ahead thank you uh Madam Deputy Mayor thank you Mr Mayor um and good evening and thank you for everyone for joining us tonight first and foremost I'd like to thank my husband Matt and my children Macy Logan and Kelsey for their continued support and patience and suppored me through all that I do and all I take on you are all quick to provide encourag and support when things still overwhelming it out of control any success that I have is purely because of all year the residence is s mitz I've always been proud to be a part of this community and it is that devotion that drives me to sit as one of your elected officials everything I do here is for the betterment of this town and all those that live in it I would like to take I would like to thank our Township administrator Eric Sher our Township clar Lisa Paso our CFO Julia Evanson a retire professional and administrator staff we would not be able to do our jobs it wasn't for your knowledge insight and professionalism thank you to Kevin Gan and the entire public work staff for keeping our town beautiful and a place to be proud of the leadership with within our police and fire departments is superior and surpassed areas around us it has been an honor and a pleasure to work alongside all of the earth together with the respective departments to make this town safe secure and a wonderful place to live I want to thank my fellow committee members our outgoing mayor Ernie McGill you are no doubt a man in the people and you have given this community all thank you Alis and Ryan hoer you are both invested you both invested immense time and energy into the betterment of our town and what it has to offer I would like to congratulate our new mayor mayor Paul Ponda I look forward to working alongside you as your deputy mayor you will no doubt continue to prioritize this town and is and its residents and put what's best for this Community First I'm excited for 2024 and I look forward to a year ahead thank [Applause] you this is the problem with going last everyone has said everything that needs to be said but I'm going to repeat it for you good evening everyone um would like to start by thanking my wife Mimi and my family particularly particularly the two best bible holders ever and to thank you the cinamon residents for the opportunity for me to sit up here it's an honor and a privilege and your support validates my decision to serve thank you to Mayor McGill for guiding us through the past year with trademark humor which always helps to keep things in perspective and congratulations to Deputy Mayor Stephanie crille on her appointment to Deputy Mayor um congratulations to both uh committe uh Mill and Committee Member horer on their reelection um as Ernie would say uh we're keeping the team together so we continue to do the work that we've always done um thank you to the entire committee for maintaining the highest standards of Civility respect transparency and accessibility this has allowed us to accomplish a lot in our time here every year we strive to improve on these goals and I'm looking forward to working with the rest of committee and our staff on additional ways to do this thank you to Chief calri and the cinon police department retired Chief krer and current chief drangula and the cinnam and fire department thank you to Kevin G and his staff and public works these are the people who keep cinnamons in a safe goodlooking desirable Community to live in and we couldn't ask for any better than this group last but certainly not least I would like to thank the staff here in the municipal building they keep cinnamon and running smoothly particularly the three people at the end of the day is to my left our administrator Mr shuer our CFO Miss Edmonson and our municipal clerk Miss cion together they do the heavy lifting required to keep our Township and this committee on a forward path without them we wouldn't be where we are today at the beginning of every year I like to look back on what's been accomplished in the previous year and it always boggles my mind to see it all in one list this year as in every year a lot was accomplished and I'm looking forward to another year saying it's sometimes crazy but always know that this committee our Administration and staff and our professionals are always up to the task I thank you for your trust uh with the Gabel this year um thank you and I look forward uh I would like to thank everyone for coming out and I wish all of you a happy healthy prosperous new year thank you so [Applause] much next we have public comment may I have a motion to open public comment please I'll make a motion Mr Mayor to open call it Comon than you Comm Gill may I have a second I'll second Mr Mar thank you committee M Voice vote please all in favor I nay exensions public comment is now open if anyone has any questions or comments please come forward to the podium state your name and address for the record just okay um Cory richmon 7:30 South bellw Avenue um uh I'll try and keep this quick I didn't know that this was all happening tonight um so I know nobody really wants to listen to me talk um I just I just wanted to actually open up a conversation and uh Mr Rego you touched on something that I wanted to talk about and I said you Mr scel um but uh it's completely unrelated to you know anything anybody proba thinking but um I I just kind of had a question um you know with just kind of the current state of America you know and just uh you know all these issues that we have going on across the country and everything that inevitably affect our community and um you know our level of you know this level of government that affects the people um I was just being curious as to uh you know Mr regil talked about communication you know um the between the government and the people and I think as we all know you know what I mean the United States of America as a whole our government and and communication with the people has never been the best you know uh we we really struggle in that area which leads to um you know which leads to misinformation it leads to distrust which all of that combined you know leads to chaos and you know a lot of other things um the last time I was in here kind of talked about a little bit of communication issues um but I think my biggest thing is um I'm I'm curious as to why why our government doesn't use our technology you know the these technological assets that we have to communic unate better with people and I I kind of touched on this last time us here but uh you know and and it doesn't go without precedents that are that our government can use this technology to communicate with people securely because the VA uses it um you know M I don't know if you know why my favorite work money came across your best um but uh I am a veteran with four deployments in Iraq you know so I I do take this stuff very seriously and then voting is one of the things that I take the most and uh and I'm just curious as to why why nobody's talking about or and I'm not saying you guys I'm I'm just saying you know in general like why do nobody talk to me about like why can we the people not vote directly on issues in 2024 you know like I we have a representative government I get that and at one time the representative government made sense back when people had to risk their lives to get to a community meeting back before cars before technology before the internet you know like it the the five of you cannot possibly represent the 20,000 people that live in s m it's impossible you know like we we all have different paths that of Our Lives that have taken us and got us to where we are today you know so there's it's just you've been set up for failure to think that you could possibly represent the best interest of 20,000 people and then you know take that to the next wel of the government U you know but I'm just kind of talking here because I feel like you know this is where a conversation really could happen where you know you know why why don't we use systems where you know if you guys are talking about things you know you you use one of the secure networks to communicate with us you know why can't we if if it you know anything like why can't we vote directly on issues you know like it's pretty simple you know you can at any given moment pick up your phone and send a message all of us could get and all of us could securely vote on it and I it can be secure because again that's how the VA does all their communication now the military uses their communication via internet and apps and everything like that the only branch of government that doesn't use this use this communication to to our benefit is is the representative level of government and again not saying you guys you just as you know but it's like why why does nobody talk about this like we we are in 2024 all these assets are available to us like you guys don't have to get guess what we want you can just send a message and ask us or just or just you know mayor conduct Congratulations by the way everybody but you know mayor com did instead of wondering what we want you know you could just be like hey guys uh this is what we're thinking about doing uh at Riverton Park uh how do you guys feel vot y or nay you know and if 177,000 of us vote yay and you say nay well then we know you're the problem you know like you're not representing our best interest because we just said to you that we all want this and then you're I I don't know but you know what I'm saying you understand what I'm saying um so I'm just kind of curious as to wait why these discussions don't happen or are they happening um or like you know like I I just feel like you know communication is everything in communication is everything in marriage it's everything in any relationship that you had and we we do have a relationship um you know it's it's not an intimate relationship but like government and the citizens is a relationship and and and there's not and you know there's really sorry I but you know they I I just feel like we be doing such a better job we have so many assets out there there so much technology we have artificial intelligence now we have robots and yet we you know to to to be able to talk to you guys I got we got show to a meeting on Monday night at 6:30 after everybody's ored all day you know what I mean they're they're exhausted you know um you know and the last meeting I was at there's full of people here I don't think it's because people don't care I think it's because people are too tired to care people don't have time to care everybody's overworked and underpaid you know and um and then again it just results in a in a breakdown um again I I don't want to waste everybody's time I'm just wondering you know if that's something that we to talk about me explore what would this look like um you know uh that's absolutely something we get with opposition with you about uh I don't know where it will go but conv starts at the beginning that's all Amendment and that's how everything starts with the copage oh but yeah uh again I'll I'll be back next meeting when everybody's not waiting for me to shut up and go home but but I that's all I want to say and on our man real quick absolutely so so Cory I think you you bring up two really distinct issues right one is kind of the legislative actions that you talk about pay 20,000 people could vote on an issue right the other is communication right so the legislative thing is probably well above the pay grade no disrespect to my colleagues right I'm here right but the communication thing and I know you brought that up when you were here before about a totally separate issue but it all send it around communication so I think that's a very fair and valid thing to bring up and I I know that's something that uh newly installed mayor K was very passionate about is is communication and I think we've done a tremendous job in kind of enhancing how we communicate with residents that's really on his work right so I know that that's something that he's super passionate about so uh I think in 2024 and sounds like you're going to be at some of the meetings if not all of them um you will you will start to see and certainly you know I think we all kind of talked about how we interact with residents and how we welcome that feedback so this is great whether it's this night or any night um so we welcome this back and forth when it comes to communication I think that's probably where we will go first right like let's tackle the communication before we kind of look at the the national way go right so I think we'll go there but thank you for the treack certainly thank you for coming out yeah I close Okay and then I I watched the video the last time I was here and uh I came off pretty hostile I VI I didn't realize it and then me and my wife were watching and my wife had a feeli BS I was like wow I come off very aggressive I I wasn't angry but she was like I told you you come off angry and hostile so watch some of the other readings and was I I didn't want but that's not fit you know you know first people start screaming at you but that's how I figure you out again another thank for your service on be asked that I do oh seeing no one else come forward may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make that motion Mr be close public thank you Mr Mill may I have a second I'll second that thank you uh voice o pleases all in favor I I Nays OBS public comment is now closed and we have come to the point the evening where I'm going to ask Father Jim Grog to come forward Andie the Benedict thank you Mr Mayor let us pray few hours ago we send the Pledge of Allegiance as we beg this meeting and we do so we place our solid the protection of the loving God we ask him to continue to bless all those who live in camens and Township all those who serve the residence and all those who serve in positions of government and Authority may they continue to do their best efforts through the grace and wisdom that comes from on high we ask God to continue his Blessing throughout the coming year through Christ Our Lord amen amen and that brings us to adjournment may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting thank you Mr seus may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Miguel voice code please all in favor I I nay exensions uh this meeting is now adjourned our next meeting is Monday January 22nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. right here same place you guys have a great New Year and before everybody jumps up at leads anybody who wishes to come uh with us we're uh going to Sweet Water to celebrate the fact that we now have a govern men in c m once again um so feel free to come by and say hi and I appreciate everybody coming out tonight oh do I get to do this go IAD you're oh we're done