the June 17th 2024 regular session meeting of the cinat and Township committee is now called to order everyone please rise and join me in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the Burlington County Times And The Courier Post on June 10th 2024 roll call please Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr here Mr Mel here Mr here mayor pres May here thank you uh this evening we are going to start with a presentation uh um for our retired police chief unfortunately uh Chief calib had a scheduling conflict and at was not able to attend but I am going to read um the plaque that we uh have for him anyway um and it just simply says uh Chief Richard a calibri cinnamon Township in sincere appreciation of your 20 years of service best wishes for a happy happy retirement May 31st 2024 and I would just like to say congratulations to Chief calibri on his [Applause] retirement and here is what it looks [Laughter] like um next we have some uh police um promotions and uh we we have uh the swearing in of uh police chief William obuchowski um Chief obuchowski actually you're still Captain obuchowski as of this moment right okay Captain obuchowski please come forward Ernie only for a few more seconds though and we can go word by word Billy we only to go a couple words okay you raise your right hand repeat it to me I I William obuchowski William obuchowski swear that I will support swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further Solly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all duties perform all duties of the office of police chief of the office of police chief according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me [Applause] God you got Chief first Chief obuchowski sorry his badge that's awesome [Applause] not yet doesn't count Ernie signs it oh jeez I can't find my pen got it next we have the swearing in of police captain Roy Wagner she's angry with going to hold the B he got all right raise your right hand you want me to do one line by line or one like Billy slower okay okay I I Roy Wagner Roy Wagner swear that I'll support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear then that I will bear true faith and Allegiance true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority under the authority of the people of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all duties perform all duties of the office of of the office of police captain police captain according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God thank you nice job see you we do all right thank you okay next we have the swearing in of uh new police officer Zachary Edmonson paint his hair short okay you ready I I Zachary Edmonson Zachary Edmonson swear that I will support the Constitution swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police officer of the office of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations and welcome Zach it's not off you don't get paid for your signs congratulations Julia congratulations welcome aboard thank you and last but certainly not least um Julie wheel Julia Julia [Applause] wheeler good you okay right hand on the Bible left hand on the Bible right hand it's my first time and read after me I I Julia wheeler Julia wheeler swear that I will support swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and the go governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police officer of the office of police officer according to the best of my ability Accord according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations and welcome [Applause] we can do that doing all yeah police officer I don't how that goes the two of you again congratulations welcome thank you Mr May right there would to leave us up here and and them down here we get us everybody in the picture without everybody down the boss says everybody down you knew he was going to say that congratulations who's stand next to the chief congratulations oh I will I don't know get everybody in here kind of yourself there you go this both clean suck it in an old fashioned camera yeah good thank sir s s sir congratulations [Music] [Music] oh my God how you dos [Music] again welcome and congratulations to both of you thank you congratulations I just want to say something real quick um I had the disin honor of uh two of our our my old Chief is here two of them and my old Lieutenant but I work with both Billy and Roy I'm sorry Chief and Captain first fto I was one of Billy's fto and first sergeant forever first sergeant forever I want to go in all that but I worked with Billy and it was it was a great honor working with you guys and welcome to you guys welcome board you're coming to a great Department than thank you thank you thank you [Applause] everybody want to tell all righty I guess we're going to get back on track um next on the agenda are the committee liaison reports uh Committee Member horer for finance and economic development uh thank you Mr Mayor I have nothing to report this evening okay Committee Member seis for public works thank you Mr Mayor I'll try to keep this brief Monday June 3rd marked the start of Cent's new trash collections scheduled with the new contractor iws the new schedule Chang the Township's collection from two days to 5 days throughout the entire town with this change 2,940 residents received a new curbside collection day entirely the township as well as Public Works set an aggressive advertising program to notify all the residents which included yard signs directories postcards sent directly from iws nixel alerts Facebook page ads website notices personalized postcards at Mayday distributed schedules at Public Works Rec Cycling Center as well as answered phone and email inquiries in advance of the new schedule this all led to 99% successful first week collection rate for all the residents within camenson having their trash Place curbside on the appropriate day in closing I I iws will continue to only collect sentiments and logo and Republic Service logo trash cans if you are in need of an additional can Public Works has plenty additional cans in stock at a cost of $60 per can if you have any questions please contact public works at 856 829 6703 or iws at 866 dial iws that's d i a l i WS one more update Mr Mayor ps's next phase of payment Restoration in relation to the gas main replacement project is scheduled to start the week of June 27th the following roads will be either restored half width or full width due to the extent of disturbance Church Road North Fork Landing Road Pine Street branch Pike Old Branch Pike Woodview Lane Riverton Road carriageway Chatham Court Manor Road and Highland Avenue for any additional information or questions please reach out the PNG on their project hotline the number is 833 661 6400 that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you Committee Member seest uh Committee Member McGill Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor the May 2024 activity report is as follows total incidents responded to was 2340 total arrest made 32 Total Property checks made 679 total motor vehicle stops 207 total motor vehicle summons is issued uh 164 total DWI arrests were seven and Morgan Cemetary calls we had one adult female and juvenile in the cemetery during business hours and it was unfounded uh that concludes my report Mr May thank you Comm member Mill uh Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs hey thank you Mr Mayor um earlier today we had a ribbon cutting on the three brand new pickle ball courts that have been added to Memorial Park the new new courts are open for public use anyone with questions regarding the new courts please reach out to our Parks and Recreation coordinator Christine Turner at C Turner camenson now mind you these courts are beautiful I was there today and um Mr seagis and myself got to actually be the first to use the court so they are very nice um Cinnaminson is hosting a family tennis day uh with free tennis instructions June 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Wood Park this is open to all ages summer tennis lessons will resume July 9th through August 15th and will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at the tennis courts at Wood Park the cost of the program is free for ages 5 through 14 and $35 for ages 15 and up participant registration is required and can be found on the cinnamonum website our summer concert series will be starting Thursday July 11th at 700 p.m at Wood Park our first featured band will be Fleetwood macked uh this is the ultimate Fleetwood cover band uh the concerts will continue every Thursday evening and run through August 29th thank you Mr Mayor this concludes my report thank you Deputy Mayor crille and myself Administration and Health and Senior Services um I'm going to take it easy and I have no report this evening I take it easy on you uh next is the consent agenda we have a few resolutions uh to decide this evening resolution 2024 -77 is to authorize an award of contract with Dreger for alatest systems via State contract um our police department has secured pricing for the purchase of uh the state of New Jersey required and updated breathalyzer equipment CFO and purchasing agent Julia Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available and recommends that the governing body authorize the award of contract to State contract vendor dragger in the amount of $2,822 resolution 202478 is authorizing the award of contract for flooring in municipal buildings to LBJ interior Solutions also via estate contract um Public Works supervisor Kevin superintendent Kevin gun has secured pricing for the purchase of flooring for the police station Miss Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available and recommends that the governing body award the contract of State contract vendor LBJ interior Solutions in the amount of 9,581 48 resolution 20247 the authorizing of an award of contract to Asphalt Paving Systems Inc for New Jersey Department of Transportation 2023 trust fund reconstruction of Morgan Avenue Township engineer engineer Remington and Vernick prepared the specifications for Road improvements bids were received and reviewed by professionals Miss Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available and recommends the governing body authorize the award of contracts to the lowest responsible bidder asphalt paving systems in the amount of $586,500 um and just in aide Morgan Avenue has been deemed the worst Road in cinamon so it's time we do it resolution 202 [Music] 4-8 authorizing the award of contract to Black Rock Enterprises for the 2022 Department of Transportation resurfacing of Taylor's Lane Township engineer Remington in Vernick prepared the specifications for Road improvements bids were received and reviewed by professionals Miss Edmonson recommends that the governing body authorize the award of contract to the lowest possible bitter Black Rock Enterprises in the amount of $862,000 and 8 cents resolution 20 2481 is authorizing submission of Grant application and execution of Grant contract with Department of New Jersey of transportation for the resurfacing of Fairfax Drive this resolution will permit the township to file a Grant application to New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 2025 trust fund grant program in the amount of 441,000 $60 for various improvements to Fairfax Drive including milling and overlay replacement of driveway aprons sidewalk ADA Compliant curb ramps and traffic striping resolution 202 2482 author authorizing a property lean for work performed by Public Works the zoning code enforcement officer Michael mitton has recommended that a lean is placed on the property located at block 2901 lot 61 for property maintenance VI maintenance violations which requir the Township's public works department to remediate resolution 202 2483 is to certify and or to certify review and acceptance of the 2020 this is the 2023 or the 20 okay 2023 um annual audit Township committee has had the opportunity to review the audit and the township professionals recommend that the governing body formally accepts the audit the auditor cited no findings and determined that the township remains in a strong financial condition and that is the end of the consent agenda I may I have a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items only I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Committee Member seist may I have a second Mr Mayor I'll second that thank you Committee Member Herer a Voice vote all in favor I I I nay abstentions okay public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record okay seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda I'll make a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda thank you Deputy Mayor crra cral I will second that may I have a Voice vote please all in favor I I nay abstentions may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make that motion to approve the consent agenda Mr Mayor thank you Committee Member Migel I have a second Miguel still Miguel yes I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seis um roll call I know it's not there we have a roll call vote please yes Mr I Mr Miguel I Mr I I may I you uh next is the approval of minutes for the June 3rd 2024 meeting may have a motion to approve the minutes of June 3 2024 I'll make a motion Mr Mayor to approve the minutes from June 3rd 2024 thank you may I have a second Mr Mayor I'll second that thank you uh roll call vote Please Mr I I Mr I I I uh now we have to pay the bills I guess I may have a motion to approve the bill list I'll make a motion to approve the bill list Mr Mayor thank thank you Mr Migel may I have a second I'll second thank you I have a roll call vote please I Mr Mel I Mr I mayor I I thank you okay staff and professional comments do we have any comments from our staff or professionals this evening I'd just like to congratulate uh the new Chief uh the new captain and the new officers who were sworn in wish them the best of luck in the future endeavors else good Mr Mayor uh our solicitor stole my thunder a bit but he's always doing that uh Chief owski congratulations uh looking forward to working with you even um you know we've been doing a lot together uh the last few weeks I'm looking forward to continuing that so uh best of luck to you and you're going to do a great job and to all the um the other officers who we hired tonight uh we are a good Department that keeps getting better and we welcome them to cinam Minon we know they're going to do a fine job as well and lest I forget um you know we also have a new captain tonight so to Roy uh congratulations as well looking forward to working with everybody thank you public comment section may I have a motion to open public comment make a motion open public comment Mr thank you Mr McGill I will second that Voice vote all in favor i i n exstension okay public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record you Lane Ben young 116 with VI Lane uh I'd also like to offer my congratulations to our officers and our since most of them been around as long as I have her longer uh some of them I was here when they were hired so that's tells you something I I have a couple questions one going back to your uh consent agenda item question for you how much of Taylor's Lane are we repaving I honestly don't know um can I can I are we going all of it seriously we repaid this seven years ago why are we doing it again come to W View Lane I don't know anybody lives on what View Lane seriously we did it when we put the sewer line in yeah I I I know and that's that's right seven years ago [Music] wow what yes I'm up at the upper end they could use some work no okay my other question was on wood View Lane uh it was nice of you committee man secrets mention it except I got a letter in the mail on Friday that said they're not doing it it says it says please note we will not be working on your street we met with them on Friday they're definitely doing tell them all of it it's all get done there see you ask about wood VI Lane and it gets delivered one up [Laughter] up I thought he was the other guy that got promoted he'll take it he'll take it it's okay yeah I should on Second Glance he's much older um uh my question today is how are the umbrellas coming oh excuse me good evening Jala Shepard 215 Front Street in palara New Jersey speaking on behalf of the Civic Club of Riverton East Riverton and palmy my question is how are the umbrellas coming for the East Riverton Park I noce the umbrella is aren't up yet and the sun is out and I'm going to defer that to Mr schubiger if that would be okay when you your question means when are they arriving and being installed correct yes hopefully tomorrow I can't tell you it's going to be tomorrow how soon do you think the only reason why I'm questioning it is because school's out now and everybody's over there so we uh believe it or not you may not believe this but that was our plan all along to try to get these in and installed by the time school was out that didn't come uh to fruition but we're close they're going to be here soon I Kevin's in not to put you on the spot we reached out to game time recently we hoping the next couple soon as you guys will get on yeah I I I think we're we're a few weeks out a few weeks out yes so we're talking about hopefully in July hopefully July would be a good characterization yes okay thank you very much we're trying we're going to get them in as soon as we can okay thank you okay thank you are they good evening everyone Renee ol Davis corner of Hunter and Davis uh I'd like to follow up on uh Union Landing as anything being done to Spruce it up you know we have PS and's properties look very bad as well as there's an area right before you get to the farm that has a fenced in area with rocks and dirt and mounds on it so like to know if we've made any progress on that um do we have any additional information on that or would that we we have we have a contact now who I think is going to be able to help us with that with the appropriate owner MH but if I'm not mistaken and I know a couple employees here have been working on this with me uh some of the areas that you're referring to because we went through it again to check it out actually as a matter of fact uh today again is not PSG no so there's multiple um contacts that we're we're trying to get together to take care of it okay and if they're not compliant within a certain amount of time is there anything that can be done sure we could keep uh we could keep calling we could we could submit violations to them but we're trying to work it out with them with by avoiding that if we can but we understand it's it's an issue so we're working on it okay thank you thank you then I can speak to the pile of rubble and dirt piles are up behind that building that's belongs to the RV group who actually have that stuff out there because they intend to build a racetrack for the little RVs to run around on they have a small one now and that stuff has been stored up there to create the bigger track that's the purpose is now they did mow it so it's improved uh public service again I said as I said before is Waste Management I don't know did they mo Kevin if they mow on Taylor's Lane yeah because they they were responsible for both Lots well they're responsible for both sides they tend to mow the Tailor's lane side but not the Union Landing side that that's waste man that's was yes that's exactly thank you Ben thanks it good evening folks evening good evening congratulations um Jim Francis 804 bellw Avenue cinamon um speak to Mrs Davis's Point uh the area long Union Landing Road I don't know how many of few people travel that sometimes late in the evening or in DUS hours but the growth along that fence line believe it or not a lot of times I've been down there and I've actually seen a car hit a couple of deer on and off and what it does is with the growth hanging out over top of the street and it just gives e deer just a spot to hang out in because it's the farm area up there so it's more of a safety issue and I really do agree with her it does look bad but in a safety way um it it is a deer residence and I've actually seen somebody hit a deer come out of there one night and I've been down the road and I've seen them standing along the side a few times just you know and you just take your time coming down there but you give get one of those ripe evenings and you all know what I'm talking about we are hanging out that's all I want to say okay thank you Francis thank you Mr Francis okay um not seeing anyone coming uh not seeing anyone further uh may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make that motion to close public comment Mr Mayor thank you Mr Mill may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seis Voice vote please all in favor I I nay extensions okay um committee comment do we have any comments from committee members this evening uh thank you Mr Mayor Chief obuchowski uh congratulations uh as well as all the other officers that received promotion Andor were sworn in this evening that concludes okay I'll I'll Echo this the the comments from from my fellow committee men chief o Bowski congratulations Captain Roy Wagner and the other officers that were sworn in uh one more thing I wanted to note since the last meeting wasn't a public one uh just wanted to recognize the uh cinnamon and softball tournament that was held in town a few weeks back uh it showcases our our our Wood Park uh and other parks in the town over 65 teams from all over the state this state and states that Sur round ours come come in and then show really showcases our park so I wanted to congratulate them publicly that concludes y Mr Migel thank you I like to Echo what my fellow committee members said uh and like I said earlier it was an honor and a pleasure working with uh Chief obuchowski I remember he came up and was I was his first sergeant one of his training officers uh same thing with Roy Wagner was a pleasure and it it makes my heart feel good seeing these guys come through the ranks and uh step out and and Stand Out Billy I appreciate it thank you best of luck to you and congratulations to miss wheeler and Mr Evanson for being hired it's a great Department um got great leadership and that's all I have thank you thank you okay well you're it's never going to get old so there's a benefit to sit down the side so congratulations Chief bachowski um I'm especially proud because Bill and I went to grade school together so we've grown up together so I'm very proud so congratulations and congratulations to all of our you know new officers our um to Roy as our new captain um we have a great police department and this this this Township's very lucky okay that's me so I will say something different now six years ago when I got here I didn't know one police officer except if they pulled me over which happens often um but in the past five and a half years I've I've gotten to know quite a few of you particularly U you Chief and and Captain Wagner um I don't think we could ask for better uh congratulations best of luck um we're moving the Township in the right direction and you're now a bigger part of it than you were an hour ago so thank you very much uh that's really all I have to say um and that brings us to the end of the evening or the end of the cinam Inon show is my brother who's out there in his seat usually says yep uh and that's an adjournment I have a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr Mayor I will second that motion all in favor I Nays abstentions nobody wants to stay okay no offense now next meeting is Monday July 15th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. thank you very much thank you all for coming