there you go the May 20th 2024 regular session of the sentiments in Township committee is now called to order everyone please rise and join me in the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the words forget the words that's why everyone's here for exactly right this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the Bron County Times and the carrier post on January 8th 2024 uh roll call uh please Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr is absent Mr Miguel here Mr SE here Deputy Mayor C present mayor cond here thank you uh next order of business is the committee liaison reports um Committee Member Herer uh finance and economic development is not here this evening um Mr seagers do you have something or you want me to move on or you want to make that a part of your report what for you have anything about the budget is there anything that he left for you no sir um Al then Committee Member seus is next public works thank you Mr Mayor I have a couple of updates from Public Works this past Saturday the public works department held its annual spring cleanup day 148 residents took the opportunity to recycle hassle Electronics paint motor oil and tires the second item is uh about the new trash collection the new contract that's coming up starting Monday June 3rd cinam minson's new trash contract with Interstate Waste Services will begin which includes new collection schedules trash collection is going from a two-day collection schedule to a 5-day collection schedule with each section in the town having their own collection day bulk trash will be collected once per month Interstate Waste Services is mailing a postcard directly to every single resident in town um will include all the pertinent information which you which will the information that I saw yesterday was a detailed map explaining which sections and when they get picked up up this information is also on the township website mayor uh if you have any no it's okay if you have any other questions please contact the public works department I'll get this phone number right 856 829 673 one other update residents are encouraged to sign up for the mobile phone app recycle coach on June 1st the app will be updated with the Township's new collection schedule from the county that completes my report Mr Mayor thank you uh Public Safety Mr Migel thank you Mr Mayor the April 2024 activity report for the police department is as follows uh total incidents responded to was six uh I'm sorry 2,292 total arrests made were 35 Total Property checks 757 total motor vehicle stops 239 total motor vehicle summons issued 215 uh total DWI arrest was seven and there was one Morgan Cemetery call trespassing after hours was unfounded no one was on location and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you Mr Miguel Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs thank you Mr Mayor um in regards to Veterans Affairs the township is hosting a Memorial Day Ceremony this Friday May 24th here at Town Hall uh will be at 5:00 p.m. we invite everybody to attend uh for Parks and Recreation cops and Bobbers is June 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Steels Pond Memorial Park the new pickle ball courts that are being added to Memorial Park are underway uh asphalt has been laid and weather permitting the project should be completed around mid June the refurbishments to Ravenswood Park tennis courts are also underway and we expect the same tentative schedule for completion probably mid June uh so um pretty much that's all that I have for tonight so that concludes my report thank you Deputy Mayor um myself Administration Health and Senior Services I have no report um directly addressing either of those areas but I would just like to mention this past well yesterday uh camenson had uh our first Mayday which um was a celebration of all things cinamon there were cinamon businesses cinnamon and restaurants um the police and the fire district were uh adequately represent uh represented we had banss uh and from all accounts a good time was had by all so I I appreciate the work that went into that from everybody involved and that's all I have uh our next order of business is the swearing in of our newly hired police officer Alexis Lucero um officer Lucero can you come to the front of the Das please like you call it being with the chairs repeat after me I alexo I swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the constition United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theti of unit United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of New Jersey and that I will bear will be true faith and Allegiance true faith and OB to the Saint to the same and to the governments established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear excuse me further solemly swear swear that I will impartially and justly that I willar and justly and just perform all of the duties of the office of police officer per duties the officer off police offic Poli off according to the best of my ability according to my best of ability so help me God so help me go [Applause] congratulations sign right here nice sign underneath right too many words you yeah on got everybody down here we get picture with the committee yeah right in the middle everyone take two steps to your left perfect got it thanks congratulations congratulations congratulations chair B like a power too much right very why I hope you're memorized okay next on the agenda we have a few resolutions uh the first being resolution 202 24-72 which is to authorize the 2024 budget to be read by title only may I have a motion to approve resolution 20272 I'll make the motion to approve resolution 202 24-72 Mr Mayor okay may I have a second I'll second that Mr B uh roll call vote Madam Secretary Mr Miguel hi Mr I mayor I mayor cond I thank you uh next is the resolution 20247 through which is to authorize the self-examination of the 2024 budget um per state statute the local Finance board permits municipalities in financial Good Financial standing to be subject to State examination every 3 years our CFO purchasing agent Julia Edmonson has determined that we meet the requirements of self-examination for this year's budget uh may I have a motion to approve resolution 2024 d73 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20247 thank you deputy mayor crille uh may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you sir a roll call vote Please Mr Miguel I Mr SE hi Deputy Mayor hi mayor condom I thank you uh next is the budget public hearing um which is resolution 2024 64 which is the municipal budget um Mr schubiger I believe you and Miss Edmonson have um a presentation to show us what we're going to pay for this year yes sir [Music] that was part of the presentation okay uh thank you mayor members of Township committee uh staff professionals Welcome to our 2024 cents and Township municipal budget presentation uh first I want to thank the township committee for giving our Chief Financial Officer Julie Edmonson and myself the opportunity to share with everyone the details of the proposed Municipal budget which calls for no tax increase to the municipal tax levy once again now some of you have seen this before so bear with me but I do think it's important uh budgets are an important part of what we do here it's without question about funding but it's also representing the backbone of our municipality our vision goals and our objectives although each Municipal budget is adopted annually the process is an ongoing effort that never ends and as you can see here on this slide we take a team approach to our budget process starting in December uh our department head submit requests to the CFO to Julia and myself with what they're looking for for the ensuing year uh once Julia closes out the book so to speak on the previous year we see where our revenues and where everything is uh for the following year we start taking a look at what those requests from the department heads actually are in greater deta detail uh this year I will say uh as they always have they always have but our department heads did a tremendous job I think they they they're seeing what uh I'm looking for and what Julie is looking for with their requests um and and I also want to commend them because it seems seemed to me this year they got their their staff a little bit more involved than in previous years uh to get a little bit more input which is always nice so that brings us to March we have a a subcommittee uh this year uh consisted of Committee Member Herer and Committee Member seest and myself and with Miss Edmonson our CFO we began to meet in March uh we had discussions about where we wanted to be what the numbers looked like uh and thank God we we do have uh Julia is the quarterback of this process I think everybody knows that uh who who knows where we need to be and what those numbers what those targets are and uh as I said before we are in a very good position once again but and there are some department head uh members here and some staff members when I say this I know you will agree it's only because Julia Edmonson our CFO holds us all accountable including me to this budget um that we're able to present this to you tonight uh so without further Ado well actually I'm going to go one more we talked about this um I'm going to do this one because I got in trouble last year on another slide but I'm going to try to stay out of trouble this year um no so where where does your tax dollar go uh the township is responsible for collecting property taxes all property taxes and then dispersing those funds to all the local entities including the school the county the open space fund and the fire district if property taxes are not paid the township meaning us we still have to fund those entities what the money they're do regardless of how we collect so it's important for us for a variety of reasons to collect those taxes and I will not get into the um the next part that I did last year because I know Julia our CFO wants to discuss that at some point so uh now without further Ado I'm going to kick it over to Julia to discuss I'm going to send you over here all right our tax rate breakdown for 2024 do you want me [Music] to okay as Eric said we are responsible for collecting all the taxes and dispersing the money to the other entities so this is the makeup of your tax bill as you can see 63% is the district schools which is the largest part of your tax bill 133% is the county 6% is the fire district and 1% is Municipal open space 177% is the municipal this whole presentation is just based on 177% of your tax bill so if we were to eliminate all Municipal Services you would only save 177% of your bill the 2024 budget highlights 2024 budget has no increase to local purpose tax we are maintaining all services we are maintaining a stable fund balance and we are under the state tax levy cap by over $1.1 million some of the 2024 Revenue sources property taxes is 46% which makes up our largest revenue Source 10% is state aid 27% is local Revenue which includes just about $2 million in grant funding and fund balance is 177% the impact of the proposed 2024 tax levy on the average residental taxpayer the value of the average cinamon home is $236,300 it's an increase of $700 from prior year the cost for local services in 2023 were 1456 and they're still going to be 1456 for 2024 minicipal costs some of the 2024 line item appro Appropriations you could see Public Safety is 19% which is the biggest portion Public Works is 17% and the tax Reserve is 4% and utilities is 4% how is your 1456 spent as you can see you spend $271 a year for all your Public Safety which is including three new officers this year which we will have the highest amount of officers in about 20 years dpw's 249 which includes another employe and a new trash contract parks and Rex is $44 a year which is all your parks and Rex services and 63 is utilities for all your lighting electricity that you see throughout the town get back in me quick thanks and Julia thanks for explaining all that um good news just to be clear again for everyone here and who's watching those numbers is they're based on the average assessed home in the town so depending on what the assessment of your town is uh excuse me that's another slide of your house is that could change but that's the based on the average okay so on to the uh Capital program just just a quick review of some of our services I know this one's a bit small I I'll talk us through it as best I can thousands of police calls and we heard again tonight from Committee Member mcel a commitment to community policing and programs ball field upgrades playground improvements Park amenities snow removal leaf and brush collection plan review Road improvements business assistance Recreation programs property maintenance construction inspections licensing just to name a few of the things that we're responsible for that we do each and every year and are part of this budget program this year the capital Improvement program includes the following Park enhancements safety equipment storm water management improvements Road resurfacing equipment in vehicles and building upgrades this Capital program is the result of continual review of Township infrastructure needs in consultation with our department heads our professionals residents all in an effort to meet the vision of this governing body this is another one that we've seen before status quo versus progress we know which one is what we're all about and it's not status quo I've stated this before and I'm going to say it every year as long as you guys will have me doing things the way we've always done them is simply the status quo continually examining programs and services and finding different ways to improve that's what real progress is all about this Township committee is committed to action and real progress and utilizing alternative funding sources as Julia mentioned each and every year we have great um staff here Joe and Kevin and and Mike just the ones that are here at Captain as as well with grant funding we go out and try to get every Grant we possibly can uh and we don't miss many of them and we've been pretty successful uh we don't have to do that but it's the right thing to do and just this year alone approximately $2 million and grant funding from a variety of sources which and for Road improvements Parks and Recreation upgrades and storm water management uh the status quo might be the norm in some municipalities but it's flat out unacceptable here in cinamon we are about people Partnerships and progress I'll get back to that in a few minutes let's get into some pictures pictures are worth a thousand words I have some to share we're going to start with economic development and business growth uh just in the past year popey's Louisiana Kitchen opened on30 we had a major expansion over at uh cbox facility is Elliot cinon Senior Living Community on Route 130 and as you can see we celebrate these things the they're important about how to get here to be able to have a budget that has no tax increase is a a direct result of of what we're seeing here today dog like golf in the shops uh three-dimensional Physical Therapy Tim Horton's Cafe and bake shop and the Lotus Center which provides really needed services for children in our community and I believe that uh owner is a resident of of cinnamon as well we learned when we went over there so good stories Freddy Steak Burgers in Frozen Custard if you're thinking you don't know where that is it's because that doesn't exist yet but I put it in there because they're working on it as many of us here know over at the former Acme site and it's going to look something just like that based upon the renderings we have and the other sites in the area now we're going to move on to projects uh this one is very uh important to I think the committee myself and everyone involved with the town this just this picture was taken May or on Friday uh yes so um we had an event as was referenced earlier tonight uh Mayday uh uh just yesterday and this is something we've been trying to figure out how to do for some time we celebrate at the park over at Wood Park that's where our concert series is many of you in this room have been to some of those concerts uh and I think that stage might have been from the Reagan Administration if I'm not mistaken it's been there a while nice stage um it was time and uh so under the leadership of our Public Work superintendent Kevin gaun uh our own guys and they are all guys our employees here in public works did the work on this age came out really nice um saved a tremendous amount of money by the Alternatives that we might have chosen it's a uh I think double the size right of what we had uh completely accessible which is uh really important uh and they came down to the wire we have some lighting to do but that was uh utilized on Sunday by the the first band to be able to use that and it'll be there for hopefully many years to come and ready for our summer concert series so I special thanks to public works for the tremendous job they did on that the Pavilion area at East riveron Park uh is a work in progress uh I don't see Mrs we we we also have uh some shade structures that are on order we'll be there soon uh and I I actually had the pictures and sent them to her today by the way fortunate she couldn't join us today uh Memorial Park pickle ball courts as you can tell they don't look like pickle ball courts but uh there will be three of them there the asphalt as Deputy Mayor crille mentioned earlier is now there it has to sit for a while and I'm not going to try to explain the techn all the information that you guys could do behind it it has to stay there for a while before they can come back and paint and uh get all the Nets up we're looking at Mid June although the weather is not cooperating lately very much we'll see how that goes but let's hope for June same thing oh I almost skipped this one Interstate Waste Services again miss Evanson mentioned the contract uh that's part of this budget uh they are starting in a couple of weeks we're trying to get the word out uh they have new trucks that have been ordered and and in I believe right Kevin so we're looking forward to that service uh and for the residents it's going to be transition we're going to work with residents as best we can we ask that you bear with us as best you can as well thank you uh think it's going to be improved services Ravenswood Park tennis courts again familiar all we have is asphalt but that's because they're in the middle of the project that is a reconstruction that was very much needed very off used tennis courts in our community uh they are getting a re reconstruction and should be done hopefully mid June as well whoops skipping ahead not pictured are several road projects which are now in the design stage and about to be underway which are the result of several million dollars of grant funding including uni Landing Road sidewalks tailers Lane reconstruction Morgan Avenue Fork Landing Road and Pheasant Run Drive these are all projects that the money the funds have already been received grant funding approved and uh when you work with the funding sources especially with the state there's a process we're we're working through that and those are projects on the horiz horon in addition to those projects in this budget this Capital program are road projects projects which will focus on drainage and storm water management including pens hawen Street Inman Street Hunter and drive among others not pictured but important now let's move on to people who make all of this work and I know all everyone on committee agrees with me it is about everyone that that we do business with um there is not just one phase of camenson but there are many phases and many voices that fact really makes my day as an administrator uh not only do I not need to be reminded of that sentiment as I recently was it is exactly the type of organizational culture that we are promoting here in sentiments and and frankly it's one of the Hallmarks of good government so just a few shots of the people who who make this all work our employees each year we've been recognizing employees who are nominated by their colleagues to be the employee of the year Janine mclin Colin Stringham oh and there's Sergeant sarasty as well this year thank you guys uh businesses this is the uh javani family who have brought to us the development of the former Tri burough site uh the you saw some photos of the the Popeye's kitchen and Tim Horton and we're working on some other things on that site as well it's one of our goals for this year our veterans and emergency responders are are part of this and we celebrate them uh we as was just referenced we have an event on Friday our volunteers Mr Miguel you know what's coming um Aaron Clark by the way saying I think at five or six events while she was in high school as part of our um celebrations that we have she sang the national anthem God Bless America uh several times um Public Safety officers we saw tonight we we sworn in another officer who's going to be part of our team and we celebrate that too we've done that this is uh Sergeant mclavy most recently uhoh that's faces featuring Rod Stewart I don't know how that made that in here thank you sorry just making sure everyone's keeping up with us here that was for you um Community leaders so no Chuckles out of that Ernie by the way Mr Migel I thought okay thanks umor so we celebrate our community leaders the people who represent the other public entities uh Chief Kramer here uh who's still very involved in the community uh students and Public Safety officers there may or may not be truth to the rumor that a guy in wing tips threw six touchdown passes this day I I I can't verify that for sure um but this was football with the cops that Sergeant sarasty uh coordinated and I think there was 20 plus children out there that day last July and those are the types of things we're going to keep doing and we're able to because again of how we handle our our funding students engaged in public service we have student government day here some of you have seen this was a little extra this year because uh now cranberry is is the state juice of new the state juice of New Jersey due to the efforts of cinnamons and students their teacher several of our state legislators including Senator Troy Singleton that was a fun day and our elected officials working together here we have Committee Member Herer uh Committee Member uh Miguel and Senator Troy Singleton uh it's about progress and policy and working together and we do that here in cinon all right again you've seen this before it's a segue for me bear with me please these are the three Rs of good government according to me and others by the way responsibility relationships and responsiveness responsibility is about always owning what you're doing and being held accountable responsiveness is taking action and sometimes just listening and being engaged with the people with whom you work and the people that you're held accountable to and finally which leads us to the next um set of slides it's about building relationships building Partnerships with all the stakeholders in our community that is at our core in cenum the cinnamon fire district cinnamon School District cinnamon sewage Authority the cinnamon branch of the Burlington County Library the township of Lumberton the township of moristown bear with me I'll get back to that burrow of riveron the county of Burlington the state of New Jersey they have cool logos all these and the United States stes federal government I think American water and psng why are the logos of all these public entities and sentiments in Township our Municipal budget presentation why are they up here today you've heard this say me say this before because leadership and progress does not occur in a vacuum and neither does good government every single one of those entities that we uh showed today uh tonight has partnered with us in some fashion shared services grant funding policy development Mutual Aid and sometimes just getting input and feedback and guidance that's what smart growth and good government is all about last slide I promise uh our look ahead this is going to look e leas uh familiar to the governing body Whoever has been here in the past because it has very similar based upon our our prudent fiscal management our thoughtful planning the past several years the municipal tax rate is projected to remain stable as it has for the past eight consecutive years eight consecutive years has been no Municipal tax increase in cinon but what we're going to do that while maintaining a very healthy fund balance which Miss Edmonson alluded to earlier which is really important because sometimes I think well I know not many municipalities are able to stabilize their tax rates and those who do are often depleting their fund balance in order to do so that's not what's happening here it's staying the same as it was the previous year and our auditor is telling us we're in a very good position for an extraordinary event or expense or something that's unfor that's important for all of us moving forward that is not the case excuse me I already said that the sentiments and team under the leadership of the township committee actively and aggressively seeks grant funding and shared service opportunities to maintain this position now on occasion there are uncontrollable factors including inflation unfunded mandates and extraordinary events we can't account for them but that's why we are where we are because we plan for them as best we can there are no guarantees history has shown that tax increases are sometimes necessary but the fact of the matter is the planning of this Township committee has placed our community in an outstanding financial position to meet that goal of high level fiscal management the township will continue to evaluate our Municipal operations to stabilize expenses while maintaining Services continue the quality Economic Development and if you look here our goals for this year completing the Redevelopment of the former Acme site the former Triboro site which we've made great strides continue to attract businesses to successful retail centers like the shops Mainline shopping center is a is a main focus for us this year and then our industrial Zone uses are often uh on this slide and will continue to be the township committee has a Clear Vision it is clear uh when you when you see when you read the things that I'm sharing with you today it's not just a dream or wishful thinking it's actual real action and progress and some of you may know there's a framed photo in the office that I utilize here at Town Hall um some of you have commented about it it's about the importance of teamwork and the quote on that is that it's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit I think that really encapsulates what we're all about here couple more couple more notes committee as many of you know they reported tonight on their liaison ships if you will we work through a Le liaison structure each member is assigned a certain programs and services to oversee they take that structure and responsibility very seriously believe me I have the phone calls to prove it and it it it really works seriously um I'm really fortunate to be part of this team uh they do what's right not what's easy a team that understands uh the greatest interest is not self-interest it's the public interest that is our reality action and results and this is what we call progress here in cinamon we are different in many ways in cinam Minon um we're different from other municipalities and then even everyone who comprises this community we are different in in several ways but we are united by the fact that we have a commitment to the community so once again people partnership and progress that's our foundation these are our goals and I hope I'm back here once again next year giving you very similar information um so Julie and I are very proud to present this to you uh mayor conduct committee members thank you once again we are very happy to present this no tax increase budget to you this year for your consideration and we thank you because you provide the stewardship for us to be able to make this happen thank you thank you thank you thank you Mr thank you thank you J thank you both okay wait what okay I will make a motion um to open public comment on resolution 2024 64 may I have a second I'll second that Mr Man thank you Mr seagis Voice vote all in favor I I I I Nays extensions public comment on resolution 20 2464 is now opened uh please identify yourself give your name and address for the record Gary Hind 808 Turner Avenue sentiments and I just want to say that was really informative this is the first time I've been I come a lot and first time I've ever been here for something that really spells out what we're doing in our community and you did an excellent job thank you thank you thank [Music] you J Shephard 215 Front Street pamara New Jersey speaking on behalf of the Civic Club of Riverton East Riverton and palara I'm just going to ditto everything that Jerry hin said and like I said a lot of times I come out here but I guess it's not for the budget but I think it was explained great I think it was very great and thank you both I mean it was on a level that I can understand I mean I'm I'm a college graduate but some of these things you know when you graduated a lot of years ago things will get changed I wanted to and I wanted to thank Joe uh because as you know I always talk about the sidewalk um I know it's coming but I just wish it would come a little faster and um I'm thankful that you were talking about the uh Parks uh I did go out to every Park and every Park did have a problem so I did see Ravens Hood Park and everything but um I'm waiting for the uh coverings to come I know they're coming I know they're ordered but I just want you to know that deep in my heart I wish to could here a little bit faster uh I just wanted to like I said I just wanted to thank Joe now last year in May or June there was a group called cic cares and it was supposed to be a cross between policemen firemen Educators citizens and the community and I noticed that when they were talking about Partnerships today uh under relationships I didn't see anybody mention syic cares is that something being different I mean am I Ian I'm a part of Senate cares because uh they had asked you know for different people from different communities because it's across all communities and it's about relationships and I didn't hear anybody say anything about it I know that when Renee Davis is here uh she speaks on that but I didn't hear anything about it tonight yeah I know they are part of the that's an initiative of the municipal Alliance and I do believe they were at mayday uh yesterday but I'm not sure um Mr yes mayor you're you're correct that that did come out of Municipal Alliance I try to cover as best I can okay we'll partner with anybody to make this community better I know there's been some meetings um haven't heard much lately but I can reach out see where we are because um that the date for it would be June 29th and is at sentiments in high school I think you're referring to the health fair the health fair the health fair so it's run by I think part of the school and correct yes and so we're we're aware we're just waiting for some of the details and I'm we're going to get that all out on all of our um Outlets as well like any of our other events yeah we'll probably hear about it in the next June meeting I guess no no hopefully before that next our next meeting is June yes sorry I think the next meeting we might hear about it thank you Julia she has to translate sometimes thank you Julia okay for me umor thank you I hope everybody has a nice weekend you got it thank you sheer thank you oh excuse me what about the chief he's leaving is there anything planned for him um or was there something already planned and I missed it oh you already missed it no no he he he will be retiring at the end of this month and I believe we are having something for him I just we haven't nailed everything down yet excuse me so when when we do we we will we will make that very public okay thank you yep thank you okay seeing no one else come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on resolution 2024 64 I'll make that motion Mr thank you Mr McGill may I have a second I'll second thank you uh Voice vote please all in favor I I Nays abstentions okay may I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 64 Mr go ahead no Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24- 64 thank you I will second that a roll call vote please yes Mr Miguel hi Mr SEC hi Deputy Mayor hi mayor cond hi thank you next on the agenda is uh public hearing ordinance which was introduced I believe either earlier this month or late last month um on it's ordinance 202 24-5 authorizing the capital Improvement improvements appropriating 2, 395,000 the authoring author authorizing of the issuance of General obl obligation Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of up to $1,992 uh as Mr shuer just outlined the finance committee met to discuss proposed Capital Improvements and the total amount to be funded is $2,395 th000 the required down payment to be appropriated in the operating budget is $14,700 the amount of a grant from the county library commission is $300,000 and the amount of the bond anticipation note is [Music] $1,992 uh may I have a motion to open public comment on ordinance 202 24-5 Mr Mayor I'll make that uh motion to open public hearing on ordinance 20245 thank you may I have a second I'll second thank you a Voice vote all in favor I I I abstentions nay public comment on ordinance 20245 is now open please state your name and address for the record except for [Laughter] you Ben young 116 would viw Lane uh I know we haven't done any Paving and I know that we always had a rolling Bond turnover over the years when I was involved each year we retired bonds and we kind of kept it even since we haven't done any Paving are we not are we not bonding any asphalt paving anymore what have we set aside for it like it was 9 used to be 900,000 which I'm sure today is much bigger this year it's only 500,000 so what's going to happen when we have to pave again is it going to have to jump now we've been rolling this and keeping it even over the years has it gone down has it been reduced because we haven't been Paving yeah it has yeah because somewhere in there I know you keep the budget even but somewhere in there it's going to step up again I'm just curious to that question GNA pay you link just thought I'd threw that in thank you thank you Mr Y is getting all right seeing no one come forward I have a close a motion to close public comment on ordinance 202 24-5 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you sir I will second that Voice vote please all in favor I I nay abstentions okay may I have a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-5 I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 D5 thank you Mrs crille may I have a second I'll I'll second that sir thank you uh roll call vote please yes may Mel I Mr I mayor hi I uh next is uh the ordinance 2024-25 salary ordinance um and a brief explanation in accordance with uh past practices and commensurate with the adoption of the municipal budget uh M Edmonson has recommended that the salary ordinance is amended to address anticipated 2024 salaries uh may I have a motion to open public comment on 2024-25 D6 is now open please state your name and address for the record it's quiet seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 20246 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you sir I will second that Voice vote please all in favor I I Nays abstentions uh may I have a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-6 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you may I have a second I'll second thank you a roll call vote please yes mayor Mr migu hi Mr s hi Deputy Mayor cond I'm sorry deputy mayor cille up got all um it's ordinance day okay ordinance 202 24-7 in accordance with regulating removal of trees on private property and amending chapter 450 of the Township Code entitled trees um the 2023 tier a ms4 permit renewal requires permit at a minimum to adopt and enforce a CommunityWide ordinance to control tree removal and replacement for all types of properties where the municipality has jurisdiction this ordinance establishes requirements for tree removal and replacement in cinamon and Township to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff to promote infiltration of rainwater into the soil and to protect the environment public health safety and Welfare since this ordinance was tabled by the governing body on April 15th New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection provided a notice to municipalities which reduces the burden on property owners and businesses it appears that a number of residents across New Jersey expressed concern regarding the original requirements There Is Now language in the proposed ordinance regarding a onetoone removal replacement requirement in addition there is now a mechanism to permit residents to plant trees trees which are not listed in the ruter University native tree list and residents will be afforded the opportuni to submit to the Department of Public Works a request to plant an unlisted tree finally under the new proposal residents will have the option to contribute to a municipal tree Fund in lie of replanting even if sufficient space to replant is available on the property uh Mr barbadoro our engineer superintendent of Public Works Kevin gun Township solicitor Carin saginario and Mr Shu bigger have reviewed reviewed the proposed provisions of the ordinance and jointly recommended approval by the governing body so may I have a motion to open public comment on ordinance 2024-the all in favor I I I nay extensions okay public comment on ordinance 20247 is now open please state your name and add address for the record thank you Mr Mayor thank you uh first of all I want to thank you for tabling this previously and allowing them to make some adjustments but I I came away somewhat a little more confused with the revisions that I on some places for instance they took the tree table out which was the one: one two: one 3:1 four: one but they they didn't give you a replacement caliber I mean if you take down a 36 inch tree you got to put up a 36 inch tree that doesn't make sense but it doesn't say that it doesn't give you any reading in terms of what the size of replacement needs to be um another question I had was if a tree is diseased or dead do we and we take take it down do we have to replace it I guess we're the most affected as I said before although I will tell you frankly uh this is getting really into your own personal business because if you take a tree down in your property they're going to tell you what tree you can plant back I don't buy that but that's what it says uh nothing like government you're sitting in your backyard back um don't don't think anyone up here thinks any differently than that I mean it's it's serious yeah it's it's a Ser the other so I have some questions one we had some storms come through a couple years ago we lost 55 trees I know the country club lost a ton of trees I say in in the in the cemetery you lost 55 in the yeah I'm speaking mostly for on behalf of like tree in my backyard you'd never know it came down because my wife would never tell you uh because she going to plant what she wants to plant the what's what's the rules for that I don't understand they don't not spelled out here are you telling me I have to we plant 55 new trees because an act of God took the 55 trees down that I don't know but what what I what I am going to do is I'm going to engage Mr barbadoro who has been through this entire thing with a fine tooth comb Joe and I know each other I know you do serious to to answer some of your questions good to see you all right so let's uh let's go right down the line answer the first one regarding the size of the tree uh you can pick whatever caliber you want you cut a tree down the tree has to get replaced doesn't matter what size it is so I if I cut down a 36 in I can put up a 4 in put down whatever tree you want and that was part of removing that that tree replacement table it was a great job by the way thank you the uh the second question I believe was about disease dead or dying trees uh those are exempt from tree those are exempt from the replacement really clear on that but they are that is yeah it's it's in the exemption section on the okay and storm loss uh again that's a tree that would technically it was blown over would die exemp now become a hazard tree so that would be exempt okay yeah my only last question at the cemetery we have gone into a tree replacement program without this because we want trees situated around actually some of our clients if you will family members want plant trees in memory can we Bank those get credit in advance that is a good question uh that's a good question that's not something that is not something that we consider it's like buy it's like buying a grave in advance right I believe you You' mentioned that too me offline and and that one that one's got me scratching in my head I mean Ser like we have right now we have a request for like 70 trees yeah and I and I'm not in a program to do anything right now but I'd like to landbank my 70 threes if I could smart makes sense all right I I is this something we can consider down the future down the road sure absolutely okay I'm out of questions that's good because I've been out of answers since you started thanks thanks Ben J Francis 804 biew Avenue camenson um my question uh I live on a very small property yes okay I have a tree right now in all honesty that needs to come down which is two times the size of my house but I don't want to put another tree back in the same spot and I don't want to put another Tree on my property so where where does that lie with the rest of us here like we take one down and I don't want to have to buy another tree to put on someone else so where do we where's the adjustment here so there there is a an alternative an alternative to replanting in which you can um contribute I believe it's $50 to a tree planting fund that's the township is going to open so in L of replanting a tree you can contribute $50 to the fund and you will not be required to replant the tree anymore okay and there's so there's also exemptions too so I mean we would have to take a look at where the tree is is it close to your house is it is it maybe in danger of falling onto your house or some other structure a this one tree that I have right now is at a point that I need to have it taken down in a serious way it's between the middle of two homes the homes are only spread by 20 I mean side to side it's less than 50 ft apart and it's 40t tall so yeah so you know if if you want um you can meet with myself or Kevin we could maybe take a look at the tree and give you some guidance on on how to approach that whether or not it could be declared a nuisance tree um in which case you can remove it without the replacement requirement or if it's not you can still remove it obviously but you would have to just contribute that $50 to the fund um there is no permanent process or anything like that is that like $50 per tree like say somebody once it has a property and moves in on a property they got uh because I'm a contractor four or five trees and camenson and they go well they're just in the way we're we're Landscaping so is that $50 just for the one time fee or is that $50 for every tree that that gets taken down it would be $50 for every tree that gets taken down if you can't replan it on your property or if you don't want to repl it on your property excuse me okay thank you thank you yeah yes mhm you're allow four trees every five years oh excuse me yeah you're right I'm sorry so yeah that's huge it is Big so good job good job so he is right there excuse me on that one there there is an exemption where as a resident if you remove four or less trees within a 5year period you won't be required to replant but that is a that is a rolling total right so you remove Three Trees year one you remove two more in year five you then be required to replant that's a that's a big one I apiz it's all good thanks Joe good evening Genie Francis 804 Belleview Avenue I do have some questions I am a retired Master Gardener my background is in botney and I'm a Hunter okay and so we live back on the farm yeah and so I don't even want to say the property that we live on we've been in for 46 years my grandparents were in for 80 years when we moved in we had to remove 28 trees to even see the house so we have some trees that are older and the neighborhood we have you know we've had trees hit by lightning we've had a whole lot and I don't think does cinnamon have a shade tree committee no they don't so I think that's one of the ele elements that's missing so that we would understand what that means because I think for the back for me on the back of Hunter's Farm is very different than someone who lives on Dolores Avenue so you know them taking down a major tree is one thing us stuck with these especially right now silver maple seedlings that are coming up everywhere um we've had nuisances and so I think that needs to be put in there also and probably a committee for the shade tree thank you sure thank you Mr Francis okay seeing no one else come forward um may have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2024 D7 I'll make a motion to close public comment on ordinance 202 24-7 thank you Mrs CRA may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagis uh Voice vote please all in favor I nay exstension okay I will make a motion to approve ordinance 2024-the tonight we have a raffle in the Cent agenda for Temple Sinai for 62324 um and that is the end of the consent agenda may I have a motion to approve do we have to do we have to comment on that I don't think so okay may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda thank you Mr McGill may I have a second I'll second thank you roll call vote Please Mr Mill I Mr s i Deputy Mayor crra I mayor cond I thank you uh now next is approval of minutes for May 6th 2024 and May 6 2024 closed session may have a motion to approve the minutes of both may 624 and May 6 2024 closed Mr Mayor I'd like to make that motion to approve the minutes thank you Mr sigis may I have a second I'll second thank you Mrs crille uh roll call vote Please Mr Mel uh I Mr hi mayor hi mayor I approval of bills I guess we got to pay them don't we um I have a motion to approve the bill list I'll make a motion to approve the bill list I will second that and can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Miguel hi Mr SE hi Deputy Mayor I mayor I thank you all right this brings us to staff and professional comments do we have anything from the staff or the professionals this evening Mr Sho bigger I you need to talk you need to talk a little bit tonight no good gentlemen Kevin Joe you guys good Mike you good Mike you good okay um then public comment may I have a motion to open public comment I'll make a motion to open a public comment Mr Mayor I will second that Mr sigis a Voice vote all in favor I I Nays and abstentions okay public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record everybody's talked out for the night looks like it nothing Mike tonight huh okay may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make the motion to close a close public comment thank you Mr seus may have a second I'll second thank you Mrs crel a Voice vote please all in favor I I abstentions Nays okay uh committee comment do we have any com comments from members of committee this evening uh i' just like to thank the public works department my Lis on responsibility for their except exceptional work in constructing the new stamped concrete stage at Wood Park it's a fantastic Edition particularly for our com our summer concert series so thank you guys also to CFO Julia Edmonson our administrator Eric schubiger and our dedicated finance committee and everyone who played a role in the budget process I extended my thank you for your invaluable contributions in developing the sentiments in Township 2024 budget your hard work meticulous planning and collaborative efforts are crucial in ensuring the financial stability and prosperity of our Township so thank you that's it for me Mr Mayor okay Mr Miguel I like to just Echo with uh my colleague set up here you guys did a fantastic job uh you you did your duty we appreciate it thank you Public Works Joe and all of our rest of our staff thank you okay well I know while we all collectively take great pride in our budget a special thanks does go to Julia our CFO she works tirelessly throughout the year in this process so she deserves she does a round of applause from us and our community for you know keeping us where we need to be and I also want to thank everybody involved Eric does a lot it it contribut a lot as well as Committee Member Herer and Committee Member sress in regards to making sure this budget's where it needs to be so thank you all this is the part I hate about going last everything that I need to say has already been said um thank you guys for I mean the budget this is eight years in a row without a municipal Levy increase uh it doesn't happen without without the the two of you it doesn't happen without the department heads it doesn't happen without the employees Everybody Plays a part in this but but um Julia and Eric are are huge in keeping this where it is um the stage I I it's beautiful um I I it's it's a million per improvement over what was there um I know I dropped things through that great myself and and they never showed up so I don't know where they went but that doesn't happen again it's it's it's um it's ADA Compliant and it will be there for a long time and the fact that all the concrete work was done in house is absolutely amazing so thank you very much um and that's really uh it's I've repeated everything that everyone else said so I think I'm done um next on the agenda is an executive session um Mr saginario how long do you think we're going to be uh I would I would suggest 35 to 40 minutes with no action to be taken taken after executive session okay uh may I have a motion to go into executive session I'll make that motion Mr Mayor to go into executive thank you Mr McGill may I have a second I'll second uh Voice vote please all in favor I nay abstentions Okay resolution 2024 74 authorizing executive session for attorney client matters has been approved we will be back in a half an hour give or take um so if you guys have nothing to do you can hang out and we'll be back if not thank you if not thank you let's do something all right I have a motion to return to open session I'll make that motion to return to open session please may I have a second I'll second Voice vote please all in favor I I nay abstentions everybody wants to come back into Open Session right yes sir okay I have a motion to adjourn I like can make a motion to adjourn the meeting I will second that all in favor I I exstension we are out of here next meeting Monday June 3rd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. thanks for election thanks guys