I like that can I do that again sure goe okay done January 22nd 2024 regular session of the senent and Township committee is now called to order everyone please rise join me in saluting the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the barington county times in The Courier Post on January 8th 2024 roll call Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr corner is absent Mr Miguel here Mr SE here Deputy Mayor C present mayor cond present thank you uh we'll go right into the committee liaison reports uh Committee Member hor horer for finance and economic development is absent this evening um commune member Migel Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor uh December 2023 activity report for the police department is as follows total incidents responded to was uh 2258 total arrests made were um 31 I should make his font bigger 31 Total Property checks 854 total motor vehicle stops uh 178 total motor vehicle summons is issued 147 total D DWI arrest four and Morgan Cemetary calls two noise complaints uh not at hours contact made to lower volume uh and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you Mr Mill um Committee Member seis public works thank you Mr Mayor just a couple things regarding Public Works Public Works Department employees continue to collect curbside Christmas trees through the end of this month January residents are reminded to remove lights ornaments and stands and please do not put them in bags uh residents are also reminded when you're disposing of mattresses for bulk collection uh to not place the mattress within a plastic or to please put that in a in a plastic bag uh the bags can be purchased on at any major retailer including the online ones such as Amazon and one last note residents are reminded that recycling collection is directly managed by Burlington County and residents should call 609 267 6889 with any questions or concerns related to collection thank you Mr Mayor thank you Mr seist um Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs okay thank you Mr Mayor um in regards to Parks and Recreation we are sponsoring a free Pilates program for cinnamon and residents ages 13 and up the program is being held on Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. starting January 29th through April 22nd and will be held at New Albany School the township is accepting permits for the 2024 field and facility usage uh use of Municipal fields and facilities for organized planing activities requires approval uh for additional information to or to apply for a permit please visit cinamon engine .org Parks and Recreation and under Park usage uh thank you Mr Meer that concludes my report thank you uh and myself Administration Health and Senior Services I have no report this evening so that brings us right into the consent agenda and given that it's a relatively short consent agenda I'm going to give this a crack myself um resolution 202 429 is to authorize approval of change order for Union Landing Road Phase 2 and phase three reconstruction project which will uh change the total amount by $1,454 uh resolution 202 2430 is author authorization authorized agreement with Burlington County Mosquito extermination commission for 2024 mosquito control which is an annual agreement permits the county to per to perform aerial sprays within the township the count is required to notify the Township in advance of any scheduled sprays so we can notify the general public 202 2431 is authorizing the appointment of community Emergency Response Team for 2024 uh part of the Township's Emergency Management plan is to appoint a community Emergency Response Team which consists of residents who volunteer their time to assist with emergency assist emergency responders during declared emergencies and disasters they often are team leaders who coordinate shelters and other assistants for residents Emergency Management coordinator Danny Norman recommends that the government uh the governing body authorize the appointments 2024 32 authorizing the appointment of Tammy Sherlock to the Zoning Board of adjustment um that was a recommendation that came from current uh zoning board members to fill the empty slot that we have resolution 2024 33 is authorizing the award of contract to Triad Associates for affordable housing administrative agent services and that's Triad Associates has been providing uh our affordable housing consulting services for several years in conjunction with our Council and affordable housing Council Triad provides important guidance and ensures the township remains compliant with our fair share housing plan this is a reappointment for a one-year term through December 31st 2024 uh resolution 20 2434 is authorizing Award of non-fair and open contract to Booth Mechanical Inc for storm water and sewer pipe repair uh Public Works superintendent Kevin gaun and Township engineer Joe barbadoro have identified a necessary repair on Laurel Drive quotes were received and the lowest responsible quote was Booth mechanical in the amount of $10,800 CFO and purchasing agent Julia Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available for this purchase and recommends that we authorize this uh repair uh and last but not least we have some Raffles uh inspiring life together on March 9th 2024 St Charles Baro from 610 from June 10th 2024 to June 16th 2024 Legacy treat Treatment Services foundation for September 9th 2024 and Catholic Charities for September 25th 2024 and that is the end of the consent agenda may I have a motion to open public com comment on consent agenda items only Mr Mayor I'll make that motion to open up public comment thank you Mr seist may I have a second I will second thank you Deputy Mayor Voice vote all in favor I I I Nays extensions public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record seeing no one come forward um may I have a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda I'll make that motion to Mr Mayor I will second that a Voice vote please all in favor i i i i b extensions oh okay may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make that motion to approve the consent agenda may I have a second second I will second thank you roll call vote please Madam Secretary yes mayor Mr Miguel I Mr SE I Deputy Mayor crao I mayor cond I thank you um approval of minutes uh we're going to take these separately um may I have a motion to approve the minutes of December 28th 2023 I'll make that motion to approve uh meeting minutes for December 28 2023 I will second that excuse me can Mr you cannot vote because you didn't attend that meeting can he can he still make a motion make a motion to put it on I'll make the motion to approve the minutes for December 28th 2023 and I will second that um roll call vote Madam Secretary thank you Mr sress I Deputy Mayor cille I Mr Miguel obain thank you and mayor cond I thank you may I now have a motion to approve the minutes of the January 2nd 2024 meeting you can do that I will make a motion to approve the meeting minutes for January second January 2nd 2024 can I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you roll call vote Please Mr Miguel I Mr seest I Deputy Mayor crille I mayor cond I thank you and now we're to the favorite part of your meeting can I have a motion to approve the bill list I'll make a motion to approve the bill list uh Mr Man may I have a second I will second thank you can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Miguel I Mr sec I Deputy Mayor CRA I mayor cond I thank you okay um do we have any comments from our professionals this evening um you guys Mr Mayor may I absolutely okay so I I hope I'm not stealing everyone's Thunder up on the Das but the last couple weeks we've had uh a number of weather events and issues within the community that have been trying um throughout the whole region but specifically here uh to cinon um I just want to just thank Public Works uh police fire our emergency responders uh specifically our Emergency Management coordinator Danny Norman who really helped out in orchestrating a response for us as a group and I want to thank the presidents for working with us through that time as well so hopefully we don't have too many more other events but it's only January hopefully we don't have any more with got anyone else um Kevin Mr Mayor I'd like to uh thank the committee uh for placing their confidence in me and I'm so happy to be here to join this this group and and to help in all the good government uh areas that you provide so thank you thank you uh public comment may I have a motion to open public comment Mr Mayor I I like to make a motion to open a public comment please and I will second that have a Voice vote all in favor I I I Nays abstentions public comment is now open please come forward state your name and address for the record first you got up faster than anybody so you up I'm just that excited about local government you know uh name is Eric Hyman h y m an lives on 117 White Birch Drive uh first I want to congratulate you maronda and of course your Deputy Mayor credille on ascending to Mayor and Deputy Mayor this term uh I just wanted to come up and kind of echo kind of what I talked about at the last meeting in early December about the importance of flood management and uh with upcoming major storms coming in the coming years and all of that and I know uh Mr shoer is that right did I get that right pretty good look at that um and I know you covered kind of that a few minutes ago and I just kind of wanted to Echo I kind of I never usually read the newspaper other than my dad's New York Times every now and again but I did see this in the mailbox from the sentiments and Sun about the storm and how it was worse in this community than Sandy uh few all those years ago and how the Delaware River crested at 11 almost 12 feet and how 50 homes in our community have been really damaged from that and I just wanted to this is kind of what I meant when I said these kind of events will probably be happening more and more often over the next few years decades how I mentioned last time how Delaware is probably going to rise by another seven in something like that more extreme weather events so I was hoping this meeting I could know if there are any more specific plans in the coming year about what we want to do about how to protect the community from extreme weather events in the coming years um I know there's a lot of outfalls along um along the pensal creek and all of that but I I notic I read in this as well that a lot of the damage in this town was along in East riveron and there's not as many there not along River Road where a lot of the flooding commonly happens and that kind of leads into a kind of a snowball effect with you know how I mentioned last time Fork Landing Bridge how it's such an asset to the community and how the it's kind of even below sea level a little bit so if you know the Tide Rises and stays Rises we could lose Fork Landing period and that would make you know everybody have to go through 130 so honestly I just wanted to know if there are any more specifics about plans on how to prevent future damage and current damage uh due to probable more weather extreme weather events in the coming years um to your point we have now we've been here about six years the five of us um in those six years we have flooding is something that we have actually taken very seriously it's something that has been um neglected in cinamon for a lot of years before this committee took over U since we took over we have um we've rebuilt a lot of the ri East Riverton roads um and we've put a lot of the storm water management underground this past event was um the whole River Rose yeah it was it was it was insane I mean the River breached uh the river bank I'm not sure what we can do about that but as far as normal everyday flooding which has occurred down there for years we have we have taken a lot of time and energy um and devoted it to rebuilding those roads um rerouting all the storm water underground so they're not standing in ankled De water we have um with the with the development of the um old Hogan project which is dox park now on Taylor's Lane um we required them to take a serious look at storm water and uh I think 30% was the number we required them to reduce it by and it took them five or six million dollars worth of their money to build the storm management and and it's it's all underground it all seeps out to the river uh we're looking at the the rest of the East Riverton sections we're looking at um the Parry sections that tend to flood from the penson creek and we're looking at a lot of options including rebuilding roads so that they drain properly um uh there are some State programs that that have money available to the homeowners to to do various and sunry things and um I dare I say it um I'm I'm a I'm a I'm not the brightest guy but I look at these I look at these creeks and think you used to be able to run sailboats up and down these Creeks with seven or eight foot ke boards um you can't do that anymore because they're all silted in my simple solution is to dredge them but now you have to deal with the Department of Environmental Protection and all the red tape that goes with that so we are looking at all sorts of options on how to get rid of this water how to reroute the water and how to make it um easier to live in these sections with with less flooding so anything that's available to us we are certainly looking at and a lot of stuff we have already done so that was one of the things that I wanted to do and I know these guys wanted to to deal with it because it's it's pervasive and it's going to get worse so um if there's anything else that anyone else has I mean we've we've we've taken it seriously we've addressed it as best we can in the past couple years and we are looking at other ways to address it going forward awesome thank you very much I just like to keep on advocating for these kind of big issues especially since I at the environmental policy Rucker so you know kind of ingrained here all the time can't get rid of that yeah thank you very much thank you thank you like 100 per now uh I have two subjects first one is uh when you dial uh the 666 number uh does that go directly to the cinamon and dispatch it seems not cuz my wife called the other day about somebody that was walked up the street didn't have anything with them kept peing at all the houses and then about five minutes later came back with a bike now so she called the 666 number and told that them everything and then they said hold on and then I must put them in with cinnamon dispatch but by that time you're talking now 5 minutes went by and this person's all the way down and pomar now so that's my first question it seems to me that the when we call that number it should go directly to cinnamon and dispatch we're not going to call 911 do we know Billy you so regardless of whether you call 911 or you down the 666 number you get what's called a call taker a county call taker uh they have up to eight callt takers working at a time and they take all incoming calls throughout the count they take the ini information once they take the initial information it that gets transferred to our dispatcher there's no way to contact our dispatcher directly that's something that the county did did not want to do and they refused to do and unfortunately we are stuck at what the county wants to do yeah I mean it's a shame because I'm sure that bike was stolen but by the time the police came he was long guard and it doesn't matter whether you call the 666 number or 911 you get the same okay same so I got my answer on that okay the second subject was on EMS um I've had the opportunity and pleasure to use it quite a few times since the end of November and P for the first three times took me directly to where I wanted to go in Marlton and when the last time I had EMS it was cinnamon and fire department and they refused they said because of time now I've checked the times and other than Rush Hour you're talking about 19 minutes versus 20 minutes and it to me it just seems silly that for a minute difference that they wouldn't take you where you want to go and I guess there's probably nothing we could do about that either other than you know complain but uh like I said each time P took me uh Direct directly to Martin the three times and the last time cinnamon said no even though we went back and forth of okay they'll take me here here here for about five minutes well that five minutes I could have been loaded and gone but you know they refused so and I don't I don't know um how we U even respond to that because we don't know what the situation was and the fire district would probably have a better explanation for you yeah and I'll ask them the next time okay thank you thank you thank you hi I'm Katherine Schneider 512 Division Street I live right along the pens talken Creek and we had a terrible flood this time and you mentioned something about uh various money that's available to homeowners yes my nextd door neighbor uh told me to tell you that her house is in a shambles she lost everything she had a foot of water in her house she lost all her furniture her all her appliances she has flood insurance but all of this is going to take time and they of course do not pay for you to live anywhere else and she's unable to live there so um I I was interested in finding out where I could find out about that extra money and also uh wondering you said that there is um there are different things that you're investigating and the dredging which sounds so promising um is is there any kind of a citizen thing that I could organize with my neighbors we are we are beside ourselves we are afraid we're all going to lose our homes this was awful it was the worst I've been there for 21 years and it has never been that bad ever we we were terrified we left Friday night because when the county call came through we thought if a first respond we didn't want to put a first responder in danger coming to get our sorry s so we just got out before the rain started but Saturday afternoon again it the flood was so bad it came all the way up to our bottom step and you know it it's terrifying it really truly is no I I can understand and quite and I did mention dredging that's that's something that if I could get if I could tell Kevin to get in there and dredge that tomorrow you would have water flowing in there that's a long-term solution because the state moves slower than most governments but I I don't um is there any letter writing that we could organize the neighbors any anything that we could do some of our elderly residents have already I've spoken to them we've all talked in the neighborhood and they're putting their houses up because they're terrified they're afraid one lady's been there since 1968 she said it has never ever been that bad that's it it was it was a um it was a catastrophic event I've never seen I've been in town for 40 years I've never seen anything like that but um I don't know Mr shoer yeah thanks mayor first of all I'm really sorry to hear what you went through and I know it's been rough over there and as I said earlier the people who are responsible for providing assistance I think are doing a great job and doing the best they can but we know that's not the full the long-term answer well nobody can stop the water you know it's we don't blame anybody for I appreciate being unable to stop the water we so what what I would suggest and mayor I mean so since I've been with this group it's been over 5 years we've made a concerted effort to establish a good working relationship with the D um which takes time and effort and you know contacts change at the state level sometimes this group has stayed together and we've established contacts our our engineer sometimes he's at the meetings here but he's not here tonight quite frankly there's nothing on agenda that really pertains to him directly but I know he he is working on establishing good rapport with the D rap for for camon because there's been changes again with stor STM War management practices that we've been notified within the past few months and I think I mentioned this at a meeting recently we'll be back here in the next several months uh proposing and hopefully adopting new storm war war management practices uh to comply with state regulations now is the time for us and for residents in my opinion mayor to really reach out to our our state legislators who are even closely more closely tied with the D obviously and really look at this as a group effort um so if you know mine and what I could do is is try to come up with a way that we could get a I'm not saying a letter writing campaign if you will but some type of connection for the residents directly to our legislators we have a liaison for the local legislators for each Town that's how they operate and we have them here in cinam inent uh either the mayor or myself on behalf of the mayor and the committee I can reach out and make sure they're aware of these concerns I'm sure they're getting calls and see what the best process is to effectuate change uh it's going to take a Monumental effort as you suggested we can't just stop water with the with a wand right but right I would say that's kind of an approach we have to take um is that something like I'll certainly get your contact information I am at your disposal thank you really truthfully um my grown I got all kinds of Tong so we we we sit up here and and they have a the governing has a really important job we all have an important job from experience I can tell you when residents become part of the solution the state starts to listen even more and and the representatives of the State uh so I think that's really where we probably need to go with this okay um so I'll I'll get your information um and then we'll take from there s we're going to talk more about it um in subcommittee because I know it's something that is is not going away and just when you say this is the worst we've seen and it probably is is we don't want to be around and and and say we could have done something and then have it be bad again so whatever we can do we're willing to help we we have repairs scheduled to the tune of almost $3,000 next week um we we don't want anyone to be in that situ if there's anything we can do and get real change is it you mentioned State resources is there a place that you could kind of guide us to to at at this point I mean we were we just touched on this with our engineer late this afternoon and like 4:30 qu to 5: so I'm really not sure what is available but they did mention there might be some stuff available okay and he's going to research it and the minute we know more um would it be posted on the website or or something like that I imagine we could do that yeah okay I appreciate it thank you no thank you and I'm sorry that you I'm sorry that that you know you you had to you had to deal with that Mrs Snider can I ask you the neighbor what's the address of your the neighbor 1619 pens street she just bought two and a half years ago she's her house was brand new the just flipped and now everything is torn out she said two and I saw her yesterday about two feet every every floor every Appliance all her bottom cabinets all her beds everything was ruined with the water thank you thank you thank you thank you sorry it's going to take me a minute if I pull up some chairs or something to set all these up so you guys can see what is it you're setting up uh I got got a lot of graphs and stuff that I want to use to um help kind of um do we have anything we can do have anything we could put put these or do we want to just pass them I have these I'm just going to clip these to the back of chairs or something okay set so you guys can see them is that okay Cory do you want help yes please [Music] first I know that yeah I'll bring that next time we don't have one access it's just not like easily accessible easily easily easily accessible thank you Albert thanks Albert and Billy and Kevin thank you guys all right it's G to be an interesting Year Mr Mayor all good um Cory Richardson 7:30 South Belleview uh so I'm just going to take a minute to um explain a bit of my background to hopefully help make this make a little more sense as to why I'm doing this um but uh yeah Corey Richardson um I served two deployments in Baghdad Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division uh in an infantry Recon unit uh upon leaving service in 2010 I uh came to work over at I worked at Parks Casino for like four years bartending and stuff like that worked out in the you know in the civilian sector in in 2014 I I could not handle working in this Society I uh was contracted then by a private military to go back to Iraq and um and run High threat protection operations for US ambassador Stuart Jones um so from 2015 in 2015 and 16 uh I was running operations for um running uh High threat protection operations for him um and then you know came back and uh came back into our society um I say that only to um you know express my commitment to this country um and everything like that and um long story short I mean I I I don't know how much time anybody has to pay attention to you know what's going on around the world I know everybody's overworked overpaid overworked underpaid and everything like that believe me I understand that um you know I I do have time to pay attention to what's going on you know around the world especially in this country which is my focus um and uh you know here we are uh so I mean I'll just jump right into this so um right everybody every president and everything like that all they ever talk about is our our economy jobs and everything like that right we we all think that that's the way to to fix all these issues that we have in our country I me I don't think anybody can deny that our country is on fire right now right like I think we can all understand that right so all I'm trying to show with these graphs is just showing that everything uh you know everything goes along the same trajectory right so let's start with the economy that everybody is so concerned with right our economy constantly goes up right what goes up with our economy us violent crime what else goes up with our economy suicide rates in the United States drug overdose the wealth Gap continues to grow anti-depressant use obesity in this country school shooting right everything goes in tandem with our economy our economy grows our quality of life goes down all right what I'm talking about today is quality of life our standard of living in this country is obviously par not right we have one of the best standards of living in this country or in the world right but then when you start to get into you know what what is our quality of life in this country that this is what I see and why the world is on fire because our quality of life in the greatest country in the world is absolutely horrendous right we the the violent crimes in the United States right this past year 1, 123,000 violent crimes right suicide we we I like how all of our data and all our collection agencies use this you know per capita assessment to uh you know to evaluate the country to make things not look so bad right this suicide rate in the United States is it's 14.2 what does that mean right what does that equate to in reality in American lives right that was 49,000 Americans that killed themselves last year right 49,000 Americans that just could not adapt in this that had in the greatest country in the world woke up one morning and was like I'm done I can't do this anymore right and over a huge for of that it's my veteran counterparts right as I'm sure um Deputy Mayor cille knows right 17 a day we we're down from 22 a day 17 people who put their lives on the line for this country right who who risked their lives for this country are and this ain't just about veterans right we're we're a small fraction of that right that's you know 50,000 people um that again C cannot live in this society and yet nobody it seems just looks at the data right all we try to do is bring more money into the Country Joe Biden we need more jobs Donald Trump we got to strengthen the economy right like what our econom is through the roof right what how is that going to fix anything that's going on again our violent crime everything is up up year over year up up up right school shootings there were 346 school shootings in this country last year right kids only go to school 180 days a year school shootings happen at random Captain is there sorry Captain is there is there any way to predict when the next crime is going to happen absolutely not right so every day in this country the greatest country in the world you're taking a 64 we have to take a 64% chance with our children's lives to send them to school we are gambling with our kids lives every day to in the greatest country in the world right right um again 346 346 shootings that's again 180 a you know I I'm sure you don't you don't need me to explain it right um anti-depressant use we Le the world right that's roughly 50 million Americans are prescribed anti prence in last year right roughly 50 million Americans don't know how to be happy in this country right 50,000 people on average are just killing themselves they just had enough 1.2 million people are being raped killed Whatever by the other so part of society they can't live this way right uh the 1% is doing great they they're they're just they're good to go right um drug overdose deaths right uh what else you know um again I I mean there there plenty plenty I just ran out of time to make grass and I could get so um you know the these are the things that I use to measure the quality of life and the reason I do this is because it's the saddest realization I've ever had after coming home from Iraq is realizing that in this third world country their quality of life in that country is better far better than the quality of life in the greatest nation in the world right we don't lead the world than anything but murder suicide drug overdoses drug use are rich just getting richer and richer just not giving about anybody else but themselves right anti- depressing use obesity school shootings this is what we lead the world right like at at what point does our country our leadership right and I'm not talking about you guys I'm talking about Congress the executive branch you know all those people that care more about winning an election than actually doing anything to actually help the public that just ignore all this data right like it's a simple Google search to understand the scope of what is happening in our country right and all of our I've never heard any of our leadership talk about any of this right and how to actually address this other than more jobs stronger economy right like okay we're we're doing that right and and look what's happening look what's following right uh you know and again we somehow convince everyone in America that that more jobs a stronger economy is is how we're going to somehow fix this even though we've been trying this since the Inception of our country and things just constantly get worse right and um you know and and again you one thing you know I I I have to say thank God for Donald Trump right thank God for this man because this man gets on TV every day and shows us that capitalism is not the way right he shows us that this man is worth $4.2 billion and that dude has nothing but hate in his heart in his mind nothing but hate right he's he has $4.2 billion and he says we need a stronger economy this economy got you $4.2 billion what more do you need when is it going to be enough right what well things get better when Donald Trump gets $10 billion will things get better when Donald Trump gets $20 billion everything's going to Trend right along with it right like when at what point do we start at what point does our nation look in the mirror and realize that this isn't working right look at how many people look at the communities that we've left behind the entire black population in this country we just left behind veteran communities left behind right like and I like I I just and know and then and we we fully understand where you're going with this I I I don't know how that would tie into what we can do me neither but by the way I had to talk to somebody about it though thank you very much for your service but you know I mean I understand I understand all of this right but I I don't know that that that there's anything that we certainly can do and you understand there's not a thing we can do I mean there's something we can do I I don't know what there I mean there are there are things that we can point residents to there are addiction Help Services there's services for veterans right um there's a lot of services that are provided by the state that I think we can post and and point them to but there's nothing that awareness I don't know how much more we can we can put them to the right departments and the folks to go to right um and we could talk amongst ourselves about some additional things but right but I mean like that's what I'm is like again like what like what can like what can the public do about this but just sit here and just get trampled on and I think we're all touched by everything that's here each one of our family somebody that's dealing with addiction we all have veterans and our our families yeah um so we're all touched by it for for sure yeah but that I mean that's why I'm here is it's like you know like what can we do like what what we we just have to just ride this out like again not not just from your guys standpoint like as a community as the people of this country what what can we do about this right at what point does the 16 million strong veteran Community start leaning on the Department of Defense to identify that the only the largest threat to this nation is our capitalist economy that is uh enhanced that is uh you know put forth by our two-party system that just fails miserably it's never worked right our government at that level is just completely inefficient they can't get anything done right so again when you have a community of people who War to defend this nation against enemies both foreign and domestic and I obviously take that very serious and so does the 16 million strong veteran community at you know the ones that are left of us you that are left you know after each day goes by like what what do we do right I like I'm not going to just how can I just sit here and just just watch the nation crumble while Congress does nothing the executive branch does nothing and the super rich just continue to crush us like at what point do I start you know like I know I know I'm really just talking we absolutely we absolutely feel all this yeah same as you do um and I everyone up here has their thoughts on all of this right probably isn't the place I want to tell you what my thoughts are understand but um it's it's something like like Comm Seer said you know with regard to suicide rates and drug use there are there are things that we can do locally just for awareness right um and that's something we will'll all need to talk about and see where we would like to where we would like to address it right but um this is it's pretty powerful and I understand where you're coming from yeah I mean well I that's I just you know I just really I feel like I'm at a loss and that I understand your guys hands are tied like right everybody's hands are tied nobody can do anything like again like that you know Captain I'm sure you see the sentiment more than all of us on the ground you know what I mean and and seeing what is really going on in our communities I like it's just again like I don't I don't understand right like I just don't understand like how how or what right without turning to some extremes you know which I'm not talking violence or anything like that um you know but without rallying the the 99% of Americans together and just collapsing this economy which we could absolutely do right uh legally right there the 99 does have options on the table you know again that are nonviolent perfectly legal to literally shut this economy down um like is is that what we need to do right is that do we do I like do I have to start rallying the veteran Community to lean on the Department of Defense to to address the the the the threat that faces our nation it ain't over there right terrorist attacks across the globe killed 7,000 people last year right that isn't a fraction of what we do to our own people here it's not even a fra that wouldn't even make up for 0.1% right so at what point do we like like I know man kind of I know you're just like I don't know I I I I don't I'm I'm at a loss for words which is doesn't happen often that I'm at a lust for words all right but um we understand and and I I I tend to agree with a lot of this but there are little things we can do locally right um whether that has an effect or not I don't know but we can certainly do what little we can no I I absolutely understand that and um I guess I I guess I would ask um like what you know like what would be the next like who would I who would I go talk to you know this would at least it would be something that you might want to talk to your state representatives about okay um I mean this is something that is so far above our heads that we can't stand on a chair and touch it but the closer you get to the top the more effect you'll have okay um I I the next the next thing I would do would be to talk with your assembly person uh and your state senator and and see what their thoughts are on this and and they can take it from there or direct you where they think it needs to go okay to to make some impact okay thank you okay sir thank you thank you thank you help pleas always comes down easier than it goes up doesn't it Mr Mayor I'm never going to bring up the same thing once so we can't even prepare yeah we I don't know what's in store for next time oh let's it'll be a surprise thank you Corey okay seeing no one else uh may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make a motion to close public comment Mr Mayor may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor uh Voice vote all in favor I I nay abstentions public comment is now closed do we have any comments from committee anything anyone you boom I said it I I just like would like to just uh thank uh and welcome aboard um uh Mr Corman welcome aboard looking forward to working with you this year thank you sir thank you um and all I have is uh what Mr Shu bigger has already said um I've been the mayor now for 20 days give or take a few we've had one major rainstorm two major snow storms um and our Department of Public Works our Police Department our fire department who went door too during the floods um and our Emergency Management coordinator Danny Norman um they busted it out they did they did the best they could do with the situation they were given uh hopefully we don't have to call on them to do it again ever but um I I was would just like to commend them all because they really put in the time and the effort and um hopefully made a bad situation not quite as bad that's all I have for the evening thank you Mr Mayor uh may I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn may I have a second I'll second that Voice vote all in favor I nay exstension meeting is now adjourned hold on I get to do this again boom next meeting is Monday February 5th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. right here thanks everyone