there we go March 18th 2024 regular session of cinamon Township committee is now called to order if everyone could please rise and join me in saluting the flag a pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting acts Public Law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the Burlington County Times and the courrier post on January 8th 2024 uh roll call please Madame secretary yes mayor Mr hor here Mr mcel here Mr C here Deputy Mayor crille present mayor cond here thank you uh the first item on the agenda this evening is a presentation um for the employees of the Year sentiment and Township employees continue to rise to the occasion and we are very fortunate to have them on our side tonight we will be acknowledging three employees one from each of the three different categories Administration Public Safety and Public Works Township committee views this as a great way to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our Workforce one of the great things about this program is that the nominations come from the employees themselves employees nominate their colleagues the three employees being honored this evening each received nominations from their colleagues and the common themes that came up in many nominations are the traits of being persistent and willingness and the willingness to add address and overcome challenges commitment and dedication are at the very heart of good government and is consistent with the vision of cinnamons in Township committee um as Township committee lays onto Administration I will be presenting the first award for employee of the year for administration this year the award goes to Janine mlin Janine is the P Township's payroll and accounts payable representative in the finance department and Janine began working for the Township in 2022 and has a lot of interaction with both employees and vendors who do business with the township Janine's colleagues cited her Stellar attendance record problem solving skills and the ability to multitask as some of her greatest strengths so Janine [Applause] congratulations congratulations now you have to get your picture taken you wanted or [Laughter] not okay yeah I'm going to stay down here as long as I'm down here all right Township committee liaison to Public Safety Ernest McGill will be presenting the award for the employee of the year for Public Safety this year's award goes to Sergeant Michael zarti Sergeant zarti began working for the Township in 2001 brings a variety of skills and attributes to the police department Sergeant zarti is always willing to take on new assignments in order to meet the department goals has established a great relationship with other public agencies both within and outside of cinnamon and has led all of Cinnamon's Community poing initiatives and sergeant zasi sorry we're GNA get all three of you at the end so just hang tight for sit tight uh Township Committee of liaison to Public Works Albert seagrist will be presenting the award for the employee of the year for public works this year's award goes to Colin Stringham Colin is a laborer in the Parks division of the public works department Colin began working for the Township in 2019 colins's colleagues cited his Stellar attendance record outstanding wor work ethic and positive demeanor as some of his greatest attributes so Colin if you [Applause] may we to get on three together oh me too yeah wow that's cool okay congratulations to [Applause] Jan okay that brings us to committee leis on reports back to boring Township meeting um Committee Member hor Herer for finance and what's that okay yeah we can do that want um I say whoever whoever wishes to leave you're not forced to stay here through all this so thank but thank you for coming and congratulations again it will be duly noted who stays up going to mark that on the attendance report awesome I got all the names good a great yes he was okay now we'll do the reports uh comme member horer uh finance and economic development uh thank you Mr Mayor I have uh nothing to report tonight although we do have a resolution 2024-the yourself for uh Mr mitt and go ahead and explain that in detail when we get to it on the agenda so as far as reports aside from that resolution I have nothing uh to add thank you um Committee Member sigis public works thank you Mr Mayor I do have a couple of things uh curbside brush collection has resumed residents are reminded that brush must be left at least 10t away from the seore water infrastructure per the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pressure treated wood and building wood cannot be included in Brush let me see if there's maybe one more update those are a couple Burlington County is hosting a paper shredding event on March 24th at the Burlington County resource recovery complex from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for more information please call 69499 10001 extension 4309 4309 Burlington County will also be hosting their annual Earth Fair event on Sunday April 2th 1st from 11:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. this event will take place at the Historic Smithville Park in East Hampton the event will include music activities food trucks and more if you want more information please visit www. co. burlington.nj us and I do have one more update Mr Mayor as a result of the recent weather events which significantly impacted sentiments and and the surrounding areas several residents have expressed interest in flood mitigation Assistance programs the township along with the help of Remington and Vernick our Township engineer are looking into a couple different programs and we're not done there there may be others that we look into but these are the two of note uh one is the blue Acres flood program blue acres is a voluntary state sponsored flood buyout program that works with willing sellers to purchase their home that has been damaged by storm events or is prone to Future flooding residents are encoura encouraged to visit blueacres program or contact 609 954981 for detailed information regarding this program you can also reach out to our Township engineer or the township directly through the township administrator there is one other program it's called the flood mitigation assistance program FMA the new Jersey Department of Community Affairs division of disaster recovery and mitigation is partnering with communities that have been impacted by severe repetitive flood damage to alleviate eligible Residential Properties resulting in lower flood insurance premiums participating Property Owners may be eligible to receive financial assistance to help cover the cost of construction to mitigate their property supplement the cost of dislocation during the construction basically this program uh will allow you to lift your home so instead of uh just repairing over and over basically helping you uh lift it so that you don't get you're not as affected affected as much by the flood waters FEMA and New Jersey DCA determine which Residential Properties are potentially eligible for mitigation assistance based on repetitive flooding incidents in the past and risk of significant damage in future flood events this program is always accepting applications submitting an application is not a guarantee of funding but an opportunity to show interest in the home elevation so again if you're interested in these programs there's there's two two ways we can contact or two two different parties we can contact directly uh our Township engineer Remington and Vernick or I believe uh our Township administrator thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report if there are any questions about either one of those programs our Township engineer is here tonight and during in public comment you can you can ask some questions thank you um Committee Member McGill Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor uh the following is uh sorry February 2024 activity report for the Poli uh submitted by the police department uh total in incidents responded to was uh 2261 total arrests made were 15 Total Property checks move it away I can talk loud if you want me to all right try now can you hear me okay I do have a big no I would leave it off uh Total Property checks total prop it's off it's off yeah Total Property checks made uh was 801 uh total motor vehicle stops 320 total motor vehicle summons is issued was 2 29 total DWI arrests was four and there were zero Morgan Cemetery calls and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you Mr Miguel uh Deputy Mayor crel thanks Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs thank you Mr Mayor in regards to Parks and Recreation we're finalizing our summer concert series uh we scheduled eight bands so far uh we have some returning bands as well as some new and eclectic bands join ing our uh series uh the series will begin on Thursday July 11th and run through August 29th these will be every Thursday night at Wood Park starting at 700 p.m. thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you very much and myself for administration and Health and Senior Services um I don't have a ton this evening I just want to remind people uh to um go to the Santa cin and website for all information pertaining to the uh Township um or to visit our fa or our um Facebook page or our YouTube channel where you can watch this exciting meeting every month um and just to let you know that uh next week we will be uh issuing the March uh 20124 cinamon newsletter to give you guys an idea of what's going on and what's been done um since last month and that's all I have uh this takes us to ordinance introduction this evening we have several ordinances to introduce um the first being ordinance 2024 D2 which is the an ordinance of the township of cinamon amending chapter 290 Provisions for flood Hazard reduction of the township code to add privately owned salt storage we're introducing this by title only and it will be published in the burington County Times um as soon as we have all the specifics of the ordinance locked in public hearing will be April 15 2024 uh may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 D2 Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 D2 thank you Mr seag may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr mcel a roll call vote please yes mayor Mr horer I Mr Miguel I Mr sress I Deputy Mayor crao I mayor I thank you uh the next one is ordinance 2024-the only ordinance is to regulate removal of trees on private property and amending chapter 450 of the Township Code entitled trees to be published in the burington County Times Public hearing to be April 15th 2024 m I have a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-3 I'll make that motion to introduce uh ordinance 202 24-3 thank you Mr Mill may I have a second I will second thank you m pral uh roll call vote Please Mr corner I Mr Migel I Mr iy Mayor I mayor cond I thank you uh the next and last ordinance introduction is ordinance 202 24-4 it's an ordinance vacating releasing and EXT distinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the street known as Berry Street located between block 301 Lot 1 and block 302 lot one and consisting of 0. 21 Acres within the township of camenson subject to certain terms and condition to be published in the burington county times and The Courier Post public hearing to be April 15 2024 um may I have a motion to introduce 2024 d11 D4 Dash oh DH four Mr Mayor I'll make that I'll make that motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-4 I will second that may we have a roll call vote Please Mr hoer I Mr Miguel I Mr SE I Deputy Mayor cille I mayor I thank you okay we have one ordinance scheduled for public hearing this evening and this is ordinance it's an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap bank and a little explanation here the township is permitted to approve a cost of living adjustment which provides a 3 and a half% increase to the calendar year 2023 Appropriations any amount not appropriated in the final 2024 budget will lapse to a cap bank for use in either of the two succeeding budget years based upon the history of the Township authorizing the annual Cola ordinance as a safeguard in the event that an extraordinary expense is necessary CFO purchasing agent Julia Edmonson recommends the adoption of this ordinance by the governing body may I have a motion to open public comment on ordinance 202 24-1 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seag may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you voice vote I I I um public comment on ordinance 2024 is now 224-1 is now open please come forward state your name and address for the record well seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 202 24-1 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you may I have a second I'll second goad I'll second Voice vote please I I I I may I have a motion to approve the ordinance 202 4-1 Mr Mayor I'll make that motion thank you Mr Herer I will second that roll call vote Madam Secretary yes ma'am Mr her I Mr Miguel I Mr C i Deputy Mayor crille I mayor I thank you um next we have an executive session um on the agenda uh Mr saginario how long do you anticipate we will be uh Mr Mayor I anticipate the executive sessions to take approximately 15 to 20 minutes I also anticipate that uh action may be taken by committee following executive session okay thank you I will make a motion to go into executive session may I have a second I'll second Voice vote please all in favor I I Nays extensions we are now in closed session or executive session um give us 15 minutes or so and we'll be back all right I'd like to make a motion to return to open session may I have a second second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Migel Voice vote please all in favor I I abstains nay hold on okay we are back in Open Session um next thing on the agenda is resolution 2024-the the appointment of Cove House LLC as conditional redeveloper for Block 1403 Lots 25 and 26 this resol ution ensures the kof House LLC will develop the remaining parcel consistent with the provisions of the current Redevelopment agreement and is subject to evidence that an agreement between two private parties has been recorded with the county um that's what I have as an explanation so may I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024-25 d53 thank you Mr Mr horer may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagis a roll call vote Madame secretary yes mayor Mr Herer hi Mr Miguel hi Mr SE hi Deputy Mayor c i mayor cond I enthusiastically um next we have the consent agenda um starting with resolution 20 24-54 and this is going to be my favorite one of the evening to authorize the award of contract for solid waste to Interstate Waste Services of New Jersey and a little bit of an explanation the Township's current solid waste collection contract expires on May 31st bids for the contract were solicited on three separate occasions since February 2023 in each case no bids were received local public contracts law permits municipalities to negotiate a contract when no bids are received after two consecutive bids solicitations Seaside waste and Interstate Waste Services both submitted proposals Interstate waste provided the lowest possible proposal or lowest responsible proposal for a 5-year contract in the total amount of 7 m432 31 the contract includes the same penalty Provisions as our previous contract with Republic and residents will be able to utilize their existing track containers the township will soon communicate any collection schedule changes via all online platforms uh with signage which I believe Department of Public Works has ordered to go in the neighborhoods uh if your if your day is changing and with individual postcards to each resident provided and distributed by the by the disposal contractor Mr saginario has reviewed the contract and it is his recommendation along with our professional staff that the the governing body authorized this contract award um resolution 2024 55 authorized non-fair and open contract per for purchase of trash TOS um Mr gaun has identified the need to purchase additional containers for public purchase quotes were received and the lowest possible quote is from Auto Environmental Services in the amount of 9,483 Miss Edmonson has determined that the sufficent sufficient fun is available for this purpose and recommends the authorization by the governing body God bless you resolution 2024 56 authorized non-fair and open contract for cinnamates and Library handrail replacement Mr Gant has identified the need to repair hand railings on the exterior of the public library quotes were received and the lowest responsible quote is from P3 medals in the amount of $28,988 Miss Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available for this purpose and recommends authorization by the committee resolution 2024-the the third amendment to Redevelopment agreement with global cinamon 1 LLC Global camenson continues to develop to develop the former acne site as evidenced by the recent approvals for Freddy's Steak Burgers on the third pad of the site the project is scheduled to break ground in the next several weeks this resolution adjusts the the sequencing and the release of escrow and site improvements Economic Development Comm committee recommends that the governing body authorize this third amendment um 202 24-58 transfer of 2023 budget Appropriations Miss Edmonson recommends the transfer of funds for certain 2023 accounts due to Billings received after the end of the calendar Year resolution 2024 59 to authorize the release of performance Bond establishment of Maintenance Bond and final payment for reconstruction of Union Landing Road phases two and three our project engineer for this project penon has reviewed the project and performed the necessary inspections and recommends the release of the performance guarantee in the amount of 696,000 6693 25 and posting a maintenance guarantee in the amount of $736,000 44 and the final payment in the amount of $ 39,42 65 Miss Edmonson has determined that sufficient funding is available for this purpose and recommends that the governing body authorize the payment and that is the end of the consent agenda so may I have a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items only I'll make a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items thank you Miss Crable I will second that Voice vote all in favor I Nays abstentions public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record good evening Jala sheer 215 Front Street paly New Jersey speaking on behalf of the uh C Club of Riverton East Riverton and py good evening everyone good evening good evening I really don't understand resolution 20 24- 59 the last one about Union Landing Road Phase 2 and three okay um I might I might send this one to Mr schubiger or possibly um our engineer Joe barbadoro uh so we can kind of explain the the idea behind a performance bond and a maintenance Bond sure um if you could sir so the performance bond performance bonds for a project is uh when a contractor gets awarded a contract for the Township in this case Union Landing Road they need to post a a bond basically guaranteeing that the work will get done so for whatever reason that contractor goes bankrupt halfway through construction the municipality has a means of finishing it okay so now that the project is over we are going we are releasing that performance bond back to the contractor and we're accepting a maintenance Bond so for two years if something goes wrong we have a a bond there to help okay my question was what was it was it the curbs that they put up Union Landing is that what it was that project was overseen by penon I believe it was for Paving and curving so because they did put new curves yeah yeah my understanding that it was curves and ping curves and ping okay well while Joe is up here I just want to thank Joe because he's continuing to work on the sidewalks that we're waiting and I know that you guys are waiting for me to bring up the sidewalks I know it I know you were wait I know you're waiting we wouldn't expect anything less uh but Joe gave me a good explanation for me to give um our Civic members when I get back I just want to thank Joe for his time and everything thank you Joe thank you both thank shepher Mike go one Perell um you had said existing trash cans are you talking about the ones that was supplied by Republic or any trash cans no the current trash cans that were provided by cinnamon in Township at the beginning of the last contract okay so not any old trash can and what's the price difference from what we were paying to what we're paying now the price difference the price difference is significant um I would venture a guess that it's roughly double what we are paying now um and the reason for that is that every every trash removal service like we were the we had the most economically um advantageous contract after our contract with Republic five years ago now the the the price to get your trash removed darn near doubled right almost immediately after that so we were the last of the ones to get what we got um unfortunately what we got was a trash removal service that made me lose most of my hair um but any anybody any um any trash removal service that's going to bid on the contract now is going to be roughly what we're paying what we're going to be paying in the upcoming yeah I know it's not an easy thing because nobody wants to do Residential but I was just curious what it was I thought it was going to be a little bit more actually so I'm kind of happy I mean we can go it a higher bit if you want no we can't all right that's it thank you thank you thank you thank you okay seeing no one else come forward May may I have a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda I'll make a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda thank you Mr mcel may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr sigis a Voice vote all in favor I I I nay abstention may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda Mr Mayor thank you sir may I have a second I will second thank you uh may we have a roll call Vote Yes mayor Mr hoer I Mr M I Mr SE iut mayor I mayor cond I thank you thank you uh next is the approval of minutes um I will make a motion to approve the minutes of March 4th 2024 may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Herer uh roll call vote Madam Secretary Mr Herer I Mr Miguel I Mr seest I Deputy Mayor CRA I mayor cond I thank you approval of bills is next may I have a motion to approve the bill list oh I'll make a motion to approve the bill list please Mr Mayor have a second K second thank you Miss grael roll call vote Madam Secretary Mr corner I Mr Miguel I Mr Speaker I Deputy Mayor I mayor I thank you okay staff and professional comments do we have any comments from staff or professionals this evening no sir may I just have one I may be my guest thank you sir uh regarding the trash collection contract I just want to thank um a number of Staff members who participated under the leadership of arazon Mr SE and mayor K who participated in a lot of the discussions uh this has been a very trying time uh for a a contract for the township it's probably one of our largest if not the larges for us to deal with and we've had issues over the past five years as many of the people in this room know um but particularly Uh Kevin gone our superintendent took took it by the Rings did a number of analysis uh on how to better our collection met with contractors and it was a struggle for over a year uh some of you up here might remember we started going out the bid actually over a year ago to see kind of what we were looking at um took a lot of time and effort uh Joe barbadora you're getting a lot of a lot of Goodwill tonight uh thank you for your help with that to putting together some of the scope and Julia our CFO really uh comparing the numbers for us all the way through the process was a big help so um it was a large undertaking and and I I'm very confident that it's going to be improved uh I can only hope so thanks everybody mayor thank you thank you um Mr mitton no sir gentlemen okay um may I have a motion to open public comment Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to open up public comments thank you Mr sigis may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr McGill Voice vote all in favor I N extensions public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record now you get one one a day that's it one on each topic uh Mike coins 100 Perell uh any update on the situation for the trucky company office from Riverton Road that's coming into cinamon from Riverton uh I don't have any update and you may have contacted the appropriate people I don't know may we we actually do um in fact both our police chief and our superintendent of Public Works reached out I think independently and then told each other later and they both got positive feedback I don't know if M May if it's like one of them to start um yeah that would be great if we could get an update I I kind of know but I fig they they did the work so I reached out to Chief buelle from Riverton he contacted the owner he said that he's aware of the situation and that he's um working to he's got a um street sweeper coming a couple times I think he's like twice a week to clean up the Rocks he's also working at a plan to repave that area but he said something with the e d d has to get approval before he's allowed to do that it's whatman thank you thank you you have to run well another meeting hi Mona Washington 908 James Avenue I wanted to thank everyone for their patience the chief of police and the New Jersey Transit um we had all of these trucks coming and parking in the New Jersey Transit parking lot the upper one and no more trucks and there is a big sign that says you know um only cars or Vehicles who are associate New Jersey Transit should be there okay there's still a lot of cars but I've already seen a difference in the traffic with the truck so it's good to hear thank you very very much um it's it makes a difference and I was talking about the kids on bicycles who am I kidding I was on a bicycle the other day I didn't want to be hit so um so you know it's working out and who whoever does what with New Jersey Transit it really the cooperation has been wonderful so I appreciate it I'm glad to hear it thank you thank you jury next meeting hi my name is Terry Wallace I live on Burgundy Drive um I'm coming before you to ask for some kind of assistance I have a significant amount of water coming into my home um the the houses on my street have a pipe a drain a drain storm pipe that runs down the backyards um years ago the township used to come out and maintain it they used to flush it they used to put dye in it um they stopped doing that and I guess it was um in January I started reaching out to contractors looking for some assistance and why I was getting water consistently coming into my house kind of like a hose that's running at all times whether it's raining not raining it doesn't make any difference except for when it rains it overflows my French drain system um I had contractors come out they I had three of them refused to give me an estimate until I found the real reason for the water problem that it was not water table um related so I had a drain stored uh drain out outdoor drains company come out they told me that they will not even give me an estimate being that the pipe that's running down the backyards is a Township owned pipe and they don't want to accept liability um I don't know what to do with at this point I have water coming into my home that's pouring in at all times right now I have a hose I have three pumps in there right now two of them run all day that go into the sun pump another one is literally hooked up with a hose coming out my window that's running down my street um it doesn't stop and I've I'm not quite sure at this point what to do they told me to reach out to the American Water Company they came out inspect it from the outside from the inside determined it was not them um on February 5th I called the township and um C they came out and at first I was told there was no pipe there I exposed the pipe um I was told that previous owners put it in there and then I was told that it was abandoned but yet there's no records for this um I moved back in back in 1990 and at this point I don't know what to do I literally have my basement flating out I have three pumps running I'm kind of looking for assistance right now because I can't get contractors to come in and the township I'm being told will come up with a formal response I don't get any re feedback from them I'm not quite sure what to do at this point so I want at first I wanted to ask you like are you aware of this situation I'm the previous owner of the house and when the introduce yourself Joe I'm Joe Gallagher so uh when when people up the street from you got water in their basement I mean like fourt of water the township would come in and Jet Jet this out and they they probably did I lived there for 10 years they probably did it probably 15 times so that's why I told her to call the township up she did and there I don't know if they don't do it no more what's going on but that's what they did for me that pipe was buil put it not by me that's a Township pipe the guy that was the I think his name was Fran that was the the lead guy back then and when I was living there they used to come and put Dy down and they used and my house was was one that had the well they would knock on my door say can we come in and look at it and make sure and then they would go down the street and make sure it came down have to up this big cement there was a big cement cylinder like 3T wide that's down about 5T and the water's the water's in there right now okay I mean we are aware of it and I know that I know that uh Kevin and and Mr barbadoro have been out there to take a look I'm not sure what has been uh done or where we need to go next but Joe if you can maybe Enlighten us sure so Kevin and I have been working with the clerk to research this pipe we have no records of that at all there's no mapping there's no easements available I'm acknowledging that the township sounds like did come out and at some point maybe do some work here but we don't have any maintenance or records of that either so um at this point we're we're still trying to figure out ownership of of this pipe and I'll at some point make Township used to come in and big truck and J it all out okay I 15 times so we don't have any records of that I I understand that's what you're saying but there's nothing in there that says that's a Township pipe for all we know it could have been a builder's remedy that the township flushed out as a as a favor that I wasn't around Kevin wasn't around we don't have any recs of of this thing so yeah so I mean is there and I know if they came in and jetted it out I know the township doesn't have a truck that does that the public works it would have probably been the Sewer Authority because they have the truck that does that um do we have any suggestions as to what would be the next steps or if there's anything else we could do I know that you were talking about Joe you were talking about some sort of a letter that was possibly being drafted yeah I I've actually sent a draft to the of the letter late late today around 5:00 to uh Eric and the attorney just to take a lookout before we finalized um in there I detail all of our findings some recommendations as well for uh for committee and for the resident okay go ahead no mayor I was just going to add if if the township owns this pipe I can tell you right now I will take the recommendation of the engineer and recommend to the government body to take action immediately so I think what we're trying to figure out and I'm working with staff on fig if it in fact is the township pipe and I we're getting different stories so that needs to be that's the priority let's figure out who owns it and what we're supposed to do because if if we don't own it meaning the township and we do something that could put the the township and the taxpayers in in a tough bind as well that doesn't mean we don't want to help you we just have to figure out there's got to be something out there to Bill Street this is something that the township should be maintaining because there are a lot of things out there as everyone up here knows probably the general public between Public Works and the storage Authority that they do maintain there's a lot of um underground apparatus that is that is tough to identify it seems like this one for some reason um there's nothing out that we're looking though uh we have everyone in the in the building looking for records to show that we can then go to the ad to the committee say yes we need to do this I just don't want to put the committee in that position where we can't show them that and then take action and I don't want to speak for our attorney but I don't think he would make that recommendation either without us verifying that but he's sitting right next to me let me ask let me ask a question just I I I mentioned the Joe that I heard about this is there any finding that this pipe or whatever's going on with this pipe is actually causing the water infiltration into your house I mean I don't I don't know where the pipe is located I I just don't know much about it runs from the top of the block and goes down like this and people when the Dig clog everybody got water she's getting she's got three pumps in there and they running non-stop two of them already burned out in the P she's got a Maj problem here and it's and from my opinion it's the plank is clock it's definitely clocked and soon as they would come out and clean it out before jet it out with the big machine the problem went away and do you know mon do you know about last time that was Joe well when I Liv there it was 10 years was it jetted out when you lived there oh yeah they did it probably like and has it been it hasn't been jetted out I don't know if it was jetted it was definitely had died run down and they would knock on my door a few times a year oh they would knock on your door do you know who by any chance Township it would I guess it was public works they would be they would say they were from the township so we have employees that are with the public works department that have been here more than 10 years several of them and I my understanding is that we've tried to discuss it with anybody who could give us some background and probably like 20 years or so ago yeah if I you may want to talk to or have somebody from the sewer department find it may be an old sewer line that needs to be because the township itself does not have the jetting capabilities machine that machine that's actually comes from the department so if they're coming out they may I mean they may they work together obviously but it may be a actually an old sewer line that's you know when I the neighbor was U the original owner that was the first house built and he told me that it was um they put it in before they built the houses because this was all Farmland so it would drink and you would hear if you follow the plate down to the Sewer it was just constantly running and you mean the storm St sore right J yes not the sore sore the storm storm sore before the houses were built did you say before the houses were constructed did you say that so that I mean these houses are probably 6050 58 or 40 yeah I know there is a an underground stream that runs under there because I live up on uh the other side of burgundy and my my some pump runs constantly so this one always did too but now there's three of them running stop oh I get that but I'm just saying there's there's got to be there's a clog because you can see the water coming right right in the basement they they cut the French draining right and the stone just coming right up but there has the water has to be coming from somewhere and I have a sinkhole on the side of my addition now that started a few weeks ago an independent engineer came in there on Saturday and said it was not an underground Street and it was and he needed more information on the actual what he referred to as a storm drain and he's looking for the inlet at the top of the street where they used to put the die in because that's what happened and if if that would where the clock there was a map of the actual storm drain or if there was a plan set to the house the engineer said you could narrow it down but he thinks in 90% accuracy or n with 90% confidence in his mind that it's coming from that Dr okay I'm sorry I'm going to interrupt you for a second we just your name and address my name is Anthony Dio and I in Philadelphia a friend of car's over at 287 I'm sorry thank you but he came out there on Saturday person with 40 plus years experience because we're hands are tied they came out and said they said it didn't exist so we we exposed the opening and they came out I said oh you must have put it there okay now so now they changed oh it was a it was it was abandoned when when they put the infrastructure the new storm drain in the street in the late '90s they abandoned it we said well they did when they must have abandoned it they must have seriously to the definition of abandon just walked away from it they didn't seal it they didn't give anybody any information or at least we haven't had any uh nobody gave us any information as to how it was abandoned or when it was abandoned there's no easements anywhere on this the entire Street or anywhere in the area for for this storm trainer but that so it went from it doesn't exist to you put it in to okay it was abandoned and we'll fill it in stone for you how how do you go down every time Terry comes up with an answer they come up with an answer and they keep on put kicking the can down the road okay well we're looking if we'll get back to you we'll looking if we get back to you the next time it was we'll look at it we'll get back to you on Friday Friday an email came in at 521 said I'm sorry I know you were expecting this I'll get in touch with you Monday Monday came and went we're here because we didn't hear anything else it he very frustrating talk saying they just for the record who's they just engineer it's me and Kevin and I have been taking the lead on this and I did owe them that recommendation I acknowledge I was late on that I had some other things come up that I just couldn't get it out let him finish start let him finish talking first yeah I apologize I didn't get the recommendation out like promised I just you know very busy a lot of and I know it's not an excuse but you know I did have understood things come up um well also not to interrupt but also Terry's not looking to place blame on anything she needs to find out the source of the water so these contractors will even give an estimate a couple of them that said they give an estimate but they can't guarantee the work because they don't know what the source is well they won't touch it people other ones won't touch it saying it's a Township par the the the another drain guy came in and said I will not do any work here because that is a what he unsolicitedly called a Township storm drain and that he would be uh quote unquote liable if he did any work that that the the township could then turn around and place liability on him so he won't touch it so Mr Mayor if I can just ask a question just to sure not to prolong it if ultimately the township says we don't have any record this is a Township pipe was a Township pipe is a Township white pipe was abandoned and you had a representation to that effect would a contractor do something it seems to me like they would because they're concerned based upon what you're saying is no contractor wants to mess with Township property but right that's what that seems like that's what you're saying my question is how do we at this point if if that happens and nobody will guarantee work when you're putting out $50,000 you get no guarantee number one and number two if it is crushed or blocked up the street it how it will never stop like the amount of water that's coming in my house I already have structural damage the engineer told me come forward if Public Works did come out there and maintain this Mr Gallagher also uh at one point tried to put up an addition and the addition was supposed to go straight back from his house and he had to get a variance because he had to go through the zoning and get a resolution that has been signed by seven people for the clean up for the cleanout so that he had to have that opening open and accessible for Public Works to clean out if he if he put the addition up Mr Galler did you tell me when that was any idea 85 or 87 87 87 it was 1987 we have the resolution with Mr Galler's testimony that's the only document we have that references the pipe but testimony mine that's from the township right but you were you at that meeting and then did you testify that you needed a variance because there was they told me they told me no no that's not that he told me the only way I can put this addition up is I cannot block that to that pipe and I said I don't want to do that I said I I want this house they put a third bedroom on they told me I had to move it over so then I had to go get a variance and that took me another six to seven months to get the variance okay the the testimony the the resolution from the zoning board sort of reads that you were the one that testified that that pipe was there and that you had you to justify okay I I I wasn't at the meeting I it was 1985 or 87 excuse me and that continues to be come up that and nothing against you or Mr gun but the your age should not be a an excuse as to why no information can be no and there there there is no EXC we're not making excuse for this there just is no information on this they said that it has been before the time and they have they have said yeah and and just said there's no record of this thing even being there that that's that's the concern is is not not making excuse was for for all of our time but there is no record of this and I don't know exactly where we need to take it given that there is no easement there is no record there is nothing that I said they I mean I'm sure they did come and clean it out but I don't know who and I don't know when and I don't know why and before we touch it we got to figure out what this thing is and who it belongs to because if we break it we bought it um can I to Washington I'm inviting the engineers um this woman whoever wants to check it out we had 3 ft of water in our basement about 3 years ago still don't know where it came from the township was wonderful they sent the fire department right away to start pumping it out and they showed us what to do the insurance company said that there was no way to insure against this because it was a quote Act of God got into it with them that aside my mom and dad built that house in 1959 it's sits right below Hunter's farm and we could not get an insurance company to say that they would Ure against something like that until they found out where the water was our handyman handy person said that a lot of homes constructed before like 1970 they didn't put the French drain in so so literally sometimes there's nothing you can do earlier today they talked about the house raising initiative or something the presupposition there is I think you have to pay like $50,000 before they even start the construction is that right I have a French strain okay yeah um but you're more than welcome to come to our house we had to get a container GED the whole basement that's apples um and our house was finished in 1960 that's apples nor so you know we're insured to everything except for an act of God my only issue is who gets to say what's an act of God Joe is there any way we could uh snake that and with a camera and see like follow it where it goes uh there there is technology out there yeah we would have to get a third party to do that that I don't believe the SE Authority has the technology to it's basically uh the C camera has a locator on it and you can track it from the surface correct to figure out where it goes and where it comes from but um we would need to Jet out that pipe and clean it substantially the only access we're aware of is in Miss W's backyard so we would have to start there if we did go that route okay okay um that may be something we need to look into I I mean I I I'm I honestly don't know I don't have an answer for you I don't think anybody has an answer for you right now um it's just something we're going to have to keep looking into to figure out what can be done or what needs to be done or what we can do um if anything I is there any kind of timeline sorry I didn't mean to interrupt no go ahead is there any kind of timeline for this I've already been dealing with this for uh I I wouldn't be able to give you any kind of timeline for it I I honestly don't know um Mr Mayor if I can let if if I can let me speak to the Sewer Authority like ASAP as as these guys said we don't have the equipment to do the jetting or whatever so Mr Gallagher if there was jetting it was done by the Sewer Authority I'm not sure that Joe and Kevin checked with them yet but I will to see if they have any records because some of their people I will say have been around for a long time okay so not that that matters but they may have some historical knowledge of that area and what was going on back there so I will do that right away um and I'll contact them to see if they have records because as Eric said if it's our pipe we're going to do something right if it's not then then we have to figure out where we go whether we say hey guys it's not our pipe go and do whatever you want we don't care if you kill the pipe we don't care what you do to the pipe it's notable though well I'm not sure yet Terry that's why I can't say that they told me I was going to do that I was going to fill up the cement right at my property line right and he said then all your neighbors are on your water so then when when I contacted my attorney he advised me not to do that that wasn't me no okay just over clear what' you say I would get a goodne wow that's a I'm not contacting the thanks um let me ask you this though at the time when you had it yes was that pipe actually in use as a part of the drainage system so it was before apparently they converted to the street it's 5T it's 5 to 6 ft down okay and then the township would come in they would pull the lid off right you would see the water running it's not running it's just filling up so the water is just going into the property and finding this weakest spot and it's going in right to our house cuz it's 10 ft away from maybe 15 ft away from our house and the zoning document that he has States clearly states it has to be maintained and kept clear otherwise the house will have major water problems it says it right in there you guys can all see a copy of that we we have we we've given a copy to uh Terry's email it to a couple of of people so I mean it's not like we're hiding it it says what is what it says in that document is what's happening right now and it says on the document was signed by seven people on that document does it say who was to maintain it says by maintained by public work it says it in that document maintained by was owned says it was installed and maintain why public works but again that's the only record we have at this pipe in existence and the so that resolution was from 1987 the township installed a new storm Sil along burgundy in 1997 we televised that and that's that's clear I can see at the bottom of my street where the drain the whole well is and there's a pipe coming down Ivy Stone that's smaller with water trickling in the pipe that he just referenced is coming in like about this big and 90% of the water that's going in that drain is my house that's literally going down my street and and the hose the two it meets at the my driveway um Bib and 90% of the water going in that 247 is my house she's pumping it right through front la like you could ride down my street and you'll see a hose and you'll see two sump pumps coming out and a third sump pump with a hose it looks like a garden hose is just laying then when it rings this now for the last four months now when it rains it's even worse oh it hasn't rained in 10 days but it's it's been going nonstop for 10 days when it rains it gets worse okay um I I guess we need to figure this out then okay thank you I appreciate your time hi my name is Jerry Lance from 1625 pens s Street I'm wondering if there's any progress on flood mitigation on my block um it's been since December now we've been getting killed every time it rains it doesn't go away uh uh we we don't have a an answer for it I was wondering if the engineer had any um were you looking into that or in that area yeah we we apply for funding to reconstruct P Street just to help move some of the storm water that's on the surface and as commitment SEC stated we're looking in the grand opportunities for residents um to raise and and flood proof their structures that I understand but there's still a reason for the water being um it's it's not going away I mean it never came up this I've been there 28 years it never never was in my house till this past storm um it's just it even low tide there's water in the street it's not going anywhere and it's not just because of psng putting the street in uh the black top in it's something else I don't know whether there's um something holding up the water from going Downstream or Upstream whichever do you you know what I mean back in that swamp there or whatever if back there Mr sigers has been back there we've yeah have you been back all the way though I mean from what I hear there's trees there used to be Coes that went back in there MH cuz I know people that have I've been back there years ago but there used to be Coes people take kayaks back there and went almost all the way up to 130 and not the mainstream back M they can't get by anymore so I don't know if there's uh tree I've heard there's trees falling back there blocking everything up so it's sending it around the other way the water just isn't going away where it used to no I I I understand that that's the case in a lot of these places around the Creeks both peston and the Pence Hain um I mean we we I mentioned it I think back in the January meeting that we need to get with the state to see the problem is they a lot of this stuff needs to be cleaned up and dredged and deepen and you have to deal with the state to do that you can't just go in there and and dig a channel and alleviate the water without them coming down what about what's already there that's blocked up I guess we could take a look at that I'm not sure how still you still have to have state and or federal government from Fallen trees and how about Beaver Dam stuff like that I mean there's beavers back there too right that's of God I mean we you know can't control the Beavers but even well I understand that but something's making the water come around them where it never came before I get that I mean is it can you look at it or at least get an idea what happened back there local legislators the best the local legislators are the best way to achieve that because they have communications with the state on an ongoing basis I mean they're the state legislators those people get those are the people that should be contact as far as getting back there to even take a look at it I mean I don't know is there anything we can do to get back there I'll just say legally we can look at it but legally we can't do anything we don't have I hate to use this word but jurisdiction to go in and even clear out a beaver Dan unless you guys tell me otherwise but I don't think we have jurisdiction to go into a wetland and start clearing stuff out without going to D first yeah you would need a substantial amount of perming to start clearing out Wetlands like that um and the beaver dams I know you can regulate that but that I believe requires Perman as well um well if it could be looked at that would be a start anyway if someone we're going to have to start yeah okay absolutely all right thank you you thank you okay seeing no one else come forward may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make a motion to close public comment Mr Mayor may I have a second I'll second thank you uh Voice vote all in favor I I opposed abstain public comment is closed uh any comments from committee members this evening no mayor any secet anything uh no sir no no sir I think we're good okay believe or not no may I have a motion to adjourn I will make that motion to adjourn Mr Mayor I have a second I'll second all in favor I I meeting ised next meeting is Monday April 1st 2024 6:30 p.m. thank you all