Dem like to call to order this April 15th 2024 regular session meeting of the cinat and Township committee it is now called the order uh please everyone rise and join me in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 notice of this meeting was published in the Bron County Times And The Courier Post on January 8th 2024 a roll call vote uh Madam Secretary yes Mr here Mr Miguel here Mr here mayor pres here uh we'd like to start this evening with a presentation the New Jersey Department of Transportation is completing a concept development study to improve The Pedestrian and bicycle safety along Route 130 North of Mainline drive as well as improvements to the intersection of Route 130 and Taylor's Lane representatives of their design team are here to discuss the proposed improvements um folks I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to get done good afternoon I'm James mallison the project manager from the New Jersey Department of Transportation um we're happy and pleased that you're accommodating us this afternoon so we can present to you the details of our study and we have with me Mike dney from Franken pello who is diding the study and he is going to actually M the president the Trump you thank you that's I'm not take it Mr mayor council it's a pleasure thanks for having good evening I do have some handouts so presentations as well just make a Le here you guys follow I know the yeah just out just like that now that the meeting started the laptop Lo to sleep there we go standing there we go so I'll give you a quick introduction um as James said James is the project manager for the Department on this project uh I'm Mike dney I'm the project manager for French oo we're the consultant for the project um I have Juliana the own with me here with me here as well tonight and she's actually going to get into some of the the details of the project a little bit um but just a real quick overview uh the department follows What's called the concept development process when they get Federal funding for a project and it's a requirement of the federal process you start with study look at different alternatives for what design ideas you come up with you then you know the dot reaches out to the public as part of the the process of it their experts look at the different options that came together picking What's called the preferred alternative um you know again we come and discuss it further with with you guys with your profession um and then the project gets Advanced into the design phases from there um so we're really at the point where we're kind of at the tail end of the concept development process um kind of one of the last steps is you know getting the blessing of the municipalities uh you know the dot really contrary to what people may say the dot does try to communicate with the townships um what's going on with their projects uh and like I said we have been talking with your professionals kind of throughout this process um so here we're really tonight to tell you kind of what the department internally has selected as the preferred alternative uh to advance to the design process uh with the Hope being that the township supports that um and ultimately uh would be looking to the town to adopt the resolution of support for the project to get Advanced forward as well um so with that being said uh I'll hope Juliana come up and kind of talk you through some of the details of the job uh maybe I'll hang out over here and give that it guy go please hi everyone I'm Juliana I'm GNA talk about the project in more in depth so first we have um the project location the project is going to go from the intersection of Mainline drive and Andover Road which is by Sam's Club and the Walmart down to in cinamon down to Del Ran by the ring ccus Creek Bridge um you can go to the next slide so here we just have an aerial view of where our project location is so it's better for everyone to see that um Mike you can switch sides again okay so this is a full scope concept development study with the focus on improving safety for bicyclists and pedestrians as well as traffic safety and operations in the years of 2017 to 2020 there were seven crashes involved pedestrians two bicycle crashes and four fatal accidents two of which were pedestrians and two were vehicular crashes and this resulted in this Corridor being rated very high on the scale for pedestrian crashes the goal of this project is to advance safety improvements focused on bicycle and pedestrians as well as traffic safety and operations the objectives of this project are to provide fhwa Pro proven countermeasures to improve safety address the factors that impact the higher than average crash rate improve pedestrian accommodations which include Ada curb ramps completing missing segments of sidewalk within the whole entire project length and providing driveway access or driveway Crossings we are going to upgrade traffic signals to current NJ do mutcd and Ada design standards and we are also going to improve bicycle safety intersection lighting to that will go up to NJ do standards and traffic operations at signalized intersections will also be improved we have been having meetings with local officials throughout through uh cinnamon and Delan for this project and came up with a bunch of different alternatives to fix the project limit since November 2nd of 2022 the alternative that was chosen was a 10ft wide shared use path this will be running along the Northbound side of Route 130 we will be maintaining existing Lane width and shoulder widths throughout this project we will um the or where is this uh I think it's at Taylor Taylor's Lane the traffic signal timings will be optimized and that'll also be per every intersection if there's things needed to be done at those we'll get those done um um at Route 130 in Taylor's Lane we are going to create a lead left phase for cards turning eastbound from Taylor's Lane to Route 1 Route 130 Northbound we have chosen this project because it meets all the project purpose and needs it is a safe route for both bicyclists and pedestrians out to be outside of the roadway which is desired for such a highp speed and high volume roadway the construction cost is around $7.5 million and New New Jersey DOT subject matter experts support this alternative over all the other Alternatives that were designed so it might be hard to see on here but the thick orange lines that are on the sides of the road that's going to be the proposed shared use path the dark gray which is hold on where is that it is by Union Landings Road that's where we're going to impr the turn radius because there was a lot of large truck traffic in that area so it was decided to fix the turn radi there um the blue driveways are all driveways that are impacted by this project and that will most likely get fixed and then there's also yellow driveways those have no impacts and don't need to get fixed and then in the green I think on the bottom part of the map there are parking spaces that are are going to get removed and those are in front of commercial businesses So within this alternative there we're going to complete the missing sidewalk segments all curb ramps will be brought up to ADA compliance we are going to paint or stripe the crosswalks high visibility they're going to upgrade and replace traffic signals and modify timings to improve operations there will be an installation of back plates on all traffic signals and then down in the Delran section of the project there will be improvements made at the intersection of Route 130 in Creek Road and then like I had said before that we're going to improve the corner radius at Route 130 and Union Landing roads for larger trucks and then we're going to upgrade traffic signals and median openings at midblock Crossings and we're going to install crash cushions at each end of the median barriers so so in the construction staging an MPT portion of this project all the stage construction will occur with a within the shoulder and or one lane closed during work hours which will most likely be overnight or during the mid or in the middle of the day um again in the Del Ran section of the project there will be a detour at Creek Road and bridgeboro road for the ramp traffic during the intersection modifications all commercial driveways access will be coordinated with the the property owners this work will most likely get done at night just so that we don't impact their businesses for the RightWay there will be five partial fee takings 36 permanent sidewalk easements and over 80 driveway aprons will be getting reconstructed there will be up to six commercial properties that will get impacted but will all depend on the grading designs during the final final design phase of this project for the utilities there will be eight utility poles that will be relocated along with new lighting will be installed at at the traffic signals for environmental there will be a flood Hazard and freshwater wetlands permits that are needed for a bridge extension near hannes Mill Road there is a categorical exclusion anticipated under the Nea and major development requiring storm water management will have a perious path with a stone bed to absorb and recharge runoff and there will be soil testing will be done during the final design phase for our schedule and for our next step we're going to obtain the resolutions and support from the municipalities we're going to hold a public information center which we're hoping will be done in May of this year um we're going to complete the CD report and NJ do will approve the CD report and authorize advancement to the preliminary engineering we're hoping that the CD will be done in summer of 2024 for preliminary engineering fall of 2024 we'll have a final design by fall of 2026 and then we're hoping that the construction will start in 2029 does anyone have any questions I I was going to say I know she covered a lot there she did which definitely want to give you guys a chance to to ask some questions um you know and kind of just stepping back like like she said the project really started as from the bicycle pedestrian unit at do just because of the history of pedestrian mes out here um so that's why really the main focus of the project is how do we improve safety and particularly for bicycles of AES and and that 10 foot half if you go by Do's design standard because we've got 50,000 cars a day on this road you've got 50 mph speeds what you know depending what type of eggs people speak in general um you know the design standards basically called to get bicyclists and pedestrians out of the road at that point cuz right now if you're on your bike you have to ride in the shoulder the the sidewalks not wide enough for a bike so what the 10t path does is you know becomes a a shared use pad or you know is kind of the popular CH for it so this way bikes and pedestrians can ride on on that path instead of having to be in the shoulder the we did look at the potential of putting it on both sides of the road that really the the problem that runs into on the Northbound side there is a little bit more space more of a green strip um that's there right now the southbound side there's a lot more stuff that's like right up to the curve um you know really would have impacted a the lower properties more significantly and you know for you guys point of view too probably 80 to 85% of the job is actually a delm just you know obviously we're just at the very North End of town here um so even you know the RightWay discussions the utility pole relocations things like that a large majority of that actually happens at Del Ran uh but obviously you know the project as a whole that's all part of the over project go right ahead the the the part of the project when you're going down and and the grade areas where the driveways for traffic going in and out what does that look like for a car that's either going into one of those driveways or or exiting which driveways in particular well when when you were showing the plan there was gray out areas along the path which signified signified an entrance or an exit coming out of a parking lot what does that look like to a driver is it is it marked off in any way as your you're going past really what it would be is that I mean typically you know and like your engineer could tell you when you have like a concrete apron at a driveway you usually have like a a flat area where the sidewalk would go across the driveway that would be the intent tier if the driveway has a concrete apron we would redo the apron to get that flat Crossing for the the path to go across it if it doesn't have an apron they would redo the curves and make sure that there's handicap ramps there so that again you know the idea being to improve the accessibility it's not to close driveways or move driveways or or anything like that it's really just to improve the accessibility Crossing markings are raing that with the arm no is um most likely not just because they're not public streets gotta that all these with regard to the Tailor's Lane Route 130 intersection it says there will be a lead left phase for cars turning from East B Taylor Lane not westbound not so when we I know you know we've been talking with your engineer a long and one of the studies they did last year was I guess as development is coming up Taylor's Lane was some interm or you know potential improvements for that intersection and one of the recommendations was for that turn going on to 13 Northbound just to be able to clear out you know get at least get a couple of cars cleared out before the westbound traffic starts coming the I think just from a a traffic operations perspective I think timing wise it didn't it actually probably decreased the level of service if you tried to do the lefts both ways okay cuz what we can do now in this scenario since it's just the eastbound left you can have the left and the through eastbound start at the same time whereas if you had the opposing if you had both lefts going the same time you obviously you have to have a phase that adjust those left turns so and that's not the way the the timing is set up everybody just goes right now there is no lead so having that lead will just help flush those couple of cars out of there making that left to starter so I don't think from a I don't remember all can I think from a traffic perspective I don't think the left the westbound left really be any difference operation okay well I mean if if if eastbound is going to go green and left turn green at the same time it it should do something to clear that intersection uh for the westbound traffic just another thought for that intersection and I know this is not in the plan but it's just food for thought um every time I'm at this intersection I am actually going Southbound from I'm I'm facing eastbound but I'm turning on the southbound 130 okay it would be wonderful to have a right turn lane there but that's going to require acquisition of some real estate and I don't know that that's even in you know if that could even be considered I mean it's it's something we could look and I don't know I don't know I mean you guys have the traffic studies I don't know what the benefits of that are but me as a guy sitting behind the wheel it it could it it could help but it's not going to be that's not going to be an easy as fix as easy a fix as the lighting right cuz the the parking lock for the Wawa is pretty close up to oh I mean you would you would need to acquire the piece of Wawa that has the monument sign on it so that's that's that's a heavier lift and I I think you guys are willing to undertake but it's just food for thought well I mean and again that's part of the reason why we have these you know we come out in front of you guys and your professionals and stuff is would you know to hear what ideas you guys have and what you know we may not have thought of that would be important to you guys uh but I mean that's definitely something we could value cuz at this point you know like I said really what we're doing is we're coming to you guys we're actually going to Del R's council meeting next week doing the same presentation um with the I me know hopefully you know we we come out of these meetings with you know support for the project from from the to um but at this point if we still want to make any adjustments to this preferred alternative now is the time when we would make those adjustments because you know after we go through this process um you know the department has to like I said internally presents this to the to the feds who would ultimately paying for it and saying here we thought this out we listen to everybody's concerns you know incorporate it as best we could within the scope in project um that here's what we're want to move forward with and then that's kind okay everybody set and here's what we're going to do but like I said I there's no reason we couldn't look at the impacts of of what happens and like you said if it's right away and it's moving a sign and it's you something happens to the parking lot grading wise or or whatever it might be then we could say okay we looked at it but here's the downfall is and yeah it's probably more of a headache than than the B said no I I I get it so a pedestrian overp pass out the question yeah I'm hoping that talk to James his boss is the one paying the bills I'm I'm hoping that I'm hoping that the um uh the improved crosswalk striping and Ada um Curbing and the light retiming will give an old guy like me plenty of time to get across the road without playing having to play Frogger with these cars um exactly me and my Walker um I think that's all I have I mean you know the just just the sound of improved pedestrian and bicycle uh safety is you know that's music to my ears particularly in this town where the highway runs right through the middle of it and even you know like I say even the data that she referenced you know was kind of from when originally project started you we know that there's been thr together The Pedestrian accidents and fatalities that have occurred since then um you know even in just talking to delant police delant police chief is like yep another pest you know 6 months a go or whatever it was that was all the pedestrian accident he's like they're not it's not something that's going way it's obviously something that needs to be addressed so which hopefully we can help out a little bit I appreciate that anyone else have anything question by all means um Union Landing Road what what is going to be done for that you said you're going to increase the the turn radius so with the pilot there the idea being we can open up that right turn a little bit just to kind of help the trucks get in sh that's so cuz I don't think they did anything there when they put the the truck stop in it right yeah and that's that's currently under some sort of construction at this point too there's sidewalks going in there yeah and they're doing pole work too doing work so I'm not I'm not sure what will precede you going in there to tear it up again well but it might be easier yeah and I mean and again based on the schedule like I said what what it has to just go through the process at this point that's what it is that's why you know like you said you see the schedule on there and you're like oh it's five years from now until construction Starts Now if we move through the design process faster sure we can get it out ahead of time but there is going to be RightWay acquisition involved and things like that are just going to slow you know which is why you know we typically give you know fall it 18 18 months to two years for each the pment area at the final design knowing that we got to get permits we got to get RightWay you know we got to get things like that that just have long lead times with them oh understood by go right ahead in terms of the length of the improvements how much is in cinnamon and how much is in Delan about like I said I bet you it's probably at least 80% of it is in so just because you know we really are just picking up this very North End of CIT some here but cuz even you know like the the Creek Road intersection she talked about up by bridgeboro and up by the bridge right there and like that's probably from a geometric Highway layout perspective that's really the biggest thing that's happening because right now if you come off a creek you can come on Fen Creek Road and you can come offly one30 they had of crisscross each other we're going to get rid of that crisscross just to kind of you know again just to make it safer and moveing to R there but um but yeah a large part of the project is definitely B duck um does anybody mind if we open it up to um do we have to do anything to open this up to the public I think there I think there there there are people with hands up at this point can you can actually change the order of the agenda to just open up the public comment now on this issue can we open public comment just on this issue sure all right do you have to motion anything on here just yeah I do a motion okay and I have a motion to get on this agenda um public comment on this uh presentation only I'll make that motion Mr Mayor I will second that all in favor i i n uh extensions okay um now we need a motion to open public comment on this presentation I'd like to make a motion to open public comment and I will second that all in favor I I I okay public comment is open on this presentation item only um come on up um you know you know the way it works name and address for the record and feel free to ask your question you got are good you jela Shepard 215 Front Street in palara New Jersey speaking on behalf of the Civic Club of cinnamon East Riverton and palar um Mr oh I'm sorry Mr McGill I had asked a question and I didn't hear the end of it and I wanted to know did I hear it right that the end of Route One the end of Union Landing and Route 130 the only thing that was going to be done at that intersection was to make it wider for the trucks am I correct yes you are correct ma'am okay cuz I just didn't hear and thank you so much thank you you pet project two weeks two weeks that's right Pet Project first of all Ben young 116 Woodview Lane when you say the Northbound side of the road which is the Northbound side of the road in terms of the north side of the road for the easement is it towards the river or or towards the ocean toward the towards the ocean Long Way to the ocean Ben even though it is so so you're saying at Mainline drive it would affect the shopping center and not the marrying Caterers it's not going up that far I thought he said Mainline Drive is where it started and and over oh and over yes so it'll it Pandora so it'll start up that end that's why it's going to take the parking places like out from out in front of Pats in those places how does the town go to look at that when we we insisted that they have those parking places I'm sorry how's it going to look when the town insisted they have those parking places what are we going to leave them with I depends on what the final plan looks like I think you know what I'm saying cut that whole end off those front of those but the Taylor's Lane is the most interesting when you're saying left left going northbound you're telling me that those are the people coming up Taylor's Lane that we all keep talking about yes they're not taking care of your rightand turn but they're taking care of the left-hand turn correct which we're all in favor which where traffic goes that way than do right but that's more than a couple of spaces I mean that's going to be a line of trucks when that place opens up down the street yeah but that's from from what I anything's an improvement right better than what it is anything's an improvement uh we couldn't get it to come down to to over the road I was hoping to talk them talking in they going all the way to 73 are you going to have a public I see you have a public information session but are you going to have a actual public hearing or is this it so it's kind of a so I don't know if you Kim want to describe it sorry coming from another meeting with the Department transportation government Community Rel we will be having a public open meeting um we're looking at doing sometime towards third or fourth week of May um looking basically try to find a location in between the two and maybe one of the municipal buildings we can do um but we will be sending out notifications to everyone we usually do 250 ft within the project minute but however I always feel that down here I say down but in the South down New Jersey we're Regional more than anything um because we deal with the traffic from C City we deal with the traffic going to the shore so we're more regionalized when I look at as a regional manager we're more regionalized so I try to go within 500 ft outside of the project limits which will cover some of the neighborhoods as well and I ask you guys let the town know because if I hadn't to come tonight I'd have never known this and that's what I usually do from my office my assistant New Year what we do we send it over to Eric and we'll ask you to put it on your website we try to it to YouTube at least two weeks in advance what I'm going to suggest tonight is that we do a hybrid that we will have an open house for one night which will usually run from 6:00 to 800 p.m like I said at one of the municipalities and then two weeks from the day that we run we had that open house we'll run it online for two weeks on the the website so people that cannot make it have opportunity to go online and get the word out here your newsletter make sure your newsletter covers this extensively absolutely because you know I've been at this for a long time and I can remember when we didn't want any bikes on 130 and now suddenly we want bikes on 130 and I we had sidewalks on 130 and we didn't want sidewalks on 130 so nobody could make up their minds seriously and I got to tell you I ride my bike on 130 it's not fun and so did John McCarthy and he was always scared to death but that's that's that's essentially crazy there's there's been no consistent pattern here in what we're trying to do and I mean this has gone through many administrations and it's a continuing problem because it depends upon who's in charge of Transportation up there as to what the main philosophy and they said that back when I was up there as mayor so I know what you're talking about thanks thank you thanks man good evening Renee oler Davis 2108 Hunter Street firstly I would like to know if there's a possibility of obtaining a copy of this so that we could look at it more closely it's hard to see from where we are not necessarily tonight but at some point is that possible it will be Mar preliminary again this we are in our conceptual development stage I'm sorry speaking for the project manager we are in our conceptual development stage so it's everything that you're seeing right now is is basically we're trying to prepare to go to preliminary so all comments that we can get from our Council mayor um administrator that's good to feed into the project as we move into the next step and when the public um is able to go to those meetings I'd like to know will the public be able to have any impact that's the point that's that's why we're having so far when she showed you on they showed you on the screen how we break down and why we're having this in the beginning stage which is called our concept development stage is there so that the con the public can come out officials can come out and you can give us your feedback because that's what we want before we move it into preliminary so those things can be taken into consideration maybe some things can be done and maybe there's some things that cannot be done but collaboratively we're going to do what's best for the community okay and my vote is for 130 and Union Landing that turn be widened it's a very dangerous area with those large trucks going one way and cars turning in the other way I think there have been several accidents there already and uh that's my vote and the other thing is more bike lanes and pedestrian Lanes the better one of my uh cousins was seriously injured on 130 riding a bike anyway thank you thank you thank you thank you I was just going to close it go ahead I'm just kidding I'm name my name is Charles Graver from 1000 Union Landing Road my concern is Tailor Lane you're driving a car and you can't make a right-hand turn it's very difficult we have all tractors and trailers and the traffic without that building being open yet is already banned so not having a turn R for tractors and trailers or cars in general is detrimental to the area cuz people can't make that turn I know when we were up there guys go in the left-and lane to make that rightand turn to go from heading west to go south so it's make it a a public Hazard first of all the fire department can't get out that's been a consideration for quite some time you know what I'm saying like I've been up there I'm like how do they get out and I was talking to someone in the fire department they cut back around cut through Del and come back around know the director which isn't always the best scenario but you're if you're stuck in traffic it's very difficult I find it I I I understand it and I absolutely agree and hopefully well at the very least the the changes in the lighting might alleviate that some and i' we've brought up the possibility of a turn lane so we'll see where right the changing of the lighting going to make it for trucks I've been up there everyone grabs the Middle Lane to make a right-hand turn and we've already picked up equipment ourselves from people in the poll at the corner so that's all okay thank you thank you thank you close Okay seeing no one else come forward could I have a motion to close public comment on the presentation item I'll make that motion to close uh public comment on I will second that motion uh all in favor I nay extensions okay um thank you all for coming down and and giving us the the overview uh hopefully um we have it before 2029 but at least we have at least we have a tentative date I appreciate your time thank you so much thank you uh we can move on to committee liaison reports um Committee Member horer for finance and economic development thank you Mr Mayor the only it I have uh to report tonight uh is later on in the meeting uh we do have our 2024 Municipal budget introduction uh but I am happy to report on behalf of the township committee along with the finance committee consisting of uh Committee Member seagrist and myself uh that this Municipal budget proposed for 20124 uh does include a zero tax increase for the municipal uh portion of the tax rate of course just a reminder to the public the municipal uh budget is the only budget that this committee uh has control over um and then specifically I'd like to thank the department heads as well as the CFO uh Julie Edmonson and then of course under direction of our administrator Eric schubiger uh that concludes my report for this evening thank you very much thank you uh Committee Member seis public works thank you Mr Mr Mayor just a couple updates the public works department is almost out of leaf mulch for residents for the remainder of the year uh that's my fault I used a lot of it um this year there's an increased amount of traffic at the convenience center and they'll be replenishing the bin but it will not be available until late September early October uh the annual spring cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday May 18th from 8:00 a.m. to noon residents May dispose of the following items Electronics paint batteries no lithium batteries household trash white goods in metal tires motor and cooking oil brush and leaves one more announcement Fork Landing Road Bridge floodgates have been installed residents will no longer see the township orange trash trucks at those intersections uh instead there'll be new gates which were recommended by the township engineer thank you that reports that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you so much uh Committee Member McGill Public Safety thank you Mr Mayor uh the March 2024 activity report is as follows uh total incidence responded to by the police is 2414 uh total arrests made were 27 uh Total Property checks made uh not small 9 871 821 I'm sorry uh total M motor vehicle stops made was 325 total uh motor vehicle summons was issued with 214 total DWI arrests seven and there were uh Morgan Cemetery calls uh one in which three vehicles on location visiting Graves uh moved along verbally advised of the hours uh and that concludes my report Mr May thank you Mr Migel uh Deputy Mayor crille Parks and Recreation and Veterans Affairs okay thank you Mr Mayor um for Veterans Affairs the township is making plans for a Memorial Day ceremony to be tentatively held Friday May 24th here at Town Hall um event times and specific program of information will be available in the coming weeks um I have a few little updates for Parks and Recreation uh we Cinnaminson will be hosting a townwide yard sale Saturday May 18th cinnamon and Township May Day is being held Sun Sunday May 19th from 12:00 p.m. to 300 p.m. at Wood Park May Day is for all things Cinnaminson it's for businesses organizations and teams all based in Cinnaminson cops and Bobbers is June 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m at Steels pond at Memorial Park um contractors have begun work on the new pickle ball Courts at Memorial Park three courts will be constructed and work is estimated to be completed in early June w weather permitting um and lastly the construction of the Ravenswood Park tennis courts is scheduled to begin in early May and be completed in early June once again weather permitting uh this time of the year we get a lot of rain so could be a little bit sooner could be a little bit later um thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report thank you m grel um last and least is myself Administration and Health and Senior Services and this evening I um I will spare you a report I have nothing to report so we can move on to uh the next item which is the budget introduction this is resolution 2024-25 Municipal budget to be advertised in the Brunton County Times Public hearing is scheduled for May 20th 2024 may I have a motion to introduce resolution 2024648300 [Music] introduce resolution 2024-the Madam Secretary yes ma'am Mr I Mr Mill I Mr I I may I you uh next on the agenda we have a couple of ordinances to introduce uh the first one being ordinance 202 24-5 authorizing Capital Improvements appropriating $2,395 th000 authorizing the issue issuance of General obligation Bonds in the aggregate principal amount up to $1,992 to be advertised in the Burlington County Times Public hearing is scheduled for May 20th um may I have a motion to introduce ordinance enies ordinance 2024-the please I I I I I uh the next ordinance is 2024-25 salary ordinance to be advertised to the Bron County Times Public hearing scheduled for May 20th uh I will make a motion to introduce 202 24-6 may I have a second a second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr mcel roll call vote please I I I I I uh next we have an ordinance a public hearing for ordinance actually a public hearing for three ordinances give or take the first one is or ordinance 202 24-2 ordinance of public uh ordinance of the township of cinamon amending chapter 290 Provisions for flood Hazard reduction of the township code to add privately owned salt stor salt storage as a brief explanation um our Township engineer Joe barbadora has notified us of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulations related to privately owned salt storage the purpose of regulations is to prevent storage salt and other deicing materials for being exposed to storm water the ordinance establishes requirements for the storage of salt and other solid deicing materials on Municipal properties not owned or operated by the township which means privately owned U including residences to protect the environment public health safety and Welfare and to prescribe penalties for the failure to comply um basically uh we can uh summarize this by saying the state now wants us to have an ordinance to keep your salt in your shed if you're a resident if you are a commercial um if you are a commercial establishment you have to come up with a way to keep the salt from essentially melting into the storm water system so that's what we're looking at um may I have a motion to open public comment on this ordinance 202 24-2 I'll make a motion to open uh public comment on ordinance 20 24- two thank you Mr Migel may I have a second I will second thank you m crel a Voice vote all in favor I I I nay extensions public comment on ordinance 2024-25 all in favor I I Nays extensions um may I have a motion to approve 2024 D2 make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 D2 Mr Mayor thank you Mr mcel may I have a second Mr Mayor I'll second that thank you a roll call vote Madam Secretary Mr I Mr Miguel I Mr I mayor I I uh next on the agenda is ordinance 2024 4-3 the ordinance regulating the removal of trees on private property and amending chapter 450 of Township Code entitled trees uh Mr barbadoro has also notified the township of new Department of Environmental Protection regulations related to tree removal the 2023 tier a ms4 permit renewal requires permites to at a minimum adopt and enforce a CommunityWide ordinance to control tree removal and replace placement for all types of properties where the municipality has jurisdiction jurisdiction this ordinance establishes requirements for tree removal and replacement in cinnamon in Township to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff promote infiltration of water into the soil and protect the environment public health safety and Welfare um may I have a motion to open public comment on ordinance 202 24-3 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seist I will second that uh Voice vote all in favor I I I uh extenstions Nays okay public comment on ordinance 2020 4-3 is now open please state your name and address for the record Ben young 116 wview Lane also a trustee for Lake View Memorial Cemetery which is probably the most effective Party by this ordinance I have to confess we're blindsided I did not know but again by chance I came here to find out this is happening I would ask that you consider tbling this till I we've read it we didn't even know this existed and we've got probably 40 acres of trees so I have no clue and that's all developable land because that's all Cemetery future Graves so I would ask you to please consider tabling this I I read it so I don't know what it says and I and I had not talked to Jor I would have if I had have known this existed but I would please encourage you to table this and give us a chance to understand what the ramifications are for Lake bu Cemetery um thank you thank you Mr thank you m Mr Young um uh would it would it be prudent to have Mr barbadoro kind of explain what's happening here Mr yeah Joe if you could explain sort of the the background and the requirement that has been imposed upon us to help maybe the public understand that part of it too sure thank you thanks m' she some notes here so um so as the mayor stated essentially the the D is requiring the townships adopt a resolution to control the removal and replacement of trees um at the end of the day if again if you remove a tree it needs to be replaced but there are a lot of exemptions in there so if it's a dead or dying tree you would be exempt from the replacement requirement if you remove less than three trees that are smaller than 36 in in diameter in a five-year period you would not be required to replace the trees um and there's also alternatives to the tree replacement so uh the way the D's model ordinance is set up is if you don't have an area to replant this tree uh you could um I believe the the cost is $50 would be contributed to a tree fund that the township would open up which would go towards uh planting of trees and maintenance of trees throughout throughout the township so so that summarize it for you guys I can Joe can I ask a question sure or just clarification please um in the ordinance it states that uh njde uh would like this ordinance uh done either um on or before May 1st is that is that correct so just to clarify it is yeah okay so this is action that is mandated that we take onor before May 1st it is required Yeah by May 1 um thank you I think that clarification helps yeah the D has tradition Al been flexible with their deadlines as long as we're showing good faith that we're moving towards this an objective of adopting this ordinance so just want to keep that in mind for you guys um with your decision tonight with anything so okay all right right thank you yep we just move forward with this I mean we've got till May first and there's not a meeting between now and then I know but the way he made it sound is they're still going to it's not like we're going to get penalized yeah we can hold off we can hold off may I ask Mr barbad another question sure uh Joe so if uh if the township does not pass this ordinance what could happen to the township uh technically if by May 1 we don't pass the ordinance and if the DP does enforce that deadline we would be subject to fines of I believe it is 37,500 dollars per day per violation is the technical fine for that thanks for clarifying yeah thank you [Laughter] [Music] o so I've been involved over the years with a tree ordinance in moristown Ben young of course 160 and and they have a tree ordinance where they limit you like to two trees per acre uh per year or something you could remove without consequences to my knowledge because my client would have called me that immediately this has not been proposed in mortown yet so not everybody's rushing to this decision and I I I maybe there is a May one deadline at the DP but I can tell you Mor town would be on top of it if it were because they had a tree ordinance long before anybody else did this is this is a big big big deal trust me uh I don't know exactly and Joe probably would know anybody that's been up to the cemetery recently knows that we started to prepare the site for the next addition to the mosum and I mean I cleared 10,000 feet of trees out of there uh and I Pro we've probably got about 30 Acres left of undeveloped land that has trees on which have just grown not that they were ever planted they just grown their Wild the years and we've left them but this this is a really big deal folks for us anyway it may not be for anybody else but it is for the cemetery and I can speak for the trustees that they're very be if they knew about this I did not but if they knew about this they would be very concerned thank you thank you thank you I just want to add something actually BRS up a good point um so in the ordinances specifically states that any tree removals associated with a development development project um the tree planting and removal requirements would be settled at the planning board level as part of that that review for that so just so you guys know thank you if we're showing good Fai trying to we can a special meeting it Joe if if I might just you could sit stay seated please um if um you mentioned good faith like what does that mean if if if we could show njd that we have an ordinance in place but we had a concerned uh a concern brought to our attention regarding a really large parcel in town and how that could impact them so we kind of just wanted to work through that is that good faith yeah yeah I mean I I could I could go to the D and said hey we have the ordinance up for adoption we received some Community feedback uh we want to rework a little things you know couple of things we're not going to make the May deadline but here's the next state that we would like to adopt this ordinance Happ so as long as you know we keep showing progress we keep them updated on where we're at um typically they they won come down with those valid school thanks um I think we are considering holding off on this at this point yes sir yes sir um Mr sario what would be the ramifications of tbling this now does it have to be reintroduced no so we can table it now yep um take a look look at it reassess it take it hearing another public have another public hearing on it how about if we give you a week to take down all the trees Ben all serious dis to put a coalition together put page together for the IND to clearcut n Acres we because he said no anyway he clearcut his wowu I app all right so can schedule the public hearing for the next meeting if you'd like okay but what do we have to do with this now table it make a motion to table it do we need to make a motion to table it yes that's it okay um does somebody want to make a motion to table ordinance 2024 D3 yeah Mr Mayor I make a motion to table uh ordinance 202 24-3 until uh 1 May meeting uh thank you Mr Miguel can I have that seconded I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagrist um Madame secretary roll call vote Please Mr hor I Mr Miguel I Mr SE I mayor I may I yes okay um hold on do I have to do I have to close public comment yet on this no okay you're done uh ordinance 202 24-4 ordinance vacating releasing and extinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the street known as Berry Street located between block 301 Lot 1 and block 302 Lot 1 and consisting of of. 21 Acres within the township of cinamon subject to certain terms and conditions uh this one is that representatives of chick's towing service contracted the township to discuss their request for the township to vacate a portion of Berry Street the cross streat is Inman to assist with uh to assist with future site Improvement plans economic development committee and the appropriate Township professionals have reviewed the request and determined that the portion of the roadway in question is not needed for public purposes thus the economic development committee recommends that the bo govern governing body approve the vacation of the property um may I have a motion to open public comment on ordinance 2024-25 D4 thank you Mr Miguel I will second that uh Voice vote all in favor I opposed uh extensions okay public comment on 2020 24-4 is now open please state your name and address for the record okay quickly seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 202 24-4 I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr sigis can I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor Voice vote please all in favor I I opposed extensions okay uh I will make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 for May I have a second I will second thank you ma'am roll call vote Please Mr i i i mayor I mayor I okay this brings us to the consent agenda um which is surprisingly short this evening um resolution 202 24-65 authorizes the award of cont contract for shade structures through State contract from Marano Recreation Company Incorporated Public Works superintendent Kevin GA has secured pricing for the publish for the purchase of shade structures for East Riverton Park Miss Edmonson has determined that this purchase requires a resolution of the governing body and that sufficient funding is available and recommends that the governing body authorize the award of the contract to State contract vendor Marano recreation in the amount of$ 15,292 72 uh resolution 2024 66 is authorization of cancellation of taxes for totally disabled veteran block 1916 lot one tax assenter tax assessor Dennis dclark has confirmed that the property owner meets the criteria for eligibility for this benefit and recommends authorization by the governing body and one raffle St Charles Baro from 61024 to 6152 24 and that is the end of the consent agenda uh I will make a motion to open public comment on the consent agenda items only may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagrist a Voice vote all in favor I I opposed abstain public comment on the consent agenda is now open please state your name and address for the record oh come on psych seeing no one come forward may I have a motion to close public comment on the consent agenda I'll make that motion Mr Mayor thank you Mr seus may I have a second I'll second thank you Mrs crel Voice vote please all in favor I I I opposed abstained the eyes have it may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda is read thank you Mr McGill I will second that um approval of minutes roll call okay roll call vote please all in favor roll call Mr oh hold on oh this is adoption do roll call go ahead Mr I again Miguel I I again mayor I may I thank you it's been a long meeting already um we'll move to the approval of minutes uh for uh April 1st 2024 may I have a motion to approve the minutes of April 1st 2024 make a motion Mr Mayor to approve uh minutes for April 1st 2024 thank you Mr mcel may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr seagis um roll call vote Madam Secretary Mr abstained thank you I Mr I I I thank you on to the approval of bills may I have a motion to approve the bill list make a motion Mr Mayor to approve the bill list thank you Mr Migel may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you uh roll call vote Please Mr I Mr Miguel I hi I I thinking about it um do we have any comments um from our professionals or staff this evening no sir sir no gentlemen okay um and that being the case may I have a motion to open public comment I'll make a motion Mr Mayor to open public comment may I have a second I'll second that Mr Mayor thank you Mr Seager a Voice vote all in favor I I Maz abstentions okay public comment is now open please state your name and address for the record now this time for real huh Ben young 116 with VI Lane first of all I'd like to what I'd like to do is express our sincere thanks from the Don Dan nardone Bachi club for the bot balls we really appreciate it they're very excited they're so excited they haven't opened them yet but the because they got anticipation is best part of the deal so we thank you deputy mayor for helping us get that achieved we appreciate it the only other thing that I wanted to mention and and Kevin may be aware of this because if you go down to the brushard you know a while back probably a month or six weeks ago um the to the towing company Flanigan lost their building on 130 right there at the curve behind Wharton's and they've since rented o'hare's building across the street from us on Whitmore Street and they're using that to function out of for which I appreciate understand their cons their issues because but they also have an operation on Collins Avenue in down in pensak and if any Of You' have ever gone to see it it's starting to happen on Whitmore Street tonight there's three trucks parked out on Whitmore Street now I know there's no there's no restricted parking but I think a little bit like going back to Randolph Street where we have we no parking overnight if you recall from 6 to 6 or whatever it was I think you might give some consideration to that because that can only get worse because this is way smaller than that yard they had in pens so I think it's something to be concerned about all right thank you thank you thank you m y okay seeing no one else come forward may I have a motion to close public comment I'll make a motion to close public comment thank you Mrs crille I will second that a Voice vote please all in favor I I nay abstentions okay public comment is closed uh committee comment do we have any comments from the members of committee this evening I just have one comment Mr Mayor uh I'd like to thank uh Deputy Mayor Crable for all the hard work on the uh Bachi courts that her underway at Memorial Park I know that was a a long time coming I know she uh went back and forth with members of the public as to where the best location would be took a lot of feedback um so I I want to commend her for the bot you get the pickle excuse me if we move the if we moove the bot going get sorry Ben I meant pickle ball excuse me um I got a text message this morning from somebody that runs the pickle ball over at uh Riverton Country Club super excited uh that he now is is seeing construction there so I want to thank deputy mayor kraal for all her efforts with that okay um Mr sigis nothing for me Mr Mayor Mr Mill believe it or not no whoa you okay you feeling all right I'm feeling fine Grable nothing this evening okay I have nothing as well um may I have a motion to adjourn Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting can I have a second for that I'll second I'll second all in favor i i n extensions okay meeting is adjourned next meeting is Monday May 6 2024 at 6:30 p.m. right here thanks for coming everyone going on outside