so please speak loudly into the microphone oh it's just seven nothing mic's on we're ready for once we're yet yes we have to wait till that clears wait until the date disappears until the screen clears I remember right here we go right good evening this is a public meeting of the Board of Education of the Clark Public Schools adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with pl1 1975 chapter 231 and a special notice was made in conformance with Section 13 of the act and can we get a motion to return to public Miss acalones followed by Miss Hickman roll call please uh Pledge of Allegiance first Pledge of Allegiance sorry it's my first thinged of Al of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God and justice for all can we do a roll call yes Mr iones here Mr Ben Singa Mr home here Mr breedy here M Guerrero here Miss Harrison here miss Hickman here Mr Lewis here Mr smurl here and Mr dunker SLO here having nine board members we have a quum thank you uh at this time we'll hand it Mr vuzu about the presentation of the tentative annual school budget thank you Mr President uh on the agenda tonight is u a motion to approve the ten budget to be submitted to the uni County uh executive superintendent for approval uh once they approve it we'll be able to advertise the budget and also do our public budget presentation in May so if you turn to page two of the agenda um just go over a couple numbers the total expenditures general fund for 2425 is is 40 43,7 45,000 uh anticipated revenue is 7.6 million and taxes to be raised that's the tax levy is 36 million special revenue is $2.2 million our debt service is 1.8 total expenditures or total budget is 47 mil 78427 of which 37 m858 9.99 will be raised for taxes does anyone have a question none okay we have a motion Mr President can we get a motion to to approve the tentative budget Mr breedy followed by Mr smoral roll call please M iones yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes M Guerrero yes M Harrison yes M Hickman yes Mr LS yes Mr SML yes and Mr duners yes motion carried right good thank you uh we'll move on to the approval of minutes can I get a motion for last month Miss Harrison followed by Mr breedy any questions or comments roll call please Mr aonis yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes Mr Guero yes Miss Harrison yes Miss Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr SML yes and Mr dunker yes motion carried thank you uh now at this point we'll open the floor to the public for agenda items only so if you have any comments on any of the agenda items now would be the time all right seeing none we'll move on to the next portion of the call or the meeting Personnel we have items 1 through 22 can I get a motion correct Miss aonis followed by Miss Hickman I'm Sorry by um Miss Harrison I'm sorry can I um any questions or comments on there yeah I have a question um on numbers 9 13 and 14 are they any of them High School related motions okay 13 okay thank you thank you m gra all right so roll call Mr aonis yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes Mr Guerrero abstain on 1 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 19 20 21 and yes on the rest okay just to be clear if May if I may repeat this uh you're abstaining on 146 78 9 11 12 14 16 19 20 and 21 yes thank you uh Miss Harris Harrison Miss Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smurl yes and Mr duners yes carried thank you all right moving on to curriculum education we have items 23 and 24 can I get a motion Miss aonis followed by Miss Hickman any questions or comments roll call please Mr ionus yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes Miss Guerrero abstain M Harrison yes M Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smor yes and Mr duners yes motion carried all right for board governance we have items 25 through 30 can I get a motion I see Miss Hickman and then Miss Harrison any questions or comments roll call please s Colonus yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes Mr Guerrero abstain on 27 and 29 and yes on the rest Miss Harrison yes Miss sikman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr smurl yes and Mr dun um Mr duners SL yep motion carried thank you and then finally we have Finance items 31 to 43 can I get a motion Mr breedy I get a second Miss Hickman any questions or comments roll call please Mr acalones yes Mr bone yes Mr breedy yes Mr Guerrero abstain on 33 and 36 and yes on the rest Miss Harrison yes Miss Hickman yes Mr Lewis yes Mr soral yes and Mr dun yes motion carried thank you uh now we'll hand it over to Mr Grande for the report of superintendent good evening and thank you Mr Don cut this evening we approved a 2425 tenative budget and I'd like to thank Mr vzo our finance committee led by Mr smoral with Mr Bowman Mr bre as members and the entire board for their support through the process we're also accepting the retirements of Miss anmarie shirona currently a grade five teacher at the Henley School with 22 years of service and Mr Mike manella in our man maintenance department with 27 years of service next school Year's calendar the 2425 calendar was also approved and this calendar will be sent districtwide through school messenger and will be posted on the district website tomorrow Camp cougar the introductory summer program for our incoming sixth graders will take place August 22nd through 27th over two two-day sessions the cost will be $50 and more details will follow we're once again offering the intermural track program at Carl HC again at a cost of $50 per student and more details will also follow on that program we're accepting the donation of two $500 checks by PNG p&j Fuel Incorporated under Exxon Mobile Educational Alliance for our steam programs at alj and we'll great and we're grateful for those those donations on March the 1st was our national day of unplugging where our students throughout the district were disconnected from technology and a return to what we all grew up with um just a simpler way of doing business our Juniors at alj began their NJ GPA testing on Monday and that will run through Thursday and that's our high school graduation requirement testing read Across America took place on Friday March the 1st guest readers including students from our National Honor Society read at Frankie Henley and Valley Road school and last Thursday there was a meet the author event at Valley Road School through which our students were exposed to L to child children's author Laura tarus via two assemblies our National Honor Society induction program took place on Tuesday February the 27th and we were thrilled to see our most talented high school students honored this afternoon our Honors Academy preview program took place where our incoming freshmen who are eligible for that program got a glimpse into our academic offerings and many thanks once again to the high school administrative team Mrs ala Mrs P Mr amandola for spearheading this initiative and lastly we're thrilled to announce that Carl HC received their NJ schools to watchy designation they were one of only six middle schools throughout the state to receive this honor this year this re redesignation is the result of the applic that was submitted in the fall and the site visit in December a very special Thanks goes to Mr Del Monico and Mrs Clark for leading us through this process and some words from Mr demonica come Middle School was redesignated as a New Jersey Schools to Watch by the national Forum to accelerate middle level education schools to watch must be redesignated every 3 years by showing continued growth in advancing middle level education only 14 middle schools in NJ have this distinction in total and six this year thank you to all the students parents and teachers who helped with the application process and site visit interviews special thanks to assistant principal Amanda Clark for overseeing the whole process and the successful outcome com will be recognized at the NJ Association of middle level education conference on March the 13th and the national Schools to Watch conference in Washington DC in June thank you and have a great evening thank you Mr Grande so now we'll move to report of the Committees Miss acalones yes good evening uh this past Tuesday March 5th Mrs Ola our high school principal and I attended the Union County um unsung heroes award this was held at the stem building at Kane University where our two high school students who had struggles during their educational career who and are now flourishing received Awards and these two uh young adults were Cassandra Nancy Gloucester here from alj and Clark and also Daniel Archer from alj and is a Gard a Garwood student so I want to commend both those young persons for again uh fighting through all of their problems and struggles that they had and are now are flourishing students so again I thank you Mrs Oliva for uh nominating them along with their guidance counselors I think also and nominated them so kudos to both those young students thank you thank you Miss acalones Mr small yes we we as mentioned earlier we had our finance committee meeting last week I just want to thank Mr vuzu for all the hard work he and his team did in terms of preparing the budget for um the upcoming year so thank you Paul thank you Mr small any other unfinished business I'm sorry report any unfinished or new business right seeing none we're hand it over to Abigail good evening and thank you I'll begin with events of the high school alj participated in National unplug day having students and teachers navigate a day of high school without technology this week the junior class is participating in NJ GPA testing in the mornings so all our students get to arrive at 9:50 and classes have been shortened last Tuesday seniors Danielle Archer and Cassie glester were honored at a dinner as one of Union County's unsung heroes for their accomplishments within the school the winter athletic awards took place the night after recognizing those who stood out in the winter season the football team celebrated their athletic season with an honorary dinner on March 3rd and the National Honor Society welcomed its new inductees in a ceremony in February tonight at alj there was a welcome night for those eth grade students wishing to preview next year's honor Academy the Heroes and Cool Kids organization continues to visit both Clark and Garwood middle schools having visited Garwood Lincoln School this past Friday at 700 p.m. on March 21st 22nd and 23rd the spring musical mean girls will be performed moving on to K Middle School the PCA will be hosting a skating night this Friday at waren noo park for students and the Last Dance of the year for students on March 22nd additionally an artist and residence from Young audiences has been working with Miss greenspans English class on a theatrical performance Workshop as part of a grant com received earlier in the year the artists will remain working with the students throughout March we wish the C Science Olympiad team the best of luck as they will be competing in the state championships this Thursday March 14th looking forward to April the recer science bus will visit come from April 8th through 10th all seventh grade students will take part in a Hands-On science activity while visiting the third marking period ends on April 12th over at Valley Road Elementary the book fair has been taking place this week as part of re across Amer America tonight at 6 p.m. there was a murder mystery night for older students and the week of March 18th will be Wellness Week full of related activities they'll be mind from this assembly and obstacle courses for the students on the 22nd there will also be a Zumba class at the school on the 25th the fifth grade colonial job fair will be held where the students take the role of colonial Merchant Americans and share what they've studied with fellow students and their parents the school play Finding Nemo will be taking place March 27th that's all I have for this month thank you thank you Abigail all right so the next portion will be to open the floor to the public so this would be for non-agenda items so if you have anything you'd like to discuss that was not on the agenda now would be the time to state your name and your address for the record and you'll have three minutes last te no set that's all of Governor Lord Mr Dr your three your three minutes are up thank you are there any other comments from the public on non aggenda items okay so seeing none we'll close out that portion of the meeting and we'll get a motion to adjourn everybody agree a motion Miss Hickman and then miss acalones all agree I I thank you have a good night