we are so privileged to be joined by the Keystone Heights Junior Senior High School band as well as their Advanced guitar class under the direction of Justin Coker and David golden their music teachers so before we begin um with the musical presentation we're going to have a presentation of colors so if you all would please rise and this is the Keystone Heights Junior Reserve officer training core if you would join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated and enjoy the musical presentation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] the [Music] all [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is half and half for class of guitar class providing their superpowers [Music] [Music] I [Music] up [Music] the [Music] but I only have to [Music] I [Music] up [Music] for [Applause] let's give him one more Round of Applause that was fantastic [Applause] Indians so tonight we are joined by Pastor Greg Larson from First Baptist Church Keystone Heights um and he will be providing our invocation but we're going to give the music students just a moment to finish up putting their equipment [Music] away ready all right let's pray father your word says in Psalm 124:8 our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth oh father gracious righteous and merciful uh Lord may your name be exalted above all things you are so good to us and we praise you for your many blessings thank you for your many Provisions in our life both spiritual and physical Lord thank you for life thank you for breath uh thank you for for health and thank you for all that you give us um and thank you for all of these people in this room that serve our community and we ask that you would give us uh wisdom today knowing that from your mouth comes knowledge and understanding May glory be to you most high God in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen amen uh we've already said the pledge so um if we want to be seated I'll call the meeting to order welcome citizens of Clay County I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend tonight's Schoolboard meeting this meeting is our opportunity as your elected representatives to collaborate openly and to make decisions that will decide the future direction of our public schools and the education of our children here in Klay County if you wish to address the board on an agenda item there will be an opportunity to speak for 3 minutes please fill out a card located at the side entry door indicating the specific specific item number or topic you wish to speak about and turn it in promptly to one of our officers if you have items that you would like to present to the school board or to the superintendent please hand them to an officer who will distribute them accordingly no additional cards will be accepted once the board moves to the public comment section under presentations from the audience your participation is always welcomed and appreciated so we're going to begin tonight's meeting with some recognitions and awards um first will be Mr braski presenting a recognition for outstanding 2023 2024 School volunteers good evening David brosi my address is on file um I've always wanted to say that uh it's my pleasure tonight to uh to give three volunteers an award you know one of the things you always wanted to do is the school system reach out to the community our strategic plan one of the goals within the Strategic plan is to do that very thing and one of the key ingredients to that is public recognition of people that do uh outstanding volunteer work within uh Klay County schools now there's actually three different categories and the first one that we're going to recognize is the student category and our youth volunteer of the year you have to be under 20 years old in order to receive the award is Mr Tyler Davies of Orange Park High School Tyler if you can come on up here let me tell you a little bit about this young man okay now I get to brag about you you can come stand next to me I won't bite okay this young man if I if I could adopt somebody and claim them as my own maybe a third son this would be the guy right here 850 hours of volunteering Tyler's volunteered in so many different organizations in our community and um most notably Orange Park High School where if you go there there's actually a banner of him in automech is that not true okay uh I refer to him as Mr Orange Park High right if you say to anybody what student is Mr Orange Park High they'll quickly say Tyler Davies uh his work as student president of the Community Partnership program currently and is involved with them since their inaugural year so many things to to brag about with Tyler the closed closet the food pantry giving to his community truly has a servants heart uh as a student uh he's also happens to be president or uh chair of the superintendent student advisory Council so I see I see Tyler every month and I see him interact with other students and I see the leadership qualities that he has uh he's an incredible incredible young man so without further Ado our student volunteer of the Year Mr Tyler Davies picture okay [Applause] next we also recognize we're in the we're now in the 21 to 61 range okay they actually do it by age okay this individual in Bronco nation knows her well Jamie Russell Jamie Russell come on come on down let me brag about you after serving as the school sack committee on the school sack committee and learning the struggles and barriers many uh students at MHS face Jamie work with the MHS Broncos giveback team to provide a wide range of community support for all students in the in the give back program hundreds of items were collected and then distributed to students uh in Bronco land she also has worked with Community groups such as the Klay County Farm Bureau the Florida peanut producers Association to increase participation in the program and Target the holidays as as a time for much needed supplies for students uh away from school additionally Jamie Volunteers in uh CTE it's quite a familiar face serving uh on the design uh build construction Advisory Board there a judge for career and Tech uh organiz ations competitions middleberg FFA alumni and the list goes on and on very very involved and I'll tell you the most interesting thing was when I went out to uh to give her a certificate a week ago maybe just watching her interact with people there you thought she owned the place okay she she says don't tell Mr aftuck but I do like she walked in like she work worked there she was totally comfortable and is just a a trans uh transitional leader at middleberg high school so without further Ado Jamie [Applause] Russell and finally in our senior Division I went out to doctor's Inland Elementary and saw firsthand uh this gentleman over 19 years of volunteering at doctor's Inlet Elementary so David everington would you come on down Mr Mr edington's on the doctor's Inlet uh campus at least two days days every week for the last 19 years okay that's a volunteer right there let me say he's created a school garden in which students can learn and cultivate the love of plants and herbs he maintains all of the areas of Campus that need to be covered he attends the weekly Green Thumb club meeting with to students and uh and teach them about gardening safety and responsibility and let me tell you in particular what I saw there was the interaction from from particularly young men right looking up to a to a figure there it was quite harm uh heartwarming when I went there so without further Ado our senior volunteer David [Applause] everington just thank you so much to all of our volunteers well thank you guys so much for what you do to support students in our schools every day um now we are going to move to the recognition of the 2023 2024 School related employee of the year teacher of the year and Rookie of the Year and we have from the clay Education Foundation g t Michael wrath genen and I don't see Jennifer young Terry and Terry yeah Jennifer had um last minute U meeting come up so um good evening uh school board members and good evening parents most of you don't know me my name is g t most importantly really do you guys know about clay Education Foundation yes yes okay um just a Shameless plug we do have our spring for Education coming up fundraiser so you know if you don't know anything about clay Education Foundation that's a really good time for you to come and support the event and the foundation um so as I've said my name is g t chairwoman of clay Education Foundation and um here with me is my vice chair Michael rathen with Vice star and Terry Hicks our Treasurer who you know who basically that's important right because without him then we don't have teacher of the year he also works for Office Max Office Depot who is a big supporter for clay Education Foundation our mission at clay education is to create meaningful Partnerships it's between the community the businesses you know like with byar and Office Max and the school board and the parents and so tonight we want to on behalf of the board of direct Board of Directors for clay education we want to acknowledge the work of some somebody who epitomizes this partnership so she has been a big um supporter of the foundation for the past eight years so when we started um you know the foundation I think we've been here for maybe about 15 years and we were known for basically one event which was the teacher of the year and that's what we did um basically just teacher of the year every every year and um we basically just kind of like broke even we did the event we supported the teachers and then we tried to raise funds for the teacher of the year every year that's it and now it's grown 15 years later eight of which our big one of our school board member has been a big supporter you know now we have I'm not sure if you're familiar with a Dolly Parton Imagination Library which is you know now we're on national news right and through the clay education foundation and we have the teacher supply store how many here are teachers okay and you guys have visited the teacher supply store right four times a year so we did it before once a year now we have four times a year um and the teacher of the year actually get gets uh or got like three years from three years now got a car from Garber who has donated the space for our teacher supply store so I can go on and on and on about this but without the support of this important person from our school board this wouldn't really have happened so Mary thank you very much for all the support you've given us would you be able to come down here so that we can give you our our plaque that you know I'm sure you have a lot of already and stand I think this deserves a stand Standing Ovation right Standing Ovation [Applause] right thank you so much and um we're really sad that you know she she is not going to be attending our meetings anymore um you know but um we're super excited Miss Skipper and so you know she's now our ex official but you know going back to Mary um you know we're really sad so thank you thank you um and Shameless plugs spring for Education don't forget um April 25 and Mary if you can just stay here while we recognize our um teacher of the year but can you speak up for like few words I just want to say thank you um when I started with the the Foundation eight years ago my first year as a school board member it was one of those okay we have to make assignments to people who's going to take on the foundation and I was like I got one of the grants for great ideas I'll be happy to as a teacher the grants for great ideas were huge for for just those opportunities to expand our curriculum just enough to give Kids Hands-On experiences or to give kids opportunities to work with different manipulatives in math or science fair type project tools Etc and this is a picture of me with children with a number of students at the Junior High and um this is what it's all about guys supporting our children first and foremost and that's exactly what the foundation does and it's been an incredible eight years and I very much appreciate each and every one of you thank you and I did forget to mention that she has been really a big Advocate not only for you know the foundation but really primarily for the students and the teachers so thank you so much for that so then Michael Yes awesome good evening I have the pleasure of introducing this year's teacher of the year so I don't know if you got a chance to be at the celebration or seeon the great work that's being done and celebrated across Clay County uh but we would like to publicly publicly recognize miss Robin Campbell from wikinson Jor High she could if she's here well if she's here tonight yes awesome nice yes so she is one of the most recent recipient of that Garber Auto Mall vehicle I'll say a few quick words about Miss Campbell she's a science teacher at Wilkinson Junior High she inspires her teachers to or her students to reach higher and higher levels of inchie of achievement and she never sets a limit for how high they can go she truly believes in how students can and will achieve higher levels of success when they leave her classroom from when the time they entered Miss Campbell possesses an innate ability to infuse enthusiasm and curiosity into every scientific concept that she introduces she makes complex subjects accessible fostering an environment where questions are encouraged and they are celebrated her interactive teaching methods from captivating experience experiments to engaging discussions uh turn the classroom into a discovery laboratory so additionally Miss Campbell serves on Wilkinson Junior High's science department uh as the head uh chair there for their uh department and she also serves as the science fair coordinator and she is one of the professional educator uh competency mentors so she's often the first to volunteer for events on campus and she even serves as one of the academic team team judges so miss Campbell has her master's degree in educational leadership and she also assists the administrative um team with roles throughout the school year as well so a very much well-received congratulations awesome I would like to recognize our school related employee of the year Philip Toro ISS assistant at dr's Inlet Elementary [Applause] yeah Mr Toro serves as the internal school suspension leaon at doctor's Inlet Elementary as a former school counselor Mr choro set a goal to remove the stigma of ISS being a place of punishment and replace it with a place of social emotional and educational growth in addition to his ISS responsibilities Mr Toro created a three-part schoolwide mentoring program to Foster and build positive relationships with students outside the standard classroom setting join me in congratulating Mr Philip Toro as school related employee of the [Applause] year okay we have one more this is a new category this year but unfortunately uh she's unable to be here with us tonight but we'd like to publicly recognize Miss Allison uh Alison Sanders from Keystone Heights Elementary School she was recognized this year as our first ever uh rookie of the year uh through the Klay County Education Foundation so a round of applause for Allison awesome yes thank you so much we appreciate all that you guys do to support the teachers here in Klay County you guys are amazing Partners um so we are going to to move now to our school showcase and we have with us the fearless leader of the Keystone Heights Junior Senior High Indians Miss Lori Burke um here to tell us about all the Fantastic things happening in [Applause] Keystone our students did so good in their performance you don't know how scary that is for teenagers to come up here and perform in in front of everyone and they've had a busy day today because this morning they performed at our veterans uh recognition ceremony first thing this morning 8:00 so it's been a very busy morning for them I'm so proud of them so uh all right so actually our Roc just passed their inspect annual inspection with a 97% so they were super excited about that and then our um you know I got to tell you about our guitar class because a lot of them couldn't come tonight there is a huge guitar like advanced class and they uh Fridays especially Sunny blue sky and you can just hear them all over campus and sometimes it's like a Jimmy Buffett song and I can just pretend for a split second that I'm on the beach kicked back somewhere and uh listening to them plays so they do such a good job I appreciate you all having them here tonight it means a lot to them uh all right so thank you so much for showcasing Keon Heights uh Junior Senior High School tonight and I'm going to give you a quick rundown of what they do what we do and then ask you to sit back and watch an awesome video um to get a little Glimpse teaching and learning at our school has been led by some amazing teams to cultivate and refine our students academic progress we've made gains and are so proud of the work our students have put in last summer I was able to get some great ideas from the nassp conference and put into our school uh and we've practiced it all year so we used uh to start the school year we started this year with a goal of 100% success this looks different for each student without me going into that for the sake of time but you know that 100% success looks different for every student teachers and students have dug deep into learning and have grown through strong instruction our teachers have pulled together even more than ever before one team in particular is our Twix team it stands for together we instill Excellence therefore this year we called it operation Excellence because we are taking flight to New Heights and Keystone Heights and you'll see what I'm talking about when you see the video uh this team is a group of teachers and instructional assistants who collaboratively teach uh students and all of our classes to provide specially designed instruction tailored to individual student needs and our literacy team creates a schoolwide lessons for all of our students that focus on building vocabulary uh students learn new words and their definitions twice a week during tribe time we also blast the word of the day on the morning announcements and throughout their classroom lessons um our department chairs also another team they're leading their teams in the work of instructional Focus using the best standards and through all of our work our proficiency scores have increased in the following areas uh Civics we increased by 19 points uh and 8th grade ELA and eighth grade science both increased nine points each and our biology has increased Four Points uh we are uh watching our fast PM scores very closely and we're already seeing the positive growth in the math and Ela and pm2 so far this year uh we have huge focus on our faculty staff and student recognition uh we have our Indian strong standards and we have special recognitions each week for them to make them Facebook famous they love that uh you should see the students faces light up when we recognize them in something like this we're not recognizing students who are recognized for great athletic ability and they're just 4.8 gpas were recognize students who making Improvement and growth every day and when they come down their faces light up I can't tell you how much it means to those students to just get that recognition that they may not would have gotten their whole High School career so it's pretty awesome um our Indian strong acronym stands up for show up work together give respect never give up and use grit to get it done we also reward students constantly with our Indian bucks and they can spend them at our Indian Buck store during lunch uh the students love this we also have fun events for our students that they earn with good grades good attendance good discipline uh to attend quarterly pancake breakfast Dance dances and awards ceremonies and the end of the year uh grade level events and much more students in our Positive Behavior Support classes they can earn rookie Legend and Superstar status and they can even get a delicious fast food Friday uh our community supports our schools tremendously and all of these initiatives uh with money donating goods and volunteering one major accomplishment to mention uh also moving on to our three time state championship boys weightlifting team you all have Rec recognized them here several times so I'm sure you all remember uh and they've won both in the Olympic and traditional titles and they're quite amazing to say the least and all of our Sports provide an excellent School culture our CTE programs are going strong we just recently uh had our CTE culinary class complet uh compete and made it all the way to the Orlando Universal handheld competition that's pretty cool uh we do have the best Culinary Kitchen in Clay County by the way we really do you'll have to see our kitchen if you have not seen it our school's uh opportunity for growth will uh the work we're doing now to grow strength and learning in our students with disabilities we have improved our their overall proficiency from 38 to 42% so far and we're continuing the work towards our 100% success uh all of our students uh through our strong uh District collaborative professional development next steps for us is to expand our web crew tribe with sponsorships and active leadership roles within the student leadership groups these students bring about an inclusive experience to all of our incoming seventh grade and new students and Lead throughout the school year I would like to also recognize uh my awesome administrative team for the hard work they do every day to make this all possible Miss Rodriguez Mr Johnson and Mr Underwood who can't be here tonight because he's at middleberg high school with his daughter in the uh Miss MHS we're making a difference and now you can watch our video to catch a glimpse I was supposed to point at them when it's time to go I can't see them but they're going to go [Applause] [Music] e [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't have to watch it again but there you have it thank you so much for having us here tonight thank you so much Miss Burke um so this will be the last call for comment cards um if there are any hanging out in the audience um that you'd like to turn in before we move on to the uh public comment portion of the agenda now will be the last call so if you have one please hold it up so we can see all right seeing none we're going to move to the presentations from the audience a um our first speaker is Evelyn D Hillman as a reminder when you come up to the podium please state your name and your address for the record you'll have three minutes to speak the timers are on the screens um and we ask that uh if you're making a a comment about an employee that um we don't name employees from the podium and if you're addressing the board you address the board as a whole Miss hel thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to speak to to you this evening uh just to give you a little bit about myself I have a PhD in guidance and counseling education from the University of Michigan and have devoted most of my life to education I spent 15 years as an overseas missionary teaching teachers in Nigeria in Haiti and in the Congo uh most of my education career in school was in the Detroit public schools and my last assignment there was the principal of a career V Tech High School so I'm urging you to consider seriously the importance of a good strong vocational education for youngsters before they graduate from high school uh I had trouble when we first opened the school because I was opening it and some of the parents said we don't want our kids go into vocational but I said vocational couldn't be an in not the the end it can be an intro into what you would like to do so if you want to get a college education you earn a lot more money as a big Chef assistant because coolinary was ours rather than flipping hamburgers at McDonald's so think about vocational education it's very important before my time ends though I do want to say that I Googled the whole idea of band books and I'm sad to say that it's sad that the most banned books in the US is in Clay County Florida and that it was mostly instigated by one person but more Books banned that is not education education is opening the mind giving an opportunity for youngsters to get a broad spectrum so that they can make wise decision so please think about that that's not a good distinction for Clay County next is Shannon huie my name is Shannon huie and my address is on file good evening ladies and gentlemen I am here tonight with a heavy heart but a sense of gratitude that cannot be ignored I feel compelled to express my deepest appreciation to Klay County schools and making me a better person and a better parent some of you might find it surprising that I stand before you tonight praising A system that has failed my children but it is truth it is because of those failures like having my children's IEPs reviewed by an educational Advocate who immediately noticed that one child was behind three grade levels um based on the present levels shown in the IEP provided by Klay County School District after reviewing previous IEPs it was further noted that over the course of several years my child was never afforded an opportunity to have scientifically peer-reviewed direct reading instruction it took an advocate one meeting to fight for it using the school district's own data to get it approved why does it take a parent having to bring an outside Advocate to fight for our students why can't the district follow the data and the law and do what they're supposed to do so our children can be well educated my children have been failed numerous times over the course of their short educational career in Clay County schools and let me give you yet another example happening just recently in the last two months I have had a son with a broken arm that was dismissed by the school nurse because there was no broken skin and according to the notes sent home nothing to even clean he was sent back to class twice with an ice pack after seeking help that his arm hurt after I reviewed the incident on video with the principal I cleared clearly pointed out the way he was carrying his arm showed that it was injured then this week my non-verbal child was sent back to class with a Band-Aid on his knee after he supposedly slipped on a playground stairs only later after seeing a large bruise on his back and then he started vomiting did I find out he actually fell between two and three feet from a climbing wall on the playground and now has a mild concussion parents can understand what transpires when they are told the actual truth but when parents have to confront the schools to find out exactly what happened that is a different story no nurse implored by our district should dismiss a potential severe injury based on a basic first aid care and Overlook and a child's reaction my children have a higher than normal threshold for pain due to their specific disabilities but it is through these struggles and challenges that my children face with the school system that I was motivated to seek out classes to better understand the complexities of the individual educational program and special education laws I took it upon myself to become educated on how to effectively advocate for my children and others who may be facing similar challenges I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn through these experiences and I'm eternally grateful to Klay County for providing me a platform to become a stronger advocate for my children and all children who deserve a fair and inclusive education tonight I stand before you with a renewed sense of purpose and determination and I will continue to fight for the rights and opportunities of all children regardless of their learning differences or challenges thank you Clay County schools for igniting a fire within me to make a difference in the lives of our child next is Holly Bishop my name is Holly Bishop my address is on file good evening um I'm a military Veteran's wife and mom of three two of whom attend Lae and I've resided in clay almost my entire life graduated right here at this school both my eldest children have IEPs my oldest with ADHD has had a mediocre experience here in clay but my son with Down Syndrome has not his name is Becket midco we left military life landed in St John's after navigating homeschooling and poor placement options for him we decided to come home to to Clay built our home exactly where we did because of the amazing things we had heard of Lae especially the ese Department we uprooted our entire family in search of better for our children and I can't tell you how much of a mistake we feel we've made mid December another mom witnessed my son being verbally abused by his parah and she immediately reported to the teacher who assured her it would be brought to the administrators by mid January this mom realized I was never told so she bravely told me the principal then conducted did an investigation but we were told all the security footage of the event had already been Rewritten and all adults present denied having seen any such event that was all that would be done I requested policies and procedures for events like this for the Future No clear definition was given I asked what happened after the teacher shared the report with another staff member again no clear answer that Paris Still Remains at the school but no longer near my son in January Becket moved to a new ESC class giving him more opportunities for inclusion immediately he started having negative behaviors not in the inclusion settings but the ESC classroom initially I was frequently called by the new teacher and behavior site coach asking me what they should do after sharing all I could they stopped calling and resorted only to sending home daily communication logs listing all his negative behaviors not a single positive remark after a month of meetings we finalized his IEP on February 26 yet 8 Days Later his teacher invoked article 10 and had him removed from her class no reason was was given that was 2 days ago and I have yet to receive any written document on the change of placement reason for the removal request or a meeting notice simply just a call that he would return to his original teacher and we could meet after spring break I was told we could verbally ask for the reason but if we wanted any further communication we'd have to submit a public records request he was communicating with behavior something wasn't working Not only was teacher communication limited but his Paras weren't even allowed to speak to us February 27th we brought cupcakes for his 9th birthday and I leisurely asked his Aid how his day was going she said we had to wait and speak to his teacher who was conveniently not present again came home another log of his behaviors with no context the behavior coach staff and Becket needed expert help and the district bcba and RBT were never called to find Solutions two months were wasted our kids deserve better the ESC teachers and staff need more support and not only did he suffer but so did his peers and teachers we wonder why we can't retain our ESC staff the lack of transparency accountability um and minimal support for our ESC students is a testament to the mismanagement of our schools they aren't star athletes or honor students but they aren't any less worthy of your attention and Care Becket isn't a second class citizen he deserves to be treated with compassion and consideration just like every other student in Klay County thank you so much next is constant higen batham uh my name is constant HB from my address on file it's National Women's history month and I just want to share you a story about how women got the vote in August of 1920 the struggle between the suffrage movement and the powerful anti-suffrage forces had come to a p a series of votes before the 19th Amendment could be passed it had to be ratified by 34s of the state in the Union the suffrage movement found a way to get Congress to approve the proposed 19th Amendment with the endorsement of the outgoing President woodro Wilson by the middle of 1920 a total of 35 States had voted to ratify the amendment the problem was 36 states were needed only five states Tennessee Kentucky Vermont North Carolina and Florida might ratify the 19th Amendment but only one state had the opportunity to take the vote before the year end that state was Tennessee the remaining States had rejected the amendment but Tennessee decided to tackle the ratification vote supporters from both sides camped outside the Nashville hotel and began intensive lobbying efforts in what would become known as The War of Roses supporters of the suffrage wore yellow rose in public and anti-suffragist wore red roses the suffrages had lobbied Harry T burn the youngest member of the State House only 24 but they were unsure still of how he would vote they did know that if any vote to bring the amendment to the floor it would be close to the call as well as the vote to ratify the amendment the risk were high on August 18th the legislature voted on a motion to table any ratification vote it seemed as if the anti suffrages had enough votes to delay the 19th Amendment vote after burn arrived in the room wearing a red Rose but he voted to table the amendment another representative Banks Turner switched sides during the roll call leaving the vote deadlocked and moving the ratification toward a vote the suffragists would need one more vote to make the 19th Amendment a law burn who came from a conservative district and wore red rose on his lapel surprised everyone when he said in a clear voice I when he would ask if he would ratify the amendment Burns also had a letter in his pocket from his mother Phoebe burn in which she asked her son to be a good boy and vote for the amendment when Turner also voted in favor of the ratification the 70-year battle for suffrage was over on August 26 1920 the official documents arrived in Washington DC and they were signed by the Secretary of State in honor of women's History Month the Clay County Education retired is conducting a writing contest for secondary students we're asking students in grad 7 through 12 to tell us about a woman in sports and her accomplishments we're holding this writing contest to enhance the writing skills of our students and to increase the awareness of women in sports and their impact in the community we chose women in sports because the Florida legislature has determined that physical education should have a writing assignment and why not write about a sports figure this contest has been circulated through the superintendent's office and will run for the month of March we look forward to reading those essays and recog recognizing those winners thank you next is Bruce fredman hello everybody Bruce Freedman address on file uh first Speaker mentioned that we're leading and we are first place in book bands we haven't banned a single book they're all available at the public library various vendors on online last month as a result of my team's efforts 32 more titles were removed districtwide this month I'm submitting 40 more challenges and a considerable amount of other paperwork your team will figure it out when they look at it the books that have been pulled are porn the fact that I have also challenged things that are not porn I had my reasons a lot of times that was what it took to get the dialogue to this level but apparently you are about to review and approve policy changes that do include a rubric and a guideline which is I recall is what I asked for over a year and a half ago when my mic started getting turned off or telling the truth so now the truth is out the libraries are still filled with porn I found more last month I'll find more next month by then hopefully you will have gotten to the point where you can approve this policy and start to clean up the mess the policy does not have a clear mechanism for cleaning up the mess doesn't have a timeline for it and it opens the gate to Future purchases before the old mess is cleaned up which I think is a terrible mistake but as I recall every time I comment on your potential policy changes you do what you do anyway so I'm going to just let that happen tonight's delivery is 40 challenges 20 what I'll call revisits that's these the things have gone through your process they've been appealed the Appeals sat in a limbo for over a year cuz your team just doesn't address them ever and as a result of that porn sat on the shelves for over a year not all of them just enough that you have liability so you can thank me for protecting you from that by addressing these revisits when they reach your desk have a great time thank you next is Judith Chapelle good evening my name is Judith Chappelle and my address is on file I have two quick issues that I wanted to go over the first one is the bus schedule we started out so well buses were on time everyone was getting picked up and delivered on time and I just don't know what happened right now since February the 23rd there has been 20 there have been 12 different bus substitutions that has happened in my area just alone my granddaughter's bus has been late it's been bus has been substituted kids have been crammed on one bus bus has been just really a bad situation where it's to the point that it's dangerous that there are four and five kids sitting on one seat and so it's really gotten to be really a very dangerous situation I'm hoping that during the spring break that that situation gets taken care of I'm sure it's a bus shortage I'm sure it's a bus dri shortage and it's probably not just something that specific to Fleming Island my next issue I wanted to bring up real quick the optin opt out Library policy I did take um three hours out of my life at 66 years old to watch the workshop and I wanted to speak a little bit about the the opt-in opt out policy my concern about us having that we it was mentioned that when we send out a work a slip to parents that we only get back 70% I want to speak to being a part of the 70% I know that there's a lot of time that we talk about we don't get back enough feedback from parents as a part of the 70% I don't really like analogies but I want to talk use a few analogies IES it would be like you actually having a parent not send in a permission slip for a child to go on a field trip it would be like me not signing a slip for my child to go to the clinic it would be like me not signing a slip for my child to join a club for my child to join a sport me not signing for my child to join a team all of those things you need me to opt in for them to do that and so the same thing I believe holds true for my child to go to a library to go and actually see the books that are on the shelves especially with the content that we know is in the library I also believe that on this optin slip that we should sign it should have what we know could actually be in that library and allow parents the 70% that will sign and send it back signed and send it back but those that will not their kids just can't go to the library thank you next is Adam Warren good evening my name is Adam Warren and my address is on file it's going to be real brief tonight um I just wanted to take this time to thank the board and you Mr Broski um for your Swift response to the issues that I brought forth to you last month as it is unfortunate it did take me speaking last month it is still very much appreciated I am encouraged by the continued response and looking forward to what is in the future the work isn't over but we are finally on the right path thank you for your time next is Tanya Kon good evening Tanya cassen my address is on file in 2022 the community came together to elect new school board members that would respect the rights of all parents and work to implement policies that reflect the values of the parents and what we want for our schools and our children we believed um that we thought that the election results would um signify a change in the district and that we would start to see parental rights being respected what I failed to understand was that we have a whole slw of unelected bureaucrats at the district office that show a complete and total disregard for parental rights and the wishes and and direction of our school board over the past two years it's become apparent that our community have serious ongoing and pervasive issues with pornography in our schools to the parents and community members here and at home we are not talking about love stories we are not talking about romance stories we are talking about rape we are talking about incest um even pedophilia um we are not talking about a couple of books as Miss Bola suggested maybe they slip through the cracks what we are talking about is over 300 individual titles that violate the law all right during this Workshop I learned that uh Miss Hansen had been working very very hard to get stakeholders together get some input and find out a way a path forward that protected every single parent in Clay County the result of that was that we would have an opt-in policy that gave parents the opportunity to have informed consent um for the libraries our un elected bureaucrats decided that that wasn't good enough and they circumvented the will and and the writings of Miss Hansen and this policy and changed it on their own with no direction from the board to an opt out during the same meeting we listened to Clay County District employees explained that the opt out policy was necessary because parents just won't sign the form is the Clay County School District suggesting that parents are too dumb too distracted too uninvolved or too lazy to sign a single form we also heard from media specialists that oppose an opt-in policy one asked when they were going to get trust again when are parents going to trust this again perhaps we'll trust you again when you respect our right to have informed consent for the libraries I heard another one um that talked about she gave a situation where a student had brought a book that contained pornography and violated the law to her attention and while I really really appreciate her honesty this is the problem the books are still there and unless the district could tell me with 100% um certainty that my child wouldn't pick up a book that described a dad raping his daughter and her she giving birth to her father's children like we found already unless you can guarantee that you need my permission first we're not willing to allow the district to hide it behind an opt out policy this is a PR Ploy that creates an illusion of parental consent it does not provide parental consent B Bard I urge you to maybe um disregard what the district has done what that person the unelected bureaucrats have done and really vote for an opt-in policy like you intended to do thank you all right that concludes presentations from the audience we'll now be moving to the discussion agenda uh we have um three special actions so um do I have a motion for human resources special action a move approval do I have a second a second I have a motion from Miss Bola and a second from Miss Hansen is there any discussion all in favor please sign signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries 5 Z okay special action B do I have a motion I'll move approve I have a motion from Miss Hansen do I have a second I'll second second from Miss Clark any discussion all in favor please say I I I any opposed motion carries 5 Z okay special action C do I have a motion I'll move approval and a second I'll second SEC a motion from Miss baola a second from Miss Skipper any discussion all in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries 5 Z and then uh item D4 the 2024 2025 allocation package do I have a motion s move approval I have a motion from Miss Bola do I have a second I'll second second from Miss Clark is there any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries 5- Z all right that concludes our discussion agenda Madam chair it's not up yet I would like to talk about something on the agenda okay on the discuss on the consent agenda yes okay sure okay so there's a couple of things that I would like to address I always take notes when people are speaking because I feel like you give up your time and I should take that very seriously so a couple of things that I would like to address indeed the district and I have been helping um are taking great great care in developing and finishing a rubric that reflects the board's Community standards within that rubric there will be examples non-examples but it will it will provide a way so if if you're sitting there and you're not quite sure what a rubric is um it is a way to clarify content it is a way to set criteria in order order to judge something that something would be our titles in our library so we will have a set of criteria that will guide us in book buying that will allow parents to more deeply understand why we buy books it will guide us in the removal of inappropriate books based on the community standards it will guide those challenging books to make sure they understand the community standards and what could be challenged and what could not be challenged so all in all this rubric can be used from all aspects one of the things that's important for people to understand is I think we had a great deal of confusion with this opt in opt out the other day I'm going to and I'm optin Mr blocker I was talking to you about this about the clarity of an opt-in versus informed consent what that actually means compared to opt out do do the chair find it yes Mr blocker thank you madam chair so Mrs Hansen um so the the terms opt in and opt out those are not legal terms those are more terms of um procedure um what the board and their policy policy because the policy is controlled by the board is really to ensure there's informed consent that parental rights are protected that's what's required under the law so the policy that that jaw developed ensures that there's informed consent that parents are aware that there may be potentially damaging material there the wording is something that I don't believe has been finalized but your policy is consistent with Florida statute the verbiage of opt in opt out those could have different meanings to different individuals those are not necessarily legal terms that we would we would rest on uh what would be important is that the board uphold Florida statute and ensure that parents have informed consent because that's that's the idea behind that is to make sure as a policy that the board's policies consistent with Florida law um I understand there's been some questions about the opt in opt out what those terms mean there will be a procedure that follows whatever policy that yall have set but the policy that yall have in his draft in its draft form is consistent with Florida law and does uphold informed consent okay so this is what I want to say and it was really hard the other day in the workshop because I was unprepared for changes that were made um that night and I hadn't really wrapped my mind around what I was going to say I'm just going to go on record to say informed consent means that we tell parents what we know about our library we don't allow the kids to go in first and check out books we literally tell parents what is in our library the reason I say that is 32 titles were removed last week we have 40 more challenges we have over 300 before that 32 titles that were removed this isn't Banning books I have read at least half of these books and this is straight up obscene pornography that should not be in the hands of children the fact that we are kind of like I'm not sure who's on the fence or who's not on the fence but if my kids go into a library I need to know that I'm okay with them going into the library the way we did it last year was the way we should do it again the second time you do something it's much easier parents know in addition to help with informed consent I did ask for technology to have when a parent goes into Parent Portal the first time a form and that form um other Counties have videos to show parents how to click one of the three boxes I have full faith in parents I taught nearly 20 years and parents returned what I needed some needed a little tugging along but we get what we need we need permission to watch a movie we need to make sure our kids are highly secure on the internet it does blow my mind a little bit to think that we don't need any type of security on our libraries when we know for a fact that 32 books were removed last week and so I'm here to say that I'm in for informed consent which means prior to a student stepping foot into a library they simply read about their options a full access unlimited access limited access or no access but before they step in they need to know that there's a chance that they will um read there's a chance they can find a book with sexual activity there's a chance they can find a book with glorifications of weapons and rape and um detailed drug use they need to know that there are books on theories that their kids they may not want their kids to read and I feel like it's Our obligation to make sure that parents are at least informed and the last thing I wanted to say was policy is not for cleaning up the mess in the libraries that is procedure and it is one area that we have spent very little time about and I'm not even sure what we're doing actually to make sure we're cleaning up libraries I have heard from some media Specialists but I think there needs to be a concerted effort a plan to get through the books in our libraries to make sure it's clean and be done with it and have this rubric to make sure it stays that way and that would be procedures and that would be in the upcoming procedures manual and so that's what I wanted to say I have no qualms with the polic as it stands the four pages that we talked about at the workshop I just wanted to make clear what seemed like it was very confusing at the workshop about parents deserving and under Florida law having informed consent okay that's that's all I wanted to share do I have a motion on the consent agenda let's get a can we get a motion in a second and then we can have discussion okay move I have a motion from Miss Skipper whatever and do I have a second I'll second it second from Miss Clark I'm sorry from Miss Bola all right discussion Miss Skipper I just want to be clear because right before we left at the workshop I asked um why we couldn't do that right why we couldn't just put that in there that is exactly what you're asking to still do correct you're not asking anything differently than from what what happened before so someone I want to make sure I'm understanding it is kind of confusing so someone made clarification um someone in the room asked a question um basically the question was can our kids be in the library on the first day of school and the district answered yes so that's not informed consent because we haven't told the parents we haven't they haven't open the portal they haven't went in to say I'm okay with my kids seeing these mature topics so that's okay that's when that's when it went astray from me was the fact that the district is offering um levels of access and that's great but none of it should happen until every parent is aware of what their child may find in the library so if everybody's going in the library on the first day of school we have not contacted a single parent that is not informed consent it's just not it's that simple so but we were going to do that through it through Synergy because I know when you do your like nurse form and stuff that's given like the first week of school correct or first or before whatever it was or if you were going in to get your student schedule for example which you would have to do to figure out where you're going the first day they would then have to fill out the form okay so we will be giving this form prior and the kids cannot go to these libraries or to check out a book unless they have this form signed we decided that we were going to do it they could check out a book they just couldn't check an appropriate content out correct but you are asking no book be checked out until we inform them because we haven't written yeah we actually inform them in in an ideal world without that click of a button exactly so here here's the difference Miss Skipper in an ideal world two years from now we've gone through all our books we have Community standards we buy books that are appropriate all the bad books are out the problem with what you heard is that we're making them aware of what we know about the mature content books are the ones that we've discovered taken off the shelf and put in a safe place the consent needs to tell them that we know there's more in the library and we have not found it and if you're okay with your child going in there then we will respect that parental right but they have to know we we matter of fact we have a citizen who has been reading books and doing challenges hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of challenges and 32 of them were pulled from the Shelf last week so are we to say that we should not tell parents that we had 32 books obscene porn pornographic books pulled last week but it's okay for your kids to go in there until I get permission from you that doesn't make any sense to me and I guess the concern is is even though some of these media Specialists may or may not know what's spicy or I know we keep using that word they don't know so I guess the concern or what would be your concern um and correct if I'm wrong I'm just trying to I'm trying to understand and make sure everybody gets what everybody's saying too um is that even though we are allowing the district wants to allow them access just not to the spicy books Miss Hansen is saying that sometimes we may not know it's a spicy book because we don't we don't know we haven't necessarily read it for like the example right okay so okay so I want to interject here that I think um from what we have found most of the questionable or the books in question are at the secondary level and uh uh all at high schools okay and I I don't believe that at the high schools the media center is a a class correct so it's um if a student goes to the library it's on their own valtion they're not taken by a teacher so um I I hear what you're saying and I think that it wouldn't be um an issue like it would be at an elementary school where library is a resource and they go weekly um to make sure that that form is filled out prior to students checking out books at the high school level so and you're right last year Elementary was they were all enrolled and teachers took the kids and they have special sections for K through3 and we did that last year everybody was automatically enrolled in elementary and last year we did get permission for secondary schools and I'm just asking it stay the same way okay yeah Mr BOS did you have something to add no I you know I left the workshop believing that we kind of lled on the idea of four different types of access for parents parents could choose General access which means hey my child could check out any book but if it's inappropriate if it's if it's flagged as inappropriate then I don't want my child to check out that book that's kind of General access then we had uh limited access would be I wanted my child to check out books but I don't want him to check out these books or a certain type and they could they could even specify things of horror things of violence things of uh profanity or whatever the case might be then we looked at no access of course parents have the right to no access whatsoever uh in the library and then there's unlimited access no matter what you no matter what's there um as a parent good with that we also the board there was discussion about having a disclaimer within the policy and if you notice the policy itself has a disclaimer and it references the community standards saying hey it may be that a that a um a book does not meet your family values and it could have the following topics in it and it specifically lists horror uh glor glorification of weapons I forget all the there's like 10 different topics that are there so so I think the the way that that I left the workshop believing that the board was was thinking about this was that uh a student that wanted to check out a book and let they would all have their permission forms in ideally right at the very start of school because you have to look for your schedule in order to know where you're going when you go to school therefore you would have to fill out the access but let's say that a student uh did not have that filled out they would then have General access meaning they could check out books that are not been flagged the ones that are flag they would need expressed parent permission in order to to check them out and that's kind of the way the discussion ended and then and Mr brosi Right There is where we go wrong your parents don't know about it great for all the parents to fill it out your parents don't know about it they don't fill it out and you can go in anyway the form doesn't work that way General access without parental permission we don't have clean libraries why would we let them go in without parent permission this is a part it everything was great up until that point some parents will fill it out and then you're saying well they don't get around to it for whatever reason their kids still have General access but what about the books we don't know about we had a media specialist have a kid bring a book with pornography in it to her were the parents contacted I mean this is the thing they're going to find it if we don't find it they're going to find it are we saying and this will be the last thing I say about this General access is great once the parents gave them permission to do so they are not our children state law says that we that are supposed to give informed consent if we show seal videos informed consent if we're doing Health um like um seven mindsets we're supposed to have informed consent so why when we have to have informed consent for every single everything else at school Would we not get informed consent from a parent before they enter a library so we're we're we're what we're doing is mixing up two things I love the access I love all the points I love all that everything you said about that the different levels of access but the parents need to know first and then choose what level of access they want for their child and so that's and I I think that's a procedural thing I don't think it's that's written into the policy so I think that's something that we could agree um consensus wise as a board um for Direction when we go into the procedures of rolling out this policy next school year so um does anybody want to add anything I just want to I want to make sure um which I'm assuming it's obviously okay because we've got it up but with the verbiage that we have added and we've talked about that meets state law as as of now before procedures and and whatever we decide to to do moving forward yes ma'am yeah that that is correct so the state law requires informed consent so the policy again you have procedure and you have policy and I understand this has been you all of youall have put a lot of work as board members into this in conjunction with the superintendent and staff but the policy is y'all y'all are responsible the board is responsible for policy so y'all's policy has to has to be a couple of things it has to be consistent with your wishes because it's your it's your policy it also has to be consistent with the law the law requires informed consent so this policy does have informed consent now the procedures of how that consent is delivered or how that consent is received that is something that legally is a responsibility of the superintendent so that is his responsibility um one of the challenges is again how do you do that with with parents one of the ideas that was brought up and I think Mrs Hansen you talked about it and actually all of y'all did Mr Skipper I think you referenced it as well the analogy if you have a go to a doctor's office there's all the forms you have to fill out you can't really get in to see the physician till you've completed those forms and your insurance um I think our technology individuals I've spoken with they're working our our staff is working on that type of process I don't think what's been determined yet is how that's going to eventually play out that's a procedural issue that that um I think our staff is working through but y'all's policy does have informed consent and is consistent with Florida law I want to assure you of that so how how that's delivered and how that consent is received and how that's delivered to the individual parent I think we still have to work out the logistics of that but yall's policy is consistent with Florida law so and youall have worked very hard on that and and have listened uh to the concerns that parents have brought and really that's that's that's the whole focus of this policy is making sure that parental involvement is important and that their wishes are honored and respect to their children so thank you okay is there any further discussion I could say a lot but I'll hold off until next discussion okay all right all in favor please signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries 5 Z and I failed to mention at the start um included in the consent agenda were two proclamations one for the Clay County Agricultural Fair Fair Day being on April 12th this year and one to establish School Social Work Week um as March 3rd through the 9th of 2024 all right um the next item on our agenda is the ccea update we have Miss Heather Weaver hello Miss Kidwell is on a well deser deserved vacation so I'm just going to read our CCA bargaining announcement for 2425 CCA is announcing our request to bargain the instructional contract for the 2425 school year we are hopeful that an early bargaining to our full book negotiations will result in an early settlement bargaining goals will improve working conditions and compensation which will set ccds apart as an employer who prior prioritizes safe and supportive working and learning environments and competitive compensation that will reward retain and recruit highly qualified Educators for every student in the classroom we are proud to be the official bargaining agent for Klay County district schools Educators we have circulated an open survey to all Educators in our district we are looking at feedback and priorities and they will be reflected in our bargaining proposals we are also increasing our expertise and our bargaining team by inviting Educators in specialized areas to consult and advise on the concerns of their special job requirements CCA is proud to collaborate with Klay County district schools to build the workforce necessary for the future of Klay County Schools we are encouraged that school board members in December um publicly Express the desire for involvement in this process um we heard that they need the need for greater generosity and a whole lot of room for improvement made us very happy we have heard the school board's heart and we know that they express their desire to do better for our teachers and to think outside of the box CCA is challenging the school district to design a budget that will place compensation for our employees at the heart of the budget process and focus focus on that as a priority increased employee compensation must be a goal built into the yearly budget planning not an afterthought we understand that competing budget priorities will always present challenges however Clay County school districts is very excellent at solving problems you have demonstrated this excellent long range planning for facilities to meet the needs of our growing County we feel absolutely confident that Klay County district schools also has the capacity to innovate a sustainable plan for competitive salaries all bargaining meetings will be announced to the CCA me Members through our email and to the educational Community as a whole through our CCA Facebook meetings are recorded and key negotiations available to viiew online or attend in person we will do a summary after every set of negotiations and just my own little um side note recently Kay County was voted number one in public schools by Niche I saw it on on Klay County district schools that is awesome our teachers did that our administrators did it too they're awesome as well our teachers and our students did that let's prioritize them thank you okay I do not see Mr Roberts in the audience so I'm assuming we don't have a sesa update tonight um so Mr Broski the floor is yours yeah I just have a few quick things tonight only 57 slides I cut it down from 63 no it's actually it's actually very short tonight I know everybody's tired and actually I'm I'm impressed with Keystone having their kids show up because those of you that don't know it's already spring break for for kids so for them to show up tonight they were already on spring break the adults have have one more day so tonight going to talk a little bit about schools of the month as well as our our super students our February highlights arts in the school so our very first uh our winners our TI Elementary and Orange Park High School both of those awesome schools remember the winners get uh $500 for a school initiative as well as a lunch for their entire faculty as well as the trophy that go so it's important recognition Community First has been a great partner and we thank them for being a outstanding partner this this next month the the theme is motivation motivation so you have time to go ahead and and factor in your your favorite school let me tell you one of the things that I enjoy the most probably my highlight I go out and I see kids in normal classrooms and and you know they kind of look at me like oh wow you know this is your job this is what you do and I remind them that I do this kind of stuff like 4% of the time the other 96% is not very glorious uh in my time frame my time allocation but this student here is uh is Anthony sixth grader student council president led a food drive to fully feed 25 local families for Thanksgiving outstanding outstanding student and representative of the Titans Tigers then we have uh uh Tyler Tyler is the president of Lake Asbury Junior High FFA chapter a member of the school's basketball team steam student taking Advanced courses outstanding young man and the thing about junior high is you can still celebrate in front of their peers but you don't do that when you go to high schools so I found that out the first time I went out Elementary we go right out into the classroom everybody's yelling and screaming Junior High same sort of thing and then when you get to high school we call him down to the office right it's one of those deals so Kagan Kagan is quite the uh the accomplished student at Clay High School she has uh nominations for three military branches andmy a congressional nomination from Congressman Aon Bean she's a student athlete a leader in in many clubs on campus you know this is this is a young lady that's going places uh at Clay High School February highlights we've already celebrated our our teachers but I I really wanted to celebrate also the teachers and the uh School related employee of the year but I want to celebrate the foundation right the foundation what a great group of people always behind the scenes remember I always said it takes three groups it takes it takes the people in the educational system it takes parents and it takes the community at large our foundation is second to none and they do a great job of representing us tomorrow is tool for schools in the afternoon so we thank them for all of their hard work we also had District science fair okay there's some winners in the related winners on the board I believe and then the and then you had the spelling be the The District track meets the elementary track meets lots of nice competitions CTE month College and Career Fair we had about 70 companies remember the goal is by the time you graduate you have to three e you're employed you enlist or you enroll right you got to do something when you graduate from high school the College and Career Fair fantastic FC event 70 companies military recruiters Apprentice ships uh out there then uh construction career day is one of my personal favorite because I get to go on heavy equipment and try that out and I don't get to do that often it's fantastic they do a great job out there if you've never been to that event it's it's a fantastic event and our CTE program I know our first speaker was speaking about CTE programs and I feel like that is one of the strengths that we have they're no longer called vocational but but Career Tech ad so Arts I want to kind of point this out to you this is uh arts in the school month and I I know you heard from the folks um on the art scene last board meeting but what you don't realize is there's studies that go behind this students that participate uh in the Arts you'll see they'll have overall their academic success is higher than their than their than their like peers higher test scores higher GPA higher graduation rate redu dropouts being involved in those programs are important for students and uh I think the art gallery and uh all of the accolades of our fine arts department are worth celebrating upcoming events hey it's a planning day for teachers tomorrow spring break the week after that students come back on the 18th and then we have a good Friday at the at the end of the month and there you can see it visually so thank you so much I appreciate the board's uh work on the uh on the book policy I know it's a challenging environment in which no matter what uh no matter what somebody will not be happy with that because that's the nature of that but I think the intent of um of the board is good a good intent I appreciate all the hard work that everybody's put into it and uh I know it's a complicated uh issue uh and uh I'm proud of the work that you've done okay School Board attorney remarks Mr parer do you have anything yes ma'am thank you madam chair so just announced we'll have a shade meeting for our April workshops that will be March 26 we'll we'll have some some things to discuss then as far as the SRO agreement so some of the first steps of that have gone forward we're finalizing the operating agreement there's some additional agreements as far as long range funding that we're going to be bringing before the board fairly shortly here we also are in the process of starting the first step STS for developing the agreements with the charter school so this will require y'all as a board to approve those agreements the charter school boards to approve those then work out the funding structure so that's something that shortly we'll be preparing the board I'll talk to each of you individually and we'll start moving forward with that the goal is to get this included in time for school sorting up in and um next year so okay are there any questions or anything I can answer about that all right thank you Mr buer thank youall uh School Board member remarks anybody want to start Miss CL I'll be glad to okay and I'll try to be brief and this is just off the top of my head um it you know it saddens me that in the amount of time that we've been talking about books that instead of what we've had to deal with that we haven't been able to talk about literacy comprehension and how really low that number that percentage is and that's where we need to spend our time we want all the students to have access to the libraries but what Miss Hansen has brought out previously and I know it sounds great to say books won't be in the elementary you know questionable books won't be in the junior high but we'll leave it to the high school for those questionable books for the parents to decide problem is two two problems we stopped reviewing every book before it went on the Shelf a dozen years ago and secondly our vendors started sending in books that don't belong in minor hands so we have to address how we're going to deal with that and that's where the problem lies it's not an issue of trust it's an issue of us setting a policy and then being able to work a procedure to where it works in the best interest of the child and I think that's all we're trying to get at we we we've never banned books we have followed 847 and we have followed 1467 but we set up a procedure previously that didn't work necessarily it worked as much as it could at the time but it needs to be improved and that's what we're in the middle of but um I tend to question unfortunately our libraries aren't used they're not accessed in the junior high and high school level like they should be and I tend to wonder do we need 20,000 books since we don't know what's on the Shelf do we really need that many and I'd love to have a wide variety but what do we do to fix it so that's just part of the issue I mean I love the concept of the dolly pardon Imagination Library that starts right away for every child and we need to be working on getting it in every zip code in Clay County and what that will take so we need to if it takes money that's what we need to do seems very basic and we've got people in this community that will help us so anyway um I won't say any more about that but uh other than that the niche report it's kind of interesting I've been hearing it for a long time in real estate you know we get the the grade from the state on the school but the niche report is something that parents and Realtors look at because it not only involves the school but it involves a safe community and where do you want to to raise your family and is that Community affordable so it's taking in three goals basically and that's what drives people here and we're very fortunate in clay because we're still affordable somewhat compared to other counties and we know we've got a safe community and we know we've got great schools so anyway that's it thank you Miss cler who wouldd like to go next as Hansen okay so I'm going to request um Mr braski I think I've talked about this before but before I do that I'm going just tell you a little so when I went to my first fsba conference there was a lot of thing um different workshops you could go to as you guys know and one of the speakers I went to um quoted some some data and that they they had researched 2,000 school boards across the country they were trying to figure out what makes an educational Community Trust a school board so they gave them choices um a civil group of people who speak sometimes when they need to a quiet group of people or basically a Rowdy group of people having a vigorous discourse and much to my surprise overwhelming amount of um constituents across the educational stakeholders chose the Rowdy group having vigorous um discourse and so I think we're missing a golden opportunity at a workshop I'm requesting that we get documents prior than that day maybe three days I don't know maybe it's a big document maybe we should have it four days the reading initiative maybe I would like to have that a week before because it takes time as Miss Clark has said to do your research in process if we're giving information the day of a workshop I don't care if you're Einstein you are not going to have valid questions to ask you're not going to be able to have conversation with each other because we hadn't seen it yet and quite honestly although Mr Bros you know I do call you whenever I need you I think our discourse needs to Happ happen in front of the camera in front of our stakeholders um not afterwards on a phone or in an email and the only way for us to have intellectual discourse about complicated topics would be to make sure we have the material prior to the workshop and so I didn't know what you guys thought about that but it's really hard for me to take something out of a manella envelope and follow along and have any idea of what I should be looking at or what questions I could be asking and I think that questioning is important for the people who elected us to hear us in our thinking but that was the only thing I was so um a suggestion we could look at moving the workshops later in the week um because I know staff is working on those documents up until you know the hard stop so if we had our Workshop instead of 10 days before the board meeting you want to have the workshop the the Monday before the board meeting Thursday that gives you the weekend to research and so if uh currently the way we do it we we meet on Tuesday so you feel like moving it to Thursday would be sufficient so my thing is if you know three months from now that the or two months from now the reading initiative is coming we can't get that early we have to move the work well we've talked about that in the past but I mean I guess it's a good idea though what you say because what if it's something new or what if it's policies were developing and then we would be able to look at them before we met and that's the only way I know how to do business I mean it's like teachers making a lesson plan well I think we talked about um how a lot of what we vote on um is cyclical so it's not new um they'll make adjustments to um things but the they're existing documents so what we talked about in the past was um and I I'm not remembering whether or not we had a calendar sent out to us so that we could know what's coming up within a typical calendar year um so that if you wanted to review it for example the allocation package that's something that comes to us every March so um if you want to look at how we've staffed this last year um in anticipation of seeing the changes that are coming in the the coming March because you know that document is going to change right um I know we had talked about doing it that way in the past so we could do both things where um you know we have the the calendar that shows us what's coming up um and that way if there's things that you want to request to see um you seem to be like a paper oriented person you don't want to see it digitally you want to see it in where you can mark on it I don't I I can do everything on a computer so you're fine with it being digital so that would be um I mean I know the allocation pack from last year and we'll just use that as the example it's the changes I'm I want to know about I want that I want to be able to look at that and then come up with good questions if I have any prior to the workshop and I think that's a good opportunity for superintendent to explain what he's you know all the amount of work the district put into something but just having a presentation is is really really hard for me um when we never have the opportunity to talk about those changes at that Workshop if we have questions so the opportunity is there but what you're saying is you don't feel like you're ready yeah it's given to me that day so right so would would everybody want to look at moving the workshop to later in the week so that there's more time to review documentation or are you guys wanting to last time we tried to do anything to these Workshop meetings it went sideways quickly so I don't want to do anything until everybody feels comfortable is there anybody else that is interested in seeing things ahead of time and being able to formulate questions or have um conversation points or topics prior to the workshop so that we can talk to each other effectively about I I do agree like our um presentations and stuff if you know that they're going to speak to us why can't they send that PowerPoint to us ahead of time or um I know not all documents are are ready and prepared but something um so I do get what you're saying because you you aren't prepared to do do a robust conversation not always anyways so I don't even necessarily know that you need to move it I just think that if we can if you know who's going to speak I mean they've got several days to do a they're going to do their PowerPoint anyway so can they do it a couple days ahead of time and when you look at the green circle in here most everything's turned in prior to that day of the workshop a lot of times 70% is done before 8 %'s done before you sometimes contracts haven't been reviewed uh by that point because they haven't gone through the entire process sometimes the changes to a document like the I can tell you the the allocation document in particular is going on through the weekend to get us to Monday to get us to Tuesday uh because we're constantly adjusting based on student need numbers Etc so we could how about this suggestion or idea when it's a major document we can send you the the current version of it to remind you hey here's the current version and then all you can study that then the only thing you would have to really focus on is the changes that have occurred to that document but you actually we had like new departments for elll um there was a major changes done this time around um it's not always like that and I know it's a working document um it's not a cut and stone but I know last year we got the reading ini itive which was brand new you guys had just developed it the day of the workshop and so there are times when if we're going into this new policy role we're about to start there are times we may want to be more prepared to have that conversation we'll work to get you stuff earlier I hear I hear what you're saying I think we also we tried to do that earlier like for example the presentations that we gave we gave you the presentations many months before we're actually voting on them in an effort to do what it is you're asking so I totally get it and we'll do the best that we can with it great um so Miss Clark Miss Hansen has spoken Miss Skipper excuse me guys I have a really bad allergies right now and they're getting the best of me um I guess um I just want to leave it pretty simple um February was a busy month um this month is even busier I feel like um and even next month it's like things all pile up um I want to thank Miss Hansen for your efforts for the um media policy those in the district who worked alongside to help um and I guess I I'm looking at my notes I'm sorry guys everybody's covered mostly everything so I just want to say happy birthday to um the best coach ever and that is coach Benton at Clay Hill Elementary so I have to have to say that she's I think she's pushing um uh probably not we have family in town so um happy birthday to you Mom all right Miss Bola as I've said in the past it's one of the reasons I joined the school board came on to the school board was to support our students and to repres our students and um when you were talking about somebody was talking about giving or maybe um the teach the the um I was going to say Miss Owens shouldn't do that Miss Burke was talking about giving students the opportunity to shine and one of the things that I learned at Florida School Board Association way back when was be present be as present as you possibly can can in those children's lives as a school board member and that means getting into the schools that means showing up when invited be there and I take that to heart um if you haven't heard me in the past school board meetings then you'll hear me now but one of the things I got invited to was to go on a visit with Miss kite who is a teacher with the clay Virtual Academy and I thought how do you go to classrooms for clay Virtual Academy when they're all online and I didn't realize how many schools our high schools all have a Virtual Academy lab in their schools that include dual enrollment classes that include elevation Academy and that are T that are overseen by a lot of different people um and it was fascinating to me to see how our clay virtualy push into the schools and provide opport opportunities for high school students and junior high students to gain that experience and to gain those credits in a variety of different ways um fascinating and it's it's sometimes one period a day they are in they take the class if they have questions there's a teacher there to help them and it's sitting in a classroom you might have CL CVA students here you might have dual enrollment students here taking College courses and then you might have elevation students who just need that extra little push to get those classes so thank you Miss kite and the whole CVA faculty that was a fascinating visit if any of you have that opportunity take full advantage of it um music in our schools Oakleaf Jazz night and Oakleaf High School and Oakleaf Junior High always collaborate to get the concerts together prior to the presentations that was huge Miss Hansen and I enjoyed phenomenal music and hearing from the teacher from the high school yes they did get superiors at state so huge that totally ex excellent um our Hospitality CTE program you gotta love Fleming Island high and their Hospitality program and seeing the students put on a mock wedding and you think yeah right whatever no they had invitation they had Caterers they had equipment they had collaboration with photography students at the high school the music students at the high school the other Hospitality students a lot of these students were saying oh I want to go into hospitality and and plan things and stuff and they had to put together a wedding and some of them have decided to try other careers because they realized the the absolute um skill it takes to put all of this together even the the ASL the American Sign Language Court students were there doing the entire ceremony no two students did not get married however they did have a bride and a groom and they had ring pops for their rings so it was but they also had it catered for lunch and they invited us to enjoy an absolutely PL perfect day on the on the banks of the St John's river in the same area Spring Park School here again going in and seeing the ideas that some of our teachers have a second grade class doing a wax museum of Black History Month people um they came back from lunch I happened to get there later after construction career days and and they came into their classroom after lunch and they were sitting and spending five minutes of quiet quiet time at their desks and the teacher said okay students it's time to take your positions and they went to their science faar type boards and they became Booker T Washington and Venus Williams and a Vari a variety of people um who black historians folks that have absolutely made huge differences in our lives and and and they talked about them and these little second graders were talking about these these people as themselves and telling me when they were born telling me um what they were famous for what they weren't famous for something special that you didn't know about this person and they stood there for a a straight half hour not while I just went around the room to inter to hear them but also parents were in there as well as other classrooms classrooms of kindergarteners came through first graders all the way through sixth grade and and I thought what a phenomenal opportunity for these children that they will remember for a lifetime and it taught them so much about being confident in themselves huge experience again and this morning at Orange Park Elementary my first battle of the books I was concerned because I hadn't read all the sunshine young reader Award books but those students had and boy did they show their stuff very impressive so um here again looking forward to March but more importantly wishing everybody in the education Community here in Clay County a very safe and relaxing spring break and I will Echo that this meeting is adjourned