Lord and just um be rejuvenated and and look forward to what you have in store for us in the next school year Lord help us to remember to pause and to give thanks to you you are our provider and as we make preparations Lord help us to depend and Trust on your resources your strength your wisdom and your way and it's in your name we pray amen amen stand I pledge alance to United States of America and to the for it stands na indivisible with liberty and justice for all so I will now call to order the workshop meeting of the County School Board May 28th 2024 I want to welcome everyone thank you for being here and um I'm not I don't see any members from the public I think everybody here is folks so we'll just jump right in and um I'll turn it over to Mr Bros for hi good morning hope everybody's doing well hope had a great graduation I know uh I was at Oakley was fantastic and I was just going to say I've been doing this for a long time graduation never gets old it's always renewed every time to see students uh go through that milestone in life it's it's fantastic time I'll also say that Thursday is the last day for students I know there's a lot of students out there uh smiling at that and and families getting ready for for summer so today um we have kind of a a large book but a quick agenda related to three items one is the agenda itself and second's an update on library media materials and then an update on on the budget so without further Ado I'll kind of go into the items that are in the agenda itself uh we do have a couple of celebrations of my favorite perfect attendance will be given on that that evening our first discussion item is to appoint one one board member and one citizen member to serve on the value adjustment board I would urge the board to uh to have discussion on that it's not a voted on item but usually traditionally we decide that at the meeting next is to appoint one board member to serve as the fs uh ba uh advocacy committee representative and one more member to service the advocacy committee alternate again uh uh decided through collaboration of the meeting then we have uh no human resource action there present posted then we have the public hearing on the uh family handbook and student code of conduct and I would just kind of say of course there's a lot of information in here but the biggest change has to do with the cell phone policy so just a reminder to the board that the way that it's presently written for junior high students it would be uh no use of cell phones from first Bell to ending Bell that would include lunch and transition time between uh between classes at high school it's uh uh from the starting Bell to the ending Bell no cell phones with the exception of lunch and that's the way the policy is written and the way it was advertised already and that's kind of where we are I do think that that's uh I mentioned that specifically so that publicly uh we've given notice to people who are either in favor or not of that so just making sure everybody knows and Keystone you have that worked out since it's both yes so that's C Mr yes ma'am um I'm clarify the Junior can this is the first time I've doing this can you hear me y we can hear okay I would want to talk [Music] about I'm not sure if I'm I think there's a delay on my phone but I wanted to talk with the board about the junior high lunch and cell phones I want to clarify the reason the board felt like we didn't need cell phones in the Home Run go ahead are you asking a question or are you making a statement Michelle no I want to I want to know what the discussion was about the junior high not having a cell at lunch for clarification for me I was a junior high teacher and those lunches as well can be as big and as um chaotic as a high school so I just want to clar for um I've gotten several emails about it and heard from several teachers and I just wanted to know our reasoning behind Junior High not having them at lunch because I think are you advocating that you want us to allow cell phones at lunch for junior high I want clarification as to why we're doing that with senior high because I thought we discussed that we wanted the kids to interact with each other and we didn't really he how loud it was um and then I think some of the the difference between the junior high and the high school is that high school has jobs um more responsibilities Etc and it was like a stepping stone to something you look forward to as well I think if I remember correctly I and for me personally it's a maturity issue you're talking about 13 and 14 year olds versus 15 through 18 year olds and we want responsible use of cell phones so um for me personally it's about maturity and um age and maturity I I would hope that students in high school would be more responsible um and appropriate with cell phone use during um lunchtime so then Mr brosi I agree with um both of the board members will there be a I can't say a retraining but some kind of a way to get or help junior high schools try to figure out how to talk to each other in the cafeteria they have not been doing that um principles have discussions about I mean I don't know it's almost like you take a cell phone away and they don't really have those kind of skills sitting face to face anymore probably but how many junior high students have cell phones to begin with I don't think this is teaching that many people do most most all different all right well thanks for the clarification so so the answer the question Miss Hansen yes there'll be a retraining of individuals we we'll meet with students in small groups at the beginning of the school year to cover this as well as many other discipline related topics um and in addition we'll also be problem solving among admin staff about how to handle the change with that just like any policy change there's an implementation phase so obviously it's going to take some uh strategies related to staff at the school in order to implement the policy because of the policy change so that happens the retraining happens during the summer for admin and for students it starts in the first week of school there's additional requirements under the statute related to training of students when it comes to fortified Florida you know a lot of times they slip in uh obscure wording into statutes and the Obscure wording here to to recognize is training students with the first 5 days of school in for ify Florida that's that's new in the statute so we'll be doing a lot of training once school starts so I was thinking with the sixth graders you have the up and coming sixth grade iies MH will you do it there yeah well the sixth grade kids who come to seventh grade what do they call that program or like an orientation program web web web web web at Junior High and the high school is but that they wouldn't be experiencing a change because elementary students don't have self cell phones Bell to Bell already so it won't be anything new for them and I can tell you spending time spend time with a lot of junior high students CU I have one um they've not forgotten how to talk to each other they use cell phones but they still communicate and I I think um usually at the same time they do exactly so um I'm not real concerned about students not knowing what the expectations are at lunch but I think you know it's obviously clear that we need to be very clear with them what the expectations are as far as um selfcontrol and noise control if anything I think there may be some conflict in the high schools because there are some schools that where the cafeteria does not support cell phone use they're not able to use their cell phones and getting those messages from Mom or Dad or whatever might have to happen outside of the building and here again that's there will be a number of questions this is progresses yeah I mean I think they're trying to describe them maybe I'm out of touch with how many junior high students have cell pH ones but I you know obviously a base training is good but we shouldn't have to put that much effort into human contact I mean people are going to have a each other I expect that okay okay moving on our first our first item the minutes of the school board payment of our annual membership dues for fsba that's followed by the Personnel consent agenda as a as a reminder this is the month where we reappoint annual contract employees as well as administrators during during this it'll be updated as we progress through that this week next is uh K12 academic services at ofate and overnight travel pretty standard item there there were a couple there that I thought would be fun to share from well there's no shortage of people going uh plac no shortage of chaps either unfortunately that's for sure uh daily hours for teachers and students you know each year we're we're required to post what the daily hours are you would see those daily hours on the following sheet hey I have a question sure for the state law um we have to do earlier or later times in in 26 so right now we've got a task force together to see how that will will impact you know to a large degree the timing of schools is uh due to to Transportation getting students there and so we're going to have to flip those times order be in compliance with the with the statute we're studying that now and once that's born we go ahe you advertise we'll have that advertise for a good 9 months prior to it actually happened are we going to advertise that this is State Statute yes okay already so many people contact me about this thinking it was us that were doing it I think people will you know anytime there's a change sometimes uh change is challenging and so that'll happen but they'll have plenty of time and I think the plan too would be to Market it through all of the school um Communications out also School newsletters and all of that so so you know the goal would be there can't be anybody going into next next summer not this summer but next summer that doesn't know when school actually starts so you're looking at the 25 26 school year not 26 27 uh for start yeah I thought I thought it started 26 26 27 27 St John's has already been doing this and a lot of people hear the statute and then they say you know you're doing this now and it's like no we have a few years to do it and plan it and do it right which is take your time and do it right I just didn't know if we were going to like slowly trickle the time so we were just going to go full on like 9:30 start time well there'll be plenty of discussion related to this topic because I'm sure it'll be an interesting one to say the least but we have a more time to plan so okay I just want to make sure that when we do advertise it we emphasize that cuz I've already gotten calls about well I think some of the challenges are with the we move back of high school times it creates a challenge with families with uh students that partipate in athletics and those kinds of jobs that they provide for their family some of them work to things of that nature okay secondary summer school programs was there a question M Hansen yeah I think that a quick question many counties are starting the busing um update next year like half we're not tackling it all at once as Miss Skipper saids has there been some thought to trying to meet this halfway each year or are we just going to do all of it in one year we're studying that right now and we look forward to Bringing information to the board relative to the plan the future years she's meeting like next year say like instead of 8:30 instead of 7 do 8:30 I understand that no I understand that I just I'm thinking sorry history thinking back to when we attempted to do year round school at a few of the schools but not all of the schools and that was not very effective excellent not very there's also the challenge of the fun buses I'm imagin maybe that's why they do it on so they don't bu more than one year what I we shouldn't have to change the number of buses I I don't think I mean we're just we're just changing the times of when we're picking up the kids but we use the buses for all three levels is that correct Mr that's correct you use the buses for all three levels the reason why it's stagger stack now is because the same buses are used in order to to do that they're rotated of course you know cuz we do have more buses then we have bus routes and they're rotated out to keep the mileage uh equal but at the same time uh anytime that you move the time frame well anytime you make any change uh there's a there's a challenge that goes with I know that Mr Crawford's studying that right now and as soon as a plan comes forward we'll bring it to the board okay okay okay next is the student progression plan uh you can see that uh we are required under statute to have a student progression plan not very many changes in this student prog plan I sent it out to you early you can see the changes are on the third the third page and they're minor changes to be compliance but the the way the Outlook of this is much more user friendly because the same information that's been been redistributed uh to make it more user friendly and I mrki I had three questions about the student progression plan revisions sure um the first one is um page 43 when it comes to eoc's we've changed the language it now states that 30% of students overall grade from the EOC prior to that we had calculations as to how teachers should do that so I am assuming in Synergy there must be a box where they put um I I just need some help with this because I have had a lot of questions in the last two weeks from not only teachers but parents about how that 30% so if a kid gets five on an EOC and it's 30% of their entire grade are we putting what grade are we putting in a box somewhere in Synergy to either calculate that for them um this I was confused on this even when I was teaching high school so I would like some clarification if a kid gets a three a four or a five are they getting 100% of that 30% because they have mastered the um material how are we handling EOC so so the statute the statute provides for uh a grade for your EOC and then it's calculated in Synergy the EOC counts 30% of the right but it doesn't is that are teachers putting if you get a three putting an 80 in that 30% if it's a four are they putting a 90 so there's there's a conversion there's a conversion chart which does that that we can send to you that that tells teachers if a student receives X score in the course and X score for uh for the EOC it actually converts the chart out I'll have Miss watt send that to you CU I have seen the conversion chart but what I'm asking is a big difference if are we I I don't know if any familiar with Mastery grading but Mastery grading says that if a student has mastered all the material they should have an A that's what Mastery grading is so if a student gets a four and has mastered the material at or above grade are they getting the full 30% what does the chart say get a 99 they get a 99 according to the conversion chart because there I don't know there there was teacher confusion on this as well I've had questions I couldn't find any answer as to how we were doing it so I guess what I'm saying about that is it used to say like end of course exams we don't do this for end of course exams just eoc's correct yes but there's more than that Mary in high school everybody giv an end same of the Year change but the EOC is the end of course exam for instance you don't take um eoc's in English you take a fast test is the fast test calculated in as an end of course exam no only only an end of course exam is calculated in is the 30% so no one else should be using this formula at all unless you have an end of course exam correct so I think this is something that needs some clarification honestly okay we can we can certainly provide clarification to folks that that may not um the other thing was on page 65 about reporting student progress we have listed at statute 1000 2.20 um parent shell um be a prized at regular intervals are our regular intervals just to satisfy um State Statute inms and report cards is there any clarification as to what a regular interval is in Clay County it's it's the interim because 13.02 requires reports to be made at regular intervals and I do know um some teachers actually don't put grades in regularly so what do we mean by a regular report is it just the interim it's the it's the interim and the um and the report card although I will tell you that um you know grading is a topic that uh that will be brought forward next year you know for all involved both administrators and teachers involved I know that that uh you and I have had discussion about this particular topic and the need for teachers to enter grades routinely and regularly so that parents have the opportunity to make uh course Corrections If the child is not there so we we totally get it and we are on top of that issue and then the last item was um no I think that's on C1 we're not there yet never mind sorry okay so now we're any other questions on the on this okay now we're on to the next item which is the inter agency agreement with uh the department of military Affairs and uh the district this is for F this is a routine item that we brought forward every year if you've not been to a flight a graduation you you really should see that it is quite amazing and life changing for individuals this is a longstanding agreement between the two entities Klay County you know there are teachers teach out there uh I think there's six I'm not mistaken six teachers and and One support person that work out there uh on Camp Landing or at Camp Landing next is dual dual enrollment articulation agreement with St John's River State College and that's for our dual enrollment program many students uh participa in dual enrollment it's a fantastic way to earn your AA degree before you even graduate from high school I know that many high school probably celebrated that whichever High School you were you were attending next is the affiliation agreement between C County schools in Western Governor's University again this is a this is an agreement with the university in order to uh Place interns uh and hopefully hire more teachers C11 is the professional learning catalog uh the state has went ahead and they had a new template that they brought forward so of be in compliance with the state template that's why you see that item written the way that it is many of the same items from the previous format that the state required have been revamped to their new format was that the was that the one you had a question on Miss Hansen Miss Hansen okay I will I'll move forward she said C11 but C1 is the learning catalog say it a little louder Miss Miss Hansen Miss Hansen are you [Music] there yeah I'm there I'm I'm in Illinois so there's some kind of Lage at this house but um my question is um when visiting schools over the last year and a half and talking to different teachers and not just my friends um there has been a lot of suggestion changes that people would like to see not so much with the offerings of professional development but the teachers were wondering if we could do a lot more differentiated in service meaning um people who have been around a long time more like I guess Master teacher in service areas where teachers can talk with other teachers in that professional setting versus being taught or things they are already familiar with so they talked about is there a way to differentiate by experience for teachers who have been around a long time so I know that we sent out a a professional learning survey to gather all that information from stakeholders and that's partly what she used in order to create the sessions that are there but certainly they have the choice of which one they attend so they can attend anyone that they believe benefits them [Music] I don't know I think I'm just add a a lack of words for this because I know a lot of the same things are offered over and over because we have so many new teachers if there's a particular topic that they would that they would like to see they not only have the chance to put it onto the survey itself but they can also they can also email Dr Shephard um I don't think it's a topic I think they're saying even though you have a topic if you could divide new teachers out the Master Teachers so there'd be a different level of professional development yeah we can yes yeah we can certainly do that Miss Hansen we can have conversations with the specialist about differentiating the way it's presented and we try to do that throughout the year with the collaboratives um and have some sessions geared towards teacher leaders While others are specifically for those feachers we do recognize that there is a continuum of of growth with our teachers so we'll certainly have we can certainly have conversation about that well thank you next is uh seven mindsets uh life skills character education and to build resiliency remember we did a presentation either last month or the month Mr Bry I know I'm I'm probably being okay can I get clarification on seven mindsets real quick did we say we are no longer going to use sweet 360 that it will all be included in seven mindset that is that is true the state requirement under 6A 1.09 4124 the part about mental and emotional health substance use and abuse uh health education which would include vaping uh child trafficking prevention and cyber bullying all of that would be covered under seven mindsets and where can um people view the new videos and how are we going to to give parents notification as to when and where their kids will see these videos we've talked about this before if we're going to do cyber bullying we might want to let parents know if we're going to talk about drug abuse or suicide or depression we should probably give parental get parental um notification for sensitive topics when will that happen at the beginning of the school year or prior to the prior um prior to the to the uh to the event itself schools put that out through their school newsletter typically and communicate with parents and we' got some really good examples in fact that was the one that you sent me um that you had received so yeah obviously we're going to communic so like are they given the seven topics and then allowed to opt their children out required it's the required education from State of Florida under this under the stat it is required but if their child had committed suicide they didn't want them to sit in the suicide training that we do is there a way for a parent to opt out of this required SEAL training I don't I don't believe there's a way out of the required training based on the statute okay so like how will a parent know if they don't want their child to um the suicide um training how will they know if we don't give them specific dat and Times of when we're showing we will give them I me Florida law says we notify parents I just I don't think are we giving them a list at the end of the year the DAT and the time of what we're doing yes we will communicate with the parents prior to the event occurring do we send a letter home are they allowed to they're not allowed to opt out of anything not not according to the statute we're required to train it are they required to keep their kids in it is what I'm asking understanding statute it is required but if a child is absent that day they don't they will not be participating and we don't go back and say okay now you have to sit and watch this video correct correct so if a parent is not allowed to opt out they can help that child be absent for that particular period of the day because they are notified ahead of time so are we saying in state law we have to force parents and their kids to participate or is the law say that we must teach it we must cover those topics so we we must teacher we must cover those topics and there's no opt out provision if a parent wants to opt out out by not having their child attend that they can do so just like a so it's kind of conflicting with other state statutes that allow parental rights and parental choices I guess it doesn't allow parental out um opt out we're always going to honor what the parent wants to do if the parent chooses to not send their child to school then they choose to not send their child to that program but they will know ahead of time when their child seeing it so we're going to see this video on Friday and we'll have an opportunity to know that right it'll be communicated out when those topics will be covered if they read the communication well I'm not worried about that Miss I when I was teaching and it wasn't too long ago I don't know of sending letters home before I was teaching 2 36 so I understand that everybody won't need it I just want to make sure that we're doing it to give parents that choice and also when will the videos be accessible for parents to look at um well I mean it as soon as it's approved we will you know talk talk to seven mindsets about having it except Festival um my office has always been an open door as Miss gilen knows um I've also had parents that have come in and have viewed the videos um they've gone to schools and viewed the videos so it will be available yes correct [Music] all right I guess that's it all right so miss Hansen as we move forward in the agenda if you'll let Mr braski um present on the item and then we'll call for questions okay we have a delay M and I can't I can't tell the YouTube is way behind so I thought he was done oh yeah if they're watching it at the same time it's like it's it's super weird it's like uh 5 S seconds delay I would mute the YouTube and only listen through the phone yeah it probably be easier for you okay all right we're on the health service agreement with the Department of Health this is the um this is the agreement between the the uh school district and the Department of Health of Clay County as you know they they uh they inspect our clinics at at our schools as well as provide other services for us this is the contract that does that uh next is the proposed Al ation changes for 2425 and and the needs there related to that um the 23 the proposed allocation changes for 2324 you can see there is there the U the climate and culture one you can see the transition there next is the the monthly financial report report [Music] s then the budget amendment reports and the deletion of certain item report which is there every year every month next is the bid renewal through the RFP process for ice cream and froan novelties it's delicious do we get samples at the board un I think we tried that last next is the RF uh for temporary substitute and other Staffing services this is the RFP that the district went through since November to come to this [Music] conclusion can I ask a are you done with that yes I am can a question sure you know how normally they say impact on budget on the sheet that we have when we go through and look at the agenda it's blank is there a way that we can the total cost of Carell Services the chart that they have included on page 12 that talks about on the some of the hourly rates were like $13 and then there was a markup right could someone explain that to me and then maybe what the total cost of you think how many services is explain that yes the hourly rate is the rate that the employee gets paid [Music] the yes the chair he's just saying you might want to come closer so she can can you hear me Michelle Miss Hansen yes I can okay the hourly rate is what the employee gets paid through Kelly Services the markup rate is for our their fee to us for providing the services and so when does Florida go to $15 an hour and because that chart is at $13 correct starting at 13 so Florida goes to 15 in two more years okay now our school system is already at 15 cuz all Florida school systems are at 15 but Kelly Services does not have to pay the 15 cuz they're not a Florida school system well I would say maybe part of the problem with our substitute problem is uh the 13 if you have a bachelor's and you're you're making $13 an hour this might be an area if we continue to struggle with substitutes that we put to really re look at that do you have any idea how much the total funds were sent out to County Services in any year like last year this year yes ma'am Dr lecko has that and those rates are an increase they're a dollar increase over last year and we were able to do the increase cuz Kelly Services actually reduced their markup so we're able to give the employees an increase in the rate to help attract people but it's not going to cost cost us more because of the markup because I was looking if you're a certified teacher I think you were making just $15 an hour um so I I I don't know I think in the future we probably need to relook if we have a continual shortage of substitute teachers it may be because of the salary schedule for them that's what I was suggesting that is a struggle I agree it is a struggle but it's it's also trying to keep it within a reasonable code did you get the total it's about $3.5 million a year it's about 3.5 million m chman i this is a 5year contract and you're saying that the um minimum wage increase happens 2 years from now if we lock in at this rate we we can change that at any month so the cost would be passed along to us oh yeah okay so and we so will the whole scale go up then starting at 15 or will we just keep everybody at 15 when that happens mid contract I think you would still want to prate each section according to what job they're doing and according to what level of Education they have like it is now I appreciate it mrman you're welcome so that 3.2 that's uh yearly yes and remember 2900 teachers and they all have 10 days of leave no I know it just seems pretty it's it's a lot yeah no doubt but they're entitled to believe so no I know but I'm also thinking about how we still struggle with substitute teachers so that's why I'm in my mind thinking to to pay more yeah well I mean you have you have I know with resource they cover each other's classes a lot of the times and then you have um we have other issues anyways I'm just thinking out loud and I'll just no there's multiple issues multiple for our teacher sake I know it is a struggle if you're there all day with an extra class on top of your class so I just anyways even even for a couple periods I know that okay next is U synergistics energy conservation saving program so this is actually a reduction of 14% % reduction in cost uh and it has to do with implementing remote control thermostats in portable classrooms so that uh the cost could be reduced for that so about $1 million in cost avoidance over the last 8 years it's about 1.37 per year uh and the cost of the contract is 286,000 so we want to put these these uh is the district going to control the thermostats and these Portables is that how this work yeah you're able to just like the district is able to control all of the thermostats across the district that's how they control the cost as it turns out the people aren't there okay as long okay so it's not like they're teaching in the class room and you control the temperature at that point okay I know sometimes so what we've done this was a this was a challenge if you recall 8 years ago M when this happened it was a big um I'm going to call it an uprising relative and miss miss skill house is shaking her head so we we' kind of tweaked that to manage those kinds of things but uh there are folks that leave the air conditioning on uh over the weekend and at night and so the ability to shut those off so I will say Mr vosy being an Ela teacher in affortable I worry a lot about my books so the humidity control overnight if the air is not running um is to consider that's a lot of money to lose um in your library books get worked well and I just also want to make sure that it was just for those times because Portables don't have the um insulation like the inside and I know um I personally purchased a separate humidifier for my portable classroom that has kept the humidity out of the room and I'm not sure if maybe that's something we should should consider for Portables if we're going to shut the air off overnight um so this is this is not a change in practice at all from the last 8 years so this is it shut off or is it just it's turned down it's not shut off alog together it is turned down and that was the concern when we went through this8 years ago right and it would be frustrating because originally they put in sensors in the in the portable classrooms so that if you left and the sensored in sense any movement they would turn the air down up let's say I mean they would they would rise raise the temperature during this during August and when you would come back then from resource or lunch MH it would be up and then it would take a while for it to get down and meanwhile you have 26 sweaty kids that just came in from PE and they're going it's hot in here yes it is that we resolved those issues I just want to make sure Pati people hear this but that but it's not it's not changing the it's not changing the practice sort of like it's been tweaked enough that yeah and yet there's still going to be air conditioning and it's said go out it happens you know after they sit for the summer and try putting them on again in August we will have that same problem every year and it's frustrating as all get out but it's one of those situations that happens at home as well as at work yeah so the next the next six Mr yes are we saying that we don't turn the air off at any time we just turn it up or down because I was under the impression when the portable that the service was off would wouldn't be totally off not totally off so when we come in the portable classroom in the morning and it's absolutely freezing like what time do they because I will say to the board that the biggest problem as a teacher in affortable for me was when it was really really cold out it took the portable a long time to heat up so are they turning the heat on for the portable featurers prior to getting there it can be so we we've implemented these thermostats not in every portable at this point in time we've only done several schools um and this is the anticipation of finishing all of the Portables with these remote control thermost STS um so it might be that there the ones that were cold in the winter did not have the remote control thermostat in it at that point in time so it didn't have a a start time before the kids got there and so the goal is to have the v in every portable corre the remote control one correct okay and they don't we just we don't turn them off all night long teacher during school to adjust the temperature to what they need and then in the evenings it's just we raise the temperature to keep the um electricity cost down we don't we do not turn them off let turn to 80 at night something like that correct I just wanted to make sure teachers still have control that's all I I wanted to make they they still have CU I'm not about them so so the next six items are all related to uh the sheriff's uh department or or law enforcement the first one is the um is the guardian program you could see theou there uh signed by the sheriff for the training related to to Guardians well there's a multitude of Guardian programs and honestly that's my favorite yeah I it's very important have it so next is the the placeholder for the interlocal with greenco police green Co police uh covers green Co Springs Junior High and Charles E Bennett and there cost is [Music] $155,000 for that next is the interlocal with Orange Park PD and uh they cover three schools Orange Park Jor Orange Park Elementary grow Park Elementary and their cost is 260,000 inter local is being worked on the next are three agreements related to the conversion to the Sheriff's Office and I know that our attorney's been working hard on this particular particular issue so I'm going to turn it over to him sure thank you Mr rossky so staff's been working hard on this as well so right now as it stands we have several agreements we'll be bringing to y'all now originally when we had the discussion with the sheriff's department under the Marg St Douglas act we as a school district can contract directly with the sheriff's department but based on some requirements of the sheriff's department and the County Commission ad the County Commission has a role in this process I age teach you all on that individually so going forward uh we have uh the final stages of this the the County Attorney has the long-term funding agreement that she's reviewing we made some additional changes over the weekend uh so we're all working hard to make sure that that this was adjusted um there were some changes that we made last week to make sure that we were not bringing budget amendments to the board you know as we go through as youall know that could be challenging you know so but I think we we're in a point now where we can move forward the operating agreement is completed I think we had some minor changes but really we're just waiting on the finalized um agreement with the cany commission so the way that will work just as it did last time yall will will execute that agreement that y's board if yall decide to approve that agreement the County Commission will approve it as well and I think I had that reverse actually the County Commission will go first they don't come to us we will um if yall decide to approve it it'll be approved we'll sign it we'll execute that start starting going forward so it's been a lot of work but I think we have have a good a good handle on it there are some some changes to allow for a somewhat of a u a coaching because we don't want to be in a scenario where if there's a car that needs to be repaired or replaced and we're bringing that to you all mid year because that could have an impact on the budget um but we've we've I think we're at a a finalized place I think that's that's uh accurate but um yeah we just have a lot of agencies involved so we have a lot of government entities involved so that's kind of where we're at so I don't I don't know if you have if there are any questions Madam cheer about that or so so three separate just to kind of give you the big picture um three separate agreements one is for funding like how much does it cost Etc the other is for operational things there's so many things related to the operational uh daytoday services like for example we're required as a district to be able to document the hours of officers on campus so we currently have a system to do that so when we get audited we can say here you go here's the in essence the signin sheets for police Etc that's the operational agreement and the other is the transition of property so three separate agreements the um the operational one is directly with the Sheriff's Office the f funding and the transition is directly with the board of County Commissioners so that's why there's uh there's challenges when when three groups get involved in Wyatts to this to this point but I feel good that we're at we're at this point I think we're moving forward sure Madam sh if I may just just one more Point as well the board gave us some some direction as well as to include Charter Schools we have reached out to the charter schools and and kind of gotten their input on the so I don't believe we've gotten got any any response they may they may be making a different uh decision as far as that but that would require a separate agreement between the board and each of the charter schools so right now we in the operating agreement there's there's some legal language in there that would allow for some flexibility but right now I think the charter schools we reached out some time ago and have not heard any any uh affirmative so we gave them kind of a deadline we need to know so we can calculate that to the budget so the budget that's being brought forward is really to finalize with the work that we've gone into it and just one more just add the property transfer agreement actually is also with the county as well the property actually will go from our bugs to to the county that includes you know rifles ammunition cars Vehicles all those sensitive items so I have a question yes ma'am are we are we giving all of the cars over or are the is it true that some of the Guardians will be keeping cars uh that's that's a good question I believe in the operating room we allow there's there's some flexibility there I have to look at the final version we' had actually Bryce I were joking at one point she sent me an email over the weekend saying what version of what agreement are we on because we had so many different versions circulating Bryce you recall what what the the final am that was there were we're 50 50 50 cards going we will we will retain some of them for our Le Guardians so how many do we have before um to Total I don't have an exact number but we'll keep five Mr Skipper this was obviously the sheriff's deparm was involved in this you know discussion they did their own evaluation of our property and kind of take what what they felt could transfer over so they've been very very involved in that process so I think they it was about 50 they they reached I felt that they could use for their Fleet so yes ma'am absolutely are there any other questions about that in particular again I just say again youall have put you as a board have done great work with this and we're the only County in Florida that has gone one way and now we're going in a different direction so obviously there's a lot of pressure on on all the attorneys to get this right so we appreciate you all's patience and um I don't know if Miss Hansen anyone else have the questions so we're all set okay next is the um the light security lighting at Charles E Bennett and that's followed by security lighting at doctor's Inlet for all Replacements next is the change order for clay High's gymnasium Renovations followed by Orange Park Junior High uh uh roof repair and the final completion of the 8 BAC replacement at middleberg high school and pre-qualification of contractors so with that that completes the the actual agenda items next we have a presentation by Jennifer Collins uh and Cindy Johnson related to library materials at the last board Workshop board member asked for additional clarification as to how that would be imp implemented and uh several questions related to that so we have a presentation here in order to uh to bring that forward we can't hear you we're up to miss Collins okay Miss Collins mrki yes is way I cannot see the presentation uh we can we can send a it's not ATT is it on YouTube but it will be delay I well I has as of now I haven't seen anything but you're saying it will be on YouTube I don't miss miss watt will send you a [Music] copy okay good go right ahead good morning how everybody good they had a good long weekend all right well we are here um Dr Johnson Susie I'm Pi with me we are here this morning to give an update of where we are with our procedures on library media and I know there's a lot of questions um that are some discussion points but if we can get through the whole presentation and then we can address those at the end so again this is just meant to give you all an update of where we are at um on on end with procedures following the policy that was um updated during the May 2nd board meeting so of course I'll talk about this a little bit more in a minute parental rights have been a big piece guiding this work um we've had some board approved Community um standards that are located in our challenge policy that we all worked on parents again are going to choose the level of Library access we're going to talk more about that remind you about the levels of access and how that will work with technology and our Synergy program and also um our our document that are now posted on our library media web page so the next slide side talks about the library book challenge process and this was brought um and given to you all in fact I think Miss Skipper you said that um this was so helpful I am super visual person so this kind of summarizes our library book challenge process that you already have so if we get a complaint um we have the district preview committee which includes of the chief academic officer the supervisor of instructional uh resources and then our district library media specialist and they look does it violate 847 yes it's automatically removed right the other side is we have some that are books that we've received that are Merit list and we can give a few examples of those that we've received over the years I think like Arthur or something like that and so if it's Merit lless then then that goes there but if there is some question using our community standards that we have established then that goes to our uh our team our statutory compliance team which then consists of the people that I mentioned but also pulling in the school a school media specialist and as we talked about before each board member appointing a person from their area to give that wide variety and perspective to this as well and then that committee would meet they would use the community standards and they would decide to remove it leave it as is or flag it as that fr advisory status so then the bottom talks about the appeals process if you were to get an appeal we have 10 days the superintendent sends a notice and then as a reminder the school board is not endorsing that content or saying you're talking about the content or the subject matter they're just you guys would just be endorsing okay we followed all of these procedures as said in our policy so then moving on so we've talked a lot about this the library access forms and so if you just click on to the next slide so again the guy the basis of this policy was to make sure that our parents have rights right so that we acknowledge that parents are the decision makers for their child and that Clay County District school supports that parents right of choice we know that each family views book matter and content differently and so that we want to make sure that parents have that choice to choose the level of Library access that best fits their particular child so just to review really quick the general access provides access to check out all the books except for the parental advisory books and secondary the unlimited access provides secondary students access to all books including those flag as parental advisory our limited access is limits any certain titles so like there's an option parents can pick certain titles that they wouldn't want their child to have access to and of course no access and then the daily email which we show you in a minute how that will work on Synergy as well so they can also get the daily email and I know I joked last time about how I've like trapped in this daily email thing so I'm so excited to see the updates of how I get my you know option changed for next year so um these options again will be available on Synergy right at the beginning of the year but then also through those buers I know we had handed out last time that we made that explains all the different levels of access and so that will be provided to parents as well so on to the next slide you're going to get to see and I have Ethan here and his Department who have been working really hard on this and so this is an an example so 2425 of what will happen so um on the landing page here it will give our parent right information right here in actually a website that they can get more information as well and so the parents must complete all the fields and so they're going to have some required Fields with that Aster and so then they'll have to hit continue and so then then the next slide we'll have um where it'll describe all of the levels of access that the student that they'll pick from and it kind of differentiates right K to 8 9 to 12 because of the parental um flag books the parential advisory status books so it will give all of that they'll have to come down here and they will have to check which access that they get on the bottom and then on the next slide and this is where I was most excited about right is about the daily email or they do not want a daily email and note that they can change this preference at any time so they can go back and they can change to the email like you know like I would have liked to see probably away I just didn't explore it long enough but they will also they can also go back and change the access or ad titles you know at at during the year as well and yes so now we have a video that will show you how it's going to work it has sound okay we can't heent preferences in the online registration section uh parent view and that will be starting in the 2425 school year parental preferences just like that we have the welcome screen and if we need more information about uh parental preferences and paral rights we have a link uh on the introduction section we're going to hit continue and we're going to go through the screens these are the students that um we have that are attached to our parents and we're going to put in our electronic signature and proceed save continuing um you can see that we have our existing um address and continue to save and continue through uh the parent information and then when we get to students this is where we'll be able to select the preferences for each individual student if we have multiple students and we'll see them listed here going to go ahead and edit this students um selections um here the uh address for this particular student and then here's where we'll be able to select the preferences for this student here it defines what each access level is if we want more information for k38 we have a link for more information there same thing for grades 9 through 12 we can click there for more information down below we're going to select the level of access they want for this particular child and then we also have the option of signing up for a daily email if a student has any items checked out through Destiny then a daily daily email will be sent out for that particular child this is the current School SCH of enrollment make sure that's correct we've completed the preference section for that child so we're going to save and continue we're going to review our selections as we can see we've chosen General access and not to receive an email and I'm going to say I have reviewed it and submit that selection we of course can always change uh what we selected by going back through that same online registration for Parental preferences so that is just a video to show you how it will work but there will be a parent video made as well I think [Music] that voes um there will be a video made though to help parents I believe Mrs Hansen had brought a video or shown video from another District in the Panhandle and so we would have a video made for parents too if they would like to see and be able to walk through it with the better voice over that was pretty I was just gonna say where did you get that amazing can can I ask you a quick question if they don't choose something does it bounce them does it say no you have to that's what perfect so have to choose something that's right got it thank you I have a question there too about that because I thought we discussed that um before like uh when they first came or the beginning of the school year how you have to do your um all your forms and everything for like your the clinic and all that stuff right so are they not going to be able to move forward until they click that for all of those okay that's what I'm going to do okay so everything's done on there now all right so Susie is going to talk about the purchasing plan all right so okay so moving forward we do have a a new lens that our media Specialists are are working under um and one one positive thing that has really happened from this is the media Specialists are are now talking to together about books that they want to purchase so it's more of a collaborative effort instead of each School library just purching purchasing what they feel the need their needs need are so this past spring our Elementary media specialist worked with a local book vendor which um is a a positive because they can get us preview copies of so many in in this case non-fiction titles cuz our non-fiction collection was a little weak when it came Toop copyright year so they worked with the local book vendor and um were able to review everything physical copies of the book and then once they received the book if they found something in it they could still return it to the vendor so that's a nice relationship that we have there our Junior High and high schools collabora collaboratively met and you know reviewed 30 titles that new titles that they thought their student would like to have the library with very clear um expectations that they needed to look at that interest and audience level as well as any reviews that are out there and the librarian in me has it hard to say this but yes I told them to Google away find whatever you can find you know and they were very diligent in what they did when when reviewing those titles uh this summer I'm excited to say I have over 20 5 media Specialists who have volunteered to review the K2 Sunshine State as well as the 35 and the 68 um because you know that we use those for battle of the books and so I will have easily have five reads on on those with the physical titles okay okay okay so for August they will be able I mean based on the reviews that we have for the sunshine state folks this summer they will be able to purch purchase them right away especially those three five titles for battle of the books cuz it takes sometimes a long time for our elementary friends to read all those and be successible uh the the respective grade bands meaning elementary junior high and high school will work together once again to come up with that collaborative list with input from stakeholders such as community members uh there their teachers their Administration and um I'm sure they're excited just to have new materials in their libraries for students to access uh prior to purchase we do have to post all library media orders to our district website for public comment so that gives stakeholders in our community the opportunity to say hey wait a minute this title here you know it's and in my opinion it's another set of eyes and ears on on what we are doing so I think that's a positive as well and this is new but for Senior High titles because we are learning um kind of what the Publishers are telling us are in the book may or may not be really what's in there so we are going to have the opportunity to actually get the titles and allow them a chance to re preview those titles as well for our senior high thank you so that leads to and I know Dr Johnson have copies um for everyone so I know Mrs Hansen um we worked hard with her on this of putting together um a rubric and that's referenced in the policy so this gives the idea and this is will help us with guidelines for future purchasing and you can see here you've got all the board approved Community sceners um that we have listed in our policy and then we've got some elementary junior high and Senior High guidelines and there's also um with an asri some of the examples of books that would kind of be within the limitations of that particular category so um I'll give you a minute just just kind of look at that [Music] call this an Frank that's not that's saying that we're we're leaving that right yes okay I just want the WR to state that um we have not removed and Frank from our reading correct correct the there was a graphic novel that was a challenge and that was removed but graphic novels it it did not have um it had some scenes in it that appropriate historically accurate it was not historically but the actual diary no diary no it is fine I just need people from um New Jersey and California and other places to understand that we did not remove right and you you'll see that there's an asteris at the bottom it says example of acceptable titles that fall within limitations of the category so we have a few uh examples with the help of Mrs Hansen uh that we've added and there may be more examples however this is where we were like I noted we noted here Arthur's birthday M Mrs Hansen did you have a question yeah I just wanted to know um I'm looking at this and you did a great job is this kind of like I know that it's in the policy and I know that we voted on it but is this something the board can discuss and maybe add more titles of examples that are acceptable or is this maybe it's a um a question for the lawyer is this lot tyght just like it is or can it be worked on Mr uh well the chair so so Mrs Hansen I think what you're seeing here is kind of the reflection on prior board workshops some discussion generally yall as a board are going to set the policy and then the superintendent of Staff will kind of make sure that we're carrying out y'all's Direction so when it comes to specific books that and I I think I've heard your question it's entirety but if there's specific books that maybe there's a question whether they fall within one of these criterias and I think what we want to do since the board's approved this you know rubric and policy we want to make sure or we'll go through this approval process we want to make sure that's kind of directed to staff so they can kind of go through the whole policy and procedures that youall established does that answer your question ma'am I think my question was as we move forward can we change the rubric or add more detail to it or is it a l tight rubric with no exception it's going to take board approval so yall would have to yall would have to adjust the policy to direct the the staff to to do that cuz this this current rubric is based on the policies that yel approved giving direction to staff as far as establishing Community standards the statute under under Florida Statutes that govern this this this section boards are allowed to come up with basic really a community standard so this is the community standard that you all have established so there going to be adjustments made to this that would take board action so um could you could you add titles for clarification if you didn't change the actual word of the yes ma'am absolutely so so if you're if you're describing more cosmetic changes I think staff can can do that examples like and Frank I I can think of more examples you can put in the boxes that are blank sure without changing the words of the rric would that be allowed yes ma'am Absolut I think that's something that that if you know as long as those to me are not substantive changes I would not interpret those as substantive changes I would view that more as cosmetic more clarifying changes so those can always be made because they they do not undermine or not not undermine support Choice Awards they don't change really the policy or or kind of uh you know characterize the policy differently so the current policy would stay in place but this would be more kind of a refining process to make sure that there's more clarity does that make sense yeah everybody when it comes to Noel RTS this is a very good rri but I think when we give examples of what is acceptable it helps all people regardless of angle they're coming from understand what's acceptable and what's not so the only thing I think of is maybe we could add a few more examples of what's acceptable absolutely yes ma' absolutely I spoke spoke to the staff I think that's there now would be the time to maybe make some recommendations why it's still fresh if we need to provide some clarifying you language or so we just want to make sure that we're not changing the underlying policy CU this is being drawn from the policy that youall you approve so does that make sense y yes ma'am thank you okay so the final section talks about appeals and so kind of where we're at with those so as of May 24th there's 485 appeals and um District staff is currently preparing those um for the Board and they'll be presented and so this is really um an area of discussion as well once we're finished so it's really what you all feel most comfortable in accepting those and as a reminder the vote once they come to the board will not be to say like we endorse the content or a particular subject matter it's purely that our policy and that the law was followed um and improving those so like we have 485 if you want 485 or if you want 50 at a time that will really be um the board discussion and then once um cleared the appeals will be presented to the board per updated policy and um the board of action will be mailed to the petitioner so I have a question on that um the a lot of the appeals came to us prior to the current update with the rubric so as you're preparing those appeals for the board are you running them through the rubric okay so you're following our current policy before you so it has gone through all of the Committees all of the people that have had to see it the profession who seen it it has met our standards according to our community standards and those whatever number ends up have gone through all of those standards and and they're basically appealed for whatever reason yes thank you I do have a question about this yes ma'am so are the 485 so I'm going to give an example originally the board was on on our docket our agenda was 172 title I literally had my teacher friends read every single one of them and in that original 172 about 163 I thought should go right back on the Shelf there were five books that I felt like needed board discussion and under our new rubric would not have ated back on the Shelf are you saying you that all 485 of these appeals have gone to the new rubric and and you now know whether or not they belong in a parental advisory section or is it just a go on all of them that remain that they're going back on shelf I think from what I understand you guys are in the process so they're they're in the process of putting them all through our current policy and holding them up against the rubric but they're not completed yet that's why we haven't seen them yeah yes Mr so on the on the appeals because there's now board Community approved standards we need to go back retroactively through the entire catalog we have some some extended days uh during the summer hours we've already scheduled time to meet and go back through those but to be thorough we think that retroactively applying the new community St of the board approved to those would make sense at that point once we we've done now that's hundreds of appeals that's a it's going to take a long long time we we anticipate being able to get that done before the end of the summer before school starts uh and we're getting to work on that immediately at that point we could report out to you the status of those books and and really those books there's not any 847 they would have already been removed this would just be do they do they or not get a parental advisory flagging to them so and then you would know again and we wrote Into the policy that when you're as a board when you are weighing in on the appeals again I say this is written expressly into the policy for for your purposes you're not voting to condone the content or material maybe a favorite book maybe a book that you don't like you're voting on whether or not you believe to the best of your knowledge that we followed law policy and procedure on those and we did that so that you don't get connected by people from New Jersey on whether or not you're weighing in on this particular their book or not other boards have taken different direction I don't know if you've seen what St John's County is doing this morning they're having to as a board weigh in on specific books you won't have to do that in any case and and so this will be left to to the process and the board approved Community standards will be utilized as an additional filtering mechanism so that parents and you have greater Clarity on what we have in those books Madam chair yes ma'am I really appreciate what you just said and the amount of effort it's going to take um your folks to do that so when you do bring these books 485 titles and there will also be your recommendations as to what we should do with those titles yes ma'am and those um those recommendations will be congruent with the board approved Community standards that you all brought forward and so we'll make sure that those are in alignment with that I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear not that you have guys have to work your tail B all summer I apologize for that but I am so grateful to your efforts to go back through and make sure that we have a district have done the right thing and I appreciate you guys for that yes ma'am we appreciate the board bringing forward uh the conversation and the additional uh clarification that will make our jobs easier and it'll be a better outcome for our parents students so thank you and the rest of the board okay wel done thank you madam chair if I can just highlight one one one point here um again when yall when these appeals come back y'all are again just to highlight what Mr Dy said the legal y'all sit almost in a quasi judicial role at that point so y'all are you know it's not strictly quasi judicial yall are simply making sure that the the process the Appel process went through so if there is a challenge to a book this says look this is this does violate 8847 yall's evaluation will do make sure that the staff that the the underlying committees that have reviewed this have appropriately viewed it because 847 pornography will be will be removed automatically um but now that y'all and yall should be applauded for this yall have come up with a community standard whereas Mr Dy mentioned you my home county has has not done that so they they have they're struggling where the board itself is weighing in on these matters publicly and and the dealing with all the turmoil comes with that so I know that you all have all taken some some criticism in the public here in Clay County but what yall have I think is a role model for the rest of the region for Community standard and I appreciate all yall's efforts all the staff efforts have have gone into this because there's been a lot of lot of work that's that's gone gone into this so but again when you all vote on this this is not an endorsement of a particular matter just like a judge sitting in a courtroom is not weighing in on their personal preferences they're making decision whether the law has been followed so can I say one last thing real quick yes I know that I have been I think we mother this is probably the the best way I can come up with when it comes to this issue we had and I want to thank all of you who read my blanky email and I'm really impressed with what you came up with and it is a great start for us and I just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you Mrs Hansen and in this point here I know we've said it multiple times is underlined and bolded in the um board policy as well so so okay so just I know that um Susie talked a few minutes ago about a lot of the proactive measures that are being put into place as far as the Librarians reading the books this summer and it's exciting that books have been ordered so um Mr Dy talked a littleit about this personel are actively reviewing materials in the libraries um we've actually repurposed not not created repurposed a position um to help with this and um questionable materials are being reviewed by several people and so again using those Community standards parental advisory status warning um would be would be um used in that case as well and so if you look flip to the next screen Susie has an update too of how they're working with Destiny um so Destiny is our Catal our online catalog it's is where we house all everything that's in our collection as well as all the patrons to check out materials too so Destiny um is working Across the Nation with you know other districts who are also in in the same kind of situation and so one thing that is going to be released this summer and I don't know once I get all the details I'll explain how it works but Destiny it you parents will be able to log into their students Destiny account to see current checkouts as well as their checkout history so everything that they have ever checked out is going to be available and hopefully by August parents will also be able to go into their students Destiny account and check off either specific titles or subjects that will block the student from checking out that book so from what I understand when a child goes up to do the circulation desk to check out a title that their parent has blocked a big message will come across the the librarian's uh screen and there is no manual override they we will not be able to override what that parent choice is so I'm not sure how it's all going to work yet but it is in the works okay so it's another thing in place so um we just appre apprciate everyone's attention and collaboration discussion on this over the past couple of years I know a lot of of things have evolved and we'll probably continue to evolve I know R mentioned that I saw that on the news this morning about our neighboring County um and the things that they were happening but um if you have any questions or discussion we'll open it up to that and thank you for your attention to where we're at this morning I just I just want to commend Dr Johnson and the scannon you guys have been rock stars in this process and I can't thank you enough for all of the turmoil you've put up with the criticism you've put up with it has been tough on you we know we hear you but we also greatly greatly appreciate you all as well as you miss Colin sorry I know that they've been on this from the very beginning and I know it's been a tough road but it's total rockstars thank you for all you and Mr da as well oh Mr Diley as well he and I have talked many times um I do have a card oh let me let no I just wanted to add to that there are so many people that have been involved in this and I would like to think that our County will be like Florida is in the nation and that we can help other counties with this but I see a lot of I mean going back to a book that we found a long time ago um the fact is we still need to educate our parents so that they know they can go out there and be a part of this and hopefully we'll get some of the students back in the libraries but my biggest concern is things haven't changed with the bookmakers so that's that's that's going to be a tough continued situation I have to deal with but thank you to everybody and I just have one question do we know when the the compliance team will be put together under the new the new standard would be the parent or our choice of a person to participate we'll be we'll be forming that we'll ask the board for their choice as to the parent that's that's um that's part of that team for one from each board member to form that team right now we're still going through that initial screening piece of the policy going over the 470 which will take a little bit of time but we're hopeful that by the end of summer that'll be complete that work Miss Skipper thank you yeah I just want to say thank you guys I know um we've caught some heat or I in particular have caught some heat so I can't even imagine what you guys have been catching um I jokingly say I need Botox from it all but thank you thank you and I'm excited for what we have for future purchasing and um being able to get our kids reading focusing focusing on his um getting getting back to two books and reading um so my question is about the uh attestation form that um media Specialists are asked to sign by May 30th about purchasing and um the first three bullets in the add testation form says you know it mirrors the statute so no problem with that right um fre your pornography this is for purchases suited to student needs an ability to comprehend appropriate for grade level that's right the four bullet says complies with board approved Community standards and library book purchasing guidelines and descriptions and so I'm looking at the community standards and I'm seeing some grayness here like what I feel might not be glorifying violence you know someone else might feel is glorifying violence I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the the final agreement that these media specialist is signing which says I personally attest that this title is congruent with all state laws and board policy I understand that a request for a title that violates state law or board policy can result in disciplinary action up to termination do we really want that language is that what we I mean I don't think the board ever intends to you know put our our media specialist under the gun I mean they have a lot going on but if there's I think we need to make a change there we're asking them to sign this May 30th and we're still developing board policy and this community standards to me is a little I mean anything that's not in the law I think is a little bit subject to interpretation I Mr ba raised his hand so good question so we worked hand in glove with the media Specialists par particularly This concerns the Senior High Media specialist where 100% of these books of the law have been discovered and I have met with them personally as you're aware on innumerable occasions with complete transparency uh they're good folks working hard who've kind of been caught into this however as you point out there is some subjectivity right with this and so there we haven't been able to get to a point where there has been Clarity I would rather talk to you about this privately on some of these things but what we have seen are requests and conversations where they come forward with books that absolutely either violate the law or in congruent with the board Community uh approved Community standards what this is as you're aware the media Specialists are named in statute as being responsible so are their principles so is this board so to protect all three of those groups I want to make sure that there is clear and sober reflection on what they are requesting because the request that we have received so far are in congruent with the community standards put themselves at risk put their principles at risk and put this board at risk so we're happy to have the conversation what we really want is the goal the objective is for them and I would say this as the chief academic officer for everything we do when we choose a biology worksheet or a history lesson or a poem to read we should be asking why are we selecting this to put in front of students let's say the same goes true for the books that we select like the our library and so I think we all agree that we want kids to read but what what they're reading is also very important and I don't want to put us in a situation where we can't defend what we're doing that what we're doing is in congruent with what we said we're going to do I think I can stand up here and defend how we got to this point but we've had hundreds of books that were sitting in our shelves that violated the Florida law I want to ensure that going forward nothing that we on board violates the law so if they would like to have a conversation I think we need to dig deeper into that but I've had situations where some of these media Specialists have been asked to to review some of the books and have said yeah that has things that violate the law in it I don't want to say it publicly and I'm not taking that off the shelf well that puts us in a situation that can only result in employee disciplinary conversations I don't want it to go that way and I and I think you know that I will work very hard to protect those individuals involved but unless we put some teeth in to this in my opinion we put the board at risk we put the principles at risk and we put the media Specialists themselves at risk if there's a better way to do it I'm all ears but it seems to have gotten people's attention which is what the objective was to begin with so Mr D I could just ask and and expect that if there was a question if a media center specialist wanted to get a book they're looking at the at the community guidelines and like you said there's a gray area they're not sure there's always a resource for them to ask yeah let me give you an example for example let's say A Book Like Tim O'Brien's the things they carry that would violate the the board approved Community stands it's it's a it's a an autobiographical look at what happened to troops in Vietnam so it has War violence which is graphic it has the language of soldiers which is which is and that type of thing but I think a case could be made that there might be opportunities for students to learn about the horror of war and like especially you know we're with the day after Memorial Day could a book like that is a conversation for curriculum councils and for us that can be had I think on a one-off caseby Case basis but in general what I what I want to avoid is going back to the Habit that's always been there I'm just going to order these books it's a let me give you this example when I'm when I ask Leia specialist why you choose these books that the most common answer is it's a high interest for teenss or for the age gr okay that's great what but let me put this an example let's say I went to the cafeteria today and I wanted to order a drink I could order milk I could order water I could order juice right I couldn't get a I couldn't get a Coke I couldn't get a beer I couldn't get a margarita there are some high schools in the United States where if you had a margarita line or or a beer cake there might be high interest in that that doesn't mean it's nutritious and good good for kids or appropriate for their age and so I use that to say that we just have to continue to have the conversations around these things because if we go back two and a half years ago where I was sitting in for for Mr brosi who was attending a function for his son that night and we our our primary complainant came forward and I asked could I speak the first thing I said some video you can go back and look at it was let's everyone take a breath because this is going to be a tough issue because there it evokes passion on both sides and it's always flx school boards and communities because of the attachment to the First Amendment issues and then we have kids of of minority age and parents rights and all these things are part of the Matrix that we have to consider there's no scenario where we end up with a with a perfect situation a perfect policy a perfect procedure a perfect way of doing things but we've evolved with it over the last 2 and a half years and the primary goal right now is to make sure that we're following the law we're providing parents with information and options and that we're protecting our employees sometimes even from themselves if we find a better way to do it we'll bring that forward in a heartbeat I care very deeply about our media specialist I think they know that I think you all know that and I have gone out of my way to work with them like face to face and I will continue to do that but right now I am concerned that we're not on the same page and I don't want to see any one of them getting into hot water because unlike other places we are under tremendous scrutiny on this issue we all know that and so for now I say we walk carefully and and look for better options as we go may ask a question Miss Kidwell that's for purchasing books is that correct and is it not my understanding that any purchases of books need to go through your office as well miss Ganon right and so the approval of that purchase if let's say a book was purchased and approved to me and I'm speaking from a teacher perspective and no offense to put more on your shoulders but that would be my insurance policy because if if I was attempting to purchase a book and it went to miss Ganon and it went through and then came back to that teacher that teacher along with a lot of us are going to be I don't a lot of us would have to lose our jobs then I would say m B there and so when ordering these books like what we found already was with no attestation these are the books I want to order present the attestation I back I don't want to onear those books right what does that tell you they don't know what they don't know what's in the book now that's that's a Herculean task you know what in the book but that's the job I don't know how to make that easier because I've had to go through these books myself I can't count the hours that I've gone through them but there's a lot in them when you dig into them and so that right now I think that's a safe way I'm not worried about elementary I'm not worried very much about uh junior high but Senior High there's I've personally gone through hundreds of these things that violate the law and certainly would be flagged under under the board approved Community standards if at some point the the board wanted to make way for those we could but but that that as she points out it's going there's so much subjectivity around that we don't have a mechanism in place at this time for that so my advice would be start simply start assuredly let's get comfortable and get our footing because we're waiting back into the purchasing Waters see how that goes reflect and have a subsequent conversation at that time Mr daily yes ma'am you not only speak like a very knowledgeable person since the start of this but very eloquent and I can tell you you should probably be careful because you're starting to sound like maybe the country needing next thank you Miss not not a position I'm seeking plus plus the media specialist can always reach out if there's a question as to whether or not they're feeling like it's ify there's resources to reach out and say what do you think of this particular title that's M thank you ladies thank you so much much appreciate it so next is presentation yes so uh we were asked to give a uh an update an overview of the budget uh coming up and Dr vco has present has that U for you can I make a statement before we start with um although I appreciate this budget update which is probably something that we're going to do anyway next month and we've done this a million times over the year but I feel as though when we requested this what the intent was was for us as a board five members our job is the budget and what my intent I feel was to sit down and say as a board member I would like to see funds here here here and here and then have our superintendent and CFO guide us with that I personally do not um feel and and I'm speaking for myself if others feel comfortable with doing this that's fine but per state statute the budget is our job and I don't feel comfortable every year having a packaged bow and asked to approve a budget um especially when we we are talking about wanting more funds to go to teachers wanting more funds to go to repairing schools whatever and I and I get how we have different buckets within our I'm going to call them buckets people call them different different things but when you are a business owner and I look at this from a business perspective let's just say you have three main budget or three main buckets within our budget um General Federal fund funds Capital funds all these things once it gets to that second bucket it's as though you go crosseyed in a way and have no idea where it it then goes and um to be fair that's not transparency for any any taxpayer um and what I'm saying I guess what I'm saying to all of us is that we as a as a board of five do not know this budget like we should and I want to tell you I've went to many seminars I've been to many conferences I have went through Budget Finance um I have sat with um our CFO for 7 and a half hours to know uh what audits we do what uh what the law is how you can spend money here but you can't touch it over here because this has to be allocated there and I feel as though all of you have been on the board a while you we should all know that um so repeating that information I and I don't mean this disrespectfully but I feel like it's sometimes a waste of time um because and I'm not saying I'm an expert by any means by doing all of that education I'm just saying that we as a board if you're comfortable with getting a packaged bow and stamping it that's fine but I am not personally comfortable with that and I want us to all sit down and rigorously speak and talk about how and where we want funding to go and you can't say that we've done that we may say it here and there like hey I feel like we need more funds here or whatever but as far as what other districts do what our job States we should do it's not clearly being done and so I although I appreciate apprciate this but I can tell you we're probably going to sit through several slides and no disrespect I I'm not being disrespectful by by any means we're going to sit here for the next hour and a half reviewing this and what we've done in the past where where things should go um as far as like laws and and all that um and octs but I feel we should be discussing and then relying on these two for resources because we are supposed to be just as knowledgeable about this budget to the extent we do not have a degree in in finance or or any of that but we should equally know this budget and I don't feel that's the case can I add on what you're saying yes but I just want to say this too you know you have I use the County Commission as an example cuz that's our our you know we're we're governing and they govern and they have a budget that they do as well and they sit and say Hey you know this amount of money should go to Safety and Security this amount of money should go to roads this amount of money should do this and it's almost as though it's line item and I'm just saying all of this to say is we are elected by the people and the people want more transparen they want to see their board members actively discussing our budget and act ly being involved in our budget and when you when when you're asked in the public I've looked over your budget I'm highly confused um because I run a multi-million dollar business and I'm not seeing the transparency that I should be seeing um I know we check the boxes for the state um everybody does those same audits um but there's one box that we don't check um effectively and that's the taxpayer box and that's what I'm here to talk about when I look at things like this cuz we're going to sit here for the next hour and a half learning stuff we already we we already know we've already done um but what I'm requesting as a as a as a board member is that we become more involved and where our funds come from and then moving forward with what we discussed last time with an internal internal auditor because the law clearly states and I have it that if your budget is over $500 million there's no section 275 4319 where you reference it and it says debt ratio and all this stuff it clearly States per law over $500 million we are required to have a third party internal auditor it's clear as day um so I want to advocate for both of those things and talk about that you you as a board or we as a board can move forward and but I don't think that that was the that wasn't my intent when I agreed to call for this meeting was a budget update and in that aspect so You' be happy to know that it's 30 minutes in L but I'm just I'm saying is have we already I mean I'm looking at this can I say something real quick just one second Miss Hansen um so can I make a suggestion what if we view this as a spring board and this meeting can be exactly what you want board can certainly set priorities as to what what budget items they would well I think we talked about that over and over and over again in other meetings that hey and I know Miss Hansen has said it since she's been on the board hey I want to have a budget discussion I want to have a budget discussion right well that's what we've been trying to do and I thought that that's what today was about with but now I'm going to we're going to have a presentation to set the foundation let's look at it that way so we all are on the same page starting right and then we can talk about whatever you'd like to talk about Miss Skipper anything it's all on the table and same for you misson did you have M I just want to I just want to say one thing we were not elected to be a passive member of the budget it is traditional in this District this County that everything that happens with us in the budget that involves us is very passive in fact the budget by Statute does belong to the board we have very little we have budget and we have policy I think the frustration comes from both Miss Skipper and myself is that we have been slammed into a passive role where we are shown over and over again I've gone to Advanced Finance forms the same things in there the same things I said saw pretty much when I first came on the board what we are asking for is to become active members of the process not passive members of the process and so we can with with 30 minutes as we always do but that is not what I thought this was when we met with the labor attorney and decided we would have a budget meeting so I agree with Miss Skipper on the the goal of what I thought this meeting was well the goal hasn't changed we're just starting with a presentation so the meeting is whatever you want it to be and and you can bring forward whatever priorities you have make whatever suggestions you would like to there's no limitation on what we can discuss here as a board in regards to the budget so the the purpose of the presentation is just for us to have a starting point so that we can all have some reference material and and have the overview of the district's recommendation because in my opinion if we're going to do something different than what the district is recommending let's at least start with what their recommendation is does that make [Music] sense yes no I that's fine I mean it's just a starting point for discussion that's all it is and we can add whatever workshops we need to on Cor absolutely but I just want like us to like I I act like if we state that we want something I want want it to actually be done so um which is my frustration as a board member you know let's let's look back at the police department for example we have asked for multiple line item budgets for them to be present for the taxpayer and it has yet to be done um I think every time that Miss Hansen speaks about the budget she talks about that transparency and when you have like I talk about those those three buckets once it gets to that second bucket it's nobody knows where it goes so am I understanding that this isn't enough information you want more information before we have a discussion or you feel like well I also would have liked to have this prior to this meeting and um I I that's another frustrating part so is that I could be more prepared one but two which I know a lot of this information my other one is gutted to to all all kinds of the ends of year so but my point is is when when we're looking at a budget and you have general f okay let's do half cent sales tax for example you have that broke down into salary um insurance and where's the rest of it and underneath the salary why is there no more breakdown of that so that we know not the house I meant the security the um no that's what I meant sorry um there is no additional breakdown um to know your total number and where it goes where it literally goes so would you prefer that we take these budget workshops in chunks where we look at for example we have a budget workshop on the millage and then we have a budget workshop on the absent sales tax and then we have so that way I don't know if that would even I don't know what your software allows or how deep of the dive we could take into each of those buckets so to speak but if that software doesn't allow that then we need to purchase the software that does I'm not saying we don't I'm just I'm I'm trying to meet you right right and that's that's and that's that's fine I mean I don't really know that we have time between now and when the budget is due to do that this year but I would like to would like to do that because I would like to know so many people especially if we are going to want to put this back on the ballot to get a renewal for Safety and Security if we do not break that down and show the taxpayers hey $100 went to this you know I me all the way down to that I mean you can do that businesses do that it is it is when people say it's not a thing it's a thing um breaking it down to the point where we know every dollar is going so that we can then say okay well you know we need more money in hardening our schools or hey we have left over money from the sheriff's department because it was given back to us you know and now we can put that in to additional security measures here and this is just one bucket I'm giving an example of um especially when we're trying to find funds for teachers and trying to get money back into the classroom I just don't think I don't feel comfortable with saying that okay we have no idea where AP funds are um we know that they're going to AP classes and AP whatever but where they actually go that is the involvement that I want to make sure that we are involved in especially when one school suffers more with with this or that or whatever and I know that that's the guidance of the superintendent but we as board members should be actively involved in that and I'm not saying okay I'm not saying the principal needs because I know this is exactly how people are interpreting this right now I'm not saying the principal calls the board and says hey can I get $5 for AP classes that's not what I'm saying that obviously it's going to happen through these two what I'm saying is we as a board make sure that we allocate it where it needs to go and make sure that what we want in the direction that we want as a board this budget is going in that direction well you know one of the problems is I'll tell you the main problem is when you receive a PowerPoint or a packet the day of there is absolutely no way that any single one of us could have researched came up and formulated very good questions we do not know or are not prepared once again to have a discussion about this presentation I have asked more than a dozen times that we receive what we need so that as a board we can research and make sure that we are making decisions in the best interest of our taxpayers how can anyone expect to have a conversation when you do not see something until the day of a meeting can I this is blasy can just time out real quick so we're I'm hearing conflicting things here on one hand you want to drive the budget meeting and you're offended that the district office provides a presentation but on the other hand you want more information and you want that information ahead of the meeting so you're not giving clear Direction about your expectations and so you're going to continue to be frustrated until we can communicate in a way that we understand each other what the expectation is for the meeting so the way that we've always held budget workshops is that Dr looko will make a presentation the board can ask any questions and have any discussion that we'd like to have we've had which we have done in the past and I can tell you um back when I first got on the board the budget meetings were very different because we were having to make cuts and so there was discussion about which departments are we going to have to cut by what percentage in order to make up the fund balance that was Far Below State Statute at the time so depending on the financial status of the district those meetings have looked different in the past um so if as a board what we want to say is we'd like and and again that would be something some of this would have to be um shade meetings because they would involve if you're talking about salary increases those are negotiated so that would be something that in the shade we would say we want to increase the allotted funds by this percentage um and then please bring us a present a budget that allows for that or if you say I think we're spending too much money here I want to see a reduction by whatever percentage um what would that look like and then we could have so you have to ask specific questions to get specific answers and to have a specific conversation we all to your point need to have that information right so and that's what I'm asking that's what we should be doing every year with the budget without fail okay are we overspending here do we need to allocate funds over here how do we come up with to be competitive how do we come up with these funds to be competitive for our teachers how are we going to you know maybe move positions around so that these funds can be elsewhere and that's that is the discussion that the board should be having every year without fail which we have had okay well since I've been on the board we've had very little some discussion but not to the point of what I'm what the state statute says we should be doing I'm sorry just put from my perspective and maybe I misunderstood but I thought that Miss Hansen requested this and I thought that there was information coming in specifically regarding what some of the requests were right so I I we need this to know I don't think I've never requested she request requ a presentation I'm not sure the board is aware that most districts I mean they start budget meetings with their board in January when their CFO is getting the information they start these processes very early and they are very specific like Miss Gil said how do we get from always getting a a wrong presentation and we're unprepared to ask questions because we haven't seen it too the conversations that we miss Gipper and I and I'm not sure how the rest of the board feels but to the point that we can get to the specifics of our own budget and have those hard discussions so how do we get from where we are now and we have started very late this year the board members that I know across the state start in January they have bi-weekly and sometimes monthly or bi-weekly meetings to start the specifics of the budget so you have suggestions that how we because it's already June almost now how can we move forward in that right direction so that would be driven by the board that's if there are things that we as a board want to see change then we need to have that discussion is that we don't depend on the district office to figure out our priorities we set those so and you can have that conversation anytime um so if you have I'm comfortable with the budget that we have that's why I've not made any suggestions for changes but if there are changes that you want to see made the onus is on you miss Hansen and you miss Skipper to say I think you know this is too much money how can we cut it to this amount of money and I'd like to see you can have those conversations but the onus is on you so at what point though are we I guess at any Mr Walker what I like your idea of doing the different chunks and and doing it that way so that the budget is not so overwhelming but at what point is it considered shade because a lot of these buckets have salary in them yes ma'am so we would have to there are going to be certain things that are going to trigger for labor negotiations litigation so there when there those type of issues that come up if there's a labor negotiation matter or something like that that we would request a shade meeting to to discuss that to bring that to the board's attention um you we had a meeting with our labor Council to Gober that would be an example um but like let's just say the mill okay the one mill there's there's salary within that yes sir so at what point if we wanted to tackle that at what point would that be should that be a shade meeting if there is salary with involved in no that would not be a shade meeting so those those y'all can have as a board have General discussions on that when it comes into with with the with the the teachers union where there's more specific you know negotiating things of that matter we want to have that so the shade would come into effect when you say I want to raise teacher salaries by X percentage I want to make sure teachers get x amount of dollars those sorts of you cannot say publicly those things have to be said in that's what I'm saying as we are saying okay well we can cut here to provide for teachers there is that going to be borderline shape cuz that's what I'm saying like if we're you just don't say it that way that you would have a conversation in the shade about what your priorities are going into bargaining and then in the public we're going to go through the budget we're not going to talk about bargaining issues does that make sense housing in public could we have a meeting to talk about ways to increase the general fund for instance that would be open to everyone right well I don't know that we can increase the general fund the general fund is whatever the state and local taxes generate so we don't we don't get to increase the general fund she's referring to a [Music] fund are you referring to the fund balance fund balance thank you i l the words for a minute but we could do something like that right that's open that's open but it depends on so and and again miss Hansen if those are things that you have ideas for it is on you to communicate those ideas you can't expect the rest of your board members to come with ideas if we're comfortable with what has been honestly I have asked for us to have budget meetings starting in January since I've been on the board so I'm not sure maybe I need to learn how to communicate that even better but I have I can go back and watch myself ask for I'm not saying you haven't asked for the meetings what I'm saying is when we have the meetings we're having it right now so what is it that you want to communicate to the board members because that's you called the meeting so my assumption was that you had something that you needed to discuss with us well I want to discuss how to make Cuts how to make cuts to the budget here or there I'm not sure how we would go about it increasing the fund balance was part of my discussion no one asked me when I asked to have the meeting but I can tell you one thing I want to resolve is the internal um auditor and that did come out of my mouth at the last workshop and it was one of the things that I wanted to discuss I'm willing to watch the PowerPoint I'm not saying that it's a bad idea to watch the PowerPoint what I am saying is it would have been better to have it ahead of time so that I could be of use guess to the board because at this point when you don't have time to research and understand what you're being presented it is hard to formulate good question and and um participate in a good conversation and you're not prepared so miss Hansen to me that's like cart and horse here so you asked for the budget meeting so my expectation is you've been preparing for the budget meeting in order to bring whatever ideas and suggestions and and changes you wanted to see come forward so um PowerPoint is like f you know a funding and where our money go so you can get that information any time I can tell you there are times in the past where I have brought items to the board that I wanted considered and so when you bring an item or you call a meeting because there are things that you want the board to consider it's up to you to provide that information to your fellow board members we I am prepared to have the board consider the internal auditor based on FL statute okay okay can I ask a quick may I ask a quick question about that Miss Hansen cuz Miss Skipper brought that up too and frankly I'm sorry yeah last Workshop yeah no I'm saying the internal auditor come up and the question was at $500 million you have to have an internal auditor and I understand that and we're talking a position that's definitely going to cost at least for salary probably I'm not sure how much but quite a um more than a teacher most definitely may I ask I'm asking Dr legutko a question as what is our what is our considered total budget for and as it relates to that law for the last two years it's been about $459 million $459 million as part of the audit and you can see that the total budget including federal state everything say it's about 459 so we're not add to 500 million we have we are not so where is 62 something million coming from what is our budget our total budget without debt all that what is our total budget our total budget is about [Music] $549 550 million okay can I read the state wall to you yes I have the state wall right here it does not say anything about any of that it states internal auditor May or in the case of a school district receiving annual federal state and local funds in the excess of $500 million shall employ an internal auditor okay so she just the number is 459 according to that so you said in say in excess of any of the three again in excess of annual federal state and local fund there you go so that's our total okay but is our total okay so so either way I have another question our our state is or our city or county is growing we ex our county is growing most definitely um what I still have another question what does what does internal auditor do then that in so they would obviously be an auditor that would audit this budget do they also then audit school budget asking Dr legco Miss Hansen just a moment not thep so the internal explain to me what you think the internal auditor does well there are two different positions one is an internal accounts auditor who is um currently who we have employed who handles the schools they are hired for specifically to review the internal account par funds funds that come into the school that are used for athletics or different types of activities so that's the internal accounts Auditors okay okay so that is a a position internal auditor is H is specific to the board uh it is that that position reports directly to the board similar to the uh attorney and uh position and they uh work um at the will of the board so like Miss uh Skipper uh indicated she wanted to see exactly how much the millone where is that mill money going and even though we do present that in our financial statements she can further dig into I not dig but further ask that auditor please I'd like to see whether or not you know these salaries who are they I mean it's similar you can ask our office as well we can provide that that is very transparent we can report that but it's not available on the you know available uh specifically at that level uh but the internal auditor that reports to the board can is at the will of the board and can do whatever you all choose whatever you want um so what benefit would an internal auditor be to us miss Hansen it's just an extra layer of responsibility that the board chooses so like what happened recently probably would not have happen because there would have been policies and procedures in place what happened recently it was in the news the doctor's inl case that is specifically with the and she he or she would not be responsible for that they would internal but there would internal right but there would have been policies and procedures and oversight and and things in place to help examples like that which we already well that's not Joe specifically said that it would be my job to bring information to the board if I called for the meetings and I have not yet had a chance to actually go through the research that I've gathered to give to the board um there is a a distinct role government audits versus internal Auditors distinct role they do have something in common so if we're ready to hear about this so the distinct role is um operational effectiveness and financial transparency government um audits let me I'm going to quote because I'm not an expert on this let me get to my I have it written down here my agenda so the differences between internal and external Audits and I do realize that part of this was to explain all of our audits that we do and are required to have um annually and then um every 3 years so when you're talking about objectives for instance internal audits improve internal controls risk management and operational efficiency you have to understand that that is different than our external audits when it comes outside especially as a government entity external audits assure stakeholders about financial accuracy and compliance the objectives are completely different so once again internal audits done by an internal auditor who reports to the board is to improve internal controls as Miss skord said based on recent events we can absolutely improve our internal controls and our risk management when it comes to the scope of internal audits according to Florida statute if we have an internal auditor that reports to the board they have full access to every single document email it they have full access to everything in every document that we own so internal audits cover Finance compliance operations and risk management our external audits that are required focus on financial statements and compliance with Accounting Standards that's why you see Dro giving all these beautiful Excel charts because that is what the government our external audits expect from her when it comes to reporting as you know internal audit findings go to us they help a board with risk management they help a board figure out where we can save money or make Cuts where we may be wasting money whereas external audit findings are communicated to shareholders through reports it is a completely different set of audits and when it comes to frequency and timing our external audits are annual or try they are required audits that we must do but internal audits are periodic can be based on um board request they are balancing routines that check indepth assessments that help us be transparent so what we're talking about here is the legislators are no fools the reason there is a law for that is because external audits check external audits check for stakeholders what internal Auditors do they work for us to help us with transparency and to make sure as a board we are not only locked tight in our procedures but we have a way to see what might be going well and what can we improve on so Miss baa as you were asking what we were just talking about has nothing to do with the role of the board's internal auditor so if Miss gber wanted to know how we could save money so let's just say we want to use more technology and less printing maybe we want to invest in docu sign for everyone when it comes to paperwork um I'll give you an example the technology that we're using right now for the student nurse form that we do each year and for the media policy is going to be cost effective for us as well never mind man hours the board drew the internal auditor can request where we would like this person to look as for the cost we recently created an allocation for an internal Dr leco was it an internal accounts manager yes and so I would tell you that finding an auditor is not going to break the bank we can also convert that allocation the board would have to vote use the funds that we were going to use towards that allocation and hire an internal auditor in fact if we are concerned with internal accounts that could be the focus of the internal auditor so what you have to understand is I guess my question would be to anyone what would be a legitimate reason that we would not want someone to help us with um monitoring our fin ances tightening up where we can and making sure that we are safe so this is the problem I'm having why are we arguing or dis you know just dissing this idea that legislatively is within our right whether we are at 500 million 450 or 600 million it does not matter why would a single person on our board not want to have some controls within that has no conflicting interest to make sure that taxpayer dollars are taken care of I don't think anybody's arguing that where I where I remember us leaving this conversation at our last meeting was we asked for an opinion from Mr blocker as to um what the state statute requires are we doing what's required and then if it doesn't require it I remember we also had the conversation of wanting to know what would be the cost and um we had conversations about what would be the benefits and the disabil vages um and you know to me that's that's all important pertinent information that we need before we make a decision as a board whether to pursue hiring that position or not um so you know at this Workshop meeting this budget Workshop Workshop meeting we can decide as a board that we would specifically like that information so that we can make a decision as to whether or not to pursue hiring I agree with you the the other thing is we we should be careful interpreting law because in fact if we think oh no no we're not at 500 million so maybe we don't need one or oh oh oh we are at 500 million Miss SK believe we are the district doesn't believe we are if you ask me we say we should make some kind of a decision thinking about the fact that whether we are at 500 million or not we're close and may be moving forward so I agree with you u m no I don't disagree it does certainly seem that we're on the precipice but I just want excuse me I want Clarity like you said for the purpose of transparency so that we can say to the taxpayers that we're being proactive that it's not required of us but we're pursuing it because it's almost required of us or the message is it is required we must do this so I just want it to be very clear if we are going going to add an expensive position potentially that reports directly to the board I want to have very clear um message as to why we chose to do that well I thought we asked for that last and so that's what I'm saying and now we're at I'm not sure that Workshop I'm not sure that anybody understood the purpose of this budget Workshop meeting I thought Miss Hansen wanteded a budget Workshop but we didn't say specifically what part of the budget we certainly didn't say we wanted to discuss this position so we did talk about we did say we wanted to discuss the internal auditor the position I did but I was not specific Madam chair about the rest of the budget meeting yeah I don't think we were specific we wanted the information we didn't give a deadline and we didn't say we wanted it by this Workshop or that the purpose of this Workshop was to determine if we're going to pursue that position I understand know if in fact the interpretation who's interpretation of the law is Right Miss Skipper or we have an attorney that we pay so let's ask him he's the only one who has by the state of Florida every here Mr the chair so so again as as Mrs H I think you and I have briefly spoken about this and talked to a couple of you all uh we have a state statute that is clearly written the chall the challenge is is I think we're right right on the cusp of having that so y'all as a board can make a decision if yall want to expend funds and hire an internal auditor there certainly that's a policy decision that's that's a policy decision that y'all can make it's it's we're probably going to be there very quickly because Clay County is growing so yall certainly can they they good policy sound reasons to do that I think originally what Dr Leo and I had spoken about is that there is sometimes different interpretations of the statute which is not unusual you got have 100 attorneys in the room and they might have a different interpretation of it I'm I'm not going to put her on the spot I could probably ask my colleague she may have a different interpretation of of this as well that's because different lawyers interpret this differently I try to look at the language itself it does say 500 million the the the legislature put that in there specifically for that threshold so if we're at 500 million then we need to probably hire an internal auditor if we're close to that then that's a policy decision if youall want to move forward with that as far as The Debt Service versus it expenditures I think we could call each of the 67 school districts and probably their financial you know chief of finance and their attorneys and probably the superintendent are going to have a different view on that so I think um I think ultimately you not to put this back on the board but y'all are going to have to make a decision if we're not at the 500 what's what's the number of gangs I've heard different numbers 459 about 459 um through the audit um the audit review so you guys are very close to that you know clay clay count is growing people are moving here so you're probably going to be at the 500 million I mean is that a fair assessment based on the projections I would say probably in about two maybe 3 years the reason we were high so high not is because of the SR funds and those are going away understood so that's a consideration but y'all are one of the fastest growing counties in the State of Florida there's a possibility right so so you're probably highly likely so you all going to get there and the reason the legisl you look at the legislative notes on this because we have the benefit of understanding why this came to the legislature let's be clear sometimes the state legislature when they're writing these we've had a lot of changes in education law recently right so the legislature is weighing in on this they're providing us some more more input but the purpose for this was to give board because ultimately yall responsible for the budget to give youall some additional um you know mechanisms for accountability and so on and so forth so I think to to answer your question Mrs Hansen you know the definitive answer is if we're at 500 million then you you'll probably need to go ahead and move forward if you're not that is a board policy decision you know to work with the superintend that I did want to if I may just if M if I may something up I've heard a couple of yall bring bring up about born materials being brought together one of y'all did reach out to me yesterday I did speak with the superintendent I will work closely with the superintendent to make sure y'all's board policies on this if you look at rule 1.02 section 4 I'll read out loud if I may says each individual School Board member is entitled to full information and data necessary in his or her judgment uh to the proper casting of a vote on any matter which comes to for the school board for Action so having said that we will work with youall to make sure these board materials are provided to y'all in advance you can make an informed decision and part of that is is communication we need to make sure that if if it's not being provided you don't have it talk to the superintendent talk to me we'll make sure that yall yall have that as well and make sure there's Clarity because I think today when I spoke with Dr Leo and the superintendent I think we were thinking this is more of a broader um budget work but then I spoke with a couple of you on I think there was some more specifics so I think we can do a better job working with you all making sure but you need to be able to have the materials and we staff need to provide you the materials so you can make an informed you know educated decision so thank one sure are there any questions on that or so I I was um I don't know if this statute or if it's ours I think it's statute 120525 meetings hearings and workshop it says that agenda shall be prepared by the agency in time to ensure that a copy of the full agenda being received at least 7 days before the event by any person in the state who request a copy and it and it goes on to say that the agenda along with any meeting materials are available in electronic form um excluding confidential and exempt information so a couple of things that I take from this is one and I've asked a dozen times or more please give us an I know that um Miss Clark has asked many many times for processing time give us more time to see things I also want to say that as a newer board member I am totally up to speed now because when Miss gilen said we do need to be more specific about what we want to talk about and absolutely State what it is we would like to discuss so I am a newer board member so I apologize I knew that I wanted to talk about internal Auditors I had taught to Mr Bros what could we do to increase our fund balance and I asked him about that a month ago I don't know how it wasn't more specific but I promise from now on I will be very specific when asking Mr I will do better Mr yes I was just just just Mrs Hanson just respond you are correct there is a a statute that does cover that part of that is to to make sure the public if there's an agenda and an agenda packet it's that's so government does not hide the ball that that statute is geared more towards my interpretation has more geared towards the general public um that's why agendas are created and and if there's more material that way the Public's not being prepared so the goal behind that would be you know two or three weeks out of a board meeting if there's materials we're not withholding that from the public so they can can have it my understanding is and this is just from working in government there are going to be occasions when you're going to have some of this material being prepared really just a few days before over this weekend I had the pleasure speaking with the superintendent several times as as as I was going to events uh Dr Leo I think other staff I'm looking around the room we we communicated I know board members were working this weekend as well so sometimes some of the material may not be generated and prepared but I believe that there was some materials that that were brought to our attention and I notifi the superintendent to make make sure that that was sent to because that should be sent to board members in a timely manner so y'all have y'all can make an educated decision and your your board rules specifically highlight that that information should be provided in a timely fashion so we will do a better you going to say something go ahead finish okay so we will we will do a better job working together with with y'all as as a board to make sure that we we provide that material to you so Dr yes um I wanted to say as it relates to the budget remember as we do this process it is um we're following trim which has specific dates that we must abide by that starts July 1 also in the statute you will note that the state off um um confirms the um property value and that is done in July July um I believe the statue says no later than July 17 I believe it's in statue that says that um so as I'm preparing the budget everything is all estimated and before I can present that budget I need to provide um accurate data as it relates to our property values and what that millage is so that is why there are times I will say that the the documents aren't available because of course advertising and and then um um waiting for that information and as you look at the trim there are certain dates guidelines that I have to follow and bring certain documents to you within a time frame and as a result of that that is why some of this do the information that I'm presenting to you through a presentation is um sold last minute I guess but during the trim process you have from the July 23rd meeting all the way through the September um final budget hearing to make any sort of changes that you would like to make to that budget document I ask a quick question how often do we get money from the state we get it four times a year correct right and and that was one of the things I was going to go through with the pro the budget process so that we understand well just is it is it possible if I could bring forward moving on this is it possible for Doc to to give her presentation in 20 to 30 minutes so you can see that that we can make a decision on the internal auditor and then maybe get some clarity as to what you'd like to see I think I think what the board is uh is expressing is is a frustration that they don't get the chance to weigh in on their priorities uh into the budget process and looking for how to do that you're right the skill house and anybody's free to to say whatever they want at the workshop and so people will ADV vate for whatever idea they want to advocate for but just for the sake of us moving forward right now given the discussion where we're at can we agree to move forward in that direction y okay go ahead doc oh like lightning we got go speed all right lightning it's going to be really quick then because again a lot of this standard um that I um okay okay so again I because we were unclear as to what we were presenting today um I thought it we all thought it would be an overview of what our budget process entails so um several items we'll go over the budget process I'll try to be very quick um we'll go over the general funds we'll go over one mill funds and the capital funds I chose those funds because of the fact that our budget is a very large budget of course you know you all know what it is but it entails a lot of different components of that budget and in order to deep uh really go into the details of everyone we really need a longer time frame to go into that so so with that we'll just go into um you know again um see budget up again I have a few notes I'll just read out some of them the budget is driven by state statute as everyone knows um there are multiple components of it we've got general fund federal capital Debt Service internal and we also have some um internal service funds which we talked um talked about we didn't talk about that's internal accounts the we have internal service funds which is our liability accounts and our self Insurance funds um we try to um okay so the presentation that you will see is really uh a comparison to um the prior year and the current year I cannot the only thing I'll be able to do with the uh general fund is um present to you a projection on the uh Revenue only because we have not received that final budget yet the governor has not signed that budget and that's one of the components where certain he may veto any one of those line items so with me planning that and he C it then that's another exercise that we will need to go through and try to B present a balanced budget never I'm sorry all right um as you know the uh budget process is a continuous process throughout the year it is focused on being reasonable Al allocatable responsible accountable and accountable so again we start off with uh the planning process and I'll go over that real quick with you all uh we we try once we do the planning we will prepare that budget I've got by Statue I have to present as balanced budget so that's that preparation of course the adoption that is the role of uh the board where I present the um the the balance budget so it is adopted we report on the information and of course we um we monitor it throughout the year so I would say the monitoring piece is constant from the planning all the way to a planning again but it's a continuous process right now our Auditors are here the Auditors from last year just left and we just March I believe we received the audit report now the AG's office the auditor general is here right a week later they showed up and they're starting their pre-process for the current year and because it's not finished yet they're just starting they're pre-planning they're looking at data they're looking pulling data um to to present for uh this year ending um school year okay I'm s I'm trying all right so as we said we will go through each component of that process with our budget and um we've got our planning um again um when we start our budget process we are focusing on it being reasonable it being allowable it's responsible and we are accountable you know accountability mean of course we very transparent with the information that's available on our website so again uh the start of our budget starts with the project Revenue coming in uh that is based on our FTE projections that's the start and and Miss Hansen said people receive their budget starting budget process in January that is true but it's based on the FTE projections that is something that the we as a district look at um our current enrollment and look at different components of it to decide whether or not there are going to be any changes any modifications we ask the um operations Department have you seen what's on growth is are there any new uh communities coming in what does that look like along with that of course the state works with us with their program that decides you know birth rates and different types of um calculations that's done for us to determine what our projections are going to look like so it does start in January and you know maybe that is one of our first steps in our budget Workshop is to talk about our projections so so that is the first step in our um um budget process once that's done then as you all know we do have a board approved uh allocation plan we look at that plan and we look at the numbers of uh students that we plan on having and we do the calculations based on class size to determine the number of teachers that that the schools will need for the upcoming year um so it is based also again it's all projections everything is projections so um we look at the allocation plan we create the allocation uh proposal of which is brought to the board for approval right once that's done because that is you know keep in mind that the majority of our funds support Personnel over 80% of our funds go to what salaries and benefits so with that once that is done then I can look at okay what are the next things that I need to support in our budget so we're looking through we go through multi-step reviews of all of the budget information what did we spend last year what are the contracts that are coming up what are we what you know what is the ren what are the increases that we will experience as we're going through this process of course I talked about the truth and millage you know the trim guideline that starts July 1 every year that is statutorily required and of course there are certain guidelines that we have to follow as a as a government agency to ensure that we uh alert our taxpayers of the millage which in turn uh decides what the local the percentage of local property taxes that will we need to generate it's called required local effort in order to generate x amount of dollars from the state and that all of that is really based on our FTE projections so um as we're going through this we do our contract review we look at all of our contracts that we do have and of course each one of those contracts do come based on our uh policy do come before the board so that you are aware of those increases that are affecting that budget so as you know this this is agenda uh there were several contracts in there that you all are aware of and it shows what the financial impact is and then and of course you know it talks um about um the the history of what the cost is and how much it will be for the next year and again we go back through the multistar review we are constantly reviewing those those expenditures you know it is a constant constant review because I have to well we as a board and as the um uh uh oversight um fiscal responsibility uh we have to ensure that we stay within budget if we're not within budget then we've got to make adjustments and um a lot of times too is that you know throughout the year once you do your FTE projections as you know that is what drives our budget it's our students and if they if we don't come close to what our projections are we've got to make adjustments but you know that it's all a projection I will tell you it is all a projection till the following school year September of the next fiscal year so with that being said throughout the year we do have counts to ensure that our numbers are close to what we projected if it's not we have to make adjustments within the budget that's already been approved to ensure that we still stay within a balance we still have a balanced budget um as a result those are the budget amendments that are brought to you every month um and um and of course approved the through the financial statements all right I'm trying to go as fast as I can I'm sorry all right so that's the preparation um now we are at the adoption we went through the same re you know as of course it's the presentation that I do bring to you and we adopt the budget it's a tentative budget in and in your packet you do have the trim calendar so you do it's a a separate sheet um the first budget Workshop is on July 23rd is where I will bring you the tentative budget um at that time or before between now and then of course and based on the conversation if there are certain areas that you all would like to focus on please let us know and we'll try to get that we will get the information to you so that when you have it um at the time of this Workshop again it's a tentative budget Workshop a tentative budget presentation where we go into the entire budget so it'll take about a good two hours maybe plus two plus hours to go into details of the specifics of that budget and that's where I go into every fund every component of that uh of the budget all right um the reporting what do I have here um all right the reporting uh we do try to we are reporting on um the uh budget that's being presented throughout the school year as you know the monthly expenditure the financial report we are working on making sure that it's a more detailed so you'll be receiving updated uh materials uh I believe for the budget amendment i' I've tried to add some information to it so and you know before the next board meeting you should have a summary page that identifies all of the transactions that uh impacted the budget um our monthly financial statements those are presented to you on every month it is required it's statuto required and it's um it's presented in the manner that we are responsible to present it to um present it um and it's it's based on statutory what are we supposed to present and if you compare it to all the other districts we try to be consistent across the state as to what we present to our board and of course as you know we talk about audits we do a lot of annual audits uh there are several of them that we do go through con throughout the school year so not only are we trying to um um operate our budget and continue to serve our students and our teachers or our staff we are constantly working with different agencies con throughout the year that's asking for detailed information about our expenditures about what we're doing some of it is specific some of it is overall General that we are pro giving this data to um it is involved where they are asked you know what sort of data are we allowed to present or to give to these folks you know for privacy laws and that good stuff okay all right all right and of course uh oh we're in monitoring right yes oh my goodness all right we're in monitoring um we what we do is we have a workf process so you know we talk about um um what our rule is well we constantly there is checks and balances in place to ensure that the expenditures or the request for any kind of expenditures is properly reviewed vetted and make make sure that it is what you know our our oh what our our I'm going blank now what our um oh my gosh I didn't I didn't think all right it's a workr process it is properly vetted um it is for instance uh let me go through contract review it is uh contract is initiated at the office that's initiating that contract it is then presented through uh certain offices number one it goes through if it's a school it goes through the chiefs of which they review to ensure that it meets the the um oh the strategies of our strategic plan right and then of course it comes to uh once it goes through the the chief that's responsible for that division for that um contract then it really goes through our purchasing department it actually goes through our attorney as well they their office reviews those contracts to ensure um legal responsibility in um for purchasing we go through it based on uh purchasing guidelines and then of course it's presented to the um the board for approval for final approval okay so so hopefully all right uh we talk about Audits and and as we're going through it I wanted to show you all the different audits that we do have that's we're constantly going through so I'm going to just click on all of these right away um as you can see the the first three are the auditor general and the independent auditing firm the independent auditing firm comes every year the auditor general comes once every 3 years and they do audit the previous years of the in uh private agency the federal audits uh federal and state those are program audits that they do come from D um there's title one uh is um there are desktop Audits and there are face-to-face audits where they do look at the details of the expenditures to ensure that it is an Alli it's aligned with the um application that was submitted and approved by the Department of Education um we do have um you know and those are all programs audit Workforce Development esol food service is also are audited uh they are audited by the um um oh my goodness where is it um the agency for um what is the for Department of Agriculture andum thank you so uh that is an external auditing fir uh agency that comes in and audits our food service program they also look at the financial part of it um the uh Medicaid they are constantly being audited um for the use of those funds as well as the services that are being reported um for that program uh another audit that's very important is our FTE audit that one is done by the Department of Education and they audit the student enrollment to ensure that we are um uh reporting our program numbers uh the students in the correct program um areas and if it's there's um if there are any discrepancies it is uh we pretty much have to pay back those dollars and it's usually a year or two later and it's not that we're paying it back is that the state just automatically takes the funds off our Revenue in that particular year we have technology audits where they come in and these are constant every here you know we have technology audit which uh again they're looking at different areas of our program to ensure fraud is not happening to ensure that we have proper um Securities in place so that you know transfer of funds different things are in place so that we are not subject to fraud or to you know loss of funds and um and you are familiar with the OPA audit uh used to in the past um an opo means office of program and policy um program I can't remember the full thing anyway um they used to come in every other year but through budget cuts um they decided that they stopped and of course the legislature changed the language to where that if a district is going out for a referendum you do have to have an OP an audit conducted by the OPA team which is a a branch of the legisl ative uh office okay and of course the one we just recently went through is our financial disclosure um uh it was through our credit agency standard and um standard and force I believe or Fitch and what that is is really where we go through an intense intense rigorous Financial audit and it's not just financial statements they're looking at they're looking at whether our district is a capable of paying back the the money that we are wanting to borrow uh we just did a successful B cops issue of about 50 $52 million and before we can even do that we had to go through a truly rigorous rigorous Financial um question investigation I not investigation um uh audit where they asked so many questions about whether or not we we are uh how we're spending our money how our fund balance is uh going to be in the future would we be able to pay this debt back that we borrowed and we were very successful we've received a good credit rating as you know it's just like a credit report if you if you have bad credit you get no funds or you get a really bad percentage you have to have a high borrow on a high percentage you have a good credit uh rating then you are able to purchase um um you have good credit worthiness so therefore you're able to borrow those funds and we were very successful at that thank you so I'm proud of that one so um okay so um I'm going to go through this really fast but this slide really what I wanted you all to see and really the public is here's our ffp pH this is where we get our funds from this is the detail of what our um process goes through and we're still waiting to find out whether or not I am going to get the $364 million in in in state and local funding this is just a general fund and remember this formula changes and the empty boxes are those areas where before the funds were categorical like for instance instructional materials they were categorical funds where I had to specifically set aside those funds to spend on uh me media speci uh media uh books and things like that well they removed it and placed it up here in the base student allocation up here where they said you will the board will decide how much money is going to be spend for instructional materials however they didn't change the statute where it says you will do an adoption this year and this is how much it's going to cost so those are the details that I would really love to provide to you as a board um remember I said January how we do the projections there's that number I use this is what our projections are for next year 41,44 1.17 in students FTE not belly buttons but FTE um and based on that this is what I'm projecting but also you can see the family empowerment scholarship that has increased so much from the start of it's now $22 million it's going to come off the top from our Revenue that we are expected to receive so this is just a quick summary again this is our general fund Revenue as you can see this is the different types of revenues this is total revenue that we're expected to receive I budget about 377 million this is just based on what we know right now this could change this number could change and this number could change because we don't know what our property values are right now we get that on in J on July 1st um and this state revenue could change because if the government Vos any one of these those line those boxes that I showed you then this number could either increase or decrease it just depends what happens when he signs that budget which he has not done right now as of today so we're still in limble trying to figure out whether or not what revenues we're going to get so um that's why I said I'm I'm only going to show you um this uh current year right now so again this chart represents our FTE for the last several years and just a picturial view of really where our funds were going so again scholarships came into Play here's where it was that little blue look how high this has gone up it went from about $1 million here um back in 1920 actually even wasn't that much uh it was just the M scholarships I believe right so now it's over $22 million so you can see the growth of that program and of course our charter schools and our traditional schools um okay so looking at the revenue and um what we think we're going to receive um based on the information this 177 million increas is based on the enrollment increase in enrollment and the BSA the cost of per student so the legislature gave us a little more money this year um so after I am after we take care of some of the um the main cost that we and taking out categorical taking out the scholarships and um um Al left with about $17 million to work with so that 17 million now has to take out into effect okay what's our health insurance increase for our employees what's the FRS rates that's something I can't afford I have to pay for this so that comes with this sted a liability insurance of course like everything else it goes up energy utilities everyone knows that goes up as well and esol program support other primary cost that I've got to look at is compensation any of the Choice programs are we expanding are we what are we doing with that instructional materials we have an adoption it's about 8 million we usually get about $3 million in instructional materials so where am I going to find the additional funds to meet that statutory requirement and of course the operational any type of contracts where there's inflationary cost that's attached to it I've got to take that into consideration Dr with instructional materials can that come from from Capital money or does that have to come from the general fund it comes from general fund you cannot use Capital funds for instructional materials unless it is part of the original construction the new school that's being built okay I'm trying to I'm trying to speed it up I promise all right so here's a comparison of our expenditures for 2223 and 2324 and again if you want to see specific spe details of what this represent please call my office I can provide that information to each one of you um as you can see the Box the salaries and benefits make up the high most the highest um expense that we incur throughout the school year so I think this would be a good time to have the conversation Miss Skipper about what you guys keep asking for the itemized budget see I've asked for an itemized budget this is where I think specifically we could say you're wanting an itemized budget of purchase Services what are you see where this is broken down into right chunks so salaries and benefits would you want it itemized there would you want I mean in certain certain situations because I mean I guess yeah all all the way across the board I would like a itemized line item budget like that is something that we should have so every salary paid at every school and every district office within every project within everything we can provide that to you that is a huge um um report that we provide to the Auditors detail so if you want if you would like to get a detail of salaries and benefits um I would need a little more specifics how would you like me to present I can give you a big old spreadsheet and you you know so how would you like me would you like it in in fund format because there's different funding how would uh different projects there are multiple projects that's aligned with the general fund I mean you've got um reading you've got um give me a okay so like mental health you've got all these different so how would you like us to present this to you and we can I ask something real quick yes I can just give an example do you remember at the last Workshop I handed you I was some the monthly Schoolboard Financial reports that you gave us and I handed you a sheet of paper that had I think it was the half sales tax and on it I had written there was things like minus 75,000 and I wrote on there what was what was the 75,4 right I really believe these are simple things that we can actually do on the month of reports yes so that anybody can see what the 75,000 was score versus just putting 75,000 minus on there right and I have asked for a calculator which I guess we can't afford let other counties do where people can literally this would solve a lot of our problems and wouldn't even have to talk about it but literally people can go in and click on school level and see where the funds came from and what projects are going on at their schools and where the money came from we don't have a transparency system like that so when you get the financial reports the monthly reports and you see something that's like half cent sales tax and there's literally no information on there there's no way that people can connect that to going to a different website to see what we're spending our money on really I think we have a communication issue um that is creating a transparency issue if that Mak sense right um what I've done since I received that information I will be adding we're working on it right now but it will be added before the board meeting and a email will come out to let you know the changes um and that was a budget amendment report that you um you provided to me I don't remember the name of it it was the it was the budget amendment report and what I've done is I've done a summary page that identifies the different funds and specifically the increase and decreases to the revenue and what they mean and what it is really specifically and then of course on the expenditure side why did we move the money from one area to another and that impact so it's more of an impact statement as to the numbers that you're looking at so um hopefully that will provide some transparency to the public and to the board uh if that's not sufficient by all means please reach out to me and and give me a suggestion on what exactly you would like to see and we'll try to work on with it if that means I have to increase you know our our budget towards getting a system that will allow us to be able to do that then I will present it to the board and the board can decide whether or not you're willing to spend the funds to so how much is the how much is like Duvall their transparency button that Miss Hansen has asked C for the calculator for like year for a year now is anybody know and this since since she's asked for it and has replied that it's too expensive have we looked at that to see exactly well I I was given a number from the IT department 2 million but I also have done research on that I honestly believe that our the entire issue that we're having just comes from the lack of communication piece there has to be a better way for taxpayers not to scroll through our website looking for certain departments and different folders and years there has to be a better way for under the school board chab for people to see how we're spending taxpayer dollars maybe it's not the $25 million calculator but I can tell you like we just talked about a simple thing we can do is when the board votes yes to create a new allocation there should be a memo about where that money's coming from or where we cut money to create a new position right so there are things we can do it would be great if we had a place in a simple way for people to see and by the way if we want these renewed the 1% Mill we should feel obligated to make it easier for our taxpayers to see what a great job we're doing that's how you get a renewal the 1% I can't imagine what life would be without that 1% Mill renewal so we need to spend some time and thought thinking about how to be easily transparent because legislation says that it must be understandable and easy for the taxpayers to understand Miss Miss Hansen can I get my my question answered has anybody looked at that that um calculator and anybody know how much it is um we' not really have we we've looked at what Duvall has been presenting and we are working we we did do um have a dashboard that we're working with uh trying to ensure that we can sort of mimic we can't do exactly what they're doing because dual is a larger County with a lot more money than we have so therefore um we're looking at what they they've done and see what we can do to um to make our transparency page for financial reporting a lot more easier for our taxpayers again it doesn't happen overnight so we are working on trying to make sure that maybe for the next F school year we do have some sort of um access to this the data that you're asking for so Dr I believe it's one year to this month ago that I asked for us to start working on this are you saying it could take another year excuse me we I know you asked for it and we have made progress where we added um an additional component I believe we brought that contract to you it's for our BP business plus and they are working on it so that we can um they're working on the um the dashboard that can be used I don't know right now the status of it I will find out but I can and I can let you know but we are working on it and trying to meet the deadline for next year so if if I can draw a conclusion to this portion of our discussion um what I'm understanding is that like I'm right now I'm looking at our June board meeting budget um Amendment update and I'm looking at the additional millage fund statement of expenditure and transfers and so we have a line item of the original budget and the amended budget um and then we have where the money is being spent so for example um in salaries operation of plant is 2.5 million that's being expended and then it says employee benefits 1.1 million purchase Services 2.5 million so if what I'm understanding Miss Gipper with those monthly reports if that were itemized would that be it where is it coming from these are expenditures so it's telling you the category that it comes from is the millage so the millage is what's being spent and then it tells you it's being spent on operation of plant salaries operation of plant benefits right I would like an itemized every time so that I know that hey um we paid um maintenance salary you know five maintenance people Sal operations right that's what I'm saying but I want it broke down like people want this stuff broke down you're sitting here saying that especially the general fun anything within the general fund it goes into one pot a whole big pot is how people view this I know in her head it's completely different so this is I guess this is my perspective as an ER nurse I don't walk into a room and give a diagnosis in medical terms at all all cuz nine times out of 10 no matter what what um background or employment they are if they're not MediCal it's just going to go right here and they're going to say can you not necessarily use smaller words but use smaller words let me know I have fluid building up instead of calling it a Dema right so for taxpayer purposes not everybody is a is an accountant not everybody's a CPA not everybody's a CFO not everybody you know does numbers there are people who who read and and literature and and do all this and their brain works completely different um that being said we have to I don't want and I don't want to say this and say dumb it down but you have to and and lame in ways and and show people what they're truly looking at cuz in your head it makes sense in my head when I'm speaking medical it makes sense but when you're sitting there talking to taxpayers who all they especially in this economy is hey you know what school board just took all my money I'm so sick you and I hear this all the time I get a phone calls from family members and they're like why you keep taking my money and I'm like well first of all it was on the ballot and you voted on it so there's that on on certain things and then other things you know we break it down however um that's what they're not seeing and when you have a transparency button where I can say hey go to the website and that's completely you you're and here again Miss Bowler you're not understanding what we're requesting what what I'm asking correct because I'm reading I am looking at the financial transparency correct and I'm looking at Ed first half cent I'm looking at Financial transparency report I'm looking at the opportunity to see individual schools and where they're at and their finances and I'm I'm hearing what you're asking for but then when I when you're saying citizen Q comes in and says well why are you taking all my money and I've had the same questions Miss Skipper and I directed them to this and said go to this particular halfon sales tax that's exactly what we're spending your money on this is why we're spending your money on this and this is what you voted on I mean it's but that's just one example they're also wanting to know why teachers don't have XY and Z why do they have to have examples like Tools for Schools why are we not providing it for them why are we not doing this why are we not doing that so when they see or here of uh which I don't know what it was but it was a couple months ago you presented a document predicting that our projected budget was going to be somewhere between $600 million this year that's where I'm getting this number I didn't just make it up um they that blows their mind they're they're trying to figure out what are we doing as a school district with $600 million and then that's when I have to educate them you know certain dollar can't go to building certain dollars can't go but to education you know whatever but my point is is if they can see it and understand it they would be less hostile and that's what they're asking they want to know this so can I can I if you go to our website Miss PA since you're on the computer looking around and you click on school board Miss Gil and you do that you're going to see it says meet the school board member School quickly Schoolboard policies the majority of districts in the State of Florida right away have a transparency button and it's on the front you actually have to go looking for transparency when you go to our website in direct link part of Statute says it needs to be easily accessible transparent and understandable if I go to the School Board site I shouldn't have to be a Schoolboard member telling people how to go look at something this is the point we are doing things right but this the way we systematically go about it tends to look misleading when we say under the school board it's our budget and you can't even find it I didn't go to school so this is what I'm talking about I'm not talking about the fact that you Miss B know where to look for the information that would be unaccessible to a regular person you're a school board member cuz I at this point couldn't tell you exactly the easiest way to look at these things and that tells me we have a problem well I would say that I would say the board if you guys would do some research and start going to other people's just their School Board site you will see lots of ways to look at transparency it might not be the $25 million dashboard all right but I am telling you the way that our the way we are set up it looks like we are not transparent at all so so if I could you know I'm hearing the the conversation around transparency can we can we research how other districts uh format their website provide more transparency move the button around so it's more transparent and do those kinds of things but we've asked for that so I want to be very several months ago let's not go back please well I know but like can we make sure that we actually do and where has been done and you can see that the transparency part but apparently it's not as accessible which is a which is an issue we need to move it to the top we'll work we'll work on moving the button to make it more accessible thank you Dr okay let me finish um finish okay so again that was here's another way of looking at our expenditures by object so you can see where the majority of our funds are being spent which is standard it's in salaries and benefits so and then the different components of it so okay okay so now we'll just kind of glance over the one mil and how those funds are being spent so as you can see since the Inception of the program this is our 1 mil total cost um as you can see it's Personnel cost which is the salaries and benefits um the interlocal agreements that we do have purchase services are capital cost and um fuel cost for the officers fars their operational expenditures and of course the cell phones that they maintain and this is over up until the 2324 and keep in mind we are not finished with this school year we still have about we have the month of May we're paying bills on and of course June is coming up so um that number is going to change in the June 20 July 23rd um presentation okay so here you can see examples of how we're spending our dollars so for um fund 105 which is the one mil you can see that these are some of the um um going back on the equipment um the um oh my goodness the capital cost and um the capital cost this is how that that is being spent the funds are being spend on the different types of activities uh for uh at the schools okay on okay so the other part of the one mill is the ccso expenditures so I wanted to show you what the budget was and what we've actually spent so far so our budget is about 4.7 of course our actual is 3.7 I believe we'll be close to this number because we haven't paid out all our salaries we still have um salaries uh to uh compensation to pay out of course uh we're trying to pay our bills out right now we're trying to close the school year and um ensure that all our bills are paid within the school year those funds were generated um again um in for for next year our budget planning our contract right now is about 6.3 million that's a new contract that you will see um it it has gone up a little bit I think it's now 6.8 million that we revised um and um this was the trans transition cost that uh we paid for this year just if I can interrupt Susan I'm very briefly and that change in the in the Sheriff's Department's contract was based on that the original terms did not allow for any type of buffer or anything like that so we've gone back to the Ser department so we're not dealing with budget amendments mid year so if a car breaks down we're not so that was that was essentially a Bare Bones contract so again generally you want to have some built-in buffer of some sort so that's kind of that's kind of what we're what we negotiate with with the sheriff is to to allow some type of that then in the next budget cycle will come back it looks like their costs are going to run over that way we have some coverage there so we're not breaking your bud kind of buffer meaning if they don't use it when it comes absolutely correct yes ma'am that's correct so those funds would be returned and we have the terms in place to do that um but we want to make sure it's not necessar a dollar for dollar because they're unforeseen we can get through Co we have active hurricane season so right and of course uh the terminal pay which I really should is said U end of year of the contracts because that includes the terminal pay of the officers that we will be pay now and of course the cost of closing the um the office with the cell phones and all of those things there the cost of um reducing those contracts also also picking I'm sorry also selecting their insurance plan as well which is not done October right so there's some cost there um okay so then again the cost for officer for school I wanted to um sort of give you aoral view of what that would be so again we've got the district school um green Co Springs Orange Park and then of course the sheriff's office um and it's what the for each year can I quick make a comment about the one mil if I may yes I've been asked numerous times by people now that the sheriff's office is going to be taking over the one mill or taking over Safety and Security the school district will no longer need that money and I want to make sure that this goes out on record that the one mill pays for Safety and Security and that the sheriff we have to pay the Sheriff's Office plus meet all the requirements for the hardening of the school schools that is going to be coming up because of legislative mandate and that one mil obviously is not going to go as far shff I can just and I hope that in three years or two years we can vote on it again and gain the Public's trust in maintaining it and just is just a reminder to the board so the County Commission is not does not provide funding no to this so as example when I was in St John's we provided additional funding for it so all y'all's funding not all of the most of it is going to come from that 1 mil we always absolutely need that 1 mil so we can maintain this contract I want to make sure we're clear on that I understand I understand and that contract is going to get even more expensive and I want to reiterate that we really absolutely will need that one mil uh the revenue that's generating from that fund is to support Safety and Security hardening of our schools as well as uh providing the opport offers at each school if for any reason those funds go away it's a large amount and the general fund cannot absorb that if not there'll be decisions that need to be made at that point where the board hard decisions would need to be made of what you would like to maintain because this is statutory required we have to do this I just want to put go on record to say that you all right so now we will go into the capital Appliance um but I'm going to focus on just the uh Ed first dollars the referendum with the halfon uh halfon sales tax um because this is part of our Capital fund so as we get into the details of the different funds I will explain the difference between the capital funds and the sales ta funds so again this is just a pictoral view on 2223 how we spend our sales tax funds um these are the different projects that they focused on specifically so you can see where um in 2223 the the cost of the different areas or um the percentage of where the funds were spent on and what they were spent on so you can see this now you'll see in the green we've got new classrooms and then this is the current year right now oh well this is these are the dollars that's associated with uh and the projects and the cost of the projects um um uh associated with the 2223 um um pie chart that you just saw this goes with this so you can see the details of how and if you want specific then you can reach out to the operations department and they'll give you specific projects and whatnot and I believe the committee that was formed go ahead I'm sorry the just want to reiterate that we have a committee at abson sales tax citizens advisory committee that go go through on a quarterly basis we all meet um in the evening quarterly and they go through each one of our project files and they basically audit our project files for every halfon sales tax prod project that we uh that we are either conducting or have finished out so so that is specifically audited by that oversight committee thank you what is that um new reloc locatable I got to look into that I I need to look into that cuz on whether new relocators I don't know if it's Roofing on the relocators or we haven't purchased relocat so we have not purchased relocat I'll look at that thank you sir okay so and this is our current expenditures right now again this Chu may change a little bit but basically these are the projects that we have spent our dollars on this year for 23 24 okay and uh again you'll notice the difference in the pie chart I just want to bring it out this new classroom the reason it's so large is because we opened a new school so the construction yeah yeah you can see the 13 mil all right uh so again that's that these are the expenditures that's associated with that pie chart that shows where those dollars went um in relation to the projects and finally the fund balance I know it's very important that we maintain a a reasonable fund balance and as you can see this is the historical um climb to getting back to a fiscally responsible operation uh we've been trying again we're focusing on our 5% um but again as you can see it's been it's a slow growth but you know expenses are in there so right now we are projected to be about 4.74 ending this year again the year is not over so I'm hoping uh my projections are uh my ending would be a little higher than my projections I'm not sure yet so we'll know um and again this is also a component of um of credit history of credit rating so credit worthiness so we need to maintain and I'll tell you that this 4.74 is about um it's about uh 20 16.7 okay yeah okay and again these numbers will change okay because this number 16.7 represents the revenue at the time we receiving a lot of times when we start our budget there are grants there different things that we're unaware of that's going to come in so at the end of the year that number will change to 17 18 maybe $20 million so it just depends on your Revenue okay and let's see okay you know a lot of times we are recognizing the district for different positive things that we do very rare would you hear about uh Finance or any of that so you know again we did a great job with the accreditation there was a lot of uh um accolades that uh represented us for our processes that we have in place uh one of the pieces of that component is the fiscal responsibility and I believe you know um that that did play a role in in that um in that uh process we also have a lot of um we've had clean audit opinions for the last several years and that tells me that we are being fiscally responsible with the taxpayers dollars um again I talked about our rating credit rating uh We've maintained a good credit rating over the years and have been able to secure the uh the cops most recently and that is the reason having a good fund balance being able to financially um be responsible for our commitments that we've made throughout the year and staying within our balance budget and utilizing the revenue that we do receive in order to um operate our system and serve our students units um I would say uh we were in a a meeting Miss Hansen was in that meeting um where there was a document that was released um to this all the other participants where these s when you look at that those numbers we were in the top 10 lowest administrative cost for unrated FTE what that means is that we are spending Less on the administra part of this operation Less on those dollarss versus uh we spending all of our dollars in our classrooms in our schools and of course uh we receive the accolades for the 10% uh 10 top 10 lowest energy cost for annual uh in our cost report it it provides us with um how are we spending our different comp the different components of our budget um you know energy purchasing those different areas and we were uh in the top 10 uh lowest um and let's see so and speaking of that I'll just interject that's one of the things I would like to see is what I consider overhead administrative you know what that percentage is we talking 4% eight versus 8% you know those are some of the things that individually I can ask you of course yes very helpful all right and then my closing remarks um um it's a little different then what we started off with from what I've heard but I do want to thank the team that helped me put this presentation together we did spend time putting focusing on this not knowing what we were going to present so I wanted to TK thank my team here which is Sonia Finley who is the director of Finance um Michelle new who is her um assistant coordinator of accounting who works a lot with our um Self Insurance Fund every went self insured and reporting on Kyle Seymour who is our budget uh supervisor and um I would like to thank Kelly for her assistance in this as well and um and I would just like to thank everyone for listening to thank you I I try I would like to be very transparent I know I am very transparent and I know if anyone even the taxpayers if they have any questions related to any piece of this on of this budget or our expenditures please please I emphasize reach out to my office we will be more than happy to present any information to you as long as I'm allowed to do it right because there's some the YouTube is behind so you're not standing up there anymore I'm assuming yeah right is there any way that I could have Bonnie go to C6 and me give you an example of what's easy I think what transparency looks like can we go back before we go there can we can I just finish this piece here I don't know how to get to thought I'm sorry no um I don't know how to I want to click this on thank you and here is our financial transparency page um this is really link to um um my the business Affairs but it's up here as you can see Financial transparency and then of course I should have just gone to the regular website so you can see it but it is up there I will make sure it's a tab upst up up on the top as well but if you scroll down a little bit you can see all of the different areas that we do have um you've got um you know the trim the monthly Financial reports trim your budget presentation our value added which is this is statutorily required um our internal audit report specifically for the schools our Charter Schools our annual financial report and as you're clicking all these the audits are in there everything is in there so again I will make sure that that link is up on the main page so that everyone can go directly to this this page and see all of the financial reports um and what else all that's it um the end I will point out Dr Co um he'll scroll up where it says um Financial transparency report and click there that uhhuh I'll put the T that no right where she's clicking oh wow so if you you can look at it by each school and then um to answer your question Beth there's um General administrative expenditures over total operating expenditures also it speaks to FTE per administrative Personnel so it gives you how much we're spending on instructional versus administrative on that page P by school now I'm not sure can you look at district office or is that just individual schools I think you can see the general administrative I don't know if you can scroll over but you can also I think there's also the report where it shows it from the district perspective oh that's just the graphs it does have um it says 40 pages here so yeah it's more than just what we're seeing yeah and you can put on the individual schol I believe up here um I'm not sure um Can these are the different fisal years um but I believe you can um I don't know if you click up here you can also change it down at the bottom Miss nor excuse me um down at the bottom where you see that gray scale you can even change the view if you'd rather see it in a bar graph I think that to me that one's easier to read all the way to the left uh see at the bottom where it's in Gray right here uhhuh if you click right there right there yeah sorry there it switches it to yeah and it shows the instructional General for that particular I think you can also click for the specific schools so this one shows you specific dollar amounts I believe where the other is percentages so just depending on how your brain works to understand the data I think these are helpful um but what I didn't see is if there's an option where you can look at the district administrations or if it's just School [Music] the school type the school types are just virtual junior senior Elementary Charter then there's one that says NAU I don't know if maybe that would cover it B yeah because there's usually a summary page that shows um indirect direct I think if you put in the a that's where you get the totals so you have total operating expenditures per FTE total instructional administrative um I think it's all there I think that one gives you kind of the overview of the whole District instead of just by school [Music] academy and like you can see in 2020 and this information comes from the state once the final final report we just received the 203 2223 data that we will be uploading in here to reflect that information oh yeah right so yeah we just received that so it updated I'm sorry I knew I well that that was the last piece of my presentation where I think Miss answer so so Madam chair if I could you I I actually agree with Mr Hansen that perhaps it's a communication you know challenge I think that that we're all saying the same thing but differently or want to see something different so if I can propose the fact that should uh work on the transparency piece of that perhaps and show board members what what that's going to look like okay when that's done so that they can see that and what improvements they want in transparency we certainly entertain those those um additional revamps to it I mean there's a lot of information that's there maybe it's not packaged the way you want it packaged or maybe it can't be packaged a different way any on the program but we can certainly work to improve that that way and and uh and move forward there I think the the uh the last question was the question to go back on the interal auditor uh piece of that so I'd like to hear board discussion on that and the board is inclined that they want to move forward with that I would make the recommendation that the board uh you know put it out for RFP in order to get a professional firm that does that that the board hires and not just anybody related to that but that's if the board is going to move in that direction that would be my two cents worth is put an Al RFP State the scope of work and also um hire a professional firm if you're choosing that does that kind of work so a professional is doing it you don't want me doing it not a random not a random not a random person okay so I don't know how you want to have that it seems like that's the last piece of this meeting just to bring the meaning forward would I think um I think Miss Skipper and Miss Hansen have both made their opinions very clear um my only request is that I would like to know upfront um what the going rate is for that position in the state and what other districts are doing and what it looks like um I want to know the structure I want to know the cost I want to know the benefits um as well as any hurdles that they've overcome or C they haven't overc yet um and I don't know if that's something that you guys would want me as the board chair to reach out to other counties and ask for or if that's something that through HR we could get that information I'm not sure what the appropriate route I know when we were looking to hire an attorney um Miss tropman and her Department handled that so I don't know if that's something that you guys would handle for us again or what the board would prefer for that you provide us a list of questions that you want answered so I I guess cost for me but I mean I mean as far as like the benefits and all that stuff we've learned this at alternative um seminars and all that stuff so the education piece I I personally already know but I mean for your benefit you can put it in an email and send it out to all of us I'd like to know some of the other districts that have internal Auditors so that we can talk with them to to determine what those Auditors how much those Auditors are being used because I'm looking at us yes we're we're nearing that $500 million Mark however we're not there quite yet and we of the time at this point to be able to do a lot of research as who other that would be what type of auditory we want who how we get that how they got there make sure this is a this is a position that we are responsible for correct for job description for for everything Asing what are and that weze that position effectively that's my biggest concern that we are utilizing them because I feel very I feel that you've done a remarkable job well I mean we know that if it's at the 500 Mark we know both St Johns and D would have to have one but as someone who is in accounting not nursing um for many many years a good auditor is going to make up their money in what they discover so I feel good about that part of it and and as you said let's see what the other counties would have it you know what the benefits to know that for having them so can I can I share some um information on salaries with the board sure so the average salary for school internal Auditors Across the Nation and this would be the the main average was $81,000 that's about the cost of the school administrer um if you consider Florida there's a range there's a range with a pay scale in Florida and this is a April 2024 site it's a pay scale research dat that the mediate range is about $65,500 I'm not sure how much the allocation for that new position that we um I can't remember I guess how much money we were going to pay that internal accounts manager but the salaries that I've looked at are very reasonable for what they do like Miss Clark said they actually make up their work right away um in what they find and that's because internal Auditors um conduct and evaluate enhanced internal controls and risk management processes in a district our size and I think this will help answer Miss B's um question and I think stud I mean U Dro can also help answer your question about what internal Auditors do um with enhancing internal controls risk management maybe they spend a lot of their time on internal accounts which is according to the last Advanced Finance form I went to the bigest area for fraud is our internal account having someone manage those 60 intern or how many internal accounts I don't even know what we have but that alone is a full-time job internal accountants also work on operation efficiencies so there is probably more work than one person could do I know you do not need a firm you just need a position or an allocation so I just wanted to share that with you um and that's about all I have right now well I think the just like with the attorney we can go either way soever we yeah we find but whatever py you're looking at remember to compare apples to apples you have to add another 35 36% in all your benefits so you know that's what we're really looking well that and we also we have to be you know looking I would like to know specifically what what did duall and pay there because that's really our region and what we would expect to expend on that so if we could just have that information so let's make sure that we get the questions correct Kelly what are what are the questions the questions what are the hurdles what is the structure what is the cost what districts use them and what are the benefits are there others any other questions you guys need an answer when you mean by structure we know that it reports to the board so what do you mean by structure well many many districts hire a firm uh rather than an individual person this way it can be contracted out to a group of experts reporting do we need a group of experts well we need to to address board concern we need a job description right well for me that would be something that we would want to consider what's the advantage to having a firm versus hiring an individual so if you have a firm obviously they don't don't or they may have an opposite like we have a firm now but they have an office and they're here daily so that's what I mean by structure that's those are things that we need to iron out as a board as far as what our expectations are and some of that will come with whoever applies for the job obviously because that evolved when we went through attorney interviews as well and that's well and sorry was thinking and listening sorry are it over complicating that I was just going to say if we Depend and it depends depending on the position that we're looking at the cost Etc and the need as we look at the job description I mean granted our $5500 million budget is much different than the billion doll budget north of us right and an internal auditor in the billion doll budget is going to make loads of money for that and obviously pay for their position but to begin with instead of making a position per se Contracting out for an internal auditor to work with us a certain amount of time or a certain number of um times per year times per year with as we see what our needs are that's going to be that can be much much different and that that's what I meant by structure I don't I don't and I think once we talk to the other two that are close to us we'll have a lot more questions we'll know which direction any other questions that you would like to be included CU keep for the questions I'm lying on her Miss Hansen is that is there anything else that you wanted I have a couple of budget questions from Miss kidw so well as for anything else I just want when you research as a b right now you go home and look at this some a thing try not to over complicate it isn't a person that spends all their time making sure we're being as good as we can as safe as we can Pursuit sound as we can they are risk management position as well the internal auditor I can't understand how we would ever MO firm and they report to the board and they might say things like you could save a million dollars if you stop making copies at the district office this is a person that looks for ways for us to improve and stretch our dollar and to make sure it's safe as we do it so it's not I have a hard time wrapping my head around a firm because it's actually if you research it you'll see it's much simpler than that I guess that's all I wanted to add okay thank you Miss kid um to the chair Dr I just had a couple questions on page 17 um where you have the um his historically you've got the expenditures by object 2223 and then by object 23 24 I was just wanting to ask about if you could provide some detail about the salaries and benefits column there um it appears by the way the graph looks to me to actually go down could you explain that uh go down and well for one thing 2324 is not complete we still have several payrolls to complete before the end of the year so that is why your salaries and benefits maybe just equal or a little above the prior year the graph is different your numbers are different on 23 24 it's an increments of 50,000 or 50 million I'm sorry um so it's it's quite a bit under but so you're saying that's because we're not done with the year yet we're not finished with the year we still have have about how many payrolls we have um six in June and seven seven more perels six we have six more perils to complete so I like I said throughing the presentation these numbers will change and we're now paying out our contracts and everything um between now and probably the first or second week of July of next year thank you for that Clarity and then on page 23 um the CL County Sheriff's Office cost per uh cost per officer for school yes um that 170,000 um and change um is that because of the transition and is that what we expect it to be going forward is it going and why is it so different than what we're paying Orange Park Police Department or Greeno Springs per officer uh for one thing excuse me uh this this cost does not include the transition that was a separate um um check that was sent to the Sheriff's Office I'm sorry my throat just decided to go belly up or something talk a lot this weekend no I'm teasing I'm teasing I did not I did not I spend it on this um and also the difference is uh the the number of officers that are being served and the contracts are totally different from the current contract that we will be going into sorry so it says C officer per school so that's it's not 170,000 per officer is it per School site per School site per School site yes okay the average cost per officer is somewhere between 115 and 135 across the state all right do we have any other questions [Applause] any further business no okay um Mr oh M just just very briefly we have um upcoming meeting we do have um I believe Madam chair you'll be um absent I believe vice sh will be absent as well so per your board R is um going about that what we'll want to do it the that board meeting is we want to have a quick uh nomination and a second for a uh a uh protm chair so we'll just do that very quickly um y'all can be thinking about who you want to nominate but we'll have the official vote right then and there um some some boards kind of do it by seniority but but y'all yall's rules kind of leave a little open-ended so we'll just have a quick vote and go from there if board members are going to call in we would still go through this process CU you want to have the actual conductor Runner of the meeting so to speak one we be present um if if uh Mrs gilhousen and Mrs B are not able to be present virtually and that would mean every agenda item will need we need to have a a three vote so I'll have to be we can cover down just out of curiosity the superintendent can't step in as a secretary I don't believe so I'm I think so what meeting is this for not this coming board meeting but the the month te July and then just just very briefly I asked one of my colleagues to come Lisa miles I'm going to let her introduce her but Lisa will be helping us with the Tres we're standing that out so we've had some meets with the state attorney's office that Lisa has been handling and we're meeting with the chief judge as well so I'll just let Lisa introduce herself briefly sure again my name is Lisa um I am born and raised in St Augustine Florida I'm a former prosecutor although I'm from St Augustine I'm real happy to be here with yall in Clay County it has been absolutely lovely meeting you guys and I am just so impressed with how hard each and every one of you work and I look forward to working with all of you absolutely great great so are there any questions and I'll be updating each of you all on uh you know the sheriff's contractors go go for so we'll have a few more updates before the meeting so thank you Mr superintendent I skipped you did you have anything you need to that no maam okay uh anything from the rest of the board well I do have that Gator cut got Beau yes I just wanted to say that I have not served on the V adjustment board for very long but I enjoy the meetings and so if if it I gu C the board I would not mind continuing in that position I haven't even had it for a full year yeah that's fine is that okay with everyone else yeah we can keep that assignment as is okay that's great thank you for your willingness to serve Miss hon what was the other one we uh the fsba oh yeah um do we want to decide that now or do you guys want to wait till the board meeting I've been how much work is involved in that not very little it there it's there two there's a legislative agenda sort of group and then there's the advocacy group and pretty much I I mean they if you choose to be very involved in the legislative side of it then there's a Friday morning update and it's available to anyone a Friday morning update to the legislative session only during the legislative session there's no required attendance or anything um it's just the opportunity for folks to become more involved with the legislative branch in that respect and if you're interested in the legislation and what's happening in Tallahassee I think it's an excellent opportunity to just stay inform formed if nothing else I will be stepping down from that position I won't be volunteering this year okay I I actively go to all the fsba meetings I won't attend the June one but I've been to all the rest of and I became a certified board member through them so if no one else wants it since I'm going to be at the meetings and maybe others don't want to attend the meetings as long as no one else wants it then I could take that too because I don't have any other committee okay anybody have an objection to that that then we'll we'll do that miss you an alternate as well and for the value adjust correct so um would anybody like to be the alternate I can be the alternate if not sounds okay and Miss can you get with me and show me links and what to expect maybe just go on the fsba website it's pretty much once they once they know that you're the representative they also reach out to you Miss Hansen who who is currently the citizen on the value adjustment board with you I don't no one's been there Joe Wiggins okay I think we oh I know the man um Joe Wi he's from there was another guy there though he's from Fling Island he's a civilian participant that could be read the last one and I'm not sure of his name because I'm not at home I'm that could be the person from the BCC because I believe they have one as well so miss Hansen if you don't mind reaching out to the current um person who serves with you and just ensure that they're okay to stay or if there's somebody else that you'd like to bring forward um and have that for our June meeting I'll do it thank you all right thanks so much all right is there anything further all right this meeting is adjourned ma' [Applause]