you're like I nailed it the first time I nailed it I nailed it remember what I said from last wasel or something it yeah get to do fun things good all right guys well um before we start too just as a point of order um I think we need a hard stop at 3:00 there are people with appointments after this um so we'll respect that time frame for today I know normally we kind of have an open-ended meeting but we'll be a little bit different today so if you don't mind we'll start with a word of prayer and then we'll call the me order father as we meet together to discuss um the rules and and the policies that govern this school district I pray that you would give us a spirit of unity um of collaboration and that you would guide our directions um and all of your wisdom that you give us discernment to see it Lord and it's in your name that we pray amen amen amen so I will now call to order this meeting of uh June 4th 2024 it's a board Workshop um we don't have any citizens joining us so I'm going to skip over that portion of it and we'll just jump right into the rural development of policies hi madam chair for can we do that the bedge first pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all right so we have some representatives from niola here with us today so if you guys would like to um help get started M chairman good good morning um my name is Tom Whitmer and I'm with Annette Martinson we are Associates with niola and we're here to help facilitate the workshop this is a rule development Workshop okay it's it's a a preliminary step to the adoption which will come later it's not a meeting as such where there'll be votes and motions and such it's a place time to explore discuss and formulate with consensus um the the um the bylaws that a chapter you may be surprised to see the numbering system these are number according to Neola system and the reason is that Neola issues updates periodically and in order to find the subject matter for each update you have to have a similar policy number so that's one thing we really have to keep if we're going to use the ne update system U and the zero chapter is the bylaws the ones threes and fours 1,000 300 4,000 are the human resources and it goes on from there but um today we're doing the zero chapter of the bylaws and we'll put it on the screen uh they they lot of symol many boards get through this uh in 3 hours the whole thing but not always sometimes we have to meet again and that's fine but um want everybody to be comfortable with it this this one is about the definitions that are located throughout the um the manual all kinds of things in here to Define stuff and like one of the important things is super is defined to include the design of the superintendent principal also um but there you know relative close relative and things like that so I just clicked on the pencil which means I'm I'm going to write something and just because it's very apparent the board is the school board of Clay County and so I will put that in that's what happen you make the screen bigger too so before we can before we start can I just ask a question all of the um all of the laws have been updated in here to match current state statute correct yes okay that's what I want to make sure now I do want to tell you we are in the M the legislature just met and we are literally going tomorrow to a 5H hour meeting we've been working on updating policies and I'm not sure I'll up my head I don't think there were any uh bylaws but that's part of this process because we'll be in the the middle of it we will get our people to infuse it into your policy project so that you're not out of date as soon as you adop okay and so but that's a it's just with policy and bylaws it's constant every time the legislature meets we're going to update anything that's affected we're going to send it to your contact person Tom and I will meet with them for a few hours should they'll get staff to work on it bring it to you and uh that's that's how the process works so this is the most up to date okay it does not have the most recent legislative because we have an action because we have not update we're working on the update right now can I just ask another real quick question before we start so let's say we were already done with this process and let's say next year the legislator legislators meet again MH and they make updates how does that affect like if you make the updates to this you know normally we advertise for 30 days and we make our changes how does that work when we become like part of this type pro project it's the same thing you get the update it would come to you from Neola okay you would enter into your policies make the changes your staff your staff would do that or you could hire neol to do that too but probably you have people to do that it's very simple just added them in and then you advertise those go to the board with those and all the changes would be shown let the strikeouts and under lines because by that point it's your policy so at one time you will do that if well it depends if there's like I mean last year we had 80 policies yeah so School Board took them in chunks okay uh some of them though even though you haven't adopted them they say by August one you have to uh you're responsible for it but the superintendent will make you aware of all that kind of stuff but it's just you it's constant okay the updates come with complete explanation of why it's being changed and little notes about the reasons everything so you want to explain the definitions you know down here under board we want to say the school board is that how you refer to your is a School Board of Clay County okay and then this defines just basically bylaws chairman compulsory school age these are very non-controversial mostly I wouldn't think going down new process information resources major property this is a typo here nonc consumable I guess it's hyphenated hyen and here too and just so you know like if we miss something grammatically or how it's laid out we have a production team that goes through and we call it they're the cleaners they clean everything up so but the definition parent is in here this is the sad story definition mhm amen so these are all the def when the definitions within the bylaws if anyone want says well what does superintendent mean what does student mean here Wireless communication devices this one needs here's an option you're going to read this sentence and you're going to say okay this is us or this is us or both of them are us includ telephone paging devices and beepers in there or not that seems sort of old language you all don't use that so web enabled devices of any type mhm we pick an option when you we get to these type places so this is pretty cut and dry yeah I mean it looks like this is old language so I would strike this don't worry about the web enabled does anybody have a feeling about that web enabled devices of any type why okay when they talk about wcds wireless communication devices include computers laptops and other web do you guys use uh any kind of tablets or any kind of I would say what I think web enabled is appropriate yes okay so we'll mark that that covers papers and Pages can something new there are some places that still e Hospital still use pagers and that's the end of the that gu so this is a was a great with to start with which we always do the definition it sort of shows you what we're going to do we're going to read it we're going to get your input you're not going to vote on anything we sort of build consens just like you just did around the uh web entitled devices and then what I do just so you know this because your staff's going to be doing the staff's going to be doing the same thing is I go back up here and I put my initials that I've we've talked about it I put the date and that tells our production Department if there's a question they know who to call today's the fourth if today's the fourth that would help and I put a star I'm the only person Kelly I'm the only person that puts a star on these because um for Tom and then you I save it it drops to the bottom so you don't have to scroll through everything every time the next one is the address very simple let me just I I've missed the step but I won't take the time to fix it right now it's I don't know what obviously you can see the dots it's thinking and let me just uh all the statutes related at the end of each one you can see up there those are all the baby I need to move this toy Project R responsible comp 00 Walnut I think 900 [Music] 900 it was 900 i [Music] w Walnut Street Walnut Street 900 yeah that's what it is on the internet yeah a team of lawers I don't use that address very often 91 34 yeah what what's going on with um board docks could be our internet look at us getting through 10 pages already I have um working for me you 10 40 nice Green Coast Springs Green Coast Springs mhm and a zip 32043 impossible abely next one is Seal says the board will adop an official seal you know the other you yeah we would one that is the the logo okay that's fine wait a second this it's really slow so just what you say about that was a whole thing it was already it was just changed four years ago five years ago change Zero desire to do that the one was around okay but years say needed a a facelift yeah a facelift but now I know some people say it looks like a ice cream t with a shrimp on top of it and you said the is good I can't unsee that now so that's that's a thing I've heard people comment it does it like a [Music] shrimp sorry are we still on the seal one just you can see I'm waiting on for docks I don't know what this is yeah this is a little thing it says it's [Music] thinking a lot of people must be online today so the next one is 0118 are you are you guys working from hard copies over yeah we got well purpose of the board is just a short explanation of what it is that you do and I know you have something like that in your current policies do you want the hard copy that I have would that be helpful we we don't need it no um I'm getting a like trigger finger I've just got to wait and let the IT thing it starts out the board is a legal entity for providing public education and then the board has dual responsibility for implementing statutory requirements and for meeting the desires of the citizens I I wish there was something it's very generic language um it declares and reaffirms intend to maintain open communication with citizens informed of progress and problems establish policies and make decisions on the basis of declared philosophy and goals and act as a truly representative body for so it's really very generic and non-controversial um I like it are you all good with this one there's no choices here so that's 118 and then the next one which I'm going to go ahead and yeah go ahead and start is responsible authority of the board more specific about how it's responsible for the organization and control and is empowered to determine policies necessary board is constituted by the Constitution for statutes and that's it so it's just a short paragraph 121 says where you get your Authority from and sites to the Constitution everybody happy with that at the end of each section do we just say that's good or something yeah that's great okay and I'm sorry it's moving slow I just we can we can go forward using the paper to the U I can't let's go to financial emergencies that's the next one 121.1mi [Music] there's a financial emergency the statutes are pretty clear about what you have to do and this simply regurgitates that um I'm good with this one and the advantage of this having this here is that the public knows it's a easy place to find everything in one place to describe the board and what you're going to do in a certain situation so when will all this be published when we vote on it it'll go live okay that's yeah this project probably going to take about a year so now say next spring you'll be but all of this won't be on there till next spring you vote on everything you resend resend everything and adopt everything at one time so that you're not in Conflict right with something you don't adopt the policies piece by piece you take it all at once once it's done so we currently don't have a bylaw section we do right so but you're saying because it might incorporate other parts of our policy a way to do it all once it's better to do it that way you have some elements of the bylaws of your policies now okay uh you define things and you have statement of what the board does and what where it is and all that okay so uh you have enough to get by for what right now just as a housekeeping we typically fix each of these bylaws but it's running slow so I put by 121 okay you said that was okay 121.1mi and remember this is law as well so we are abiding by the law whether it's actually written out in what I want to be able to tell you know people our our stakeholders all that that they can where they can go find all of the these changes and see stuff because a lot of times people do confront us about State Statute about law um and I can send them to the doe website or you know certain things I can send them but it would just be very beneficial to be able to say hey go look on our board page and you will find everything you possibly need to know in the order you need to know each one of the policies have all the state statutes hot linked right so if they look at a policy they can go right to the hot link and pull it up would most counties who use Neola have very similar bylaws so like if we wanted to show somebody what we're working on right you have the capability now that you're theola District you can go to another like Le like I like to go to like sizes like size districts like Le alacha there and you can go right onto their website they on bylaws and P them so we can show them absolutely so okay let's move on Bo Powers is in 012 one SE will I find policies fascinating but most people don't ask me one word can absolutely change the way policy is interpreted shall or will or may or may can we just remember this page as a board though sorry I have to say this out louders powers that we as a board I know our job is um policy and budget budget but everything can be dictated through policy and I don't like to use that word but um knowing you know there there are times where I know people are like well we can't do that because that's that's not in our realm of quote unquote Powers but we can through policy so as a board moving forward while we're doing this and changing policy and creating policy if we want to see our change that we View and the district we can do that through policy and I know that's common sense but I feel sometimes we forget that when creating policy do is that correct Mr blocker um yes ma'am that's correct you yall the policy holders and set the policy for the district just I just as side is just falling by Statute well it seems like the word wording on this board Powers a lot of it I know is direct wording from statute so that's where almost word for word that's where we get it no I like it I'm just saying can we just remember this when we move forward making these policies so are we good with one 22.1 now the next one is um 0123 and there's two versions of this um we'll show them both to you the version one is uh what what you will do is choose one one of these versions are we on standards for wait I'm sorry say that again standards for boardmy okay one of these version one is the is the version that has been published by the nsba okay version two is the version that's been published by the fsba most districts in Florida choose the fsba but you can have either one you want and I I personally I would like to go with the fsba since we are no longer fsba is no longer affiliated with nsba if I'm not mistaken that's correct correct okay that'd be version two then correct so y yeah when I read these version two the words seem more compatible with the way we operate version yeah okay good so I'll pull up I'm going to pull up version two do you want to look at it or you just want to say yes I've I already good good okay so I'm to put okay and I'm going to write delete to keep us moving I'm going to track them as Clos as or 124 ethical Behavior yeah the next one is 0124 standards of ethical Behavior now um there's two options here and you are required to have a written standard of ethical behavior and option one complicated it's very detailed very detailed and it's based on the code of ethics the education profession in Florida the principal professional conduct and it it's basically repeats that obligation to the public the obligation of profession and then you come down to option two and it doesn't um okay yeah I was confused about this one when I read it what is option two option two is have you see drafting note uhhuh drafting note if your District prefers to develop ethical standards unique to the district um you can delete all to option one and insert your own specific standards of ethical conduct below okay so option two would be us coming up with our own correct option one is adopting your language and and currently option A1 choose the option to allow bers to accept gifts we currently are at the state limit is $50 is what we follow already which that's fine with me so under gifts we would check 50 value and except $50 I did have a question on letter a number 10 where we get specific about what sex includes is that language um legally required or can we just leave it at sex disability without what's in parentheses um okay the I believe that this is now part of the code which is an administ rule from the doe but the you can say it any way you want you can you can certainly change that wording take it out personally I'm comfortable with everything except um on number 10 there where we have things in parentheses I'd like to get rid of that after after the word sex yeah after the word sex um and after the word disability and then on C2 it's the same language again after sex and after disability do we have consensus with the group on that hang on just a minute please okay the disability part what was the second one and you just want to make sure so that it's not pinpointing a direct definition is your reason so you're you're basically leaving sex includes everything disability includes any kind ofil yeah I don't want to be specific about what those things mean I don't want to be specific because it'll exclude something that we don't start thinking about at this point okay I'd rather leave it open yeah so I'm going to I'm going to and what was the other one C it's the exact same language on C2 C2 there it is yeah let me take care including this now but just re 10 and I have it the way you want it and then C2 the same thing there's disability there also for paragraph premises and you know what this language appear in a number of of policies about discrimination and we will make the same changes to all of them for you so you don't have to worry about that that would be good okay includ visability so that is there any place else now back to the top there was a this for a long time the option one and then there is a a um sounds like going to go with option one because it's written you don't have to rewrite it what about board members must that that this is must have a sincere desire to serve the educational needs of the community decisions must be based on the best interest of students and not on political or personal interest you can check that or not yeah abely I feel like that's when you swear in you say and then Del all that note after option to the bot take this out take this out and then further down it talks about mandatory training 4 hours of Ethics training that's required by calendar year that's there and the gifts would be $50 limit so this is just a note I can I'll take this out and then do you want since you picked one a you don't pick two and I'm going to delete it I might still have that I do so this is good I'll [Music] bring [Music] mm okay the next one is 0131 legislative policy making and this is the room making process what we want is for this these um bylaws to match and agree with what you actually do right now unless you think there's some deficiency and you want to change the way you do it but this is what it lays out here is just a satutory procedure [Music] [Applause] um there was a u which is what follow regulation bill that passed last couple months ago from legislature they had a part that said that you can have policies uh operational policies they call them and you call them rules and then def change the definition of rule or the way you make a rule so really that P that is about just guidelines and and local operational policies not rules so this really lays out the full process here you want to so just to make sure that our current process matches this language and there we would like yes we'd like to have this language match what you do now so so typically when we're forming a new policy it's brought to the to the board in in a workshop format once the language is is and this this permits that that's not contrary what then then it's advertised on board agenda then the 28 day waiting period Then a public hearing exactly you don't have to have the hearing but but you're allowed to have that if you certainly the board can do that so it's not it's not a requirement to have a public hearing at the end of the Poli policy making it's a requirement if somebody asks for it who's affected but it's not a requirement if it's not we've always thought that that was just a requirement of the statute I figured so since we're on this real quick I just went to fsba training and I want to talk about that CU you will know the answer to this that 28 day weight period they were saying how you can make changes like so if some were to call we decide first 27 days of the notification period you can make changes but on day 28 you cannot do you know anything about that when you advertise the 28 day period yeah they were saying how it came from fsba it was a lawyer and how you can make changes to it before the 28th day as long as you read those changes on the 28th day the thing is this the purpose of the 28 days is to allow the public to come so if you make a change anywhere in there you're shortening the time for the comment by the time you reach the 28th day there's no time for comment so you truly could not do it on 28th day but what you could do you could I would not recommend it Mr Barker may I just they meant because they said if a if a group of public people came to you and you decided to make changes we don't make any changes in that period advertise yeah right the way to do that is for them to submit right something in writing to the board about what they want or come to the public hearing if they want that make comment and based on that input you can then change the policy um before adoption if you guys choose to but then adse again CL it would have to be another 28 day advertising yeah you may have to do another 28 that's just you have a different view I think the purpose of that is to get the public sure right so they literally due process they have time the Public's not going to make the change the the board would make the change so when youse normally we just go and we have the hearing and then we ad done what they're saying is if a group of people really wanted to talk to you would be at that hearing and so we have to be willing to be able to make changes on that 28th Day based on the hearing we can decline or we can accept or make changes what we would do procedurally in that situation um if the board agreed we want to revisit this policy we would table it to the next agenda and that way we would have an opportunity correct I don't know who is your tin I'll talk to Tina she'll know in charge of the whole that makesense I would say though even if you do if you go ahead and make a a substantive change to the policy after you've advertised it once you're going to probably have to advertise it a second what they said was you would read the chair if we agreed on changes the chair would read those changes striking out the old language but I did not hear anything about read advertising so that maybe somebody could check on that okay I think you would have to re I I think you do have to reti but we can we can check other thing we want to make sure that y all give yourselves as a board as much flexibility as possible so youall are not confined and so you have some flexibility but we can check on I was in a district that always did it where they had the the first reading and then the next four meeting they had the second reading and then they they may have had a hearing in there somewhere but at the second reading they voted right after the the public that was over with so they gave the board no time to consider it or research it or that's kind of what we do right now if ever there was a a point where we had a policy after you know we had a public hearing and people brought forward concerns about the policy if if a board member said I'm not comfortable moving forward then we could respect that as a board and say you know we have a workshop and we have another regular meeting we can make the adjustments tonight that we think we need to make four we could do it at the workshop and I like the we're talking about that because it always seems strange that no matter who shows up we just go ahead and vote we don't we' never had anybody speak about noever some people do no I don't think I I don't think I we did yeah you're right we did once and then I think we did recently too yeah I think we had somebody they speak but it's it's not but it but the board at that point does doesn't make any changes it's like okay we understand your concern however this and I think there was one we changes or not yeah okay I was just curious I didn't understand when they said it and keep in mind too that policy is fluid so even after we've ratified a policy at any point in time we can take it up again oh yeah any of these right and that's a real good example of why you all handle the policies and your superintendent does administrative procedures and they don't they're they documents if he needs to change something in one day he can because it's an unsafe situation that's you know that's why he does that and the policies are more okay thanks for checking on that yeah I'll I'll follow up we I don't know what's going on with board doc we think maybe I'm going to get you I'm going to give you my laptop and I'm going to get a drum book we're going to see if I can get on your I'm on guest and not I'm not using it we're not using our I'll use Miss Bas fell I'll gra thank you okay thank you and then I'll line over here now the next one 131 is about technical Corrections and this is where you have a small non unimportant change to a policy you might change a phone number or the name of a person to contact or something like that and you can do that through a technical change meaning just make the change put on the consent agenda and and and approve it you don't have to go through the public advertisement because it doesn't affect anybody's interest in the public it's just a tech what they call a technical might be a change of Statute number maybe a typo or I'll tell you A big one that happens tyo if it's not me a big one is the we call it the dirty dozen all the U where all you have all the people who interview for harassment and different things like that um you change those names when the people change their positions well that doesn't need to go through the 28 day it needs to go on the consent agenda and get into your policy so that's what that is about that's another example the best I don't think you know what I think I need to be on I have to sign in on my own so I can do the things I have to do okay oh yes yes to the board do yes and do you have a mouse you Mouse oh here no I can get mine I I got it I got it these are the choices in this bylaw for what you say can be a technical correction okay consolidation of sections not changing your words just consolidating is that okay transfer of sections give me five just give me 3 minutes okay I'll take it cuz I'm I'm only on 131 so none of these options change the guts of it it just changes the actual like layout combining or dividing sections renumbering sections chapters and titles Corrections or additions for grammatical or typo eror which don't change the meaning right so what about alterations and omissions that one I'm I'm unclear I don't think that would be appropriate to check um cuz that would change that likely change the meaning alteration changing it omitting something by mistake um no whatever you advertise is what you've got so you're going to have to go back and amend and this gives us this gives us backup when a citizen prints something off and they hang on to it and then 6 months later we've made this technical correction based on whatever came from the state or whatever and they say no no no no no it's says this is under this number and you can say okay that number was changed because of whatever and it's not something that we have to necessarily it's advertised in the consent agenda but people might miss that which makes perfect sense so we're good with everything except for [Music] the and it it does it does specify not affecting conru ch except took all the choices except for last and then 01 31.2 is variances and waav this is the legislature for some unknown reason when they were doing what they did they put the school boards in the category of an agency like a state like the Department of State or the Department of Health and we're not at all a state agency but we are an agency for purposes of Ru making and and that sort of thing so um there is a provision of statutes for variances and waivers of rules the agencies promate that's what this reflects there is a way for an individual person not an employee I don't believe or a student certainly not a student but an individual person is regulated by the may I guess employees what uh to petition the board for a waiver of the policy that applies to them and they have to make the petition the board has to advertise it I think for and then can make the change um It's Complicated I don't I don't have any school board that's ever done it this way but if you want this you can have it if you don't think it's important you don't need it what just one day we get somebody who asks for a waiver and we don't have this I don't know they'll ever use it but I'm finally keeping it okay well we just I mean it's not going to hurt anything to keep it but if anything it could help us in a really obscure situation we faced obscure situations let's keep we now we have what we know what to do that's like with the financial one I felt like we should start that with God forbid should I don't know what's happening with board dos guys sorry um it's moving real slow 132 is the executive and this describes okay that the superintendent is executive officer it's not for me um obviously you guys do not hear app point the superintendent that option would be SC yep you want me to do it or since you're on how about SH now I will tell you we are uh we've had discussion about hiring um as a board um and internal auditor so I don't know if we would need to include that in this language no it's not something we have decided to do but it is something we're considering Bo a statute indicates that the board can have an internal auditor that reports to the board would would that is what you're asking would that fall right I think that would fall under here would that be executive though have power they just have no I think this is for particularly for for boards that hire the superintendent legal counil but it says legal council also yeah the board council is it a catchall for any individual that the board specifically hires or is it just for executive Council yeah okay your case the first option is stuck it would be [Music] there is is so then do we need to have legal counil in there for re yes you you need to okay and how do I make that the red on yours it doesn't doesn't until you save it okay so I guess I just quick question to follow up on what Miss Gil house and said so if this board decides to hire an internal auditor that reports to us that would not belong in this section if they're like the our lawyer we hired our lawyer if we hired internal auditor would it belong in this section or no I'm saying no and I think it's because they don't have executive Authority they're basically a a a reporting agency you could just you could create the position yeah and then um hire you wouldn't it doesn't affect your policy and it may under policy it may end up under business it may be yes we may be able to put one something in the business chapter so this has executive okay I get it thank you yeah I was confused about that too but choices fill that in where is it I don't know how to this is how I do it we Rec down click on itank to any other choices question Contra made in the name super play County Schools yeah Clay County School call school district of Clay County School District of clay count County School District now a couple of these paragraphs in here talking about the board delegating Authority um I think really this is written for a appointed superintendent um you can either I mean you can do what you want with that it's so in our district we have um dollar amounts in there as to what he can authorize apart from board approval okay would we need to put that no that's in finance that'll be in finance that's Finance um rather than say the board delegates superintendent delegated authority take necessary action in circumstances I mean I think it would be more appropriate to say he has the authority because he that's what that's part of the statutory duties of supert I was just going to say what's the verbage in the statute yeah yeah we have a limit to that Authority right certain doll that's that's Finance that's what he just said that's in the finance area this is not a finance issue this is this a general operational kind of issue but yeah I I would agree with the superintendent has the authority um do you have a document from like another um District that has a appointed super inate elected elected I'm sure we do um I could I could go on and find that I'm just I was just curious if the verbiage or do you know the exact verbiage that we need to change to align with that I don't think his duties and responsibilities change based on whether he's elected or appointed I I think if I'm understanding this just follows the Florida Statutes what they delegate authority to the superintendent for if you hire him you delegate it to him he was elected so he has the authority to do it so that instead of saying delegated just has I it's just a word change and most of this is written on the superintendent section of the Florida state law book so it's right so we just need to change anywhere it says delegated to head yep have just put have there yeah the superintend shall have have yep back have and then um whatever your policy on finance deals with dollar figures how we apply let me make sure we pick it up where you have these Florida Statutes hyperlink are those the statutes that specifically spell out the duties of the superintendent yes okay and there's also one of them hyperlink that talks about the process to go from uh elected to appointed which you can do okay but it's not you would need that here they have tried that many times in C start up an appointed that went back to an elected yeah one District did that which was that I can't remember yeah lee lee yeah they're one of our clients that's why I know so this I guess we're done with that one problem is that don't know how to R if they don't show well I'm tracking the changes for [Music] Bonnie small so do they say it's shall have or has it has [Applause] delegated it should be so the part here it talks about when we have a policy preparing procedures you do that for every single policy we have and then you guys will be updating the procedures as we go through we'll be updating the procedures yeah no we Haven for and they have a template for that also keep in mind that's not going to be we use form that says X Y and Z not to that policies so while they're doing this I have a question if we want to create a change of policy or do another policy we don't have to wait like a year for that right no so like the visitor policy if we want to do that then okay can we just get one of their examples you need it drafted and then place it on an agenda for consideration so I guess what we were discussing like was for their visitor policy you would know what sort of policy they have presented already and we could use that sort of as a template so this can we just abely and like hey do you haveit polic3 but if want to know sort of what they've already prepared for other counties that's a perfect example that's what I'll do and then also checking it comes all up we're not posting any of toed changes I want to know original I understand [Music] okay the next the next is the clausing judicial and this is pretty simple there any choices here I'm good with this one this is to re you know when you deal with disputes and you make decisions whether it's a student discipline employee discipline vendor discipline yes you got all those so basically says you have that power to resolve those disp Kelly I plugged in the hotot okay it takes sometimes just a second on his HP spot to work okay got it just all the all the technology free computers if you guys look at the following policy is it a simple as a policy change for us to change it from single member district that has to be voted on I thought so so this reflect prce this is these are so many options that are available the in fact there should be one here for the school board sh consist of they probably don't representa them so they don't have that here so it would be consists of five members all members shall be elected and CDE election this is not a controversial bylaw just say final order in a normal way and we have a policy about how to do that and to keep final orders in order like you're supposed to um but really is there any controversy on this on the which one the you're good yeah yeah could you guys give us like a five minute break so we can try to get our [Music] technology maybe exp [Music] option so at this point if we want if say we'd like to explore options then the policy now in for to we need to have it for discussion and a vote as have it placed on it has to be placed theot take some time right started well and it would need to happen quickly that's why I was for inst starts August 8 but if we wanted to do that for the November election what I mean November do you think there be time I don't know we'd have to ask just talking about becoming single number districts like the County Commissioners just said countywide as our district is growing it is it's a lot it's a lot it just I like theer the end option however work say each member of the board Shall Serve as the the entire District running for just our district is it possible to get that like on to the November ballot it's not possible so you have to wait till the next I don't know we two years Charter so we have option would have you would have to I think vote we have to go to the voters to when we vot have to vote on it also I need to check on that I think I think they have final it's like the millage when we wanted to do the millage we have to send everything through the County Commission to yeah now the bottom line at the end of options it says each member of the board Shall Serve as the representative of the entire District that is credit hard absolutely because if we ended up doing single member districts what the BCC runs into and any of them will tell you this they don't agree on on what should happen across the county for one particular District I mean there's there's frequently conflict want keep count a huge drawback the County Commission used to have that makeup that you see at the bottom five members I don't know if it was five but elected by single member district and two that were at large they tried that for a while that's because y one in so fora statute all you have seven caners you have five plus two but the charters charter government is a different so you all yall went with the charter which which took it back to just think the charter rision yeah the charter revision said no M and so if we decided to bring it up at a workshop and then we voted then there's just have to go on the following November B not enough time now to get awesome County Commissioner I'm back thank you all right you're in business kind of a charter now this is the number of board members okay we have five you have five take the first choice and all members shall be elected in a countywide yes all five count is the fourth option right take that and strike the others and then each member serves represen to District single member keep that there's a process for changing that but no why would you have what the three the single member district and then they have two countywide MERS you hear what we just talking about so the the County Commission runs into a problem sometimes where they have Commissioners who are passionate about their particular district and they're not thinking at large so when you have five that are single M and two that are at large you can balance that I see okay so five still stay the same as single District within you two which we were talking about how there's conflict sometimes want to do it in is I don't necessarily want to do it in Oakley sort of thing those two other people help sort of balance those unless unless count three not I get it I get it so that's that's why that last comment the after the end of options that each of us represent the whole District all schools yeah you know one one of the challenges with that is that if you represent one District then it becomes the allocation of resources [Music] we we don't want that anyway okay that could be challenging CU everybody wants for their District rather than it makes you the restroom again just let me know things get solved there okay we're now at 1412 conflict of interest that's long and this just repeats the ethical standards and the floor statutes right um about things like gifts and other prohibited gifts honoraria doing business with one's [Applause] agency unauthorized compensation disproportionate benefit misuse of public position disclosure of information and employees holding office and then um voting conflicts and how you if there is a voting conflict you have to declare it so it goes down with some individual uh Provisions at the bottom there about not accepting gifts and not participating in [Music] [Applause] trips I'm that are you okay with that yes good conflict interest 1412 next one is 141.5 conflicting employment or contractual relationship again from the Florida Statutes chapter 112 um can hold any employment or contractual reg of the business entity or any agency which is doing business with the district and there is an option at the bottom there it says language describing this prohibition shall appear in all contract documents requests for proposals and request for quotes and if violated shall be sufficient cause to disqualify a vendor you don't have to put that in here if you don't want but you can do that it seems like do we have anything in that now I don't believe we do I don't think so for the rfcs and stuff I'm not seeing that you don't have to so well you know someone told me about if you have language when you're doing this then it's not really so much for us it's so the people who are binding into a contract no they can't talk to us about it like is that the same like do we have something like that there will be a and called C of Silence that's not would be in this section though this is different section similar but different similar but different so I think what you're more like procurement bidding fin yeah so do we need it or not need it did we decide we don't need it we don't care like I'm going to strike this the whole thing no no no no just this little section the very end I missed that the optional one they don't need that on it the next one is only one sentence it's called qualifications each member of the board shall meet the qualifications so oh come on I don't think you think I'm not qualifi are you telling me I don't care about your opinion this is next one is oath hold on let me you said one look at us go I'm so proud of us uh 140 qualifications I can take care of that no B 142. one is oath and that is one sentence also 142. one are you all good with 142. one and I can fix it within 10 days and that meets the criteria of two within 2 weeks of the election yeah would be you have to do it within 10 days or can we do it yes no you have to do Tuesday the Tuesday after what isn't the Tuesday organizational meetings you have to so we have to do it every election before Thanksgiving no no if you look at the dates this coming year andon Skipper good question cuz this year this year the election if I'm not mistaken is on the 5th Y and so we have to do the swearing in if I'm not mistaken on the 19th and it's the week before Thanksgiving For The First Time in Forever it's always been that week organization always Thanksgiving following week and it's within two weeks so check the rule but I counted in out have somewhere have to be there 1421 is okay well we'll have a quorum with me and J and Mary yeah exactly orientation 142. orientation 142. 3 now there are some choices here I don't know how you guys do it here in this District uh should reflect that well we have they call us in do an orientation of type and the superintendent takes you this this is nice that it actually lists out the documents get so I I appreciate like what to what to actually give you and I like that it establishes a membership Orient new board membership orientation program uhuh y so would be the superintendent to provide the orientation you can Orient you do most of these things anyway well they're all committees okay now down below it would be during the orientation program each new member shall be invited to meet with superintendent members of the superintendent's team or cabinet or something else what you call it here cabinet cabinet to discuss District functions policies and procedures option is budget I think that's important curricul committees okay let me catch up so you budget you want to talk about committees in this thing or not I mean he could just tell public what would be public records public records a whole subject of public records I think that needs to be talked about for sure yeah yeah um public meetings too publishing the board's meeting agenda yes yeah could we also some of this I think is is our legal council considered part of your cabinet no but I'd like I would I would hand those parts off say public records right after cabinet do say legal counsel yeah good yeah all right so I'm I'm doing Information Technology administrative structure strategic plan plan board policies social media calls and no back up where it says cabinet add and and board attorney or legal counsel or legal counsel or something you are so you guys decide and legal counsel legal counsel the superintendent's cabinet and legal coun whatever bu cuz if you're new I think it's important for at least a 10-minute World on Sunshine Law and not only that I think they need to sit and talk with our attorney get know yes mhm then as well okay that one's done and that's really great that you have that reorientation like that some District some boards don't do as well I didn't get an orientation there you go it's the teacher and me that likes to set your expectations we had a new Superintendent at the time I got one it was it was one of those good luck do we election like we're talking about it's County divided into five residence areas yes approximately equal in population you're going to strike the first option of members are elected by that residen area correct and you're going to check the second option members are elected countywide and once elected she represent the entire District all right say it again to Mr Ry when to look at the makeup of districts again cuz Green Cove is 10 years we can only do it every time I believe they only do it after the census that's why this next one residence area oh you do do it it's the census so another board member I don't think we do I think we're only allowed five yeah we it based it's based on total population it's based on a charart I was just asking Mr blocker about it our Charter limits our governing our County governing bodies to five mbers so the BCC can only have five and we can only have five so you still have to well we're at large I suppose can't Keystone to move it closer in though right for me because it's like so long we can't do that can we good luck well we that's what we did the last time we did it so we redraw the boundary lines every 10 years but last time was we made them match the BCC boundary line to help with consents so they don't get confused about who their board member and we changed our board member numbers our district numbers that was right when I was going to run they change you guys changed the numbers right right yeah it was that year it was two years ago know was in we came into align are you coordinating that with the county and so the resident areas the school board may make any Chang the GS necessary and the we may not so we can just delete this one delete that one so yeah this one not good one because of the charter y yes good she said we may not we may not next is 144 term school board members shall be elected four years uh oh how did that's right 3 one year two yeah the first option 5 hold on M 144 shall be elected one and two members yes that's the first option yeah take the first [Music] option here's that language the time of office of board members shall begin on the second Tuesday following the general election there you go that's that makes it the 19th and not in Thanksgiving so you can go all right I like it the election is November 5th right yes 14 were Austin is itard by the end of their current know it's hot in the summer bylaws about vacancies but I didn't know Austin was part of that this this does reflect the newest law with the eight years sorry I was I didn't know they I'm good with the next one y the next one's going aboard vacancy it says what the vacy is what death or failure to maintain residence in that area whatever and uh Governor makes the appointment to fill a vacancy so you're all good with this yes yes yep same with removal I'm fine with that one removal is the governor is empowered That's the Law too that's just follow the Constitution next one's clay 146 is done I won't do it 146 you all say okay yeah yep 147 is compation y I'm good with that one oh okay it just has to be the population of Clay County yeah he right is in this County yes because it's I live in Gainesville and it's not far from Gainesville it's that why that's my district we're fully aware I don't know why you complain it's a gorgeous drive it's a great Drive the road is open rep it41 is uh travel the expenses there are some choices here members of the board have Dy toote best interest dist expect to engage in meaningful professional development um in County travel on official business performed within de Clay County by members of the board either shall be reimbursed at the maximum rate Allowed by the statute with said mileage to be determined by actual doomin reading of travels performed by personal mobile it's the option now that we have it is the option now that we have I don't like one money just this is in this is in count travel do you get paid for in County travel yes if you if you claim in do you guys want to keep that or do you because be the I both think we should not be reimbursed for in count Trel majority rules okay and Bonnie just said for in County travel hold on she's m meing me she should be Bonnie you should be resting Bonnie says for in County travel we reimburse based on printed driving directions not odometer reading correct okay do you guys want to keep that as an option for board members I you do oh I've never taken it I out of County I'm with cuz driving to Campa driving to tell half se but yeah do what did Bonnie say that the comment was shall be the mileage shall be determined by based on print and driving directions and so you would attach like a map quest or a Google map by printed mhm not odometer reading printed map directions M yeah printed driving directions we're going to get printed driving direction well that's for out of County as well yeah the strike be OD reading and that's for she said she uses the same for out of County right yes so we might need to adjust and we have in District between school to school we have established numbers in decimal form the mileage I think pist moved a little bit further south ex you get reimbursed a healthy amount going so then travel cost I mean part of our I have a new car I wish I had one of those little white County cars from my house my new car it's now the travel cost paid to reimburse from federal funds and they do that's the mileage right yeah so we're keeping the option to be reimbursed for in County travel is that what I'm I would rather not you would rather not keep it that's three that say no Miss well just because have does mean you have to claim it you don't have to CLA seen excessive that's too much for me to keep track of I barely do the internet so what's what's the process time when it looks like I I would say since we don't really have complete consensus about this leave it like it is and when it comes back and a board uh initial first reading you can change it then okay we can make it because just just to throw something out there just it says you can get it you don't have to take it I but it's it's been abused okay all right I'm just just but do we have consensus or not I me I'm fine with taking it out I'm fine yeah okay so then we do have consensus to take it out okay good enough let me take this out and do this there we shall not be reimbursed see this is a great time to make changes that you right now we are going to no I mean what did we just strike the travel you can't be reimbursed for ounty travel just in County I get reimbursed sometimes when I'm driving 43 miles to come here so you want to keep it then I mean I do use it if I remember sometimes I I put a a heavy load on my brand new car okay all right well then let's I don't do it all the time but sometimes so so we're going back to it we'll go back to it and I guess we'll like you said since we leave it leave it in and when we come to the final yeah can discuss it sorry count travel travel now under the federal funds part there's a couple of options one was about commercial airfare cost and excess of the basic this is from the federal room you can imagine how complicated they are the least expensive unrestricted accommodations class offered are unallowable except when such accommodations would require securious routing require travel during unreasonable hours excessively long travel this is an option for you to put in here so when if you're traveling to be reimbursed by a Federal grant we don't get federal funds for anything for us for school district for school board members not that I'm aw that is not us teachers and other people may go out of state this does not cover them however that's a whole another section for school board members this would not apply to us we do not fly out of state now I will give you an example where federal dollars may have been used um I can't remember which Bo one of our board members went to Washington DC at some point for I want to say for an FS be federal funds though that would have been for but we would not have received federal funds for that yeah we would have been reimbursed either through fsba or through our own person our own internal accounts so why do you guys have that in there is that something that the feds the feds let you let the agency the recipient of the Grant have this as a restriction I Grant if you are if you have a Federal grant let's say for title one or something like that and we were using money from that particular account that would then apply to this if you elect if you check this otherwise use federal fund that's why I would rather not even mess with unless you applied for a grant we started using your Grant yeah no take it out take it out I don't think we need it I don't think we need it second option says temporary dependent C no no no sorry misser H I said sorry Miss Skipper temporary dependent care cost okay strike that to for all the old old the people in the room that's only but that's all covered under foot correct yeah that whole section so the participation in Virtual training on conferences okay they added this a couple years ago because a lot of people now are doing virtual conferences and they they have to pay to participate they wanted to be reimbursed and it didn't that kind of fell between the I guess no travel out of the district to do it probably here at home I we might virtual training the only virtual conferences that we would do with would be with fsba or the other I did my ethics training through FSU once and I paid a fee to FSU for the ethics training it was before fsba offered it online right for free but that yeah that would yeah was that reimburse I think you should keep the option want it's new lots of District are choose lots of districts are choosing this because so many things are virtual training but I didn't get federal funds this doesn't include the same as FDA you still have to provide your agenda mrki was just mentioning that it would probably be wise to keep the participation of training right because you might might choose to go to Virtual training rather than probably cheaper like if fsda let us watch it for a price then that would be cheaper option and it would be option option two expenses for participation that exceeds $500 requires prior approval of the board to confirm that's what we have right now for trainings otherwise like attending confence es and things of that nature so I would like to see that as an option option to if it's over $500 if it's $500 or more if it's going to cost that much if not then virtual training would be is it $500 collectively or per per board member during any cost I think it be per member per it's per member I think yeah well takes care of that price yeah oh that's for virtu no that's just for the virtual training yeah this just about virtual How could a virtual training cost that much depends on what the training is I guess so sometimes the registration fees are high wow but you don't have travel and you don't have parking and you don't have meals and maybe we don't need that then board members must seek prior approval from the board at a publicly noticed board meeting PR any any cost we need something because maybe we should go to option one after all what's the what's the financial limit on out of County or um travel expenses we don't have a dollar amount on that it's $500 so I'm fine with keeping it 500 that but if it's less than $500 then a board member doesn't have to get approval to do virtual training correct so I want to do a virtual training that's going to cost $200 on adding Taekwondo to our physical education curric and you can do that are option one and two all but would that be but would that be an appropriate expense is what I'm saying I mean would all of you go oh Mary I'm so glad that you went to that training so do you want to say you have to demonstrate as part of the TR I also don't want to limit like what you think is important what I think is important I actively see right now across the State of Florida where there are a three three2 Vote or three or four one vote saying okay because you want to expand your knowledge over here I'm not going to approve your registration fee or your membership be or whatever so I don't want it to limit I mean it would that she wants to go to taekwan for our curriculum however perspective however I also look at the fact that operating out of the budget and for every other item that we spend money on we we vote what's in the best interest of the district not the single board member or the single school it's got to be in the best interest of as a whole does that make sense right no I yes I'm having us vote on it is not a bad idea but I think I would set like 500 make it yeah the $500 I I'm okay with that be reimbursed for less but you don't have to get board approval 500 is for board approval so do you want board approval up to 500 or we could just change that dollar amount and this is just for the virtual training because virtual training honestly should $500 so do you want to set 200 100 what do you guys think I think maybe let's say 200 200 let's just well I say things maybe being 225 it was a three-day conference 250 let's go 250 do I hear idea 250 I'm just curious Mr B do you really do martial arts or is that cuz if you are we we definitely do need a demonstration why I'm having a shoulder it's the yeah constant um going back to your thought yes if for instance we're talking this is just virtual training this is not conferences this is nothing else the bottom line is if there's I'm I'm I'm sort of throwing this out only because if let's say I want to do a virtual training that I believe is going to benefit me as a board member if I'm required to bring it to the board and publicly notice it with the board no matter what the cost then maybe Miss Clark or Miss Skipper or Miss Hansen or yourself would want to participate as well which would then up that cost but it could be very beneficial for all of us and I'm I'm looking at that it's just prior to incurring any cost just to participate I I don't know what virtual trainings we going to yeah but you don't want the board having to put it on the agenda for $50 no it's well but it's a it's a simple it's a simple consent agenda item well I think that could be an addendum where where or just part of remember our SBA rules that we establish not policy but rules as the board protocols right we could just say there if you are attending a professional development opportunity please share that opportunity with your fellow board members rather than than having will share will okay well no I'm I'm looking at the number I mean we're saying oh should it be 200 should it be 250 should it be whatever so why don't why don't we just settle on the 250 Miss B because you can always reite the policy 250 250 is a great number but none of us know why good job good job okay now I would suggest the last paragraph it says if a financial condition which is the emergency does not exist when approved in advance so apparently that requires Advance approval for for any I would just strike that when it says when approved in advance yeah because then it allows you to get approval for over 250 but right be reimbursed if it's less to yeah right where is that last paragraph when approved in advance approv in ADV take one example do a flying kick [Music] that okay okay sorry is this right if expenses and blah blah blah not expens expenses work okay got it yeah okay now let's go to the use of equipment and [Applause] services fact machine we don't have an office yeah in some districts this is an issue um make available board members for their official use to f equipment routine office supplies computer printer fax machine desk chair filing cab we do not have offices yeah so a desk chair and filing cabin that are not say fax machine fa machine is sort of I could we we get a phone we get a phone we and we get a computer we get a phone a electronation device we can always ask for things and we can yeah software compatible District systems it's on the computer computer put there computer so could we change it this to computers Compu communication device and business cards yeah that's what we get right now that's routine office supplies I that if you need a paper you could ask strike the two options under I think that Inc is soft comp with District system a board member came in and said St that but we're Compu Okay so yeah what what were you saying Miss Gill hous and you had it you said routine office supplies computer routine office supplies because that could include any minor thing that you might need so period and strike no no no keep computer keep like I'm find computer the devices computer printer um we don't use fax machines so I don't know if that's well and we don't provide a printer or desk chairs but we have access we we have access to printing do you want to say access to office supplies computers printers Fox machines yes authorized to make supplies computer printer and electronic make available to school board members for their use yeah for their use because and you need to select electronic communication devices cuz some of us cellon take out St then right leave business cards a stationary and software compounder that's perfect yes all right but the first sentence the superintendent offer to make Avail to school board man need taking out fact machine yes that whole and desk and chair and filing okay period you have to stand up to use your printer right that's good for you okay I've always had a good TK CH where on here now the next one is access to records [Music] 0149 um basically says no member shall be denied documents your information that are required in performance of your duty that comes from State Statute right yeah I'm good all that yep that's the law okay and then um now here we have two ver of public expression of members 01491 this one so so one of these versions says that the chair should talk to newspapers instead like as our representative so what do you feel about general practice General best practice in my opinion is to um allow our Communications person in the district office to handle it um but that is a a power that is given to the board it's just not one that I think well yeah I've never answered a call for anybody however we want to make sure board members want to talk they can well that's the next line from time to time however individual board members may make public statements on school matters to local media and or to local or state officials so Mr Bry what if we wanted to make a public statement you can say I wanted to make a public statement you can you can can you go through the district to create that public statement or how does you would say it at a board meeting I would think would be the best place for it I want to go on public record as saying whatever you'd like to say and in our protocols we do say that the public information officer will serve as a spokesperson for the district with the media so if you and and community meeting should be organized by staff and properly noticed board members will serve as ambassadors the school district emphasizing the positive aspects of the district what if we say at that first line the School board chairman in conjunction with the public information officer for the district shall function as the official spokesperson for the board correct does that sound good to you guys yes that way it's a collaboration between the two and you can tell her take this right exactly then we still but then I'm not taking the authority away from future chair if they prefer to handle it on and if Bo members want to speak on their own behalf somewhere they still have that there two ver that option no matter what if you read the next line Miss Hanson it gives you no I was only on that line for a second yeah read the next line and you'll see you have the authority for have you at vers two you good version one I don't see a version two on that one my opinion it it says y they make clear as their views not necessarily the view the board and the bylaw just applies all statements and writing by not explicitly say a majority of members accept list some things any board member can can write or say what what I'm obligated to say at this point is if you would want the public your public address person you do not direct staff the superintendent directs staff and so that you wouldn't go directly you would go through the superintendent cuz he direct the St so I should say the superintendent and with the board chair I Tom because of that said chairman in conjunction with the superintendent okay um I like version two better I think because it's a little bit more specific about if a single board member wants to make a statement then they need to be clear that it's their own personal view I like version two so I'm going to edit version two yes okay you're editing the just the top part I like the specifics of version two okay like Miss and I'm going to the school board chairperson chairman in conjunction in conjunction with the superintendent [Music] MH are we really going to send copies to the media conjunction how much are you looking at one or two I is it possible to make it the chair chairman I honestly don't think that's a bad practice comment CU I've seen yeah I've seen the media come up to indidual after meetings comment but they have the option to however this is corre they can change just a chair so it's you know chair whatever I'm not about that either way is fine with me I don't do you guys have a preference between chair and [Music] chairman I'm fine it's all all female board it is all female Bo generic version of that's true that is true talking good okay to the engineer term man means as in humanity so oh you want me to leave chairman then although I'm say Madam chair chairman I don't know what I'm just going to M chair theair through the chair through the chair okay let's go I'm not a feminist I'm GNA go on the record I just him I don't really care how they do this next byla is about board member participation of District committee these would be I think this means um committees that are formed by the board or the [Applause] superintendent and and we won't stifle anybody so it states we're only allowed to be an observer right can't give our opinion every now and then I would like to something else I learned at my Advanced Finance Forum was many districts when they advertise these committees advertise that more than one board member may be at the committee and they do that in because maybe I wanted to go with Beth and listen about insurance they do that to make sure that we advertise more than one may attend the committee I think it's a very smart thing CU if I were to open my mouth we don't break Sunshine as long as we advertise it so what is that in a different section or would that be here that would just be in the Normal public meetings just added to public the kind of committee you're talking about if they're advertising at all it's probably a public meeting to start but they can put that in there but actually if it's even not a public meeting it's like a staff meeting two board members are come to adver I said it protects them if they write two board members and then if we two show up we're no longer VI two two but they don't advertise it as a school board meeting they advertise it as a district me I don't know you just know the two these are these are for big meetings if the district couldn't do their business if you tried to do this with every step and this doesn't prevent you miss Skipper from making comment it says it in there no just you can participate in discussions as a and I could go with her as long as we advertise say there didn't shall be in an observer St that just means you don't get to make the decision you can't vote right you can't stifle them you can't tell them to stop talking well at the end of the day right no stifling right okay is Mr braski when we have good committee meetings if I wanted to maybe go to one we can just save from now on maybe more than one board member for Sunshine purposes it's always been I me we advertise more than one board member but if we want to I advertise these meetings well the bottom line is the the suntime loss is well this is what a lawyer told me so I just want well and you can attend meetings I just I frankly if let's say both of us were at a meeting let's say the three of us one two well no two three doesn't matter and we wanted to all go to the insurance meeting just to hear what was going on it's sort of like the public coming to our Workshop you want to hear what's going on but you're going to be performing as a public member m not as a school board member but than at sunshine no no because all you need to do if you're performing as a Comm a community community member at a workshop you're only allowed to ask questions and if you treat it the same way you're only asking questions for I'm asking questions they getting answers and Miss Skipper's there she's hearing the same answerers we're at math team together and I ask a student what do you think about the phone policy I'm not discussing it with Miss Clark I'm asking a student for an opinion that she's sharing and Miss Clark may hear it and I may hear it we're not discussing it we're not hearing response and we're not voting on anything we're discussing how we're going to vote on something right well this is one attorney's opinion we have other wars in the room but I think what you have to keep in mind is is it a matter that might reasonably come before yall for a vote that's that's really that's really the trigger that's that's what you have to be aware of as example there's a case where a board member went on a Facebook page and said I want more funding for like a fire department another board member commented as well so that was a matter that reasonably was going to come in front of that board in that particular context that City so if y'all are going to some you know football game together y'all certainly can talk there's no there's I mean y'all can talk about anything under the sun it has to be something reasonably coming in front of the other trigger is two-way communication so you we've talked about this the the law allows y all you know one of youall can send an email to all of you all that's ill advisable and I encourage you not to do that I've asked yall not to do that because someone could respond to that email then it becomes a two-way communication but but that but that's really you know depending on what the workshop is if it's just general Finance law you know when youall go to these different educational you know um meetings yall probably can sit there and talk but if it's a matter that's going to come in front of the board reasonably then you have to perceive that so I think that's why they did it is just in case right so like if if they're talking about insurance we know we vote on insurance right so if two people went there right for safety reason it doesn't hurt anybody to say adver it two board members may be present yeah so for publicly noticed meetings we yeah so Mr rosi would it be a procedural problem to advertise the district committee meetings just so that if the we could do that for the ones that are rise to that level mhm we can certainly do that and put a little caption at the bottom of board members may be present because we do advertise the Strategic the I'm sorry about the the media committee right so the statutory compliance team we do advertise for that and maybe one or two board members show up or something like that and we do talk about that and it will come forward to us at some point on the agenda so that's what that's the kind of thing I was talking about like official committee meeting yeah like an official noticed yeah meeting of that nature we could certainly put a line on there okay so you're good with this policy yes next is um board staff Communications 01 49.3 and what this is now I'll tell you that there's a policy that mirrors this in the each of the human resources sections so what ever you know they will be made to conform to whatever you guys say today about this so this whole thing will come back up again uh you'll see it again in each of those chapters yeah in workshops but um we'll try to make them conform to what this says if if you're okay with it um prefer it says preferred line of official communication uh should should be through the superintendent this is how we offer this is how we operate now and and and the staff member chooses to communicate directly with the board they should copy all of us which is the the policy that we work on right now procedure whichever in our protocols we came up with though protocol so for instance if I know the person to send it to right send it to I don't necessarily have to send it to you to send to them said they to both of us yeah I usually copy which which like the last one is a good example of that mm if staff member chooses to communicate directly with the board regarding District business then the communication should be sent to all members of the board right I don't recall getting much of that they're not that many they do it as directed mhm I mean there's very yeah so so an example this would be so we're going through the Sheriff's contract if the superintendent was tied up in a meeting Dr Geto to send y'all the financial documents for your review it would need to go to all of youall not just one individual board member if one of yall request that way there's equal because y Powers derived for operating as a board so we need to be even evenly distributed and and communicated so one of us asked questions through the superintendent or two people in an email about something and we're getting answers that should go to all members of the board yes okay and I think this policy says that yeah does I'm comfortable with that mhm I was just clarifying for me cuz I've not like really seen that as much in the last paragraph it does talk about social interactions and how people shouldn't be bringing complaints and grievances individual matters to you in social situations can this be part of the public so we're good with this one I've gotten hit got two different dinners recently and it's just like just leave me alone yeah I'm okay um I don't this might be is there a is there a form that you all ask principales to fill out to invite us to think okay cuz every once in a while it'll be a a and this and this is a perfect situation where sometimes the policy isn't necessarily going to necessarily drive an interaction uh I I run into a principle and they say hey we're doing such and such and I'll say and they'll say if you want to stop by yeah and invariably there are a couple of principle do I need to put that on the floor yeah I don't think so and I I'm assuming that's okay I mean okay and if there were yeah we we try to generate a list Kelly does a great job of communicating principles and saying hey if you got something let us know and then we try to give you that sheet because Miss B does get a lot more invitations and I don't know how you do it I'm not saying it's a bad thing they are not on that work sheet there a Fine Arts calendar I added the QR code now Google on I don't know how she knows about all that stuff so if you go to the Fine Arts calendar every school um puts their plays and all of that on I don't put so if you notice you'll see like a little QR code on your um on that little paper calendar so I kind of do it like this to where you can scan it and it pops up so there's a link for these things are good to know I have I just just to that so there's a they keep a whole separate calendar and there's just no way to translate all of that from there plus if you go to it you if they make it change so they add stuff to that calendar and so we can see if we want to attend something would it be helpful if I took that a link to that calendar and emailed it to you so you can take it and bookmark it on your can you add the calendar to my Google Calendar I could probably that sounds if you have your laptop today before you I'm PR sure we can add calendars yeah I think I can do that always remember not to I don't just go I always no I want invitation I don't well I don't want recognition I want them to be aware that I'm going only because if they and there times when I don't tell them because I I'm sitting in the back it's just a concert or whatever um just be aware that more communication one of the reasons that I think that calendar was started are that form was started as well and this didn't necessarily apply to this school board but to other school boards and other counties when you see some of the there's a law that says school board members can go to any school but there was also a time when school board members did go to other schools and demanded you know you I'm a Schoolboard member so therefore you need to do this this says you have no that's not that's not the intent and we wanted to make certain that we kept it controlled as well so Miss B if I would say that even when I go to an event like it'll be on my calendar for many days before I go actually call that person I've had it where it's been the date's been changed yep or cancelled or something and I've actually showed up place it's been canell I learned my lesson which is you know it's I've been on my calendar for a long period of time I always give a call and say hey is that still on are we still going my experience is people are always really super proud when somebody from the district shows absolutely they love that's the idea they love it okay that's but thanks for sharing the finance Cal the the Arts calendar with me I will share that on email so everyone has it and then the way to have to add it to your own and then the things if you want before you say I can make sure that we I add show you how to add that okay didn't our Arts director are new I think that's what the calendar really well the calendar that y'all have had we've had that since before him but now with him he keeps I don't know you probably can't see this super well but this is like all of them so this was just in May so there's it's hard to put all of them on that paper forming again sometimes things can change so I I asked you about this and we can get back on I I apologize but when I was a teacher I had like SPC meetings I would have district meetings like everything I was attending was in different colors on one calendar mhm that's helpful y yep so very much so okay next one is on an organizational meeting which you have to have every November so I like option two on that one okay option one is just to designate the regular meetings at the day time and place option two has all these different options you can so I would say B we do designate a day place and time for regular meetings which shall be held at least once every two months a designate a day place and time for regular yeah we did that and then once every two months I thought once a month once a month that's the law change that yeah yeah it's got to be held at least once a month I thought every month organization meeting and then we do D designated a day for regular informal work sessions so we always designate the projected times for our agenda Workshop e adopt I like this adopt existing bylaws and policies for its own operation and the operation of the school system so that way your new board members are looking at the bylaws and voting on them at that first meeting right um would this be a full adoption process where it's been advertised for 28 days or would it just be a I like the reopt you have the reopt language on F I don't know if we could do reopt by continu the organization this is for at the organization this at the organization at the organizational meeting we've never done that but I like the fact that it it's the new board members are putting their stamp of approval or just the recognition that they have read about reaffirm reff because you saying they might if we their too reaffirm reaffirm I like that and then I liked I adopt a calendar which shall exist only for the administrative convenience of the board and shall not serve either to validate or void any board action copt to me that falls in line with where we're designating the days times and places forar two FS the first so you're doing f2o is that what you said uh I didn't say F okay I made what about age do we tell them what does that mean when it says join a membership because do it as a school board generally yeah the options there you don't people done in the spring so I strike F we don't need F yes straight F we do want e no yeah CH I see what you're doing yes correct and we want I strike G and strike H you should need G and H uh C is a determined fee for people who want uh we already have that established I don't think that's something that the if it doesn't change every year yeah got that okay good do we need a we don't need a yeah we don't do that we only have d e and i j and we don't need J oh yeah and okay then we come down to appointments we don't need J so the way we've done this in the past is by board consensus even though in our policy it says that the chair appoints so I like if we could change the language so it would match the way that we proceed um the board will reach a consensus in the selection of members as may be necessary to the various organiz ation committees Andor councils as may be required by law board policy or as directed by the board the third one also you still appoint us right but technically I do but I think the way that we operate is really more we we operate by consensus but I'll just throw it what if what if two of us wanted to be on the same thing the board chair has to make that decision can you do two of these options like well just combine combine it with the like the first how about the chair shall appoint members as the board reaches a consensus or something you know a combination whatever um well the last option says the board members shall discuss the need or necessity for board members to participate in various organizations blah blah blah and then at the end you could add the chair shall appoint members as may be necessary combine two together so we keep that last option and then just at the end say the chair shall appoint members as necessary so so does that have to be done like we've never focused on doing that at the organizational meeting I thought we did we do it we do it through we did it one time but not the first time I was we Tred to well we tried with J McKinnon the last time we tried to well we haven't done it at the organization meeting because we don't know who the chair is at that point you're right we select the chair at the organization meeting so this is actually at the next meeting the school board meeting is when it would be happening okay so strike that stri want strike all about appointments all meeting and then we do you don't want to add appointments to the next meeting well that wouldn't fall under organization be at the that would be it's automatically at the next when Once the chair is determined but we don't want to leave this verage to put somewhere else or or put appointments and then put like a disclaimer at next following organizational meeting it wouldn't make sense to put it under organization we have bylaws coming up about Comm we don't want to gum up the organization meeting isws coming up for the Mee and I think that would apply also for Value adjustment board we don't do that at the organ do that in so which one of you picked for appointments strike all of them reset we say what appointments cross off we're not doing we don't do appointments at the organizational meeting and we do not do value adjustment board at the organizational meeting got it easy there you go moving you know if you did have the value adjustment board at that one meeting it assures we do it on time every year and it's not a last minute thing but next we get to [Applause] officers all right I'm okay with this officers are elected by a majority vote yep number 152 yes this is good M all of it so cuz we're about to have this issue the school board sh fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the ensuing regular special meeting is that a longterm vacancy or could that I think that's long term that's long term okay yeah vacant Not absent yeah this is not the same thing so this is good as is yes oh here we committees here we go this is where we need to put that language and there's two versions of this policy also I like the first one or the oh two version I option sorry the second version is longer I see I don't know if you need all that no I think the first to take a job so do you want to add that language here I think we should cuz I think we still need to have the language so what was on the last the appointment language should be added to the Committees so you can put um appointments will be made at a regular board look at Option One or option two of the of this committee one option one but with the added language of um from the organization were you like it on the first sentence or the second sentence second sentence and I think it should say appointments to be made at the at a regular meeting shall be addressed as follows okay appointments to be made Ashley or Miss go you don't want to choose the first one just in case we want to add some that arriv I did say the first one which one are you oh she's sorry okay she was under the first one sorry that's okay sorry I wasn't clear about that that's okay and so after that and then how about doing theint tell me what just so after that we would say appointments to be made at a regular board meeting shall be addressed as follows at a regular meeting uhhuh should we designate first board meeting after appointment be what the different committees address as follow it dep it depends on you know option two gives you that verbiage where it says the chairman shall appoint and then you would just put the following meeting or whatever you can just copy C and paste it from the appointment and it's done an option one and then we said the board members shall discuss the need or necessity look at if you go back to organizational meeting one forward I'm good I'm not sure what you're wanting me to do okay I'm going to dictate it the board members shall discuss the need or necessity okay and where do you want that just in following in following no no no right where you are just the next sentence would be okay and it's it's this section from appointments if you want to cut in Pace I don't know if I can I can that way it would be oops let me [Music] just and we added language to that to that at the end yeah the okay the board members shall discuss I'm not sure what you're telling me so okay this is the idea this is the school board May establish committees and subcommittees as a need Rises appointments to regular me will be addressed as follows and then and this board members shall discuss the need of or necessity for board members to participate I need to say okay just give me a couple minutes m [Applause] that look right rather than do it all at once the organization meeting correct yeah we have some committees that for example the ter term ends in June so we would need to reappoint someone in June to that committee actually two things the fsba one as well that's right yeah and this would also be where we would do we need to add this additional language for Value adjustment board because they had that one here it's I think that's it would be followed under any of the part participate in various organizations committees Andor councils I think that covers everything that we there is a Nuance with that one that you have to also appoint a citizen member you also have to I'm sorry appoint a citizen member oh good point yeah yeah we should probably add that language there okay the board shall appoint members shall [Applause] appoint does it say there it's up here from this L it's up here the chair shall appoint members as now necessary keep it simple that's good sometimes we make a new committee and you and that's what that's what that was okay and then the value adjustment board I'll do this later I'm wasting time in June we we can do all this editing later I'll put it on I don't want to waste your time okay thank you I'm going to keep that okay take that one there you go okay that was harder than I thought that one would be and right here F we have delete version two next one is legal counsel it just says board May employ or retain legal counsel render Services as are needed by the board or superintendent for school matters that's pretty much it what number is what I think I thought did we skip the whole committee thing cuz I don't I think you changed option one that was option two that was option two option two gives very specific things about them I got I was confused parliamentary Authority School Board attorney is the Parliamentary authoritarian yeah thisne 0161 yeah good good good now we have to make some choices no it's only 161 oh but 156 is yeah that's good and we you saying shall will instead of shall or shall instead of shall shall it says shall I was back on 155 I think oh 156 sorry never mind what instead of calling it Robert's Rules what did fsba always call it Bobby's rules or something Bob's rules we don't follow it to the te onebody does anym thank God the length our meeting log in to go now to look at we're working on she said could use it to see other counties as well yeah you no you just go to the county and look up their policies you want designate Robert's Rules of Order uh well because we're doing sorry we don't use it strictly so I I hesitate to put that in there what do you think Mr blocker well I think generally most boards I think we use it as a guide but not a strict adherance because there might be a there might be a unique matter that comes up um but usually I think it's be more as a guide my experience you probably don't need that then yeah it would slow down board action there's definitely some formality to maybe right oh that one's easy and the next one is Quorum this we don't need the four let see [Applause] the next the next one with presiding officer I had a question on this would it be possible to designate because we have uh Miss B and I both have a planned absence for the next board meeting so would it be possible for us to designate a chair three at this meeting right for that meeting so but because the three options here have never been a chair before and I'd like them to have an opportunity to ask questions or get whatever you need ahead of time rather than not knowing if showing up to the meeting not knowing if you're going to be asked to do the job well I think you're right about that you want to say that chairman May designate a temporary chairperson act and so I'm just I'm just pulling the board rules real quick CU I because I think rules of conduct that has procedure but we can I don't two seconds I guess my question was can we do it in advance rather than waiting until the board meeting where there's a vacancy I thought we were I mean I like the idea of brand new thought that was the plan yeah but that's what but you would have to vote so I had to pull it up here but but but the way the current rules your your board rules read is that if there's an absence I can find it here that at that time um let me see but basically a chair Pro Temp right a chair Pro Temp so it would be decided at that time there would be a motion and a second so it has to be at that meeting well no this is this is your board rules so your policy Trump board rules so so then it says at a board meeting meeting so we could do the vote I'm assuming well y'all can but you also can change your policy here because not good until September we don't start this for a long time right so y'all y'all can change your policy then the board rules would need to be changed to reflect your policy so the polic is controlling not not the board okay so the chair she's asking can you do it can we do it at this coming board meeting to designate a chair for the 27th uh so so the way the way I interpret the rules is at that Bo at the board meeting where there's an absence is where there would be a vote so there would not be a pre- designation now I think it makes sense and there are boards that do that where they will designate in advance but I think we want to have an a policy then that would that would trigger a change in the board rules so we need to change the policy Mr CH the in the absence of the chair and vice chair but follow what we have now but change it for the spring that's what I'm saying what page it's um organization officers 1.02 C2 C2 yes ma'am it says in the absence of the chair and vice chair a chair protm shall be elected by a majority of the board members present at a board meeting for the purpose of presiding over such meeting now when it says over such meeting it's referring to the meeting where both will be absent but it doesn't say it should be voted on at that meeting from my perspective well you're absolutely correct so that would be the pl reading my my interpretation that would be like right now there's no one absent yall are all present we're antip is a meeting per se right it's not to Workshop we're anticipating a future meeting so I think it' be interpreted either way so it would be okay to vote on Thursday this come like in two days to determine who the chair will be for the June 20 whatever meeting right so that we have so that that person can prepare accordingly for sure that is completely legally sufficient the only and I want spend too much the only the only new want to that is technically we're anticipating absences in advance cuz things could change right so let's say you know schedule changes and then you know someone's present so that that would be my only concern but there's nothing Ashley and I sitting going not going happen I understand i' being very very nuanced what obviously we you all meet is a board you know but but no I we could take care of that in the language of the motion corre we could say in the event that the vice chair and the chair are absent on the June 27th 2024 meeting I I move that who the chair absolutely and the problem is we don't have it on the agenda we can we're in 4 hours we're within timein the 48 hour okay so let's do that then you're the chair you can make that appro you can approve that I approve that and then you'all can also change your policies to reflect where an anticipate absence is and maybe that would be the key word ABS is the chairs can designate a prot in Wisconsin and she's some place else so with that being said would you like to keep your language and I'll take that language and put it u in our shell 0163 I'm okay with your language I would just make the change where it says if neither person is available any member shall be designated by a plurality of those present at a regular board meeting [Music] that way gives it open so that you know it's a plann abs and I like the idea of letting everybody what she said we could do any clarification after the meeting beated no morality of those present at a regular board don't go to June 27th meeting start I can't now I guess we called it first after the there you go I'll be here next week right yeah but I I come back the 24th no I know but this is the 14th y'all need to plan all your vacation times to make sure we have I will not be here for the 177 Workshop can call in sorry no that's quite all right so so should there be more specificity to Quorum about physically present versus like that's there's only one line there and there's nothing about like virtually calling in kind of thing should there be another line related to physically present for quum does that make sense like like phing in computer in or there's a um there's a rule modes I believe chapter 28 that um well has parameters for that you have to have two-way communication I think and so you you have to have you have to have three members physically if it's a five member board you have to have three physically statute that's statute okay so that's good but but but but the catch here is any vote that's taken has to be unanimous so if you have a two1 vote it fails wow no wait a second cuz we in our policy we state that we can attend the meeting and vote that's absolutely correct you Absol State I meaners I'm good as long as it's in statute so they change that after so so change that after then well so so during Co so during Co the governor dur executive wave that part of the statute so now we're back to the original so you have to have three present you can have two nonpresent that can call in and they can vote and participate but if you have more than if three that are absent and only two show physically then you can't have the board meeting you got three physical got it present the next all right let's go to notice of meeting on 164 I'm good with this one this just follows the state St yes ma'am that's good and same with the next one yes this is all consistent I'm good if you'll notice it'll list kind of the statues that it's it's the hyperlink let me I'm going to Tove you all time I'm going to do my marking let me just get myself so [Music] 0164 I just need to fix okay then you said 0165 is good that's good fix School Board member discussion agendas yes okay okay so if you're looking at paragraph number two of the agenda seven days board members hearings Workshop shall be prepared in time to ensure the copy of the agenda may be received at least 7 days before the event of any person I know thew goes into with all attachments as well it says by any person in the state who requests a copy but can we get our stuff ahead of time if the Public's allowed to have it 7 days prior it just says at least 7 days so it can be earlier I just she's referring to workshops so yeah this is not just the board meeting worksh it's under agendas look at paragraph two the agenda for board meetings commment hearings Comm and workshops it's workshops too and I just don't want to ever get anything brand new to they have a workshop anymore I honestly Miss Clark has talked about having time to prepare and I honestly believe we prepare we're better able to have commun you know conversations about what we're supposed to be talking about but to get things the day of is not working for me at all so right now we're getting them 5 days in advance I think the fix for that would be to postpone the workshop so prior to this board the purpose of that Workshop was for the superintendent to present that was the that was the understand but that's not what you want you want the that Workshop to be a time for the board to discuss I just want the information prior to read about it so like if you're doing we're saying like the other day the the PowerPoint that should have been given to us already instead of the day of so that we can do our due diligence do our own study in changing the date and the time doesn't make sense it makes no sense I was panicking that morning I mean honestly I couldn't see nothing there was nothing no attachments at all that should never happen so like I said the previous board when this when this agenda Workshop was established the purpose of it was for the superintendent and his staff to present to the board it was not if you had questions you could ask them at that time but the intention was not for the board to have a lot of disc discussion and and questioning at that meeting it was kind of to launch you into the agenda and then you had the following week and then the the next following week until Thursday to meet with staff make phone calls get your questions answered individually but if you guys want to change the format where the purpose of the workshop is for us to discuss then I think moving that Workshop to a later date we give the superintendent and the staff time to send us that information ahead of time if you look at it from a month perspective there's nine days between the workshop and the actual board meeting if you're going to back up the time to get information and an additional 7 days you're giving us 10 days in a month to do the work of the month the problem is I realize we have time between workshop and board meeting but discussions are done in private that was not the intent of a workshop or board members should not be working in private when you have issues or challenges as people say we should be talking about with each other not one time that's why I'm saying if that's what you want the purpose of the workshop meeting to be then we need to move what he's saying he needs more time to prepare all of those items so if we moved our Workshop maybe to the Tuesday before the Thursday so it's just two days before the regular meeting well are you saying if we look two months ahead of time you can't get the material ready before a workshop is that what we're saying sometimes the work is the work goes on the whole month no I understand that but if we took like a great period and you knew it was starting in like 3 months you can move that one month prior that clock that you guys work on 7 Days earlier can I add something to that also the other side of this is that for them to prepare for us they need to know specifics so for instance I'll just use the budget as an example from this last Workshop it was there was nothing specified as to what specific part of the budget we were going to be discussing as I recall and this is my recall my recollection from when the idea first came up I didn't expect anything aside from let's discuss where we might be able to start looking at where we can save money for the budget in the budget for salaries or whatever so it's it's not just it's not just provid the information but it's also being this being specific as to what our needs are and what we want to talk about I mean if we want to talk about specifically something then we need to so I was for thate and when we met with the labor attorney we specifically were told we weren't allowed to talk about the budget at this meeting we would have to have another meeting so we scheduled the budget meeting for this Workshop I was surprised that none of you remembered us talking that we weren't allowed to talk about money during the labor union talks and and so as for specifics it was actually brought up during our meeting with the labor attorney as I said I will do much better to make sure everybody understands that intent from now on in writing or something to make sure there's no confusion the if we need to move the workshop if if if that's what it is for the rest of M You Know M Mr superintendent's career and he needs us to move the workshop in order to give a 7-Day notice then I prefer that we have our conversation in front of our constituents in public not behind closed doors between the day of the workshop and the board meeting I think it's important that our constituents hear the way we think I mean how you ever going to decide if you want to vote for someone again if you never talk about things in public we have to stand on our virtues and we have to talk about what we believe in and that needs to be done in the public eye which we do so if we need no between Workshop you have to call it to discussion there's you go talk the superintendent or you ask people questions that's not in front of the public now I will tell you at the regular meeting prior to us voting on The consent agenda I always give the option for is there any discussion so at that point if there are things you want to discuss that are on the consent agenda we can but then nobody else is prepared for that like we're prepared for a workshop we could prepare to work I'm not sure but you're in here the I'm aware of how you feel no not necessarily but there are members on this board board and I know at least three of us wished we had more processing time with the material prior to a workshop okay I know that has been asked many times what I'm asking you miss gilen is how can we do that I think I told you we can move the workshop so Tuesday to Thursday on the workshop so we have to review that and it gives them extra time we can do that certainly like the presentation Dro had she was still working on that right going into the weekend right in order to get that ready what she thought was what you wanted so we could certainly do that if it was Thursday then you could one of the challenges is is that when it's one week prior to the board when we publish the agenda one week prior to the board the Thursday before there really shouldn't be very many changes to that because the board the public needs that time in which to view that information so I think the theory of why it's set up the way it is is so that there would be time so that there was changes that needed to be done so that when the agenda is published one week prior that it is complete and that was the intention of it so every time that I feel like I would like to discuss something you want me to just keep pulling all that to discussion I mean is that what we're going to do is there another solution then well we we we could get you the information as early as it's available well it has not ever been to us very early I've been it's been the same since I've been on the board where you're getting stuff the day on the table you would like any presentation prior to the weekend I mean to get budget stuff the day of it's really hard to consume that I mean that would I mean well the purpose of the workshop in the past has been um for whoever was in charge of that document to present it to you and talk to you about it and then if you have further comment like I if you have questions you can call and ask through the week and then if you want to have a public discussion at the meeting we can do that there's nothing and you don't have to move I understand the traditional Workshop the way it's been here this agenda Workshop many counties don't even read through the agenda where members read it on their own and that gives them that Workshop time I know can you can you get your staff to do a hard day like have everything on Friday can we just do that that way we don't have to change it and then not get it on Tuesday morning hey I you know I just got this presentation let's just make sure all of our presentations are hard Thursday before they Tuesday so then maybe if it's not complete send it and it's incomplete version sure and then if there's um additions to it you could give that to us on Tuesday I've beening when your people put in the yes you know how the little pie starts filling in with green majority of it done way before that Tuesday and so what I'm saying is on the few items that may not be maybe there can be a concerted effort to work on that a little bit earlier you're talking specifically about U discussion presentations I mean budget stuff would would have been important app we're good with this first seven days and all that this is sure if I I just want to apologize to the board in advance I know it's not a presentation issue but we're still trying to finalize changes to the Sheriff's cont contract as as we speak here so y yall will be seeing hopefully a final version but it's not going to be really as much time as I would hope to give you all but that's you know as I'm sitting here I'm getting revisions request of revisions from this is attorney makes a good point right there are some times where it's out of out of uh control as to when the information is going to be available so you're voting on a contract on Thursday and you're getting it this afternoon from the board attorney as person I can understand emergencies what I'm saying is the stuff we've done contct in your mailbox absolutely so that we can review it in half time which is I'm okay with that absolutely and the board always has a discretion if we can you we do have a deadline with that not to hijack conversation but these obviously you know this is a very real issue that you know as we're going through I'm bringing documents to the superintendent to review so we can get this done but obviously we can always postpone if need we want to give you as much time as possible to review this I mean I think presentations are different than these contracts we have multi parties involved but I just want to take the opportunity to keep you the same stuff we do every month is almost the same stuff we do every month that they're going to make changes to the student code of conduct we know now in 11 months that it's going to come back up like what I meant by is we could just start like PR rating time like getting one day a week until we get a week early could did the math ready I ready kind of like that and give us it you know that that's coming next month so maybe have good been to work on it you know a month ahead in Time stuff like that I think is what so we're good with this one is this a good one we're good mass [Music] is you may want to create a b about the workshops that's kind of unusual in this District NE doesn't have anything for that exactly but or I think it's procedural it isi for this this one anyway well I mean with what Miss Hansen was saying just so I can clarify um basically when I get to the workshop I feel that should be the time I discuss it with all of us and so if I haven't seen it before you know it's hard to obviously have the time to go through it and know what my questions are so if we have it on that Friday beh whole 1652 regular meting I'm sorry can I um Bonnie has asked on 165 agenda point1 for Part B it says the agenda for each regular meeting shall be mailed or delivered can we have delivered electronically and where are we B uh B Part B under 165.1 agendas okay and it says delivered again at the end of the sentence so you need to put it there too wow yeah that's good catch Bonnie good take a okay so it's B yes and she said also under agenda we do deliver electronically electronically delivered where what you're on b m says delivered she wants it to say deliver delivered electronically delivered electronically yes and there's one more request when we're done with that one agendas proper time for the member to study the agenda and then where's the other electronically uh that um at the end of that uh 7 days prior to the meeting or delivered electronically so as lower part of B that's redundant so comma or delivered and then put electronic deliver so after the word deliver days electronic there you go prior yep keep going to Med or delivered right there delivered electronically so just the addition of the word electronically sence one say the same and then you said e uh part e she says it back on the same one yes ma'am um it's a 48 right here it says 24 hours we could do a 24hour update although currently we're doing a 48 hour update right here at change this to 2048 well um the but just to bring to your attention where so this is about having the agenda published to the public for special meetings right so are you guys okay with 24 hours because what we traditionally do is 48 do you want the public to have the agenda and the backup material 48 hours before a special meeting yes I'd rather have it 48 I think so that gives them more time to reviewed as well and did you all need a break now or you all okay we've only got 30 minutes we have 30 minutes okay going okay we're almost done so where are we telling the next one is regular meetings on 16522 I'm comfortable that me mon okay you're all good with the point two 1653 is special and emergency meetings so the whole front page is law I'm assuming and then we get down to two options [Applause] yes yes option one is if there is a daily newspaper of General circulation in the county I don't think that there is not a daily newspap okay take out option one and option two is if there's not a daily make announcement of the radio station we would be jumping actually to option three posting a notice of the district's website and then um don't we we've done on the doorhouse of the courthouse we do that yes we don't put it in a newspaper at all we just do on our website for for emergency does that it's like you're talking like 2448 hours 2448 hours we only have a weekly newspaper 2024 man you I don't delet option three on the on the next page posting a notice of the district's website I think I must be missing a page no it's it's no it's under option two but she means number three is that what you're talking about about an emergency announcement on the radio station option one is required by state law choose this option is there a daily newspaper of General circulation house not that one so no option two the option if there's not a daing oh distri it you don't make the announcement are you telling me strike make an announce we don't do an announcement on the radio station no we do a notice on the public District's website or and we post a notice on the county courthouse door what about the front door of the school district of the school that's on our website no every school like before the principal puts it there so CU sometimes it happens when school's not in session well I mean that's where people would go to work though is that on the front door of every school no I guess not no you do not do number four I would County Courthouse door we do it on the county cour according current policy okay strike four Mr is it too hard to put it on a school for for people who can't drive down to the courthouse no it's going to be on the website as well it's posting a notice on the district's website so there's a special meeting they'll get it there first unless they don't have internet if they have internet so I live in a district that 25% people may not but so we would and if you want I was just saying hang on and the better option instead of paper might be on the wrong option we're supposed to be on option two two and you're on option one making those no no no option two has those option two has them as well in option one though you're right I'm sorry I'm sorry I see what you're saying I was so that's why I'm over here talking about four and three and I'm like they're not matching what is happening would be a robocall so we op a robo call to All Families add the robo call and it doesn't meet people who are taxpayers that don't have children exactly but it gives people the op it gives families a choice to answer their phone or not which is yeah and they leave a message if you don't answer so at least we've done our best and then strike two the cour housing has always me up I don't even know where that door is no take that out I was in there though like back in the day 200 years ago and you want to add Robo call yes well I don't know could add rooc call in the case of an emergency it just goes to families it doesn't go to like people no you still do the courthouse but yeah you're covering the you're covering the website you're covering the courthouse store and a robo col she need to we pay a lot of money for him to use that make an emergency Robo call to every family does she need to add that is what I'm asking yeah put number I don't know justed here use it Mr Broski use it well and what what is your system called a robo call Robo are you excited families only two Le you have boys for kids I wasn't thinking about it till Miss Skipper made fun of the courthouse [Music] door is there such a thing that's what she said yeah all right be good yeah I think that's it right yeah I'm good with that what do you call that we Mr Broski we have uh so F says actions taken during an emergency meeting shall have the same force in effect as if taken at a regular or special meetings in our current policy there's an expiration date on action taken at an emergency meeting where you have to that's in statute if it's an emergency and it's really the attorney should advise on this but my understanding of the law is it's only in effect for 90 days if it's an emergency and then it has to be put on a regular board meeting agenda right but this s was referring to emergency meetings that was an emergency policy that I believe kicks off the 90day time frame like it's a rule you're creating a rule Mr and that's meeting on emergency policy and the emergency policy just refer to having an emergency meeting that is an emergency policy you're referring to it's not the action of the meaning it's the policy let's say we have to we have to do an emergency well we have to do an emergency policy right that it's enacted for 90 days until correct but that's not what this policy say correct I think you have to authorize say roof repair as an emergency hire a contractor you don't have to go back later and reaffirm that right but it says on S actions taken that's any action taken during emergency meetings shall have the same force in effect as if taken at a regular special meeting so that would mean you don't have to ratify it 90 days later regardless of what the action is so do we want to stick with that or our current practice of it expiring after 90 days no I think I think what you're referring to is an emergency policy which would have to be reone in 90 days later on this is just an emergency meeting this is we take action on the policy so this is the policy for emergency this is it it's it's two different things no he said this is it no I understand but this okay in our current policy it says I just had it shoot emergency uh the superintendent shall properly record the effective date of any such em oh when it determines that the public health safety Etc School Board policy and temporary disregard the notice and hearing requirement so forth in section one for the meeting meetings the superintendent shall properly record the effective data of any such emergency policy well this is emergency policy shall not be valid in excess of 90 days that's any emergency R not only it's only valid for 90 days and that's the law and this does not conflict with that no because this is talking about other actions not not polic okay okay I'm good with the recess policy okay Rec a about recess I'm good with the joury too you don't even ask for a motion don't you feel locked out she doesn't ask for an emotion for a motion 1655 all right Bonnie says under adjourn 1655 you not currently Mo the adjournment is that do okay so she was thinking those are Bob rules those are Bob rules Bob R Bob rules Roberts yeah we're good all right so is this one heard it moving around live cuz it doesn't say that we have to have a motion to if we were following Robert we would we don't six is exemp meetings and this talks about meetings where the yeah bargain shade meetings and it explains the process for that expulsion hearings risk management Bonnie thank you y Bonnie said Thank you and that's just right and then workshops it's pretty straightforward so we're good with one uh 166 yes okay I'll fix it later that follows the law 661 is good I think y now normally we do govern um audience participation during workshops and we've done that through policy is that something that we need to stick with yes I think so um then we may need to look at regular meetings also with where do you do you guys address the amount of time that the public get we do we do have that look it up uh are we good with workshops did you say yes yeah yes we're the only thing we want to look at is um audience participation at all kinds at all kinds of meetings well that's in here somewhere it is yeah yeah I read it somewhere audience they have a question on that page it's in here okay we're not there yet I guess whole section 016 this about up to the experts go ahead this is our state statute too right take 1691 is public participation at boards we'll get there in a minute so is voting good yes [Music] yes is it good know yeah that's good okay Bonnie said we do not read the minutes well technically it says under workshops 10001 for when it takes a minutes are read and approved at the next meeting and that we do not read the minutes but they're approved via the read and approved so technically though we don't read every single thing in the consent agenda and aren't the isn't that in the consent agenda yes it is yes it is so not everything is read out loud the consent so she's hung up on the word did you 166 166 I thought oh no no sorry yeah that one the last sentence of 166 where it says um that minutes of all matters discussed during work s work sessions to be read and approved at the next regular or special meeting we don't read our minutes into the record just say take l r then to say approve right 166 yes what number is that on it's the second 166 it's a short one workshops 66.1 166 last little paragraph there okay let me go get to the right one to be approved at the next regular regular special meeting 1661 workshops just take out to the red I just say take out red and and then [Music] iair is Strike red and a great job there seriously did we do voting yet 167 yes we agreed okay put all the stuff on it now 1671 this about electronic mail and other social media some options here I'm fine with this well there have selections that's I'm okay with all the selections honestly twoo yeah this is fine so I'm going to a is going to be listing m mesages from a board member include the following could be sent using District issue emails and other forms of social media and so this is not a violation of anything so you're saying one is good two three four yeah five yeah anything that's public record like that uh okay furthermore oh yeah that's law yeah that's the law keep being [Music] [Applause] minutes is pretty much standard do you record you do record them yes yes so yes it says tape record I think maybe we could put video recording on doesn't I would say tape or video there have been times where we used yeah okay for our legal legal in this where it says minutes Miss Gil if we have a forum and we're required to take minutes should we add a section in there about how we record it electronically and then the minutes so we when we have a forum with more than one board member we don't do minutes like this so may we could just say record recordings shall be made of each meeting and it says the tape recordings shall also be referred to in the written minutes so if we have the tape recording we can just refer to it it doesn't have to be don't be specific about what kind of recording the district has a way to put it on drive automatically it'll drive so if we are not specific about what kind of recording it is we just say recording shall be made I like that don't second we don't need to refer to the recordings of right right because at the last workshop and at the the not not a um a detailed it's a general overview of what we' done so so I think that when you had your uh your Workshop this uh handsome then that is generally put into the it's not every word said by every person right there so is this one good oh here we go public participation in [Music] meetings yeah the other question I had about public meetings is a lot of districts it shortens the public meetings in a way not that we don't want them to speak but the first time they're allowed to speak has to be about the agenda which follows right after they speak so the first time they speak for instance if there's nothing about the media policy you can't speak about it at that moment so a lot of counties are doing where you can only speak about the agenda and I hear the chairman saying that is not on the agenda and then they sit down then they give them a brief opportunity towards the end when it was later like it used to be for them to speak about what they want to speak so I really like the idea of because our discuss discusss are after the public now for people to address the agenda and then if we want to we could talk about it in discussion versus just an array of um does anybody like that idea kind of like the commission does is what I think she's referring to where they have the agenda you can only speak on the agenda items yes and then at the end if you strongly feel your voice needs to be heard you've sat through that meeting and then you can speak in the second portion a public comment of right whatever under the meat the Sun that would work beautifully if everyone was specific as to what they wanted to talk about a lot when they fill out those cards I have no idea what they're going to speak about well and then that's and they say General but I know but see okay General then you would call them at the end there's two times because by the time it gets to the end there's not many people left cu the people who want to speak about the agenda and it's fresh in our minds it's all that they talk about so the only only argument I would have for that is there's going to take some training of our audience we have a lot of the same people that show up to our meetings and they're used to the way that we do it so I would have to very specifically at the start of the meeting let them know if you are filling out a yellow card and you do not designate an agenda item on your yellow card I will hold your comment card to the end of the meeting if you have an agenda item that you want to speak about it needs to be stated on the card if you'd like to speak before we vote and I agree and I think if um we do it for a few months everybody's going to understand the procedure you're going to have some angry people well I I okay let me I just want to understand because we do our discussion right at right after no we do we move to the discussion after the we moove the discussion items ahead of the consent agenda that's why it's per so if we the majority of the cards come for either consent agenda items or discussion items so you have discussion items you have consent agenda agenda you have other right so you would have one place for public comment at the top and that's discussion for any agenda item consent or discussion yeah any agenda item literally how the County Commission does it but well I haven't gone to meeting recently then you have you have your agenda item consent and discussion agenda items for public comment before we take up the discussion or consent agenda and then after the discussion and consent agenda we would have another section for general public comment so let me let me use an example I am upset about the way that recess is being used at my child's school and I'm going to talk to the school board about it yes so my comment my upset parent comment won't come until after we vote on the consent agenda correct corre in a general comment time so we'll have two general comment time two comment specific comment comment times yeah so public agenda comment section and a public General comment section yeah and and the reason I say that is you remember when and I love our F AR coordinator whatever his name Mr Google but I do remember there was almost 15 people I think that got up and spoke about him and that's fine but it was very distracting when it came to the business of the board like I would like to talk about the agenda and maybe address people talking about the agenda items only and it's within the power of the chair to I mean I guess you would train them so items related to to books then would not occur to the end of the meeting correct yeah well and our current policy says that you can speak to an agenda item it doesn't give agenda item M chair if I so just just you aware there there is no general public comment under Florida law it's not required there's been it's been litigated all way the Supreme Court these are not free speech zones the only requirement is that the public has to be allowed to comment on an agenda item in many cities at school boards you can have a vote in one meeting and they can comment I'm sorry you can have a discussion one meeting a month later vote on it the earlier discussion from the public is counts happens all happens all the time they'll have a discussion and public input on one meeting and then vote on the next some some school districts and some boards have found that just like what M Anon said it's distracting because you have people there for school business to have that so so a lot of them will put at the very end of me if you're going to have general public comment do at the very end that way people can can come on that way you can get the business these are business means youall can get the business conducted also you don't have to do general public comment there there are political and public policy reasons to makebe do that but it's not required um you know not to draw my personal experience but we were sued about this in St John's County and a federal judge reminded the the the plff that there is no requirement for for general public comment you know local government and school districts can decide not to do it and no no constitutional rights are being violated you can also turn off the cameras our Poli comment our own policy currently says and we never we don't follow that to address the agenda and and you're right about that we've gotten away from it we used to do it when we used to do it more specifically like that and people who complain they're sitting there so long to hear the bo bus problems so what did you say they they turn the camera off what was that you yeah at the end when you have a public input you just turn off the camera and let them so they don't have a stage yeah it's not required so you can turn it off and it what we've been told by many many many districts it it just they lost their audience they were playing to the camera 100% this is a great plan well in some some counties so the public comment is that you have three minutes at the very very beginning and that's everything you every every agenda you're going to comment on you have three minutes one one three minutes to do for the whole agenda so if you have 30 agenda items now other other some of y's neighbors do it where every single agenda it them everyone that resets at 3 minutes dve the means on for days so and you have to keep to the agenda absolutely so you all could consider doing at the very beginning you know agenda specific public comment everyone gets three minutes to comment every single agenda item just right then and there not every time or reset it and that counts as as public comment um and if we did General comment at the very end the superintendent's remarks would still be recorded our school board comment would still be remarks would be recorded then you turn the camera off yeah absolutely there are many and I mean we especially we produce every Workshop as well there are many counties that don't do anything with workshops that's correct they're just here we don't put them on YouTube you guys like that idea I do do we have consensus on yeah I like that idea and then we can cut it off on the general comment MH I'm fine with that that works for me can I ask this cuz I'm looking at the board of gy and when would you want to do that because and I'm going to I'm saying this for Bonnie I'm channeling My Bonnie here that she's already so on on agenda plus she does have it already people submitted it it apply for that because this would be a policy change this would be oh so this so okay so you guys are even thinking this would you wouldn't even do this before next year at all you would you can implement it now it's in our policy now not for Thursday's meeting not for Thursday's or June 27th Reas have two separate public comments sections wouldn't that be a policy change well doesn't say we can't do it I think that's procedural right it that's usual that's not policy is it Mr B well well so so so the chair so the absence of a specific policy the chair can can set general public comment different times how however if youall have a policy that says hey the public will only address the board during these certain times and that has to be followed I believe your policy I can pull it up here I believe the policy you have it okay public comment a member of the public who wishes to comment or speak about a matter on the agenda of a school board meeting shall before the meeting begins or as soon as possible thereafter and using the speaker cards provided submit in writing his and her name address the name of any organization or group represented and the agenda item number or topic which the speaker wishes to address agenda item those who are speaking on agenda items shall be permitted to do so before the board takes action on the agenda item at the discretion of the presiding officer a member of the public May address the board on a non-agenda item a time limit of 3 minutes shall be imposed on each public comment speaker unless the time is extended by the presiding office officer the board will accept written comments beyond the time allotted speaker cards shall not be accepted after the school board Begins the discussion agenda only the individual submitting the speaker card is allowed to address the school board for a lot of time speaking time may not be yielded uh which is the same super School Board may ask the superintendent and school board members may ask questions of and request further explanation from the speaker the time used by the superintendent and school board members for questions and explanations shall not be counted against the time allotted to the speaker pursuing to this policy and yes I remember that there have been situations where the chairman has said you will be talking on C Twain or whatever or on this par and these cards are going to be held until the discussion item or the discussion item has been brought before for the consent agenda and we're going to hear these speakers for this discussion item so it has even even on agenda plus so Bonnie wouldn't have to change anything no in addition there have also been times when someone is speaking and a board member has asked for clarification on that item right so you know I don't like the fact that we're not using chocolate milk could you explain what flavors of milk that you're referring to you know something whatever um so you don't think we would need a separate item on the agenda for general public comment if you were to present it as the chair and and you would say the we have now closed the opportunity for the yellow cards because we say that anyway in the you already say you already say that and then you would and you may say in the initial in the initial um verbage that you read we have said um could you read give the information to the the police officers or whatever give your comment cards you know to the police officers welcome to the public blah blah blah blah blah and you could add a line at that point literally this Thursday and say at this just a reminder we are are we're starting a new procedure it's not a policy it's a procedure that we will be AC we we will be asking you to for those of you who are speaking on a consent agenda item or a discussion item we will be pulling your cards up at that time so please be specific as to what you would like to speak to for those of you who are bringing us General comments you will be speaking after the consent agenda okay and we don't that's that's a procedure our so clear it says speak to the agenda I mean I'm not tell you what to discussion then agenda then General comments was General comments at the end of the me at the end of the meeting so so in other words but before our board comments before our board comments yes which I mean what comment to be heard you at the end then we have a couple of presentations usually from the CCS CCS whatever board has a choice you don't have to rearrange she could say the general comments will be held at the end of the the the general comments will be held until the conclusion of yeah business of the meeting the business of the meeting yeah it really before before our comment so that if we want to comment on anything it's there but I think that that's well one of the concerns with this is that frequently the superintendent will hear General comments about a complaint about a school or a situation or a process or whatever and the superintendent in his comments before the superintendent's update will have the opportunity to react to those comments you can still do that at the end so you'll do the superintendent's updates but we would want the general comments before your comments before Mr blocker's comments we want to get to our business and have it at the end and then we don't have to televise that portion but you could still speak to someone talking about after board member comments not before right so you would have school board attorney remarks School Board member remarks and then public comment and then it turn no no no no I don't like that I like I like I like their General comments and then comments and board comments that's what I'm thinking because that way we have an we have an opportunity to speak to their concerns so I just ask just bringing upes the camera have to run through board comments and that's part of our meeting so it has to so if you want General comments before board comments then the camera just keeps on running right through all the general comments you can't turn it off you can turn it off is what she just said that it has to be you record your meetings right yes it's it's before the adjournment Y it's before the you adjourn and then you let them do their yeah I don't want to adjourn I I understand it help it's helpful to sometimes turn the camera off however without the whole purpose is to make sure that the majority of speakers are addressing the agenda items and then we can hear them at the end as to their concerns and we could email them we could have Mr Broski writes down names he could get their number off the card there's a whole lot of ways to adjust General comments to address General comments a lot of different ways and I would say we're still there when they make General comments if Miss Skipper still wanted to make so since this is a procedural issue why don't we discuss it further um I hear your concerns and I will um get with the superintendent and with Miss onora and we'll hold general comments till later in the meeting as far as the cameras and all that we can technical side of things we can figure out but we're running on time good with the agenda able to this up a little bit in some ways so are we going to hold on this one no keep going move forward right now the public participation to agenda the 3 minutes is the same as you have now so everything else is okay on this m yeah but we have to pick a through e do you guys want to hold this one cuz the other ones are pretty straightforward and we can revisit just this one later cuz our policy after just okay we'll just hold this and then work on it separately yeah what do do these they got a straight yeah that's an odd one oh gosh yes do we want to change anything from our mission statement or anything I'm student learning bottom line I'm good with Duties are you guys good with that you good with policy review PA you have a mission statement probably want to include that in here with other duties no in uh jumping to one goals maybe policy Rev [Music] where are we at policy review whaty 171 okay well there are different sections of 171 right well the next one is 1711 right so we're good on [Music] 171 so he's talking about 171.200000 correct are we good with 171 yes yes and point1 looks good too yeah we're doing that now and then we'll keep reviewing later right but 171.200000 [Music] let me see if there's a stakeholders y just saying they're just going to have to so when we do these policy reviews if someone were to show up to speak a stakeholder about a policy do do they do that can they do that during these meetings policy reviews we probably have to review only way want well I'm asking because stakeholder input's important on anytime they come to a workshop they can ask questions and in their questions they can request policy I'm asking would you please review this policy because I don't like the way it says this and though you know what I'm saying they can only ask questions normally and they form and but they're forming a they're telling you're not taking form of a question at a workshop you don't take any action yeah no we're not proposition right but if they bring a concern to us that's something that if you want to have are you going back to the public participation I was on the review of policy Community asking 71.3 community relations I think what you guys are talking about specifically we can add this this particular piece of it I think we need to revisit all together so as far as public participation at meetings we'll no no no this is community relations I'm comfortable with the language be specific in public how we it so are we good with yes talk about the one before that talked about stakeholders input when do we when do we get that uh the adver 73 I mean 171.5 yes they said that was okay okay yeah 1714 yep and this is statute 172 presting schools yes that's the statute right is point four good [Music] yes and I like um the next one for this is board member may have suggestions and feedback to tell the superintendent directly nobody else y I think that's good 174 I mean 1714 yes that's 172 good so we'll just revisit 1691 and that's the last one so that's great well thank you very much this is a big help to us we'll go end at them you will see them again they will come back to you um not in a workshop it'll be ACC the adoption so when this is we can go by our current policy until we figure this out absolutely and you could just update people read the policy maybe if you if you decide to change your policy during the the next year before we can adopt this we'll incorporate those changes in the new so why don't we plan to discuss this at our next Workshop so come have it reviewed yourselves kind of get your mind around what you want to see it look like could you give notice to people at this particular meeting that read the policy and explain though they should address agenda items if you read the policy to them comments oh yeah I mean I can direct um that we're speaking to agenda items specifically and if you have General comments then I'll hold those till after I mean that's fine for now right yeah but as far as ratifying this particular policy let's all be prepared to have consensus at our next Workshop meeting so that we can move forward with this and my question will you be at the next Workshop meeting I believe so I will not be but I will be calling in the 17th yes I will be there and it's Monday the 17th disaster when I called in so I'm not missing I will calling in are you good with us keeping that up then absolutely okay Miss Skipper's not here right I will not be here Miss B will not be we have to be are you okay with us taking this up then sure okay so bnie would just send me a copy and then I could cut and paste it and put it in the shelf so I have a question if there is a before you guys I know you guys have to go but if there is a uh policy that I want prior to our year how do I get cuz I'm looking on your website and stuff you you don't just post your policies on here correct correct okay so how would I be able to get a copy of what you already have to be able to discuss it like at a workshop prior to getting to it when you guys get there do you mean like one that's in draft one of your draft policies no like I want I want to submit um a visitor policy for example can I see your guys' visitor policy to be able to get it approved before the year oh it's that's it's really dangerous to do a standalone policy like that because it may impact I don't know what we would recommend is that you amend what you have now we'll show you what our template looks like so we don't have one right now you don't have any visitor policy well we do a little bit it's not what I it's not what I want she wants a more stringent visitor policy well it that we have we have a we clearly need to I will I will we'll make a copy of ours your one and I'll send it to Kelly okay that's what I want to know that's what I want it's visitors on campus we have one but I more two counties or cuz I just when you brought it up the last time that's where I went to look and there was public facing doc has it butum has it these are yeah okay and what I would say is you have a policy but then the superintendent you and your staff can create administrative procedures to implement that policy so that's where you can Beef It Up right away cuz you can add extra procedures right if something wasn't covered oh yeah we just can't change the policy right right okay I mean it takes a long time to do a policy that's why the superintendent has the authority to have the administrative procedure right right right and and he does but I'm I'm saying for as far as like board policy what I was looking for be careful with that because you vote on something and then you realize it doesn't work and then you're stuck with it for you know 60 days so that's why it's strategy-wise have your policy then have your staff imple uh Implement administrative procedure and it's not working you can change it overnight it just gives you more other count actual if we can't if we're holding off on policies change you know until we're done then we I just want to know can we go through him to see if we can get if we want to change of procedures handle the policy problems that way you can always what I'm saying you can always go through what I'm saying is is we're not changing any policy so we're all done right so if we have a concern about a policy and you agree or it it's within your limits I mean you could set up procedures to support what we have a problem with prior to us adopting the policy yes well and Miss if I can I think a great example of this is Mr Skipper had a concern there was a safety issue with the visor policy and that was brought to the superintendent's attention so he could act on it you know so he doesn't have to wait for the board to do a policy he can you know the specific