e e e e e stuff in their phone put e I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all just like to read a quck statement if I may Dr Hayes Mr capano the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act the Cliffside Park Board of B school's notice of this meeting to be published by having the daytime in place there are posted in the office of the bur clerk burough Library bur Rec Department the office of the Board of Ed and the offices of school numbers 3456 and the high school on July 11 2020 24 and notices were forwarded to reporters of the record July 11 2024 this is an official meeting Mr capano Dr hazes like to take the role if I may Mrs Abu here Mr capano here Mrs Fredo here Mr Gara here Mr Nadu here Dr pontano here Mr ranc Court Mr Russo mrakia is here and Mr yanui here is here Dr Hayes Mr capan welcome everybody to um our C Park Board of Education meeting and I'll ask for the superintendent's report well Mr capano as you know June is a very very busy time of the year you are simultaneously trying to close out one school year and get ready and do all of your homework to open up the 2425 school year simultaneously and as of tonight I have to publicly thank this board of education our administrative staff Mr Alano for all of his assistance and as I stated to you in our work session um in front of you on tonight's Personnel resolutions I'm asking you to ratify three therapists three teacher aids eight new teachers five new substitute teachers an intern and all of our co-curricular positions for next year um as of tonight we have seven vacancies for the 2425 school year but we've successfully filled approximately 10 others so uh again I thank all of my professional staff for their help and dedication to this task I thank the board of education for their support and again thanks to Mr Alano for all assistance as these folks get on boarded um there are of the 42 Personnel resolutions uh when I finish my report I'm going to ask Dr Pantano to please read resolution number 42 into the record but before we do that please know there are five policy and procedure resolutions three of which were hip cases since the last reporting period of the three hip cases uh two were confirmed one was alleged and of the two confirmed counseling was provided parents were notified and then the two two confirmed disciplinary action did occur um if Mr capano and Dr Pantano are good with that uh I would like you again to consider reading resolution 42 into the record Dr Hayes indicated resolution number 42 is a special resolution and it's only fitting that Dr Pano uh reads this resolution uh she implemented that a representative from uh the high school come and be part of this board of education and I know sometimes uh uh this Board of Education Works tremendously hard and we take a lot of input uh uh from uh teachers administrators students Etc and I know uh Irene's been a great advocate for the high school and uh I was real happy to to work with her in the the last uh year so I'm going to turn it over to Dr K thank you yes sirene has been a wonderful advocate for the high school and she also represents her school in this District well so I'm very proud to read this resolution honoring cud representative Irene ROP his service on the Cliffside Park Board of Education whereas Irene ropos has served with distinction on the Cliffside Park Board of Education and whereas through her leadership the Cliffside Park Board of Education has gained fresh insights into student concerns student priorities what is on the mind of young people in the community and whereas she has further contributed to the community by serving as a spokesperson sharing the student perspective at board meetings and whereas Irene ropos exemplary commitment to fellow students and the school district has promoted clear communication between the Board District administration and the student body and whereas Irene ropos has maintained a professional decorum at board meetings shown respect to board members and strive to learn the proper etiquette of serving on a school board and whereas she has demonstrated a commitment to advancing the education of all students without neglecting her own responsibility to strive for success in the classroom now therefore be it resolved that the Cliffside Park Board of Education recognizes Irene ropos dedication and commitment to advancing educational opportunity and open communication between the Board District administrators and the student body and be it further resolved that the members of the Cliffside Park Board of Education extend their sincere appreciation to Irene ropos for her dedicated service on the Cliffside Park Board of Education and being further resolved that the members of the Cliffside Park Board of Education extend their best wishes to Ed gra for all her future endeavors so on beh of the Board of Education and you know I have a special place in my heart for you I know you since your five in recognition of outstanding leadership to our very first student representative on the board of education Irene ropos for exemp dedication integrity and Service as a student representative your commitment to our school Community has made a lasting impact you have forever made your place in the history of of Cliffside Park as the president of the senior class and as the very first representative to this board of education thank you for your exceptional leadership and inspiring your peers to strive for excellence with gratitude the Cliffside Park Board of Education this is my fourth time crying today I'm so thank you everyone we were very lucky to have you as our first representative I thank all of you so much good luck to you thank you we're all going to see you tomorrow night anything else Dr ha that's it for me Mr compo thank you so uh before we vote on the consent agenda we'd like to go into committee reports um I know um anybody has committee reports uh from the negotiations I that we have several negotiations going on and I'd like to say that I think we're making progress in all areas we may even have uh some some uh finalization for our next meeting thank you uh everybody knows building and grounds and and and Jud you know it's tremendously busy we're starting as you know we're putting a nice small audition on uh the high school uh gymnasium entrance it's going to look phenomenal we're going to have renderings up uh uh in the school soon uh we received them the other day a lot of great work and a lot of hard work from the the administration from Lou Dr H and the Board of Education uh so it's it's going be a great addition to the school district a lot of summer projects tremendous projects going on uh it's it's it's all in motion as soon as the school finishes tomorrow by the end of the week early Monday you're going to see a lot of construction going around districtwide as you know this board of education always always takes uh uh their buildings uh quality and how they look uh seriously so there's a lot of good things and I'm proud to say that uh when everyone comes back in September they're going to see some key differences um any other uh committees Athletics anything I know it's just a busy summer uh and uh we're ready to move forward and start the new school year July 1st uh Lou I'll turn it over for your report yeah okay thank you Mr capan uh to Dr this point we are simultaneously closing the New Year closing the old year 2324 opening the New Year 2425 as Mr capano said a lot going on rtus gym Lobby projects drainage projects water mediation projects replacement of floors bathrooms uh I think we have 36 right now total projects going on for the summer of 20124 so it's going to be a busy busy summer um just want to point folks to a couple of resolutions utions resolution 72 73 75 and 76 that's 72 73 75 and 76 page 22 let give you the page numbers 22 yeah there you go okay when to get to that Okay resolution 72 it's a essentially as you know capital reserve we use for all these to fund much of the projects that we're going to be doing in summer of 2024 it's part of our Surplus allocation each year we any component of that capital reserve that we will not use we have to do a resolution and that rolls into the following year so that's what that resolution is there the next resolution resolution 73 is correlated to resolution 72 essentially it allows us to put in additional capital reserve once our 2324 audit is completed in October so essentially resolution 73 is a generic up to allows us really to put in any dollar amount that we that we deem sufficient in regard to allocating our new surplus that comes from our 2324 School Year udit resolution 75 every 3 years we must do water drinking water lead testing in all drinking water Outlets that's every three years this must be completed between July 1st of this year and June 30th 2025 that's within the window of the 2425 school year we are using our Hera consultant environmental logic to do the water sampling and to do the analysis and create the reports uh that's why we are awarding them this Professional Services contract we got the verbage from environmental logic and our auditor in regard to appointing them even though they are a current contractor and they've been awarded the aara consultant services this is a separate award for the professional service contract specific to the uh drinking water lead Outlet testing and Reporting and sampling this will start July 2nd it's going to run approximately three days there a whole bunch of different specifications water it has to be turned on has to be turned off has to be off for a certain amount of period has to be on for a certain amount of period has to be cold water has to be hot water all the specs Zer is going to work directly with environmental logic to make sure we get this done over 3-day period and then within two to three weeks we get the results and those results must be posted to the website and we must have a remediation plan for any results that are over the threshold and the threshold will be U identified uh once the sampling and the reporting is completed and that like I said should be towards the end of July so we're well within the range of completing it on time we'll keep the board and the public um posted resolution 76 is a resolution every three years we have to essentially it's a Consortium forming self- Insurance pools the board of New Jersey schools Insurance Group is essentially a Consortium of all the school districts and each and every year we have to do a resolution in regard to a board Insurance trust for the purpose of forming Self Insurance pools from the New Jersey schools Insurance Group essentially it's Consortium for all the school district provide insurance coverage and Risk Management Services for all its members that's pretty much it Mr capano thank you any questions on the consent agenda moving uh forward any questions or comments from the publico anybody here okay can we please have someone moot make a motion to approve uh our agenda for this evening I'll make a motion uh that was M I heard Mr Russo's voice and I heard and then from Mr Garcia Mr Gara okay so that's a number one roll call yes I'll do that and Mr Russo number two okay I'll take a vote I may Mrs Abu yes Mr capano yes Mrs Fredo yes Mr garciaa yes Mr nreu yes Dr pontano yes Mr Russo yes teraka yes Mr Yi yes so move thank you so please note members of the board that tomorrow at 10:00 uh at the middle school graduation on the high school field and then at 6:00 the uh High School graduation on the high school field it's going to be warm we going to make the best of it and uh we look forward to uh sending off uh great uh class of 20124 um anything else motion to adjourn I'll make that motion toj thank you Mr