e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the rep One Nation indivisible andice like to read a quick statement if I may the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public who have advanced notice of to attend the meeting of public bodies of which any business affecting their interest discussed or act upon in accordance with the provision of this act Park notice of this meeting be published by having a DAT time and place they posted in the office of the B CL the B Library rectify the office of the Board of Ed the off offic of school numbers 3456 and the high school on April 16th 2024 and notices were forwarded to reporters of the record April 16th 2024 this is an official meeting I'd like to take the rooll if I may please Mrs Abu here Mr yes Mrs Fredo mrw Dr here um I'm going to ask Mr and Dr to join Mr Dan Hal wears a lot of hats in the school district and all of them with distinctions um he takes care of our stem program takes care of our Decker club and he was handling a competition this year in which he submitted three teams to a Statewide competition in Cliffside Park and the three teams finished Statewide first second and third place [Applause] congratulations we're here to honor them and all to you Dr Pano Mr going to join you giving out the awards thanks Mr thank you very much um thank you Dr Hayes thank you members of the Board of Education and thank you for the community and congratulations to the students who did magnificent work um I'm going to start off just to understand the challenge the students use their uh computer uh AED design software to create drones they had to this year's challenge was to create drones that could analyze forest fires and report back dangers um uh you know how expansive the fire was and appropriate steps to take to remediate that problem so our first set I'll bring up our bronze medalists and if they're not here I'll call their name just to acknowledge them and and uh have their name in the record so mamed El Hindi is not here at the moment um Victor freas is off hit home runs I assume he is uh one of our ball players across the street uh so here [Applause] BOS good work Buddy um Eric Lo on top to being an excellent student one of our wrestlers Victor all right um let's see we have next up is Max [Applause] Grand and Juan Sebastian [Applause] hernande all right that is our bronze medalist the top G's AAR dep is not here tonight she's one of the things that's special about our silver medalist this year is it's the first time we've had a team repeat and what was difficult for this group is they were second place in the state last year as Juniors so this year they as seniors had to get all their college applications done they had to write a bunch of essays or taking high level classes so to repeat as a silver medalist it was very impressive um I reinw wrap top of [Applause] Kaitlyn shell is one of our top track athletes she's not with us tonight miss shahad Ibraham [Applause] is conratulations conratulations NN coko is not here today all right and George good no George could not make it today so that takes care of our silver medalist and Jessica maridi is not here either Jessica Mar is I'm not sure where she's going to finish up she but uh she's in the running for valedictorian she's way up there at the peak um next up we have um have we have certificates and FL and medals for this is the team and for the board of education on your desk one side of that packet is the design notebook 57 pages that they created uh which was the winning design notebook for the state of New Jersey and on the other side of that notebook is a PowerPoint that they created when they competed at International level um they did well they're only freshman which is amazing they got so far there was one Chinese team one Pakistani team uh a team from Las Vegas that finished out but they represent us very very well um so Brook Blakey also a picture for the [Applause] soft congratulations next up Jaden IAS one of our cross country athletes as well congratulations and there's your medal my man good work Jen Kaitlyn be also ran over [Applause] hereat right good work and last but not least sah agular oh okay all right so I will get all this stuff to them tomorrow it was very nice to see you thank you very much thank you congratulations [Applause] good we have one more award please he actually already received it I just want to acknowledge our unome hero so every year every year the uh bur County Association recognizes one student from each high school as an unsung hero and typically the unstung hero is somebody who very quietly goes about their business doing wonderful things for the people around him and for the school and is rarely recognized for the good work that they do and Cliffside Park High School recognized Rene Reas this year and I want toat from what I've read I apologize you make that a better school simply by being in every day we thank you for that was recognized at a celebration last month with all of the other unsung heroes across beron County but I wanted to ask him to come to the meeting tonight and to just be recognized by the board and give him our thanks [Applause] two minute recess we know it's a school night and I hope you don't have too much homework but I'm sure you have other things you need to get home to our design team and for making us proud keep up the good work and we look forward to next yearing [Applause] all right sah aular also of the gold medal [Applause] so ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here couldn't be more proud of your children than we are if you'd like to take a few minutes in the hallway for a photo op please do we're going to take a two-minute recess to let our students leave and thank you [Applause] congratulations e e e e e e I want to congratulate all of the students who are here this evening from our design team to our own son hero um they represent us well and also students who continue to represent us well are our sports teams so we have the inaugural season of the JB boys volleyball team and it's up and running we have strong participation I've been hearing really good things about the games I haven't attended one yet but I hear that they're playing very well they've had three scrimmages eight matches and one tournament for year one and next year we anticipate having a boys varsity volleyball team so I'm very excited for that our baseball team is 38 and one Boys Tennis is 2- one and our softball team is 4 and8 proud of our sof team they participated in the wehawken Autism Awareness benefit as well as the Demis breast cancer awareness benefit our track girls are undefeated and our boys are one and two and they tend uh numerous invitationals very important reminder then L day is this Saturday so the game will be game one will be at 11: a.m. Emerson versus North Arlington and in prime time 2 p.m. game 2 Cliffside Park versus Richfield some upcoming important B for the athletic C thank you is May 1st uh at cide Park Middle School and May 21st at Lincoln School in fairie there will be informational meetings another important date to put on the calendar is June 4th because that is the day of athletic physicals and athletic awards night is June 4th 2024 so we look forward to closing out our seasons for this year and we're already starting to work on Seasons uh for next year you can see that we have the resolution on the agenda we hire some coaches and I will be aiss if I close my remarks without congratulating my colleague on the board uh briany had just been reelected and serving another term Mr joap Pano has been reelected to serve another term Mr Gara is reelected to serve another term and although he's not here with us this evening Mr Russo as well so congratulations to my colleagues on the board for all winning their election think it's okay Dr I just want to interject I I I want to thank the support of the the board here in place and uh very instrumental from U our mayor uh to also uh B mayor uh Steven Russo and Paul Juliano and their team for being instrumental in assisting us as you know putting the children first it's the most important thing and a special thank you to Marcos and Mike Russo as we stuck together as a team as we always do here on I can't forget also um clayon he he came out and helped a lot walking we did together and meeting with people so I do [Applause] want June 4 oh the on the field yeah I think it's on the field that's it's been the last couple it used to be in the but hasn't so it doesn't say here I would only assume that it's yes you have the report first um anything you want to tell us about we have the our second blood drive the year upcoming it's going to be at the end of May so excited for that the first one really well we had an influx of students first time get everyone and they're giving us money back so we're hoping to almost draw the Hat type of scholarship so I think um three students so that would be great um recently we' just had our P rally which is really good a lot of students were involved so I'm going to Simply say that there are 26 Personnel resolutions and what's interesting I think about an April agenda with this climate teacher shortage that's out there um in addition to closing out the 2324 school year you'll note that resolutions 35 and six we're asking you to ratify and approve four staff members for the 2425 so our professional staff has been working hard recruiting trying to fill vacancies now I I hope that pattern continues looks like among all of our schools we probably have about 15 vacancies to fill between now and September 1st again kind of putting in front of you for tonight and hopefully we're getting off to a good St and I truthfully have to thank Mr Alano for all of his support this has been difficult striking salaries and meeting people with their requests and every one we do we go make sure that we can ratify it to you ask you to ratify with the parameters of the budget actually I want to congratulate to you on number seven it's very difficult to find a culinary instructor and I'm very proud to say CLI side still has that program because so many high schools had to do with the program you can't even find instructors anymore so who for finding someone thatr I would love to take CR that I can but I was with uh jelle yesterday um she's very very impressive and I think she's going to be a tremendous asset in addition to com I think continue great person great teacher and for the benefit of the people watching It's The Culinary instructor so we're manary Arts here andol a lot of schs have not able to do we're forunate to have that I believe we still have wood cide is doing a better job than most in keeping uh you know our training programs going so certifications any the only other resolution I wanted to speak to is resolution 29 under policies and procedures um I thank the board of education for their support feedback D the 2425 calendar complex school year and we'll be able to send it based on your ratification tonight we'll be able to send it out to the county ofs tomorrow public consumption it includes a prospective graduation date of Friday June 28th it includes one snow day as of right now and I think after we make the professional development there's one left but I'll firm that up and have that by tomorrow and again it'll be on the website tomorrow so again like thanks to the Board of Education that's it for the super the last three resolutions 54 55 and 564 asking fa uplo resolution we got temporary tenative approval last week we should up resolution also temporary trailers mod resolution 55 and resolution 56 education for 2425 resolution 56 as I was U forming the board earlier we about to do our end of year analysis Surplus diagnostic May and we will positioning and we will also start to prep for our full year 24 audit in the coming months we're going to try to do a bring our auditor on board early to do kind of an early prep session in regard to uh asking the auditor to uh guide us in regard to some key especially Grant component of the business this year with our expiring uh we want to make sure we're buttoning up all our processes for the 23 24 school year and we also engaging uh the board on summer facilities projects uh we've got many projects going on the biggest project we spoke about was our gym Lobby renovation which will kick off May 28th we will start the external demolition we'll keep everyone posted on that Dr Dr haes I think we need to clarify the calendar it seems to be some confusion comme so it's it's going to be one snow day because we added that additional day off uh so that number 183 students in on March 31st right then right it'll be 182 I'm sorry uh2 on the bottom there 182 that 182 should be 181 right this is not correct it correct right it's got to go down to 181 this has to be Chang right I added that last minute so we didn't change the bottom yet so what I said is correct well you have start you have a cushion in my opinion Mr Memorial this count as four day Memorial Day weekend so that'll get you one day back right there then if you need to expunge again most District to be clear your position that we would not add days after June 20th you would take days off that a that would be my recommendation and position way at the end so everything I've always looked February is too early to take back things you can still get more snow in March yes ail but come April if we didn't when I usually see calendar adjustments directly if you haven't the same that come April when we're relatively sure no more snug then we start picking more and forgiveness F so then you're going to take away I wouldi that's every District I've ever seen do I've seen add for sure I just think you have to be careful because it's not always snowing you can you can have days that you need to call the district we call them snow days but there's so many other reasons I mean I've seen districts [Music] have valid I the calendar can be revised as we go along things happen we can get a torrential hurricane in October and like I think we I don't want to use this terminology we're making a mountain out of it I think we should adopt the calendar with the understanding that the calend may need to be amended as we go along we've had hurricanes where we have we had schools that were flooded we don't know we can't forecast Mother Nature one one snow B is in there now but you know we'll see what transitions if we have the staff come back September 3rd the students come back September 5th let's bring the students back September 4th there's there they are professional development those days for the St so students are come back to fifth right doc students come back Thursday the 5th staff comes back Tuesday the third tues Tuesday pull it back one day instead of extending pull the students back one day so you I would say to you no no just I'm just thr out there profession professional development those days a lot of new teachers coming on we have a huge new program at learning the only thing I would would suggest we adalar as but Lisa has up a very valid point in my opinion because I've seen places that have had to take take back days that were off and people make plans and stuff I would ask if Dr Hayes and the committee go back and look at a plan for if we have to um take back days off so that St I have seen that done in District that they said if we have to use more than theot snow day the first place they be taken from is this next place be Tak up this way everybody knows before the year if we plan on adding to the end of the year or taking back and staff would know because I think one day in this day and age when we see so many natural disasters more than I I'm used to see in my lifetime I think that as long as we have a plan and that staff and parents can know you know this would be the first date hit if uh we have to use an additional day if we could do a plan absolutely good example of a plan that we can amend right now Friday before Memorial Day is used as a day off there were times where Mike would uh change it you know he would put it in as a school day and then he would make it the Ed so you can do that too but I get at this point let's let's continue the calendar like we discuss this in our work session and we can amend it that's the possibility on for instance that day the 23rd Let's cross that bridge when we get there we may not have to amend it or we may have to these are things that go in motion I understand everybody's opinions in fact they're all valid I think we should adopt it as we discussed it this evening and then am and we have come back don't you feel the have tocuman Hur so I'd like to give Mr savan the credit and if you look at the last sentence on this account basically does say that but I can spell it out more detail we saying that should should circumstances require that the calendar be extended beyond the closing schedule day president's weekend Memorial weekend and spring res may need to be adjusted from you want know the the you have a super time almost keep that's it for the superintendent thank you from the public no they want to know about the count I'll make a motion to move the agenda second okay that Mr gcia correct take vote now Mr Mr Mr Mr yes yes but I want one com 29 that if we don't use this suay we would also give backun as so if the calendar permits it we make that off yes correct that's my thank you for that Mr R Mr yes yes I'll make aot I'd like to just inter um I want to congratulate my colleagues again on their re-elections well deserved it was an honor for me to see that occur this cycle um I want to everyone that there's going to be a middle school Society events on the 30th and as far as resolution 29 ad it this is a calar that's be respectful for for the thank you to everyone I hope you have a wonderful