e e aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr saan you all sorry Frank I didn't give your heads up Dr Hayes I just like to read a quick statement if I may yes sir the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public for advanced notice of and to attend a meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act of clide Park Board of Ed noce of this meeting to be published of having the DAT time and place thereof posted in the office of the bur clerk Library bur Rec Department Office of the Board of Ed and the offices of school numbers 3456 and the high school on April 16th 2024 and notices were forward to reporters of the record April 16 2024 this is an official meeting I'd like to take the role if I may Dr Hayes Please Mr Mrs Abu here Mr capano here Mrs Fredo here Mr garciaa here Mr nreu here Dr pontano here Mr Rancor yes uh Mr Russo I don't see Mr Russo teraka yeah I don't see Mr yanui okay Dr Hayes Mr aan wouldd like to do the agenda on the front end if that's okay with you it's fine by me okay so uh superintendent report will be very very brief and I just want to reiterate what I said to the Board of Education in our club close session and work session and to the public as well there are approximately 16 vacancies for the 2425 school year that we're whittling away at um tonight's Personnel agenda reflects 54 Personnel resolutions six of whom are teachers that were able to teachers and therapists that were recommending the board to hire for the 2425 school year and I publicly acknowledge not because they're in the room because I did it in close session as well but thank you to the principles for all the hard work our supervisors and again we we're going to have a very busy summer trying to fill the other nine vacancies but we're very busily approaching the task um upcoming events we covered um I want to highlight that also back to Personnel that there were six resolutions governing our summer school for the 20 summer 24 and we were even jumped ahead and were able to put on tonight's agenda uh fall of 2024 after school program and athletic recommendations for the 2425 school year so that's it from my Personnel agenda on the policy regulations agenda please note that there are six Hib investigations in this reporting period five of which were alleged one of which was confirmed in all six hi investigations parental notification did occur counseling was provided and in the confirmed case disciplinary action did so um that's actually considering that we have a full audience and a very busy agenda that's it for the superintendent thank you thank you uh Dr Hayes Mr alfano anything on your report uh just quickly Mr capano um we are currently working through our facilities projects for 2024 we are just opening up the new school year 2425 which we'll start doing purchase orders and uh in about a month and a half we'll be closing 2324 and trying to get a clear and transparent understanding of what our Surplus will be and just a couple of resolutions i' just like to point out resolution number 62 on page 19 is our right to know that we approve each and every year our chemical inventory and chemical hygiene list uh page 21 resolution number 64 that's a bus Evac we do them every May and every October both in District and out of District page 29 item 90 that's our stair Tower door from Mrs Martin Arty and we're going to engage in the stair Tower door project uh this summer uh page 30 and item number 91 is our RFP that we just completed and we had a a an evaluation committee and a consultant to help us through the Food Service RFP process uh we ended up having three biders and our incumbent panonian ended up scoring the highest so tonight we are going to be awarding them a 5year service contract for the for food service from uh 2024 for a fiveyear period now Mr Alano based on I know we went through the protocol we had Dialogue on that on this 5year agreement is there an escape clause on either side if uh we're not satisfied for something or or there's a violation of of the contract or anything that's a great question we can go to RFP every year okay so if we feel that pomptonian is doing subpar work and we decide as a board to re-engage the RFP process you can re-engage the RFP process every year if you so choose and we have that right that's correct okay thank you for the clarification of course anything else Mr Alano that's it on the finance side Mr capano okay uh before we move forward committee reports uh I just want to touch a little bit U and we spoke uh in our work session and I'll let the public know also as you know the burough cide Park uh has bought the Jewish temple and uh in partnership with the Board of Education and the library uh we're looking to uh partner up in an expansion on the burrow and uh it'll be a a recreation uh Center uh for the children here in the burrow uh expanding the library and also expanding uh U High School annex uh it's been a few years in the process uh Department of Education has approved uh uh the the move uh there's a lot of bells and whistles that go with it I do want to thank uh uh you know the board members especially Dr Pantano that was instrumental when we started negotiating with the burrow and our business administrator Lu Alano and also Mr Roman Gino our past superintendent so it's been a great process and uh we still have a couple of Milestones but uh we're halfway there uh we hope to break ground sometime in 2025 and uh we will as a board of educ ation will own uh 48% of that building and then the burrow will own a percentage and the library will own a percentage but it's a great enhancement for the high school so we're looking forward to it um any other committee reports from members of the board Dr P yes I have a committee report I just want to uh inform the board that we have entered into negotiations with the principal Association administrator Association so far we've had two meetings and I just want to thank them because I think they have been very productive meetings with open on so hopefully we'll have something to the board soon thank you any other committee reports I know buildings and grounds Lou always keeps us up to par uh I commend the great custodial staff and it starts from the principles that keep their buildings and tiptop shape and uh keep their uh buildings running efficiently a lot of good things are going to happen during the summer uh Lou will also always engage uh uh the board and uh the administrator staff okay um no other committee reports any questions from the public in in reference to the consent agenda this evening any anybody Frank thank you I have something to I think I'd like to make a motion if you want me to do it as a motion unless Dr haes wants to pull but I think we need to PLL number three oh we haven't that yet thank you for pointing that out yeah we should table to the next table for the next meeting Dr Pano was that resolution yes we talked about it thank you for bringing a new uh that would be the one that correct I would also the way that that's written but I know that we haven't discussed that so holding for next month that's resolution three with the board self EV found very good thank you Dr P and and believe it or not I tried going on to do it and and the portal wasn't open yeah I think we have to hold that till next month we have time right we have July 31st July 31st till July 31st to do it and we can even discuss it after that so I think we have Frank if you can look into it the New Jersey school boards uh I went in the portal I go there occasionally uh for reference and I I couldn't access it I got into the database but it did not give me the the icon to get into the self- evaluation just a blank page comes up it it it gives you Cliff side Park School District but it doesn't give you any instructions to move forward okay okay members of the board please be mindful that once the portal is open it has to be done uh by uh June 30th maybe we can get a reminder an email reminder that that it is open go you know do it but I would say to Dr Hayes I think that number three probably needs be two separate resolution I agree with you anything else um from the consent agenda can we get a motion to approve the uh May 22nd 20 24 regular meeting consent agenda that was Mr ran Court may have a second if I may I'll second it that was uh Mr Gara I believe right okay I'd like to take a vote if I may please uh Mrs breu uh yes but Iain on number 42 Mrs Abu that was resolution number 42 correct thank you for that Mr capano yes Mrs Fredo yes Mr Garcia yes Mr Nadu uh yes but I'm going to abstain on resolution 52 for sha NW number 52 did you say Mr NW2 uh I'd like to abstain just for her but if the procedure says I have to abstain on the whole resolution either or is okay okay we'll make a note of that thank you Mr nro Dr pontano yes Mr R Court yeah okay and Mr terach yes so moved okay Mr capana okay this time I don't think we have uh any closed session and um before we we move forward uh at this time uh we have some great people here we have uh teachers of the year I know Dr Pano has some some other Awards uh at this time I'll turn it over to Dr Hayes and let's acknowledge these great teachers ofs before we go I was remiss Arena do you have anything to share with us so the public knows arena is our student representative to the Board of Education I thought you were still at the bank depositing all those checks you got last night congratulations for last night it's good to see all your recognition last night congratulations congratulations thank we so far have 47 member like people signed up for the blood drive which is really good it already meets last incredible last um last sessions from the beginning of the year and we have over a week left to keep recruiting more so we're hoping to get around 60 hopefully and then around this time of year we're starting to do like elections in the beginning of that process hand it over to new Council that's great that's not it thank you so much appreciate that if anybody's wondering because of our Decor tonight tomorrow uh morning at 9:30 uh Frank poro um has been part of the burough a long time he's officially uh retiring as our Fire official just if anybody's curious of all these nice bus and stuff that's it come can please join me why not is the cake for them tomorrow no no the Cake's for us C should I get out of there so it's good to be around greatness again tonight congratulations to our teachers of the year for the 2023 24 school year I have the distinct pleasure of having lunch with these folks again tomorrow 11:30 at the Glen point and uh without further Ado did you have anything to say to president the only thing I have to say that the board of education is extremely proud of all uh uh recipients tonight uh you guys work very hard uh I know you don't get a lot of the credit sometimes but uh it's greatly appreciated this board of education appreciates our administrators uh our principls and all the great people and great teachers that we have uh in our school district so wish you guys the best well deserved and God bless I'd like to ask uh principal of our national ESA distinguished School Mrs marady to please join us and uh present to her teacher of the year you could stay on that s so we don't trip you on any water smart all right so I have the great pleasure to um recognize one of the most phenomenal teachers in our district and we we have a lot but Amy Spitz is somebody that is um uh true to her school true to her profession and true to her students um I I always look to her for advice you know principes can't do their job alone so um I always run things by her she's very honest with me and is a is a great help at that every morning I hear her walking through the hallways with I call her uh the the mama duck and and her little ducklings you know promptly when the bell rings you know they all run to her they love her they adore her and she's given so much to our students especially our multilingual Learners um we had the great Fortune of being named um a distinguished school we got to travel to Oregon together with two of our other teachers and it was a it was a great experience I feel like it was like a once-in-a-lifetime experience for all of us but I I got to share it with them um Amy you are one of the most dedicated individuals we hope you have a lot more years in you and we just are so grateful and and pleased with everything that you give to us but mostly for our children for whom you Advocate every day on a constant basis so it's my pleasure um to on behalf of uh superintendent Hayes and the Board of Education your teacher of the year award thank you for all your help as well thank you thank you so much thank you and I appreciate all you do for our school and you're always there to lend a helping hand and anytime I have a question you're always there and we're only as good as our leader and we thank you for being the leader that you are and school 5 in Cliffside Park are lucky to have you thank you thank you very much thank you Mr Rus would you be so kind to join us in honoring Danielle so at the Middle School uh we were uh lucky enough to have Danielle as one of our Educators in our building she's dedicated member to the special ed Department she works closely with members of the staff the administration but most importantly her students um they are without a doubt the most important part to Danielle um coming in each and every day some days she's a teacher some days she's a mother um some days she's a cook a chef today she was a bowling instructor so she wears many hats and we are all extremely lucky to have you so thank you and it's an honor to present this to you thank you so much you're always a big help I go to you every day probably five times a day and you're just wonderful we're all very lucky to have you as principal okay so thank you very much everybody I appreciate you it's because of the complexity of Cliffside Park High School we ask Mr Pinto to please join us with two presentations let's go with Mary first Mary first all right so uh just a little behind the high school a few years many years ago about 10 years ago the governor did away with the governor's educator award um uh Bergen County uh created the uh Bergen County principal and super or superintendent and principal teacher of the year award um during covid that award kind of ceased and it wasn't recognized so we at at some point governor governor mcgrey and I'm I'm sorry apolog um our current governor uh re enacted the governor's educator of the Year award so we jumped on the governor's educator of the Year award to make sure that our teachers were recognized and for the previous years where the county award wasn't offered we did the governors now not knowing what was going on this year information kind of came out late we had already done the governor's educator of the Year award and the governor's educational specialist of the Year award and that's why we have two so the first person I like to recognize is Miss Bono um Miss Bono is a member M of our CST she's been in District for 25 years she was an English teacher prior to being a uh a member of our CST um and I I really don't know how to how to share this Miss Miss pono's wealth of knowledge is tremendous um she's a mentor to new staff she's a mentor to people in the building um she counsels students uh in her role as the ldtc she uh she's you know she's constantly testing students she's constant meeting with parents um but the counseling and the and the advice she offer students it's warm but sometimes it's also factual and she does a great job in motivating students she does a great job in um getting students to refocus to reenter and to uh really understand how she's there to help how the teachers are there to help uh she's been a mentor to our staff she's been a mentor to me um just like uh you know we we can't run this building these buildings without strong other strong leaders in the building Miss Bono is one of those strong leaders that we rely on um and not just at the high school she's also a resource at other uh other buildings specifically the middle school so that being said I congratulate Miss Bono it's been a pleasure working with you over the course of my career and thank you for all that you do uh at the high school for students that always bounce off been before I think that shows itself way our ESP specially kids are successful thank you thank you thank you very much thank you the next uh individual that I'm going to recognize is our teacher of the year um and that's Mr Ronald rmck Mr rck and I began our careers together 21 years ago 22 22 years ago years ago we began our careers together uh over the course of the 22 years that Mr robnick has been in the building there is not a more compassionate engaged educator when it comes to our students specifically our at risk students um Mr robn Mr robnick constantly has his room available to students whether it's during lunch whether it's before school after school during instruction he has students seeking uh support and seeking assistance uh Mr robnick is also found at many many activities uh you walk into Mr Rick's room and there are hundreds maybe thousands of pictures uh that he has of students at events um students that have returned to the school uh to thank him for what he has done for them uh and the really special thing is they're not just in his room he also gives them out to the students so when he attends these events the students at the end of the year he he he makes sure he tracks down these students he finds gives them these uh these these photos of them you know at whether it's at the play whether it's at the um a basketball game or baseball game or track meet uh and Mr Robin has been doing this throughout his career he served on different committees at the high school he's uh been a member of the skip over parts of his career and um really you know when it comes to leadership in the building while Mr rnck often is reserved he's a leader within his department and he really really is a is a mentor for the teachers in the math department uh he's taught all different levels of math whether it's Algebra 1 um alra 2 pre-calculus and we thank Mr Ry for all that he does for the students and for the staff in build thank you congratulations thank you congratulations thank you very much I really appreciate this and I also so appreciate all the help and support that I've been given over the 22 years makes it a lot easier to do what I do and I know there support from above so thank you f going I ask you to please stay with us um until whenever it's good for you to enjoy cake coffee fruit and we have h two more presentations that we ask to please give us a few more minutes more Dr pant I'll give you a so just to share why I'm the one doing this presentation I'm the vice president of the beron county school boards Association and as such I get the pleasure of awarding two board members rarely do you see board members get get awarded for all of the work that they do and rarely do you even know what the board members do because they do so much of the work behind the scenes but it's a great pleasure tonight to award two individuals who have worked tirelessly for the town of Cliffside Park for many many years and they're recognized by the New Jersey school boards Association for all that they've done the first individual I'd like to recognize is our board president now the numbers may be in question but we do know he's been on the board for well over 15 years and in this day and age being a board member for 15 years is quite significant and I will tell you that one of the first things I noticed when I came to the board was the impeccable facilities that Cliffside Park has the facilities for being over a 100 years old are beautiful they are in mint condition and I will tell you having worked with him Mr capano Works tirelessly to make sure that the facilities are maintained and upgraded and we can always be proud of the school district and the schools in our community as well as working tirelessly behind the scenes for all of the students which is why I asked our student rep this evening to be the one who actually presents him with a certificate thank you um 19 years 19 great years um love the people cliff side park born and raised here great uh bed I came on with Teddy that may be a mistake but uh we stuck it through uh three superintendents now but uh it's just been a great ride thank you for your support and since he mentioned the name the second individual we'd like to recognize this evening is Teddy tabaka and I will say having been a superintendent myself one of the great things that I appreciate with Teddy not only his wealth of knowledge especially in the areas of Safety and Security for our students but I really appreciate the way he supports the superintendent now I've seen him work with two superintendents and he has a big support and in this day and age when you open up new jersey.com and and north jersey.com and you see the great dysfunction in the boards and you see you know board members going after their superintendent instead of supporting them I think of somebody like Teddy who's been a great support to all of our superintendents working very hard behind the scenes to make sure that the superintendent is successful cuz he knows when the superintendent is successful the school district is successful so Irene if you would recognize Mr terak thank you thank you for uh this was presented to us on my birthday but I couldn't go in the county level but I know you pushed for us so thank you very much for recognizing us and everything else well deserved I've been on the board for a long time I have a past teacher in the room of mine uh I do ble Cliffside I do a lot of things in Cliffside I do enjoy it a lot of ups and downs but at the end of the day it's nice to see Cliffside students like her last night with all her Awards and everything else you know but I'm just saying like you know it's it's nice to see like in 10 years where you're going to be so it's it's I just want to thank everybody thank you and if I just speak extemporaneously for a moment this is Irene RF Tois is one of her last meetings I hope she will come back and join us in June I think it's going to be after graduation but you are a rep until the end of the school year so you because I want to thank her she has been the first student representative on the board of education and I couldn't think of anybody who could be more outstanding in representing the students of Cliffside Park that Irene and I want to really congratulate her because I was at the awards ceremony last night and she did so well at the award ceremony and it's so nice to see the whole Community recognize her contributions and I said this about Miranda last I I'm going to say it about Irene tonight they're going to make great contributions to this community in the future when she was five I saw greatness in her and she has never disappointed me so hopefully we'll be recognizing her in the next meeting thank you do stay there please so we're going to adour after k Mr valo suggested thank you for that um Dr Pano volunteered to cut the cake said she's a math teacher so I'm going to try to cut the P oh he's going to close after we ask for a motion to you want to do that yeah if we can just get a motion to adjourn this evening's meeting and once again thank everybody for coming and congratulations once again to uh the teachers that are here uh this evening and got these great Awards thank you everybody thank you everybody