stand for the pledge please thank you Frank I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Gody and justice for all I'd like to read a quick statement if I may please the New Jersey open public meeting La was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced known s to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act the clide Park Board of had has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having a date time and place they left posted in the office of the B clerk B Library b Rec Department the office of the Bo of Ed the offices of school number 3456 in the high school on October 13th 2023 and notices will forwarded to the reporters of the record October 13th 2023 this is an official meeting Dr ha i' just like to take the role if I may yes sir Mrs AB breu I know she's on her way Mr capano here Mrs Fredo is not here right okay Mr Gara here Mr nadw here Dr pontano here Mr ran Court you're here correct yes I'm here okay thank you Mr ran Court Mr Russo is not here terak here here okay and I believe Mr yui is not here Dr pontano Dr Hayes want to kick off the agenda yep you want to start I do do you want to start with your report or I'm going to start with the honors okay would you like to join me downstairs Dr P actually I would like uh hene no we're GNA go with Enrique first okay Sor yes we going to do that a second Mrs B would you please join us so ladies and gentlemen Board of Education members tonight we are once again in these Chambers here to recognize excellence and tonight uh if you would join us please Marilla we are here to honor marillo marillo sadad Fiera who last spring achieved the perfect score on zjs laa math exam we're honored that is principal Mrs broco is with us congratulations and his last year teacher Mrs Chong Mrs Chong thank you very much and this year's teach Mrs Tian well is the most polite uh young man that I know he says hello to every adult in the hallway he's always smiling and there's only one time that he visited my office for the wrong reasons and he said oh don't fall home he said because you're going to ruin my dream and I said what's your dream he said but I want to be a rock star and uh he L music right Mero and he's old school music rock and roll and wherever your dreams lead you I know you're going to be successful congratulations congratulations Dr Pano president of Board of Education Mr capano Vice President Board of Education and all the members who are here tonight to see you and our audience who you're on television now please know you're an inspiration to all of us you and your teachers we thank you very much to your parents we thank you for all of your hard work and trust me your fellow students thank you too we got competition back please stay AR Co berelli so ladies and gentlemen we have double doubly good news to share with you this evening I want you to know for the first time in 5 years an athlete from Quick side Park High School received the north Jersey Bergen Record athlete of the week award so um we're here to honor Randa satou a tremendous volleyball player and this time we're going to start with a few words about you from your coach Mr Bren yeah so uh you know Raina started playing volleyball around the 8th grade and she had told me that there really wasn't much of a program that had going on so freshman was the first time she really got introduced to volleyball um and she came up to our freshman coach and said hey I want to be a Setter and if anybody knows anything about volleyball the setter is one of the most important people the offense goes through them everything we do as a team goes through that Setter there's a lot of responsibility on their shoulders uh by her sophomore year she was already sitting on the varsity bench uh by her junior year she was our our part-time uh Varsity Setter and we graduated the other set her junior year and Senior year everything was on her everything fell on her shoulders um what we were going to accomplish as a team relied very much on her right there um and she stepped up in a huge way um she exceeded any possible expectations that we could have anticipated uh one of our Setters about 3 or 4 years ago had 330 assists that was our goal we wanted to pass that number she finished the season with 630 second second in the state of New Jersey and first in North Jersey um she was given an athlete of the week uh for the first time in 40 years uh for the girls volleyball program which was a tremendous honor uh and one thing I want to do say about Rainer is I've never seen anybody work as hard as this girl right here first generation uh American uh her family immigrated here from Guatemala about 20 years ago uh she epitomizes what Cliffside Park is just someone who who comes to practice every day works really really hard gives everything she has uh and for four years her early her career she was taking the bus every day to and from practice never missed a practice was never late every time I saw her she had a ball in her hands and um that hard work paid off in a very big way one being named athlete of the week also named First Team all league and she was actually honored as a third Team all County uh for the the the county of buron County um she's going to go down as the best Setter in Cliffside Park girls volleyball history uh and one last thing I do want to say about Raina uh the type of she is the most selfless Co player I've ever coached in a day and age where where everybody's kind of concerned about stats how many kills did they have how many digs did they have in the sport of volleyball Rea never cared about those things I remember early on the season we played north Berger and she had a huge game 30 assists it was a personal best for her and I saw her in school next next day I'm like Rena you had a great game you had 30 assists last night she's like I did and that just that speaks to who Raina is she's not going on there looking at Stats caring about how she did she cared about two things one was winning and the second was getting the ball to her hitters and that's it um and she was again one of the best players I've ever had the privilege to coach and just a tremendous young woman and she's going to do fantastic things in her life and I thank you for um allowing me to speak and talk about thank thank you for being here coach I just want to congratulate Raina as well I remember the Middle School volleyball program and to say that the volleyball program has grown Leaps and Bounds from your Biddle school years both of you to where you ended I always said 2024 was going to be your year you did not disappoint but I also feel it necessary to say a big thank you to coach brelli because there are good coaches there are good coaches who know the sport who know what players to put in what positions and are out there but what makes a coach great is a coach that cares about their players and fortunately my daughter had one year of playing for coach brelli and the one thing that she said impressed her the most about playing for him is that he cared about every one of his players not only on the court he cared about his players off the court he would see them in the hallways he would talk to them he would ask them how they were doing follow up on their grades and so forth and I think that the tremendous growth in the volleyball program because I think we can even go back maybe six years ago and there probably wasn't many wins at all to now is the fact that we have a tremendous coach who cares about his players and when you care about your players you can get the most out of them because they know you care and I think that this is just evidence of the great things that can happen when you have motivated players and you have a caring coach who is you know great in his own right so I want to thank you it's my personal you know dream to see this program grow you got it to where I wanted it to to be in this year and great things to come Irene you too I want to say you know you had a tremendous season being a labero playing back road defense not not easy positions and your team would not have gotten as far as it did without having a phenomenal Setter and a phenomenal bear on the back row so congratulations thank um rainy was honestly one of the best teammates I've ever had like no matter what rough patch we went through during a game dur during a game or through practice she was always positive and just always she kept finding who was hot when was hitting and she just knew how to win she knew who to give it to to win and she knew how to pick us up and he us there I love you I just want to say that I was at a round table with the athletic director of Iha and your name came and as you know they're the number one team in the state and said you got you got a superstar there and uh so congratulations to you than if you don't mind giving her her award I think iene she come for wow we'll do that thank you congratulations thank you so thank you congratulations thank you so much um want to take like a two minute break do photo ops in a recess in case so we're just going to take a two or three minute pause to give everyone an opportunity for photo ops uh regroup themselves I'm going to keep you want to do first I can pass you want to kick it minutes so tonight before you you have 26 personnel resolutions the vast majority of them are leaves custodial appointments teacher Aid appointments salary adjustments professional development approval and a couple of transfers but I would like you to take a moment with me and I'd like to speak to resolution number 18 which we discussed last week at the work session and I want to commend and thank the Board of Education and Mr Alano for helping find the funds as we now are able to after tonight's meeting when you memorialize this that we're able to move the students with interrupted formal education coordinate his duties into the elementary schools as well it sent a nice message to the five elementary schools and everyone's very grateful that we're moving forward from December 1st on with an elementary C coordinator excuse me Dr yes can you just help me out what does scyth stand for again cyth is for students with interrupted formal education got and we've been uh predominantly focusing on the high school students who were coming in overage and adjusting their schedules but now we're trying to go down to the elementary level and do the same and resolution 19 again I thank and commend the board of education for approving this additional stipend for a winter cheerleading coach from what I understand these winter cheerleaders um haven't been active during basketball season for the past few years and now with uh tonight's approval and Mr Alano helping us find the funding in the uh co-curricular stien side of the contracts that I were able to reinstate it and again I know uh you have a lot of grateful cheerleaders on your hands in the high school and the coaches are very grateful as well and that's basically it for personnel I would like to point out though that under policies and procedures uh which is there are nine resolutions tonight numbers 27 through 35 and within those policies and procedures you'll see four hidden inces that were reported this period three alleged one confirmed but in all four cases parents were notified counseling was provided and behavioral interventions were introduced and I think that's it for the superintendent unless there are any questions I have one question yes pleas the winter cheer yes is that going to be for both boys and girls I'm going to say yes absolutely cuz I know in my day when I was a cheerleading coach we had a cheer for the girls as well as the boys for the home team you can't just cheer for the boys and not the girls I I I thank you for raising that point I should have said it that way but yeah I've been giving that some thought that's what I want to pass on to the head coach Mrs Schmidt because we have Title Nine absolutely to deal with great Point thank you I just have uh two comments myself first of all I want to thank the Executive Board of the Bergen County School boards Association because they just elected new Vice President congratulations so I will be representing Cliffside Park and most importantly the students of Bergen County as the vice president of that board and uh I want to thank them for giving me their their confidence in their FA and C side as well represented along with uh this field is on that executive board as well as fortly far local uh town so I want to thank them for that V of confidence and something very important I would encourage anyone watching or listening to this I saw for the first time today a curriculum newsletter and I want to commend Mrs calri for putting out that curriculum newsletter the newsletter actually highlights different things that are happening in the area of curriculum and it's broken down into elementary middle and high school I also want to thank them because I see a lot of things on social media sprting all the different instructional strategies and lessons going on in our classroom and I think it's important as a parent and as a community member to be able to see all of the uh interest in lessons and activities that are going on and I want to thank again Mrs Cal and all of her uh supervisors especially Anette fich for putting that out I think that it's something that the community will enjoy looking at and I look forward to more to come I learned a lot from it so when you can check out the curriculum newsletter and uh we look forward to bringing you more about the wonderful happenings within our schools thank you thank you if I might interject U I completely agree with you about the CRI new the and I want to say on my personal behal thank you to the County Association because um when we elected you to be president on this board um we went in with clear eyes and you have the experience for this you have the compassion for this so big congratulations I know it wasn't easy to get here but I still expect excellent things for the future I think so too thank you congratulations Dr you bring a lot of knowledge to uh the board you've been here now I think this is your second term and U we're in a better place your experts and a lot of great ideas the table moving forward anything super a couple oh just turn sorry about that um few things going fair amount of things going on in the world of business office um we're just finishing up our uh uh 2324 uh audit We'll be asking for the board to approve uh that audit with the corrective action plan we already shared with the board we are now working on our Assa which our enrollment report and our drtr RS of Transportation Report with the Auditors we want to get that approved before the formal fiscal audit comes in September the very labor intensive uh good news we got our transportation report approved and certified and we're looking at the same thing happening with our Assa report which is due December 1st uh they're both very labor intensive and so we like to get the obviously the report certified on time we also like to get the audit done before the formal audit that happens in September after the end of the fiscal year I like to take your eyes if I may to resolution 55 which we spoke to the board about in our work session we are asking for approval of the schematics and the department of Ed application the High School annex and rec center a very large project we're taking on collaboratively with the burrow so be asking for your approval again that is resolution number 55 and and that resolution is based on uh feedback of U the plans that went to the Department of uh education that worked with land Associates and uh uh Cari uh iino and also Steve F was that's correct that's correct Mr cap and I shared the schematics and the scope of works the work session you're welcome teraka uh last last week sent them out on soft soft copy schematics scope of work and U some other items specific to the High School annex and rec center right and if we can picky back uh to the audit I know in past practice we had the audit to come during one of our uh session and just give us a clear understanding they'll be back to yeah absolutely yeah they want to they don't like to come in until it's formally approved bya resolution so they're they're still working through that we know you get those booklets and stuff yeah yeah then we'll uh we'll bring them it'll either be uh uh Kevin Reeves who's the senior lead who is now a partner or it'll be Steve W you'll let us know ahead of time course thank you you're welcome so that Dr Hayes and Dr ponana that's pretty much my uh oh great Finance update I don't know if we want to ask for maybe any committee I wanted to ask uh I read I hate to put you on the spot but do you have any updates for us about the high school or the student body or anything you'd like to share with the board um any positive updates have to do with we had our blood drive which we had over 68 people um sign up and we donated a lot of blood we had so much people sign up so many people sign up that we couldn't even get to them all by the end of the day so that was really nice we have Homecoming coming up on the 30th and we met our um our minimum ticket requirement to host with a DJ for the booth and all of that and yeah going to be really fun some concerns the students have um are we recently had the tables taken out we had tables along the hallways for kids to sit at during lunch passing periods if they had a free period um and especially with it getting hard it's going to it's a bit harder for students to find a place to stay we have classrooms open and there's still a lot of people on the ground and we just want to make it a better place for our student body like for the students to feel comfortable in class especially during lunch um and then secondly seniors specifically have come to me about about asking we have free is we have study halls now and with the um drop schedule your study hall changes blocks every single day so some days you'll have your study hall next to your lunch period and with open lunch people have been asking about getting to Le for that study too now that will permit open campus policy rather than open lunch policy so that's a big process but um I was asking around and just something to bring up to you to have your thoughts on anything else I actually think that that's a policy issue that we may have a policy because I was under the impression from my time in high schools that students could sign out sign themselves out on a free period if they're 18 so I think think that we need to look into it look into a policy that may already exist but may not say anything about lunch per se but I know that students over the age of 18 can always sign themselves out and uh you know your parent may be able to sign you out if you're under the age of 18 so that may not be per se lunch but there may be a policy that already addresses that that we should look into I would encourage you to discuss that with Mr Pinto as well as the tables because that would be the first place to have that conversation if I may interject on the tables um you know uh just understanding the fire code uh that the fire code has changed drastically I was at an Atlantic City meeting uh and uh you know fire codes change drastically on a yearly basis monthly basis and our fire officials here in the burough close Park uh had no choice but to follow uh that state mandate and and that's why we had to get rid of those High tables but the the you know the Board of Education was a proponent give you guys what you need to to you know mitigate there do whatever you have to do but unfortunately the uh fire code official uh overrode us on that one if the the the statue changes we'll put them back but right now they don't want them back based on the population we have in the high school Etc it all comes down the numbers and egresses and all of that maybe you can brainstorm on another place you can put them that put a few Su may not be uh a fire code issue have some class can I ask a question about homecoming now is it going to be a dance in the high can you tell tell us more about it cuz homecoming is relatively new right it's only the last couple years that you've been doing this dance stated it last year it's going to be held at launa in Fair View I believe 6:00 to 10: p.m. um yeah oh so it's it's actually out out of the district it's off off site very nice and any idea how many people you already have signed up we have around 150 and our last date for sales is tomorrow morning wow that's wonderful to get a little bit more good congratulations congratulations on bringing it back and having such a nice event thank you very much that's great on that note I'm going to make a motion to approve the consent agenda for November 21st 2023 I'll second Mr capano and Mr terach is that correct okay okay excuse me one minute I like to get just uh Mr rort you there yes I'm here okay uh requesting your vote for approval okay is that a yes Mr Ring Court yes it is okay thank you Mr rine Court I'm going to put your back off uh I'm going to mute you again uh Mrs Abu make it in okay Mr capano yes Mrs Fredo Mr garciaa yes Mr nadw yes but uh on page eight I'm going to abstain for Mrs nadw okay thank you for that Mr Dr pontano yes and Mr terot okay so move anything else Dr P no Dr okay adjourn no you I'll make a motion to adjourn second okay thank you we just got to go over a few things uh yeah just one second sure I have to run to and just to share with the public Mr sa oh I'm sorry we'll be going into executive session so you can you can leave this portion thank you always nice seeing you here though thank you thank you