e e e e e e e e e e e e uh Marcus is running late and Lisa is not coming correct coming to Marcos is running late he gave me a heads up so okay we're uh we're live will everyone please frankly good when please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay I'll take the first role and the reason why I say the first role is because of we take the original role then we swear in our three incumbents and then we take the role again just a protocol so I'll start with Mrs Abu here Mr capano here Mrs Fredo is not here tonight Mr Garo will be here Mr nadw here Dr pontano yes here Mr ranor here Mr Russo here teraka uh mrak no that's okay Mr yanuzzi here okay okay I just like to read a quick statement if I may the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act psite Park Bo of V sc's notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place thereof posted in the office of the bur clerk bur Library bur Rec Department the office of the board of AD the office of School number 3456 and the high school on April 16th 2024 and notices were forwarded to reporters the record April 16th 2024 this is an official meeting so now we will swear in our newly elected individuals I I said Marcus is running a little late so I like to call up if I may Mr capano first with me John take you hold one and you'll sign one and you'll sign two you keep one and then I will keep one for myself okay let's do the if I'm going to so Jo I would like you to why don't you raise your right hand and put your left hand on a Bible this way yeah all right and I and I'll read it to you all right okay that's easier for you good you're good right okay I Joe capano I Joe capano do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that it will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and this state and this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people so help me God so help me God I Joseph capano I Joseph capano do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of the Board of Education and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God first furthermore I affirm furthermore I affirm and declare and declare that I am not disqualified and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant as a voter pursuant to to rs19 semicolon 4-1 so help me God thank you I just want to thank uh my fellow board members um specifically Michael russos Marcos uh for being part of the team also want to thank Dr Kono for uh all the great support she's given this board uh uh in the last year and uh I also want to thank a good dear friend of mine Steve Russo he's helped me tremendously in my 20 years here so thank you everybody and let's continue to do the great work uh Mr Russo okay Mike good job J thank you thank you Mike you'll keep one you'll sign two keep one okay so let's take this one Mike I'll read it to you Mike so and if I'm going too fast or you can't understand me and you just you just let me know okay left hand on the Bible mic raise your right hand I Michael Russo I Michael Russo do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that it will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I Michael Russo I Michael Russo do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office for the office of member of a board of education a member of the Board of Education and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God furthermore furthermore I affirm and declare I affirm and declare that I am not disqualified that I am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to pursuant to rs19 colon 4-1 so help me God thank you good to have you back sign that one sign the two mik and you keep one like I said Marcos is running a little late that one this one too uh let's see that is that's Joe's that should be yours Mike and you keep a copy to yourself thank you so much thanks so much okay okay thank you Mike thank you Joe okay the next step of this is to do it after thank you nominate we want to get a nomination for uh president uh again Dr Pantano thank you for a wonderful year thank you for all the signing I know your right arm is thicker and stronger right very happy not so thank you thank you so much for always being there on time and being supportive asking good questions I really appreciate all your support so thank you so much and while we're speaking I want to congratulate my colleagues on the board Mr Mr K on their 15 years although I understand it's more than 15 years but you will be recognized on May 7th at the Bergen County School boards association meeting for your 15 years of service on the board and you should be getting a pin for that and with my comments I would like to uh nominate Mr Capo to be president okay so we we got a we got a first from Dr pontano and we got a second from from Mr Russo is that correct for Mr capano for president okay okay thank you both all in favor say I I all right thank you so much congratulations Mr thank you everybody thank you okay and I would like now get a nomination for vice president I'd like to nominate Teddy tabaka all right that was Mr capano second that was Mr ranc Court okay thank you both all in favor very good so move awesome congratulations aw so now we went through this process I have to take the role again I was reading all the the uh bylaws and protocol so we have to take the role again uh Mrs Abu here Mr capano here president Mr capano Mr Gara will be here Mr nadw Dr pontano here Mr ranc Court here Mr Russo here Mr tabaka VP and Mr yanui here okay fantastic okay fantastic may I steal the moment yes I believe you have a plaque for thank you thank you for reminding me Dr Hayes I had my note but uh took me a while to get to it back to Pana Dr P I am very grateful that you were the president of the for education and presided all around meetings the year I was super with my first year as inter superintend schools I thank you for your generosity with all the time you gave me I thank you for your willingness to always help me with problems and issues that arose that I P you on and I mostly thank you for your Sage advice every time I had a problem there aren't a lot of superintendent who can turn to another superintendent and I thank you very I appreciate that and I really thank you for a wonderful job being so inclusive with me I think you had a great year together and I look forward to having you another year Board of GRE thank you all on behalf of all of your colleagues on the board of education this is presented to you for your service as Board of Education president for the 2023 24 school year and it's for your dedication and service to the CL public school thank you very thank you okay now I'm going to quickly kind of run through the uh the agenda I should have reorganization agenda so I'll run through it I'm not going to go through every single L it so I'll try to get through the Salient points and I really try to get to some of the newer your vendors and contracts partic uh particularly the ones that are specific to uh curriculum online learning and all that good stuff so I I I'll run through this um like I said we just congratulations to uh Mr capano and Mr tachia president vice president awesome stuff so I'm on page two now again all this go go through it goes adopting of bylaws and operating procedures all the administrative uh minutia if you go to maybe the fourth from the bottom you see that Mr Lombardo again is being appointed as our affirmative action officer and M ARP is going to be our uh anti-bullying uh chairperson same year-over-year myself I'm going to be the qualified uh being appointed qualified purchasing agent authorized bid threshold to be 44,000 so that's page uh two page uh three uh the one thing I want to point out and thank you Mr capano for pointing that out this afternoon is we have a a new a new vendor third down from the top called Pure sand uh which is a uh custodial Supply vendor essentially our on the ground person Anthony D Stefano has moved from atra to Pure sand and we did a side by side comparison between atra and pure sand and the cost were very similar the products were very similar and Mr D Stefano who we've been with for years we thought it was prudent for us to migrate over to uh Pand they are State contracted have a County cooperative so there's there's no need to bid on their product uh but Mr capana pointed out to me that competition is good and we still should keep atra so we'll have kind of a dual custodial Supply vendor in 2425 we'll have atra who's our incumbent and we'll have our new vendor called purean who are on the ground uh custodial Supply manager so to speak Anthony DFO will move to Pure sand so we'll have atra which we're going to add in the minutes you only see pure sand here on your reorganization agenda on page straight Mr capano thank you for that input I appreciate it um again the rest of it is TD Bank there can still depository Bank page four it gets into all the different accounts unemployment our current account Food Service account athletic account petty cash that's what all this is about essentially in regard to what you're approving um at the bottom you see you get into our state contracts D just excuse me one minute um just educate us I know we we mov the work sessions to 6:00 p.m. and the regular meetings to 7:00 p.m. here says the work session and regular meetings beginning at 7:00 in the evening um we can tweet that if you want yeah I I I think we want to kind of stay the same uh route um like Dr Pano uh did last year to to do the work session and the regular meeting in the cve evening is there something that's pressing we can discuss it and yeah and that's the reason we left it generic like that Jo because it's it's fluid it can go either way but we can we can put six and seven okay right one night correct right CU like someone like you and I Carl we're we're out two three nights a week with our yeah two three nights a month time so again page three so the the bottom of page four is uh is essentially our vendors who are State contracted and if you go to the middle of page five we just spoke about pan uh they are new as you can see where you see ESC NJ that's a County Cooperative essentially they've already done the bidding process for custodial supply products so we don't have to go out to bid you know we can spend above the bid threshold and not have to go out the bid they've already done that work they've already been awarded them and atra so atra will also be added to this also and then below that you see CDW uh sport care KR uh Adel tips um all of that is TurnKey from the previous year bottom of P page five Dr me again we are team physician same price in page six uh second from the top Willcox again will be our certified public accountant our fiscal auditor and the third from the top is uh cable vision uh each year we use eate as you know is our Telecom consultant and they go out to bid periodically sometimes it's 24 months 36 months or 60 months for a Wan and internet wide area network in our internet this year for 2425 we were up for bid um cable vision ended up winning the bid historically over the last three years we were paying 9477 per month we are now paying 6951 per month for uh wide area network and uh internet uh provider it's nice savings 2700 a month you know nearly 30,000 a year uh the bid process works brings competition uh then down the we have adalex which we've used for years as our Telecom vendor second from the bottom is our ahara consultant environmental logic two times a year they come in and do our ahara inspections um page seven on the top land Associates our architect and Engineering Services uh right below that is UF s if we used for years for our security and alarm systems and then we have a few entries in regard to uh with our HVAC for our filter maintenance at our trailers at number three School number five school and um the board of education office and also our Annex at three school that's our Express air gentleman named Rich lions with Mr Katana was kind enough to re recommend a few years back these worked out very well for us and we've also added buildings C and D in our trailers uh it was ala uh the warranty ran out with Al expired alna was the original contractor who did the installation of our trailers three School trailers in 2019 and went all the way through 60 months that has expired so uh Rich lions from Express will be taking over the preventive maintenance filter changes for building SE and D at school number three and that's page seven next page is any Professional Services we list the course the hourly course that's land Associates the page after that is uh page uh eight um and in the middle of the uh document about four down from the top sport care well you had field Turf since I've pretty much I've been here they were about $10,000 a year to do our quarterly maintenance for our Athletic Field um they weren't being as responsive and we thought we had they had some holes in the process so we kind of did some uh due diligence and we found a a more local uh contractor called sport care who was about $2,000 less per year and has has done some very good work for us so uh we think that's a win-win and and they're local uh right below that is Brown and Brown who does our our benefit consultant they're rate hasn't changed for many years $2,500 a month right below that is school 5 as you know $1,250 a month our trailers at uh five school and right below that is Xerox uh we have a 60-month lease and that was down about $1,000 a month year-over-year and plus they gave us three months and this is the uh third from the bottom of page eight they also gave us a tradein wrote us about a $29,000 check for the trading of the units of the uh the original units that they swapped out so with the new leases they kind of do what they call a a swap for newer units for older units and they gave us uh a trade in on top of that also which is equivalent to like three months of lease cost so not only the lease cost less we got 20 some OD thousand in trading too so it's really it's really been a win-win uh in regard to that and right on the bottom is uh a page eight is Zonar they do all our GPS tracking for our buses and we've been using them for many years it's worked out very well page nine we're still working on trying to find a vendor we used to have Z I'm working with Mr poro the ad in regard to finding a new vendor for our maintenance and management plan for our districtwide defibrillators uh we have three potential but right now we have nothing locked down we lock that down down we will communicate that up to the board right now it is a work in uh progress all the way to the bottom we have vanderbeck which we've been using for many years now they do much of our boiler maintenance um a lot of our inspections uh they each June they open they clean they inspect then chub comes in who the insurance they do an inspection and if there's any remediation vanderbeck takes care of the REM remediation then closes Clos it it up this usually happens uh hi VI this usually happens in uh late June and early July great company vanderbeck uh when we had that if you call I forgot that big storm we had in September of 2021 Ida and we had the water and really damaged our boiler they were they were there every step of the way with us to get us back up and running at number six School great business partner next page is uh again a contractor with uh Professional Services their costs you go to page 10 um are very much at the top harima they're uh essentially they provide maintenance at our high school number six school and number three school really all our equipment food service equipment coolers freezers ice machines all that good stuff and if you go down kind of to the middle of the page is we have uh Allied fire and and the safety they uh inspect and certify all our portable fire extinguishers with both buses and in the school they've been with us for about four or five years do a real nice job in regard to that and then we have right at the bottom is coin they procure all our energy bids again uh many times PSG kilowatts and therms are significantly harder than with the competitions out there they help us procure energy bids so we have you know contracts other than PS and to get the most optimal pricing for therms and kilowatts and we we the bill comes from psng but the suppliers are not psng so it's a one bill process works out very well for us page 11 uh second and third from the top uh is our interstate and Tom's uh service repair centers that essentially do all the maintenance on our buses they do great a great job Toms is the smaller buses interstate is the big 54 passenger bus they turn them around as quickly as possible they keep our Fleet rolling excellent business partners are really look out for us in the middle we have goo toown who we've been working with for many years with the two-way radios for both buses and the school districts we have about 60 to 62 total radios out in the district right now from uh goo toown throughout all the schools and then on the bottom is we've been working with them for many years and Teddy I think you brought them in was critical Response Group to do the uh the Digital Floor mapping I remember that gentleman who came in he was a marine if I record went through was really really impressive so we've stayed with with them uh there's an annual maintenance fee that they keep all our digital floor plans up the speed cppd oversees that with our principles uh next page again is more Professional Services cost and then we have page 12 page 12 we're just second from the top speaking of fogy and Hara we have Vic here to talk a little about ethics and presenting ethics today from fogy and Hara and Vic I see you went up $10 an hour for uh the uh uh the partner so me me and you are G to have dialogue ago but honestly I think to be fair I think it was eight or nine years ago uh so more than fair um but I had to point that out there uh third from the top um if you see inside Investments third from the third from the top that's essentially our trailers at three school that lease for the first 5 years we're paying $39,600 per month we are now into the sixth year in 2425 it goes down to $25,000 per month okay it's $114,000 you know per month about $17,000 savings per year real money so good news there on that and uh second from the bottom is we've got a new uh floor maintenance contractor called J&J floors we're still waiting on the final proposal we had endurance flooring Joe as you know we had a little bit of Hiccup with them I think you were there with zero and we moved on from them but I think J&J did some work at six school they did they did such nice job did because I think we the dialogue you had with cero and endurance we thought it was best to move off from them which we did uh page uh page 13 on the top we use Joshua tours essentially for our overflow our Glenn and his team cannot cover every atic trip or every field trip or every special needs route so we use uh Joshua tours they've worked out very well for us um below that is Jewish Family Services who we've worked with for many years and the next few are essentially new contractors as you know action data services we engage them in regard to our payroll and accounting services to assist uh Joanne and our business office with quarterly IRS reports and Etc uh we had you know some HIIT cups with the transition but think things have really smoothed out over the last few months uh Care Plus right below that the direct counseling services for middle school students and high school students 504 plans and IEPs uh Charlene Pinto from our child study team heads up that they've worked out very well she Raves about Care Plus and then um this one I believe Dr Pano is near and dear to you Renaissance Learning uh K to 12 standards based assessment creation administr it's really everything from Soup To Nuts providing instant scoring formative feedback and interactive reporting total courses over uh three years is $700,000 year one in 2425 is $393,000 um and then right below that uh we have Savas we have a new math series course Envision mathematics um and we've engaged in that everything is pretty much digital now not a lot of you can speak to that right Dr panelo not a lot of uh hard hard cover uh Envision is the best math program I've seen for the elementary yeah yeah they R margar is uh they're they're very jazzed about that and the next page is just Renaissance their cost that you've seen via resolution uh previously they've already started the on boarding process um and then the the page 14 is essentially is a a legal bullet that we put in in regard to uh renewing contracts uh the page after that is again uh we talked about Mr Lombardo being appointed and then the final page is why uh Vic is here is the ethics acknowledgement and there's a form in your packet that I would like you if you can please sign that form and keep the page the one page are underneath return that signed form to me and then Vic will um do the presentation on ethics but I'll need that one page on the top of that handout you keep the bottom page I'll need that signed and given back got here any questions on the uh only thing L I know as just so the board's aware we have some uh you know some fees to be determined Etc I I believe Lou as always that'll be a when we did for instance for Frank berardo uh you know to be determined his um right his salary uh it'll be on another resolution so the board could review it Etc okay yes I just wanted to clarify that yeah okay hey I have that noted J yeah regard there a couple of couple of them yeah but as always I know Lou you we well like I said there's a couple that U you know you can chase and Chase and Chase and uh and ends up being TBD I actually started this project Good Friday and I'm still chasing a couple of still chasing a couple of vendors for paperwork final agreements the thing is now it's not just about final agreements you got to have the political affidavit you got to have the Russia form you have the Certificate of Insurance you know so there's a lot of other forms than just the agreement so sometimes it's a bit overwhelming to uh vendors and contractors but um it's a Chase Fest but that's you know I guess that's why I'm here right make sure we get everything buttoned up before the uh the Bell Rings uh July 1st um any other questions about the reorganization I think it's pretty thorough I think we captured all the major uh Capt just go back to the page three with the dates and the times of the short meeting now that we're down basic one a month right we're sticking with that we said are we going to be doing it the second or the third or you going to just leave a to like I would like to have an idea is it going to be more the second wednes no I think it's always going to be that that third the third yeah okay yeah I mean we have to edit it helps us with the bill list yeah okay yeah I'll start 6 p.m. right yeah yeah we'll do six and seven on third I'll get I'll get with the I'll get with Peggy on page three thank you of course thank you so anything else I make a mo that was that was uh Lieutenant teraki gave me the first right who was the second Mr nadw yes okay I like to take a vote if I may uh Mrs Abu yes Mr capan yes okay Mr fr uh Mr Garcia just he just uh texted me okay Mr NW yes Dr pontano yes Mr rainc Court yes Mr Russo yes Mr tabaka yes and Mr yanzi yes okay great thank you so much um like I said appreciate everyone's support I mean all these agreements and contrac and vendors it really comes from the support of the board you know allowing us to to engage in Professional Services and keeping our buildings up to speed engaging in and implementing new curricula and new math series that we just spoke about so I think it's all good stuff I think we're all going in the right direction and hopefully we'll have a successful uh 2425 so thank you again for all your support really appreciate it l I'm going to make a motion that we we we close and then I just want to go into close session really quick just to go over a few things with the board if that's okay sure sure of course Frank you want to uh