e e e e e e e e e e e e can we please stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all good evening everybody and welcome to the C Park Board of Education July 24th 2024 meeting I'll turn it over to our business administrator leis Alano thank you Mr Alano just like to read a quick statement if I may the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public who have advanced other7 to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act clide publiced course notice of this meeting will be published by having the DAT time and place they are up posted in the offic of the bur clerk b lurry b Rec Department the office of the bed and the offices of school numbers 345 and 6 and the high school on July 15th 2024 and notices were forwarded to reporters of the record July 15 2024 this is an official meeting like to take the role now Mr capano yes please Mrs Abu here Mr capano here Mrs Fredo here Mr Garcia here Mr nadw here Dr pontano here Mr Rancor here Mr Russo is not here tabak is not here and I believe Mr yanui is not here Mr capan right so this evening we have a pretty quick uh agenda and I'm going to turn it over to our our superintendent Dr hay to his report thank you Mr capano thank you Mr Alano um so as I told everyone in the work session we have 44 Personnel resolutions before you this evening um and as you could well imagine an awful lot of work went into these 44 resolutions I'd like to publicly thank and commend um this is calabri our assistant superintendent for all the work she's put into many of these hires principal's contributed to the hiring process our supervisors contributed to the hiring process U Mr Alo has been in lock step with us every step of the way certifying that the funding is available for all of these positions and we believe that all of the promotional resolutions you see in front of you for the supervisors and the acting VP at the high school are all going to make a tremendous impact on the educational quality in Cliff site Park so again thank you to the board administrative staff the executive uh executive assistant of the superintendent Chief ofano tremendous amount of work and thank you all um besides that uh I would like to within the personel resolutions I would like to note uh resolution number 40 that we accept we're accepting the resignation of our head basketball coach Marcus Hatton with regret Marcus is originally from the Baltimore from the city of Baltimore and he's uh going back home to live in Baltimore and uh he did a tremendous job this year for us we was League champions and Marcus is going to be missed and I thank Marcus publicly for his service to our students um I believe that's it from the superintendent's perspective Mrs calibri if you had a few um items to mention about the curriculum progress over the month I'd appreciate uh yes um first I'd like to thank you all for um allowing me to attend this meeting tonight and I would like to uh note that in your folders tonight I did um provide you with a curriculum newsletter which was the end of the year uh curriculum newsletter which is also on the website and this year we were able to produce uh two curriculum newsletters and we will continue to do that in the future um also I'd like to thank you because this year we were able to um have a team of 10 teachers from various grade levels um in ela and math work with our supervisors to write and align the New Jersey uh student learning uh standards um we had to so we have to rewrite all of our new curriculum and we have to align them to the New Jersey uh student learning standards and we invited 10 teachers to come in for the week of um June 24th through the 28th uh this room actually was like a think tank and they came in here and they did a fabulous job uh and the supervisors are now um completing them and will be at our next board meeting uh be able to be approved so I will present them the next time also our summer school program was a huge success and I want to thank Barbara scordo um Barbara scordo is one of our teachers but she also is one of our she supervised as well as our building principal she's uh our summer school program this year and she did they did a fantastic job um we recently received preliminary um njsla test scores and um Mr s sto Mr Alban and I are in the process of analyzing them and uh adjusting our programs to support our student needs and place them in appr appropriate courses um I will be able to give you more information at the next uh probably I would say in the October board meeting um and then um we usually have our assessment meeting where Mr Alban will come in and he will give you an extensive report about that um also we are currently working on St staff development which um you know for the current school year um as you know we have partnered with Renaissance and um Mr savastano Miss Vela myself and Mr Alban have been working tirelessly with Renaissance and their on boarding team to import their data files um and we are arranging for professional development for the start of the school year and um so they will be working with us on the first two days of school year um working with various uh grade levels uh particularly with ma our testing subjects you know math Ela and science um but they will be working with the rest of the teachers as well everyone needs to learn Renaissance the you know the whole entire staff um we will also be working with uh savis to train our teachers on our updated math program this year um njp we've received grants that our inclusion program that I had spoken to you previously about it will be training not only for our uh teachers that are in the inclusion program but the teacher aids as well and there will also be um Frontline teacher evaluation training for our new supervisors and what we call integrator reliability training for um our entire administrative staff uh that will be coming up we always do that the first week in August when we reconvene as an administrative staff um um we have successfully hired you know new teachers and we are in the um process of coming up with a new teacher orientation as we do every single year so um I just want to thank our supervisors uh Dr Hayes um you know everyone for uh working together collectively um to put together you know all of this PD a special special thanks to um really to Mr savastano and to miss Beller and Mr Alan without them Renaissance would not be happening so thank you very very much thank you M K thank you um before we go into committee reports I'll turn it over to our business administrator Lis Alano for his report thanks Mr capano um we uh good news we closed our year they call it cycle 12 for the 23 24 school year now we're working on we call a Reconciliation for a special Revenue fund which is all our state and federal grants Closing one without a hitch thank you to maryan carreri job well done we're working through all our summer projects we've been working closely obviously with all our contractors and our board we got about 37 projects in tow for the summer of 2024 and it looks like the great majority of them will have substantial completion by the time school starts so again I'd like to thank the board for all their support all our local contractors and all our staff um if you go to page uh 22 which is a resolution number 65 since we did close our year those reports will be going to the county resolution 65 you'll see treasurer secretary and transfer report those will be sent via email tomorrow with the executed resolution on page 23 resolution 66 which we just spoke about with the board we are working with our board attorney and the board attorney for the burough in regard to the commitment letter for a collaborative PR project for our High School annex project uh that we are currently working towards in regard to get approval from the Department of Ed and the Department of Community Affairs page 26 resolution 67 and we just spoke about that at a work session with the board and Mrs calri and Dr Hayes is our pre prek expansion program we are in the infancy stages of getting that off the ground the first thing is to get the project letter agreement over to the uh state to Kickstart the program and we'll be getting some seed money to do some due diligence in regard to the ability to uh expand our current preschool uh program page 27 which is resolution 68 is our the biggest project this year is our gym Lobby expansion and our growth uh Contracting is it's their third payment of approximately $137,000 and Mrs Cal's mentioned uh Mr Alban on pages 28 and 29 they are our grant accepting our grant awards for fiscal year 2025 that's this school year 2425 uh page 28 is resolution 69 that's all our title money Title One title two title three and title four and the the last resolution is resolution 70 that's a Ida money that's essentially we're going to be awarding that Grant and that essentially is money that used to offset some of our ad of District tuition uh which is a great help in regard to uh managing and balancing our budget that's pretty much it U Mr capan thank you very much thank you Mr uh committee reports I'm I'm going to turn it over to Dr Pano with the Personnel I know a lot of things uh we've been working on uh with contracts Etc Dr P yes so very happy to report that we came to an agreement with the Park supervisor Association I'd like to thank my committee members Mr ranor Mr Goa for all their help and and bringing this contract in uh before the start of the school year I think that we came up with a contract that was fair to our employees and fair of taxpayers I'm very happy that we now have salary guides which establishes a minimum and a maximum for positions and I want to thank Mrs Cal for the curriculum connection newsletter and I'd like to say that the curriculum connection is probably directly related to the supervisors and the fact that we have been you know filling out our supervisory position we can certainly see what's coming out of the supervisors and the direct coalation between the academics and the district and the work that they do so I want to thank the supervisors it was a very pleasant negotiation a lot of mutual respect and uh I'm happy that we're there we're down we finished the cises we finished the administrators I know we're working on a couple of other contracts that should be complete soon and we should be good from the start of the school year so thank Youk you and just to uh also uh indicate on that that we uh agreed with the custodians uh teacher aids um anything else we made cafeteria workers cafeteria workers uh that were left that were still with us as you know now pomptonian has has their own crew but we still had a few uh dedicated staff members uh we are working with the secretaries and hope uh uh to uh come to an agreement ratify their agreement uh at the next meeting and I do want to thank the entire board uh for supporting and assisting us through this uh uh process uh with the contracts Etc uh any other committee reports we know that the building and grounds like Lou emphasized uh is extremely busy I think once uh the bulk of the projects are done anybody uh maybe a week or a few days before school starts you can visit those schools with a lot of improvements from floors to hbac to bathrooms Etc uh the high school um um Lobby is a big project and uh it's not going to be ready for uh September 1st but we all have to have patience because everybody knows construction takes a little bit longer but once it's complete with the upgrades we've done to the gymnasium and the lobby I think it's going to be a great thing facility that we're going to get some great reviews from the public when they come into that facility and it'll be all completed as one uh any questions or comments I think that wraps up the I have a question goad and it's not about any of that it's just something that I thought of and maybe you can answer it maybe you can't After Case what did we do with the dogs remember we approved something where we were going to bring the dogs service dogs middle you did I I apologize not that I'm aware of um we you did adopt a policy governing yeah um therapy dogs right and would have to follow up with Mr Rus tomorrow to find out if the staff member who was volunteering to bring her dog in is going to for September yeah and if if that staff member was going to I think we had asked at some point if we could have a little presentation from the staff member I know it was a big conversation back then but I don't know if it ever happened yeah she she or the dog weren't available that night that we were going to but I res end up with that because I think therapy goes are a great idea so if we're doing the program I'd love to see a presentation on get you an answer thank you at this time Mr savano any comments from the public uh online thank you any other questions or comments can someone please make a motion to approve this evening's agenda I'll make a motion Mr Gara yeah and the second was Mr NW okay roll call Mr please okay capano Mrs Abu Mrs Abu oh um Yes except Iain on page uh 10 just CL abstain page 10 okay Mr capano yes Mrs Fredo yes Mr Gara yes Mr nadw yes but I'm going to abstain from resolution 43 for missing a Drew resolution number 43 y thank you for that Dr pantana yes Mr ranc Court yes so moved think that wraps up this evening's meeting can I have a motion to adjourn a motion to I'll make a motion to okay that's great thank you Mr thank you Mr ran Court