all right let's uh call this meeting to order Josh would you mind doing the pledge of allegiance for us I would love to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you uh we got an invocation by Troy Stanley the pastor of First Christian Church let's pray Our Father in heaven we thank you so much for this day for the opportunity to gather together and to make decisions of leadership for this community watch over us and give us knowledge and understanding and perseverance and help us to have brotherly love and above all to love all father thank you so much for allowing us to live in such a beautiful place and to work in such a beautiful place may we be good stewards of everything you've blessed us with and leave it better than what we found it in Jesus name amen amen city clerk roll call commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner wois here vice mayor hon here mayor cap here all right we've got a special presentation for the women in construction week you're you're welcome to come up I'll uh I'm G to I'm going to read a proclamation for you guys thank you come on up all right so I have a a proclamation here it says whereas the Space Coast chapter has distinguished itself for 27 years as the voice of women in construction in Bard County and whereas the work done by the Space Coast chapter has benefited Bard County through Community Development and educational programs and whereas the Space Coast chapter has unceasingly promoted the employment in advance of women in construction industry and whereas the construction Community represented by the Space Coast chapter has a driving force in fostering Community Development through ven uh renovation and beautification projects promotion of skilled trade careers and positive vision of the future and whereas the Space Coast chapter has sought to achieve successful results for Bard County and surrounding areas in a Cooperative spirit with other organizations now therefore be it proclaimed that I Keith capy mayor of Coco Beach Florida do hereby Rec recogniz the Space Coast chapter and its many dedicated volunteers for its steadfast work on behalf and support of women in construction and do proudly proclaim the week of March 511 2024 as women in construction week and encourage our citizens to congratulate the organization on its many accomplishments proclaimed the seventh day so um good evening my name is Kate ho I'm the president of the National Association of women and construction Space Coast chapter and I bring with me a handful of our chapter members who are dedicated to our industry and our community while women make up most of almost half of the total Workforce in the US we only make a account of about 11% of the population in our industry so na provides us with a platform to collaborate with like-minded professionals across the trades continue to advocate for Women Within the industry encourage the next generation of young women in constru ction to seek out new opportunities naoc hosts over 115 chapters and upwards of 4,000 members across the us and we are all celebrating this Wick week 2024 in many different ways we are truly honored on the eve of international women's day a day intended to celebrate women across the globe that the city of Coco Beach has taken a moment to recognize the women who work locally to build a better space coast thank you City commission City staff and your exceptional team for sponsoring our organization with this Proclamation we support your support is instrumental in our continued growth and Outreach efforts within the communities that we serve so thank you very much thank you thank you you want to come up [Applause] on thank you so much appreciate appreciate it thank you very much thank you so much make a comment Happ oh sure can I I'll make the make the rounds thank you so much job thank you thank you thank you thank you than you I can just I can just tell you up there okay I I read my uh Bible and there's in the Old Testament Israelis were taking back over after they came out of Egypt there was there's actually verses that say that this woman constructed cities there like three different cities that it's actually inscribed scripture well there we go so you guys are 2,000 years past our past do right are those van still toad uh no no not so much I'm working on it that a picture or something I've been taking pictures of that but thank you so much that out thank you all right um Wayne we've uh also got another um something that we would like to to um recognize okay yeah so this is my um my item and I wanted to thank Career Source bravard on behalf of the city and be on behalf of myself personally um so before I go any further um maybe Steve and Jim can come up and tell everybody what career source Bard is and what they do so they know everybody knows we're talking about here okay well Career Source Bard is the uh sponsored Employment Agency in your community throughout the entire Community bevard you may wonder why um some of the work that we do as your uh Employment Agency here we also serve the community in a variety of ways not only do we find employment for each and every person who happens to be looking for employment we sponsor a lot of different programs we sponsor youth programs we sponsor adult World education programs we sponsor welfare transition programs and additionally when communities are impacted by hurricanes like the ones that we've received in the past many times the Department of Labor sees this as an opportunity to partner with the communities which is what we've done here with Coco Beach and many other communities but Coco Beach has been an outstanding partner for us we've been able to do a lot of different work uh with them to help them recover so what the way the department of lab sees this is many individuals may have lost their job because of the hurricane or they may be dislocated because of another event or they could be long-term unemployed well if these individuals are not working at this time what's in the best interest of the community what's in the best interest of the nation that's to help those individuals gain employment and through the recovery efforts in the grants that we receive we're able to go into the communities help you recover but also help these individuals recover also they're getting skills training they're getting a paycheck they're not on unemployment they're out there every day helping you uh do some of the work I think we have some slides that we're going to show here in the middle and some of the work they've done done and this is all because grants are sponsored by the Department of Labor and your current C Source provide the imployment agency in this county has applied for those grants and men like Steve here and Sam have done an excellent job in finding projects partnering with your city manager partnering with your community to do some of this work so that's how you got the money and we've been doing this for a very very long time since about 2004 every hurricane we've had we've managed to get several million dollars to help our communities Okay so the projects that they actually do um have been kind of supervised and directed by Donald Jenkins Donald you're not getting out of here Donald I just wanted to thank you Donald um is my go-to guy he him and I have been working together for a long time and um he's done a great job with them keeping them busy pointing them in directions where we needed the resources and um Donald's the kind of guy that when he tells me he'll get something done I don't even Flinch and I know I get done it and I appreciate it man and the same thing on this end he asked me for help and I'm always there for him so we got a little gift for you I wanted to show now that we know what we're talking about here some of the um some of the things that we've been doing with them but you go ahead um so they've been a lot of our buildings uh sustained a lot of damage in storms uh water infiltration water leaks um soft damage stuff like that so um they've been doing work around the city uh that is this station four with station four all right help me out here man and they did a face lift on lift station 4 for these are just examples um I don't want to B everybody um all right and is that what's that actually the skate park that's the skate park right um this station one um they actually it's kind of incredible because they actually have did a lot more and actually what's on film right here this just some of the things they done did um they actually did completely did the administration building paint that whole building that's it when yeah we're coming up so that's the restrooms at the pool that were devastated um go ahead ad that's the the uh spray park at the pool and then I think we've got yeah so on the upper right that's the administration building and on the bottom left um also they've done in the past um Dune crossover overs that got destroyed in storms and extensive Works um in the past all kinds of projects with the channel markers um I remember one project where remember that Steve they the guys came out I estimated three months to do the project they were literally done in two weeks I'm I'm saying guys you got to slow down here we got to keep you busy for a little bit but there's some other stuff that um we have on the horizon that um our fire department was really really hurt bad in in storms the canopies came down and um so they didn't help us out with that too and um so yeah I think that's that's it I think you guys kind of get the idea and I I'm a special award for you guys the appreciation and um I want to give this to you actually so thank you so much good job man um I just wanted to say from me um I just want to thank the heads of all the other departments Public Works water rck um storm water they just they give us you know we work together as a team so they actually give us that flexibility to do what we need to do give me that flexibility to do what I need to do and I want to appre I thank I really thank you guys because we've been able to a lot of stuff done that was kind of on the burner so thank you thank you apprciate it I think I'm creating a monster here hey thank you thank you Donald uh it's amazing to hear that I I love to hear that um you know step up to the plate and and just do what you got to do we we need people like you thank you all right uh can I get an approval of the agenda Mo to approve the agenda as documented a second got a motion and a second all in favor I all opposed motion passes 5 we've got a public comment from Ryan McDuffy I think that's correct I please state your name and address and it's a 3 minutes oh no worries Brian McDuffy uh address is actually uh 1125 South Atlantic Avenue over at the beach Island Resort I'm actually with rll Real Estate Group I represent Beach Island Resort but I'm just here tonight to follow up on the uh contract that we were going back and forth with for the uh parking passes I know we got it back and then um there was a change that was made in regards to we thought we were getting 24-hour passes for the 11th Avenue toward the end and the verbiage was changed at the last minute right before the signatures and it just says that it's we're allowed overnight parking from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. but it does not include 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. so we still so we're coming back asking to have the full 24 hours that we had before and again the money part is not an issue for us we don't mind paying for the the passes okay I think overnight parking from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. is is more than overnight parking and I'll supported as it's uh been given to them uh from what I understand they do they are paying a a decent sum to uh for a a parking lot that probably wouldn't normally be used that much other than because of their um because of their what where their place is so it is something I wouldn't mind if you guys want to discuss about that well I I'll discuss that 11th Street is one of the and you could talk to the parking enforcement officers that's one of the busiest places that people Park to go to the beach whether they're surfing or what they're doing I mean if you go if you're coming from Patrick at 10:00 in the morning and you start passing stub in streets that one will have as many if not more cars than any other street so I know we had mentioned the last time that we may make an agenda item to kind of look at the policy of downtown versus out of downtown do we want to make this part of that agenda item yeah just for further the um the issue for us was is that when this resort was built in 1960 the property own only comes with 11 uh parking spots and there's 20 there's 20 rooms one of them being a handicap so the resort over the years has never had any issues with being allowed to but obviously in the last 20 years or however long it's been when the city started you know charging for parking and things like that it actually puts if we're at full capacity six guests are forced to park on 11th that are here for a week to a month and now they're running the risk of getting tickets you know and we don't have any control it's just it's always been you know 18 rooms since the 19 you currently pay about 2400 a year yes sir 2,800 so are they is it are they charging 28 for just overnight parking now yeah now is now we're getting charged just for the overnight it's not the full 24 hours anymore I don't think the original agreement was for 24 hours it was overnight parking and now they're trying to stretch it to 24 for S I would be interested to see what our actual parking revenue is for that street per year and maybe try to look into a little bit more but I mean now you're talking details of the policy though right I mean we got to come over the threshold it's not just Revenue driven is location so I think I mean if you guys want I would I wouldn't mind diving into this a little bit deeper and like you said yeah I think it's a good idea to as far as right now I I don't think there's much that we can do for you but this is something that we'll we'll look into for you okay I appreciate it thank you for your time all right just for just for a record for the man that was just up here I supported wholeheartedly when you came up the last time and I said yeah let's do it overnight parking well that's not what we got we got 24/7 parking so that's why I'm not uh supporting in at this time I appreciate time thank you thank you any other public comment all right that was it staff reports and announcements okay um so I've got two things this evening um the first thing was um I wanted to recognize Brad Calo for um a $15 million grant that that he just got uh in conjunction with me and Hunt um if it's a little bit complicated but um basically it's an srf loan that has a principal forgiveness Clause at the end and it's for $15 million I it's been explained to me how it works three times already and if you want details on it Brad you guys want a little bit more details on how it works scope what's the scope for or with the project I mean I'd be curious on that it's it's basically a loan that doesn't have to be it has a principle forgiveness CL right it's kind of confusing but okay so back on December 29th 2022 the president signed a Consolidated appr Appropriations act that gave the right to the Environmental Protection Agency to distribute funds to States for disaster relief um State of Florida got 3177 million of that so the EPA is run that money through D's clean water State revolving fund Loan program so we have to follow the Loan program guidelines but there's no payback it's technically a grant and we got we got 15 million of that 300 project so the project is mainly going to focus on inflow and infiltration for the sanitary sewers uh the sanitary laterals the manholes anything that we can tie to inflow and infiltration back to disaster relief recovery to prevent um sanitary sewer overflows lift station backups and all that stuff so we were already baselined to do this work and this is just the funding I did have some engineering and design uh for some of these projects in this budget and now I get to kind of play around with them a little bit and defer them it's going to be over a 5-year period um in order to be eligible for a stay revolving fund you have to put a facility plant together every 5 years we're in the process of doing that now which will highlight all of these projects okay and then the loan application is actually not due until August so we'll be bringing this back to you guys probably in November once we get the agreement in place and that'll list all the projects that are eligible for the 15 million so you're saying for a loan we don't actually have to make any principal interest payments period the state is not required to pay back EPA therefore we're not re required to pay back to State okay very cool yeah Brad thank you good work that's $15 million that's terrific I just feel like the DS just came up in a cloud like I can't use it for city hall though [Music] soorry unless the city hall is floating there got be all right um okay so I I've got one more thing okay um so I'm going to bring something forward to you um for discussion and for direction and we were approached by a company that wants to operate a petty cab um company and they've asked for a BTR and um before without further Ado they're here they have a little slide presentation they can um give you a little they have five minutes to give you an idea of what they have in mind as far as a petty cab business and then we can talk about it um guys come on up I apologize my nephew was supposed to be here with me but his girlfriend and his mother were on the way here from Vieira and had a flat so he's on the side of the road helping them so I'm solo here but um my name is William black I live at 331 South Bard Avenue and if uh you'll bear with my nervousness I'm not much of a public speaker but uh I want to go through this presentation now um our mission statement at Space Coast Petty cabs we're not just in the business of Transportation we're in the business of creating personal memories we're dedicated to taking Cocoa Beach further and farther by providing safe eco-friendly and open air transportation throughout our tourist and downtown areas our pedal powered carriages are more than just a ride they're an experience driven by fit friendly and knowledgeable locals our Pedic caps will play an integral part in the connecting people people in places locally we believe in the power of experiences and we're committed to providing Unforgettable ones for both our Riders and the community as a whole uh this presentation agenda we're going to go over the vehicle safety details uh for the petty cabs the proposed Road usage details the proposed serviced area routes the local economic impact and then of course our closing statement um the vehicle safety details uh with safety being our number one priority our Pedic cabs will meet all the requirements for safety very similar to those of our local Street Legal golf carts our petty cabs are fully equipped with lighting that can be seen 360 around the vehicle seat belts and handrails strong braking systems and an electric motor capable of reaching speeds upwards of 20 mph our bikes are more than capable of providing safety to every Rider uh our proposed Road usage details uh primarily we would prefer to utilize designated bike Lanes when available when bike lanes are not available however our secondary proposed route would involve sidewalk usage but only within approved areas please note the proposed sidewalk usage guidelines provided in this slide um and hopefully we can go over those here in a minute I'm just trying to get the five minutes in um most of these uh and finally if neither are available our final proposed route would be roadways and approved designated areas most of these roadway ways already have reduced speed limits of 25 M per hour due to their location with our Cab's ability to reach 20 mph there should be no real traffic impediments as a result again it would be very similar to the golf carts uh frequently seen on the roads our proposed service area routes is primarily the tourist destination from the end of Ocean Beach Boulevard up just past the pier uh that's the Coco Beach portion I've been in uh uh detailed conversations with the City of Cape canaval and we can get into that after the presentation but they have already approved usage in their city and again hopefully we can discuss some of that here in a minute but this portion is within Coco Beach and it is primarily the tourist Zone if you will so this is our uh first proposed service area route we came up with the second route here because one I live just right off of South Bard Avenue here and as many events uh from surfing Santa to to uh festivals to uh 5K runs to all kinds of events where this portion of the city gets inundated with lots of traffic vehicle traffic in particular that has to spread as far down as 11th in past uh maybe just for events we would like to utilize Coco Beach Downtown just this area here uh maybe not for a regular basis but for uh the events the city has um let me get past this uh I want to go over a little bit of the U Local Economic impacts uh for the that the Pedic caps will make obviously it's an additional source of tax revenue for Cocoa Beach uh it will be a reduction in traffic and parking issues hopefully uh reduced emissions will benefit the environment and provide a better air quality uh reduce fuel consumption these vehicles do not operate are not gas power operated uh reduce noise pollution convenience and service and this is especially for individuals such as elderly pregnant women and those with physical limitations or disabilities that can't move around the city as easy affordability and expediency cheaper than vehicle transportation and the ability to navigate through roadways and alleys uh in particularly over in Coconut's areas what what we were thinking with this right here back behind um well throughout the whole place really but behind coconuts uh it will provide a source of employment and that's the ability uh for us to provide our families I know the gentleman before was uh talking about the uh employment uh and also Safe Transportation for those unfamiliar with the area there's a whole lot of that and then reduced traffic accidents improved traffic flow uh our closing statement here is petty cab service is not only a helpful form of transportation it's also an enjoyable experience Petty cabs are a fun and efficient way to travel Pedic caps save time money and help to protect the environment Coco Beach is a unique one-of-a-kind community that would significantly benefit from the petty cab experience and that's our that's the presentation I wouldn't mind discussing this a little bit if you guys yeah go ahead so first of all he said the vehicle safety de details were similar to Street Legal golf carts but these are not street legal um they're not you know don't have license plates like the Street Legal golf carts do um he said they'll operate within designated bike Lanes our bike lanes are 3T and the petty cab is 4T so it doesn't fit even in the bike lanes that we have on A1A um and then uh you know on the sidewalks we have a lot of sidewalks that are only 4T wide so that means they're going to be like narrowly trying to stay on the sidewalk and where they're going to go if somebody that says that they're going to yield to pedestrians and I guess they're going to drive off the curb and whatever um so then that roadway usage you know permitted to operate on all roadways within approved routes that's not legal CU they're not street legal vehicles um and when he says that Cape Canaveral has approved them well if you've been up in Cape Canaveral and Ridgewood the sidewalks are wider than this table they're like you know 8 10 ft wide you know the ones they put in so that that could be a good fit and you got room to pass people and all that and uh then again there's the liability and you know the the speeds and using them on the roadways is I would see it as creating more congestion than it's going to relieve congestion so I'm a no vote before you before you rebut because I'm going to speak on your behalf for this where he proposed there is a bike lane and it is probably at least 5T wide on the side of the road the north one not the South one the north right now I'm just going to I'm just going to discuss his primary route which all he wanted y there is a bike lane it is a 25 M Zone it is a bicycle he's not required to have any of the safety stuff and um I think I would be open to a pilot program 6 months whatever in the route the initial route that you're talking about to see how it works to see if um we do have any complaints to see you know how it works I I think see how that goes for 6 months if we don't get complaints if nobody gets hurt if if it seems all right obviously the insur you'd have to have insurance and C Beach would have to be additionally insured or whatever has that has to be but I think um from there we could see if if something would would uh if it's safe enough to look further but he brings up points for some of the locations that were not listed in your thing as far as with smaller um things but ask what the initial rout is it the North it was Ocean Beach Boulevard so I mean it's it's not a really heavily traveled up there it's not heavily traveled that road gets backed up from that has the that has the wide sidewalk wide I don't remember if it was a draft version I saw or another version but I was I would endorse the north version you can link together with the Canaveral you can get to a few of the hotels I don't think downtown I think it does add an aspect of of um cool tourist activity for coco beach in that location I think in that location specifically yeah I would be okay start off with a pilot program if you guys wanted I would like to get the chief mullen's input on it just uh I mean yeah let's can I also uh respond a bit he had a long list so I'm going to try to recall what I can but the first one being the same requirements as the vehicle the only requirement that we don't have that doesn't meet the vehicle is a license plate and if that is required by all means I will have that sucker inspected in license plates and no problem but it's got the blinkers it's got the rear lights it's got the uh hydraulic brakes it's got everything that that that is requireed the horn you name it the the the I apologize but the the the features are here um it's got everything that would be required as a vehicle and if the license plate was the only other requirement I have no problem meeting that requirement [Music] uh I believe the second concern you said was the uh bike lanes are only 3 ft wide and the proposed areas which is just the the specific segment from Ocean Beach Boulevard where it ends just up to the uh Pier they have the oversized bike Lanes those are very not not in the downtown not in the downtown yes sir I understand that in consideration for Coco Beach Downtown that would be a whole different conversation I would imagine but if we limit it specifically to the tourist area along Ridgewood where it turns into Ocean Beach uh Boulevard there is a very significant bike lane that that runs the span of the whole thing until it gets to Cape canaval and they've just recently expanded their sidewalks and real PRI of the width and and all of that so it would run perfectly together um as far as the traffic the 25 mph reduced uh speed limit there these I I brought the petty cab brought my family in it tonight so if you guys want to see what it looks like how it operates what it what you know what it consists of it's right outside in the front but it fits perfectly within those uh it's not 4T wide it fits perfectly within those uh it is 4T wide I measured it did you already Yes outside you seen it yes from the out outer base to the outer base the wheels to the wheels from the back okay well we wrote it on I think it's a little bit over 4 ft by the way huh okay well regardless were you propos we we wrote it uh pretty much on most of all of the roadways not for business use at all but just for us as a family and the only issues that we have ever had even on the sidewalk coming down here because that's where we're going to come back on the way is on the sidewalk uh the proposed guidelines I have here for the sidewalk usage when there are Petty cabs on the sidewalk bottom line I I propose now this is the part that I I feel like a good discussion would help you know find appropriate solution but uh period not to exceed 15 mil hour on any sidewalk anywhere not only not to exceed 15 miles hour but uh anytime you're within 100 ft of a pedestrian you immediately reduce your speed to a max speed of 7 mph which I uh Mr carrian knows we've spoke on it a little bit but that's about my jog in Pace it's not much faster than a jog and when uh Petty cabs are on the sidewalks they yield to all traffic period it doesn't matter if it's a onewheel another ebike a pedestrian uh a lady walking her dogs we yield to all traffic and if that means to scoot off that's perfectly fine for us we're not in a hurry this is an experience it's not meant to let's jet you here and Jet you here just to interject though this that this point is mute because where we're where you're proposing and we're proposing to do possibly a pilot uh you're on you're on the side of the road with a bike path that's about 5 to six feet wide so gotcha so but to get my support even for the pilot program would be no sidewalk usage on just on North Town for pilot program Y no sidewalk usage yeah okay cuz there's not enough room on those sidewalks and no roadway usage because we already have traffic congestion on Ocean Boulevard yeah he doesn't need any of that needs if it's just the bike Lanes then what where's he going to you're just going to stop and drop people off in the bike lane mainly the Coco Beach Pier Sandbar area the parking lots that access there most people aren't getting off in the middle of the road I've never experienced that and if they are then we just pull off to the Coco Beach Pier is is the target Zone there Ron John's all that stuff have you talked to the people at the pier have not no sir okay well I don't plan on going in their property and you know doing all that type of stuff there's a roadway that comes right off down we vacated that roadway to the pier oh okay all right well if if we need to go across the street to the Best Western or something and then cross the road themselves that's fine I think again it's not so much about getting them exactly to where they need and picking them up right there in the middle of the road it's uh you know destined a stop points like I said if we can't access the Coco Beach Pier or even the road that goes into it then you know we fish camp or now I don't know that if we did this pilot program that we could limit it to only allowing you to do that is that right we would probably have to allow open it to other people as well for that time being or um I think it would be difficult to just have one company so we restrict restrict it to one company we would have to have it available to others if they wanted to as well for the at least for the pilot program but I mean I I'm okay with with giving it a shot but I'd like to hear from West as well and possibly Randy if we need to okay yeah West Mills police chief um good evening so this is interesting um I'm all for a business is we would have a hard time enforcing any of these sidewalk usage regulations um frankly because they're not really law as far as uh you know exceeding 15 M hour on sidewalks or not exceeding 7 m hour when within 100 ft of pedestrians we can't really enforce that that's not in our Florida State statutes for us to actually enforce that would just be kind of our rule that we try to follow um I agree that if we're going to do it or at least for a pilot program I do think it's a busy roadway um the bike lane would be the way to go only on the North End and uh I would certainly discourage sidewalks and I would discourage roadway I would only use uh bike Lanes if it were me yeah I think I think that sounds completely reasonable I mean no I mean and I I talked with Bob here a few minutes ago and he says those bike Lanes may be 5et up there so I don't I don't know if you know if that's true he would know better than I do but if that's the case I would you know I would side with you know with commissioner uh Williams that I would discourage roadways and sidewalks because the ebikes and everything else as well that's my view thank you and uh Randy do you want to say something yeah we we've looked at it up there and I think it would be tight but I think it you a pilot program we could probably work with it we're also in uh discussions with cap canaval their planning staff up there matter of fact they're either watching they were going to be here tonight but something happened they're probably watching and we're going to have a conversation with them tomorrow so we can tie these two things together depending upon how we move decide to move forward uh but again we have most of the concerns that you've already mentioned here tonight uh but we can uh if you want to do a pilot program we think we can work through it okay I I would be open to that if you guys would be as only in that section um only with the bike Lanes um I have a question for the owner yeah was there any stipulations from the Canaveral side of what we're discussing from a gentlemen no as a matter of fact when I first brief history I don't want to take up too much time here but we initially went to Cape canaver for the business license for the BTR but we live in Coco Beach so they said you've got to do that there so I didn't even realize that we were in the wrong you know we wanted to operate there before the season which you know even ties into the port which is totally different but uh they said we were in the wrong place uh they directed us to go over to the uh the sheriff's office we went over there and we told them what was going on they loved it they said hey that's great you know even come have uh coffee uh coffee with a cop uh went to the meetings all these things uh I had kept in contact with them as I moved over to Coco Beach got a hold of Mr Stevenson and we you know since then started discussing Mr Kino's every who been involved but the last correspondence with uh Kyle Harris who's the senior uh planner over in Cape C Canaveral he was Friday he had asked for Mr Stevenson's number and email address so that he could contact him directly and I and I had asked him because originally they were going to write up a letter that says hey we're on board uh everything's okay and so uh Mr Harris had got a hold of Mr Stevenson and their correspondence should be you know about what he said getting congruent on it all I would think your only the only weird spot of this whole thing is Avon by the Sea because obviously they got probably three foot wide uh sections on the side of the road over there I travel the size of the road a lot on my electric scooter so I know exactly all these spots but I I think you would have to have an agreement with with the county for that section but I I'm not positive but as far as we go you know we have the room for you I think on the side so if you guys um want to do that I would be open to it so I think you did a nice job with the presentation so thank you for that um if if the city were to open up a six-month um pilot what are the what are the benefits what are the observables we should be looking for to say yes this pilot proved that this makes sense right and what would be those things that you would say you know what if you didn't realize this or you saw these things then I was wrong and the city shouldn't continue continue after the pilot sure that goes back to what the mayor said as far as uh the pilot programming regarding complaints and stuff obviously it's going to be our number one priority to keep that down to as little as possible I understand that there are people that wake up mad at the world regardless of whether you're driving a bike a car any of those things but with regard to our interaction so to speak usage of the roadways and whatnot I don't think we're going to I know we're not going to create problems at least intentionally I wish my nephew was here too because he's a really good kid solid kid and it's just us it is it's just us it's not like we're going to go tomorrow and hire 15 people we don't have that this is like you said it's a pilot see if it works not but the number one would be to make sure we don't innodate the city with complaints about our operation and then secondly I would suggest that we get very proactive about collecting compliments if you will or positive comments from the community from the tourists from the people that we are interacting with whether that's a hey review this here or send a message to City Hall there whatever the case it may be and then in 6 months if if we have a six-month sample of that data complaints versus you know positive reviews things like that I I feel like the city and primarily the tourist down there be honest it's not a lot of locals in those areas utilizing this service it's primarily tourists locals we have our free parking we park on the you know but for these folks 6 months together that data do our best to show that it works and that there are no problems and that we have improved I understand that there is traffic there's on every Motor Court in the city it's it's it's an island there's going to be traffic but I don't think that the traffic in particularly on that right right there is heavy to the point or even overly saturated compared to some of the other cities in in Coco Beach where 25 mph zones with multiple stop signs is really an issue like I said this Petty cab out here is capable of doing we set it at 20 but it's capable of doing it more and we're not trying to even go 20 with these things we're trying to make the experience more enjoyable and stay around the 12 to 15 mph range but again on that motor cord there I think that we eliminate uh any issues with with the locals and uh you know I honestly in this situation here I would need a little more time I can plan and prepare very well but trying to come up with these things right here is I I think you're good I think You' got one more thing before I quick uh forget real quick um for the pilot program would you guys want to limit it to like three like three companies so that it's not like a is there anybody asking to do it be to no but I'm just saying like to be to be because you can't create a monopoly right so we would probably want to put a limit like beach vendors we don't want there you know you let one in and now the if you could have 100 you know I you know this this actually brings another question to me cuz I think I've been seeing I'm up that way three or four times a week and I think I've been seeing couple different people renting uh like they have uh golf carts that say rent me on it and they're picking up people and giving them rides and I was I was going to bring that up to Wayne and it's kind of like what they're doing with golf carts and I think I haven't seen it continuously but I think we got to watch out for that and then if that that's what they're if we find somebody doing that to have them I don't know if that's the same thing golf carts versus I don't know all new for us trying to figure it out but I I I I I I don't know I don't necessar necessarily see a limit to the pilot program if nobody else's really I maybe just approve them as they go okay you know so yeah I think I'm I one just principally I I tend to decide with what commissioner Williams is thinking in terms of concerns I anticipated concerns but um I think pilot programs are a really smart way to say here are my concerns Let's test it we're not committed to 6 months if we see an issue that arises that was that would have prevented us from having the pilot we can cut it at any time and then just have that reviewed by by by Becky and make sure that we're not going to violate anything in doing that but I like the idea of it okay what are the hours what are the hours you plan to operate in that area it's particularly daytime if we were to ever utilize downtown Coco Beach for events things of that nature it might be you know after hours but we live right around the corner there but we're not talking about that so the hours here would pretty much be sundown 9:00 obviously in the summer months you know or when the sun sets a little later but um from 8:00 on when the tourists are out carrying their luggages and their Beach uh chairs and their coolers and their kids and everything they got um I'm going to put a a fabricate a platform on the back of the petty cab that lays down and will help carry help carry the coolers and the chairs and the things of that nature secured obviously but uh I also want to go back just briefly uh Mr kajino and Mr suenson did a great job I was actually blown away by how much research they had did before I even come came to the place with the presentation and part of it the their research was uh getting a hold of other similar beach side beach cities that had this already in place some of the the guidelines for usage and with regards to the multiple companies some of the language in those municipalities did have it limited to uh a couple of companies things of that nature because they did not want to like Mr Williams said they don't want to create more traffic issues by now we've got a train of petty cabs running up and down here my initial response was hey my nephew and I we love this this is perfect and and and and if we get out there and nobody likes it but us then it was just a great idea that we thought was a great idea nobody else cared but if the demand is so great that man those are the coolest things gosh it sure helps our it made our vacation much better and blah blah blah and the demand was to drive more business I was open for that but then after I got a hold of some of the language I realized it's not a good idea to open it up to everybody because it could very well create the problems that Mr Williams was talking about what other hypothetical so um I've been up there on the bike and seeing people on the bike PS and on my bike and you know sometimes you have uh like parents adults with kids on little bikes okay so hypothetically if you come up behind them and they're going 5 mil hour you just go out in the roadway and go buy them that you're not allowed to do because you're supposed to stay in the bike path and if they're coming head on toward you who yields do they end up having to go out in the roadway to go around you no uh I propose that we always yield we're the bigger we're the bigger vehicle it's easier for for us to take it slower and allow these people yeah but if it's 5T wide and you're 4ot and you got two adults and two little kids maybe with training wheels you know coming coming toward you or you're going to try to pass them there's there's a you got a block every every block you can say hey uh coming up behind you as soon as we get to this block you mind if I pass I mean it's not like you're in a car driving pass he can he can everybody's on a this is the kind of thing you learn about in the pilot a pilot pram mind you we're not in a hurry here we're not trying to race past folks if there is a kiddo I got my seven-year-old right here she rides fairly slow if we were to come behind that we're not in a hurry to pass and on Ocean Beach Boulevard yes there's local traffic there because the there are homes that are owned by locals but it's primarily tourists and if they're riding bicycles it's the bicycles they're renting from Ron John's most of them aren't families in the Coco Beach area in Cape canabo that are spending a lot of their time riding up and down that motor cord that's uh primarily tourist stuff which is why we've selected that that which is why that makes the most sense but we're not trying to run anybody off the road if we're all moving the same way because there's bike Lanes going this way and that way if we're moving that way with the ride of traffic and somebody's coming opposing that on our Lane in that case I think it makes sense we yield as I've suggested but that they do the roundabout because they're coming opposing traffic anyway got wrap it up it's it's getting long so yeah but now he just he just said that somebody's going to end up having to go out in the roadway either them or the other people it's a pilot out during the pilot Randy looks like you wanted to say one more thing I I did if if Mr May commission thank you if the commission looks to move forward with a pilot program I would humbly request that we limit it to one company right now so we can assess what the what the first of all what the demand is and it's better if we have problems that we can work out with one company rather than three companies so so at this point this isn't a decisional agenda item you're looking for direction and you're going to go Ty to Cape Canaveral and you're going to come back to us with this is either makes sense or doesn't make sense and if it makes sense this is how we need to do it and if it's one company two company how however you work it out you'll bring it back to us that's correct we're not Reinventing the wheel as Mr Black said we we have a lot of d data uh but there're always different circumstances different cities have different circumstances and certainly we're unique and our own our own right so we have to write something and put something in place that makes sense for coco beach if we want to do that and right now just dealing with one company on a pilot program is is my in my opinion the best way to do it I'm fine with that I just wanted to make sure that legally we weren't going to put ourselves in like a monop problem no for for the pilot program I don't have a problem with it I'd have to research you know if if if the permanent one was limited to one I think there would be a problem with that okay I would be okay with a single pilot program if you guys are maybe so then we we just I had another question for Randy actually Randy can I ask you something so if this is successful after the pilot program are we going to have to make um like a like we do with the kayak tours um like a limited amount of vendors and uh um a license like only so many licenses are given are we going to have to yeah I mean this is going to need to be done we can do the pilot program with just a resolution But ultimately if we're going to be continuing this um we're going to need an ordinance um and if we want to be able to enforce violations of whatever restrictions we have in the pilot program we're going to need to do it by ordinance cuz you can't have um ordinance violations based on a resolution so so okay well I we we'll figure out how to get it done for y'all okay but yeah all right so thank you one last thing I I just want to inform you all that we will have cameras mounted on the bike so any in all times we're operating for business you will have recorded uh video of whatever interaction so should somebody complain whether uh you know it's about us or anything else we'll have at least our objective version of what is and then you can say well these guys had a legit complaint or they were just uh you know not not happy or that's very wise okay thank you I think we spent enough time on this appreciate it um thank you guys sounds good all right any other public comment oh we already passed oh yeah we did that oh yeah this was uh sorry about that that was uh I got confused okay uh that was City all right uh City attorney um nothing tonight thank you all right City commission any reports or for the sake of time I'll pass okay don't forget to change your clocks okay see what you did there very nice all right so nobody else I have some comments but it's contingent on if it gets stirred up so I would like to hear from yours first and then so this past week um there was a there was a a commission workshop and uh Tobias had had brought up some um some false information and they they came up with a impromptu vote basically without even having public comment about the situation with the lifeguards uh when I saw that um I asked uh our city manager if we had in fact sent our agreement out yet he said he had not uh and I said hold off please um with this new evidence I would like to present it to the commission uh because I know Josh you were on the fence a little bit I mean you could tell took you a few seconds so I think with this new evidence that had popped up I thought it was only fair that we maybe revisit um our vote and see if we both we all feel the same after seeing um I've got a slideshow or a a presentation basically of of some of the stuff that was said so I'd like to bring that up and then uh I'll discuss a little further so per the hang on please pause for a second so per commission policy in normal uh order of business you would need to ask for a vote to revisit the item yeah I'm going to I'm going to do that but this is my this is my public this is my public comment this is your staff report yeah commission report okay you're not going to do that tonight I will later possibly but it's not an agenda item it was an agenda item when we approved it um I don't know I I spoke with the city attorney and she said you can revisit something that we previously voted on at the follow on meeting but you have to make a motion to revisit it you have to get a second and you have to get a you know a majority vote um I I believe what he's doing is doing his City commission report yeah I'm doing my report and I'll do that later if if we want to vote on it I'll I'll ask that we have a a motion to revote and see if there's a second and then we could do a revote so if you wouldn't mind uh rewinding that and then we'll play it from the beginning again see know how many people died out there 14 how many 14 14 were were they all were they how many were doing life CS being pres zero zero noard so they died after LIF guards went off is that what you said 14 okay okay so 14 di now out of that 14 were there any at Coco Beach that had L Parts at that I don't know Mr chair before we got back was pretty telling that there wasn't one death where a LIF guard was present cor right that was extremely telling that the life guards were working hard were were very effective obviously LIF guards can't work at midnight but when they were working in the areas in which they were working they were highly affected there was not one death and okay my only concern is is what do they do what do we do if they say no and most of the people that have called me in regards to this have indicated to me very clearly that we are the ones through the turist taxs that are bringing the visitors to the beach and we are the ones that should be paying for so all of these people I mean that's what a couple of Mayors have said to me and I didn't want to get into arguments with them but but to a certain extent that's true because of the tourist development tax because of us advertising and we have great beaches we are bringing a variety of people to the beach so the question then is is if we're bringing it to the beach why aren't we paying for it that's what their question is it's not mine I'm just stting what I have talked to people about so I don't know what's going to happen in the event that they all say no I think we're probably pretty close to the vote now but uh here's my prediction I'm going to support this motion today but here's my prediction none of them are going to do this and we're going to be right back where we started so I'm willing to try but it ain't going to work so there's motion on the floor okay actually I'll talk a little bit and then we'll go back we'll go into the slideshow so Tobias straight up whether he was misinformed or he was lying to to push a narrative I don't know but we definitely had a drowning December 23rd with a lifeguard present it's not to say that they don't save lives they do but obviously something something he was trying to push is that we need lifeguards and they're safe and I agree but he's misr misrepresenting another thing he did in that uh meeting was he' basically indicated that we we get $3.7 million in parking Revenue we're being stingy with it we don't want to we don't want to uh share it with with them for lifeguards as was stated if they want to advertise all the way from New York to Coco Beach come swim to Coco Beach we have lifeguards they're the ones that responsible for taking care of the people they're bringing here they're talking about us wasting $77,000 on cartoon pictures that's not the case he didn't talk to us first he didn't give us the opportunity to even show up to that meeting he didn't let us know they were having that meeting he had a meeting impromptu with slideshows and everything else if we would have known we would have been there we would have rebutted everything he said and it would have been different not only that there was public comment that had filled out a card and they ignored it they didn't allow any public comment during that that $7,000 that he's making a a big deal about was pulled from the budget that was that was from last manager that wanted to have caricatures drawn us as commission we're more fiscally responsible we didn't want it when when Wayne got a hold of it we express our concerns he pulled that from the budget that's not there the $200,000 for the for the uh they said oh $ 200,000 for the um the skate park that right there is a safety issue that's not because we're trying to build toys with and rather than take care of people on the beach that is a safety issue if that skate park is not fixed somebody actually could die because of a result of it that coping is dangerous that skate park can be dangerous if we don't take care of our assets they create a liability and that's what that is it's not a slush fund that's that's stuff that we have to take care of for our residents that $3.7 million goes to uh fixing crosswalks it goes to uh fire and and safety and Beach Rangers and Beach cleanup and and parking garages and parking enforcement we we need that money to take care of our stuff and take care of our residents now um I've got Wyatt here he's got a public comment he was there the day of that drowning and I was wondering if he could come up and and just say something a little bit about um his experience with that thank you mayor Commissioners city manager staff um I'd like I'd like to address that um at some point at this if you guys provide me the time but I have 3 minutes I prefar prepared a statement that I worked on really hard because want be careful this is troubling to me because I fought this battle with the county when I was lifeguard Chief to get more lifeguards and I cannot believe the state of the lifeguards we're in now and we're battling over more lifeguards lifeguards are crucial my statement here this is how I see it and I'd like to break it down into an analogy the county has a boat and it's a fine boat they're asking $800,000 for this boat the problem is the Commissioners the county the public safety director and the fire chief are ill informed There's issues with this boat so let's review some of the issues funding recognition and retention of lifeguards most importantly operational management we'll get to that one last but at this moment funding is top of the list and the reason for that is because it's a boat they have to throw money into it right and they're trying to find that funding they're looking at you an underlying issue is that lifeguards don't get the same respect that fire police and EMS have a clear example is if we had more crime and we had a lot of fires and we had medical calls funding would not be an issue ocean rescue should be considered an equal to EMS Public Safety operations especially with us inviting these tourists to come to our beautiful beaches we're not providing them the I guess expected protection in America there's a reasonable expectation we're protected ocean rescued lifeguards should be career-minded professional lifeguards not part-time teenagers college kids they should have the same benefits as fire police and EMS we would retain them they would give them a career path forward right now they're leaving the lifeguards to become firefighters police officers in the military and finally the not so obvious problem is the direct supervision and management of the operation let's use December 31st as an example false information here life guards weren't doing their job there's a chance of drowning in front of a life card or one in 18 million we were one that day in front of lifeguards there's a video out there if you guys haven't heard about it that shows exactly what went down I've observed the county ocean rescue operations over the years since my retirement under the current rescue chief they are not operating at the usla United States life saving Association standards of course the life CS do respond and they're doing a great job rescuing and saving some people from here and there but currently Bard County ocean rescue has just been responding our charge as life cards is more than that you I have more yeah keep going our charges lifeguards is more than that because we're supposed to provide Outreach education not have happening warning signs to the public and stuff with signs hazards providing preventive lifeguarding to meet the USAA standards we're not they're not doing that I believe individual lifeguards are willing and able and ready to do the job they're just not being supervised properly ocean rescue lifeguards are not just charged for responding rescues and saving people in the war that are supposed to do educational Outreach as I said which is considered preventative lifeguarding which means they're supposed to warn people of r currence and the other hazards another example in 2015 Bard County identifying the extension of lifeguards to the unprotected areas purchased several ATVs to expand the coverage and should be patrolling constantly in the unguarded areas we should see them moving around as much as we do the beach Rangers you don't I've observed 4 ATVs parked at one station from the time it takes me to go and check my stations from COC UTS all the way down to Canaveral and back and they're still there up to a group of six lifeguards at one Tower none of them on the beach patrolling ATVs four ATVs sitting there and I asked the county they need to reboot their lifeguard management they need to go back and look deep at how they're being supervised because the boat with issues nobody wants to buy a boat that don't float conclusion it's it's imperative that we only fund or pay for we should not pay for an organization that's not providing us usla professional lifeguards as much as I advocate lifeguards we're not getting what we're paying for so we need them to step up and provide the the the lifeguards with proper management supervision usla standards before we consider using them again that's my case you mentioned a video what does it show the video is a I'll go down now thank you for the time the video breaks down sitting at the the tower you can see the tower clearly a group of kids are coming in multiple 12 13 they unloaded a a van or a bus they come out to the beach and let me tell you this lifeguards under my charge when we supervise them correctly even the chief as I was I would be out there and I'd intervene I'd see this group and I'd go over and make contact immediate preventive lifeguarding there's rip CS red flags flying please be caution maybe don't go in the water here but have a good day and we'll be here to watch you I would appoint a lifeguard to go and stand by that group because now this is the only group that was on the beach so that video shows that beach coming or those students coming out they get into the water no movement the tower sitting right there no movement from the tower then these people get into the water they start froling around they're in a known rip lifeguards should have identified the rip when they got to work that morning no intervention no preventive lifeguarding it's still happening cuz like the drowning doesn't just happen it starts occurring they get out a little bit further they're flailing around there starts to be some activity the the uh chaperon start grabbing rings and running into the water yelling for help still no lifeguard present only was it till the tower camera pans away at a moment and then one of the beach Rangers I believe his name is Tony Tony you guys heard this you've seen this Tony said he went banged on on the station and then a lifeguard emerges and comes out fully dressed looking around to see what's going on and he did proceed and help with some medical and there was law enforcement were first on hand and they were doing CPR to trying to save one individual that we lost on Christmas Eve it was actually our fire Personnel I believe that was first on scene are the ones that pulled them out I believe it was uh a long it was Cooper was it not I'm not sure it was on I believe it was Cooper from what I understand it was Coco Beach though is what you're saying but there was a beach C Beach was first reaction there was a lifeguard on duty there a guard there were life two there were lifeguards on they supposed to be break it down you're supposed to have a supervisor group that have the four-wheelers captain and Lieutenant you're supposed to have two lifeguards in the tower one lifeguard is supposed to be in the tower air traffic control and the other one is supposed to keep their feet wet under my charge they had to walk one hour and then rotate I never see them get out of the Tower and again it's not the fault of the lifeguards it's because they don't have the proper supervision as Chief out was down there every day I was sharing stories how I used to run mock rescue we're going to we're going to stop this now I appreciate it that was good the information was there you were there there was no there was lifeguards on duty dut let me add this what they're I think they're trying to say is they they Pace out a sign and put a sign up it says you're leaving a lifeguarded area and and that's not a determined Le in usla standards they don't have one on what's a guarded area our Mantra is if you can see it you can save it in fact there was just something they posted on Facebook how they were so proud of seeing and saving something outside the Lifeguard area between Towers is our lifeguard area that's why they got those four thank you w thank you for your time okay um so we've got some some stuff here too that shows this is what they're advertising right here here they've got a whole presentation if you look on the left in every one of these presentations it says swim near a lifeguard right here Coco Beach Orlando's closest beach swim near a lifeguard how Coco Beach does happy hour swim near a lifeguard I think they mentioned something about getting blasted and going swimming uh how Coco Beach does art shows from near lifeguard some more lifeguard this is what they're advertising on 95 and down 528 play coco beach beach line Head East Coco Beach Head East they're driving people here so the question is do you really think that we should pay for these lifeguards or do you think the people that are driving the people here should pay we voted we voted to work with them and say you know what we'll do status quo we'll give you what we've been doing because we feel like you know we'll do our part but after that they then had another meeting and said we don't want to pay they're going to pay 800,000 we're not trying to negotiate with and this is what we want to do so I I would like to propose that have some more discussion before you yeah but what I'd like to propose is that we don't pay and this is not because I don't care about safety I care about safety first and foremost I'm not saying I don't want lifeguards I'm saying we're not responsible for lifeguards so I would propose that we would um vote to give them nothing for this year and then next year when they when that other one rolls out we'll give them nothing again but go ahead so I had s similar thank you for that Wyatt and the mayor I had a whole dissertation written up on points I want to summarize this in the closing I 100% agree with the safety side that's not disputable that's when has been perverted they're T they're they're in cherry-picking information to make it seem like Coco Beach doesn't want it and I want to make it crystal clear that we are providing assets Coco Beach assets are there on our dime it's not for lifeguard it's for our fire and rescue guys but this is simply a revenue share not a cost share I mean we all know there's a massive disconnect between how much Coco Beach is contributing and how much we're actually receiving from the TDC so for me it's a revenue share they're asking for a cost share share that Revenue with us we're getting 3% of what we contribute to their fund so I absolutely believe they should be paying for it and I'll leave it at that commission you have something you want to say yeah um the funds I think it was close that was between $87 and $90,000 that what we committed the last in the last vote um was 89,000 I believe 89 89 okay so was that was pretty much bracketed so this conversation is for future that's not for this year no I I want to vote for this year so so what my argument at the last meeting and roll the tape if you want but I won't pull it up in a clip was that I believe we the city of Coco Beach have a you know just a matter of caution uh safety liability to provide lifeguards part of the time at our city parks which are Fisher Park and shepher park and the way I looked at it for the $800,000 that covers the lifeguards over the entire city that the um County was saying that that's you know they're going to pay for that if we paid our 89,000 that that 89,000 was a good number for providing lifeguards at our two city parks and I think we owe that to our residents to say hey if you want to go somewhere where there's lifeguards go to these city parks we covered it we paid for it and and we have life parts so I just um to just say no and put up signs that say uh you know no no lifeguard on duty swim at your own risk the price of the life and the tarnishment on our city reputation it's not worth it not from a tourism standpoint but also from a resident standpoint I mean mayor I think roll the tape uh you stated that you know people that live here don't need lifeguards because they know what a rip Cur is they know how to swim and all that but it's not really actually the case there's people that have lived here bought a property here been here a couple years or kids are old enough to get in the water and they they don't know what a rip K is and all that the fact of the matter Avid Surfers and all that so I believe that we owe it to our constituency in our city to provide life cards at our city beaches and the the mechanism to do that through the county already had life cards in place was you know worth the money and cheaper than us creating a a another leg of the fire rescue folks in the city of cooko beach in the fire department to train and provide ocean did you watch that meeting the whole meeting they didn't propose that we're going to let them pay the 89,000 they proposed that we're not going to give them the money if they want to buy lifeguards we'll match them with a grant they're they're not going to give us anything no the agreement that we gave to Wayne to submit was what they asked us for yeah then then they went and did a meeting without announcing and said all right this next year we're not going to well that hasn't gone to the commission that was a budget meeting it was on the commission the commission voted for it did you watch it that was that was a budget meeting yeah and then it was voted poliy meeting and then it was voted the you saying the county has passed their budget I doubt it it's way too early in the budget cycle voted to put the grant proposal in they voted it so what I'm saying is okay they don't want to they don't want to go they don't want to go status quo they want to they want to do exactly what they said before so if that's what they want to do I want to hold my ground and say you guys bring the people here we pay we pay our taxes we do pay our taxes that should cover our our residents and then the TDC should cover all the people they're bringing we already PID taxes for it that's the way I see it um you know watch watching that meeting made me think of a lot of things it made me think of first of all so many tourists I think the last time we we we put a number on it the 3 million tourists come here a year our Public Safety just fire and police our staff to support the residents the number that are staff just to support the residents of 11,000 yet they have to take care of those 3 million people which we fund yeah ourselves and and now we're expected to do that 5.6 million we're we're expected to do that for the lifeguards now too so we're taking more and more and already you know I just heard Chief Grime say like on Tuesday he's like oh we had to keep our our people our um fire kogo Beach fire out on the beach longer MH on Tuesday cuz they were supporting so many rescues just that one day we also assist we are there you know we assist and that's that's from our budget and the 46% is from nonresidents which comes out to $5.6 million in money that we spend for non-residents for their exactly and the fact that they're saying that one drowning occurred while the lifeguards were what oh he was saying that they weren't there but they were there and then then they're like well there was 14 others like on off hours well why don't if they're trying to present a product to us why aren't they extending the hours to take care of those other 14 I mean why are we paying what are we paying you know and then also I was told um by our um I think Chief Grimes was kind of keeping an eye on the lifu schedule and who was supposed to be there and how many were supposed to be in the in the towers um and they weren't always the numbers that we contracted to support so um I mean besides what why is saying we're not paying for we're also not paying we're paying for we're not getting enough staff like we contracted yeah so um I would I would agree with you I mean I kind of take back my agreement for um the 89,000 in 2024 we didn't send it yet and that's why I'm here with you guys and I I kind of want to take that back and and seeing all the points how they're he's like targeting Coco Beach and assuming what we do with our money you know and not even coming and meeting with us to see if you know his assumptions are correct and I really resent that exactly so um I I would take back my vote on that um okay so does somebody want to make a motion to amend the last vote well can I make one more comment before you do that yes unless this taking back the vote and then rev voting unless there's an amendment to come up with a guarant a way to fun lifeguards at our city beaches as part of that motion then I'm not going to support it that's so anybody else want so you made a motion to amend it I didn't make it officient but I will if you want me to that's how we're do the motion is to revisit the vote that we had at the last meeting okay I make a motion to revisit the the uh the vote that we made on the on our expend of lifeguards 2024 got a motion in a second anybody want to do public comment on that I would like to hear from him no no no you okay you you don't have the votes to even bring it up yet I think we got a motion in a second yeah he's asking for comments before this vote okay to to to undo a vote yeah then there has to be a to yes there will be another there'll be I have one supposed to have well I can have one on this too John Los 444 Dempsey drive just a thought we in Coco Beach look at the tourists that come here 2 and a half or three million a year like Carolyn said and we feel that we're putting forward you know Public Safety support for them and we feel that it's unfair that the County doesn't contribute to the public safety and I agree with that it just seems completely unfair but if we take the approach on the lifeguards that we're not going to put anything forward for the 11,000 people that live here that's doing the same thing to the county that the County's doing to us you know it's unfair that they don't help us with Public Safety but it would be unfair if we don't help contribute to the to the safety for the 11,000 people that are here I do agree with the mayor that probably the biggest issue with Beach safety is probably tourists because they are unfamiliar with this area but the 11,000 people that live here do need some beach support so I think you know whether the number is 89,000 or it's some other number I to me it would be only fair that we put something forward however they carry the Lion Share of it which they're trying to not do they should carry the Lion Share of it and it also would be fair if they helped us with Public Safety so I would urge the commission not to take a stance of zero because that's doing to them the same thing they're doing to US unless that's the point we want to make you're doing it us you're doing it to us so we're going to do it to you but it seems like we should put something forward for our people but certainly not cover the whole costs maybe it's a 90 90% 10% split or something just my thought can I say something else um yeah I don't think you have to put a card in for comment on the top come on up like I stated earlier it is Paramount that we do have life guards I'm an an advocate of that however we can come up with other solutions for our city until I think the Lifeguard can go the the county can go back reboot their management if they want to come back to us at some point and say we got a usla better Pro proved to us cuz they're going to be operating in a tower at least Lorie Wilson within cooko Beach you guys know that right yeah they're not going to abandon cooko Beach completely they're going to be in the county park we can watch what they're doing but there are solutions for our city to take care of our people and the people that come here now there's a big burden with the tourists coming absolutely that's where we need something a bigger Force which the county offers but like I said earlier in my my little speech is they're not up to Snuff you said that earlier about um Chief Grimes monitor them I've seen that myself they'll have one person in the tower all day they're not meeting the contract that they're and the usla standards so why should we pay for that we should take that money and put it into a solution for our city and maybe later look at them and if they can prove that they they've improved their lifeguard core and then they would be in my value again Priceless $800,000 is is nothing thank you why we're going to keep going with this okay so the point is they're going to pay for the lifeguards they're advertising it from here to New York unless they're going to change their whole marketing scheme they're paying for the lifeguards that's the way it's going so we got to John D East alola not really deciding which way is right way or wrong that but my concern is this is section g City commission reports on announcements I don't think that you can legally make a motion and vote on something during this meeting at this time I think you got to bring up to the next meeting and do it to agenda again because nobody else in the public in city or anybody else knows about this I don't think he can legally bring up a motion and vote on it at this meeting thank you you can I believe we can because we have already voted on this before and it has already been announced um all right so we got a motion in a second to it to revisit the vote revisit it all in favor to revisit the vote all opposed motion passes five or 4 to one okay got a motion um to revote on that uh on that agreement um so the motion last time was to give 9,000 and we get lifeguards in all of Coco Beach okay I was thinking it was voting for zero doar no that would the motion that passed last time that we revisiting was to agree with the county to pay them $89,000 got it to have the same lifeguard coverage that we had this previous year got it and I think we need to including fiser Park and shepher park and now there's new information that their plan is to offer grants you know grants turn into weaning us off taking on 100% of that ownership and so we are revisiting and I think we need a motion in a second to make a new decision then we can discuss it and then make our vote correct well well you just discussed it agreed to make a new decision or reaffirm the old decision whatever you're going to do but now it would be appropriate to make a motion whatever you want to do whether it's you know zero dollars starting have make the motion and then if we are going to overturn motion then discuss not discuss that motion right for you motion and then discuss just if if the intent is to change the outcome from last time do we need to make a motion and then reject that or do we just not bring the motion and it is we make the motion that we want to contrib I'll make the motion to revisit the exact same vote we had last time for the $889,000 we did that that no we I'm making the m to vote on sending the offer letter with an $89,000 or whatever the number is the $889,000 previously passed three second okay wait can you say that again yeah I don't I don't understand the motion that's before if it fails if it fails then it then it it's off the books okay got it the motion passed last time I think the intent the motion will fail this time so I'm bring it up the exact same to send the letter that Coco Beach is going to be obligated to $889,000 contribution to lifeguards second I think we got a motion in a second motion a second all right any discussion uh I believe a nay vote opens it back up and pushes us back to having to visit correct if it ends up being three nay then the issue is basically dead and you bring up something new for another commission meeting oh not for another commission it doesn't have to be at another commission we do it now do you think this is this is I don't think we have a solution to how we're going to cover lifeguards at at our two city parks we do the County's going to pay that's the solution we're not paying that's a solution the County's paying they haven't committed to paying they sure seem like they did I saw all those those advertisement it says swim near lifeguard you you're playing Russian left with people's lives man so I and I I don't think it's as simple as it was last time I think there was an a ask from the county for 89,000 and they would pay the 90% above that and what we heard from them is they plan to go forward with no we're we're going to stick the bill to Coco Beach they're going to have to apply for a grant and they're going to have to do matching funding to get the total balance of that so I don't think that the 89,000 is an offer on the table anymore um okay I believe that the 89,000 is an offer on the table until um October 1st of this year fair so I don't think that that is the direction they're going so I think no and I think I what they have voted on in the budget meeting is for the following fcal year it's it's for the fiscal year beginning October 1st right so this carries lifeguards through the end of this fiscal year for $889,000 and I think the problem is we are not getting the service we're paying for I think we're get we're seeing that we're we are lacking in the quality of service we are have we are getting a County Commission who is being untruthful and misrepresenting our city and then looking to give us okay well if we have increase in our then we really lack quality of service we'll have zero quality of service so I think they've got skin in the game just as much or more than we do and I agree with the mayor that they're they have as much obligation to their County Citizens and residents as we do um but they have they have the wherewithal financially to do it and they are walking away from that they have they have signaled that already and I think I think it's ridiculous and I was incorrect on the term of what they sent over it begins March 23rd 2024 and it ends September 2nd 2024 which I assume is the end of the lifeguard season so you're paying 89,000 for a few months yeah I I I just think they have changed the game and it merits a respons CLE shown that their intent is to do this 50/50 cost year now but that leads into you guys have this budgeted we're not going to complete disregard for like you said commissioner the the revenue share they are pulling so much money out of Coco Beach and then asking for more right and I think to use Tobias terms it's a little disingenuous to Cherry Pig data tell the story exactly I appreciated commiss commissioner Steel's perspective and that he was even-handed with that but I did not feel we got a fair shake from the rest all right sounds good I I agree so we we had a motion to uh to vote on the whether or not we wanted to approve that 89,000 uh do I got a second yes okay you got a second right all right so all in favor to approve the 89,000 uh yay all I uh I'll oppose to I'll to disapprove I I disapprove you I disapprove so that's approve translate that as you will I screwed it up but anyways so pass 4 Z to not or or disap four 4 Z okay so now we I don't count anymore 41 41 we'll give him 42 sometimes you count all right I screwed that one all up but so we we are under the agenda so now do we need to do anything beyond that think we need to vote or do we need to vote now to to not have to we don't have enough data to know what's going to happen what's the next shoe to drop we just know right now they could terminate lifeguards tomorrow well it would be as of March was it March 23rd yeah 2 PE PE of uh Spring Break season there could be zero life cards in cookle beach that would be really bad press for them I'll tell you that yeah um if someone wanted to make a motion they could make a motion to do whatever you want to do to to um specifically not send this we already did that no well you decided not to not to pay for it we didn't approve to send that that was just correct only vote we let her finish saying what she was going to say to officially send them a letter that we're not going to do this because they hav seen that yet uh this is something they sent us yeah so then so somebody want to make a a motion that we'll send him a letter saying we're not going to be paying this I'll make a motion to modify that letter to take the $889,000 to $0 okay I'll second I got a motion a second to take the the thing down to 89 All In favor to take or take it down to zero I I I all opposed me motion passes 41 all right thank you guys I feel like we accomplished something there all right that was I'm sorry that was a long um uh staff or commissioner report but are we going to start the meeting we can start the meeting now I'll allow it good news it should be pretty quick all right uh uh consent agenda okay this is the consent agenda item one approve the February 15 2024 commission meeting minutes representative city clerk Department recommendation approved item two approve the selection of Breen aquatic ink for the completion of the golf course aquatic vegetation harvesting project RFP number CB 24003 for the sum of 20 6,855 this is a budgeted item for fiscal year 24 sorl Grant received for $592,500 this is a budgeted item and funded with a soral grant representative Jared Francis city engineer and Kelsey Mack environmental and sustainability program manager recommendation approved item three approve the 2023 three board committee annual reports Board of adjustment planning board suain sustainability committee General employe pension board Land Management committee Leisure Services Board police fire pension board representative Wayne Carino city manager recommendation approve item four approve the CRA and Gregory Deo and Penelope Depo addendum to original agree agreement that took place on February 1st 24 that was approved by the CRA board representative Devin tally community redevelopment administrator recommendation approve item five approve the 2023 CRA annual report that was approved by the CRA board representative Devin tally community redevelopment administrator recommendation approv item six adopt resolution number of the city of coka Beach bbar County Florida authorizing the city manager to apply for a Florida Inland navigational District find Grant to renovate B Centennial Park by executing attachment E7 providing for an effective date the total cost of the project is estimated at $3,300 th000 the fine Grant is $750,000 find requires that the city commission adopt a resolution to to proceed with the Grant application this is a budgeted item for fiscal year 24 representative Ander Hansen senior accountant recommendation adopt item seven approve the scope of services for engineering and design of the ramp Road Park Southwest improvements task order 12 in the amount of $162,200 this is a budgeted item in fiscal year 24 representative Jared Francis city engineer and Morgan Zaki staff engineer recommendation approved item eight authorize the city manager or designate to enter into a contract with BDI Marine Contractors LLC for the construction of the McNab Parkway bios Swale and seaw wall improvements RFP CB 24002 in the amount of $361,500 this is about budgeted item for fiscal year 24 representative Jared Francis city engineer and Morgan Zuli staff engineer recommendation approve have to approve a consent agenda second got a motion a second to approve the consent agenda all in favor all all opposed motion passes 5 unfinished business okay item one adopt ordinance 16 887 on second reading an ordinance of the city of coka Beach Florida adopting a new Article 2 special budget funds and a new section 2-11 of that Article 2 capital projects funds of chapter 2 Administration providing for the establishment and funding of a capital projects fund of the Coca Beach code of ordinances and providing for codification conflict separability and an effective date representative City Commission recommendation adopt move to adop order in 1687 on second reading second got a motion a second um any comment yeah yeah I'm I'm not seeing the Desir in this ordinance anymore the Endeavor language the Endeavor language we have the it makes it look like it's a it's the same exact verbage since the first reading I didn't um change it so well it was originally proposed as we Endeavor to I know it said it last time so let's make sure it does it didn't Tire oh here it is it says on B it says the third sentence down in each succeeding budget year the city commission shall Endeavor but will not be required to budget approximately 3% of the city's total budget to the C you're looking at section 211b uh-huh says shall consider funding the CPS yes and then keep on going they'll you'll consider it okay but will not be required I got it I just it's worth checking okay I support my position is I I voted yes last time I don't I think it provides the residents better visibility if we have the diligence to bookkeep and plan stuff in the CIP plan I understand Mr tumulty made the comment of I don't want to have this black box of unspoken I 100% agree with the financial meaning of this I'm the only one that was pushing back on the budget last year I'm concerned that we're not going to be able to have excess funds surplus funds anywhere that's going to carve this so I don't think it's going to be I I I I start to lose what's the point I have in this is just another ordinance I understand it's a goal but that should just be built into our platform of fiscal responsib so the way it was explained to me from from Patricia was that when we have funds like this first thing we do is we put everything we you know we pay our we pay our debts there priorization and then we put everything in the second priority is putting everything into these funds and then at the very end uh is when you know if we not starting to make stuff line up this is something that you know we can pull from if we have to but this is this is to try to make it a priority so let me ask you this though wouldn't we if we ever came to a situation where we' we've reconciled the budget for that year and we realize we have a surplus that potentially could go in here wouldn't we just accelerate a future Capital plan into that year to consume that budget so I don't think this will literally I don't think we'll ever have a surplus that goes in here I mean again I agree with the concept 100% if the concept doesn't work then then this fund goes towards paying off debt in the event that our our debt is making is costing us more interest than we would be gaining from this fund what are your thoughts on it um I'm I'm just trying to appease the mayor it was his idea I don't I without raising taxes yeah there's not going to be any money to put into that fund every penny that is projected to come into the city is going to get spent on backlog of Maintenance and repairs and essential services and we can and and and and capital things that are getting us to point where it's more expensive to maintain than to replace because we don't have the money we can endeav to do it though that's that's thing okay let me play I'm going to play a snippet of our of our meeting from when we had when we were talking about actually going through with agreeing to buy the or do the city hall project and this was from our our previous uh um fearless leader Ben Mal let's see if he this plays here so so borrow the money we have so many deferred projects because of all the roll backs over the years and we've never allocated enough in our budget process to ensure that everything I'd rather take the savings and do the 20year take that 10-year money and put it in a kitty to make sure that whoever's sitting up here 60 years from now doesn't have to go through this nightmare again that there's a kitty of money set aside proper long-term financial planning we need to be thinking 50 60 years out and if I might mayor just to kind of uh illustrate one other thing even the former mayor agreed that we we need to set money aside for our projects if we don't we're we're going to be in the same situation time after time again and like I said it's an Endeavor if you don't want if we can't do it we don't do it but at least we have a plan hey rather than there's extra money in the budget we'll figure out a way to spend it somewhere else let's try to save it I think he was also referring to raising millage rate so you could get that too he was he always that leaves some of that out of that that snippet but um um I in order to do that I agree with them that's what I've been trying to say in order to get that extra money yeah you're going to have to raise the millage rate and and and get this money from somewhere where are we going to get it from we're always you know we always have money allocated for what and and I think our I mean I I I I I like the idea concept of it it makes a lot of sense but in the end I really have faith in our staff finance department and our city manager that they're going to plan this in the Strategic plan where where to spend this money five to 10 years out and do these capital projects we need and it's been it's been it's they they do a good job it's been working so um I also think um our our with all the capital projects we've done especially the buildings and stuff our staff has the finance the CFO their whole department has been able to find like government sub subsidized loans where we have really low interest rates so it's almost better to keep the money in the bank as opposed to paying all cash for things so um I mean overall I I think it's better to just do what we're we're doing and I I think it's a great idea but um and and last you know I I don't think we really need to do it I guess what I'm so again if if it's to Endeavor and if we don't have the money what does it hurt to start a fund to try to make sure we can have a little extra money to put towards something in the future if if you don't have the money we don't have to do it it's an Endeavor how do we know we don't I mean it' be one thing if we knew all of us were going to be there to allocate this money how would we know whatever commission is what they're going I I brought that up when he first brought it up that it's going to let's say there was accumulated judiciously half million dollars a year 5 years from now it's $2.5 million we're still paying our other bills whether we had to raise millage rate in taxes to pay our other bills and keep feeding the kitty none of us are going to be up here you know and and uh well not none of us maybe the an election Cycles will have flush through in 5 years okay let's just put it that way so then somebody's going to just pick a pet project and say well there's $2.5 million let's go spend it like a fire station in the North End I mean we have enough agree with the concept okay so and just so you guys know because there's talk that I want this for for a marina fund going and I'm going to tell you right now absolutely I do not intend on any of our residents to pay for the marina other than our feasibility study the fund will be from a revenue Bond where the marina will pay for itself I do not intend for anybody I do not intend to use this for the marina project the only money I intend to use uh City money for is our feasibility study so just so you know that would be a revenue Bond and obviously the way we would do the revenue bond is because that feasibility would tell us that is profitable would be profitable and that we could do that Revenue Bond so just so you know I'm not I am not doing this this is altruistically something that I want to do because I know we're going to have to do this uh fire station coming up I know that we're going to have projects we're never going to be at a loss for important projects this has nothing to do with me wanting to use it for the marina just so you guys know this is solely because I know we have that North End project getting ready to come up and within 5 years within the next election cycle we're going to be $50 million in debt I'm just telling you right now so unless we start saving now we're we're just going to keep inching up inching up so that's that's my two sentence I'll leave it at that I'm not going to beat a dead horse but uh any public comment on that yeah go ahead ever again it's 1800 Minute Men cos me I'm just a little bit um puzzled on on the logistics of it especially when you're in a situation where you actually set the millage rate first and then you then you figure out your priorities and and I I just I just so far I I I have not seen the millage rate set high enough to even meet the requirements of the current budget year so I just am wondering where this this extra money is going to come from unless the commission is willing to to bite the bullet a little bit and and give that give that flexibility within the millage rate which so far um you have historically the commission has not done so thank you yeah so my like I said if we if we have it set as as an endeavor at the end of the year if they balance the budget and they have a little extra for this and that which we which we do from time to time they found we found uh was like a couple hundred thousand or something at the end of this year and the previous city manager was already to go spend it on whatever she had an idea for so all I'm saying is unless we make a plan for it somebody's going to figure out a way to spend it year after year anyways so you don't you don't intend to or have a intention to raise the mill rate this year based on what you I don't intend to try to raise a millage rate at all that is my intention is to figure out ways to to save money or to make money so that the residents don't have to have the mill rate Sav so do we have no moot we had a motion in a second motion inbody second are we are you guys ready for a vote I think so okay all in favor to uh do the capital projects roll call second reading oh yeah roll call for the capital projects fund commissioner Jackson hi commissioner Williams hi commissioner wace nay vice mayor Hutcherson I mayor kabi I motion passes 41 thank you guys all right move to approve item K1 I've got to REM second all right that was good uh legally don't need I'm not required to read read it okay approve the scope of services for engineering and design and fee estimate in the amount of $347,400 sewer pipe replacement project the engineering and design for this project is a budgeted item this fiscal year representative Brad czo Water Reclamation director recommendation approv to approve got a motion in a second any public comment all right all in favor I I all right all opposed motion passes 5 all right general public comment told me they didn't have enough time at the beginning motion we that's right there