##VIDEO ID:BxioW6aIXAs## e e e I talk okay there we go okay to start all right please uh face the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all invocation by Mr way Locker thank you thank you uh Commissioners thank you uh city manager and attorney I it's an honor to pray with you and and my neighbors um as us B father God I just thank you so much for this evening Lord I just pray that uh we welcome your spirit here tonight Lord and I just pray that as uh we have discussions that uh we welcome you in and um uh to help us give us wisdom father and I just also want to lift up our Police Department our fire department and all of our First Responders protect them um protect their families um we just love you so so much in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen amen thank you all right city clerk roll call please commissioner Jackson here commissioner Williams here commissioner wace here mayor hon here mayor capy is he here uh mayor here is it can you hear me there we go there we go got it okay okay we have roll call so approval of the agenda can I get a motion did you want something pull yeah commissioner Jackson pulled uh J1 you got to talk about it before you approve the [Applause] agenda Mr Jackson H one yeah um the topic is the skate park H3 okay so can I get approve the consent agenda minus H3 motion to approve cons minus H3 second all in favor I okay C1 we have a special presentation from our great fire department on the community Paramedic program [Music] [Applause] hey good evening commission my name is James Shindler I'm the EMS chief of cooka Beach uh with fire department been with you guys for about 18 19 years now uh tonight we're going to talk to you briefly about the community Paramedic program and some of the benefits of it I'm going to tell you by starting kind of how it began and Cher's going to pick up and tell you the benefits of so in the fire service we have uh operations fire operations and we have EMS operations so Ms operations accounts for about 72% of everything we do it's a big big part of our call volume so about every three out of four people that call 911 here are calling for a medical purpose so with that we often find that we run on the same citizens over and over again and for some of these things it's preventable if we are interactive and get to them ahead of time so by doing this we save the the city money wear and tear on the vehicles uh we overload the system we tie up resources and we also would see a reduce in um expenses to the patient from ambulance bills from hospital bills and so forth so with that the Department of Health recognized through DCF that they would send DCF out to help our elderly in need but it became so overwhelming so fast for them that they said we need people to be out into the field uh that can go into the homes of our citizens and help them so what better place to be than the fire department the fire department's able to get out there see the people what their needs are and we know our community and often times we know the patients so with that we uh formed the community Paramedic program with the help of Ben Malik and the commission at that time they were very supportive of it and we were off the ground and running so with that we based it off of Satellite Beach they have a very very successful program in their uh community and their Community absolutely loves them and their program so what does a program do well just briefly because I'm going to give this to Sher we follow up on the patients once they call 911 we follow up we find out what their needs are and we're kind of it's like social work we find out what the problem is and then we have a myriad of different resources that we can connect to that patient to help them out so our main purpose of what we want to see for our citizens is we want them to be safe we want them to be healthy and we want them to be happy that's our our three big goals with that we do home safety surveys when we go out to evaluate and assess we also want them to be healthy so we look are they taking their medications uh are they going on their doctor visits do they have food in their refrigerator it's basic necessities that a lot of times that that that is what they need because you got to think they don't drive they don't get out much so we have found ways to uh connect resources to help them but what about happiness happiness of course is something we all want to achieve we want our citizens here to have we have also formed a volunteer Squad within our department that goes out does companionship visits and these visits we can kind of dual fold we can get out there and see what their needs are see assess their homes and we can also give them that time and attention that they often times don't get because they're kind of shut in you know they don't they don't get out of the house so there's a lot of benefits to it um it is a program that is set up entirely for Coco Beach residents it doesn't there's no other area or people that benefit from this it is strictly for Coco Beach um and a lot of the funding because that's always a question is contributions there's many many contributions that are um that come into these programs and sometimes fully fund them with some departments so we're on our way we've gotten a couple years in so far and um Sherry's going to tell you a little more about the benefits of it and what her experience has been thank you so some of you that don't know me my name is Sher mfy I retired as a here I fire I retired as a firefighter paramedic after 32 years with Coca Beach Fire Department and at my retirement celebration uh Chief shandler spoke about the community Paramedic program that he was establishing and he asked me if I would be willing to come back and work part-time if the commission approved it so after 8 months months of retirement I came back and started working and growing this program so how it works is I get referrals from the fire department the police department from a family member a neighbor that there's assistance that is needed out in the community with one of our residents for an example when the fire department goes out for a lift assist and they get go multiple times to pick up somebody that had fallen so they also have my business cards on all the fire trucks so they hand them out to to the family so they can reach out to me and then I go to to their home and do an initial visit so we find out what the cause of the falls or what services or resources they need so for instance when I come in and do a home assessment we check do they have smoke detectors um was the reason I'm there for is for a fall is it because a rug in the middle of the room that they're tripping over we remove the hazard if it's there if they're slipping on in the bathro room and they need grab bars installed we contact agencies to provide grab bars um if it's because they're weak or um balance issues and they need physical therapy or they need occupational therapy or wound care we contact various agencies we help with getting the resources to them to provide that home care for them the home health care for them also if they need um any type of uh they decide hey I want to the house is too big I want to move into an independent living or assist living facility so we have agencies that we contact will help with placement would go out there and find the place that they would would like to continue their years at um we also provide these key code boxes because we have a lot of elderly that live alone and if they fall and the fire department gets there the door is locked if they can't get to the door to let them in and there's no other means to get in then of course we have to do Dam to get make in straight into their home so we have these key code boxes they get to choose what four-digit code they want I come back I I sent an email to our 911 dispatch so they have it in the system so if the fire department responds there or the police department uh the uh patient can also give the number to their neighbor to come and check on them things like that so they have access to that key so and it's very easy and it's nice because it lights up so if a call is a 2 3:00 in the morning as soon as the fire department gets there it's very easy for them to see the numbers and get in as soon as they can yes are you still doing the lock boxes with the key on the top of the door there are still some out there but the cost of those were a lot more and only the far department has that key right with this the police department can get in um a neighbor can get in and even the patient or the client that if they you know misplace their key they can get it out themselves and get themselves back into the their home so this is this is better because it's it's cheaper and it's more people can use have access it doesn't look cheaper no it's it's a lot the the nox boxes that the fire department has it's like I think $198 for those these are like $34 so there's a big price on the lock boxes aren't very complicated yeah so also um there there's a room behind the stage that we have durable medical equipment that's been donated from other citizens of coka beach we have wheelchairs Walkers um shower chairs all that type of equipment so if any of our residents are in need of that it's it's free of charge there's no cost to them they can just come in sign it out and they have it for as long as they need also we had some other um um equipment donated such as electric wheelchairs and scooters so if anybody in our resident any of our residents need a bar one we have that for them we also had one of our uh volunteers that donated a beach wheelchair cuz we have residents that you know elderly that they the family can't get them on the beach or a disabled person that wants to go and spend the day out on the beach they can sign out that beach wheelchair from us for the day and so that's a a nice convenient we have um Chief shandor also mentioned about our volunteer program um so I have a few of my volunteers here I don't have a lot of them right now that's why I need more volunteers for this program they go out and provide companionship and transportation to the doctors for these people that that have no other way to get there um these type of things are really needed out in our community and in fact I put some applications volunteer applications so if anybody else is interested and become a volunteer for this program because we have a great need in our city I have a lot of people like on a waiting right now that are requesting companionship um we also provide handson CPR classes and teach how to use an ad we go out to churches um condo groups hotels other businesses and teach the CPR um we have did you P them out okay so um if you open the the folders that were just given to you and I want to go through these things that we do for our clients so um with this when I go out to meet them and and I do the the assessment and see what their needs are this is a folder that they get a keep so inside it has my business card so they have easy access to contact me and right in that front you see this file of life if you pull this out you slide it out of the sleeve you open it up it the person would have their name address they have their preferred um Hospital the emergency contacts if something happens to them who who we would be able to contact all their medications we tell them to pencil that in because that changes all the time also their pharmacist their date of birth um different information there on the back of any recent surgeries any of their medical conditions their allergies and all their insurance information goes on here so all their important information is right here and as you see it's a magnet so it goes slides it back in there and just magnets on their ref refrigerator and I have many of these for any of the people that are here in the back that if any of them want to take these fill it out put it on your refrigerator the sticker you see the file of Life sticker that's in here you put this on your front door so when EMS gets there they see this on the door they know all your information should be filled out and right here the police department can also use it if there's a situation that that we're not involved in and they need to get a hold of you know next to Ken or something this is there for them also right behind that I have this card because when we go to visit the people we do Wellness checks we take their blood pressure and everything so we made a card we put their name on it this stays with them in this folder so it's easy for them for them to find it or us to find it when we go the next time and take their blood pressure and stuff like that that way they keep it monitored here so when they go to see their doctor they can take it they can start they can see what their blood pressure and stuff has been behind that we made an evaluation form so if anytime they want to write an evaluation about what our program has done for them there's on the next page there it shows about the different a lot of the different things that we are doing providing for our citizens the next page is a bio of me and that's because I learned so much about these people that I want them to know a little bit about me we have a fall assessment on here so they can look over we can we go over that CU different reasons of Falls is it because they just had you know got new medications and they're dizzy you know from the medications that's cause and Falls things like that so there a fall assessment we have there and then on this next page is the application for disabled uh person parking permit a lot of them don't have that and so we help with this we already have it in there they take it to their doctor to to sign it and then we pretty much take care of it from there to get that for them then that way if um like our volunteers they would have that placard to be able to uh Park in a disabled parking spot when they take them to their doctor's appointments and stuff um the next few pages we created a resource list because so many people contact us you know trying they don't know who to call you know to get different um resources so as you hear I have 247 helpline crisis Suicide Prevention agencies that provide activities of daily living affordable income housing assisted living facilities there's so much in here that's very useful and they they realize they can go through this and contact and make some calls um for more assistance past that I have in here locations to disposable medications because a lot of people ask me you know because we don't want them to flush it down the tool at things like that so the two local places in Cocoa Beach that you can take your old Medicare is Walgreens pharmacy and CVS Pharmacy you just take your personal information off of the the label off and you can dispose them there just past that I have a group of support groups because there's so much out there that people that are Caregivers for somebody that has dementia or or um Parkinson's and they want to be able to talk to somebody else that's been going through these things too so we have a list of different type of support groups in there that they can they can call and set those up and then past that we have local food pantries because we have people that are in need of food so we have a location of of our local food pantries in the area so that they can go and get food uh past that we put in these it's called a matter of balance exercise so these are things that they can do just sitting at home different type of exercises that they can do on their own and it's a easy directions to help them with strength and balancing for them now you pass to the very back I have in here a healthcare advance directives so if they haven't haven't filled out like a living will or a health care their health care surrogate and stuff they they has the paperwork that's right here to get it taken care of and then behind that we have a personal planning guide and this has a lot of information so um this way you want to complete this before there's a crisis or a death so this here helps facilitate their wishes and also it helps the family get through difficult times make it a little bit easier we also um send birthday cards to our clients so they get a birthday card that we send to them and we also call them on their birthday and just little things like that means a lot to them so also I just wanted to mention on that file of life that you have in your folders because these are the ones that go to our clients I have the fire department stick on there that lets the the guys know that that's one of my clients so that they can contact me so I can follow up the process of what the person the help that they may need afterwards so these are things as you can see we care about our citizens and we want to make it better for them when they need us I hope this gives you a better understanding of what this program does and how important it is for our community thank you guys got any questions yes yeah sure um I just wanted to kind of highlight uh you have it in your literature on meals and food uh Meals on Wheels um there are certain people that can qualify for very low cost meals okay but even private pay when I was doing it for my mom it was like $530 for a meal and it was they have their own chefs it's all freshly prepared it's not you know reheated stuff that's left over from a grocery store um and uh it was only uh $530 for for a meal and she only did it twice a week but there was enough food there she could make two meals out of it MH so um just let people know that you know Meals on Wheels is a good good operation and you can volunt for Meals on Wheels and do those deliveries so Meals on Wheels they do need a lot of volunteers and they need they need funding um I have a couple of my clients that have been on the list for 8 to 10 months on the waiting list um the last time I private funding or um they just need funding to to make the food and and volunteers to to deliver the last I heard from AG matters which does the Meals on Wheels they had had over 300 people on a waiting list wow so it's difficult and they have a tiar system depending are they bed bound and they they're higher up on the list so it's it's very difficult so we would like to find a way to find dinners or something that we can get out to these citizens um every once in a while I do get these free dinners from um a different client and I pass them on to other clients and and they're very happy with and I wish had some type of program that we can get these meals to these residents because it's so much easier them for them to just put it in a microwave and heat something up it sounds to me like you're saying Meals on Wheels has had such a demand increase y that they're no longer able to keep up with their volunteers and the funding to provide ex exactly so we're trying to find other ways to if we can to um provide meals for them I mean if people are paying private pay which covers the cost of the meal you think that there'd be some other government agency that we'd be willing to actually fund them to do that basically up just you know keep it going that's unfortun I know they have like big um dinners and stuff like that and trying to get a whole bunch of people to donate to to the Meals on Wheels but then there's the other agencies um companies that are out there that will make meals for people but it's at a you know charge usually the last one I checked um the person um would come to the home prepare 16 meals and it's like $160 for them to do that but then the client also has to pay for all the products to make the meals so um there are various ways to do it if they can afford um having having that done thank you okay thank [Applause] you okay so thank you for that um Sher and chief Shindler so D public comments so anything that's not on the agenda do we have any uh public comment for items okay Miss Janice Scott Janice Scott cooka Beach good evening everybody I've recommended three people to that program they seem quite happy of course I call my friends up did you see Sherry this month so ask to speak closer to the mic the mic for you okay so um anyway and also the I wanted to make a tribute to the late Bill Meyers he was a big advocate of wheels on meals he he was always trying to recruit people and their biggest problem I think was finding people to deliver at noon um I think he' take it said it took him an hour and a half um he went all over Coco Beach and um I also just in a sidebar about Meals on Wheels uh I read in uh one of the Publications recently that somebody had their wedding reception catered by them so I think if anybody wants a fundraiser that's a great fundraiser and I think the lady that whose wedding it was is a one of the directors or something in the program but anyway okay so um moving along to to my specific public comment tonight it's about getting rid of wedelia and the maritime hammock I'm going to give the clerk this little paper I gave copy to the city manager because I discussed a few things with mayor and I understand about the arpa funds so let's forget about arpa funds U that Maritime hammocks not going to get them but it really is important to start getting rid of that clogged down bed of wood Ilia um I fast the University of Florida um Garden program whatever they have a nice information sheet tells you get rid of it what chemicals to use but I really uh discourage individuals from trying to go over there and do it I think someone needs to supervise they're going there and also what kind of chemicals are going to be used so maybe you could find some chump change somewhere $110,000 to hire a professional to just get rid of that I think that with deia it's a main thing once it's out of there uh people can come in and plant other kinds of attractive bullets thank you thank you Miss Janice is there another one or thanks Janice uh Nana Apple sorry if I got the first name wrong uh it's Nancy hle I'm sorry Nancy H it's okay um I I apologize I'm not I wasn't planning on coming here I just realized were meeting so I thought I would come and uh to discuss a problem I own Blue Wave Beach Cottage on Orlando Avenue it's a vacation rental and um I've had a noise issue since March that's affected my clients and um I have been unsuccessful in getting uh that issue the sound you can actually hear it inside the vacation rental you can hear it on the deck where people love to sit with their family and eat um and I've been unsuccessful in getting that issue addressed today I walked out meeting my an air conditioning guy with me and he knew exactly what it was it's it's faulty equipment well I knew what it was but he recognized what it was and what the problem was from the sound it was really loud and um I called again code enforcement I couldn't get anybody to come listen I called the police department thinking well I knew a according to city code I could get a a police officer to come in and I could make then a formal complaint that was at 319 nobody showed up I left like at 3 minutes before 7 to get here um and I'm just hoping that I've got five guys coming for a golf tournament this weekend and you can bet they're going to win to sit out the weather will be beautiful and they're I'm right in the heart of downtown Coco Beach and they're they're going to try to sit out and they'll hear that noise and that's what they're going to remember about Cocoa Beach it sounds like a manufacturing area and I'm you've got my contact information I'm just asking for some help my lovely business and my beautiful clients my customers uh I try to give them a great experience and I can't at least not outside um so if if you can offer me any help please look at my card and give me a call I'd appreciate it do you do you have a suspicion where the noise yeah I know exactly where it's coming from yeah I didn't want to name the business but yeah it's coming from a business right across the way from me I couldn't hear where where did she say the noise was coming from she declined to say mayor oh okay yeah so um but if you're going to file a complaint you're going to have to tell them yeah no I will I I absolutely I just didn't in a public setting I didn't want to it's been my effort to to be as kind to okay that other business as I can you know so if if any if you guys could help me with that I'd appreciate that thank you thank you Nancy any other public comments no okay agenda item e staff reports and announcements city manager um I have one comment um in response to Scott's concern with the with deia so we we had a couple of um con landscape contractors come out and look at wedelia wedelia is a ground cover that is extremely difficult to get rid of and most of the landscape companies um declined to actually do anything with it um you have to get a specially licensed company that us is a extremely potent herbicide which has collateral damage Effects by Collateral Damage I mean it'll kill it'll actually kill trees so I understand her concerns and um we're going to address them but uh we have to just be careful with the eradication of wedelia yeah I think that was part of the concern of volunteer crew versus hired professionals yeah we want H professionals is it is that always been there do we know or is it an invasive species somehow that got planted there or I I'm not a gardeners I don't know but I I have no idea but just said there was some and then we we only mow part of the property so it just overcame a whole bunch of other property so one solution could be just mow the crap out of it mow the crap out of it mow the crap out of it I know Janus will say it's just going to come back stronger but if you just no herbicides no pesticide you know no damage to the other trees just uh just mow the crap out of it and then that's not a bad idea actually and that's a maintenance issue and um the poison IV's an issue there too so we we would want to have an education program so people understand understand what you know poison ivy is some people don't even know what it is and the fact that it can grow as a Vine which um one of our commissioners found out the hard way but yeah um there I I go through the park every week and three people could pick every Sprout of poison ivy especially now that it's blooming the white flowers it's really easy to identify three people could pull it all up in three hours by The Roots You know so that poison iy is not a big not a big deal it's a big deal if you're you know fall into the bushes or something or your kids are running chasing a ball into the bushes but it's it's not a big problem as far as getting rid of it so if we're doing just the clearcut is that scope we'd still want to higher out you think or is it just we add we'd add to the city scope I think we can probably handle it inhouse with a little bit of help [Music] that's yeah go ahead uh yeah so from also what I was hearing too I think uh I spoke with the city manager about this um if we were to get rid of a lot of the invasives um we're talking about also getting rid of about 80% % of the overhead coverage and uh that's one of the things that makes that Park so nice is is all the shade to be able to walk through so um I don't want to ruin that Park I don't want to turn it into a desert um I would say if we we're going to try to get rid of anything that invasive definitely we should probably stick with um you know the Brazilian Peppers the Brazilian peppers are are serious weeds they do take over but um we that's something we might be able to do in house as well and if we did have to um Outsource it I would say probably not for this budget but we should maybe think about it for next budget um just because we're we're so tight this year anyways because of the uh the um City Hall project May mayor there's we took out the Australian pines years ago and if there's Australian peppers in there I guess I'm blind Brazilian Peppers Brazilian Peppers or whatever you want to call them I guess I'm blind U maybe there may be a couple of obscure ones somewhere but as far as the shade the shade trees you know there's Oaks there's some dying Bay trees there's lots of Palms there are Strang figs on some of those Palms but Palms seem to still be growing but the Strangler figs probably aren't a great idea but um yeah I don't think it's I don't think anything that we're proposing or chatting about here tonight is going to take any of the big shade trees out especially if we don't put this killer herbicide on those plants that we're trying to eradicate that'll permeate down into the soil and get sucked up by the roots of the trees and then then next thing you know we got dead trees so I'm just saying Mo Baby Mo and honestly I don't mind the Australian pines either because they are not uh they are not really um what do you call it like like brass where it just it just spreads out they kind of stay in their own spot so I'm okay with the Australian pines as well yeah there aren't any Australian pines in there anymore they got taken out about five years ago so it sounds like an easy short-term solution that can help yeah just best more TLC and more teni so I like it anything else that's all I got yeah oh nothing tonight thank you take nothing toight if somebody else I'll speak at the end for City commission okay you have something Comm Way Wayne did you listen to my voicemail yes okay you're right too you're talking about the the cage the cage ladder that was proposed for the city hall you going to get that undone yes yeah but you're right though on that one yeah you want to share with the rest of the commissioner yeah I I'll just tell you that I caught wind of there was going to be a caged ladder what you see MH all over the state all over the country I you know I guess it's so if you're climbing up the ladder and you fall back you you hit the cage and then you fall to the ground and we know where you're going to land okay well says in 2017 get rid of them because people are catching their legs and breaking legs and getting all tangled up in the Caged ladder and then it's really hard to rescue people so the slides on the ladders with the fall protection harness is a better idea um and the OSU said because there's so many of them in the United States in 2017 when they put it into law that that's no longer allowable for OSHA standards they said by 2036 everyone in the country has to be removed so why would we put one up when the future Generations are going to end up having to take it down and pay for a retrofit so I was hoping that they hadn't already ordered the ladder with the cas on it and it's there oh it's on site you'd think the manufacturer would say oh do you realize this is O violation got to hire and bring it back well you think our architect would have too but yeah right fell through the cracks so anyway thir gutin it though you're 100% right but I mean just uh you know tell WJ they probably them and their architect made a mistake and it shouldn't be at the cost of the city best possible that's negotiable is there any other relevant details on the city it looks like it's coming on not long nicely I saw they put the I'm assuming that's the generator platform yes on The Bard side anything else of note to share or um just concerns on supply of electrical components um elevator components things like that which have the potential of affecting our timeline but other than that everything going really well great contractor to work with they're going to start the um um hopefully some of the exfiltration MH the exfiltration system will be next if you see you know earth work going on in there but um everything's going really well are they are april-ish next year are they still on plan for that for substantial completion is the first week of February okay so they've accelerated slightly good that's exciting good F the only thing I'll have is the mosquitoes are horrible I I couldn't believe it I mean I literally in Coco owls ran through there and had probably 50 on me I it was unbelievable so apparently they sprayed last night I think are you are you FL yeah fast I just don't run fast enough are you a Floridian especially are you just they're terrible they're everywhere people that it was a noticeable uptick the last two weeks I'm assuming all the all the rain we had it was really bad yeah but apparently they were spraying last night by a helicopter so that's it for me mayor cap if you have any comments go ahead yeah uh yeah so I'll piggy back on that um it was Tuesday Morning uh that I noticed a real bad uptake on the uh mosquitoes because I went out to put the garbage out and I was I got tore up and I'm a Floridan so um also um just want to say miss miss you guys um sorry I couldn't be there tonight I'm I'm a I'm doing a a league of cities convention down here in Hollywood so um I'm representing the city trying to make connections for everyone but um I'm here I got I saw Wade Wade's here so that's pretty cool um and that's it um so okay well thank you for calling I appreciate it hey but are you going to make it back in time for the pirate party at Bird Island on Saturday um I I'm I might I think so yeah I'm gonna I'm heading back uh Monday uh I mean Saturday noon so at least just tell us where the keys to your boat are that's really all we need it doesn't have keys I know how to start it okay City commission reports consent agenda H1 City attorney okay this is the consent agenda item one approved July 16 2024 and August 1 2024 commission meeting minute staff representative city clerk's office item two approve the ranking of audit firms is recommended by the auditor selection committee with Malden and Jenkins ranked as number one and authorized staff to negotiate a contract staff representative Patricia drott Chief Financial Officer item three has been removed item four cancel the September 5th 2024 700 p.m. regular commission meeting the next commission meetings are as follows September 4th 2024 at 6: PM budget and regular move to approve consent agenda oh okay and September 19th 2024 at 7 p.m. budget and regular staff representative Wayne Carino city manager move to approve consent agenda second and a second all in favor of the consent agenda I I I motion carries 550 items removed from consent agenda so okay that's item three approve Contracting Doug Wilson Construction Services to begin Renovations of the Coco Beach skate park budgeted item eight um $82,700 [Music] good evening so this project um originally we were going to replace all of the metal pool coping or metal coping around it um and we were going to replace the the pool coping that's around the Deep B part of it um but there was a lot of um concerns from citizens about replacing the metal coping with a concrete Edge so we met out there with the mayor May um me Wayne and mayor capy to discuss that and we came up with a sort of compromise for now what we're going to do is there's a 40ft section of the metal coping that we are going to replace with a concrete Edge um and we're going to see how the public responds to that because I don't think a lot of people are really um sure what that's going to be like as far as skating on it um and I've personally gone out there and spoken to a few different people that I've just randomly seen out there and some people like the concrete Edge some people like the metal coping so we'll see how that goes um along with that 40ft section we're also going to be replacing all of the like the pool coping caps that are around the Deep so all those will get replaced with exactly what's already there um and there's a section there's like a 6x8 flat section on the the Deep B kind of hip that juts out and it's sinking so that's going to get rebuilt um and that's that's kind of the gist of that project right now what we're looking at so Scott the part that's sinking have they considered doing injection to to pop that back up um I'm not entirely sure um what their plan is with that part of it as far as how they're going to repair that section because you know I know people that have had their you know they their house got built before the ground was fully compacted or settled or there was you know uh trees and stuff buried and then they degraded and then there was you know and the their garages garage floors kind of sank a little bit and they they brought in companies that actually drilled you know yeah 150 holes in their garage floor and and pumped in some kind of plasma that actually brought the floor back to level yeah so it's potential solution for out there if it's sinking yeah you put enough material under it it'll bring it back up yes sir keep it from sinking again Yep this is already on contract though like they've already got the scope dial in how they're going to repair it or is that an option no that's that's part of this 82,000 that's that's yeah all on them per the contract to what I'm saying fix that leveling thing got it but if you just if it's sinking and you just I'm trying I'm try if you just re form it on the top part it's just going to continue s again they do it there's our neighbor had a pool leak and it eroded under the pool deck they I think he injected like 800 gallons of concrete it really does work I mean they injected and lo the whole deck up yeah I think it's a polyurethane like a single or two-phase polyurethane that can do scope for them just tear it out a lot of the um to put some people's minds at ease a lot of people were concerned that this particular company Doug Wilson has never done skate parks before um but they are working with a company I forget the name of them but he's he's subcontracting them and they both worked for team Payne who originally built that skate park one of those people who is like par owner in the company he was one of the original people that built the skate park so these people are well versed in the skat Parks this is what they do the skate park is in good hands and it has people that know what they're doing working on it okay so so uh they're going to do this work okay mhm you're the project manager did you write the contract the I wrote the RFP they provide a proposal okay but we actually does their proposal include any kind of warranty on their work yes how long um I have to look back I don't know off the top of my head okay cuz the the warranty if they're not going to do this injection thing mhm you know might be now we got another problem five years years from now depending on what how long their warranty is M so if you obviously are going to have conversations with them it's not that expensive they might want to consider the the injections under the sinking part to kind of bring it back up might even be cheaper for them so I had a question on so of all of the repairs that need to be done is it I'm looking at the background on the summary if they one sounds like that's going to be like a trial piece they're going to do a 40ft section if works we would then do that for the rest of the skate park yeah So the plan is we're going to do that 40ft section and see how the public responds to that concrete Edge if they don't respond positively then we will look into options as far as replacing metal coping in kind with metal coping so we still need to do like a phase two to do the rest of the part if we do bullet two and bullet three and then the second phase of bullet one is that everything for the skate park to get a functioning or is there is this all a trial pilot no the only thing that's trial is that 40ft section of metal everything else is that's that's fixing pretty much everything okay Scott than can I make a a comment hang on a second oh he's to go go ahead all right Scott thank you for the information I've had folks reach out to me with concerns about the concrete lip right and um what I've been told and so not being a skateboarder myself um I know my boys have certainly enjoyed the skate park a lot um the concern is associated with the the metal coping being far better than a concrete Edge both in terms of you know in terms of putting your skateboard across it the feel the way it slides um then also the concrete itself just not holding up the way that the metal Edge does um do we have a reason to believe that the concrete the way it's being done will represent the way metal feels and won't take up boards yeah so I can't I can't speak to the fact that it'll feel the same as metal um and it it probably won't because it's not the same material but this and I am Byron evit from Osborne engineering he's the one who he's the engineer that came up with this fix there he can spew off all the scientific facts about his concrete mix that is going to make that edge durable enough to handle truck sliding on it and um now you're right that's the that's the concern and that's why we're doing a trial period with this 40ft section and if it winds up not working out say they don't slide as well on it or then we'll just we'll look at how we're going to replace that metal coping around it what happens from like a insurance standpoint if we're offering this as something you can slide on um and a piece of that concrete chips out causes a kid to fall in away they wouldn't have if we had put metal coping in is there I mean in terms of the expectations and we know how it's going to be used if we are doing this do we have a basis for confidence that the concrete will perform yes or are we doing this in a trial way that exposes the city to or or even more importantly a kid to getting hurt no it it's not going to expose a kid to getting hurt we have areas out there that are concrete that people grind on and there are other skate parks who have transitioned from metal coping to a concrete Edge as well we and did we learn from them that people are just as satisfied with the with a concrete Edge now that they've transitioned or what have you learned so I haven't I haven't spoken to the people that skated at those Parks um I know Byron evz went out there and he spoke to the people who maintained the park and took care of the park and he said people were responding positively now everybody's different like I said I met with some people at our skate park and some said that they like grinding on the concrete Edge some say that they would rather have the metal coping it's really just going to be what the majority seems to like I guess user preference yeah it's it's hard to say but um concrete edges are already out at our skate parks and it's not the same concrete makeup that we're proposing that would be a lot harder and better for the constant impact of trucks so I mean it it's not going to open the city up to any liability there should be no um none of the issues that we have as far as um concrete breaking and a kid falling or something like that in terms of feedback hopefully positive um how like for kids that are out there how do we collect that feedback and get us sense of what the response is for our so we're we're kind of trying to work on that um the ideas that were kicked around were maybe putting a survey on the skate park building door there are some people that have my email address and anybody that I meet that skates out there I've told them to just email me directly and let me know um what their thoughts are um and I'm I'm more than open to suggestions on how to go about that but um that's kind of what we were thinking just people emailing us going out there talking to people having the survey thing on the door something like that I I think yeah posting contact information and giving people the ability to kind of respond when they're thinking and asking the question you know posting it what do you think about these I think it makes a lot of sense yeah Dy go ahead Josh I can I can answer most of your concerns or questions so like like I said uh um Pro Skater for 20 years so I was there the day that park opened July 4th uh I've put thousands of hours into that Park um so all your concerns are very valid um and I'm really I'm actually glad that you did pull the item to discuss because we're going to get a lot of um questions answered um because of it so I'll start off with um is it better to concrete than the uh metal toing as a skater it I doubt it okay but um Scott came out with a really good uh compromise and I will say that he he did very well at advocating for the skaters as well uh having Scott on this program or this project um I trust him I I met with them I met with the engineer at the same time and and Scott was very re ctive he was very concerned about the the skater needs and he understood um the concerns uh me my main concern was I was I was in the field of absolutely not has to go back to metal but hold on a second I I gota um stop that call okay um so but um we came up with a with a solution for a compromise which was uh the the 40 foot section which the the 40ft section compromise being concrete is in a spot where it's not as much of a a flow section to where if you're grinding um on metal you're going just as fast as you are on Wheels so once you put it to concrete you're going to slow your speed down in half the section that we chose is and this was kind of my thought it's a it's a quarter pipe and it's not so much in the flow section so it it won't be as detrimental to put it there as a test section so um my thought too was great idea we'll test it in this section that's not going to um that's not going to be as big of a deal if it is concrete and then we'll ask the skaters how they feel about it like I said personally I don't think they're going to like it but it's going to be in a spot that's not going to be that big of a deal if they don't like it and we'll do the rest with uh with metal so I I don't know if I answered all your questions Josh but um I Trust Scott we we had a real heart to heart and um he really cares no Mr Mayor I think that's I think that's really smart I'm personally a big fan of of trying things and having the ability to reverse our decisions once we get some exposure and experience so this is very much in line with that um I'd say as long as and and I think this is exactly what you're saying as well um as long as we're willing to listen to our skate park community and and our kids the folks that are using the park and we keep it as good or better than it is now um this is a chance to learn and and and have a strong opinion based on experience instead of just best guesses so I'm all for it thank you so did have question the the metal is not it's not a a technical constraint we can do the metal this is more of a test section for preference but if it's it's not for preference hang on if we don't want to do the concrete the metal is still feasible to do for the the rest of the project the Metal's feasible it's just going to take a lot more engineering and um it's going to be a lot more complicated of a project got it okay so this is going to pral input whether we go one way or the other for the balance got it go ahead mayor so real quick it's not like I said it's not the preference of the skaters I know that because I'm a skater but um the engineer so this is the thing you know the engineer assured us he's got some special concrete that uh I haven't experienced before but he says that it's going to be good they're using it at skate parks all over so uh to to fix to fix the metal issues that they're having with with some of the copings now so I said I'm I'm skeptical but let's compromise like Scott said let's just do this test test section and it's in a spot that's not going to be um it's not going to mess up the park furthermore and being that it's Byron Byron is a resident of Coco Beach and I can tell you it cares as much about our kids as any so if it's if Byron is asking us to trust them I think it's worth a try agreed okay can I can I make a motion I Mo to approve Contracting Doug Wilson Construction Services to begin the renovations on the Coco Beach skate park second Motion in a second all in favor all thank you Scott yep pass it 5 thanks SC good stuff you know you're going to get pepper Bo questions when you got five Engineers uh J1 thank you mayor for that good good insight and good coordination J1 unfinished business okay this is adopt on second reading of ordinance 1690 an ordinance of the city of coka Beach forar County Florida to approve a plan development project with an accompanying Master conceptual development plan Master conceptual site plan and development agreement with accompanying attachments to amend the official zoning map of the city of coko Beach by changing the zoning designation from Oceanside OC to plan development PD for two Parcels of land totaling 4.66 7 Acres more or less located east of Ocean Beach Boulevard on the north souths side of me Avenue and north of pulsifer Avenue on Parcels identified with parcel numbers 24 3736 cg1 13-6 and 24 3726 cg11 12-12 within the public records of County Florida providing for authorization providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date Mo staff representative Lauren wilz wiy principal planner Randy Stevenson development services director move to approve ordinance 1690 on second reading and this will be a roll call vote second have a motion and a second I have one public comment Mr John Dylan you're up Sarah John Dyan on East y'all know exactly what the vote's going to be anyway so that really concern about that we know how that's going to go my concern is I review the uh preliminary traffic study they're having 1,031 vehicles during this project for this for the future use every day okay then it comes back in there and shows the uh the stage they did that on the Thursday uh and a from 8 to 8 to 9 is peak hours and from 5: to 6 is peak in the afternoon and the same on Saturday afternoon uh they did back in uh I think it's June or July came with the date on that anyway they're telling you that you're going to have on these streets will'll have on oce Beach Boulevard 184 vehicles in one peak hour that's just in the morning afternoon it's 198 I believe it is think that that say one peak hour in Ocean Beach Boulevard if yall remember lived here Ocean Beach blard was remodeled several years ago went from four lane to two lane except for about one block and a half from that on the North side it's down to two lane now right if you go back when it I walk across that drive by that every day when it rains you'll see ruts on that street what that does when you put more Vehicles 184 you know that mean more vehicles coming in on that road they see it go back and repay that road over and over and over again now this study tells you that that you can use all this Ocean Beach Boulevard you don't have to go back and go to A1A you don't have to go to go got red light at Shephard Drive well I was talking to Randy about this a few days ago Randy need to go back and put the foot down and back up the city of Coco Beach not the customers to try to take their the property and do what they want and make the city of Coco Beach pay for that road this going to Road where where the roads out plus it's going to be using residential street side streets using that if you take a peak hour for 184 think how many cars that is per minute think about that folks you need to make sure their traffic goes in for me and out for puler so may be a few of them but you need to make that design it goes out to O be Boulevard that's the company pay for their design problem for the FD also they be part of that you Westgate needs to be paid that not the city of Coco Beach to take care of the roads for us so again the city is going to come back and repay that road over and over again since you got the two restaurants at the end of 520 and you see that the trucks plus the transit buses also on that road once you have that much more for that Resort those trucks could be running on that o Mard all the time the road's going to be ruined so again that's preliminary uh traffic study you need to make sure the city backs up and say no we're not going to accept this and make sure you put the road go out to pulfer look entrance for me exit on puler 1,31 vehicles thank you about that folks thank you John Randy any comments on that I my thoughts I think the difference between the day Trippers and the long-term resident or the long-term uh visitors would actually reduce the traic is is the the logic there are a lot of I'm sorry Randy Stevenson director of development services there are a lot of parameters that go into this and you'll notice conceptual many times including on the traffic study uh we've got a this is a as I said before for many times this allows them to go forward and start putting things permanently to spending those dollars it may well be that we have to do some things to the roadway it may well be that we have to do some things to the pavement uh the traffic motions that have been suggested will allow people into the site quicker and out in two different areas rather than coming back out in the one area at that one intersection so that will dissipate some of the uh exiting traffic as well a lot of things that go into to the design of this thing and the good thing about a PB PUD but a PD as we call it uh is that it's a negotiated settlement you've heard me say that before and part of the negotiation May well be some improvement to Ocean Beach Boulevard we will know that as part of the process this is the uh this is getting us the ability to move forward with the project uh and just to clarify a few things I don't Advocate uh for the developer I'm an employee of the city or a contractor with the city I advocate for the betterment of the city but we got to understand that it's at some point in time what is best for the city is to redevelop properties and to add value to the city so I want you to be assured that we're watching out for that and we will do so on this project as well yes sir so I'm if I'm not mistaken currently the surface parking is 650 spots is that correct I think it's less than that I don't I think it's about just let's shy 500 just did one for 500 they're proposing over 600 I believe something current the current parking spaces in the existing parking lot are 27 okay just shy of 300 272 okay and the structured parking is 600 and it's it's almost it's more than double yeah that was the 650 number and as if you look at it right now you go in you have a four-way intersection yeah yeah I got that I got that part I'm aware of that part okay okay you want to say the number it's on 62 did did they say how many parking spots they currently have 27 272 270 it's on I'm sorry 254 existing and then it's going to go up to 552 plus 50 so 602 is what's in the proposal so 254 is existing and then the growth from there is the additional service workers in the residence of the hotel the service workers the hotel and a continued open access to to the pier so what's the what was the Delta from or the the growth from the 38 to the 50 upper I see two different numbers I'm just curious it was that generates how many I need to have it originally was 38 now it looks like it's 50 50 was the development agreement stipulated 50 spaces that would be part of the city's parking program they are now they will be housed in the garage on the bottom floor okay so I misspoke I'm sorry 3 yeah yeah okay yeah the M sign off but the bottleneck the bottlenecks going away that currently exists so traffic even with more parking spaces should flow better plus you know I'm sure they're going to have employee parking permits and give those employees a place to park and they they'll be there my experience the bottom neck is people go in there they're all going in and comeing out the same way they're looking around for spots out that they got to pay and then they want to turn around and leave it's a total mess okay all right I'm ready to call Mayor cap go ahead yeah uh so yeah I agree uh I'm I'm usually totally against giving away um um city property and um but this this project just makes sense in the terms of um we're going to get our parking spots back the problem is now with our parking spots is they're they're getting utilized by um the pure uh Personnel anyways with parking passes or whatever so hopefully I would think now the pier would use their own spots instead of ours which would free up more revenue for us as well as now there's going to be lot less traffic because now people aren't sitting there all the way down the whole road trying to figure out where where they're going to find spots cuz there's not enough available in that space or because they're trying to pull out cash looking for it so to me it just it makes it makes sense for even for the residents I think if you really dig down deep and try to try to figure out you know what's going on here and if I may clarify uh again I've heard a statement about giving away property the city is really not giving away property these are rights of way the city cannot sell that it's vacated it goes to the adjacent property owners in this case the adjacent Property Owners is the same on both sides and and just for the record we already had two readings and five vote to vacate that property uh let me clarify also the three-party agreement that was part of this has been approved was approved on the 6th of August by the County Commission so all three parties have approved that three-party agreement the city the County Commission and the developer so we can move ahead and ask the clerk to record that vacation right the approval of the second reading is a simple majority the me Avenue property that's ship sale it's already done yeah any other comments commissioner any other public comments Mr Dylan round two and this is John Dylan OA one thing I meant to say I forgot all about it saying that design that I didn't see anything about the Airbnb people the pedestrians walking across Ocean Beach Boulevard they come on my street all day and night and it's not the one or two people they come up with a family of 10 15 people you got realize that more vehicle would Randy said that or somebody said there's less Vehicles less traffic that's just totally wrong on that there's no way they they design shows be more traffical increase again you need think about the engineering company need be thinking about the pedestrians on each Street also including the ones that pul for and at meat Avenue also you start about your safety more overes anything when you got P somebody gets hit then what's going to happen the ignore that you have to include that also with a design thank you Mr Dylan any other public comment we have a motion in a second and this is roll call or okay a motion in second commissioner Jackson I commissioner Williams I commissioner Willis I vice mayor huton I mayor capy I by motion passes by V okay let's go I just want to say thank you it's been three years and your staff has been great on this and we really appreciate it thanks you're going to 1688 K3 no K2 no no actually okay um uh new business item one we need to have a motion a second and a vote to table this it's um approve on first reading of ordinance 1689 we're trying to preserve the advertisement for this I I move to table it to September 19th 2024 and look for a second you have a motion on K1 to defer second Motion in second all in favor to defer K1 to 9 September 19 sep i i i and and the the reason I asked I to get pulled is there's potential need for a workshop on that people need to be educated on that it's not just a reading it and pass it type the bill okay K City attorney all right this is um item K2 request City commission review and approve first reading of ordinance 1688 amending the city of Coca Beach Comprehensive plan and authorized transmitt of the proposed amendments to the state land planning Agency for the state coordinated review process prior to Second reading this is ordinance number 1688 an ordinance of the city of Coca Beach bvar County Florida agreement amend the comprehensive plan title to be city of koca Beach Comprehensive plan 2045 amending definitions to be consistent with the LDC amending section one future land use element introduction data to reflect current population analysis and forecasting future growth and amending policy i11 and i1 two in amending flu maps to change dates to 2045 amending section two Coastal management element introduction data and Analysis and policy i11 adding nor Islands management plan data amending section three conservation element updating the introduction introduction data in analysis to include listed plant and animal species amending section 4 Recreation and open space open space element introduction data and Analysis text and policyi 1.3 to reflect a 2045 planning Horizon amending section five housing element introduction test to reflect current population and growth Trends through 2045 amending section seven infrastructure element introduction data and Analysis text in policies i11 I13 i16 in policies I 22 through I24 to reflect the city's current portable water service provider and provide consistency with the city's portable water contractual agreement amend Section 8 Mobility element policies I13 I 120 I and I 13.1 to reflect current Transportation priorities and update Mobility maps to reflect 2024 conditions in anticipated 2045 conditions amending section nine Capital Improvement element to reflect recent CIP tables in providing for findings codification conflict severability in an effective date staff representative Lauren wilz principal planner Randy Stevenson development services director thank you City attorney that was mouthful it was spot on you want me to do it again no well feel free move move the approv ordinance 1688 on first reading second I have a motion in a second any public comment Scott Janice Scott cooku Beach um doing these um periodic comprehensive plan amendments and transmittal and so forth I didn't go through the comp plan I admit but in the Land Management plan it refers to Coco Beach being in the coastal High Hazard Zone and I would like that language emphasized highlighted in our comprehensive plan near the city name of the city Coco Beach it's in the coastal High haaz Coastal High Hazard Zone and the federal government recognizes that and I think Florida before we did away with the Department of Community Affairs they used to try and discourage development east of um 10 miles they'd want you to move 10 miles to the W to the mainland thank you we're in the air got a question for you just because the flu map is always a big deal it looks to me like there's not really any change to the flu map what page is that commission 21 commissioner modifications to the flu MPP are really just to reflect the puds the PDS that have been approved when we rezone the property and I think there's two of them so but that's you're right that's the only change so that's it's on page 7 yeah can you put that up real quick so this is this flu map is supposedly good till 2045 right now you're right everybody here is gone except for Janice cuz she's living forever and if I could uh respond uh uh to Janet's comment yes we do every seven years we have to update the comprehensive plan uh we addressed a lot of your concerns relative to the uh the flood zones and the high Hazard areas uh if you recall in 2022 we went through an addition of something called Peril of flood in the cop plan so that information is in there that was a requirement by the state that we add that to address specifically the high Hazard areas uh without going into too much detail you know Coco Beach has ve zones on the coast we have AE zones on the west and a lot of the finger areas where we have minimum base flood elevations things of this nature and we're uh Janice is right we do have high-hazard areas uh that we have to address and did So within the Peril of flood to meet state requirements our account plan was approved in 2022 for that and just so you'll know and Lauren can cover this as well but we're not do another evaluation and appraisal report until 2028 uh the the reason we're before you tonight is we're just mainly was to update the Horizon uh for our comp plan which right now is 2025 well 2025 is next year we have to do a 10 year and a 20- year so we're doing a 2035 and 2045 and we took the opportunity to update the CIP to update the population projections to update uh some of the language relative to our portable water providers uh to update some levels of service as well within the comprehensive plan uh and my opinion there are no substantive changes uh most of those changes will come as a result of some development activity or as a result of your 2028 evaluation and appraisal report that will be due at that point in time okay so van can can you walk up on the stage and and point out oh he's got a just point out the the two the minimal changes that are made to the flu map for the next 20 years cuz we've had some really big ones in the past we we have uh as you'll see the purple areas here represent the Redevelopment districts that we approved uh uh through this commission uh we have a a PD right here which is the drift we have a PD right in here which is the Weston and we will have a PD up here by the pier that is the one you just looked at tonight that rezoning those are the major changes relative to the land use when you go to the land use and Zoning those are the major changes to this other than that it stayed basically impact okay I I just want everybody realize that and all those were already vetted and approved yeah it's updating it it's primarily just updating the date and adding an the approval block to document the official approval by the uh board the you know the city uh planning board and the commission okay that's really the only change all right so this our first reading so it's a Voice vote and if I could uh this will this is really what we call a transmittal hearing if you vote to to to transmit it tonight we have to transmit it to the state land planning agency who will take somewhere between 30 45 60 days they will come back to us it's fine we or we suggest the following comments we will add those and bring this back to you for any final action that may happen so you'll see this again probably later in the fall is that the doe it used to be the doe it's now the state land planning agency and I forget the exact title but it's it's equivalent to the doe right just keep changing names so they do we can't it's hard for us to keep up with keep track of okay commission Jackson yeah Randy thank you for the for the Insight will the adjustment here and the projections we're making about number of residents and and a number of the factors will that enable our the directors of the different uh departments within the city to start um making plans associated with how we meet those types of uh increases well they're not all increases population's not an increase so uh yes or changes what and we actually I think our uh our uh portable water consumption actually went down as well so we're just trying to update it to the most recent data that we have of course the CIP needed to be updated anyway because it's changed uh we change that just about every year but we wanted to get the latest and greatest in the comp plan uh as we move forward so things like that updating that data the levels of service the population data uh those are the the things that we looked at because we can't just go in and say hey change the dates we want to take the opportunity to bring it up to speed as much as possible and to be real honest with you we're still gleaning this document for dates we'll have a thing that says by 2004 the city shall well dates don't belong in a comprehensive plan they're goals objectives and policies and when we start putting dates in there we're going to limit ourselves and we're going to we're going to be out of sync because if we miss a date so we're looking at things like that and we do that every time we do an update to the comprehensive plan thank you Endeavor do that by the next 2004 the question so I I just have real quick comment so I'm reading all the language I just want to confirm this is deferring to variations in the CIP plan so we're not locked in I read all that verbiage it makes sense it's not very we just Incorporated the latest C so just information only we have no obligation to follow that at all because no yeah there's the one there's the one policy in there that actually says that it defers when every time you adopt a CIP it automatically updates the plan without changing the maps got it thank you for that it's by reference so we don't have to change the document every time but this time that opport makes total sense yeah I mean I I saw the storm water what triggered my mind is we already took the action to rack and stack the storm water initiatives to try to mitigate that rate increase we talked about and based upon your your last meeting we were able to say that the storm water master plan was was adopted that that alone kept us at an eight with the community rating service we're hoping to go to a a seven but we just we may get there we may not but at least we maintain the eight and that makes a difference what people are paying for flood insurance correct cool thank you guys appreciate that if I may uh mayor go ahead you have a comment yeah it was I was kind of only getting half of that because it's hard to hear um was he talking about uh adding uh to some of the PD zone no we're just we're just reflecting the ones that have current been approved uh okay you mean through through the process that have already been voted through uh either individually already approved by the Commission in the in the pass just okay and and requested by by the owners yes no it's the zones there's well yeah the these are these are required updates based on changes we made since we put the 2025 plan in place quite a few years ago okay uh quick question then do is um across from uh the veterans reality property there it's about it's a little over three acres is that in a PD zone across east of A1A or north of the it's it's on the west side of A1A across from veterans real or I mean it's at veterans reality across from the resort no the veterans reality is on the west side of A1A right is that a is that in a PD zone no it does not appear this that's all east of A1A that PD no yeah so no that is not in the PD is that something you guys would be interested in adding um the reason why I say that is because obviously that that lot's been V for a long time and obviously there's there's something wrong with being able to build on it uh or somebody would have built on it already and I think it's restricted to the the zoning of it the mayor do you remember when your dad wanted to buy that property for 1.4 million to move Club Zion from downtown to a new building do you remember that yeah do you realize that the people that own that property every time they got an offer on that property they raised the price of the property and if it's not 2.9 Million now it's 3.1 million so it's not the zoning that's keeping that property from being developed it's uh price yeah let's just say it isn't there something about it where you can't sell retail it's a price yeah no there it uh from what from talking to people it's not it the way it's zoned is not conducive to what Prov Services you can provide services but it can't be retail yeah yeah I mean it's on A1A it just to me it's it's been it's it's just something to think about because it's been vacant a long time this we have deadline transmit this and to get it through if we want to rezone property then we'll put it through the process with the city and when the 2065 plan comes out we'll reflect it on the next go round of this okay I'm just asking you guys to just just think about it hopefully you'll still be here Keith if I'm all I'm saying is is about it there's a reason why why that's not we've gone over that multiple times over the years yeah if if the property owner wants that property to be rezoned they need to bring it to the city and ask for it to be rezoned and there can be a small scale comp plan Amendment didn't we address this at some point in the past from what I understand it was recently sold hang on I don't remember on that particular piece of property but you know we don't we don't typically and it's not a good idea cuz we get a birt Harris claim um for us to unless the property owner wants to rezone something we don't rezone it right so you know it's the balls in the owner's Court to come in and and it's not affecting transmitt of this this no this has nothing this is apples and oranges because we can do a small scale comp plan change if the owner comes in and asks for something different okay it's labeled as high density residential and professional but the zoning is an entirely different issue as I recall this area is in an area that has an underlying zoning of CN and we put the overlay on it because we wanted to facilitate some development it's a very difficult strip of land because on one side You' got single family residential on the other side you're St runting on a major state highway and it's the stub ends of that Canal right mhm yeah go ahead mayor one one last comment oh no I was just saying um from what I understand I think it was recently sold actually they took the sign down I don't know if it's sold but if if they want that to happen then then they have to bring it to us the owner it's the same as the people that bought the glass prank property then they decided what they wanted to do with it and then they brought it to us okay yeah I'm just like I said I'm just I'm just bringing it up with uh I'll vote for what we got currently I'm just was bringing it up all right I kind of vaguely remember I think this got to the board of adjustment once where they wanted to do a project there like years ago and it kind of got shot down or something the res zoning well that's why that's why um I brought it up because i' I've heard some from people that were wanting to buy it they just said it just the zoning was messed up well it's it it I think they tried to do it at one point it didn't go through so it was B of adjustment serious about buying the property you could put a contract in place that said it's contingent on the owner going to the city and getting it rezoned to what they want you know cuz that's the owner's responsibility to make that uh you know to bring that forward so just cuz oh it Nots own that way so I'm not going to buy it well that's you know any Savvy businessmen can write a contract that'll help them move their project forward even though it does take time okay okay we have a motion in a second we any either closing thoughts Voice vote Voice vote okay all in favor all right I motion carries 5 all right next K3 okay this is approve on first reading of ordinance 1692 an ordinance of the city of Cocoa Beach Florida amending section 1-8 General penalty continuing violations adjudging fines and imprisonments of chapter 1 General Provisions in section 5-4 9.1 penalty for violation of article and article 3B Ocean Front building restriction line and seaw wall line of chapter 5 beaches Phill's boats and waterways in section 26-7 illegally parked Motor Vehicles in a toway Zone removing storage restoration of Article 1 in general of chapter 26 traffic of the Coco Beach code of ordinances updating penalty Provisions for violations of the city code and eliminating all outdated references to Municipal judges from the city code and providing for codification conflict severability and an effective date wait you got to read the staff representative part oh sorry call staff representative Becky V City attorney Randy Stevenson director of development services you called me on it last time when I made a motion before you read it I'm sorry hey all right so I make a motion to approve ordinance 1692 on the first reading we have a motion second a second have one public comment this Scott I would appreciate it if um when things like this come up if the director of development services would since he's the staff representative would talk about it and say what this is why it's on here why you're doing it it's the first reading so I'm see all this about Towing and uh illegal parking Etc now I have had a discussion with the director um maybe 3 years ago and the previous city manager anyway and it was that contractors are not to leave their trailers on city streets parked without being attached to a vehicle there to put them in the driveway put them in the lawn somewhere not in the public RightWay and uh at that time uh the director told me he was having them sign when they get a permit that they will not leave those trailers in the roadway and you know what I'm talking about the construction trailers they're black sometimes they put a little orange thing out or maybe they don't back in the day in the Dark Ages they used to put those kerosene lamps lit all night long but anyway I think that is um uh something that goes on in the city way too often and I would like it Incorporated here if that could be incorporated and um nobody who's ever applied for a permit has ever tells me they've never seen anything to sign that says they're not to leave their trailer in roadway so maybe I can we could have a so the code says we're not allowed to do that what this is addressing is saying in what section 1.8 which It All Points back to it should be unlawful for any person violated or failed to comply with any provisions of the code regardless of any provision of law to be contrary in violation any pres provision of this code shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment for a turn not exceeding 60 days or by both fines okay each day any violation of the provision of this code shall continue shall con constit cons situate a separate offense and and then it added in addition or alternatively as deemed appropriate by the city manager code violations can be addressed through proceedings before the city special magistrate in accordance with the city and state law which is what we do now we have a special magistrate and um then it just uh clarified in section uh 5491 penalty for violations of the article article that it refers back to section 18 of the code and illegally parked motor vehicles um it just changed it to say uh the charge for towing or removal of such vehicle or storage charges shall be fixed from time to time by a municipal judge well we don't have a mun that's not part of their responsibility so they got change to city manager and then such charges shall be posted for public inspection in the office of the municipal clerk or the police department and in any garage designated by the city manager which would be the ones we've already approved for tow and vehicles so this is pretty straightforward and it wouldn't you know if you if the code already says you can't do something this just kind of clears up what the penalties and procedures are and who makes the decisions so yeah the the purpose of this ordinance I mean you you said it kind of in a long way but the purpose of the ordinance is I had gotten a phone call with regard to uh who's the municipal judge and I said they got rid of Municipal judges when they passed Article 5 which is in 1975 I remember when that happened and um uh so we just went back through and we looked up every time they there was a municipal judge referenced and we also started looking at kind of the strange way the penalties were dealt with so the whole purpose of this is just just kind of straighten out the penalty sections in the code and if there's going to be a substantive change to one of these sections other than relating to the penalties it needs to be in a separate ordinance because we do have a one subject rule um for municipal ordinances and and the one subject on this is is to straighten out the penalties we've alleviated conflicting requirements in multiple section ready to vote say again vote any other public comment can I go ahead okay okay so yes I understand about the penalties and everything I read it all I I'm just taking the opportunity I guess that are stated to bring up is it illegal in the city did is it in the code has uh development services put it on the form that the contractors are sign signing so that I know it's um not the specific point of this ordinance but it was the opportunity to bring up that danger thank you I don't know Randy did you want to add anything to that or I don't want to put you on the spot give me the opportunity um again we can we can look at that and we may have had the conversation and I I'm not saying we didn't I just can't remember it I'm getting old uh but we do monitor with the police department illegal parking uh making sure uh I know a big thing for us to making sure our emergency vehicles can get through some of these residential streets and so forth and overnight parking of these types of vehicles we try to monitor that through uh through them but I will check the uh I know we have documents that are signed the home home the owner Builders things like that I'll check those documents and see if there's anything in there that we may want to update Becky I'll get with you on it okay rake did I see your hand up Mr you good okay any other public comment no we've got a motion in a second all in favor I I I motion carries 5 okay that's uh any other general public comment in closing yes sir come on up Mr Anderson city manager I apologize if I was not supposed to call staff a pinch hitter tonight I kept calling up brand Rick Anderson 1800 Minute Men cway and I'm having a really hard time understanding priorities here um a golf course uh a skate park a pool all these things are wonderful to have okay but a little bit earlier in the meeting we're talking about a public safy issue which is to remove invasive weeds that can hurt somebody and that can make somebody very sick like poison ivy yet somehow we're debating how to come up with the money to do this necessary public safety issue when we just spent without even thinking about it a similar amount of money for the skate park now if the money is not there to do both then it seems to me that that it has to be spent on the public safety issue and not on a what a monster just a luxury item I'll add to that I know we're not supposed to but great point I mean that was my push back when this first came up on the park is why now this has never been discussed and I I completely hear you I want to get that for full transparency on the fiveyear road map so we understand these things and that was part of my push back I want to do the project but in all fairness I want to have full visibility so people see where that sits in the 5year capital Improvement plan you you you have to but I the city mows the trails that manate take Maritime hammock if if you stay on the trail any of the trails you're not going to get into poison ivy it's on the sides of the trails so it's not a public safety issue and and just to prove it uh commissioner Willis survived five poison ivy well yeah but it was horrible like a month homeless people okay any other Mr Dylan closing comments this is if you read that item anything wasn't covered in the first 30 minutes of public comments John D East go back to your commissioner uh with Skip and Wayne talking uh about the uh the the uh the ladder my question is did the engineering company architectural engineering company did they design did they knew did they know what the ocean requirements when they designed that I don't think they knew and that's my question another question is didn't somebody the city that did not review the design package and pull the mistakes out of that that's what amazed me all right number two well I'm sorry it took me so long to catch it well you know you got to be eyes that's you know but somebody somebody that don't don't see design packages like like you skip do nobody review the design package for that nobody that's this commission about somebody that does that type of work about the uh the uh the uh the weeds if you call it growing two years I guess it was year and a half two years ago go between North Carolina and Tennessee and theyve sprayed all the cut Zoo and it just totally amazed me but the green the leaves everything from the trees are still growing uh I will see if I can find out what kind of chemical that is they used to do that that might help the city for that if it was I'll I'll let you know about that third thing is I've noticed this for quite a while I'm not sure this this room be closed or not you see this mold around here I don't if it's already been treated and processed I don't know that I don't know the farther apart what people had to take care of this or not but that mold doesn't need to be here it be processed and eliminate that close this room or get over there to use a different room for that you got a health problem with that than it thank you Mr D any other comments all right thank you all meeting and jar