e e e oh any public comments about items that are not on the [Music] agenda all right new business presentation of the preliminary proposed fiscal year 2025 budget good evening P Dr cot CFO um so this is just a a real preliminary look at numbers the estimates in here are just estimates through the middle of June trying to project to the end of the year as you get more solid information for actuals that's going to impact the Reserve balance that you're going to see reflected in that 2025 calulation um but know that that's that's going to change as we go through the year um this is the preliminary trim adalum numbers that have come from the state of Florida um um the Department of Revenue and we're looking at an increase of about a half million from last year in in net revenues um again that's pinaryala [Music] this is looking at all of the funds all of together it's the 2022 actual the 2023 actuals and those are audited numbers and then there's the 2024 adopted budget compared to the 2024 amended budget that amended budget number is as of um last week the 2024 estimated to year end that's just using actuals and then trying to project to year end it's very difficult to do that especially with capital outlay and then the 2025 Department budget that is what the department directors have put in based on what they consider to be Optimal Performance um but they know that you know that that's going to probably come down a little bit but it's if money wasn't a factor and they could function at the highest level of service that's what it would take question yes sir So when you say that there's a you know little less than $200,000 Delta between the adopted budget for 2024 and the amended budget that was things we did through the year that added things to the budget yeah2 200,000 oh yeah 2,200,000 there there's there's two kind of the ways that the budget gets amended one is just movement between accounts um it doesn't actually change the total budget either expenditures or revenues or the total by fund and those don't come to you those go to the city manager the other type is an actual um where it actually amends or changes the B budget rather than just adjust it and those will increase the revenue or increase expenditures or decrease revenues or decrease expenditures or it moves money budget between funds and those always come to commission and where you've seen changes in that way have been the use of arpa funds which will increase the revenues and increase the um expenditures um and then there was I think there was one where we were using some of the excess investment interest uh the rest of that um invested investment interest is going to be um set aside a half million for the end of the year as so that that 2 million uh 10 something thousand in change you can explain okay so that would be either Grant monies have been approved that we weren't anticipating and didn't budget for or the use of arpa funds right yep okay thank you Yep this is just looking at your general fund because the general fund is where the tax money goes um so it's giving a an overview of the source and use of the funds in total by the general fund as it stands right now with this look we would not make our minimum requirement for the Reserve balance um as the 19% that was determined to be for the disaster recovery and then just the other reserves that we're going to hold on on hand so we would either have to reduce spending between now and the end of the year or we would have to reduce the amount that's going to be in the 2025 budget or we'd have to increase the taxes or other user fees so for this year where we had the 19% Target yep uh we're not going to meet that Target not with this picture no if you see that little blue box the minimum Reserve balance that would be required based on that 2025 numbers would would require I'm talking about 2024 oh no we'll meet that we we'll meet it in 2024 absolutely in 2025 saying there's a a Delta of how much to The Reserve balance with nothing changing from from the estimates or the prop kind of proposed 25 budget we would use too much of the existing Reserve balance and the too much is the 6,720 that would be the minimum requirement but if you look just to the left of that this proposed picture would leave us with three .6 million in reserves not not enough we'd be short 3.1 we'd be short so we have we know going into this budget Workshop we are not done we're not even close to done thank you yes this is just giving that same kind of picture but on the individual fund level um I'm going to go through them really quickly but I wanted to make sure that you guys had that in your handout so you can look at them and and have time to see those numbers um this is the Ju Just the sources and uses by fund so this is the community redevelopment um and the expenditures building permits and inspection fund these are the special Revenue funds the capital projects Improvement fund this is the Bicentennial Park uh project and the whatever is left for completion of the city hall and this is the utility system fund or the wastewater treatment plant and the storm water fund and this is just looking at a summary of the fiveyear capital Improvement projects um looking at it at each of those five years looking at the totals by fun um and you can see that for the fiscal year 25 uh there's actually a lot in there when you look at the packet that um is kind of thicker um not the PowerPoint but the other packet that that whole packet is the these fiscal year 25 CIP budget um numbers with all of the justification explanation comments from each of the Departments as for what they put into that budget what makes up that 48 million and why they put it into the fiscal year 25 budget so talking about the CIP budget yeah it goes from 2025 to 2029 and we're showing the fund numbers which doesn't really tell us a lot but anyway we can track those back um so 2025 is 48,000 million I mean 4 48 million 2026 is only 16 million 2027 is 19 2028 is 11 so those numbers are going down and then 2029 goes to 8 million so why is the 2025 CIP budget you know multiple times bigger than the follow on years so a large component of that is in the general fund there's 5 million for the Fire Station 2 there's also the M capping is in the general fund and that's I think 12 million so you got some really big numbers in there now with the capping um that is Grant funded so there's offsetting revenues to that but there those are um so for example the the the m capping project it's a estimate for how much they think is going to be spent in fisc year 25 versus the outlying years um they don't actually we don't actually know and right now we're we're a little delayed in starting the project anyway so we're going to we're going to uh have this meeting again right yep you can have as many of these budget workshops as you we already we already are required to have at least one more no there's no legal requirement for Budget I believe we would have one more so if we're going to have one more I would like to have that uh CIP budget of 48 million broken down by the leans that are against the cut uh the mut capping the offsetting revenue offsetting revenues y to bring that number down to something uh that's more in line with the following years and if you're only talking 12 million there that only brings it down to 36 million versus the next year of 16 that's still a 20,000 a $20 million Delta well five of that is the um fire station was any of that the um the water uh Brad's uh Brad's is on the one that says 431 fund 431 that's Brads okay yeah but how much of that 16 million is something we're going to get back about seven about seven so all I'm saying is understood bring it back or it just doesn't like in your face say wow how come we spending 48 million this year and we only have to spend 16 and in 2029 we only have to spend eight yep I will do that and when you look at the packet where they put in the notes most of the directors have tried to identify when they have projects that have Grant funds but it's in the details there rather than just summarize for you but I'll I'll bring you a summary right the I mean all I'm saying is the summary can be this is what it is but these are the leans against it and this is the bottom line number if those leans come in yep yep I can do that um is that it that's it for the presentation but we are here for any questions that the Commissioners have anything that all of the directors are here to answer questions about capital or anything else about what what's in this current budget um I didn't bring all of the detail for all of the years because it's 200 Pages um and it's difficult to read but I do have a version of that if you do want to see it um so so I'll just start asking questions um I'll start with the city manager uh and you can defer to whoever you choose when I came on this commission which we won't talk about how long ago that was for uh economy of scale we' pave the roads every 10 15 years you know and now we're in this mode of Peace mealing Paving the roads and they're not getting any better so I haven't gone through every line item on this budget cuz I just got it handed to me but is there a good chunk of this to pave our city roads I'm not talking a18 I'm not talking 520 I'm talking about our actual roads that if you don't have a plan to repay them you're going to end up spending a lot of money on hotair yeah so you know so A1A and all those that's um it's on F yeah you're talking about local so we have a lot we have miles of miles of City roads we do and um so just recently uh there was a lot of emphasis on uh studies of the paving uh so I just stopped that and we're going to take the money for the studies and put it into actually Paving the roads um because we were mired in study after study after study after study so that has been changed and um yeah who's whose's public works here that got BR but the what for Paving is on page eight of this packet that's what I'm there's just about a million dollar um forly Drive Road improvements and the East Country Club parking lot so that's a repay this that's what's in this okay so back back in the day you know I I know that there was economies of scale in play but um and also things were a lot cheaper but we actually got VA Paving to pay the whole city for 3.1 million so you're saying there's a million in there and it's going to PVE this parking lot and expensive to P well anybody that rides their bike or walks down any of these streets are watching the road [Applause] crack you know and and I don't know what you're even if you paid for studies you should have got some preliminary results that should have told you sooner or later or you know the condition of the road and recommendations but you know that that's a that's a a a basic piece of infrastructure and running the city I agree yeah yeah and it's analogist to the duning crossover so we don't need any studies you just start wherever you want do them all and then start all over again and that's the way it always was and that's the way it's going to be from now on but from what Patricia said there's no money in this budget to do Paving in 2025 so we can adjust that we can adjust it it but it what do you want PID do you want City staff to give an assessment to you before we start making the budget well he sounded like we had some studies hopefully there was some preliminary results that said you know 90% of the city needs repaved it's too late for you know the the you know the things that extend the life of the pavement we beyond that point I'm just saying it can be more expensive later than sooner that's a fact that's true can I ask a question in relation to that so I think the question too we have to ask before we decide what priorities we want Paving roads and stuff is how are we going to get our reserves up and then what do we what do we have to do to get our reserves up and then prioritize what capital projects we want like the paving so uh to me I don't know if you can tell us this now or for the next Workshop what are your recommendations to bring the reserves back up and then um and and then how do we prioritize what we need to do as far as capital projects Go I mean I know it's given knowledge rate so but I mean we can save that for another meeting I you know like I think that's the big question well to just give you kind of a just rough sort of look at that to go up by 0.25 from existing to 64144 that increases the property tax roughly 300,000 mhm and do we also know what's going to be on the tax rols this year I mean next next for 2025 that we're not that was the preliminary trim but that's just a forecast it's it it is it is but they're usually not a lot of um um there's not a lot of change so the first column on the right that's the existing trim numbers and then the kind of lighter color on the left is what we got from the trim office um a couple weeks ago and so what you're really looking at is that increase in the net new tax um base which is the 8 million I mean that's where you see that the increase in the revenues is from the Redevelopment so I'm not sure how much I mean there's always that as an option to increase the the millage rate I just don't think that it's going to meet everything that's that's in this Capital 25 Capital may not there to address some of the so I mean that's really going to be where you guys need to focus on what do you think that we the city is best served to have deferred to a outline year versus it needs to be addressed in the current year 48 million is probably more than we can afford to do in a given year I I think that's really what needs to happen first is what for the commission do you think could really be deferred to an outline here verus we really need to be focused so question for chief so I I know that these numbers for your department weren't just what do we just throw some numbers at it I'm sure there was a lot of thought that went into it and I my question is is if that budget stays for fire including the money for you know replacing the North Station is that sufficient to keep us safe from a Fire EMS and paramedic standpoint and Staffing yeah yes sir it was uh we we wrote this budget as a um if all situations being perfect and ideal this was the uh unbalanced for lacker better term we use the basically everything that is addressed with that if the fire station gets their pre-planning I think it's 150,000 they're doing the plans and development of that station uh there's also a uh number in the back for capital for a um diesel particulate cleaner because I know it take some time to do that so that explains that we know it's going to take take a while because the existing station will have the diesel system in there okay but the short answer to your question is yes okay and did you do any analysis as to uh projected wage increases that would be required to maintain the staff you have versus them being attracted to other municipalities or the county that's currently underway um I've had personally I've had uh meetings with finance and HR I know the union is actively discussing um different wage packages and requests I know they're going to have several other meetings Chief Deputy Chief gmes has been working with finance and the UN together you didn't put a budget wedge in for what you think that might be in your we put in a 4% 2% at the start of the year and 2% 6 months later all city um staff increases and that's just based on current CPI and projected towards the end of the year some of the local cities have gotten back to us and they're running right around that same 4% that they're talking about right now that is not what the preliminary Union do you have a microphone over there no okay well nobody heard it but me and the commission and maybe couple good hearing people behind you do you want to come say that thank you Chief teor you're welcome Comm thank you sir I was just you know I want to make sure that that's in the budget also because we got to keep our good City staff so so emplo we put in for 4% because that's based on current CPI and projected CPI to the end of their calendar year um some of the surrounding cities have gotten back to us we try to kind of get a feel for what they're looking at um and the on that have gotten back to us are looking at about that same 4% a few of them are a little bit higher um but some of the challenges that we're facing as we go into Union negotiations is some some entities like palombe are talking about large increases for their firefighters so we can't compete with that I mean we can't okay well there's always that choice whether you work rather work in Palm Bay for a little more money or work in goo Beach and there's different Dynamics in both departments so there's a choice there we haven't finished the negotiations we're trying to find ways that we can give them extra benefits or other options but I don't I don't think that we can offer them what Palm Bay or the count is doing I just don't think is you know I started off with Paving the roads but that's not nearly as important as maintaining our our cognizant city employees and our staff base so I want to make sure that that was in there and you you've stated that at least 4% is in there that that's in this current um look that you're looking at that is reflecting that yeah so question for uh chief M yes you may have anticipated same question I would be silly if I did not commissioner okay so so you have formulated your budget to be able to protect the city run the police department maintain your equipment and have a hedge against keeping your employees yes sir okay that's important while you're up there let me let me ask uh I see you have a lot of vehicles here for uh for replacement or or adding to the fleet yes ma'am um do you guys know what does it currently cost you right now to maintain the vehicles that you have um compared to what it would cost to buy new ones so the cost to maintain is going to be a Jonathan question which I will let him speak to because he has the soft W now that tracks that that's not available to me on the PD side but I do know that that software was only recently instituted and it's not going to be as um full of data now as it will be a year from now 2 years from now 3 years from now so yeah that that is threat we just started this software about 8 months ago so it's going to take time to get some history in it to actually see what it's costing on these cars but the main reason reason that we're looking at the number of cars is we've got seven that these would actually be replacing that have close six of the seven have over 250,000 miles on them so whenever they get that many miles we we just run into a lot of Maintenance with them yeah so do you know for the last past eight months what you've spent on maintenance for those police vehicles I would have to pull the numbers I can pull what we spent on each far and get back to you on it okay and then are you uh well me Patricia I don't know who who to ask about this one but um remember we had talked about some of those government auctions for for vehicles um mowers trucks this and that is anybody actually looking into that cuz I do see a lot of mowers and Gators and stuff like that that we could save 15,000 20,000 here and there thank you Jonathan yeah I I have not but we are not opposed to that especially if they're close enough that we can get Jonathan to take a look at them um and then like I said uh there's a guy that we can talk to that is familiar with doing these auctions and we could maybe hire him as a consultant to you know do this with us I just I see a million dollar worth of vehicles here and I'm kind of thinking I tried to push this a year ago to to see if we can even look into getting something we we just haven't even we haven't even tried yet so yeah and most of these vehicles are actually related to the police vehicles and it's it's last year a lot of those vehicle Replacements were deferred and so right now Chief Mullen is really kind of dealing with some challenges with the vehicles and you know I was recently asked about the idle assets and so Jonathan explained what they were there's there's a certain number that he keeps on hand I think it's a total of six um for marked and then there's I think two that are unmarked that are to be on hand for when a vehicle breaks down and has to go into the shop he can keep the officer on the road and functioning the um there are a few that are sitting idle because the officers they going to be ass assigned to aren't yet cleared to be in the vehicle alone they're still doing the Ride Along their training so but the the thing is is when we don't have the the vehicles on the proper replacement schedule and Jonathan is put that together he's been very careful about making sure that we make those Vehicles last as long as possible but we we can't we don't want to find ourselves in a position where our officers are trying to respond to a call and they're car breaks down so we want to make sure that we're not pushing that too hard where those Vehicles become unreliable to our officers I mean it's one thing for like administrative staff if our car breaks down it's not like it's going to be a big deal it's a different issue when it's the police officers and so when you look at the vehicle replacement almost all of those vehicles are to ensure that the police vehicles are functioning at Optimal Performance Jonathan how how often do you have uh debilitating vehicle issues with the police we we have them quite often we're even having them with a new uh Ford Explorers we got 2023 that are going back to the dealer and we had one that stayed at the dealer for 2 weeks and during that time we've got to keep officer in spare and we're getting a lot of recalls and the dealer keeps them two or three days so we got to keep officers in spares and we got to have enough of them and whenever we get a recall on one it's not just one we got eight of them yeah you know so and we got to schedule them to get them in so so the are you is it about even with the older vehicles and the newer Vehicles no well it is the older ones we're having issues with them because of the high mileage and issues and stuff like that on them so Ian as we start building a comprehensive plan for buying assets we should be seeing a reduction in the maintenance side of it should I mean that's the plan I mean I think we got to start getting the data somewhere but that there has to be an offset in maintenance budget for buying see you know if we see that the maintenance is is getting high then we obviously we but if the maintenance isn't that high we might be able to push it back another year so it's in the plan itself Merit that every 8 years or 100,000 miles I saw that last anyway I know we push it off last year as well I know yeah we had seven in in the budget and I think we got two and those still haven't arrived yet so um we're still kind of hurting on those yeah and if we replace them we'd like to pull them out at 8 years off the front line and them that we pull off we don't get rid of them they actually become spares and the ones prior to get rid of them so so we keep them around 10 years actually total and then I see some also some vehicles for like uh um maintenance vehicles and stuff like that as well Machinery yeah four-door sedans um is there is there a problem with our our current maintenance Vehicles as well or as far as like just your Public Work age of them just the age of other vehicles that I have in there most of them are over 15 years old okay and we have a lot of rust issues that's the main thing we fight the mileage is not the main concern it's the rust issues we got a 2018 van that the whole center part of frame is rusted out and there's it's just from the beach just a solid area and that's what we run into with side okay um just as a maintenance question are we are we having these vehicles undercoated then if that's an issue yes whenever they first arrive we undercoat them before they ever hit the highway okay every vehicle every Gator everything all of our utility trailers and dump trailers we even undercoat so comment um so we built uh Public Works complex with lots of garages to you know get Vehicles out of the elements but that's you know maybe 10 12 hours of the day if there's places to put them all and the rest of the time they're out here in the salid air like the rest of your cars you know if you even if you have your car in a garage and you know if you drive around very much you know you're out in the element so doesn't negate it that we we have those uh covered areas but the good thing about those covered areas is you don't get caught with that D point in the morning where you automatically get moisture on the car when they're undercover they don't hit that D Point um the other thing is Mayor um are have you ever you bought things from auction yeah my my current vehicle is the auction vehicle okay and uh your um your experience was was it a commercial auction or was it a government Government auction yeah okay and uh they gave you a a half page one page description of the vehicle yeah but if you know what you're looking for uh like there's a like I said there's a guy I know that deals with this stuff okay I'm just saying they give you a onepage subscription mileage blah blah blah running and a a video of it running and stuff like that right right yeah and then you go to the lot and you walk you can walk around it yeah it may not have been started up for you they will if it if it runs yeah okay and then you basically you didn't buy it sight unseen but you don't know until you drive it if the bearings are good if the uh yeah but when you're buying and all that stuff when you're buying a vehicle for 2% of its original value like who cares I don't think want to buy vehicles for the city that are 2% of their value what I'm saying is they're still good Jonathan fix them they're still they're still good what I'm saying is they they can't sell them they can't sell them because they're Government auction they they're selling them for they they have to sell them at 2% of the original value no matter what condition if they have 500 Miles 5,000 or 50,000 that's you know as well as I know a lot of government buy stuff and it just sits and it doesn't get used there's there's lots of auction Vehicles like that well and I'm not saying we have to do our whole Fleet like that but I'm saying if we say 50 here there that there's more than one type of auction and the Government auction is not going to be you know as close by and uh attractive to our needs as you know other potential options I mean you see things on Trail you see things on everything else I mean yeah there's some good things to be had out there but if you don't get if you don't you know if they roll car if they roll the car in front of you and they go okay who's biding what you know and then next thing you know somebody buys it you know i' had my experiences with that and we we have looked at some o and stuff or actually Brad has a wheel loader in his budget and we're going to look for a used one of them from the auction if we can buy our needs the GSA Auctions I mean if it's in great running condition they sell it at 2% if if it needs some work they'll sell it at 1% of its original value they bid on them they don't bid it's it's a price the the government entities get first dibs and it's not a bid if they call it auction but they have a set price and you and if you need it in your government you you get first dibs then after that it goes to uh to um former military uh businesses like I said I I've got a friend that deals with this all the time he buys this stuff he knows he knows it I know you don't understand it cuz you're not in it but there's lots of savings to be had out there so you bought your vehicle for 2% of its value yeah I bought I bought my I bought a a $89,000 Hummer for $113,000 and it and it and you weren't a government entity no but I had to do an auction bid but if I was government en to out some if I was government entity I would have got it for a th right but you had to outbid somebody to get it because I didn't I'm not a Government auction government gets it for a set price okay well there's different levels of government to there's different rules for and we're at the bottom of look I I know this auction site it is what it is okay I mean it's worth looking into but I'm just I'm just saying it's not a you know it is a done deal the guy does it all the time I know exactly what I'm talking about you know you don't know but it is what it is it doesn't matter I'm just saying we need to look into it we will we can look into it all right um and then I got uh so $11,000 for a slide for Fisher park playground uh says that the the uh brackets um that secure the slide are are beginning to corrode and will soon fail is it possible that we could just buy these brackets or have these brackets made rather than spending $111,000 for a whole new slide um no so we have we spoke to forat who originally installed the equipment and they said that the way the brackets um are mounted to the slide we cannot just replace the brackets we have to replace the entire slide is that because it's a liability issue if they told you anything different the liability would go to the city if you replace the brackets it could yes I'm I'm willing to go with the mayor's suggestion if our machinists can look at those brackets and come up with something that's just as strong and do the same purpose have that done instead and we already have an insurance policy with the city for liability I mean the we can look into it but um yeah we can look into that the probability of a of a properly made bracket failing and kid falling off the slide because the bracket is really low I guess I'll bring up one other thing um it hasn't gone through the Land Management committee but there's people that believe that we should do some invasive plant eradication at mared time hammock park it is getting kind of overgrown with a lot of invasives um I like the park I it's okay the way it is to me I think it's one of our best parks in the city I know but I I go there at least on a weekly basis and walk the whole park um but there are invasive species there and we've tried going in there with Selective herbicides they got some of the good stuff they got some of the bad stuff they pulled a bunch of the problematic things out of there but you know we'd have to be more of a comprehensive plan and uh you know the what I heard was you know it's always been done by volunteers and there aren't enough volunteers and all the volunteers are getting too old to go out there in heat and do anything so I don't know if it's something we could look into I could get a lot of volunteers together if we if if we were allowed to do that and I don't know if if uh if somebody if somebody would Channel Joanie Reagan or Bob day and uh have them tell us what needs to be done and put a bunch of ribbons around whatever needs to come out of there well I'll take you up on your volunteer day and I'll I'll be out there with you all right I'll volunteer put it on CBN and tell come out there and ice cold water sandwiches at noon I do have a little bit of a concern that you want walk through the rest of yours you ask well I did have a little bit of a concern about some of our continuing service agreements um I think uh some of the vendors that we're using I feel like they know that we're kind of we're not really checking we're kind of stuck and we're using them and and the price is keep going up and up so some of the stuff I'm a little concerned about stuff being double what it should be um when you when you call around and check with other companies so some of my concerns are with some of our continued service agreements I I'm a little leery to just say use who we've been using all the time I know that we put stuff out to bid but um some of the stuff we do have survey so that kind of it concerns me on some of the stuff I've seen um previously through this year so I just want to throw that out there do we have any kind of checks and balances like do they share their books with us or approved pricing or something it seems like it's so we'll take on multiple um continuing Services agreements and then we are allowed to get proposals from all those different companies and select right I mean it helps us expedite procurement what I'm asking is do the they I mean it's not an open checkbook for them just cuz they're proof Source they ought to be sharing their profit margins with us or at least a little more transparent than a normal vendor let's say like a drywall company guy charges 40,000 to do drywall but you you call it around and everybody around is normally is 20,000 so but we just use them because we just we trust them because we think you know they've been working with us and then nobody really double checks to see if that that um that $40,000 quote is reasonable now so some of that stuff kind of concerns me that a lot of vendors I think gradually increase the stuff without us really noticing and I think we need to I think we need to double check some of our continue agreements stuff like that just want to throw that out there I have a question for Patricia so on the capital the way we're budgeting I know you and I talked are we doing the multi-year approach or is the entire amount in the year it's going to be invoiced it looks like we're still so for the example I'm looking at is the fire truck it looks like there 250k for four additional years but then we've got the total fire station in one year it may not have been corrected yet but do we have a preferred approach we're going to do all in I don't have a preference but I agree with your thought that we need to be consistent with whichever approach we do um I mean I I don't have a problem when we break it up especially for a project like a con like the mck dredging where the capping where we know it's not going to be completed in a given year and it makes sense then to show it in the years that you expect to be spending it but when you're talking about a piece of equipment it's usually you make the purchase and you're done right because so for example the fire truck that 250k would be allocated that couldn't be allocated or used for anything else but we're not going to actually expend that money for five more years so it's tying up that capital I don't think that I prefer to see that full million five years in the year of purchase and and I would agree I agree with that approach I think it just shows a better picture to to you the commission what are we looking at truly for the cost when it's going to go out the door um and you're right 250 this year is not going to be going into a new so hang I was just going to say but what you're telegraphing is 250 250 250 250 in the final year we're going to spend a million so you're basically telling us that we're going to need a million in four years is what you're saying exactly okay that that yes so so I think what the vice mayor is saying is why don't we just show the million in four years agreed well yeah but then now you know there's bow wave okay so I'm I'm just bringing it up there's no way we're going to spend $5 million for a new fire station next year so that's the alternate approach is putting it all in a single year so all I'm asking is let's be consistent so we can get an Outlook I would prefer to have an year in one year and just well now that there's understanding of why there was 250 250 250 250 so the kind of the problem with that is if you put 250 in this year that you're not going to spend for 5 years you're now kind of showing that as reducing your Reserve balance but you're not going to actually spend it but but like I said what you're trying to say is it's almost like a pig B you need to save you need to have that money so that four years from now you'll have the million it is and that was the concept when that was asked to present it that way so when our fire department was asked to present it that way that was the reasoning behind it but what it does do then is it basically removes that from the current year as available funds for other projects okay it doesn't change the fact that at some point we're going to need to spend a million dollar on now we all know I guess I shouldn't explain that I'm sorry so I mean is the 5 million do we think we're going to have a location identified and have the design done and built in 25 for the fire station we have the um location identified where is that going to go and we have the location identified yes where is it we know it's um M Park which is um it's a triangular Park a little bit north of um the 5 20 intersection on the east side of A1A yeah okay just past the Modi Medical Plaza yeah yeah yeah that property where wizard o wanted to move now they're move to Orlando got it so um fires on board with that location too but the 5 million is not going to happen next year right we have sort of design I think there's an easy one right there to move that out to 26 probably can I uh expand upon the uh truck thing um that changed but Patricia and I talked about one of the things and uh Justin Grimes deputy chief that um the trucks are like a three-year build time so we're talking about doing is if the truck needs to be replac let's say in 2029 maybe in 2026 we could put it on the budget and that would give three years because unfortunately every year the cost keeps going up so substantially so for instance the ladder truck that we bought um it's gone up 3/4 of a million since we bought it in 2021 so the earlier sometimes we can buy these trucks and get in there uh before these rate increases so basically if we lock in a price of a truck in 2027 or something it may not arrive till 2030 that we'll be paying 2027 price for 2030 truck so we have to put a deposit down basically we don't have to put a deposit let do an agreement right right now the vendor that we're using um allows us to put the purchase order in and start the build and we don't pay anything until delivery so it gives us time to save so um I think that was just a a bit of an oversight or something because that was what we were going to do moving forward was find the year that we want to replace the truck and then bring it to you based on the lead time early so that would give us cuz like I said it's 36 to 40 months to build it a fire truck now that's that's that's why we have a budget and then we have a capital Improvement plan yeah so the capital Improvement plan four years would have that million dollar or whatever yeah and if we approve the capital Improvement plan which is multiple year then you can pull let say trigger you can go go forward yeah and it's good with making that contract Amendment because we just passed the capital Improvement plan that had the purchase price four years from now yeah I think the the the the 250 um we were doing that was before uh with the last city manager so what we talked about in the budget our last budget meeting which we'll change was that instead we were going to project the year the truck needed to be replaced then go back and look at the lead time and bring it to commission based on that lead time so again yeah if it's the truck needs to be replaced all you just see is 2030 in 2027 we would come to you and say this is the price we can enter an agreement that would give us years to come up with that money till the time the truck is done and you get substantial savings because they're paying like I said a 2027 price for a 2030 truck so that that that was really the plan that we're trying to do moving forward so hopefully that helps this is a public works question the Dempsey Park seaw wall was there a a uh this 240k wasn't there some warranty repair or something with that is it what's going on with that or am I thinking McNab Parkway is the seaw wall that was no one of them was the Dempsey Park seaw wall from my understanding it's still under litigation with the previous vendor for doing uh faulty repairs on it uh but regardless we still need to get those repairs done so this would be one that potentially would have offset Revenue to cover this if claim goes through I we're not going to drop the litigation right it's being litigated but I can't I can't budget the revenue for that because I have no ability to assure that that is going to settle in a way that is satisfactory to the city okay or that they'll actually settle it even if there's a court order to do so so when we aren't certain I don't usually budget for those revenues smart we'll take the windfall if you get it so the marina study it looks like 450 K or yeah 450 for the design 70 the second half of the 75 for the feasibility we want to put that in 24 are we going to have we're going to invoice the 75 right for the feasibility studying there's going to be some churn and then fund the design right behind that do we have any preliminary read ahead on the first half of that if we're getting you know even in the ballpark or any it was actually less than that it was like 3 70 something I think I guess are you asking what did we get for the first $75,000 this is the second 75 but what I'm saying what would what did we get for the first 75 the first payment there still working on that so well I would wait till we get there that's my point is this is the second payment and then we've already got a follow on 450k earmarked for whatever comes out of that finding or that feasibility study enough to build it no that's that's per that's site ready pull the trigger plans uh permits everything so that's that's ready to go well so I I'm not willing to put any more money into that until I get the results of the first that's obviously but if if it if does look feasible we want to we want to pull the trigger sooner than later because that's a um that's a time sensitive uh issue just because of the the stuff at the Port closing down on the go of course maintenance for the sprinklers is this carry forward from last year the 800k or is that a second phase of that that there will be a carry forward of 800 from this year cuz we didn't accomplish and then this 800 that's in this budget is for the second part so there were there was the plan to do nine holes in fiscal year 24 nine holes in 25 and 9 26 the vendors weren't available in the spring and so the golf course manager is recommending that we do all 18 in the fall we can actually get a better price if they're doing more um and also because this is their offseason so they'll be available and and again there'll be some savings so we are planning to do carry forward the 800 from this year and do um 18 holes this is the second 800 then going to PL with ex so we're budgeting yeah so we're budgeting in 25 for nine holes and then we're going to carry forward for nine from this fiscal year and do all 18 in the fall that that's that is the proposed plan okay that's it for me oh on the um Under Fire the rescue craft do we need this in there since we got that ground zero donated or what what's the plan there this was in the budget last year but we got sorry so we um we had budgeted for this upcoming year and then once we got it from Dr zero so that P that'll be got okay yep yeah I mean I you guys ask your questions I've got this immediate so those are my immediate questions but I'd like to dig in um the the Bicentennial Park don't miss those fireworks that are we are we set to have that started so that we can get these grants is that is that still moving forward yeah we're good um the only thing we're rating on is permits okay and then we're looking at an advertising this month or early August so we shouldn't we shouldn't miss out on any of that grant funding no we're not going to miss out and then the um the tennis courts the 820,000 is that is that including the 240,000 that we could get in grant funding from USA budgeted on the revenue side the grant funding is yes that so we would need to come up with around 680 of that for ourselves we do no not they just said theck line for a million right is that USA is contingent that those Grant contingent on us um doing this other stuff first I I was just P my voice is too quiet you want me to go up to the podium okay so the USA was helping us out with two different grants we have um the surface and the lighting 100,000 for rebuilding the this isn't resurfacing either this is rebuilding this is demolishing everything and restarting resurfacing would definitely not be $820,000 um but the $200,000 Grant we've we've already been approved for that through the USA venue services that is also is contingent on storm water Improvement plans that we do and a lighting Improvement plan um so we have a lighting design that we had done um and we're we're ready to move forward with with all of that that's all done and then so we have that and then because we have to do a lighting design they helped us with a $40,000 grant that goes towards the lighting um Scott Scott yes sir you're talking about these tenis courts yes 5 years ago we redid All the Lights in that tennis court they don't work yes but the problem is is that all the light poles are not meeting USA standards they it's a safety hazard where they're at so the safety standards say that nothing can be within 10 ft of the playing lines and none of those light poles you have these big solid concrete light poles and all the shade structures are well within 10 ft of the outside planing lines usdaa when not give us this grant unless we meet those standards so so their Grant is how much 200,000 how much do we have to spend 680 yeah but the lights are functioning as they are the lights are functioning as they are they will not help us with they will not give us this grant though if we I thought that was just for the lighting Grant what no so that 8 120,000 is for the lighting and the court rebuild okay that it's all lumped into one but I saw there's a 40,000 for the lighting Grant and a 20,000 for the or 200,000 for reu B ourselves back into this USA contract and now it seems like they got us over the barrel for $800 something, th000 to be compliant because we don't meet their requirements when we had a guy before that we put up new lights and we resurfaced the courts and everything was happy it's like wasn't going to cost us another $820,000 yeah I mean so there there are problem the lights are functioning let me let me go back to the lighting right so the the lights are functioning but they are rough the wiring through the the lights and that electrical the contactor box that it goes to it needs to be replaced that we're having we do have constant problems we have bats that live in those concrete poles the tennis players and the tennis professional is constantly complaining that the lights are not efficient enough for the players spent $20,000 this year just on Lighting on that thing probably right I don't know the exact numbers that we've spent on repairs but we have spent a lot of money in repairs on those lights well when we went from you know the H hallogen incandescent whatever you want to call them to these and this isn't USA giving us estimate to reu all we got was praise about how bright the lights were and how much better the play was at night and now it's no good these are complaints that we've been getting for years um and it's not the USA giv us this estimate to rebuild the courts this is um this is this cost estimate is based on the courts that we rebuilt um the the back set of Courts I can't remember what year we did it but we rebuilt those courts and then it wasn't the 10 years ago no it wasn't no this I don't know maybe three years ago something like that I know but we going to rebuild 10 exports every five years we're not rebuilding the ones that we rebuilt we're rebuilding six the six that are left I'd rather pave roads so that's um where the numbers come from we can get a $2,000 Grant to help rebuild the courts and then there's 40,000 a separate $40,000 grant that goes towards the lighting Improvement plan but it's costing us $820,000 that's what the numbers are coming back at there's nothing I can do about that we can leave the lights the way they are and they're they're a problem the wiring is not not good in those light poles I know you guys have been having problems with those lights yeah it's um we can just rebuild the courts but then you're just always going to have issues with those lights but the the total cost is 820 it's it's offset by the grant money so the cost of the city is 680 yeah 680 run a lot of wire for ,000 and contractor boxes Scott I don't know if this is your question on the 400 Channel dredge yes that was 100K and then 400 is the scope the same and it's just now 1.2 million or what's and what I'm I'm referring to is last year's capital budget had 100,000 in there the scope or is it just that much more expensive um so the 400 Channel dredge for phase one of the project um it was I think we put 100,000 in there I don't think we spent quite that much 4 400 yeah we got a 50/50 match Grant with find um so uh that's all done now the now we have to move forward with construction with the actual dredging and the engineers opinion and probable construction cost came back at the 1.2 so um the the plan is is to ask f for more funding I know we discussed that a little bit Yeah and Scott um between you and City bander and other people you talk to you know Taylor engineering that gave us the 1.2 million yes they don't want to be wrong on the low side yes they want to be wrong on the high side yeah yeah so chances are it will come in under that right right and then um do we need to apply for the and we've already socialized yes as of the June 25th meeting that we are going to be applying for a fine as a follow on to our vice sentennial for this year and um and it do we need to have that number refined with the contractor before we apply for the grant or do we apply for the grant against the 1.2 and then if it comes in cheaper we negotiate with F Well we can we can a 50/50 with fine right yeah it doesn't have to be 50/50 just yeah well they they they actually told us at the meeting that because it's ACT public access from ramp Road Park and all the neighborhoods and all that uh that we're eligible for a 75% Grant whether we get it or not you know and stack it up against everybody else yeah but 75% of 1.2 million is a lot yeah and then if we get do we apply for the grant against the 1.2 million and then see how that plays out and then put it out for bids and if it comes in at 900,000 we get 75% of 900,000 yeah how it works yes it can work either way and we would rather have um we would rather bid it out and get solid numbers so that we don't um monopolize money that other people could potentially use but we're trying to do a workaround too to keep ourselves in the mix because they have additional money we talked about that yeah and we're going to meet with them we're probably going to go up to the is it the land it's somewhere up in blue the next meeting yeah and we're going to go before them and they're willing to work with us so if you get so another thing you get a bid if you get a bid it's good for 60 90 days to 90 yeah Norm 90 days okay but it gives you a real number yeah and so you know we've done a lot of I just don't want to be a city that goes out for bids on stuff and then people put all the trouble into giving you a bid and go out and do run the canal a couple times and take measurements and all that and do all the research and then come back and say oh we were only kidding no we won't do that we have good relationship ship with d we've been doing dredging for a long time that number I understand you actually us do the dredging exactly now look at me we're going way back now yeah I mean it has to go out for bid this was just their opinion of probable construction cost so it was a budget number for us to use but it's going to have to go out for bid anyway when we put it out for bid then we'll have real numbers that we can go to find with okay so the permit has volumes in it and that's what they're interested in how much mck or sand bottom are they taking out of there that's really a driving Factor but we have the permits now yes it's permitting is done yeah we're yeah there's just a little lag between the construction money and you know we just have a lot of things in that P that have to fit together so we're on you me to go to the land with you let me know okay uh I see we we're spending in $100,000 for a LED message sign board um I guess talk a little louder $100,000 for a sign for uh Sydney Fisher Park are we able to is there anything we can do to mitigate some of the the problems I see that there's like a side missing on it can we put a new side side on it and maybe mitigate some of the problems with it or no because it's not just the the Aesthetics of it the electronics of it are all messed up like it doesn't work well with how it um it doesn't work well with it um it's just dated and old and deteriorating from the inside out it's not just the exterior aesthetic so it's an Antiquated variable message sign you know the ones that you can put whatever you want on there and it seen its day so okay is it possible to to repurpose it in a spot that doesn't get uh a lot of um water damage possibly I mean I doubt it it's like I said like the electronics in it are shot you can't it's hard to even get it to say anything are you aware the Genesis of that sign what are you aware of the Genesis of why that sign's there no I'm not you're talking about the one that changes says different things yeah I no I it's it's it's actually good for icies and all that stuff I I I I think it's a good thing to have I'm just saying 100,000 seem a little steep but I won't go into the Genesis then no I I think it's I think having that sign especially for um you know hurricanes or TR whatever go and change the letters on it yeah yeah that number is a little high it does seem high 100 that I mean that was just it just stood out because of the 100,000 I mean I'm not saying that we shouldn't replace it does that have other signs in it too does that have the North and South entrance and the variable message is that all three or is that just the one for that budget number we don't have a north and south we don't have a north and south not variable message but we do have a sign which we it doesn't tell you anything well it tells [Music] you and Kelly Slater and Cameron Turk that's it but I think a variable message sign is important to have especially in a hurricane prone area so I think that's uh I I don't know anything else right now I'm just still looking through obviously I this is my first time looking through this as well so I was I was away and so Patricia can you tell us what the next next step is there are certain timelines we have to meet and you give us a nice fancy proposed budget at some point in time and we have to vote and millage and all that stuff do you have that on the slide I don't I didn't bring it I'm sorry the next the next um dat is going to be July 18th where the commission will vote on the max millage and that's the proposed so when you vote on that that's the you cannot exceed that without going back out for a vote of the citizens so that'll be July 18th and you're going to bring us another package that explains how that might go well I'm hoping that uh the city commission gives me direction on to what they want me to bring on the 18th um so usually you you say you do a little more work on this and then you say to make the numbers for next year we need x amount and this is the current amount and this is the predicted increase from the um property taxes and revenue and like this is what it's going to take you're not bringing that on the 18th it would take an increase of 1 mil to make the Reserve balance that you would need are you going to do an analysis like you usually do like uh if we do roll back and if we keep the same or we go above can we have something like that too yep I I can do that um well I mean if we're going to make that decision we need more than just we need a mill I can't do it to for what we're looking at today but I that's dependent on do you want to fund all of these capital projects or do you want to fund different ones so you know I kind of want a little bit of feedback from the commission as to what your priorities are for the capital is it is it feasible to get it in this format and the only reason I ask is because to me I think we can make 90% of the decisions with a simple variance analysis what's Chang from last year to this year what are the drivers I'm trying to do that real-time reconcile this proposal from last year's but if it can be just an added column in this format I think it makes it for me at least it makes it very straightforward and then like I talked to the last manager just having the big hitters here's the cost drivers here's the ones that reduction I think all right so what's the deadline for the uh decision on the max millage July no that's when our meeting is it just happens to coincides with the county deadline um no um so without a calendar I'm sorry I count the days but there are specific number of days from July 1st I think it's within the first 30 I don't remember I'm sorry sorry I just don't remember off the top of my head I'm sorry commissioner I can send you the whole trim uh but what I'm saying is we want to give you time to work on stuff you know and he just asked you to you know a little revamp on the on the budget and we need to think about some stuff and there's potential we could have a special meeting where we could go over the budget again and then vote for the millage rate at a meeting that's not on the 18th when we're covering a whole bunch of other City business before the deadline okay yeah there's kind of a lot to think about in two weeks I mean we we won't even be able to discuss it now till then yeah I definitely want to have this out there for the residents too I don't think anyone has access to this so definitely have that time save for that visibility so what I'm suggesting the commission is to have our meeting on the 18th uh anybody in commission reports or whatever can ask questions if you want to say stuff in the sunshine about what you've thought about on the budget or whatever and then have a set a followon meeting to a special meeting with city clerk Michael and uh and and be able to focus just on the budget and then at the end of that discussion set the mill rate I think that would be valuable yeah I think it's better than just at the end of a drawn out July 18th meeting with stuff that we didn't get to discuss for a month that's filing up and you know it's 8:30 9:00 at night then just throw a number out of a hat on the military I agree with you yeah gives you a chance to digest so let's pick a date there Patricia for a special meeting you guys know how I'm going to vote no mil increase no I'm not going to vote for mil on the record right now I think we can challenge it and go [Music] lower oh I know I know but I'm telling you guys I'm I I don't plan on voting to raise the uh millage but I want our residents to have access to December one and to me just do variance analysis from last year's budget it very very SL look time value of money on some of uh I I do have a question about also the front end loader uh is that is that still working well or do we have lots of maintenance issues with that the current lo that we have we have spent a lot of money on due to hydraulic leads on we had the radiator 0002 model 93 yeah Chase I mean most of the hydraulic is hoses or Rams that need to be rebuilt that and also Steines okay that is what can't do on can't do per yeah yeah said they came out and did some of the lines on but the cost of it maintain the wheels on it are actually TI okay so max millage has to be sent set within 35 days of the start of the trim calendar so it starts July 1st so you have 35 days so city clerk was saying we could move it to the August 1st commission meeting no you're saying have another Workshop no I I think there time to have another Workshop no no I'm not saying a workshop I'm saying to have a special meeting and then which would Encompass a workshop and then because it's a special meeting we can make a decision and we can vote on the millage rate at that meeting so the last Thursday in July sounds like a good time for that that's ju 27 I don't think I'm going to be here I might not be here either how about the T last Tuesday July 30th I don't know either last Thursday in July would be the 25th last Tuesday I I can do the 30th that t the last Tuesday I just can't do the last Tuesday I can do the last Tuesday I can't do the last Thursday we could do a special meeting before that that um August 1 we we want to focus the budget's important okay we can have other things on our mind when you bring us that agenda how about the 30th yeah I I can do the 30th might not be here but I can call maybe I'm not trying to work it out but so you that whole last two weeks you're like the last week in July and the first week in August I mean I can call in to probably so it's mostly done now how are these suggestions get Incorporated it doesn't need to be advertised but we could do it Tuesday July 16 to have a special meeting and I'll put together the information that you've requested and just put it in your mail slide I just think you can come up with all your questions and get back and forth for City staff between now and 14 days from now be July 16th but just to clarify Max millage is just setting the maximum you can go but that's the most important but you can go down from there but that's the yeah that's not setting you're not adopting anything so Patricia what you're going to get right now without any uh further discussions my read on this commission is you're going to get the exact same mil you got now and not a mill higher higher just a question okay the last time we voted on Max mill rate was it 61644 and that was Max mill rate and we're at we're at that so if we do it again carry from 23 to 24 and I'm voting carry 24 to what I'm saying is if we vote for well that's just max millit rate we went to Max millit rate so that's just kind of I'm put out that's probably where it's going to end up that's what I'm saying because we got to run the city but but the thing is we need time between now and then to to massage whatever you feel like needs to be massaged to try to keep the city running through FY 25 so what do you need for inputs to make these suggested there's been a lot of discussions are we implementing these or do you want us to individually send them to you I think that's the part that's not clear what is going to be here I would say if there are specific uh priorities that the commission has please send them to the city manager okay and he he can share that with the directors and to me that's part of what the benefit of this is cuz if I have a suggestion that conflicts with what he wants it's know we're going to be in the same position on next Tuesday so that's a question for the city manager and Carrie where's Carrie no Carrie my admin yeah she's home she's home yeah previously prior to this meeting we got a letter from the executive assistant via the city manager and said by the way we're going into budget cycle what are your priorities and we wrote them down and we submitted them back we can do that yeah it's a little late for that no she's already you're saying in years prior not this year yeah years prior you remember that yeah yeah I mean we could still do it before that meeting right well that's that's basically what you're saying now now we just have to send it in an email so what I I think what I'm hearing is we got we've got the Baseline data right here we need to digest it in this format just the first meeting of possibly right a few so it's we're we're figuring it out so we didn't get an email that said what's your priorities we're saying it now pretty much and we can send send it in so we don't need to make a big deal send it in before our special no I'm just saying that's that was a good practice I thought you know yeah are we doing the July 16th yeah July 16th before you go to wherever thank you and will we be getting this electronically at 6 o' is that possible I can electronic yes it'll be a PDF okay so 6 o' is the is the special meting meeting time is that correct yes it is special meeting votable actionable yes set the mill rate advertise so we're going to reconcile all of our inputs at the 16th meeting in the working session and then the outcome of that is consensus on the ceiling that's all it is in a ceiling it's not set for that all right here's um is that is that pretty much it from you guys I mean I I can sit here and go through this I haven't heard much from you Josh you have any concerns I'm I'm going to need to go through and just digest it carine I'm good right now I do have something for uh reports commission reports and stuff anybody in the audience that has any concerns or questions what we were just talking about mayor went up did we n the solar array nonsense the solar rooftop solar stuff that's not there I didn't see anywhere in here previously there was 400k for a rooftop solar array that's not in this no we're not doing that the greenhouse gas study is is gone as well and um any questions you guys have I'll get that email out and you can respond to that and I'll get answers and we did we're budgeting this year for um fireworks or drone show or we did not this year we are going to for next year 25 yeah we have what do we have 25 in there for I don't remember but yeah because it's the Centennial um celebration so yeah we definitely I think we got we got to do something for that for sure yeah yes yes yes I mean Patricia the other part about putting in this format is that we can also see the operational side this is just the and then what they Christmas decorations that wasn't in there this last year in the in the PowerPoint it shows you the operations in total by the funds so you can I'm just hoping to get it broken out you just you just want those you don't need all the extra pages you just want the the actual budget ideally if we can get this book with a proposed 25 column added throughout yeah idea yes I can do that but you you don't need the pictures and the rest of it you just want no no no I just want bar I just I didn't want to do that because if you remember in the prior year there were like 50 versions of that and it got part of my frustration last yes but but we did set it up this year that shows that yeah Patricia for me just to make it even more complicated I don't need any physical stuff what please don't print me a book but I would love it electronically yeah electron I don't need you just want PDF I just want PDF that's totally fine that makes it easier you can search it much yes um so this a tribute question for anybody in this room maybe Chuck Bron can answer it um what date in 1925 was the city established what date in in the year June 26th huh June 26th are you sure yes I don't want to guess yes June 26th 4th of July no what was it I don't know she's looking up in Wikipedia The City website good luck for that you're not using the search engine are you no I um what I was thinking is instead of having Fourth of July fireworks which is more expensive because all the competition with the fireworks companies if we're going to pay for fireworks why don't we do them on our Centennial night instead of the 4th of July Jun was itth if it's June June 5th June 5th 1925 why don't we just celebrate it on the 4th June 5th June I would it might be worth putting that out on like CBN or something letting letting the city respond I mean it's not a bad idea but I know there was conation over if you tried to have fireworks on July 4th you're your cost is you know three times maybe four times as much as any other day of the year we're going to be eco-friendly we're going to be Trend setting and we're going to try to do a drone show you can do that on the fourth we'll do fireworks on the we're going to save the planet one drone show at a time like find out what it was for a decent fireworks show at 10 minutes after dark on June 6th do drone show you can do your drone show on July 4th one other thing is we can fly one if you want I think we can combine it and save money but I can't do anything I just think it'd be easy enough to put it out as a question to the city and let folks decide cuz I know there was a lot of folks that were concerned that we didn't have fireworks on the forth this year and so yeah there's a lot of people concerned with that I just don't know how much interest there' be in that but I think it's a fine question we're going have to reconcile all okay is there anybody out there that has any concerns or questions they want to bring up you guys ready to go on to the next we ready to kind of wrap it up you just want to recap what the action it or we owe her our list of inputs in two weeks from today we'll reconvene is that [Music] yes that was the consensus okay that was 6:00 6:00 on the 16th we're set the mill that day okay we're going to set the max yeah the ceing we can always come down all right we owe it to our residents to do it I think yeah we shouldn't back into a budget budgeting staff reports announcements I have nothing to commission reports announcements I have something wow go ahead so I was looking through my notes few years ago and I wanted to discuss resurrecting the parking garage plans that we had that could possibly go with the um they were actually made with the city hall at the same time and it would go adjacent to the city hall and we do have a Perpetual part problem as we all know and when we were discussing it might have been I don't know if you guys seen it some of some of us might have seen it um and actually they were ready to go Wayne had it I think he put it out for bid even at the time um so we still have all the plans and I wanted to um see if we could direct the city manager and staff to resurrect the plans look into doing Maybe a P3 partnership um which is getting two partners of uh public entity or businesses to go in with the city and building this parking parking garage and um we get some of the revenue they get some you know spit split it in three and and also look in Grants um said there might be a possibility for Grants and stuff and one of the resurrect that project again and see if there's a possibility of doing a partnership or grants to I I always see a need for parking I mean there always I mean even myself driving around trying to find parking and um it also limits our business growth situation too because each business that we have downtown needs a certain amount of parking spaces and the amount of seats they have whether it's a restaurant or a bar and so we've already kind of inundated that Supply so there's several reasons why and and it was when we were looking into it it was pretty lucrative too as Revenue wise so to split the cost and building it with uh other entities would be helpful too so I wanted to get consensus in um directing the city manager to kind of get some financial information on the partnership and grants for that project again okay so we went through this you were there Ken was there quite a few others were there when we were deciding on City Hall some of the concepts at the parking garage on the south side in the fire department parking lot is that what you're talking about that connected to City Hall yeah that's what you're you're talking about that parking garage okay mhm so that was already in Jacob's conceptual plan okay um but it was integrated with the city hall at the time and I don't think that once that was dropped that it I'm afraid it maybe no longer actually integrates with the current city hall actually Wayne had a we were talking about that it Wayan what did you say about that it could easily be adapted to so yes and no skip so initially they were going to um they'd be actually one structure it would be you know a common wall right um there's still was um a design possibility in the future which we can act now where there's a Breezeway that connects to a parking garage that's maybe 15 ft off the existing city hall now so it can be done right with the with the potential walkway across to the second floor City Hall yeah and we could still we can still share the elevator uh shaft so we wouldn't have to put an extra elevator in that kind of stuff but I mean it can be looked at again definitely um that was advertised as a design build uh we actually selected the contractor and then we never pulled the trigger but it was finfrock it was the same company that buildt our our our current garage so what the City Commissioner's asking is it shouldn't be a big deal to go back to Jacobs and and ask them to count up they're still our Consultants the book they are but it might not be the the most um economically feasible way to go and I'm not no no no I'm just asking them to tweak their concept to show what used to be there integrated with with the current City Hall design if you give me a little leverage I can get that done way cheaper and okay is that what you're asking for yeah I'm asking we need to see we need to see an integration I I'm not going to bump for anything it's not shown that it actually integrates with what we got now well that and the plans that how it could integrate with um what we have now and um the possibility of doing a partnership or getting grants to build it right okay that didn't sound like so we can reach out to possible public private um entities and see if we can put a package together type of deal I think is what you know we're getting at here and I've already heard of some that have interest in possibly doing that too so so two parts of this is the architecture um and the project itself getting support and money so right and don't forget we they do have a storm water area there now for the current city hall yeah we could kind of turn that into a feature and leave it exposed there there's some ideas on that okay all right well bring it back at the lowest cost possible okay would be my consensus City Commissioner but we think we can get that revised proposal for no cost or that's going to cost money to get that design tweak I think that's I can get some conceptual stuff where we don't spend a lot of money on it I'm not in favor to say he spend money I'm probably not in favor of the parking garage I'm going to be a harb cell so you guys need to see take a second look at it and try to convince you otherwise how does that sound you don't like we have an infinite demand to come to Coco Beach if we put more Supply it's just going to wor the traffic problem not going to solve the traffic say it when we talked about the first part right yeah and we put that out as long as possible now we have it I said what are we going to do when that one gets full are we going to tear down well it was the surf at the time and build another barking garage and then what are we going to do tear down yanan build another parking garage and then we're going to tear down Heidi build another parking garage so the whole downtown is nothing but parking gares I'm okay getting a concept resurrected but I don't want to spend the city money on it I I think if you're I mean I think at this point it's it's not necessary I can see it being more necessary in the future but I think that I think if you're if you're think thinking about it for for Revenue no I think I think at uh Shepard Park is really where the revenue would be made with more parking there and I'd rather keep the tourists down there anyways but um I I think chef Park is is a better area for a a parking garage but I I like our downtown limited personally but I we have enough I think to to serve our businesses as as as they are but I I do see that in the future it could not be enough especially with the um the uh OG project coming in that's going to have more people needing parking for for eating and all that but so anyway so what the Carn was asking is does she have consensus ass as manager put something together at the lowest cost possible to bring P back to us to look at with the potential for priv public private partnership and my was yes sure who is I'm okay if it doesn't spend any City money if it don't cost us nothing I don't care okay so there's you got consensus good I mean what doesn't hurt to if it doesn't cost us it doesn't doesn't hurt to find out already the the plans already drawn up we I've already seen them and there's 5.4 million in the budget in 29 or it was last year okay um I'm glad to be back I missed I missed my little town I missed Coco Beach I'll tell you that uh Athens is absolutely insane insanely crowded and it made me it made me appreciate how how much room we have and how little our population is how many parking garages they have in Athens there's no parking garages it's insane it's it's I would never want to live there but uh thank you guys all for for coming out here and and listen to our concerns and questions and all that and uh you guys you die hards out there for the for the city the residents thank you for coming um I'm going to I'm going to adjourn this meeting