##VIDEO ID:JbWOOei-78c## before we begin I hope everybody has in their heart what happened not that long ago on the state and uh that I hope that we can all be unified as a nation as we think about the events of September 11th so that being said uh this is the today's meeting of the Coco Beach special magistrate code enforcement special magistrate I I'm I am fairly observant even though I just had my 74th birthday I realize there's not a whole lot of people here but I understand that we are streaming streaming this and recording it for others to see so I'll briefly if anybody is happens to watch go through the process this is a quazi judicial process this is not a public hearing process so we have two sides in these cases one is the city who is that there's a violation of a code enforcement uh of a code s code of the city of Coco Beach and there's a respondent who's usually the property owner who has been alleged to be in violation of the code and during the course of the hearing the city presents evidence and the respondent presents evidence and they have the right to cross-examine each other and at the end of the proceeding I make an oral announcement of my decision and then within a few days thereafter I issue a written order and U and I thought I had told this phone to be quiet I'm going to do better than that want to turn it off so like I said this is not a public hearing so it's all between the parties and those Witnesses whom they call and so um with we're obviously in the sunshine skoka Beach aderes to the Sunshine Law very well and anybody can come watch these proceedings obviously watch them after the fact uh or or watch them from their home the convenience of their home all right that being said um are there any other preliminary matters besides what I just articulated um only if Michael could you hit the the audio button so that the yes thank you so much well you just mentioned something to my right is Michael Bryan who's serving as clerk to these proceedings so so um and you just came on board in Coco Beach when June June all right so I'm present um do we have any minutes today yes we [Music] do although it may seem odd that that we're approving minutes because I'm just me I'm not a a body of any type Florida attorney Attorney General has said that the minutes of these proceedings must be taken and maintained and I'm looking at the minutes of the July 10 2024 meeting which I have reviewed previously as I recall and I'm approving those minutes thank you Mr Brian all right so the first case today is a new case case number dsce 2446 respondent is min T and vanai Lee the address of the property is 5840 North Atlantic Avenue um is the respondent present it doesn't appear so all is the respondent present I don't have to have the Halls called because I can see the Halls so I see no person in the halls and I'm asking for the third time is the respondent present respondent is not president you may proceeded and I believe we also need to be sworn in excuse me sworn oh that's right that's what I forgot anybody who plans on testifying today must testify under O So aside from M Crawford let's start over here would you state your full name please Thomas yes ma'am yes okay and you are Daniel Crawford and each of you solist we testimony about to give and matters now hearly the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you guys I do thank you thank you for reminding me all right all right now you may proceed okay um so as you just stated the property owners are uh Minah and Van Lee they are the Property Owners of 5840 North Atlantic uh which is both the the property and they are also the owners of the business um Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse so we have property search and we have sunbiz reflecting that information um on Slide Five you'll see that uh we believe that they are in violation of section 13-21 doing business without a license and we asked them to renew their business tax receipt with the city of Coco Beach on slide six um I first sent the courtesy notice mailed March 25th 2024 via first class mail on slide seven I then sent the notice of violation April 18th via first class mail as well as certified mail on April 19th um the courtesy letter essentially explaining in further detail what needed to be completed was sent on May 10th via first class mail we did eventually receive the Green Card uh for the notice of violation on May 13th 2024 um we still had no contact from the respondents um so I reached out via email again with the notices the courtesy letters just asking them to renew their business tax receipt um there was no response then sent the notice of hearing mailed July 11th 2024 this was sent via first class mail as well as certified mail July 11th and July 12th um I went ahead and posted the notice of hearing um at the property address as well as City Hall on July 12th the next slide shows the affidavit swearing that I personally completed this task um um at this point the manager of the restaurant we believe um opened a a renewal in our in our portal um so I reached out to this applicant on August 7th via email as well as on that portal again just saying you know we're more than happy to just get this closed get it worked out cancel the special magistrate no offense and and um still no response um so this is just the expire business tax receipt showing that it expired September 30th 2023 for the business Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse uh this is the fee that is owed to the city um I believe we already have all the documentation we need as long as that documentation isn't expired as well the next slide shows that uh The Business website showing that these steakhous is open 7 days a week they are in business actively um the next slide is Google reviews uh review as recent as September 9th and so that is all of my documentation and essentially the city's just asking that they be ordered to renew their business tax receipt okay did you want to introduce the PowerPoint into evidence I would okay thank you okay and this is consist of the documents which you shown on the screen yes thank you the respondent not being present this was a good test of my new glasses I can read everything okay it'll be admitted as compet comp composite exhibit a so what what time frame do you suggest for compliance and what fine do you suggest I would ask that they be found in violation of section 13-21 and maybe 30 days to come into compliance now this is the local BS this this is the local business tax you're talking about right yes okay and then um I was just suggested that we assess a fine for if they do not come into compliance yeah I as I recall the statute doesn't it limit it to a certain amount of fine it can't be greater than 500 a day no for the it's what is it chapter 205 I'm trying to remember I think the local business Tech statute and I I think the attorney general has discussed that in an opinion as I recall Miss V did I remember the chapter correctly yeah I'm oh my gosh looking there's it's subject to a penalty of 25% of the tax due in addition to any other penalty provided by law or ordinance okay so it's not a set dollar amount anymore I'm I'm not seeing it there a section that says late payment or something like that no the word white isn't in okay that chapter is okay then they must the legislature must change it so the under the statute now the maximum penalty is 25% plus any amount okay here under penalties penalty there you go says yes um receipts that are not renewed when due and payable are delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of 10% for the month of October plus an additional 5% penalty for each subsequent month of delinquency until PID however the total delinquency penalty may not exceed 25% of the business tax for the delinquent establishment so it there not an additional $100 or something like that it says any person who who engages in any business or occupation profession um if they don't do it within 150 days um uh including court cost reasonable attorney fees additional administrative costs incurred as a result of collection efforts and a penalty of up to $250 $ 250 that's it so how late are they now almost a year a year year okay so with the maximum of $250 plus the other charges if you can assess those are you is it your desire to have the maximum assessed I think so that's my experience at any rate that's my experience but I don't know what you okay all right and that is an immediate judgment I suppose if it's recorded So anyway all right so is there anything further no okay so I'm going to find in case number dsce 2446 that the respondent is in violation of SE section 13-21 of the city code code of ordinances uh that they have violated the code AS alleged by the city and that well let me ask you this do you want the F even if they come into compliance and 30 days or you just want the fine period no yes I I think so the fine of of um $250 CU that would just does there's no compliance date then it's just there is a fine yes is that okay and that the respondant is fed the amount of $250 which is uh due and payable together with any other fees and cost assessed by the the city under controlling law uh at the at the time the ORD issued is that what the city desired yes okay all right then I'll enter an order on that case that way um the next case is dsce d24 d136 respondent is Rachel Aragon and the address of the property is 645 South Atlantic Avenue Coco Beach Florida M Aragon what was the lady's last name be was that her behind that was not that was not I I can't hear in this Echo so good so and I'm probably talking way too loud so I apologize for that um Rachel Aragon Rachel Aragon I'm looking in the Halls again I see no Rachel Aragon I've called three times uh the city May proceed um I would like to enter the packet into evidence there being no objection this will be entered as the city's composite composite exhibit a all right as previously stated um the respondent is Rachel Aragon the property owner of 645 South Atlantic a um essentially we are here today because she's running a vacation rental property since March of 2022 um and has never registered the property with the city um so on slide three here you'll see that she is the uh the property owner and she did purchase the home in 2022 on Slide Five uh we believe that she is in code violation section 13-2 license permit required with a correct action to obtain the BTR for the vacation rental business on slide six we believe that she is in violation of section 26.5-in uh because the vacation rental is within the rs1 Zone she is required to have the rs1 registration um the corrective action would be to obtain that rs1 registration on slide seven we believe that she is in viol of section 26.5 53 maximum occupancy um as she has her listings were previously listed at 13 guests with our codes stating that the maximum occupancy is eight on slide eight um you'll see that I first sent um a courtesy letter as well as a courtesy notice together on June 5th 201 24 so here's the courtesy letter next is the courtesy notice essentially just stating to come into compliance um the notice of violation was sent via first class mail on June 27th and then certified mail oh my signature got cut off the following day June 28th um the green card was never returned um there was no communication from the property owner so I went ahead and posted to the property address as well as City Hall on July 22nd I then completed the Affidavit of posting the notice of hearing was then sent again after no contact from the homeowners um it was sent via first class mail on August 23rd and certified mail on August 27th um when they received this they did uh begin their application on the portal on slide 18 you can see that uh we did have very brief contact with the property owner um however no documentation was provided the the fees are unpaid and we have not heard from her since that date again just got cut off so I had to add it to the next slide um the notice of hearing was then posted to the property address as well as City Hall September 9th I completed the Affidavit of posting and then on the next slide we get into the the evidence we use um a system called rental escape to pool um unregistered vacation rentals within our jurisdiction rental Escape it essentially shows the two live listings with links to the actual live listings it shows her daily rate um it shows days booked um and on the next Slide the live listing for verbo uh this was pulled from data on June 5th uh this listing has since been removed um and the listing at the time stated that it allowed 13 guests which is over occupancy on the next slide is the Airbnb listing again it's a live listing showing um an allowance of 13 guests this has since been uced um to eight guests on the next slide um where you can see that the listing is still live they are still taking new reservations however the occupancy has been reduced um on slide 26 you see the Airbnb reviews um these first two reviews are from April in March of 2022 and the following slide shows the most most recent reviews in July of 2024 okay so what I understand is and there the respondent is not here is to refute what you said although it's a different section of the code they haven't gotten their local paid their local business tax correct they haven't registered as a vacation rent correct they were renting renting and offering the property for rent with 13 occupants and now they changed it to eight yes yes so your assertion is that they are in violation of not getting the local paying the local business tax they are in violation of not registering the property as a vacation rental and they were in violation after the time they were told to be in compliance but they've come into compliance about eight occupants yes so what we've discussed about in the prior case about the the maximum fine for the local business tax so that's what you want for the the city wants for the uh local business tax violation what does the city suggest for the registration that is a good question thank you uh Becky V City attorney um we would recommend um $250 a day fine um and give them 10 days to come into compliance and that's based upon the lack of cooperation that's been received and as to the maximum occupancy since they're incompliance would you want no fine standing order in that so that it would be a repeat violation in exactly I I would like for you to find them in violation find them to have been in violation so that when we come back we can assess a bigger fine and for those of who Maybe observing these proceedings that is a very normal thing for a city or county to do in these types of situations when the person has not adhered to the opportunity to be in compliance at the time instructed and yet they become into compliance prior to the hearing there's no fine assess but the next violation would be a repeat violation so that being said I'm going to find that there is a violation of section 13 -2 that the um statuto maximum statutory fine of $250 is assessed together with whatever fees cost and charges that the city May impose in accordance with its code that or is a violation of section 26. 5-21 and that the respondent shall have 10 days from the day of the order to uh come into compliance by adhering to the code and if they don't a fine of $250 per day will commence and that the respondant was in violation of section 26.5 53 after the date that they were the respondent was advised to come into compliance uh but that the respondent has come into compliance prior to hearing and that any future violation will be treated as a repeat violation under the provisions of the contolling statute is that basically what the city's requesting that's what I'm going to order yes sir okay the next case is case number dsce 24-23 the respondents are Mark soft Jr and Mandy Thomas the address of the property is 104 West Leon and Coco Beach Florida and I forgot your name again Nathan M I met you before okay and you rep you're representing the respondents yes yes okay then the C City May proceed and then we wanted to give them an opportunity to look at the evidence would you like to look at the copy of the PowerPoint yes that would be great appreciate do I present it to you as well you have an extra yes okay sure I could wait that's good so Mr M what we'll do is we'll treat it as just the monster evidence as as Miss Crawford goes through the proceedings and then if she asks that it be considered as uh documentary evidence will'll decide at that time how does that sound that works all right you may proceed Mr cord all right you want me to proceed through the the okay um so we are here for dsce 24-23 uh the respondents are Mark sof Jr and Mandy Thomas um owners of the property 104 West Leon Lane um this is the property search showing that they are the owners all right this is just the warranty deed F through just showing again that they're the owners and that the home was purchased in 2020 just some tax receipts y so we believe that they are in violation of code section 6-4 C permits um permit and permit fee required and this is for construction work um we uh asked that the respondents obtain per MIT for the unpermitted plumbing work electrical work and the windows that were turned into doors um I sent the notice of violation July 31st 2024 this was sent first class and certified um the green card was not returned um no permits were submitted and we did not receive any contact from the owners so I went ahead and posted the notice of violation to the property address as well as to City Hall next slide is the affidavit and uh on September 4th the notice of magistrate was sent via first class mail and certified mail same day um I went ahead and posted it to the property address as well as to City Hall um just preemptively assuming I wasn't going to get the the mail is usually returned um there's the Affidavit of the postings um and so today we're going to be talking about these three locations within the house um so this is a diagram that was submitted previously um when they were doing vacation rentals um they have a sliding glass door another sliding glass door and a kitchen listed on the diagram so this is self-disclosed information on slide 22 you see a large black window this is taken from the 2019 MLS on the next slide you see the same large black window next to the same white door taken from the 2020 MLS and finally uh you have a large sliding glass door with a step added um this this photo was taken when we did the property inspection on May 30th 2024 so we are alleging that that black window was turned into this sliding glass door for which there are no building permits this is the same sliding glass door from the inside this photo is taken from a video from the respondent's vacation rental website here's the same window before so it was a sliding glass door now it's the window um on the next slide you see the same room it's a large empty room um and if you click the next slide there's now a kitchen um if you click the next slide so in this kitchen uh you can see the sink was installed um electrical was installed for the floating microwave um so this would be for the plumbing work and the electrical work completed without permits um and now we come to the last sliding glass door again this photo is taken from MLS 2019 um you see a large window now you see a sliding glass door and if you click to the next slide that same sliding glass door from the outside again observed by me and Javier on May 30th 2024 um the the last slide is a text message from a realtor who is present today via teams um she received this text from Mandy Thomas stating uh essentially that she was having a worker named Pedro pull records and receipts to show all the work that was done in the home again which is contrary to previous statements made that there was no work done in the home so did you want this introduced I would like it introduced I just I know that they need time to look through everything I just got this oh go ahead take your if you if you want to look page packet 5 minutes ago and I've been here since 8:30 um it's a little frustrating and kind of a trial by Ambush but take your time I have no objections to the photos my only objection is to the um image on page 33 there's no Foundation of who that's from or how that was obtained talking about the text message yes okay it's also not the complete document so you have no objection to anything except that page correct and just the just the photos else okay as as IM iction I got it let's save the city um yeah we don't really need your honor I don't believe that we actually need the text to prove the violation so I'll tell you I was going to sustain the objection on that page any if if you want to withdraw it I'm I'm going to admit Pages 1 through 32 if the city wants to withdraw 33 otherwise I'm going to sustain on this one we're withdrawing 33 right okay I'm admitting Pages 1 through 32 but page 33 I won't consider okay hey the city have anything further would you like to cross-examine the witness yes you wouldn't mind turning to page um P slide 12 you first sent to notice the violation by mail on July 31st 2024 is that correct yes um did you receive that back as a return mail yes you sent the not of the violation certified mail 2 2024 yes did you also receive that back yes as return mail and then the notice of violation wasn't posted at City Hall on the property until August 15th 2024 is that correct correct then the notice of hearing wasn't sent until September 4th 2024 correct and was that returned I don't believe it was returned and it's possible that it hasn't returned because it was only seven days ago correct and there was some previous hearings where you you gave testimony on the notice you provided the Japanese Steakhouse they received notice of the hearing today on J it was sent to them on July 11th and July 12th 2024 is that correct yes and the Miss argon was sent notice of her hearing on August 23rd 2024 is that correct yes but my client only gets a week notice of the hearing and I'm going to object to the commentary from the peanut gallery in the back well I can't hear it so you can object I'll I'll ask everybody to please be quiet but I can tell us we tell you I can hear you I can't hear anything else so my client was only provided a week notice of the hearing today they were previously notified verbally and through email and through actually a previous notice of violation that was not accepted by the judge to get the permits for the work that was completed but the noing wasn't until September 4th youa Out correct which is within reason 7 days and you don't even know if he've been returned or not cor it hasn't been returned do you know where Miss Thomas lives I do where at the Winslow address which I have previously sent mail to that you also objected to and I previously said that you can send emails or mail to my office and I can accept that correct for the previous case correct and did you send anything about this case to my office no I did not know if you were still their attorney as I said they did not contact me well let's cut to the chase on that I mean you're here that's one thing we know but are you ask had to drive down from Tennessee last night on on late notice well I got you I I I understand but the issue becomes Prejudice and Prejudice is cured by a continuance are you asking for a continuance yes I would ask for a one month continuance I I had a large Discovery and I I'll let me double check that with my client if she's okay with that before um but I'll withdraw the request for the okay on slide 21 um with the various the diagram from soj property Ventures that doesn't say when any of that stuff was installed does it it doesn't say that it was installed it just says that it exists do you know when this property was built actually we do if you go back to property search I think it was built in like 1963 the next slide no I didn't include it but you see that it was first purchased there in 1972 so it's fairly old okay and that's the first record is on the propertys correct correct so it could have been built prior to 1972 absolutely could have been built in 1952 sure and this section of the code that you're charging my C viol do you know when that was enacted do I know when the code was made no I do not know would 2001 December 6 2001 be a reasonable time would it be a reasonable I don't know I don't know so you don't know when the code that you're charging my client with B wased I think we've always required permits though but no I don't know when theod that or do you know that I'm sorry that what do you think that you've always required permits or do you know that you've always we have required permits for at least the last 10 years so it's possible this work could have been done before 10 years ago that is not true because the window the windows were observed in 2020 You observe the windows in 2020 no they're the pictures from the MLS okay so then and the MLS is public correct correct it would be po into websites like Zillow real.com yes various real real estate agents websites yes so anybody could go log in and and see that correct anyone could see it yes do you know what kind of property this was when it was it was sold was it kind a willing sale was a bank sell forclosure I believe from previous disclosures it was a foreclosure sale do you know when this work was even done it was done after 2020 and the home was purchased in 2020 do you know who did the work I'm assuming it was the owners but no I do not know for certain who did the work so you're sitting here charging my clients with with violating this por of the code but you don't even know for certain if my clients did it we charged the owners of the property correct and you don't to know for certain when the work was done it was done after 2020 so it couldn't have done anytime within that 4 and 1/2 year period correct but you don't know when no and the city could have gone on and and seen this on the MLS website couldn't they have which I'm sorry the city could have seen that there was a potential change in the property on the MLS site yes I mean only until it was either listed we couldn't see a change in the in the windows or until we did the inspection and that's how we saw that there was a change in the property if that makes sense this property is right on A1A isn't it it is and it wouldn't be a hidden F if somebody was getting Windows done if there would be a truck and workers outside no and the city or city employees would have seen that right they potentially could have and the photograph on slide 26 how far away from that wall is that photograph I have no idea and you want like in Fe and you wouldn't know if there were electrical boxes behind that drywall do you uh no other than I don't see an electrical box I don't see anything on the wall it's possible that there's an electrical box behind the drywall I I don't know I would have to ask maybe someone from the building department I'm not trained in inspections like that but they based on this Photograph you don't know whether or not there's an electric box behind that wall yeah I guess I don't know what's behind the wall at all and you don't know if under the carpet there was already a plumbing picture no but to get to the plumbing you would have to do construction work and you would see that construction work at the house right on one right no no sitting and spying on the house for four years straight so no right for the last four years just for the past 6 months just the last 6 months when we became aware of the violation and so to be clear there's a there's a 2019 MLS and a 2020 MLS you pull photos from yes you know when my client purchased it it was purchased in 2020 that's on the the property search I have the deed and I have the taxes that were paid and you picked and Sho chose which um photographs from the MLS that you use in this presentation correct yes I only chose the ones that I noticed there were a change from I'm going to remake my motion for the continuent based on the the late notice hearing after Consulting my client what's say the city your honor we object to that they received the notice 7 days ago have they not been able to attend well they OB obviously we able to attend um we've already started the hearing I don't necessarily want to come back in a month I don't know that the city needs to pay me to come back in a month outline the Prejudice that you're asserting to me I wasn't made aware of this hearing until I believe last Thursday um I rearranged my schedule to be here today um I've had a a bear of a discovery project that I I just received all the um the the documents here this morning prior to the hearing um I I think that a continuance with and again the other hearings that we had this morning were provided much more than seven days in advance and all of and they don't even know if my client received it when they mailed it on September 4th it was merely because my client sent an email through the portal that they even found out that that they had this sharing today um my client had to drive at the last minute and the the your here is a ridiculous argument then if I didn't show up there'd be a default in and I lose so I had to I had to rearrange my schedule and show up here and I think that there is great CES that that is affected by by the late disclosure what I said somewhat in just was related to the issue of notice okay not Prejudice okay so the not if you were just arguing that you weren't noticed the the statement well you're here that that's true land use cases or anything like that the pre is something different and you're telling me as an officer of the Court a member of the Florida bar that you've had inadequate opportunity to prepare this case that's what I heard you say yes and and I just received these 33 pages today I think that there's kind of once if if the full document was reviewed I believe my client could give better testimony as to as to those documents I've observed that Miss Vose I'm inclined to okay that's that's not a problem I'll that next month he is represented as an officer of the court and a member of the Florida bar that he has not had the adequate time to prepare usually people get a onetime continuous sure I'll use the word right in quotes because it's not really a right so I'm going to continue this until the next meeting which I think is going to be October 10th right yes oo listen listen to this okay cuz I have a a medical procedure on October 9th so it's going to be October 10th which is not a Wednesday okay so it's going to be a Thursday let's see if Miss Vos is able there I can get somebody in my firm to come in I'm actually probably going to be in Michigan but let me I'd rather be in Michigan than where I'm going you're going to cut things off I'm sure okay so you said October 9th October 10th October 10th the other City attorney is Wade Bose and he has OK he's the county attorney for okopy County and he's got a okopy County Board of County Commissioners meeting that day um there's the other attorney who could cover it is um G Olsen and he's he's the attorney for Barefoot Bay and he's not a 1:00 but if it starts at 9: he could do that let's put this first on the docket okay yeah and I'd be happy to work out a time a special set time to be outside of the day after you have a medical procedure so Miss B and myself I that's last week and my wife's fraternity leave so I'm I'm planning on being out of town for that um so I'd be happy to going to do a special set time that we could all may we could work this out that's what I was just going to suggest hopefully we can do that as well but what we're asking for is her to come in for an after the fact permit that is not the end of the world and this so I let's say October 10th first on the docket 9:00 in the morning and with the hope that you all can work this out because it's it's not an usual case where there's after Thea building permits issue there may be I don't know if Coco Beach charges an additional fee but iard that under the one and a half times or whatever it is that's what most one and a half times I think it's double double whatever that's normal too so but in any event uh this isn't unusual you you need to have the permits if you ever sell the property because you're going to have to check a box on the listing agreement saying you got all your permits and have to affirm that to the to the the buyer and this is public so everybody knows there's not I'm inclined to believe the city at this point that there's not permits based upon the evidence so it sure would be good if things could work out and get the permits done and this property is for sale well I didn't did you say that okay good that makes me feel better I didn't miss it but well there you go cuz at some point in time in either on the purchase of sale or closing you're going to have to see all permits have been procured so I'm going to Grant the continuance till October 10th hoping that we need not have the hearing and congratulations on being the number one parent coming home now right if your wife's leaves is ending okay all right the next case is case number dsce 24- 252 respondents are Mark soft Jr and Mandy Thomas address is 104 West Leon coka Beach this is an asserted repeat violation from a prior order that I issued this the city to proceed yes can we have a a brief break to discuss some things with Miss Bose absolutely if you you sure I think we can I think we can resolve all of this that's that's an excellent thing to do e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the record okay I believe we have a resolution of you could announce it and yes both of the cases so we don't need to come back the repeat the okay go ahead oh the one the prior case yes okay yeah so um they have agreed listen and then we'll see if we have an agreement okay okay they have agreed to come in within um 10 calendar days of today um apply for the after Thea permits um they and also within 10 calendar days they're going to allow the city to fully inspect the house all the all the house um after the 10 days they are not going to be allowing anyone other than the owner and the owner's family um to stay there and if they allow anyone other than the owner or the owner's family to stay there there will be a because it's a repeat violation a $500 a day fine and we will be bringing that back to you if in fact um someone other than the owner and the owner's family are there and we will be just so that it's out in the open they have there are two neighbors who have constantly complained we're going to notify them of this resolution and they will be the eyes of the city to try to make sure that this is all you know actually take taken care of okay so that's the resolution no no yes no okay well then not anymore okay then I guess we need to go forward with okay believe move to withdraw as Council okay saying that I cannot stay at my house have furniture my brother can't either my son can't either okay hang hang on time out time out let me just let's regroup let's regroup wait what I've just been advised is that you're no longer legal counsel is that I have the right to live there and I have right hang on let me take ma'am ma'am let me take one step at a time then we'll get there you're no longer legal counsel uh I'm mainly in Tennessee because there was a Witch Hunt in hang on hang on hang on I need an answer from the your legal counsel or your former legal counsel whether he's legal counsel yes as of now he's what as of now he is yes as of now he is your legal counsel yes as of now okay then let's proceed and you can you can be called as a witness later on are are you still legal counsel yes okay then you may proceed Mr Crawford okay this is case 24- 252 unless this may may I sure speak I think possibly the respondant did not understand because the settlement hang on hang on one the y'all listen to this because there's a there's a that there's a lack of understanding as to what the city's proposing okay this the settlement my understanding was that she would be allowed to stay there her family members would be allowed to stay there that's what I heard going forward I also heard you say I couldn't have my furniture and like food in the fridge no sit right here to him your attorney said that you did not agree to that and I said that's fine so exactly because that's what you requested you just okay well that's not hang on hang on I I did I requested that and and and you're hang on everybody there's nothing about furniture or refrigerator or food in this resolution that I heard that I would not put anything in an order that was not part of the resolution so there's nothing about food refrigerator or clothing or anything like that so do we have an agreement I agree not to short-term rent it out and I agree to do I am not doing anything that is not following the law and what they that is what I okay what the stipulation sort of did was outline what would be not following the law that's the way I understand just receiving money for a shortterm rental okay but when it comes to friends or family or or if I want to let someone just go bunk up on my couch we all do that I'm sure all of you have had friends stay on your couch got family I got that's my right the ISS there is no resolution because of the friends the friends is not part of the family yes okay so let's proceed with the case okay all right now just before we go on I know you have but your client sort of interjected you understand that the repeat violation can be a fine of up to $500 a day and this property is I recall is not homesteaded right so it can be a is this the property is for sale the same I tried to sell it well the pro this you've told your client that this type of proceeding can cause an issue at closing and a non-homesteaded property can be foreclosed so if we're going to that settlement though is off the table correct I think there's I don't think we have a meeting in the M okay let's go forward then okay um so this is case dsce 24252 the respondant and the owners of the property are Mark sof Jr and Mandy Thomas uh the address is 104 West Leon Lane um the second slide shows property search it's it's going to be very similar to the last case this is just the the property search showing who the the owners are when the home was purchased let me cut to the chase on that I entered an order on this case this is a new case I thought this was a repeat violation this is a repeat violation so we thought we had to open a new case okay it is it is a repeat violation because they they have continued to rent it out um our information is they did take it down from VRBO and Airbnb but they were renting it out through some wedding planners okay well I if I just have reforming the order and any testimony there is about what's occurred in violation of that order that's what we need put both of the orders in here you all have the order yeah it's on slide it's on slide 12 and 13 okay I don't okay so you have that PowerPoint okay yes okay are the orders okay so I have the order this is the order I entered previously so if the city could I enter any evidence as to why the order has been violated the violation been repeated essentially um we were contacted um by two residents um saying that uh the property was still being rented out that there were still guests in and out of the home and this was after both the uh cease and desist uh date of June 7th and then after the the Massie ordered date of July 11th 2024 um stating that they were in compliance they were no longer renting the property so it was after both of these dates um that the neighbors continued to see a large amount of people in and out of the home and this is also uh when we received testimony from a realator named uh Melissa sa sacks who is here um via teams um um if you turn to slide 22 um so it was on July 25th 2024 that um the realtor Melissa she messaged to Mandy Thomas uh the text in green essentially stating that the potential buyer wanted access to the home that following Monday in order to have a plumber complete an inspection at which time Mandy Thomas replied I'm not sure I can do before 10 without having to cancel a bunch of reservations for a guy who has shortterm rentals St strs he seems pretty forgetful of this um and it was also throughout verbal conversations as well that the realtor Melissa um stated that the home is still being used at the time was still being used as a short-term rental so it was after that order date um so that is the violation that was repeated yes yes yes sh continuing violation after um they testified that they had stopped um and we do have um the realtor on by teams and she can testify and okay how how did we do that then I'm going to object to testimony by teams I think she can be here in person just all of us are um there is no legal reason why she cannot attend by teams I'll swear her in just like any other witness okay how do how do we go about getting that well before we before we do that though do you have any cross-examination of M Crawford I I do so you're going to get cross-examined first she's on the thing's I might need two minutes to get her back online I think we lost connection he wanted to ask you questions oh okay I'm so sorry would you be able to get the other Mr you have okay or try to get um Melissa back on the line we I think we just lost connection okay I'm sorry M craford were you a party for these text messages no sir you don't know who actually sent these text messages no sir but you're presting them as evidence here today yes sir okay well you don't again you don't know who actually sent these messages no I what dat they were sent I don't have personal knowledge okay so you're giving testimony about items that you don't have personal knowledge that's no that's why I invited [Music] Melissa and did you take this Photograph on July 20th 2024 no okay so you don't know if that photograph has been altered no you don't know if that photograph is actually in fact from July 2024 or before June 8th 2024 uh yes you can look at the on the back end of the picture you can look at the date that it was taken I didn't include that but you didn't do that no and same with the photo from junee 27th yes and on this Photograph on slide 24 from June 27th is that is that taken from within the property no it's over the fence I believe but again I'm just assuming so you don't know if that was actually taken within the property or if you peered over somebody else's fence there's a sidewalk right there cuz it's a A1A but you're right I don't know and same with the photographs from June 10th correct and you don't know who owned those cars correct and say you don't know who the cars on the June 27th prototo uh yes correct and you don't know who the cars on the July 20th photo yes I do not know I have no further questions do you mean to introduce the entire PowerPoint since we've been referring to okay yeah I would like to introduce do you have an objection to any of it I'm going to object that she doesn't have personal knowledge of the text messages she doesn't have personal knowledge of photographs um the Tex messages are kind of double hearsay um she wasn't a party to she didn't take the photographs we don't have anybody here to authenticate photographs Miss V you have any comment on that um these are um complaints that were received by the city of Coco Beach in its normal course of business and they are public records that were um presenting you know for that purpose our code process is complaint based and these are of the complaints and under Florida law they cannot be anonymous complaints and we have revealed to um made the complaints what about the text message the text messages we're going to have um the testimony of the person who actually um originated Okay so okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to admit that the entire packet evidence is competent exhibit a but I'm going to admit the text message not not just that it exists for the purpose for the purpose of showing that it exists not for the truth of the matter asserted in the text message okay and if the witness wants to refer to I suppose that's fine too but that's what we'll do now we're going to call the realtor yes yes John Miss Crawford's trying to get her on the phone or something will we be able to see her or what on the screen on the T on okay yeah I mean I asked that it yeah make sure yeah okay she so we're going to have her on the screen right okay CU otherwise it wouldn't is there somebody from IG here she's able to speak over the phone uh she's her computer is notable well no we can't do that she can do on the phone okay yeah if you're able to conit that yeah we ready we're going to if if this is going to this can be allowed but we have to see her visibly at a convenient place for everybody to see as far as we can I mean I'd be okay with taking people out of turn and calling my client as a witness okay that's fine YT works it out okay yeah she's she's trying to connect now okay I apologize so she's trying to connect now yes okay let's see if we can do that then it'll show her right there that laop is me she's on her phone and you're not giving evidence Mr it I don't know your name so will we will she be able to see us no we should be able to see her can you arrange it it can you we going to be able to see her I understand but can can it be arranged that she can see us too so you set is right that sort of is well well I didn't set up we didn't set up this link I'm trying to say right here well let me ask you this Mr it I don't know your name Michael hey Michael you be good to see you this isn't I'm he's not testifying uh is there a way maybe not today that it it could be set up where the witness can see us too can can you set it up so the witness can see us too um possibly yes not today though right trying to figure out the whole joining of the link right now okay well I think Mr fose I think the best thing to do would be to do that continuance okay until October 10th and let it set things up that gives Mr maloon more time like you asked for earlier uh maybe things can get worked out in between two maybe things will Cal down a little bit things get worked out how I call my client as a witness now we can get the idea that's fine with me if it's fine with the city we have we have I video Pro that there was no one there and I'm happy to submit all my cameras right well okay well hang on let's just call unless the witness can be seen and see us we can't do it so that would require a continuance taking taking the respondent out of order makes sense to me but I don't does the city have any objection to that no no okay let's just do that then okay so Mr maloon you can call your witness Thomas stand every can you hear me the main okay now if you have what I heard you say is that you have video evidence how you going to submit this I don't know that's what I'm going to ask you but I I have video evidence that's the real but she can't see oh that's you who is that pingpong balls what is that what is that up there that's the that's Miss I believe oh okay which I guess whose computer is that on because if it's one of those probably be turned around who does it need to face does it need to face you who is that do you want me to sit down now that's the that's the realtor this is the real this is Miss okay so if the camera sorry can hear you ask her if she can see whoever's asking talking to her to see us yes I can see you now okay we can do this then okay can you can you see me ma'am yes all right would you raise your right hand please do you solemnly swear the teston you're about to give in the matter down hear the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth yes I do and what's your full name Melissa Marie so okay now we're going to point we're going to point the camera Mr maloon I want you to be able to see the witness well you can up there never mind scratch that I want her to be able to see the questioner okay you may proceed M I'm trying to find a quiet spot to so sorry oh good morning can you point the where can you point the camera to miss F there you go hi I'm Becky Vos and I'm the City attorney for Coco Beach um and are you a realtor in Florida sorry you okay can I come close okay thank Youk you um let's see I'll get down here now restaurant thank you I we really appreciate your cooperation and your assistance um are you a realtor in Florida yes okay were you involved in the potential purchase on beh of a client of yours the property at 104 W Lane okay did you have um a number of texts um with Mandy Thomas okay and were those texts related to 104 westle on Lane okay and did you actually have conversations with Mandy THS yes my as well okay and were you informed that the property was um being used in July as a vacation rental I was informed and I also saw it my yes okay and describe that to the special mag please um well I hav seen multiple units and even though I sold for seven years in Coco Beach and it was re that my client flew down of course we did our due diligence and I call the city and then made sure he called the city which is like canc the deal but up until then we beli that um even though I saw multiple parties going in out of her property um that she had with the city that all of hery was updated and that she was caring six separate properties um in her home and because I've never run into that before I didn't immediately know that was allowed which is why I called the city um the reason that I'm here today if I may is because she's decided since my client canel due to not being able to get his loan because his loan involved multiple rental income property she's witholding this $5,000 that's the reason that I'm here today I don't want any trouble you know I'm not trying to make any trouble for anybody but I'm here because she going give my client back to esro okay and now is litigation okay and do you um do you have personal knowledge as to whether there were rent multiple units in July of um 2024 only was I have is standing there seeing part two separate parties come in I met a young woman who was in a third unit her name is Tiffany I was called by the homeowner entity that she pays her 1,200 cash a month and that my client should consider keeping her that she'd be willing to Mo any part of the property if he wanted that particular unit okay and were you told that there were other units being rented at that time oh I was completely ripped a new one every time I atted C inspection and told that my client since he has short-term rentals in the state Missouri he should understand how we're inconveniencing her um she mortified an a me in front of my client and I just had my mouth shut until I have the time to call the city and speak to Dan out and become informed and then inform my client even though he spent almost $2,000 in inspections at that point okay and um the was the reason that you weren't allowed to um schedule the inspections um at will was because there were renters in the property well respectfully we always want to make sure we accommodate the seller she did not live there and the inspector had asked me about I think it was 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. and she had said that is not okay because there are people checking out and my client should know better and I explained to her the inspector requested the time that I would happily change it to 10 or whatever she wanted and that was what that is I did okay and tell me what the time frame of these interactions were they were all probably within the first two weeks I'm very sorry I don't have in front of me the date we went under your contract we did cancel with the lender letter within the 30 days which is a loan contingency so there's no legal reason for her to be upset or hold his money unfortunately things happen all the time but this particular client only wanted in our beautiful town so the time frame was all I could look it up but it was all within probably the first 9 to 12 Days okay and but that was in July of 2024 or August okay July what part of July again I'm sorry I have to look at the contract to see um the exact date but it was all within a week or two of having signed a contract we offered $50,000 over the asking price even though she told us that she had a cash buyer and she wanted her brother wanted to find a way to cancel this deal so they could take the cash buyer I I did everything I could to try to make the deal work did you give a series of texts to Danielle I did she asked me for them my snot them I also came down to the city so she could take my phone and look at my phone and read the dates and you know verify that they were real I was I was trying to help okay and um the the dates and the snapshots of your texts um did you alter them in any anyway no they're of course not okay all right um and there is a text message I'm reading it it says 104 West Leon at the top it says text message Thursday July 25 at 1:52 p.m. it says good morning the buyer is doing one last inspection he's having a license plumber come in he will need access to the house at 8:30 a.m. on Monday please let me know know that that works for you and if you want me to allow access I will do that um do you recall that um interaction yes I don't work with a lot of for own being the only liced real estate agent I feel comfortable about it if she cut and meet me at the property that I was a licensed real estate agent and I would keep her property safe and I didn't have go out of her way to let us in okay and there um on the text that you um gave to Danielle there was this response that says I'm not sure I can do before 10 without having to cancel a bunch of reservations for a guy who has St strs he seems pretty forgetful of this do you recall receiving that text okay and Str strs does that mean shortterm reyolds shortterm rentals yeah okay there was a song hauler too where she know back me and told me I how to do my job and I never said a word to her I tried to accommodate her so I could protect my client and get what he wanted which was at the time to purchase house okay and so um your testimony today was on July 25th she was was actively having a bunch of reservations at the property at 104 West Leon is that accurate correct yeah okay all right that's that's all I have um the attorney for the other side may have some questions for you or the special magistrate may I don't know Mr malum proce yes good good morning Miss sax where are you currently located I'm in KOC but you uh what what part of C Beach um I live in a condo um right near the Hilton I'm currently I met a client for coffee and I'm currently at a restaurant across the street how far are you from um the golf course in Coco Beach um I'm not far from the golf course I'm I'm currently in downtown okay so I didn't be in the same room with the seller if I'm being honest with you she's been very angry and aggressive me and I don't know her so I my daughter lives with me I'm I'm a little bit uncomfortable to be in the same room with her I don't know if she's there but that's truly how I feel so you just didn't want to be here today you just want to do a appear remotely is that fair to say no I had originally planned to be there and then I just thought about it because I don't want to create a problem for anyone and and I don't want to create a problem for myself and like I said said my daughter lives with me so I said to Danielle I'm not comfortable and she offered for me to be able to do this on zoom and I said yes and and you stated that you're only doing this because my client is refusing to return the earnest money deposit to your client correct well there's a twofold reason the city's always been there for me my clients have always gotten the right information including this time I've never been asked to do anything for the city um my client is devastated he's lost a lot of money in this deal from 7 over 1,700 in inspections over a th000 in attorney fees and for absolutely no reason not having his $5,000 ESO returns so yes I am a little bit feeling that she did the wrong thing here and I guess I would go out of my way to assist the city in trying to do the right thing which is I'm guessing follow your rules and you'll P you will personally benefit by the return the earnest money deposit won't you 100% no I've spent dozens of hours working with my client as a matter of fact I've spent five years trying to find him the per property and I've gotten zero cents out of it zero and if the ear his money deposit is returned would you get would you get a benefit out of that I just told you no what days were their renters at the property I have no idea without that being in front of me but it looks like the 25th and any other days okay so that so you have no idea what days there were actually renters at the property but it looks like other days correct I I saw at least two separate parties pull up while I was at the property on what days I don't know around the 25th that's awfully convenient you're also not here in person right I don't know why you think you can speak to me disrespectfully but I explain to you why I'm not there in person sir this fight is not with me so you do not know what days there were you saw these people here so there's no way for me to go and look at the a video of who may have been there correct sure correct and then um I don't know if you have the the text messages with with commanding in front of you that have been presented um but there's a text message from Tuesday July 30th at 6:59 PM where there's a a document that sent to you or a link from the peer wedding reunions and large groups right yes do you know the address for that property I do not he was um sending us lots of information on many properties that she has and C a lot of people including in her work we had two or three units at one 26 elua she also said that the reason she's selling is because she's going into another project in another state but that she would would have been very interested in going into the wedding party venue and that it would have made her a lot of money and in the text message on page eight it's quite a it's a long text but there um and it's the white text I I believe it's to you it says I was in the process of connecting with all the wedding planners in the area correct I I recall something like that yes that doesn't say that that it was currently being rented out for wedding planning does it I don't think so you're reading [Applause] it did you see Mandy's um any transaction C from Airbnb vbo on those July dates when you supposedly saw people at the property I definitely saw people of the property and I did would not be privy to any of her personal transactions she did send this to spread sheet from QuickBooks showing that she made $180,000 in 2023 I can get that over to Danielle shortly if you'd like nothing from 2024 after June 8th right I don't know the dates I just sent them to my client to show him wasn't I wasn't investigating her I was trying to sell her house for her and then there was also some reviews that that that were sent to you correct you recall those not specifically but yes probably were any of those from prior to um were any of those from prior to June of 2024 I have no idea you don't know correct and then after that you asked oh is this elateral correct no you didn't say that c i origin asked I don't understand what's happening he's telling me one thing you guys are telling me another Danielle had sent me several documents with some issues and then when I sent them to Manny and her attorney she said oh seriously this is for the wrong house so I said to Danielle oh my God I can use this for her other house and Danielle said no it's not the only place she receive mail is 1262 we're not able to get mail to her or something like that okay so when I F when Mandy sent a link on here said my whole house listing with four micro units and then you said sent to him do you recall that yeah I believe that was from the other house in Beach not ala or Le but you asked this is elula nice correct oh that's what it says but I you know we had we had 100 texts and everything that she sent me that I thought was positive I shared with my client to show him what a beautiful Community this is for to live or to have a rental out of your home so yeah that's my job and then Mandy said back no this is Winslow I have Winslow cross advertised on about 15 sites Alat I'm doing more midterm rentals correct yes so Mandy didn't tell you that she was doing short-term rentals correct she told me she had six separate shortterm rles at the house I was trying to sell for her 104 Wes Leon I was the first agent to call we did over $50,000 my client flew in from Missouri and we placed $5,000 down an nro of his money ordered a bunch of inspections and I called the city as soon as I could and told him he also needed to do that because I do that with every [Music] client again but Mandy here texted you that alatua she was doing more midterm rentals correct you've already said that what's your point you didn't answer my question I said yes I believe so but I mean I don't know I don't even know what that means I know he had at least two different people living there but it's none of my business I don't know okay it's none of your business but you're here testifying against her today correct I'm here at Daniel's request to say that the texts are actually on my phone that's it one moment Mr bord there's a bunch of texts that are referred to were all the texts in the PowerPoint no I had them separate because I I wasn't sure if we needed you Tex that okay thank you just a few more questions did you ever see workers at the property I I don't recall if you don't get your client his earnest money back he's going to be kind of upset with you and probably wouldn't work with you in the future correct it doesn't really matter to me what matters to me is my reputation in this business there's no legal reason for his money not to have been returned to him so I've done everything I can including help him attorney with no reward to me other than doing the right thing so like I said I was asked to to come here today to tell the da that my pH has those texts on it I wasn't prepared for a line of questioning from you so you just wanted to give your side of the story without being cross-examined correct there's no side of the story I was asked to show some text I brought my phone down there and then I was told well they won't use it you need to come and I said I don't feel comfortable and she said we can do a zoo and that was it it's not me against miy again I gain or lose nothing from this at every Fe of doing the right thing sir but you care about your reputation correct yes I do and I care about my clients would you like ,000 stolen from you for no reason when you were Li to and and CS I've never the property or made a single penny off with him ever you testified earlier that your client canceled the contract correct yes he was denied the loan but he canceled the contract correct yes based on the lender denial correct no further questions D this Clos do you have any other questions no your honor all right thank you very much Miss s appreciate your testimony are you done with me yes you go enjoy the rest of the day yes thank you very much thank you have a good day you too yeah so all the text that all the M Crawford all the text that were referred to and this socks basically authenticated you want those to be in yes accepted in evidence too correct yes please and Mr Malon you have no objection to the text you re referring no that'll be exhibit B of the city does the city have anything further in this case uh no you okay Mr maloon I I now call Miss Thomas is there a way for me to send emails and videos to that computer to put them on the screen Michael where's Michael from my understanding where's Michel I can go find Michael you can maybe we can teams in and share our screen oh yeah absolutely yeah okay now I want to save those too for evidentiary purposes so why don't you email them to Miss Crawford can you do that I'm in the process of I'm in I'm in the process of of getting them n do you want me to get some for my team well you would like everybody to see him on the screen right that would probably be easing around the there's Michael for bath and we got two Micha today [Music] [Music] how does report show this everybody confusingly looked at the IT guy I'm getting them let's see so you guys I was just inviting Mr Malon in case uh he wanted to join to share let's keep that open just in case this doesn't work so I know we have all sorts of crazy kind it like I I'm on my log out yeah log out and then I get you're I say stupid you it probably appreciate that to turn back for while I'm opening these up I can call Miss Thomas and begin asking questions okay that' be fine I'm actually sending oh you're the one okay perfect never mind okay try I'm sending the 24th leading to itend yeah oh nothing else so cool and then what I will do with these is I will because there's so many of them I will upload all the emails and the links to a one drive to miss Bose and to yourself okay whose email is count is it going to my that's my email that's yours okay is that acceptable to the city okay thank you appreciate that yes just those I may use the r yes like the AC on like SeaWorld level here like SeaWorld penguin level me too this will be right excuse me this will be right back okay it's air conditioner put you to sleep I love the cold this is fine for me I don't know why I still live is that cherry yoga out there yeah for funny never seen Sher yoga before different me to all fource different me to all fource Madam court reporter you not interested in Cherry goo say what it is never seen it before I don't think you'd work up with sweat that's for sure not moving very fast e go oh man good morning what is your name for the record Mandy Thomas what is your relationship with the property in issue uh my brother and I own it since June 8 of 2024 have you short-term rented this property no there was a text message that was discussed from Miss sax was testifying um where you said on the that you didn't want to have the person come early because you have to cancel um rentals why did you send that I travel almost 12 hours up here she was a little on short-term notice I honestly just didn't want to get my ass up after driving another 12 hours just like I had to do again today and it was It was kind of unclear as to when various um when miss saxs or what the dates that this was rented out but one of the dates was the July 2015 um kind of can you explain what cameras may or may not be at the property uh yeah we have um obviously security cameras I have security cameras at my property so we are sending you pictures of the front camera which shows the parking lot and that would obviously if I was renting especially to a wedding party which a wedding party is very large you would see vehicles coming in and out you'd obviously see people coming coming in and out of doors it's the main entrance so if you're not coming in and out of that entrance there's no one there so we started sending you a large amount of videos dating back to the 24th showing that no one was there in the 24th no one in fact stayed there the night of the 24th which then would have led into the morning of the 25th and so on and you'll see Lisa you'll see Cheyenne that jeep right there belongs to my son's father and I'm not even sure if it starts it doesn't move uh you'll see Melissa and I would have to assume it was the inspector in some of the videos because he's up on the roof and Lisa is actually working on sending you another video um we had started moving items out I were trying to get you a video of a washer and dryer also that we pulled out that day who is Cheyenne it's Lisa's daughter she helps keep up the properties pick weeds blow things like that and I have this you know what day this video was taken that I currently have playing on the screen if that was sent for me it would have been the 24th if it was sent for me set it's the 25th there should be a date on there otherwi we can send you SC screenshots of all the dates so I'll do this sorry technical difficulties should not have Michael leave so this this one was sent from you this was from the 24 leading up to the 25th CU if there was somebody there at 8:30 in the morning that I quote unquote would have to cancel they would obviously be there the 24th then in this 22nd video from the 24th other than that jeep are there any cars um no not in that picture or video I would move this into evidence as exhibit one any ex any objections um no you're on so admitted and then the video that you sent to me number two um is this also from July 4th 2024 24th and again there's there's nobody in the um no thank you that's a lifesaver and I just I kind of to be um which way is this camera facing to the north yes so the this would be kind of again not not that you're a a solar expert but midafternoon yes I move this into evidence as exhibit to any objection no it's so admitted moving on to the third video I have Mouse now the third video that you sent what is this video show same video no one currently there a little later in the afternoon with the the longer shadow um Pro yeah I mean later cuz that's how I sent them in 1 2 3 4 I could give you the exact times as well actually they're right there and down at the bottom there we go let me see if I just saw them too you saw it when you shrunk it up I did I I believe it was 508 and let me see if I can get this to come back there you go yep did there it there it is there it is 834 724 24 that would be well that would be 1708 41 eastern daylight time yes I would move video number three into evidence is exhibit three no objection [Music] and with video number four um what time was this taken 1736 DT 724 24 anybody in the parking lot no any renters no I move a video four into evidence is exhibit four any objection Mr those no those all be admitted and then this this video which is from 1810 this the same nobody in the parking lot nope no renters nope and this was I'll move video eight into evidence is exhibit five eight no objection it is I think I only sent one more got nine then he told me to stop but there's more obviously into the night does the ring get triggered by the the bush that's moving and the traffic on A1A I have it set on a very delicate setting and I I swear I think a pal metal bug could fly in front of it change my batteries pretty often and this video number nine that you sent me from 6:30 no one there nobody there and then this video that was taken on July 25th at 1543 what does this show this would be the day after no renters there the garage door is open so either one of two things were happening at that day and time because Melissa was there with the inspector he's either walking around and I do believe that you will see Lisa and Cheyenne walking around with a leaf blower and Cheyenne is Lisa Laro daughter that's number nine right this number I I'd like to move number nine which was the previous video from the 24th into evidence is exhibit six any objection on number nine no what's this one this one is no subject but it's we'll call it the video from get it playing 343 on the 25th as move that into evidence is exhibit seven seven yes okay there's Cheyenne with the leaf blower as I mentioned this is from 335 I move this the 335 video into evidence is exhibit 8 okay you got you what you have now is 1 2 3 4 8 9 and 7 I correct want to make that six I had so video number eight was exhibit five video number nine was exhibit six okay Sor I got it try make things seven okay I got it we're eight then got it and this video is from 204 on the 25th whose car is that Lisa larus was there anybody else at the property at at this time nope garage door isn't open so that means Cheyenne wasn't there yet I move the 205 video into evidence is exhibit 9 objection okay it's admitted that appears to be the same one this one is it's also miss miss Laro driving in but it's at 12:20 yes I would move this one the 1220 video in evidence exhibit 10 objection no n how many um and I know we kind of had a brief amount of time but how many have you reviewed other videos than what we've presented as evidence today without having to sit here for an hour and go through days of video yep we went through about three days while we were sitting there trying to send as many to you as possible you can kind of scrub back and forth pretty quickly over the videos in those videos were there any short-term r at the property no did you receive any money from any short-term renters in July of 2024 for the property no what effort did you have to make to come to this hearing this morning I drove through the night 12 hours to be here CU I'm trying to I work up in Tennessee I've really stayed up there with my brother and we're trying to get a campground up and I had to stay there as long as possible because I had a power pole put in and then drive through the night and you're aware of of the special magistrates order and the stipulation to not to not P yes I can send videos of us even moving out washers and dryers I think Lisa was I think I don't know what was said from the audience but that wasn't testimony that no no no it's not on that one it would have been right away Nathan you'll see a vehicle with a washer and dryer no go to your last one there so this um photograph this video is from July 23rd at 4:31 yes and and these were individuals that removing the washer and dryer yes why were they moving the washer and dryer I need washers and dryers if I'm not short-term renting out a property I'm going to take some of them to Tennessee saw some of them hopefully with the property otherwise they're going up on Marketplace you had a kind of we went through some text messages between yourself and Miss sex um and there was kind there was a lot of discussion that you had about about wedding planners which property was that that you were using for wedding for weddings so when I sent her um reviews and descriptions it was not for either of the properties it's not for any properties within the city of Coco Beach and I was explaining to her when she was talking about her client wanting to use it as an Airbnb I stated that that house because it's a spread out multi-generational type home that it would be well suited to do weddings because you could have like a bride and groom you know one part of the house with their own space you could have the bridesmaid with her hubby and you can have a people per their Airbnb their new Airbnb codes they could all stay there you know without being on top of each other with privacy and if we kept the property my brother and I had debated if we were going to do that but as I've stated I I feel like there's a little bit of a Witch Hunt and we're just trying to bail what is your current goal with the property I tried selling it and I feel like um there were some not truth statements made and things that were um they're they're I mean I they sent uh information on alatua to her which they weren't even looking at just to to prove that supposedly I'm not compliant and that these properties are all sorts of issues and then so they pulled their offer otherwise I would have been out of their hair out of Coco Beach and gone because it would have closed by now what is the reason that the contract what is the reason that you um making the claim to the earnest money deposit uh they ended up cancelling it after well she called me and sent the letter uh of it took a couple days for them to actually get the official letter of cancellation but she had sent me a text message in the same messages if I knew we talking about this I would have entered those into evidence she stated that she had a conversation with the city of Coco Beach she started sending me all the documents which included other properties which you know is is not cool and they were pulling out because uh of that reason because of what the city told them and that's a a quote and a text message I just want to be super clear you have not short-term rented out this property since June 8 2024 nope I haven't received a dime from it no further questions B you have questions yes um on this can you leave that up yes do you have another camera on the other side of the building where the doors are and the um other part of the parking area is yeah we can send more footage if you would like okay is is the parking area over there this is where all the short when I was short-term renting this is where all the short-term rentals Park okay and who parked over on that side it would either so I kept the front spot for like myself and my brother Lisa people like that and then when I was first here uh like I had told you I had a gal that was staying there long term you know month after month after month as a roommate she was over there okay so how many parking spaces are on that side um I guess you could try cramming in multiple but I mean typically we would have only said two okay because you named a lot of people you said hard there well sure yeah people come in and out right I keep the front spot there so I can come in you know Lisa can come in like so but that was where when I was short-term renting it out and you can even see the blocks there and actually they're even I mean you can see the blocks there on the vehicles so that's where we park them okay um and you do have other um videos of yeah and I'm happy and I'm happy to share them with you can we at least see a couple of them from that day sure sure what day did I sent two days huh what what day I sent two days so do you want 23rd 24th 25th 25th the 25th she would have to cancel this oh it was the Monday after the 25th give me a date and I'll get them to you um I don't see that on because the text was talking about like think where we were looking at the wrong dates I mean I can find right when Melissa is there and I can send that video if you like to so it would have been the 29 you could send some from the 29th on both sides of the is that the DAT of the inspection yes think for [Music] [Music] you want me to keep up the other videos okay who whose car is this those were my that you saw earlier what dat is that that's that's yep see those are the M right there and dryer okay so you moov washers and dryers on two different BS oh then you just pulling up the same video did you send some videos of the other song working on it right now I I that's the one I have up right now that's not the other side no it's not the one that just pulled up be mared as one and two I just okay I think I might have double set one for okay there are a couple of vehicles there this is the day of the inspection and you'll see in some of my videos that they're definitely inspectors they on the RO you want me to play this video actually that smaller vehicle belong to the realtor because she always parked right there and she has a car side [Music] yeah was this before 10:00 a.m. I believe it was at 11 I you guys does anybody want to introduce that okay I'll introduce him in evidence objection Mr Po no got 11 now and your honor I believe that at this point um I think we're going to withdraw this case okay no I think they they they yes and U when you say withdraw you're going to dismiss the are dismissing it and um we did we just in defense of the the city here we did receive um complaints from two different neighbors saying that the you know that this was going on well there was an inference from the was it Mr McFarland so the case is dismissed okay yes yes but there was an inference from the was it Mr McFarland who took photos there was an inference that there was a violation Okay so there should be the city has to act on complaint driven system I understand I understand and unfortunately neighbors there's things that you guys don't know in between neighbors and it's very easy to make a complaint it's jurisdiction it's not this is not the only jurisdiction that has people complain about one another no I no I know it's I'm like I say I I okay so the city has dismissed the case okay we we we still need the after the fact permit on the prior case on the on the prior case oh yeah that that order is still going to be entered you understand that we're talking about the repeat violation case is dismissed got it okay all right so the next case though is that also relates to Mark s are you your brother right oh it's not a case I was just going saying it was a compliance status report from the previouse status report compliance all right yeah okay then that case is dismissed there's nothing on the next case is there anything further that the city would like to bring before no no would you like to complain against no it's a joke you don't want to get me going but thank you that was all right this that concludes the proceedings of the special magistrate today thank you very much for everybody's attention thank you e