Amy [Music] Finley uh pledge will be done by the our honorable fire chief Mr lamb Jonathan Lamb would everyone stand please Ms and Sir shall we pray Heavenly Father we thank you for another day we thank you for all of our blessings we received and those that we have yet to receive and now Lord we ask a special blessing upon this meeting that every everything that's done tonight be decent and in order and in your name we pray amen amen please Place flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay may we do roll call please Madam clerk yes sir mayor Blake president mayor Deputy Mayor Hearn he's on yeah council member baringer pres council member Goins council member C here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten here thank you thank you madam clerk for performing on roll call we will proceed to item number 2-1 regular meeting of June 4th 2024 um it's been brought to my attention and reference of the code lean that one item number 7-1 yes you would like for it to be omitted is that the correct understanding uh yeah we're just going to remove it and we'll bring it back at the July meeting okay all right chair entertains a motion um to uh approve tonight's meeting with the deletion of item number 7-1 so moved we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman c and a second by the chair himself all in favor by saying i i n eyes have it unanimously um we have no Awards and presentations proceeding on to item number four delegations do we have any cards Madam clerk uh no sir I have no cards saying none proceeding on to consent agenda item what are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by Council woman second second by councilman baringer chair is g to call the question all in favor by saying I I and in a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 6-1 consideration of the second and final reading of the Land Development code amendment to chapter 18 subdivision to create a new article 7 seven lot splits and boundary lines adjustments to make certain other amendments to chapter 18 as necessary to effectuate the new article 7 providing amendments to the city subdivision application requirements and processing procedures for preliminary and final plats altering the requirements for posst and security to ensure completion of public improvements to the F excuse me final plat approval amending processing procedure for the site plans process concurrently with plat applications eliminating specific procedures related to flag Lots changing staff designations and providing for the repeal of a prior andc consistent ordinance and [Music] resolution okay esar gargan sir would you read this into the minutes sir certainly mayor thank you sir ordinance number 0622 4 in ordinance of the city council of the city of Coco parar County Florida amending chapter 18 subdivisions of the code of the city of Coco to create a new article seven lot splits and boundary line adjustments and to make certain other amendments to chapter 18 of the code AS may be necessary to effectuate the new article 7 providing for the amendments to the city's subdivision application requirements and processing procedures for both preliminary and final plats altering the requirements for post security posting security to ensure completion of public improvements prire to final plaid approval amending the processing procedures for site plans processed concurrently with plaid applications and requiring approval of the city council on such site plans eliminating specific procedures for the creation of flag Lots within the city of Coco changing references to the community development director to the city manager or design in the code related to subdivision and site plan application processing providing for repeal prior and consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date this is second and Final reading of this item also public caring item don't believe any changes have been made since first reading be happy to answer any questions you may have mayor thank you very much Esquire gargan um seeing that we've uh been presented with this item excuse me item once before as uh city manager sir you have anything you would like to No Sir Mr Mayor I think the the reading by both you and uh the attorney covers it it's just simplifying the process to uh subdivide uh a lot yes sir a parcel Council woman calls ma'am yeah just a couple quick questions so a flag lot I'm trying to understand what is a flag lot and then um where it says changing staff designations what does that refer to yeah so a flag lot is um you have a parcel of land I don't want to do it with my hands but you have a parcel of land and there's perhaps one home in the front and then you want to subdivide so that you can have um homes behind you everybody utilizes the one driveway to get to their homes okay and then the designations are I don't think we have a Community Development Department anymore and so I've just simply said in those cases let's just make it city manager or design need okay thank you okay good yep thank you all right um should like to close this portion to council and return it to the public please come forward and state your name you have 180 seconds to elaborate on this particular item second and final reading of Land Development code Amendment chapter 18 going once going twice chair like to close this portion of the public and return to the council what are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilman baringer second okay second by Deputy Mayor Hearn CH gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I any n eyes have unanimously proceeding on to item number SE excuse me 8-1 city council approval of the resolution 202 24-4 n establishing a new broad excuse me a new board appointment process yeah and I have my glasses on Green Eggs and Ham yes Jack you're right sir sensitivity training in [Laughter] order okay Mrs jamat ma'am yeah Mr city manager yeah before before she takes you through it there again uh the rumors out there with regards to the intent of this um there's a there's a a Mis understanding that this has to do with residency requirements and uh I'm going to give you a copy of the existing ordinance you can see that section is unchanged and so it has nothing to do with us attempting to get anybody off any particular boards there so that language that you see in the new resolution just simply carries over did Anthony get one I got it I got know years ago okay so that just simply carries over the existing language uh but but again our our intent and goal is to actually outline a repeatable process a fair process and so um residency requirements aren't addressed as a part of this now the language that uh has folks concern is the language that's always been in the uh ordinance and the City attorney can explain to you the exceptions with regards to what you see in the black black and white of the language how someone can serve on boards that are not uh that is not a resident of the city and so he may want to explain that but again that was a misunderstanding again that language exists today but there are certain C hold on Miss city manager point of order please ladies okay thank you ma'am go ahead Miss city manager so there are certain caveat to that language and I'll let Mr gargan explain that there are the the ordinance establishes eligibility requirements however the ordinance also has a couple of waiver Provisions under a couple of situations one if the applicant pool is not sufficient then you know there there's a provision um to to U find an eligible some eligible person to serve on the board in addition there's another provision again um where um the the spot has to be filled by a person with specialized skill in training um and if they couldn't if the city can't find Council find that person then that can be waved and the vacancy must be filled by either you know either a resident or owner of real property within the city so it doesn't it doesn't modify like a residency requirement there are opportunities in the in in the unlikely event that um the applicant Pool isn't big enough or um the the ordinance generally requires certain skill and training um but you can't find somebody with that skill and training to fill the position so and I don't I don't know in the in the Coco CRA resolution it may specifically call for a uh uh a business owner operator statutory that's a statutory requirement and the and the ordinance also provides unless otherwise provided by law you know here are the eligibility requirements under the C statute there is um an opportunity to appoint a uh business owner or a a person of a certain status within a corporation operating within the area of operation of the CRA but those are those are statutory eligibility requirements thank you Mr gargan so so again Mr Mayor nothing's has nothing has changed with regards to what we're trying to do here again we're we're trying to outline a fair repeatable process okay sir do we have any questions for either the Esquire or the city manager before I let Mrs um Jamari speak okay all right Mrs Jamari the floor is yours ma'am okay so um the reason um we're bringing this item forward is um over the years we realized we didn't have a defined process on our board vacancies as far as how they were advertised the period of advertisement and um so um after talking to the city manager it was recommended to come up with the defined process and so that's what we have in front of you a couple meetings ago we discussed this in um great depth and we had the same chart and um at that meeting and um so this process was brought back to the city attorney and he helped us write out a resolution um which outlines um this criteria so 90 days before the expiration of the vacancy um or of the term um date we will begin advertisement of that vacancy we will open it up to the current members of the of the board and um to the public we'll invite them to apply um through an application um and then the application will come to the clerk's office and that'll be vetted to make sure they meet the application of the the you know any requirements of um residency and so forth the application period will be for 30 days um we will be posting it in our newsletter uh advertising it in different um like social media and different Avenues um after that period we will bring it back to city council um for an appointment if there's multiple application applications that come in we've identified a process where you will rank them and that ranking process has been done before and now we've kind of we've just identified that into a procedure so um councilman goes you have your light on Sir yeah so the um currently on our um some of our boards we have a nonresidents um of the city that are on just say for example um just say Board of adjustments for example um and so our wording says uh filled by a person with specialized skill right so who determines what that is what what is specialized skills is that someone that's um that's realator for 30 years is that somebody who is a um a farmer and you feel like they're good at being on Planning and Zoning like what what defines that in most cases and and Mr gargan can help me on it's just simply says um it has to be in a certain type of business it doesn't say you have to have uh years of experience doesn't say you have to be a tall or a short realtor just says um you know a business owner or it says you have to be in this line of business you have to be I'm just making the stuff of a contractor there but it doesn't doesn't get down to the nuances of how many years or whether you're certified by a certain organization within your profession okay um and so goad also like if if a code enforcement board appointments the Florida Statutes um suggest certain um skills contractors like Architects Etc um can't remember off the top of my head so in those instances um at least the statute suggests uh those boards should be made up of people with with certain levels of of skill corre now that doesn't necessarily mean those people are available and you know for appointment to fill a vacancy in which case you know the council can appoint someone that meets uh the General requirements in the ordinance uh next thing I had was uh owner of real property you you'll have several owners of businesses that may not be the owner of their building they may be leasing um and so would that cover owner of real property would that cover that particular group if they don't own the building or own that particular Suite 12 under the general um eligibility requirements many years ago the council wanted to broaden it Beyond residency and the council um at the time decided that they also wanted to open up eligibility to owners of real property and owners of real property are those individuals that actually have fee simple title to the property they have the deed right the deed was conveyed to that person or um the person has an equ equitable or legal interest in a corporation partnership or other legal entity that actually owns the property so if you had a um a managing member of an LLC and the LLC own the property within the city then the managing member would be eligible to serve all right because the LLC that he's the manager of a principle of owns property in Coco otherwise it's just the individual owns property in Coco they would be eligible even though they are not residents of Coco they are just a property owner and if my my memory going way back when I think the council felt that being a taxpayer in Coco even though you're not a resident would make you eligible to be um serve on the board if the council so desired MH so um so let go back to the Council on this particular thing so um will the council consider um because owner of real property could maybe push out some that may be taxpayers that may have a BTR with the city of Coco um would a council consider uh opening it up to uh owner real property and um have a current uh BTR with the city of Coco because I think we we will in some instances there are some individuals that may not be able to be on the boards currently um that may be an asset to us you know as a as a city too so um just asking for that consideration if if choose if you choose to that that would require an ordinance change of course right right not it's not um this resolution doesn't affect eligibility and the council would have to to um like the council did many years ago defining owner of real property the council would have to I suppose create a definition of business owner um that may not necessarily own the property but own a own a business okay in Coco to open up eligibility to those those individuals would a council be interested in looking into that maybe in in the future uh or near future with that particular particular change to add to and Define owner of real property to to stretch out to BTR yes so he's asking a question he's asking so there so basically to consider people that don't own property and technically are not citizens in Coco right but have a business license inside of the city yes in c y and um don't we have something that limits the number of of folks that could be on a committee so wasn't like Planning and Zoning they only can have three members that are not actually citizens right in conjunction with that change the Council made many years ago we adding owners of real property the council placed a 30 maximum 33% limitation on any particular board so if if the council were to change the eligibility requirements to include a a business owner non-property owner SL you know business owner then the council would have to wrestle with do you include them within the 33% rule do you you know bump that percentage of nonresidents um that's that's a policy decision that the council would have to consider okay um because I you know I feel like that 33% is even pretty liberal um but um I would consider you know I would like to have the discussion okay but I definitely wouldn't want anything in addition to 33% non-citizens deciding how to spend taxpayer money or recommending how to spend it or policy okay anybody in the artist would like to say anything seeing none okay um what are the wishes of councel motion to approve staff recommendation yes the staff recommendation thank you ma'am we have a motion on the floor by Council will MCA to approve staff recommendation stating for this particular resolution 202 4049 that a second by councilman go discussion discussion go ahead councilman barer and and to clarify so the the motion is to pass as staff recommended M gos I heard you say that you would like to it I don't know if discuss at a later time on the business tax receipt or is that something that you're trying to put in right now well from what I'm taking that we can't do it right now I have to come back as an order change okay and so I I I would be open to to looking at that and and and the and I think to also to your point there are plenty of people who do not own a building here but have done business in Coco for quite some time and I would consider them valuable Partners to the community uh and and they're paying they're paying taxes too but I also understand that people put their toe in the water here and then they may choose to leave and then they may be on a board where they're not doing something so whatever that might look like so there's some questions that I would have relative to that uh I I would be open to that discussion because that you know especially as a small business you know you're trying to get out the door you're five years in seven years in that that building is a whole another monster for a lot of people so um I just I'd be open to it but if to bring that back at a different time if that would be reasonable okay thank you okay any other comments before chair calls a question all in favor saying I I any n eyes have it unanimously moving on to item number 8-2 final item for tonight approve as recommended the proposal fiscal year 2025 benefit renewal Medical Dental life and disability insurance and to authorize the city manager to sign related agreements okay this standard procedure Mrs uh Jamar ma'am yeah this is an annual item we bring the city council um we work really hard to keep our insurance premiums low um so I see the smile on your face ma'am I'm sorry just go ahead and get it so we're having this discussion soon n all in favor by saying I and the n i sa it unanimously Mr mer if I if I could so yes sir yes you can so so our consultant is is here and so I just want Sean can you just come up and talk about uh how good the 5% is on the health insurance relative to you sir to what probably will be in the marketplace in terms of increases I figured since you drove over you yes sir thank you uh good evening Sean Fleming Senior Benefits consultant with the Garing group so I'll be brief since uh you moved there but on average this year um we've seen kind of medical increases in the kind of 14 to 18% range so far it's predominantly being driven by uh a couple major categories one is cancer and new costs and treatments around that the other is I'm sure you've seen a commercial for OIC Manjaro wovi um or seeing huge impacts in the system as a result of that so the 5% um you know about a third of what we've seen average increases so far this year thank you Sean welcome anything else Mr knowledge is power Sean thank you for conveying that clearly and concisely okay any other reports Mr city manager Sir Mr Mayor I do want to talk about uh fences but you may you may you want me to go now or wait till after all you have the floor all [Applause] right than so the mayor and I had a conversation this morning where he said to me that the the fence around provos was only three or four feet and I swore him up and down that it was taller than that and then I drove by and he was correct um did you say that you told him he was correct uh I'm telling him now he's correct he's correct yeah he was correct so so when we we designed this and and again Abby was uh was not the uh Public Works director and so uh as uh as this was designed we had a fear of being accused of having the fence too high and giving it that institutional sort of look you know uh and I'm talking primarily about provos Park but we could apply this to all of our parks there and so and so we have it provos Park a 4-foot fence that maybe even I can uh scale um I'm I'm not sure at this late date but so so so we're we're we're rounding the corner on that project but we have a fence that um probably perhaps may catch stray balls but but won't prevent folks won't won't act as a deterrent for for folks who we don't uh who are not participating in the activities of the park to actually get into the park there and so um you know again just wanted to make you aware of the reasoning why if you give me direction to ultimately to to make that change and we're going to have to figure out how how we get there um so so but right now we do have a 4 foot fence around uh um most of the perimeter of the park that's mostly uh parallel to Fisk uh I I think it runs north also now on the football field that that fencing is how high is that Abby the perimeter fence on the nor on the south and north is 12 ft so football field because you gota you got to contain the ball there that's for the field goals so field goals drop down and and so and so um at the end of the day I think that perhaps it it is your desire to have something that that acts as uh a deterrent for those folks who who who uh are not there for the uh for the activities of the part and so we we we'll have to go back to the drawing board on that and obviously I'll bring you back the numbers on that we would obviously have to either get a credit for the fencing that's there or repurpose that uh for other City properties but again wanted you all to have that discussion because again it it was a was our decis decision to actually do um the forfoot fence again um primarily because we didn't want to be accused of making it giving it an Institutional look let me be first and say then I Surrender the Flor to you Council mges I believe in safety safety safety uh for all costs and all reasons um and I I support the hant um I think it's deemable and necessary Neary so I would definitely be in support of that um because it's not always the the individuals that's inside of the park but it's the individuals that's on the outside of the park may get inside of the fence and we've been there when people um flood the fields at certain even at high school activities Collegian activities and professional activities um so I would rather error on the side of safety first and foremost councilman Go sir um so you mentioned something about um credit so you saying the fence and Company is going to give us a credit I'm obviously I I'll I'll press them on that but I don't think they will give us a credit on the Ed fence we may have to repurpose it but okay we haven't asked that question okay um so so this is going to be a financial thing right and so um we're going to probably spend what think about 12 gr 15 gr for both sides for for this for the East and West for this fencing it's it's you talking about for this no it'll be more than that all right it's about 360 feet on each side okay so it's if if we went with without the contractor and went with another close out the project and go with East Coast fences or something like that that's about the ballpark what is it what is it about 15 be around 12 to 15,000 for is that 600 and some odd it would 7 720 okay so 720 and again not to give away the strategy but we would do that after after we close out the contract because again we don't want the overhead right right right right point taken all right so we have a bathroom issue right and so because we have the bathroom issue I don't feel like it it really makes sense to me to make the fence a priority over the bathroom um I don't know if we have even the money to even do the bathroom right now um CU I did ask about us having the um extra funds from after we did the paving for the parking lot we had a few dollars left am I correct yeah let me let me do it this way uh councilman going so so you all have heard the concerns about the back bathrooms I think I think that's a cleanliness um maybe the doors need to be replaced there I don't think we're talking about adding additional bathrooms unless you know something different Abby so so so so we have in contingency contractor's contingency is right now this is off the top of my head I think it's 80 or $85,000 and then we have about $25,000 in our contingency and so we're we're a couple of weeks maybe four weeks less away from closing it oh less than that I'd say two to three weeks so in two to three three weeks we'll close out the project we'll know what we have in contingencies and then we'll bring those numbers back to you with a listing of the things that we didn't uh address the bathrooms uh you've heard the appeal for uh fences around the uh around the um pickle ball thank you pickle ball courts uh benches uh we we actually did the lighting on the pickle ball courts although recall that your Parks actually Clos at dust so so so that that lighting we have that lighting but again the parks are really officially closed at dust there so so in a matter of weeks we'll come back to you with what remains in contingency and then the listing of things that people either ask for or that we know as staff that still need to be addressed at the park and and can we do this without going through the current contractor correct we're going to close out the contract okay all right so next question is I know we have not purchased the bleachers as of yet am I correct about that yeah we we we do have uh two that's at the basketball court well no we on the on the pickle ball we do have have some two two levels or two stairs of bleachers there so we we have we have I think two sets of bleachers on the pickle ball court if I recall correctly but we have not we don't have bleachers around the multi-purpose field if that's what you're referring to right so and that'll be on the list of things um that we will bring back so as far as I know that we've talked about um it's been the bathroom it's been fencing for pickle ball it's been bleachers for the multi-purpose uh and now we have uh a higher fence there I think I would propose that that's a that's a six foot fence or or I don't know what the next increment is I think the next increment is eight yeah so you you you guys will have to give me a direction in terms of in terms of a of six or eight the next the next level is is 10 so so on this plan it shows the bleachers being outside of the fence I I have not me personally in all the years I've coached football and you football I have not seen bleachers behind a six or 10 foot fence where where you see the bleachers uh on the left hand side right next to the pickle ball court I have not I personally have not seen it now I know that that could be a recommendation that we can all you know agree on as far as that but I just have I haven't seen it at most Parks I have not seen that I've seen bleachers in a 4-foot fence in front of those bleachers to stop the parents but if a parent trying to get in that gate a 10 foot 12 foot 14 foot ain't stopping a parent jump in that gate yeah we we'd have to redo that so right now the bleachers and I don't know if they were designed to to see both ways you know see the the hard ball courts and then see the multi-purpose field but remember the fence was only 4ot so you can see over the fence so so we'd have to look at that again if the fence is going to be 68 or or 10 so we we'd have to figure out uh how to do that n now I do I do understand the safety part though uh I get that 100% I just also you want parents to also enjoy the game too so I just the 12 foot behind the field goal po absolutely perfect that's that's what it's supposed to be um that's the wooded area yeah and and so on the east side you have the ditch or the swell swell next to it you really won't have a issue I'm I'm just I don't want us to spend so much money on on one particular item and we totally miss out on the the people are going to come to a brand new field and then they going to go to a bathroom that they can't take their child to that's and I keep talking about it because I just I want to make sure that it stays on our brain so I just want to kind of reiterate that so don't mind whatever we choose to do we we do but I just don't want the bathroom to go away in Li of offense because that's what the community going to say well you spent all this money on this you could have spent it on you know how you know how this thing go you know how it go so I just I just we're going to look at all of those if you see if you see the note the bid additive was actually tool to demolish and relocate the restroom entrance doors okay and so I I think that that that issue is line of sight for the kids there so we'll we'll look at that also okay um yeah can can we um I let me say this the right way uh with all due respect I've been asking for a meeting on this particular part multiple times so that we don't have this issue and I'm not putting blame on anybody I'm just saying that's and and even if we meet we still may not come up with the perfect situation but I think if we meet together about this thing we making prevent a lot of headache in the future because Mo most of us may not be the people that's actually going to use it and that's that that's the way you bring in people who may use it to get their ideas as well so you know I just I just don't want to have you know down the road we say we wish we could have did this and then the council down they don't may not have the money that we had to do what we just did you know so I just sometime we only have one shot that's just when you say the the we you saying the community well it it don't necessarily need to be you know a community meeting but I know as a council I think we need to discuss some things which we are it's already done now you got the fence up everything is kind of moving we got a color on the courts we got all those things done but the next step is going to be those bleachers the fencing that we discussing right now um and so I don't know if that's GNA be done at a council meeting or maybe some other sort of we would bring that back as a discussion item at the council meeting I mean we it's it's a pretty it's a pretty good plan it came together uh pretty nicely um there's a new parking lot there's a there's a resurfacing and and redo of the old parking lot uh we were not going to get away with the ditches cuz that that's a that's a St John's requirement and so and so we were not you know we didn't miss on a whole lot of things right um you know we were never going to get to um a common agreement on the color scheme for the basketball courts right right and and so uh at the end of the day the the uh the contractor and the supply and the the builder of the courts had a limited uh pallet of colors that they always use and so I suggested that we we as a tribute to uh Monroe High and the uh and the semi-pro team I think that played there that we do those colors we will do the markers that explains uh the history of that and so I I think we're real close you know multi a lot of multi-purpose Fields don't have the bleachers right you know and so and so but again you know we we we take your constructive criticism on that we we we'll have to figure out how we do the bleachers that so that they can serve so sort of the multi-purpose field and the Heart courts um but we'll bring that back um certainly we we'll post that we're going to talk about sort of final edits if you will to the uh to the provos park Improvement uh and we can post that and we can advertise that so that interested members of the public can uh can um can be here in July we will be talking about the uh the Parks and Rec Recreation uh agreement that the county is uh is uh placing upon us I I'll say it that way so so so we're going to have plenty of parks discussions there and but I I do take uh uh your your your commonsense constructive criticism because again defense was probably something that um um obviously bucks St so for me I should have made you guys aware of but again um we we certainly didn't want to be accused of having that uh star prison sort of look good point yeah let let me okay Council woman cost go ahead yeah I just wanted to say I appreciate the fact that you don't you're aware or concerned about it looking like a detainment camp because I mean this is a highly visible part of our community and there when you see a 12-ft fence there are folks that when they see come into this community maybe don't know a lot about it we'll see a 12-ft fence surrounding something a public park and um so I mean I think that we do need to be aware of what those perceptions are the other thing is I thought that really a lot of this investment was to bring all that good activity to the Park so that we have less of the activity we don't want and less of the folks that we would prefer weren't there so um and you know I'm willing to look at this because as the mayor said safety of course is essential but perception is real I mean I'm sensitive to it my son sent spent a year at bua came detainment camp in Iraq so it's like that's basically what it was it was 12T fences that um detained people so anyway I'll say that and then I also wanted to affirm your comments about the bathrooms because we're going to we're going to have visiting teams coming right and if there's one thing that would turn me off quick you know it's a bathroom that's not sanitary or not up to par so um I think that's important as well my overall assessment to this ladies and gentlemen and then we're going to move on would be the precedent that we established at the very first day that we open it it would have to be Zero Tolerance we're GNA have to have a clandestine agreement with the county in reference of proper uh cleanliness of the uh restrooms we're going to have to take that initiative upfront because once we give an inch or get soft too bad so sad you know the rest of that story so if we have to be hardcore at the beginning because it's just like teaching if you don't set that positive precedent at the beginning of your classroom the next 179 days will be pure holy you know what that's bottom line so so so let's don't sugarcoat it when we build this provos park and get it completed by God everybody have to be on board and there's there will be some tough measures we must incorporate because we want it to be clean and presstine cleanliness is next to Holiness so we all know that so um if we don't establish that predent I don't care if my um 80y old cousin wants to go out there he or she should have that that authority to feel safe to know that it's clean and presstine and there's no foolishness going on in that Park Zero Tolerance I don't give a rat toenail and I'm through thank you okay um councilman go U baringer yes sir so the the only thing I would ask is whatever this first off off I'm going to um for mayor Blake and uh member gos member gos is your District so I I I welcome the input from a district perspective uh from a to get it done right now if it's already in my question would be is it going to work and since it's already in we get a test run of it so that would be my my my one before we rip it out to say it doesn't work I wonder if it would if we would give it that chance from a safety standpoint my only the the biggest safety concern that I would have is that if somebody was to hop over to a street right if a kid's hop into a street but I don't see that as the issue here but okay you know I mean that that would be from a safety concern to me is that from a car proximity and and road safety so that that would be my ball goes flying over into the the road okay I get that from as a District representative to District 3 respectfully we have been hanging on trying to get a basketball rim fixed for five months so the idea that we're going to spend another 12 or 15 grand on something that's already in when we're trying to get a basketball rim so we can just use the park and run a game that is hard to stomach and I and so I I to the greater good I understand don't don't get hung up on a toenail right when don't amputate the foot for you know a hangnail but I would share with you that from as a district representative both of the city of Coco and specifically District 3 if there is not a financial benefit to getting it done quickly meaning we if we got a credit for the fence and then you know we'll only charge the difference something like that I could you know that makes sense from time sensitive but that would be my my one consideration would be that prior to spending out more to the project are there other projects to your point bathrooms I I don't know we all have every there are enough parks with enough projects and not to mention an agreement that's going to come up that's going to shape some things as well prior to ripping out but I also know that A good rule of thumb once you leave that that's the last of the priority right so I I understand from a prudence and just the actual reality of once a project you finish the likelihood of you going back and redoing it is pretty slim out of just political will very often so uh I can understand that but that would be my one consideration is just you know are we willing to even give it time to see if it would work or is there inherent risk so dangerous that somebody you know last thing I want is a is a child to get hurt out of whatever so you I'm open can I can I say something quick I'm 64 years old I've been in Coco the entire basically with exception of my Collegiate years and planning Sports in NFL whatever whatever anyway professional sports I know this community and I know all aspects of the community and trust me a 4 foot fence I can gain guarantee you those kids will look at that 4 foot fence as a drop in the bucket I'm just being straight forward with you now hey brother I'm with you on securing that goal in District number three and I'm not going to say how many people will attend provos and I know how many people will attend District three all kids are there I'm sure you bring that attention to the proper authorities that will get addressed immediately it will not fall on deaf ears I promise you my concern is I know what it's going to be like I already lived it I mean even I was a jit before I became a bowling ball a rolling poy I could hop those fances I mean it's it was a no-brainer all I'm just saying is I'm looking at safety safety safety and I promise you the precedent that we established there at provos Park will infiltrate throughout all B County because everyone's going to come to provos park we're going to see and they want to see because of the demographics of provos Park that it addressed let me just bring it to your home straight you know you can have it however you want to have it but I'm being 100% real with you and sincere is that the demographics because we're GNA Have All God's Children there from white black Latinos and even my asian brothers and sisters across the street they're going to get there um not lroy but um what's the football game they play um across rugby yes rugby right across the street so we're going to have a diverse Community within the community and that's what I'm all about because we're all God's children so so we're going to make sure your District number three is taking care of with your basketball goal cuz you better be jumping through the rim when I see it up there brother but and I support it yes sir but I know for a fact because of the location of provos Park and that park has been denied because I grew up there I have a family member that died there so that's reason why I can articulately express my concern about provos Park me c myself down because I know what the family went through so I'mma just leave it like that so um I'm no different than any other family members here in the city of Coco that has lost loved ones dealing with the city of Coco I get it trust me I get it so that's why I want to make sure we get that right because sir that ripple effect is going to go to Anderson Park it's going to go to junor re's Park it's going to go to tiger uh Park um you know Tiger Trail or Tiger Den it's going to go through everyone's uh Park is going to go through Larry Gilmore because it's gonna be Zero Tolerance that gentleman over there with a haircut just like mine he and his staff both of them matter of fact will be active participants in and with the blessings of the city manager City attorney that's what I believe in and that's why that change is coming Sam Cook said it right A Change Is Coming y'all so either lead follow or get the ham sandwich out the way because because this train woo woo bright line is coming thank you sir I got a follow behind that all we can go and let finish up his report whatever You Like H wild so uh if we have concerns uh we as a council and as a city we it's there's only three um organizations that have contracts currently at provos Park from my understanding um one you football organization one rugby organization and one soccer organization um so you're right very diverse from my understanding I don't think the city has met with either one of those organizations individually or collectively to have this conversation with them to let them know our expectations because if it does go array for whatever issues they may have you know who fought is going to be it's going to be ours and they don't even have a contract with the city of Coco the contract is going through Bard County parks and recs who approves them we don't have the ability to disapprove any organization from my understanding and so and um I think we need to have that conversation with us County those recck partners and us together to have this conversation because real conversation what what the mayor is talking about is reality things pop off they're going to always look at us as the problem we let it happen and we and none none of us might not even be in nowhere we might all be out of the country it's still our fault and so um I think that's something that we need to do and if y'all agree on that I think I think we really need to go with that direction um first time having a youth football organization in provos park in probably 50 60 years far as I remember all right and so we need to have this conversation because youth football is not the same as youth football 30 years ago it's a lot of it's a lot of it's a lot of foolishness that happens which is happening at stly right now's let's so so we got to have this conversation because um again we're going to get the backlash and if we're going to get the backlash we got we we at least we can say we had this conversation with these groups if we don't have this conversation then we just sitting here talking to each other about the problems without bringing it to them and so just just that's just that's just reality from what I I could talk to them guys one onone but that's just me but I tell you it's a total different thing when the city and the city council sitting in front of you saying hey look this is what we expect uh in our parks and if you don't do that then we we got you know we have that conversation with Mary Ellen or whoever we need to talk to about hey discontinuing your contract you know that's what we need to do um so I just I just bring bring that to to to city manager and everybody else um that's something that we really really need to do well well and here here is and Mr Mayor um let me I apologize I think we're in reports and so I don't think staff has any reports but if you so if you don't have reports I think you can be excused I don't want them to blame me for holding up the meeting but I think I am um so so you know we can have the conversation Mary Allen is the parks director um but but here is here is the action that was taken by the board of County Commissioners unanimously and that is that you have until July 31st to accept their uh Parks uh uh operation and maintenance agreement and that just simply says that hey if anything cost over $5,000 there you're going to share it 5050 uh they've always had the ability to determine who the W partners are and so that is that is unchanged and so you literally and these are on the special district parks there and so when Council uh uh councilman Behringer was saying he's been asking for the for the replacement of the real he's not talking about City staff you know we're we're we we've made that ask I thought it was obviously replaced at some point in time we'll just go and do it ourselves and so because we're we're you know doesn't doesn't hurt us if we just go do it ourselves so so so we'll come back in July and they've said pretty much take it or leave it you know and the take it or leave it is you gotta they said two things there so the the action was well by October 1st they have to agree to the new uh agreement remember we are without an operating and maintenance agreement by October 1st if you don't then they're going to turn over the uh operation and maintenance of the special district parks to the city of Coco and and you would think that simple statement we would welcome that except that that funding that normally came to us would be cut in half and so because remember this is a special District special taxing district set up in the 60s and so we are uh we the citizens of Coco are contributing about less than half of what we're actually getting out of the taxing district it's a district Park system and so if you if you if if you're going to if there's Fidelity to the to the construct of the referendum as said up back in the 60s then there is no hey you're putting in less than this other city it's a District park system we're all able to participate in a park uh that's in the city of rockle that's in the unincorporated but again that that argument has long lost years ago and so this is a matter of hey we're giving you guys more than your citizens are actually putting into the system there and so it's a take it or leave it by July uh 3 first what I'm going to say to you is obviously you have to take it because we can't afford to operate our own Parks the special district Parks now I will tell you that if you if you look at the Capital Improvements the uh Capital repairs that were made last year that are over $5,000 and as we go under the new agreement if the if those same number of same types of repairs happen then it's going to be an additional 200 or was that 400,000 400,000 plus yeah it was it was 400,000 and we're still counting so just by them saying take it or leave it you got to come up with potentially $400,000 so so we are at that point where we we have to take it but can you uh County agree to certain modifications like for instance hey you you you shouldn't just be able to walk into our Parks without any notice I think that said they'd give us a 48 hour notice I forget what it was and we certainly should be we certainly should know who the wck partners are you know again prior to them inking the deal with the rec Partners they've said that again if they go for a grant they get the Grant and they back out of the agreement we still have to honor the grant but we don't have any ability to actually say yay or n Nay with them applying for the grant there all of those things we we bring back to you but we're in a we're in a situation where again the num shake out to where um you need them as a partner regardless of how how efficient they are as a partner I'll just say it that way but but again we'll be back in that discussion uh at the meeting in July um and again taking all the concerns that have been been voiced by staff by you all um and so hopefully I'll I'll be able to bring back to them yes we accept the agreement but the council would respectfully request these modifications to the agreement that so can can come on go ahead one modification for sure is what you just said us having the ability to um look at who those re Rec partners are not saying we disagree with the rec Partners we have now but if something happens there people don't look at County parks and recs as the problem city of Coco and the City of Coco Parks is the problem and they can sit back and and and just relax no one knows about that we don't make those agreements and so like right now you got the community thinking that we're we just build a football field for organization and we didn't we built that facility for the community as a whole and so we we don't have the ability to have that conversation and we should yeah no absolutely and it and it's been that way I mean these agreements they started inking these agreements back in the 80s there referendum special Act was passed in the 60s they came um to some understanding of how the parks were going to be operated in the 80s um it I I I'll leave my comments I'll say my comments until we get to the meeting okay what else did that that was probably enough but I think um M singer has a report and and I don't know who else has a report so so but I know Mrs singer has a report Miss Lou we'll get to you Miss Lou okay Miss Lou thank you can I see some okay so I wanted to go over some upcoming events that we have um and make sure that everybody is aware so we do have uh the juneth Arts and cultur Cultural Festival um in Riverfront Park on Saturday June 15th um from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. um and that is again 10:00 a.m. to 500 P p.m. Riverfront Park juneth Arts and Cultural Festival city is partnering with um Alliance for neighborhood restoration on that event and all of those were sent to your calendar today to um just so you have them uh I left with each of you a stack of flyers for our upcoming Hispanic business Summit that we're partnering with we venture um if you guys can please help us get the word out and give these flyers out in the community that would be greatly appreciated um we were really looking for people to participate in this we really want to try to get um connected to some of our Hispanic business owners um and provide them these types of services for their business um and so this is a one day um on June 22nd at the Clear Lake Education Center uh adult education center on Clear Lake Road again we're partnering with we venture um and they're offering a a host of different classes for these business owners um again fundamentals for for entrepreneurs starting a business from Step One cyber security marketing um all all things that they would need to start a business or or grow their business um and so they can register it's only $20 to participate it includes lunch um and some breakfast so it's a great deal um and hopefully we can get some great business owners to participate in that um and flyers are at your location so if you guys can help us with that um and then of course we have our July 4th event um as we always do um it's our independent Day cele celebration at Riverfront Park we'll have a concert by The Bard Symphony Orchestra um and then fireworks over the Indian River Lagoon um and so um we will be getting out information to council about that as far as when you should be there and all of those details and I'm happy to answer any questions if you have them hey can I ask a question Sean with your permission thank you sir Chief lamb the burn band is still in effect right sir yes sir it is 104 that's all I want to know man because that question came about okay thank you that's it GRE go green that's right go green okay U esar gargan report go Bruins um councilwoman Collins I'm Collins my Lord counc woman cost yes sir she had me well trained man still in training go ahead councilwoman C ma' I was gonna apologies um can we have the for the museum aren't they entertaining the museums of bravar they they are working yeah the they're working with um the to host an upcoming meeting at the Museum yes I know they had like 80 attendees last weekend for the trains exhibit District Four home to the Future bright Line Station wo yeah and look at those holes those white spots those are unincorporated areas perhaps we'll be able to change that around too um a couple of them would actually generate revenues and then um one of them would probably cost us quite a bit so one day it's my dream that that will be filled uh I'm going to go right since we're just talking about Parks I'm going to start here so we have the six computers over at Travis Park they're uh locked in the closet they it hasn't been set up yet those computers were turned over to the county so they do own those they are setting them up I've asked for updates from them as well to uh let us know when they're going to have those ready so we have been pressing them yeah um they don't have the ideal situation because that uh the top leftand photo is the pool room the be in the pool room and they're not really separated um but right now they're just locked in a closet so they're not doing any good at all I'm hoping that they can come up with some way to separate them I really it seems like it would be difficult for somebody to seriously work on the computer to accomplish any task with everything else that might be going on in there and then they well and then they have big noise issues you're right you're right yeah you're right well noise is a is a problem there and um you know probably the biggest thing and they did the county did invest some dollars in this Recreation Center this year they put in new doors which were a real concern because they were leaking air conditioning like wild um but it is still the only Rec Center that does not have um acoustic so you walk into the gym I was there today with the camp going on I mean you can't hear someone 10t away from you because it is so loud with those windows and I know in the other Parks I've looked at them um they put up well in a jool lead they have acoustic or I don't know what are they called acoustic barriers they they muffle the sound so it doesn't Echo yeah so it doesn't Echo as much so it's really difficult even pick a ball there is very difficult because you you can't even understand the score so and that's a minor Improvement that would be that would do a lot to improve that area as well as figure out some way to separate these computers from the rest of the uh activity um Travis wck does have that volleyball court going for them and that's a big deal in bravar because this is the only one that isn't on the water and evidently they really prefer not playing on the water because um when you're water side there's a lot of wind and other issues so um anyway it's even been suggested that this would to expand this would actually give them the ability to host Regional volleyball tournaments anyway um oh the other thing I wanted to say this Recreation Center is really underutilized they have room for 45 kids in their camp and something like 22 are unrolled now they're almost all Coco kids from District 3 four and two lot from two as well um but you know it's surprising because you've got well you've got that area from Michigan on the North Dixon on the south and clear like on the west that you know there's a lot of multif family housing with a lot of kids in fact after I went to the park I drove through there and there all sorts of kids out with nothing to do right so um you know one of the things I would really like to see you know us look at uh is some way to support that camp or to get some designation that will allow assistance because that's why the kids aren't going to camps because uh different from uh joliee which is a part of um guess is a national strategy area so they get discounted camp Camp is full price here yeah so and that's basically the rec center for you know District three and District Four so we're increasing the population those areas let's go back to okay so the I'm sure you've all heard about this it's um Florida today has really taken up the issue of um accidents and traffic problems in Bard the dangerous by Design is a study that's done by smart growth America every couple of years and our area not sure I think we I don't know what we were last time but we are number 11 in accidents number 11 in the nation that is the Titusville Melbourne and Palm Bay urban area now we're a half a million people which is or I think it's like over a half a million people but much smaller population than the other cities like Memphis those other cities that uh were listed so um this is very real and I've gotten I don't think I have a photo of it but I've gotten several calls this week and I'm sure if you've been down Clear Lake yes l i me I I've received calls from folks that have lived in the area a long time and they're probably on autopilot when they go down that road and right now the roads aren't marked very well because are still under construction so a couple people have you know run a muck and are really upset about the changes being made there but I just wanted to tell folks that this was a federal that's $10 million investment that's going into Clear Lake that was federal dollars that fdot I believe is managing the whole project right correct but it is going to make it safe by Design and the reason is that people are so petrified as they're driving through there they get real alert but you'll get used to it after a while and it's going to save lives so it's a very good project and I think it's going to be I think it's going to be attractive once it's completed as well uh both the mayor and I attended the affordable housing Summit last week and so I won't spend a lot of time on this so I don't want to steal your thunder no ma'am you're good well there are a couple of takeaways for me um I noted from all the stats that we were seeing that really boils down to we need 700 more beds in Bard County um I hadn't seen the breakdown before that you know 9% in the north central 40 South 51% and then the other statistic of course is the 60% have disabling conditions so um you know this the the other thing I was struck by is that because all of the municipalities got up and talked about what they were doing I thought Coco was doing more than anyone else we are we are you're right we are and again you know we are what is it um we are 1% of the real estate of Al bravard County we are 3% of the population we provide 30% of the services we have a big heart and somehow I just want to leverage that to kind of uh move the others to increase their love because um when I talked with um commissioner feltner and I applaud him for being there he was the only commissioner that attended um but he was really I I asked him what the plans were in terms of you know this new to um the state law that will take effect and he didn't give me any indication that the count is thinking about it at all that just lawsuit wait yeah well um yeah so I I just don't want that you know complet the whole problem dumped on our lap because you know we're providing the services and have got the big heart um we need to be working with everybody else so and did that no let's see I thought I had one more nope that's it so we've got a concert this weekend um somebody from the neighborhood this is uh Woody Guthrie type music but yeah we got a lot going on in Coco it's a fun community and that's the end of my report all right uh so first off on the agenda tonight we had a a code enforcement that was going to be slated uh in regards to mallerie Court um and in good faith uh I have a citizen uh who is in within the vicinity and I probably get a phone call about every other week uh and they are very eager to make sure that whatever code we have in place that they are very excited that we are addressing those issues so to the work that has been done in the area I'd like to say thanks to staff um it has been there has been some notable uh trash pickup that it was kind of longstanding and some other issues I I I would like to bring forth to to council and and you know for possible consideration uh and it's Unique to the area but I think that it is probably a problem throughout the city and so we talk about blocking sidewalks with your vehicle right so you have a driveway you got a you got you got the sidewalk right there in some of our neighborhoods the sidewalk is only as big as a car the the driveway is only as big as a car and and for families now you know they're two car families so you got nowhere to park your car uh that would be in compliance with city code and so the the the I think that we put staff in a maybe a tough spot because we're asking them to either Overlook and or not enforce or we just let it go and then there's some citizens out there that say you know I'm I'm ducking and weaving at night through the cars that are you know parked wherever they're just trying to fit and I also understand that as an example if you have a boat plus two cars and you are in a onear length driveway that that stuff is now up on your yard and so for and so on which I you know again I'm not trying to make more than there is but I think that that is a policy issue that as a council we might need to clean up and give some direction to so let's go ahead yeah and and I thought remember we had this discussion maybe two years ago we talked about the short side of the yard I thought we had made some changes so let me let me let me go back and look at that and and uh I thought we'd made some changes then but I I'll go back and research what what we actually did or didn't do and from a due diligence sir I I in full minus trying to look through and find what I can find that's the only diligence I put to it so please don't let me make something out of nothing that's already been resolved uh but but I know it's an issue for folks trying to just walk down the sidewalk um so the other and member cost this is actually your District but the kiddos from four use it too so this is uh some great even paved sidewalk on the way to Coco High School uh and there are a ton of kids that use that sidewalk and it's all the way down the road so it's on Range Road uh and there's some real improvements anytime there's just infrastructure improvements I am as excited as anything else we would build uh because that heart and soul uh of what we do so thanks to the the the foresight of getting that ready for the upcoming school year and finishing out this year the last part is uh an issue that we all face but it is not a uh within the city proper and I'm I'm bringing it because of the unique layout of the city uh and how we you know it is a hodg Podge sometimes on boundaries with the county and on those boundaries and I I'll use Lake as a great example if I drive through Lake there are definitely things that are happening there that would not be acceptable in the city and I have full faith and confidence that Chief you are on it and the Department's on it and we work to resolve some of those issues but there are also some things along the way like on range and so here's a property that's on Range it's been there for years it is spray painted tagged to death broken all which ways now it has conexes all over it it is doing nothing it is attracting no good and it is less than a block from our city right I will use Terry Lane as an example Terry Lane there have been folks that have lived there for 50 years and have seen that Community grow and change and it is one street off from our city limits and there is dope dealing out of there like nobody's business forget the code enforcement all right and there are people who are investing still and are totally redoing some of the houses the properties look better and in good faith I think it's down to about five but man I mean it is cars junk trailer moved in in the middle of the night trailer moved out in the middle of the night dogs running crazy into everybody's yards can't and and and that is not a dig I'm just being honest about what's going on on and if that is what's going on one block away from the city of Coco that impacts the city of Coco I don't care what way we cut it so then the question is what can we as a council do about that you know and and that's my question to this Council because I I'm guessing that everybody has that one block away street from the city within our districts that we serve and so that is my question as a council maybe we can put some thought into that uh from a code enforcement standpoint can we just do what's on the books and make Coco exciting outside you know can I please sir is I'm thinking that is district one County Commissioner if I'm not mistaken and two sir okay and District Two yeah yes sir okay both well not District Two is run not running for reelection I'm think I know for a fact district one is running for reelection County Commissioner I would get in their ears that's my first thing um yes you're right it's going to take some collaboration for my city manager chief of police and our City attorney to address that Mr city manager yes sir and so if you can send me any notes you have I have a uh lunching with my good friend Frank abat on a Thursday and I'd be happy to raise a whole lot of stuff with him thank you sir thank you and and yes sir uh Council uh commissioner pritchet is running for uh um tax collector not reele Lis yeah Lis so uh thank you and that's and again on the from the from the Animal Services uh I I know that they are as busy as anybody else but you know you got six months dogs just running crazy uh and you know you call you come out you know and and that process is what it is but it just seems like it is not as effective as it is intended to be so I'm glad to send you that list yeah and with the with the council's permission if you give me the address I I can send that note over to the Sheriff's Office remember the sheriff has Animal Services there so so I'd be happy to send that concern over to the Sheriff's Office yes council members yes thank you hello yes yes yes yeah well I mean I pointed out the holes in District Four yes yeah okay thank you okay uh and sir that's it for the city manager to talk County Commission I mean city manager County Commission counsilman Go sir yes I have oh go ahead you have uh Deputy Mayor yes sir go ahead I was gonna say but go ahead okay sorry about that no no you're fine go ahead I just wanted to make everyone aware that there's a a uh a familyfriendly event taking place uh Father's Day weekend on the 16th um there's going to be a peace walk uh there's an organization nonprofit that's doing a peace walk in District 2 um it's taking it's starting at crosswind at 3 o'clock and they're going to walk around the neighborhood um they have they're doing a backpack giveaway t-shirt giveaways for the kids um so I just wanted to bring that to uh everyone's attention um I was asked to be a guest speaker there um and speak of some of the great things we have going on in city of Coco so um I I just want to make everyone aware um also uh a few weeks back uh we we as Council attended the fbl uh Leo event uh Florida leas City Event um due to my traveling from the West Coast at the time I it costus me to check into my hotel um earlier than the the I guess the time that was uh set for me to check in and that caused me to Ure a extra day um on the hotel room and I just wanted to bring that before councel and and and get you guys consent on that uh for staff I don't know if I stated that well enough if city manager you need to clean that up a little more for yes sir so that that uh you were authorized for uh um I think one night stay and you got over there um the day before and so that caused an expensive two nights stay one of which was authorized and so this would be a request for the council to uh authorize and pay that additional night Some Mo I have a motion on the floor by councilman barer and a second by councilwoman C just gonna call the question on favor saying I all you got it Mrs um Madam clerk thank you go ahead sir and that's all for District Two this week okay that excuse me Council M go um I just I just had uh two things I not uh sat this coming Saturday at Metropolitan um there is a saving our sons event uh I know Pastor jvis have done this multiple times um and that is June 8th um this Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ages 7 to 17 um they have some guest speakers they're going to be teaching kids how to tie TI they're going to teach them how to greet people uh teach them uh etiquette skills and things of that nature so uh saving our sons event June 8th at Metropolitan Baptist Church Missionary Baptist Church better say that right uh 474 King Street Coco Florida from 2 p.m. to 5: p.m. uh only other thing I had I know we had that conversation a long conversation dealing with the parks uh um so I I I just want us to have that conversation with wck Partners whoever are wck Partners in our city at the par s that um we have ownership of I believe is uh past due time that we did that uh usually we let you know people just do what they do but again uh when shootings happen it's on the news they say city of Coco uh or fights happen or whatever the case may be um so I think we we need to do that and do do I need a a consensus for that to happen um I just don't want us to miss that and then it be you know two months down the road and People season already started um that something I need to do city manager to get a s consensus from Council just to to invite the wck partners in um no we can I can make that that invite okay um you know it's an invite their their contract still is with the county so so it'll be an invite but I I'll certainly uh make that invite and put that on my list of things to talk with Frank about okay and also I think the council each individual council members need to receive the their contract that they have with parks and race so we can see that as well because I know I get asked a lot of questions about um rugby for example how do they have lifetime contract and no one can use their field as if they own provos Park West and so and I have not been able to answer that like I would like to answer because again they have the contract with um Parks and Rec so um and that was it that's all I had I have any photos today thank you yes sir what one more thing mayor go ahead um I'm just gonna chime in because I didn't get I didn't get in on that longest extensive Park uh conversation so uh I just had one thing I wanted to add about it um when we have this conversation with the county in regards to our our part uh Partners out there one thing that I would like to uh maybe Express from the council if everyone's in agreement is also when you're a partner of our Parks making some kind of investment within the park I know some other partners at other Parks uh they they go out their way sometimes Maybe pressure W pressure wash uh the The Pavilion areas or uh you know just just putting an extra investment and keeping that Park uh clean and uh even sometimes they invest I know even uh Mr gor you can attest even Rock Les leag sometimes they uh you guys come out of your own budget to you know add things out there to make make it comfortable for the guest uh for those Parks so that's one thing I would like to express uh you know just having some type of skin in the game as the may always says uh to that partk so okay is that it okay all right thank you thank you thank you is that it Deputy Mayor I guess so yes sir that's it okay thank you sir coming into the Home Run stretch right here we had the opportunity to attend the state Pals convention this weekend held at Jolie Smith um myself um we had organizations pal organizations from salite Beach Coral Gables uh the Orman Beach the bcia County area and had a great turnout there were over at least a good 85 kids there at Jolie Smith Park from surrounding areas and it was very productive and I had chance to speak to them um that's not the picture that I asked for them to send me but there was also our Police Department that were actively involved I'm holding the picture in my hand right now from I think it's uh Lieutenant no uh the three officers here in conjunction with the power organization the PDC organization so I want to say thank you to that um happy happy next time we meet again happy early Father's Day um please by local spend local keep a local want to say thank you to all of our staff and employees of the great city of coko because you all making our dreams come to reality thank you to everyone go in peace thank you city manager City staff City attorney thank you Council for infiltrating and working diligently in the community but more so than anything else thank you citizens for coming to the meeting and actively being involved so on that note I entertain a motion to adjourn have a motion on the floor by Council M go second by councilman baringer all in favor by saying I