##VIDEO ID:EXQ6_Bpjc4k## Stone Street Coco Florida like to call the order of this meeting we will have our Pledge of Allegiance by Deputy Mayor Hearns invocation by councilman goens and then we will proceed with roll call and we will proceed in that order thank you ma'am would everyone please rise for Oh Glory remove all hats okay sir if everyone would join me in the pledge please I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please remain standing councilman going sir by your head father God thank you for allowing to be here another day thank you for another day of life health and strength Lord bless us as we go through this meeting that we make sound decisions for the citizens of Coco bless everyone that sounded my voice that they may return home to a safe home in Jesus name we pray amen amen Madam clerk yes sir may we do roll call please ma'am sure mayor Blake pres ma Deputy Mayor Hearn present council member uh go here council member C here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten thank you thank you very much uh Madam clerk proceeding on to tonight's meeting it item number 2-1 agenda regular meeting August 27th 20124 word are the wishes of council motion approve we have a motion on the floor by councilman G second by the chair just GNA call the question all in favor by saying I I N I have it unanimously proceeding forward to item number 2-2 regular meeting of July 9 2024 word are the wishes of council motion to approve have a motion on the floor by councilman go second by the chair again all in favor by saying I and then a eyes have it unanimously under Awards and presentations The Honorable Yours Truly Dr and our superintendent Dr Mark rendel from bavard County School System we would like to bring him on with a round of applause [Music] [Applause] please thank you mayor Blake sir council members and city managers Dr wi thank you for the opportunity to uh share with you kind of a snapshot of how we're doing in Bard Public Schools um I have a PowerPoint presentation for you I think it's uh 35 slides and at the end there'll be a quit I'm just joking God bless you no I use a PowerPoint whenever I do these presentations because I have a lot of information to share and the PowerPoint helps me organize it but any chance I get to brag on bvar public schools I will so up in front of you right now on the screen is the logo um this is our logo for the year our mission statement is to serve every student with Excellence as the standard and our motto this year is achieving Excellence together because we know that we can't do this alone requires the work of a lot of people lot of big people to help our young people grow and mature you might see the bright red a on the Lo on the screen cuz for the first time in five years we are once again an a school district um the State of Florida grades its schools and also grades its districts so it's the first time in five years that we've been graded in a as a district so that's pretty big news so one of the things I want to talk about is academic achievement that's really what we get measured by the most and last year we had a b year so I want to share some of that with you so we have an increase in English language arts in every grade level that is tested so the state tests our students in English language arts mathematics science and a few other subjects but English language arts every grade level from grade three through 10 takes a state assessment and in every single tested grade level so all grades three through 10 we improved our English language arts proficiency scores that might be the first time that Bard's ever done that in every single grade level one of the uh biggest gain cell phones one of the biggest gains was in 10th Grade and that is a graduation requirement to pass the 10th grade reading test and we increased in 10th Grade by five percentage points so 5% more students passed that test last year than in previous years in math we're tested in eight grade levels and we improved in six of those eight grade levels in science we're tested in three grade levels 58 and biology which is typically a high school test and we improved in two of those three grade levels so social studies is the area other area that we're tested and we improved in all three grade levels in social studies so this was unprecedented academic achievement districtwide so really good stuff going on and then the last thing is if we were to ask for like one single data point to measure the Suess the success of a school district it would be the graduation rate now we typically tie the graduation rate metric to high schools because the the graduation rate metric is basically the percentage students who graduate high school on time in four years in other words once they enter High School in nth grade do they graduate in four years as 12th graders and this is lagging data so our graduation rate is actually from the previous year um we two years ago we were 87.2% districtwide it's the graduation rate and last year we went to 89.7% so a 2 and a half% increase in graduation rate across the district that's pretty big news that's a pretty big achievement we're hoping to be about 91 or 92% this year so all of those academic indicators impr improved last year shows great work by our teachers and our students in the classrooms so 37 of our schools achieved a grade of a last year that's 10% that's 10 more a Schools 53 of our um schools achieved either an A or a B so that's 64% of our schools were in a or a b and 18 schools improve their grade like I said before 10 new a schools aabon Challenger 7 croon Melbourne Mar Island metal Lane Odyssey Charter Rivier Sherwood and Ralph Williams no school with a grade of D or F and that's the first time in several years that we haven't had a school with a grade or D or F we'll talk about that a little bit later but the fact that you know so many of our schools improved is is a testament again to the hard work of the teachers and students in the classroom so 18 schools improved their grade and that that's really something to say as a district that we moved we'll look at some individual schools in a few minutes but really good work overall last year by our teachers and our students so I want to talk a little bit about human capital anybody that's a business owner knows that the country is facing a staffing shortage a staffing crisis and schools are no different we're facing a teacher shortage but I want to give you kind of a snapshot of how we are doing as a district with our human capital with our human resources with our people so one of the big things is that we're opening this school year with a negotiated contract agreement with the teachers union so we're opening school already negotiated done with our teachers union for the year that's the first time we've done it in first time we've done it prior to school starting that anybody can remember typically we get our budget from the state in the middle of the summer and then we started negotiating and that was the case this year we really didn't get our final budget final budget numbers till late May early June but we aggressively negotiated with the teachers union the board gave us additional resources and we were able to come away with a contract that's negotiated before we begin the school year so again anybody that's ever had uh to work with unions and negotiating contracts and stuff like that you this is a big deal for us um we are opening the school year with fewer than 100 classroom vacancies um actually 95 is the number on the opening day we had 95 teacher vacancies advertised last year it was 187 so we cut that in half we're really 98% hired on the first day so most businesses would be really excited to be 98% staffed and we are excited to be 98% staffed absolutely in fact um this this Monday yesterday we only had 45 teacher vacancies so two weeks after we open school we're already down to 45 teacher vacancies it's really good to be 98 99% hired however we're in one of those unique businesses where even one vacancy is really hard because if you have a classroom of students without a teacher that's not where we want to be so we want to be 100% hired so we're going to keep working on that one of the things that uh see if we can get this one of the things that we always hear about is late buses late buses late buses and over the last several years it's part it's partly due to a staffing shortage not having enough drivers and this year we're able to open the school year with a driver for every bus route so every route that we're running we have a driver slated to drive that route now that doesn't mean we don't have any late buses there's always late buses a lot of times at the beginning of the year it's because the kids are getting used to the bus stops the drivers getting used to the routes sometimes we have to shift kids from one bus route to another when we're looking at traffic and stuff like that so we still have some late buses but we are fully hired as far as the number of routes that we are serving right now and that's a huge Testament to the work that our transportation department has done and our human resources department you may recall a year ago in the summer a year ago we increased a bus driver PID to $20 an hour and that helped us uh hire a lot more drivers one of the other things we did was we made sure that we were addressing student misbehavior on the buses last year we did a much better job with that so a lot of our drivers stayed with us last year stayed with us this year so that's one of the reasons that we're able to be open fully highed with a bus driver for every route so in human capital we're doing a great job so program improvements that I want to share with you all something that is kind of unique to us this year we have a stem teacher in every elementary school so that's a teacher that's going to be dedicated to teaching kids enrichment classes in science technology engineering and math now for the last couple years several of our elementary schools had a stem teacher so if if you're not familiar with Elementary School let me remind you your days in elementary school you had your your your classroom teacher and you spent most of the day with your classroom teacher but at some point you went out to art or you went out to music or you went out to PE and so a couple of our schools had stem as one of those electives for elementary kids so they'd be with their regular teacher most of the day but then one day a week they would go spend some time with the stem teacher and do some cool stuff in stem so science technology engineering or math experiments or something like that so not all of our schools had a stem teacher in fact out of our 57 elementary schools it was about three that had a stem teacher so I was at a parent meeting a little little over a year ago and one of the parents said hey just want to bring something to your attention we moved here a couple years ago moved into a great neighborhood with a great school my daughter's in elementary school and she's going to the school she loves the school her favorite part is the stem class she gets the stem class once or twice a week she really likes it it's awesome well this year we moved to another great neighborhood in Bard County with a great school they don't have a stem unit so now my daughter's not as excited about school she says we're on the Space Coast why don't we have a stem unit at every Elementary School I did not have a good answer for her we are the Space Coast we have a lot of space related or engineering related resources right here we have a lot of Engineers who're educating their children why shouldn't we have a stem unit at every elementary school so we've added a stem unit a teacher dedicated just to stem in every Elementary School well that's 57 elementary schools that's a lot of money it's about $4 million where did we find that money you may recall two years ago the voters of Bard County passed an increase in their property taxes a discretion property tax millage 80% of that income goes towards compensation for all of our employees teachers support staff administrators everybody but the other 20% goes to enrichment goes to extra programs things we're doing to enrich the lives of our children so we're using some of that enrichment money to provide these 57 stem teachers at all of our elementary schools so this is something that we think is going to pay big dividends down the road all of our children are going to be exposed to um in the elementary school and hopefully that'll lead to an interest in some science technology engineering or Math course in middle school and then high school so speaking of middle school and high school some other things to share so I'll come back to the second bullet in a minute some new CTE programs you may have seen a news story last weekend about the aqua science program at Coco Beach Junior Senior High School that is something we actually launched last year but this year just last week we cut the ribbon on an aqua Dome or an aqua lab there it's a huge Greenhouse that has all kinds of tanks fish tanks that um students are going to learn how to recreate the artificial ecosystems for places like aquariums SeaWorld the zoo the aquarium that's going to be built by the zoo in porin AAL so this is a vocational program that the kids at Koko Beach and other schools can access where they get trained on how to recreate those artificial ecosystems and learn all about the Marine Science in the Indi River Lagoon and the ocean and how they can maintain those those ecosystems either artificially or in real life um next year this year actually we launched space mechatronics at tville high school you guys know where the space coost and we have Rockets going up every three or four days or so used to be that they' build the Rockets somewhere else then bring them here and launch them here now we have a lot of space industry right at the cape that is building the Rockets or building parts of the Rockets they need technicians they need you know young men and women that can build the Rockets So the Space mechatronics Program started at tiful high this year those kids will learn how to build parts of rockets and then they can be hired right away at the cape when they graduate we actually have an aviation program at a high school where a lot of kids learn those similar type skills and some of the space industry companies have been hiring them straight out of oal high even though they've been working on airplanes there those skills are transferable to air to uh Rockets so now we have that space mechatronics program at Titusville um next year we're going to open an astronauts and space engineering program at mered Island high and this is more for people who want to fly the Rockets who want to be astronauts or design the Rockets or navigate the Rockets that's going to open at Marathon high school next year that's a partnership with Florida Institute of Technology fit right down in Melbourne they have a huge astronautics and Spa engineering program so that's going to be a partnership with them and then big news for the city of Coco is in two years we're going to launch the fire academy at Koko High School you may recall you may not know that we have a fire academy at Palm Bay High School down in Melbourne so we're going to replicate that program at CoCo high if I remember right you guys honored a couple individuals who got their fireman certification here not too long ago so we're going to have that program right there at CoCo High backing up the second bullet says we are designated a Space Academy District by space Florida space Florida is an agency that's created by the state to attract business to Florida that supports the space industry well that business needs human capital they need technicians and Engineers so space Florida is looking at districts that are producing technicians and Engineers we have a lot of programs a lot of vocational programs at all of our high schools that can lead to employment at the cape in a space related industry so we've been designated a Space Academy District and I think of one more bullet there yes the adult education center at Clear Lake many of you may be familiar with that facility it used to be Clear Lake Middle School and now we have Adult Ed operating out there and some other things well we're going to convert that to a technical college um the goal is to have that as a technical college within two years many of you may have grown up in an area of the country where there was a votch center students maybe went to school at a high school part of the day then the votch center in the afternoon to get some skills or trade or there were adults in the community that had that could go to a Vocational Center and get some skills or trade so we are going to have that at Clear Lake it will be a technical college and students at our high schools or adults in our community are going to be able to go there and learn certain skills and trades and get certifications and by the way if you don't know we're opening a CDL program there very shortly so we'll be able to get more bus drivers all right so I wanted to focus a little bit more on the Coco area schools for you all um the first thing is we're going to talk a little bit about academic achievement academic performance took some schools and put them together on the slide for you the first three Cambridge Elementary and deor Elementary and Coco High School are in the city of Co of city of Coco so they are in your your your city limits but you guys seem to also adopt s um Emma jeel fairglen and McNair so I included them as well so what we're looking at here is the percent of points they earned towards school grade over the last three years and the good news is the blue column on the right shows a lot of significant Improvement Cambridge um had 50% two years ago 48% last year or 48% two years ago 48% last year that's good even progress we're going to to see more there um but they've maintained their SE Endeavor was one of those schools that had been a d for the last couple of years and they saw a great Improvement this past year if you look their point their percentage points jumped 24% 24 points last year from 23% you know points possible earned to 47% points possible earned strong C there for endeavor great work by the teachers and the students at Endeavor um Coco right now they have an incomplete not can explain that in a second but they went up six points from last year from from last year you know two years ago to last year um 46 to you know from 40% um Saturn saw a 20% increase from 23 to 24 Emma jeel a 9% increase from 23- 24 a fairg gland um 16% increase and then McNair saw a slight drop of 5 percentage points still a strong C at 51 % all of our middle schools saw a slight drop in that one in that one of those earlier slides I mentioned that in we had increased achievement in six of eight math tested grade levels and in two of three science tested grade levels well e8th grade math and eth grade science we saw a dip um districtwide and McNair was one of the schools too that saw that dip Middle School that e8th grade math test I guess was a little tougher this year and the eighth grade science test must have been a little tougher this year year so that's why they saw a little bit of a drop but we're still you know solid with the c all these schools of course have an A or a b as their target for next year to see how they can move up um Coco has an incomplete because they didn't test at least 95% of the eligible testing students so that's something that we have to work on the state won't give you a grade if you don't test 95% of the students who should be tested and their theory behind that is it don't want you keeping certain kids home they want everybody to be tested so if you don't test 95% they're not going to give you a grade but of the students who did test 46 points overall that they could earn from all the different various tests so let's talk a little bit about enrollment so I wanted to show you a little bit of a snapshot we are funded by the number of students we have in our schools so we got to have the kids in there to earn the funding to pay the teacher and run the lights and everything to have school open so we always have to project each year in the late spring of how many students we're going to think we're going to have at each school and in the district the coming year so we have the schools lifted listed there on the column for you and then the the ochre color is what we projected their enrollment would be and then on the first day of school we actually count how many students are there and then we keep counting throughout the next week or two so you can see in the or in the ochre Cambridge was projected to have 505 students they opened with 451 right now they're sitting at about 478 students about 27 students below their projection they about 95% of their projection Endeavor was projected to have 7:40 they actually opened on day one was 639 and right now they're at 7:39 that date is actually 2 days old so they're probably over 740 by now but 98 99.86 % and Endeavor typically we don't get all the kids in until like the third or fourth week of school so they're actually kind of ahead of schedule they'll probably end up over projection kogo was projected at 1,480 students they opened with 1109 they're already up to 1428 56 student shorts but again that's another school that we usually get all the students in by the third week of school so should be higher than 96% in in the next few days Saturn's actually now over projection they were supposed to open at 614 they're supposed to have 614 they opened at 573 now they're already at 619 so five more students over projection and again we typically get more students by the third or fourth week of school so they're going to end up over projection Emma je was projected to have 366 they open at 325 they 353 yesterday so 13 students down but they'll probably make that up fairg gland was supposed to open at 4 projected at 492 they opened with 44 40 they have 480 right now so they're only 12 down and then you see McNair projected to have 290 students day one they had 220 they've already increased that by 40 students so they're down 30 89% almost 90% so they should be within you know 100% pretty soon so in the area um actual enrollment versus projection we're at 97% and we usually see another 2 to 3% in that third or fourth week of school so we're not really too concerned that we're not going to make our numbers we really think that these kids are going to show up these families are going to show up so really good news though for endeavor to be this close this early usually there are straggler as far as enrollment and that kind of thing so really good job by them getting all their families enrolled and getting the kids to school um one of the things that I didn't pull data for but want to let you know we need your help in is attendance um the reason coko High has an incomplete is they couldn't get 95% of their kids in test uh when we do when we do administer the state test there's a window you know of a couple weeks that we are allowed to give those tests we can't get once the testing window is over we're not allowed to give the tests anymore they have to be administered within that window so one of the struggles has been getting kids to come to school on a regular basis during the testing window so we can administer all those tests so we're going to have to do a little bit of a campaign throughout the year to increase our average daily attendance to get kids to school especially during those testing Windows because we want to make sure that they're there give the opportunity to show what they know and the school can earn its good you know it's the letter grade it deserves and not get an incomplete that's about it for my presentation open up for questions if we do that okay sir thank you for a detail um um current evaluation of our standards in reference of achieving Excellence academically speaking sir being a retired school teacher and you may want would like to expound on this I we do have a few vacancies mayor Blake I just want to remind you yes sir thank you kindly sir um a six day count and then I want to commend you about that could you just go into detail a little bit more the importance of the six day count districtwide as well sir yeah so what mayor Blake's talking about is again we get funded for the number of students that we have in front of us and so the very first day of school we count how many kids we have in front of us and then we typically count again on day five and then day six we call the six day count that's the beginning of the second week of school that's typically what we enter as our official count for the opening of school so the six day count or the count of students we have in front of us on that sixth day is what we typically turn into the state as our preliminary count and so the numbers that you saw right there were the six day count numbers we do have some still coming in like I said like um McNair for example enrolled a family yesterday and we heard they were enrolling another family today so they're already up one or two The Six Day Count is kind of our initial projection to the state this is how many students we have we we are above or below projection the state says okay well we're going to adjust that based on your October count that may be something mayor Blake's not familiar with as a teacher but our official account for the first half of the year will be in October and the way the state does that is they just pull our attendance in October to see how many students we have enrolled and are coming to school so that way districts don't just send in numbers they pull the numbers right out of the computer because all of our students have a state identification number when they're in school the state knows when they're in school so they'll pull our official October membership in October and that's our membership for the first half of the year that's what we get funded for for the first half of the year the state actually does another count in February same thing they pull our numbers out of the computer if our numbers have increased they give us additional funding if our numbers have decreased they actually take some funding from us for the remainder of the year so there's a correlation of numbers based on funding they go hand in hand correct and that's why we need to make sure the kids are coming to school yes sir and last but not least and then I'll turn the floor over to Deputy Mayor Hearn is could you elaborate on the mentorship program please sir so two types so student mentors or because we have teacher mentors now yes sir elaborate on both please okay all right so we have a lot of or agencies or organizations that will have adults come in and Mentor our students one of the biggest ones is Junior Achievement Jay has a great mentoring program so if you're an adult in the community and you want to give back you can contact Junior Achievement or reach out to me through the school district and I can set you up a lot of our schools have really good um mentoring programs set up so that adults in the community who want to spend a little bit of time you know mentoring a young person helping them grow and mature you can do that through those through those agencies Now teacher Mentor programs uh we do have one of the reasons we feel like we were able to keep as many teachers last year as we did coming into this year is we really supported our brand new teachers last year um we used we have these positions called peer mentor teachers so these are former teachers we take them out of the classroom they were usually Master Teachers we take them out of the classroom and their full-time job is to go around and support our brand new teachers so they'll go sit with them they'll watch a lesson they'll give them pointers they'll deliver a lesson while they watch they work to with them to make sure they're supported well we doubled the number of peer mentor teachers we had last year so we invested in these peer mentor teachers so they would go out and support our first year teachers and one of the things we did was survey our first year teachers at the end of the year last year so this is back in the spring we surveyed our current first year teachers one of the questions was do you plan on returning to Bard Public Schools next year 95% of the first year teachers indicated they were coming back this for this year so that's it's a huge retention rate it's a really a high percentage and and one of the other questions it ask why and one of the main reasons they they cited was the support they got from the district with their peer mentor teacher someone helping them make sure they understand what it is to be a teacher and how to be successful 60% of our teachers have some kind of college degree associated with education but 4% don't so 40% of our teachers are coming into education as a second career so they didn't go to education prep classes in college they never did lesson planning or anything like that some of them are maybe an engineer who now wants to teach math or maybe they were a physical therapist now they want to teach biology so they haven't been trained as teachers so one of the things those peer mentor teachers do is help them learn what it is to be a teacher so investing in those peer mentor teachers led to a 95% retention rate of those first year teachers pretty good yourself thank you very much sir Deputy Mayor Hearn yes uh first off thank you uh for coming here tonight and presting this information to us um certainly hope you come back again um and you know we can work together on some of these initiatives um one of the things I wanted to ask uh we know Statewide especially in the the Elementary grades uh we've been having an issue with reading levels um and just from my observation here in Coco we've experienced an flux of Hispanic families and uh so my question is uh are there are you guys taking a close look at increasing the number of Esau Specialists and reading Specialists within the schools uh in Coco yeah so two ways we're attacking that first we have a districtwide literacy plan that's really founded in phonic a few years ago we went not just us but everybody across the country and in Florida went away from using phonics to teach reading and we did this thing called whole language and I could spend a whole hour explaining what that is but basically it wasn't using phonics like we probably all learned how to read when we were in primary grades so we're going back to that and that's a it's a really effective way to teach the basic concepts of reading even for someone who has English as a second language so this districtwide program that all of our primary grades teachers so prek kindergarten first and second grade they're all going to be using some of these strategies they're getting a trained on how to use them and use them it's a districtwide reading program and it's backed by research so that's one thing we're doing going back to the basics and how to teach reading the other thing is again funded by that discretionary property tax millage thank you voters for doing that we've hired additional instructional assistance in the primary grades so all of our schools are getting additional IAS or teacher assistance in the primary grades K1 and two some schools get more based on their need so some of the schools that you talked about probably are getting more of those instructional assist assistance than schools who don't demonstrate quite the same need if that's answers your question yes sir thank you for that okay we have any additional questions for um superintendent rendo yes sir um I know you brought up the attendance is the school board interested in partnering with the city will coming up with some sort of a um a program um that maybe both of us can help fund because I know money is always tight for everybody but if we can do something um maybe top 20 kids top 50 kids they receive uh some sort of pizza or WWA gift card or whatever we come up with um cuz I know we got to do that at church all the time to get the kids to come to to a vacation bible school we got to give them free something and so um if if if you are if you think that's something that that could or you may already have that going on I'm not sure but maybe we can help facilitate some of that too question is very timely because just last week we met with some leaders in South in South Melbourne and South bravard about doing the same thing with four schools down there so the principles at those four schools shared what they're doing to improve attendance and then those community members thought about ways they could jump in and help with that so one of the things that we came up with at that meeting we can easily bring to the city of Coco is some awareness campaigns that we can put out in the community some of the some of the leaders in the South area are going to do it at their churches but some literature that shows one day mist of school equals this much learning loss two days missed of school week you know so there's some some information that's already out there and generated to create kind of a an awareness an acute awareness that like missing a day doesn't seem like much but one day equals this much learning loss two days and so it starts to add up and you start to realize no I need to make sure my kid goes to school every day kind of thing so that's a kind of a campaign they're going to do and then they're going to fold in with each of the schools to see how they can support their initial their their in school initiatives but we can easily do that here too we can put pull some people together and do that okay he' love to do that okay thank you thank you very much Deputy May uh real quick uh recently I I read an article uh stating that they're looking at uh implementing space force RC's uh within high schools I don't know if you guys had that conversation but if you did please keep Coco on the you know in that conversation with you Space Coast Junior Senior High has a space coast RTC it has to be an Air Force Affiliated RC we have Army at CoCo high right but don't worry we'll take care of Coco we thank you appreciate that yep okay is that it sir okay let me commend you sir for 95% of the the teachers returning from last year 95% of the first year teachers yes sir but that shows you the correlation of commitment the up incoming generation because knowledge is power and to maintain our level of academic Excellence is imperative for our community and districtwide so I'm saying that report that you do have the first year teachers because now they'll become second year teachers and we have continuity there and that's the most important thing they just can't leave the profession and go be a mayor they need to stay in the class yes sir well I did both as you know I did both simultaneously but we thank you for coming forward and enlightening Us in reference of our academic achievement here in bvar County I would also like to recognize the Chief Operating Officer uh Rashad Wilson is also in the audience uh superintendent uh right-hand man there uh let's give him a round of applause but thank you Dr rendel because you're taking care of our most prized possession that is our children they are today's success but tomorrow's future so appreciate invitation come back anytime thank you sir sure thank you very much appreciate it okay let's give Dr Rendell a round of applause and Dr Rendell I will be remiss if I didn't acknowledge your lapel thank you for showcasing your coko lapel sir very much all right this concludes a Wars and presentation um we will proceed forward to delegations first on the list is JB Denis good evening everyone JB Dennis 3710 Carolina Drive uh the first thing I want to get behind me is a lot of my supporters saying I've been mean and aggressive at these meetings and my presentations so from the bottom of my heart I like to apologize if I anyone in the building and the business at hand I'm quite sure everyone has a copy of my second petition including the City attorney on the second page of this petition is what I call a memorandum of law to update the city of coko about the homeless crises I came up with one idea of the 400 block of Main Street street from my old Cemetery for a tent city and I also submitted an estimated cost of $177,000 by putting four portalets or surveillance cameras a whale a billing for DCF to do out come out and do counseling and for security and uh all that's been rejected so far but uh I'm asking in a respectable manner that this petition be heard on the agenda and I quoted the first amendment of by freedom of speech on these issues so I'm respectfully requesting that this petition be placed on the agenda for discussion and if anybody got any questions or anything they want to say like last time I was here somebody had some comments while I was on my way out the door in heard apologize for that did you leave a copy with the clerk all of you should have to have a copy yes including the JY CU I submitted a memorandum of law this round thank I got it okay you get it okay well I got one final question for the mayor when do you think we can get this petition on the agenda for discussion because we can't solve nothing under delegation at three minutes I will collaborate with our city manager and I do believe in due process and we will proceed in that protocol manner thank you very much all right next miss pamshire good evening I'm pamaya I just wanted right quick I wanted to thank you Mr Mayor uh councel City staff uh city manager and our Elite over here our police chief our fire department and everyone else right quick um you guys have done a fabulous job uh we always don't agree okay but um we do come together in a collaborative Manner and we listen to each other and you respond and I thank you for that um I've seen great changes in the city since I've opened up uh my businesses here and all in a positive way and you guys continue doing the great work even though we always don't agree that's okay that's what makes us all human and our rights okay but um just again thank you very much and uh continue the great work and I look forward to all the um new ideas and things that are coming to the area and uh together we will make and continue to make Coco the best place for everybody to live work play okay thank you guys thank you very much man U next will be Mrs Margaret is it g delok or gold delock apologize if I mispronounced your name it's okay good evening my name is Margaret golock and I'm here to introduce myself to counsel and staff I'm a 20-year resident of Coco and a four-year resident of the city of Coco recently I have purchased a property that has been distressed um I am the owner and manager of two property the first one is 1803 North Indian River Drive Angel Hill and then the new property at 1808 Manor Drive Angel Manor um I'd like to say hello to Mayor Blake and to Stockton and to the code enforcement officers who may be here this evening Mr Augusto Ruiz Gonzalez and Mike fuler who I've had the pleasure of meeting uh repeatedly in the last couple of weeks um typically when I come before city council or commission or other boards I come to speak regarding property rights and I will touch on that this evening um I also wanted to introduce myself to my councilwoman Lorraine C who I have not had the pleasure of speaking with in person um I wanted to let the council know that I am making a significant investment in the property in the city of Coco and I would invite you mayor Blake to return to Angel Hill and see what we've done to improve um absolutely absolutely I'd like that for that to happen typically when an individ idual purchases property they look at two things they look at the crime index and they look at the quality of schools that a community has and I think that the city has done a good job since 2018 when you were listed as one of the most violent cities in the nation but I still think that we have a ways to go um I would like to have a conversation with Council about that um as far as the last couple of weeks are concerned um I think that the city is doing okay but I also think that you can do much better um I will be back before Council to address some of those specific issues in the meantime I thank you for this time we count it all to it ma'am um we'll make sure you get my business card and we'll proceed from there thank you sir yes ma'am thank you cie and welcome next will be Mrs Donna rner ker excuse me Donna katner or Kathy Klein okay oh can I wait till our item is up okay okay which I is that public hearing number one 6-1 of course you can ma'am thank you you're welcome it what's written is delegation so it's no worries no worries okay um okay we is it Golder 40 deres there's your excuse me your name by this card oh it's going I'll tell you what I can get up that was good she's my neighbor I'll just I wrote down a few things and I know there's other people that are going to be speaking but my name's if this is regarding the first public hearing item the appeal of the board of board of adjustment decision then those comments need to occur during that item because of Quasi judicial proceeding so you're speaking on behalf of Mr go beer well I'm speaking on on I was didn't know that I could speak during the de also besides delegations but so I'll just wait then not on not on that particular it you can speak on the delegations but just not on okay my name is Donna ketner uh hello Mr Blake hello gretings greetings okay um I just wrote down a couple of things um historical Coco Village is at a Crossroads it's struggling to balance their need for visitor dollars with the quality of life for residence and maintaining a desirable and a sustainable environment for all 42 years running my store I have never blasted music outside for every passer buyer passer buyer to hear it we have a noise ordinance for a good reason but it's not being enforced unless we call I bought my house some 30 years ago in the village it was built in the 1920s I have poured a lot of money for improvements to keep within the historical standards my backyard is My Sanctuary a place of peace and quiet I I would never have purchased my house if there was a bar lounge with loud loud music outside my house that I can hear on my front porch and inside my house I don't think asking to maintain my quality of peace and quiet in my home is asking for too much for everyone should be able to come home to one's home and enjoy it and escape from the outside world we live in this is why I'm here tonight this Council should be making good decisions on protecting the rights of the residents who live here unfortunately many of my neighbors could not attend because they are out of town I thank you for your time and please protect us from the noise pollution it's not good for our health and I have a question how many of you live within the area of Coco Village to have to put up with the noise you are all I'll open up whatever you like to drink you are all welcome to my home so you can understand where I'm coming from we can sit on my front portch I heard every brick laid in that property that wants to have a bar that's before there's speakers music or anything else takes place so I am asking this city council to understand that I live in Coco Village and I do have more than the 3 minutes cuz I took goon's time and I took Kathy's time but it is a great concern of mine I have lived worked and played in this Village 42 years my business has been here over 30 years living here I am part of this community and I have major concerns to keep this sanity of peace and quiet to have a place to come home to and have peace in my life and I can't do that if I can't if I put a pillow over my head and I still hear the thumping coming from George and dragon thank you ma'am okay thank you thank you for listening and I know you'll be back yes ma'am okay um um this let me make sure do we have any addition cards from delegations Madam clerk no sir thank you very much this conclude this portion of delegations and we will proceed to consent agenda item what are the wishes of councel to approve okay we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and a second by councilman G just going to call the question all in favor of saying I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to public hearing there's a number of cards here this is the sensitive topic and I'm asking everyone to use proper decorum please be kind and respectful to each other it's okay for us to agree and disagree and still be civil all right proceeding on to item number six-1 public hearing consideration of an appeal of a board of adjustment decision approving a special exception for a bar or lounge in the cb- CVO zoning District in the Coco Village subdistrict in accordance with appendix a zoning article 11 section 13 C and section 22f of the city of Coco told the city council shall conduct the appeal hearing in accordance with appendix a zoning article 18 section one now esar gargan will talk to us about this particular item um we will also have we have a presentation if I'm not mistaken as well Mr city manager and also be mindful that May 15 2020 4 uh pnz approved this special uh exception and I will surrender the floor to uh esar gargan sir okay thank you mayor I just would like to make a few introductory remarks the council hasn't had an appeal of a board of adjustment decision in some time as you know special exception hearings are Quasi judicial proceedings that means Council serves uh in a similar fashion to a judge rather than a legislative body that makes policy decisions uh because the hearings quasi judicial each council member as the council is aware must approach its duties in an impartial unbiased and fair manner with without any prejudgment of the issues generally the strict rules of evidence don't apply but this is a quasi judicial evidentiary hearing where the council will consider um uh evidence and weigh that evidence and and make a decision um an appeal of a board of adjustment decision is denovo that means it's a a hearing a new while the board of adjustment May have rended a decision the council will consider this application a new and and consider fresh evidence presented by both the Appel by the appellant the applicant as well as any other interested party the applicant in this case is Farm commer Inc uh they received approval of a a special exception for um alcohol beer and wine uh sales as a bar or lounge with conditions uh that the board of adjustment put in its uh findings um special exception is a use that would not not not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout the zoning District or District but which if controlled as to the number area location in relation to the neighborhood would promote the public health safety welfare morals order uh Comfort convenience appearance Prosperity or general welfare um the council does have authority as I mentioned to hear this appeal in this case the appellant uh bringing this appeal forward is Alec Greenwood he's timely filed an appeal of the special exception decision from the board of adjustment uh Mr Greenwood is a party agree under the city code and uh because he lives next door to the fbar property this appeal hearing is an open record hearing meaning the applicant and interested parties uh May testify and provide evidence um the council's consideration of the final decision um will be made after all the evidence is um considered by the council because it's a quasi judicial hearing um on appeal uh from the board of adjustment as as the council's aware there's certain code of ethics uh Provisions that apply um so just for the record I just want to uh have the council respond um to the best of council's knowledge you're not aware of this uh a decision on this application would inur to any of the council's a a special private gain in other words the council none of the council members have any special Financial uh gain or loss uh from from hand handling this appeal no sir it does not affect me I would like to he would like to hear from everyone uh councilwoman cost ma'am are you there it doesn't it doesn't impact me okay Deputy no impact to me okay uh councilman G no okay thank you sir and no for again all right um you know in addition as again as quasi judicial so um each council member is um feels comfortable that they can render an unbiased and impartial uh decision regarding this uh appeal without any prejudgment coming into this meeting that is correct okay for myself uh councilwoman cuse yes that's correct Dey Mahar yes sir okay um uh Council MCG goens yes okay okay and in cases like this sometimes count uh interested parties including the applicant and appellant may reach out uh to council members to try to discuss um this particular appeal so under Florida law any exart Communications that Council may have had regarding the merits of this particular application with somebody outside of this meeting need to be disclosed um and mentioned um on the record so to the extent that you had a conversation with an interested party including but not limited to Mr Greenwood um you need to state that for for the record okay for myself I did have a conversation with uh Mr Greenwood I told him to be an attendance so he can hear my decision but that stops right there I had a conversation with Mr Greenwood uh prior to this meeting today um short conversation just uh notify me of the item me go I had a conversation with uh Mr Greenwood as well uh also the owner uh I visited the site um maybe two two three months ago I say maybe two months ago as well uh just to see it um and I talked to the owner so those those two people okay and um I did talk to Chris the owner hi scale I did have a conversation with him maybe about 3 months ago over the telephone um but I did not render a decision I just just declare for the record councilwoman call ma'am yeah and I was notified about this by Donna ketner um we had had an Ever brief conversation because I was actually on my way here on in Minnesota this week so I have been in the area several times I know several people there and I'm you know aware of what the restaurant looks right like right now I've also been pring to numerous conversations um at my hair salon where people were talking about it um those are people those are people that live in the area and have strong opinions okay okay sir so that I have not spoken with Alec Greenwood you did or did not she said she did not I have not okay yes ma'am you bless you okay so sir so so so the C the council's EXP party Communications are disclosed for the record to the extent any interested party has any questions regarding those they can raise those at the appropriate time during the hearing um the the the appellant process will go in this order the appellant Mr Greenwood will have an opportunity to make a presentation then staff is going to give a background presentation regarding uh this matter the applicant will then have an opportunity to present and then uh of course any interested U member of the public in attendance may present uh before the council um the council can receive reive both verbal and written comments uh regarding regarding this proceeding and then um at the end we'll wrap up with a very very short rebuttal opportunity for the appellant the applicant and and staff to address um any issues that they think need to be addressed and of course you know along the way Council can ask um questions um of the of presenters to the extent that you uh feel that's necessary and then lastly one one little protocol before the hearing begins um with with the appellant um I'd like to swear in any any person that's going to testify and uh offer any factual or expert testimony um during this proceeding in group um so I can just do it one time um if you're if if you're going to present tonight um any factual testimony or any expert testimony other than any lawyers that may be here representing clients can I ask you to please stand and I can swear you in yep so so those that are going to be if you submitted a card yes yeah I would just go ahead and swear everybody in just for the record because this is an evidentiary hearing so raise your right hand and just repeat after media firm tell the whole truth nothing but the truth to helpy God okay let the record reflect we had a group swearing in of those that are going to be presenting tonight so Mr Mayor at this point it would be appropriate for the uh L Council has questions for the appellant Mr Greenwood to come up and give give his presentation okay excuse me time limit sir not for the Appel well I mean we could if the council we we want some well I mean that would TP ordinarily let's say 10 minutes to start for the app I'm I'm going to be short because I'm GNA have uh 10 minutes goes by fast mrw I said 10 minutes goes by fast well it's probably not going to take that long because I'd like to introduce the Pres the people that's going to make the presentation that gives all the documentation but I wanted to do exactly what is required in order to follow the proper procedure that's all but while I'm up here I'd like to make a a question was there any expar communication with the board of adjustment before their decision do you know or is that appropriate I mean I think that was a question for the board of adjustment at the at the hearing um I was just tonight is a denovo hearing I mean it's a new um you have an opportunity to to present whatever um you know case you want to present all right and again you are you are the appellant yes sir and then the group that's with me it's also is in the room this is uh attorney Joe Caruso he's going to start the process I'm going to put the easel up and then you'll be uh also hearing from uh Glenn Kemp the appraiser and also Charles Steinberg uh I don't know what order it's going to be but they're going to be making the major presentations and then the rest of the Public's going to want an opportunity to talk so let me get the ease up for him so we can get it started huh okay we'll start the clock want your easel set up yes sir let's hear from the attorneys first if you don't mind and then we'll proceed in the card order fair enough yes ma'am yes sir please nod your head if you saying yes please ma'am or please sir thank you we need to move it up there in front of it guys help [Music] to you can come around yes thank you ma'am and you need upside down there we thank you can you see that right this pivot toward us a little bit more yes the gentleman that's Sir with the gray suit on um um sir that's sitting on the front row could you just slide over Mr King would you just slide over please thank you thank you County everyone one moment Esquire Caruso please good evening uh mayor Blake and even members of the city council um my name is Joe Caruso uh I represent the appellant and uh the group of um a budding land owners uh to the property in question I am a lawyer obviously I've been practicing law here for 57 years my office is across the street Suite 104 behind the uh post office building and um tonight um my first witness that that I would like to present on behalf of the appellant is Glen kimp Mr kimp is a licens certified appraiser licensed by the state of Florida he has been uh doing uh appraisal work for over 40 years he uh um has um been recognized uh by the courts of Florida as an expert witness in appraisal and valuation matters and uh he has also been recognized by the board of adjustments uh throughout Central Florida as being an expert witness in that same area so I'm going to offer the testim of Mr km as our first witness on behalf of the appellant and he is going to address you with regard to the impact on the if this if this variance is approved by the city council the impact that will occur with regard to the ab buding and surrounding Property Owners to the property in question I have prepared a demonstrative Aid and I can we're good sir Esquire I'm good de you good councilman go yes sir de you good sir I'm good to go sir sir yes sir Zoom it in I prepared a demonstrative Aid which shows um Township 24 range 36 section 33 which is the area in question and I have prepared um color coding showing the location and ownership of the property and uh it identifies uh some of the owners of the property and others that will be testifying uh for you tonight the first thing that I would like to point out before I call the Mr kimp is this is the property in question it's in yellow so it is located in this spot here abing that property is in red that property is owned by Tom wden and it was purchased in uh 1999 and there is a total of 35 rental units and residents in three buildings on this parcel that's marked in red the property that is marked as 640 Bard Avenue which is um ESO sir could you speak to the mic please sir I'm I'm sorry okay no fou go ahead sir okay the property that uh you now see that is marked in three colors has got three owners the property owner that is in purple is um Julie Meyer uh she has owned this property since 2005 the second owner is Alex Greenwood and it is shown in Orange and Mr Greenwood has owned this property prior to 1984 and the third is the property that is owned by Charles Steinberg which is here and he has owned that since 20 07 all of these properties are occupied by tenants and they're residential uh properties the the property that is shown here in green is owned by judge Nancy Maloney and she has owned that property since April of 2002 the other properties that are shown in blue are owned by Shan Roberts Kevin Raymond and Donna ketner and they have owned these properties since 1996 2020 and 1994 and incidentally Uh Kevin Raymond is an airline pilot so he has to make certain that uh when he's getting up early in the morning or late at night to go to the airport to fly um all of his passengers safely to the next destination that he has peace and quiet and can enjoy a good night's sleep in order that can he can perform his profession to the fullest extent so I'm going to now turn it over to uh Mr kimp thank you sir can I bring uh some copies forward do I get we we'll get it so just give it to Mrs singer real quick give it to miss singer what yes we we want to make sure that gets entered into uh the record yeah I will thank you okay so my name is Glenn Kemp I'm a uh State Certified General appraiser uh I have been an appraiser since 1985 uh graduated University of Florida uh majored in finance and real estate um I own my own business Kemp uh valuation uh Services LLC uh I have worked at the Orange County property appraisers office where I was in charge of all the Office Buildings uh for two years and then all the industrial buildings for six years and uh I've also worked for Valley National Bank as a commercial review appraiser and I will be starting in October as a special real estate magistrate for Orange County um having said that and I've lived in Bard County for 37 years um the handout that I gave you and I want to apologize for not doing my homework I should have printed quite a few more copies I didn't know how many people would be uh present um but uh I'll go over it quickly I'm not going to belabor things in the interest of time the first two pages of the handout uh are photos uh the first page depicts the uh uh the old Florida Barber Shop which is the front unit in this building the second page depicts the uh uh what is referred to as the Backyard Bar uh which uh was just recently completed and it's my understanding they had a soft opening on Saturday uh I was not present for that um but okay so moving on to that this is a 10-page document I'm going to hit the high points uh page three is critical because what it does is it summarizes what I'm going to discuss and it's I'm going to make it quick um I'll read those items I'm not going to read this thing verbatim though um Coco Village neighborhood description North versus South District uh this is the first item I'm addressed uh number two is importance of proximity to positive and adverse influences how that tends to affect marketability and marketability I'll get into in just a second what is marketability uh in a re what is it in a real estate valuation context it is not marketable title as uh perhaps uh attorneys would uh uh uh indicate um that also uh how adverse influences can affect market value and I provide and I'm not going to go over it in this hearing but I provide in the written document that's going to be entered in uh an income approach example uh of how a property such as the apartment complex directly north of of uh the uh bar uh could be affected the the property value okay um let's see then uh I talk about the uh uh I summarize the approved uh I called it a special variance it's really a special exception I was corrected uh on that um uh the property use restrictions and of course the floor plan that's in the document that we received uh from the city of Coco um the uh then the next topic number six is proposed Bar Lounge compatibility with surrounding and nearby properties and then finally a a summary and and a brief biography which I kind of went over already um okay I I think I don't have to probably everybody present is uh sufficiently familiar with Coco Village to know that it's it's a a good way to describe it as the north half versus the South half if you approach it from 520 going through that uh entrance way you know Florida a um what you have in the north half is more of the retail commercial properties including the bars and restaurants but as you proceed for example further down Bard uh you start getting into what I would call a mixed use commercial and residential district so the character changes as you drive south and keeping in mind that uh the bar and the surrounding properties are in the southern half of of this neighborhood all right now I talk I briefly talk about an example of what is a negative influence and I'm not going to go into heavy detail but suffice it to say that uh I own a home right now um uh at Panther Ridge which uh is north of Coco on the west side of US1 north of 528 okay uh I bought that home four years ago pre uh I looked at some other locations because I was commuting to downtown Orlando and I wanted to live in Bard County but be close to 528 okay so I was living in Fern Meadows before I bought that house I took a look at uh another subdivision that was nearby okay uh and that was let's see I got it written down here uh Adamson Creek okay uh Adamson Creek was problematic because I visited there several times and uh noticed uh the smell of the landfill and quite interestingly years ago uh probably 25 years ago I appraised the expansion of the Coco landfill okay I even spoke to a gentleman with a church up north that bought uh a lake adjacent to this property and the lake was polluted and he didn't know that uh and he was not told that when he bought it um whole another matter but uh you don't want to buy a home anywhere near land sir could you wrap it up for us please sir okay yes sir okay well uh let me just conclude then I'll conclude with my final statement okay uh I I make several other points in here but uh the my question is and I'm stating that based on my professional appraisal experience with uh thousands of appraisals I've done both residential and Commercial over over my long career as an appraiser okay that there's no way that this bar is compatible with the adjacent property it's that is my professional opinion okay uh so what direction does the city of Coco want to go with Coco Village do you want to see a strip indoor outdoor bar along Bard Avenue or do you want to preserve the rich historical Heritage and residential character of the South half of Coco Village okay u i I would assert to you that the added value of the bar from a tax-based perspective is far outweighed by the impact on the tax base for the city of Coco and the surrounding properties uh it's a poor business decision uh I I'll wrap it since I'm out of time thank you very much sir thank you yes sir okay um Mr esar kuso did the lights get just me you only need this if you're up here yes can we check the lights please ladies and gentlemen members of the city council our next witness will be Charles Steinberg he is shown on the demonstrative Aid as being an AB budding land owner and has three three residential uh units um he's a long-term owner of the property uh Mr Steinberg is a lawyer Mr Steinberg has um served on the board of adjustment for the city of Coco in the past friend in the current time he is uh a member of the board of adjustment in the City of Winter Park so he is knowledgeable not only as a property owner butting this but also with regard to the legal issues that are involved with the impact with regard to this variance being granted Mr Steinberg thank you Joe uh may I also add that Mr cruso gave me my first job as a law clerk too many years ago uh in any event uh may it please the council uh ladies and gentlemen my name is Charles Steinberg and uh through 640 Bard Avenue LLC I own three condominium units in the adjacent building to the 638 um and I have them currently leased out they're their their offices uh my uh I have two tenants and they both operate uh one is a counselor and the other one uh they operate a children's Counseling Service they've been there for 11 years called Kinder Consulting so they they treat troubled kids uh I've been a lawyer uh for since 1978 uh I'm also a licensed real estate broker I also taught the real estate course for people that wanted to get their license I'm on the board of adjustment that I chair for the City of Winter Park for six years I was on the the Coco Board of adjustment when I lived here um so I ran for city council but that didn't work but in any event the problem that we have here is we have a a uh property that has been used as a uh I believe it was a hairdresser for many years it was a kind of property and a kind of use that was compatible with the district in that it operated during normal business hours it operated inside the walls it was a service that did not create any there was no alcohol serve didn't create any noise uh which is totally different than what's being proposed here actually my understanding is is that the business actually is operating they haven't been approved yet you know we're still in the appeal process so I think that my experience is you need to get approval first before you operate the business as approved later and not come back and try and uh and justify it but bottom line here is you the city code of the city of Coco describes what it takes what is necessary in order for a special exceptional use of property to be granted it's not the the reason why it's a special exception is because it wasn't it wasn't originally granted as use within the district and the and the applicant has to come before the board of adjustment and show why they are entitled to be uh granted a special exception so I'm going to review a couple sections of the code U and this is under article 17 uh section 2D any party may appear in person represented by a lawyer at a public hearing before the board of adjustment well now we're now before the city council uh and the last sentence says but in no case shall the board of adjustment Grant a special exception that in any way adversely affects the public interest this is the key issue here we're talking about the focus being on how this special exception if granted would affect the public interest not the other way around uh this property is located I I'll I'll continue all right okay go ahead sir you got all right we got it we got it sir thank you so yes go ahead all right so the special exception applied for was under the uh section six a bar or lounge with or without a package store this prop this use the entire bar and is outside they're they're they're they're taking a dirt parking lot and and decking it and seating close to 50 people so everything the entire business is outside it's not as if the bar is inside the walls it's totally outside um now the code says before any special exception shall be issued uh the board shall make written findings certifying compliance with the specific rules governing individual special exceptions and there is a through K I'm zeroing in on K K is the important point right here the you the use will be reasonably compatible with surrounding uses in its function its hours of operation the type and amount of traffic to be generated and building size and setbacks here's the key phrase It's relationship to land values and other factors that may be used to measure compatibility there's a general theme here that the city has decided to go through you probably recognize what it is here's the question on the petition that was that every business that wants to get a special exception needs to fill out that this uh business did qu the question K is exactly as I just read it is is reproduced on the petition here's the answer the answer is the existing building already adds an attractive style to provard patio operations will be reasonably quiet and operate very similar to longtime businesses like Murdock timeout the Beer Garden Village Idiot Etc the improvements work in Harmony and cooperation with all these functions while NE increasing land value over the current gravel lot that is fairly useless not one response is not one thing here is responsive to the question that is asked that is in the code that is required to be answered how does it affect the area the neighborhood not you you know your gravel lot being boarded over inreasing proper Val does not respond to the point that needs to be uh decided upon he uses the examples of their beer garden The Village Idiot so on and so forth none of those properties border or in a residential area none of them this is a total that's apples and oranges so it's it's totally irrelevant to what we're dealing with here now here's the here's something that I think is very telling although staff approved of this staff in its last sentence in its report said the following it says that based on the appeal step recommends the city council review the specific concerns raised by the appellant consider additional conditions or modifications to the special exception as necessary and here's the key ensure that the decision aligns with the intent of the zoning code to protect the public interest and compatibility with surrounding uses that word compatibility is in this code in that question and even the staff says it it is totally incompatible as you've heard expert testimony and in that report it's interesting because the name of the business was first the backyard and now it's the farmyard I wouldn't want to live next to either a backyard or far definitely not a farmyard especially if I've been living there for you know however many years that neighbor neighborhood there are houses there that are 100 years old the neighborhood came first not the use the use needs to be compatible with the neighbor not the other way around thank you very much thank you okay um next Esquire um Caruso you have anyone else from the legal perspective sir before I start um allow the cards I would like to call Judge Nancy Maloney and I pointed out the property that she owns earlier yeah iser in question thank you uh Mr Caruso can you hear me okay yes okay very good all right uh I am uh Nancy Maloney I uh have 25 years of practice of law in this community 15 as a public defender 10 child welfare legal services and I was elected to the bench uh some 10 years ago in 2014 and served on a circuit bench for 10 years it was my privilege to do so and I retired on June 30th after 10 years of service I own 112 Derby Street and I am concerned all right uh I am using probably five of the six minutes uh the uh three minutes of my own and I will use three minutes of Janet Roberts all right uh here's the way I see it in granting the special exception for the backyard the board of adjustment violated the special and unique character of the neighborhood the existing uh feelings of those persons in the neighborhood who were vehemently opposed to such a use and it violated existing zoning laws and ordinances and in in essence the rule of law 635 bravard Avenue was zoned as a business with three parking spaces at the rear in dirt and it existed as a small business a barber shop as we know for 35 years the backyard purchased that property with this knowledge now without any sort of approval or opportunity to be heard by the contiguous adjacent and existing property owners in the neighborhood the backyard built out in the three parking spaces that existed at the rear of the barber shop a bar and restaurant with music and seating for upwards to 60 to 80 people in a largely residential bedroom community this does substantial Injustice to those Property Owners property owners who have lived in that neighborhood as Mr K was so pointed out for many years so without asking for permission or approval or going through the proper steps to start a business to build a business like that out in this neighborhood [Music] the backyard just went ahead willy-nilly and built it out built it out now I would argue by analogy to those persons who are here by analogy if you do or want to do something that would be offensive to a person of order orinary sensibilities you would not ask for permission you would ask for forgiveness and this is what the backyard did by building out the backyard without permission without asking the neighborhood and without looking to see if in fact this was compatible with the neighborhood but by evading the questions on the uh permission slips that Mr Steinberg so carefully pointed out now this is something that you should think about because it is very troubling not just what was done but the way it was done this in fact is unlawful what the board of adjustment has approved in truth and in fact constitutes a rezoning of the property that resoning will last into perpetuity and and it allows the backyard to do an end run around the existing zoning laws and ordinances zoning laws and ordinances that we all have the right to rely on think of it for a second how would you like the backyard in your backyard Property Owners voiced their strenuous objections to the Backyard Bar and restaurant at the board of adjustment meeting they voiced their V concerns about noise traffic parking garbage Vermin in a largely residential area and noises incident to the operation of a bar and restaurant in essence the bar and restaurant on this site encroaches on the property rights of all adjacent contiguous and property owners in the neighborhood and to the detriment of those prop property notice owners in the neighborhood and the property owners are grieved and will bearably injured by this unlawful and unreasonable use now we heard from Mr Kemp I ask you to have a look at the numbers that he proposes here he did not mention it he mentioned it was not compatible but take a look at the numbers of how individual proper Property Owners who've owned properties for many years properties that they hold near and dear people like myself and like the others who are here are going to lose value in their property money this also sets a dangerous precedent it invites reoccurrences of this same issue that will come to the board of adjustment come to the city council it invites litigation and it ignores the vehemently voiced wishes of the existing property owners who are taxpayers and are are part of this community this decision cannot stand it is unlawful it is unjust it is unprecedented it violates the rule of law we have produced evidence here that uh the property owners will be substantially and erably harmed we have proved evidence that the board of adjustment did not follow the law and uh we asked the board to do the right thing uh to do what is necessary to protect our very special and and unique Community uh and the people that are there living in that Community thank you very much for your attention thank you judge thank you very much thank you judge Mrs K I took three of your minutes to extend her three minutes is that okay that's fine yes ma'am I just want to get your blessings okay Esquire Caruso come forward mayor Blake at this time um I have one other witness and that's Mr Greenwood but I would like to uh let the interested residents in the area have an opportunity to uh address the council before I call Mr Greenwood okay that's why that's acceptable in your eyes Sir that's okay if the council's okay with that Council yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir D yes ma'am Council woman C okay thank you um Kevin Raymond good evening thank you for uh hearing us um I'm a resident on Derby Street thank you uh the City attorney mentioned a long list of uh things that would justify a variant and uh Health welfare appearance Prosperity I don't see those things being benefited by uh another bar uh so close to the residential area and creeping out of the the downtown Coco area and um it would negatively impact me and my neighbors and uh I hope you see it that way as well thank you thank you very much sir okay Mrs Klein excuse me Kathy Klein or Donna katner um well well I was going to take her why don't you take her time you going to need that much time but I'll take it okay take her time I'm going to pass it over to Pat and she can take come on down Miss Chambers ma'am thank you you're welcome hi my name is Pat Chambers I live at 37 Derby Street my house was built in 1910 I just remodeled my house and got down to the original hardwood floors so noise vibrates off of those floors bad enough I have to listen to George and dragon now I've got a bar 200 ft from my front door 200 yard from my front door just unacceptable and the part that bothers me the most is they went and they did it and then they asked for permission you know what my daddy always said it was easier to ask for permission than it was but it's not so I'm sorry that he spent all that money and all that time should have checked out the rules first thank you very much ma'am okay um Pam sh good evening again I'm Pam sha and I am the chair to the board of adjustments so before anybody throws anything at me um I will tell you Mr Mayor that that was the longest Board of adjustments meeting I ever had we had to take three breaks and I told them please not to tell you because I was in competition with you as to who could have the longest meeting I voted no and I voted no for all of it and I will explain to the audience why I voted no I felt like as a business owner when I opened up my businesses in the Village 16 years ago and the other one about 10 years ago the first thing I did was of course work with the real estate and then I went right up to City Hall and I asked the pertinent questions is my property within the limits of what the city requ Ires can I put the type of businesses I want to put there and the answers were yes okay you know what I was doing and how that worked in this particular case the individual did not do that he purchased the property knowing that it was a house that he was putting a barber shop in with a parking light and it was my understanding and anybody can go back and check those records that that's what that property was owned now I do understand that the property needed help and Architectural to make it useful as a parking lot but you purchased it knowing this and we all have those dreams at 3:00 a.m. in the morning we want to do something else we want to expand our business but we also know that we need to come before go back up to City Hall on the second floor people are very nice and ask them these pertinent questions now I don't think that happened because the next thing I know it appeared before the board of adjustments and here we are today I did go I did go look at that property before on my own before I had the board of adjustments meeting just to see and when I walked around I agree with the residents I would not want 50 people in my backyard because when I come home I am tired okay and that's too close to my bedroom window now I do feel for the property owner because he has spent a lot on that piece of property but he also hired engineering I believe the civil engineer and some other people to look at this property and they all know how the rules work and again opportunities were there to go before the city office and ask can I do this to this property come before the board of adjustments before you make or come to the city before you make and invest in a piece of property okay so for those reasons I had to vote no besides the code led me to that okay Mr Stein yes pointed that out to me and so those those reasons that's why I voted no I'm all for everybody knows in this room I am all for new businesses and growth to this area but I feel in this particular case I'm going to stand behind my vote and it's no thank you very much ma'am okay I have I already did Sean Roberts um this is my last card and that is the the applicant he himself Mr Greenwood I think this will conclude this portion of public hearing mayor counsel staff greetings Alex Greenwood Bard Avenue um I'm going to try to be to the point because a lot of the issues have already been expressed there is some people that cannot be here and I have a letter that was written by the president of the woman's Club am I allowed to read it sure long as you subed for the record I'm sorry as long as you submitted for Carol Pope is the president of the Women's Club um this is the request that you deny the special exception that was granted to allow a bar in this residential like commercial area it is not compatible with the homes businesses churches that are already in this area good planning would limit bars and other adult catering businesses toward the center of the village and along Florida Avenue Corridor this establishment would be especially disturbing to the residences in close proximity due to the emphasis on outside activities since much of the activity will be outside games and seating although laughter and talking would not register on a decimal machine for noise it can be quite disturbing if it's behind your house at night coko police are already stretched thin to patr control downtown including alcohol in this area further would would further exaggerate this problem the community Women's Club at five Rosa Jones Avenue has frequent events and meetings we support keeping this quiet neighborhood commercial area like it is and exists thank you for your cooperation Carol poke um the the big picture here this is not about what this person is trying to do on this project at 63a bar vard Avenue under Farm Inc it's not about this only Point what it really means the big picture is this decision will go with the land this current applicant if it's approved can sell it to another individual that has a 4 cop license that means strong liquor and he could potentially do that because a decision like this if it's approved will stay with the land now this will set a precedent which makes it even more severe because there's other small buildings just like this one that could go under this ordinance that is really a mistake it's something that needs to be corrected because it was done it was altered during another city manager residency and that includes not only these or this ordinance and the others needs to be reviewed and I highly REM uh highly uh recommend that you might want to review the charter for the council as well because this is setting a precedent these ordinances need to be further looked into which includes adult businesses and you need to read about that I'll talk privately after the meeting to you all in reference to what that specific item is um this creates it doesn't go with uh it's spot zoning it's non-conforming um it's uh a couple of times when there was problems with the loud noise in the downtown area uh and a lot of the people don't want to call anymore they're asking me to call because they give uh they get twisted saying oh they're allowed to do that kind of business with people that don't really know how the noise ordinance works so they ask me to call because of the double talk that they get a couple of times I'll bring it up right now uh most recently and I was on the phone with the mayor uh uh um an officer showed up in front of one of the bars that they were too loud and the first thing come out of his mouth was oh you're the one that always calls well I don't think he knows that there's 70 signatures that myself and other people have collected in the neighborhood there 70 signatures since n since 2022 and here it is 24 70 I don't know where they're getting the idea that I'm the only one complaining but that's what what was told to me when he showed up and I had to correct him later he apologized he didn't realize that I said well obviously there's a lot of homework you have to do um the other main issues here is that the severity of this proposal will set the stage for all similar buildings like his up and down Bard Avenue under this ordinance you could potentially see Bard Avenue become a bar from the circular Drive in front of the church all the way to 520 if something's not corrected on these ordinances they're wrong um this also will contradict the current success that coko Village has become known for for 40 plus years I started the first I was on the board and we voted to have this item uh this area designated as a blighted area 1981 I'm showing my age now but I don't care I want to make a point on this okay so all I'm saying is that from that decision to bring people here was the whole purpose we started putting lighting brick landscaping and we finally started having other businesses come here that's what's made us successful and then all the condos that were built okay that's what brought in all this money that the downtown area is getting now and it can be greater in a matter of a year or two with the other projects that are wanting to be here and by the way the other projects residential your five acres that the city owns that's going to be residential the the project that's still under construction by Harvey that's residential that's how many residences are going to be here not counting what's happening at searstown there's nine different four or five story buildings that all residential so what we have been known for is a safe family entertainment venue we're not against music the problem is outside music that's been the ongoing problem with just two bars in the area the outside music is what's causing this issue and it needs to be addressed we've never had that problem before um property values uh the page that Miss Nancy Maloney mentioned to you on page six on the very bottom it shows the gross income of what uh the itemized properties there could potentially bring rental wise all right and that is the before figure and here's the after figure there's a difference of a loss of a, 36,000 or 42% loss that's with reduced rents nobody's going to want to be nobody can live work or play or sleep in an area with loud noise like this in a residential area it just will not work and it hurts your values Nancy has a vacant large piece of property she could put two $500,000 homes and up on that property the uh uh the pilot was in that price range when he bought his house she will not be able to sell those houses if they're not able to use their backyard in a five $500,000 home and up and they can't use their backyard that means she has to sell it for cheaper just like if you look at a house that's not near the dump and you smell the bad smell compared to a house that doesn't live near a dump it costs more money it costs less because of the negativity please look at this and realize how severe that this can be with tremendous property value losses and I'm sure you you don't want to see the opposite happen if this gets approved because there's a lot of property there that could take this same identical ordinance that needs to be corrected and then you can succeed bar Village all the way down and you might want to include the five acres you all own if that's the route you all want to go and I hope you don't because that's the message you'll send if this gets approved it sets a precedent it sets the stage for this to be repeated please look into the ordinances please look into this more seriously this cannot be approved I beg you all look at the facts it doesn't work it it's just that simple it doesn't work thank you thank you very much the GRE could you submit the letter that you read into the record to the clerk please I'm sorry anything else okay are there any other cards uh esad Caruso would you give us concluding statements please sir I I would like to reserve my closing remarks after the applicant has an opportunity to put on U his Cas and presentation he did not submit a card I'm sorry sir yeah the applicant's going just hear yes he can but I don't have a card for him I I see him in the audience but did not you talking about me as the owner yeah yes that's let me guess are you Chris how did I guess that one guess because he needs to be sworn in right he was sworn in with the group swearing in just um however at this time just for the record the appellant introduce three exhibits the demonstrative exhibit will be exhibit one exhibit two will be Mr Kemp's written uh comments and exhibit three will be the Carol Pope memo that Mr Greenwood read into the record so should I present my item before the do you want to present your item yeah before he goes absolutely please yeah okay is that okay is that okay Mr can I present my item before yes ma'am Miss Lucy thank you Esquire thank you see the manager good evening good evening I'm Lucy hio I'm the city planner I presented this item uh for the board of adjustments and I'm here um to present again for the city council members um I want to highlight that a restaurant does is not require special reception uh but a bar and lounge does so that's why I decided to include here a few definitions that we have in our code and I just want to go over the the special exception uh the definition of a special exception that is a use that would not be appropriate generally or without restrictions throughout the zoning division or District but which if control as to the number area location or relation to the neighborhood would promote the public health safety welfare morals order Comfort convenience appearance Prosperity or general welfare if a business owner decides to open and operate a baring Lodge in the Coco Village overl District I special exceptions required before before moving forward with any other applications or permits required by the city so here I just want to show this is the Coco Village Waterfront over district and you can see in the map that we have the sub districts that involve um the Coco Village heart of Coco um Uptown neighborhood and so on so the this particular property the uh we're discussing today 6308 Avenue it is um located in the Coco Village subdistrict oops I jumped too much and it is also located within the Coco Village overlay Central business district so the Coco Village overlay is a sub area within the central business districts known for which additional and supplemental use intensity design and development standards are necessary in order to maintain the special and distinctive character of the area which is an important objective of the comprehensive plan and Redevelopment plan the supplemental regulation applicable to the Coco Village subd District should be applied through imposition and mapping of a Coco Village overlay zoning district and this is what we can see here and uh the property is located I have no way to pointed but it's towards the South Side on the east side of the of the map but here you can see all the the property surrounding they are the same um Coco Village overlay and Central business district so on June 13 2024 Mrs Greenwood the appellant filed an appeal on time and paid the require fees Mr Greenwood who owns and leaves next door close to the property believe he's directly affected by the board of adjustments decision according to appendex a zoning article 18 appeals from the board of adjustments section 183 the city council members will review the appeal as if it was a new case as was mentioned um by the City attorney and explained by him so I request that they please listen to all the evidence and testimony and decide either to affirm reverse ho part or may modify the B of adjustments original decision so the board of adjustment actions approved the special reception uh on May 15 2024 with the following conditions the applicant shall conform to the city of cocon noise ordinance the no amplify music should be permitted the hour hours of operation were restricted to 10:00 a.m. to from 10: a.m. to 10: p.m. and the special reception should shall not be effective unto the applicant has secured a waiver for the six existing parking spaces located in the property and that was the parking spaces that was for the barber shop so the applicant did uh submit for um he submitted for a VAR a waiver I'm sorry he submitted for a parking waiver which was approved by the board of adjustment on the same date also the the another condition that was set by the board of adjustment was the limiting the sell to beer and wine only so he's not allowed to sell liquor and also limited the outdoor capacity to 49 patrons so here we can see a layout um that was submitted so the the the applicant plans to open a family and path friendly outdoor Beer Garden in the rear yard of this existing 9 Acre Site since 2007 this location has houss very professional services including a building salon and a barber shop the new business will c will collaborate with local estab establishments to offer food to his customers so he's going to use all the restaurants in the area to provide uh food to the patrons the applicant submitted a conceptual plan for the 49 seats that was set is also as a condition and you can see the layout for um the business that is being proposed I jump one more oh sorry I'm going too fast here we go so in regards to the the criterias um that um they are provided in a special reception uh that goes a through K I just like to highlight a few and discuss a few that I feel are more important and should be taken consideration today so C criteria B that is related to noise in parking of street parking and loading areas with particular attentions to item a that that will be ingressed in a um sorry I just got lost for a second so the so criteria B is particular attention to also item a from the same criteria that is reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience traffic flow control and access um criteria B also focus in noise um odor and other uh properties they um adjacent to the to this location So based on appendix a zoning article 12 section 1D 44 45 then change building gross floor area exempts the applicant from needing to provide additional parking spaces the city of Coco noise ordinance provides sound levels limits between 700 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. which has been considered by staff to its proximity to a residential area another criteria is f that is for signs if any and proposes steer lighting with reference to glare Traffic Safety economic effect and compatibility and harmony with properties in the district the applicant has not proposed any permanent signage therefore staff FS the criteria will satisfy another criteria like to highlight is criteria I for landscaping the applicant satisfi the landscape requirements through a site plant that was submitted and approved by staff and the last uh criteria K that is for um the use that the use will be reasonably compatible with surrounding uses in its function hours of operation type amount of traffic to be generated building size and setbacks is really to land values and other factors that may be used to measure compatibility the outdoor beer garden will be consistent with it interment bar in year by uses and is expected to complement and facilitate the economic fertility of the Coco Waterfront overlay District Coco Village subd district and I would like to highlight when we make it this analysis we're we're thinking and looking the Coco Village as a whole as show in the map here as you can see with the central business district and the CCO Village overlay District so when we're making the analysis we make analysis based on the zoning so in the lad of appeel dated July 4 2024 the appellant argues in the amended notice and also there was an amended notice to that that the board of adjustment wrongly granted the special reception and he made uh four statements um so in regards to statement a staff found the criteria for granted the special reception were met and recommends the same to the city council as we did to the board of adjustments in special exception cases the applicant generally doesn't need to prove their case instead is up to the zoning Authority that in cases us to show that the exception would harm the public interest the staff believes that with the recommended conditions such as Bing Amplified music and falling local noise rules the special exception will have minimal negative impact so if the applicant is willing to follow the conditions they were imposed and with a special exception approval um we don't believe that will be unissued did you live in our neighborhood excuse me ma'am ma'am please M Chambers please sorry I got to go back one more okay so in statement B in in response to statement B the city has not receive any solid evidence that the business will harm near buy property owners or the public the conditions set for the special exceptions are intended to significantly reduce or eliminate any potential negative impact on the community and surrounding properties and that's why those conditions were set thinking in with the surrounding Property Owners as for statement c as noted earlier City Planning staff made their recommendation based on an analysis of the required required criteria and provided written findings for each criteria the Board of adjustment used this findings as a basis for their decision and approv the special exception with the conditions that was already discussed as for um statement D the board of adjustments review how the new bar might affect nearby residential areas including its impacts on traffic noise and property values following staff advice the port of adjustment set special conditions for the the the approv Pro special exception to address some of the concerns and I would like to highlight them again the compliance with the city Coco noise ordinance is required that has a 65 DBA maximum from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and a 60 DBA from 700 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. also the the applicant here Mr Mr High Cole has um not allowed to have Amplified music on the property his hours of operation is limited and to p.m. and the bar once again cannot sell wine um not sell liquor one only wine and beer and also his capacity was cap at 49 I keep it going too fast so staff recommends that the city council affirms the border of adjustment approval of the special reception for a bar or lounge in the CBD CVO zoning district and the Coco Village subdistrict in accordance with appendix appendix a zoning article 11 section 13 C and section 22f of the city of Coca code with the following original conditions so the special reception should not be effective until the applicant has secured all the permits and approvals necessary for any development related to the special reception such as side plan approval permit should be obtained within 6 months of this approval approval if the use is extended enlarged or expanded additional special special exception approval should be require the outdoor capacity authorized by this approval is limited limited to 49 also the conceptual plan was attached as an exhibit that was considered part of the approval and should be biding Al the applicant accept that minor modifications may be made during the site plan review process to conform to the city code or life safety requirements also set as conditions the applicant shall conform to the city of Coco noise ordinance as discussed before also the hours of operation should stay the same should be limited to 10: a.m. to 10 p.m. the special exception should not be effective until the applicant has secure a waiver for the six existing parking spaces located on the property and that was already approved and the approval should be limited to the sell of beer and wine only and so there's no liquor sales and I apologize for the mistake is that should be should read the city of council not Board of adjustments but any other conditions deemed necessary but council members do we have any questions for Mrs Lucy saying councel do we have any questions for her thank you very much okay we would like to Mr Christopher and mayor I'll um note exhibit four staff PowerPoint presentation exhibit five Council agenda item okay um Madam clerk do you have the request from the city man uh excuse me City attorney as well ma'am yes sir thank you count mail please St your name for the record please hello my name is Chris heol I live at 30 Lime Avenue Rock Florida not too far south of the village here and uh with my partner here we own 638 Bard Avenue thank you sir for is yours thank you sir um please give them 10 minutes please thank you so yes sir so uh I apologize you had he a lot of negative comments and that's probably pretty typical of these type of hearings um uh I think we've been painted in probably the worst light possible by a lot of people who really haven't bothered to check in at all with what this project really is um from anybody you heard so far nobody has come up to me at all as I've been diligently working on this place to ask a single question from me which uh I'm happy to clear up um I I think you'd all find that actually we're all on the same side um no I don't want to have a loud bar either and this bar was not built to be a loud bar um you've heard several parallels drawn between the George and dragon or just Flatout stated that this is the George and dragon this is not the georan dragon this was never intended to be the georan dragon so this was not meant to be a live performance bar whatsoever and I've told staff from the start uh staff being the City Planning Department here that uh I don't even like to call it a bar because it's really not a bar and it's not a bar where people come and and drink and uh you know drink liquor we never even wanted Liquors so those are requirements that the city uh the planning department has agreed to with us of limiting the hours uh limiting the noise volume that was all things that we brought up and worked together over the last year so we've been working on this project for the last year and look at things like is it conducive to the area and is there existing things that kind of support this and you know unfortunately you're hearing there that this is the only bars in the South area of the village that's going to ruin the entire area there's many bars many bars that are directly about one block over including one at the bottom of the residential apartment complex um that's called Rebellion Wine Company if you're familiar with that and it's literally about 50 ft Away From Me Maybe not even that so this is not the only bar and please uh you know I got got my chance to stock so there there's even other bars South here there's uh the oyster bar that's just opening up that's serving beer wine maybe alcohol I'm not sure and even the popsicle s road um River Road popsicle serves alcoholic beverages inside their popsicles um that's directly you know by all the stuff so by no means this is the only bar out there and I again hesitated to call it a bar um so if you look at the the graphics up here this is a picture at night uh we tried very hard hard to keep uh this a very familyfriendly pet friendly area this was designed as a dog bar and the reason why this is designed as a dog bar nobody brought that up just yet is because there's really not a place in an urban environment where dogs can go to have a little bit of fun with their friends uh their Furry Friends um and also play with their families so this is a family bar um we've always designed it as that um I have a 14-year-old I have a 10-year-old um I want them to enjoy and be part of this bar and they have been building this with me this project with me uh along with Britney here and her family too uh let me show you another picture in the morning and I think we did a pretty beautiful job so we put in a ton of money into landcaping here um as you heard the the only Appeal on the docket right now is because of noise saying that we should be shouldn't be allowed to have a beer and wine permit because of noise we've already addressed the noise plenty of times and all these statements that you've heard here were put in front of the board of adjustment as well um and we spent about the same amount of time going through all of that and at the end of the day the board of adjustment did approve our beer and wine license because we conclusively proved that we are if not eliminating noise keeping it well below the the the legal limit so I don't want to be roped in with the George and dragon um we're not trying to be that loud bar never have been and we're not open actually so you heard a lot of comments about you know that there was a soft opening we're not open we're still going through a perative phase so there is no noise there's nothing sorry uh it's hard to hear a lot of the negative things because we've invested so much of our personal time and money into making something good for the city so to sit here for hours and hear negative comments is really hurtful uh but that's beside the case um you know as you see in the middle here uh there's a green area for dogs and kids to play there's misters cooling the patio um we have sun shades to make everybody comfortable and cool and we built it just as the planning department approved it down to the chairs so all the chairs are in the exact layout that we planned and approved for a year um and and this is within the zoning area you know you heard a lot of comments saying this is not a property this isn't zone for it of course it's zone for it we wouldn't be standing here today talking if it wasn't zone for it the board of Jus wouldn't have approved it if it wasn't zoned for it we would have never gotone through planning if it wasn't zoned for it so we are zoned for this um every bar in Koko Village I think and maybe all of CoCo has to go through a special exception process so this wasn't a oneoff for us every bar that serves any sort of drinks uh alcoholic in nature has to go through special exception and so we did the course of it just like anybody else so we've been through you you know the the layers of approval uh Coco planning uh we worked with Orlando Sanford actually to uh work with their planning department to get input from them who said this is the future of bars you know people don't want to go to a smoky bar anymore they don't want to go to a Liquor Bar where like you can hardly hear anybody talk and you come wreaking a smoke out of there we actually have a no smoking policy at a bar it's a family-friendly bar we don't have live music we won't have Liv live music it's not that type of bar it's a place where the residents can go and play and enjoy en their evening and then we shut it down at a reasonable time and we've had a lot of actually a lot of great comments come through so you know while while I didn't bring my half of the city to the uh the courtroom here um you know the the apartment complex next door has been very very supportive of this project um we're actually hosting one of their engagements parties um coming up in October and they live exactly in that building right on that white fence and they've been nothing but supportive and say youall have done a great job we enjoy this as part of our community and we've heard that statement hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times so and it's all documented in our website too we're we're very you know digital uh so we don't have a lot of paper to bang on and scream at you guys we have a lot of like comments on our website saying you did a great job um you know I I can't put all the Instagram posts up there but we have hundreds of people commenting like when's it's going to be open I'm so excited for this so you know these are the things you don't hear because there's a huge Community out there that's probably doing something else right now that can't be here tonight but they would in spirit and I hope you believe me on that uh excuse me got to catch my breath um so besides the bar stuff um you know we're selling beer and wine but we're we're selling beer and wine essentially to keep the doors open what we're really providing is um I'll give you a rundown of activities these are standard activities that we've shared with our planning uh friends over here uh starting in the morning we're going to have yoga in the morning so starting at 10 o00 which is our opening hours we're going to have uh there's already a person in cooko Village who has an indoor Studio it's rather small she she wants to use the patio for her client's enjoyment absolutely we said go for it uh we're having a Garden Club uh I don't know if you can see in the back wall there but we recycle pallets that would otherwise be thrown away and those pallets are now part of our back fence and we're going to hang pots on those pallets so people can actually put their own little gardening idea in there and care for it and watch it grow we're offering this service free to the community because there's really not anywhere else to do that um on top of that we're having dog socials so again with a theme of like this is a dog bar we're going to have Dogs come out they're lease station is at every single table there and you're going to be able to clip your dog in there uh play with the friends we're going to have a policy of like a limited amount of dogs so it's not alloud it's not dangerous and again with the whole thing of being safe for kids um I mentioned the engagement party we also have another uh couple uh Club kickoffs that are going to be hosted at this place um soccer for one we have a little Le soccer team that wants to have their their kickoff here we serve a lot more than just beer and wine uh we have soda all all different varieties chocolate milk you know we we we're really catering to that family environment it's not just people coming and drinking um we actually are hosting a paint therapy class as well for autistic and ADHD suffers so um that's something that we wanted to provide uh we have a friend uh that's an investor into this thing as well minor investor uh she suffers from ADHD and wanted to have some of her friends there do kind of a painting class in order to alleviate their you know anxieties and stuff um you know beyond all the good things that this is doing for the community and that we have mitigated the noise which is the only appeal in this process and you've heard a lot of negative things but those have all been taken care of or at least worked through in the past um you know the negative impact to us for not having The Spar succeed or allowed to actually sell products that make money is that you know our investment of close to about $600,000 at this point would be thrown away um we put a lot of money into this place legally and by the way nobody did anything illegal we didn't just pop up a bar there and start serving beer where haven't even served anything yet um we did it all with planning approval planning oversight and planning concurrence and I think planning can you know has already told you that um you know the the economic impact to me personally would be probably bankruptcy um you know we put a lot of money into this expecting some return from this uh this is a family business that I wanted to pass down to my children uh so I have a 14 old and the 10-year-old like I said uh we have other jobs outside of this to support this place and we've been pumping a lot of money into there hoping for a return on investment from it and you know I don't want to make it a battle of who got the coko village first you know like so so I don't live here for 40 years but I'm trying and you know I want all these folks to hear that if someone came to them 20 or 30 years ago and said you're not allowed to have your business here none of them would be here either so I hope I can invest in the community for the next 20 or 30 years as as well with this being a gem of the community it's not a detriment uh you know it's something good for everybody I think uh despite the the negative impact that's been painted here so um you know the other positive uh impacts that we've been able to offer are six additional jobs we have waitresses um and I'll show you a picture here I think there's uh at least one of them and uh one in the background here uh we're providing jobs to the community U the Murdock's just recently closed unfortunately for I guess I'm not sure the reason but we were able to pick up a waitress or two from their Community uh to bring to ours um we haven't opened just yet but we're giving them job sweeping up and cleaning and keeping it beautiful for everybody until we are given the approvals to open the proper approvals which should happen hopefully any day now um on top of that we have a general manager role that's going to be watching over all this and making sure it's uh running appropriately and within the rules and you know we control all of the volume through careful systems there's nobody tapping in there and pull putting on their Van Halen and Roadhouse rocks or whatever it is you know we have like our our playlist consists essentially of uh like Elton John and uh I don't know some pretty soft rock you know the Jazz stuffs because we want to have people having good conversations with each other and not trying to fight through music so again we're all on the same side here we're not trying to make a loud bar we never want a loud bar and we're working with everybody to keep within compliance for that uh I might have one more picture sorry I'm running out of the breath um and then you know fun games the middle for everybody and that's that's the point we spent a lot of real estate here uh a lot of expense to put this grass in uh it's artificial turf that will be long wearing 20 plus years and uh I hope everybody can enjoy that that's what we did you have any questions council do you have any questions Council mes so one of the questions I had was I know the biggest concern that I'm hearing is about the noise corre so you got the fence on on all three sides right the back is pallets but is there anything in the that that you have another idea to um bounce the music off of like say I'm not going to say a wall I'm not going to sure give that idea but something that stops the noise from getting outside of that yes sir we actually did think about that if you look at the speakers there and uh there's one in particular up there kind of on that pole closest to the picture um that speaker is angled down into the grassy area which is meant to absorb sound so we were very careful with the speaker design not to put the noise up and out of the the Green Space area every speaker that we have out there and there's only a few face directly into the Green Space PE area uh we're actually aerospace engineers uh Britney Works in Aerospace I I work in Aerospace and we spatially designed the surround the sound here and bought very expensive speakers that cancel out the noise to each other so speakers face each other and sonically you can think of you know water waves coming through they break against each other and they they stay where they are so they they crash on that green grass and stay there uh we've had the music going for weeks now to the concern of literally nobody nobody has put any sort of uh noise complaints out there nobody has said a thing we've been letting the music run at the hours that the girls are working and everybody seems fine with it so I don't think there is a noise problem and if there is I would appreciate our neighbors coming in telling me because I'd be happy to turn it down I'm not I'm not a guy that's going to be uh nope I can do whatever I want you know I want to be friends with these folks I really do I really want to be you know part of the community and I hope they give me that opportunity um the the board of adjustments already has and I hope the council can affirm that what what would um what would a change of hours do to you probably hurt pretty bad so going I heard 700 p.m. a few times um I do know they're allowed to go to 10: so we as a counsel we could make a suggestion which would be changing the hours to maybe help cuz I I on that street I'm pretty sure uh people are not standing up to 11 12:00 so so I think that's maybe a lot of the concerns is you know we get home from work we're home at 5: at dinner at 6 7 whatever that is we don't want to hear virtually anything after X time uh is that something that council could do is is have that change of yes yes I I think that would really hurt us and and I'll tell you that we've already crossed that bridge with the planning committee because uh per the zoning laws we we would actually technically be allowed to stay open till 2: not that we want to do that we never wanted to do that but you know the sun doesn't go down in the summer until 7:38 so you're essentially taking out 34 of our year of no business because nobody wants to bake to death in the heat so we're trying to really play nice but keeping at 10 I mean we're we're wrapping up tickets by 9:30 closing at 10: it's not like we're stretching till 10:30 11 or anything by by any means in fact you know my staff is working a single shift um 10: in the morning till about 9 9:30 p.m. close and we don't we don't want to work anymore it's going to burn them out um so I think that would very very very much limit our Revenue um the ne next question is is M Mrs rero about Amplified music um define amplified we um we believe that will kind of help with live music you know if they have speakers were live bands that avoid because the initial um the first concept the applicant had there was actually stage that was being proposed on this property and then he agreed to remove the stage so just to um assure that will be no live bands live music um that we believe it is a issue with other uh locations anything hooking up to DJ equipment hooking up to same nothing that will cover that as well you cover anything that would um that would make the sound travel yeah we're we're all good with that that was never an intention anyways the the little 5x5 stand that we had proposed which is uh the stage she was referring to I'm not sure that's a stage it was really for an acoustic guitar player but as we looked at you know the real estate we have which wasn't much because we wanted to maximize the green area it turned into just seating anyways so it was actually worked out for everybody okay okay that's all I have thank you very much yes uh good evening so a couple points of concerns for me that uh maybe we can get cleared up um the first one is uh you have applied for a permit to basically uh remove your requirement for parking um what is your future plans for par for parking um as we know that the property that people person well currently Park on now that may or it should be becom a hotel in the near future right um and as you know we have a deficit in parking spes in the village um have you thought that part out yet many many months of thinking that through um in this uh we are not modifying anything with the interior of the building we're keeping it exactly as is so there actually isn't a requirement to provide parking in Historic downtown kogo Village uh because most of the buildings there are back to back to back or wall to wall and don't have parking lots um the parking lot here as someone mentioned you know should have made into a formal parking lot was really an ungraded ditch um cars were botting me out there uh there was kind of a a little hobos area in the back I don't know what to call folks they were doing drugs there it really was not uh an area that anybody wanted to be and so we took it upon ourselves to actually invest in Coco Village by making this a nice place where it was Secure for everybody not you can trip across you know the barber shop was even having concerns like we don't want to park there because there's needles on the ground uh and so so we had to do something about that um the the dimensions of this lot here actually made it impossible to make an authorized parking lot we couldn't do it we'd have to go through the same appeal process that we're doing here just to make parking and maybe we could squeeze three spots out of it so just didn't seem like the best use of space um you know the the actual the appeal for parking was is actually for the barber shop believe it or not it's not for the backyard area right here we wanted to make this a walkable Community uh we wanted to get business from the apartment complex next door the new apartment come coming in to the south of us and make it very walkable uh we don't like doing cars as much as possible we both Drive electric vehicles I don't know if that has any bearing on it but we don't want cars we would rather have bicycles and you know one of the proposals that we put before the City Planning Department was to have an electric Rickshaw actually like a bicycle Rickshaw that went from the south end of the town to the north end of town and brought people back by electric bicycle so that you're not having cars flood into the area you're not creating more congestion and traffic you're actually letting people Park where they can and then we would give them a ride on the house for exchange of coming to our place you know so it was a good solution for everybody and we talked through a million different variations came up with the right idea um at our own expense we put in a bike rack and we're planning a lot of uh kind of uh pelaton activities with a bicycle shop that opened up right across the street from us so that's how we're mitigating the traffic issue uh traffic is a problem for everybody it's a problem for us too but we want it to be more walkable and we're willing to take you know the reduction in people coming through in order to make that happen well and my second Point uh councilman Go's kind of alluded to it uh uh different propositions to to more uh insulate your business from the uh the citizens that live around you um does your fence line is that the end of your property or is there a buffer behind the fence uh there is a buffer behind the fence so if you look this way uh you can see back beyond the pallet wall in the very back there there are huge trees it's very very overgrown uh part of that's on my property and we chose not to chop those down specifically to provide a buffer for both light and sound um directly to the right of this property it's mostly vacant space uh um Alec has a parking lot there that's typically vacated at night uh and we're being very careful to stay you know exactly on that property line and build a nice fence that blocks any sound again no sound is pressed towards that side at all uh no no sound goes to the South Side it all stays in the green area there got you um and I don't know if this going to be approved or or um uh disapproved tonight so so as a suggestion I would look at possibly maybe adding scrubs just a suggestion that maybe will help with the noise you me like bushes and things like that bushes oh yeah yeah if you can see along there there we put about $88,000 in landscaping to absorb all the sound we have bunch of leafy stuff everywhere uh let me see if I can find they're just young still yeah you know they're we were kind of at the mercy of um you know what the nurseries had in stock there and being able to plant those but we we have at the front entrance there which isn't shown here uh crepe myrtles and hibiscus trees and palm trees and everything else I mean we went through an extensive landscape planning with the uh City Planning department and came out with those ideas in order to capture everything we can in there so we thought about this real hard we didn't just come in and say we're going to be the noisiest bar in town and piss everybody off we were trying to do the exact opposite it was a very careful thought through plan over a year plus with the planning department in order to make this an achievable goal for everybody um like I said unfortunately you're hearing the negative side of it but there's a ton of positive support in the community for this and people really depending on this as their place to go after they get home with their kids and with their dogs to have a good time and then go to bed NOP it's not not supposed to be open till 2 the clock in the morning we never wanted it to certainly um you I'm a pro business guy so I certainly appreciate that but you know also I want to take in accountability as the residential neighbors around you um so with that being said I'll go to my last Point um I want to talk about controls uh so I seen some of the regulations that was put in place uh what controls and it's probably a gargan uh thing what controls do the council have if these um restrictions are are violated uh by the owner um if the conditions are added to um an approval of a of a development permit then any future violations of those conditions will be enforced just like any other zoning law so could the permit be uh withdrawn at that point from the council or establish not not necessarily the revocation of the permit it would it would allow the City to um get an injunction to enforce the conditions um if the conditions are not satisfied um and violations continue then theoretically the city would be able to get an injunction to prohibit the U the violations of the conditions which may you know depending on the violation could impact uh the ability to even operate gotcha and and the next thing you're going to hear from closing statements is that the georgean dragon is exceeding that nightly um again we are not the Georgian dragon and I we've been very careful not to make that parallel we never intended to be so please don't say that the Georgian Dragon does this nightly so these guys are going to do it nightly too I hope we shown you that this is not not a thing you're going to hear that again no matter what but uh there's no intention to violate any sound we don't want to get fined we don't want to get closed down this is a signific an investment for us we would never do anything to jeopardize that that's all I have okay councilwoman calls Council woman call I think yes I'm here it takes me a while to get off mute um I think all of the questions well I will ask this the property the part of the property that lines up with the Maloney property that is exposed is it I have not I mean I have not checked this out Rec no we are enclosed on all sides except for the entrance to [Music] bardav okay thank you I think uh there's there's actually a fence behind the pallet wall fence believe it or not so there's that additional layer there on top of all the trees and Greenery that we put in you put trees and Greenery on that side as well absolutely yes it's all over the property we put everything we could squeeze in there Believe It or Not i' encourage you to come take a look but it's full and it'll just get bigger as it grows okay thank you I think all of the my questions have been answered throughout all the speakers okay gotcha again uh our livelihoods kind of depend on this and again we're not trying to make any sort of enemies in fact we're trying to make friends with the community um I think vote to repeal this would pretty much bankrupt me I'd be dead in the water um I hope we don't do that to my family and to our friends um I'm not trying to impact anybody's property value and again this is not the bar that's going to do that uh ready throws at the bar word uh hope we've proved this is a gardening club this is a yoga place this is a place for dogs to socialize you know this is anything but a Rowdy bar okay um Cal go y so so uh with that being said um um I don't know what everybody is going to vote I don't know I don't have a clue um so when I yeah yeah go ahead you're good you're good okay um let's clearly identify the pink elephant in the room we have four here four individuals One telephone three present physically speaking so that's four people so Esquire gargan just just for the record if it ends in a two t two two tie I'm just saying um then the affirmation will stand based from the board of adjustments correct the the code on appeal requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the city council so that's that's three votes and the council has the authority by majority vote to affirm reverse wholly or in part will modify the decision so um you I would encourage the council to deliberate to try to you know reach a majority one way or another but you know if the council ends up in a tii vote um the council um would not reverse the board of adjustments decision which ordinarily is final unless appeal to you know to the council so I would imagine the board of adjustment decision then would uh remain in effect okay and and can can can I give my perspective yes sir okay um being a lifelong resident of Coco and I had a telephone conference with you before yes sir and and it was not in its most Pleasant form correct let's I'm just going to identify the pink elephant in the room I have reservations about the way in which did uh did the construction we had a lengthy conversation um um I do care about the community and the surrounding area I do care about traffic control and traffic safety and the compatibility with the surrounding neighbors and I do have a problem with the relationship to the land values and I do think other factors may be used to use uh compatibility to measure compatibility so I'm just going to cut to the chase I'm not in support of this I'm I'm I 285 pounds and I might be the only one out there on this branch on a 10 pound branch but I I cannot endorse this and I'm just being a man about it and that's what I stand on so I'm just letting you know now I will listen to you councilman going sir well he just killed mine already but so when I give you suggestions is because I I'm I'm not sure on the votes and so when you say no to something it could hurt you as well which could be something simple like I think at Board of adjustment there was suggestions or maybe by um staff about walls about different things that you might have reserves about so when I'm asking questions about times of the end end of the night 7 8:00 it could could possibly help some I understand I didn't want to negate that at all I was just saying you asked if that would be okay and I just said it would hurt uh that was my opinion I I didn't uh you know say that we wouldn't consider anything of course um you just ask if it would hurt and it would uh and and on the subject wall start to interrupt you there we can only do 7 feet at Max we check with the building department that's all the and the fence is 7 feet at Max it is right there even even in the back yeah that that beam right there is exactly 7 ft it's not quite finished yet there's going to be some bars between there as well okay is is is it is 7t or 8 ft the applicant can go 8 feet but the building department will require uh engineering drawings because of the height and the style of fencing I it just to me just by looking at it the pallet fencing in the back is not a sound barrier am I correct about that yeah no right the wood fencing could could be on the side on the South Side I would I would say the you know the fence the idea to to when we requested the applicant to fence the property was the concerned that someone would walk away from the property with alcohol in their hands um I'm not sure if the um with the fence or a wall would prevent the sound from traveling I cannot answer for that so I'm not sure Jen maybe you have a opinion I got you just um from looking at the photos and the the the fence that we approved when um applicant submitted for the fence permit was for a wood fence so it looks like there are variations of a wood fence here on on the um east and south sides um but I would say with the fact that there are slats in the fence and there's spaces between the slats that would also let sound pass through so I don't I think a solid fence you know board on board um board on board would be better would would be more of a sound barrier than what's shown can I can I respond to that of course and of course we can this was actually a suggestion from the building department we originally did propose a board- onboard sound barrier they said because of winds and hurricanes and things like that that we should not do that so we were very careful to check with building and building actually proposed that we do that this so we were falling to the tea of building not that we couldn't undo it uh but there a shadow box fence so there's it lets wind through but it it shouldn't do anything to sound sound still breaks on that gotcha so that was their suggestion a feet yeah okay you done sir yeah and I am concerned about the neighbors there I I purchased my grandparents home and I want to protect their home and you should go be able to go home rest peacefully and have no interruptions and I know they catch enough from Georg and dragon whatever the business may be trust me uh we all have received telephone calls from uh councilman former councilman Alec Greenwood and a host of others and the effervescent M Donna has been here too as well in reference of the noise ordinance and I am standing on that principle itself the compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods and I'm protect that neighborhood because I live along the 520 Corridor area and I live on Blake Avenue and I get that noise daily one time that's all the time and I'm sure along Rosel and other surrounding areas as well so I am going to stand and I am going to ask the councel what are the wishes of councel are we able to re can I make a comment yes ma'am you may able to make a comment oh I yeah I just wanted to and um because I could see some of the designs on the iPad I'm looking at and it really looks attractive it's a place I would want to go to if it were in another location but I like you and in particularly uh you know I was reminded of our comprehensive plan which under the land use element has its objective 1.1.5 neighborhood protection the city shall ensure that additional growth and development will be respectful of established neighborhoods that Define much of the city's character in this case the Darby Street neighborhood that Bard corner of the Darby Street neighborhood very definitely defines some of the things that attracted me to that City to this city I was married at the Derby Street Chapel in it wasn't because there were bars or or or garden bars nearby it was because the neighborhood had that old southern charm and it was quaint and it was just it was just so spiritual but you know I know so when we talk about compatibility I I'm feeling the same way you are and fences I have a neighbor that just moved in we've got a six- foot fence he's decided to take on a landscaping project and he likes a different type of music than I do and it has been I don't think I think it it's probably under the deal levels but it's still it it makes being in my yard unenjoyable when I was working on the garden um so fences don't do a lot to change that but I really think it's a matter of compatibility and the fact that this is a very special neighborhood to us and we're in a boom period we have requests coming in all over the place and the one thing we have not had a chance to do is really look at those neighborhoods that give us a sense of place that Define who we are um and those areas that we need to preserve or at least uh protect um and and curb the type of development that goes there so um again it's a compatibility issue respectfully I just want to respond to that we had been working with the city planning Council for for a year to ensure compatibility with everything they've asked for and and we put a lot of investment to ensure that compatibility uh and we've been guided towards this path so you know we've gone through the planning department approval through Board of adjustment approval through uh a a year plus of of design challenges and Engineering challenges in order to satisfy everything that City Planning wanted so the guidance was in compatibility with both the zoning and the long-term plan and we even reached out to Orlando Sanford who said this this is the future of outdoor spaces this is the future of of bars uh again they said people don't want Smoky indoor bars they're going to leave and you can see that in downtown Melbourne people are abandoning downtown Melbourne because those places are those places like they just don't want to be there anymore and we were very careful to follow all the wishes of planning to make it a special place for everybody within the neighborhood so it it feels kind of we like we did everything we could okay okay um I I will recognize your like councilman G and I'm going to make this tough decision but chair would like to make a motion to overrule the board of adjustments decision and I'm looking for a second and I and I rule okay we will have a discussion thank you councilwoman C and my concerns that I stand on is the traffic flow excuse me traffic flow noise traffic safety compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood the amount of traffic that it would generate so let talk about safety just in essence with itself and the relationship to land values so that is the reason why I will um stand out on that motion and we have a second by councilwoman cost councilman going sir Miss rero so uh I'm I'm reading some of the minutes fromy of adjustments and one of the questions was about the process that the owner had uh prior to starting work and so you stated that he did come before the city with plans um before doing the work and no actually that's not correct it was after he came after he did um begin construction before any approvals okay so he came in order to correct I need to correct I need to correct the narrative there we had a planner in sir sir sir yeah so um okay correct yeah so he needed to go through planning zoning before obtaining building permits so that's why he had to submit for a s plan Amendment and then trigger the order requirements for the parking waiver uh he also had a variance for a special structure uh they got denied on May 15 by the board of adjustments and also to parate as a baring lounge and I just want to highlight If he if he gets overturned here he could have another business but it's just going to impact his alcohol cells he's not going to be able to operate as a bar but you know since he mentioned he does have other you know intend as yoga practice and other things I just want to highlight maybe you know it could be something else could be something else I'm just want to say if he the intent is not to be the bar you know to sell alcohol it could be something else but that the special reception I guess my point is the special reception wouldn't stop him from opening but it will stop him to open as a bar and sell alcohol I got you point taking I think that was one of my questions too but sometimes um in the village you may have uh someone with a um Bluetooth speaker outside to attract businesses to or clients to come in right and so that's what I was going to ask about the barber shop if cu this work is done right and I'm pretty sure regardless of what we do today he's not taking this down and so that was my question my next question was what can he do and the biggest item is beer and alcohol goes away and then he has to do something else other than beer and alcohol which could be whatever whatever that is okay but point of clarification this man started construction without a permit am I correct yes that's correct so so so up front he was defiant let's be honest I got you yeah only point I'm making you you got you you got you got your point on that I'm not not arguing that point all I'm saying is regardless of if that happened or not it did this this pavers are not going anywhere he's not taking a fence down he's not taking a ramp down these things are here so my my I was just making the point he still can do something he just cannot have beer and alcohol at this location right that's that was my point CU I just know he's not I I know how much this cost what he did yeah well I mean yeah you you you commit a crime and you ask for forgiveness later come on now I mean he was defiant I mean bottom line and I will hear I will hear from you sir and then I'mma call the question I I I just I just wanted the community to know who's here their expectation may be something different than what we think so we need to clarify what that may be if we vote no today they need to know what that information is and what he can and cannot do they need to know that right but but but why would you defy the law when you know the rules already why would you be defiant that's just the bottom line you know this you knew this when you acquired that property you knew this when you sign the document you had your intentions already embedded in your membrane so you just blatantly disrespectful you're defiant I mean there are other avenues so that he can utilize his property and and and I'mma stand on that strictly and solely right it was already eloquently stated already so that's what I am going to be on that issue solely I will hear from you sir wait a minute councilman go I just want to make sure you yeah I'm I'm I'm done I just want to make sure that anybody that's a resident that's close to if if today as they know if that's what it is that this fencing these pavers this this ramp is there they just need to know what that is going to look like two months from now whatever that is that's that's that was my point because I don't want nobody thinking that okay they voted no why is it still there because I'm pretty sure that could be a question so I'm making sure that that they know staff relays that information that's that's all I'm doing Mr Chris this sir the floor is yours sir we did not con start construction without consulting planning the planning department has turned over I don't know how many times since we started but we did have a planner in place who got us through this entire process which is a conversation Mr Blake that you and I had an unfortunate conversation because that planner led us to believe that we were imminently going to be approved for this project it was erroneous information but that was the information that that planner had given and then that planner left the planning department and then we got a new planner and so we had invested all this in the understanding and the guidance from that planner that this was going to be imminently approved and go ahead we had actually been given a verbal go ahead I know you don't believe me but that's the conversation you I had over the phone for a long time and I was adamant that I had invested all this money and had put a $20,000 rouer on these pallets uh uh we're we're not flushed with cash this is not a project that just uh flew by us this was the one and only shot we had to make something work and so as I told you over the phone we had procured all the stuff up front and then we had changed planners and then we said they said oh no you have to go through this whole whole long process and we were sitting to lose $20,000 and this this project would have never gotten done it would looked like a hole in the dirt just like it was before can I can I say something I'm sorry to interrupt you Mr let them finish man let them finish and the planning Department's been great and I don't want to put them down at all but we did have a previous planner who gave us erroneous information that led us down to uh again a path we shouldn't have taken but it was there anyways and so we've corrected that since the site plan has been approved which as Mr Goen said this all can stay but that's that's where we started we weren't trying to be defined to anybody and I I think I try to get that point across to you is that this was a lot of money that I was going to lose and I you said you got to got to do what you got to do if you remember that advice oh absolutely and I still stand on those principles I con you said follow the process you got to do what you got to do I followed the process I necessarily so you continue to build without a proper permit and I made that vividly clear to you sir but but I stopped everything as soon and you I'm not going to get in a word of semantics with you here we are we're going to make that I I'm getting ready to make my decision sir okay and and and I do thank you for your quality time sir um anything else before I listen to uh my Miss Lucy and then we'll move forward no sir okay sir Miss Lucy maam I just want to highlight the the fact that he did contact planning zoning before he submitted an application for the special reception but he wasn't clear what the intent of the use was so it was never disclosed the intent was to sell alcohol because in his mind wine and beer was not considered liquor so the previous staff that left our department she had no concerns because she understood from the you know meetings and communication through the phone and in person she didn't know there was alcohol involved and then the alcohol is that what it triggers the special reception for this so that's why it was the confusion from with the previous planner but also also Lucy that's not an approval so so usually our process is you can come in for a pre-application meeting so you can walk in the door you can talk to a planner they may give you their opinion there but that that's not the official answer because you have to submit a an application so you have to submit a site plan application that wasn't done in this particular case until October of 2023 so that starts the official review process once you submit uh the site plan application you pay your fee then staff all staff involved from various departments is then reviewing the submission there so so he may have talked to planners over the course of a year but again officially um this wasn't under review until he submitted that site plan application which was October 15th 2023 and that's when the process actually started thank you very much uh Mr city manager sir Esquire is that it Mr city manager sir sir yes sir Mr City attorney the only point I would make since there I don't know how the council's going to vote on this motion but since there's a motion on the floor um you know to to reverse the the board of adjustment if that motion were to uh pass then you know my recommendation would be that I would draw up a r written order consistent with that decision and then it will come back to the council just for the review and final approval of the written order okay because if if the council is inclined to you know ultimately um affirm then you know staff's report lays out um the findings and um the conditions of that order so that that that would be the written order if it's if it's to affirm stated in the package thank you very much does everyone understand what the City attorney has elaborated on okay um for the record U Madame clerk recite to me please or reiterate what the motion LED even though it's my motion it was a second by councilwoman cost I just want to make sure it's for the record well what I have sir is that uh the motion is to overturn the boa's approval of the special exception for a bar lounge in the CBD CVO zoning district and the Coco Village subdistrict yes ma'am and I also noted for discussion because there was discussion following thank you very much Madam clerk chair is getting ready to call the question all in favor by saying I I I any eyes have it unanimously now esquad gargan you going to give us a written statement sir or yes I'll prepare a written order for your approval at the next at the next council meeting okay thank you very much Chain's a motion to take a a a five minute recess please I need to take a five minute recess all in favor saying I I need a second second thank you second by uh Deputy Mayor her thank you very much you got that Madam clerk thank you ma'am 5 minute recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I need a second please second got a second on the floor by councilman goens proceeding on tonight's item number 6- 2 consideration of a Land Development code amendment to appendix a article 11 section 4A and 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to allow for neighborhood commercial mixed use development and public parking on certain very limited properties within the consent decree area also as the heart of Coco consistent with the substitute cons decree amending the list of permitted and special exceptions uses and number two building types permitted for those certain properties authorized for neighborhood commercial and mixed use developed within the heart of Coco subdistrict of the Coco waterf front overlay number three amending the bulk regulations for single family duplex Triplex fourplex development in the consent decree area number four amending the minimum yard setbacks in this consent decree area pnz approved this August the 7th this is the first reading August the 7th 2024 as for gargan sir sir yes sir put my mic on okay ordinance number 11224 an ordinance of the city council of the city Coke of bavar County Florida amending appendix a article 11 section 4A and 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to allow for neighborhood commercial mixed juice development and public parking on certain very limited properties within the consent decree area also known as the heart of Coco consistent with the substitute consent decree amending the list of permitted and special exceptions for the consent decree area amending the building types permitted for those properties authorized for neighborhood commercial and mixed use development within the heart of Coco subd District of the cocoa Waterfront overlay as more particularly depicted on exhibit a attached here to amending the bulk regulations for single family duplex Triplex and fourplex development in the consent decree area amending the minimum yard setbacks in the consent decree area providing for the repeal of Prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date again this is first reading also a public hearing and um as you know know the the heart of Coco is subject to a federal court consent decree and under that consent decree it does permit um The Substitute consent decree that is does permit the city council to consider introducing neighborhood commercial uses in certain uh certain properties within the heart of Coco area and that's primarily what this ordinance does it does introduce those neighborhood commercial uses in addition uh the public parking use for certain properties um close to State Road 520 owned by the city which uh the city intends to use for public parking to support potential neighborhood commercial uses um in the in the heart of Coco area there's also some technical amendments I think staff has a power PowerPoint presentation so I don't want to steal all of their Thunder but you know this this is uh is rooted in the uh the federal consent decree and you know proper notice was sent to Council regarding the proposed ordinance um and I don't believe we' received any comments so uh it's ready for the city council's consideration mayor thank you very much esar gargan before I turn it over to you ladies uh Mr city manager do you have anything you would like to share with us sir uh no sir we we do have the presentation Mr gargan gave you a good overview so I don't know where you want to proceed from here okay sir thank you very much Mrs city manager ladies Mrs Webster yes thank you and good evening again everyone um Mr Mayor and council members um um I know it's been a long night I'll try to make it quick uh again this is um item 24475 ordinance 11-202 24 this is a zoning text Amendment and as been previously stated it's the consideration of this uh Land Development code amendment to appendix a article 11 sections 4A and section 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to allow for optional neighborhood commercial and public parking on a limited properties to support the commercial uses in the consent decree also known as the heart of Coco uh to amend the list of permitted uses uh to add building types permitted on certain properties designated for this neighborhood commercial and to amend the lot regulations for residential development so the purpose of this request is in an effort to ensure consistency with a substitute consent decree and to facilitate the development of attainable and affordable housing on existing Lots within the consent decree area the consent decree area as many of us know uh also known as the heart of Coco neighborhood is generally bounded by several major roadways Florida Avenue on the East King Street or 520 on the north south Coco Boulevard or US1 on the west and Rosa L Jones Boulevard on the south the consent decree Area Heart of Coco is also a subdistrict of the Coco Waterfront overlay district and the Coco Redevelopment agency it is zoned R 2-10 which is single and multifam with a future land use of low density residential which is seven dwelling units per acre and just as an added point the r210 zoning district is very distinct and unique to the part of Coco um consent decree area so according to the Coco comprehensive plan neighborhood commercial uses are intended to be low impact in nature and serve the needs of the immediate residential area as part of this ordinance the above Lots only are proposed for optional commercial development in addition to the underlying residential use and I'm talking about the the um those lots identified by the red um kind of crossed area on the perimeter of the consent decree those neighborhood commercial Lots shall be designated in appendix a of the Coco zoning code article 11 section 22 Waterfront overlay District in the regulating plan which is a map um uh in the code itself the neighborhood commercial uses shall be permitted either in a single story commercial building or on the ground floor in a mixed use building in which residential is the primary use so still a focus on the residential uh character of the neighborhood the permitted uses will be Professional Services office Gym and Fitness facilities if it's less than 7500 Square ft personal service establishments such as Beauty uh Barber Beauty Shop Barber laundry dry cleaning tailor shops Etc uh restaurants retail stores except automotive and with no outside storage medical and dental clinics animal clinics and Child Care Centers and daycare facilities have been added as an allowable use by special exception only and electronic communication transmission facilities and exchanges will no longer be permitted in the r210 district and uh the uh lot identified to be used for parking the city owned lot that was mentioned is uh on the north side of the map there in the blue hatched area so this amendment also adds permitted building types a commercial mixed juuse building types or for a single building lot designed to accommodate a maximum of a three-story building with commercial office Andor multiple dwellings in any story again where residential is the primary use the single story commercial building on the right is designated to be one story and accommodate a single use office and Retail the technical amendments are being made that will streamline the research process when trying to design for residential development section 4A in the zoning code which is the r210 district subsection e in the zoning code showing lot development regulations is being revised from the chart you see on the left to now refer to the Coco Waterfront overlay District regulating plan in section 22 these regulations may vary based on Street location and building type so the regulating here's a map of the um the regulating plan itself uh is a plan that regulates the front building setback and building types for the Coco Waterfront overlay district and the Heart of Coco subdistrict the neighborhood commercial and residential building types can be found in the table on the regulating plan as you see highlighted here in the the heart of Coco um subdistrict is highlighted in yellow there where you see the allowable uh Residential Building types as well as the new commercial building types and this is an example of the Residential Building type from section 22 again in the Waterfront overlay District guidelines showing lot requirements for a standard house and this is just one of the four examples uh here you can find the additional lot development requirements so the Planning and Zoning staff report covers the analysis of the criteria according to appendix a of the city of coko article 21 section 1G with regard to impact to land use pattern school districts consistency with the comprehensive plan traffic storm water and other utilities and public services and has determined that the zoning text change will not negatively or adversely impact the neighborhood or surrounding areas also the proposed ordinance is consistent with the object Ives of the city of Coco comprehensive plan with regard to Future land use categories Redevelopment neighborhood protection sustainability and Energy Efficiency smart growth principles and Community revitalization Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved this item on August 7th 2024 and now staff recommends that the city council approve the proposed Land Development code amendment to appendix a article 11 sections 4 a and 22 of the zoning ordinance of the city of Coco to allow for neighborhood commercial mixed use development and public park parking on certain very limited properties when this within the consent decree also known as the heart of Coco consistent with a substitute consent decree amending the list of permitted and special exception uses and the building types permitted for those certain properties authorized for neighborhood commercial and mixed use development within the heart of Coco subdistrict of the Coco Waterfront overlay the end the end all right okay thank you very much any questions that's why I was looking at you I know it's in District number one you good with it do we have any questions staff for staff counsel okay seeing none chair we like to close this portion to councel open to the public please come forward and stit your name for us please and submit a card to address these particular concerns on the agenda item number 6-2 going once going twice to you both ladies heck of a a presentation to you both and I want to say thank you very detail concise and to the point clears up all misconceptions job well done being a good and faithful servant for the city of Coco thank you Mr Mayor yes ma'am yes ma'am uh Council mgon your light is on go to approve got a motion on the floor by Council a second by Deputy Mayor Hearns chair gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I and a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 7-1 Council business no brainers approve the current code enforcement lean for property at 7:30 Thomas Lane be reduced to $2,677 dustman point 50 as recommended by the code enforcement board chair like to make a motion to approve take it thank you sir okay we got a motion on the floor by the chair and the second by councilman G chair going to call the question all in favor by saying hi hi I'm coming to you weeks family I'm coming to you eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 7-2 we do have a card from The Honorable Cal King approve the current code enforcement lean for the property at 803 Kenston Drive be reduced $ 4,654 decimal 71 cents as recommended by the code enforcement board I'm going make a motion I'm going get us with the blessings of councel and then we'll turn the floor over to you sir CH like to make a motion to approve staff recomend code forcement and recommendation and I'm looking for a second second thank you Deputy Mayor Hearns Mr Cal King the floor is yours thank you honorable mayor counil it's pleasure to be with you all tonight I'm literally just here just in case you all had any questions if you don't have any questions we're good let's move forward sir thank you sir have a great night that's one fine haircut you got there young trying to be like you sir sir yeah teamw work is Dream Work my brother great my stick like CH gonna call the question all fa saying I any name I have it unanimously thank you Mr Gusto Gonzalez we Bo on my friend okay proceeding on to the most important item number three we don't even have to consider the appointment of the qualified candidate Patricia weeks to fill the vacancy and unexpired term of the city council District number three seat three through November 2024 please ladies and Gentlemen let's give the honorable yours truly miss Patricia weeks a round of applause as she comes down I ask the members of family and friends come forward to as well cuz I see his shirts of black there and green and white and beige and Stripes okay and um yes sir we're going to go down um also um esqu come on down city manager got prove it first oh well that's noin all the favor say I motion okay that's a no brand but we were like with your blessings uh because Mrs uh City CL has to indoctrinate you Ma'am is that correct yes ma'am Wayne yes sir you sir nor give the pen to her but understand that we would be honorable of you to pay your beautiful effervescent wife well I have a question I got an answer so I was 20 years in the military and we would tack them on you just I think we have cameras now okay do I stand here to get your unofficial copy because I'm to after okay if you'll raise your right hand for me please repeat after me I do solemnly swear or affirm I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Florida and the State of Florida that I will observe the provisions that I will observe the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the charter and of the ordinances of the city of Coco of the city of Coco and that I will Faithfully perform and that I will Faithfully perform and discharge the duties and discharge the duties of a Coco city council member of a Coco city council member upon which I am about to enter of which I'm about to enter thank [Applause] [Music] you come on this side yeah get your cameras out ladies and gentlemen sure I can't tack it on no than there you go [Applause] congratulations app so much I'm H in front of your H if you sign makes off no man you're a front center so on behalf of the great you know so on beh of the great city of Coco we want to say thank you from District number three Yours Truly Patricia weeks let's give her another round of applause come on there's power numbers come on L and D in everybody can you can you hear me is it okay come on let's take a picture now yes now will make an official picture once councilwoman cost returns so we be efficient amen all right okay let's get in on the front row come on come on come on I'll post these on Facebook give you this oh she oh sheet her the [Laughter] microphone ready two okay I I just wanted to say real quick to all of you who've been so supportive thank you so much for coming out and waiting through this whole evening they have they're just wonderful and thank you to the council for voting me in I appreciate it very much and I look forward to working with you right yeah ma'am greatness awaits you greatness so we thank you very much we thank you with open arms thank you we appreciate you and there's nothing like powers and numbers so you have the support of your family and friends does anyone else would like to say anything my my kids were here they had to leave because of kids I would like to say something councilwoman call councilwoman call yes I wanted to say I wanted to say congratulations Pat and I I would not have miss this for the world if when I got this cheap ticket three months ago if I had known what we were GNA be doing what we're doing tonight I wouldn't have been traveling this day I'm looking forward to working with you and having another woman on the console and my battery is going to be fading out soon so uh have a good evening thank you so much Lauren I appreciate that and I forgot my mom who turns 90 October 1st is watching from Arkansas hey Mom I'm so glad you're watching and got to see this that should be tears of joy absolutely let's give you no no ma'am assume the position well I gotta go get the book they gave me oh okay okay okay anything else Madam clerk we good yes yes I told you she say she's getting a book lot her Council book I'm assuming you go let me give you this only have one from Alex okay no no we're going to bring her in first is the name play on yep all Council would you all please give her a round of applause council [Applause] member number three yeah your chair you got a new let me get this out your way par me that's my are youing on my okay thank you thank you man thank you welcome to team count it all Jo thank you my M saw say that okay um proceeding on to the next item here please ma'am please sir um ma'am um I the record reflect I'm gonna have to get off my battery is I I had a full charge when we started but I'm going to be dropping off in a couple minutes here I understand ma'am thank you but guess what I was going to show you the picture of you and I that was taken along with Council and the Space Coast League of cities but I'll wait till you return okay okay sounds good thank you thank you ma'am all right going um come to the podium Mr U Williams sir you you know I must make me call you by your nickname which but you had to catch myself we do support youth football sir your league you done a pH phenomenal job Dynamic job consideration the donation that's a no BR application for the Coco youth Athletics Corporation in the amount of $11,000 would you like to say anything before we chair calls a motion yeah uh I appreciate the work y'all did on the field you know we got a few more things we need to clean up like you know the bathroom and the concession stand but as far as the field y'all did a good job okay thank you sir all right okay what are the wishes of council wait a minute can I say something gentlemen with your blessings can we let the newest member uh make this she she sitting in on the first night first night yes sir I I move wh I move that we donate $1,000 to the Coco Youth Athletic Corporation second you got a second on the floor by Council MCG CH gonna call the question all in favor by saying I got your first motion you got your first motion completed eyes have it unanimously thank you very much president Williams sir t a pride baby t a pride yes sir moving on to City business item number 8-1 approve the final assessment resolution 2024 d78 for fire protection for fisical year 2025 you know this ordinance was approved at the council meeting May 9th ordinance number 20-26 Mo approved we got a motion on the floor by councilman G second by the chair but Mrs Bowman do you want to say anything no sir this is his second reading and nothing has changed yes ma'am okay now let me show you this switch right here oh press that switch and that light comes on go ahead ma'am oh oh that's how that works ma' it's right here um I did I had a question in reading through this I just would like you to explain something to me it says that the it's going up 3% correct yes ma'am yes ma'am okay but yet um on the one page it showed that the uh maximum rate is not changing so how's it going up 3% the index rate is going up but the maximum that it can get to is not going up as well as staying capped at what it was so that so most people are not going to pay that maximum it's just going up 3% but if it was what it was whatever their assessment was the prior year okay yeah but the the the maximum assessment is established when the rate methodology was initially approved for the fire assessment so think of it as a cap that's set well in advance it doesn't mean you have to go to the cap and but you can make adjustments up to the cap okay so that that maximum assessment rate has been um good number of years now 2010 so we're nowhere near the cap then there's there's room to in the event that additional funds are needed in subsequent years then you can increase the assessment rate up to the maximum cap okay I I was just wondering cuz when I went back through it looks like every single year they get 3% so I didn't know um you know what the point of that was that that every year they got 3% and uh then in looking at this it didn't look like that changed as far as the maximum so I was just trying to understand that nowledge is power ma'am wisdom is the principal thing but when getting wisdom get understanding it that you have now okay okay so we have a motion on the floor in a second CH is going to call the question I think the motion was by uh councilman Go sir good and a second by Deputy MMS is that correct chair's gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I eyes have unanimously proceeding on to item number 8-2 approve the final assessment resolution 2024 d79 for storm water utility services fiscal year what are the wishes of councel to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor he second by the chair we're going to call the question all in favor by saying I I any n eyes have it unanimously our final item for tonight item number 8-3 approve a resolution amending the fiscal year 25 budget bath has 24-12 3-t for the provision of 50,00 of state and local fisal recovery funds sfrf funds earmark for communitybased expenditures toward the city's repair and Rehabilitation programs to fund projects presently on the program's wait list what are the wishes of council I move to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman weeks and a second by Deputy May Hearn just going to call the question all in favor saying I I in n i guys have it unanimously proceeding on to informational um agenda uh before we even get started I wish everyone would join me in sing Happy Birthday to Stockton witon one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to you and many more don't give up your days yes ma'am s my stud great job uh Mr city manager any reports sir uh no report sir okay no reports from the city manager okay City attorney just I can't I have to well congratulate Miss week's welcome to the council first and foremost and then second I got to congratulate the mayor he's now the president of the Florida League of cities and that is a big deal thank you thank you very much esquad garc uh thank you very much City staff thank you city manager but more so thank you Council for being there in support of this great Endeavor uh and the citizens of Coco because teamwork is Dream workor Team Coco and I want to say thank you all and it was a pleasure having your faing the place with the human race and I look forward to great things coming out of our great city of Coco and for the citizens of coko all four excuse me all 411 cities and municipalities in town thank you very much Viva laik okay all right we're going to do it this way we're GNA go straight down the road okay de uh councilman G yes sir I'll be quick uh congratulations councilwoman weeds yes thank you appreciate it all right so first all right so we have a u this is Oda giz she is um po citizen she she is now the 4x400 um world champion um she lives in District number two four four four by Cambridge four um good deal and so I sent some information to um um to miss ARS about uh doing a proclamation of supper for her um and I believe she may be one of the only um folks in Bard County that ever won the Master's World Championship as well um that's awesome so that's her as well so she Al she's a mother of three um and she's also a federal probation officer she just graduated from UCF so she's doing all these things she she is a u yeah she runs the track program for the Youth as well um this is some art I just took some photos of this I really want to bring something to counsel so maybe we can um have a conversation about I know we do on c as far as the facade grants and things that nature but I think maybe we could do something to focus more on art on some of our buildings I know we have a few spots downtown that have things of this nature this was in Memphis um when I took my daughter to her dropping off of college I just kind of a few photos on different Corners that kind of is very interesting probably my um this was the opening day at card of Bengals I made sure to wear my rock stuff when I went and U so I they wasn't happy about that but uh this was their first day uh great attendance it was a great time to see so many kids uh playing at provos that's probably the first football game I've SE there in a very long time probably 20 30 years so that's right that's right this show some of the that's my favorite some of the cheerlead that they have organization so I think it's around 75 to 100 football and cheerleaders that are currently at that organization but it's also shows that the money that we invested um into proos park is going to come back into that that was it again congratulations um councilwoman weeks and also mayor Blake for now being the president of FL cities thank thank you very much I'll be real short I don't have any pictures this week for district 2 I'm having uh email issues hopefully we can get that resolved tomorrow uh uh first off um I'd like to congratulate m weeks uh councilwoman weeks on your appointment on the council looking forward to having you here um and you can't leave I'm not anyway uh so congratulations um congratulations to the mayor as well on your appointment as president for the Florida League of cities um I wish I'm going to bring my pictures next week um it was had a had a awesome time at the Florida Le of cities learning so many new things uh and seeing other cities are dealing with the same issues we are um there was conversations and uh workshops on the uh new uh ordinance that's going to be coming up uh in October uh in in regards to the homeless um there were so many suggestions that was uh and knowledge that was put out for the council so uh hopefully we'll be able to implement some of that knowledge that we learned down there uh here um also uh as far as the construction is going on in District 2 off the fif Boulevard bore Acres uh project I'm glad to see that that's starting to move along a little faster hopefully fist could be opened up soon um they're starting to level the road back out and cover up the pipes so that's good news in District 2 um oh was something else I I want to forget oh oh well it looks like I'm going to be with the city uh city council for another four years congratulations that's wonderful so that's great and uh I'm glad that the citizens of uh District 2 and all of CoCo embrace me and and uh shows that you know we're doing good things here on the council and um let's carry on that good work um that's all I have from District 2 thank you very much sir thank you from district one and District Two for your um acknowledgement as a president of the league Florida League Madam I get to speak oh of course of course well uh obviously being new I don't have any anything picture-wise to share but I met with the TP guy when when we did that workshop for the uh changes around US1 and he's been getting back to me because I've been hearing a lot of people complaining about 524 when are we going to do something and especially at the intersection of Adamson and 524 because it's very dangerous and he has informed me that they are going it's on their radar and they're going to put a turn seg turning lane from from uh 524 onto Adamson from Adamson on to 524 they are against putting a light there but at least that may help some of that so uh that was very productive to have gone to that and met him and talked with him and he's been communicating with me so that's good so that's all I have at this point from District 3 all right thank you and congratulations to you again thank you and to you as well thank you K ma'am from the might M District number three uh my no council woman uh call stated that her battery is weak is she there because I want to just in case I don't know Council woman calls okay real quick I'm be short and sweet I'll save all my pictures for next council meeting special shout out to both the police department and the fire department there was an accident on uh Michigan between Michigan and Clear Lake I think um a young lady by the name of Mrs suin she paid High acknowledgement and Praises for both the police department and the fire department officers uh Stevens son officer Stevenson and officer Collins and the matter matter 2416 our Fire Department chief uh lamb that they they came secured her calmed her down very Prof excuse me very professional and she spoke highly of both departments so kudos to the men and women of both departments um also would like to say thank you very much the city manager for being there at the count U at my indoctrination my past was there my family was there thank you Council for being there because there's power numbers City staff and citizens of the great city of coko we thank you very much and also I would like to say um councilwoman cost and myself and with saman Excuse me with Samantha and Jamie at the new um the dedication to the computers at Travis Park and Mr Beach yes yes sir no no Rob no yes sir Mr Beach thank you very much thank you Mr city manager and I just want to say thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and congratulations to you councilman Hearn for going on the post that's awesome uh I think that's a rarity there's nothing but a few times and you it's a nice feeling yes you are unopposed as well councilwoman week so welcome to Team Coco greatness awaits Us by local spin local keep a local God bless these great United States of America go in peace and again happy birthday yours TR to silly man excuse me city manager Stockton wion chair entertains a motion to adjourn got a motion on the floor by ha wild cats second by those gators all the favor saying I in the next I got it unanimously so I have a question for you I