being patient M yes sir yes mayor Blake pres May Deputy Mayor Hearn pres council member baringer pres council member Goins here council member C here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten thank you all right thank you very much ma'am we will have invocation by The Honorable Deputy Mayor Hearn and Pledge of Allegiance by The Honorable Matthew Barry would everyone please secure your cell phones ma'ams and S and let's stand for invocation that's applicable to me too as well if every want to please join me and bow your heads dear heavenly father i' like to give thanks to you for allowing us to arrive here at beautiful downtown Coco uh soundly uh safe and sound um I ask that you give us a clear mind that we only make the best decisions on behalf of the citizens of the great city of Coco um continue to watch over our neighbors uh and God continue to bless America uh in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you very much all right proceeding on with the approval of the agenda regular meeting of May 28 2024 I would like to amend the agenda please ma'am please sir um item number 7-3 place it under just before public hearing this is pertaining to the railroad crossing uh elimination I think I would like to have them to go forward and I need a second to reflect this amending of the motion second I have a second by councilwoman cost CH is going to call the question all in favor by saying I and the N eyes have it unanimously thank you proceeding on to item number 2-2 minutes regular meeting of February 27th 2024 what are the wishes of council to approve we have a motion on the flooor by Deputy Mayor Herm second second by Council M goens chair's going to call the question all in favor by saying I the N eyes have it unanimously um under Awards and presentations seeing none proceeding on to delegations I have two cards item number four um on in the B box or on Deck Charlene the wits would you please come forward and then after Charlene will be the effervescent younger version Sarah thewiz but I think Charlene is the younger version in good answer ma'am good evening good evening good evening my name is Charlene dtz I'm with Matthews hope uh first reason why I'm here is I'd like to thank Chief Coler and his leadership team for being so open and working together and address ing the current homelessness crisis taking place in our community with each discussion and action we see more progress so thank you so much we are hearing a lot of chatter about the need in addressing the house bill 1365 that makes sleeping outside illegal come October 1st and we look forward to continuing the conversation with our local leadership and how to address this crisis and are willing to take the lead when it comes to Coco and our surrounding communities we believe that we are the most qualified in taking the lead but we are very concerned that we are way behind the curve with this new law going into effect soon and would like to know what steps need to be taken with Council to be discussing this so we can be more proactive rather than reactive thank you thank you very much Mr um a short quick brief answer would be m is Amber Carol okay you're quite familiar with her um VHC from our Homeless Coalition and you all have that communication collaboration I would highly invest and request that we continue to collaborate with her because there's power and numbers and we know what Matthew so do positively speaking for our City and surrounding area thank you mayam uh Mrs Sarah hello greetings ladies and gentlemen it is my great pleasure to share with you the recent victories that Matthew's Hope Has achieved in a world where challenges seem insurmountable it is moments like these that remind us of the power of community compassion and Relentless dedication firstly we are thrilled to announce the hiring of a mental health counselor this crucial addition to our team is already making a profound impact providing much needed support and guidance to our guests as they navigate their Journeys towards stability and wellness mental health is a Cornerstone of a fulfilling life and having this resource available marks a significant step forward in our mission we have also had the joy of seeing 10 of our guests secure jobs within the past few weeks this is more than just a statistic it represents 10 individual stories of Hope determination and New Beginnings each job signifies a path to Independence and self-sufficiency bringing our guests closer to the lives they aspire to lead one particularly heartwarming success uccess story involves a disabled senior who is now on the verge of being housed this achievement underscores our commitment to ensuring that even the most vulnerable Among Us have the chance to find stability and dignity our spiritual Outreach has also seen remarkable progress over the past two weeks alone 14 individuals have chosen to be baptized embracing a new chapter in their lives additionally our Bible study sessions on Saturdays continue to draw a consistent group of 40 attendees fostered a sense of community and shared faith in Practical terms we have seen two guests receive phones which they worked for with us enabling them to maintain vital contact with their parole officers this small yet significant step is crucial for their continued progress and reintegration into society furthermore our Outreach programs are making a tangible difference between 11 and 14 guests regularly participate in our work initiatives diligently working to pay off debts and move towards a sustainable independent future their dedication shows the transformative power of opportunity and support our medical services are another area where we see remarkable impact we are averaging over 50 people weekly receiving Essential Medical Care this consistent support ensures that our guests can maintain their health and well-being which is fundamental to their overall Journey we are serving an average of 500 people every week between mobile Outreach Bible study and elsewhere each individual we serve is a testament to our commitment to making a difference these victories are not just milestones for Matthew's hope but they are proof to what can be achieved when we come together as a community with a shared purpose every job secured every baptism celebrated every phone provided and every individual help towards self-sufficiency brings us closer to our vision of a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive thank you for your continued support and belief in our Miss together we are changing lives one victory at a time God bless you [Applause] all okay well stated there young lady okay um question yes sir councilman bar sir thank you so um I think the previous speaker was you know how how do we get further ahead and I am in agreement to that and mayor thank you because that point of connection from staff is is a reality uh you know when I when I think about opportunities that there might be you know as a from a policy standpoint um from a policy I would welcome that conversation on some of those ideas and so you know City I hope we might be able to bring some of those ideas back to council that would arise from there uh the the second though is even something like from a tax incentive or tax break you get that at a federal level possibility but what does that look like as a city level so I complete program I hire individual out of program individual last for six months and then the city is able to give a break you know relative to a business I'm actually going to address that later in presentation so I think that those are some of those policies that that we might be able to help connect from an economic development standpoint I think that also feels Falls in our wheelhouse as well so and just some ideas thank you okay Point well taken um any other comments proceeding forward um this concludes this portion of delegations um item number five consent agenda item what are the wishes of councel motion approved we have a motion on the floor by councilman goens second we have a second by councilman baringer CH going to call the question all in favor of saying I I and in nay I have it unanimously okay proce thank you proceeding on to item um originally 7-3 and we're going to talk about this particular item from Council Business Council approval to apply for the rce a railroad crossing elimination Grant from the Federal Railroad Grant Administration in conjunction with the Space Coast transportation planning office sctp in the amount of 700 $775,000 for safety improvements to the crossing at West Highland Drive approve the resolution authorizing the city manager to execute the Grant application also um if I may and I'm not going to belabor this it's been stated in the records um I know we have a deadline to meet and I'm not going to consolidate them both but I know May 28th is the date that is very important to us Mrs Morgan would you like to expound on this particular item yes um mayor thank you yes ma'am in the audience is uh Daniel Tor he's with uh kson and has a presentation as part of this agenda item okay thank you very much Mrs Morgan your name is Daniel Daniel t t thank you Mr T the floor is yours sir thank you Council for having me this evening uh so like I said my name is Dan Tor I'm with Kon and Associates we've been supporting the Space Coast TPO on this uh railroad crossing elimination Grant application so what I'd like to speak with you this evening is just give you a little overview of the project the recommended railroad crossing safety enhancements and what we're doing for next steps so as part of the railroad crossing elimination grant program we are anticipating that the notice funding opportunity will be released uh sometime this month and in anticipation for that the Space Coast TPO has been working with partner organizations to come up with uh looking at railroad crossing locations to identify uh safety enhancements so over the last few months we've been reviewing existing conditions and looking at The Crossings we would like to include in this Grant application and we've developed potenti uh preliminary safety enh uh enhancements we've coordinated with all of our partners bright line FEC and and local staff to go through these Alternatives we've also went through the safety analysis and developed cost estimates uh a couple weeks ago we met with local staff and uh everyone had made a selection for the recommendation now we're going through and presenting those to uh to you all and your um your colleagues in uh in the city of Melbourne and uh and and the county uh once we receive those approvals we'll move forward with the Grant application and we'll look to do that over remaining couple months is shown in the schedule the different enhancement types that we were considering at these locations we identified Crossing locations that have currently two quadrant Gate Systems and the F has safety Effectiveness ratings for different types of enhancements including full four quadrant Gate Systems and also the inclusion of medians or flexible delineators they vary but they're at least 75% effective at reducing crashes at these locations the nine uh so excuse me so we looked at nine Crossing locations that currently have two quadrant Gate Systems three of them are within your city but one being maintained by by uh by you is West Thailand drive so that's the one we would like to uh discuss go through the Alternatives that were identified recommended and seek your approval at this location over the last 5year period we identified no crashes with the railroad uh but we still see an opportunity to make the enhancement since it's currently a two quadrant gate system so the ones we considered having the full four quadrant gate system with a median that ends up having a $810,000 yeah excuse me uh total construction cost um and kind of as we go down the list four quadrant gate system and then also including uh just a three quadrant gate system with a median on one side to prevent vehicles from moving over that cost seems to go uh starts to go down but also the effectiveness does as well ultimately what was recommended was the four quadrant gate system which has a total construction cost $75,000 and $10,000 per year in estimated maintenance according to the information we had received from FEC so as part of this Grant application if this grant is awarded then the city would need to provide a 20% local match would be which would be $141,000 now this is for the crossing within uh that you're that you maintain but you also at Michigan Avenue in Dixon Boulevard that is maintained by the county uh in last week's uh Commissioners meeting uh both were includ approved to be included in the Grant application and just to give an overview of what was considered so at Michigan Avenue no crashes were identified and similar uh Alternatives were considered four quadrant gate system with a median a regular four quadrant gate system and three quadrant gates with just the median on one side at Dixon Boulevard there was one uh fatal pedest crash in 2020 before bright line made their enhancements and so due to geometric constraints the only alternative we were able to see feasible here was a four quadrant gate system so following uh your approval of including this uh West Highland Drive in the Grant application we anticipate the notice of funding opportunity we released this month and like I said at the top we would be working on the application over the next couple months uh anticipating that there would be a window of 25 days to submit the application and so hopefully we'll have that submitted by the end of July so with that I'll take I'll take any questions and thank you again for your time yes sir yes do have a city manager to make sure that that um that we actually said to you guys that our recommendation is for the four quadrant at Highlands is that's correct right that is correct it's on the screen now okay thank you very much I am in support of this needless to saying I'm sure Council they're going to expound on this I do have a light on I do not have any cards for this particular item uh uh needless to say um but I support this project it's a no-brainer sir thank you very much Mr Tor Squad ganes anything you would like to say before um I turn it over to council no sir thank you kindless sir our first we will proceed in this order Deputy Mayor Hearn and then count baringer and then we'll fill in as it proceeds forward sir all right so uh there no secret there's a lot of excitement around the bright Line train um throughout bavar County um I I do give a big thanks for taking the safety of our citizens very serious here in the Coco um especially with this uh West Highland West Highlands Drive being in District 2 um I'm very supportive of this project um and again just thank you for taking the safety of our citizens uh serious uh so you know uh I don't know if anyone else wanted to comment but I'll make a motion to approve recommendation for or have you already made a motion no no no no you you call this is in your district is this not in your District uh yes yes sir okay so we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns I'll second it for discussion because I would like to hear from the others Madam clerk do you have the motion secured ma'am thank you C ma'am um is that it Deputy Mayor sir yes sir thank you very much uh councilman baringers sir and then councilman goens sir and then councilwoman calls and then we will call the question all right so yes sir Mr baringer thank you the the only really the only question the only question I have is I'm I'm a yes on the grant uh I know that not now um I'm guessing at some point in the future not within the recent within the short term uh we'll probably be talking someone's going to bring up the word quiet zones and my only question is is that with whatever the investment is into the design of our Crossings now that we're going to go for uh should we be having a discussion on funding potentially for down the road or is this step one do this step two talk about quiet zones and the only reason I'm saying that is just from application standpoint to grant funding I don't want to spend money on one and then rip it all up to get to the next one you know three years down the road so that that's my only question is it quiet zones an enhancement that is after the fact of something like this well actually I think I think they're running probably concurrently I don't know that they've gotten into the the quiet Zone sort of decision there but again as I said uh a couple of meetings back there the I I would recommend to you all and obviously it's the council's decision that that you not do quiet zones for for a period of time and so I think you know just because it's new people need to hear the horns for a period of time but I think we've been ask uh as staff about uh our preference for quiet zones or not and and I've expressed my opinion to be that again you need to hear the horns for a certain period of time but but we can put that on as an agenda item so that uh so that you guys can have a policy discussion on that and for from uh City I'm I'm in line with and to council I'm I'm in line with we need some time where we don't have it so people figure it out I got that you know I I would rather than learn that there is a big horn with a big train coming through uh until we get to that point I just my concern being is that you know you put a project in you rip a project out you put a project in and those are big money projects and so just that's really the only question so we get there when we get there uh if we ever get there and these are still going to be there regardless of quiet zones are not there sounds I don't I'm assuming everybody knows what the four quadrant gate system is there and so I don't know maybe you want to explain a little bit about what that system is sure uh So currently at these particular Crossing locations there what's called a two quadrant gate system where the gate only comes down on the approach l Lane so in the case where there is no median or anything like that um if we see this especially on Lower traffic to Lane roadways like West Highlands where a vehicle can attempt to uh do what's considered a vehicle violation where they get out of their Lane and attempt to cross using the available space on the uh on the opposite direction so all of these enhancements were made in mind to to seal the corridor so to speak and to prevent those violations from happening so in a four quadrant gate system not only is the gate coming down for the approaching Lane but also for the receiving Lane so that that maneuver cannot be made and the Alternatives mention that have the three quadrant gate system what that meant was on one side it would have the full four quadrant Gates but on the other side it would have some sort of physical separation to prevent that movement either a median or flexible delineator but in this case uh staff recommended four quadrant gate system at West Highlands safy safy Mrs Morgan can the the the local match would come from what source um I I believe you and I discussed it that we would pull it from the paving uh okay yeah allocations but the local match has to come from the city so that's correct so again we'll we'll have that discussion when we bring back the uh the grant are you done sir sir perfect thank you yes sir Council M Council woman call uh the question I had was about the uh delineators um so this this particular project does not include the delineator just the the rails the the recommendation from staff was just to have the four quadrant gate system yes so no delineators um is well well with with the with the four quadrant you don't need the delineators is that correct yeah CU you can't that's correct you can't get around but didn't on Jackson Street in Melbourne um with that that's a three quadrant on Jackson Street currently it's a two quadrant gate system so what was happening at Jackson was exactly the scenario that we're trying to prevent where Vehicles took that open space and tried to get around the gates okay so with with the four it's not necessary correct if the four quadrant Gate Systems were there those Vehicles would not have been able to make that maneuver without actually physically obstructing the gates even on Jackson Street they had those little small plastic um L yeah yeah the tall line flexible so so on um I know this man have nothing to do with what we're talking about but we are we talking about it now the the um Rosa Jones uh intersection as well um I'm that is a two quadrant am I correct four that's four as well four quadrant gate system okay W seems this County though no okay that's all I have okay sir but all of our Crossings even the ones maintained by the county would be four quadrants um as part of the presentation Dixon Boulevard at Dixon Boulevard that was the only alternative that was recommended there for Michigan they they have not made a final determination they just approved to include the crossing and the grant application um so among those would be a for Quadrant casay system very much could be the recommendation uh but that determination hasn't been finalized yet and so remind me again the Dixon is what what system uh currently it is a two quadrant gate system okay and so and so I don't I don't know when the county is making their decision but you you guys may want to want me to draft a letter yes yes requesting suggest 100% on that four quadrants be considered on uh at um Michigan and then you said four quadrants is not available at Dixon uh four quadrants is the only one available at Dixon is the only one yes okay there's not enough space meeting uh federo Railway uh administration's uh requirements for either a median or Flex post on either side so four quadrants is the only one that would be able to fit but the county has not made the decision on four quadrant at Michigan and Dixon uh to my knowledge not formally okay uh but like I said at Dixon that is the only alternative on the table so so I would craft a letter suggesting requesting for Quadrant at Dixon and Michigan to me safety safety safety every Crossing should be a quadrant in the city of Coco Ser maybe with exception um North 528 that to Lane with that Industrial area outside of that I mean to me this just my assessment uh P Street all of them every every every crossing railroad crossing to me that's just my assessment I'm entitled to listen to everyone but I rather be on the side of safety safety safety safety safety first and foremost especially when it's brand new and I'm old former school teacher I want to train you up the right way so once you've been trained shame on is power yes sir and I'm a firm believer in that okay councilman have you you got question just one thing the um I'm absolutely in agreement with you about the four quadrants but if in the meantime the delineators could be used that Dixon why they have the two uh gate system no right Island they can't oh you can't uh for Dixon specifically so when we were looking at these Crossing locations and ident identifying the preliminary set of Alternatives we were looking at the F specifications and what they would allow long term and for either medians or flexible delineators they require at least 100t length available and Dixon is too close on the east side to US1 and on the west side there are a couple commercial driveways that would be that would have access restricted so there's not that 100 foot space available thank you thank you very much uh councilwoman calls mail yeah well you answered my questions about Michigan but if we're looking at uh four quadrant do I understand this correctly that the maintenance will be 10,000 per year that would be the city's maintenance costs whether it is a city or county road or is that just where it's a City Road in the case my understanding is that currently FEC has maintenance agreements with the uh with the owning jur maintaining jurisdiction of the crossing so Michigan and Dixon are both County and West Highlands is is city um my also my understanding is that as part of these if new enhancements are made uh that uh new maintenance agreements would need to would need to be made with FC okay and and the maintenance costs that that were presented came from uh fec's current schedule okay so I see so it sounds like there are just three then where we're doing the maintenance as it stands right now um that West Highland peach tree and Rosa Jones Abby the the 10 the 10,000 is the the current annual maintenance there is that a new cost we we have a maintenance agreement with bright line FEC and the city so as part of that agreement we have annual costs right now for Highland it is for a two quadrant gate if we install a four quadrant gate then that will go up to 9,000 but right now as it stands I think it's like 45 4500 so it would be a difference of 4,000 a year so it's just a doubling of pretty much what And to clarify that maintenance cost is just for the new components that would be that would come from that so any sort of track maintenance that gets done that that cost is not inclusive of that so in this case at $10,000 we just for the new signal equipment needed for the additional Gates safety safety safety first and foremost I'm just straightforward with you um there again I rather air on the side of being safety because I rather put my money where my mouth is at and being good Steward of the taxpayer dollars I think they know that we have their best interest at hand because the less ER that we hear from Channel n or WFTV Wes just he great positive things here because I would like to be the only city the Presse City not to be a stat where it comes to that okay any other questions Council woman call m'am I'm sorry I meant to asking no that's it yes ma'am thank you K we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and the second by the chair Deputy Mayor you have your light on you would like to say something sir yeah I just wanted to add on uh you know to the call I know we speak of costs taxpayers money you know start to per up and here good tax money but I know we agreed as a council that we were going to utilize this uh possibility of a train station for the best of our citizens and I I think uh it sounds like a lot of negotiables here and I know we have uh we have the option to to negotiate with bright line when we start talking about may [Laughter] we main yes sir yes sir yes sir businessman at heart see Mr Gonzalez okay Esquire Esquire city manager I know you got that Esquire I know you have that too as well just going to call question all in favor saying I I eyes have it unanimously Mr Daniel to my friend thank you thank you very much Council have a good night yes sir okay proceeding on the public hearing items 6-1 request to postpone consideration of a zoning map Amendment consistent with the pendix a zoning article 21 to change the zoning map designation of 11 Parcels total to 1.39 acres with the address of 301 South Coco Boulevard from CP commercial Parkway to CN neighborhood commercial to July 9th 2024 city council meeting at 6: p.m. um we've du with this once before so we're just going to now to July the 9th if that's my proper interpretations esquad gargan sir uh yes the applicants requesting postponement to July 9th 2024 regular Council meeting and this is a public hearing item also mayor thank you count Sir Mr city manager would like to say thing sir okay all right if you have any questions please expound on just the postponing of this particular zoning map chair like to close this portion to councel over to the public please submit a card indicating your concerns just pertaining the postponing of this particular um zoning map Amendment going once going twice CH like to close this portion to uh the public and return of the councel what are the wishes of councel CH like to make a motion to approve okay to the meeting of July 9 20124 and I have a second by councilman go chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number six- two conduct a final public hearing on the proposal fiscal year 2024 d225 action plan approved and citizen participation for the submission of hug to authorize demer sign of subsequent certification and agreement um if you may look at page one of three um and I'll turn it over to Mrs nman but you will see the information on page one of three and also page two of three uh Mrs nman this is standard procedure it goes to chto housing Activity The Family Promise Central bouard Community Service and salvation on Mrs N yes thank you mayor um as you indicated the city of Coco is anticipating to receive $1 128,648 as of May 24th we received our notice about the home allocations which is now going to be $ 64,9 242 it's a decrease of what we have for this year of $1,119 we have not received our cdbg allocation for next year yet we anticipate receiving that in the next few weeks of which I will notify everyone of that change when it happens uh the overall purpose of our program is to develop the communities and to provide quality housing suitable living and expanding economic opportunities for persons of low and moderate income at least 70% of all cdbg funds must be expended benefiting those low and moderate income persons home program funds can only be used for housing activities benefiting those low and moderate income persons our goals of our Consolidated plan for the uh cdbg and home uh the city of Coco adopted a one-year action plan which identifies Community Development projects which shall be undertaken between October one of 2024 and September 30th of 2025 uh the city C citizen participation plan which was updated in 2024 reflects improvements to Communications and notifications to the community regarding um the activities of cdbg as required by Hud the ad was placed in in the newspaper summarizing the proposed projects with a 30-day comment period that comment period was between April 19th and May 19th uh there were no comments that were re received during that time uh as you noted Mr Mayor the the four recipients of our funding for services for next year are as follows the community services Council for Meals on Wheels and seniors at lunch program for $4,000 Family Promise of Bard which is providing rent and mortgage assistance for $5,299 35 the central Bard Sharing Center which is providing Community Kitchen assistance of $5,000 and the Salvation Army which is providing deals in their Domestic Violence Shelter of $5,000 we have additional uh requirements for uh funding which is the repayment of the section 108 loan guarantee which is estimated at 77,78 65 and then we have cdbg Administration and fair housing education and Outreach which is required by Hud additionally under the home chto we have housing activity which is our Administration and the chto funds are Pho activities uh include the firsttime home buyer assistance and any uh purchasing assistance programs and then Administration by City staff and then since the county administers the home Grant to HUD they have an Administration cost as well so we're requesting that you approve the proposed action plan and the submission to the to HUD and authorize the mayor to sign all subsequent certifications and agreements thank you thank you very much we have any question for ladies gentl coun go um it was just a simple question um Miss Newman um say say for example with Family Promise um so we give them $5,299 is there any way that um legally we can see exactly where and who that money may go to are they City are they City residents or is that yes so they they're required to submit a quarterly report to us for reimbursement and in that report has to note the addresses and the funds that were provided to each of those addresses they have to confir confirm with us that they are in fact City residents through the using Bard County property appraiser Etc before that they provide those funds so we do have a check and balance system in place in order to verify that they are being serviced to City of coko residents only thank you is that c we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Ms Mr Mayor this is a public hearing yes ma'am I am yes ma'am and you're correct I'll second it for public discussion you're correct yes ma'am okay do we have any other questions for Mrs um Mrs new say nothing CH like to close this portion to council open to the public please come forward to state your name and your address you have 180 seconds to elaborate on this particular item going once going twice go Cal boys CH like to close this portion to the public and return to the council we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Herms and a second by the chair so going to call the question all the favor by saying I I and the N eyes have unanimously proceeding on to item number um 6-3 approval of a final PL consistent with chapter 16 subdivision of the city of code for the Lakes at coca Gro and approval of the improvements agreement to weigh the requirement for fing a performance bond to secure the construction cost estimate of Unfinished public improvements associated with the subdivision this is no brainer I'm in favor of this um January 1st 2008 stipulated settle agreement between barar County and the City of coko October the 16th 2019 sell implementation agreement between the city of coko and virgin trains USA February 26 2020 resoning of the property from R-1 D7 May 23rd of this 2023 barar County Board of Commissioners select oage and angelical access route to the project December 19th 2023 amend the restate settlement implementation agreement between the city of coko and mount co homes at Lake at CoCo Grove LLC approved last but not least February the 13th David for Valentine's prelimin preliminary subdivision plan approved by the city of Coco okay esar gargan and I know we have Mr Rous over there Mr Eric Rous but Esquire gargan would you like to elaborate or say anything sir uh no I have nothing at this time thank you very much man of words Mr word Smith him Smith all by himself Mr Eric sir thank you mayor and good evening mayor and Council I've got a quick presentation to step you through the final plat for the Lakes at CoCo Grove I'll just talk about the location the existing conditions on the site the request a little bit about the history which we're all very familiar with at this point our findings uh touch on two of the outstanding issues that were um outlined in the staff report and then finally I'll conclude with our recommendation so we're here talking about the project that's north of 528 and east of uh 95 it's just about 246 acres in size it's got a low density residential uh future land use map designation which allows for up to four dwelling units per acre uh and it's zoned R 1-7 which allows for single family uh as you can see from the map maps on the screen uh there's property within the city opposite the 528 RightWay to the South but the remaining property on the North uh and east and west is all within unincorporated Bard County uh so here tonight we're uh considering a final plat for 350 dwelling units and of course that improvements agreement which has been worked on uh through the city attorney's office uh relatively long history uh within this project I'm not going to read through all of this I think uh we discussed all this back in February when the preliminary plat was done the only update here to this slide was 2024 uh was the preliminary plat approval on uh day before Valentine's Day February 13th uh so in terms of the findings the layout's consistent with the previously approved um layouts that the city's seen uh including the 2023 amended settlement agreement and then of course the preliminary plat so the preliminary plat site plan is is on the top of the screen and the and the final is on the bottom you can see they match uh unit counts 350 it's less than was originally contemplated in 2008 um and it's exactly what was contemplated um when Council approved the settlement implementation agreement amendment in 2023 uh so in terms of those two uh minor issues uh just couple things that are a little different about this one we do have a comp plan policy that requires a 25t Upland buffer around the perimeter of the the wetlands and as you can see outlined in red they did preserve tract ey which is a a wetland tract and they included a 20ft uh buffer around that tract um so their their proposal is to dedicate a 5 foot uh Wetland buffer preservation easement on those lots that surround uh the tract for a total of 25 ft so it would affect 54 lots and you know from a staff perspective we didn't want to say go back and impact more Wetlands so you can meet the 25 foot requirement we prefer to preserve those Wetlands so this was the solution that was agreed upon by the applicant uh and then issue number two uh and mayor I think you touched on this in the intro uh regarding the performance bond uh that is required by city code um as you can see you're in section 18-31 uh the improvements here in this case is a little bit different because they be accomplished through the Lakes at CoCo Grove Community Development District uh so they're going to publicly advertise and solicit bids for the construction of those improvements uh and then they're going to require their contractor following the award uh to post a payment performance bond so the idea is there will be a payment performance bond associated with the project uh just not now uh so since the CDD is going to already require its contractor to do that um they've requested the city wave its requirements um so the associate uh improvements agreement which was also included in your agenda packet um basically uh requires the construction contractor to name the city as a dual oig G uh on the payment performance bond and there's a special Rider uh that was also included in there for your review uh so ultimately uh the contractor insurity will be obligated to construct those improvements if the CDD or the devel developer defaults uh so all of those terms are outlined in the improvements agreement and if they don't have a shy Bond with the Rider by December 1st 2024 the developer of the district is going to have to do a performance bond to the city so basically I have six months uh to bid out the improvements get a Contractor on the hook U who will ultimately be subject to a performance bond so uh those are the two things that make this a little bit different uh than last time you saw it uh staff recommendations to approve um and also uh approve the proposed improvements agreement in just one condition from the city attorney's office that we need to have all those documents executed before the plat recorded uh that concludes my presentation uh here for any questions mayor have any questions for um Mr Eric Rous I do have two cards in the audience I have Mr Gonzalez card and I have Mr Squad Moore card to as well uh gentlemen you may come to the podium either one good evening mayor uh city council uh Mr Whitten uh Madam clerk Mr attorney and and uh staff my name is Kendall Moore professional address 895 Barton Boulevard uh sweet be and Rock Ledge uh as always as a case a pleasure to be here on behalf of the bright line and Mountain Cove homes development team for this Lakes at CoCo Grove uh project um let me first and I think I can speak for the clients on this uh uh say we are thankful uh uh Council to your your staff um we have been U what's the kind word diligent I think is probably a good word relative to how hard we have pushed in terms of timing uh to move this process forward so Mr Whitten and all the uh directors that have been involved probably Lucy and Abby a bit more to a degree on this go around than the uh last go around ultimately to the uh City attorney and his staff uh uh clearly Anthony and K Christen have worked very diligently to protect the city's interests particularly on the two outstanding items that Eric's reference and to uh Eric and the inspired team for uh their work to help us get here uh you probably get tired of us repeating this timeline issue over and over again um not so much going back to the kind of 0408 um but multiple times you have asked us the community has asked us what happens you come here it's 2019 you sign the settlement implementation agreement and then you go away um for uh four years and then come back in 2023 and we were here in December we were here again in February for the preliminary plat and now we are back again for the final plat uh I would say to you with due respect to both sides of my team uh the Mountain Cove home half of our development team sat and waited for the four years while bright line completed and and built this train that would ultimately provide the opportunity for this site uh to be developed at the at the Lakes at CoCo Grove we're not going to go through uh each of the details again but I I am going going to uh ask Mr Gonzalez and just just for the sake of the record uh our team is here Mr Jose Gonzalez who's an executive VP uh at bright line Mr Eddie rban who is one of the principles uh at Mountain co homes our engineer uh from drmp uh Barry cabanis who's VP of surveying and mapping um they are here if you happen to have any questions Council uh but I do think it is important and Eric did point it out that in addition to the approval of the plat that is being recommended tonight there are two specific specific issues that are before you uh we believe that we have negotiated a solution uh and presented one to the staff that works but ultimately it is something that only you can uh approve and those are specifically I think uh Eric referred to them in the presentation as quote uh outstanding issues the one relative to the Upland buffers uh uh and the perimeters on the wetlands and the second regarding the uh performance andity bond issue and so I'm going to ask Mr Gonzalez if he would uh touch on those issues be uh uh clearly I'll leave the the procedure to Mr gargan but those are ones I think that are left to uh the council's approval uh as it relates specifically to this uh final Clap That is before you today again Mr Mayor and Council we do request your approval uh we'll ask Mr Gonzalez to do those and then the team would be happy to take any questions that you may have much good evening Mr mayor council sir Jose Gonzalez uh Executive Vice President with uh FR ex Co Industries in bright line um happy to back in the wonderful city of Coco um address for the records 350 Northwest uh 1 Avenue sweet2 200 Miami Florida 33128 uh Kendall covered it well Eric even covered it better I think the the issue here we have to all get creative right sometimes and and I think creativity from day one you know you don't build a system like this and you don't accomplish what we've accomplished without getting really creative and and figuring out solutions to these problems and as said we didn't want to impact more Wetlands we already had mitigated all the wetlands and this was form over substance the 25 ft are getting accomplished for the comp plan except five are being given from the lot so that's really how we got it so one was given by easement one by actually by uh preserving the actual 20 20 ft on the Wetland side U it still complies with the code and I think that's where staff has been really creative and I got to compliment you your team on that um and the same thing with the CDD first CDD in Coco right so we want to accomplish that we want wanted to to be a model for that and and this is how CDs around the State of Florida do it they they bond in Li of uh local municipalities because they're guaranteeing it it's like a property owners or an HOA on steroids they have the bonding capability they have uh the ability to L taxes and things like that so it it really does help and it helps maintain uh that master plan that is done with this community this is going to be a worldclass community and we're we're happy to bring that to Koko and be part of that uh first step in Coco first h Community like this and then a train station is where that we're coming next so I just want to say thank you uh it's been a long road we're talking about we met in 2012 when we were just talking about bright line here we are talking about a station in Koko uh which at the beginning was not but I I I commend the mayor because he's been Relentless over the years and that's a great uh word for him because he's Relentless for the people of Koko and we appreciate that and we appreciate the partnership that you guys have given us over the years and will continue to have so thank you and I'm here to answer any questions you may have yes sir Mr Gonzalez teamwork is DreamWork as you know sir yes sir and I we're only as strong as our weakest link there's no weak links here because why I see the Man City attorney and staff has you all here okay I have a light on um we will proceed in this order welcome to Team Coco sir uh councilman baringer and then councilwoman cost uh so it I think I have more of a comment than a question um so of course this is the the district that I represent uh I've been unabashed about my uh preference for this to happen but I am grateful to both the patience of the city and the patience of you know from from a development standpoint what it has taken to get to this point and I think that this is an example of as a community how do you get to Yes uh when there may be boundaries or complex issues that that are in line with that so a huge appreciation to City staff for their work and in navigating what that what that would look like uh Additionally the uh we talk a lot about affordable housing uh you know I'll tell you later but the um uh the the development uh we're on a phase three uh a little a little bit further down the road in The District in The Adamson Creek and so we're about out of houses that's right like we're about we we are we are about out uh and so that phase three there's no phase four over there uh and so you know going from a footprint that was you know originally like 600 houses and we drilled it down to about three from a density standpoint there have been a lot of concessions to make this to the best that we could to meet the needs and if you if you're not at two grand and some some change on an apartment right now you know uh the the way we do that is we add some more homes that are are reasonable uh to folks that can get into the market and and this about as reasonable as I think it's going to get and I also believe it to be a great Community you have and the from a wetland standpoint the mitigation is appropriate I bet you those ponds turn into some fishing holes somewhere along the way and so I think it fits the community again unabashed uh for any individual that would try to turn this into a conspiracy uh you know some nonsensical I mean nonsensical uh you know where there is no there there uh you are doing the city a disservice and so while there may be disagreement about the um you know the outlying areas and I and I say to canaval Groves that is a fantastic lifestyle last at our last council meeting I showed a gentleman coming down on his horse down my road uh and that's just a Sunday stroll I've driven Friday a lot lately uh and I've driven James a lot lately and I'm not seeing a whole lot of horses driving down the you know trotting down the road it happens but I'm just saying it's it's not a ton and so that's prior to development from an infrastructure standpoint again a huge appreciation to our staff who uh we we Vieira bills like crazy and we are able to deliver utilities to them and so I have no concern whatsoever with the impact of being able to delivery of service uh because if I did then I would be more concerned about what we're already doing and to our director's credit and our staff members credit they do a fantastic job in building that faith and confidence so while that all being said whatever concerns there are I'm completely satisfied uh to the agreement from a development standpoint that the fact that there is a bond that would be required months after performance or lack thereof I exactly uh so thank you I think that sums it up and uh I appreciate it thank you council is that a form of a motion sir if that's a form of a motion to approve the staff recommendation I'll second uh if there's another speaker sir I would welcome their input but I'm I'm I'm those are the only two cards then councilwoman cost I I'll Reserve until okay all right Council woman calls yeah I um the the prices on the homes they were in the half million dollar range is what I remember yeah so just so you're aware it's not um in that more affordable range um but my question was and it's really it's just a question is just to understand it more um when we talk about you know our comp plan has a 25t Upland buffer now what is first of all the Upland buffer is that for the purpose of you know during heavy rainfalls and flooding conditions reducing risk it's great question uh councilwoman C uh it's typically for the animals that tend to live within the Wetland system they need an Upland portion uh to function so it's recommended by a lot of environmental Consultants to put that buffer in there um in this case you know they are going to have the the full 25 ft it's just five of those feet are going to be on an individual lot um and I'll just note that there is a a conservation easement that will be placed over all of that area um which will prevent people from you know putting fences in it and things like that to ensure that it's it's consistent so yeah that's the goal I know we have had some issues with the conservation ements for example the the flooding that we had in at the London Co area a couple years ago um so I mean that's something that seems to happen but um I mean I'm not going to oppose this but I do want to bring up the point that probably detaching 5et in the back does not really serve the environmental purposes or help us generate at the ecosystem benefits of having that full 25 ft but I guess you have to reduce that to be able to fit the design of the homes in there I can clarify I think your misunderstanding the 25 ft you're getting get 25 ft yes just broken up when no when you look at it it'll be 25 ft oh you can't see the eye can't see it the only one that can see it is a property line and property lines are invisible and that property L they're not going to be allowed to put fences as Eric said because there's a condition that says 20 ft of of within the actual uh Wetland system right and then 5 ft of of up and that makes the 25 ft oh so they're still connected yes ma'am oh very good no you can't see us right from the you can't see clear about that so it's form over substance is what I mentioned okay no that's very good and um thank you for the explanation though of course to understand why the comp plan is written that way yes ma'am that's it for me okay I see I do not have any other additional cards and then passing candy down CH let to close this portion to the public and return it to council what are the wishes of council motion to approve have a motion on the floor by Councilman Baron second by the chair any questions all in favor saying I I I move forward eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to council business ES want to let you say something before no I just want to make sure that the the record reflects at least my understanding of the motion that outstanding issue number one and number two are as uh as recommended by staff yes sir your motion reflects that right yes sir okay thank you thank you that's why you are the super attorney all right proceeding on to item number 7-1 provide Direction whether to proceed to the kimley horn golf cart study task order as well as funding sources Public Works director thank you thank you is that the Greenwood rule there okay so a few Council meetings ago Council tabled this item with a request for a revision to the task order to clarify Focus areas in each Council District this is a city-wide study it will include a focus on the city maintained roadways and summarize relevant findings within each district the cost for the study is $34,900 staff is requesting Direction whether to proceed with the uh golf cart study task order I would like to note that there is no funding in the budget for this effort okay do we have any questions for Mrs Morgan s or ma'am where are we going to get this money from uh you know what let's let's be um come to the podium Mr Greenwood yes sir please yes sir bring your checkbook that's what I'm getting ready to get it with you madam you're absolutely right how much of the commercial business says that right that you represent maybe you can go to them and ask them how much can they share in this cost we'll do immediately very good idea okay that's all anything else sir ma'ams anybody anything else for the wood that's green and thank you for the support by the way 24 hours oh 24 what was the question uh Mr Hearn I'm sorry I didn't hear you say if you can make this happen we'll call it the Greenwood or oh no we don't need to do that back got to put put a little fire on the I I I got my mission going and thank you to the council for looking into this like you are thank you very much so in consensus can we bring this back for a later date okay uh Mr Greenwood collaborate with the city manager on yes sir with the central businesses sir yes sir so that we could expeditiously address this concern yes sir so it's a total of 35,000 104 sir thank you thank you very much all sad Gan I see councilman go give me one second Squad Gan do I need to say or address anything before I proceed on to the next item no you can take no action at this point okay thank you C Council M sir all right so only thing I don't want to happen is if Mr Greenwood or whoever goes back to businesses that maybe be mostly downtown area they automatically assume that golf carts would be only um legal downtown that's I don't believe that's what um our conversation was about for a downtown only golf cart right so I don't wanna so just I just want to throw it out there on public record this is not a situation just for Coco Village this is selective streets within the city of coko that would be legal uh that would be probably low speed 20 mil an hour whatever it is and so I don't want anyone to leave here or listen or or just just assume that we just want to do this simply just for downtown so yes and you're right we did discuss that because the widening of of the sidewalks along the major corridors right about now you guys yes sir you you're clearly aware what challenges we are facing yes sir okay all right Mr go with you councilman go with you all right here we go final item for tonight ladies and gentlemen final yes sir approve the current lean for the property located at 1059 Cypress Lane to 2,622 decimal .08 as recommended by the code enforcement board on August 15 2019 the property owner was found to be in violation of weed section 6-13 D for the accumulation of Tall Weeds grass and or over growth exceeding 12 in in height protective treatment section 6-13 D for the dis repair protective treatment paint to the exterior walls facia exterior surfaces areas and storing outdoor section 6- 900 B1 for accumulations of outdoor storage items such as boxes tires gasas cans clothing Etc the fine period was from September the 16th 2019 to April 27 2023 four years and the lean ran for $75 per day leaving a fan uh a total fine balance of $98,400 Mr Gonzalez sir the floor is yours good evening Mr Mayor and Council I just want to make a quick uh correction on the ordinance section so was a scrier error um the weeds is section 6-11 D and protective treatment is section 6- 13B uh the current property owner Mr Kim Anderson purchased the property on March 8th 2023 he was not the Violator or the property owner when this case was started Mr Anderson did purchase the property he contacted code enforcement and requested an inspection in the status Mr Anderson received corrective actions and began correcting the deficiencies noted by staff and later submitted his lean reduction application on March 1st 2024 at which point lean reduction inspection was completed and compliance was confirmed Mr Anderson was compliant Cooperative maintain communication throughout his lean reduction process for the conversations I've had with Mr Anderson his future plans for the property includes personal usage as a second home while traveling for work he and he is present he is present okay uh council members uh what is the current status we we are requesting that we pay the administrative call sir yes there be the cost of staff that it cost to prosecute the case and that is how much sir $2,622 eight okay I CH like to make a motion to approve staff recommendation and I know we for discussion sir would you come for state your name for sir Kim Anderson Sir Mr Anderson tell us the status why we here today I purchased the property from Thomas Matlock and uh it was in quite a disarray and it was something that I wanted I could get into and everything like that for a place to stay I drive a truck uh for when I come back into Florida and I fixed it up and here I am thank you for your honesty yeah okay cuty mayor Hearns councilman baringer and then if any other council members like to chime in let me ask one question Mr Gonzalez um was this a harmonious um collaboration between you and Mr Anderson sir yes sir very smooth process yeah there were some several efficiencies but he made it very easy got permits and stayed in touch with us throughout the process okay sir uh Deputy sir uh good evening sir um this property is located in District 2 which is the district that I represent and uh you know some of the properties we've been having a lot of issues over the years with properties like this and I commend you for wanting to take on the task to an improve this property um we have landlords we have a hard time with as Mr Gonzalez contest so I I thank you for taking that on and and helping beautify uh the area um thanks uh I I'm very pleased to hear the fact that you guys collaborated and you were willing to go through all the Motions that needed to be done to improve this property so I thank you for that and um um I am a I am accepting of the motion so yes sir okay councilman bar yeah so and this is if you can clean me up if that's all right and I just it this is my my questions are more related to City policy I think uh and I and and you are an exemplary an Exemplar of you know from a policy standpoint so to your credit as a good job right so um so and the history behind that so we were a couple years into that so about four years right so you got a property that for four years out of compliance so as a policy as a city council I I would ask that we maybe take a look at not maybe I would hope we would be willing to take a look at what method or practices can be improved to get a property in compliance quicker because right now I just wait the city out and it gets waved for the next guy I ain't got to fix it and and I seeing a lot of effort from staff from a policy standpoint they are doing everything they can to bring it forward to us I believe but we we are seeing these fines that get to 70 90,000 multi-year fines with the really only clawback being at the sale of the property and right now we are about over a lot of any enforceability prior to for the Goodwill I think of the individual meaning it's a lot of Staff effort into we're citing sighting site year over year over year this would be one of those examples then very often it is a lack of title search right which is is that because I I watched from I I think I was here when when when you went through with C enforcement so uh it was a quick claim right so Mr Matlock I think got incarcerated correct right so previous owner gets incar incarcerated fine I quit claim it to you right and so to your credit you have done everything you know minus a minus a concern on a $90,000 whammy uh but it's a quick claim and now it's no violations whatsoever or no fine whatsoever from a policy standpoint one of the concerns I am not asserting that you this is your intent but if I was a slick businessman I just quick claim it put in for the two grand right put in for the two grand and then I just got rid of a $90,000 lean on a on probably if I'm quit claiming a house I might be able to get that out of steel right so I I'm under duress I do and again that is not my assertion to you sir at all but I'm saying from a policy that's that's a pretty slick way to get around any any violations or any fines so I I think from a policy those are the questions that I have and my hope would be that if there is more we can do to for staff from policy from an enforceability standpoint we might be able to visit I think the three things I see most consistent is somebody somebody purchased a property without doing an effective title check and the relief is not from the city in my take the relief is from the person who did the title check that was improper so if somebody did a title check and they said hey there's nothing on it and then there's something on it then you as the person seek relief to the agency that that did a horrible title check for you if there was a matter of improvements that were made commiserate to the fine I would be happy to take that you put 50 Grand into improving the property that's 50 Grand coming off of to show a receipt for what you did great you know something along those lines but I I just I see that there's a lot of policy because here is an example of a gentleman who is I think you're on the road right you do Trucking right so you're out there you know you're making America move uh which is fantastic thank you for that work um and then but there's a you know this is this is a great one but for the neighbors that had to endure that for three years that's not right you know and and I just I my maybe not at this moment but staff I would welcome recommendations of how we get out of this hole you know so thank you uh councilman be your excellent point um as I asserted this we still have a few more properties within my district that we have the same issue with and I wish the process could move a lot faster so what it sounds like uh you're looking for consent from Council uh to direct staff to bring us some more aggressive uh measures um to speed these processes up um I know Mr Gonzalez you have a extensive background in code enforcement and chief carer uh we believe in you that you guys could probably bring us some uh some measures back City man city manager has hit his desk get is Council okay with that I I I think um yes sir I mean I would like to see um potential Advanced policies but I think the overall intent is we got a piece of property here that's just been dormant for 3 years this young man has taken the initiative to address it my thing is this sometimes because of the longevity of waiting is not always the best policy because if I find them up front what's going to happen then it's still you know weeds have grown I think it's that's the reason why I'm asking uh Mr Gonzalez how was the relationship how was the report if this man young man had a not pleasant disposition then I'd be willing to drop the ham on but I'm trusting your professional judgment as well as I trust Chief uh carer's professional judgment and that is the reason why I am a firm believer in you and the code enforcement board and even the liaison it's it's a goal it's a role of the dice ladies and Gentlemen let's be honest if some we know if someone is heartfelt and sincere and then there's others who are The Carpet Baggers who just backing up to get the paycheck and and and that's our thing and I think that's the reason why I'm asking uh Mr Gonzalez what was the collaboration like because if you didn't feel it baby guess what I'll drop the ham on you because it's his district but it's our community it's our city and I'm a firm believer in that serves and Ms uh councilman go are you finished de I'm sorry um are you finished I just say uh an excellent point on both of you uh uh mayor and councilman barer but uh I'm still in favor if there's something out there much more that we can do is when I tell you we have a few properties Mr Gonzalez I'm sure you know what I'm talking about we had tents and illegal mobile homes and uh so if there's anything you could do I I would welcome you bringing it forth to council uh maybe it's just a matter of policy um so great points though because ultimately I say this ultimately you right mayor the goal is compliance um so you know there there is is a such thing as being too heavy-handed and we don't receive that compliance at all so your point is definitely well taken yeah because it's going to have to go through the city attorney boo ya um there's a policy and a process that we must abide by because there batement Clause we have to go through that process I don't know if it's 30 days 90 days or whatever the case may be the point that I'm saying to you yes sir I'm in favor of but how can we fine tune it that's the question that's what we all fundamentally are asking Point well taken C uh councilman go then councilwoman C and then CH going to call the question yeah um just a couple questions um so this address you saying it won't be a rental property at all no Airbnb no nothing no no um so I I guess the the question that I that I have for for um for you Deputy Mayor Hearn as far as what could we do I think we're kind of in a pickle because all you can really do is put leans on the property and so I mean I'm not sure about the jail and I don't I don't think that comes to play right you just put a lean on it correct and a person could have a lean until they sell it or until they quit claim it to somebody or whatever it is and so I I think we we can put oursel in a bind as well when we attempt to be uh detectives on each and every address um because you do have so many different situation and we've been burnt on some we was nice and we we we recently where you know we you know we bent a little bit and and it didn't work in our favor and so I think we have to have a blanket policy across the board where it doesn't put a code enforcement in the bind as well hey look he has a he has a policy by us he follows that policy to the law no matter who it is and it is what it is and and so I took I got a property that I purchased I purchased it for cheap but I also took on the lean that came with it it's on me I have to do to due diligence on my property that's my responsibility and so whether I'm renting it whether I'm I'm staying in it whether it's my fourth house or whatever the situation is I have to take on that responsibility and so I just I just caution us on that as well is just you know do we go Case by case on every single code case I I I don't I don't know you know I just that's that's where yeah you're right that's why the board is in place so I just I just caution us on that as well you know I think that puts everybody in a in in a bind so take it sir light sir Esquire cost oh Council woman c i I'll be brief not too much different than what others said but I mean I remember a specific case where a flipper identified a home got it Dirt Cheap came came to us and you know basically 2000 turned around and sold the house so is there I mean so I'm very sensitive about that because it just did not seem right although he did put value into it you know he went in and redid it um but in terms of how much he reduced the was a question if I knew that he was living in there I think I feel differently about it than if he's you know going to flip it so but I don't know that we are we able to include anything like that in our policy in terms of determining I'm asking the question yeah Mr right yeah there you go you know is it something we can do legally to say Hey look you this reduction by whatever the amount is and you sell a house within 30 days 60 days or whatever that may be then it's some kind of I don't know what that is but just have you have you done anything like that or seen anything in any cities I'm not sure if I've seen that or not but you know the the city council can impose conditions under the right circumstances MH on a lean reduction um and they come at you in a variety of different ways so it's really on a kind of a case by casee basis um the goal of course is compliance compliance first you're seeing this these lean reductions after the property has been brought into compliance so that goal should always be met probably 99.9% of the time um when you see it and then you're just left with the principal amount of the lean uh then the question becomes you know the other circumstances on on how to deal with the reduction um I know in one I know the council's wrestled with a couple of um pre-compliance um situations where we've done code enforcement agreements to and the goal was to have this new party come in and actually bring the property into compliance and then there was a forgiveness a after the fact so we've done some of those creative agreements in the past um so I mean it's you know under the right circumstances perhaps we can we can we can do a condition um the right circumstance right right let me add and then I'm going close my mouth and then we're gonna call questions Miss nman some of those homes that either help refresh me Habitat for Humanity or homes that we have constructed that they must live in the house for a certain period of time and if they sell a home or move to a different location they have to pay back the difference or the loan that we've granted them you understand what I'm saying yes sir there's a 10-year uh mortgage that is placed on a home if a person receives first-time home buyer assistance that would have to be repaid um and depending on the agreement would either be paid in full back to the city or be paid in in in increment dollars depending on the year that they have left and that's the point that I think we all are saying if we consummate a deal with this young man uh M danison we don't expect you to leave the great city of Coco only time to do is your business like councilman bar and Deputy Mayor Hearn said you backbone of America cuz you delivered the products but the concern I'm having is uh if you asking for forgiveness or reduction I'm asking you to fulfill your portion of agreement you know most definitely yeah yes sir there's a difference if you hit the dog on lottery and I get it then brother you can pull a parachute get the ham sandwich out of Dodge I get it I comprehend it but I I I know you're sincere about it sir and I'm just banking on the collaboration you have with this young men the professionalism and with also the City attorney City staff city manager chief of police and and council's input to as well because I believe in them so sorry sir go ahead sir I make a motion for division of the question why you want to make a motion help me understand for the division of the question so I see that there are two questions one is for this gentleman's case itself right the other is I think and I know in my intent was just can we ask staff if there are any opportunities for improvement to policy two separate questions so and or if that is the maybe intent we're going fantastic but I don't want to conflate the two my intent is not to conflate the two you did anyhow man CU you see where we are now but yeah yeah got I think intent the intent heard got we we can give direction to the city manager City deter thank you we can move forward you guys sucked into a bigger conversation so and I resend the motion thank you all the way from District number three I made the motion and a second okay at Cost correct yes sir okay just going call the question all favor by saying I hi hi I un congratulations young man thank you now the second portion of this this because it is a final item for if you want to give this as the city manager City attorney and staff to come back with some additional information pertaining to what you we just need a consensus are you in favor of a deps yes sir are you in favor of a councilman bar yes sir are you in favor of a council woman yeah and Council M yes okay do you all have understanding we just trying to see policies that will promote so that if there is a reduction that they're held accountable that we can revert back to what the original and you can do all the word Smith correctly we in agreeance of that yes ma'am yes sir yes ma'am yes sir yes sir I think I don't know if city has City have a question okay thank you very much sir all right now I'm asking for you may be SE young man congratulations thank you thank you Mr Gonzalez sir thank you Chief call you sir four um under reports um I have a young lady in the audience um there were some circumstances she couldn't get here directly um she is a doctor a o BG y n gy Coles Dr Ivy would you come to the podium please ma'am because it's something that affects us all directly and the clock is running Miss Jamar we going to give her 3 minutes please cuz she was supposed to come oh good there's the clock I was wondering where it was good evening good evening Mr Mayor and the council I'm Dr Donna G Ivory MD I'm a proud product of Coco and Coco High School 41 years ago a senior and graduating and I am here because I am promoting menopause I have had my practice in Titusville for 14 and A2 years and now I'm online Dr Donna GMD and I wrote a book called not your granny's menopause so this came up because we are doing speaking events and we had a speaking event at KOCO Public Library recently where we talk about the conversation the conversation about menopause so may was about generations and women talking to their mothers and mothers talking to their daughters about menopause our theme for June is couples husbands needing to learn menopause and how to navigate marriage and menopause we have events at the Koko Public Library on June 30th and another event on June 23rd at the Titusville Public Library but what I want you to do is start understanding that as as Mayor Mike said menopause affects everyone the city of Coco is in an excellent position to do several things you can sponsor a menopause Summit to help promote educating the entire populace you also are a self-funded health group and so the notion of being able to educate your employees through the mechanisms that you have with regard to health care and the provision of Health Care within the city employee section is also important so the book is a guide there's a community there's a podcast I mean I do all kinds of things when it comes to menopause but I want to bring up the notion that we need to put this front and center to talk about issues that affect women and this is a health and wellness issue that will have impact on us all so I have information for all the council members and the pertinent um members of Staff but I'm honored to be allowed to come and let you guys know that I have a book I can circulate my copy if you'd like to see it in person it's called not your Gran's menopause the ultimate Guide to the change I'm Dr Donna GMD and I appreciate your time thank you thank you calls yeah can can I get you to autograph book yes hallelujah thank God for you thank you so much I really like the idea of starting with our employees um that makes a lot of sense I mean it's just such an important and overlooked issue oh please I let me tell you yeah the last 10 years of my practice I maybe 30% of my practice was taking care of women in menopause and there's a lot out there and you see all of these things online and whatnot it's huge how do you get objective appropriate reasonable reliable information that's really the question anytime anything is on the internet how do you know what you can believe how how do you get someone to listen to your individual concerns because your concern may not be the same as the city clerk's concern as my concern as husbands your in your experience at home may be different from person to person it will be different and I can tell you all kinds of stories about that okay so that's part of the speaking aspect of it but getting it into the public discourse so that we eliminate the silence and eliminate the notion of shame because as we have an aging Society we need to stop having a society that looks down on women as they're aging and that's the other part of it as well and so do you offer the workshop the employee Workshop is that something that you absolutely okay absolutely I do not come empty-handed so that's something that if we were to uh follow up on that we would contact you yes and when you get your handouts there's a QR code with all of the cont contact information you'll get a chance to see all of the Avenues that we can do something you could do something as simple as get a set of Wholesale copies of the book and distribute I mean there are any manner of ways that we can do that we can do a conglomeration of those things if you all have a employee healthare we could do a workshop like that as part of an employee healthare so there are any number of ways that you can promote the understanding the education and the Improvement in experience regarding menopause for the women in the the women and the people in those women's lives when it comes to menopause thank you okay thank you hey 83 yes maam I would be remissed if I didn't share this because it is actual factual Dr Donna scored an accelerated um scor that the professors did not believe took and well you know there was there were a lot of things going on 41 years ago yeah so I superseded it thank you this was a grand slam thank you mayik okay so what I what I'll give you the details I graduated number two in the class I was an honor student I went to John's Hopkins University I have a BS in biom medical that's why I'm sing and I have a medical degree from emry so those those are the early days sir was there another question are you still in Coco um yeah I'm I'm still in Titus so I'm still in Bard County my practice was sponsored out of Parish okay okay and and I'm not going to be invisible because let's be clear the we're about to be in crisis we got a hospital and bankruptcy you know so talking about happening in medicine is huge yes yes sir no I was just going to mention we do have a wellness fair for our employees coming up on June 12th and I'll make sure you get the invite oh please do I would love that I would love that because we could come up for some with something for that it's a booth yeah it'll give you an opportunity to pres to have a booth um sure to talk to our employees love it and I just wanted to add there's a gentleman in the very back that has a a very positive event that's coming up um you may want to get her contact sir okay all right good okay who do I give these to this beautiful young lady right there on sing raise your hand please ma' should disperse them to us are we all one all in church amen thank you so much for your time have a good evening okay all right Miss Angel I'll talk to you right after this meeting okay thank you man all right um city manager [Music] sir real quick they're both uh graduating Mr schaer and uh Mr Ramirez will be graduating from Eastern Florida St college tomorrow at the Melbourne campus at 5:00 so this will be their almost final stage they're completely done with minimum standards in EMT school they'll take their state test on that Friday and once they've passed that we should get their results back either that day or Monday but either way they will start recruit school for Coco fire department on that Monday so we're very proud of them so tomorrow night 5:00 Eastern Florida State College uh on murn campus and I sent invitations to you guys in your emails and ladies why you got the microphone spit the truth could you elaborate about in conjunction with the police department the kid that was rescued the two-year-old yes sir how teamwork is dream yeah absolutely um that was one of the things that I said in the news interview that that was a a product of all the things going right starting from the mother immediately activating 911 to our two Coco police officers getting on scene uh starting CPR early and then our crew uh Lieutenant justiano uh firefighter or driver operator holiday and the two firefighters getting there right behind that and introducing ACLS protocol um showed a positive outcome and anytime you can have those it's just shows the working relationship between our Police Department our fire department our 911 dispatchers cuz that's another key tool that helped us get early activation of the system and showed a positive outcome for that young man and saved his life [Applause] Department devil never done to you before that's Turn You Loose um sir talk about one of the officers uh mouth to mouth with citation without any apparatus just belief and faith and just doing the right thing you know because not all heroes were Cas yeah absolutely so you know a lot of times um as Public Safety uh Personnel we're very reactive in things and don't think about the overall outcome that may happen and that certainly was a point for both of those young men that arrived on scene um watch watchingg them during their interviews you could tell both of them had young kids at home but the very first one that was uh there immediately grabbed the child didn't worry about anything else that was going on and immediately put his mouth in the child's mouth and started rescue breaths and one of the things that really struck me on that was he even said the young boy spit water up in his mouth as he was doing that so just to see him reactive that quick where some people may have froze and waited for other equipment to get there he saw the advantage of early interception into the rescue system and doing CPR on that child to save his life so you know again my hats off to those two police officers and that quick interaction that they [Applause] had your boys man sir thank you sir um thank you chief yes sir uh just a reminder to the council that uh June 4th next Tuesday is the last council meeting before uh you break for approximately a month and so that's that's a going to be a meeting that has a lot of items on it um we're going to bring back to you the discussion of some budgetary items because remember that break is in there so that the city manager and staff can go away and work on the balanced budget proposal and so so a number of items that I'm going to be bringing to you in terms of direction as we go into that break um that uh require your attention um we we haven't gotten the the property values for uh the upcoming fiscal year but I anticipate that I'll get a heads up on that uh tomorrow um from the Property Appraiser's office um but again I anticipate that to have a lot of items on it and a lot of discussion as again it's the last meeting for for a little over a month there I put in front of you the summary uh uh the summation of the bright line uh of the Coco station Coco multi modal uh station uh grant that was submitted this [Applause] afternoon and so uh fingers crossed and prayers up on that um I submitted to you all uh maybe an hour or so ago a little a small brief summary of House Bill 1365 um and I think uh it's it's very important that we we become uh sort of experts on what that bill is because I think a lot of people don't uh don't have that right um you know the county is uh in terms of any sort of uh shelter facility is going to be in the driver's seat on that and so so I would just say pay attention to that very brief um um summary of the bill there uh we have a visioning exercise uh scheduled for June 17th which is also uh combination of the visioning and the uh Diamond Square uh board meeting that's June 17th at the Dr Jolie Smith Community Center um the visioning is for the the four corners of 520 and US1 um we're sort of there's a dilemma with regards to how you notice that so um that is still the Coco Village CRA but I think you all are aware of the uh historical issues surrounding the parcels on the southwest corner there and so so uh I've taken the Liberty uh we're going to do direct mails direct mailers to uh the parcels that are in the Coco Village CRA and direct mailers to the parcels that are in the diamond Square SI again that for that that intersection is a countywide uh Citywide issue because it pertains to what we want the sort of centerpiece intersection to be and to look like there and so we'll do direct mailers to those two CRA parcels and then we're going to do the the the normal advertisement posting on social media um to everybody else in the city there so um that should be a big night um hopefully we'll get lot of lots of input on that um and I think that is it for me Mr Mayor all right city manager we'll come back with something pops up Esquire sa super attorney Anthony gar rep no report okay sir we're GNA proceed in this order de mayor you said odd or even sir odds odds which would like to go [Music] first thank you sir thank you thank you thank you um so I'm start this off um we always try to uh show show love to our uh public works or whatever staff um this was sent to me by Resident so I appreciate residents for always sent it's not always bad things um that they send they sent they seen this on the side of the road uh I made one one phone call to Miss Abigail Morgan and um and got got it taken care of immediately and so I appreciate um Public Works and um whoever else that she sent out to uh get that done I don't know if that was that streets as well um yes it was thank you all right so tell them guys I we appreciate them for for getting it done yeah yeah uh this was the uh pre uh graduation for uh imma Charter Academy uh I attended uh my son he also graduated with the um graduated for every age nowadays so um but it was a great accomplishment to watch all these young people um go across the stage uh this was the a DOT meeting that was held last week at the uh mclary Park in rock LGE uh there was two different projects um that they were talking about this one is actually a cross a crosswalk um going across the fist Boulevard area where the perfect time because now the uh provos Park is almost completed and so by when I understand by 2026 but that I that information just showed some of the crashes and the reason why uh they want to do some um construction on that area CU we know traffic gets backed up on the eastbound well North Northbound of fif Boulevard heading towards 520 and so um this just shows how that looks so it's pretty big project uh as you can see it's is is funded they say early 2026 uh for construction so um I think that that'll be a good thing again perfect time in provos park and it's going to make it look like like we did this project as well so it makes us look good too so it helps everybody out cuz we know a lot of kids go go across the street trying to get across and most of the kids do not go to 520 um and go to the crosswalk so um this is the uh cocoa pal youth employment training uh great program for our youth um we see the the applications is May 29th which is tomorrow um through Thursday June 7th so we get all the young people man they they really need um this program um because it helps them develop great skills seen a lot of kids who didn't want to talk at all at the beginning of this program and then all of a sudden they're leading the program at the end of the session so um this is the uh valedictorian um for IMU Tri Academy she's a eighth grader going to uh nth grade she will be going to rock ledge high school and yeah we and uh so so she she uh perfect 4.0 student uh never had a be um great kid U this was yesterday at the Memorial Day uh ceremony um all of council was there as well great day um to honor our fallen soldiers uh this is my daughter and also I want to highlight Shakara Shakara has a business downtown Coco um she does massages called massage bakara it is at the um the old elcho building uh I think it's right next to the cupcake place something in that area um but she she really helped my daughter and other athletes um perform at the highest uh cuz my daughter was stiff as a board for like two months and because we ran across Miss Shakara she really really helped my daughter out um this was a graduation at CoCo High School um I refuseed to wear orange but I will wear black um at Co but uh this was a great great event um good for the kids I also see so many individuals show love um towards them as well um this was a great picture um um our mayor was the teacher for a lot of these young and you seen the young men and women coming across they remember him definitely from middle school and this is Josh Brown uh he will be attending St University uh he has probably over $ 30 $40,000 worth of scholarships um and he also is uh he going to is the Air Force I think yeah Air Force as well so um so on on on a on a kind of sad note it goes back it goes back to um the previous slide from the do um crossing the roads of the our young people right now it's summertime again they're not going um unfortunately they're not going to the crosswalk like they're supposed to um and so a lot of them are not with their family they're with other kids and they just having fun because they really don't understand the importance of of of being safe and they really don't have the patience for it um the these two young uh young people were were hit by a car um I believe two days ago um and so it it it's it's kind of crazy because I just had just seen him with another group of kids and and when you see stuff like this happen um is and he's four years old and my son is four and so um so as far as PD um right now and because this summer a lot of the kids are at Julie Smith Center and Dunkin Donuts that a lot of them go to Dunkin Donuts to to eat um all day long and they're just going across the road back and forth and so um if if if you can let let officers Know Chief to kind of keep a eye um keep an eye on that area because again you're going to have uh summer record starting I believe today was the first day uh and I'm telling you they are running across that street I don't and and sometime they think they having fun until something bad happen and so may I say something that coun y we are having a prayer visual tomorrow at 5 o' okay for that young man and young lady they were taken to Orlando they air lifted them I'll just let it stay like that y so please if you have some free time come to a prayer vual I would deeply Endor and support that yeah I I also just the last thing um I brought something to um city manager earlier today um I really wasn't uh too happy yesterday at our parade um and I brought something to him to that he's going to bring as far as a policy um because we really don't have um from my understanding the controls over who gets in the parade um and and so some things that wasn't pleasing to my eye I can't speak for anybody else um but I but I think he's going to bring back something uh in the near future to have that conversation about uh some of our parades and um uh make sure that we have controls uh over uh what is allowed in our parade and what is not allowed in our parade and so um I can get into it if y'all want me to uh but it just it just wasn't it wasn't something I wanted to see um at 4:00 p.m. on a Monday for Memorial Day and so uh I made made sure I call him he called me back and we had discussion about it and also talked to several individuals and Leisure service to kind of just kind of figure out what what's our process with that particular parade um and we didn't have the controls over the submission of who and so I just wanted to bring it to you guys attention and let y'all know I did talk to the city manager uh about it as well so from District number three that's it let's go that all right uh so this is out on Cox Road uh so businesses are improving businesses are going strong and so these help one signs are a great sign uh and so coming back to I think our our initial speaker um for for Matthew's hope and talking about how we as a city might be able to Foster connections through programs you know from an economic development standpoint you know it it's the private sector's job to find them self employees and that's a that is a private sector sector function but it's it is it's just busting from an industry standpoint you go out the industry Road it's a lot of dirt it's a lot of jobs coming you got to Cox Road it's a lot of jobs coming and a lot of investment and so if you have somebody who you go they you know they're sitting at home they're going I can't find one Cox Road Industry Road they're literally signs out so and if the problem is retooling then there are some options in provard for that but I just that was a great you know great problem to have uh but equally you know the last thing that we want to have is uh industry coming and then the the the feedback we get is well we can't find people right that that's also can be a challenge so from a policy I take a look at from an economic development standpoint uh and just as a reminder out of Industry you know if you haven't been out there for a while uh I would I would welcome everybody to the district go take a walk and uh you know we're coming off Memorial Day and I don't I don't know of a building out there to be honest that doesn't have a big old American flag on the side of it and I love it I absolutely love the pride from our industry Partners the manufacturing sector it it is you know um anybody's got a problem with that I'm not your guy so I just I share that with you um I I just I really appreciate that and it's where the rubber hits the road man it is America that's finest so thank you uh to to all of our folks who who demonstrate that pride and proudly uh the other is uh that that red flower that's habiscus and that's out at the Coco con Conservation Area and so I went out there you know took a walk because I think we we I got feedback from citizens who were very excited about hearing that we you know this is this is something that we're talking about a little bit and there are improvements um you know it might be modest but it is good solid improvements and they are reasonable uh that make that a great place to go out so if you haven't been out there some beautiful stuff and so just as yours truly you know the rule good rule thumbs you know you stay off the path you Veer off the path or whatever but it is a conservation area which means that there is wildlife out there so um please know what you're walking into because we're bear Bells yeah yeah as as as soon as I saw this beautiful flower your truly had to go over there and go get a good photo and then you see that pond right there how many Gators do you see 12 exactly cuz that little there were three little babies in there which means Mama wasn't far behind and so I just I just share that with you that you know moment you put your foot next to the water if you have not been in Florida because you are new to Coco new to Florida if there's water just pretend there's a gator in it okay so as a reminder the flip side is on the right hand side please slow down when you're driving that's a beautiful scent you know crane please please please slow down there is no need for that uh and so I just I would just ask please please please slow down um that that was that that broke my heart I'll be honest you know uh this is over at uh the five 28 and Industry Road so the picture on the left uh we and we looked at tile ties and we looked at all kinds of storage spot over there for a long time and there is a lot of landscaping that's gone in over there uh it it seems very Florida friendly landscaping and it seems like it's not going to die uh that being said whatever is going in on that one side there's still a whole lot of equipment on the other side of the road so if this is what we're shooting for fantastic if it's not what we're shooting for this would be the time where you know please let's give some feedback before you know the whole thing gets done but it really is a a beautiful um and I think a sustainable way to actually add something to the community uh the picture to the right is Adams and Creek so that is the Final Phase and chief thank you very much for your involvement with that and bringing back that last report because exactly what Chief said from a development standpoint is exactly what they did they took the stuff they mulched it up and they reused it and we don't have to worry about a burn pit especially when we got a No Burn Notice right so uh I just I just want to say thank you but that's it I mean we're done so whatever development is I mean that that that and those are about 300 so can't is that EP Dot's project correct the Landscaping Y correct so uh thank you ma'am so um anyway uh but but for our folks over Adamson that was uh one uh to the left I I I asked this for council's just to put it on the radar Amendment Three is coming up that's recreational use of marijuana that's a short answer and the only reason I put it on our radar is because there was uh we had you know medical use and from a policy standpoint there are folks that got ahead on policy there are folks that were way behind on policy when we talk about the the adult gaming right that was all of a sudden there was was some people are ahead on policy and some people are behind on policy when it comes to Cava and Crow some people are ahead on policy and some people are behind on policy so we have six months at a minimum to and I'm guessing the year the year after legis state legislature if I'm a bet man is going to have to work out whatever if it passes whatever that looks like if it doesn't pass and it's a non-issue but I I just share that with you because what I would hate for is whatever the intent of the voting population is that whatever that intent is is absolutely uh implemented horrifically and then changes the landscape to the community to something that nobody had intended just because nobody had policy at least ready so I I I only say that just you know be thinking about it proactive thank you proactive sir uh the the last one is to the right uh and this one is a personal one uh we did go out and we celebrated Memorial Day as a you know as as a community yesterday and just as a just you know for one thing as one veteran and one representative um I think that we were all there with good intent I just as a as a culture uh I really don't think that that's a great campaign day so I just share that with you and I think that everybody who was who was there uh was there for the right purpose and and so forth and so on but uh that was distasteful in my opinion so you know don't do that but you know you run your own stuff uh but anyway so um there was a gentleman who spoke uh really well about the the value of Corman uh and some folks that were lost in Afghanistan so to to this end uh I served with Doc Pringle who was a combat medic uh with me and uh and jumped into Kosovo and that didn't work out so well for Doc he didn't come home to parade he didn't come home a whole lot he came home to a family and some friends uh and there's not a year go by where I am not appreciative for Doc uh and so ironically I wasn't even in Bard County at that time and then when I wound up moving here somehow I found out that doc was down in Palm Bay uh and so I just share that with you he gave me another year for sure so uh appreciation to Doc and Rangers lead the way thank you good report good report thank okay okay well I don't have a report tonight I think I've you know I've been at several of the events already shown but I do have a request so I've continued to work with the Space Coast uh Transportation Planning organization and go to the meetings I'm involved in two the I guess you would call them subcommittees or the the uh bicycles and Pathways and the vision zero which I helped start there and I would like to serve as the alternate and so I'm asking you that um since I'm at the meetings anyway um I think it makes sense and I went back and listened to you know the the meeting where we discuss this and we never discussed that particular position I know Alex that you've got you know so many other responsibilities so so do we take a vote or consensus and can we have that communicated then do you surrender your alate position you like being well I know I know just personally it very difficult for me to be to 11 yeah so you want to remain the O I would mind okay that's what I'm asking and so should I make a motion or you want to make a motion so that because it needs to be communicated our staff needs to communicate so oh I a motion to make a motion to approve member cost is the alternate to the TPO and I okay so you'll be at the meeting with me yeah I will either way I've been at all Mee Miss Mee with 3G too as well oh yeah well that's not it was actually a suggestion of staff to be honest with you so because I am involved in these other things with them but I'm just saying 3G and myself we've attended all meetings we haven't missed yet so you surrender your position you have a motion on the floor by councilman b and a second by councilman uh Deputy Mayor Hearns to replace uh councilman uh Council woman CA of councilman going position is that the corre interpretation okay all the favor saying I I eyes have unanimous see you at the next meeting all right all right anything else that c oh yeah okay de I just uh from District 2 I just wanted to give a thanks to staff uh we had a light poll that was out and it was causing a real safety concern for some residents uh reported it to staff and it got fixed fairly quick I'm actually shocked so uh as always thank you thank you for that that it all right on tonight last but not least myself um have a few Ops here pH Ops I guess uh this is the adult we call it basard Adult communic Community Education these are individuals obtaining their um GED as you can see myself this was held the day after we completed umle High School 8:00 that morning 9:00 that morning we were there Dr kador Jamie cross assistant principal also Mrs Julie Kennedy Eric ker M Malik um Mrs Benjamin Dr randelle keynote speaker uh and will rammer and myself were there recipients the photo at the top you can see Council woman CL in the background um assistant principal Williams um I think that's you counil going with your back to us and to as well so we snuck everybody in right there I'm having to say great event for Copa High School um I probably hit the wrong button did it hit the wrong button Mr you have a couple before that one spe yes are the is uh thank you sir there we go here we are there as Council m going showing myself you can see counsel in the background uh we even had school board member Trent there um which was an outstanding support and the principles from uh Mrs T Cambridge and I'm thinking the principal from fairen um this when they were doing an introduction there deputy mayor hers um you see like I said Mr Trent there is that it that's it sir y y killing brother it's all good in the neighborhood let me say this much for the the um the event for Memorial Day back off coun all gave some and some gave all and I'm happy to say that we acknowledge our men and women that pay the ultimate price so that we can celebrate our freedoms and even though we come from different tribes we belong to One race and that's the human race because we're all God's children ESP special shout out to Mrs Hardwick her third grade class had the opportunity to speak with them too as well and the list goes on and I have tons and tons of pictures but it's all good thank you because we do for the love our community and the love of our city so we say thank you Team Coco Together We Stand never will we fall thank you very to local local keep loc toun I go inace this