##VIDEO ID:MldF_3MKsCA## in Tuesday September the 3rd 2024 Pledge of Allegiance will be done performed by uh councilwoman cost invocation will be performed by um Deputy Mayor Hearn and then we will do roll call and then I will turn it over to the city manager and we will proceed in that order with everyone please stand for all glory secure your cell phones Pages etc etc that's including me will face flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you all to join me in uh prayer dear heavenly father I'd like to give thanks for allowing us to arrive here safely at beautiful uh City Hall this evening um I ask that you continue to watch over our city watch over our neighbors as well as we uh Endeavor the rest of this year keep us safe and with the council and and make sure we only make the best decisions on behalf of the citizens of Coco in Jesus name we pray amen amen Madam clerk yes sir yeah two City attorney and Patricia mayor Blake pres ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn present council member weeks here council member Goins council member C here assistant City attorney Ike here city manager Whitton all right okay thank you very much Madam clerk we will proceed in this order we will um have this discussion about the budget hearing I have one card as it states right now uh would like to turn it over to the city manager but we will have a public hearing with two items two adoptions for a resolution and uh we'll proceed in that order everyone should have their itinerary in front of them city manager floor is yours sir yes sir thank you Mr Mayor I'll I'll turn it over to Mrs Bowman and she's going to take you through the presentation thank you Mr Whitton um so this is our first public hearing to uh adopt the budget at this meeting um I'll show you in just a moment but we're going to adopt a tentative millage rate and a tentative budget so um as I said the two things um you're going to do uh first I'll take you through the millage rate comparisons um the note up there states that the tenant millage cannot exceed the millage rate adopted by City Council in on July 23rd um that can happen happen but we would have to redo all of our trim steps all over again um if uh Council wanted to do that um uh note that the fiscal year 2025 budget was developed with an assumption of a avalum millage rate at 6.95 32 at a 95% collection rate which is what the state requires the minimum that state requires for us to do um to support our ongoing Capital needs and operational needs and then the second step uh in this process I'll run you through the budget numbers and then I'll request for Council to adopt the tenative budget for fiscal year 2025 and that go forward okay um and then also when you get done voting uh with the second vote for the tenative budget um we will set a second public hearing uh it is again not on a regular schedule council meeting date because the school board um would be meeting on the same date as the city council meeting and so State Statute says we cannot meet on the same date as the school board so that's why we're doing a little bit differently this year and um according to uh State Statute we have to have a balanced budget by October 21st 2024 and uh the notice of proposed taxes property taxes went out to homeowners already ready um via the tri notice so comparing other cities rates um we did not get information from everyone um about what their current versus their roll back and proposed rates are um there are um uh the roll back rate is there on that slide for comparison and if you look at it um doesn't look like anyone is going back to roll back rate however they um are making some slight reductions in their millage rates and you'll see Coco is the third highest in the county at 6.95 32 Mills and that's bringing us a total of $12 million in avalum taxes and I would like to note that the millage rate is the same as it was last fiscal year so there is no increase in Coco's millage rate so the total fiscal year uh budget for fiscal year 2025 is 172 million $74,800 5% and um keeping the millage rate the same as in previous years was helped to fund salaries and benefits uh mandatory and critical Capital Equipment maintaining Essen essential services and absorbing inflationary costs so at this point in time Mr Mayor um I would like for you to open this up to public hearing and uh take any comments from the public thank you do we have any questions from Mrs Bowman before turn it over to the public Council woman calls I just want to ask um if in the future if we could when we do the comparative City rates we could also also include population size I mean I kind of know what these are but it gives us I think a better perspective um you know for example we're probably double the population of Satellite Beach but we're half the population of Titusville so you know just if we're going to compare that would be a helpful data point thank you okay do we have any additional questions for Mrs Bowman go ahead I do yes um I wanted to and I don't know if now is the appropriate time to ask but the when going through the the budget it there is a number of items that are in red under shortfall how do we handle that uh I don't think that there's shortfalls there was a difference from last year to this year if you're talking about this okay slides that are later yes okay yeah that's a that's right a change from one year to the next that was a reduction oh okay thank you I appreciate that you're welcome okay any other questions Deputy Mayor um it's just a suggestion sorry it's just a suggestion as well um maybe looking at next year's budget um if we can do a scenario based presentation as well maybe showing the council we can do if we was to not go a rate but maybe a reduction what you know maybe the council options on things Su okay do we have any other comments from Council pertaining to tonight's budget saying none sure like to close this portion open to the public please come forward and state your name and you have three minutes to elaborate on this particular item resolution number the tentative or millage rate tentative fiscal year 25 budget going once is there a PDF that we could see of it or something you resolution you have uh um you want to see the numbers yes okay um we're gonna we will come back again yes ma'am I'll make sure you get the opportunity when we meet the second time so that you can see the actual numbers there too as well that she did have it advertised she did show it once before it's in the agenda online too yes and it'll be on the agenda online okay cool beans going once going twice chair let me close this portion to the public and return it to councel next slide please uh because I know we got to make a motion but I just want to see the next slide just to be on the okay um so the subst stand of issues for Council or I'm sorry wrong slide um at this time I would like to make a public announcement that the city of Coco is the taxing Authority that the roll back rate is 63761 the millage rate of 6.95 32 is a tax increase of 9.05% as a percent change of the roll back rate and the millage rate to be levied is at 6.95 32 is 0% increase over the adopted millage rate from fiscal year 24 okay so now and so just um to recap what the roll back rate is um this is a technical explanation that says allows government's growth in Revenue by excluding new construction from the calculation and keeps the taxpayers paying the tax same taxes as they did in the previous year it's a term that um applies to property tax rate as it changes year-over-year in relation to the property values so essentially a ro back rate um excluding new construction will get you back to collecting the same amount of taxes that you collected in a prior year even though maybe you have inflationary issues or salary uh Union uh negotiations going on and cost of everything's going up um so that is an option that Council has so at this point in time I would like for Council to approve resolution 24- 083 with a tenative millage rate of 6.95 32 Mills for the city of Coco commencing on October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 okay we have any comments for Mrs Bowman saying that chair would like to make a motion to approve staff recommendation for the 24- 083 tentative millage rate of 6.95 32 Mills for the great city of Coco second we have a motion on the floor by the chair second by Deputy Mayor Hearns ch's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I I eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item okay so the next item is the uh fisal year 20 2025 tenative budget um as I stated the tenative budget is 172,0 318 uh the largest portion of the budget um as usual is the water and sewer Utility Fund at about $86 million followed by general fund of $54 million the water and sewer renewal and replacement fund is for large capital projects that's got $133 million budgeted uh water Su restricted assets which is essentially Debt Service for the Utility Fund is $8.7 million and then we have various other special Revenue funds of $3.8 million Water and Sewer impact fees are estimated at $2.4 million to storm water fund at 2.3 million and then we have a Debt Service fund and a workers comp fund um that are just over a million dollars so we take a look at the um funds by or the budget by funds so we'll start with general fund um and as a reminder these are the different categories um that we have to report in the financial statements um so general fund Revenue sources is made up of taxes other permits and fees intergovermental Revenue which is shared uh Revenue um and sales tax and things like that um and then charges for services is the water billing services and garbage collection and other various charges for services that we have we have fines and forfeits miscellaneous and then um something that's called non-revenue because it's not something that we generate that Revenue ourself which it includes interf fund transfers the water and sewer return on investment and payment in Le of franchise fees um we did have debt proceeds this year uh Council agreed to portion about 2.8 million in um debt uh and then anything that we pulled from unassigned fund balance or reserves so looking at general fund budget um the highest revenue Source there is the inter fund transfers from water sewer storm water uh funds followed by taxes um that line for taxes is that $12 million includes the $12 million in avalor taxes and then other taxes that uh we enact as a city ourselves the charges for services is about $8 million and Then followed by the permits and fees the intergovernmental miscellaneous and fines and forfeits for a total of 54 m377 562 then we'll take a look at the budget um by Department um and you can see there that the fiscal year 25 budget for police um is $1 13.9 million Public Works um is 12.4 followed by fire at 9.6 General operations is uh kind of like a non- departmental department where it shared cost uh throughout the rest of the city is $7.3 million uh Finance at 4.3 it at 3 million administrative services at 1.2 million city manager at a million and Communications and economic development at a million Community Services 214,000 city council 179,000 and then Emergency Operations 173,000 and so this slide is the slide where you see the red and that is showing a reduction in the cost from fiscal year 24 to fiscal year 25 um you can see Public Works and fire um had large increases those increases were due to Capital spending um different pieces of equipment for public works and then uh fire truck is was the major thing for the fire department uh for the next fiscal year and I would like to note overall there was an increase of about $4.7 million in general fund uh spending of which about 2.8 of that is the debt um financing being able to purchase those large Capital items then we'll look at water and sewers fiscal year 2025 budget their uh largest revenue generator is charges for services which is all the utility fees and then they have revenues from unrestricted net position to fund some of their capital projects at 5.4 million and then miscellaneous Revenue at 537 million so their total budget is 85.6 million and then looking at them by division um again you see some things in red there like for engineering this is all the different departments that are in Utility Fund um that's just due to a change in um capital projects from one year to the next um and then the um Administration uh which includes the cost for the ROI the piloff and the overhead and Debt Service transfers decreased slightly at 126,000 and then water field operations in inventory also had slight decreases and again that those are um inventory is changing and Staffing but um Waterfield operations is is due to Capital again uh fiscal year 2025 storm waterer budget um if you'll recall storm water is collected through a special assessment s similar to the fire assessment um so that's not under charges for services it gets reported as a special assessment and um we break out the collection of that money um by trying to keep track of delinquent or tax certifications but the total budget for storm water uh revenue is $2.3 million and then looking at their costs personal services went down slightly their operating costs went down slightly and then their Capital needs are higher so um their budget went from 2.2 million to 2.3 million $106,000 change overall in the storm water budget so at this time Mr Mayor I would like for you to turn that over turn the meeting over to uh hear public comments uh from the citizens thank you very much Mrs Bowman do we have any questions for Mrs Bowman councilwoman call well I mentioned this earlier but it would be really helpful to have um in this presentation to have the storm water our plan for 10 years to know where we stand in that because when we voted on that at what four or six years ago now I guess five years ago to know which projects are going forward if we replaced any you know what our progress is so so we can probably include that one of the hearing or one of the presentations earlier in the budget process okay good good any other questions I have one real quick go ahead that's okay go ahead okay uh the the reduction in engineering under water sewer fund of 1.8 million how did that decrease so drastically uh it's dependent on capital projects and um water sewer capital projects one project alone could be$ 1.8 million so that again follows his 10-year plan um for Capital needs for the water and sewer Utility Fund and so it just it fluctuates from one year to the next the biggest part of that million hours was the lead and copper uh uh Services Task that does not repeat for the next year because we completed it or are completing it this year so that was one of the biggest portions of it thank you oh okay thank you okay any other questions I do have a card in the audience all right let me close this portion to council and open to the public I have you Mr Murphy please come forward state your name Steve Murphy I'm in District three uh off 5 24 I do have one question outside the water if I may it's just a short question brother how much rollover is going from the 203 24 to the 24 25 budget I don't know what that answer is at this time because all the spending isn't recorded yet oh okay projected I don't know you don't have a projected no okay um can we act that at the final hearing that we have that data with that I won't have all the costs recorded until the end of October to even start to figure out what budget needs to be rolled over okay we have a month after the end of the fiscal year to be able to record all the costs back to the previous fiscal year right before I can start working on financial statements will you have a projected roll over by no I I have open purchase orders but I can't tell you when invoices are going to come in in October okay thank you you're welcome so um the reason I'm uh I asked to speak uh this evening was regarding the uh City Water and Sewer rate increase that was reduced from 4% to 2% and I know you're going to find this hard to believe but I kind of disagree with that uh for a couple reasons the first one is um and looking at the fam's report that was put out by stantech uh I didn't have the 23 report but I did have the 22 report and there was some pretty drastic changes that occurred uh from 2022 to 2024 and the majority of that had to do with uh projected grants versus um projected borrowing and so there was a large amount of uh projected grants that are to come in in the 2728 year um versus what was projected previously to that and um so I have a public records request in asking for do we know if those grants are already approved or are they just projected grants is is he talking about like the femal modification enhancement of no I'm sorry those those are projected grants okay they're projected so they're they're not already there would be out the fiveyear CIP window so it's probably for a large project where we're hoping that we would get a grant or it would be dependent on execution to get some dollars to offset it okay so if those grants don't come in then it's a it's a problem it doesn't go yeah we don't we don't do the project or we delay it so I guess my point is if we stayed with the standard 4% that would offset a little bit of that as well as I I do have another issue that has to do with the sewer uh transition uh that's projected out there and I saw that the the report was put in by the um the engineering uh Department that did that analysis for you and they're projecting 379 Parcels uh that are west of the Indian River Drive that are not going to be converted to sewer so jnk gets converted but those 379 other Parcels don't get converted which now puts the onus upon those owners of those Parcels to do a conversion to an enhanced septic system which the report projecting there is $30,000 each now I understand that within the county that there are available grants out there today of about 18,000 to offset that still 12,000 and that grant money could dry up from the uh Savar Indian River Lagoon so my I guess my point is I would prefer to leave the at 4% and use that Revenue to offset future either uh um borrowing or to look at moving those 379 Parcels that are going to have to go to enhance septic to a sewer transition thank than you thank you next Mr Jeffrey W brown hello my name is Jeffrey Brown I've uh been a resident of the city of Coco for 44 years um I just have a couple questions I'm not quite sure how to read all this or find all the proper information but about the uh the uh charge for services um so I just know that Waste Management happens to be in there however it's on our water bill every month can I get an itemization of the charge for services and an explanation as to why um there's I kind of feel like if I'm paying every month on my water bill what what's the yearly the annual fee for that also I'm I'm paying uh $1,500 more or I'm paying $1,500 on my property taxes um to the corporate Municipality of Coco um and I mean, 1500 bucks is is a lot of money for somebody who's struggling so um I would just like to get a breakdown and figure out why I I feel like I feel like it we might be paying for it twice is is 1500 your property tax that's just that no that's just the uh what the city of Coco gets out of my property taxes I pay roughly $4,000 I'm not I'm not homesteaded right so you you pay to the city of Coco your property tax bill is $1,500 yes and you want an itemization of that $1,500 I yeah yeah your $1,500 goes into a big pot that funds the police department the fire department uh Public Works uh all the support agencies um city council so it is a it is a cumulative collection of all the property tax revenues that funds the uh Services of the city I I I understand that but I'm just kind of confused as to like unless unless that light line item that was just something that was added in there to um you know that I mean it on the charge for services it says that the waste management is you know the a garbage collection is a part of that I'm just I mean I paid $20 a month on my water bill basically for for that I'm just I'm trying I'm com I'm coming here to get educated there's a revenue source which is that charges for services and then we pay Waste Management so we collect and and uh Waste Management charges us on top of what uh they charge us for picking up your garbage I I understand that yeah I understand that but what I'm saying is like I there's roughly $20 a month on the water bill so I'm just curious as to why if on that uh charge for services line item garbage is mentioned but that that's that's just the the way to we're collecting the garbage there because that's a that's a bill that goes out every month um Waste Management garbages uh expense monthly and so so so that you don't get two bills you actually register receiving your Waste Management bill that's a part of your water bill so that that that literally is the itemization there so you got the water portion and then you got the garbage portion so so basically Waste Management charges so we I pay that monthly and then they get an annual amount also no I'm just I'm curious because I'm just wondering if there's a if there's a itemization on charge for services say say what you said again if there's an itemization on the charge for services if like that that line item if there's a uh itemized uh list of what what's on there if you would like to leave your name I can give you the the listing of all the accounts that make up charges for services okay I I would appreciate that thank you I don't I don't know if that's what you're referring to but are are you just trying to figure out an itemization of your garbage charge well that's just one of the that's that's one of the so you just want you want an itemization of what's called charges for service on your monthly water bill not on the monthly water bill on the actual on this on this uh this tax bill the the 1,400 and $84.6 that I would be paying this year let me let me see it sir yeah that's tenative yeah he's in Texas right yeah that was that was my original question if you if you're there's a on your tax bill yeah you're you're it's the municipal Services city of Coco the 1484 and6 yes sir and you're you're not going to have an itemization of that because again that those dollars go into a collective pot that fund uh that funds fire police uh Public Works um all your general generally funded Services would it be possible to to generate a um uh itemized percentage then like so if I if if I were if that's what I was going to be paying what percentage is going to this what percentage is going to that because I mean if it's going into a big pot then obviously that pot's got a percentage of it pays a percentage to this percentage to that so what about an itemized percentage um sheet yeah I I mean we can we can show you that I don't know that it's gonna it's gon to be be accurate but but again the city collects including your 1484 the city collects uh 12 point whatever million she had on the on the previous chart there so again they're about 7,000 residential properties if I remember correctly that all have a a taxable um Revenue amount that go into making up the where's that 12.03 million there so it's the it's the I think you had it that breaks it down by perc there department so so you so you so you contribute out of the 12 point something million you contribute $1,00 the $1,400 did you do did you do have the general fund chart somewhere yeah that's that's the 12 12, 31,000 and then the general fund chart that's your cost and so here are here's what that 12 million in part pays for you can see that the 12 million doesn't doesn't cover the full cost of the police department doesn't cover the full cost of Public Works you can see what fire is you can see General operations Finance information technology and so you're the 12 million of which your 1,400 is a part of is contributing to the payment of expenditures that total 54.3 77562 million okay um the there's actually a couple things up there um but the inform uh like the information technology um what is that in reference to is that um uh have anything to do with like Civic plus no that's the mic that you're speaking into okay that's uh that's uh the screen there okay all of our computer equipment okay hey I came here to get Ed know it's it's traditional IT services that supports uh all of those services that you see there including uh storm water including utilities y y knowledge is power you have the right place sir so you can be educated knowledge is power that's a wonderful thing that's why I'm here that's right that's why we're answering your questions all righty well that's it for me thank you yeah so so again you you can see see why it's it would be difficult to because again your your 1400 is a part of the the 12.03 million which again is a part of this 54 million so it pays for again whatever percentage 12 million is of 54 it pays a a a small percentage of uh the cost to run government all right well thank you I'm like you I did not have that $25,000 homestead tax exemption last year I didn't get it sir yeah well it hurts even though I know oh absolutely brother I feel the pinch but because I'm on Commercial residential then there's others that do not pay any taxes at all but that's a different conversation on a different date okay do we have any other additional individuals in the audience saying none sh like to close this portion of the public and return of the council what are the wishes of council councilwoman Co um just I wanted to make a comment we are not voting on the water sewer percentage we've already done that right we're voting on the budget tonight correct that's right yeah just for Mr Murphy's information and in regard to the uh septic conversions and and that report I think I've requested that we have an opportunity to um see that as a Council and discuss it so uh chairs the motion what are the wishes of council so Mr Mayor if I could just make a statement as to the requested action please yes ma'am go ahead um I'd like for Council to approve resolution 224-8462 and ending on September 30th 2025 okay that's been read and all okay now she had to read it if not I'll make the motion chair would like to make a motion to approve resolution so um at this point I would like to um reiterate that the next public hearing will be the final public hearing on the final millage rate and the final budget uh which will be held September 17 2024 at 6: pm here in the chambers and just for the record ma'am we cannot increase or enhance the 69352 we're locked in on that you're locked in unless you want to go back and read advertise and go through all the records for records okay have your face in the place with the Human Race September the 17th 2024 at 6: PM is there any other information you need to share with us that's all we need to do for tonight sir thank you very much ma'am job well done Mr city manager and staff directors all 400 plus employees because teamwork is the DreamWork Mr city manager sir um we are good uh Mr Mayor I think we have one report yes sir um I just wanted to um let everybody know we did some press this last week on Amazon opening um so Amazon has announced or will be announcing um the Fulfillment center on Grom that will be opening uh hopefully very soon um they're hoping to have it up and ready before the holiday season so um we should have a it's a their newest fulfillment center um and we should have a release by next week on hiring so we'll have a hiring announcement next week and we're looking at possibly hundreds of positions available right there in our community so that's we're excited about that we'll get the word out about that announcement um once we have more information but we hope to have that next week no question no question please be mindful that not denote that she said hundreds yes so more than one potential up to more than two Council woman call ma'am yeah I was going um can you explain because I know there are different types of plants so this one is not the last mild plant correct it how do how do you describe trying to describe it to someone I'm not really sure what it's they call it a fulfillment center fulfillment center okay that's the that's the term that they use for that that facility is a fulfillment center originally the facility was going to be a Last Mile which would have had Vans but this is a fulfillment center and and so the difference between fulfillment slash first mile can I still call it first mile somehow yeah it's in essence a first Mile and last mile is Last Mile those are the facilities that the items that are going on the gray truck that come to your home uh so that's the last mile the the Fulfillment center is items that will go to other Amazon uh centers they may be uh they may be Last Mile centers there but it's the it is those items that are not going directly to your home but going to other Amazon uh centers and and there's a difference as well to that with jobs because those vans that pick up on a Last Mile facility are all contract employees and aren't technically employees of Amazon so it's actually more full-time and part-time positions with this new type of facility that we will have okay yeah that was one of that was one of the benefits of benefits of the change was that these are these are more direct Amazon jobs there and and again I know I've seen it on uh next door about what type of facility it is there and so there's no rocket fuel in the facility uh it it is uh yeah it's those chemicals Etc that you would find at uh at Scotties and Lowe's get it Scotty's Home Depot Home Depot and Lowe's there so it's that those those types of chemicals I don't know if you want to expound on that Chief land no I mean Amazon did a lot of work to retrofit that building to ensure its safety and all which added some more space for them but we're actually doing their final fire inspection of the fire pump and the foam system that um had to be added to that on September 10th so they've done a tremendous amount of work out there so again just to be clear there are chemicals in the facility those are things that you would find in hardware stores and home improvement stores any anywhere in America Walmart any of that okay you mean SpaceX is not storing any their Rocket Fuel there well thank you for the point of Cl Council woman call D done I'm good you good ma fantastic to staff want to say thank you all very much job well done you've been a good servant for the city of coko and the citizens I thank you Mr city manager City attorney and Council staff staff the council here want to say thank you very much for your diligent commitment to fulfill the betterment of our fine City called The Great city of Coco so I thank you council members job well done so if not uh this concludes we all on one Accord okay chair entertains a motion to adjourn I'm looking for a second second second by May Hearns all in favor saying I I it unanimously great job everyone thank you great job thank you thank you sugarfree chocolate can peanut