tonight's council meeting thank you Mr Mayor for once again catching me off guard not that I don't know how to pray I do a little bit of that let us bow our heads Lord God we thank you for this day and as always we thank all the things you do US in US and through us but most important we ask that you be in this place tonight not that you need our invitation but sometimes I think it's important that we reach out to you and we invite you into our thinking and our processes that we can be the leadership you have called us to be whether it's those with titles or those without if we just sit on the sideline prayer is just words and so may we put out our action and I ask that you have your hand upon this this Council upon this city and we cannot wait to see what you do next in your precious in Christ Jesus amen amen all right to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible libery and justice for all thank you very much my citizens for exercising I newest member Madam clerk ARS would you do roll call for us please ma'am yes sir mayor Blake pres May Deputy Mayor Hearn present council member baringer present council member gos here council member C here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten thank you thank you very much I would like to say thank you for all citizens today for coming out and participating in the best form of government that is local government because it's the former government to the people um would like to say congratulations to a few individuals that we had the opportunity to attend and and visit their event um ranging from uh the cheerleaders group or even down to the events at the park at a wonderful time okay I'm getting some more cards so I'm waiting on my remaining cards to come in before I actually start okay proceeding on item number two- one agenda regular meeting of February the 17th 2024 what are the wishes of council motion to approve second we have a motion on the floor and a second and discussion ma'am um yeah uh the city manager and I spoke earlier about items under multi-year contracts that those would be moved to council business why are you want to move in the council business well because they're almost $10 million for one thing and um even though this is baked it certainly deserves to be presented um to the public I'm we're not going to vote against it because it was uh by order that we do this but the extent of the project the project itself would like to hear presented and have the opportunity to you know raise questions Madam city clerk are all the attached items public information all the attachments are yeah they're available online yes ma'am okay so um anyone could call the city manager or City attorney or even a utilities director um to to I mean it's been normal procedures it's public information um everyone transparent uh needless to say the utilities department has been the backbone of of Coco I mean we all play intricate part as a team but um we know we have that uh what we call Golden water Liquid Gold to be exact so we have a motion on the floor by councilman goes and excuse me yeah I thought you were finish no but I was just going to say the this has nothing to do with our water department this is a $10 million project that the consent agenda is for routine items and I just don't consider $10 million routine that is your personal opinion but let me finish uh there was a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and a second by Council go is that correct is that the correct motion yes now um um staff has presented all this information to the city manager as well and if you all had any questions I mean I don't have a problem with it what I do I think um I just trust city manager City attorneys City staff okay councilman go yeah I don't I don't have an issue with a councilwoman cost making a recommendation but at the same time we've done multi-year contracts underneath consent agenda um plenty of times before for um I think if what people have done in the past is Select certain items that they would like for us to pull because even Council woman you've done it before as well where you selected say item six for example to pull out um I don't I know I haven't got any phone calls about any of these items anytime I had questions about any item I've always gone to the city manager asked him for those questions um or for those answers me um I just I think if if it was specific to a certain items Community was concerned about it would be different for me um but I think we've done this before it's not we already set president on what we have done in the past so Mr Walsh yes sir these particular items these contracts yes sir are these multi-year contracts sir are they any different from multi-year contracts that we we' done in the past have we done anything Equitable are closely similar similar to this we do we do most almost everything we do is multi-year because very few large capital projects can be done in 12 months or within the fiscal year whenever it comes to council um but I'm prepared to speak if if if the council so chooses we I'll answer any questions anything any concerns that you have okay um Deputy Mayor you looking at me you want to say something I just want to know is there a specific item or you well all three of these are attached they're all part of the project out at 95 and 528 that as you know we've had many uh members of the public from that area get up and speak about so I mean it is an area of controversy there's it's not a question of whether we're going to pass that tonight um however it is kind of an interesting project it is um um and I think it I just think any time we're spending $10 million that um I don't consider that routine anything that costs that much okay I'm willing to this is we were ordered by the court to to do this in return for annexing this area all I I don't want to waste any further time so if uh Mr Jack um Mr was if you're willing to speak on it um I'll amend my motion uh to pull those what four items five six three yeah it five six and seven um councilman going okay um one more other thing Jack all this information that that's presented to us is transparent and accountable right sir yes sir always yes it's cut and dry I don't understand but hey there there are you know there for each of these there's a lot of attachments I think there's 12 to 15 attachments per item because we want to have all of the documents attached so we have the stipulated agreement between bright line and the city attached as the Baseline and then the agreement for the project that we're doing and then the budget transfer forms that go with that so those are all attached to the agenda item for all for all three items standard procedure standard procedure Council M you have your light on sir well I don't want us to do this every single meeting so is is it is it so this is question to council woman cost are you are you looking to not have multi-year contracts underneath consent agenda absolutely not this is a $10 million project so is a certain amount of money that you want to cap it at to say I mean we're going to be you know we're going under 528 right you know there's a lot of complexity here and um just understanding that process I don't think it's a presentation is too much to ask um well I I guess I guess I were sitting in the audience having witnessed everything that's gone on over the last couple of months well I I guess I'm looking out for staff so in in future reference is there do you want to look at a certain amount to say if it's over $3 million if it's over four million is that something I'm just I don't want to do this every meeting where we we're spending $10 million so you know I'm between the three items so okay um yeah I think what can you convey that to the city manager I guess maybe next week or whenever to let him know what that amount we discussed it this morning and he said that um you know he talked to Monica and you know motion was needed and okay he didn't have a problem with it all right so we clear yeah we good any other comments before we have an amended motion um Madam clerk do you are have the amended a motion stated would you state for me please business and that will be those two items there CH going to call the question all in favor I and okay proceeding on to the next item minutes two- 2A regular meeting of November the 14th 2023 what are the wishes of councel V to approve second ch's G to call the question all in favor saying I I any n icept unanimously proceeding on to item number two-b special meeting for December 19 2023 what are the wishes of council approve have a motion on the Flor by councilman second by Deputy Mayor Hearn just GNA call the question all in favor by saying I and in N I have it unanimously proceeding on to Awards and presentation presentation of CMC to pin Monica AR city clerk 24-9 W Pierce from faac Central East District director from the city of s thank you very much good evening good evening mayor Blake and members of the city council Mr wh stock and I have known each other for a very long time um probably longer than either one of us want to admit um thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to come here this evening um I'm Gwen Pierce as mayor Blake said I'm the central East District director for the Florida Association of city clerks the fac I'm also the city clerk for the city of Satellite Beach um with me tonight we have Pat Burke who is the town clerk manager for the town of Palm Shores she's also the fac president-elect um we have U Mia um Mia go for from the City of Cape canabal and Jennifer lur from the city of rockage so we're all here this evening to congratulate your wonderful City on the recent accomplishment of Monica your city clerk and achieving her certified municipal clerk um designation to earn the CMC designation Monica has gone through the municipal Clerk's Institute program um which is conducted by the John Scott daily Institute of government through Florida State University um this program provides 12 120 hours of in-depth coursework on managerial and leaders leadership skills as well as Technical Training to help us to do our jobs and deal with the challenges that we face every day in local government um this program helps minicipal clerks in uh their job performance but it also ex it also excuse me recognizes the profession of the mun professionalism of the municipal clerk's office um in addition to U going through the Institute or or getting a bachelor's degree in public administration clerks have to demonstrate responsible um experience in local government and they have to particip in conferences oh I have I do actually have a bottle water but thank you um meetings and educational seminars in order to earn the CMC designation so your city clerk Monica has joined an elite group of now I have three B more oh no two just two thank you has joined an elite group of Professionals in local government um a group she could not have become a part of without the commitment of to support her goals that you all have done so we really appreciate that so on behalf of the facc the president Angie guy board of directors and members I extend my sincere our sincer congratulations to Mar arso city clerk for the city of Coco on the impressive accomplishment of becoming one of our newest certified Municipal clerks we're very proud this is her CMC pin nice lanyard I'm going to pin your lanyard so I don't poke you and draw blood lose the backro I got it you're good want you to it okay and your certificate thank you so much is that beautiful [Applause] here come on we come [Music] on as you all know our our clerical office city clerk office sorry I need a microphone sir thank you thank you um as you all know are clearly made aware of our clerical office is one of the important departments because all documentations come through this young lady's um office and that's power and if we want detail and accuracy it starts with her so we would like to say thank you very much Mrs Arsenal you and your army here I thank uh you're being recognized by your peers and job well done ma'am look forward let's give her a round of [Applause] applause we are extremely proud of you thank you very much you support ma' you very much a good servant for the people I couldn't have done it without you guys okay that's all I got to say else like to say anything else yes sir uh for those who may not know uh you know the amount of headache this City Clerks deal with is it's astounding and uh as you know we we lost a very very good clerk uh car Sheely um but I don't think we could have chosen any better person to fill her shoes so welcome don't make me cry anyone else anyone else City Council Members city clerk City staff I'll say something just real quick um you are someone that can meet any Challenge and I'm so glad to have you in this seat thank you very much anyone else uh counil M go from District ju made me do yes sir man's coming he doesn't know um I I think I think you know in reality we all seen your growth um I've been on Counsel now for going on six years right now and so I've seen you come from where you began and so I appreciate all your hard work and I definitely appreciate the candy that you bring to us uh but but right yeah but but it's just um we proud of you uh we appreciate everything that you do um and I know you're going to do great things so get ready for all the public records coming through uh requests so uh we appreciate you I'm ready thank you Matt your turn brother thanks sir yes sir all I can say is that uh as a father who has many children who have very different ideas I empathize with your role and keeping the house running so thank you so much for all that you do and thank you for everything that you do to make the face of the city and speaking with city council Pleasant professional and of the most competence thank you there you go M right on U before we conclude man bring up Preston man Preston needs to be in the ph up too yeah there's powers and numbers right Courtney all come on up here hey he's a part of the family he you good there stay right here with us okay I'm just going to ask like a couple of you to come over on this side we good thank you yes thank you I'm Michaela motorcycle thank thank you sir I don't know we may have come up to the podium to I mean to the day next I'm happy to say the historic Coco Village Main Street annual report and we have the honorable president executive directing yeah in front of us amen juste okay thank you all right good evening Council memb City staff thank you for having me here tonight for those of you who don't know me I'm Amanda Musa the executive director of historic Coco Village Main Street and tonight I'm going to speak with everybody about what we achieved in 2023 Savor those cute photos there for a second can you hear me can everybody nobody can hear me how about now is that better got to lean over a little bit so as all of you are probably aware we are an economic development nonprofit organization and our mission well newly revised mission is to develop and sustain a dynamic downtown district that caters to the needs of both residents and visitors um if you look over to your right you will see our map of our footprint that is also new as per 2023 and we kind of expanded on our footprint to align better with the cra's footprint so with our values we would like to fulfill our vision um of being adaptable and Community Centric while also focusing on the economic Vitality which is helping our business Thrive and creating a quality place for both our visitors and our residents here I am so as a nonprofit We have volunteers who help us with the core of our organization which is our committees we have an economic Vitality committee design organization and promotion and they help us Implement our annual work plans and help transform the community in collaboration our promotion and marketing committee has been working with a I don't know if they're an organization a company named Civic brand which is out of Texas um and there expertise is in City branding back in 2022 we started a comprehensive Place brand audit with this company which gave us in insightful data to guide us in the rebranding process that was back in 2022 but we finally got to see the end product which was our website along with many other things that you'll see in this presentation and the purpose of this is to increase our visibility as a destination all economic Vitality committee worked on a cultural Grant application for the first time and we received that Grant of $20,000 which is designated for marketing our art and craft fairs this money is used to Target specifically out of County residents in the Orlando Daytona Barrow Beach area really within that side of the the east coast of Florida and this was crucial in providing us funding to support an expanded reach for this event which not only helps those local vendors who come to the art and craft fairs but also our businesses in getting their name Out There Our design committee was busy as I'm sure you've all seen in the community making our village beautiful they redid the butterfly garden I think more than once maybe twice um conducted Community cleanups we also participated in the international Coastal cleanup which is that picture on your right which is like I said International so we partnered with keep rard beautiful and blanking ocean Conservancy to conduct this cleanup where people actually tally all of their trash and we get a good number on what's our most littered item this is a fun project the design committee actually did a fundraiser so all the proceeds from this will go back to the design committee and helping pay for those pole banners and directories that I'll show you in just one moment but this fundraiser was conducted in November of December as kind of a gift to your loved ones instead of giving something that is physical give a brick in the village and this was actually completed today those pictures were taken today and you guys can go out and check out the new workout there so like I said this money will be used for things like our brand new directory signs and pole banners which the design committee embraced our new branding and worked very closely with the city it wasn't an easy feat to figure out where these things would go but we finally found four homes for them so there are four of these directory signs that not only showcase the businesses with a map but also the events of the city and of Main Street along with QR codes that link back to our brand new [Music] website on the organization side of the organization we um we hired two new staff members our part-time bookkeeper Amy Builder and our full-time event coordinator Rose dvorac they have been very helpful in the organization and we can't wait to see where we go with them along with staff members we think that teams who help us complete our goal are super important so we like to Showcase that our Police Department obviously helps keep our events safe and run smoothly and Public Works we couldn't do I don't know 75% maybe more of what we do without them that's hash Amanda statistics don't quote me on that um the other fun thing which is probably not fun to most but being organized in an organization commit organization committee is part of the part of the plan right so we redid our membership tiers and we updated our bylaws and did a b a bunch of other housekeeping on that side of things but I just wanted to Showcase some of our meetings that we host which we host monthly for our members this one to your right here was in a business so we brought our members to that business to understand what they do what their goals are and how they run as a business and then the other one down here on the left was at the Porsche house but was in collaboration with cocoa PD and Coco beach PD to educate our members on counterfeit money that was very interesting so now that we've talked about our committees and our promotion committee by the way helps us put on all these events not only do they help with getting the village out there to the public but also hosting the events most importantly our art and craft fairs with these we focus on really bringing in local handmade vendors you know not all of them are from this vicinity but most of them are and we like to try to create an engaging atmosphere for people of all ages kids adults and other species like dogs not only dogs we have cats in backpacks and lizards on shoulders it's quite entertaining to walk through the craft fair yes yes it is this weekend thank you Mr Mayor this weekend Saturday Sunday everybody um four of our other main events are our Sip and strolls which this is a smaller scale event with 350 visitors per event but this is specifically geared towards representing our local businesses getting people in the doors and really showcasing what they do I'm kind of jumping ahead to the end of the year but this we feel it's very important it's a hot cocoa holidays which is in partnership with the city of Coco and the cool thing about all of these events which range from Sip and strolls art and craft fairs Moonlight music on the promade a boat parade a bike parade a scavenger hunt with cups thanks to the city um all of these events are giving back to the local community so the sheriff's reverse toy drive Moonlight music on the prominade gives back to the Cook OPI toy drive the boat prey donates all of its proceeds to the Sharing Center in collab collaboration with the city of Coco and the bike parade actually asks for donations for a Family Promise this year bike parade is one that we normally switch out our charity so this year was a family promise now rewinding back to the summer we have the Coco Village Concourse which is pretty self-explanatory it's a car show but not any car show it's Space Coast Premier Car Show and I'm pretty sure most of you have up there have been to it so it's a fun event coming back this year and actually it'll be November 9th this year not in the summer so hopefully a little bit cooler we also have bookfest which is one of my favorite events that we host where authors can be in the in the G mer Tharp Square gazebo area engaging with readers selling their books they can also be in local businesses and then hello again books which is our partnership business actually collaborates with a Child author to put the story in different business business Windows they paint chalk animals animals not sure about this year but in the past it's been an alligator on the ground so that kids have to follow it around the village seeing all the shops and read the story as they go it's a super fun event and then we had our inaugural golf cart parade which was 60 carts decorated obviously to Halloween and what took place right after the city's Fall Festival so if you didn't stay this year make sure you stay stay last year make sure stay this year not to mention we also hosted a sidewalk sale the dog days of summer and Friday night Frolic and Wednesday frenay which was also in collaboration with the city and Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce so those are all of our events again I know y'all love this photo right um it goes back to our volunteers our volunteers make up the organization that's a great photo samanda so we just want to want to say thanks to our board members and our staff who's not here but our partnership with the city of Coco we're also accredited through Florida Main Street and Main Street America am I out am I out of time sound oh that's it um but also thank you to all of our members those are all businesses in the village and our community sponsor for last year Edward Jones but back to those volunteers who contributed 1,700 hours towards our organization last year I definitely want to give a shout out to them so that was last year moving on to this year like I said our committees are the core of our organization and this year our design committee will be Powerhouse to start researching an urban Landscaping project for Coco Village it's going to be a big fee it's not going to happen over overnight it'll take a couple years but hopefully we can raise the funds through grants and other means to to make that happen the economic Vitality committee is working on in partnership with the city of Coco a small business conference which will be on August 26th and then again the promotion and marketing committee is working together on a comprehensive marketing plan for the village as a whole instead of just focusing on events we're going to focus on attracting tourists and residents to want to live work and play here so those are our that's what we did last year it's a lot it's been a lot of fun can't wait to see what's happening this [Applause] year see the performance absolutely our numbers and your presentation clearly indicates that stand with you thank you yes thank you for your guys's contribution as well because we couldn't do without you thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you okay we have any other this concludes award and presentations moving on to delegations please be mindful on the delegations you have fre minutes to expound on your particular item and I have a few cards here thank you Amanda and army to as well and sta yes thank you ladies thank you sir yes ma'am thank you guys okay I have following cards I have 1 two three four five cards five cards first card will be Reverend Johnny B Dennis good evening everybody I'm Rend JB Dennis 3710 Kina drive and before we start that clock up I'd like to get us on one Accord on February the 20th at 913 a.m. I filed a petition with the Kirk a city hall and I instructed her and asked her to put a copy in every one of your boxes do everybody have this petition okay I got another question why is not on the agenda cuz this was a request to put this on the agenda to come up here and waste time speaking on a delegation for three minutes on a issue as serious as a homeless crisis it's a joke and and I didn't come here a joke so now you okay so I got one other thing to say if it's not on the agenda tonight when will it be on the agenda you know this the homeless Christ is not a joke speaking on the delegation for three minutes on the issue this series is a joke and we need to put the Jokes Aside seriously city manager mayor nobody got when this petition can be put on an agenda for discussion I have two lights I have councilman baringer and then councilman G yes sir and I want to say thank you my intent was not to interrupt your time for speaking so um what I know is that even in my short time of being here uh when we talk about what is two things one are what are immediate steps that we'll do to address homelessness in various shapes or forms be it chronic be it transitional so and so on uh that some of those issues specific have come in front of the council since I've been here I know that uh I know that there's a comprehensive housing plan that is a part of our comprehensive plan and priorities that we're moving forward with but I I do know that I think that Council has discussed uh what a um either what a community conversation or how we may go about uh addressing that as a council I I don't want to overp for the Council on one person but I I do feel that we are up and coming with a method in which to address at least give opportunity to a conversation to homelessness if you're asking me specifically it be to the agenda that I I don't know uh and if you ask me specifically when that conversation will take place I I'll be the first to tell you I don't know but I do have good faith that it is coming in the short term counil going um yeah the F first thing I say I appreciate you for for even doing the petition I think it's a worthy cause I we all know that the homeless issue is a problem um but I think the more appropriate time may not be specifically at a council meeting I think the best time is is at our next budget meeting right because at the end no matter what we decide a financial dollar is have to go with whatever we talk about right and so I I believe Mar March 5th at 5:00 pm will be the first opportunity um that you can come and speak on that item bring your ideas bring your thoughts and and that's the moment you can you can see where our budget is and then we can talk about what we can and cannot do so that's my just I'm one person but that's my opinion I think March 5th at 5:00 p.m. would be really really a better opportunity to me so you're telling me that as a that as a citizen of this city that I cannot put an issue on the agenda for discussion no what what I'm telling you is I'm trying that's what done happen you I can answer the question if you allow me to okay so I'm I'm giving you just a suggestion from me to you and telling you the best opportunity in my opinion is to bring it to the budget meeting that's my just my opinion so I'm not telling you what you can and cannot do I'm just telling you it could be a waste of time to have a conversation about something as as strenuous as what you're asking for when we're talking about money when we have that discussion when we have our budget meeting when we only discussing items that have dollar amounts to them so that's just my that's just my opinion okay uh under HB 1365 I'm hoping you're aware of this Governor the santis has uh came up with a bill B in public camping and camping in woods without a premier this bill is an anti homeless Bill to lock up the homeless which will make being po homeless a crime okay again the city of Coco has no shelters for recreation or housing for the homeless the city of Coco needs to buy property and build at least a fullstory building because you don't have acreage to build his own the homeless problem is deepening and a shortage of affording affordable housing is one of the main causes of homelessness not to mention property and another thing I would like to reiterate on this go ahead and wrap it up Mr Dennis okay the main contributor of the homeless crisis and one of them is drug problems another one is property but we as a city need to do something I'm a press the state when I came to Coco in 2010 I was homeless but by me being a Navy combat veteran they have a shelter for us called the vaa I stayed there 45 days I could have stayed there up to two years till I got my life in order thank sir so look at me now I was hom so we need to do something other than talk the governor has agreed to start funding homeless shelters thank you okay um C then we'll talk about unauthorized public camping and you're right about House Bill 1365 but also Senate Bill 1530 and I don't know if the governor's authoriz it because it's an unfunded mandate right now and it's being watched by the Florida League of cities so and that's what the state is notoriously known for having mandates we're up here Mr Den I want to make sure you understand us clearly oh understand that they will pass a mandate without funding so where do you find the funding okay you got hood that they funding the governor has said he is going to start it's going to take more than that but I'm going let I'm going defer the floor to council Deputy Mayor Hearn and then we'll proceed to the next car yeah I won't be too long I kind of to harp on what the C member said uh um so there are things that we are doing things that we are looking at already um we we're not turning uh a blind eye to the issue we've been dealing with this for some time now since I've been on the council um just to name real quick to name a few things that we have been doing we've been supporting our nonprofits in the community that are helping with the homeless issue we have uh one of our organizations sitting right here Matthews hopes who have been doing amazing things in the community um you know one you can look around the county as as a whole and you can see that Koko actually has been doing uh taking great strides at uh dealing with this homeless issue uh where I would tell you you are right there's more that to be done and that can be done the city of coko isn't going to solve the issue by itself so I would encourage with your petition um visit some of our other municipalities as well and even the county um it's going to take us all as a whole to come in on this issue um the city of Coco can't do it alone um so I agree with you there's more to do that more we can do um so that's all I'll say as of today House Bill 1365 passed the last Committee of reference last week the next stop is the house floor Senate Bill 1530 passes final Committee of reference last week and now is eligible for consideration by the full Senate now that was shared with us on our morning call in which I participated and so did councilwoman cost participated but the question is I can guarantee you this if there's going to be in the funded I would like to find out and that's the question because now you're going to ask the taxpayers to absorb this cost and and we already know what it's like when you increase your taxes oh yeah okay and and and let's be technically about this do you live in the city of Coco Mr tennis I live in the can right okay I'm just asking a question all right next on the list will be Mr Park sorry W I've been placing an S making you plural because of your family but it's Wesley Park thank you uh good evening mayor councel city manager and and uh steam staff I appreciate everything you all do every day uh I'm here to talk on behalf of Wesley Park 1117 North Indian River dry but I'm here to talk on behalf of the American Legion IND River Post 22 uh we're at 241 P stre Street in Coco we are Coco's uh only and premere uh American Legion in the area uh we uh also are technically the first American Legion uh in the State of Florida uh we are number 22 because uh it was dissolved and then went to Titusville and things like that nothing's perfect but we are the oldest and original American Legion in the State of Florida so um we're here to talk about uh a veterans event that were that were hosting on March 30th it'll be at 9:00 a.m. it's a 2-mile walk 3.2 km walk uh from the American Legion back to the American Legion but doing a loop on Indian River and then through the Coco Village uh by this beautiful city hall and then back to the uh to the American Legion Post uh to close it out the purpose of the event is for the be the one program the B the one program is a veteran suicide prevention program that the uh American Legion uh ch Champions campaigns for uh the the purpose and the and the uh ask of of the be the one program is to be the one to save one veteran learn how to help a veteran in crisis and that's the entire purpose of this thing uh we do have uh nice neon green shirts that for everyone who participates in this we want everyone to be seen we want everyone to be talking about uh how to uh listen and respond to Veterans who are uh in need of help uh that way we can better approach the crisis individually uh and as a whole uh the purpose of me being here this evening is to inform you of it it's always I think you know how people come up here and I'm going to say it to see if you all would be willing to sponsor a small portion of the event we do have sponsorships available we are on event brigh but miss Mrs Arsenal has been very helpful in uh corresponding with you all so if you'd like to participate let me know uh we can do that through without going through event bright sponsorships do come with uh participant um levels so if there was a sponsorship you would get four four 10 or 20 participants based on that we already have two sponsors blue Origins has already sponsored $1,000 and um Leonardo DRS down in Melbourne has sponsored $500 and again what what comes with that I'm I'm the money is great I'm more concerned about getting people out there to walk so people can be seen and they can see what's going on for the veterans um yeah I think that's mostly that's mostly it uh if you guys have any questions Mrs Arsenal it's could to be a great U thing she's she's been amazing uh in correspondence so I appreciate it thank you very much um West um let me command American Legion Post 22 on two occasions for supporting our veterans but also one of our following employees uh Mrs Karen Campell you all did a phenomenal job at her celebration um and I was thankful to be there and I just want to say thank you very much uh to the American Legion Post 22 for recognizing one of our very own so kudos to you and your patrons and members of the organization thank you very much and just very quickly if I can promote if you if you are a veteran uh if you are a son of a ve a veteran or a daughter of a veteran or a spouse of a veteran the American Legion has a place for you and we're not here to to drink we do some of that sometimes but in this post at post 22 we're there to make a change that's right so we've been helping out with a CH children's hunger project we we donated $2,000 to them we've donated to um uh women's breast cancer uh wig uh items we we know we don't earn much but whatever we get we give out so that's what we're here for thank you sir thank you we have any questions um how hold it West councilman barer and then coun call thank you sir uh sir twofold one you're talking about sponsorship uh either I will reach out to you or if you reach out to miss Arsenal uh I would be glad to talk to you about that uh the second part is thank you for what you do uh as a military veteran uh who is in my later 40s now uh that transition from discharge of service to you know a grandfather's age that period can be very different for different people uh I know myself I've lost a friend uh along the way do multiple tours uh and he just you know he came home but he didn't come home uh and so I share with you thank you for raising awareness of that uh it's amable for your efforts and it makes a difference thank you thank woman calls yeah um the legion is a 501c3 right uh c19 c19 it's nonprofit nonprofit veterans organization yes ma'am so um let me ask Tammy would it be eligible for our our $1 thousand grant that we that we do Council can vote on I'm not sure if it's a Coco organization or yes ma'am ma'am it is yes ma'am we're just on the other side of 520 okay yeah and we can look into it and give it an application and if it meets the criteria we could submit it to a council agenda so okay and and we're proudly under the water tower that's what we tell people that's how that's how we have people find us First Street P Street First Street sure y mon go get it to you tomorrow I got another question hold on let it finish and I turn it over uh so oh okay are you finished Council calls yes okay uh so there's an application that's involved so I'm sure um miss Monica if you guys are going to be corresponding she'll get that to the application yes sir and uh do we need to bring it back as a item or just give consent back it okay got it and I will be back the week of the of the of the walk just before it talk again okay all right thank you very much next on the list will be K T Delaney thank you sir um Katie Delaney I am a uh resident of the county but um I'm here because there's lots of things going on in the city of Coco that are affecting um me and my neighborhood so I appreciate uh you mayor Blake for sticking with your word that you gave in the Florida Today recently about allowing people to speak and I really appreciate that um so I was at the workshop uh your budget workshop and the reason why I came is because uh one of the last meetings that I was at uh the city of the uh mayor said something about Revenue um Revenue building and the possibility of annexation of unincorporated Coco so that made me pay pay attention to what's going on here um because I live in one of those areas and so um as is that Miss Katie I'm I'm sorry which area is that canaval Groves canav Groves I didn't talk about canav Groves I understood you said port St John what do you mean Port St John no I I I think you said that it was unincorporated Coco you weren't specific on which area from the St John's river to the Indian River oh okay yes okay I don't I don't remember it being that specified but regardless there's uh a couple neighborhoods that are going in right in my neighborhood so I just felt like it was good of me to pay attention to what's going on here and one of the things that really surprised me was that there is no strategic plan in the city of Coco and as I'm looking through the slides um there were things that were very vague um like maintain the city's long-term fiscal sustainability that being a line item and I know that as a taxpayer it it definitely helps me feel more comfortable the way that our tax sellers are spent if we have measurables there and um a strategic plan definitely helps bring that all together um and we didn't get to affordable housing or the bright line uh station and I definitely look forward to to hearing those things on uh March 5th and if anybody is listening to this at home I uh suggest you come to that and uh the previous speaker was speaking about homelessness and um I didn't see anything on this uh slideshow that specifically talked about homelessness and um as we all know it's a huge issue in the city of Coco and not just the city of Coco there are many areas like the city of Melbourne also has um some major issues with homelessness um so maybe maybe just putting something more specific to to the actual homeless problem versus affordable housing um and my last thing is I hope that you guys don't follow the the county and how they um got rid of impact fees for sb102 projects uh because like you said revenue is an issue especially with this Homestead um expansion so I just wanted to comment on those couple things thank you so much ma'am let me add to your caveat there ma'am they're doing away with the local business tax receipt the state is trying to eliminate that that was a revenue for us yes so if we lose Revenue how can we be creative to invigorating of earning those dollars back yeah so how can I build something when I don't have the revenue yeah when the state is hit me out first the state is taking that away for sure yes ma'am huge problem oh absolutely yeah definitely um Mrs Bowman what was that amount for our um tax receipts for that local business tax receipt it's somewhere between 120 150,000 a year that's right that we're subject to lose and then Place limitations on transferring funds from our utilities to our general funds I saw the ROI was about 2% they want to eliminate that to as well so yeah so in other words it's going to be how can we create and design other ways to to make up for that loss well one thing that you guys can do is ensure that your impact fees are where they should be so that the developers moving in are paying their fair share versus putting that on the backs of the of the middle class we are we are paying they are paying it that's when we get that tax base on the 528 Corridor you'll see them for sure and that will help um compensate so that we don't have to depend on so much of the utilities department Mrs yes ma'am for sure right but the other thing that's very important is that then eventually as we continue to build then we may reduce our Mage rate for sure so then the citiz give it tax break yes sir thank you so much councilman GES and Deputy Mayor Hearns yeah well she said something that kind of sparked my ears um when it's a catch 22 with affordable housing projects when you wave certain fees or not wave them the construction cost is the issue so construction cost is going up and we're telling the developers to keep your price at a certain rate but they're paying $190,000 just to build the home but we expect them to uh sell the house for $210 right and so that's not sustainable either so it's is it's either we allow the developers to have an opportunity to keep their price margin down by creating some of those incentives so that's the conversation I think that could be a great conversation for for um March 5th to talk about some of the incentives that we may offer or not offer um but construction cost is not going down and that's one thing that we we know a lot of people don't like to have that conversation they just automatically think that when you hear the word developer that means somebody who's trying to you know make make millions of dollars which they are supposed to make profit that's the goal right that's business but to say that they shouldn't receive uh incentive is it's a slippery slope so we have to just be be careful on well I I didn't really say that for for more so for rebuttal it's just we really we just really need to pay attention to the construction cost costs are real for sure we just talked the last meeting where you had um our director uh Mr Walsh say that prices are G up 200% right that's a reality that's not a madeup number um I don't know when the last time anyone of y'all went to go pick up a piece of plywood from Lowe's um it's not $15 a piece of drywall is not $5 no more $8 no no no no no no no so I'm just they're ready we just have to be careful that's all they're already receiving a 75% to 100% tax break though that's the thing that you know we don't need to double incentivize them we're ready the Space Coast they're coming here because there's people here and you know it I got you it cost money to make money so Mr thank you anyone then I'll wait to did you want to say something next on the list Anita Gibson good evening everybody um thank you for having me or giving me the opportunity to speak um I won't elaborate on the four topics that I have have here because one of them have been answered um my concern is the budget for the police department how that looks how that's going forward I've been out of sync as far as being committed to being in the right place at the right times on different issues that are of um substantial value to me as far as the police department being equipped uh I don't know how that looks financially or the budget or how the uniforms and everything that allocated I'm really not concerned with that my number one concern is always with the police department the homes on 528 520 uh us one is growing and we're going to need the police like never before because they got caused to domestic violence accident so forth and so on so I'm not going to really delve into that because I plan to be at the budget meeting to see how that's going to look out how it's going to play out but everybody in this room knows that we're going to have to man up or one woman up person up to see it properly that we're going to need these people cuz I'm calling for somebody had a home invasion and there's a murder down the street and then there's new homes on 520 Here There and Everywhere so we're going to be outsourced in our banks and our parks and our schools so we're going to count the dollars about we don't want to raise taxes on this note and that note I get that and I don't want to get into the numbers because I don't know numbers that well to say how we going to budget for the police but the police teachers are really our number one source to keep our our lives together and and the second mention I want to say is that I went to a meeting uh last night after church after Bible study and it it's um the the announcer uh our Pastor said there's a leading um there's a meeting the notice of uh the mayor the mayor is having a meeting and my question then and now is that that I don't frequent the internet so I I want to be kind of in the no as best I can so I want to know where is that information put up on billboards at um Jolie or little placers that you put on major intersection that says um Tuesday or Monday we're having a meeting with the the mayor to discuss XYZ if you're interested or not and I think everybody should always be in the know whether you agree or disagree with the decision but you need to know what your option are and my other one is that Matthew's hope um this is going on my third year with Matthew's hope that helps the homeless and I am super super impressed with them I'm in the mix with the the guests we call them and it's a challenging situation but there is people that family PRS this what that one and the next one but we all have to understand that we're all one big Melting Pot with great ideas on how to help the homeless not feel disenfranchised with them and then my last thing I want to say to all of you and staff that we all agree to disagree and we don't all agree on certain issues of whatever I have or the next man have but I'm really proud of this unit that we have here in the city of Coco that we are trying to be a better unit for each other whether the color or the uh attitude or whatever is going on with you we are one unit thank you thank you ma'am Mr and oh uh this for chief CER uh we know uh Miss is very passionate about public safety and Coco um just to uh ease her concerns um could you tell her where we are right now with as far as our numbers with police retention or recruitment um Staffing that's a better word Staffing yeah we we actually doing pretty good when it comes to staff with the police department so we have about seven vacancies now but uh we have some people in the shoot that if things continue to Trend like they are and individuals pass the background screening this time next year we should be fully staffed so we're looking pretty good as far as Staffing thank you okay we good good evening good evening just want to share with with you'all real quick couple updates we got to keep you updated because there's a lot going on in this community as you may or may not know um Matthews Hope Has just uh added a second day of Medical Care uh for to the homeless of our community which is drastically needed we added another nurse practitioner and an RN to our mix uh this past January I want to share with you the Matthews hope hosted over 1,400 individual visits served more than 2,300 hot meals provided medical assistance to 75 individual in addition we provided over 500 showers 510 loads of laundry 133 haircuts were're facilitated and we facilit housing for three families and four individuals two of those being veterans and we distributed over $100,000 with worth of food clothing and hygiene just the name a few uh shortly before Christmas we hosted uh a meeting with The Bard County Sheriff's commanders all five commanders were in attendance along with various deputies to tour our facilities and learn how they could partner with us uh they I can tell you they all left shaking their heads say that's something we've never seen before and today we were we hosted their domestic violence uh and um uh violence victim Advocates today along with some of their one of their sergeants and again trying to figure out how they can partner with us as they have to deal with more crime uh that is minor with uh with the they they all pointed to us we keep hearing about the increase in crime with homelessness and it's just not true with them either uh their biggest concerns is how we deal with the the the uh trespassing issues and what have you that the unfortunate law enforcement is being put in a position to deal with um we are in our final design stages of our transitional housing getting ready to go to permitting um I also want to mention with you we just recently committed to taking the storefront across the street from our property which will be called Matthew Hope Chest we'll create job opportunities for homeless people both in our shop as we create sell and refurbish uh vintage furniture hardwood Furnitures and what have you uh we also will be at the craft fair this weekend there will be homeless men and women working there selling things that they have made in our shop and we are also on the tail end of using putting our our property together as a venue to be used in this area no one has a venue that sits 400 people it's you either go down to you either go down to something much larger like the King Center or something much smaller we've invested a significant amount of money to be able to bring different programs to our area make ourselves available which interestingly enough a nonprofit that will help create Revenue opportunities for local businesses that we are going to be partnering with on that um all that lastly to say is I spent a couple days up in Tallahassee they met all my expectations I would say this to you all if you're not familiar with the bills the house bill 1365 and Senate Bill 1520 please familiarize your with we it because even as the mayor shared with us they are trying to create a mandate that is not funded however if it goes into effect it's going to put our law law enforcement in a very interesting place it's going to create ex extreme pressure and and interesting things on the city of Coco and other municipalities it's ridiculous to say the least we obviously have a problem have to address it but it's not going to be addressed with the state dumping on you guys it's not going to happen and and as we shared with our quite honestly our local senators are are completely out there I'll just put you there they're out of touch of what's Happening Here Right in their community and so I don't know how that works communication wise between you and them but they're actually pitting this to where the state the county and the cities municipalities will basically be fighting with one another another to try to figure out how to do this and it's going to create another problem we just don't need thank you thank you very much uh we have a question sir return back to the podium um please more of a statement I just want to say thank you to you guys because I've reached out to you on a few occasions where um not necessarily a complaint where you had homeless they were just not in the right place or where they should be um and you guys went out and communicated in positive way and had a more positive interaction than it probably would have been with law enforcement so I appreciate you guys on that um And in regards to that communication up with the state I think uh my suggestion would be for anyone listen citizens uh have that conversation as well not only with the city but uh with your legislators um and hold them accountable as well when it comes to these issues and uh I I think citizens putting that pressure on them and not just giving them a free ride to uh rain down these uh statues on cities municipalities I think will help so Agreed 100% And and I will tell you that I you know the saddest part I found by it you know when you figure about 15% of our population is voting that means 15% of our population is dictating what's happening and when you see what's going on we had the opportunity to sit down with various uh people in the house and the Senate and it was like a broken record and it was they literally in some cases had no idea of the bill that some of them were co-sponsoring and they all talked about the one bill in particular we're passionate about is the the we call the homeless bill they said it's not the homeless bill and the first thing that Randy fine said he said to Charlene he goes well hold on I got to familiarize myself with that one and he goes he goes Oh you mean the homeless bill you mean the one thing you guys are all telling us is is not the homeless bill it suddenly became the homeless bill so that just shows how out of touch what's happening but my concern is for our local communities you know we we serve right now 15 municipalities and what I see is coming down on you guys is is some pretty serious crap you got one more question sir turn about face come on back thank you sir so as we move as we move forward with whatever this legislation means in response to city code as well what will not change is the mission that you all do and one of the things that I was interested in I think the last time when we were trying I think to do what was right uh and what I believe to be right is some of the things that came up were you know um Trasher the area which after didn't went there I went you know try to follow up on some of the concern just nope uh didn't see that uh and inversely in some of the surrounding Community I saw more concerns uh that were just supposed to to the improvements that you had made that being said three things that I would be interested in uh would be one is that from our bus routes uh and transportation and proximity Is there the closest whatever the closest bus route is is there uh coverage so when it's rain meaning how how however we're getting there wherever our closest one is is it covered or not that that's a doable I think that that's a real tangible thing we could make a difference on uh you first can't get rid of the benches well and but case in point what what whatever whatever the Improvement is that fits the need to the community is where I'm going yes sir the second was if access to trash cans as a city service is something that there is placement based on density that would be helpful in the same way we do downtown if there are places within the community where that makes sense I would welcome feedback just as a counts I'm one person I would welcome feedback on where that might really work out uh the third would be electrical charging so if I got to charge my phone how do I do that in a place that's safe I'm welcome and it's convenient and so th those would be things I I would welcome at at a different time your thoughts on what that might be and we'd love to have those discussions I will tell you that one example I'll give you briefly and I'll sit get the heck out of here uh is I will tell you during the pandemic one of the things we did with the City of Winter Garden is is I you know I've got a great relationship with the with the chief of police there the city manager and so so on and so forth and I said well what are we going to do now that we've closed all the 711s and we have people because I said the one thing I'm pretty confident we're all going to do is poop and so we did is we actually got with this working with the city uh they asked us to map it out for them and we actually put out porta-potties in those areas throughout the pandemic because I said you think you got a problem now wait when people start defecating in public not because any other reason is we all poop but we just do okay uh the other thing we did is we were able to set up some uh garbage opportunities as well I will tell you this is something we harp about to our group all the time because the biggest complaint we hear is about trash they ask for some trash bags but here's what I also say is I make it a point every single day and ask every one of my vehicles to every single day come through the the uh the um village as well as the local neighborhoods and quite honestly I'm not seeing the trash I'm not seeing the homeless people there's people you always see homeless people but there is not a rise in that in fact we don't run an Uber service when we bring them here for services we take them back and quite honestly they're going to go back anyhow because that's home but I'd love to have that conversation because I think it would make a difference thank you yes sir thank you have a question thank you sir yes sir yes good this concludes this portion of delegations we will go to item number five agenda thees of counil approve motion by councilman second second byoun call all effect by saying I and N I have it unanimous proceeding on to item number 6-1 conduct a public hearing to review the affordable housing real property inventory list and approve a resolution identifying certain real property within in the city to which the city holds fee s simple title that is appropriate for permanent affordable housing um this is just to approve the list everyone has a copy of that list it's on um I forget which page of whatever number in this particular item ask for our gargan sir would you read this in sir well since it's not an ordinance I'm sorry notary okay Mrs um nman ma'am yes thank you sir uh so every year um and every three years after provided that uh Florida statute 166 0451 requires each municipality to sub uh prepare an inventory list of all the real property within their jurisdiction that holds fee simple and appropriate for the use of affordable housing and the inventory list is to be brought back in the event that there are any changes to the to the list uh whether there's an addition or a deletion to the list and so the governing body must review the inventory list and revise it at the conclusion of the public hearing and then if the governing body shall adopt the resolution that includes as this inventory list and that is appropriate for permanent affordable housing um according to the statute municipalities are encouraged to adopt best practices for the Surplus land programs including but not limited to establishing eligibility criteria for the receipt or purchase of surplus Land by developers making the process for re requesting Surplus land publicly available and ensuring long-term affordability through ground leases and retaining the right to refusal for the properties uh we currently have 43 properties that are listed as exhibit a on the city's page uh the city list and two properties that are listed under the diamond Square CRA and those properties are noted uh that there's 20 lots that are within the Michael C Blake subdivision vision and are being developed for purposes of permanent Workforce housing and then one property that was added just recently in 20123 after Bard County deed that property which is located at 727 Bernard Street to the city and we are working through a recommendation to adopt those best practices for Surplus land programs the city is working to develop a program that will meet the requirements of Florida statute 16645 and the live local Act and those that program will be presented to council at a later date and so upon approval tonight of the resolution uh this list will be published as required on the city's website I'm available to answer any questions sir m m yes sir the selling of these properties the funding we get will go toward other affordable projects yes sir housing the the proceeds from any of the sales of these uh Lots would be used for affordable housing purposes uh some of those Lots at the D at the discretion of the city can be uh used as a development agreement to a nonprofit uh housing developer such as Habitat for Humanity who can build affordable housing units as well and or to developers who are wishing to build affordable housing units so we're working on that process and how to dispose of these Lots in a manner that is uh fair and Equitable have questions okay we'll proceed in this order mayor her then Council um as you just stated I know you guys are still working on this process um my only input that I if I can add uh would be that uh some kind of time timeing be added uh to the stipulations uh so you don't just have organizations sitting on these properties yes sir so as part of live local uh there is a requirement that we put a two to three year uh requirement that if there is a it's a reverter clause so if the the home if there is not a home that is constructed on the property within that period uh the city could take back the property thank you so the um me the 1043 Peach Tree um I know right now it's zoned as commercial but I think we know that we are um lacking um affordable housing products that uh in our city and so to me because that property is such a massive size um we I think we can use that opportunity to be more creative um with that piece so I don't want to lock it in as just commercial um if if that can be a con I know that may not be a conversation for today but I'm assuming if we vote on this today that mean 1043 P stre would be officially just for commercial property well it is currently Zone commercial and so we would have to make modifications let city manager will operate on that no you're good Charlene and so remember this is uh Surplus property property listing for affordable housing so the zoning would obviously uh have to be changed probably in that instance I know there are some instances where and remember you guys were the first ones to actually take advantage of the legislation that allowed you to do affordable housing regardless of of the zoning of a particular property and so uh again in response to what you what you are are not doing with regards to affordable housing in homelessness you guys were the first city in bravard to actually take advantage of that statutory allowance and remember that project is a orchid Lakes y all right so Ju Just so so I'm clear um regardless of what the zoning may be as of today we can always change that zone doesn't matter yeah I don't know that we would do it there we're going to put it out for uh uh these are Surplus properties available for affordable housing and then that may be uh incumbent upon the applicant to actually get the zoning changed okay all right that's all I have that it yes sir okay thank you very much and Mr Mayor remember that this is a public hearing yes ma'am thank you I was getting ready to close it to council and open to the public chair would like to close it to council open to the public please come forward and state your name at the podium um to elaborate on this particular item going once going twice chair i' like to close this portion to the public and return of the council what are the wishes of council it's a no Brin Mo to approve we have a mo on the floor by councilman G and a second by Deputy Mayor Hearn I do have one more question U as far as when we um well I'm assuming we're going to approve this once we approve this what's the process when it becomes online and available yes she was being gracious she's actually waiting on me to uh you know we got to sit down and and figure out what that process is going to be okay and so there are a number of examples out there I think we have the city of Jacksonville example Fort Meyers and Tampa Fort Meyers there and so the problem that I'm struggling with is how do you put them into the market place and assure that they're going to be used for affordable housing um you know we we we have a very good um predicament or we fell into a good situation with the mic Blake subdivision because Nicole 10 peny and Bard um and uh the Community Housing Initiative uh project is a chto and she's been doing that in the community forever and so she is a she is an an affordable housing developer Builder we just need a process that's actually going to put those in the marketplace assure that people are building for purposes of affordable housing but be able to claw those back um um um if they're not um used for that within a certain period of time and again it's a struggle between you have the small developers builders that want to come and and and build for purposes of probably affordable housing but also to turn a profit on them and then you have um I I remember distinctly the the the night that the lady uh came up when we first did this and said how do I get a lot and so you know so you got to serve both of those um um um interests okay I'm good woman calls um yeah I was just looking at that property that's number 42 and it's in Coco Hills which is a park desert um so if that doesn't sell we could consider that in the future possibly for a park yeah you got to you got to take them off of the Surplus affordable housing list you would have to remove it from the list through a resolution and a public hearing and and go through this process again yeah so I mean I looked at the other ones that were in my district that they're not really appropriate for Parks so but that one might be at some point thank you yes ma'am all right we have a motion on the floor by Council Mes in a second by Deputy May he just going to call the question all in favor by saying I and N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 6-2 excuse me approval of the first reading of the ordinance authorizes the inclusion of windw reserve and lakes at CoCo Grove projects located within the city of Coco into Bard County district one Road and Bridge Municipal service taxing unit uh that we must maintain the roads there um also on January the 26 2024 the city council of Coco entered into an interlocal agreement with bavar County recorded the official records of bavar County book 9978 page 1677 agreeing to adopt an ordinance within 60 days to include the property into the mstu esquad garan sir okay ordinance first reading an ordinance of the city council of the city of Coco Florida creating a new article 4 division one of chapter 19 taxation of the city of Coca cot of ordinances authorizing the inclusion of certain property located within the city and district one Road and Bridge Municipal service taxing unit created and established by bvar County Florida providing identification of property within the city of Coco authorized for inclusion in said unit providing for the repeal of Prior and consistent ordinance and resolutions severability and an effective date as you noted mayor this is a contractual commitment between the city and Bard County to uh officially authorize uh the Windwood preserve and the Mountain Cove properties to be subject to the municipal service taxing unit for Road and bridges that is uh maintained and implemented by the county mayor thank you very much now I have Richard M hell excuse me hefel finger now you want to talk about this sir or you want to talk about the items we switched over to City business no the UN corporator will gladly take your money toward our mstu thank you so you do not want to expound sir no that's I completely think that's the right thing to do so I do not have a problem okay and also is it Liber yes would you like to expound on this to as well uh no I just had I just mine was a little bit different on the uh the incre taxes that she needs to come to the mic if she's gonna speak on the okay okay and that was just something different than that if you want me to come okay thank you I just want to make sure esqu G sir sorry do we have any questions for squ gargan second chair like to close this portion to councel and uh open it to the audience to the public please come forward and state your name and your address okay I have Mrs Delany and then you also on that same one with the other group in the back yes sir thank you uh Katie Delaney um uh Coco Florida unincorporated um my questions about this are about the burrow pit that is on the bright line property from from my understanding it looks like that that wasn't technically really allowed um due to the size and um how it was built uh per the city of Coco ordinances um in addition to that uh wouldn't this have been considered uh development at that point because when you break ground on a piece of property that's you're developing it so wouldn't an mstu have have been um needed from the point of development originally uh so and then the other piece of this is there are two Road options that are possible with the property to the north the bright line property one option is to go through the middle of canaval groves to hook up to Grom um through Angelica Osage that area the other option is to go behind Angelica and so um doesn't there need to be a plan because we need to know how much to tax because one option is a lot more expensive than the other option so um it would be great to to for the people to know is our neighborhood going to get cut through or is the developer going to have to put in a new road behind our community um yeah that's pretty much it thank you make I have your card Mr City man I mean couple of questions there actually in the stipulated uh settlement agreement there the county was to decide uh the Ingress and egress for uh the development they have decided that I forget if it's Angelica uh or o Sage but it's the road that's going to take you right out on to Gom in front of the uh in front of the uh Amazon facility so that's been decided that's been that's being planned out um and then the mstu uh in the stipulated settlement agreement was to be created uh when certain things happened um that's a part of obviously uh the county uh cre Ates the mstu or or um or puts um the county has decid the county decides uh the boundaries of the mstu again in the stipulated settlement agreement these properties are to be a part of the uh County mstu the stipulated agreement also talks about the Mr Mr Mayor Mr Mayor I think in terms of the protocol your rules there she's had her opportunity to speak I'm I'm simply responding to the uh the uh the information she presented with the facts of the matter is there anyone else in the public would like to expound on this particular item the first reading of first ordinance going once going twice chair like to close this portion of the public Return of the council chair like to make a motion to approve staff's recommendation second we have a motion on the floor by the chair and a second by councilman go chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I I any Nays eyes have it unanimously okay proceeding on to item number 7-1 approval of a road closure date change in addition of street closure outside of the central business district yes sir thank you um you have the road closures in front of you this is for approval of a change uh I think Amanda alluded to it earlier in her presentation um changing the car show date from uh the original request was approved by you guys of March 10th and we're moving it to November 9th um and then there's a second request in there for um the Space Coast Runners and that is outside of the central business district and doesn't apply to the 24 roades second go ahead yes a second okay we have a motion on the floor by the chair and a second by councilman bar just G to call the question all in favor by saying I I any names I have it unanimously proceeding on to council business item number 8-2 approval of fiscal year 23 assigned fund balance listing requested to be able to complete the fiscal 23 year annual comprehensive Financial actra for audit 24-13 Mrs Bowman Ma and we did receive some additional paperwork here thank you Mr Mayor um this uh process is part of of what we do each year with the signed fund balance particularly since we updated the fund balance policy uh in July of last year um which uh added a requirement and stipulation for the city manager to provide to city council a requested listing of assigned fund balance projects uh before I can issue the financial statements I'm at the point where I pretty much know what fund balance is for the year um and so in working with the city manager um prepared this list um which you all should have a copy of in front of you as well um so I just wanted to run this through uh with you all if you'll recall there's certain um there's a gasby 54 which states what our fund balance categories are uh which is included in our fund balance policy um so I just want to go through these items with you uh to begin with uh if you will recall previously for fiscal year end 21 and 22 Council appropriated $8.8 million and then $5.4 million uh for those two fiscal years when we um finished the year out uh we did budget for all those items and so a large chunk of your fund balance about $1.4 million is still that money that's not spent yet uh staff is working on it as you know the parks projects are in process uh we're waiting on some things like fire trucks um to get delivered um and so staff is working pretty diligently on trying to get that money spent but as you can see that $ 11.4 million is still like well over 34 of what was appropriated to begin with for those two fiscal years um in addition uh per gasby 54 I'm sorry the next item on the list is the stabilization Reserve which is also a part of the city's fund balance policy um and so in doing that calculation we came out at about $1.3 million again um the liquidity Reserve we have previously discussed that that number is a little higher this year um and the theme of this council meeting is kind of all about those unknowns that we don't know what's going to happen with uh legislature we could lose Revenue sources in addition uh we've been staff has been working with FEMA in regards to getting reimbursement for Ian and Nicole from two years ago we're being told that FEMA is coming back and cutting a lot of the things that they have funded traditionally uh they're saying no we're not going to pay pay for that anymore a large part of that is the Labor uh when we activate our EOC and and employes have to report to work um they're even going so far i' I've had some of my colleagues say that they've denied the food that's prepare prepared and um uh for the employees that who report to the EOC so I have that liquidity Reserve because of these unknowns there's a lot uh this year going on that we just don't know um and if something happens essentially with femma General fund's going to have to pay for those costs and then Utility Fund as well for whatever is um applicable to them so then uh we have a nonspendable category that's things that uh are accounting terms like prepaid items uh that's a gasby 54 category for fund balance the city also has a capital reserve policy um that says it'll be a minimum of $500,000 and then restrictive fund balance is uh some things for Jolie Smith Center and $22,000 for affordable housing um that is again a gasby 54 item um fund balance classification and then uh following is things that the city manager has come up with for proposed use of fund balance um for fiscal year 24 but as I would report it in 23 I would like to note that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to budget for those things right away um we had discussed in the budget Workshop uh using fund balance to pay for things like the police vehicles and radios and Paving uh so when that does come about if it's improved by city council during the course of the year we would budget for it at that time um the city manager has some things that he's been working on uh we think that we may need to put some funding into a possible station for bright line um so that could be a significant financial impact and obviously we want to make make sure we can support that project if and when that comes uh he's got some things in the works that he's talked about with the basos foundation previously where we may need to put some money in for the old Dr Jolie Smith Center um in participation with the Bezos foundation for that uh one thing that we already kind of have in the works right now is figuring out a break water to be able to eventually replace the day slips um and I that cost was actually about $2 million um so we're proposing to put some money aside for that and and essentially just earmark this money as a signed fund balance um Council can change this list if they choose to change this list as we go on during the course of the year right now things are still pretty much unknown I would like to remind Council this is the picture as of uh when accounting finishes everything for fiscal year 23 so we're not looking um necessarily at fund balance for fiscal year 24 in the same level of detail uh we will do a midyear cleanup and I can report back uh probably in April uh when we do a midyear cleanup where we are as far as spending on these U the $1 million that hasn't been fully spent as of the end of 23 I know one of the things that's in there is the affordable housing that you were just talking about um that we did wind up actually putting that in place and that should be getting spent in April I think uh we should be pretty much done with that so as a reminder this is just a picture at a point in time as of the end of September 30th um and so um staff is requesting that Council approve this proposed fund balance listing so that I can get financial statements audited and issued if I if I can I'm going make a motion just I give you a chance ch Endor the staff recommendation for this particular item excuse me for the fal year 23 assigned fund balance list and request to be able to complete the fiscal year 23 annual comprehensive financial report I have a motion on app by the chair look for a second right right second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns Madam city clerk Arsonal Council you said you have a question yeah only thing I I had on this maybe for Miss Morgan or city manager um again construction costs are up $500,000 is not a lot for Paving in the city um does that does the paving amount also cover um Cur Urban Gutter and all those other things as well or is that 500 just for asphalt well the um in fiscal year 2023 uh 300,000 was what was uh allotted for Paving milling and Paving um however 65,000 was for sidewalks and curbing gutter uh we're finding that the cost for that work is um uh far exceeds what was budgeted back then so um this year we had to use some of that funding for curbing gutter so uh this next budget we're going to ask that some of that be allotted for curb and gutter yeah and and recall uh councilman goings a couple of years ago we were at in terms of Paving and I guess we we should call that road road we'll get a better better um description for that which but it does include just the asphalt and then it it may be curving gutters and sidewalks and those sort of things there and I think uh uh in 2021 I think we were at 250 we could have been 300,000 what was it 300,000 and so for the last two I think fiscal years there you you guys have been able to increase that by an additional 200,000 there so so we're proud of that but but it this amount has the cover the asphalt on the road and then sidewalks and curving gutter so but in doing so that may cut back on some of the projects that we probably can do moving forward would that cut back possibly if the cost keep Rising yes that's correct yeah it certainly doesn't take you as far down the road to okay I got you got to act now is that it yes sir okay my question is Council woman calls the bright Line Station were you going to address that yeah yeah I can yeah you want me to yeah it's the first time I've seen it yeah so so um let me see how I do that without uh um you know as you all are away we had we've had some positive discussions with a with a bright line um you know the connection between uh the station and the and the uh the project that's on the north side of 528 we sort of tied the tree mitigation um forgiveness to either completing 250 of the 350 homes are completing the bright Line Station um within uh five years there and so I I believe that um we are poised to um um be designated the uh the uh The Bard stop for the station and so those stations uh come at a cost the TP is set aside and their 26 and 27 fiscal years uh 7.5 million uh each uh for each fiscal year for a total of 15 million and so we're all being uh very positive and and and and looking prospectively at uh uh hopefully what will be an announcement that coko is the is the station stop there and so this sort of earmarks those dollars believing that we're going to actually uh get that call um fairly soon and so you your staff sir thank you very much go ahead Council so there are several municipalities doing this or are we the only one I'm hoping when we get the call that we will have uh multiple funding Partners um and that's that's the the only way it's it's going to happen you know those stations are two years ago I think the ballpark was 50 million for an inline station um obviously with the cost of construction much higher than that and so the only way we're going to be able to to come up with um our portion the local portion would be that we have Partnerships um County uh tourist development tax um hopefully the port will partner with us um TPO is actually been tremendous and in their support in pursuing the station again 15 million do as you know has already been decided to be dedicated to uh the design and construction of not of a Bard station but the TPO has designated that as a station in the city of Coco so so again optimistically looking forward to um when that announcement occurs that we will we will have already started um figuring out the funding of that station okay just one last question on the the Jolie Smith the 1.5 I don't know maybe my memory is wrong but I thought that was the cost of the renovation and AR isn't Bezos yeah we we we probably swag that um um or made an educated guess that either the cost of the renovations or the cost of some sort of a uh bringing it to a shell of itself there what we have in in terms of a legisl ative request is $1.5 million Samantha so so $1.5 million we have uh as a request up in Tallahassee um um this would be um to have skin in the game with regards to that so it's the same amount um as you know we have the mou um the memorandum of understanding with um uh The Bard Health Alliance Space Coast Health Foundation um the basos academy and Diamond Square CRA and so we have that the thatou in place in terms of the funding for montor school basos academy expands their Market uh 10 classrooms at a time they will give you 200,000 per classroom and they will hire and train the teachers and pay their salaries for a 10-year period um in their strategic plan um and I guess by way of extension we we we we're doing some strategic planning in their strategic plan um the um The Bard Health Alliance actually has as a goal to establish a health clinic in the um Diamond Square um um area and so obviously if they have it in there they're going to bring some funding to the table also thank you any other questions so again Mr city manager staff City attorney and all 400 plus employees city of Coco you can clearly see what we're doing here in the great city of Coco under the leadership of our city manager City attorney and staff directors and employees and Council of course so that is why we say teamwork is DreamWork sure going call the question all in favor saying I Mr Mayor if I could just just uh Park here for a second recall that uh Mrs Bowman said that you know again she mid year she will she will um have a better better sort of definition of where we are in terms of expenditures and and what these numbers will ultimately look like they may look the same they may change uh fairly drastically your policy says that the city manager shall present a list of suggested uh assigned fund balance items for the current year to the council concurrent with her issuance of the uh of the annual um uh comprehensive financial report and so that's what we've done you can see that um the unassigned fund balance of 3.7 is uh what balances out the the total fund balance number there but again it's our intent to actually have her get through um the midyear um budget and financial sort of reconciliation and then see uh how well we're doing with regards to these numbers there you know for for me um um the 4 the 11.4 obviously is associated with multi-year projects there and so it takes some time you know we're we're doing big things with regards to that the the stabilization Reserve is um is a number that is required per policy there I think we the policy sets a minimum I think we are above the minimum there so so we're we're we're we're proud of that um and then the liquidity Reserve is again cash on hand to operate to actually as she said to uh to address any emergencies that may come up there um and we're we're proud of the fact that we can actually grow that and so so I I think you know know we're being uh Good Financial stewards uh you guys are being uh good uh fiduciaries uh with regards to uh your approval of this bright Line Station we've talked about the Jolie Smith uh Community Center uh the uh the former Dr Jolie Smith Community Center which is again overuse of the term transformative but I think it would be transformative for for that Community um and again you know we continue I met with um um um um Senator Posey's um uh Chief of Staff Florida chief of staff today talked about FEMA you know we just think it's smart for us to to uh at some point in time FEMA is going to tell you no and it's been a multi-year saga I guess um and so again think it's really just smart for you you guys to set aside those dollars so we can get back to some Normy over uh in Lee Winter Park and so feel good about what we presented to you again we have an opportunity you have an opportunity to to readdress or address this uh after we get past the Midway point of the current fiscal year Mr city manager um I would like to make a request to say um produce some documentation on the positive things we've done as a city as a whole and if it's either applicable to some strategic plan or just addressing the concerns and needs of the community the positive accomplishments regardless of what naysayers may be saying I'm clearly seeing we've been as you alluded to good stewards of the taxpayers dollars and I stand with you and support of you and staff City attorney and I think it's it's indicative to the commitment what's best for the community as a whole and that's why I'm very proud to be a cooan and I'm proud to be working for the city of Coco so if you can submit some documentation to us indicating the positive accomplishments we have achieved and working towards um I IE an example bright Line Station once waiting to hear from Bright line to get a confirmation um I think uh there again it's indicative of the commitment that we serve our public so I would appreciate that sir I'm proud of you and staff and City attorney ISO and all the directors and 400 plus employees okay proceeding on to the next item under um City business those three items items number five we will do it first the multi-year contract your standard procedure um it's I mean you're going to approve it anyhow because if you don't then the system is going to shut down and we're not going to be able to achieve our goals but we will proceed forward to approve the Friday Road utilities extension project construction admin Services oage angelical Street utilities extension project construction amid Administration Services scopes of services associated with drmp Inc for Engineering Services during the construction of the Lakes at CoCo Grove utilities extensions projects number WS 21 cg- to approve a resolution to wave a competitive bidding for the work to approve a Fourth Amendment to the drmp continuing Services agreement to RFQ number 17-1 16-c to approve a multi-year cont contracts from fiscal year 24 through fiscal year 25 to approve a resolution amending the fiscal year budget BF as24 d059 ITF in the amount of 2226 excuse me $222,600 421 in the amount of 1,223 74 4 24- 056 Mr Walsh sir the floor is yours so I I'll just go ahead and give you kind of a high level overview and then if you have questions please just we'll open it up so to summarize all that what you just read which sounds really complicated uh to try to boil it down for you it th this design was undertaken by originally by bus and mayor if you remember that firm in Maron Island they were bought out by DRP a few years back so it converted to drmp but they were the engineer of record for both the Friday Road and the oage Angelica portion o Angelica being the the piece on the north side of 528 that really runs from Industry Road over to the project area um we know that the project area was split by 528 so there was a piece on the south side and a piece on the North side in the stipulated settlement agreement that we had agreed to and was amended uh a few years back one of the things that we asked for was simply cooperation from the developer with bright line and or the dot in order to get underneath 528 so that we could connect the utilities from Friday road to the north side because we want we want redundancy so if we have a problem we can continue to feed water North and South so it was good utility practice to do that so that was all contemplated in the design uh and eventually in so those designs were done over a year and a half almost two years ago and really what we were doing was holding because as you're remember the alignment for the entrance was not determined so once it finally got determined and we finished the design fully um then we were able to move into you know uh doing our bidding and and bringing this you know to the street um now in the meantime drmp did not win the continuing Services contract that they had previously in other words if you remember we have a couple of Engineers on the conveyance side so when we have conveyance work meaning uh pipeing the ground type work uh we have a couple of Engineers that that we have that we spread that work around to uh they did not they were not selected as the followon for this year however the engineer of record is required and has certain statutory requirements to certify clear the D permits certify the clearances between utilities and other key information that has to go on so part of the reason for the the ask for the competitive to wave or the the wave the competitive bid process is because we want to continue to use drmp they are the engineer of record it only serves the citizens in the best interest of the city and how we spend dollars fiscally to only have drmp complete that task and to provide those inspection services and so for both of those projects as you stated there are about 200 and something thousand for their services that includes basic inspection um the um uh any rfis from the contractor meaning if they have an inquiry or if there's a question on the drawing if there are revisions to the drawings because of found in the field that are not reflected in the plans their support is needed so if you have any further questions I I can answer them at this time okay um I have three cards here sir um but what I will do first before and I'm we will listen to them never deny anyone from their opinion I would like to make a motion to approve this particular item um which was brought from the consent item number five for the Friday Road utilities extension project and I'm looking for a second okay I have a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns now thank you um any other questions before I turn it over and let individuals come forward to State their concerns for Mr Walsh say I'd like to close this portion to council come forward please and we will proceed in this order is it um Liber yes please come forward then Mr Richard have Fel finger cor sir thank you sir and then Miss Katie Delan good evening thank you good evening um I mine's short uh all this money is proposed and being spent both by the city and the county since I'm in Coco count or unincorporated bravard my concern lies with my costs associated with a project that is still not per uh permitted and is in Jeopardy of getting permitted yes sir Mr Richard uh Rick hefflefinger 2000 Juniper Drive unincorporated district one um I really came if I could Mr Mayor you have staff here that could possibly I I just want to know what the impacts are you got to provide water to your property so I don't have an issue with how you do that or what but I was wondering there you do a great job of uploading a lot of documentation I give staff and maybe that certificate that your clerk got is well worth the money that you do a job running the meetings um but it is a lot of information and again some of that planning if somebody could just give me a brief overview on the schedule and if it's going to affect Friday road because I'm on the south side I don't know where the pipe goes or if there's going to be interruptions and what the timing would be Mr wall sir yes sir I can answer that you want me toate than sir okay yeah yeah the Friday roadside will start at the intersection of James Road and go north along into the property so it it it isn't in front of anybody's exist there's actually three houses I think along the north side of James Road and then it opens up there's a piece of rideway that terminates there's a fence there and because their property has like kind of a zigzag and it's basically starting at that at that fence we have to go from James Road to the fence and then from the fence we follow a 25 foot utility easement on the uh on the developer property in which to put the water sewer and reclaim okay so you'll be right right close to where the James Road Extension will eventually be you're going to kind run down the corridor down the the side well there's not going to be any extension of James road to my knowledge uh it it is simply going to be from the intersection of James Road and Friday road that that intersection that's where our water line stops at that intersection on the south side we're going to bore underneath the road pop up on the other side and do a directional because we're trying to save all the trees along that Eastern property line as you go up all the way to 528 okay and so we have two directional drills I believe or two or three so that we have just minimum impact inside those wooded area once we get in front of 528 rideway we have to do a Jack and Bo we have to dig a big pit a big large pit in the ground because we're about 25 feet underneath 528 to come out on the other side and then eventually connect to oage and jelica oh I see I was under the impression that when the bridge went in there was already piping for you guys no you have to bore under five 28 huh yes well I might like to come over and watch well hey again I appreciate the information so anticipated schedule is that this year or yeah this year this this agenda item authorizes the Consultants to help us during the construction and do the minimums that they need and the agenda items to two after this are the authorizations for the contractor to start the work okay so now will you need any permits from the county for this we do not we have all permits you have all permits okay and I appreciate the answers thank you very much thank you and Mr Mayor just to clarify that the the so James Road um goes into Friday and kind of stops at Friday and so if you think of the development as a rectangle then the the the road that uh will will feed the Ingress egress of the development is the James Road Extension that's a new road um so uh I don't know what the length of that road will be but again that's uh going to be built by the developer to uh to County uh Road standards there so there is a James Road Extension but it's the road that's in front of the development that is the Ingress and egress for the uh for the development down there about a week ago thank you very much Mr city manager uh we discussing the whole project oh yes but I'm letting Mrs Delany come then attor it to council then I will um rain your question thank you Katie Delany yes ma'am um I have a couple concerns about this project uh the first one is the the plans that the developers presented they don't seem to comply with the stipulated agreement in regards to the lot sizes um the width is too narrow and also the buffer that goes around the outside um the west side of the community that's uh up up against 95 um so I I'm just confused how this these two communities are going forward with these violations of the stipulated agreement and um you know between all of you up here Plus our County who we elect as well um you know you guys are supposed to be looking out for the interest of the people and unfortunately because of the the way that these communities were set up there are no coco residents around these two communities and your decision here today and going forward is going to directly impact our homes um and the county as well and so not only are there issues with the stipulated agreement and the plans that the developer has but there are issues with the South uh property bald eagles have been seen um gopher turtles all sort all sorts of different um protected wildlife and somehow all of a sudden now there's a sign that says you know people can't go on that property or near that property whatever and uh I I'm sure that it's because they don't want people taking pictures of these animals that are protected on those properties so what we we need the officials to act in the best interest of the people and of what the laws are that we have rather than in the best interest of the developers and you know it it it's just very upsetting and as far as um waving the competitive bid process how are we supposed to know how are we supposed to know that this is the best interest of the people without a competitive bid process you can't possibly know that um and then as well um I'm just going to add this 10.7 million hidden in a cons consent agenda is um really disheartening and I really appreciate uh council member cost for bringing that to the Public's notti uh to the Public's attention today in this meeting thank you very much okay any questions chair let me close this portion to the public and return it to staff and Council um you have any questions do I because I know we got three items actually my question was trying to figure out how everything connects so once we go once we go under 528 when I was looking at the plans which I can't get up here now but it look like a connect you go east then and connect is that how it Loops or yeah the the currently the water Lin stops at James Road and Friday Road stops right there and so we're going to extend that all the way up basically the Eastern boundary the existing ride away of Friday because it's a dirt road at that point and then it terminates then we enter the developer property in an easement go all the way up to 528 we have a permit to go under 528 for the utilities to come out on the other side we then connect in with utility extensions that'll then be in place or being constructed simultaneously with oage and Angelica so the Western end of oage Angelica will come together and now that'll create a loop where the water line will FL Flow Free freely on both sides okay yeah and so it's it's Forest main because you couldn't really it's all three utilities all three utilities water sewer reclaim okay okay and is it is it it's coming out of rape payers overall or um how much of this is covered by impact fees and things like that or um yeah that's in the in the budget uh adjustment forms and in the attachment sheets it's it's um It's a combination of restricted infrastructure and impact fees that we're using from basically from the fund balance that we're pulling forward so we we had originally budgeted $3 million for the job then we added 500,000 last year I think or this year because we thought it was going to be at 3.5 and now we're at I don't know where they're getting nine and 10 it's 8.6 million is is the total for both projects and the engineering so you're looking at a 300 almost a 300% increase above our original budget from what just last year three times and going under 528 what risk do you associate with that or is there no risk I I don't I don't associate it as risk it's simply just expensive because it's essentially a boore you know a tunnel that's created with a steel casing and the utilities will slip inside those and be protected and at 25 ft the dot forces us down deep because they don't want it to affect their Road or to interfere with any future drainage or any changes that they do so they push us way down so I mean if you're physically on the site yeah you've got some risk because you got a 25-ft hole that has to be shored up to protect you because that work has to be done by basically a a horizontal drill rig that drills the dirt out of the way slips a casing in its place and then places the utilities inside of it okay well thank you done a good job of explaining that okay may I just wanted to rebuttle uh few comments that was made uh a few moments ago in regards I heard someone say we official supposed to look out for the uh betterment of the citizens or something in that sense uh in regards to this project uh maybe attorney gargan you can help me on uh when was that settlement implemented for these projects s or the properties history of I mean it go it goes back to um 2008 2008 so I was still in high school that year so I wasn't on the council um trying to call us old um back then me too no just kidding he actually so uh I think what the council is doing and uh the city manager and everyone is is basically simply complying with this uh agreement that was put in place uh between the county and the city at that time um and just wanted to that's all I wanted to spound on yeah Mr Mayor if I if I could any any changes to what was the uh the conceptual uh site plan have been uh addressed and approved by uh by this this Council through amended and restated uh implementation agreements and recall that uh on the conceptual the original had 400 and some odd plus uh home sites this has far less than that and so again you know no it doesn't match up with the conceptual because that was a conceptual there and and and any changes that were uh negotiated um with the developer are address in an amended and restated settlement implementation agreement thank you very much for the point of clarification knowledge is power we're transparent and accountable Mr Walsh to you and the men and women of utilities as well of the other departments I thank you all for your commitment for false narratives I'm glad we're here to clear just going to call the question all in favor saying I I I I have it unanimously let's go to item number six to approve task order 224 10 with Atlantic development cocoa Inc for construction of Friday Road utilities improvements project to approve as a multi-year contract to approve a resolution authorizing the city manager to approve and execute the change orders and the amount not to exceed 41,00 24070 10% of the contract amount for a total project cost 4,413 647 decimal point and 70 to approve a resolution amending the fiscal year budget bath 24- 057 d-2 2457 Mr Walsh floor is yours again yes sir thank you um so this this particular item is related to the previous and that the previous did the design and the engineering and this is the award of the contract to the low bidder and to remind Council we have um uh three pre-approved uh contractors of record that we go with um who've worked with the city before over years whatever and uh we put that out for bid two out of the three bid it uh Atlantic development was the low bid on both they were two separate sets of drawings um Atlantic one bolt so they're in this item number six and then the following item number seven as well um this item is for essentially for you know 4.4 million if you add the the base bid plus the contingency that's our normal practice because there's always things that happen during construction that can't be predicted so we try to establish a contingency and delegate that authority to the city manager that's our typical um and that's essentially it so uh it's of the eight .9 million or so for both this whole total project in in total this is a this is 4.4 for the actions of doing the construction any questions for Mr Walsh Council call your light on no you want me to say something all night I make a motion to approve staff recommendation and I'm looking for a second thank have a second floor is yours yeah I was just going to say I was just going to respond to Katie on some of the things that you were looking at earlier this project is not an example of smart growth it is however better than what was originally proposed I mean I had Sierra Club people sit down with me give me the whole file and I promise you that it's a lot better than what was originally going to happen whether we would Annex something like this now it's like I think we'd be a little smarter in the way we look at it and of course the problem when you um are not building your density from the inside out when you're grabbing a piece is going to be expensive in terms of infrastructure because of you know fire and police but um I just wanted to assure you that um it's been through 20 years of litigation and un M Ms and um it is better than what we had Mr Walsh I believe in you young man you with stood the test of time you're and your staff all staffs um I know you would not shortcom city and I'm appreciative of you regardless of what has may have been said in front in your presence or behind your back I believe in you sir and I'm thankful for you and the all directors here on Council l dot in everybody and guess what there again I'll run through Hades with you brother even though I know we're not going to go through there but I will be with you there thank you sir okay I got a motion on the floor by myself in a second second yes by uh councilman she G to call the questions public input mayor okay well there's no cards but anyone would like to come forward please thank you I don't have a card on the card they only had five it would need to fill out another C thank you Esquire right all I had it ready for you mayor thank you [Laughter] I just want to um use this time to comment that I appreciate your comments Miss c um I in a perfect world a property with 70% Wetlands should never be developed so um this is going to greatly affect my community and the people on Osage and um Angelica and uh I'm deeply disappointed in the county and I know that you guys are just working with what you have but um this is super disappointing for my community so thank you is Mrs Rollins in the audience wait anyone else uh Council M Bar yeah as a representative for District 3 whose District we're talking about I want to say I love this project I think it's amazing I love the work that's gone into it I can't complement staff Enough by addressing the complexity that it's taken I can't say enough for the amount of work that youve invested already and are about to invest I love that residents to Coco are going to be just that new residents to Coco to our city I'm glad that we're growing we have no intent of annexing the entirety of the Groves or Port St John that is a ridiculous conjecture it is not happening nobody would want it to happen we don't want it to happen I can speak as a councilman I think that there's a quality of I think that there's a quality of life that is respected and within our city boundary which is the property that we're talking about which has been invested by private property owners they are meeting the tenants of any agreements that we have made and furthermore loose correlations that are trying to make a narrative that doesn't exist is a waste of the time of the staff that ultimately if we talk about waste of time this has been porly a waste of time of our most experienced directors so with that all being said I welcome public comment the reason it's one consent from this one council member is because I did my due diligence before I showed up to the meeting if there was an opportunity for speaking everybody's had an opportunity to speak but I am glad that we can have confidence in our staff to spend $10 million because they provide the DU the the trust effort and competency to address those kind of issues whether it was 10 million or 1 million I'm comfortable with that so that being said I hope we're clear on how excited I am about this project so if anybody has any concerns with that I would welcome members just as you can if something's on an agenda feel free to reach out to your local representative of which many are not in the city of Coco because we don't even live here but you can reach out to us as good neighbors and partners and I think that we've demonstrated that over and over and over again so thank you Council and again part of it is that now we've gone another hour and a half on something that there wasn't one question about that was relative to what not from not from the uh not from the uh folks speaking but as council members there wasn't a a a concern it was more informative our duty as council members is to inform our constituency and this is not necessarily always the time to do it unless we need to pull it we can but this is not a show this is governance and there is a purpose to governance and that is to get the job done thank you CH gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I a unanimous vote and your name Jesus amen item number seven Jack yes sir I think you've heard of not yes sir I today but again um I'll just do a quick summary so you all understand what what you're looking at in this number seven for Atlantic development they're the low bidder for the oades Angelica port that's going to extend water sewer and reclaim to the property located I95 and 528 on the North side for um and uh like I said we went through the bidding process they were low bitter the motion also includes uh a contingency so that it's delegated authority goes to city manager and the reason why we do that is so that when when when things come up unexpectedly uh that we have uh the ability to get those change orders to the contractor and not create delays that cost the city and the citizens more money and and so by you delegating that authority to him it's basically up to me and staff to present those those things to count to uh to city manager Stockton and then for him to endorse those so that we can then appropriate those and give those to the contractor so he has a confidence that he's going to get that change order and that we're going to pay it so I'm here to answer any other questions you may have let me read it please so I can be official sir item number seven the final item for tonight to approve Ro task order 20249 with Atlantic development of Coco Inc for construction of oage and angelical utilities Improvement project to approve as a multi-year contract to approve a resolution authorizing the city manager to approve and execute change orders and their amount not to exceed $371,500 10% of the contract amount for a total cost of the project 4, 89,1 12383 cents to approve a resolution amended fiscal year 2024 budget b 24-58 if2 24-58 chair like to make a motion to approve and I'm looking for a second I have a second on the floor um do we have any cars it's open for the public anything else you want to expound on Mr was because you can clearly see everyone has approved this sir and you have support there sir so don't you feel like the long Rangers sir there again I don't mind saying it and I'll take the repercussions because I'm not scared but I do hate when people come up here and make false narrates period Point plank y be Qui Mr um councilman please sir because I want to maintain our composure turn your card in Please Mr Delany ma cuz I refuse to let the devil get that's a completely inappropriate statement uh ma'am thank you is so are some of the narratives that's been stated here I'm not argue with you ma'am okay this is my three minutes thank you so the issue with this project is that there has been such a mixup with information the the the backdoor deals the backdoor things that have gone on with these projects and the lack of transparency most of it has come from the county I'll give you guys that but the lack of transparency that has gone on with this project is absolutely insane and I'm coming here and spend spending my time because I care about my community and I care about where I live so for elected officials to sit up here and bade the public is ridiculous and that's all I have to say thank you okay do we have any other cards sing no other cars Cher make a motion to approve this item task order 2420 excuse me 20 24-9 now I'm looking for a second second by Deputy Mayor Hearn just G to call the question all in favor saying I I I eyes have unanimously proceeding on to reports and I believe in the citizens of Coco and we will provide a safety level that will protect them at any and all costs because I believe in our city and I believe in the city staff that's all I have to say next is reports it's the city manager Mr Mr Mayor and uh council members with all due respect to to the time that we spent um back door deals and most of them hav't occurred with the county that means the implication is some of them have occurred with uh City staff and and and that ain't true so let me let me let me walk you through the process again both of these projects the one that's across uh North on 528 and the one that's south of uh 528 have gone through uh pnz uh they've gone through two Council hearings in most instances um and so you've seen each and in every part of the process um you even uh saw the presentation where uh in terms of the elevations that are required for these that there no two uh uh home sites can look alike there there are 16 some odd conditions of approval for Windward preserve and probably just as many on uh the Lakes at CoCo Grove and so uh staff does an excellent job in protecting the interest of the citizens of of uh Coco that staff being of of course the City attorney uh and assistant City attorney Kristen Ike um uh Lucy and planning um Abby in public works Charlene um and then the contract Ed um uh uh zoning uh planning uh staff that we have and so I hope I didn't miss anybody and even in the review in the uh in the development review team which is primarily every agency under the city uh within the city does their due diligence in reviewing these things there and so so it is it is a uh uh turned upside down in terms of the review um and so I I I am confident that um none of us um have done any dealings again you ask the developers and we're holding their feet to the fire with regards to everything that's a requirement of the settlement agreement everything that's a requirement of code and so I always uh take exception to inuendos that that that we are uh uh doing deals because we are absolutely not uh doing deals there and again pnz um city council um as necessary and as required under the code let me let me talk a little bit about um the agenda and what a citizen sees on the agenda when they pull it up and Rob so if you can go to to our page where the citizen actually pulls up the agenda and the agenda is downloaded in a PDF and so I just want to W to want to talk about the consent items that are that are uh hid in plain sight from the citizens there because they look no different than the regular agenda items there and so and so Rob is is basically taking you to how citizens access the agenda and this is the full agenda Rob go ahead and click on that know how to see the agenda so and so and so when you click on the agenda Rob let's go to something that's not um a consent agenda so when you go to just take a council business or so so when you go to when you go to a a council business item um and you click on the item click on it right that'll take you to the text of the item um Rob go to the agenda item itself and so the the the agenda comes up the the full agenda comes up you can access the attachments and so it's all there in plain sight now that's a that's a council meeting item Rob back out and let's go to a consent item and so same process you go to uh the same steps the full agenda item comes up that's a consent item again hidden in plain sight um the text of the Agenda Report comes up and all of the uh backup and Exhibits are are uh accessible um and so again there is no uh camouflaging of what's on the consent agenda because it's access and it's readily available just like the items on the regular agenda are and so so uh staff isn't hiding anything it's a very transparent process it's the same process that you would utilize to access the regular agenda items um Rob go to the uh strategic planning yes sir no go to that email that you and that exhibit and so here's the side by side of uh strategic plans for the city of Coco with 21,000 people for the city of Titusville with 49,000 people and for the city of Tallahassee with 200,000 people and so you can see that what's what's uh what's uh characterized as as a as a a placard here is the exact same format that these two larger cities utilize and so and I'm not I'm not trying to drag down those cities um um there are a number of cities that thought it better to have strategic plans that are digestible and that are not 100 pages long um so that um staff never actually utilizes the Strategic plan and so again uh you know the criticism was uh at the workshop and tonight that we don't have a strategic plan and yet at least in terms of Bard County Titusville is is is touted as having a strategic plan that actually follows the same form and format as our uh uh priority areas and initiatives they just simply call them goals and objectives and you can see Tallahassee says priority areas and objectives there and so let me read for you Rob can you go down a little bit and so let me let me read for you Titusville uh goal with regards to financial stability and the objectives associated with that it just s merely says the goal is financial stability the objectives are are to one to continue to execute strategies to address long-term liabilities and two to plan for future Capital obligations and so uh we suffer the criticism of we don't have a strategic plan when again the form and format is the same as the city of Titusville and the City of Tallahassee we have a capital Improvement plan we have a comprehensive plan we have a Coco conservation area plan the coko police department has a strategic plan that was created in concert with um um the University of Central Florida uh the fire department is undergoing a strategic planning process at this moment that is being developed in conjunction with the fire department staff by an outside consultant if you recall the gfoa award that's given each year to Mrs B and staff is the annual distinguished budget award presentation and one of the things that it says about that a budget document it is that it is a planning document there's a resilient cocoa plan there's a sustainability plan there's the Coco Village Redevelopment plan there's the diamond Square Redevelopment plan there's a visioning exercise that is getting underway for 520 and us US1 and also running west on 520 in Diamond Square there there's the parks infrastructure and master plan um and and again plans are as good as the implementation of the items in the plan and so let me give you an example of of where we uh have have have uh have done pretty good in terms of affordable housing uh and in spite of a plan that's not uh 100 pages long there the Surplus property listing that you uh recertified today only came back before you because um the county had received through a tax deed sale 727 Bernard Street and we simply ask the county it's in the city of Coco give us that for affordable housing that that's not in in any strategic plan but that is uh one of the things that staff is focused on there um the CRA is uh in the process of acquiring property in the consent decree area um and as you aware that aware that consent decree has been in place for uh more than a number of years and this is the first sort of uh active activity that we've had in term terms of purchasing a property that ultimately will one day be uh affordable housing for uh some lucky uh homeowners there uh and and again you guys did the fund balance tonight there is a uh Financial operations manual that talks about planning and how to plan out your fund balances and so I reject the notion that we don't do strategic planning around here and that we don't have strategic planning and I get where we're at it's happened to me um day one of my tenure here and so so um you know I'm at the point where I'm I'm I've always been of a mind to present the factual information but um I'm going to to address misinformation as it's presented and so if uh the city of Coco doesn't have a strategic plan nor does the city of Titusville nor does the city of Tallahassee and so that's the that's that's you know just clarification because I know stuff is out there uh in the public and stuff will be misrepresented and this won't help but at least the council and the listening public that is objective will have the real information um tonight's reports are Mrs singer uh and Mr Beach thank you very much much Miss city manager I thank you for your Enlightenment of where we stand in reference of a strategic plan but before we turn it over I would like to recognize this charming young lady with this beautiful outfit pink outfit a floral outfit she was uh in upstar Coco provides opportunity accepting applications for programs and provide business news let's give her a round of applause yeah yes no go ahead you R it up go ahead say what you said man because I don't want nobody fely accusing me of of viol sunshine I was just implying that congrats sir in order for city manager you were just uh a recipient of something well I mean look the uh the icma says that you've been at it a long time and they point that out to people and so that was was that was a 30-year plaque from from the ICM comes with that many years and so you know I appreciate that and and uh you know I and I've told you all that this is my last stop and and so it it is about getting things done and it's about building Legacy and so um I want to be here to see those things to completion and and so we have a lot in the pipeline and and uh you know I I'm I am uh I call myself the creative director and staff actually has to actually run the play and so all I do is come up with sometimes good ideas sometimes bad ideas and sometimes ideas that are sort of on the margins there and they they do all the work and so you know you have staff that's committed to making this place a better place they're professionals and uh and again you know and if I again the one example that I can use is is that on those on those uh approved site plans and I think one is perhaps a PUD they they have literally 13 and 16 conditions of approval because we're drilling down to the uh the driveway no we don't want just a standard driveway we want it either pave or stamp concrete there and so you know I I know that we're doing the right thing um are things out there and and and you know starting with online permitting saving a grocery store that prevented a neighborhood from becoming a food desert to finally doing affordable housing uh um in the Michael SE Blake subdivision and then and ultimately in the consent decree area the provos park improvements the Str stradley Park improvements upstart COC again you're going to look back on your careers one day and say that what's going to happen at the Dr Jolie Smith Community Center is transformative for the community uh the Broadmore acres and Fisk uh project was really a challenge there and and and and Abby uh brought that to completion that was started by Bryant um and remember we bid that thing out two times um and and and had to go back to FEMA I guess I was dogging FEMA out earlier FEMA did come to the plate and gave us a little extra money on that one and so and so you know to the state road 524 being finally in the fot fiveyear work plan because uh staff was creative enough to suggest that we utilize the impact fees to fund the uh the uh the uh PDN study and the TPO was gracious enough to add a two M another two million to that pot so that we now have a project that seems to actually going to happen at some point in time to the Walmart Distribution Center that had in there uh uh a development agreement a a donation of an acre of land um to the city for uh the city's use and coming back 10 years after that actually was Inked and saying Hey where's our land and so and so we're getting that done to Orchid lakes and algra as affordable housing uh projects that utilize the uh the state law that allows you to actually forego the zoning in a in a in a commercial area to uh serious apartments that uh that uh is transforming a vacant strip mall to the Amazon distribution center and and and I'll stop here uh uh to actually uh uh having on the city's website a chatbot that allows citizens that are my age or older to just simply type in the request or the information that they're looking for and so you know it it is it is uh uh a long list of things that I'm proud of for staff and I'm proud of for you and I'll I'll get off my Soap Box online online permitting right is that not yes first time ever 30 years a [Applause] sir okay um so yes thank you and and thank you for bringing up the Bard business news article even though that's my picture on there I didn't know it was going on the cover or I would have changed that um but um it just shows again uh the city manager highlighted we are making strides and efforts to become an inclusive Economic Development engine in our County and um we are doing a few other things that I'd like to highlight um coming up here soon we are trying to expand our business uh professional development opportunities for our small businesses and we are partnering with we venture on two upcoming um events that we're working on with um to expand to our Hispanic and Latino business owners um so we will have a yeah we're very excited about that we are going to have um like a business education course it's a seven-week program that's going to start April 2nd that's going to be at the Civic Center again and that's for our Hispanic and Latino business owners um and then we're doing like a uh full day seminar that we actually are partnering with the Clear Lake Education Center on um so we're really excited for that and that will be in June and those two programs will be uh promoted here shortly you'll see those through our social media channels and in our upcoming newsletter as well um and all of that again is to reach our um Hispanic and Latino business owners um the other thing I wanted to mention as well we are doing a key to the city celebration um for one of our own uh Coco Tigers Joan Taylor who just won the Super Bowl um we are doing that presentation at our March 26th council meeting um so I wanted to give you a heads up we will have um his family here um we will be reaching out to the news media to let them know um but they preferred for it to be a more intimate event as opposed to a public event in Riverfront Park so I wanted to give you a heads up that that will be happening at the March 26th council meeting 26 26 now Alex I want you to bring us some of those oldie Goldie pictures too now all right all right thank you that was all I have um Yes again let me reiterate this February 19th subscription for BBN one of our very own SOC Mom I have a soccer mom and I have a track mom and I have a Boy Scout mom on that side of the room basketball you know Mr may I went into that uh long DOD ride and and and the you know these next two things are are are really uh important to me and sort of highlight uh the value that you all are adding in the community uh Mr Beach will will talk about the the computer lab over in the Jolie Smith Community Center and um and again uh Chief lamb will update you on the on the high schoolers there very very important to me from where I came from because uh you know as many of you know were there were five kids in my household uh uh my dad drove a cab and my mother doesn't have a a high school diploma so um these two next ones are are U really really uh um great examples of what the city of coko is doing to to improve the lives of a of a the kids in our community thank you I actually have pictures for you guys for a change hey how about that here we go so what you're looking at here is the new Jolly Smith computer lab uh that we used arpa funding for to put in place um this is in their large activity room so we're able to you know partition off a a really good solid place for that uh We've installed 10 computers these are the workstations that are there uh there you we worked with the county to come up with a setup that they felt would work in that environment um um and you know we were able to you know address their needs this is a different view of inside picture of one of the actual workstations um and this is the technology we used we actually used a different type of PC this is a Windows full-blown Windows PC uh but it's called a stick PC they're really small just about five six inches long about 2 inches wide and they're full-blown PCS uh they have full internet access and we're ready to open this up to the public um we also have six more going into Travis Center uh County's currently setting that up as well can you go back sure aut right there sir this one yes sir that's pretty NE thank you sir that's all that I had we have a question from Council woman C are will you be who will be Main maintaining them the county will uh the County's actually going to be running their programs they're already talking about putting together some educational programs for computers you know open computer lab for kids to come in and use uh but the county will be doing that thank you so we have it on both sides of the track one at Jolie and one at Trav so we're including all diversity all guys children because they matter can can I just add to we do have it scheduled April 2 for ribbon cutting for that I sent that out as a tentative right now with on your schedules thank thank you for not making April Fool's Day because that you know I'm so used to 30 years of teaching and kids play tricks on but our atttention is to open it up prior to that so the public oh um so just real quickly I just want to update you our um two recruit s from Coco High School are doing very well uh I spoke to their instructor last week they're in their third month so they'll be graduating in May but both of them are doing phenomenal so you know I can't say it enough you guys don't understand what a transformation this is going to be not just for those two young men but also for their families and what an impact that's going to have on our community so um Stockton said it earlier city manager said it earlier City's making some great Transformations and along with that um Northeast Florida Regional planning Council just recognized uh the old fire station one and Family Promise with a diamond award for that project in conjunction with the city um and the impact it's having on the community great things happen in the city of Coco regard they were out of pearls very good okay Pano sir see their turny no report man Welcome Back Sir glad to see your smiling face in the place with the human race than you you and Deputy Mayor Hearns both sir may but I'm just stop right there all right de tell them who's up this time please sir all okay who will I go first Council m going you got pictures such a good guy yes I want to make another opportunity to uh ask mayor about moving reports for because of we just had a lot of good information that lot of community members are not here to he so I got you um so this were the mar PA that was in C lot lot of meat pets yeah they're wearing everything their owners match um probably I thought this was number one I think messed up my what are you doing collaborating with [Laughter] [Music] himle um this was at the C high school cheerleaders hosted a black history program um and it was sponsored by quarterback Club another opportunity try to raise FS for um the COC hot chili again this was the judges that was there um you see how intense I was I was just so into it and the mayor he's collaborating not supposed to [Music] collaborate um shout out to um she didn't have to do this sorry s because it was a Sunday and I really appreciate Samantha for coming um to this event at at Rock City Hub it was a lot of businesses and vendors and and she took the time out her time family time which pretty sure when she seen the invite she was like killing um but but again it's just another opportunity to highlight the city of Coco and I love to highlight the city of Coco in rock all the time but it was another opportunity to highlight our program so thank you for coming this was a lot lot of events that we went to this this this month was probably the month I've seen a very long time um so this is some of the Flyers that events that we went to in the community this was the black history program my son is there in all black act like he was nervous even though he sing: um but Academy and Mr teachers the scholars always do a great program in the community few more pictures from the melanin popup shop um a lot of again probably having 15 20 vendors out there as well um rock city councilman with there Pon well this the black his program the honor this year was Mrs Barbara Moore she's in the middle she's with my mom picture on the bottom she's 80 years old you're not supposed to say that young man I'm saying because 4 in heels with 4 in heels um so again another opportunity for for the city of Coco um and council member I know um pretty much all the council there except for counc but it was an opportunity for us to be out there in front of the community Pastor j a lot of Scholars time the uh so this is my last one but I I brought this up because what I spoke on deal with our list that we just app um West Palm Beach um is being very Innovative in trying to answer the question about a 4 and I know we in marar County we are very slow when it come down to new things tiny houses we fight that um container homes we probably going fight that but but eventually um you're going to have counties around us like pal Bay is doing tiny home doing tiny homes but the container homes are not what we think it is we hear container we just think tragedy but these are container homes they look better than M and so I just I want us to be uh open and you can Google this in your own time um what West Palm Beach is doing they the homes are ranging every bit of 20 to 50,000 $40,000 once they get done with all the construction and I just I wanted to bring this up um because I want us to be in like we had re Dennis came today a great mindset sometimes a little all over the place but I understand where you're coming from we have we have some issues and so in order to try to help some of our issues you may have to just think outside the box and and maybe block and bricking more may not may not be what that answer is so I want short I put this on your radar so we can that that's really all I had the I forgot to put in Jake Williams scholarship banquet um I believe it was $1,000 to Scholars that was an awesome event as well um council members were there as well in support of that scholarship and the go the park at proos Park I believe all of us were there and so shout out love it for hosting that event I think it was 15 churches involved it was was so I don't want to go past what we talking about earlier I kind of we don't have to talk about it but we talking about the cons agenda issues I just I really don't want us to do this every single meeting where we have a discussion about the cons items pulling it or not pulling it if that's something coun brought it upbe you can talk about your reports there's a certain dollar amount that you say that's too high that I want to discuss it I think that's something maybe you discuss that with the city manager um or if community members are coming to you with um issues with certain items then I think we we we can discuss those things but um I'm along with Council Council on a lot of things that he said um we just don't want to waste time we're going to pull it let's pull it and let's discuss it if it going to have substance to it but just to pull it just to P it I don't think it it doesn't to me it doesn't really make sense to me my opinion and I'm pretty sure you going to get to that probably your but that's all I than sir thank you sir yes sir all right maybe all right right try to be uh brief uh well first off just uh on housekeeping uh I was trying to connect with Chief he's trying to update me uh on uh what was going on uh with our police department and I owe you a public apology I also the men and women of the department an apology uh in short we had a time I didn't make it that's wrong so just I want you to know that and the same level that I would expect uh any member of staff to show a courtesy and professionalism I would hold that to myself so again an apology to the department that you represent and thank you sir uh second I just want to highlight the the benefit of a good Steward of a of a good Enterprise this is off of Cox Road I just took this sometimes we forget Cox Road has a lot of commercial uh and Industry Partners out there and and for our commercial and Industry Partners um you know there's some latitude on you know what we want our properties to look like and there's a rationale for that but I just want to highlight what a great example this is right this could look like a train wreck uh but they take time to organize the property it makes their Community look good awesome business uh they're used a lot when in many of our schools so thank you to just being good stewards in our community of what a business can look like uh separate note when we talk about annexation here might be a more practical example this is a piece of property owned by the city of Coco that we've owned since 1968 it is about a quarter mile outside City Limits that to me might be something we would consider for annexation so I just to put scope and cont text to to when we talk about what that might look like that might be reasonable it might not be I would leave deference to to to city manager to see if that really fit our objectives but I just share with you what what what something might look like that it obviously serves a purpose for some kind of Maintenance uh but there're in lives what that might be uh this is also on Cox Road uh tuck behind one of our businesses and I think there's probably about a thousand code violations out there um uh and this is the I would say the antithesis of what a good Steward as a business partner might look like right so this is a property owner they own the land they own the business the business probably went out I don't think that there's anybody functioning there anymore and then this is the leftovers which is not great so to our business owners that are doing great thank you for what you're doing for those of you that this is what the property looks like thank you for taking the initiative before the city of Coco has to come and say please take the initiative so thank you for our right so not okay uh I'm guessing you're gonna speak to this one mayor no sir no I just found this old guy in the park uh and so mayor will speak to him go ahead no sir no sir uh this is uh my beautiful daughter and we are enjoying some of this great food that our culture is being enriched by in the city of Coco so I just share with you if you haven't been to one of our local takas please go right they would appreciate your business but part of our discussion uh that she she brought up at this time was Dad uh social media is going to be illegal for people my age and under so in all sincerity there is a good segment of our population although they are young that are really worried about what does that mean and what do we as Citizens need to do as Coco in order it's not passed yet but the likelihood of it getting stopped is pretty nil and and our younger folks are are concerned about that and I think probably our families need to know what is that going to mean right and ultimately family responsibility you're the parent take care of your child right but yes sir um you know I should probably also share with you with h the Florida legislature uh we've had to block Tik Tock and four other applications on our networks so they cannot be accessed on our private or public networks and thank and thank you sir and then there's I'm sure that there's going to be uh some conversation of what does even social media mean so you know and what does that look like so uh whatever the state legislature kicks out they kick out but for application to our citizens that's a real concern equally you know our kiddos are in school uh what does that mean for our schools if we have an SRO in one of our local schools what are they enforcing during the day and and that becomes complex so we look forward to some of those answers I think maybe as a community over the next few months uh as a as a friendly reminder UCF is a huge driver although outside the district a m cost not to steal Thunder uh I I would like to just remind us this is our hometown school that's right we have a campus right here in coko uh yeah I'll give you a go nice and this is them stomping Texas Tech out on the court but as a friendly reminder also that our our economic Drive that partnership for what degree programs they put right here is a fair conversation I think for us to be involved in so what skills are we looking for that school to develop to serve our community at our campus and and and I would be interested in what that might look like in the future uh additionally as a friendly reminder also not a friendly reminder this is a Humane Society so this is Marty Pauls is a part of that uh but this is a building waiting to happen on $6 million build uh they're 600,000 shy and they have just been raising since I mean they are raising over raising over raising and they serve our community with more than just one simple function so whether it's to clean up your mess after your dog goes out on somebody else's yard being a responsible pet owner this is in our city so I just share with you as a partner who is advocating for responsible care of animals uh I appreciate what they do and I look forward to supporting their expansion uh thank you that's all sir no he can go first it's been quite an eventful week for I think for all of us as you can see all right so I had the opportunity to attend the uh annual African uh is African-American history reading um this was at sunre elementary um there was a host of community uh Community folks out that attended this the mayor he attended as well um there was people from all all all different types backgrounds and um career fields and uh was just really really good time to to read with the kids uh at the school um so I enjoyed that um was able to represent the city of Coco here uh this is the uh Jake Williams Gala uh where they were raising money for a scholarship fund in his name um got to attend this as well as uh councilman G spoke with uh all the council attended as well really good calls um again another opportunity to represent the city of Coco for uh a great Community event oh you're right I I checked the email for some reason the other photos didn't go through no uh for some reason the photos didn't go through uh but yeah there there was uh I also attended the unity and the commun Community event over at provos Park that was really great to see so many Community uh agencies that uh serve the community at this event um you had all all types of organizations parks and recs they were even there at the library um something that the citizens don't know about I didn't know how much programming that they have nowadays at our library for uh our youth uh and teens I think they even offer a coding class there were so many uh programs so I advise anyone looking for their uh for some programs for their kids to get involved with check the library um as you know we have one here in Coco um uh just so much uh I'm glad to see all the activity that's happened within our uh our city uh I had one of the photos I was trying to upload there was a photo shared uh by the police department this week for uh black history and I I was just proud to see that how diverse of a department we are um I've spoken with people in regards to Public Safety in different counties and cities and they're they're struggling um with trying to diversify their departments it's it's just a struggle with recruitment of employees in general but to to not that we have a very diverse uh Department I was glad to see that so thank you chief on those efforts our initiatives um and they're not you know and they're very qualified uh officers they're doing great things out in our community so um I'll hand it over at this time to councilwoman close uh but let's see after all of this where to start um maybe just start with the facts um first of all it was 35 minutes that we spent on those three issues and then we spent in an additional we made it to an hour and a half we're close to it secondly Tallahasse and Titusville what's different about their goals and objectives is that they have measurables performance metrics attached that's the only point that I was trying to make last week and I feel like the fact that Miss lordy wrote about us this week that I'm somehow now I'm the target of rejecting you know the comment she made okay or when uh Burman calls me from Florida Today I don't know who else he's interviewed but he knows there's this is always the mayor is always in opposition to me so you know he just opposes our statements to make it look like there's a controversy when maybe there isn't another fact is this morning I went into Mr whitten's office and when we talked about those particular items he said well you know he called Monica and then you know he said I'll put it on the agenda because I asked him specifically do I need to make a motion or we'll use so I feel somewhat set up for this conversation that makes me look like or admonishes me first of all for asking questions or even when even when I go to try to correct something in the minutes I have have to really wait is this worth even bothering with because you know I will be you know berated for making things go longer you know I think I bring a lot of positives to this console and to the conversation and I know for a fact I represent my constituents so when other members of this Council admonish me for doing doing that I think that's a problem I think and and what does that do what is the end result of that is to intimidate me from speaking just in um you know for fear I really for fear of being denigrated and disrespected or simply admonished but um consent items are to be routine everything I've read from everything we've been directed consent items are routine items and yeah when I see those kind of figures that equal the amount of tax dollars that we actually generate in a year from our citizens I think that's significant I mean the only other time we have amounts like that it's like you know the Jacobs annual um contract and yeah you know I think I think they should be that should be a part of conso business too and as far as always making me out to somehow being opposition to staff or putting staff down because I ask a question uh no that is that is not what's going on I'm not putting down staff I'm not trying to take anything away from anybody including our city manager uh uh but I have never asked for any more than to be treated as an equal on this console and I have a responsibility I've been sitting here since 2014 going to these meetings and I've heard you say for too when I'm sitting out there I was trying to figure out what is this consent agenda about you know the average bear is not going through and going through each item although it's very good that we pointed that out tonight that we address that and maybe we should do that periodically um because it probably took a year before I knew to look through those items but I mean you know because you were there too when you're out there you're kind of you know a lot of it seems like Greek or it seems like you know could this be the whole picture so an explanation can really help our citizens become part of the conversation and you know what's happening um the controversy over there like I said before um that's been baked for a long time through lawsuits um it's probably not the property we would Annex if we were doing it today um but I think we you know we're making the best of it at this point um but okay and I'm sorry to be all over the place but you know it does feel like why do I come here just to be you know I to ask questions and to get abuse in return I just don't think I think I really try to be professional here I really do and I think I make it 98% of the time and all I want is to be treated equally for the same respect I'm giving you guys now I know the mayor's going to come after me and it's anyway um but even with the mayor there's so many times when we're in agreement and you'll say something to make it as though you don't think we are or that makes it look as though we're in contradiction to each other and that's the last thing I'll say is that strategic planning is not just about making that plan that you're probably going to change along the way it's about building a a vision and building consensus and that was my original argument why we should update our strategic plan I don't find it a cumbersome document at all most of it is the um performance measures and those would be in terms of Staff the staff that are concerned with particular set of performance measures would be more familiar with that and not have to be familiar with the entire document but the point that strategic planning any kind of P planning in the public for is an opportunity for us to unify our vision and despite everything we see here and how I feel right now I think we have a lot more in common than we do not and so okay you've seen all of this almost all of this before but a star was born last Thursday JC on there he is looking at the camera and he couldn't stop singing after that after he came off stage this is where I'm taking my husband for his birthday this weekend it's nice to have Cajun food in the neighborhood we made over $10,000 and thank you Mr Whitten for your donation and um other members for contrib Bing um great event this weekend lots of I I mean I've gone to every one of these except I think I missed one this year there was more entertainment more boost more participation was really enjoyable event this sign I wanted to point out was just put up on provos Park and for me it was actually um I'll have to give it to uh to Tanya and her sister who have been telling me about this history it never never really hit till I saw this sign this weekend that this is um the historical provos part so glad to have the sign to educate others and this is what's going on next week uh we have a the um a group of people uh um John cardier um Raymond um John is a uh the former uh a VP at Walmart but he's um has a passion for fossils uh Raymond is a retired lawyer uh with Connections in the um philanthropic Community uh Kim is has um a background in fundraising this is and of course you all know Marlene Community leader um on all issues clearly so this Think Tank has been meeting to look at how to try to enhance through a friends group of the museum bring some more dollars in uh couple weeks ago we met with with Keith Winston who's the director of The Bard Zoo and the aquarium he gave us some great advice um I know these folks are in a research mode at the moment but um they've also developed an mlu that is a lot less extensive than the one that was talked about a couple years ago um that will be coming forward soon so I just wanted to give you that heads up thank you thank you sir thank you Mr Beach um here we are at Eastern Florida State College Melbourne campus they were having their Foundation annual Backyard Barbecue as you can see president rich is there Jack Parker and a host of other individuals there we took a group a group photo it was extremely busy that day it was on a Saturday we had some great activity great barbecue um it was a pleasure to see a lot of my former students to continue in advancing their education and we had a great group there and I'm appreciative when human beings get together we do outstanding things and uh kudos to you Miss Cherry Tanya Cherry for providing this uh Avenue for so I could attend also um you can see uh the supervisor of election was there and just great barbecue you can see everyone's gting about 10 15 pounds already um this is Robin lroy one of my former teachers we work together at Clear Lake Middle School we attended the um Cajun Soul beastro that event that we all attended this past I think it was Friday um right here in front of the business the entrepreneurship of Cajun Soul outstanding great food TJ Jones was there um here as you can see Lance and uh Ken is really Kenya uh Davis and and Victoria and Lance's wife I think L both Lan's are red rated right Alex of course okay I hear you player okay I'm not mad at you sir and here we are standing in front of his bus business this is uh Mr Davis's two nieces in the background his aunt rather excuse me his two aunts there Sheila and Phyllis this is us cutting the ribbon having a good time um kudos to my good friend Cheryl for doing an outstanding job um also the um Coco Beach Chamber of Commerce here we are here giving the ribbon to them that's Angela This Is Us the book fair where I I I received cards I think some people got cards and photos this is coo COK this Coco employees uh Mrs uh Santa Claus and also Sherelle Nasha there has they brought goodies notice that box there yeah they they fooled here the chief was present also to we had the opportunity to read uh this is a group photo everyone school board members Jenkins and Campbell attended as well as elected officials and principles from other high school and elementaries that attended um here uh you can see our group we were group number four we all read to um third graders this photo includes all Educators everyone in this photo is an educator or retired educator the uh the city manager and myself had the opportunity to meet with the Port Authorities talking about the future for our area pertaining to Bright line and also the enhancements of the port and what to anticipate um as you can see space Florida Wars they're talking about um the the cruise liners attending um and the effect that it will have on the port um here we were at a Public's work they were doing a fundraiser eating some good old barbecue um we had Old Dan the Man Don the man he was uh singing in the background uh I tell you man Willie Nelson was near and de to my heart but this young man performed also I think Alissa she has vocal cords of pipes out of this world and um you know every day common folks man the blue we're a blue collar town I mean we do some great white collar works but we're hard work in Blue Collar town and I'm proud to be a true cooin and this is the backbone of what we're all talking about a little Twang and and good camaraderie goes a long way um also i' like to thank my friend Tim Henderson we were at his facility this past week for CED our 50 years of existence in the city of Coco provided um job and gainful employment for our our students um my past students and and the positive impact not only did he th um survive but he's thriving through the pandemic and and everything looks positive I just want to say regardless through it all I'm thankful for all the employees of the city of Coco we can agree to disagree but we're moving forward because I believe in the city managers City attorney and also our staff and our directors um um yes sir Mr city manager Mr Mayor I actually I failed to mention this earlier um just as a as a followup to a councilwoman CES it's it's my understanding and Monica or Anthony can correct me if I'm wrong that when the agenda is set whether I pull it or not you guys have to make a motion to amend the agenda there and so I was fine with if those uh items being moved there again whether it was councilwoman cost or myself there it's the council that has to actually amend the agenda um um and again I I want the strategic planning that we there the the measurables um Titusville theirs is exactly like ours there but but we we can talk about that offline uh councilwoman cost there the the the uh uh Central Florida Regional planning Council has a an awards program that they do each year and it's called the uh the East Central Florida Diamond uh Awards program and family promises uh their Firehouse project which is really your Firehouse project actually won the highest award over there out of all the uh submissions from the from the three or four County region there and so they won uh for the firehouse project remember that is old fire station number one that this Council approve uh the the the use and the renovation of that uh 2020year lease to um a Family Promise of bravard and so that again uh was another Shining Light on what they do but also on the collaborative efforts of the city of coko and so uh just didn't want to fail to mention that they got that award on last week great thank you sir thank you very much uh Mr city manager again to you the staff attorney thank you two words we do not hear enough thank you because I know you've been called liars and everything else but I believe you so I thank God for you to all employees and all citizens here I'm appreciative of have a great day chair entertains a motion to adjourn to got a motion on the floor by councilman GES what did someone second it I'll second it it doesn't matter all in favor by saying I I